" Did , you .erer feel any desire to drink 7.'" _ Yes,,llabel, five years. ago I was in great danger of becoming a drunk ard. But Judge Gower, throngh t his influence, lifted me from the depth of self-abasement, and made ,me what I am . ." - " And have you ever been tempted since ? " " Once,".was the low reply.' " When " and Mabel Earnieliffe's face was full of grief. " To-night, Mabel, when you asked me to take a glass of wine. " "Thank God!" said she earnestly, " that you refused. ithl Will, rye learned a lesson this night that will mark my future life." There is and noticeable omission in Hrs. Will Hanishire's fathionable re-Unions—the absence of wine.— Prairie Farn4r; STS FROY. ALL NATIONS. . hi6g crop ()flows is 1,325, 179, g 1.0118,01 last year. lrlybt , tek avqaarter of a mile is the File of Wachita, Kansas. pumpkin hollowed was used t= a ballut-box at a recent Kansas election. L- Thetwo - conditions of success, ?xaent: stsou and continuity. . —Less than two-thirds of a mile rtqnaius to be cut of the Hoosac tunnel. —Liberia calls a now town Phila delphis. —Ex-Senator Revels has been S: bi:State iu Mississippi. , —Mr. Harvey .was the first man 1.) dkootrtn that the blood circalated, and it 000nrred 259 yelr4 ago. —Sowers, a little Corineaticut to , sn. has &seri couples rosily for their golden weddings,. i - , --Commander Joseph NT. Miller liatt - becn to the cavilt station at New 1.,010.1 ,1 1' , . C. till% —in Pesti', the other day, a youth ful prodigy repeatt:d this'Lord's Prayer in - litany -ON languages. —The 'New :York Democrats and Liberals, in eauells; base nominated. Chas:les Whtaten ___ • —The first' copper toms ever ulnae in the United Stateri were the work of a black frnir, li•,int; ;:i Grfloby, Conn. —There are thirteen newspapers In the c...utt try cdited.ttri published by re:roes in the ittterc..,t4 their race. —Christy, saloon-keeper in New 170:3;, shut by au unknown roan a few mornings.sinc, ',lied yesterday morning. - papers predict -.that Ara erll22:tm won't use the postal.eards /bore than 3.1n-rith I ,, fore they'willbe. - ome disgusted. ----St. Louis has a young women who preaicti bloody religions Isar to _take place• shortly in this country. She is a spiritua lit. —Since Virginia raises better sum(' titan Sirily, it is thought it is about tittle to st,p importing from the latter place., • —Lodgings in Berlin are very - titer, tihrty and epv.tn'y tbaters being asked per ni h tor . v rrlurchneryr.on on without board —People cap never be too careful iu the confusing netweeks of Ari.cks iu :he ne.chb rhood of railroad depots. ---Ttle classic Tiber looks and like the pasty Chicago river. $o say iouth,ts havc snuffed the fragance of 1 *- Tecumseh Jones, an Indian Lprt.telit r the Ottawa hit)°, who Sated! diva, I squi.ath , ll 009 t.. the Baptist churches of Kat2,4s. —A. elergyinEui recently vo,tpt.r.e.l the tit,lNiellll . : l the therinu9e, :t t Incht,gl at two - dogrees below itro church. —Di,' New York Board of Fire 1.7.11 k ro;rltz,r, itply.inted a •ommittee to conpickr thi• -abject of Jim, o:iginaticg from -111,:rIttated --A largo quantity of sugar cane. ./ttitlf!S Indies has arrived iu LAimlia t -, tAL.; - • tio place of tho ikgeneraced na.tive —An Italian claims that he has urou s nioli.:(1 Lp %%Well terveg may Le hkf bfiritring4 and brought into har e mony 'with qttu.T. proppsed to construct a r.eror's the Tittimcs from a point ~ pp-F:1, the tower of .Bermonthey, on !•!,t , _ of the river. _ , . —Some Yankee bfiwksmith has it-t'ing heel-corks lengthwise in-the front 1-; Lt,:::, o' Mures as a simple preventive of their flipping sick —The Leavenworth, Lawrence and I;.tilroad dept, at Itidepeiden'ee, Kauf,3s, NI as burnt d Tuesday,- Lose, $25,060. --The horse disease has raached CIIS wino, W. T., but in a mila form. Many, of I eavair borses , at Furt Russell aro affected. —Rev. Jo slam Leavitt, - D. D:, acv.)eiated cilitur of the Independent, died- in Brooklyn Thursday uvening, from apoplexy, while at t.:le rasillence of his son. —The Loudon papers advise, ill:- "mid farnar• in England to emigrate, and the advice !.4 beuig taken by a large number, who ovitle in the LTnitvd States. —The Alissciuri Republican asks: - Where's tact Luau who knew that this wai to La an oi.un ter because the frogs hadn't h.tithel up their houses?" —There have been in Japan two pvenliar departraent, oLe of religions and the otto , r enueatiou. Th" .former' his been abiii.sl,. 1:s .110ies hanaetl oc:ar to the , •• Henry the Fburth had a quiet humor of his own. Tb the, mayor of a alaTi l'l ), :ech the King bould hardly heir for thi., accompanying braying of a donkey, he - One at a time gentlemen if you please, —The-,report of the !finding of a +tr. 01.,tt e.itulite in the cell ,lately vacated by Stokes •crroneons. The drug was nus -mi;11, and had be: ft met:Hein:thy prescribed. —Secrot9xy Boutwell, though still from a very severe attack ofisfitteuza, was in attendance st the .4frt, meeting yes t er.7.4y. ttte Dt,partrne Ltd were represent- • —An old lady in Wisconsin lately vanqulsbed' a black bear with her umbrella. He could have stood, but when it comes.to a park "chute," be thought it best to keep "shady." —lu the poitico of one of the fashionable chapels in Paris a tine infant Vi.fl left in a basket. A note stated that the little arranger was a Bonapartist, but threw itself on the republic.i A Kansas farmer planted cotton in Juno last, picked it three times, and had it ont of the way - fifteen days Wore frost came. lie spent four years in the south, and says he never saw better cotton there or a better yield. —lt has been discovered by 'Stinnes:As farmers that two acres of sunflowers will supply a faMily with feel through a long winter. The wood of the alias, and the oil of ,6#o. itTis WA make roam:: and, cheerful fircq. —Rev. W. C. Clark lies been ex pelled from the New- York Conference of the Chnre,b for carrying on a lottery, ostensibly for the benefit or vtri , cion home and fre:. reading room. = • —There was a small panic in the St. Denis Hotel,' New York, Tuesday night, caused by a fire in one of the rooms, which, however, occasioned but slight damage and was soon extinguished. .• .--The destruction of 250,000,000 pinntis of tobaem by tire in this country -last ^ar has not ,matle the Anti-tobacco soeisty Appy, simt)ly becans3 it was burned in ptpes thm form f.,f -Tlte Sorlus Point and 'Stsuthern N ^ l7 York' was Opened its entire length, nun e.xAns to Gorham, Thursday, for t , ntmr.s. li:te forms an important eon- Pbiladelpida end rattlmore MEI Sherman's bill, providing fur free Banking, t J take effect from July next, aud tbC reFnmptsou of Epee.° payment to Jan itary a xt , mectt xith coronderablo favor in b •th 14 , ,ziPea IC:l:wrest. It regarded as the • 1..±:t , 1 I. t c.fzearlutig spiel° pxymentil. —A Stoingtom (Conn.) man Ht4)p p;pr.r'autl t xillLout Isis s "onz-iapaire ad.. the e ; I , r the cdi r , I.:1 - ,fft cad in the buil, by cbeising its ; <.i o.f. -rep t t new and decide siJoither ccapti . ?Intl /OA y • —Tile 44 t-ila.itt r - ..ttlte.;:, V:, i ; I".rAcra , Vi 4 Jr c. 7; ' t"), , tte RI:14141 4, pp, i ti it ; pc.eitig the leges:ii-1412 et dtrtetici; *.-.-cretery tddhe'rreioary to pay riAlroad MM. Wtylrer cent. withheld an_ itrasvo!Ss• ti,..43 teferfuo!. fratiforaftpottet RDITORS s it. O. GOODRICH. I. W. ALIFORD. Towanda, .Thunday, Jan ; '23, OWL 1S Hon. &um CAMERON was:re elected United States Senator for six years from the 4th of March next, by the 1 4 eghdotare, on 'Tuesday last, The opposition voted , for Seestor WsuAcz. LOCAL OPITOIL Prom the rams received we are safe in saying that .this county has I given a maj. of 2000.t0 8000 against license. The great argument of the liquor dealers was that the law would not be enforced. It now remains to be seen whether they are fmrrect. We hope no citizen of the county Will attempt to evade the law. but if they do, the officer whose duty it - is to enforce, it should not be backward in prosecuting them. . THE LEGIISLATIVS COMMITTEES. In making up_ the committees c;f the Senate, our Senatoi, Hon. P. Fric . has been made chairman of Judiciary (local), and assigned posi tions in the following : . (gen eral) Estates and-Educatiew In the House, Mr.litms is Secured On the committee of Ways and Means. He is also a member of the committee on New Counties, Banks, Mannfacturies and Corporations. ' Maj. DAwri is chairman of the committee on Education, and is a member of the following Judiciary (local) ; Pensions, Gratuities and Agriculture. ' CORRUPTION. Two Republican Senators, of the 11. S. are charged with' securing their seats by corrupt means. We trust a searching examination will be made in both cases. Let the facts come, and the whole truth be known. If any office-holder has become corrupt, let him he brought to justice, wheth er he be Republican or Democrat. The people who have faith in the future of the Republican party, and have again'clothed it with pow_er and responsibility, demand and expect their standard bearers not - only to be true to the principles of their party, but to make a public record that can endure the- sunlight. The ., practice of the Democratic party lowered the standard of public virtue: Let the !Republican party elevat e it higher aid higher, and, thus merit a continL uance of power. ND—, The Baltimore Al/If:icon says: That is a suggestise paragraph in the cable news which states that 164,000 emigrants left Liverpool for the Uni ted States during the past year. We hardly realize how great is the exo dus from Europe to this country until we are met with such plain fig ures as these. It must be remember .ed that this represents only a portion probaly not half—of the great tide of humanity which is setting west ward toward as. Emigrants are largely a class of industrions'workink people, who bring with them an eel.- nest intent and willing hands to la bor. They represent an immense addition to the material wealth of their new home, and help to build it up and add to its strength and pros perity. The old time saying that this is a "refuge for the opposed of all nations" needs unending now into a new axiom that it is also the landof promise for all men struggling for a foothold in life. A GOOD EY 1714. = Speaking of he movement egainist., intoxicating liquors, the Potter Journal says that six years ago, when Gov.mou GEARY was inaugurated, he and his wife set a noble example .in dispensing with wine at all their entertainments, and this gave an impetus to the temperance - work that will be long felt: What ever else may be said of his. administration, this "noble• • work should' neverbe forgotten, and if the incoming GovenOr should fall be-. hind him in this it would be a great, 'calamity. But Gen HAMTBANFT is also a temperance Mani we believe, and will help by his influence to ;per petuate the reform. air The petroleum trade, the Pittsburg Morning Mail says, is in a greately depressed state in that city and elsewhere. It states, as evidence of this, the fact that in 'Philadelphia less than ten thousand barrels have changed . hands in the past two months a gainst nearly fifty thousand during the same period last year. There is no present appearance of renewed activity in the trade, , as the priv has a downward tendency in the, domestic markets, and there is scarcely any exoort demanded. This looks bad for the' oil men. MS. A:Washington dispatch says Mr. D. PAEloutrros, Deputy Collector of the 'Port of Philadelphia ; Mr. Goomucu, the Surveyor, with a num ber of custom. revenue officers from New York and Boston, appeared be fore the Ways end Mean's Commit tee to-day on the subject of increase of salaries. They hold that the cbm peesation now paid is inadequate, and ask for an increase. _IS. The following are the commit tees of the Senate and House of Rep resentatives on counties and town ships, to whom will be referred the subject of a division of tlie county, if the matter_ is brought before "the : Strang, VAls, (111:116,) 'ee: ei t• :it. •1 , lit, Utrifrr,MFer,Albright, Rates Jog4i (eiakquelmuma ) , kitchen, TteseU basopte. bigArtt. Wilk4r o 4De=rock• wog. Man, thalfb (Fayetvel W balikwation of Ger. Haft& GWR) DEPLLY. Gool. ZORN "P. limisiiirr was in. ougwoted Governor 04t1nna*. _Wore seen on MoloWthe . Ml* streefoi of Ilariisbiig proeirito4 a crowded appearance. Gen. Home= arrived early in the afternoon. The train which bore him from Norristown to Harrisburg confuted of eight #:81544'44 &Aches, all densely crowded. The - Governor elect was escorted from his home by the Humane Fire Company and Montgomery Hoee and Steam Fire Company, the. Norris Rifles of Nor ristown,,The State Fencibles of Phil adelphia, and three bands, the Ma rine of Washington, . 14'Clurg •of Philadelphia, National of Frankford. A. procession was formed and marched to • the Executive Mansion. 'The. inaugural ceremonies took place et 12' o'clock. The following Order was observed after arriving at the Capitol grounds : - A salute was fired by the battery at the ArsenaL Nage. !land. Prayer by Bishop Simpson. Reading certificate of " election by Gen. Suzaroos. Oath of office administered to Gen lf,mrnAarr, by Mr. Elmer', Clerk o Senate. Inaugural Addres. Benediction. • After wbich a National salute was fired, and Gan. Hsaraorr was es corted to the ETecutive Mansion by the officers cif tile tias , . A large nuniber of military and civic organizations were present and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed throughout the entire proceedings. Ainont those present to witness the ceremonies were Judge Loo and Capt. Okasocuss, of Troy, Col. law WasoN, Dr. Hqr , K6t, Mr. MLNLEYs and V. M. Wn.s 41f Alba, N. C. ELSBREE, O W. T. DAvir.:44, E. 0. Goon- RICH, and S. W. ALI; un, of this place. all of whom ar e tw.ler obligations to our SenatO aid Mt :fitors for favors shown. Col. DAVIS, chairman of committee of arraligemenfn, is entitled to espee, ial mention for tile - admirable man ner in which :le discharged his duty. The Governor ha•= t: )t,' yet made public his Cabinet; but. it seems to be genetVl:, i:oneeclud tha - Col. QQAY is to be Secretary of the Common wealth. We will publish the inaugural id dress next week. • . EXTRAVAGA!CE. btte of the crying evils of -the present day is the extravigant style of living into which we as a people have fallen. Two thirds of the de- f s i ca tig, ne on the Peet of employes o' Banks, Insurance .Companies and other corp , rations, are the direct re sult of living beyond their means. The usages of society have made the hab it a -cruel, unyielding taskmaster. Men realiz' its influence but have not .the courage to strike off the shackles which at last rivet them selves upon them: To gratify the demands of the tyrant, money must be had, hence the daily reports of 'defalcations. Love of display is stronger, in many coses, than affec tion for brother, sister, or parent,- while thousands are expecting to go to Heaven on the merit of glittering church - edifices and richly-upholsterl, ed pews, rather than through that humility taught by the Great Lead er, andl that love for, and fairness to wards', heir neighbors upon which hang !all the law and the prophets. Thus it is' that society is admitted to be hollow and insincere, while pro fessions are widely regarded as•noth ing more than mockeries. We; hear almost daily complaints from beads of families in regard to the' „increased cost of living. "It costs so much more to live," is the exclanietion, " than it did twenty years ago." We admit that it does ; but it should not. There are reasons ,why it should cost less. The re markable improvements in machin ery, (ke., greatly lessen the essential ccnt`of production, and should put articles in market at decreasing fig ures; Bat the advantage of machin ery is more than counterbalanced by men's extravagance. For instance, two or three thousand dollars a year, twenty years ago, was a fair salary for 'the President of s railroad ; now such salaries reach thirty thousand and upwards, and the people have to pay them through the increased cost of transportation. This increase of expense runs through all kinds of business, and the consumers are footing the bills ; and he who has not sore means of making himself even by adding extras to Air com pensation, enieriences oppression and finds difficulty in making both ends neet in such a way as he could desire! We have little hope of_ anything being done to arrest this extrava gance until such a revulsion shall come as will make it impossible for the expenditures that are now in dulged in to bo continued. There is perhaps nothing more difficult than to curtail a way of living, and neees sityls the only thing that will bring it about. That we are on the road that must eventually bring about this necessity, political economists leave us no grounds to doubt. - soir Honk FRANCIS Joanna, Govet nor GLABVB j efficient Secretary of State daring the past six years, and whose term of service expired on Tuesday goes out of office respected and honored, because his official conduct has, been just, and 4 all his acts holiest. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has had few cm than he. -•.. li:fi i.[u7:4n 4'(':uAi:4:l Every rear** that daily paper* Sr the gait math hiat s iotiog that &law alsonatil 4015 . hilt been • *an to the ktkeditlitobilier Inver tialkion- "-Ike 04 0 4 eve ' da y the Chintablitnik,"!` Mous- The itillowizig aztigla f6,:tr:oithe owe - Journal will our readers a very clear idea of the subject The promtnenee reciintly. given the Oredit Moonier and its Usheei; tions, makes s review.of the his of that institution and a restatement of facts forgotten by the general reader, necessary to an understand ! ing of the matters involved in -the pending Congresiional investigation on this subject. The "Credit 310- biller of America'' was modeled after iin institution of like character _,which had - its !Oat:Mee Ertinde. inborperated by the Legtelatttre of Pennsylvania, and among the pow ers contained in its charter was the building of railroads. The stock holders' in the original corporation were the same men who were sub:- scribers to the , stock of the Union Pacific Railroad, and the object of the corporation was to provide ways and means for building that road. When the, Union Paci fi c Railroad Company let the first two hundred and seven miles of the road to the Credit Mobilier to build; it gave ell the assets of the Union Pacific. Rail road, to wit, the land grant, the United States bonds, which were to be secured by a first mort. on the road, and. ithatever • as oxid in on the stock to the Um. • . • acific and whatever was donated .y the in, habitant, of counties or towns along the line of this in payment for 1 the expense of building tie road. The profits of 'building the road were thus to be divided among the -stocV holders of theliniOn Pacific through the firm of the Credit Mobilier. The railroad company had land grants of ten square miles for every mile of the 'road, starting, at the one hundredth meridian, and going west to the Rocky Mountains or until the Union Pacific met the Central Pacific. It also had a grant of six per cent. bonds for $16,000 per mile for about two hundred miles, then $32,000 per mile for six hundred miles, and then, through the Rocky .Mountaing, $48,- 000 per mile. There were stock sub scriptions to the amount of about ten millions of dollars, and upon this. amount the subscribers paid in but five per cent . . They took all the as sets and gave them to the Credit Mobilier to build tho road, upon the assurances that no further payment Ifrom them would he needed., The first two hundred miles of the. road proved to be, more costly than was estimated, and to meet this emergen cy the operators matured a plan to mortgage the road for tee same amount per m ile as the GovernMent had already done, with which_ to en able the Credit Mobilier to complete their road ; aiia then by getting the Government , to allow this second mortgage to -take precedence of its own mortgage, the amount of that preferred mortgage was to bs sub= • stantially clear gain to them. The figures are stated to be, bonded mortgage debt, $71,000,000 ; cost of building the road; $29,000,000. This programme being carried' out. Credit Mobilier stock speedily advanced to a very high value, seem three to four hundred per cent., and it was very eagerly sought as tin iev'estment. The stock was then still furher ca tered, and a conaiderable part of is supposed to have been used to _tiro care the legislation by ' Congress which was necessary to the success of the great operations which the speculators were engaged in: The operations of the Credit Mo bilier were conducted by Oakes Ames and Thomas C. Durant, its principal officers. ' One was a republican and the other a Democrat. The whole amount of the stock was $4,000,000 ; of this six hundred and fifty shares ($65,000. worth, at par) were - set apart for what is known iu the man agement as a peculiar purpose," and Mr. Durant, who was Vice-Pres ident and managing director of the Unioti Pacific road, subscribed for it, and it stood in his name, but he did _not pay for it. To promote the scheme in Congress, these managers promised the stocks in blocks of ten, twenty, twenty-five and fifty shares, upon condition that whoever receiv ed it should pay the par vilue. Some of the' members were let into the whole thing that was 'to be done. They therefore were -ready to take their portions of the - shock and pay the par value at once. ' Others, who, perhaps, it was thought.rniglit hesi tate if they saw the whole scheme, fearing so great a division of profits at the expense of the people might be overhauled, were not let in fully, but were told it was to be a good in vestment, that Ms. Ames would guar antee ten per cent. on the . par value, and that world make it a good thing. Such was.the attractive and very business-like manner of getting Congressional aid, and at the same time benefitting those who voted that, aid. , Now came troubles which have en= veloped the Credit Mobilier, and hive led to the quarrels among the operators, Oakes Ames, Durant, ?1c- Comb and others, and created wi4e 7 spread scandal and the pending Con gressional investigation. The State of Pennsylvania taxed the Credit Mobilier one-half per eant. on its dividen4_,This tax the stockhold eil-ititet to work to ,evade. They let the contract to build the remainder of the road to Oakes Ames for $48,- 000,000, being the portion on which there was a mortgage bond of $64, 000 per mile, $32,000 to the United States and • $48,000 to the second mortgage, which by -act of Congress had now become the first mortgage —to build, with the understanding that he was to assign this forty-eight million contract for building the road to the stockholders of the Cred it Mobilier, but not to the Credit Mobilier itself, because them the dends or profits would be taxed by the State of Pennsylvania. Ety signing this contract to the • stock holders, the making of dividends b; I the corporation was avoided, and the tax was escaped. About this time McComb r a trustee of the Ciedit Ma biller, became dissatisfied with his dividends, and not being able to get any greater shaie threatened to ex pose the whole transaction and .to carry out tide purpose, began a suit in equity. Secretary Boutwell add ed to these troubles, by requiring the railroad company to offset their earnings in doing Government busi ness against the interest on Govern mont bonds. This was twb years ago, and upon the Sscretary's action being taken, Credit Molfilier stock at once fell from 75 to 26. When Con gress, substantially, passed a law postponing the payment of :the Gov ernment intend for thirty years, =the atodk rallied again. .',:.''~.'«. i~.Yca:iT.,~».w~ _n ~`~-~C:.: i{= ; K:~ - _ .~'~.: urF`S~. r~?yr..~ ...i>-~ F-~s. v+-e~ :; L^R..;-;~ ONES Thimigh " the Maui* milk and the lotion of Oakes Ames,which ti* stilt her brought tt, 4*!t, ji the wlee . , tte r shy far AponinnoldPald - *X trooe;:z -This t - - . ,.. . angunOtim duos , . BlianftV*lliok '• ili: - Wla Memtuniijit Onagral " 104 recent Slithial oUnpailin, i •ft,rg, with improper relations to the bred-' it Mobilier. The inquiry was con 'ductted.by the Poland Conunitte% in were ..ta by vote of the House of its , .ntetives, the - proceedings . - ... —lbs. The scope of m y - '• tion . alsO been extended, and i.e whole grubject 'referred to s new committee.- The new Commit tee of Investigation Consists of Messrs. Wilson, of Indiana, • Shells- Ohio, Hoar of Mass., Swann, of Maryland, . and Slocum, of New York. They hive ft wider field of investigation then the old Committee. They are , to - protect the ihterlistd df the government by ascertaining all the facts coi, ering the relations of the Union Papilla with the Credit Mo. biller company, and reporting on the , liability of the United - States to pal interest on the bonds issued as dim dends to the stockholders in the Credit Mobilier. .. PUROHABE OF BANANA PAY. .An Inteelian tini.panrtheNediagers' —Fai• portant Grants made to them—Capita of the I.bmpany $20,000,000. Nsw Your, Jan. 15.—some months ago several bpsiness men of high standing in the financial world con ceived the - idea of purchasing &ma nn. Bay and the peninsula, for which 'the govefniiietit attempted to negoti ate in 1869. A correspondence took place between them and the Domini can government, and the prospects appearing favorable for the realiza tion of the , design, a company was formed. After Beyond meetings had been had it was reablied to ostlti special, steamer, with three commissioners, bearing with them tho amount of the purchase money in gold . to consu mat e the transaction. The steamer Tybee .was chosen for the purpJse. Ors Um 15th of December a convention was held, the commi9ioners representing the company, and president Boez and cabinet the Dominican' govern ment.. A.ftar full deHheration a satisfac tory result was arrived at and the pur chase (-ffeeted The people of San Domingo ratified the arrangement, and a. treaty with the Domihihan gov ernment was concluded, to go into effect Jan Ist, 1873. • The company is granted alnaosr all the rights of an independent govern ment, and will have its own flag, po- lice and revenue officers, the right to construct a railroad; charter Vessels collect taxes, ect. The capital of the comptilty is twenty millions. The Pacific %fail Steamship Company intend to ran a regular special steamer betwee:i here and.Semana. Bay next month. IS. It appears that the report of the Commisioners appointed to visit San Domingo, satisfied the capital ists of the country that the Island was valuable A. company of wealthy and enterprising Igen' _ Yorkers has been organized with a capital of-$20,- 000,000, for the purchase of Samana Bay. This offer has been accepted by the Dominion government. The Pacific Steam Ship Co. will run a regular line of 'steamers between New York and,Samana. New Advertisements. FOR SALB.—A. 'very desirable property to Camptown. Bradford County, Ps. ho house Is to good order and the b4rn only two 3 ears old _ ?he terms are very easy. For Darther particulars apply to Dr. V. Hornet. eamptown. Pa. Jan 8 OAUTlON.—Whereas, my wife ,11- ‘,..1 cars hu left my bed and board without just cause or provocation. this la to forbid all persons from harboring or trusting her on my account all I will pay no debts of her aontraction after thisslata. Albany. Jan. IL 1873. JAMES LEE. WO" SALE.-LA. place.. containing' about 20 acres of good land. located three. miles from Lellaysville. Bradford County, Pa, and near Beach Grove school house The improvements are a good house and barn together with out build ings. Good water and a %ming orchard on they premises. This is an excellent locality for a me chanic. Terms very easy, as the owner resides in L►ncaater County., For further particulars apply to Wm. B. Stevens; Leßaysville, J►n.e DISSOLUTON.—The copartner: ship heretofore existing between the tinder signed under the arm name of Smith, Bennett Sc. Co.. carriage manufacturers, LI - this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be contin ued by Smith ICltennett. to whom all - se:mints must be paid. G. B SMITS: • CHAS. BELNNETT, CHAS. BITSDALL. West Franalln, Jan. 3, 1873.-w3 W ANTED -BO QK AGENTS GREAT INDUSTRIES Or THE inirrEu STATES, An Historical summary of the' Origin. Growth. and . Ptrfection of the Chief Industrial Arts • of this country. 1300 PAGES e sp Zoo ENpi4vric9. Written by 20 Eminent Authors. including John B Gorutb. Leon Case. Edward Howland: Jos. B. Lyman. Rev. E. Edwin Ball. Horace Greeley, nillp Ripley, Albert Brisbalzia. F. B. PERKINS, ect.. etc. T his work is s complete hlstory of all branches of Industry. proceeses of manufa-ture. etc., In all sees It is a complete encyclopedia of arts and noinufac turers, and is the most entertaining and valuable work for information on subjects of general Intereet ever offered to the public. It is adapted totbeivrants of the lferchant. Manufacturer,, Mechanic, punier, Student, and Inventor, and sells to both old and young of both classes. The book is sod by agenta who aro making large sales in all parts of the e IttnH try. It is offered at the low price of $360 and the chd•peat book ever sold by, subscription. No family should be without a copy. We want Agents in every town of the United mates, and -no agent can tail to do well with this book. Our terms are liberal. We give our agents the exclusive right of territory. One of, our agents sold 133 copies -In eight days. another *Old 368 In . two weeks. Our sent in Hartford sold 387 in one week.' Specimens of the work sent is agents on receipt of stamp. For circulars and terms to agents 'address_ the publish ers, .b B. BURR Ir. HYDE. Hearer& Coma.. Chicago, 111., or Cincinnati. Ohio. AGENTS WANTED 'for onr New Book. Use FTMTITY SIDE OP PHYSIC J Or the My states of litedldne: Presentinethe Hu mor and Serious 81des-of Medical Practice. An Expose of Method Humbugs. Quack". and Mal. &tans of all ages and all emulates. 800 mu. 230 • Imiressmire. . - An in and amusing treatise on the Medi. cal Humbugs of the put and present. It exposes Qum k. Impostors, ?minting Doctors. Patent Medi. Ctrie Venders. Noted Female Cheats, Fortune .1 . 41. era and Nedmms. and gives interning enemata of 'Noted Physicians and nuatlves of their Urea. It shows how filthy is mannihnored Tobacco and of what vile Uquors medicines are composed. It re. vests startling secrets and instructs all how to avoid the Ws which`fireh Is heir to. We give earls. sire territory and liberal conuntedons. For circa. tars and terms address the publishers. J. H. DMZ ic STD& Hartford. Ot.. Chicago.. M.. or Clztotiniel. Ohio. KNOTS .UNTIED:4 Or Ways and By-Ways is the Hidden Life of P 'l4 : ~r.rt ll)yy'JNYj'~r~ We Want Licata for this book. It discloses all the masteries of the Detective Wotan. It is a memo tot the pest trimly years of the most skillful detec tives of this Mitintry. In Which the crafts of Bank Robbers. Tlllsvas, !Pickpockets. Lottery Yea. Corm tot gooey Desk" and swindlers (4.41 classes are etroaed and brought to jumbo& Price $3 Send tor strivalors and swum to waits. Norltr72 DISSOLUTION.—In consequence of the illhealth of Yr. J L Tallmadre, the firm of Barron k Tallmadge is this day diesolved b 7 mutual consent. The btuuneim of the late firm wift be settled up by C. H. Barron. Agent. who will con tinue tbsbusiness at the old stand, No 129 Main Street. 'Towanda. Pa. C. H. MAROS, Jan. 4. 1873.-w3 • , J. L TALLYADGZ. RSTRAY.—Came into the eneloii nre of J. W. Wicbols, of Burlington. on Cr about the Ith of Oct., 1172, one 3-year old Hellss spotted, with abort horns. The owner to requested to omit forward, - prone PronertY. pay china* , an take be away or Cu will be &weed of according to law.! J. W. 311C110745. Xerw.l3.‘ll D's -c. M. STANLEY, Durum snoceuor to Dr. Weston. Moe to Patton's Dux*. 'up stairs, Kan Street. Tolinds. Pa. 'AU kinds Opiate weeks spedittr. /SLIM LOB BALZ—A bailie aid lot bi amasiowt o f maw* and abides at ham X. rPidiontr o zzowsz, -Pprovits. eggriiiit.:,:r....4.all. Mims nialleSk ; • . liri Antiddi Konnieton •• - . Ir. Darker South Cad nywriship.... ... : ... J „Ora. IL So l m arn .. Standiag Stow . ....... .... INN Dinihimor tlyttanta Borough Di C. Strait Towanda .. lora di Samna _—_'" •• - - • . Allan Irian matarlommliip Wynn .. B. W, Moors T. Illeschhtit narnio novas. BarelsrilownshiP W. J. Thompson =a Botough.... ..,..i ....Capita, k Swain 76.• — L Width itiviC44 : 7w7.Lalt. Trivia& Baugh It. W. golds B. W. PWL Clark. A DII7.ND3TRATOR'S NOTICE:- Xotlce Is barebreveS that al prom Indebted to the estate e( Moose Seeley. kite of Willa. demised, sre rmaested to make Munadiste t. Old all persons butts' deters sgstost aid r e= il mast present ibis& deli astbesticated for set tles:rat. P. P. HOWNIAX. • • . Ifinflef lIIENCE. Jan.l6 w$ kdrolasatestors. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Nadal la hereby gem to all persons Indetflott to the estate of Martha Irldshon: late ol Itheshegntn. deeemed. mut make tmmediats nt. • and all permits having dams egatnat • estate must present them dnly authenticated tor H. MIL. settlmnent. W Jui.l64rl Adintaistratar. LOST.—The undersigned lost on Yriday evening. Dec. 27.187!, on the door • halprinif•• dorre or between thaw: and W lab* depot, a Pock etbo ok =tithing. *wan $149 and .There was stip a pus oa the Morris B Lassa nailroad„ and papers contstaing ,my mine. Arty one returning or giving tutoraistion as folks find ing of said property. either to nth as at the Faro* rim sines, will receive a liberal ' • Jan .11i-w2 4, . PUTT:. MTS. EAL ESTATE CHEAr.drllO undsrsiipted offers for sale. earl cheep, the fallowing described real estate: One turn containing 100 acres. m 091 1.1 12 9 Proved. situated in Towanda Scurnshig.", /lao one thnber lot containing 90 saes. Oita term containpg 103 saes in As town ship. partly intprored. One farm containing MO acres in Vying and Dame townships. One house and tot la Towanda Borough. 3an.11113 .401111 HOLMES. A GENTaI QUICK 1 .Or you 'will Limns; choice of territori, (there is a r cs 2 fa on 010 LEWIBII last and great fork. It Is by odds the Incist bllng std. saleable book in the field. 1. It b on a vitally inipairtint subject 2. it is by America's Mostpopular writer kin health. 3. It is, for the price. the - Largest mid handsomest book ever sold by subscription. Agents. the people are eager for snr.h • book, and will largo yoti to bring it to them. Write for terms, &c., tree. rAESI FOR SALE—At a bargain, situated in daybini township. about IN miles from Towanda Borough and lying on the main road to Frenclitown, being the farm of J. D. Williams, deceased. Said lane contains IN acres, more or lea*, all cleared and Muter a good state. of coarse,- UM except 10 acres retained for wood. It has a variety of-fruit, well watered and fenced, and is a good farm for grain or gran. Two good barns and a house and other improvements. The above farm will be *old at a bargain. One third :of prwchase money will be regal ed down and .the balms* to salt putihaser. Dog of Alford Williams at fee. rick, or at the Wks ti Overton& Bleb . Towanda. Oct-30,72 S. E. L. WOODRUFF, NPI EE :1723 NrY Abu*Sr" OUR DIGESTION, on Silt JOLLY ninMllielliff. GROUGE W,Adtse.s. Publisher. vas Elaasom Street. Mt n9.11'7247 BEE HIDE IMRE, , lie. Ilanenn's llt.oca, Tiwannt. • Hu part laird from Mrs. Ti. E. Garvin Um entire stock and exelnalre right to s..i in this p'un the CLLYBRATED BDT'TERI PA CTEUNA Of garmentifor Ladles, WWII, Men. Buys, and Chlidnen. A tune and well selected stock of latest stiles on hand and constantly beingyeeelved. MEW H. I. WOODRUFF, . Agent for Brittarick's Patterns, Oct. 1. lin. 1 Towanda.-Pa. HOLIDAY PRESENTS CIIA 4 'I4I3EIUL, I IV _ is HP',A . DQTJARTERS Bar anything in tbo limo of -J mw FII-Y, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. CHEAP AM a zsr GOLD .LM) SILVER A3IERIdA,I'i W TCIIM SPECTACLES, EYE _GLASSES, OPERA GLLSSKS, And a 1001 other things. Towanda. Dec. 18, 1872. , "PAM FOR SALE.—The _a: nuder signed ofers for sale the farm late the estate of Benedict Arnold. deceased. sitnite in Warren township. Bradford County, Pa .r containing 154 acre.,•l improved; has • good house. one barn and two sheds, • horse barn...corn house, • frame hog pen and orchard thereon. Is well watered, and is one of the best cultivated farms in Warren township and very ptoductite- Terms easy, and to *tit prirchtrer. Far further particulars enquire or addrets O. V. Arnold. Hardy. ton. Broom County, N.Y., or C. W. Arnold, South Warren, Bradford Oottniat. Ba. a. V. ao. azwOui; Math Warren. Dec. t,"4-w;1 - STRAYED OR STOLEN FROM his home. a BLACK PUP, a small white spot on his breast, about 10 months old; he is part bird and part shepherd, answers to the. name of Sport. • Any one giving information regarding his whereabouts will be liberally rewarded. B. BBOWNiKG TAYLOR,. Ps. 1tev.704 . • BAKERY_J!II , I . D 4 DINING ROOM First block north of Ward Sousa BRE 413, PIES, CARE,CRACKERS, BASED DAIL Y. And sold at Wholesale and Bet 1. In ova DIMINO BOOM we will aceosamodate the public with either a lunch ar a good meal at all thmmi of th , day and evening. OYSTERS AND ICE CREAX O HAND DURING THEM 13r.A.80N Ws° a flue assortzosat of Groceries. Confectionery, Fraits. Nuts. &e. sown 11 REPORT -OF 'THE CONDITION of the "Fan Nintotat flet•:." - of Towanda Pa., at close of busineit% Dec. 27, I'''l : .REBOI3ItCES. Loans and disocrauts Oferdrati... U.S. Bonds to secure circulatlen... 132,000 00 11. 8. Bonds and Be. strides on hand 300 30 Otber Stocks. Bonds, and Mortgages.... 776 00 Due trees redeendruarreserre agen t s .. 38,706 73 -Due from National 16.894 42 Doe from State busks and bankers ...... 18 334 75 Banking House... 6070 00 Furniture and exture5......... .. .. - - 2,000 00 Current expenses ~ 3 f. 7 10 Tans Paid Cash Items (Madding stamps)... Esehaturea • Bills of National Banks 10.507 00 Fractional Curscncy {including nickel)... 1.201 56 SFecle 780 41 Legal tender notes.. .............. 28.511 00 Capital Stock paid in ...... .... if=gefund , $125.000 00 50,(0) OD 2.709 8$ Profit aid loss 10,904 13 National Bank circulation outstanding... 110,00 00 ladtvidnalDepaatts 270,154 58 One to National Banks Thu to Stets Banks and Bankers Notes sad Sills •edneonsded... en= 07 Pirsgsn.v.s.z a l er MI. County of Bradford. I. IC. It. BETTS, Jr., of the First Eat:tonal Bank of Towanda: do solemnly swear that the above statement is no. 'la the best of my knowledge and belief. . N. F. mrrra. Jr., Cashier. Subscribed arui k awaru to before me. thia oth day of Jan.. 1873. i ' V. H. DODGE. Xotary Public. Cosszcz=littes: C. IL MiIkViLLE.I E. T. WA. -. Vil`cctera. JOB. POWELL, - --. .. ME =5! MONT.A.I•7"Z t. eeeee e• • •'.f. • 1.jk1.• • 41-11•.• • ****** •• • = IS I • • - . • • • • '• _•". • "•'.;••••• • •:• • •44i 14, . NOW RIECEIVINC-4- 'I: LARGE AND DESIRiBLE STOCK , • .~• 5.... 0..• • • dr • • • • 4 . • •• • • . . . .~ .... SEASONABLE 000000 • • • SOLD is ; i J—k) 0; PRICES. _Towanda. Oetobe 23. 1872 So T ifING- NEW. Etas purcluutell $ Liege and elegant aasortment of JIM VT Es I_, IR, "Y"; CLOCKS OF ALL 'KINDS, 00W AND siivra c*Anut AND LINOS, WEDDING AHD HOLIDAY PR/BMM ftmatia and Forks in Bata, Pena,. Charms, and in tact everything to please, with an endless variety of Spectacles and Clocks. •-• purchased from the late ♦. M. Warnets ert.to the entire lot of tools and fixtures I am pre. par,d 'to do-all kinds of work at the shortest notice and arranted. Norse give me a oali,and examine the gockle and I will try to glee yon eftire.satiafao- Towanda. Oct. 23. IBIS R.1313,8EH ALL SHADES. TINTS, & COLORS PVBE WHITE AND JET BLARE. FOll - SALE AT WHOLESALE AND trxrkm. WATER PROOF, & BEAUTIFUL, Made from the very beat'unteriaL Two coats of the Rcamwn Patrrr are better thin three vista of ordinary pint It Is a chemical comp innd, which, *hen applied u paint, is as firm as horn, yet elastic, and 'produc. ices gloss tipal to varnish. It-has been reannfa.,:tureil in the United States for six years past and stool the ,severest teats, and has established for'itseif a brilliant reputation upon a firm basis for the following, ' qualities needed to make any paint valuable, namely: Durable, not affected by sun. wind, frost, heat, or water; 'firm and elastic. strong and adhesive, will not crack or peel cff; retains ils color, giving a surface as bright, smooth, and delicate as if varnished. It flows from the bins freely and settles -promptly.' Is adapted to all land. of painting on either wood, iron, brick, or plaster. No ether paint will resist water equal to it. making it unequaled ' for painting .vessels or metal 11 ). In alll the requisites of ztirst•class Mut the Rub ber Paint ta unequealed. It is prep ed in Pare Wbite, and in all Cottage and other co ra, comPria ins any number of different shades. 12.0 gallon of the Rubber Paint will cover twenty to thirty yards two coats. XIEED BEADY FOB, USE AND SOLD BY THE GALLON In I, 2,3, 4, 5,10, 15,20, and 40 • GALLON PACKAGES, AT Itat;UFAC. Sample color.cards, circulars, references, prics• lasts, and other particulars furnished by the sub scriber by mail, or on personal application. A. J. NOBLE & CO.. - E2JEJA-T-J ..MB l- 2.4. r EM AND LOAN A G•E NTS_ , WAVE FOR- SALE ON EASY TERMS SEVERAL DWELLINGS, Situated convenient to. business , ~ portion of town. Office - with . • NOBLE Sr, VINCENT, ' Mumma:ice Aga*. Towanda. Nor. 27, 1872. AYER'S CATHARTIC PIT LS, D. W. SCOTT CO Are the most congenial iituvative yet perfected. Their effects abundantly show — how much they excel all other Pills. They are safe -and pleas ant to take, but powerful to cure. • They purge out the foul humors of the blood; they . stimu late the sluggish or disordered organ into , ac- tion, and they mpart health and tone to the whole being. They Onto not only the every day complaints of c% erybody, but - formidable and dangerous diseases. Most eminent clergy- WA most skilful physicians, and'our best citi- Una send certificates of cures performed and of greet benefits they have derived from these Pills. They are the safest and best physic for children, because mild u well as effectual. Being sugar coated they are easy to take; and being purely vegetable, they are entirely harm less. $319,209 60 ICEE 2.011 9 5.954 85 3.429 74 $590,849 89 MEI . 2,0u0 44 LUMBERMEN, . • LOOK - AT THIS! The subscribers offer for sal; at BARGA.LY, • All the nuchinery for a Malay Raw Mill. which has been in use only eighteen mouths and is as good as new. The Mill can be put up and run on the prem ises of the subscribers if &aired. and any informa tion In regard to operating it cheerfully given. Will be goblet a great reduction front original cost. It. Gin a soil. • Taw, is.. Na1r..114 IST 2 $59.0141 EV ~ , . M=3Ml I -A-- • . BE-- .... lI=EI W. A. ROCKWELL GOLD AND savzs N,VA7OEIZEI, PLATED TILL NITS, GOBLET& Ana all the splendid goods for R. A. THE BEST PAINT IN THE WORLD CBEAP, DrILSBLE, ELASTIC, TUREItSk -- PILICE9. IL M. WELLES, • Wholesale and Ilet.ll Agent.. Towanda4.ltov. 3. 11474 FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OVA FAMILY PHYSIC. GYBING Coativeneask JanrAce,Dyspepsts, Indigestion. Dysentary, Foul Stomach. D yaipelas. Piles. Etbettmatiam. ropOona and Skin Diseases, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, DropaY, , Tetter. Tamers and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gott. Neural. gia, as a Dinner Pill, aniPttritring the Blood. TUTU= ET • Oz. J. 0.• AYES k CO.. Lowzl4 Kaa.. rnacridar. AJD anarTricat. cnrusimi. And sold by Druggists all round the world. Dr. N.V. PORT= t BON. Wholesale agents Towanda, laid tor sate by dealers throoghon the county. Oct Sllan4 .... . . . . . . . . . _ . .. .. . . . . ..„,..;,..-.,.,,,-,,_.,5,,,,4,..-Ni.,-;;-,...-3;...;7,1:-..;-r;%.'... LOR•tb 00. TA emit (Mention th4s testa to 5k delradordissisry nduannenta ahoy WW offor their (ftwiMwits. in all DRESS GOODS, ABS AND SHAWLS, THS. AND CASBDLEBES, NOTIONS, OSIEEY AND,,,GLOVES, LADIES' MISSES & CHILDREN'S SHOES, HATS : AND CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOT'ES, DOMESTICS, FLANAELS, &c., Cc. maceA decidedlreduction has been in our and we -cor lially invite purchasers to examine lur stock. - o' ands, Noy. 13, 1572 LEIGHSI SLEIGHS!! SLEGHS have on hand a large as s ortment of PLEASURE SLEIGHS and UfTTERt. . WHICH I WILL SELL. CHEAPER an any other establishment in the country • • SLEIGHS AND CUTTERS . wiery description manufactured to ordex on short notice Towanda, Dec. 10, 1872. JEWELRY 1 JEWELItY-1 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS RVGUENIN BROTHERS, Al THE OLD STAND FOBMMLY OCCUPIED BY A. Si. WARNER, Have just rcelved a large assortment or Jewelry o all the latest strles. American alid Swiss Watches, Gold arid Silver. tram the cheapest to • the best. Also a lugs assortment of CLOCKS. GOLD, Ant STEEL, SPECTACLES • . • Ifizneniber the place, two doors south of Poise k Oa's, Towanda. Pa. Watches, Clocks, - and Jewelry carefully repaired. 1i0v.2013 T oWANDA'6O 4 L 'YARD, cocas zussoai) asu SOLE AGWICY SULLIVex AN'TaBACITB AND IW=LLIt.COAL Auto LL SIZES PITTSTON Asnuucoki At Market Pr!eel Aug. 11. 1872. WARM AT A BARGAI N .--The undersigned offers for sale ids firm to north Towanda, at a bargain. The farm contains about as acres. 49 acres under good stile of cultivation,. the balance well timber ed . There is also plenty or good fruit good buildings:WM never-isiling water. semi on reasonable terms and give time on portion of the purchase money. • 11. - ohnns. MIS TOwalle" Oct. 4, ISM. . THIRD ANNUAL go I : I. . .03r. . LairAnix &warty, SEASON or ists-a ROBERT - corzyg Date, hut • enbjeet—'• Thit.lnaKe Truk: • JOHN B: GOUGH, Data Jannasy Sub E. It. CUAPIIe sod listial WAID One the other teeth. ere if their services I= Otherwise other lecturers will be sag General Admission. . .... Seemed Bests • .For sale at Slibrs lirug Stor! TAYLOR, & CO NM JAMES BIiYANT 11.13GtrENTS BRO'S TTIZTTB. WAI3D k MONTANTE. MICOUNISOU " Mao the following annonnoomento f ILL• ANNA.. E. DICKIENSO I - ...Vabmar7 ... Soldect--..••Wts at's to Binder. MI FREDERICX DOUGL fide ... ....................Se.l Satrject—o SEASON TICKETS; $ COMMITTEE /so. F. &utnutaoi, S. W. Li.vonD, THE AD.—Taid =3 A. lei 1 • ; 8:00 - • 1 TOWANDA 8:10 1 BABCLAY JUNCTION . 8:30 1. . 5 ..M01010E. 9:10' I WILCOX/I 9:80 : ....NEW ALBANY - ... .9:50 l' MILLERS 10:20 .1 DELMORE 11:10 • 1 BERNICE A. X. ft. F. e• Gen•l Pine EVANS & HiIDRETH" TM= ARRIVAL OF N ID - Rig - GO lekiets LowEn TuAN STOCt TICE LX -71 Y OVFLR FOR TUE TI IRTZT SPECIAt BARGALSS IS PRESS GOODS SHAWLS, CLOAKS, CLOTHS, FLANNELS, Also it fill MI6 of LADIES LINEN HA.NDEERCIM _ "- LACE " FANCY " EMBROIDEREL. LACE COLLARS: LINEN [COLLARS. NIIBIAS, And many other new goods suitable for the ,‘ • HOLIDAY TRADE. Please call and examine EVANS & HILDRETH, 1 •-; _ 1 B‘ 'dge Str'eeto mows. t0te..10,-181 UNQUESTIONAB I imstatried woricathe • HARTEiss MA The ever•lncre.sing circulati .n of this eacellezi monthly proves its:ciontinned adoption to pokey' desiies and needs. r Izideod irtieu we think -into bow many homes it_ penetrates every mouth, re must consider it as one of the edne;ature as well" entertainers of the public milid for its vast larlty has been won - by no appeal. to stupid ?ME dices or depraved tastes. —doston The character which ,this Magazine Posseu es _.. , '" variety, enterrise, arthrac wealth, and hterV7P" . ttire that boa kept pace with. if it has net led the times, should cause tts conductors to zees , d it le Justifiable complacency. it also, entitles then sgreat claim the public ev gra ti The 1147 - ine bam'sone up g on ood and not it !all th tude. e days of it! Mo.—Brooklyn Ls lc.s•-• , •-• HARPER'S W.PE1i..1,1"... Splendidly Illustr;ted. - The-Weekly is the ablest and est powerful in s • trated periodhal published in Alas 'etinutrf- - sditerials are scholarly and conVi.icini. and m:2. much weight. Its Illustrations of current are tall and fresh. and are prepared tf otiC b ! 1 1 signers. with a circulotiou of 1.50,t5l the , tct, Is read by at least hall a million persons. and le!. Mien. e as an organ- of opinion is simPlf dons. The Weekly maintains a positive Poll i t: and expresses decided views on a poritical r seal prottlems.—Loulaellle Courier Journal. - • _ lIARPER'S BA Alt' • The Bazar is edited with a contribution of tk ,t and talent that we seldom tiudin..a4 journal. irP, the j urea] itself is the organ of the great iterls 0.. hiettlon.—Boston Traveler. • ' at The ea= cane - sends itself to every rat the household to the children by droll sad p-vrt pictures' to the young ladies by itd isvhion l4l "! la endless r.ariet ey, to the provident matron tY , !," patterui for the chi dreies clothes to paters:n. 4l ! by it; tasteful designs for embroidered slip Pert 1 ; luxurious dressing-gowns. But the reliant 1 1; of the Bazar hiuniform•yr of great excellence . pacer his acquired a wide popaisrity fur ev tido enjoyment it affords.Z--B.T. Evening Pcst. SUSSCAIPTIONS7 -1873- . , Tramq: Harper's Maattaine.one year .. .. .... ....... Natper'sWeekly, one year ...... ........ Harper'. Bazar. one .. . . ......... • • 811 ", An extra oopy of either the Magasins. /Liar will be suppllea gratis for every drib of ed. suteeribius at $8 each. in ons raralttanan, K 5o" ks for LA ',Jamul extra az. ci bsosiptitine to Harpers L au% Wet. Sir. Bazar td one address for sine year SO er fx o ftsr's P . oriodloals to onoaadroq no • yeg numbers can be rappliol at auy ttai. Bec.lft likiress HARPr.it T AWE TROUT, some vas nuns v i at Avers log price, ausc ia m El SS I. 120 S S, 23, 1872 EIS 6 0 caltti. lk fildia. L. EL N. P. Igg ULM efleet or Istneraw P. M. 4:00 3:50 8:30 2:43 2:33 2:05 1:30 12:30 P: I MAN. ger ageig F Gpsm AYS =I WATEDPROOFS ,kze Sc. /- lIIM Y THE BEST i d in the.worhi. --' ,t AZINE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers