TIMMS OP PUBLICATION. . - . Tim Munro= Raromercs to published- ever. TWIN. day . NI °ruing . by 8. W. Won. at Two Dollar+. re; ..b.4112i , Its allrattea. ItAlsot ; VAlng to all eases etelnalve of Imbscrip lieu to Ilse pagmr.- - : • sr Eta At. StrrICIES inserted - at ifrirrims cc:toper 14r lira lu•ortichu, sod frfit eXISTa per 1.1125 for guth.e.icteut . "Li B:A.L. Mks, - dune style sr reading matter. -ru (a:Nib • hue. AlvirKirrbi HAIEN it 4 will be inserted according tc he following !Able of rate's 1 - - , 51 , 4 i fir Iticu • 1 $1.64#1 '3., ,110.!1 i 2.001 Ltr . 6 1.tH1 I 10.1101 15.00 20,11' 4 - itictor 2.5i0 _ones I 3.0!.1 A... 50 I 1R.21% I 25.00 3A.04 columnCii:N/Tiiool 113.00 22.00 j 30.001 C , 5111133n 10.04) 2111.41.1 34 . 1.10111 40.00 166.00 I MO. )11tuili 110.00 t 411.10 I 40.00 I WOO fano Ati stratoe and Examines Itionms.l24 . And: t 171‘ Nabors, E 2 an ; Rumness Cards. Us Wm, cpo , ye: , ts, aolflit tonal ttreo• $1 .11 , h. • iParly advertisers areentitlndto quartertidinipm T - xnaienta isettianninntsmust be paid forts ethane.. 11l fissohrdiousat excoriation: Comninnkatkais b• • ini , tsi or indhrhinal niters : it. and notions of War. ri D.tite Ntaths, piceedlagilvellneg, are charged iS citSTitiwttr MM. ' Cce ttsroarra having a larger circulatittri than all th papers to the runny ennibined: makes It the two A -I : , frilsittif median ia Northern Pennsylvania. JOB PIm.rTTICR (If every kind. I Plain and Pam of ore, done with tseatgeas and dispatch. Efandhillw 13 ante, Eerie, Pamphleta;Billheads. State:teased'. kc. of every variety anti style, printed at the shorter? n'ttlee. The Ftsporrsa Office to well wqrplied wit} p.rsor Preeseli, a good assortment of new typo, anti In the Printing line - -can be executed ID 11.1 moat artigtir manner and at' the lowest rates. TrlMSt r'grall.T ATILT flan. BITSITTIT . CARDS. p FOWLER, . REAL ESTATF .1 1 • DEALER. No. 2714 South Water Street, Cht c.:go. Illinois. Real Estate norchssid and sold. In. v raiment* madeand Money Loaned. Slay 10.'70: . . .. TOWN DTTNFEE, BLACKS2II77II. - •_i 21019110ET019. PA., pays partienlar attention to toning Thmies, Wagmact. Rieighs, kr- The set anti r?pairing dente'm short notice. . Work and charges guaranteed sattsistory, 12.15.69.. . - . 11.1 . 0 S ,PENNITACTIcErft, HAS 11l vein 'esfahl fln the ITA±Lariniki Shop over Rockwell's Stern.. Work of /very description done in the latest dyke. . Twranda. April 21. 1870.—tf C. S SELTiI i g • • " • ! GENEnAL I:2VS'UIi4II'CE"'"A.G.ENCY, may423.7o—ti TOW/LS - DA. PA. W5l. H. ITORGAN & CO., DEAL. mrsT. Emar, Evrsrm.—Lots from $lOO up wards. Also 'Real Estate Agents. Land - bought and sol.i and money loaned. Palen ' desiring to *eel' Wilil-r,ands, Forma or, Lots, can bare a map of lands• or subdivision invite at this Agency, and property sal 'on ft Toi ci on able , commission. ' Postoince, Mercer's 111Ork, Tluranda..PB.. T..mconr. Men - 4'721 tr 4. n. Vorael. • . Er , I C '' • - --... ' ' :T:: al, . ki P. , .. t . , r;:_, • ••••-‘, 0 U-4 -..• ..•, ' , ..r DZ. - ".• , Eq Z M H. ; 51 ..4 I N d• -, 4 1 .... C F-4 '..4. ..,, .... •--• i i E-4 Zi: . i.. -4 ; '' c‘ .... rr .TINTIEFASTC-1-NED • Tre - r'yq) -11rT11,6ER. criabsa to inform th; dti7.sos of TO .anla und vicinity, that he., will give •nr.timilr.ratt..ction to drawing plans. rissigits ano 4.-“ , il..atiotis for el mantirr of bnildinga,_nrivat. Snp,rinteti•lanee givim - for reascrterhh. °Me's. at reAdeni.l ti. E. bOninr 01 ana Elizabeth streets. MO Wt..W. KT!.TGSDIIII,Y, nr.AL ESTATE, LIFE, FIRE, k ACCMENT [NSURA.NCE AGENC...Y. corner of Slain and State Sireeti,. March 13, 'I'M. TOWANDA, P•. SASH,TOORS, AND BLINDS. I ars rrenzred - furnish Kiln-dried Doors, Bast is:: lsiinds,af stclr, size; or thickness. on aEort tioilre, land in. yrnirArdera ten clays before you to use the articles, and be entre that you ,et doors thr...Vtl not shrinl; or swell. .Terms east: ,n T.-iwandl.,Tiliy 19. Dun. CEO. P Ass. r"o..."i!Y T & B 11.0711 ER; 7Dealerein • itOOL, HIDES,H PELTS, CALF , ...F;s.rs, runs, ke., Far which. the hizhest cash price is paid at all once in M. E. Rosenftctrs Store. Main-Pt., 0. A. DAYTON, r. narrow.) nov.H.VO TiIIIVANDA . _ EW 1 1 TR 11! • . , vElv ',GOODS, LO TV PRICES! moNr.o:cros. PA. TR.LOY & HOL.L . ON, Cirocuies and Prorls.one.-Drugli fierarzne Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, ,:ha.1,1 , , - .ll)A.sfutr ,, , Paints, ells. Varzi.h. Yankee No s, ti4ars, f.ful Snuff. Pure-Wines-sad L.i. , .10.fq. of the test qnality. for medicinal purposes All (I°l3E. 5.,.1.1..f the ccry.lowest prices. Pro. 'f crr.73l , ons crsefu!ly compoutiietl at all hours of the 1.7 aui Gi us a call. " TRACT i= iit7LLON. , l'i•uaroetou, Pa.. June 21, ciIjA.RLES T. DAYTON, MEI= H It S 31 1 7 ,.. E . R, Latd a fail 1:101711LE and it la in his line In.: •,n :r II Z . . 1 . 2 .4 to order. a - ; A I ! CONFEC ERN ! ! 11) - GROCERIFS b2..g.i leave to return thaut...l4 rtv , ;4-1•:o or t.,uvandt and V, initc for tho eerc pairirLaz.• 11xt• LI.IA to him dnring the ,tt tLu to .tire iotice that r., ad led 1.1 ttntiuuss a Et.i.r.4 of • BEST 'FA - 1111A GROCIiIitTES offZ: AT TEI£ LO IST_ c. - ,ntinue the Biiing.lanaltleas in all IT. -at:. an.l ea g frruish a1.1% - thing in :his Hue road . GIIIiRINTEE SA.IISIACTION lie hse also fitted up a DINING' . ROOM, Where he will at all tiniea lie ready to farnish Sfealk nr - mrhons al much lower eates than . 11.10.141. , anrother4 tywn are invited el. • . . Fu . 1" - .:...^ti,s mppited. with I , :e cre...rn,Cskes, Fault ! c-aii - t4atutlves .it abort notice. . to .2euatier the place, ueulp opposite the Its MEE MO THE CITIZENS PF : PENN z:VIX airPt,—Y.aw 'attention IA spectilly in -I ti the fa-t that the National Banks are now pr.. , ar. , .1 to rer?irc subscriptions to the Tapital o' Bova of Finance. The tut" 1,..L1iz.v.1 from thiseeource are to be employed tn.. ere,ztion of the l leaddlogs for the International and the et pease, connected with the • ,1:. _-It is con'Lleatly be! eyed that the licystme itl be. reore..ented by the name of ..overy'citi -7 u a tP t/ patriotic commi noration Qt the one h . lnt:',lth birth-day of the nation. The shares of • are. olfered for $•0 each, and subscribers; will ,• nye a haaliome!y Fteet engrared C.rtiflcate of •st - tek, enthlue for framing and preservation as a mem.arial, lutcrPst at the rate of ail per cent pei annum win pa..l on all payments of Centennial Stock from Iv, of pa meat JeStiairy 1. 18;0. 'S.ll)3,ril.,ers who are not near a National Bank ci:i,ro:,tit a check cr post-021re order to the under ,- FT.SDK. FRALEY. Tilitsnrer. .9.31 qtalnnt St.. Phil's. d,';3 'V , . N)Nr FIR3I, H IRP.W A RE! The new firm bf 110\VAAp . & itIDGWAt IltVB TONS OF HAILOWAILE. IRO'S AND:SAMS, AT WYALUSING. Stoves of all kinds, at lower prices for cash, than any establishment in Bradford County: Blacksitith's and - Wagon Muhrs we want, to see. you. - sqt 77, _ 2zu I •am , I am I lyi ...1.111 1 4.1x1i 10.00 1 $ it .0.00 13.1114 110.00 I 20.04 AJLAVg-AIELD, Publisher. I kriOTITIE,.T.X4ir • TAILES WOOD, ' 'Arra I° AND P/1 Cormszczos AT taw. QAITH & MONT ,A.NTE, ATT4 um LT Law..• Oflloe—tonarr Of Main; md Noe Streets. opposite [kilter's Drag Stare. DR. T. B. JOHNSON; Pitritowi l ettro. eusogog. Oft. over Dr. H. C. Partao Elon. t..Co.'s Drug Storer ! • p . G. MO • BOW, PHYSIC/AN 1 .011) L! • dustman, offeri his professional serviees the citizen of Warren and itdrdtr. Restalapc• end house north of 4. F. Cooper's Eitore. Wath 42 Centre. Pa. - ' apllBl2. ly D • R. C. IA.. STANLEY, Dreirpr, roccessar to Dr 4 Weston;:-. (Mee In Patton's Block. op Saari; Main Street,: Towanda, Pa. 'All lizino of plate works spArdalty.; .• pa 2.1519 - gIit..WOODBITAN, Physician IL/ snd Simeon, Mike over Wickhstri.* Blades Crrickery store. 1;-n Minds. May 1.1372.-Iy*. H. STREETER, VOUJE & ItePITERSON, r tmls-it-Lao. Ttoimuds. Pi Will give prompt attention to all matter entrusteA to. their charge. ‘Ornbarne Court business a omecjalty. R. post& funiy2l'73l 7 r. ARTLETT dr, TRACY. Ixsunvicm t AND REAL ESTATi Aoncti.AND 1311V , ICE1111. tbttd door south • of First-'National iltuak,Trottod. floor, Towanda, PA. . normirrr. ttnay2FM " o• B. ai oK E A N,' ! ATTORNEY • 'asp itiotrinixiios AT Law. TowaretaTi. Par: delta attention paid :to businfaa in thti:AlotTUtui! ortilrt. 3tai2V64. FrW.. ,PATRICIK, i . A•rririmmr=AT • LAW. Office. Mertur'sVock, text door to . be", , Etore , l4 Office, Toisnit, pi.. . . • .1103•17.1h73.. . . .. GA - D.EANGELIS • ,ArrimeTy—writ.,w. . r gain Btr€4t. Towatoo; Ps Office A - Ith overinh FlQfr`Pe, nrlilosltP entirt NnnpA W H. CARNOCHAN, -ATTOtt, LAw (Diatrict Attorney for thici. 'or# County), Troy. Pa' , Cattalo:n*lWe and prorcipt ,y feb 'UT B. KET4LY. D:E.NrisT.—Offire • ovor Wiokhlim & Towanda. Pa. rooth.,inAortivt on Go l 4. Silvor.l,Ruhber. and: Attila nountSFr. Teeth.ertvoloa without pain. ()c23.72 . . , ',kip DILL & dA.LTIT I . ATTOIINETS . ' . - I• ' ar•Law. Towanda, Pa. ;' . li t J. lIDIDTLT., . - J. St. CA . .I/Pit: ' , ipTit.e in Wood's 1310 A. itre,t door south of That Yrfinrt) Bank. np itt,afin !. Jan R. 73-17 riVERTON kIELSBIttE, _ar :CET'S aT Law. Towtoads,• PL. baring entered ,nto copartnership. offer their Professional merriest. .o the pnblic. Special , attention Oren to bristliest In the orphan's and Register's Qonita. apl 14'70 R. ortri.roN. - 3. C. =Amami V{ T A.. PECk'S LAW OFFICE. 1 1T • s see opposite thobcsrtitottse, Towanda, f 1 Oft. 27.'70. J. E. FLZ511111 , 703. Bdx 511. Tntrav ;33, Pa CA., -KEE74 - EY courry . PERIISTTENDT.Totatads. Pa. Office with B. 11. Perk, second tlpor below the Ward Howse. Will be at the office tha)last Saturday ()touch month and:at all other times when not called away on blisl oetl connected with the Supeiltendency. AU letten npid hereafter he addressed as abtrye: dee-I.7tt All. J. NV: LYMAN, . - Paraclas . asp Str I • _ °lnce on 'Main Street—formerly Occtrpted by tti Ladd. Relodence. corner Pine and Second streets. TOsranda, June 22, 1871. • 1 JbiEw w. ATTORNEY AT oLAW, Towanda, Bisdtord Ca., Pa. • GMiERAI, r*sruesae lenlar attention paid to Collections and Orphans' Let business. Offico..-31ercnea New Block, north Public Square. I .pr. Airlei E- C. ,- - -q-TtLDLEY, I -_ DOCTOR GRApI3- ate of the College of “lilayse.idans and St=l*" wev 4 Yolt city, Claie aexcliistvetton ivc • to the practice of hia prpfmlon. ; Office and reAldener the eastern elope of Orwell Ilill, adjoining Heim Efoup'e. Jan H. 'O. t R. D.. D. §ItITH, Denttst, LJ purehaged G. IL Wood'e property, between nerettr's Block and the Elwell House. where he lute located his orrice. Teeth eitructed without paln by use of pas. Towand t Oct. 20, 1870.—yr.... • • DINING ,ROOMS I . . ! IN CONNECTION WITH THE BATCrry, „Near tie Court, Ilemee. ; , ~ , We are prepared to feed the hungry . at all tiaras of the 4layiind evening.: Oysters: and Ice Crean in . their seasons. ; , , - I Mireb 30. 1870. ! 'D.M. SCOTT k CO. • VLWEL.L • HOUSE; A • TOWANDA, 1- . .4 , re. ; JOITh j C. WILSON • , Ilarinp; :cased this House, is now ready to secotnroo •late the travelling public: No palits norcxpenso will. Or..,spared to give' satis f action to those who may gin: Um a call- , -North eat of the public ;square, curt of Met , lr.r's.now bind:. ' ! ~ . - Bra ~ ME 0131ERFTr 1) CREEK HO .r.a.„ PETER. (LANIMIF:SSER, f 1 iav'mg purclasili anaz•thoroaglaly refitted this hld .r. 3 v. - 011-kuroth stmliformerly:lceptiq Sherlfr aril iii, At. the muutb a Ilamme_rfiold Creek, is Deady try Uv,oooduccommodation aud Otidadory treatment to all who may Pivor liim with a call.. • ' ' : D.w.. 23. sil4—i. r.'! '. - . -AV ARD . go USE", , 1 , • Y If .:-. TOTAINIDA, - .' BILSDFORD I , COTlliTif, P.KIN. 'A.. • This popular hnn , recent); leased by Metsis. l' F a Rona & alr-alcs, and ' ring been completely refitted. remodeled, and re f s insbed, afford,. to the pub li c 'all th e comforts and , odern conveniences of *first. eta" Hotel. Situate! oppmdte'2 . the Park on - Main direst, - it is eminently convenient for persons !fet ing ;Towanda, either for pleuras or bruiting& I ".. cr6":l - 5001 5 1 ( ..h SIT.AISB, Proprietors. 11011.4r.T, 3. cowLEs NEW GOODS. ' , i coma i. ATTORNET4T-LAN, , 142TW12 II AorilJ, fF73 " I.IEANS' HOUSt;: TOWANDA, LYJL coit. suis AND .3:uor?E' sTur.rrs. • The Itora,np Harnikg.-"Zzd. of 31.1 gticsta of liar by:pire, withotkt ony, az • ,11txrge. ; I ; - eulerior,quaity `of Ohl Eu2liah .Ears Alo e just B. JORDAN.. T,rranda t Jan. 24.'17. • : Proprictir. ! • . , . VEINSION - 11QTIPE, ' • : : 1.4. I .. , Len %76TILLt, PA. • . W.W.' Brpcmco, 1 ! ; ... PROM:CM. This tfouse is conducted ba. exlc.t.y Temper/Dee Pritieiplea. Every effort will be made to make &este comfortable. -I Good minis anti the tatilo atill abthys be supplied icelth the best the marked at. fords. i Nov, 1. um. Pe; . " OLD MORiVIAN SUN INN," , DLTILT I*. • filch in historical interest, th e only build ing in the country cunt Independence Ball, hontred by thq sojourn erittain its sails of Washingtoo.,Lerag eta.. Leo. Gatce and other patriots of the revolt'. tion. This popular hotel has recently changed bands, been imprcnied. entirely returniehef3r and the proprietor cordlitly invite,* his friends - and tray. eling pubbi to give him a call—no pains wilt be spared to render their star, comfortable. People en,route for PhiladolPhli will ;And It convenient to spend the night. here, reaching the city about eight in the morning. A sample room on Ant AWN for accommodation of commercial agents. • - -C T.B3UITS. - Proprietor. Sept 4. 1879. qUPERIOR AGRICULTURAL btA)tliarr. for Sale by; • R. M. 1W E,L L.E S • •, TOWAND/4 PA., ' ; • Office No. .S Iterates Bloch. ninth tide EfO elCourt WI: nLA3 square. , iLESALE Lfiis smut, DEALER" '.1.3D BILLATIAOTIMISS AC/10M Wiring lisehtneit. Horse Pew:* and Threalhetri. Wheel Rakes, Plaster Sowers, Grata Seeders. Bey Todders. Keversible i and Steel Plows, 0 'attestors, Thal Horse Hoes, Crioreefiniters andihidning Fawarsicrienne. wines zatstrzsi; sur iisiedno " 57 Cifiria l POMO Is ins *taw, coax • sasu4scs xis sail) wiriness. so.. ea. • . Catalogues led di4eterdtirs,tattatttlted printed dr agar*. furnished ar mailed free to all sprittaints. It wtil cost but three mate to send for (*OW, postage ,Farceurs when In 7rowands, Wised sis nes Aprll22 r L )! nizaet , A's,:- ' C. - t: -.• • 1 • - -- — '-• _ - i '.-- 1 ' ' , f k`1. \ \: .,.., • • .A. - I - 1 •, 1 i f - ,- . • I . I \ .........: . • N,.....__ . i - ......... ' . • T o OUR PATRONS. — • • - GEO. I. wlO OD fz 00., ;PHOTOGRAPHERS, • ; • - tTOWAIDA. PA. r - (Intern! for the generous patronage of the put year ( would inform all irantllog Pictures that we are still adding to our aathllthment • isrzw,AND pinworm mnripArzsms.. And -adopting,' tried and apptimed Modes of printing and retouching in order to secure PlNERPEcrrooitdriliSTElA3 ipwrroposz made outaidi,4 the cries, n s, and it are ma ke it a specialty to enlarge all kinds of Pictures to any size deilred, and Int& in Water Colors, India Ink, or In 011, in the BEET STYLES AND TZFilf LOW PRICES. I. We also endavor to take all the time paid ble In making thildretu pictures, so as to se, cure ths best results. iy.sare eonsfantly adding to our stock of ° - BRAISES - • An new p i atterps and tasteful styles. and Air, Malt them at a:small sdrsnce from coat prices. May la, 187; • TowermA, PA. I . . . , .. . 1‘ ANEW I TOCgf OF• • - 1 • • FALL AND INTER. GOODS • ; .;,..i. 1 - MIT EEC IVED AT ~ •• , !. 3. A.;,IPE .S & CO'S. . A* the sign of the bin Illueet. opposite the tout Hance, 'Dewanits, Pa., consisting of .• . • DOSIESTI(I AND FiNCT BET GOODS. 11RO 11'...k A /kW BLi:ACHED NUSLIN.S WATi•EPEOOFEN Dnnirfi, FIANNELf3, SHAWDI, DRESS GOODS :' : - I v .. . , GEEIIANTO 4 N YARN'S 1 . t 'AND zEparas, A full fine of 1 HOSIERY. GLOI 1 May 14,13. large atul complete • MILL IX. E For tho godson, cinnuprist sill! October 1, 1873;. TOW#NDA. NURSER* ON T Calls attention to iLls :arg , Towanda, Pa. , Orders In person or by Towanda, April,l6, 187 WE CL11,31 ~:•.- 4 ...-71 , - , 1 , • ''• 7 . •.•. ; . . • 1 ; The nr.dernientioned advantagee over timid, in ordi. nary use, the proof of which 'may be seen in the 'extraordinary eider, and constantly increasing der wand for them: I Ist. That from the peculiar construction of the •l g ng frequen lasies they t.changes u assist and + rese ece r ssary. ve tho sight, render -1 2d. That they cantersi brilliancy and distinctness of vision. with an amount of ease and comfort not hitherto enjoyed by tact e wearers. 3d. That the material: from which the Lenses are growl& is manuti r et specially for optic purpoa fa, and la pure; hard, and brilliant, and not liable to become scra , ched. Sch. That the fritme inl which they are set, wheth er In Gold. Silver:, or Steel. are of the finest quall7 stl finish and ewiranteed perfect In every respect For sa!wonly by our authorized agent to this local ity. We never imply or employ peddlers: .' i N0v.20,i872. I • 'HOW IS T HIS FOR LOW ! - i We offer pRESSED LUMBER at tlii following ratjs: , e lock Flooring . Leh eel • • SIB per X. -W t o Pine •' " - 26 . Pi h ~ 0 1 , $4 - 28 81. Siding .. , ....... $l5 to 25 - 0 Pickets fano IQ 0 $ 4 '...r bttedred• , _ 7 PLAITING. MSTCIELNG, 11E-SNWEIG. Ike.. • ~ .:. . 41 . .\,..;.....-- Done at i moment's notice and by the beat main. ery now made. re hare on hand on lIDEDRED7EIOA. , 7I) FEET MIT LITMIII2I 1 , _We bare tho MU Pond TIIIIEE , MENDDED AND FIFTY T 001191.111 I - FEET Di' LUMBER I t • 1 -1 ._ And are constantly Manufacturing. W Parties who can! reach tm are foottsb to go near the i'wlrtiad4Or Lumber. as under any &cum. "Lances we can SELL IT ullEsPEß—at- least the cost of transportidlon from hereto the rsUreade... 0 $ $2 to $S por thoturind. il. D. INGRAM. Tans 214 "M I I esmptown. CHEAP CO, 1 i'or thirty dlys the Salliriailintlascite Cod doni pun will sell - FRESII MINED 00AL, - rewt *lira the ifires„ by the car load, delivered on ran any of the sidings in T da, as follows: Grate and Chestnut.— ••• • •• • • 11 5 50 per gross ton. egg . ! 3 .60 of SS IS Stove t ....., ....... 3_130 '.. •.. .1 All orders rank be obtuded r irith the mosey, sad the cars mist be dniceded within twenty-tour hours after their mind. . MEI •, A GItNTIEO QUICK! Or you Will of territory. (there is a am fail% on DIO LEWDriI Ins Ind groat work. = , . Em i t • flu by odds the taking and saleable) Amok to the fleW 1. Die on I vitally important subject 2. It is by AZIMICIVS tiostpopalar aniter i alat i t wo . 11. It is, teethe pries, the largest Mal book ever sold by subic Agee* the people are sager for mak a book. and will urge yon to befog It to theta. Writepr tat* ha, tree..' CIZOINT ][ALLY, Publisher. ' 38 axiom iteviabas• .. E ES, NOTIONS. ..• Sce, Y Cr o'o sll of the most degrade TR1113112405- LILT LINE. BATS AND DONNE SOFND IS MEM 1 IMil SERY The tuadersizmed'h trine purchased the , ti.LNIM RATS, stock of Fnufr ANE) ons! I. 11ENTAL TREES , w prepared to ; , Wh!ch:Lo it I/ ,DELIVER ON 310 RE&SONABE TERMS.J til promptly attended to. =I UM L 1101tR.LS' . 1 RATED PERFECT SPEOTA&MI3 tarD GLASSES, WM. 4. CHA*ERISEEN, . I • .Pole Agent, e M. SANDERSON. •• . „ OUR DIGESTION, On MY JOLLY 11111:11Y8 SP.ARET. Mil -; y. • :I I t : : 4' . • ( " 0 - ; • MIE MI MEE CONSTITUTION. • NEW CONt3TrrunON PROPOS LED TO. THE CITIZENS OF, THIS COMMONWEALTH;FOR ;;THEIR APPROVAL OR; RE- ;:SECTION, BY .THE' .CONSTI IUTIONAL CONVENTION. . i - Published by order of the Secretary l'Uf the Commonwealth,' in piireu ance of the 4th section of an net! of the . . General Assembly, entit l ed - !I An ad to provide for calling A ConvenifOrs', to amend the Conti tption," apProied the 11th daY of , April, A. D., 1872. . I-• • • ---, • - 1 1 rarmonis. 0 4 , i W,e, -the people of . the Commonw Ith of Penpsylvama, grateful tivAlmighty for the blestlugs of Civil and religions liberty.* d hum hip invokfog.His guidance, do ordain and es tablish this Constitution. , i ! ARTICLE L ' I, • ; ' • Dachankrioir or Emma. That the general, great and essential princi ple* of liberty and free government may be recognized and unalterably established, WO de clare th at—; 1 ! .Steriost Ll' All men are born equally free and independent; and have txrrain inherent and in defeasible rights, among which are those of enidying and defending bre and liberty,'of ac-- - quitting, possessing and protecting property, 4 Tyi I reputation, and of pursuing' their own hap piness. 1 si.o. 2. - All power is' Inherent in the people, areal) free governments are founded op their authority and institn.ed for their peace, 'stets' and lhappineSs.. For the advancement of these