iitisallaneons. OHAPPAQUA Auono i• The personal. property • of Mr. Greeley was sold at auction on - Sat.: urday last. The old Westchester farmers purchased Many ; articles as' keep-sakes. The bidding *as not very brisk, and most of the property was struck offat a lbw figure. One steel pointed c l orn plough sold for 25 cents ; a lane plough at 25 cents ; a new corn plough;at 75 cents ; a sub soil plough at 25 cents two other sub-soil:plougha at 50 and 55 cents ; and another of huge dimensions for four yoke of oxen: to draw, sold for 60 cents as old iron; a cultivator sold for 50 cents, and another plough for ;50 Gents ; another ploW for $1..26, drill for 2Z`?cents ; a steel plow for $l, another cultivator for 21 cents ;. to •titl-soil plow • ,t`or .50 cents ; a scraper for three dollars ; another cultivator. for. $2.50 ; a coulter plow ••;r $5, and another steel plow for $l, aid still a better steel plow for $2,50. Two wheelbarrows for •$1,90 each, ::._1(1 a third ono at 2.50 ; a patent ivitato digger for $1 ; an old odd :id for $9.50: a wagon pole.at $l.- 35, and a horSe-rake at $5 The cattle sold at equally low fig -. ures : A. yoke of oxen at $62.50, anothergolle at $B9 ; a cow at $3B, an Alderny cow for $4l, an Alderny bull, full blooded at $9O, a cow 24 years old f0r ; 57.59 ; an old. horse 'at $27 ; a pair of matched mares 'at $160; two young cows at $2l eaeb ; horse power" ats3l; a threshing ma chine at $2l; a power saw and frame at 32 ; a cornstalk cutter at $2 ; a • largequantity-of oats - sold at $37 ; cornglieller at $l2; hay cutter at $8 ; fanning $7; . oat-straw $9.50 per ton; and a cast-steel drill at $2.25; 600 bushels of corn at $1.14 pe,Cewt. an ox cart at ;$l3, and another at $22.50; a root ,cutter at $6 4 , ice box at 90 cents, and another . , at 5X.65; an iron tooth harrow a\ $l.•, - and 50 fowls at 42. cents each. Household goods,sod cheaply,and the impression , prevailed that the property generally ova' bought in for the daughters, and for that reason ADDMOICAL LOCAL TRAMS WESTWARD. . . t Bone would bid against thgru: 5:00 a.m.., except Sundays, from Owego. Stopping A washstand sold , for -$l, a bed= ' 7 4 . 11 . I betaL/Vl °, el s l : st IZ! : 11 2 21 C 47 7 4 r, stead for Go cents, a churn for ' 16 Big Flats 10:20. Corning ,11: 1 9 I 0 r . g Painted Post 11.56 , cents, it, table for 6 cents; an - , iron Addison :11.'wcpm'erOnitanr.urille 127. C CaniMoo ameron bedstead 'for 55 cents, a squirrel cage 3:4 0 . =tit - jug at norteUsrille at 4: 00 p.m. I . ol' .$l. 50, north a quarter of' „Ile s t ,„ s -, r -1 .;,...„,-. a TZ-i t e- n e it ti l i f "" itr tr om Bu 7 l A hlinall : amount; a stove for 50 cents, worth s h -s- . :- ,;,.... , t=, - - 1 E •13 -,. 13 , ,s( `,,, P e „, -7 6' ' S ' S. ... „ i r ti , ep ,,„. 645 • Ca1 ",,,,,,,: ri Z e $l5, tamther stove for $5, carpets for-I i;-- . 7: ` -.•;..1 t ir1 .-- -4. " s -' 17.. "- -- itlii." . tir -- WI; 4, and a doll baby for 25 cents. s 3.m... sm---... - zi. 'Pal. •C, •-.:. , ..mi 9:15, St rift 950. i •-, es -- -f-7::: Ikr.. Nix-U.3 Post 10:24, Addison 10:53. Au lildcarriag,eunlike anvtliino . o f : Sw.ttl. , . - 11:1‘ , .. in..mero. n , Mals 11:3L Cameron moderit tirm ,- s sold for $1. , .: 1 , -and -•,... ~_ 'lt A.: , ....t.1. - ...1:_ - 1 . 2. -- Al. c - A-... 12:13, and arriving at - •': , .34:entar4 - Z , e at 12= p.m. 4 E. a: $22.1i0 per ton. :, c,:x-5.z.. - ...a3.2, - . from Sosquehanr.a. Stop Ping at TI - 2 e i fs . ..lk s did LO::1:1101 . 1Lt 10 much f , , ( 1, 07 .... r7,4:;:;IFII I L 6 ci :4g. l ' illg yra n s, t°ll Owego 7'lB ' 07t - r 0,000. A. large namber attend- 1 „. 4- - -1- ' 3- ... „ . -71 , -11 ,.,.„,,,, 1. ,,„„,,, -tbl ''',Z, v , :1 4 . „”. 1 V,,, ri r n , 25 ,,,,.. eel, but did not care to bid ap r on any-1 T'4'n—ci:--66.33t7ziiii1711i15."4-;niiiiTii.T2 -1:i137:, tLiag .f hey supp3Fe3 should remain i Tit_.T o tedPost 1 ,2 12:15, s Addison 12: r 45 n0 . r ibor k ieTille on Vail farm, or that the daughters il ti :so: c.i.nist.eo 2:02, and a;Tiving at ifortellatille at Inight,iWiSh tO retain. 1 4 2:15 p.m. • 1:10 p.m.. cm:L.IA Sunday s . iron!. ,Stisquehanna. Ala, 1101 V soon are ' the fruits of Stopping at Great Bend 1:57. Kht - W 0 4 5 . 2:30, Tamp yt - -ars of care and toil swept away 15111a0.tclann 3:12, artlti Hoope r i °L I : CI L I G I TS I ;1 1 .. Cain P Tnie tilid Stuttered to the winds- ns it st l i gii m a wf x : l 9 * Pr ziazY t t o r o 7l,2ll . l l , 3 l ° 4 l rof r, were. Many of these' farming ma- 1111 d thrnce, ill Avon, to Buffalo ' , arriving at 6:57 p * Ta: chines were bought by Mr. Greeley st 2" P,Ttysi oo e ' 11,4 7 .,:1: 1- 3,;; A m, Bin'him e r. ll ' pore for trial than for constant. use. .owego 3tlS, Tina 3:3s,l3mithboro 3:45, Barton 3:52, Ile . would never Sell OJT old cows and vr po a r r 4 rll 7 4:oB, eh ira e ra7B 4 l : g 2o, Flats we l l lT, rs c% c is u lt, .l r yes because they liad become val. Painted Post 3:42. Addis"l"9;Rathbonesille 6:15. neless, but would keep them for the j egm . llllj 6:27. Cameron 6:35, Adri t 4 : lAss p , an c . so. sake of the•past, and out of the nat- Ural kinlatess of his heart. / THE MAN ,OF LONG.LIFE. H« has a proper and well propor tioneid.Stature, without, however, be ing too 'tall. 'He is rather of the middle size, and somewhat .thick set. His complexion is not too florid ; at any rate, too much ruadiness in youth is seldbm a sign of longevity. His 'hair approaches rather to the fair than the .black ; his skin is strong, but not too rough. His head not too big ; he has, large veins at the extremities., and his shoulders are ,rather round than flat. His neck is nbt, too long • - hie abdomen 'does not project ; encl. his hands are large, but not too deeply cleft: His foot is rather thick than long • and his legs are firm and round. He has 'also a brbad, arched chest, a strong voice, and the faculty of retaining his bread for a long time- without clillieulW In general, there is a Com plete harmony in all his parts. His senses are . good, but not too delicate;' . his pulse is slow and replan HiS stornacy is exbellent, his appe tite ,good, mad his digestion easy. The joys of tie table are to him of importanbe ; they tune his ?mind to sreenifv, and his soul partakes in the pleasui•e which they comnanni cate. He does not eat merely for the ) pleasuie of eating, but each meal is an hour of . anily festiVity ; a kind of • delight, attended with this aavant age, in raga 4 1 to otheis, that it does _ not .make l m poorer; but• richer. He cats .slOwly, and has not I much thirst: Too great thirst is alWaysa sign of rapid self-consumption In general, he is serene, loqua oious, active, susceptible of joy, love and hope.; but insensible - to the im _ prcssion of hatred, anger and avarice. His passions never become ton vie • lent or destructive. If he ever gives way to anger, be .- experiences 'Father • a useful glow.of warmth, an artificial and gentle fever without an overflow -of the bile. He is fond also Of em ploytnent,,particalarly calm medita tion. and agreeable. speculatiOns, is an opitmist, a friend tolNatige and domestic felicity, has .no thirst for honors or riches, and banishes all thoughts of to-morrow.,- Belemific Americag. - THE POULTRY PESTILENCL—bne oi our exchanges gives the following as the symptoms of the pohltry pes tilence : . , "The skin hanges in parChment like rolls over the attenuated 1 anato my. The fowls are taken with stag gering fits similar to the blind stag gers in horses. These recur with decreasing interval- and inereasing ;iolence until the end ie-reachrd, - generally from twenty to twenty-four hours. Those infected, guided by their instinct, .seek to hide them., `selves, and crowl away to soine-cort ner, where , they die in shlitude.' This is a fact that brings-some solace; to the denizens of boardinghouses and other institutions, in w :Oh such other opportunities to b y ' cheap penitry are eagerly embrac d. The :owl is' killed when the first mptems appear., and probably before. it Teaches the last stages of unfitness to eat, ,because a short delay. would give it time to bide and die unpro ductively. Half a lOaf is better th an no bread s and if one must eat impure meat, it is a comfort to know.that it is pur#as possible under the circunv. stances. Again, in the latteristages, 'the head _ frequently swells to a great ,„,z,, an at:would cause the nature et +h.: , ' , o_ase tl be its tacitly detecte.d. 1 ' I'vrtu 1 ~ f !'"OtiliAfre wig) d« , .ire to par chai,r.: , il p,*poupti 4 ,, , ,, „ b a,,,,„„ ' 1 4 `TILILY,Ciavi into th enclos w-iii irlai;le 1,9 dikts.4 ,, ai-.41 t,..: , , ~.,.., , 4.- 4 ,.:':111,44 4- ef w a,Ztot . Evros .,, i, „, itT,r o. tl if , d 1 ,,, , 0.....41L-zu4l. i#1,.., V; ..1-14tA wig , t"'": 4 *' 4 l,t ) !..” ?by 41 "" lit " lil 'lcy i ;,sgati') aLt t:.4,-;..r iti,v4r by 1 4 4 - . - , o"sty ,4-040. .1: b. 6161, 00 ," 4 1,:f t ' e5 ,;.044 4 wc'rki gu• fqiiii.l prise for the goeLts Fr - , - This Bmik offers transaction of a GENERAL BANKING 13 U.§/1\4:5, ERMial-UT AID ON DErosrrs' Accor.Dmi . AGREMENT. • Sracrat Cana OTT Ma TO aira COLLECTION 07 `;, , m Ciarm -i , • , , Parties *fishing to SIM D MONET to any part of the ratted States. England. Ireland. Scotland. or thAlmh• cipal cities and towns of Europe, can , here pro:nrr drafts for that purpose. •., - To or from the old country, by best steamer Inglines, always on hand. FAXIVZS SECTOUT 0 . 113 AT 1111:DLCICA a►Si4 Highest Pr4e paid for' U.S Gold and Sl:va JO& POWELL, President. December 1,1369. • NEW STEAM. FLOURING \IILL 321:3 The irabicrib detarei to giv6 notim ttut Lou* STEAM FLOURING MU, le now in successful operation, 'and that he to pared to da all work in bis line on short nonce. C 11.57011 ORINDLNG DOSE °N.:ME . .. - • . , , ~ Wheat, Buckwheat and 110 Fleur. C OLA x. °l- Feed. Bran, ac., ••a;waye 011: ' hand aad for a. ,, lowee.t ratee. :__ .. • ' . . • . -., . ' .. - Plll.l - ICULAR NOTloE...Persous living,' gi west side of the river desiring to patrouir tIY ,'' 'wi3.l have their ferryage paid both RAM. wben' „ -bring grista - it ton bushola and nirv3-711'. 'V' - • api.4'll ', . - F. F.. A T k • . 1101A6 AY GOP. . . . . • I liav milled to toy e,cteoso 0 ur. , ...: : L.kIIPS. and TABLE GLXSSW ALE:. - . . . tkli..3l.ottni Cops ana Si.:cc r5,.3.1 , :t.! } 1 i::; aod. to Tea Sets, in. gret variet.v. and Fav y ey.Todet Sets' of a the hatidsmiles! ,! signs. „Bs I . ..rhesogoods I have imported direct.) . , • Enrope,'and My Prices are as low as an` PL . : porter can sell the same good either tkii co: . or Net, York ' A. J. WEIDE-NE.I , -Nos. SS South Second and 29 StrawbertY s : '' • - Philadelphia , .I ' . • . . , 'll.l Na—M7 stock of CHANDELIERS. eglov.„o.. sisptsa to Churches, Is ver! Lugs. Book' Q f v ; Sags. sboiriag the aeelgn ol each chat:ooe :4 bracket, will be sent on request. • • - . Oct?.-m! J••' -----" 4000 33.00 23 CO 000 AGENT • ANTED at on for qur New Book, tato Life of ..he tivst!: plorer, I. - • • I LIVINGSTONE. A thvallini account of whit ho hia expe' rioacidt,- „ 41, aezoinnbehed during twenty-eight ydars in tte -.. of Africa, and of his reittrred:on fr011,,311`, death by STANLEY, with partioVav .4 ho i , r':',",l trip.ill search of, and long gojonru ‘r 111 t: ,,, .::•... -.. diseoierer.. eta.. cie. 62.2 pagoe, i iniy $2 1.,, venally wanted.. For lulldewription ands rA" &ad:emit once . 11UpBABD HE Pu blishee . Mit CT /I Ny.ll'l2-li And 'Ol Orli 'DAT. Tri:NER, w. (3. ?of:DUN J. S. ALLYN. C. 3i. MANVILLE. OF TOWANDA $135,000; 40,000 h . t 4 ILITI - it,: PASS4O . I TICKETS N. BETTS, Jll 7 Cutaer. IN SBYSILEQUIN, PA THAT IT IS RECEIVED IMO El