Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 09, 1873, Image 4
iitisallaneons. OHAPPAQUA Auono i• The personal. property • of Mr. Greeley was sold at auction on - Sat.: urday last. The old Westchester farmers purchased Many ; articles as' keep-sakes. The bidding *as not very brisk, and most of the property was struck offat a lbw figure. One steel pointed c l orn plough sold for 25 cents ; a lane plough at 25 cents ; a new corn plough;at 75 cents ; a sub soil plough at 25 cents two other sub-soil:plougha at 50 and 55 cents ; and another of huge dimensions for four yoke of oxen: to draw, sold for 60 cents as old iron; a cultivator sold for 50 cents, and another plough for ;50 Gents ; another ploW for $1..26, drill for 2Z`?cents ; a steel plow for $l, another cultivator for 21 cents ;. to •titl-soil plow • ,t`or .50 cents ; a scraper for three dollars ; another cultivator. for. $2.50 ; a coulter plow ••;r $5, and another steel plow for $l, aid still a better steel plow for $2,50. Two wheelbarrows for •$1,90 each, ::._1(1 a third ono at 2.50 ; a patent ivitato digger for $1 ; an old odd :id for $9.50: a wagon $l.- 35, and a horSe-rake at $5 The cattle sold at equally low fig -. ures : A. yoke of oxen at $62.50, anothergolle at $B9 ; a cow at $3B, an Alderny cow for $4l, an Alderny bull, full blooded at $9O, a cow 24 years old f0r ; 57.59 ; an old. horse 'at $27 ; a pair of matched mares 'at $160; two young cows at $2l eaeb ; horse power" ats3l; a threshing ma chine at $2l; a power saw and frame at 32 ; a cornstalk cutter at $2 ; a • largequantity-of oats - sold at $37 ; cornglieller at $l2; hay cutter at $8 ; fanning $7; . oat-straw $9.50 per ton; and a cast-steel drill at $2.25; 600 bushels of corn at $1.14 pe,Cewt. an ox cart at ;$l3, and another at $22.50; a root ,cutter at $6 4 , ice box at 90 cents, and another . , at 5X.65; an iron tooth harrow a\ $l.•, - and 50 fowls at 42. cents each. Household goods,sod cheaply,and the impression , prevailed that the property generally ova' bought in for the daughters, and for that reason ADDMOICAL LOCAL TRAMS WESTWARD. . . t Bone would bid against thgru: 5:00 a.m.., except Sundays, from Owego. Stopping A washstand sold , for -$l, a bed= ' 7 4 . 11 . I betaL/Vl °, el s l : st IZ! : 11 2 21 C 47 7 4 r, stead for Go cents, a churn for ' 16 Big Flats 10:20. Corning ,11: 1 9 I 0 r . g Painted Post 11.56 , cents, it, table for 6 cents; an - , iron Addison :11.'wcpm'erOnitanr.urille 127. C CaniMoo ameron bedstead 'for 55 cents, a squirrel cage 3:4 0 . =tit - jug at norteUsrille at 4: 00 p.m. I . ol' .$l. 50, north a quarter of' „Ile s t ,„ s -, r -1 .;,...„,-. a TZ-i t e- n e it ti l i f "" itr tr om Bu 7 l A hlinall : amount; a stove for 50 cents, worth s h -s- . :- ,;,.... , t=, - - 1 E •13 -,. 13 , ,s( `,,, P e „, -7 6' ' S ' S. ... „ i r ti , ep ,,„. 645 • Ca1 ",,,,,,,: ri Z e $l5, tamther stove for $5, carpets for-I i;-- . 7: ` -.•;..1 t ir1 .-- -4. " s -' 17.. "- -- itlii." . tir -- WI; 4, and a doll baby for 25 cents. s 3.m... sm---... - zi. 'Pal. •C, •-.:. , ..mi 9:15, St rift 950. i •-, es -- -f-7::: Ikr.. Nix-U.3 Post 10:24, Addison 10:53. Au lildcarriag,eunlike anvtliino . o f : Sw.ttl. , . - 11:1‘ , .. in..mero. n , Mals 11:3L Cameron moderit tirm ,- s sold for $1. , .: 1 , -and -•,... ~_ 'lt A.: , ....t.1. - ...1:_ - 1 . 2. -- Al. c - A-... 12:13, and arriving at - •': , .34:entar4 - Z , e at 12= p.m. 4 E. a: $22.1i0 per ton. :, c,:x-5.z.. - ...a3.2, - . from Sosquehanr.a. Stop Ping at TI - 2 e i fs . s did LO::1:1101 . 1Lt 10 much f , , ( 1, 07 .... r7,4:;:;IFII I L 6 ci :4g. l ' illg yra n s, t°ll Owego 7'lB ' 07t - r 0,000. A. large namber attend- 1 „. 4- - -1- ' 3- ... „ . -71 , -11 ,.,.„,,,, 1. ,,„„,,, -tbl ''',Z, v , :1 4 . „”. 1 V,,, ri r n , 25 ,,,,.. eel, but did not care to bid ap r on any-1 T'4'n—ci:--66.33t7ziiii1711i15."4-;niiiiTii.T2 -1:i137:, tLiag .f hey supp3Fe3 should remain i Tit_.T o tedPost 1 ,2 12:15, s Addison 12: r 45 n0 . r ibor k ieTille on Vail farm, or that the daughters il ti :so: c.i.nist.eo 2:02, and a;Tiving at ifortellatille at Inight,iWiSh tO retain. 1 4 2:15 p.m. • 1:10 p.m.. cm:L.IA Sunday s . iron!. ,Stisquehanna. Ala, 1101 V soon are ' the fruits of Stopping at Great Bend 1:57. Kht - W 0 4 5 . 2:30, Tamp yt - -ars of care and toil swept away 15111a0.tclann 3:12, artlti Hoope r i °L I : CI L I G I TS I ;1 1 .. Cain P Tnie tilid Stuttered to the winds- ns it st l i gii m a wf x : l 9 * Pr ziazY t t o r o 7l,2ll . l l , 3 l ° 4 l rof r, were. Many of these' farming ma- 1111 d thrnce, ill Avon, to Buffalo ' , arriving at 6:57 p * Ta: chines were bought by Mr. Greeley st 2" P,Ttysi oo e ' 11,4 7 .,:1: 1- 3,;; A m, Bin'him e r. ll ' pore for trial than for constant. use. .owego 3tlS, Tina 3:3s,l3mithboro 3:45, Barton 3:52, Ile . would never Sell OJT old cows and vr po a r r 4 rll 7 4:oB, eh ira e ra7B 4 l : g 2o, Flats we l l lT, rs c% c is u lt, .l r yes because they liad become val. Painted Post 3:42. Addis"l"9;Rathbonesille 6:15. neless, but would keep them for the j egm . llllj 6:27. Cameron 6:35, Adri t 4 : lAss p , an c . so. sake of the•past, and out of the nat- Ural kinlatess of his heart. / THE MAN ,OF LONG.LIFE. H« has a proper and well propor tioneid.Stature, without, however, be ing too 'tall. 'He is rather of the middle size, and somewhat .thick set. His complexion is not too florid ; at any rate, too much ruadiness in youth is seldbm a sign of longevity. His 'hair approaches rather to the fair than the .black ; his skin is strong, but not too rough. His head not too big ; he has, large veins at the extremities., and his shoulders are ,rather round than flat. His neck is nbt, too long • - hie abdomen 'does not project ; encl. his hands are large, but not too deeply cleft: His foot is rather thick than long • and his legs are firm and round. He has 'also a brbad, arched chest, a strong voice, and the faculty of retaining his bread for a long time- without clillieulW In general, there is a Com plete harmony in all his parts. His senses are . good, but not too delicate;' . his pulse is slow and replan HiS stornacy is exbellent, his appe tite ,good, mad his digestion easy. The joys of tie table are to him of importanbe ; they tune his ?mind to sreenifv, and his soul partakes in the pleasui•e which they comnanni cate. He does not eat merely for the ) pleasuie of eating, but each meal is an hour of . anily festiVity ; a kind of • delight, attended with this aavant age, in raga 4 1 to otheis, that it does _ not .make l m poorer; but• richer. He cats .slOwly, and has not I much thirst: Too great thirst is alWaysa sign of rapid self-consumption In general, he is serene, loqua oious, active, susceptible of joy, love and hope.; but insensible - to the im _ prcssion of hatred, anger and avarice. His passions never become ton vie • lent or destructive. If he ever gives way to anger, be .- experiences 'Father • a useful glow.of warmth, an artificial and gentle fever without an overflow -of the bile. He is fond also Of em ploytnent,,particalarly calm medita tion. and agreeable. speculatiOns, is an opitmist, a friend tolNatige and domestic felicity, has .no thirst for honors or riches, and banishes all thoughts of to-morrow.,- Belemific Americag. - THE POULTRY PESTILENCL—bne oi our exchanges gives the following as the symptoms of the pohltry pes tilence : . , "The skin hanges in parChment like rolls over the attenuated 1 anato my. The fowls are taken with stag gering fits similar to the blind stag gers in horses. These recur with decreasing interval- and inereasing ;iolence until the end ie-reachrd, - generally from twenty to twenty-four hours. Those infected, guided by their instinct, .seek to hide them., `selves, and crowl away to soine-cort ner, where , they die in shlitude.' This is a fact that brings-some solace; to the denizens of boardinghouses and other institutions, in w :Oh such other opportunities to b y ' cheap penitry are eagerly embrac d. The :owl is' killed when the first mptems appear., and probably before. it Teaches the last stages of unfitness to eat, ,because a short delay. would give it time to bide and die unpro ductively. Half a lOaf is better th an no bread s and if one must eat impure meat, it is a comfort to know.that it is pur#as possible under the circunv. stances. Again, in the latteristages, 'the head _ frequently swells to a great ,„,z,, an at:would cause the nature et +h.: , ' , o_ase tl be its tacitly detecte.d. 1 ' I'vrtu 1 ~ f !'"OtiliAfre wig) d« , .ire to par chai,r.: , il p,*poupti 4 ,, , ,, „ b a,,,,„„ ' 1 4 `TILILY,Ciavi into th enclos w-iii irlai;le 1,9 dikts.4 ,, ai-.41 t,..: , , ~.,.., , 4.- 4 ,.:':111,44 4- ef w a,Ztot . Evros .,, i, „, itT,r o. tl if , d 1 ,,, , 0.....41L-zu4l. i#1,.., V; ..1-14tA wig , t"'": 4 *' 4 l,t ) !..” ?by 41 "" lit " lil 'lcy i ;,sgati') aLt t:.4,-;..r iti,v4r by 1 4 4 - . - , o"sty ,4-040. .1: b. 6161, 00 ," 4 1,:f t ' e5 ,;.044 4 wc'rki gu• fqiiii.l prise for the goe<l.' i x 5g „,, 14 ,.„ 2 , ' cW • I*-1011111. To Impuovs Homis.—A horse is not good for much if he cannot take care of himself. :Warm stables, good food, blankets and care amount to nothing. A good way, is to harness him up before breakfest, for did- he not eat hay all night ?' Let him stand without a blanket while you are eating breakfast. Then work him hard all day. Let him stand tied to a fence or a post out in the cold, the snow or rain while you are drinking and toasting your shins in _the bar room Drive him fast np bill and down. 1 When hie load is too heavy, get on top of it to whip him. You can lash him the harder then. After he has pulled out, Whale_him well for being stuck. Give him no luncheon, nor water, except when you' drive him through a creek. At night put him in a cold stable. Let the mud stay on his feet and legs all night. Be sure to own a splendid whip—it helps the horse to strengthen. If he does not understand all you tell him, pound,him till he does. This. style 'of treatment will make your horses tough and add to the value of your property. Bail-Bads. ERIE RAILWAY. Puctatas!s Bast DRAWING Boos A/SD Swntruici Macaw, combining Modern Improvemedts, are run through on all Trains between New York, Roch ester, 'Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Suspension Bridge. Clec'eland, and Cincinnati. Abstract of Time Table, Adopted Nov. 4,1872. . WESTWARD. SiAT.IO.I , IB. Ell New York. --Leave f 900 Port Jervis:, -" , 12 01 Susquehanna ... " COO Great Bend " Binghamton" 4 44 Owego._ 4. ..... . " 525 Waverly. 4 .. 6 00 Elmira— ...... " 6 351 Corning.. L " 7 07 Painted P05t.... . Rochester......Arrlie. 11;971 Hornellmille.... " 830 Buffalo, 12 95' Niagara Fa 115.... " !, 12 551 Susn'nsion Bridge " ' 1 100. Clifton " ' 1 Dunkirk .. 1, 1 501 Cleveland... " 6 35 Cincinnati " t• 465 ST ATIdIT 8. Cincinnati Leave Cleveland . " Dunkirk. " Clifton Susp•nsion Bridge " Niagara Palls Buffalo Horneßavine Rochester.... Corning Elmira Waverly Owego Binghamton,. Great Bend.. Busquelianne " Port Jervis Arrive " Goshen .Newburgh " Paterson Newark Jersey city. . New York ISE AISDITIONAL LOCAL TRAINS EASTWARD. 6:00 a.m., except linadays from Hornellsville. Stopping attlanlsteo 5:22. Adrian 5:47. Camaron6:so, Cameron Mills 7:00. Bathboneville 7:30. Addison 8:25, Painted Post 9:15, Corning 10:00, Big Flats 10:42, Elfitira 11:30 a.m.. Southport 12:05, Wellsburg 1:18, Chemmig 1:50, Waverlyl:3o. Barton 3:08, ' Smithboro 3;25, Tioga :345, and'arriving at Owego - at 4:10 ' 5:55 a.m. daily froM Hornet:Main: Stopping at Camaro 7:45. Addison 8;49, Corning 937. Elmira 11;03, Waverly 12;42. p.m., Smithboro 1:40. Tioga 2;00. Owego 2:SO. - Campania 3;03, Union 3;38, Bing hamton 4;12, Kirkwood 4;57. Great Bend 5 22, and arriving it Susquehanna at 6;00 p.m. 7;00 a.m., except Sungari from' flornelliville.— Stopping at Canisteo 7;13, Adrian- V:25. Cameron 7.42, Cameron 7;42, Cameron Mills' 7;48; Bathbone. vino 8:05. Addison 8;13, Painted Post 8:30, Corning 8;33. Big Flats 8;49, Elmira 9;08. Southport 9;15, Wellsburg 9:30. Chemung 9;45, Waverly 10024 Bar; ton 10;15, Smithboro 10 23. Tioga 10;35, Owego 10 ;48 CaMpville 11;05. 17nlen 11;20, Hooper 11;30, and arriving at Binghamton 11;40 am. 7:00 a au.. except Sundays, from 0 4 te13 0 - Stopp ing at Campania 7:47, Union 8:28, Hooper B:4l. Bing hamton 9:lo,Sirkwood 10:30. Great Bend 11:15, and arriving at Susquehanna at 11:55 a.m. 1:55 p.m., except Sundays. from Hovnanian's, Stopping at Cantata° 2:08, Adrian 2:20. Cameron 2:45, Cameron Mills 9:51. Itathboneville 8:07. Addi son 345, Painted Post 3:53. leorning 4:35, Big Flats 4:28 Ehnirs4:s6. Southport 5:12 Wellsburg 50D, Cho mwmg 5:48, Waverly 6:05, Tiogs 6:50, Owego 7035, Campania 7:32, Union 7:52. Hooper 7:58. Binglern ton 8:20, Kirkwood 8:45, Grea t , Bond 9:02, and ar riving at Susquehanna at 9:22 p.m. .1:68 p.m. except Sundays, from Painted Post. Stopping at . 2:05; Big Flats 2:20, and arriv ing at Elmira at 2:40 p.m. • Daily. t Mondays excepted, between Hornellsville and Port Jere* • Stop Sundays' only. sr Through Tickets to all points West at the' very Lowest Bates, for sale in the Company's office at the Waverly Depot. This is the only authorized Agency of the Erie Railway Company for the sale of Western Tickets in 'Waverly. Baggage sal be checked ozds en Tickets purchased at tha Company's office. • L. D. DIICIZEL (I'm, On* JEWELRY I'.JEWELRY! CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS HUGUENIN BROTHERS, AT THE OLD STAIFD FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY BAWD just rcelsred a large ea sortment of Jewelry o all the latest !Oleo. American and Swiss Watches, Gold and Bares. from the cheapest to the. beet. Also a Urge assortment of CLOCKS, GOLD. Asto STEEL SPECTACLES Remember the glue, two doors Smith of Powell k CA.'s; Towanda. Ps. Watched. Clocks. and lowlry outstay repaired. Ncrr.2o'73 WEEKLY ARRIVAL OF ~M :. ►IM4~ ~~ .. Oa the Railroad. at owl Street, which will be sobl by the car load or less quality. sad deflected on nseonsble terms. Please cell anal Coal Tod. JAMES WILBER. flalesosa. A?i. 45.1171. - • L. S. OA, Proprietor.. TOWLNDA 'Mee pet reeeteed the *wit emortment Ad .A. 1?" 33 IJ El I 'co. v.•r rzi3 CM MK! 700 10 40 12 50 090 3 40 4 25 609 5 53 6 17 11 00 3 40 8 25 8 47 9 351 10 49 11 331 1430 1 20 145 10 32 103: 1 Et 2 25 11 151 12 3 1 3' 129'35 1 13 401 'll3 i 100 8 05 IA. SL. 2 50 810• 950 10 00 10 05 800 12 45 455 4 40 4 45 ,1 15 700 600 A. Y. 112 Ell rM No.No 8. t I• 2. :Co. 12. ' (2130 rIE2 Eff:i El Ii 00 121 7 11 25 8 905 11 530 5 4O 5 45 6 20 10 10 432E121 5 13ili 649 1: 628 11 711 2! 740 31 3: _ 1166 6 :745 1242 ...• 808 ...... 11:0••••• 8 1000 235 8 .2 615 11 • slc 9 1100 33 o ks 9 IE4 • IP. Y.P. 12 . 3 1 180 215 2 41 300 10 58 252 353 5 50 700 33 700 ♦. Y. JOHN N. .0130T1.4 . gang Passer art A. N. WARNER 111101311= BIOS. ~{SCOIL~OOO& Marble %Yolks. GEO. 31cOABE 41(SON ..1' ~. +l~ M -~ twee exhibited in this maim. to which thwr Invite the sttentiOn of the public. Tier beep On hand or bunt& to order - *ONIIMENTS, ItEB STONES, MANTLES, am, Of 'Teo *As. AT THE LOWEST TERMS. Persona in sant or ng in Una oar an ra• agectialiy invited to all anythi and mad= oar stook. McCABE & SON. Towanda. May 1, In/ LADIES FRIEND. The sales of Sewing Machines in 871. an reported under oath in 1872, to the owners of Sewingllachine Patents, stow that the S liN 0- El IZ M2L,NUFACTURINti COMPANY SOLD LkST TELE 151,2G0 ItACHECES. Ninety pee cent et Urn) being FOR FAMILY USE. over 50.000 3lora SewiniOlachinea than were bold bylany other company during the urns period. 'Ertel Machine sold by WICKHAM 4k. BLACK GeNYZAI: Aorrri, /23 Ans. lt, 1112. [INE.W GOODS MI B. A. Pettes fa Co.'s OITOINIZE THE 00trIIT HOTBF.. ConslstiN of a general line of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, SHAWLS, NIIBIAS, WANIR,PROOF CLOTHS AND CLOAEDIGS. • VELVZTS AND V VIETIENS HAIR GOODS FOR LADIES, LIKES SWITCHES. =AIDS AI COILS. Of all the Latest Iles. lIIILLIIIIIIY 000DII IN ALL VABILTIELL Towanda. Oct. 8, 18= SOMETHING NEW W.- A. ROC-SWILL Has purchased a large and olegant assortzaant of JEWELRY, GOLD AND SILVIM WATCHES, CLOCKS OF ALL= KINDS, Ow AND awn aim AIM 81308. Id! .. .yr--‘77TI-7-wr.3-4-1 Asa ell the *RAW geode for '~~ Ii sad Yorks In seta. Pons. Cbarms, and In fad ovorithing to plow, with an oodiPos misty of lipottoeiso sod Clods. 'bolsi purchased felts the late A. M. Warner's aelato the entire tot of tools and Allures I ant pre• tuftd to 40.1al Idrolt of wort at the shortest nano, sad warrassed. Plow Ws on a call and madam Ow goods mot I Intl try to idea You - entre ffigisfac' Ws. r W. At 110CIMILL. leveatle, Sue.'" 'M. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING pgFchaiwi Op entire Waist . of laths ftesociA IL MOB t 00., Dm Prellend W oar to Use Masai at Bradford Com* sad vidat. th Lim* sod von scioiied dock Of Mil& I bayipkirairaed far °ark red lag aciakisat that I can NU at halo* flora as as be parchasid obirirbsis. I sow oder to tbepaiblica epleadtilstook ARBON FLOUR,. GRAHAM DO I keep comtaDitr on hand. PORK. HAM% UOID, and all !dada a IM3II. Would osll erittertion a the Ingtlle to our Caul Be Boit Ia go Z 1 or peke. %kw Ostlers Celebrated Latia dry4r - nr York Obscaoil and Brcrwn Soap. Law adroxtrsumi of TAXI= NOTIONS, Touxr SOAPS, he:. Ike. • I trill psi the highest Gish pies he amt make immediate payment. TOWANDA, PA., I 8 WAItakInIED. atom MI HOSIERY, suothe As Groceries Riffleans. R. Ei. PATCH, G•BOOEBIEiS•, TEAS, OOFFEES, SUGARS► mace. B4LIBi7VB. SPICES, is Mfrs on bond a litigo ilia* at DYE DO. STOCK OF TOBACCO, pease ea •od amino oar sock of WOODEN WARP.: COUNTRY PRODUCE. Tanaels: We us a all beams mellng elsewhere. C. B. PATCH. All persons indebted to the late Lrm willilesio call Towandi, March. 12, 1867 M . J. LONG. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOOD. WILLOW, AND STONE WAGE. FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, *I., No. 1 PATTON'S BIDOE. COR. JIIITN. AND BREDGE STS., TOWANDA, PA I desire to call the attention of the to. my assortment of goods, which la always fall and com plete, and will be sold to My customers at lowest market rates. Ily dock of TEAS, COFFEES, EMI • SPICE.S, A Bare been purclisseit since tholiite reduction in the tariff 'on them, are Mitred at prices to en:- respond. Orders by mail or otherwire artll mann cargo and prompt attention. Thanking the public for the liberal Pat they Mao given me. I Irish e continusaceg la g tame. CABS. PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE feb.2oll Fox & MERCUR are now receiv ing a fresh stock of Goods In their line.bought since theta January, to which they invite the at tention of their friends. We keep the largest stock In town. Onr goods are fresh and desirable. We !sell at lowest market pekes. Jan. 19, 1871. FRESH AND NEW TEAS, bought alma the recent dertna in price, and r ung cheap at retail. Jan. 19. 1871 FOX & ALERCUR nre selling Gro oeries at retail. - • Jan. 19, PM. FOIL KERCITR are selling New and Fresh Goods. Jan. 19. 1871. VOX & 3LERCUB, are selling Gro 1 mica cheap. Jan. 19, 1871. VOX & lIERCTII, are selling first- J." class Goods only. Jan. 19. Mt - pox & M_ERCITR are selling cheaper than ever. Jan. 19, 1611. 14E31E1133ER that we are selling Goods at RETAIL! And that we won't be undersold. Jan. 19, 1871. FOX lc YEACIIR MICHIGAN FINE-CIIT TOBAC oO—very choice—at Jan. 19, 1871 v ME ox & RCUR do not deal in _a: Shoddy Goods. Jan. 19, 1811. s. OIIR CUSTOMERS can rely upon getting the way bud the market affords and at lowest prima. Z. T. FOX. Towanda. Jan. 19.11. MIRY 11ZRCUR. 1011EMEMBER ISAT FOX & Mat AA, CUTS are retzaing all kinds of Groceries at wbcdesaleprices: The largest stock in town. Goods first class. Prices low. FOX. Sept. 29.10. /MEM. MEIICI7II. TO THE PUBLIC. Raving bought the stock and leased the old stand of Cowell & Ilyer, I would say to all who bay their GROCERIES in this place, that I shall endeavor to keep a select assortment of everything usnally kept in a Grocery Store.. Also a fall lino of • YANKEE NOTIONS, which I propose to MI very cheap forciah. I respectfully solicit a share -of your patronage and think I can make it mutually advantageous for you to deal pith me. . Yours, very respectfully. J. B. JOEM/3011. Towanda, July I, Ind. BAKERY AND pniDtG ROOM. first block north of Ward Hones. t3READ, PIES, CARF,,CRACKatS, BASED •DAIL Y, 0 And sold at Wholesale and BAWL In our MINI 800 se will accommodate the yablle with ether lunch or a good meal at times of the day and IMO rang. OYSTERS IND ICE CREAM ON NAND DURING THEM SEASON. . Also a fine assort:ant of Groouirs, Cantsetionery, troits lir , Nu a t e. ssay NEW ARRIVAL OF VIIIMBY GOODS! On and after SLIVEDAY, Oar. Gth, I shall be prepared to exhibit Ow aeve arrival of MILLINEDY GOODS To the ladies of Toarands and vicinity. 11,,y stack comprises everything In the line, and I ahall con tinue to sell at my nintally reasonable rates, Give me a call and examine - the good for your. selves. • S. M. GRIFFIN. SPRAYED OR STOLEN FROM home. a BLACK PUP, a small white spot on his breast. about 10 months old; he is part bird and part shepherd, answers to the name of Sport. Any one gtring information regarding his whermtxmia will be liberally rewarded. H. Baowimie TAILOR- LeßayrrObl„ POW. 20,111714! wing. lIIRAM.TAYLOR • FASHIONABLE TAILORS: Opposite Public Spare, Keep always on hand a fall assort- CLOTHS, CASHMERES 1 READY-MADE CLOTHING j In all the latest styles, HATS CAPS AND UMBRELLAS, GENTS' Furnishing 'GEO od s CUTTING DONE ON, SHORT ALL WORK WARRANTED 6 6 MAIN STREET., • • • • 1414 MY FRANKS, 11_(Summar to Hoar Hanizt.) MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 4, Griffith at Patton's Block. Bridge Street. To. wands. A good assortment of Cloths. Vest:lnge and Cassimeres, constantly on hand. Goods made to order in the best mannor. • • - • B. PATCH. THIS CAPS THE CLIMAX. To contemplate that man la made capable o fathoming the depth of the mighty ocean and meas- wring the . distance to tho most diaMnt star, and wS were about to sly,mpabie of weighing the solid con tents of the sun. And it is ronderfally . strange ths. . this Brut of Brothers hire insd'e themselves so con versant with every branch of the great and impor tanCCletkEng and rurni.hing trade that it makds tunntstiotably the igacifor.every one to buy, Here you will awl Clotßee extremely cheap, Pile upon pile, hinp upon heap; - Of every grade, lecture, antrhue. • Milli or Black, Gentile or Jr.e 'All say at once, We will ga there, , icir they do business on the square:" Their Clothes are good., and prices jnst, They pay for all, and give no trust. all that pant Clothes should 6, and see Those prices, styles, and cinatipty; Hits, caps, or Clothes. thin or thick. Umbrellas or a Walking Stick. Buy your 'Furnishing Goods of them; Buy all your Clothing of them; .• ; Buy of this firm buy of no others. For reasons why. it is WOLFF BROTIIERS Towandt, Oct. 1. 1872. BLOOD & CO., StIII cant :mite o mannfactare their oolebratel HORSE POWERS Jr. CLEANERS, and will sell a better can be had elsewhere An the world. We claim for our machines that their will do as ninth, or more, than any other, and are more durably built. We personally anpaintend out work and see that it Is well down. We will mead . of Our inachlats, on application. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, One cn Am Horse THRESHER el IMPERATORE. fila2BllZß m4•CLZ4II7I6S. FANNING MILLS, lii. J. LONG • =MAI AND DLO SAW Imam, SAW AND GRIST MILL work done to order Give Ue & call before purchasing elsewhere. va "OD unoasavaa 'SATaHJIY 4 'oo 1? aoo'l a Au g . 2,1859. z FOUN. DERY & MACHINE FOX ic MERCUR The undersigned having purchased the rodndry and Machine Shop lately owned by John Carman, an prepared to do all kinds of work appertaining to their husiness, with promptness and dispatch. MILL GEA,RIN ; pS, CIRCULAR SA,W MILLS, Of tho latest and most improved kinds manufactured and kept constantly on hand ready for use. Pox k NE8.C171113 SIDE-HILL. IRON AND WOODE!I BEAUS CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS PLOUGH POINTS kept Of an kbulk mid the latest eaastantly os hail& 'STOVE CASTINGS I:IZLLAR GEAT72. SLED AND SLEIGH, SHOES, TEE HOME SHUTTLE SEW- ING MACHINE. THE PERFECTION OP MECHANISM, Ton 1%1313LE50, FELL/NO. RIXDI3O, COILDISO, Iburinso, Etrammxcl, (pmarni, Mama. Ermalm, HEY-errICEMCG AND GATIMIIINO. Simple, Compact, Et Wont, Durable and Complete. Eveiy Machine Warranted for five years. D. W. SCOTT k CO. EQUALLY GOOD YOU EUEE OR ELM 'WOBE. The oaly practical law priced Loot-atiteh tierrtas Nicht= ever Wanted. Don't be hambeigged by other ♦gents blarney, no mattes how smooth their tongue may be; be mire they moan time profits to their own pockets. D. B. wooDuact, Agent for Bradford and SWUr= Coonbea. Agent.' witted. Itcene. Bradford cceanty, Pa.. Feb. 28,'72. - RARREILLS BARRELLS !-A auppls of Cider and Pork Barrels, and all kinds of Cooper Work oa liana. at W. A. POCK WELL'S. - 04.9.11. Buratus •fiii five —dollars at FROM .501118 ment of AND COATINGS. In great variety NOTICE. TOWANDA, PA. .~ MAN DRILLS, Lod all klndi of MILL eONS ZU3E ER. ENGINES REPAIRED, gni all work werrented, to give satietaction. SHINGLE ILICIM PL - OTIGHS, of all kind& MMN POTM3S, LARGE AND SMALL SIZE. P M nxvy l MI And all Idads of castings tarnished to KEANS 31.0CIFILIX: March SO. 11M. Pa at:LW la AMERICA AND . EUROPE, It la strtnnipti of ILtehaaleal galas. • imisloe9B7,oo Ckm4ieB zeta Pnwbdons. GROCERY AND PROVISION 8T 0:1R, T 7. M'oQADE 4t'EDWAtIDS, Wholesale sad Retail Doak= Is FAMILY GROCE.BIES pROyISIONS, ILIMCIIIVEI NEW BLOCK, TOWANDA, PA. 'we do not dams it necessary to enumerate all t h e alferent articles ire keep. Our assortment is ALWAYS COMPLETE. We ea nettling but FIRST CLASS GOODS. Cash Paid for Parma" Produce. MOM IfcCIABE, /Larch 1. 1870. WIAL EDWARDS. CENTRAL MARKET. The subscribers still continue to keep constiUkly on hand a full and couplets assortment of every thing pertaining to their business, consisting main; i n BEEF, PORK, FRESH AND SALT SUGAR =EU .TIAXS. a. LAMB. VEAL. POULTIPIi, SAUSAGE. BOLOGNA. DRIED BEEF. ' TALLOW. dm. kn. Also. S FRESH FROM THE LAKES. OYSTERS REMVED DRILY • In their lesson. Parties wishing Oysters inVe or small unsaid ties will be furnished on Rh notice, at the old stand, Cmrruat. Stanarr, titanye's Block, first , door north of Dr. Porters. Caaa. 6 &maxis, KULL'S! AIItrLLOCIL Taco. MuLtocz. Feb. 2i. 1870-U • HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ti.._CASII, PAW FOR ,GRAIN, BUTTER AND EGGS, GEORGE SMITH, WTSALTIKrSO, rA. April 18, 1b72. Boots and Shoes. N EW FIR M BOOT AND SHOI.: TRADE. I CORSE - Et & COONS Would announce that having bought out Mr. L. L. mooDr, they are now prepared to offer ti tho put tic a )arge and varied assortment o! BOOTS, STYES, TRUNKS, ; TRAVELING BAGS, LEATHER, 8130 E VOIDINGS, lbO We shall keep a full line of BIIMPHILEY MTH ERB & TRACT '8 manufacture of• goats as well as many other goods of first-class make. t ' We are mole agents for 33 , 1 J T ' S Celebrated Make of BOOTS AND SHOES And cwtotnera rdn always rely upon' :India; a fu Rupp y of tht..sefgoods for LADIES, GENTS, SUSSES, k CHILDRESS WEAR. Shoemakers and others wanting Lesther shoe findings, ke., snit find with as • good assortment at all times. DI" R.B, Robertson rrmaine wit/it'll and is ready to 1 T tits" in the way of Fine Bdots to all who may .avor him.with a call. As our goods are all bouglit of the manufacturers we are able and will sell at the lowest bottom prices for cub. We hope by fair orating to merit the pat ronage of all: mot r. COW= A. Y. COONS. ) Towatla, Oct. 1872. WOODFORD, Os NEW YORK BOOT AND SHOE, STORE, No. 3, PATSON k GRICIPITTHS BLOCK,BRIDGE St' Is receiving one of the largest and best stock of BOOTS & SHOES ever brought in Towanda, Which he is offering at the very lowest prices for Cash, consisting of Grwrs CALF; Bre STOGA, BOYS CALF Boars, I ;Linum, Mmszs and Ciromer's Shoes . of' all kinds, all bought direct. from the Manufacturers, and hand made, all goods warranted. A rem srocF OF LEATHER AND FINDMIS. Thankful for past favors, solici a continuance of - the same. Towanda; Uky, 1, 1872. NEW. ROUTE TO PHILADFar PHIL • • W Shortest and roast direct line to Philadelphia, ltd. Union, Washington, and the South. Passages try this reale take jenissylvanta & New Tort Railroad train. peening Towanda at 10:40 1.31.. and 2:05 p. m.. coat* doss connection at Fier thistle= with I p eess train of North Penn's, Rail road. and arrive to Philadelphia at rlO P. X., and 1010 PM-. in time to take tdght trains either for the Routh or Wad. Palos cars are attached f the P.X. train. City paswengsr cars are at the Depot on Ardis! of all trains o owe passenger s to , the vadons parrots and to as partsof the city. Las ellae&Picea Biaragi Depot. cornea Bests and American 8 .. Philadelphia. at SOO b. 9:43 &31-. arriving at Towanda 4:57 & 805 P.N., same evening. Mann's Baggage Fsnr, : naiads 'and delivers bag. gage, office No. 106 goat t U h street. PleadelphLs. TirtGNl' Freed reeeived at Front mu Noble streets. PhiLs• delphis. and forwarded by Daily Fast Freight train to Towanda. and all points in fincitt limns valley with quick dispatch. FELTS WAND.. Gen. Agt. N.P,R.It.; Front and Willow Sta. Jon •3: 1872. ' Phi sAPlphti. CASTER.—A supply of Fresh Y GroatiS Plttster tor' Offs ki W. A. BOOS WILL. • (*AVM mar. CROCKERY STORE SILVER PLATED WARE, II IN THE GLOVES, ;)lITTENS, For Towanda, \ CORSES & COONS. AT THE TOMS. Crockery a G WICKHAM it BLACK. ERUIT JABS -2VM3?!LEt‘t3. BOWLS. OUP' JO Is. Prom Rodgers & lkotbir TABLE CUTLERY. tiger:icy al the SINGER SEWING ' MACHINE, INSURANCE AGENCY AT wicsispas & BLACKS Towanda. July 2%. 1872. NOBLE ik.f VINCENT'S IIii§IIRANCE AGENCY c :+:}w: OMee . oppOsP , 'tart 4.lrit% Main Street I °WANDA, PA INSUBASCE lAIN: , T Loss , OR laMkiE BY FrR<Y, OR LIGHTNI N G ON ALL ENDS OF PROPERTY. In sound and reliable Compirdes LIFE INSURANCE' In the oldest and best Companies lu the United States. ACCIDLNT INSURANCE From ")ne Ley toOwo Year, ovER $50,000;000 represeztea ria (CIES ISSUED Aud lanes adj :tea and paid [EI THIS OFFICE MEE= LEM Towanda: Nov pA. & N.Y. CANAL & CO.- LRBANOE3ELNT OF I'ASSMCGEE TRAIN. 8 To Like effect Monday, Nov. 11, 1872, —~ ~FI:2SCSPAL No. No. 7.. STATIONS. :OS. So. 1 So. I 33. I 9. I PI It P II ' aY' • 910' ......Elmira 14 45 915 Waverly 11 57 1 9 30 Athena. 11 46 10 10 Towanda.... 11 06 1105 , .....Wyalnaing.... 'lO 05 11 28; .....Laceyville.... 943 11 49 Meehoppen... 940 11 56 .... Mehoopany... 913 1245; ...Truakhannock.. 840 i'•lso, __Pittston— .. .7 25 215 ... Barre... 700 4 33:_..Mauch Chunk.. ..... 1150 Allentown.— tas 0.5! —Bethlehem 825 —Buten 2 3 20 335 4 20 5 20 545' 303 E ill 6 20 , 6 S4i 350 800 443 8 251 500 '. .. 1 730 39 8 28 , 840 i 915 8 20 1 ..rhils4l,e_lpbta... 1039 Ipst 940; New York MU 31 leaves Towanda at 7 10 a, m.; a. m.; Waverly, 8 03 a. m.. arriving 'a 900 A. M. 1 No. 31 leaves Elmira at 530 p.• m.; Waverly. at 6 15 p. m.;;Athens, at 630 p. m., arriving at To vranda at 7 15 P. M. Drawing ROO= Cara, attached to Trains 2 and 0 run through from Elmira to Philadelphia. R. A. PACKER. Superintendent. WE CLNINI FOR LAZA.RUS k MOMS' CELEBRATE!) PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND ESE GLASSES, The undermentioned advantages over those in ordi nary use. the proof of which may be.. seen in the extraordinary sales, and constantly increasing de mand for them: , Ist. That fronithe peculiar construction of the glasses they assist and preserpie the sight, render- - ins frequent changes unaletessary. 2d. That they confer a brilliancy and distinctness of vision, with an amount of ease and, comfort not hitherto enjoyed by spectacle wearers.. 3d, That the material from which the Lenses are ground is manufactured specially for-optic purpos es, and is pure, bard. and brilliant, and not liable to become scratched.- • . _ '4th. That the frame in which they are set, wheth, - cr in Gold. Silver , or steel. are of the finest quality and finish aim guaranteed perfect in every respect. For sale only by our outhorized agent in this local ity. We never supply or employ peddlers. W. A. Chamberlin, Sole Agent, Towanda. Pa. N0v.20,L572 8008-BINDERY.—THE PUB iespicthiny informed that the Book-Bin.; deny \has been removed to the .Seporter".Building; third 80 1 7. where win be done soon-BINDINCIJ In all Its various branches. as terms as reasonable as "the times" will allow. The Bindery_will be couttt the charge of ii., C. WHEILIEZEI, An experienced Binder, and all week will be promptly done ins style and manner whichamnot be excelled: Music. Mligleries. In storyof style. Particular, attention will be paid to the and Binding of - IMI . il. ) ~~~ • • To any desired pattern. which in quality and Mari bility will be wangled. All work will be ready for claimer, when promised. The patronage of the public is solicited. stud fact satiataction guaranteed. Towanda. August 2. 1886—tt.. ROBISON'S REPEATING • RIPLE, NEW NODDLE. Simple. Strong. Powerful. Bale. and damn* 'blab mikes it one of the best Guns ever odbral ,to = en. Prices from Spa to M. Send for a to Pc A. Stazdeld. West Auburn, Pe. t for Bradford. e =sebenas, SetErren. • sad Zuzerne , -Nev.lfier4 MONEY SANTA; . • BY PUBCEARING !BUB , STOY ES AND ItAEDWARE . Or W. L. P/DIDLETON: orwal Inh ( L."H• Fes- bring 14nr a, igrateuteie D a OLD CASH ''DRUG STORE, Owner ! Main and PULS Streetll. Towanda. Hoye nolttntliarbled largely to their stock,s complete assortment,,conatitating ea estectudve vs. =:ftm a bracing msny articles coed in the Arts far p carefully Warted with mud to the progrowdve wants of the pirb, Ho, which will be kept coturtantly supplied with fresh purchases, and offered on the moat reasonable term* at Wholesale or Retail, consisting of Daucis, •MED 1012,1123, I CXIEMICALN worm one. vAwrizazi.6 ALCOHOL AND TURPENTINE, mon rAnrr. vemusiil warrr,wAsa, And nil kinds of Bruhn KEROSENE OR COAL OIL, Burning Fluids, LAMPS. SHADES. WICES. caumns; Sperm. Lard, Whale, Nests Foot, TANNER'S AND 10.CHENR I !wig arid Toilet Articles In all their 'rariety, sikeiors. Boers, comas, /1/44321635. Bair-Dyes, Perfumery, POCKET BOOKS, PO.??T MONAIS, Pocket sHives, Itaiors, T ours, B Amp HAIR PUEPARA.TIONS. PURE'. WINES AND LIQUORS, • mg-SA ea CCO, SNUFF, PIPA AND CIGARS, Gardam l Meld ind Flomer Seeds, Trauma Sup porters, Suspensories. Shoulder Braces, Breast Nlsles.P Teething.. Nursing Battles. Nipple Sheila and Shields, Syringes, Bed Pans, Self. Sealing Fruit Jars, Trier _ Inometers, .Flavoring Extracts, Stone .11ga, Maim Ware, Bottles, Vials, Corks, Bath Bglnk. and Stove Blacking, Fish Tackle, Am munition, Ac., Botanic, Eclectic and apath tc and all the popular Patent MEDICINES. All articles warranted u represented. Persona at a distance can receive their orders by stage or mail. wnich will receive prompt and careful 'attention. Medical advice, given gratuitotisly at the aloe. • only for medicine. cl o ll Thankful for past liberal patronage, would es pectfully announce to their friends and the public.that no pains shall be eared to satisfy. and merit the.con tinuation of their confidence and patrona g e. air Open tiundaya fur prescription!' from 9 to 10 a.ra., and 12 tn. to 1. and 5 to 6 pan. ' 11. C. PORTER & SON. April 1.11472.-yr. i - • ' - lif Et; )1 A.TISIT -NEITPALGIA • $5OO WILL BE PAID . to any person producing shy Medicine showing hall as Many Living, permanent cures as-Dr. Firign's Yvan:aims. Itnguataric REVEDT: •Used inwardly only. A pleasant Medicine, free from injnricins drugs. Warranted, under oath, to have permanent ly cured /5 iii every 100 patients treated in the past ten years. :See testinionr. It is the scientific pre scription of Prot. Joa. P. Fitler, M. D.. a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, A. DI, 1813.—now nue of Philadelphia's oldest regniarphysicians, and Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology,—woo has made Neutlgia. Chronic and Intliamstery Rheuma tism the specialty of-his entire professional life—a fact vouched for by the signatures accompanying each bottle. and other testimonials of . many 'promi nent renowned physicians and e:ergyiuen.. To pro- tect sufferers from poisonous onack nostrums and useless expenditure of money, a legal signed guar antee, stating exact number of bottles warranted to cure, will be forwarded gratis to• any sufferer send ing by Letter a full description of afflction.' In case of failure to'cnre, amount paid positively refunded. Medicine sent anywhere by express, collect on de li, Ad A ff licted invited to write for advice; all In foLi ianon and medical advico sent by letter gratis, ADr..I. P. Frrtxn, 29 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. Pa. The Remedy is sold or obtained 1 by Druggists. . , : Fpr sale by PORML Ex SHIRT, Druggists, Mer -1 ctirra Block. Towanda. Pa. ; _ . r HE WORLD'S TONIC: • Purely Vegetable and free from Alcohol LORIMV,It'S ; ao , I = ieitell Cough, InciplentsConsunaption, Colds, Spit. 1 ing Blood. Intlamation of the Lungs„.C.ttarrh, Bronchitis, DrOop, Whooping Cough, Asth ma. Pains in Breast or Side, Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Dizziness. Loss of Appe- Lto, Fever and Ague, 0 SiTTIVAIID. L - - - . . . ndhp:stion, Liver Complaint, Diarrhoea, .and' all Discasis of the Lungs, Stomach, Li - rer, and Kidneys• . . Na ! No O. 4. MEM WROLS DRUGGISTS, EIMERA, 813 94 541 9f 531; 8 4p3 81 le Agents . , and to whom all orders thoold be addressed.. Price, $l.OO. ar See Cirrilira for farther information.-Sig CC juriel2;Mt! 320 5 232 4 2 15 1 4 1145, 1 10 47,12 21 10 30112 0 1 1005 3 11 3' EITO NN: AN DA MUSICAL ACADEMY EDGAR 11. SHFIWOOD. PIIINCIPAI. i . ~ rsQriii.t.), - .)a COLI.EGIATE INSTITUTE, . TOWANDA, PA. 830 7 4 r i r lil.wl. 700 9 no Furte pupils, per quarter,.... *l•u 00 ncluding Harmony and Vocal class, per q'r. - 20 00 STRICTLY HALT QUARTERLY TN ADVANTE. Recitations twice a week. No deduction or , 4 time e up." except in case of illness .of more than due week's duration. • I ,• X A .erta. 7 50 t Elmira at 1 This Music School is classified into three depart-. ments. ViZ : Preliminary, Primary aud - Advanced. • here NOR be a certificate giv,n at the completion of ach course with the musical stsrling of -the pupil. . Pupils from a distance will find accommodations or board and piano practice in the institution at ery mOderate prices, Nort,:m—Mr. Sherwood has a progrcAi , e course .omprising the beat modern methods ,iii, o ing the romioent features and appliances of the • ~.-0 pop lar Lyo Musical Acadrmy, of-which his eictlier ev, L. 11. S wood, was formerly priuci “. and rir 2 oprietbr. 31r. Edgar lb I. , usical acquireme 1 teaching.—Eifitor e [ Towanda, May 9 NEW. PLANING' The tmdersigned having built a large and comma .dious MD in the Borough of Towanda, and filled it 'with the most modern and improved machinery, for the mannfacture of &ro prepared to All orders, whether large or small. upon the shortest notice. We bare also a large ca. riety of MOULDDIGS, of the latest style and pattern. which we can furnish much cheaper than they can be worked by hand. PLANING. roxa7Enui, • • cisooraw, , • AND SCHOOL i.l ; -SA (21; • And all other work pertaining to Joinery, willbe dOne to snit our customers. - 1 Persons building, and not living more than tw e lve to fourteen miles distant, will And it largely foitheir Interest to buy of us, or bring their lumber and have It worked by our machinery. Bring }bur grist of Flooring. ter other lumber, and while your team is feeding, hare ground out and take -it home mita t Yan• WO will pay CASH for PLNE AND LUMBER dell at our lumber yard.' me and See us, irr if you com't c, write. Trnranda. Fah.. 111A4. 13. RODC4 -- - - TOMPKINS COUNTY SEEDER AND PLASTER S This is an Attachment to that FIRST CLISS MA. CRECE: THE TOXPKDIS COUNTY WHEEL RAKE! BEir SOICEII .1,1411E:11ARE.1.7 ! Its r advantag,es over all others are ninny, but we call special attention to its adaptation to . SOWING PLASTER. LIHE. ASHES; BONE DUST. The Distributing device is so arranged as to effec tually crush allrumpso ll t thereby insuring an even distribution of Plaster, even wh.4l full of bard dry lumps. it , SOWS,EQUALVF WELL • i ALL NINDS OP QRAIN AND GRA. S SEEDS, Such as Wheat. Itye, Oats. Harley, Buckwheat,Cor n Flax seed. Timothy, Clover and other Grass Seeds. The Seeding-Bet is bung under the axle, near tho ground, and can be USED IN A STRONG , IffIND WITHOUT SCAT TERING THE PLASTER OR .SKED. HOWEVER - LIGHT. • it is driven by o on the wheel, which will not get out of order fro use ;•as is the cw. wirm en by guilt. - . IT OAN 'BE SHIFTED FllOll RASE TO SEEDER, Olt FROM SEEDER TO RARE, IN FIFTEEN NORMS. Seeder; alone, or complete $65 00 =MMENNM! EiMEIZEMIMI WS,.Farmers wanting the Beedet homplete to sow What or Rye. or for Fall sowing of Plaster. he., can have the maim anti pay for it same time as though purchued next ap/Ing. • , -R. M. WELL'S, dent at Agent T. , leandn. ?a.. Aug. 1871 , CORE? Trite BEST. most DDMILABLE, and moat ECO 75 °INCAS. FUEL for culinary purposes daring sum ner. For sale by the TOWANDA OAS COMPANY • Twelve ag e t ett Hker bushel tit Um Oas Holm. at; en mite Mry50.1,10 and Notticinea 11111 pnwri =As% For Medicinal cue. SUNIIEP., MLR A CERTAIN CURE FOR w: H. GREGG CO:, Sold by all Druggists. beint - ood has. decided talent. I.tie • is and exterAlve eiperiend• in •ochezter Musical Times. ' WM - Dow SASH AND BLINDS And we iu teem:rime:la it as the AND OTZLEEt FERTILJZERS PRIOZ3 OP B&EDEB -11 , 11) }Like. EMI'S lIACHL'qg 13 WAttaL.NTED Drags and Medicines. TiorEm l ßcoßno - pNiros.a TOWAIDA, ,pA, FLIOLESALE 'AND RETAIL ,_ DRUGGIStSI' • /raving eatimpfrely repaired their- store, at atapd, have re•opened with a.,large, new ant . seletted'atock, ron3isting or . ACIDS. /DETRACTS, ELI.X.p.S, ht:G4P. COATED PILL, FOWDEIIS, GUMS, BYEURS TINCTURE.% WINES, &C., BOTANIC, ECLECTIC AND HOBEOPATAIC P 4. PkitATION'S DYE, STI;FIFS, 3IA.CHINE EXTRA REY.P.tiED HEROSENE,;ALconoi lEIRE WINES` Axpjag7oris, • For Medicinal TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, PO►PLI,IR PATENT .3IEDICTNES, And a Fine .Amiortsent'of TOILET AND FANCY GOODS More than , the natal care and ittentlon given to the Compounding of Prescriptions. Open Sunday', f rom 9 o'rlock,a rn.,to 1 p.m: & from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m, 31‘nmh can be ionaulteet at the store. nn Set. nrdny of cacti week, as heretofore. Towanda, May 7. 1h72: DR.: 0. D. STILES havin g purcbd THE DRUG. STORE or L. A, RIDGWAY, Is ItoxE, PA , . Has now in stock and Is constantly t cc:kr:T.l4 lieu: supplies of pure Drugs and lledicines. Dp . s.Pcnis, A:c. Agent for all the most prp•;iar Pat, l ent; Sletlicmes. A fresh supply of - the VECEGA.P. BITTERS. - Pure .Wines and Liquors for: medicinal best brands of Cigars and Tobacco; chc6c4 ery, toilet and fancy articles, flas °nog - School books, stationery. and iv-ies. n. -ci plied sith stationery at 17 . 3. r prieeZ,. All cue books furnished to o'rder at publislier t ' pnc.r. The Da-tor will coutnalle to pra t:c.• xx,,h,:nr a. herrtotore. Office et the pr . :lg .•qore; :,0111 , L.--.;- poszte Pr , sbitenan clauch. Pri-ftcr;ptluni ar:.l rr teipts eveurately compounded at all hours Lyn peteut [Apr.l AYLOR'S . CELEBRATED OIL The Great Rheumatic Remedy should be k.„l-1 te, used by every Farmer that keel.. eitLer Catt'J or liorsiss. every Teanister at:l Lavery Stable Keep r Physiman and Horse Tuner' for-it A,ll tnaf. times cure pain and lameness when all other med.. einem - liave failed. Miners and Railroad Men sbeaid certainly keep it. :or it is unsurpassed for brt se. and eprair.s. BracksLiniths should keep at .f.•rtheir -,wr‘ Use and for their cnstomdrs tender footed hula.:., as nothing for tender ieet. Every 1•..1y suffering from pain and•lailieliess of :T.: kind, borrs, cuts, wounds or any, eruption of tlts skin,,Ct.rtis. Chilblains or any disease requirin.; er outward application should certainly keep tAI. brated• medicine. Every bottle warranted satisfaction. For sale by Dr. H. C. Porter Son k Ce, Porter & Kirby and F. W. Brown. Druggists, TOWaI...IA Pa. And by every-Drng ,gist anddealer in,llm and adjoining counties. Johnston Holloway and Cowden, whOlesale Pater.i Sl.dicine Depot, No. CO. Arch dtrret Philadrl,ll;;;‘,li.. Wholesale Agents. H. r.RowsIG TA,171.01t., julyl9"7o-tf Propriefor, Leß.ay - sville ; Pa 1 OTHE PUBLIC !. TLP nr.tiersi 3 Ontyl xonJd thnst they are row prepareA in every way to atte:ll I — NDERT 11ESINEss4i' likfita branches. And we trust can girt aitkfat: ttli services of any one in that line. • • ' Having spared no expense or qoubl.• in pram:• fug from the shop of if. Stolen d Co.l of our place, a hearse which cAlnot be surpassed or even dcluale4 elegance,in this side of .onr largest . hsv? also- Seel.llVa the services of a most rt . '.l-IA, C.l.7(':G‘ and gentlemanly person to attend . t 6 t‘ra the bnsiae,s J. 4. ALL T:4, et° cu our firm; wai be io'Ur..l st trt .Ftirniture Store; oa! Bridge street, azd C. the other member of the firm, D:+ ref 'deuce on Third street, or ...Vont ttle,o:l7. or , C r i B. Beach, a vey reliable ana relebrateql 4hoie office i. ea Park street. Lear %be . F 2.• EcouBe. I.' - I. jan2s'72tf FIRST NATTONAL BA-NE, CAPITAL.... Smu>Lts Fr - , - This Bmik offers transaction of a GENERAL BANKING 13 U.§/1\4:5, ERMial-UT AID ON DErosrrs' Accor.Dmi . AGREMENT. • Sracrat Cana OTT Ma TO aira COLLECTION 07 `;, , m Ciarm -i , • , , Parties *fishing to SIM D MONET to any part of the ratted States. England. Ireland. Scotland. or thAlmh• cipal cities and towns of Europe, can , here pro:nrr drafts for that purpose. •., - To or from the old country, by best steamer Inglines, always on hand. FAXIVZS SECTOUT 0 . 113 AT 1111:DLCICA a►Si4 Highest Pr4e paid for' U.S Gold and Sl:va JO& POWELL, President. December 1,1369. • NEW STEAM. FLOURING \IILL 321:3 The irabicrib detarei to giv6 notim ttut Lou* STEAM FLOURING MU, le now in successful operation, 'and that he to pared to da all work in bis line on short nonce. C 11.57011 ORINDLNG DOSE °N.:ME . .. - • . , , ~ Wheat, Buckwheat and 110 Fleur. C OLA x. °l- Feed. Bran, ac., ••a;waye 011: ' hand aad for a. ,, lowee.t ratee. :__ .. • ' . . • . -., . ' .. - Plll.l - ICULAR NOTloE...Persous living,' gi west side of the river desiring to patrouir tIY ,'' 'wi3.l have their ferryage paid both RAM. wben' „ -bring grista - it ton bushola and nirv3-711'. 'V' - • api.4'll ', . - F. F.. A T k • . 1101A6 AY GOP. . . . . • I liav milled to toy e,cteoso 0 ur. , ...: : L.kIIPS. and TABLE GLXSSW ALE:. - . . . tkli..3l.ottni Cops ana Si.:cc r5,.3.1 , :t.! } 1 i::; aod. to Tea Sets, in. gret variet.v. and Fav y ey.Todet Sets' of a the hatidsmiles! ,! signs. „Bs I . ..rhesogoods I have imported direct.) . , • Enrope,'and My Prices are as low as an` PL . : porter can sell the same good either tkii co: . or Net, York ' A. J. WEIDE-NE.I , -Nos. SS South Second and 29 StrawbertY s : '' • - Philadelphia , .I ' . • . . , 'll.l Na—M7 stock of CHANDELIERS. eglov.„o.. sisptsa to Churches, Is ver! Lugs. Book' Q f v ; Sags. sboiriag the aeelgn ol each chat:ooe :4 bracket, will be sent on request. • • - . Oct?.-m! J••' -----" 4000 33.00 23 CO 000 AGENT • ANTED at on for qur New Book, tato Life of ..he tivst!: plorer, I. - • • I LIVINGSTONE. A thvallini account of whit ho hia expe' rioacidt,- „ 41, aezoinnbehed during twenty-eight ydars in tte -.. of Africa, and of his reittrred:on fr011,,311`, death by STANLEY, with partioVav .4 ho i , r':',",l trip.ill search of, and long gojonru ‘r 111 t: ,,, .::•... -.. diseoierer.. eta.. cie. 62.2 pagoe, i iniy $2 1.,, venally wanted.. For lulldewription ands rA" &ad:emit once . 11UpBABD HE Pu blishee . Mit CT /I Ny.ll'l2-li And 'Ol Orli 'DAT. Tri:NER, w. (3. ?of:DUN J. S. ALLYN. C. 3i. MANVILLE. OF TOWANDA $135,000; 40,000 h . t 4 ILITI - it,: PASS4O . I TICKETS N. BETTS, Jll 7 Cutaer. IN SBYSILEQUIN, PA THAT IT IS RECEIVED IMO El