Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 11, 1873, Image 1

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. - .
Tim Munro= Raromercs to published- ever.
TWIN. day . NI °ruing . by 8. W. Won. at Two Dollar+.
re; ..b.4112i , Its allrattea.
ItAlsot ; VAlng to all eases etelnalve of Imbscrip
lieu to Ilse pagmr.- - : •
sr Eta At. StrrICIES inserted - at ifrirrims cc:toper
14r lira lu•ortichu, sod frfit eXISTa per 1.1125 for
guth.e.icteut .
"Li B:A.L. Mks, - dune style sr reading matter.
-ru (a:Nib • hue.
AlvirKirrbi HAIEN it 4 will be inserted according tc
he following !Able of rate's 1 - -
, 51 , 4 i fir
Iticu • 1 $1.64#1 '3.,
,110.!1 i 2.001 Ltr
. 6 1.tH1 I 10.1101 15.00 20,11'
4 - itictor 2.5i0
_ones I 3.0!.1 A... 50 I 1R.21% I 25.00 3A.04
columnCii:N/Tiiool 113.00 22.00 j 30.001
C , 5111133n 10.04) 2111.41.1 34 . 1.10111 40.00 166.00 I MO.
)11tuili 110.00 t 411.10 I 40.00 I WOO fano
Ati stratoe and Examines Itionms.l24 . And:
t 171‘ Nabors, E 2 an ; Rumness Cards. Us Wm, cpo ,
ye: , ts, aolflit tonal ttreo• $1 .11 , h. •
iParly advertisers areentitlndto quartertidinipm
T - xnaienta isettianninntsmust be paid forts ethane..
11l fissohrdiousat excoriation: Comninnkatkais
b• • ini , tsi or indhrhinal niters : it. and notions of War.
ri D.tite Ntaths, piceedlagilvellneg, are charged
iS citSTitiwttr MM. '
Cce ttsroarra having a larger circulatittri than all
th papers to the runny ennibined: makes It the two
A -I : , frilsittif median ia Northern Pennsylvania.
JOB PIm.rTTICR (If every kind. I Plain and Pam
of ore, done with tseatgeas and dispatch. Efandhillw
13 ante, Eerie, Pamphleta;Billheads. State:teased'. kc.
of every variety anti style, printed at the shorter?
n'ttlee. The Ftsporrsa Office to well wqrplied wit}
p.rsor Preeseli, a good assortment of new typo, anti
In the Printing line - -can be executed ID
11.1 moat artigtir manner and at' the lowest rates.
TrlMSt r'grall.T ATILT flan.
.1 1
• DEALER. No. 2714 South Water Street, Cht
c.:go. Illinois. Real Estate norchssid and sold. In.
v raiment* madeand Money Loaned.
Slay 10.'70: . .
•_i 21019110ET019. PA., pays partienlar attention to
toning Thmies, Wagmact. Rieighs, kr- The set anti
r?pairing dente'm short notice. . Work and charges
guaranteed sattsistory, 12.15.69..
. - .
11.1 . 0 S ,PENNITACTIcErft, HAS
11l vein 'esfahl fln the ITA±Lariniki
Shop over Rockwell's Stern.. Work of
/very description done in the latest dyke. .
Twranda. April 21. 1870.—tf
S SELTiI i g
• •
" • ! GENEnAL
may423.7o—ti TOW/LS - DA. PA.
mrsT. Emar, Evrsrm.—Lots from $lOO up
wards. Also 'Real Estate Agents. Land - bought and
sol.i and money loaned. Palen ' desiring to *eel'
Wilil-r,ands, Forma or, Lots, can bare a map of
lands• or subdivision invite at this Agency, and
property sal 'on ft Toi ci on able , commission.
' Postoince, Mercer's 111Ork, Tluranda..PB..
T..mconr. Men - 4'721 tr 4. n. Vorael. •
Er ,
• - --... ' ' :T:: al, .
ki P.
, .. t . , r;:_,
• ••••-‘, 0
U-4 -..•
' , ..r
DZ. - ".• ,
Eq Z
M H.
; 51 ..4
d• -, 4 1 ....
F-4 '..4.
.... •--•
i i
E-4 Zi: . i.. -4 ;
'' c‘
• Tre - r'yq) -11rT11,6ER. criabsa to inform th;
dti7.sos of TO .anla und vicinity, that he., will give
•nr.timilr.ratt..ction to drawing plans. rissigits ano
4.-“ , il..atiotis for el mantirr of bnildinga,_nrivat.
Snp,rinteti•lanee givim - for reascrterhh.
°Me's. at reAdeni.l ti. E. bOninr 01
ana Elizabeth streets.
corner of Slain and State Sireeti,.
March 13, 'I'M. TOWANDA, P•.
I ars rrenzred - furnish Kiln-dried Doors, Bast
is:: lsiinds,af stclr, size; or thickness. on aEort
tioilre, land in. yrnirArdera ten clays before you
to use the articles, and be entre that you
,et doors thr...Vtl not shrinl; or swell. .Terms east:
T.-iwandl.,Tiliy 19. Dun. CEO. P Ass.
r"o..."i!Y T & B 11.0711 ER;
7Dealerein •
...F;, runs, ke.,
Far which. the hizhest cash price is paid at all
once in M. E. Rosenftctrs Store. Main-Pt.,
r. narrow.) nov.H.VO TiIIIVANDA
. _
EW 1 1 TR 11!
• . ,
moNr.o:cros. PA.
Cirocuies and
fierarzne Oil, Lamps, Chimneys,
,:ha.1,1 , , - .ll)A.sfutr ,, , Paints, ells. Varzi.h. Yankee No
s, ti4ars, f.ful Snuff. Pure-Wines-sad
L.i. , .10.fq. of the test qnality. for medicinal purposes
All (I°l3E. 5.,.1.1..f the ccry.lowest prices. Pro.
'f crr.73l , ons crsefu!ly compoutiietl at all hours of the
1.7 aui Gi us a call.
" TRACT i= iit7LLON.
l'i•uaroetou, Pa.. June 21,
H It S 31 1 7 ,.. E . R,
Latd a fail 1:101711LE and
it la in his line
In.: •,n :r
Z . . 1 . 2 .4 to order.
a - ; A
11) -
b2..g.i leave to return thaut...l4
rtv , ;4-1•:o or t.,uvandt and V, initc for tho eerc
pairirLaz.• 11xt• LI.IA to him dnring the
,tt tLu to .tire iotice that
r., ad led 1.1 ttntiuuss a Et.i.r.4 of •
c. - ,ntinue the Biiing.lanaltleas in all
IT. -at:. an.l ea g frruish a1.1% - thing in :his Hue
road .
lie hse also fitted up a
Where he will at all tiniea lie ready to farnish Sfealk
nr - mrhons al much lower eates than . 11.10.141. ,
anrother4 tywn are invited el.
. .
Fu .
1" - .:...^ti,s mppited. with I , :e cre...rn,Cskes, Fault
! c-aii - t4atutlves .it abort notice. .
to .2euatier the place, ueulp opposite the Its
z:VIX airPt,— 'attention IA spectilly in
-I ti the fa-t that the National Banks are now
pr.. , ar. , .1 to rer?irc subscriptions to the Tapital
o' Bova of Finance. The
tut" 1,..L1iz.v.1 from thiseeource are to be employed
tn.. ere,ztion of the l leaddlogs for the International
and the et pease, connected with the
• ,1:.
_-It is con'Lleatly be! eyed that the licystme
itl be. reore..ented by the name of ..overy'citi
-7 u a tP t/ patriotic commi noration Qt the one
h . lnt:',lth birth-day of the nation. The shares of
• are. olfered for $•0 each, and subscribers; will
,• nye a haaliome!y Fteet engrared C.rtiflcate of
•st - tek, enthlue for framing and preservation as a
lutcrPst at the rate of ail per cent pei annum win
pa..l on all payments of Centennial Stock from
Iv, of pa meat JeStiairy 1. 18;0.
'S.ll)3,ril.,ers who are not near a National Bank
ci:i,ro:,tit a check cr post-021re order to the under
FT.SDK. FRALEY. Tilitsnrer.
.9.31 qtalnnt St.. Phil's.
'V , . N)Nr FIR3I,
The new firm bf
110\VAAp . & itIDGWAt
Stoves of all kinds, at lower prices
for cash, than any establishment in
Bradford County:
Blacksitith's and - Wagon Muhrs
we want, to see. you. -
sqt 77, _
2zu I •am , I am I lyi
...1.111 1 4.1x1i 10.00 1 $ it
.0.00 13.1114 110.00 I 20.04
AJLAVg-AIELD, Publisher.
P/1 Cormszczos AT taw.
um LT Law..• Oflloe—tonarr Of Main; md
Noe Streets. opposite [kilter's Drag Stare.
DR. T. B. JOHNSON; Pitritowi l ettro.
eusogog. Oft. over Dr. H. C. Partao Elon.
t..Co.'s Drug Storer !
p . G. MO • BOW, PHYSIC/AN 1 .011)
L! • dustman, offeri his professional serviees
the citizen of Warren and itdrdtr. Restalapc•
end house north of 4. F. Cooper's Eitore. Wath 42
Centre. Pa. - ' apllBl2. ly
D •
R. C. IA.. STANLEY, Dreirpr,
roccessar to Dr 4 Weston;:-. (Mee In Patton's
Block. op Saari; Main Street,: Towanda, Pa. 'All
lizino of plate works spArdalty.;
.• pa 2.1519 -
gIit..WOODBITAN, Physician
IL/ snd Simeon, Mike over Wickhstri.* Blades
Crrickery store.
1;-n Minds. May 1.1372.-Iy*.
r tmls-it-Lao. Ttoimuds. Pi Will give prompt
attention to all matter entrusteA to. their charge.
‘Ornbarne Court business a omecjalty.
R. post& funiy2l'73l 7 r.
ARTLETT dr, TRACY. Ixsunvicm
t AND REAL ESTATi Aoncti.AND 1311V , ICE1111.
tbttd door south • of First-'National iltuak,Trottod.
floor, Towanda, PA. .
normirrr. ttnay2FM " o•
B. ai oK E A N,' ! ATTORNEY
• 'asp itiotrinixiios AT Law. TowaretaTi. Par:
delta attention paid :to businfaa in thti:AlotTUtui!
ortilrt. 3tai2V64.
FrW.. ,PATRICIK, i . A•rririmmr=AT
• LAW. Office. Mertur'sVock, text door to
be", , Etore , l4 Office, Toisnit, pi..
. .
.1103•17.1h73.. .
. ..
• ,ArrimeTy—writ.,w. . r
gain Btr€4t. Towatoo; Ps Office A - Ith overinh
FlQfr`Pe, nrlilosltP entirt NnnpA
LAw (Diatrict Attorney for thici.
'or# County), Troy. Pa' , Cattalo:n*lWe and prorcipt
,y feb
'UT B. KET4LY. D:E.NrisT.—Offire
• ovor Wiokhlim & Towanda. Pa.
rooth.,inAortivt on Go l 4. Silvor.l,Ruhber. and: Attila
nountSFr. Teeth.ertvoloa without pain. ()c23.72
. . ,
',kip DILL & dA.LTIT I . ATTOIINETS . ' . -
I• ' ar•Law. Towanda, Pa. ;' .
li t J. lIDIDTLT., . - J. St. CA . .I/Pit: '
ipTit.e in Wood's 1310 A. itre,t door south of That
Yrfinrt) Bank. np itt,afin !. Jan R. 73-17
_ar :CET'S aT Law. Towtoads,• PL. baring entered
,nto copartnership. offer their Professional merriest.
.o the pnblic. Special , attention Oren to bristliest
In the orphan's and Register's Qonita. apl 14'70
R. ortri.roN. - 3. C. =Amami
1 1T •
s see opposite thobcsrtitottse, Towanda,
f 1
Oft. 27.'70.
J. E. FLZ511111 , 703.
Bdx 511. Tntrav ;33, Pa
CA., -KEE74 - EY courry
. PERIISTTENDT.Totatads. Pa. Office with
B. 11. Perk, second tlpor below the Ward Howse.
Will be at the office tha)last Saturday ()touch month
and:at all other times when not called away on blisl
oetl connected with the Supeiltendency. AU letten
npid hereafter he addressed as abtrye: dee-I.7tt
All. J. NV: LYMAN,
. - Paraclas . asp Str
I • _
°lnce on 'Main Street—formerly Occtrpted by tti
Ladd. Relodence. corner Pine and Second streets.
TOsranda, June 22, 1871. • 1
oLAW, Towanda, Bisdtord Ca., Pa. •
GMiERAI, r*sruesae
lenlar attention paid to Collections and Orphans'
Let business. Offico..-31ercnea New Block, north
Public Square. I .pr.
E- C. ,- - -q-TtLDLEY,
I -_
ate of the College of “lilayse.idans and St=l*"
wev 4 Yolt city, Claie aexcliistvetton
to the practice of hia prpfmlon. ; Office and reAldener
the eastern elope of Orwell Ilill, adjoining Heim
Efoup'e. Jan H. 'O.
t R. D.. D. §ItITH, Denttst,
LJ purehaged G. IL Wood'e property, between
nerettr's Block and the Elwell House. where he lute
located his orrice. Teeth eitructed without paln by
use of pas. Towand t Oct. 20, 1870.—yr....
• •
I . . !
„Near tie Court, Ilemee. ;
~ ,
We are prepared to feed the hungry . at all tiaras of
the 4layiind evening.: Oysters: and Ice Crean in
their seasons. ; , , - I
Mireb 30. 1870. ! 'D.M. SCOTT k CO.
1- . .4 , re. ;
Ilarinp; :cased this House, is now ready to secotnroo
•late the travelling public: No palits norcxpenso will.
Or..,spared to give' satis f action to those who may gin:
Um a call- ,
-North eat of the public ;square, curt of Met ,
lr.r' bind:. ' ! ~
. -
Bra ~
iav'mg purclasili anaz•thoroaglaly refitted this hld
.r. 3 v. - 011-kuroth stmliformerly:lceptiq Sherlfr aril
iii, At. the muutb a Ilamme_rfiold Creek, is Deady try
Uv,oooduccommodation aud Otidadory treatment
to all who may Pivor liim with a call.. • ' ' :
D.w.. 23. sil4—i. r.'! '. - .
-AV ARD . go USE", , 1
, •
Y If
.:-. TOTAINIDA, - .'
BILSDFORD I , COTlliTif, P.KIN. 'A.. •
This popular hnn , recent); leased by Metsis. l'
F a
Rona & alr-alcs, and ' ring been completely refitted.
remodeled, and re f s insbed, afford,. to the pub li c
'all th e comforts and , odern conveniences of *first.
eta" Hotel. Situate! oppmdte'2 . the Park on - Main
direst, - it is eminently convenient for persons !fet
ing ;Towanda, either for pleuras or bruiting& I
".. cr6":l - 5001 5 1 ( ..h SIT.AISB, Proprietors.
11011.4r.T, 3. cowLEs
, i
coma i.
AorilJ, fF73 "
coit. suis AND .3:uor?E' sTur.rrs. •
The Itora,np Harnikg.-"Zzd. of 31.1 gticsta of liar
by:pire, withotkt ony, az
• ,11txrge. ; I ; -
eulerior,quaity `of Ohl Eu2liah .Ears Alo e just
T,rranda t Jan. 24.'17. • : Proprictir.
! • . , .
VEINSION - 11QTIPE, ' • : :
1.4. I .. ,
Len %76TILLt, PA. •
W.W.' Brpcmco, 1 ! ; ... PROM:CM.
This tfouse is conducted ba. exlc.t.y Temper/Dee
Pritieiplea. Every effort will be made to make
&este comfortable. -I Good minis anti the tatilo atill
abthys be supplied icelth the best the marked at.
fords. i Nov, 1. um.
filch in historical interest, th e only build ing in
the country cunt Independence Ball, hontred by
thq sojourn erittain its sails of Washingtoo.,Lerag
eta.. Leo. Gatce and other patriots of the revolt'.
tion. This popular hotel has recently changed
bands, been imprcnied. entirely returniehef3r and
the proprietor cordlitly invite,* his friends - and tray.
eling pubbi to give him a call—no pains wilt be
spared to render their star, comfortable. People
en,route for PhiladolPhli will ;And It convenient to
spend the night. here, reaching the city about eight
in the morning. A sample room on Ant AWN for
accommodation of commercial agents.
• - -C T.B3UITS.
- Proprietor.
Sept 4. 1879.
btA)tliarr. for Sale by; •
R. M. 1W E,L L.E S
; •
Office No. .S Iterates Bloch. ninth tide
EfO elCourt
WI: nLA3 square. ,
iLESALE Lfiis smut, DEALER" '.1.3D
Wiring lisehtneit. Horse Pew:* and Threalhetri.
Wheel Rakes, Plaster Sowers, Grata Seeders. Bey
Todders. Keversible i and Steel Plows, 0 'attestors,
Thal Horse Hoes, Crioreefiniters andihidning
Fawarsicrienne. wines zatstrzsi; sur iisiedno
" 57 Cifiria l POMO Is ins *taw, coax •
sasu4scs xis sail) wiriness. so.. ea. •
. Catalogues led di4eterdtirs,tattatttlted printed dr
agar*. furnished ar mailed free to all sprittaints.
It wtil cost but three mate to send for (*OW,
,Farceurs when In 7rowands, Wised sis nes
Aprll22 r L )! nizaet
, A's,:- ' C. - t: -.• • 1 • - -- —
'-• _ - i '.--
1 ' ' , f k`1. \ \:
.,.., • •
.A. - I - 1 •, 1 i f
- ,- . •
. I \
.........: .
• N,.....__ . i
- ......... ' .
• -
GEO. I. wlO OD fz 00.,
; •
r -
(Intern! for the generous patronage of the
put year ( would inform all irantllog Pictures
that we are still adding to our aathllthment
isrzw,AND pinworm mnripArzsms..
And -adopting,' tried and apptimed Modes of
printing and retouching in order to secure
PlNERPEcrrooitdriliSTElA3 ipwrroposz
made outaidi,4 the cries, n
s, and it are ma ke
it a specialty to enlarge all kinds of Pictures to
any size deilred, and Int& in Water Colors,
India Ink, or In 011, in the
We also endavor to take all the time paid
ble In making thildretu pictures, so as to se,
cure ths best results.
iy.sare eonsfantly adding to our stock of
An new p i atterps and tasteful styles. and Air,
Malt them at a:small sdrsnce from coat prices.
May la, 187; •
TowermA, PA. I
. .
. ,
.. . 1‘
ANEW I TOCgf OF• • -
1 • •
• ;
.;,..i. 1 - MIT EEC IVED AT ~ •• ,
3. A.;,IPE .S & CO'S. .
A* the sign of the bin Illueet. opposite the tout
Hance, 'Dewanits, Pa., consisting of .• .
11RO 11'...k A /kW BLi:ACHED NUSLIN.S
DRESS GOODS :' : - I v ..
. ,
1 . t 'AND zEparas,
A full fine of 1
May 14,13.
large atul complete
For tho godson, cinnuprist
October 1, 1873;.
Calls attention to iLls :arg
, Towanda, Pa.
Orders In person or by
Towanda, April,l6, 187
WE CL11,31
~:•.- 4 ...-71 , - , 1 ,
• ''•
7 . •.•. ;
. .
• 1 ;
The nr.dernientioned advantagee over timid, in ordi.
nary use, the proof of which 'may be seen in the
'extraordinary eider, and constantly increasing der
wand for them:
Ist. That from the peculiar construction of the
g ng frequen lasies they t.changes u assist and + rese ece r ssary. ve tho sight, render
2d. That they cantersi brilliancy and distinctness
of vision. with an amount of ease and comfort not
hitherto enjoyed by tact e wearers.
3d. That the material: from which the Lenses are
growl& is manuti r et specially for optic purpoa
fa, and la pure; hard, and brilliant, and not liable
to become scra , ched.
Sch. That the fritme inl which they are set, wheth
er In Gold. Silver:, or Steel. are of the finest quall7
stl finish and ewiranteed perfect In every respect
For sa!wonly by our authorized agent to this local
ity. We never imply or employ peddlers: .' i
N0v.20,i872. I •
We offer pRESSED LUMBER at
tlii following ratjs:
, e lock Flooring . Leh eel • • SIB per X.
-W t o Pine •' " - 26 .
Pi h ~ 0 1 , $4 - 28 81.
Siding .. , ....... $l5 to 25 - 0
Pickets fano IQ 0 $ 4 '...r bttedred•
, _ 7
• ~
.:. . 41 .
Done at i moment's notice and by the beat main.
ery now made. re hare on hand
1 ,
_We bare tho MU Pond
t • 1 -1 ._
And are constantly Manufacturing.
W Parties who can! reach tm are foottsb to go
near the i'wlrtiad4Or Lumber. as under any &cum.
"Lances we can SELL IT ullEsPEß—at- least the
cost of transportidlon from hereto the rsUreade...
0 $ $2 to $S por thoturind.
il. D. INGRAM.
Tans 214 "M I I esmptown.
i'or thirty dlys the Salliriailintlascite Cod doni
pun will sell
rewt *lira the ifires„ by the car load, delivered on
any of the sidings in T da, as follows:
Grate and Chestnut.— ••• • •• • • 11 5 50 per gross ton.
egg . ! 3 .60 of SS IS
Stove t ....., ....... 3_130 '.. •.. .1
All orders rank be obtuded r irith the mosey,
sad the cars mist be dniceded within twenty-tour
hours after their mind. .
of territory. (there is a am fail%
on DIO LEWDriI Ins Ind groat work.
, .
Em i t •
flu by odds the taking and saleable) Amok to
the fleW 1. Die on I vitally important subject
2. It is by AZIMICIVS tiostpopalar aniter i alat i t wo .
11. It is, teethe pries, the largest Mal
book ever sold by subic Agee* the people
are sager for mak a book. and will urge yon to befog
It to theta. Writepr tat* ha, tree..'
CIZOINT ][ALLY, Publisher.
' 38 axiom iteviabas•
..• Sce,
Y Cr o'o
sll of the most degrade
The tuadersizmed'h
trine purchased the
stock of
Fnufr ANE) ons!
, w prepared to
; , Wh!ch:Lo it I/
til promptly attended to.
L 1101tR.LS'
. 1
. I
• .Pole Agent,
•• . „
On MY JOLLY 11111:11Y8 SP.ARET.
-; y.
• :I
I t : : 4' . • ( " 0
- ;
. i
- Published by order of the Secretary
l'Uf the Commonwealth,' in piireu
ance of the 4th section of an net! of
the . . General Assembly, entit l ed
!I An ad to provide for calling A
ConvenifOrs', to amend the Conti
tption," apProied the 11th daY of
April, A. D., 1872. .
I-• • •
---, • - 1
1 rarmonis.
0 4 ,
W,e, -the people of . the Commonw Ith of
Penpsylvama, grateful tivAlmighty for the
blestlugs of Civil and religions liberty.* d hum
hip invokfog.His guidance, do ordain and es
tablish this Constitution. ,
; ' • Dachankrioir or Emma.
That the general, great and essential princi
ple* of liberty and free government may be
recognized and unalterably established, WO de
clare th at—; 1 !
.Steriost Ll' All men are born equally free and
independent; and have txrrain inherent and in
defeasible rights, among which are those of
enidying and defending bre and liberty,'of ac--
- quitting, possessing and protecting property,
4 Tyi I reputation, and of pursuing' their own hap
piness. 1
si.o. 2. - All power is' Inherent in the people,
areal) free governments are founded op their
authority and institn.ed for their peace, 'stets'
and lhappineSs.. For the advancement of these
<lade they have at all dines en inalienable and
indefeasible right to alter. reform or abolish
their government in sue manner as they may
think proper. , -
Vca:,A; men have; natural and indefeas
.ble iightlo ership Ml:nighty God aecordieg
the iiietatea rtheir °will ennsciences ; no man
certof rightlbe compelled to attend, erect or
support, any piece of Worship, or to maintain
:mar ininistryi against his consent; no human
auiliority cap, in any case whatever, control el
interfere with the right of o .micience, and n
preference shall ever be given by law to any re
ligious establishments Cr modes of worship.
'I. See. 4. Nor pereon who acknowledges the bet
ing bra Oo' and afutare state of- rewards and
puntiffimento shall, on account of his religious
- sentiments,--he disqnallfled to hold any office
or ptare of trust or pre t under ibis Common
wealth. 1 1
fizia..s. Elections shit I be flee and equal; and
no. power, civil or mitten., shall at any time
interfere to i prevent the free excreted of the
right of sniff age. 1
- heti. C. Trial by jarylahall be as heretofore,
and tne right thereof remain inviolate.
1 %-t3Ees 7. The printing press shall The free ,to
-every person Viliamayi undertake to examine
tlin , proceedingi- °sit the Legislature or any
bratiph of govertiment4ridno law shall ever be
made to reatrainsthe right thereof. The free
cepa tnuniciitletrOf thoughts and opinions Is tine'
of the invaluable rights of man, and even' , chi
'zeta Tay freely speak, jirrito and i print on any
'subjeat, being respensible for the abase of that
'liberty. NO conviction shall be bad in • any.
prosecution !for the peblication of papers re
lating to the of fi cial conduct of officers or mon
in public capacity, or to any Other matter prop.
er . for public investigatien or information where
the (act that such publication teas not mad
' cicitiely or negligently-made shall be established.
to the satisfaction of the jury; and in all , in.
flictinents , for libels the jury shall !lave the
right to determine the law and the facts, tinder
the directii.ri of the centi.'as in other cases.:
'..Beci 8 The:people shall be scare in their per
son, house , ; papers, and possessions, from un
reaSsinabla searches awl seizures, and no war
rant to sesrch any place or to seize any person
or things, bliall -bilge without' describing them
as: n aarly:as may ' be,i. nor Without probable
eanae. tinphorterl be math or affirmation, sub.
scribbd to lig the affidatit.
Bs.C. -9. lu all criminal prosecutions, the ac
cused bath a right to be heard by himself and
hie counsel, to demand the nature and cause of
she ti!ccusation against him, to meet the witnest
ses Glee to face, to hayd compulsory process for
obtaining witnesses in his favor, and in prose
entiobs by'indiptment or information, a speedy
pebbl° trial by an impartial jury of the vicinage;
he cannot be compelled Ito give evidence against
himeetf, nor, can he be deprived of his life, lit*
erty.ior property, unless by the Judgment of
his peers er the law of the land. , ,
Set. 10.:No person Shall for any indictable
offenise be Proceededsigainst 'criminally, by in.:
reinaktion.. except In cases arising in the land
or, naval forces, or in the militia, when In actual
serviee. iu time of war br public danger,; or' by
leave: of the court, for oppression. or misde
meanor ineffices No person shall for the same
offense be time put in !jeopardy of Iffe or limb;
nor shall private property ho taken or applied
to, pnblie use without authority of law, awl
willicint just compensation being first made or
seemed, , 1 -
Sae, il. 'All courts shall bo open; and every
- '
man fot an injury done him in his lands, goods,
person,or 'reputation ; shall have remedy by
due co:tree of law, and right and juatice,admin
'stored without ' sale, ;denial, or delay, Snits
rimy be brought against the Commonwealth, in
such ?nsnner, is such Courts, and in such cases
as the Legislature may by law direct. , . 1
See. 12. No power of suspending laws shall
he et . .. ,- eiseil unless by the Legislature or by its
authdrity. I
',),..14. es. Excessive ' btil shall hot be required,
nor excettdvo fines imposed, nor cruel launish
mentaitillicted. 1
. Bv4. IL All prisoners shall he bailible by,
stittleieut sureties, unleas for capital offenses,
when the pipet is evident or presumption great;
and rho privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
stiallinot be suspended, unless when in case ot
• rebellion or invasion the public safety may:re
, qnirci it. • - 1 •
Sep. 15. No commission oroyer and ter miner
or jail delivery shall be Issued.
Br.e, 16. The person saf a debtor, where there
z ~
Is not Strong presumption of fraud, shall not be
continued in hrison after delivering up his esr.
•r,te j for the benefit or his creditow, in such
mooter as shall he prescriber] by law.
81 - h. 17. No ax poSr !recut law, nor any laic
, rnpliring the obligatten.or contracts; or mak
.ric irrerorahleany, grant of special privileges
or iremnnities. stud! he passed.
.80.-18. No pershn shall be at tainted . og, trca
ion hr felony by the Legislature.
Sic. 12. No attaindiir shall work corruption
of blood, nor. except during the fife of the of
:ender, forfeiture of !estate to the Common
...with ; the estate of ench persons as shall de
.44 their 'own lives.shall descend or vest as iri
cases of natural death,! and if any person shall
he Billed by easinsity, tberc.ahali ho no foreiture
by reason thereof.
!Ste. 21! The citizens have a right in a peace.
side manner to 'as4etuhle together for their
eiminion good, and npply to those invested
wit the powers of gOvernment for redress of
gri vances 'or other proper purposes, by pr.:U
lftto , address or remonstrance.
sine. 21. The right of citizens to bear arms in
defense of themselves! end the Stato *hail not
be questioned. ! I
Sus. 22. No standing pm shall, in! time of
peace, be kept np witinnt the consent of the
Legislature. and the military shalt, in ell cases.
end at all times, be in strict subordination to
theeivit power. .1 ..
Ben. 23. No poldier shall in time of peaCo he,
qn4rtered in any house without the e. r nsent of
WI owner, nor in limp of war but in a manner
to he prescribed by laW•
! lism., 21. ,The Legislature shall not grant any
title of nubility or IMreditary dtbtiuction, nor
create anyoince the aPpointmentof which Shall
ho tor a longer term than daring good behav
ior/ ! - i
1 1 Sao. 25.' Emigration from the State shall not
1 be!probibited. i
1 1 Sec. 6.1T0 guard against transgressions of
I the high powers which wo have delegated, we
•leilare that everything in this article ii ex
.,epted out of the general pow,ers of• govern-
Mont, and shall forever remain inviolate. ' "
! , - ...)
, i ARTICLE 11.. •
TUE xzeou.rrvms._
i Izcriorel. The legislative power of this Com
ul4nwealtb 'ball be vested in a General Assem
bly. which shall consist of a Senate and a House
of Itepresontives. 1 • i 1
• Asc. 2. Members. of the General Assembly
itiali be chosen at the general election every
Second year. Their tom of service shall begin ,
en the Asst. day of Dacember . next after their
ilettion. !Whenever a mantic shall l oco& in
either House, the presiding officer thereof shall
NO° a writ of election to ,All truck , vacancy
for the remainder of the term. I
dm 3. Senktors *ball bo elected for thiterm
of four years and Beliresentatives for the term
! ,
Of m *assu Th e Gene ral
•I. ; Assembly shall meet
i l
at weive o'clock noon, on the An t Tuesday of
Ja war/ every second year, and, at other
times when convened by -the Governor, but
luell bold no adjourned annusl _session after
*hit year ;one thousand eight hundred; and
**My-eight. In case of a vacancy in the
oillee oil:lofted State* Senator from this Qom
mcipwCalth, in a reoess between sessions, the
OuvernorZha convene the two houses by pro- -
clahistion on notice tiot exceeding sixty drys to
Alltbe same. • I .
gra 5. :senators shall be at least twenty-five
leers of age, and Representatives twenty-one
years of age. They !shall have beeti citizens
and iobabitants of the State four years, and
intiabita..ta of their 4. reiterate
udistrias oill one
:Ito paiT4 bradueve date United !Daps or
1 •
.• •
1 :Ai
lAt ir --
~ANT 14"11112L,
_ Itatial!g 311!'
rioivAii. - -Iijii.A.D . FQII,D,d,O.IJNti t -- PA.. - pwpißEß.-_11.,.18,01.,-,.:1
T Ude Mete.) and shall relide I n their respect
ive districts during their terms of service.
SIC.I. No Senator or Representative . shall,
during the time for which he shall hive been
elected, be appointed to any civil office 1 under
this Commonwealth. and 00 member of Cow
grass or other person holding any ogles (ex.
oept of attorney-aWaw or in the militia)! under
the United States or tnis Commonwealth shad
bee member of either house during Idscon
tinuance in office. , - . , 1 ,: -
Bra. 7. No person hereafter Convicted of
embezzlement' of in:Orli° : money s , bribery,
perjury or . other infamotut !crime, shell be
eligible to the General Assearbly;•or capable of
holding'any office of truster goat in this Com.
monwealth. • - ' 1
• Sze.c.l3. The members of the general Assembly
shall receive each salary Mid - mileage for re
enter and special sessions as shall bse fiXed by
law, and no other compensation whatever,
I/bother for service upon committee or'others
wise; No member of tither house shill. &wine
the term for which be may bare been elected.
receive any increase of Wary, or; mileage s l
under any law passed during mach term. . I
Sao. 0. The Senate shall, at the beginning
and close of each regular session, and at !rich
other times as may bo necessary, elect :one of
its members president pro tempore,. iris shall
perform the duties of the Lieutenant Goiernor.
in any case of absence ors disability or that
officer; and whenever the.said office of Lieuten
ant Governor shall be vacant. The jHotisti of
Itepresentatiies shall elect eue of its ; members
as Speaker. Each house shill choose its other
officers. and shall judge of! the election and
qualifications of its members. I N
Sec. 10. A majority of each House 'th 1 a:in
stitute a quorum, but a smeller number may
adjourn from day to day. and compel the at
tendance of absent member& • 1 i
Szo. 11.. Each house . Isbell have power to
determine the rules of its proceedings and
punish its ixiembereor other persons for con
tempt or disorderly behavior in its , presence.
to, enforce obedience to its process, to protect
Its members against violence, or offers Of pri
vate solicitation, and . with the concurrence of
two-thirds, to expel a member, but ndt &Second
times - for the same cause, and shall] have all
other powers necesrary.for the legislature of a
free State. A member expelled for corrpption
shill not thereafter bo eligible to either house,
and punishment for contetript or disorderly
behaviour shall not bar an indictment for the
same offense. •I
. Sac. 12. Each house shall keep journal
of its proceedings and from time to time Fib-
IA the same. except each Parts Si require
'secrecy, and the yeas and .nays of the seem
bers on any mrestien shall, at the desire of any
two of them, be entered on the journal. i
Secsl3. The sessions of ebeh hone , and of
committees of the whole shall be open, pnleee
when the business is such as ought to be kept
secret. • 1 1
Sect 14. Neither 'hones Shall, without the
consent of the other, adjourn . tor. Moris than
three days. nor to any other place Crap that
in which the two houses shall be sitting.
Sac. 15. `The members of the General As
sembly shall in all cases, except treason, felony,
violation of their oath of office, and breach or
surety of the peace, be privileged froth, arrest
during their attendance at the sessions ot their
respective houses, and in going to and retorts!,
log from the same ; and for any speech Or de
bate in either house, they ehall not be lqueits+
tioned in any other place. ' ! I ,
tiro. 16. Thu State shall be dividedinto fifty
Senatorial districts of compact and contiguous
territory, as .nearlf equal in population as may
be, and each &grief shall be entitled t i ii elect
one Senator. Each " county containing no or
more ratios of population Abell be entitled to
one Senator for each ratio, and to an addi tional
Senator for a surplus population ex edge;
three-fifths of a ratio; bet no county shalt form
a separate district unless it Omit contain (Or
fifths of a ratio, except where the adjbining
counties are each entitled to or more Sen
ators, when such county may ;be assigned a Sen
ator on less than four-fifths, and exceeding one
half of r ratio, and no county shall be divided
unless entitled to two or .more Senator& No
city or comity shall be entitled - to separate rep
resentation exceeding one-sixth of the [whole
number 'of Senators. No ward. borough, or
tosnehip shall be divided in the formation of a
district. The Senatorial ra le shall bb iscer ,
tatted by dividing the whol
. , ,
population Of the
State by the number fi fty. : • 1 I „,,
'Sac. 17 .. The members di,tlie House of igop'
resentatives shell be appertioned among the.'
several counties, on a ratio obtained byldivid
ing the population of the State ss ascertained
by the moat recent United States muster by two
hundred. Every county containing lest than
five ratios shell have ; one VepresentatiVe for
every full ratio, and an additional representa
tive when theserplus exceeds half a radii; but
each county shall have at representa
tive. Every county containing five .rat) oa or
more shall hare one representative fcr every
full ratio. "Every city containing a population
equal to a ratio shall elect iteparateli ite pro
portion of the repenentatives allotted to the
coauty in which it is located 4 Every CRY enti
tled to more than four repreeentative& and ev
-ery county bevies: over one hundred thenvand
inhabitants. shall -be divided into districts of
compact 'and contiguous territory , each district
to elect its proportion of representitiVee ac
cording to its population. but no district shall
elect more than four representatives. 1 1
Sec. 18. The General Assembly at its first
session alter the adoption of this constitution s
and immediately after each United -States des
counisict:nsu4, shall apportion the state into .
Senatorial and Repreientatiyo district& agrees
bls to the provisions of the two next preceding.
oectiono. , 1 1 t.
Secrins.l. No law shall ii)e passed exe.-pt by
bill, and no bill shall be so altered or amende I
on its passage through etthei 4 hone !as to
change its original purrosea - I'
• SEO. 2. No bill shall be cOnsiderefittuless re
ferred to - a:committee. returned therefrom, and
printed for the nso of the Meutbers. II
Sae: 3. No bill, except general app ones
lion bills, shall be passed, containing mote than
one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in
its title. I
See. 4. Every hill shall - be read'at ;length on
three different days in each ihouse ; till :in:lend--
merits made thereto shalt be printed for -the
ore of the members before the final votti is tos
ken ou the bill, arid no bill shall become a law
unless on Its final passage the vote he taken by
yeas and nays, the names or the persons, voting
for and against the same be entered ion, the
journal, and a majority of the members ejected
to each hone be recorded thereon ad voting in.
Its favor.
BEM 5. No amendment to bills by one house
shall be concurred iu by the other, except by. a
vote of a majority of the members elected
thereto taken by yeas and nays, an&t.hd names
of those voting for and against recorded upon
the journal thereof ; and reports of esimmittees
of conference shall be, adopted in either ; house,
”tity by the vote of a majority of ' the members
elected thereto; taken by , ye as and limit', and
the names of those voting recorded upon the
•jout n al.
• Sze. 6. Nn law shall be I revived, *Mended,
or the proviilons thereof extended or conferred
by reference •to its title only, blitl en mach
thereof as is revived, amended. extended, or
conferred, shall be re-enacted and publined at
• Sao. 7. The General Assembly shall not pan
any local or special law ; c
Authorizing the creation, extension ;or im
pairing of liens ; •r.
Regulating the affairs ,of counties' cities,
townships, wards, boroughs, or sehoolaiistricts;
Changing the names of omens or places;
Changing the venue in civil or criminal cases.
Authorizing the laying mat, Opening. Altering
orlmaintaiuing . roads, highways, streets. or al-
leys • . , 1 •
ltelating to ferries or bridges, or.iticdrporat-:
ing ferry or bridge companies, except `for the
erection of bridges crossing streams which form
boundaries between this and any other[State ;
Vacating roads, town plats, etti•ets od alleys ;
Relating to cemeteries, graveyards or public
grounds not of the Sta. e ;
- Authorizing the adoption :ir Icl;itimation of
children ;
Locating or changing county seats, reefing
i .
i • e counties. or chanwng county lines,
incorporatiog ;Nines, towns, or villages, or
changing their charters; !
For the opening and conducting of e ection.),
or thing or-changing the place of v o tinge •
Granting divorces ;
Erecting new townships or borongbiebang• '
big township lines, borough liraite, o school
districts; ' 1 • ' r
Creating - officen, or prescribing the, powers
and duties of officers In counties, cities, bo-•
roughs, townshipa, eleetion or school district ;
Changing the law of descent or succession •
Regulating the practice or jorisdictilin.of. 4.
changinging or inquiry before courts, aldeim .
the rules of evidence in any; Judi • al
i l l
justiciii of t h e peace, sheriffs, commissions e ,
arbitrators, auditors, masters in chancery,, or
other tribunals , or providing or changirig meth
ods for the collection pf debts, or the enforcing
of judgments, or prescribing thireffecti of Judi-
Wia isles of real estate .
Regulating the tees; or extending the powers
and duties of aldermen justices of the peace,
magistrates, or COnstablett; • ' , . -
Regulating the management of public schools
the, building or repairitos.of school houses, and
the railing of money for such purposes;
Fixing the rate of Interest ; i
AS citing the estates o" minors or perstine
under disability, exoepr after dud notice to all
parties in interest, tobe recited In the Special
en-tetwent; ' I I
Remitting ones, penalties and forfeitures or
Tetouan moneys legally paid into thO Trent.
ktempting property from tuition;
Regulating labor, trade; mining, or thatintac
Creating corporations, or. me w % renew
ing. or ezieedlng the charters
. Granting to any corporation, assoclatkm, or
individual any special or exclusive privilege or
AN= or to rtrray t m a I ra k =
track: Nor shall the General Airele 4 Y torli•
rent oft mote, or look 1r b 1 120
... -, 1 - 1 i.'•
1 '.. .[
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, - .
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t i ,i_
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,\. \.., ,1
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, .
parthd repeal of &general lair. but laws repeal 7
leg local or special acts may be passed. Nor
shall any:law be passed granthigpowers or pri
vileges in any case whote,the granting of inch
powers and privileges shall have been provided
for by general law, nor wham the =rid have
jurisdiction to grant the same 0. give the re* ef 'tidied for.
Szo. 8. No local or special bill shall be psis- -
54 unless notice , of the intention to apply there.
for shall have been published in 'the. totality
where the matter or the thing to be affected
may be situated. which notice shall be at least
thirty.days prior to the introduction Into the
General Assembly of such blll,',,nd in the man
ner to bo provided by law,* the evidence of such
notice having been publisbed. shall be exhibit?
ed in - the General Assembly hereto. such act
shall be passed. 4 f-'*)
Sea 9. The presiding omcer of each house
'hall. in the presence of the , bowie *over which
be preeddee. sign -all bil's and joint resolutions
passed by the General Assembly, after their
-titles have been publicly read immediately bO.
fore /fleeing. and - the fact of signing shall be
• entered op the journal. t
Sec. 10. ale General Aintembly shall pre!
scribe by law the ntimber, duties and compen-
elation of. the officers and employes of each
house, and no payment shall bo made from the
State Treasury, or be in any way authorized to
any person, except to an acting officer or em.
ployeelected or appointed in pursuance of law,
Sea 11. No bill shall bo passed giving any
extra compensation to any public officer, ser
-vent, employe, agent or contractor, after sent;
ens &ball have been rendered orcontract madoi*
nor providing, for the, payment of any claim
against the Common wealth; without previous
authority of law.
Ste. 12, All stationery, printing, paper, and
fuel used in the legislative and other depart
ments of government shall be furnished, and
the printing, binding, awl distributing of the;
laws, journals, department reports, and all oth
er printing and binding, and the repairing and
furnishing the balls and rooms used for the
meetings of the General Assembly and its com-
mitteee, shall be performed under contract, to
be given to the lowest responsible bidder, be
low such maXimum price arid under such mu-,
Istions as shall be prescribed by law ,• no mem
ber or °nicer of. any . department of *the govern
ment shall be in any way interested in such
contracts, and all such contracts shall ,be sub
ject to the approval of the Governor, Auditor-
General and State Treasurer.
-Sze. 13. No law oballiniend the term of any
pnblio officer, or increase or diminish his aalary,
or emolumenta after hie, election or appoint-
- - -
SEC. 11. AU bilis for.raising revenue shall or
iginate in the House of Itepresenuttives, but
the Senate may propose amendments as In
other bills. 9
SEA 15. The general appropriation bill shall
embrace nothing but appropriations for the or
dftry expenses of the executive, legislative,
and judicial departtnentsof the Commonwealth,
interest on the public debt, and for public)
schools; all other appropriations shall be made
by separate bills, each embracing but one sub
• hire. 16. No mr.ney shalll bo paid' out. of the
Treasury except upon appropriations made lig
law and on warrant drawn by the preper officer
in pursuance thereof.
Sec. 17. No appropriation shall be Made to
any. charitable 01- educational institution not
under the absolnto control of' the Conimon
wealth, other than normal. schools/ established,
by law for the proteasional training of teachers'
for the public schnols,of the State, except by a
vote of two-thirda of, all the members elected to,
each house.
SECA& No appropriations except fig pen-'
stouts or gratuities for military services shall be
Made for charitable, educational or benevolent,'
purposes. to any person or community, nor to
any denominational or sectarian institution,:,
corporation orassociation.
Sec. 19. The General. Assembly may make,
appropriations of money to institutions wherein
the widows of soldiers are supported or assisted'
or the orphans of soldiers are maintained and
educated-, but such appropriation. shall be ap
plied exclusively tothelscipport of such: widows
and orphans. • ,
Sec 20. The General Assembly shall not dels
egato to any special commission, private corpo
ration or association '
any power to-make, su
pervise or Interferewith any municipal ires
prevement, money, property or effects; whether
lieldin trust or otheise, or to levy taxes or.
perform any municipal function whatever.
See. 21. No act of the General Assembly shall
limit the amount to be recovered, for injuries
resulting, in death, or for injuries to persons or
property, and in cvso of death front such inju
ries, the right of action shall survive, and the
General ,Assembly shall prescribe for whose
benefit such actions shall be prosecuted; no act
shall prescribe any limitations of time within
`which suits may be brought against corpora.
tions lei. injuries to persons or property, or for
other causes different from those fixed by gen=
eral - lags regulating actions against natural
persons, and such acts Low existing are avoid.
_. •
Sec. 22. No act of the General Assembly shall
authorise the investment of trust funds by ex
ecutor., "administrators, guardians, or other+
trustees, in the bonds or stoek of any private
Corporationoind snch acts now existing are
avoided, saving Investments heretofore made.
SEC. 23, The power to change the venue in
civil and criminal.cases, shall bo vested in the
courts, to be exercised in each manner as shall
hisprovided by law. ' • •
'Sec. 21.. No obligation or liability of. any rail
road or -other corporation, held or owned by
the Commonwealth, ehall ever be exchanged,
transferred, remitted, postponed, orin any4ray
diminished by the General Assembly, nor shall
such liability or obligation be released, except
by payment thereof into the State Treasury.
Sac. 25; When the General Assembly shall bo
convened in special session, there shall he nci
legislation upon subjects other; than those des.
ignated in the proclamation or the Governor,
calling such, session.
Sac. 20. Every order, resolution, or vote, to
which tho concurrence of both houses may he
'necessary (except on the question of adjourn-
Meng) shall be presented to the Governor, and,
'before it shall take' effect be approved by him,
or being disapproved, shall he•repassed by twos
thirds of both houses, according -to the rules
and limitations prescribed in case of a, bill.
Sao. 27. No State office shall be continued or
created for the inspection or measuring of any
merchandise,, manufacture or commodity, but
any county or municipality may appoint such
officers when authorized by law. •
DEC.. 28. No law changing the location
the. capital of the Skate shall be valid,
until the same shall have been submitted to
the (molded 'electors of the Commonwealth, at
a general election, and ratified and approved
by them. ,
, .
Ste. 29. A member of the General Assembly
who shall solicit, demand, or receive, orconeent
to recive. directly or indirectly; for himself or
for another, from any company, corporation,
or person, any money, office, appointment, em
ployment; testimonial, reward, thing of value
or enjoyment, or of personal advantage or
promise thereof, for his vote or official mile
mice, or for withholding the same, or with au
understanding, expressed or implied, that his
vote or official action shall bob/ any way toga.
enced thereby, or who shall solicit br demand
any such money or other advantage, matter, or
Haug aforesaid fur another, as the Considera
tion of his vote op official influence. or for with
binding the same, or shall give or withhold lila
vote or influence: in consideration of the. pays
merit or promise of Awn money, advantage.
matter, or thing to another, shall be hold guil
ty of bribery:within - the meaning of this Consti
tution, and shall, incur the disabilitiesprovided
thereby for salit.offeneo, and. such additional
punishment as la or shall be provided by law.
• Sec. 80. Any person who shall, directly or in
.directly, offer, give, or promise any money, or
thing of value, testimonial, privilege, or per
sonal advantage, to any , executive sir-judicial
officer or member of the General Assembly, to
influence him in the performance of any of his
public or official' duties, shall be guilty of bri-,
eery, and be punished in such manner as shad
be provided by law. ° • -
Sao. 31. Thu offense of corrupt solicitation
. of members of the General Assembly;. or of
public officers of the State, or of any municipal
division thereof, and any occupation or prao ,
tics of solicitation of such members or officers,
to hilinence their official action, shall be defin
ed by law, and' hall be punished by--fine and
Sac. 32. Any person ma* be compelled to tea.
Ur' , in any lawful investigation or judieial pro
-ccesling, against any person who may do charg
ed with having committed the offense of bribe
ry or corrupt solicitation, or practices6or
tation; and shall not be permitted to withhold
his testimony upon the ground that it may
criminate himself or subject him to publiii in
famy; brit such testimony .shall not afterwards.
be used against him in any judicial proceeding,
except for perjury in giving such testimony
anti any person convicted of either: or the oft
Jensen at - Orefield, shall, as part of the punish
ment therefor, be disqualified from holding' any
office or position or honor, trust, or profit in
this Commonwealth. '
See. 33. A member who has a. personal or
private interest in any measure or bill propel's
ed or pending before the General Asserbtily
shall deschaie the faiit to the house of which be
id a member, and shall not vote thereon.
tits ExEciirnre.
Seurat 1. .Tbo Executive Booth:limit of
this Commonwealth shall consist of a Governor,
Lieutenant Governor. Secretary of the Com
monwealth, Attorney - General, Auditor General,
State Treasurer. Secretary of Internal Affairs,
and a Superinteedent of 'Public Instruction.
OM 2. The supreme executive power shall
be vested in the Governor, who shall take care
that the laws , be faithfully executed;. he shall be
chosen on the day of the general election .by
the qualified electors of the Commonwealth;
therplsoes where they shall vote for Represent. ,
attire& The rets of every election for Giv
artier shall be sealed up and transmitted to the
seat of government directed to the President of
the Senate, who shall open and publish thank'
the presence of the members of both houses of
the General Assembly,, The person having the
MAW number of rotes by Governeritnit
- ; : ; • - ; -
...,L. ,
. .
. .. ,..
• t .
, , ;. ; : •;; ';
. .
if two or More tie egnal and- Highest , 'Divan,
one of tbem shall be chosen Governor by ,the
joint vote of the members of both hoases.
Contested election. shall be determined by. a
committee, to be selected from; both louses of
the Geraul Assembly, and formed and regu
lated in Buell meatier an sball be directed by
, .
ffEc. 3 .; Wbo Governer shall hold hls office do
ring four years from the third 'll;iesasy of Jan
uary next ensuing his election, and sball*t be
eligible to' the office for the next enc.ftedicg
Sac. S. 4t. Lieutenant Governor stall be cho
sen at the same time. in the same monitor. for
the same term. and subjeck, to ..the Rattle pro.
Sidon' as the Governor ; h shill be• president
of the Senate. belt .lhall• have no vote unless
they bo equally dtdded.l • '
SEC, 5. .No person shaii be eligible to' the
,office of Governor or Lieutenant Govenior t ex,
cept a citizen of the United States, who Shall
have attained the age of thirty years, and have
been seven years next precedinglria election azi
inhabitant of the State, unless he shall have
been absent on the public business of the Unit ,.
ed States or of this State. i I
,Sao. 6. No member of Congress or person
holding any office under the United Stites or
this Stets. shall exercise the cdtice of Go error
or Lieutenant Governor. , r
Sec. 7. The Governor shall be commas er in.
chief of the. army and navy of the - CommOn•
wealth; Ind of the milits, . except wben they,
shall be called into the actual service of the
United States. , '
Sec. S. He shall nominate, and by and IWith
the advice and consent of two-thirds of pH the
thembere of the Senate. appoint,a Secretary of
the Commonwealth and- an Attorney Genetal
daring pleasure, a Superintendent of Public In
structioi, for four years, and such other Ofilcers
of the Commonwealth as be is or may be au
-thorized by the constitution Or by law to ap
point; he shall,have power to fill all vacancies
that may happen in offices to which be : n ay ap •
point during the recess of the Senate by grant
ing commissions which- shall expire at the end
of their, next session ; be, shal l have power to
fill any vacancy that may happen during the
recess of the Senate, in the office of Auditor' ,
General, Statilyreastarer,; Secretary of Internal •
Affairs,; or . superintendent of Public Instnio
hen, in ajUdical office, or in any other elective
office which he is or may be authorized to fill;
If the vacancy shall happen during the ties
lion of the Senate. the Governor shall nominate
to the Senate, before their final adjournment,
a... Proper, Persr.n to fill said vacancy. L
lint tu:any such CAM Or vacancy, in an elective
office, a person &hall be chosen, to aaid office at
the twat general election,l unless the
shall happen' within three calendar Months
immediately preceeding such election, in,which
case the election, for said office shall beheld
at the second succeeding general electiqn. '
In acting cn Executive . nominations, the
Senate shall sit with open doors, and 41 0 4 / 1 •_
firming: Or rejecting the' nominations of the
Goveruoi, the vote shall be taken by yeas and
naye,and shalllbe entered on the journal,
R; He shall have power to remit flues
and forfeiture's, to grant reprieves, coniuntta-
Sons of-sentence and pardons, except hal cases
of impeachreent,brit no pardon shall be grant
ed, nor,sentencevectinmuted. except upon the
recemniendatiod in writing of the Lieutenent
Goeernor, Secretary_of-the Commonwealth, At
tordey General aid Secretary qt Internal At.
rats l or any three of them, after full beari,
aped due public 'notice and in open session,
and such recommendation. with the reasons
therefor at length, shall be re corded and filed
in the office of:the Secretary -of ,the Conimen
wealth.: , •
Sec. 10. He may requir 'information wsm.-
iug from the officers of the Executive Depart..
!nerd, upon any eubjectplating to the duties
of their, respective,offices.l
Svc, 11. He shall, from time to time, 'give to
the General Assembly information of the state
of thetomaionwealth, and recommend tq their
Consideration such ; measures as he may judge
ex edieut.. •r 1
Sec. 12. .lle may, on extra ordinary oceesio,ns,•
convene the General Assembly, and incas e of
disagreement between . tlie - two honses,l• with
respect to the time of- adjournment, am joure
them to such time as he' shall think *Per;
not exceeding four months. Ile distil bas.
power, to convene the Senate in extraordinary
sessions by proelamation fur the . transaction of
executive business. t
Sea 13. In ChM) of the death, convic tipn, of
impeachment, failtre to qualify, resigriation; or
ether disability of the Governor, the powers
duties, and emoluments .f the office for the
remainder of the term. or mitt! the disibihe
be remOvedothall devolve upon the Lientensit
'Uovertitii. 1
Sec. 14. Incase of a eacseo in the office or Lien.
tenant Governor, or when thi Lieutenant Geier
nor shall be impeached by th eßowie of; Represen
tatives, br shall be unable to exercisethe duties re
his Milk*, the powers, ; duties,. and .emolementr
thereof for the remainder of the term, or until ; thr
disability be removed, shall devolve upon the Peer
'dont pee rumen of the Senate eand the President
pro tempone of the Senate shall in like manner ; be
come Governor If a vacancy ir disability shall akir
in the office of Governor; his 'seat as Senator; slue
become vacant whenever he shall become Governor,
and shall be filled by election as any other vacancy
in the Senate. ' . i
Sac. 18. Every bin which shall have pused both
"houses phallbe 'presented to the :Governor f, if he:;
approve, he' shall; sign it; bet if he shall not sp.
prove, he shall return It - 'with his objections ;to the
horse in which it shall have originated.wlecb house
shall enter the objeCtions at large upon their
nal. and proceed to reconsider it. If, after an ' re
conaiderallen. twothircs of all the members elected
to tbathonie shall urea to pass the bill. It shg be'
sent with the. objebtions to the other bon by
which, likewise, it shall be reconsidered, and if ap.
proved:by two-thirds of all the members elected ti.
-that house, it shall he a law; but In such case' the
'votes.l both houses shall be determined Yeas
and ua s, and the names of the members voting for
t i
and ag eauthe bill shallbe entered an the joUreale
of sac haute respectively. If any bill shall not le
-retain dby the Governor within ten days after It
shall h ve been presented to him, the same shall be
a law in like'manner as if he bad signed it, unless ,
thi General Astembly, by their 'ad iournment. pre.
vent Ita return. in - which case it shall be a law, en
less Li shall file the same; with his objections, It
the office of the Secretary of the Common Wealth,
and give notice thereof by public proclamation with
in thirty ;days after:such adjournment. 1 '
Ben. I le. The Governor shall have power to disap
prove of any item or items of any bill making ap
propriation" of money, embracing distinct Items,
and thee's.; or , puts of the bill approved shall be
the lavi. and the item or Hemel appropriatien die,
approied shall be void, unless repassed according
to the rules and Illnitatians prescribed for the ;pas
sage of other bills; ver the executive veto. 1-
51c.117. The Okialtistice of the finpremi Court
shall preside upon;the trial of any contested 'elect
Lion o Governor or Lieutenant Governor. and Sha ll
decide questions regarding the admissibility Cf evi
dence, and shall, upon request of the' committee,
eminence his opinion upon other questioneof law
involved In thetriaL The Governor and Llentenimt
Governor shallexeecise the duties of their ' respec
tive Oliva; until their successors shall hi duly
liac.llB. The Secretary of the Commonwealth
shall keep a record of all official acts and proceed.
fogs of the Governor, and when required lay the
same.; l s ith all. papers, minutes and vouchers re
lating thereto. before either branch of the General
Assembly. and perform stichnther duties as'may be
enjoined; upon him by bee. . I • _
. Fite.' 19. The slecretary of Internal Affair!', shall
exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of
• the eniveyttr General, subject to such clumges as.
shall tie made by law. His department shall em
hive it bureau of industrial statistics. and be shall
dinharge 'rich dot es relating to corporations. to
the charitable institutions, the agricultural, mann
• feeturing. mining. mineral, timber.' and other ma
terial, o be r business interests .of the State as ; may be
pee dby law. Healed' annually. and at sneh
other times is may be required by lan, make re
port, to the. General Assembly.
Eine! 10. The Superintendent of Public Initruc
tion shall aereisii all the powers. and perform all
the duties of "the Superintendent of common
Schools, subject to such changes as shall be made
_ 8.04 21. The term of the Secretary of Internal
Affair, shall be four yetis, of the 'Auditor General,
three years, and of the State Teasel:wee two years,
These officers shall bo chum by. tbe,qualiffed . elec.
tors of the State at general elections. No person
elected to the aloe of Auditor General Or State
Treastirer shall be capable of holding the same of.
See Pi two consecutive terms. - . • I .
See.l. 22. 'The present Great Seal of Pennsylvania
Oat he the Seal of th. state, , 1 ~ 1
All Commissions shall be in the Wine and by an}
thority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and
be sealed ' with thebtato seal mud signed, by the
Governer. : , . 7' - 1 . •.1
Tar. Junittaar.
Szcifort 1. Tne judicial power of thlirCommtinT
wealth shah be vested in the Supreme Quart. in
court/ of common pleas. courtsof_ oyer and tern*
ner and general jail delivery, cowls of quarter ses:
stone of the peace. orphalls' courts. magistrates
courts. add in snob other tow ts as the ' Gene
Assenthly may from time kiting) establish..
SO. 2. The Supreme Court shall consist!of sere
judges. Who shall be elected by the 'qualified elec.,
tura Of the Slate at large. They shall hol&I their
floes for the term of years, if they se
long have themselves well, but shall not be again
eligible. The judge whose.cotatitissioti shall first
exuirti shall be chief jusGoe. and thereafter each
judge whose commission alma first expire shall
turn' he chief justice. -
at.C. The jcuistdiction of the • SuPreme .0
shaltortend over the State. and the judges thereof,
shall, by virtue of their offices. be o:Latices of oyer
Ind termther and general jaildelivery in the sever'
at counties; they shall have original jarisdlction
canoe of injunction, and where a corporation is
party defendant of habeas corpus, of awn:minus .t!
courts of infester jurisdiction; sad of woo walk
wire as to all officers of C o of whose
juriadictien extends over thiirr State. treat shall not
eternise any other original jurisdiction; they shall
bard appellate jurisdiction by appeal. tgacittunsal
or writ of error in all ewes, as is now or may here
after be provided by law. 1
nee. 4. Until otherwise directed ',byelaw. the
courts of CM:IIMM pleas shall continue as at parent
established. except as herein chanced; net more
than four emmtles sha ll , at any time. beincluded in
ciee judicial - district organized for said courts. ;
Bac. 5. Vhenever a county shad (*tibia forty
thcrcisand Inhabitants it shall consthute a separate
judibial district. ; and shall tiled one judge learned
In the law; and the General eissembly stall providd ,
'for tional judges, as the business or the said
ConutthiContairdng a pop..
hall n thrusts
constitute: repents
d cts shall be formed into convenient singls Ad
teOr. if necessary. may be attached to cotes
r d s districts. as the General Asset=
p The office of associate judge. not
to lit Z o la abolished In couss fa •=1 sew.
ifte trtft its word smicists Moe hi
'7 4 1.
t ;.
. t
:01%emu fillll 4
_ll2:7their so
. lathe
PLIPt- a .U.UA J°
an aball be addpted • tl
'term. •'' l .
.of Pldladalpl eo ll%f r ull Aa.
, = over§ ' vested.
a s tie Plias.
ybe de -by this
be in Plitladellibia'
may 'ln ban ' distinct
mat and 1 goanliziate
', I , :d i Zz a cti ; the
imon Phew number
and nip:fiber tons
of Common
is. mmiber of i rl
from time si r c ie.
united by Tel
fee' in any of d'
A thellshnsent 1
LMd by. law,
thaw; and whenever
the Whole, to three,
mose' a district and
Mich sUil be intms
' , Mit e l o ill4anits er e !
of on PI
es of sai d 'court. and
illmte orp1;1 apportion
such s as shall
ykatid court! to
'shall bate.
an b th chime of.
sis 7
law. 14 All ay
• e eg i tudyejtirisdistitin of fc
ceebdjletaat law b un ty i cem_reg e nall ai tli t e e r A
t i ) ;. , •
UT. 1- l 1 '
~: t. 7 -. , .1-. 1 . i
Elcrl.l For Phil d Ithia here shall be e e Protlipn-
Otaiils !amend tie: flotbmtotary for all lsaid tor,
to beet intetl b herijti t dltx.s. of said, tonrts, an to
hold office for th e ream, abject to muffle' IT a a
jorityar the said ages; o said! Piuthonotaty r all!
a?lnt' cliassie !tub is ybe my and u ;
tl nix by raid tarts, an he, and Ids 'lStacte s aft
recei efixed sale rs 4 . :t obe etermine trf lax- and iial d !
by s ad nuty; I int ectel In 'sold eirllce, exeept;
such yhe b Is* due o the Coramonwealth,shall
he pe d
i ty the Pr thoca#a into the aim ty tre. ry.;
Each co irt shell I ri t e : Its triter:de &diet ; except the!
jut! le ..r docket, - I kb ; shall contain th judgm obi
'and 1 ells of all th said court', as Is or ma be din.' test
•by la . •
.: [ I
Stn. S The sal courts la the counties, il Phi . e1n1,41,1104
n1,41 , 1104 Alleghe y resktlvely shall, ftom dint ,to
time, In turn; fl me or More of their; judges to old
the - on sofOy r arel; -Terminer end „tho con of
(loaner esions f Ike Peace of sabl ceilidhs' in cinch
• =interim may 1 d meted by lavi... I • I ' '
• Sr. •.: ti Judges f. lie 01m-oiler Cum ton Plea. !film
ed in titi. law stud 1 hejuilges of the Coortl Rd' Oyer td
, 1 .!
Tannin ,r, Quarte ',S , ..seitinsl of the Pa r es, mid Gen rah
Jail Delivery, an. of the 0' thane Court, und wi tin
4 111eir re4ective di I ets li II be just cis- if ate pi en
;as to printinal ma . ' - , I 1
Szllo. The jn gettef th • courts O t'orltmou 1,1 °us,
° witlii t telr r .. ikii ,C•ou 'ties; shal hare powerlo•
(Mlle Tts of sea 10 ARIE t jltiticel lof tit I • pence nod
other in rior con s not' o reetird, aid to ;rause their
proc •ditigto be ro eta fore ti ear ri g ht' ttur
lustier tsi be dune . I J. ,
Std. 11. Except as 'them i,e provided in :this CoI .41-I
tutlon, Jlmlices o t h mac or aldermen shall be elec.'
ded I the several iv rds,ldi tricts, beroughsand totvn.
• Alive t the tide f the; el cijon of r onst,pi,,,,,,,ifibe
, 1
- small di electors 111 reof; I such manner as shall be'
direcieelbrltiiv. a d hall commisSionedltty the litf
ernerttfot a term ~ re yea .. No tilinshilt, want, is
trict r hormigh s al elect mere than two justices of
the p t or aide ;..e , with at the reuses of a mapr
ity bflthit qualifl e cetera ithin melt telmsltip,ward
or borough;. no • n *hal be; electe d . ti •such oce
fullest he shill 11. "0 r eeided ' within •dhe: tOWnship,l be.
rough, Ward, or di , for o o year next preceding his
• atelier,. In citi• utalnl g orer - ''Afty thousand In
habitant*. not mo . t ian on ablertrulm shall 1,.. dee t el
In Ca elt ward or dr rt. ' '
, ,,,., •. _
. Ege; 14. In Ph" tul Iphia here shall be ,L, tablittl (0,
for eft .h thirty th.. nd :in tabitantii,! one fourt net of
rents, o police lid 'civil. once, with jur%ittion Itot
exceedin one b fill - eel 'do lari: mai con shall' be
held by utgistra ea ltosit ern of !office shall be liv e
years, an I they a Mil be des ry e on general t eket by. kilo
qual if ed voters aLsge ; !an' to acetic of' the tit!.
maiis m en hoc ter than v te for more the ' two-th rda
of the nrber o ,pe rsonS le elected, When anon.
than! De aro tot. ,chosen; 1 .cyhhall • i.e' ertntven.ltol
only' l y sett sal: bead to;be paid by Said clnufty • • d!
shall xeivise sn 1 jurisdiet ou,lcivil and crintina l l,i..7.-
. wept , Idtrein pr sided, as ' , now eicrch 41 by old. r
men, ul:cot toe ech -hang. , net involvin an it:crepe
of civil jt v isaed, it oticonfervinpolittcal di ties, as, nay
be nmtle y law. In l'hiltuielpl ia the office of abler
item i ithollshed ~ .I' •1 . 1 ' •! II
„ Ste , All fe ~fees an I penaltil -, in raid eel rte
shall b used Ink the'couidy tremtury,l ,• ; . !
Scr, J. In all is of st tranary er.n, If 1,41 in ibis
i t
romntonwealth, r 0 Jo, t.. eat; in slit f. r ils-nr Ity
before a magistr te, r conrt not of reCord. either plrty
Inc , !apprlttl to su It c nrtof v ant as May be presort. 5.1.1
by law, up,irisall :once or i,„:,,,,,,n0t,„ co,,ii ,Tjt:. gt•
`the f, Ittkon cat • shown. I 1 . i l!
' . Ste 15, All jtt ges reqnin4l ter be learned! in th e Taw
excel, the judge. of the t;uprente (Amid, shall be (.1,41.11
by th qualified, lectbnr f the respective efiStricts Ober
• whirl thby are t .p iside r and :ial; hold itheir offices ';plnod of en -ea if they shall tss long beithve
theist_ hr well; lin for any rtivottable ( - finite, %lila'
-hall !Intl be , Il fie t. Krontal Ifor itmenhment, the
Governorl may . ove an e them on thel addresl of
100-dints of ea house bf he General Atoembly.•
SEC Itt. 'When •ver twd Jo gets of the SuPrente 6 , urt
are to be I chosen for thel sre term; of:het - vice, ekelt.
voter sh l all vote r one only and when thrl4 , are tai be ,
• lumen. he shall etc, for no ore than two P candifiStes
hlghert to vote el 11 be dttrfared elected. I , '!!
Bcc. 17. Shout. any tWo :d. mere ,budget of the;fin
preno, Co'nrt, or ny two or 2 tore judges of th e court ~ f
Cornwell I' - 114 sintel district beeftetell at the
_amt him , they s tall; as soort after thee!, hot es Con
seniei t, list tots M. priorit, of cotorni,,sion 'tied certify
the re - 111 to the lovCrnor, lie ! shall- ! ti - 0 iti l
sn `their
itlistdo sln aoco!fance tiler with. 1 •, ' , ,
Ste Isl. Thej Igri of th Supreme. ('ot rt and the
;edge of; the SC% MI CollitS of Common I' Pas, and all
totber pekes mg • ins to be eanntel inlthe I 'it., shal ,at
stated!tintcs: rece ye or Mei services an ad !quote coat
lonovhich sit, bet oil be oil by law. nod its:ht by he
Ftate. They slut II r ive n . other mmeematien, f - en,
or perquisites of Ifici for th ir service:l(mM any sou e
nor heild•kiny oth i'olice.o profit nrrder. tho tnittil
States this State, oritnyeth wState. I •• : 4 4 7 -
Etc 19. The j dget• of 6 a Euprone Co tat, fluting
their eontinuan in c nice. s all residcWithm this C. in
monwealth ; and the. other judges. during theft -eon in
;tante in 'office, el all y eside% ithiu the dietrietsfor wh eb
they slml I. . _ i 'etre! ed. .. i I - -.1
t e
' Peal _ , ,..The ;se 1 cot i its of Centltot .1 I! ,
II ea t., ibis.
elide:. tile. rl3W)Arti tern' n con''erred, shall has,e'and exert
rise with n their reel tire districts ,! sulject to such
rhanges s may I t ut. de by aw, such !eh:merry pea
es are no, • erste( by, aw , in the several Cokrts of Cern
mon pleas of th Co men calth, or as may hereafter
be con:i.tredupp th mby aw. ;
SEC. 2i. !CO du le e' .11411 1 e inipo.'...cdby lac Up , o Fite
Sayre ; iej Court o' an of th judgett th firm!, rxcept nach
as are - Iplicial, n rMI II 'an : of the judgesi thereof ex
etcise ny power .t t i int ent; except asthereln tito•
aided. The Cott of 1(151' 'ries is hereb3' abolished,
and n court of o gi al ju ediction to be-p -Idea ocr
by an eine or m re o the i eiges of the So rome Court
shall be establish sl.; . [
Sce.l2. In cv •ty: tint • wherein; -the population.
shall ex. eel One titt. red land fifty theasan the Gener
al es mlbly shad ~an in ! any other county may, estate
lie t a oeivrate chit s' C r otirt, to condst Of 'ime or-more'
t i
in ; , Who shall c, canted in; the law, r; Melt curt
ehall ex reins all h nrisdietion and ro we nt now art
cirtn, ki witich 4y len:after be conferreil upon, the
Orphans Courts, nd hereupon the jtarbulietion of ithe
judged ' f the C tut of Common. Pleas *Rhin Foch
county, n Orplia sq °nit- proceedings, shall cease and
detitrrni e; in an • co nty in which a separdte Orpinins'
Court sl II he Cs (dished Om Register of 9ple shall be
clerk of such Co rt, and Subject to its direction in all 1
natters' perminin to bid °dice ;he may appoint mist-
ant Clerks, but or Intvith' tbe consent and! approvtd of
lahrenurt. All Unti,tl csl with • him ae register or
aaclerk nf the' x d pare e Orphans ' Cotirt shall be
audit&l, ly i the Curt with() it expense' to partite, except
wher tai parties n i }ores in a pending { proceei_ing
I t
shall ?Minima° a a ditotwhout the' con 'may, in its
ellweetidn, ripped t.' In ferry county Orp fans' Coerts
shall p•e. es all t e- ;rotten and jurisdtcti n of a !leg- .
ister's Ceurt, and see ride Registers' , Court are hetieby
'abolished. i . [
Exc.. 23. The st IC of all
roses shall "'Me l florn
moult:olth of I' it .. Irani) s. All Proses lions shall
be attiitditin in a I e Ond by the authority ofd the
Commonwealth it rennsylntnia, and conclude against
the liMee and di.. iy of the mime. I , i • 1 .
• : SEC, I. In all - a lofifialonious ' hotnilide, -and In,
such ;other I crinil las may lie proyided f 4. by
law, the accused, t .1. c fifirtion and sentence, .4. re
move the ladle •• n , rd, and all proceplings to the
Sutormt Court f • vieW.l : 11
Svc.' Any Any . neyl happening by diath, Teazle
don,' or btherwi. •in anY c'urt Of record; elan be filed
by appointment t• the
. :Go crier, t 4 continno till ; The
flrsOlomlay,of -J ntrary next succeeding:to find gen.
erat'eleetiou; whi I. shall occur three or I tore months
aftet the happen!. ,of Sur vacancy. f 1'
l SEC. 16. 'All la 's rehitin • to courts shill
and 'of nnifarm o t ration! nd, the orctud tuts.
diction find powe pf all! t.„ courts -of; the 1
trmle,ro far as r plat by law., and r I:0 ° T)
Mire; of the p • and judgments of anel dial'
be uniferm; and he Gerteral Astiembly is , ipro
hibitedlfMtu cr • ing OM- courts to etc +. pow
ers Vesed; by tli I consti ; ution In !The jt the
Courts il CorunttnPleas d Orphans' Cod
- SEC. g. 7. The tee, b greentent filed,'
civil case,dispen o with t 'II : by jitry, ale
decision of such tic to tie court lhavinil
thereof, and such spun: dl ; hear ' and d
woe; and the jt Ignientl hereon Shall I.
ivrit of, as i .other tints:
AP.TI DLF; V. ' '
NT AND "tEttOVAL I'lluo -
Itunse eif Itepresentatio
iMpetteltinent. • . I I
eichntents shall lie tried!
• for Mit ; pyrpose,. the, S
flimation ; .0.1 pers.M;
hi c,MCUrrence of tuo.j.
I I i I'l
• temor tad all other iivi; officeni 0141,
nut% for any•ntistleMiianor in ince
Lit ch ra,Ws shall putt exiteml further
fr tu ollie and disqualila j tion tulold
t r•profp under - 016;W tmottwe. Ith;
a , .xlie' her convicted, r :term nett,
.s id s de to indictment, trial,
!I nt acerlingto law.' 1 ' , 1 •'.
1, Obai hold their Offieist on tht4
; have t entsslvt4 a elI While lit
o ed•on Conviction, it ialchellar
itlncurs:inn.: ' r ': ! 1 . .'
cc other-jean judges of the con
. s perinteudent of l'ublio. Intro,
I a the p earns of the fialirer by r
• ben appointed. ' All (Abets'. elects
ce (nuteruer, .Lieutenant Gov 1
G mend Viscerally, andjjedes i I
,It curd In the law, shill b ere
, i tt r "the (mole
s ea tif tw a o f (Th r in d is m
-• • 1 ' I '•-. '
. '
A A T R ui
10, ;L 0 E , : r ici c i rr .; 1 1 .
Sc' ato i ral ) and Repreise satire
te and nay °ince gall, It
e i title's t their resiie tite of
rib +a the Winning oat or a
1 1
1 1 ,i, 1 ~
ly west or named that I nil ' sup
de end, te Ccinstlttitkin of the Unt
I the On notion of , theta! COO4lOll.
at ' will istharge.the duties Of my
II '' Oa I bars.uot pap or:contrib.
'c e mt we t t ri lo b l o r t , e l : aw elt o be f th
i . , y it
.t. , Ilr '
v s u a. t
1, on uo e nei y tte ,
n o o r obo , r w 1
ne o t :
: e i r i
re : v.l.
ece a bi
sable vtttes:
are My' omtratirth Or, electiOn (or.
es ept f r ueCessury and properex
-4 sada° ed by law ff . that.; have
li' vl 't(l lat p ay ean ' :
fOrMaticti; or non•pOrformsoce or
ertsi4lug to my oMca, other Man
k mmotra4 terlaar. ll !: :. .1
nil irmantleMbr atm
1 II 1 i . • 1 ', [ 1 ,11.
in be fifilfrier;• Tv* ' • •
.•; .. aiaTes , . 44 -ito each — aa.msy
i le a or • lair, shall
Ws - tirin'ibur, • • : IA bight
and r i •. • egn
/ lien. -,•• • • - • three
end in • • _, • • • shall
sped, to the 'e; • rt of Comm
one, timber' • umber three
and in sellegheny ' th e, Court
number_ one. • • WI, but ,tht
oasts ma be • .1
and libel] bele • • r deidgi
number , ; : the -- • • ' bar of judo
anirtat t or in airy ' '
w y i l y where
elan, allditional •• • ' be '
may be — • • trimthee to
such increase • , ambunt in t1
midi; threeAnd : .: I dug comp
eepandecourt oresild el
traof, • • hi Philideipt
irtuted in t •'• said Courts e
withwith '
designs • • • : the number
.the -•• • ball distill) ,
the' sera am. e: them in mu
be ' dad by • a of court,'
whkb ;ply suit all be thus' i
etcltiaire Jul •• -. Ull• thereo f;
Tenho, M; shall • • provided by
eachert shall • ve - lcudreji
:erloal 1. Th
theft, ;de potter o
ate t t‘ hen sittin
be ittion oath or
viehll "without
merabers presen
4irr4t. The '
be liable to tin
balljnigment i.
that* t removal
alto ceOf
the prison a
slut I net"ertliel
merit and ,punts
7 at .4. o
diti that they
an shAl be re
office or o f afly
Apt anted
record d the
nay b 4" reuipv
they shall have
the people, e
members et tht
courts 'of recto
by tbolGovern.
and full heart")
. 7 te
• - • ' 1
S*crtoit 1.
All Judicial, St
ent-ertng on U
takt alai Babe
.tioni: I .
••••1 d solem
port. t bei an
led ; States an
wealth, and t
'oMee Irith lltt
uted, brpro
rectlylor rota
: eirpre:
ray bei
tii or In
for the
not k
ensp i
a a a
. „ 1
__• • i ,;4' ..
pelts= authorized to adnalltlenir eattur,Orlet in the
case otState enters and jefiget Of the BMWS , —
COOtt.ehall be pled te the Offeif Of the Seeteof.
the Commonwealth: and In thetaae of Otherjactle
ial and county officers, in the *faced theprothtM
otsry of the comity in which th same ts taken ;
on/ Pereon,fenming to talut asittostit orsaffirtna.
Mu shall fell& his oMce and any person -with
shall be conflicted of havingsworsoradinned false
ly, or (Whoring violated said oath or aMrtaation,
fromilt of perjrny and be iforeter disquali
fied holding any Mee of trust or prellt with
in this,Comraonwealthf, , si _ -
I The oath tope membersef the Senite Sead House
of Representatives shell be adrainhnered bfone of
the judges of the Supreme Court or of , a Court Of
Common Pleas,. learned in thelaw„' in the hall of
the house to which the met shall be elected. •
I i ! , ' ' 1 AirllCLli VIZ ' • .... • . ',.-
1 . r •-_ ,
• , Secnoi I. Every Male eltlien twenty-one years
of age, possessing the followingquallneations shall
be entitled to vote at all electiOns i ' 7 , 2
1 1#3.1: He shall have been a citizen of the United
States at least one month. ' I%:, . -
I 2rid.l Ile shall have resided In the State one year
Or if, having previously been a qualified elector or
native born citizen of the State, he shall Pave re
moved therefrom and returned, then six. taonthell
immediately preceding the eleetion. ;
34. life sbalahave resided in- the election dis
trict where he shall offer, ,to', vote at least two
months immediately preceding the election. ,
14th. I : If twenty-two yeare tillage ornpwardS, he
shall Oleo paid,within two years a State or, county
tax, which shall have been to-Oessed at least two
months and paid at ienst :one 1 Month before the
election: 1 : 1 i 1... .
• .
Sec. 2. The general eleetiao abaft be held arinn
ally oti the Tuesday next following the first Men.
day of - -NoVember. but the `; General Assembly
ma by law fix it di ff erent day,: tvicsthirds of a ll the,
members of each hopse consenting thereto.
Seitai 3.1 All elections for cityaward, boroughasti
township officers, for regular terms of service.
abaft. be held on the third Tuesday of rebrultrY- 1 i
Sac 4 4 MI elections by theptlzens shall be by
halloie Every bailotreted shall be ntimbered du
the onler in which It shall' berreceived, and the
nurlaber recorded by the election officers on the
list of ;voters, (Mposlte the mains of the ejector who
nresentS, tjna ba lint. Any elector may 'e write hi.'
name emit his ticket , or cause:the same te be'writ- ,
tea thereon and attested by acitizen of the district.
The election oftte.ers shall be sworn or affirmed not
to diseloae bowl any elect-or shall have voted unies •
required to do oas nithessee in 'a judicial •Ins,
ceedbilg.l . I
Sclaal 5.1. Electors-shall in all If
1 eases egccpt tree-,
serf, felony, and breach or aurety of the peace, be
privileged from arrest during.Shelr attendance on
electionti and in going to and re,t, urning therefreni. '
liar.c. tal Irlienever any of the qualified • electors
of Vila Commonwealth shalt bell In actual military
fa , rvire, under a requisition frOtn the President lot ,
the I:Rite(' states or by the authority of this Cem
nionweelth• suet electors may exercise the right
: axe In all elections; by the citizeps, antler
such regulations as are - or she 1 bo prescribed by
law, as fully as if they were present at their matt f
places of election.. -..,] I --
.SEC; 7.' all laas regulating the holding of elec
tions by the citizens or for the registration of elec
tors shall be uniform throughout. the State, but
ri4 Order shalt be deprived of the privilege Of ve t.
ting bY reason Sot hi- name not-dieing registereq,_
: Ste. B,' Anylperson whoa nail give, or promise
07 offer ;to give to an elector, I siny money, rew ni
Or oilier valuable consideration tor his vote at I.
s l y
election or for witlahohling l ttie same, or who It,
give qr promise to give such usideration to .
other pemon or party for, e n h elector's vote. or
for the withholding thereof, a any elector .1.. - ho
shall ,receive or agree to rect. e, for himself or for
anuthermny money, reward o ;other valuable con
Rider-Aden for bid vote at an e Oetion, or for with
holding the same, shalialiere 1 forfeit the right Ito
vote at such election, anda elector whose right
to vote shall be challenged fesnch cause before
the election Mainers shall be req uired to swearer
milim that-the; matter of the allenge! is untrpe
before his vote shall be receiv. .1
.SEC. P. Any,person wbo shall, whiloacsudid4te
for office, be minty of briberyafrand, or willful tio
lation orany election law, she (1 be forever slissmalk .
fled from holding an onlce of rust or profit in this
Commonwealth; and any pe n convicted of will-
Int riolatron ofitbe election laWs, shall, in addition
to 'any penaltlea provided by lair, be deprived 101
theright of mileage absolutel i for la terra of four
years. , . , 1 . 1
See..lo. In trials, of conte tel elections. Luadlln
proceedings for the investiga ion of elections, flu
person, shall be permitted it 'withheld his testi
.mony npon the ground that inmay eliminate hen.
self or subject him to publid Amy: but such tel.
timony anal! not afterwardi , used agninst him 7 1',
in any, 'judicial ' Proceeding, eaeept for perjury lin
giving•stich testimony. , 11 - .
SEVo pl. Townships and Wards of cities or • bto
oughsShall form or be divided into election Ms
tricts cif compact and contiguous territory, in such -
;canner, as the Court of Quarter Sessions of the l el- '..
ty or eounty in which the s t em , arelixated may di
rect ; bin districts in cities 0 over one hundred
thou:a:n(l inhabitants shall Oe tattled by the Court(
or Quarter Sessions having Jurisdiction therein
wheneSor at the next precling election mare
tban two hundred and nnyivo el aliall have tic*n
polie.n therein; anclother e e ro c ion districts wh n
ever the court of the props Linty shall be of o
pinion, that the convenience o the electors and t •e
publiciintereara will be promo[ i td thereby. i
SeM l l2. All elections by pe pens in a represent •
ative/Specify Fikall be sirs Voce.
NEC. 43- For the purpose] et rating. - no person
snall Iseslcemeal to have gain a re s idence tiN
son pinta DTCF{:IICO, er lost it b _reason of ids' ..1.....
sauce ttille einploycel in the s rvice, either chAor +
nollitara, of this ;lute or on tit l'hited States, nor
while 'nat.:gel ni tie navigate nor the wafers lof
:the St ete.or of in , . United Sla ia. or on , the:high
'sea=, rprwhlle ir: id •idejit ilali.l Ai:dilution oflearlt-
lee, oar while kept in ally tmesnhotiae orother afa
nun at h plll,li , C.Np:2ll4c, 1-or wh le confined inpub
tic priSOn: - , - ' l l 1 ,
11.11 .
aasai 1.4, i as: net cicctio bcatila consis of shill'
a ;Iola& an : two itcape ctonS .1.1 in -Shall be chi ern
anuantiby the (.11.12C05. Each i elector, shall I ve
the right to Eric for thesfelesi and 'one inspect in
and each inspector saint! appo at one, clerk. e
elSetion board for t.nyl tier: diatTict shall be
selected, and vacancies in election hoards filled as
shall tee provnled by law. Ele ;lon officers shal be .
privileged from arrest upon fl• as of election and
while engaged in malting tipata trarcanattting re- '
t nrusaexcept upon warrant a court of record or
judge thereof for an election tut; for felony, or
for wanton breach of eant , ce. In cities they
marcailm exemption ?rename • duty during their
- terms efserviet. • I I II 1
• slse4 TS. Noarraon Amara , aualined to sert - as
an eication officer Who shall l; hl, or shall wi th in
two topruns have held any mile .sappointmentiOr
ciiiplornn'ut in or tinder the • ;oil:inn - fent of. he
taata a ja",tat es, o: of this State,' or of, any city or '
count3l.lor of :MS municipal ( rdScominission or
truer lit any citj, Faye ontnlnt: ICiT., of the pence
and aiSernienanotaries public and permit:a in" the
militia :service of the State ; n r shall any electffi 9n
officer ae e li gible to any civil O led to be Mica pt
an election at which be stall s ire, save only to
such a iliardinate municipal or local offices be ow •
the grinle of city or county ofn es as shall be de g- .
nated .y general law.. I
Sac. IC. The Courts of 'C
re om c en Pieria of the -
era I c unties of the Com:nervy ', - s•
althshall havelaitw
er wit An their spective jab dictions to appoint
( I ,
over4eers of election to cur rY • the proceedinge
of enicalon officer:a and to na report to the'con,
rt as may he required; sn h . pointments to be -
made fair any district in a city .r county; upon Joe
fatten of Lice citizens., lawful'. t item of such' eleci
lion district. set tiumfortii ti a t such impolntuiena
is a reasonable precaution.; secure the purity and
fatrneaa of elections ; , ove r. e . shall be twat in
number'fia un.election dist a shall be 'residents
therein; and shall be Persons ej alttled to servelup
oh eleation aicanla, anti 'ln ach 'case members
of different political parte ; -whenever the '
members of an election • bo rd shall differ, in
opinion, the overseers, If 2 the - shall be agreed
thereon, shall" decide the , ou . non of difference;
in apSointing Overseers of elec ton, all thelawlret.
ges °tithe proper court, able to act atighe time,
shaldeoricur In the appointments made. , 1
. -Tssc.;l7. The trial and determination of contest
.ed elections of electors of President and Vice Pre-
silent; members of the general' Assembly, and of '
all public cnicers, whether, Stale;m
Judicial, uniel- •
pal, or locaL shall be by thecodrts Of law, orbyone
or more of the law judges thereof; the General As,
semley shall, by general late, designate thecoorts
and judges by whom the several classes of election
conteats shall be-tried, and regulate the Manner
of trial and all matters incillent thereto; bottles
such law assigning jurisdiction, or. regulating,. its
exercise. elm!l apply to any contest arising ,o t of •
an ele l itiou held before its passage.
' .
ARTICLE 'IN. .. • '
' ' '
SEc; 1. All taxes shall he uniform upon the same
class Of subjects within the territorial limits of the
authority levying the tax,iand aluill be levied, and
Collected under-general lags ; '
;bat thaGeneralAa.
isembly, may, by general laws, exempt from . taxa
lion public property used for public purposes,lact
nal places of religious wonship; places of burial net
used/fir held for private 19r . eOrperate profit and .
institutions of purely public cnarity,.
- a ction;
2. All laws exemptingproperty . fromittlx.: '
idiom; other than the propertasabove,enumerated,
sbaillm void. . ' ii p •• ' ,
Sac. 3. „The power to tax co orations and cor n i
porate property shall neibe s rrendered or suaae,
pended fir any contract ei.rompt to,Which the tate 'I
shall boa party. i.„ , ,
SEtsrass No debt shall be criatcal by or on hair
of the' State, except to sunlit, casual deficie cles
of revenue, repel invasion; su ,faress instiereetiors '
defend the State in war, qr to; pay existingebt, •
and the deld created to supply de fi ciencies in rev- •
enne shall never exceed in the aggregate a any '
sLie time one million of dollars. _ _ •
Sac. 5, All laws authorizing the borrow j r. of
money, Sr and 'on behalf of the State shall specify .
the pu,rpose for which the miniey is tobetedVand •
the so borrowed shall he used fare [per. , !
pose, specified and no other. ' - 4 1 i
SEe.! C. The creslit of theonunonwe th tiall; r,
ci s
not he pledged or loaned to , ii y individual, 'c no , ' Ili
pan)',! corporation, or ass!" lion, nor shall the i
Conurionyealth become a. Jo tit owner or stock- i
bonier lu any company ' 1 as.sociallon, or' corpora-
tion4 I ---
' l l ll ' , • •
7 The' General AaseMbla shall. not author- 1
ize any,eounty, city. borough: township or incor- ,1
porated,district to, become ft stlickholder in any I
comfit:9y, association ors-ortoiration, 0r,,t0 obtain; i
or Appropriate money for or to loan Its c it to l l ,I
anylnorporation. nstiociath a nS institution or indi
vidual. - ~ 1,. r, ;
sac. s. The debt of any , ;connty, city, borough, .1
township, school di:Ariel.: or Other Municipality, or 1 i
incorporated distriert eicepti as herein provided.
abaft never ex zed seven, per Icentum upon the es-
seshetEralue of the .taxabie property th erein, noe
shall lany.such i
mnielpanty or'district incur any 1
new liebt, orsincrease itieinaehtedness to an am 1
aunt exceeding t*o per centtim upon such assess
el valuation of piroperty without the assent Of the:
elect Ors thereof, at : a public election, insuchlman •
rierps!ahall be provided'hy law but any city,' the I i
debent which now exceeds sev'en, per centum off 1
suctaSsessed valuation, tilay ibe authorized by law I
to inerease the same three percent= in the aip i i
greonte at any onetime upon such valuation. -.
Srei e. The Commonwealth shall not atattrae' I
the dent, (irony part there:o4 of city; 'county, 1
bur'ugh or township, unless finch:debt shall have i
bee' contracted to enable the State to . repel lava- I
o , suppress domestic Insurrection. defend Itself i
In t i me of war, or to assist the State in .tlte • did- i
i .
elm ge of any portion of ifs present indebtedness.
See. 10. Any county,: township, school. district,
or ether municipality Incurring any bidebtedness,ll
shalt at or before the time of so doing, provide for, 1
the'eollectlon of an annual tax szialcient tom Mel
• int re st and also the prioelpal thereof within 10' ;
ye '' l' •. . • ' .1
S Sall. 'To provide for ,tnaparrient of the pr - es- i
eat tato debt and any additional debt contracted l
as foresaid, the General Assenibly shall continue i
and maintain the sinking ituid stillicient toy the 1
ace Mg interest on such debt, and annualq , to re., 1
due :the principal thereof by Boum not less- than, •
tw hundred and arty th ousand dollars i th e said:
A Mg fund shall consiet of; the , proceeds .. of the i
sat sof zho public work or any part thereat and
oft i income or precesB ofithesales of any, stocks
o ed by the Cotrtmonwealth, togetherwlth other i
fun s and resources that' may be designated by ' l 5
la . and shall be increased from.time .to time „by . 1
assigning it to aurpart of the taxes or 0 eMI ',-
enter the State not, required 'for the 0 ry 1
an Current expenses of goierument ; Molest
aTh i umx
in of war, invasion, on ; o part
of the Raid sinking fund sit I. be used or applied
otherwise titan in the ex meat et the pubd
tic ebt.
8 c‘ 12.. The moneys of 'the Steteoper eaull
biL FWD.
a e the necessary Teo* shalt be tie t V e n" the i
pa OS of th e debt 01 the State. eithe tfif oil
041 the litilint ftthd I WOO MIMI of the'
el hand shell never &vested' In - o ri loan ef
tt e security of abyt ecei6 the blonds oN`
cbripadgln* eau.
I; i
l , I
be gen
vuo cla
o force,
*se the
tyligts e ,
may, in
stain I
1 )t riCE.
.8 Alan
by the
I bill be
. ~.
I. , dru, n
r in
f the
a , . I
is 1
i i