Sttab t octet . 1 Tomb. Pi ' ► Ton*, ogt. 91►1876. tI tra IY. 't A HAI . 4 , • i :t. 3 :i GREAT Desiring to largelyincrease die-circula tion, of the REpowrza, we will between this time and the first -of January next, give a new Sixty-five Dollar Weed Sewing Machine to every person forwarding us ori-y - kew Subscribers, at $1.50 eacl4. Such a club can be formed in — every township. LOCAL - AND CENERAL. Cwt.. PEcii; W. T, DAVIE'S, and I. address the people of '7`.iorth Orwell,,, on Saturday evening next, I thence north 2:-. 1 ,.a west Ulf to dm C^JTViI 14 \t: m . flavii l w * l ar g e l nal Sarah Morrison Watinnts:t thence south in 0 • : , an d caouludionA A u•re. wo. an, east Zitp, to apssre thetwo 'south 534 0 . west 208)0, ', ; • • , I all times. • i to warrant see Of James Torbltt: thence south ^ - ' . ;: • • , 1 44*, east .110 p, to place of beginning: containing , ' . 102 M *reel', With 8 framed house, fanned barn. At ' . .1 *bent 100 apple trees therooo. • . . 1 . ; I titan—No. 2—One other' lot ut laud in Asylum ! ' ' loanable, Inillltitd as follows: Beal:ming on the ' (lASI': PA II) FOR iirrtEit, = _, _..,rani t , Wended tis fOlit/NY No Aso., s . west end Of the Wm. Metrlsl,4B .D,P. 1 1 --I " . "Pv 7,— PAYI - $ warrant line, them* northei%*,+-1&t hlatig sitld 1 Warrant line, 109 r, EStal. %arra 'corner; thence I south is(*, east 140 p, to satd ZwriVic....c. W. darner: 4. thence south liKr* - west -;-;p, to warrant line; I thence Worth 4•1 o ;tree . - -4 i-p. to warrant corner; . thenesllsolsr, ' l3 , tetat 10311; to place of beginning; . 0 •;, . l . . tontaluirittninit 89 4-10 .acres, about, an acres lin. i qd t , : i t ii, i,m,,,44,... foi: 4 A ; ds, ,?0,.,7 . .: t t ?w e.-- Preyea,lolli a tWo story framed honso thereon. 1 i tl iiiittt Imig c.,..trlettce in Die ff - J Tram. ki.,..q.a. 3-.. One other lot of land In Asylum t •_. r• us'ite'collar Mirantagel le pUrclasitig; and 04 • ilinNuistdp, bounded as follows: Ileginning..ou the 1L ii .1.. tot ambitious to mate' large PAW t+ see gat. l warrant line of Wm. Morrison and James Torhit l ) I „, ,;t.norsely6 that di r e' Can niter t 13p, from the south end thereof, *Wren Intent 44-,, I I -- 4 west 155 p, to a corner: thence Certt.'el 0 . cast lo9p, GREATER ttilDtlC IEMENTS TO ',, : .. i I , •.. . - too post; thence south' In”; 0 ., east 12.5 p, to a posit. thence south 61% ' 40 . - east 194 4-10, to piste Ot fle-' '' , ginning; contaln%ng 1037=10 times. more or less. i 4' ', . - ; I . . ' about 15 sexes tinpr(P(6l.VAtil. a few frvit aces i thereon. - Y lva" ' . 1 AL I NN -- No. 4 -;011e oiNi' tni`nr 1;0 in A' , :ltiel NL. ar " ‘ ~ buyers th am. i , aby .uh. , ...i• 4,l.4l.lislonetil in 1N0rt144.411 - t 3 tsnarndilp, lif.urtilon )is 114110 4 4 4; i'leginlii;.; at a post 1 , ' - 2sp rtertli:l the milth , eifl . .S7 The • Wm. and Sarah t 31ortat*. Si-al..nrit'lt Iltie, thence South 61 , i 3 , NVPSI: 104 Adop, to a post; thence north 21'4 c'. north 125 p to land of Chas. Zurne; thence north 21.'5 c, east • 119 p, 10 aforesaid warrant lire; thence 90401 l'l' °4 ' west 140 p, to place of beginning; containing 99 , i Listed more or less , reserving , all te trees growing i on lots No. 2,3, stud 4, which may his cut or rts Moved therefrom within three years from the first ' day of April Isla, said trees having heretofore been ~, , . sold, reserving also the right of Ingress and egress sa t in . -- 1 , ' - -•-- '- - - I to remmre the said - trees. - . OW NI)ANIA - RKETS F` ALSO —No,5—Th e itudivided three.afilis itderest,! . I ' in the following lot situate In Towanda Bon% Wear-Vs"} 101-, ESA LE PRICES. ilea. 911 the )4,ortit .by Poplar street. on the east by 4 , Corrreeted every Wednesday. by l'. It. l'ATc:ll Ilarn sfieet, on the - tenth by land of Win, virltlis • Next to amtages daily. and we?t by an alley, with a three story- lirtek beat,* bush dwelling house and (rained bunt thereon. ; le,* busli 1 , ... -. Af,gm,-..Ne. 6-One other lot In Towanda Wool. . ekrttettt;4lon l 4 - .! , s. bounded on the north by State street, east by land !ans. 144 bulb of A. L. Hard, south by land of David Gordon, and; ftlitter (rolls) `l 4 . iii- • B .3- 0.. west by land of Amelia Barber, containing a two idair•i.) T th 4 • •- .... story framed dwellifig house. . 'Nan, 5 bush - • . ALSO-No. 7-One other lotto, Towanda born, at` it bush • . bounded north by Poplar strvor, east be Western -4gg344 vdoir. avenue, south by land of A... 1. Noble arid west by otatoes. ?lAA,.: . 30 land of Marla F. Henley, with a cellar and .i . fount- ;lour, I?!bi t ri, *l ._- ~ ' s oil (1 - ti 900 dation for a building thereon.' IWEtt . trrs or et ItAi i•,..,•W heat 60 lbs.; Corn 30" his: ALSO-No. 9-The undivided three-suits latex", i ye 56 tb's.; , oats 32 rt,%; Barley 44i Ibs.: Buckwheat est in six tractred unseated land in flacelay and ' its,: Reads G". th.: Ilran .0 tbs.; Clover Seed 60 mutton townships, containing abOut 1943 aereS and (is.: ThnolllS So" 41 ll' s .; I)rie4 Pe3che 4 :13 161'-' : warrantee in the following nature, Hugh I.:041ov, lied Apples TI. lbs.; F1ax.5.41_4441 30 Vt. [ ~_. ' Andrew Laity and Peter Ladley, eaeneontainhig ----.--- . -4 : ------ '-- , rp i pow . 400 acres, and Joseph Ladley contalnlno 230, 'WM-1, ,ter Stewart, containing 309 serest, dud D. 11. Cum- rs and Brokers, Ne. -12. - niugham containing 113 erten. with n saw nilll, two , nth I'4 h' 4 •4l. eet Pittlidelphia. Oct; 11..1573. - t, E 0 1.2 .t Y(. 1: ( 1 ). ° , fi N itu ° ke l.' IN lir ' -. mill bowies and a Lain therecin; std rand falli:11113 r---- - - a n ,' r - ' Bt fiL • A 6fir de site of i-nd, iron ore Sufi tire klatv. Earir third ` ' i •, • I .ts,. 'Z will be $llll separately , the tight also being russet-v . T. :!-.. t,,st. e: 123 Ejr; l ' , l ed of selling each third of each lot separately. i; " 5-21. . cj' 6.2 .., 11 .,g,'" 1 .:: toil,i -two.: tailed and taken Into execution at lite suitor N. N. " ‘• ' ' . .!'i - 01..,• - i. ' .. ,1191 11911 ' te 119 ,. netts. cashier's rase ts. C. la . Cash, - Gen. P. Ca.7li - !" -- ": - '6., " 1 '• -: - .... ' . 110. s i secy.. 1-'. A. (*pm, ~!..,-y. . . . I ', - , '63..1. tied .1; 11911 1 . 119 . J. 3f. S3lllll, Sheriff. i " " " r ' ' 67 . " i - 120 I!4' 120% 1 ; 03 i . 1 1 =4. TOTiCE..--WnEttE.As, having 'Wen ! - 10-0 ,• et ,,,'"P'"''''l ortilnny Informed of the existence of certain ! .„,- n' el ,", e ''' 'Y ''„,,, c ; :- el Wires in the Susgnellanna River. and Its trits {Jew ''.'• '' e F• :.„ . e - ,* ' 'IV i - 11774 . 124 ! 1 itt-li : 117 : 4 1171 i 1171 1117 !3 ittarles in this, the county of Bradford, It Is hereby " '. e • 4 .; '-'-' . liar_;Oleg ordered that the ownere or managers thereof shall (; ,?I'l i 107 . ! 109 destroyor dismantle the same within ten days from Silver I 30 - -.. Wit' the date hereof. or I shall proceed to destroy and r,elinfOvallit l ' -' - dismantle said Eel wires • as by act of assembly ill- Lerl'ilnir - •• •C • - .5,5.4 i 5.5% ' " 0 '-- 1 'MN meted, as the same are hereby proclaimed nal, ~ sneer. J. M. sIIITIL : , Lehigh Nat igatton , 5 0 1.„. j (ON October is-tt - iMierllt, ' , llillaileimita a: Erieii,..-...:. - . i Valliie. Ex. 111 e . MN I 61 1 f - -- -1- -- - - - - - - - ---- - - • ---- '.4 -- Thitea R. 11: of N I 13146 .. I ME rI I O NY CREI)ITORS.—PIease 1.01 Creek ! ; ifili !. 10'_.. - 2S$ i 28 bi J lake L notlce that I have xtddled to the Ilorem- 4 40, - - 46'4 • -- - • -•-- -. .._:..-.. .. ... •;, eentralTrutsportat lon lorthern Cilntral ~ . ANTHRAC/TE, bles. the Judge...tor the Cotirt A 4f Common Pleas oe. i Bradford ounty fur the benefit of the Inse:vent 1 laws of this commonvrealtb. and the Court has ap- ! pointed the SIXTH day of 'DECEMBER itin. at the Court House in the Borough of' Towanda, at 1 It) o'clock .1. 3t.. when and where you Will leo heard ! It •you desire. CIIARLF.S GREEN. , ' ()et l 5:75. ..-- '- - - - - - --- -- .' - - - - • - - - , Cestivettels. Jaundice. Dyspep-ia. indige,tieet. VOTlCE.—'file Commissioners of! •.: .. • itv..,.. 0t ,. : •,, j••oui s.t,;m:oh awl nri•ath. iii , :h , he, 11 Ti;wantia Township havo two 1. 4 . awl two : . - . girlie.. nfr wl they desire good homes .l".ry,ipela•-..`', l'ili. , , Rbeitenati,M. I;rupili:n , and R G J. M. SWARTIVOt It), • • FANK GREG. skit, I)l,, Ittliott:inet,t. Lil - erCompiaint, Droi- W3f. Ile )11 - -31A NN: • t • • ! Cotsmilesimliel.,. , . A DMINITRATOIt'S ' NOTICE. i 'sY. I'lU." ionlr.,,ri . a l uil ~ , alt Rheum. 'Wolin?, limn, —Notice is hereby glveti that all persons In. ,• Neuralgia. lis a Hitlner PR and J'uri4lng the , dobted to the estate of Dennis Driscoll. late of ( Mood. are try. ni-t ..,..ii,genial purgative. Icel . per- Athens, deed, uthst make immediate payment to ; . . . the undersigned, and all persons -having, claims i forted, ' abundantly Their effect, show in w much against said estate must present them. duly anthers. . !• . Heated, foisettiniient. : , ! they excel all other Pill, 'r hey ate safe at i id pleas- , i .4. L. ELSBREE. oct22t6•. 4Amtnlstratu s . i ant to toke. hnt powqrfnl to titre. They dirge out ldlseellaaeons itavertisemeatz. Immense Success t 40,000 . of the i Auggi ' lk "13' is"delTd organ into a". 14" "d theY i - . Cenulne , Impart health and vine to (he ooh- being. They ,IFE AND LABORS 01 , • ' ' ; - L LIZ i cure not only the ever 3 day t din Lints of l every ! • INGSTON E. afreiffg soh!, and demand In- ' 4 , , • rretiafisg. The nnly new COMPLETE life of the ' • ; great Hero Explorer. Full of thrilling interest and ; I spirited illUstratlens of thirty years strange adven tures, also the CURIOSITIES and WONDERS of ' a MAIIVELOUS country; the millions:am eager , to get, and more good agents ere *eeded at once. PROFITS are SPLENDID. For particutirs and proof, address, HUBBARD 8R05.., Publisherkt 723 Sansoin St., Phila., Pa. rOct."o-7fAr. , L : T ERIGH VALLEY AND P,A. & i j j d N. V. RAIL ROADS.—Arrangement of Pa:• , - Tenter Trains, to take effect May 30. lon._ ; 1 '' • nollTitWaitn. . ; soullir/A It n SHAWLS BLANKETS, Bridge Street MM= rttlNt.srAT No No r No ! STATIONS. 9 7 L —.—. I --.-- , , 1. 1 4 LAM ' PM C' ` ' AM PM T 11'31 13; 4 501 8 30'..".‘ intim Talls..; 1 19; ' 112 55 2 50! 5 2510 15 Buffalo . 'l2 45 ' 'l2 . 25 5 50; 9 20 ' Auloll - 0 9 45.... i .; 9 20 . 7 15;12 00 7 15' llllaea 7 32 ...".;.' 8 16 '8'58!1::8 liwr„cro (1 40'. - .....; 6 00 ' 9 001: 55 8 39; Elntlr9 .. 6 15 9 10.5 35 1 9 35. 1 23' 9 05 Walerly:-.4. 5 40' 6 23' 4 3.5 9 44. I 33' 9 12. .... '.:. Sayre - 5 33' 8 18' .1 48 9 50 1 38. 9 19 , A 110.06 ' 5 29' 8 10' 4 42 10 23 ; 2 07 10 00 ...TOL%''ANDA...' 5 00, 7 :17.. 4 10 'lO 501 .. ..... G 46' 11 23 3 02!11 4 02 ti 20: 3 07 12 , 32 6 It'p' IS 114 3 52 11 25'..Tnit1:11 . 0ttnnek 3 22' 3 39 2 21 i2.50' .135 1 2 _0'. L & Jin:thin . 1 240 4 :t i ll 110 12 57, 4 42: 1 30 Pittston...—. 2 32 4 22 I 32 1 20, 5 00 2 00 .....W. Barre 2 15; 4 WI 1 15 2 321 6 321 3 27 ...W. Hoven* . ••: 1 00 2 32 12 05 :1 151 7 10: A 13 I'. Haven 12 10. 150''11 25 3 40 7 25. 4 35 . ..Slouch chunk.. l f 45, 1 .30'11 05 4 43, 8 31 1 5 50;.... Allentown• :••'lO 47:12 23 1 10 05 4 48 , 8 34 5 53 P. Junctlon'..• • 12 1010 00 00 , 8 451 8 051....11eth1ehent.... 1 10 3Q 12. - 19 9 45 S 30 9 15; 6 35, Faston 'lO 05 11 401 9'15 45'10 30 1 8 20.. - .Philailcipltia...l 8 30( 9 45 , 8 00 8 521.....! 9 45' New Y0rk....'......9 1t S5O AN PM I; PM 'Am l Am! PM ARDITIONAL TRAIN, No. 2.1 leaves Elmira at .2 4, p. in.; mopping al all stations, arriving at Waverly at 3 7.0,' Towanda at 15, and Wilkes Barre lit s p. iu. ,N0T. , 30 leaves Wilkes harm at 7 20. a. tn.. stop ping at all stations, arriving at Towan.o at 10 51. Elaltira at 12 30, and Ithaca at 3 00 p. In. No. 32 leaves Towanda at 7 10 a. tn.; stopping at all stations, arriving at Waverly at S O. and Eliol ra at 9 00 a. in. No. 31 leaves Elmira at a ao p. stopidog at all stations, arriving at Waverly at a 15, 8411 Ton alida at,? io p. tn. Train 6 leaves Philadelphia at 2 10 p. w York 12 415, arriving at Tunkhannock at 10 00 p. m. Train 3 leaves Tuukhanuock at 7 00 a. in., arri ving at Philadelphia at ::0, and New York at 3 25 0. tn. 'Trains 8 and 18 run dully with Pullman Sle4lng Cars attached. Drawing Room Cars attached. to Trains and (I lietweon Elmira one. Philadelphia. R. A. PACKEIt, Havn(lynt. E It V. Vl' 'ME l' IZ E , lc E DIME THE BEST JOB PRINTING “F ANY I..'T.\ItLt'IIMEN't NORTHERN PENNsYLVA IF Tot DON'T BELIEVE IT COME AND SEE Ofßation Park ,St., (Lear tho Ccurt.House alpmeilar*Abwthemsits.- SilillENSi& LONO, . . WIIOL E ALE, -RETAAL CILOI4 I- 1.1 FAMILY GRO4RIES, F 001:NtitY III:OCUCE. " I --' 9 .d,IIAIN, ite. 3filt.illC .N It PRODUCE i StEV ENS & LONG. cottN4ift MAI.N & BRIDGE TDIVANDA, YA espuehtml f. & A. 3lnzigav 6',1, • *A9, AYER'S 'CATHARTIC I' LLS, m' all Ole parp'p,,ra of a Family Phyl, curing . - the foul tuit4n; of the Nowt: they stint late the, body, but fc4mildabli!...2lltl ttz‘aigeivits always. Most sk nun' phyltielaUs, tat , t efittiteut eltirgyu'unt, au& Our beat ettiiteuz, set d certificates of cures j erfetrra ed and or grreai benefits they hate derfred front them. Pins. ; They arc the stth-,t and Ite,t physic for elol.lreili heealtso iutl i as well as - etkctual. Ing : , U,tar,e4Oted, they are easy t sake; at a being purely vegXablv. tl iv :as. , fiat' rely hr.! tole . rre , pared by D .1. c. Lowdime ' No NO: No I . I b. Pra.•tiral ;:tyi Atinlytleal l'hentl , t4. Sol. by hil drugglNEs 111RA/11:hit'', :31laii;alll 1875. • , C 0 Ii.S!E II 1 , & C 0 0 l'.. S ' l Art! ;ow feati,s to Ne2l7% ' e Ow: ,itubli , 31 - it it t h Lirgt; A 5 , and ;ht.?st tt•tot it of 1 f 800 T,.. blltii:m, TRIiNKS AND T/:.1..0.1.1\ ! `: BAGS 1875. SPItING AND SUAIMEI Aver hrotiglit to Towanda. Prices to sult-tho times Call nod seel,us. t T"" FARMERS'. e • AI. iNsuitANa-k CO.. OF TVSCA.EOXtA, Is Ow Issuing perpetual policies o FARM PROPERTY ON ". Each member payit a fee, at the time of I surtng; to cover charter and incidental eipenses of the CO.. after which ho further payment )s required, "except to meet actuhl loss by Ilre among the membership. This plan "4 itenuance for FARM PROTtERTI , is coming rapidly Into, favor. ," ititsliii‘k 5r,11114K6 HILL, p v t , - The Agent.will calivass like Townships Tuieti nkr.t. rlke, Iterririraini Wyaluslng, and farmers In those Town:lll'K triAlting Insurance or III(okntatIon. niay akiklresti 1. A. It. SI7.IINEJI, - Sce. anti' Agi., Spring Hill. Bradford ,Co.. Pa. - 1111. s)I WAY, l'res. koct:nit Price Ttoenty-Fire Cents. VEWSPAPER ADVERT!. l A N G. ETY I EIGHT EDITION. • • Containing a complete list of all the towr s In the United States, the Territories and the Dominion of Canada. hbving a population greater than 5,000 ac cording to the last census, together with the names of the newspapers having the largest local!circula- In each of tbo placcsmamed. Aiso,a cataloger of newspapers which are recommended to adver-_ tiscrs givihegreatest -value in proportion to pie ces charged.; Also, all 'newspapers in therfUnitcd States and Canada printing over s,ooo..copies each issue. also all the Religious, Agricultural, Eklen, title and Mechanical, Medical, Masonic, Juvenile, Educational, Commercial, Insurance, ReallEstate, Law,'Sportitig, Musical, Ilasidon, and other special class Journals; very complete lists: Together with a complete list of over 300 German papersiprinted In the United States. Also, an essay upon adver tising; many' tables of rates, showing thel cost of advertising In various newspapers, and evdrything which a beginner in advertising would like, to know. Address . GEO. P. ROWELL 41 Park flow, New DINNI.N'.Cr ROOMS = IN CONNECTION Wm! Tilt: J.1.11C . W priparrd feetl the hnnary at of the day arid ey.tattig. Oysters and Ice C ERE= Alarch . . I s l 7. 1.11 II1,1;, MI LI, I'llo Pgil . TY k I h:. AT STEVEN: 4I ,I43.v, [ 4 )R1) r ) ..4' A .—Nltie miles filon valtir.l lg. on ti!e 1...1tigh . 3":1 1 1., , It. P.'. The pronertY eotodsts of , Ift NT :11 11.1...C , 1111 row nth of fames lin goo d ro:Altion: ti.VW MI I. L. n 1111 Ity•W and flhltt-elas4 ne:telfh,erv“ 1 , 4 nWp.171.1N4.‘. nhont or 13,A. • cortatsi.,. , -,. • . . . • : . • , N 41.1,..., %.-- ri.llll* GRANT. :I e'••i . i . Call Tti r." Apia:4.. (7 D Pl7O 11,';-,I, NtIT ICE. iti the inathir nt the' Instate ot , Gpoigu IL iwetiog, deceased, late of Athena lioto. In the Orphans' i'‘ . Court, of Bradford Co. No. 14. Doe. Ti.rin,ll,S7l. • The undOsigned having been appointed on Audi-. tor by said Court, In dispose of exceptions ; filed. to the final aceount of A. 11. Sirauldiug, Serivlbg ad tuinlsttntoe:of said Estate, and distribute oilers itt his handy belouging to said estate, here 5 gives l e notico that:he will , attefol to the duties of his , a1:1- pointteent, i It Ids-Mace in the Bortmgh o • Towan da, on Thu :dap the lath pr Nov. 167,5, at one o'clock In the afternoon of said day.i A tibial time and pi,}' all parties concerned mast )4) rrea it I en• or be debarred forever after.. • ••, -. 00,13 1 Ica. w 4 , . - 'WU. FOYLE I= Dealers la.. IMF h prl. 1 4i r t, .1 7•11 I 40 - ek 2 00 esfj 30 sr, 54. 10' ' 4' 1 N OvIURT 1101:7tE W. :4CoTT XIAWLaw= kin?Umtwail. rA 71r . L 0 R . •C Q. ARE OPENSNC if S E E IC RGE V ARIETt OF CALICOES, GINGHAM'S, • COTTONA DES, MUSLINS Am) . , IVI will .I . ,e'Qtrered ' Vs . r v t .in e l), low j)rietcf4. • .1. laige assortment of Cloths awl Ois:,iineres, of tfre !at %t fall styles. . Plain and Faney Dress Goutl, Mack Giio(l4. Black. &e.. • i --- 1 ats, Caps. and ~u4l dren's Shoes, • PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. 1,6 I Tux and t. :"eitlroo,l:l' 10, 167. i; • • Wu i 105 THE MUTUAL PROTECTION i:tvr. INSURANCE COI4.L'ANV. . . _,lint, .Yl>eci,•l tr.,...i.,;,ereli•ut rtf LPO-1011ar. 11..5.-CLARK. AtiENT 'fivIVAND.A. P.% Special attention i, called to the following late table, Which 1011 be found strictly equitable, as be tween all ages. and which the company will guar antee to-not exceed one-half the cost ;Jr any first clasS OLD PLAN Company. The following Table shows the Dates fur :lII* and may be multiplied for any .additional amount up . to.f.iOoo. which Is the largest risk taken on any one. life. Twenty Cents will l added to the nt of eaelrngse,s MIZE g tz. 2. Fq 4.: < < IYEEM T OW A NDA 1 N rittstE MaiD the Cuttit FIRE AND MARINE COMPANIES ROYAL, of Liverpool, QUEEN, CONTINENTAL, of New• York. *! GERMANIA, GERMAN AIIEItiCA MANIIATTAN, COMMERCIAL, or PIiCrNIX, of Ilartf(4ll OP.LENT, AlLtzox. of Ohio, CITIZENS', of Newark, TS A]SHL " L'G 1111Elsr..N, of 4:eiwatsy LIFE & ACCIDENT COMPANIES NATiosiA.L. LIFE; of U. S. A.. nr3ets , 9,767,356 Tit,trELEug, of Hartford., " :. 4470,339 RAILWAY PASS *RS, 'al., "ork 1406, adjit,(ctl ' , aid at apr22-7.111 PIANO TUNING.—The finest Professor of music and most expert tuner of pianos resides in Toicanda. and ids•nante is Wm. Dittrieh. Ile has constantly on hand for sale the most celebrated pianos, melodeon.. and organs, and at prices that everybody can affoxii to pay. Mr. Morten Is also prepared 'to tune' pianos, and his long experience In that line warrantsthe conclusion that he is the best man to be found in Northern rennsylvanht, to tune a piano up in first class or der. Lfsep 23w3„ Ik7o.TlCE.—Notice is hireby given _EI that a meeting of ,tbe Stockholders of the Towanda Tanning Co., will be held at the Frst Na tiOnal flank of Towanda, 'On Saturday the 30th day of October next, at 2 o'clock P. x., for-the purpose of taking action .according to law, in relation to riacing a mortgage on the real estate at said Com pany. •- I li times tram In 213 E! . • . • • JOSEPH POILL, Pro. Towantla-August 23. WANTEp. FIFTY GOOD : COAL • MINERS To w irk at FREEBURG. ILTANOLs,°(near St. Lost ). eents per bushel and IL B. weights BID re given. Menses at the mines for families. Apply to LEMON WOODS & CO.. e„',o3l4Cttestriut St, 5t1.01113 Sin sepl6rul•. DENIMS., SHEETINGS JEANS:. nent for collection. etr ~~ n. VINCENT 4 AGENCY. • 17, 11, 1 '0'26,811 .500,000 ,706.286 1,599,564 '1.952,835 k,7(/885 437,782 .975= 719.842 938,340 413,73* 500,000 00,000 :2036.070 NOBLE. & VINCE General ' . - --atiscalalims-Abradisamod&-.;A -- - • J. F n'o's 'S o ' i Si • • FURNITURE I• • . • • - •.1. .. a • • • • : ; ; • . TOWANDA, J4t Y 20th, 11870_ • . 1 • L . . , ;• ~. ..... .. . We are iid)er !meting a: 12 rAf: ~fork 91 . : , I. . • - PARLOR Ell 2'! :1'1:.1 rks. EASY CII.IIIIS. ILVLI. U-ACKS. 31ARIILE WOOD tor tAIiLES. r t - • . , . • ! 1 A r tier)' b 'C , p1i , :1.`3.. ‘V i• ate deiertoicted to globe 414 , our sto ck to thl, 'line 1., , r0ri, ; t11,, fall trade. l aucl , lll, • R tkri 1c r folio ft, we lire tildliwr ai s • . • • : • 1 „ , , ••, • I.ONI , I ! . 3 - Itvoitiol t.+l,otir't/reW cENTENNpI, . . BLACK . WAISUT, TOP, 1).11E 3 C A,SE CHAMI3EtI SUITS ss'o. • Being the hr,t thing in the 111311.V1 (Or air )prill viul all otlwr good, at r'el'y low - prit.i.. A UNDERTAKINA. • . Doi..! in the iitaidie,r, and ( . 4] the ivlre,d You- w 111 find uett(r ‘r(Crk and ,for , irdi‘s.•:•••11!-V than ay any "tiler place. Call find irt., • 4• "i • "4 Fizoi;Ti .40N•4 NiMAlA•L'qiirt.Yr. lir 1.-31cr• 31 , 3 , 1 1 . 3 ' 17, • •-±, • -,', 1 . . . '..,. 'fie‘VANl) l. L'E, , ,NNA. 1 .. • . ~'.' . . MEW •,• • I:(ll',Eit IES I . ltt 1V1S1()NS I 4 I FficCABE EuWARDS, .'t a-11 tt , tatcr- to all GROC'Ettlt & 010.1-I,::ii()Ni, ONE J.K.r4 s il! 3. 0.4'111 OF L. /PliViti :N. I: t: Towanda. July'2l:. 48;5. .1. K. 1; 11`. ' ••• Os. ' , mow r .a. 00- 1—• Z a Wiz' E..' • • re, F'f, q.:° "" WI .4 ; X 4.L., • r. 147-', S • o :a ,tg Id F. E., '..7z 0 11- a .••, • !..,; . • GC -2 _lall 4 COAL AND LIME. ii_ From and after ? filly 1.4 will Iscil coal, llinc. &t., for cash only, anti', the price Mt will be corrected: monthly. • I PRICE OP COAL ron JULY, rrn TON OP °,000,1;<.,' lAT TilIE YARD: i Pittston Store, Chestnut Mid Fernace (LI, N- ! '.'• Pea • .gj ' 'r- r 3 1 ,4) • . Carbon Run Limit) • , 4 44 . 14 s m i t h .• i I ' ' ipe 1 Barclay Mountain' Lump I , • 1 ;,o w. •• !'Smith ' ! Allentown Lime - 0 bushel , I L :;:;,, Lath 11 31 I • 11 , "•;":. 1 Hair VI bushel , ; 50 . Brick "0 II ' • 10 ! - oo I am always 'prepared to &diver porch.ues roil ,Short notko at the usual price or delivery. 4 I also tender my thanks:to my many friends pll,l customers for-their very liberal patronage in• the past and hope under the new departure to make It t” their Interest to eentlnue to buy where 4111.1 Lilt] get the best goals for the least Money.. 4 Those who are ludebted to me will take notice that I must hare fooney or I can't buy for cash Mid pay freights. - Tifsy n 1 settle by the first of Au. gust !text. ,: ri!r2. - .llezpectlNlty Tonrg, ' J. 11. ' 1 3 i Towanda,il4yl,lEl . . _ .... ,OR SAVE OR RENT: . ' 1. Having fitted and repaired leer Briek. Store, ire now over the same for sale or rent opon reasonable terms. Any party wishing to ugage in the *et.. canine business vlll find thlan good opportnn ty; for dolng..a SllCOessfal business For rank r.; 'enquire on the premi ss or,,ot M. J. 404. at. te , .. - tens Et Long, Toryun4, ra. - 1 - • . 3 ... , . , LON't BRO. 1 1 1 /Pluilngton Borb. Pi..sept b . into El ) E MAI3.I3LE 3 . NE I i 3 3 I i 0 4 i. i i 1 ': . • m:::: 1 • 1 .. • d .... 1 . 1 ; ... •....., „ a •-..... ..- L ..., . • i ,—... . . 1 z .... .i. ! ... 1 ••• . - 4 ' ~ 1 1 e• z ; L . , , 1 \ i ••, • • e; 1 4," 71-7 : •• • Q , ) L. ; 0 1. „ b? .; r a . '•;.> 44Li C.) g ? 7,.; • ti " 0 7.) I 1 • /,j} •- 3 r - _ I 1 I --1 , • -• 1 :-, i 4 UM I ...., I ""' 1 :.- 11:51 II