Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 16, 1873, Image 1

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.Tsca Stais o 7 ltri l Birroarica in published - eregy
T Al by 8. W. Azroartei Two Dollen,
per spa= In advance' ,
AdTertiring in all cue unlash* at tau*
tioo to the paper. -
&PECIAL NOTICED inserted it num curs per
line for fret insertion, and Fru curs per Ural for
subsequent ineertioria.
LOCAL 8011011:8; eame otyle aireading matter.
rwrarr curs a line.
ADVERTIBEKENTIVeIII be isuperted according W'
thee teaming table af rale. :
1. - I 4 • I
1 Inch 151.50 1 1.00 1 6.001 6.00 110.00 1$ 11
2 Inches 1 2.001 5.10 ► 6.001 10.00 1 1160 160.00
inches 4 1 liso I too to.oo i5.0e120.00 ao.oo
4 inches 1 -8.001 8,601;1440 I 18.25 1 2 6 . 00 1 38 . 00
N,l column 1 5.00 1 12.001 18.00 1 22.00 1110.00 1.45.00
-4 column 1 10.001 20.001 88.0014 0 .0 0 1 85.00 !MOO
2 column 1 20.00 1 40.001 60.00 1 80.00 $lOOl $l5O
Administrator's and Executor's Notion, $2 ; Audi
tor's 'Notices, $2 50 ; Business Cards. Ave lines, fprn
Ira?) $5, additional lines $1 each.
Yearly - advertisers are entitled to quarterly change%
Transient advertisements menthe paid far is adeasin.
All Resolutions of Associations; (lommunicstlans
• of allotted or individual Interest, and notices of Mar
• magas and Deaths, exceeding Avelino% are charged
Tr.n oxsys per line. •
The REPoltrgn having a larger circulation thin all
the papers in the countypombined. makes it the best_
Advertising medium In Northern Pentutylostda.
30N PEINTLKG of every kind. In Plain end Fancy
°lora, done with neatness and dispatch. Handbills,
Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets. Billheads; Statements. itc.
• of every variety and style, printed, - at the shortest
notice. The IirPOW/TB °Mee is well supplied with
Power Presses, a good asstelskgst of new type. and
!cerything In the Printing line can' be executed in
e most artistic manner and at the lowest rates.
rEIIMO Trini t itlATlLY Tam
Butnass - cas.
TT •
Towanda. Sept. 15. 1870-yT •
W." DiIIIMOCS, tealer in all
kinds of Roofing , fila a, Toirauda, Pao All
orders for Roofing promptly ttended to. Particular
attPntion given to Cottage a d Proull Roofing.
• DEALER, No. 278 South Water Street, Chi
ct7.o. Illinois, Real Estate pa.-chased and sold. In
c,stmerits madeand Money Loaned.
May 10,'70..
("1 AYLORD , 8R0.., ( General Fire
Vir and Life huurance Agtey; Policies covering
101. , and damage caused by obtning, In Wyoming,
..74.1 other reliable companies. without additional
~ .r- r ces. 7 H. E. GAYLORD.
Iyaltutin7., 31 2 7 23, '7 . S. C. 94,11.01tD.
.) moNROETON, PA., pan. partiCt4r attention 103
rOnlng Thlggies, wagons, Sleighs. &e. Tire set and
rppatring done on short notice. Work and charges
ennnteed satisfactcry: 12,15,69.
scan established himself in . the TAILORING
"I'SINESS. Shop over Rockwell's Store. Work of
description done in the latest styles.
Thwanda, Apill 21. 1870.-tf,
'; - !..c undersigned would respectfully announce to
~ ruluie that he keepe constantly on band Woolen ;
1•1!ig. C4BSIIIICreR, flannels. Tarns, and all kinds at
rAssale and retail: HAIGH & BROADLEY,
A lig:1(0RO Proprietor.
1. TECT BUILDER, wishes to inform the
r:tizens of Toivanda 'and vicinity, that ho will give
particular attention to drawing, designs and
F! , t eifirationß for all manner or ,bnilainga, private
public. Superintendence Oren for re. EOlll.lO ,
:.onipensation. Office at residence N. E. corner a
Second and Elizabeth streets.
J. E. FLE3I3JIG, ,
Box. 511. Towanda'. Px!
1 , c1,• In the Latest Style. Also particular pains
J.: en io Cutting Ladies' and Children's Hair, Sham.
:tig, Curling and Frizzing. -
to GdUSSWAY C LiNclicqxtE, - over the
Street, Towanda, Pa. .•
IN- .'; I: It'A. N C .11 AGENCY
corner of Main,and State Streeta,
I ac. nr , pared to furnish Kiln-dried Doors, Bash
hhods of any style, SIZC, or thickness. on short
I. . ihr,a in your orders ten days before yon
iaan' tVISP the articles, and be sure that you will
that will not shrink or swell. Terms cash
ca .I:.hrery.
T ,, WITIS, duty 19,-1871. GEO. P. CASH.
Wilma in
0 . IT.
for v - iiieh the highest cash price is paid at all titaea.
Ot , -e it Si. E. , 1-toteofteld's Store, Main-at.,
1. L. VASTIIS. u0v.14.'76 TOWANDA, PA
orbce - rioa -and Provisions, Drugs
.1.11/1 - 4./. Ken/Male Oil, Lamps, Chimneys,
I:yr - stuffs. Paints, Oils, Varnish, Yankee No-
Clears and Snuff. Pure Wines and
the bet quality, for medicinal purposes
void at the very lowest prices. Pre
us -areinily at all hours of the
. ah:, Give us a call.
l'a., June 24, I9G9—ly.
So,c , ::ssor to Humphrey Eros.,
- Orr! Moody's Store,
!• 'n a , full Lasgortmc zit or DOUBLE and
SIN iiktCSESS. and all ether Roods in his line
and manufacturing done ioc n rder.
23, D',7l.
rz.e. r , aderslgned begs leave to return thanks to
of Towanda and vicinity for the very
, Jll patronage extended to him daring the
and at the same time to give notice that
&Lied to ll§ business • stock of
a•przpired to offer AT THE LOWEST
c..1....11e.mt1aue the Baking busidesa in all
and - can furnish anything in, this line
..• rwtice and
Ile h 3 also fitted up a
L. Vial at all times be toady to tarnish Ileals
4 :n. , 'l , lli at much lower ate than usual.
aad 6tlv2ri visiting. town are 'lnvited to
42 r l'Aa. A applied with Ice Cream, Cakes, Fruit,
ry at short notice. .
• th• Mace, nearly opposite the Means
ltCii RS BANK,
to it. fi. Itnredi k Co., liankra.)
bap 0;It7, Loans Money, Makes' Collec-
am an Incorp;frated. Bank.• deNaing to send money to ANT Part
st3ltS. e47IILIS, or Europe, this Bank
14.eillue.; and the lowest terms.
N•ir4 3:•,..t!a, England, IreWA, S" ) : 4°
I•art'uf Europe, and the Orient, the
Ot Sttamera always on hand.
" and cell. Gold, Silver, United Statecilonda
- arket exteti.
fne e ego of 'Northern Pacific 7 3-10
IL C. 111MC1314 Prestdent.
8. ITSCENT. Cashier. 105r.16 - n
t.) the estate of Wrn. W. East,-
10. decetsel, e:tuated in North .Towanda, AT°
fNtra Tex`ania Boro., containing about ne
Letwetri m and 100 acres improrad with •
bolsi. x - 011 arranged for two familial,
Uawl other out buildings, two orchards.
L: -,,:,,r1a.;,at water brought to the • bonne ln
further particulars apply to Wm. Er
t ataeti-, WardEastabrooks Ulster. Wit.
t+el. Troy, of Wilford Illasts . brooks on . Ilb•
1 1.; tiNt3AL MEETING of the
of the First National Bank of
• S f• .r the rte Lion of a Board of AlrocAors
l•-,. era-, will be held at the Office
L„, • ;' "auk.
.T1.T12 , 34 , 41Y. dAN. 11,1873, between
''' , Lre ont Ind tam e o'clock. p.m.
N. N. BEITO, Cashles
s ziA. Dis. 11111.
I am I em 1 tr.
S. W. AlAVOELDOPtiblisher.
VOLUME xxxin.
IssonsszoNAL cam
Ocstrwumsoz AT LAW, Tcnranda. Ps.
H E L N l t Toimada. PL June 21.
AT UT. OCR-00tear of Kin oad
Pine Streets, opposite Porter's Drag fgon.
- .L., Office in Pattan's Muck. °Tede:ea Dm, ad
Monied Mom . !NIL U.
R. T. R JOHNSON, PaTamar A
Dgratosos. Office over Dr. E. C. Porter Ban
& Co.'s Drug Sare.
F, &mazes. Gears hie prodesalcnsal amion to
the ethane of Warren and vicinity. Sadden°,
first hones north of J. F.' Oxverl Ettore. Warren
Centre, P. apllBlllY
TO, ELM. WOODBUBN, Physician
LE/ and Swoon. Moe northwest earner Maine
and Pine Streets, up stairs.
Towanda, Iffay : l. 1872.4ra
'I,ATToRNET-kr_wv, - ,
maY 3O :72. 'TOWANDA. Pa.
-L.1.• AND Ootnnarrzon LT Law. Towanda. Pa. Par.
tirtWiehttention paid to business in the Orphans'
, • ••• -AT Law (District 'Attorney for Brad.
remitted. Count" Ito?, Pa. Oolleetttms made *ad prompt
ly feb VS—tf.
vir B. KELLY, Drngs,—Office
• over Wickham & Black's. Towanda. Pa.
Teeth inserted on Gold,. Silver. Rubber, and Alum
nium base, Teeth extracted without pain. 0c211.72.
_A-7, Sentries's. 'Permanently located at Timm*.
Pa. Particular attention paid to all Chronic Rises&
Caner and Tumors removed 'without ppaaiSnn and
without use of the knife. Office at bin reeldencs on
State street, two doors emit of Dr. .Pratt's. Attend
pleb in office Mondays and Saturdays. .MaylB.l2-
MADIIIL & CALIFF, Arroniczni-'
AT-LAW. Towanda, Pa.
N. J. NIADIEE. C. N. win'.
Omen in WoOd's Block, first door south of First
National Bank. up stairs.. Jan.8,73-ly
MT'S AT LAW. TOWS/Rik Pa.. having entered
into copartnership, offer their professional services
to the public. Special attention given to business
in the Orphan's and R,egisters Courts. apll4lo
E. OVERTON. JR. ! N. O. amanass.
Main a ree opposite the Court House. Towanda, Pa.
Oct. 91,10
N/11M AT Lim, Towanda, Pa. The rindersimml
having associated themselves together In the practice
of taw, offer their professional services to thepubllc.
ULYSSES lilTaihalat. W. T. DAMS.
Starch 8.1840.
AA. A. WaCEY' COUNTY t31:3-
• PERDENT. Towanda, Pa: Mee with
B. M. Peck, second door below the Ward Souse.
Will be at the office the last Saturday ofteach month
and at all other times when not called away on btu&
nue connected with the Bnperitendency. All letters
honid hereafter be addressed as above. dec-1,70
DR. 3'. W. LYMAN,
Office one door east of Devotee building Reel
(knee, corner Pine and Rnd street.
Towanda. dune 22,1871.
Law, Towanda, Bradford Co.. Pa.
Particular attention paid to Collections and Orphans'
Court business. 'Office—Mercues New llbck, north
side Public Square. apr. 1, 'S9.,
ate of the College of "Physicians and EturgeOns,"
New Tort;, 'city, Class 1143-4, gtrel exclusive attention
to the praCtiee of his profession. Oflice and residence
nn the eastern Mope of Orwell Hill, adjoining Usury
Howe'". San 14, 'b.
111 t.. .D. D. SMITH, Dentist, has
purchased ti. H. Wood's property, between
Mercur's Block and the Elwell HMSO, where be has
located his apace. Teeth extracted without pain by
use of pas. I Towanda, Oct. 20. 1870.—fr.
Neir the Court nonce.
We are prepared to feed the hungry at all times of
the day and evening. Oyeters and Ice Cream in
their seasons.
March 30..1870. D. W. SCOTT & CO.
-1.:1 PA. _
Having leastd this House, is now ready to accommo.
date the travelling public. No pains nor expense will
be spared to give sathdaction to those who may give
him a call.
xir North side of the public square, east of Mer
v:ifs new Mock.
it - living pl:imbued .and thoroughly refitted old
and well-known atand, formerly kept by Sheri?Grif
fis, at the mouth of Rummerfield Creek. is ready to
give good accommodations and satisfactory treatment
to all who may favor him with a call.
Dec. 23, sfa—tf. •
/JAL Pa.,
con. 'aura um naroot errarcrs.
_ .
. The Horses, Harness. kc. of all guests °tilde
house. insured spinal loan by Piro. without_any ex
tra charge.
A superior quality of Old English Bias Ale, just
received. T. B. JORDAN,
Towanda, Jan. 24.'71. • Proprietor.
BRADFORD courrr, rirszrA.
This popular house, recently leased
t b e Messrs.
Boos & muss, and havingbeencomple tely redtted,
remodeled, and refurnished, affords to the public
all the coinforts and modern conveniences of a rind
class HoteL - Situate opposite the Park on Main
Street, it is eminently convenient for persomwvisit-
Mg Towanda, either for pleasure or business.
eep6'7l SOON KEENS, Proprietors.
W. W. BROWNING, plovalsrow.
This House is conducted In strict/y Temperance
Principles. Every effort will be made to make
guests comfortable. Good rooms and the table will
..*ways be supplied with the best the market at.
fords. Nov.l. 1871.
11A01.1tEla, for Salo by
Moe . No. - I.tercur'E Block, north aide of Court
}louse square.
Mowing Maebanes. Horse Poweri and Thrashers.
Wheel Hakes, Plaster Bowers, Octin Seeders, Hai
Tedders. tieversible and Steel Plows, 0 itirstors.
Thill Horne Hoes, Clover Hullers and lianning
Catalogues and descriptiv:lllturtrated printed cir
culars. turn haled or mailed free to all applicants.
It will cost but three cents to Send for circulars
in postage
Farmers when in Towanda, call and see me.
&p ri 22 . B. K. WELLES:
' S. E. J. MINGOS (former!).
to ElngsleY, l bas now on has
s large variety. such as real and imitationlLacest 7_ ss
sashes, Bows, • Ribbons, Lace Callan sniklileek
klitichecin all the latest novelties. She has also the
at style* in hair goods real and imitaUort. Hid
Gloves, Shell and Straw ornaments,
sintu t Essycat HARD On POWER, JiC., AC.
In Brace'etic, Combs kc, kc. She has given special
attention to old ladies Bonnets load Dress caps, also
Infants Caps. Roches, /Sc.
I have secured the services of a first class straw
kfilliner. and Shall give good satisfaction in all
manner of straw work. Booms at the old stand,
over Wolff Brothers clothing store. , .
CHI4'ABER SETS, cleav er than
ever, at I A:J & EMS. -
FROST & SONS make the best
Ettenalon Table in the world.
IJFRRITuJZ ant mad% at IOUT Isoll.
. .
. , .
• .
. .. . •
. . .
. . . . .
, ..-- % •
'. - .I) . ,---; - -.
. . t
. .
( 1 I • •,,, . ...
. l a
, ...• ~ , ,
~ ) !
L ► l
-( .,., „ ,..:
.• ,
j . O. FROST & ,SONS,
Our warterams at ail thaw coattla as
Of an styli* and ootatitaing ntlft lie Maki
and Yd
cl t bit
i d sonatas tar all.
and tan =to bananas. Also
tba finest and aunt
Of aaw and origami dodos tad at tba moat an.
plabstyle and IMO. Liao* thole* aamortmoi
ING CAUS. SIDE-BodiDer LtallArd
Also a complete line of Teteo-Tetas. Sofia. floosaas
Rocha& lan and Parlor • (Shah% to the peelest
variety of styles sod prim. Also an esdkes eacia ,
Of every alsociptlon, anal la fact eraryildiar to be
fond Ina First Claw Pernitsrs Blom
s e zm e elle n far Lumbar, or IT a Lamb c f , ir f In
Of miry deacription fr o mthe most common to the
Arrest Rosewood, allmrs cm Mod. Ifs are solo
agents for
Which are now . conceeded 11* , all parties to bb tiir the
beet Netalic Cue to use. We base the
In this section of conntry and will tarnish nor
thing in the lIND := . T.O line AS LOW se the
ei ssizi r q i nty of goods can be got at n ta .
ESPP:BI2NOII anfi owanda ci thorough acqualptance with the
business, we can mare persons Mai SZIPAMAIM to
which they are always . , subject when awning with
incompetent parties.
STOWS 101 mat 1371.132.
/10, - Do not forget the place,
0. =OCT & SOWS.
Towanda, April 2, 1872
* * * * * * * **********
The tuadersigeed *add Inform the public
that !ley have purchased the
on Hain street. And door carat of -the Tint
National Bank. :ad me. 311, by strict attention
* to business, and by tho edition of miry *
proven:bent in the Arta PitotograOlf. talk*
* the place worthy of patronage. Mr. (1171119 t -4 .
* 111 to remain with ria. and give his whole tints *
and attention to the making of
* As well as PENCELING in DMA lItK, *
Partictdar attention given to the enlarging
* of pictures, utd to the finishing of all kinds *
*of w ork, so as to mecum tbe best results ' and
much time" u possible given to making
* negatives of small children.
Thou wanting pictures will please Rive ne
* • !del, and we think that they sill be esti•- *
* fled. • *
* jaall'72yl
******.** * * * * * * * *
' i~'rYY' :,4q.r
(Formerly a:envied by IL Jambs.)
The rapid growt,h of Towanda requires the mob.
401:1 of business, and the undersigned, realising this
want of the community in the
Ras opened a new store in Beaman's 111oelt.
(formerly occupied by U. Jsoolas) and is new pre
pared-to offer to his old creasers and the public
generally. a better stock of
Than caa be inns in any other establiehnient one.
side the dties.
My stock has all been purchased from the mini
facture= this season. so that I have no old stock to
of get rid of, bought at high prices. I have a full llas
re) :QV IA
of tlio finest quality and Welt atries. which lam
Offering &Mir Awes._
I bare no connection with the old stand, and when
you want anything In the clothing line. for yoarself
or boys, call on me in Baldlauan's Block.
Towanda, March 28. 1972.
To buy the celebrated
We have the best line of Stoves In the State.
MODERN . • ,
gave taken the prionirmis in all the Stite Fairs, anh
we know they wee Motel/use Stove.
For soft coal. something new .
For hard or soft coal. Also the
All Ant-class Stout.
EMPIRE GAS SUMO= 4 41.444). •
LIGHT nougz. MOOS WHY. 100!!P.
unPutoroa, inns FLY, MID BALTIXOII
A fart amortakeut of Hardman, Throws. Copper,
and flibertim Ware always on hand. - -
All ardersilliad promptly. Job wart doss
and warranted, Chits no a sap.
11c0r.13.1872. 30. a. arta. It.. Towanda.
smmics Awn, Towanda. Ps. Maw bat
reliable courpantee represented.
Nov. la.
NOTICE.—d. £ BSCOED, of Towan=
de. has just mostildi the Ageacy a die Mier.
town Fire Ininumeice Company. ot Weertown.
N. T., which hi a - first-clam Company in all
respect; with - cash assents of . 41.000.-
1s condos& by its character to Firm Pr=
and Dwelling lions* . Wits; is tbsteibts
We- Pato all loss or damage' of tearing to pieces.
whether are moles or not. Also pays for Use dock
killod by lightning in the barna or at large' on the
premises. Yen can save money by seeing Kr. Bac,
ant before insuring elsewhere. CaU sad get a ar.
solar o= one. J. A. 11; 1131%4Arg h
ali :14 v til 0 :4
2b As Sentdo and House of Representation of
the Omatznatmattli of Poptsyleania :
tharrutinar : In obedience to the
requirements ocif the Constitution, I
hive the honor of transmitting to
you my sixth annual message. Since
your last meeting the general course
of events, both State and National,
has been so propitious as to afford
abundant cause for mutual congratu
lation, and of `thanksg.ying to that
Almighty Providence whose will con
trols the destinies of all. While we
lave been exempt from the calamity
by fire that has befallen the metropo
lis of a great sister State,ler misfor
inured -
tune has to the benefit of our
people by the enlistment of that sym
pathy for the suffering, which is one
of the most. ennobling sentiments 4af
the human heart. The seasons, tho'
not so favorable for the productions
of our soil as in some past_ years,
have been sufficiently fruitful; and
no general epidemic has appeared to
disturb the pursuits, or fill_with sor
row the • hearts of our population.
Our mining industries, manufactures
and- internal commerce, are being
constantly enlarged and extended,
and their enterprising proprietors
are generally receiving remunerative
A great political conflict has oc
currecl, resulting in a signal triumph
of the'same principles that were as
sertee in the resteration of the
Union, the amendments of the Con
stitution, and the reconstruction of
the States. The victory in Pennsyl-
Tallid was decisive of' the victory in
the nation; and will ever be remem
bered as an inestimable contribution
to the harmony, prosperity and glory
of the Country. The election of the
soldier, who " is first in war," to the
office that makes him "first in peace,"
was an appropriate exhibition of na
tional gratitude,. and inspires ,the
deepest feelings of satisfaction "in
the hearts of his countrymen."
While the, Constitution wisely
withholds from the Governor all
power of interference in legislation,
it imposes non him the duty of lay
ing before the General Assembly
such information of theetate of of
and, recommending to their
consideration such measures as be
may deem expedient and important
td the public welfare..,
I am happy tO,:iitlorm yon that
peace and gcxxl, .order have been
maintained by thenforcement of
just and equal laws, and the legiti
mate exercise of authority continues
to find an enduring basis of support
in the intelligence, affections and
moral sense of the people.
The credit of the State remains
unquestioned abroad, because her
public faith has been inviolably
maintained at home. The following
condensed statement of the receipts,
expenditures and indebtedness of
the Commonwealth is respectfully
submitted :
Balance in Tree snryNovember 30, -
1871 91,476,808 59
Ordinary receipts .during the fis
cal year ending November 30,
1872 . 7,148,637 45
Totalo in Treasury during year
ending Nov. 30, 1872 . 98,625,446 04
Crab:lark expenses paid during -
year ending Nov. 30,1872 $2,960,631 55
Loans, &c., redeemed , 2,476,326 00
interest on loans paid.........::1,706,032 88
Total disbprsements. $7,142,990 43
Balance in Treasury Nov. 30, '72. $1,482,455 61
The public debt on Nov. 30,
1871, was . . .. 128,980,071 73
Add Charnbersburg certificates. 299,748 91
Add Agricultural College Land
Scrip fund, held in trust, as
per Act approved April 3, '72. 500,000 00
$29,779,820 14
Deduct amount paid.* Commis
sioners of the Sinking Fund
daring, the year ending-Nor:
30, 1872 '12,476,326 00
Public debt, Nov. 30, 1872 27,303,494. 64
Deduct assets in sinking Fund.. $9,800,000 00
And cash balance in-Treasury.... 1,482,455 61
Amount of assets and ash - . 10,782,455 61
Balance of public debt' unprovid
ed for 16,521;039 03
which can be extinguished in ten years by the
annual payment , ' of one mill ion sit hundred
nsand Ham
'During the- last six years payments
on the debt have been made as fol
low: .
Amorint paid in 1867 11,791,644 50
Do ... 1868 . 2,414,816 64
D 0..., 186' .. 472,406 18
D0....-._ 1870 1.702.879 05
Do 1871 .. 2,131,590 17
Do 41872 . 2,476,326 00
Total payments 110,992,662 54
Being a little over twenty-nine per
cent_ on the •debt due December 1,
1866, which was then $37,704,409.77.
In remarking upon this subject, I
trust it will be instructive to refer,
briefly, to some of the facts relating
to the - accumulation and payment of
the public debt, and the ongin of
the assets arising , from the; sale of
the public improvements.
However wise our predecessors
were in opening avenues for trade
and commerce, and however great
were the benefits resulting to the
people from the internal improve
ments of the State, it is obvious, that
while those of other States rarely
failed to become sources of revenue,
the management of ours was such as
to produce results widely different.
A large majority of the taxpayers,
therefore, after long and patient en
durance, becoming dissatisfied with
their management, demanded - they
should be sold; assuming it would
be a measure of economy, and wouldprevent an increase of the public ob
The' construction of the improve
ments resulted in a public debt,
r which, in 1852, reached its Mini
mum, $41,524,875.37. The interest,
premiums and, other expenses that
have been paid upon the debt, from
its incipiency to November 30, 1872,
sum up $76,845,744.99; and mak
the entire expenditure on account of
the public works, $118,370,620.36.
'ln pursuance of law the State M
ush and railroads were sold in 1857,
for eleven million dollars in bonds ;
upon which the State has received
$1,700,000.00 in cash, . and $9,300,-
000.00 remains in the hands of the
commissioners of the Sinking Fund,
Bonds of the Pennsylvania Rail
road Common mowed by ban
on the FhWelphia & GOlumbia
Railroad. 0,800,000 00
bonds of the AllilbenY
V Railroad Company. aeon
fo Thi rooo, guaranteed by the
Pennsylvanisosd Clomps
z_ly, Northern Central
pan; and the Pbalelp laih rs
& Erie Railread as eon ni x=
abje flOO,OOO
ain't Jan., ters. bearl4 5 Per
'oemt. Interest frcen Janu ary lB72 .. 3,500,000 00
Amount of assets..... ~ .. .... 9,300,000 00
MUM, ON Tax roaraoma 77NANaLti.
The proper and efficient manage
ment of the finances, is one of the
most important duties of the admin
istration, of the State government.
The collection of the revenue; the
economical expenditure ; the safe
keeping of the public moneys, and
well-guarded appropriation bills, are
always questions of deep interest to
the tax-payers of the State.
It is a lasting honor - to the people
of Pennsylvania, that they have newer
even when struggling under the
most oppressive burdens, permitted
the integrity .of the State to be
doubted, and now it cannot be other
wise than gratifying to them, to learn
the rapid extinguishment of the pub
lic indebtedness, the greater part of
which was incurred , for improve
inents, which, as herein already
shown, utterly failed to be advanta
geous to her coffers.
, The rapid reduction Of the State
debt, and the reductien of taxation,
have gone hand in baud throughout
my entire administration, and have
ccmstitnted a marked portion - of 'its
policy, attesting, at the same time,
the concurrence and wisdom of the
Legislature, and the fidelity of those
who have been the custodians , of the
public funds.
ThiO policy shoal, be continued,
and no attempt to cover :up or con
ceal th'e actual expenses of the gov
eniment should be made for the pur'
pose of obtaining thci people's con
sent to appropriations, or enterprises
of doubtful propriety; which propo
sitions; if coupled with a Condition
to raise the money by immediate and
direct taxation, would be unhesitat
ingly rejected.
The Legislative appropriations,
during the last six years, made in
aid of the various institutions for the
support of the deaf, diimb, blind, in
sane; feeble-minded, friendless, wan
derers, orphans, soldiers' homes, hos
pitals, universities, houses of correc
tion, penitentiaries, and the payment
of military, expenses, incurred ' du
ring the war ; expenses of govern
ment, common schools, and soldiers'
orphans' schools, amount to about
The expenses of the soldiers' or
phans' schools alone, during the same
time, is $3,467,543.11, and, although
it is a most noble and patriotic ex'
penditure,, nevertheless, an un
usual one, and if such a necessity
had not eiisted, the redaction of the
State debt, during their existence,
would have been nearly fifteen mil
„lion dollars.
During the past six years, the cur
rent of legislation has been steadily
in favor of reduced taxation. Not
'onlyhave numerous local laws been
enacted, exempting churches, Ceme
teries, schools, hospitals and other
institutions from taxation, but many
general laws of the same character
have been passed, as is shown by the
following enumeration :
By the "act to amend the revenue
laws," approved, February 23, 1866,
.all real estate in the Commonwealth
was thereafter made exempt from
taxation for State purpose&
By the act approved March 30,
1866, all persons who served nine
months or upwards in the military
service, or who were honorably dis
charged therefrom by reason of
wounds or physical disability con
tracted therein, and their property,
were exonerated from all bounties,
and per capita tax and military fines.
The act of April 29, 1867, repealed
all ; laws requiring payment ,of taxes
to the State on sales of loan and
stocks by auctioneers. •
By the act of April 10, 1867, all
trustees, or owners of property to
the value of thirty-fire thousand dol
-1 lars, used for soldiers' orphans'
schools, were exempted from all
" county, road, city, borough, poor
and school taxes?'
By the act of April 4,' 1868, and
the sup plements thereto i " all mort
gages, judgm ents , recognizancea, and
moneys, owing upon articles of
agreement for the sale of rent estate "
were made "exempt from all taxi
tion, except for State purposes."
By an act approved January 3,
1868, all laws therein recited
reed, which imposed taxed upon
" shares of stock held by any
stockholder in any institution or
company, incorparated under the
laws of this State, which in its cor
porate capacity is liable to, and pays
into Ate State Treasury the tax oh
capital stock iraposed ' by the 'acts
herein recited. .
a : ; y1 4a)A IF&'LJ . -4 'o' l •4
The act of June 2, 1871, repealed
so much of the law of April 29, 1844,
as imposed a tax - of two per cent. on
salaries, trades, offices, occupations
and professions.
° And by the act of April 3, 1872,
the sixth sectionof the law of April,
1, 1854, was repealed, which impos
ed a tax of one-half of , one per cent..
on the capital stock of all corpora
tions created under laws "to enable
joint .tenants, telLants in 00113111011,
and adjoining owners of mineral
lands, to manage and develop the
In view of these facts', the practical quest
trans now are, can any further reductions be
Priermade 7 And if so, on what staieete
itofore on several occasions. have in
vited the attention of the Lee/datum to the
importance of adopting a more liberal policy
towards those citizen" who are engaged in in
dustrial enterprises which employ large num
bers of work men, and tend to develop the
resources e Commonwealth. Ihvolvin gg
great risks, and requiring for their n ocesslhl
conduct a large amount of capital, these opera
tions have been, in the MUICI, conducted by
means of associations, organivv4 under the
general laws which regulate the incorporation
of manufacturing, mining and improvement
=parties! These laws, while they resemb.e
in their pnncipal features the liberal systems
in force in other States, fail In their ostensible
pupate of encouraging manufacturing indus
try, because t usly burdened he pri ith taxationvileges they grant are enor
mo w.
This may be illustrated, by supposing the
case of twenty persons, who each subscribe
eve thousand dol ars to the stock of a company
organized for the purpose of producing oil, or
mining ore or coal. or mannfackiring cotton or
treetop goods, iron or steel, or any other com
modity. The hand thus crested must be et.
peadod In lanes, buildinp' and
=nto, which are Wahl* foe all
ame Wool as it they will. oby
an individual operator. Li addition to this the
company must par a bonus of onalburth of
one pee cent. to the Commonwealth upon it.
stock amounting to the sum of two hundred
and fifty dollixs. It is thereafter liable to an
annual tasapon 141 capital stock at the rate of
one-half m ill for eqaacch one per cent. of dirt
den& made or In ease of no divi
dends- having been made or declared, then
three mills upon the appraised value of the
stock. Also, a tax of three per cent. upon the'
entire amount of net earnings or income. Also,
a tax of five pel eent. on all interest paid to
bondholders and other creditors. (FOr all
these taxes. see act of Kay 1.1868.)
An individual, wealthy enough to furnish a
handled thousand dollars in 13Thil.r business,
would be wholly free from these exactions.
The State imposes none of these burdens upon
bun. It does not keep an espionage upon his
business, or demand from him sworn state
ments of his annual profits. It discriminates
in his favor against thb association of small
capitalists which It professes to encourge. An d
without sharing in any of the stockholders'
risks; it makes itself a partner in their profits,
and follows them with a grasping band, and a
nerer-ceasing vigilance of an Inquisitorial char
acter over their affairs.
Such conditions are unknown to the' laws rot
New England, New York and other rival man
ufacturing States, which, without exception,
carefully 'prohibit duplicating of taxes upon
their own industry. Stock in rcuumfacturing
companies isgenerally taxed by them at its
value, like other personal property, but first
the value of all real estate represented by the
stock is deducted, and made taxable lime the(
property of other individuals in the region
where the lands are located. It la by such lib
eral provisions that these States have fostered
their industries and maintained a monopoly of
capital and supremacy in manufactures.
The Western and Southern States, for many
years our customers, ore beginning to be our
rival': and desiring to draw to themselves the
benefits flowing from diversified industry, they
are enacting the most liberal laws for -The en
couragement of corporate and individual , ef
forts to establish manufactories, and in addi
tion to this, 'towns and cities ire giving large
subsidies to Secure the erection of mills and
factories within their limits. Notwithstanding
the discovery of large bodies of coal in the
Western States, and their close proximity to
vast masses of - pure eras, Permsylvania would
still possess at least equal; if not superior, at
tractions for the investment of capital, were it
not for her oppressive tax laws • all of which
hive a.tendency to drive capitalists beyond her
borders to seek locations less burdened for
their investments. .
Nothing but a very strong necessity could
justify such a variety of taxes upon the same
thing. And it any Justification ever existed, I
believe it - to exist no longer. The time has
come when, with proper diligence in collecting
and economy in expenditures, the State can
well airord a reduction of taxation; and legisla
tion in that direction should be such as to re
lieve the undue burdens of taxation from every
form of productive inaustry. T would, there
fore, recommend that the enrollment tax upon
private acts chartering indtistrtal compamas,
and the bonus upon stock of such companies
when organized under general laws, be consid
ered a fall equivalent to the Commonwealth
for the privileges of a charter • and that all
'State taxes upon capital stock , net earnings
'and dividends of manufacturing, mining and
improvement companies, and al- co-operative
associations, be reperded. This reduction will
amount to t:l9,sst—the sum collected last
year. I also recommend the repeal of that
source of revenue known in the Auditor Gum;
rare report as "Tax on Loans," which amounts
to $1.92,407.25.
It is confidently believed, that with these
proposed reduction, which amount to $1,011,-
961.51. the State can still pay 'all her current
expenses, the interest on the public debt, and
make an annual reduction of at least one mil
lion five hundred thousand dollars upon the
principal. •
Numerous communications, signed by many
enterprising and intelligent citizens , continue
to reach me, on the subject of a geological and,
mineralogical survey, urging me to commend
it to your careful consideration.
In my annual messages of 1870 and 18711 I
laid before the General Assembly the necessity
for a continuation of the surveys already made
in order that the mineralogical resources . of
the State should be more fully ,and perfectly
ascertained; and expreased the opinion that
the results. would be interesting andj valuable,
nut only to our citiZens indine.nally, but to
the entire country.
.A.ssdrances have been given b the officersof
,he United States Coast Survey', of the great
interest they will take in Our Sta o, in the event
they carry out their intention to cross the con
tinent to connect the "Ocean lines of Coast
Surveys." This connection will pass through
Pennsylvania, and will materially .assist in de
termining, and establisning one or more points
in each county , through which the line will
pass, aid in triangulating so far as to enable us
to rectify our county maps, and connect them
in a correct map . of the State. And 'as the
State Geologist progresses with his studies and
examinations, he should cause to be accurately,
represented upon the corrected maps, by colors
and other appropriate means, the various areas
occupied by the different geological formations
and place them in the possession of the People,
for their information, prior' to the completion
and publication of a full account of the survey.
A State map of the kind indicated, with all
the discoveries marked in proper colors there
on, would give to the thousands of natters
from our own country and from foreign lands,
who Will attend the Centennial celebration,
some approximate idea of the incalculable
wealth beneath the soil of our State; and would
have an importance in their sight that could
be conveyed to them. in no other possible man
The expenses of a geological corps, properly
organized, and such as Would he competent to
perform the duties required, have been, care
fully estimated, and will not exceed forty-five
thousand dollars for the first year, 'and need
not be quite as much annually thereafter. In
recommending this measure two years ago, I
said : "Sor want of a proper bureau of statis
tics, and a corps of observation and publication
to collate and relate the facts of our geology
and mineralogy as they have appeared, the
State has already suffered severely. Much val
uable information has been lost, never to be re
covered; and but little certain knowledge of
past mining,, and other ectentitle, operations,
has been preserved to govern and assist the
future engineer. It is, therefore, neither wise
nor just policy to delay this work under the
pretext that it may boa more perfectly effected
at some future time. There ' is a present neces
sity for it, though the time. never will come
when such a work can be considered perfect.
New developments in mineral resources, as well
as additional acquirements in scientific knowl
edge, will constantly be made as long as the
world exists. The sooner, therefore, in my
opinion, a thorough survey is authorized, the
better it will bo for the - prospective interests of
the State, as well as for its present necessiffEs.."
The, golden destiny of the Pacific States may
well bk.encied: bat our coal, ore, oil, 'lumber
and soil, are a much better foundition' for
wealth and cult greatness than the pro.
ducts of I their placers, and the !transient
prosperity they have produced. Let us' build
upon an 'enduring. basis, and the world will
farever pay a golden tribute to our products
and industries—the true wealth of Pennsylva
1 Too.
By an act approved April-12,.1872, establish
ing a " Bureau of Labor Statistics and of Agn
culture," the Governor was authorized to ap
point sC4mmissioner of that Department. Ac
cordingly, Thomas CI Ilacdowell of Dauphin
county, teas appeinted, He immediately es
tablished his office in the Capitol building, as
required by the act, and commenced - the work
of collecting the necessary information and ar
ranging the statistical tables, in proper and
convenient form to be laid before the Legisla
ture, and for distribution among oar citizens.
The functions of the commissioner embrace
the examination of nearly , all the varied indus
tries of the Scats and are deified in the act es
follows " The defies of such officer shall be
to collect, compile and -systematize statistics,
with reference to the subject of labor in its r&
lations to the social, educational, indostnal ad!
general condithn, wages and treatment of all
classes of working peephi,, and , how the same
affect our permanent prosperity and , produc
tive industry. It shall also be the ditty of teach
Bureau to'coilect, collate and classify . statistics
relating tO the mineral , manufacturing, a,„eri
,eultnral and commercial productions of this
Cornmormealth." The fourth section makes
it the duty of the chief of such Bureau to re
port annually to the Legislature, in convenient
farm, the result of his investigations.
The act does not appropriate any money to
defray the necessary contingent expenses of
putting the Department in working order, nor
does it prescribe the ember of obtaining the
information required, or that it shall be fur
nished; and it leaves the commissioner without
any means by which be can obtain it, except
by the voluntary set of those engaged in busi
ness. These were evidently over-sights which
will doubtless be corrected by an appropriation,
and by the pasiage of such enactments as will
enable the comtmssioner to procure, from the
proper sources, the • information required to
carry out the intent and meaning of the law.
. When it is remembered that Pennsylvania
ranks second in population; second in manufac
tures; sixth as a wheat growing State, and first
in point of mineral wealth and resources,
among the States of the Union ; it should not
be a question of dollars and cents, whether her
vast and varied resources shall be lett to be de
veloped by the slow process of casual discovery,
or be properly introduced to the nptice of cap.
Waists at home arid abroad, by authorized and
°tibial statements of facts.
The information that will be farnisbel, will
not only be of great practical value-to the citi
i of the State, but it will afford the retire
; aentatives of the people, who are charged from
Cycar to year with the responsibilities of legbda-
Sion, the best and moat compendious source of
information. the importance of which can only
be estimated by experience.
Pennsylvania stands pre-eminent for her
mineral resources, possesdng, si she does, the
outline:nen anthracite coal fiMit, of any wow
queue*, whilst her iron ores and Oil are a source
of ineshanstille wealth that ne tt eige lea compute- .
lion. A few Items only are to prove
the correctness of itieseretnarkal
bon of coal, from the anthracite regions, - in
1820, was 385 tons; in 1870 it reacted the enor
mous amount of 10,951.585 tot*, and it Is esti
mated that the product will be 'Welled in 1872,
to upwards of 22,000,000 tons. I the increase
in the production of anthracite coal has been
so rapid and wonderful in a period of fifty-two
years, who can estimate its growth within the
next half eenW7? 'The product, of our titre,
minims coal fieNs. in 1870, foots np 14,1168.4435
tons. The two makit'an aggregate 'of 34,920,-
050 tons for that year.
Meanwhile, the development and growth of.
the old production of the north-western comi
ties, almost challenges the creduhty of our pso
pie. Prom August, 1850, when Drake s..ak the
first well. to the elate of 1864, the production
was 221.000,000 gallons, yielding the sum of
t 29,820,000. In 1864, about 62,000,000 gallons
were refined, the average price of which,• in
bond, at New York (sixty-two cents per galkm),
gave a vane of 03,440,000. The entire pro
duction, up to 1868; was 327,692,524 gallons,
equal to 8,493,339 barrels of crude oil:
There is no doubt the future reports of the
commissioner will disclose an equally rapid in
crease in the production 'of oil, and other facts
concerning it.not less gratifying. •
The remunerative prices paid at present for
metal is inducing the erection of a large
number of first-class furnaces, which will ma
terially Increase the wealth of the State, and
give a new impetus:to other branches of busi
ness dependent upon their products' for active
'and profitable results in the near future.
There are other questions of much interest
to the public welfare, which• cap only be evolv
ed with any degree of certainty by careful in
vestigations; such as those affecting the health,
comfort and general well-being of the people,
but more especially - the industrial classes, who
are the main dependence of the State for its
continued prosperity. The question of lab or,
in all its relations, is one that constantly 'en
gagese a large share of attention, and the shb
ct can only be intelligently and properly legis
ted upon, after the researches of the statisti
cian are laid before the Legislature, with such
accompanying testimony w h ich reduce a
demonstration the abases exist in oar
social system. Much might be said in this
connection, but your patience shall not be un
duly unduly taxed by more extended observa
tions, as I am confident the question of labor,.
in all its relations, cannot fail to engage the
irons attention of enlightened and patriotic
Bureau of Statistics, I moat earnestly bespeak
for it liberal approprialli , ns, as well as the fos
tering care of the Legislature. ,
On the night prior to the adlournrrient of the
Legislature at its last session, a bill was sub
mitted for my approval apportioning th e State
into Congressional districts, for the period of
ten years, under the national census of 1870.'
The enactment was highly objectionable in
many of its features; and Congress then had
under consideration a supplemental bill pro
posing an increase of representatives, that
would give one additional member to . this
State. This afterwards became a law, thereby
giving to Pennsylvania twenty-seven members
of Congress instead of twenty-six, as provided
for in the legislative enactment of the Last ses
sion. The latter having failed to receive Exec
utive approval, the Congressional elections Last
October were held under the former law, and
the three additional members apportion ed to
the State were chosen as members at large by'
the vote of the whole people. Hence, the duty
of enacting another apportionment bill devolves
upon the present Legislature, and I request
for it that careful and patriotic consideration
required by the magnitude of . the interests in
',4errArs vcrasicuza.
The sixth section of, the sixth article of the
Constitution declares that— •
" A. state Treasurer stall be elected annually
b u y joint vote of both branches of Itt4 Legishv
t - i
But the Legislature, by joint resolution,
passed at two co.secutive sessions, and approv
ed by popular vote at the last October election,
has amended this part; of the Constitution, by
striking out the - section above quoted, and in
serting in place thereof the following :
" • state Treasurer shall be choiken by the
qualified electors of the State, at such times
and for Inch term of service as shall be pre
scribed by daw."
The adoption of this amendment *ill be offi
cially proclaimed on the second Tuesday of
January, 1873, and will supersede existing laws
for the election of State Treasurer by the Leg
islature. Inasmuch as no provision seems to,
have been made by law for- filling this office,
from the first Monday of 3f ay next 'until an
election can be had by the people under the
amended Constitution, I invite the attention of
the Legislature to this condition of the subject;
and recommend such action as will carry out
the amendmentoind in the meantime •secure
so important an interest of the Commonwealth.
Co\ala ti it,i OPAL COMMTION.
The several duties imposed upon the Paean
th.e and Secretary of State, by the act of, the
last session authorising the convention, were
duly performed. The. delegates having been
chosen at the October election, convened in
:this city on the twelfth day of IS ovember. The
convention, after completing its organization,
appouatitig its standing committees, adopting
rules for its gevernnient, adjourned to meet at
Philadelphia on the seventh - of the present
careful revision of our fundamental law is
'Operatively demanded by the highest consid
erations of public welfare; and it is confidently
hoped the action of that body maybe such as
to meet the Just expectations of enlightened
public opinion. •
Many- of the laws now upon our statute
books wero designed to fortify the ballot-box
against corruptmn and fraud, but practically
they have often been rendered impotent for
that purpose, and even for the prevention of
false returns. lininerdus complaints have
been made to inc on this subject by many high
respectabl citizens, who have requested
would, o nce more; `urge it upon the at
tention of the Legislature, and ask the passage
of more stringent enactments for the suppres
sion of inch crimes against the rights of the
citizen. Redress for these wrongs is expected
from tha Cousticutional Convention and it is
hoped the public expectations will b e realized.
It is believed, however, the Legislature can
remedy some of Abe evils complained of, and
I,lu 3 nr attention is earnestly invited to the sub
ect, in order that whatever is practicable may
done to guard the purity of the ballot-box,
and the rights of electors.
wars or Eason auxam, cuss
The - attention of the Legislature is again
invited to the importance of writs of error is
criminal cases, and referrence is made to my
last two annual messages for the -arguments
and reasons why there should be, rdditionsl
legislation ultou this subject.
With great propriety, the Superintendent, in
the opening of his able report, congratulates
.the people upon the continued growth and pros
pentyof our public schools.
Their progress is clearly indicated by com
paring the expenditures of the last six years
prior to 1867, viz :
Total cost for tuition from 1367
to 1872, $'21,578,258 61
Total cost for tuition from 1861
to 1866 12,715, 061 71
IncreaselB,B33,l96 90
Total expenditures of the - system
from 1867 to 1872, 812,632,152'11
Total expenditures of the system
from t 1866, . 19,59t),149 51
, .
Increase 8:0,361,902 60
Pennsylvania, less fortunate than many of
her sister States, has no school fund. The leg
.islanve appropriations amount to only about sir
hundred thousand dollars annually ; but the
people, inthe several districts, voluntarily vote
all other moneys necessary to support i the
schools. The lomoing statements briefly ex
hibit the deep increasing interest enter
tained in behalf of popular education.
lutelligence and virtue - are' conceeded to be
indispensable conditions of any form of govern
ment. The necessity of these' supports in
creasesin proportion as the - area of freedom
_and privilege is enlarged. • It follows, from
these unquestioned marinas, that the, demand '
for general education is more imperative in the
lanted States than in any other country. Our
Constitution recognized , - the people as the e,
inherent source (gall power. All par kipate in
the great act of cresting the country's rulers.
The ballot decides all questions of chonse, and
tills all official pesitions, from that of the chief
magistrate of the nation' to that of the lowest
town officer. This, supreme and relining
power of univereal suffrage, at once suggests
-the abet:lllW necessity of universal education.
The tooth of these premises admitted: no
uneut is'required t, istabltsh the conclusion.
ale coiumou school astern treahtless owes
:it • origin to a conimpu ccalvictiou that no pi.o.
pie can bo p openly and permanently self-gov
erning, whose mtelligence iii uneqnal to the
comprehension 'of -their rights, privileges and
respousibilitits. or whose suture are too feeble
and imperfect to restrain them from ;violation
of those duties which they owe to their Creator
and to.each other. '1
Whethe system eras introduced, thirty-eight
years ago, it was generally viewed in the light
of an experinatnt. The act creating it made its
adoption :dependent upim the vote of the pee
pla in their respective districts. Their reluctant
and tardy acceptance of the pricelest boon -is
neither matter of surprise to us, nor reproach
to them, when all the circwns lances are dui,
considered. Its present popularity is indicatsa
by the entire absence of complaint, and a stiii
On per Annum in - A.dvance•
more significal.l readiness, by the pealsle, to
assume the expenses requisite for its constant
improvement and efficient application. "'Doubt
less many years melt !lapse before the fall
fruition- of its influences can be received, bat,
meanwhile, it will be gradually moulding the
popinar mind into more perfect conformity
with the requirement/I*feet free institutions.
Fortunate the the old prejudice against the sys
tem no longer exists; ',but indifference, to a
lamentable extent, occutnes Its place.
the report ;Atha Superintendent it appeart that
the ntunber of children in the State, who do
not attend school, exetedeseventy-rive thous
and. This criminal neglect is moat prevalent
in the cities. In Philadelphia twelve pa cent.
of the children between the ages :of ve and
fifteen years do not attend school Slit more
significant and alarming still, of the whole num
ber registered as attendants, forty-six per cent.
are absent from the daily sessions. In the
State at large the unregistered amount to six
percent., and the absentees to thirty-three per
cent. And, as was naturally to be expected,
the resulting ignorance &dm this neglect has
proved a fruitful source orerime.. Sixteen per
cent. of the-inmates of the State prisons are
unable to read. -
Obviously, therefOre, it is not sufficient that
the State makes amply prevision.' Such mea
sures should b. immediately adopted as 'Would
secures universal ygptielpation of the benefit.
The children are not to bla&e. They naturally
prefer freedom and amusement to the confine
ment and studies of the school room. Parents
and guardians are the.parties with whom the
State must deal. She owes it alike to her own
peace and security, and to , the highest welfare
of the children who are to bo her future citiz
ens, to see that they shall be rescued from the
perils of ignorance.
After careful and anxious deliberation upon
all the facta, and their inevitable consequence,
Lrecommend the adoption of a compulsory
system of education. That a law to this effect
will encounter objections is not to be doubted . ;
for in view of the probability of such a mea
sure, its oppohents have already commenced
to marshal their forces. ',
In Norway, Sweden and Pruisia tLis system
was first adopted, and such have been its salu
tary effects that other European governinenta
lave 'made haste to follow their example:
nstris, admonished by the defeat at Sadows,
Prance by the crushing disaster at Sedan. and
England by the possibility of z real "battle of
Dorking," hive decreed by statute that all their
children shall be taught to read and write, in
fluenced by a conviction that knowledge gives
increased prowess in war as well as capacity
and integrity for the peaceful pursuits of life.
And it is a fact , of striking significance that
none of the States that have passed such enact
ments hive abandoned or repealed them.
In passing froth this topic of paramount
importance to the future well-being of the Com
monwealth,l unhesitatingly expressed the hope ,
than the day is not distant when through the
Bureau of National Education, seconded by the
concurrent legislative sAion of the States,
every child in 'the American Union, without
reference to creed, caste, color or, condition,-
'will be thoroughly and effectually instructed in
all the elementary branches of English educe-
lien-, and 'that uniform text books, setting
forth the true history and theory of cur Na
tioeal and Stategovernments, will be provided
'and intro ducedinto all the schools of the coun
try. Approximation of thought and opinion en
these subjects is, of vital consequence to the
permanence of the Union, and tee stability -of
our republican institutions. Had such a mea
ure been opportunely initiated the war of the
reliellion would scarcely have bum possible.
Should you deem your powers inadequate to
enact imitable laws upon this subject . . the Con
stitutional _Convention now in session, should
not hesitate ti habilitate you with such, auth
ority, and thus lend their aid aid influence in
making Pennsylvania the vanguard in the great
mission of universal education. ‘
From the report of the 'Superintendent of
Soldiers' Orphaneschools, -and other sources,
I feel fully authorized in assuring you they
were never before in a' more flourishing and
prosperous condition.
Every child, legallyeligible, andhaving made ,
application, is now admitted - to these schools.
The whole number of admisslona since 1865 is
6,429' the discharges from all causes 2,902, leav
ing ha attendance 5,527. No larger number
will probably hereafter be attained, and it may
confhlently be expected that this number will
-be subject to an anneal reduction of at least
500, until the system shall have accomplished
its mission. -
The entire expen se of thelie schools
State, since they welt into operation in 1865,
is $3,467,553 11. Their cost during the last
year was 1475,245 47. It is estimated by the
Superintendent that the future expense to the
period of their final extinction, , will not exceed
one million five hundred thousand dollars.
The health of the children has been excellent.
Their exception from small-pox, while it was
prevailing all around them, is
remarkable' and
no stronger evidence of good management and
the propitious results of systematic vaccination,
could be adduced. _The exemplary :conduct of
the pupils after their discharge is one of the
•most gratifying_ circumstances connected with
their history. The following statement of the
Superintendent will be highly satisfactory to
the Legislature and the people ; "From the
beginning or these schools to the present, the
greater part of the children who. have ,received
their advantages have been honorably dis
charged. And from facts in the possession of
the department, it appears that more. than
ninety-eight per cent, are doing well, and gem
lady to become upright and %vita - citizens." _
. Aniongqhe States of the American
Union, Pennsylvania stands pre-emi
nent in her " care for the ;soldier
who has borne the battle, and - for
his widow still - Orphan - nhildren.".
Her noble scheme for clothing, edu
cating, maintaining and adopting the
orphan children of her soldiers 'Who
gave their lives , in defense of the Na
tional Union, is her own invention:
Utt!this the. generosity of her people
hatibeen imitated, but not equalled
by any other State. To her will forever
be: accorded the leadership in this
weal of patriotic benevolence. It
will form the brightest page of her
history. It will seal the devotion of ,
her people to e common country -;
and our legial toric.ii•view of the he
nign influence , will continue tone,-
cord a oh and liberal support
to a system so fruitful in blessings to
the orphan children of our martyred
heroes. i _ -
'Upon, no material interest of the ',
State is the influence of education
more salutory than that of agricult
ure.. Pennsylvania, by wise legisla
tion, s authorized the purchase , of
thre experimental farms, and . the
este ishment of a college,all of which
are now in successful operation, and
the results of the scientific working
of the farms have -already , added,
much practical knowledge upon the
general &hied. •. I ; -
The Agri culture r College has
„ just
closed a most prosperous year—the
number of students being one hun- .
dred and fifty—which exceeds that
of any year since the, opening of the
institution. Any One, of ' three
courses, is optional to the students,
viz : Agricultural, scientific or clas
sical, to all of which. is, added a gen
eral course of military instruction.
The admission of
.;females, which
was permitted sixteen months - ago,
has, thus , farworkd - exceedingly
well. ~.. Thirty youngwomen have
availed themselves of the opportuni
ty thus lefforded t? obtain . a first
class education. , . • •
All students are taught to regard
labor es' beneficial and honorable.
The rule of the college requiring ten
hours manual 'labor per week from
the Students is cheerfully complied
with, and results advantageously to'
their healthand comfort.:
This State institution is pre-imi
neatly the People's College.. Its pre
pazatory department receives stu
dents, at a low grade, as well 'as those
40tel advance& - This school is
" cheap enough kir the Poorest and
good enough for the richest," either
in mind or estate ; and it affords
healthful exercise, instruction in
useful labor, and freelnition in eye
ry branch of its ample courses of
study. - - '
For. the details of .The organiza
tion of the National Gdaid, • and the
genertd business of the- Adjntart:
Generals Department i your atten
tion is invited to the accompanying
report of that dam -
'At the close of'thelitter-viar - the
State was without a single - ratarY
division, and the few . pcattered coon- .
panes which existed at its Com- -
rammenient had been, generalb; dia.,.
banded' by the enlistment of their
members in the active 'military ser
vice of the General Government.
In 1866 - the militia Of the Siete
comprised only eight volunteer coil
panies. Since then lour hundred
and eighty-three haire been organ
ized and onehundred and sixty-eight -
disbanded—the latter principally on
account of the almost entire want of -
encouragement and support from the
State, and their own inability to
maintain themselves. -To this fait
is'mainly attributable the • reduction
of the volunteer force in the First
division (Philadelphia) during the
past year. The Legislature, at its, ~
last session, having repealed all laws
by which any !military fund !could' be
raised in that division, left its organ
izatioire - entirely dependent - upon
themselves and the voluntary contri
butiOns of citizens. - '
- 1
The organizations of the National .
Guard;\ not yet 4, disbanded, csnsist' of -
fifteen regimen,is - and six battalions ; i
comprising, with unattached bodies,
three hundred and twenty-three corn- '-
pares, viz : Six artillery, eight cav
alry, and three hundred and nine in
fantry. `-The aggregate of enlisted
men is 13,566, land of -commissioned .
officers, 1,126. 1 -- r
Convinced of the necessity, in time
of peace as well, as in war, of an effi-.
cient military *force to maintain 'the
civil authority,i I have at all times -
entertained a deep interest n the -
military department of the State,and -
it affords ,me pleasure to say that the
present Conditio of our volunteer -- -
organizations is '.as con3plete" as is
practicable minder the admitted im
perfections and illiberal provisions of
our military laws.
Where "thegreater seve rity of life _
and property ': is the- question in
volved, it would. seem SUparflUOpS. to
employ arguments to convince any
property holder, business man, or
good citizen, that it war; his tndivid:
ual interest to support a system de
signed to uphold thncivil _ authority: -
But as practical' illustrations, of re-."
cent date, I mayrefer to the scenes -
of July, 1871, in the city, of New
York, as well as to, those enacted in
our own State, at Scranton, during
the months of April and May, of the ,
same year, and still more recently
followed by the disturbance of the
public peace in July last, which so -
seriously threatened the city of Will
iamsport. The civil -arm of the law.
was paralyzed, and peaceable citizens ..
.were at, the mercy of the rioters. Ap- '.
peals came
-from themiTil authorities
and the , people, fok the protection of
the military against tumult which -
they were unabh3 to quell. 'The mll
itary of the nearest divisions prompt-.
ly responded to the call of the Eecu
tiye, the Majesty of the civil law was
*indicated in the suppression of the
disorder, and at comparatively'
trifling cost -to 'the State, the -peace
and quiet of two r ,of her flourishing
cities were restored, immensely:'alu-
able property preserved, and very
many honest and *di's:tribes labor
ers enabled to resume the work on.
which the subsistence of themselves
and their families depended. Such '
occurrences surely demonstrate both
the valueand necessity of a well or- ..
, ,
ganized. and thoroughly disciplined
National Guard to maintain ,the civil
authority. I cite these circumstances
as an act of official daty, 'and from a
desire to avail myself of this oppor
tunity of leaving on record my ap
preciation of the importance of such -
action, on your part, as will main- '
taro a well equipped, disciplined and
reliable - State military force. - . -
For a fall statement of the dis-
tnrbances at Williamsport, and of .'
the operations of the military called
into. service, on appeal of the civil
authorities, you are referred to the
official statement of Major General --
Jesse Merrill,' commanding the 11th
Division, which aPpearn . at length
in the..Adjutanf General's \ report. ,
The discreet and judicious conduct -
1 of the M.aj r General, and 'the of6.= .
cers and m n under Phis command on
that occasi n, not 4 ly won the ap
proval of
i t
e citizen's of 'that corn-:
in anity, entitles them to general -
commendation. '
Proiision should: be . promptly
made for the 'payment of the expen
ses necessarily incurred on 7 pay rollp
4 e,
and accounts duly audite and certi
ed by the - proper o sers ; 'the,
= mount of which will not ceed
teen thousand dollars.
The period determined upon by the LegieT
latureler the deli Very of the picture of the bat-3,.
tie of Gettysburg,painted for the , State by P. ..
Bothermel, artist. having arrived, no place in
the Capitol, or other public buildings at Har
risburg, waslound suitable for its reception
and exhibition. Finding that the picture could
not long remain rolled up Without considerable
injUry, and, perhaps, total destruction ; with
the approval of several members of the Senate
and of the Horlse, I . consented to place it in
the hands of the Park Commissioners of Phila
delphia, subject to the order of the Legislature.
A building 140 feet long and 43 feet wide has
been erected in Fairmount Park for the recep
tion of this historic painting, within a few hun
dred feet of the Green, street entrance. The
site is the very best that could have been .4e
lected to afford the public easy access. The
gallery is perfectly adapted for - the safe keep.
nog and proper exhibition off i the picture. .
Under existing( laws many important docu
ments are filed in the office of the Secretary of
the Commonwealth, which, for greater securi
ty ought to tie recorded in Suitable books for
that purpose .t Prominent among those referred
to may be enumerated papers relating to the
merger and consolidation of - railroad compa
nies ; the increase or capital stock and.bonded
obligations or corporations fader both general
and special laws; correction of errors; and con
firming corporate organziations ; extension of
charters and dissolution of corporations • the
change of name of corporations and the ' loca
tion of their principal offices 4.. the abceptance
of the pitvisto sof acts of Assembly by cor
porations ;_and contracts to which. the State is
a party. This list might be ,extended, bat
enough has been given to -indicate the grave
importance of the interests involved, and the'
necessity , for the utmost care in preserving, in
proper and accessible shape, tho evidence of
etch transactions. I therefore recommend
such enactments as will confer the authority
required upon the Secdtary of the Common
The State authorizes the 'publication of the
statute- laws, and the distribution of them to
sundry enumerated officers and, perioni. Jus
tices of the Peace and alderman are required
to carefully preserve the copies received by
them and band them over to their successors
in office. But the annual volumes being large,
and bound only-in. paper. covers, it is almost
impossible to preserve them whole for any rest
vonable time. I reccommend the passage of a
law requiring them' to be properly bound be
fore distribution. •
The eminent and philanthropic gentlemen
composing the Board orPublic Lhanties have
carefully investigated a number of salt:eta
which they deemed of sufficient importance to
lay, before the Legislature. Among them mar
be specially noticed Prison Discipline -Ls qua
tion now; generally occupying the attention of
statesmen and philanthropists throughout the
civilized world ; the condition and treatment
of the insane and the wOrldngs of that class of
institutions lualftwn as local charities, founded
anti conducted for benevolent purposes. These
asylums are located in various parts of the
State, mostly, howevbr, in Philadelphia. and
Pittsburg. They are performing au excellent
work—relieving the sick, indigent, infirm and
neglected portions of out population.. • The
General Agent has devottd a considerable por
tion of hit( time to their inspection, the results
of which will appear in his able report to the
Beard, in - which be exhibits their character
and largo amount' of private charity be- -
slowed. upon them. -
This Board was organized during my- admin
istration, and I, have enterteMed s dcep and
,lasting<interest in its isPtirs• The lantitanea
who coMpose it voluntarily devote their time;
eitheut compensation, to this -noble work of_
I benevolence. Thohnpress of their intelligent
r efforts is every where perceptible ; . and 'the
' large annual contributions of the State to
dilatable isurtittitionp tuMilaft OW OPP