Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 28, 1872, Image 3

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    Vradford ep otter.
Towanda, Thursday, lioTember `..18,187e.
/kr Go and hear Mr. HAuraerr,
tblercur's Nally tliis evening.
siV. We understand that an en
,:awpment of Otht Fellows is soon to be insti
tllied at Troy.
and sermon in z the
Eptßeopal Clmrch, thia Thurhday morning, at
appointed Postmaster at Ituntrucrileld, in piece
of T. F. Espy, reogned.
tar EIIASTUS BELL'S, au ewploye
of the Pa. & N. Y. R. R., was badly injured on
Wednoulay afternoon last, while coupling ears
at the nppe . t• depot:
lier Do n't fail 'to hear the TRE—
MAINE BROS., Pest Monday night, at Mercur's
flat'. Iterierved . seats for rale at Kinnr's Dig
;Re There will by a union Thanks
;Ti %jag service in the 31. E. Church, this Thnrs
morning, at Di Bev. .T. Lcsi ,
willyreach the sermon.
life - The friends ofthe'Rev. •0. L.
CiiiisoN will give him a donation visit on Friday
afternoon and evening, of this week, In the
basement of the Methodist Church."
ce6.- Bradford county's quota, of
:), e Centennial Bonds, is 1,350 shares, amount
ng to $1:3,800. 731.. C. 311utun, Dig., and TIM&
DE.t.yrit ere the commissioners for receiving
~;11,, c riptions in this Congressional District.
The Odd Fellows have recur
. ,! Ow services of W. n. BARNES, the poi)ulai
tar. r ‘,l titeir order, fora lecture iu this
time, next month. We do not know
:he subject is to be, but Mr. B. is capable
..asking and - subject interesting.
z Our young friend, M. L. MAY
retutivedfrom Rome to Leona, and
himitlf in the Grocery businebs.
\V ciwdially commend Mr. M. to the cowl
.leheef and 'patronage of the people of
. ..q...;11 , 4tie1d. township.
.4e- Northern Lodge of Good
I.llplars is atnut holifing a, few pulilic ,ocia
:,Ms, for got .: - rurprise of raising funds to apply
.11 purcl3 , 7se of pialio. The fire: will be held
next Mrms.lay evening. Dec. 2. Thcy invitetkteir
':rieutia and the public gem rally to atmml.
rs&- We all agree with HOOD'S ne
~satire poem; de! , •eriptive.of•thisMonth :
- No A% amth, no cheerfq:ncss, no Imalt Itful ease
No comfortable feel in any member ;
No f int t ile, no s hine, no butterthes, no bec-4 ;
No friars, no floiCers,'M Ic :Ives, no b.rds
' The-Record Times
-It i, rumorrd that Cu nix PALUISII, Eq.,
taking up his residence in Now
and has offered his mansion fur sale. Our
„• ..11i1( 1 t wJ OYU rd 10 lose 2,0 enterprising a
but the best business talent of the entin
'!"ll i-. naturally clraNsn h, the great -business
An ingenious fellow has stud
• hi , . that iltint,..4 the m+gish of N
t:. 111111.1 t
? The e.I I ~,rte-thrce
it.t , t the ere-tong, anti affords 50,4
nu.%" l " 1 , . iin papers - the
t It Tll , ,re Ini,Clllol- I
A philosophical writer very
"; , :r. , ,,:2-Cpartlls of the air-
le , 4 , r int neolry. , from the fact
r7f.litt witirtut eau - 11114i% fame
dt` it. ity without tern
witivint Nadu - e, and happlt.,n,
A NIII• of tlo,A , zliinp -cat
f pen:n-tent e
ItoliEuT A. PACKER, Esq., Su
:!.!.,• o: N. B. Co., is
;1.11 :dive u, the cow:A:niche(' of th , se who
riot over that route. - The depot at Towanda
dn.tance als7ve the busitiess portion of
.li , and during • the prevalence of the
a .7! he kras directed that a special
Lall run din dt iv to the borough.-- Wilkes-
milic.s in the
~t I.:IVO had to t-ttspOtti
• pr,vul-lice of the horm.• iutitienza.
• •••••`-i'.i. Lt.ll(.vilt• Scranjo: - , Coal C.... bc
-. :It. 1.. .1: W. 11. IZ. Co., FILET.,
1:..: t• been
.1 operati , ,Ds. it in F a
nun's, a:tree.te/t.
Elie outside.
"Vim n WINDf)w - AT NIGHT
E ‘• 1.0 ;y 114 ; 4,1 tri.l(
thy 1. , ., - pitals which eh'.
alr from the ititttlow.
the lituq. , ittits cl o sLa, aid
$ nas her aavoi•. l'ins is
t..• day. 1:,(.1, out
fu the fresh air day or
Thf- Caiitun Sentinel says that.
•- tit: Pn.sbyterialt Churelr'frl that
filaking exten?:v, urralq, , cruunts.
; , i• panty}; a la rf.Te variety of useful and or
:;t4: .itivies suitable as holiday presents.
1., of the fair are to * release the a 1,•1 , t in(ltrre4l by recent improve
'lie object is certainly a commendable
I :t is to be hoped that the affair will he
;1.1: - .sr.—Ort Sundae morning
li.tYit S. ELLIOTT, residing on the
.e.l ,1,9r1 al.itnnee above thl3 place, in the coati in front
" whvn from Font° cause, the
, rulleo turn, throwing Mr. E.
hrtaliiilg. 1.31: , left thigh,
r \twd...,16 of a trilling nature.
%N C,' this gentleman from
t r Clue tiLtIC to COlllt
L •6
~ 11,-,iunary Corn Compa
and girls;
• 1)2. tellan And Mclhodist
0: Orwell Hill, has
.ts• 1,1•1:ccolt•nt wQrk du
-- 1.• wouber planted 24
f•T c.aeli to cult•Aatc• and
, •1141 y purpoet.4 A kw e (.1-
ttl,g called for the purpuee,
and sold at auction.
Mid 19 ut:
11;, , young f,.11., to do a
:.1 :t., 90;',1 ;.;raltizi
litpri the following among
ltl till' Pr'N.S. Mr. Cumit
lis u. phi, county luting the
. and rendci,..l publicau
••• Ile is a polished gentletham
:4r.. We hbutiattut
keturt• (kid :
t413. , 1 to t:e the bamo of James J.
roil of lecturers. 4 llis scholaily
.-Ht , and easy sell-possession, will un
g;te. him deserved success. A course
lectures is being given at George
ra tar avenue and Fiftieth street,
Mr. Creigh delivers the se,!ond
I , ,.night, IIJ toll 11 eat his sub
t'.llart)r," 1‘1:11 a ripe ability
in his college
A . .NLitviNE.- T A corre
" I
Int at'A OyA(tIl
. t 0•1, Val"
that %%he', the
•'•• ••• .• :•....1> thus {u,ub i+6e a-I)cIA l'eaA
t 1.7 al:a by a daily in"derate use cl
I ttall.a el . the celery I , :ars as
str , :lig and Steady in
their liMbs •as other people. I hare known
others so very nervous that tho least , annoy
ance put them in a state of agitation, who were
in almost constant perplexity' and fear, and
who were effectually cured by a daily moderato
use of blanched celery as a salad sit meal times.
I have known 'others cured by using curry for
palpitation of the heart.
j A Fair will be held in the Lec
ture loom of tho r Presbyterian Church. under
the direction of the - Woman's Foreign Mission
ary Society, on the evening of Tuesday, Dec.
IQ. There will be a large variety of fancy and
useful articles : Chrigmars gifts for the house
hold fairies ; dolls for'dollars ; more boiAerous
playthings for the boys. A host of fair things,
" not too good (excepting the refreshments)
fur human nature's daily food." The ladies of
this society should be liberally encouraged.
" None but the brave deserve th'efatr." •
THE ERIE RAILWAY.—Qf all the rail
roads in the country, none afford the-traveler
better accommodation, nor more coniftwt and
pleasure in traveling than does the Erie. A
trip from Buffalo to New York, either 14' day
or by night, over this road, is &positive laxury.
The beautiful valleys, the deep mountain
gorges, and .the wild and romantic scenery
through which the road passes, constantly fill
the mind of the traveler with admiration; as
tonishment and delight daring the daytime,
and entirely relieve the tedium of ordinary
traveling; and commodious and luxuriant sleep
ing cars afford all the conditions essential to
sound slumber and haepy dreams during the
night watches. NO road in the dountry is su
perior in its accommodationi to this, and very
few, if any, are its equals. 4.anybody doubts
this assertion, let him makes trial of the road,
and he will be fully satisfied,—Beffalo Ecening,
Post, Sept. 30, 1872.
tor The following letter was re
ceived some days since, and overlooked. We
now give it place: although we think tho col .
urrins of the ltr.porrrin have always furnished
evidence of its hearty en orsonivut 'of every
movement calculated to advance the causo of
temperance. For the information of those who
do not yet appear to illicit-I-gland our positiOn,
we sac again that we will cheerfully publish ar-
ticks on this important subject, under the
same regulations which apply to other commu-
" ALV0111): NOV: that the political
coutcst ended, can you hot dt•votc a column
of the lirrotittn to the aid ifir the - temperance
cause? With the circulation and itilluence of
your paper iu this county, I doubt nut you could
thus du much good. There are those who
would cheerfully contribute to bald column.
What say you? Yours, etc.,
S. S. Burrs.
"P. your last issue, yr.o appeal to your
patrons to aid in extending the circulation of
the ltErontur.; this, I believe, would be more
cheerfully and effectually done, were it known
that it is to give efficient aid to the teini , erauce
movement in the county. Yours is an excellent
c..muty paper, well deserving all the patronage
it yeceives; but i cannot but believe that [lie
tiro« has come when a temperance department
wouhr add very much to.its usefulness. Hop
ing you aiil answ-r tlr.. n. , 1,• through your col
-4m,• 5.46. 8.-
et the 1;14A :old I:tahnhg AS.
CUeiat W edhesclar evening at eighty
dollxts pt, Mann, p , r share of ttio but:drd
dollars. th•s rate vont . owv tho stock
ould cii!nimat. •.i cars. Thi, ilirecte , rs
has di.videi r. 11 stock at par nutil the
neat regular ci,etlllg, I the third Wednesday in
.I),:yembei an•i cantemplating taking atock
had I , etter do so immediately, is it itl limited
to 1,000 shares, and if any is to be had aft( r
th. 1191 meeting,.lt. will Li. held at 'a premium.
Joni FITZLII.IIONS, belonging at Mishop
pen, was nietantly killed by the cars, at the
Junction, last Monday evening. He was en
gaged in making up ct tram, and stepped iu be
tween two care in motion to rill a elmpllng
pin. v.hen his boot heel caught between a main
and guard rail, tLe wheel, cutting 11mm into a
shapeless mass. Jivaty NVIGHT etuod,
and imperiled his own life in drawing him from
under the remorseles,; wheels: He cried out,
"On! JIMMY," and " - as di d.
itt,'lttVllll, a ri: t,.. •i
-ra host !be I.ts' fnr ttr Nsa ,,
ttti evening arrested by the United
States autle,rtte_s ou a charge of "detaining
and cretin:4 Vali:able letters." Lio : had L., -LI
tle-cle-.!;.;ed front serv:ee Postmaster
mt., a few
Pii/ At a rueetiLig of the Third Dis
trict th,• Preshytuty I.t La.chawauna, hell at
Atlicno va tire 12th awl 13:11 ut Novethbvi , the
fullo , un a; p. , :utrlitoni..4 tree. utade,f , .r
Atiwns-1 , . cti7b,l 5, 1'72. Lev. J. S._Stew
art, Rev. AL A rm,troe-. D'A. Overton.
Tuwand.4--Jaeuary 11, 1873. Rev. D,
11ev. E. Kennedy, S. Nesbit.
Mohroeton—DeeeinlA r 17, 1872. Rev. C,
Coral, Htr. i J. Je‘u.ll, A. Bl a ck,' •
Wysox;-- S. I'. 6.1 Rev. C. Salmon, T.
S. Malik
Wyalurug. and lirrrc. -December 3, 1872.
S. Cult, Re E. E , imedy, Geo.
Wyalu4iug 2.1 and Terutown—Ducemtler 3,
1872. Rev. 'l'. Thomas. Rev. T. IS. Jervb, D.
Orwell' and Rame- January 11,'1873. Rev.
D. Craft, 11ev. H. Armstrong,
J. IL Smith.
Ste% • and Rush ---Jaauary 11, 1873.
Rev. S. P. Colt.,,ltev. S. P. Gates; S. C. Gavlord.
Cantu, and Eitst Canton—Jailuary 21,!1873.
Rev. D. GOok, 'Rev. C. Salmon, .T ! . Sialford.l
Troy—December 31;1872.-11es . . J. -S. Stew
art, C. C:C , d - ss, A. Wickham
• . .
Colnrubia Cr;s , 110:ois—Decerubc.; 3, 1 1 .372.
1:...v. I). Craft, P.c!r. T. B. J. , 11 . 1: , . 'l'. S. Manley.
Wf.11•4 3114 C,•!atlf.:l3 Dee mber 10, 1b72
P•••••. C. C. Curve, 11 , ..r, S. P
Warren—Febrmo - y .
I'. ByliPbby, 11. CLany.lm. jr
Laport—J'antiary '2l. 1573. 11.2 v. D. Cralt,
Iles% H. Armstrong, F. FkA}lcr.
le,- - ..noOpen and Mehoopany February 5,
1573. ersf:, S.
thirclo.i-1 t.:l;vll.tv3 12, 1•47.1. .14. i - 1 ' Slew
art, Lev. 1. 'llamas, S. Easterbroiloi.
Duslicitii 7 Rev. H. H. Welles, SI Torrey._
Pirethrsin and ChurcliPs will bear In mind that
3londay, the 2J day of Decernberi was selected
as a day It specrd pray. r tiir U idls Vi,411 - 12.1r1e
on Allis ivlrk ,If v;f.itati. , n. • 4
" LIME HILL, Pa., Nov, 11, 1572.
r Items from the Waverly M/
12. 1473'. i Ilcv. D. G/01c.
D. COOK, €l Ol / 3
D. H. CohunN,
Sir We clip the following from
the Nortlierti Tier Gazettc :
--We understand that some of the young
men of .A.kinenia, propose to establish a debat
ing club 11nd reading Fociety this winter. There
should bc such an organization in a ery neigh
borhood for self-unprovement.
—GOSPOI WLEBLI,It. of Armenia, neon
Old, IS lyitig low with paralysit, and, ;bough Le
came outat, the State election an,,tl vot<ti for
Gen. Ilmirit Nrr, wit- , rot able to rote for Gen.'
GRANT. no had voted at all the other pi Losideu
tiat electiOte, I.l'wt the eleetma of
1113 fitatet I\a; a soldier /1/
atihy.ll,, , b , r t iro. KNypiitl7:;EN, nosi t.a cap
lured by I Gen. ~ ArAt•lillioLoN, at the bat , of
TI: - otun.: It ,In'ntit.ter.,tood that lie e. =, horn in
vamp. father died runic year , ! , , , 2o in the
:state of Yolk, at the age or hundred
andtlitee, and his , tooth, r at tile ago of
o n, " . Wi.rnhrn Las been
IrSll.-r t,I r about. 10 year.
Jircll,l:•7.—)lr. Li:AINEED, BONiEN, of
VAsursE, tanners, of this
vi11,44c, c‘aisider.bly . injuit4l .11 Tuesday
ihe firm have been engaged for
some months in remodeling their tannery, and
fitting it - 4ki:ll the most improved appliances,
mid Mr. D. utt that in , 6rning had eccdsion to
use an ,tugs which ks'ai in the large r o om
ditectly imdir the bark-mill. Acrtl,4 the:sunlit
end ..f the rim rims lung iron shai t, bearing
a co„ some portion of the ma- .
chiner;.. This is eubm..cted by a bill the
v•inch wa in epteation. Stooping
ovcr the shaft to pie:, up the auger, the ti‘•t
of his blutlSe came in c,mtact v.ith thy sh.,;:,
and was wound tight]_ up by i!, and ho 1%44
thrown off lin , feet, cainlc trying to Urge. him
self against tin. N\ or the room. At this jube
tare the belt bru'se or slipped, rind he was res
cued from Lis I.eril.ius situation. cßoth shoul
:dere were found to be dieluhted, and the, akin
Was torn from his breast and stomach. He is
under the care of Dr. :firma., end is improving.
in , rni .4
rf:B''A very excellent exhibition,
attunded urge nuthericv, war glvtli
t , tit.' Ac4,l,:lay
ow;ning of the 19th it, 0,m;i5!91;.: ,IceLin.:-
tio.w, :Is<. :1;11 tint-
ALlloi:g !!11: deciaLlut i:•. 011 • tootled
" Whtti U. 11at N.•:•••
pf;ti 1.0:1g 0.1 alitl
the 111:0, illtroOlciu;; a - • a0,•3 th narn, , of
leading F)htician,„ 151.; kIi..;;LIL fly out of pco
in a hcbc . .)l stlayatronized
by people of all shades of Political opinion.
ThO recitation, " Lifo is a Burial Day," by Nisi
DLL& ROCKWELL, was wolf spoken, and no doubt
suggestid sad, solemn thoughts to many a sp•
tiarently thoughtless listener. The tableau en
tled "Young America," represented by seven
boys, was very appropriate. A charade In two
i6ts, entitled " dandy-llons," was well present
ed. Miss Farms Owm; read an gutsy on "Mem
ory," which evinced the work of l a fine intellect
and a careful observer. Miss ELIJ. NOUTIIRUP'S
essay, "Crowns for Our Brows," was no doubt
verytgoed, but owing to noliy'boys in roar of
room, hard to hear. The dialogue, r Demons
of the Glass," was well calculated suggest
'the intnnsic excellence of total abstinence, by
depicting the wickedness, the misery,lhe ruin,
and final curse which so swiftly and safely suc
ceeds the opposite course. Let our • schools,
our Sunday-schools and our churches but be
active, and do their duty in educating the youth
in, this matter, and the result would be theanp
pression of customs and laws of every kind that
make men drunkards. The song, "Come,
Birdie, Come," by Miss Sears VANCE,. was ren
dered in a manner that would.have d'one credit
to any experienced professional singer, and the
audience fully appreciated that fact. The clos
ing charade, "Waterfall," left all in good hu
mor to go home.
TrairEnAscE.—,-It is often nrged by
good men that temperance organizations usurp
the: legitimate province of the church. .If we
thought so we would abandon all temperance
societies at once. Never will we knowingly take
a single jewel from, the Saviour's crown. The
church surely,cannot object to the good that
istlone without its pale. The sun shines, upon.
the evil and the good. Not wore diffusive are
the rays of the "King of Day" than the out
beaming of the Edneof Kingtt. All the good
in the world is of God. We look upen.,t4e tern- . -
perance enterprise as ono perfectly computable-
with the best finggestions of political, cepnomy;
one that shouacommand the approiiiit smiles
of eery friend of his codntry and our Onamon
humanity. Temperance men are seeking the
prdtection of capital and the husbanding of LIS•
tioaal resources. Tlify are endeavoring to es
tablish a system of retrenchment that will les
eeni. the public expenditures, increase the pro
dudtiro industry and capital of the cotnatiy.
T 110: propose to enhance the Wealth, science
and.liappiness if man. Thy moral aspect of
the cense is the grandest, but It is ittlated to
public policy, and can be vindicated upon pure
ly political grounds.
if we succeed In establislung universal subri
etyj we will add forces to labor, ;money to
national wealth, reduce taxation, now necessary
to-arrest and punish crime, and establish a pub
lic 11irtue that trill be greater protection than
anyi police a:t'ste m keeping guard over our
country highways and city streets. We will
put glass iu many a brolieli, window, fuel on
many a flickering fire, elothibg on many s shiv
ering form, food in many an empty larder. We
oil wake lay-p;rte out or many thrif floss rag
abund;-; cbureh-gars of many reckless Sabbath
bre:it - A.l:s, and patriots out of many who sell
their birthright of frc . 4dom for a jug of nbisl.y.
ti ill dry the tear of many a - child of nuffeiing
potiltty, and bring back the bloom of many n
haggard woman's clic tk. We will clean the
criMinal dt_eLet thoUsands of indictments,
empty the jails, - ;Rid thin nut the insane asy
lums. We l will add useful years to life, anl rob
-the grate of many a preruaturc victim, We
sill populate sparse districts with honest tabor
rs, by a ht.tterit - sTem than any :tau me of emi
gration ter proposed. All true toutpetaitee
ore at work fur the best interests of their
caltry;!although better than all this, they are
co-week:EN with Goa for the ele;atton of Our
race.; the rc-ituparadising of 'x arth, and the pto
pliti:t % , .ith beautified spiiits.
HP,RY PoR.T narrowly escap
ed a!serious accident, one day last week. He
was iireparing, a-compaund of some clgracter,
which eaplodb•d and burned his face quite bad
ly, lie had pr.:4, , nee of mind enough if/ close
las eyes, and, thus prevented,. any inju6r to
C..)7 - The ladies, of the Episcopal
chuidl, A:hefts, will Ilf.d I a fair and restii . al in
filch . ncw pareonage, cm Thursday aftjrnoun
and cveumg, Dec, 12. Many artielcs suitable
fr.r prescnts, Will bo r,(l. Re
in 'don Tits y.i .I•l*V4-11. •
See" Tile friends of Rev. - C. A;.
smrni, t - colored Mt , thfAitt Church,
pa.y him cvea
bag ;text, I3ee J.
.11r. Un iorr, the elocution
ist, „ t (Thutbdayi
All Ithe novelties_of the season
11,1 IW.:jvcd at 1::VA
M.l3vautifal Stationery at lowest
prig at C AI.IS
Did yOu know that FnosT
sr,N,hatt Willow Cradle.?
aR,.. The " Marble prophecy," at
Ke3 stelae_ Clothing Palace,
Main street, next to First National Bank.
CAuuss has fine new sets of
Loys r.fid Giri.
.Ce - Dress Making done at the
ihve, li<<Mise THEcussx CunmsKr.
French Fclt and. Soft Crown
el Hats, at the Ike Hire Store. ,
tg . - The American Seivinu •Ma
ci.tine io tin , 1.) , A. .
,M,„ New Millinery Goods are con
vt'Auti3,' being received rit the Bce Hive Store.
Iter The best Keresene Oil at JUNE
A: LEWIN', by the barrel or gallon.
Butterick's Patterns, at the
Warm meals at all hours at
le" New Music, at the Bee Hive
l‘tt rem's Id( ck.
,Die - The Gardner Chair Seat is
tl;:Q bek. '
Mr- Buttons, Fringes and Pasa
tin I:tp.rii.v, at the nt e Ili; e Store.
Gray Nets at the Bee Hiv
te), In vis ibl o Hair Nets, in all col
or), at fife Deo Hive St6re.
Sweet Potatoes and Cranber
rie.% at Cotct,EF.' Bakery. .
Va. EVANS iS HiLvrsru call atten
their advertisement of new Fall Gorda.
t; ~t
:AA.. A large assortment of Brack
ju.t reefivcd at • Frbo ,, T SONS.
Oyters 1.): the quart, at 4 - 5
11. A. C.,wiy.s.
bir . Job wOrk, of every description,
neatly and expolinoudy executed at Oda office.
An entire new stock of Feath
ers, Flowers. and Inhbons, at the Bee Hive
ts. Go to JusE LEMS% and buy
tbelSer; Empire. It is the best store in mar;
18. 1 BranicE's National Hay an
Straw Cutters, rot sale b
. its.i.The- cheapest place to buy
Tina are, Iron, 'Nails and St-vice, is
at Jrxr,t: LtwiN" Hardware Store, in 3lercar:s
PAlNT.—llave you seen or
I.ara ?It i!ot, it worth yoifr while to
Enquire into ita caiuc. Si:e A. N. WELIEs'
"IlubbeiPaint " card in another colurrin.
lei. heats' underwear i of every
description, very cheap, at, Etteak Tarunee,
mar A large assortment of ,Araeri.
Can Cook and Parlor Eno% es, at • '
P=as crux Miaow's.
Rooms rou Itsur--Over Wuricasm
Buce*t. Etvaro at M. E. RogEtrtzufs
Clothing Sto T;LtillyzamtAtt's Block.
Fon Sai.—Two or three new
bouies, desirably located. Terms easy. En
quire of W. GA:lotmoN f at Turner it Gordon's
Drag Store.
SOP Very latest styles in Bonnets
and Batslor Ladies„ ➢Bases and children, at
the Bee 'five Store, No. 2, Mem:tea Block, To
wanda, Pa.
sm. If you want - a first-class 'Par- .
for Stove, get. the Light House, on - band and
for sale by rimcnt.tiox & Miaow,
Orwell, Pa.
ag3.. In buying goods of BAEnozi
TALMADGE, you axe sive of getting the lest, at
the idtrest price.
- If yon want a good overcoat,
go to linuat TATLOIN.
- ice. No advance in the price of
Ruhber Goods, at Cpitsrs c COONa', 100 Alain
10136 ! A full assortment of Railroad
ancl Java Canvas, at tlje Bee Biro Store, ner
cor'e Block.
best assortment of whips we bare ever examin
ed. s c
WS. Just received at the Bee Hive,
an elegant assortment of Ladies and Misses'
Linen Collars 'atid Cuffs, also Laces, in the
newest styles.
111. Persona attending court next
week, should not neglect to. visit tho Clothing
Store of 'latex Ttinan.. Ho is offering great
bargains in Winter clothing.
Me" Eeefiiiktr feet .warm and dry
by buying your Boots, Shoes and Rubbers of
Cons Er. Lt. Cooss, 100 Main street. '
Now is a good time to get
your letter-heads, - envelopes and bill-heads
printed, and the BErouran offko is 'n good
place to get them exceute4.
The reliable firm of BAIMON
T.+ anon have been appointed agents for
the celebrated llrlanNo's Satus. Iu these clays
of house breakers and fires, uo prudent linsi
nesanian should be NI itlwat one. •
paLle of teaching all lingli,h to take
charge of a small ninnb,r or puplls - in a private
family. One who umb_rstamli; piano music pre
rrel. Address, TrAcirEn, Ili:Por..rmis Office.
M.LAz.inus & 31oraus, irianufae
turer3 of thcce celebrated spectacles, 'lave
changed their agency from J. Hr.:l. - Est:es to
W3t. A. CuAnnEnt-tvi's.
itZ - 4110 place to bud• a first-class
Cook or . `.irloilStore, is at
chair Scat Ilrat gill never wearmut. J. 0. FnosT
& SoNs arc now prepared to put seats in all
kinds of chairs with Garduci's patent chair
seat, winch is the best and most durable seat
In the :vorld. Call and see it. •
J. 0. FROST & SONS wish to
put-a Wovcti Wire Mattress iu every house in
Towanda, ( u a month's trial, and if it does not
t,uit them; they will call and take it away. Now
is tour time to perfect sleep. Be sure yOu
tri, and then you will buy.
COAL AT W1T0LE.9.1.1.E.--R. M. WE.u.E.e,
is selling Enperinr Har,l Anthracite Coal, by
the Car load, very chem . ), deliv,rea at ally R. It.
station between IVyalusing arid .kthey:s. Agym•
is the time to r.ecure your Winter's supply.
'vcV- The edition of the Road anal
Poor Laws of this coun!y-, compiled by Cart.
W. 11.-OratNocn.•.•.c, q'tnittd; and township
officers r..}:o desire to precure cop: s, should
nub. sool. Tbc work is for La 7,3 at this ofillie
lter. Do you ,want. a sewing ma ,
chine, and do you knov,* that the Singer never .
disappoints? After -even can.' • xperience we
can truly pay that the ginger des give satisfac
tiuu. • WIOCTIAMAct:, Agents.
Via" A meeting, of t_he Bradford
Comity Medical Society wilt be, held at the
Ward House, in Towansla, on Wedneidav, Dec:
4, at 10 o'dloek A. 11. Dr. CnAs. M. MINER will
road a paltron the "My:•iology of the Brain
Sy,tein. E. P. ALLEN, See y.
lEF!).. The Historical Society. of
Itratikwd county hold a gnarterly meeting
at the Grand Jdry Room, in Towanda, en 3lon
day, Die. 9,•1572, at 2 p'eloek
la-FRANK - BURBANK, Ticket Agent
Pa.& N. 1. E. IL Co„ has beena,ppointed sole
ag . ent in this place for tilt. sale or the Railway
Pagpenger Assurance Co.'s , . accident . tickets.
These tickets cost but a trifle, and cover all
kinds of acc:,lentA.. f• .
153" A great saving in fuel and a
great increase in comfort, can be attained -by
the use• of a good Weather Snip. The best are
made of wood and rubber, and will not only ex
clude cold, but also prevent the rattling of win
dows, go often _rental disagiteable. They are
sold only by Conniso, lirssnss. S• Co.
Nov. 20-Iw.
Ilmt.'s.—A fine stock just received, embracing
latest slyles and colors found in New
York market, which she offers at low prices.
The ladies arc cordially invited t.) call and in
spc•et the stock before purchasing. •
_! 1 .
°Men, Pa
E. P. ALLEN, Rec. Sec'y
• Mrs. J; D. HILL,
Griffith S Patton's Block, Bridge-St.,
Towanda, Pa
BriAtND & HILL would call the
attention of the public to the fact that their
market. is always snpplied with the choicest
steaks, roasts, lamb and mutton, pork, sausage,
fish, etc. They ere ti,)w receiving tlily 4 supplies
of line fresh oyst l ers, v,hich they offer :tit whole
sale and retail at the very lowest rates.
—The Great Sensation and Burlesque of "Ma
sonry Eiposed."' Everything new and original,
and its first appetfrance in this country. Ad
mission, 35 cents: reserved Seats, l 3 cents.
Tickets for sale at Entnr's Drug Store. Enter
tainment commences Dee. 3, at 10 o'clock, a.
at. Carriages may be ordered at 104 o'clock
A. 74.
HAY PRESSES —For' Salq,lllgcrSOPS
popular Bar and Eagle finprl Hand Hay
Presses. Fanners %till rind it Tiro •table tot press
their hay for xiarket: and, to do if thrhis'cires.
They will find •the Eagle No. 1 and 2 Presses to
be just the very thing fur the purpose.
Towanda, Oct. 15
SGTICE.—Notice is given,
tliat I'. F. Etsrtr will be at the. Mita, at Rum
mer:tad, for tea :lays, Saturday,
Nov. 23, 1872. All pecans knowift themselves
indebted either by : note or . book account, to
J~atrsEsrx, deceased, will make rayment at
the time specified, or cost will be made on the
Wilkea-Barre, Pa., Nov. 20, 1872.
PLICENIX Insurance Co., Brook
lyn, N. Y.; Net: York Oillee,.N.4v. 11, 1872. • As
sets, Nov. 1, 1872, ',032,191 61. Total amount
insured in the lsnriit district, .1 . 150,600,. thus
leaving ns, (even in mue our losses are .totals.
Net assets, $1.552.191.61. flotrn. I.o,i:ranee Co.,
Columbus, Ohio : G, lord-
CS, :374,P1A); 11,17:L2,2r, tclCgrarliS
,York :I;.;ore,y : •• We ate nil right. - W:1-
Ilarcispori Insurance co ;No lo.s„ i ii gn.isr &
BLaca, agents fcr the above sound companies,
Towanda, Pa.
lizacris 'Taman
Bsos, will give one of their Grand Musk* En
tainmentain Mercur's Hail. Monday evening;
Dec. 2. They have engaged four nee artiste
this swim, and will produce an entirely now
and original , Progninune.. The new faces are
Maim, and Muria Mu.vixas.
.The Brothers
are so well known Ileiti s we can. sfely say that
they will draw a good house, and will undoubt
edly giro as of old an excellent entertainment.
Reserved sesta for sale at KUM'S brag Store.
See small bills for all particulars.
SprtricaLEss Taaes AND SUPPORTER.-
We take pleasure in informing those suffering
from Hernia, that the good. Samaritan, Dr.
G. W. 'lowans, wtil again• visit this vicinity,
as follows"e Troy, Pa.; Troy House, Dec. 10;
Towanda, Pa., Ward House, Dee. 11 and 12;
'Overly, N. Y., Maj. Hotel,- Dec. 18.
Dr: H. has Nisitcd this place Si number of times,
and has given the best of satisfaction to all
who harp favp'ted it call. His appli
ances have the highest rept:l - Cation throughout
the, State of New York. D. 'Harcnxis's Post
Office address is Box 23, Albion, N. Y. Send
stamp for circutat•,.and read testimonials, par
ti7ularly those from this county.
t.e crowning glory of woman. There are few
moderate defects Wide% eannot t bo remedied by
the proper disposition of the tresses. But when
the hair begins to fall oat, or tarn gray, l in
young people, or with those in the prime Of life,
lore is cause (or real regret. When this is the
case, Hat's Vegetable Sicilian flair Rineu 4 er
will. be found to be a first-class remedy, fir su
perior, as a sound medium, to anything rise
before the public. It actually restores gray
hair to its origin dolor, and in the great ma
jority of - cases, c ses it to grow again when it
is becoming thin. - It 19 not like many popular
preparations e a mere wash, but a scientific dis
coveryt indorsed and used by physicians of
character. Address It. P. HALL & Co., Nashua,
N. H.—Fl+rney's Weeklg'Press, Feb. 1. 1868.
• Mr "lNly dear Mrs. KINDERLIELIER,
how is it that you can always keep the mica in
your stove so clean and transparent? I am sure
we clean ours, often, and they never are like
yours." "Oh, Mrs. litraniancann, that
easy enough ; you see we use the IttroLviNt,
LIGHT 1:10T Ain CLINHEII, and by just revolving
the mica as the fire is first built, we save the
trouble of cleaning and also the epense of fre
quent replacing." "And wher‘:•, Mr. KniDEn-
Litteß, did you Loy your_ ~tore?" "At COD
Nov. 20-2 w.
Is. The last Bradford County
Temperance Convention made arrangements tQ
bare two good speakers canvass the county in
favor oflocal option and temperance, during
the month of December; in pursuance of which
two excellent speakers, Rev. W. C. ELENDVICK•
SON - and 3. Lonrox, have Leen engaged, and
appeintintuts have been arranged as follows:
Rey. W. C. IlExtuxtc:;soN will speak, on Nor.
29, at Athens; 21, Wyalusing ; 22, Terr; town ;
23, Sugar Ron; 2 . 1, Camptown ; 2.1, Tuscarora;
26, Leltayarille ; 27, Orwell ; 28, Warren; 29,
Windham; 3n, btolitkld Corners. Dell, I, She
stoeviii; 2, lbane; 3, 34Terstitirg ; 1, SitandAg
TthouiscavlNG! Cuunnus!
w.ow.t.-7-M. E. ROSENFIELD, the ever popular
Clothier, is again iu, the fie hl, and this time
a CAndidato fui Public Favor. Be it known by
all citizens, ‘shether good, bad or indifferent,
that he has the cheapest and most durable
stock of neatly Made Clothing in Towanda; and
our rca , ons for this are easily solved. Is it not
better to buy goods for cash than credit? Is it
not more advisable to buy goods where the
rents are low, and where clerk hire can be dis-
pcusi•,), with, and where goods are made by the
very best hands, and where the best trimmings
and lining; are te.ed? These facilities IL E.
IttIENFiELD possesses, and by strict application
to 1 is business and fair de'aling, lie has won for
hin l aself fame and plpularity, and is nlb w con
sidhred the most tKipulah Clothier iu Tpwanda.
Thire:re, hint to the wise: to im for
your Winter Cibehin!r, anl we guarantee that
you mill sztisil.2d and pleaSed.
• How •ro Go WEST.—This is an en
quiry which every ono should have truthfully
answ,..Ted befur' la starts on his journey, and
'!f2 caret aben in examination of routes will
many CASE'S save much trouble, time and
The "C. B. A. Q. IL 13..," running from Chi
cago, through Galesburg to Burlington, and
the •• I. B. l NV. Boute,l running from Indian
through Bloomington to Burlington,
hare achieved a spleutlinl reputation in the last
two years as the leading Passenger Routes to
the West. At BnrlinZon they connect with
the B. S. M. R. It., and form the great Adding
ton llonte,.which runs direct 'through Southern
lowa to Nebraska and Kansas, with close con
nections to California and the Territories; and
passengers starting Bona Bradford county, on
their way westward, cannot do better than to
take the BC - LUNG - I'ON Bourn.
This Line h‘s published a pamphlet called
"How to Go West," which contains much valu
able information ; a large correct map of the
Great Weft, titihich can be obtained fteo of
charge by midr'easing Abe General Passenger
Agent B. A. 31,11 8., Burlington, lowa.
McCARTY—MOLYNEUX.—In Eikland, Sulli
van county, Nov. 13, by Rev. Wrn. Pepper
Mr. Jcda McCarty to Miss Georgtaua E. Molt'
mitt, all of Ell;land, Sullivan county, Pa.
FISII—PAP-SONS.—On Wednesday. Nov. 20,
by Bev. F. 13. (lodge, George W. Fish; of
New York. and Anna D., youngest daughter
0! Calvin Parson - ft, Esq., of Wilkes-Barre, P.l.
No cards. -
LYONS—JONES.—At the home of "the bride
fajht•r. in Middletown, Susquehanna Co. ' Pas,
Nov. 20, 1872, by Itriv. W. C. Peck. Mr. Ezra
Lyon., of Warren, Pa., and 31i=a Ellen Jones.
SMII7,I7—SMITII.—In Franklin Nov. 20, by
Elder Calvin Newell, Clarence, E. Smiley, of
Franklin, to Eliza Smith, off' Granville:
SHEMIY—EVERET r —At Nichols, -,
N. Y.,on
Wkstines ay,! Nor. 2 , 3, 1872, be Ilf,v. Mr. nin
fort Edward IL Sherry, of Waverly, and Fan
nie C. Everett, or Nichols.
NELSON—WiTT4.—On the evening of Nov.
10, 1872, W. T. C. Sanders, Pastor of Church
of Christ, Canton, Bradford county, Pa., Mr.
James H. Nelson ; of Grartville, and Miss.
Hannah Watts, of Canton. ' .
JONES—WINK.--.on the evening of Nov. 17,
1Y72, by W. T. C. Sanders, Pastor of Church
of Christ, Canton, Pa., Mr. 1/...iLancy Jones
an„Fliiss MarV Wink, of Aiba.
wrtis-3011D0N.-It.t. the Pati) age, 11cr.
. rvall, Fa., Nov. 2.3, 1872, by ltev D. Cook,
Mr. Johnson 4 ells (Deputy Sheriff) of To
standa, and Miss Frances E. Gordon; of
Standing Stone.
SI'AULDIS(I.—On Monday, Nor, 11, 1872, at
her re,' denc in the North of Attwns, atter a
Her rare wnrt.h. her reGned and euaivated
nature, endeared ,
her to many friends who
mourn her less
EINGSLAND. —At rassetts. Fa., FL id,y, Nov.
8, 1872, Joaio .1., wifo of i. Natisaa Kingsland,
aged 27 years.
Timulas MadElocks, .Produco
CJimmissien Ilerchant, 22G Pennsylvania Ave
nue, Se'ranton, Pa. ritltter,Eggs,Larcl,Checa.e,
Fruits, Potatoes, &c.. Consignments acill
cited,anfl returns promptly made on vale of
Goods. References cheerfully given. -C4-irree
pondence solicited.
Tickets for all paints SV s
silt. Lake bliare and .Utehigau Southern Boil
way f_ir sale at Freight 13.,p0t of Pa. ;5: N.. Y
11.11.. Co.
Aug. 14---;3'u.
E. w ELLts
UBl3 Lubber Pi - .tat.' It :s tattc I ready 'for tit
Spreads easily and s'moutly, is ghwey. fina, du
rabic, elaetit, and lea Beaiihtul Paint.. R. II
dust hse the l'aint.
tofore existing an&known as Snover k Strait
Bro's has this day been dissolved by mutual con
sent: The aceounts of the late firm are in the
Lands of I:. S. Snover, and J. 11. Swart for settle
ment, to whom all 'persona indebted to said Arm
are rein. rt0..1 Inake,lrrimodiate.payment.
\o t. 2../572!.
The hutioLia will be euntinued at the ad stand
1 1 the enbecribers. where we shall be glad to are
all those who may favor us with a call.
U. s. SNOVES.:
'Nor. 1:,,..5.2
New Advertisements.
Powell Co.
pow. 80 CO.
Are now receiving
Which they confidently invite the
attention of all who wish to see a
And to buy them
Please call and see them.
01 which we have a
We cannot enumprate all thpe.kinda
of new goods we are now receiving
'but would ask an inspection, of our
Towanda, Nov. 6, 1872
An Rhetorical mummy of the Origin, Growth, and
Perfectionof the Chief Industrial Arta
of thief country.
Written Eminent Anthems. including John B.
Leon Cue. Edward Howland, Jos.
• B. Lyman. Roy. E. Edwin Hall. • •
Borace.GrerleY. Philip Ripley, Albert lirlabalne,
F. B. rquios, ect., etc. •-
This work is a complete history of all branches . of
industry, processes of mannfactnie. etc.. in all ages
It la a complete encyclopedia of arts and manes& •
inters, and is the moat entertaining and valuable
work for information on subjects of general interest
ever offered to the public. It is adapted tothe wants
of the Merchant. Manufacturer. Mechanic, Farmer.
Student and Inrentor. and sells to both old and
young of both clamor.. The hookilii sold by agents
who are making large sales in all pirts of the coon.
try. It is offered st the- low price of $3 Ld an 4 is
the cheapest book ever sold by. isnbecription;
family should be without a copy. We. Want Agents
In every town of the United htstes, and no agent
can fail to do well with this book. Our - terms are
liberal. 'We give outagents the , exclnelve right of
territory. One of our agents sold 133 copies in
eight days. another acid 368 in two weeks. Our
- agent in Medford sold 391 in one week. Specimens
of the work sent I. agents on receipt of stamp: For
circulars and terms to agents address tho publish
ers. J. B. Wag tt SIYDE. Ilartford, Conn..
Chicago, 111., or Cincinnati, Ohio.
New Book, the
Or the Mysteries of lied Woe: Presenting Urn Ru
mors and Serious Paden of kledical Practice. An
- F.apose of Medicallituiteigs. Quacks, anal Chad_
atans of all ages &piaci countries. 800 pages, 250
An Interesting and =rising treatise on the Medi,
cal Humbugs of the put and present. It exposed
Quack, Impostors. Traveling Doctors, Patent 3ledi
eine Venders, Noted Percale Cheats, Fortnue Tell
ers and Mediums, and gives interesting accounts of
Noted Physicians and naratives of their lives. It
shows how filthy is manufactured Tobacco and' of
what vile liquors medicines are composed. It re
veals startling secrets and Anstruets
*void the ills which flesh is heir to. We give eielu
sive territory and liberal comeoissions. Per circu
lars and terms address the publishers, J. B. BURR
k HYDE. Itartford:Ct, Chicago, 111., or Cinemas%
Or Ways and By=Ways In the_iliddeu:the'of
Wetwant agents for Mils book. It tflacloses all the
mysteries of the Detective System. It is a record
for the put twenty years of the most skillful detec
tives of this country, in which the, crafts of Bank
Robbers, Thieves, Pickpockets, Lottery Men, Coun
terfeit Money Dealers, and swindlers, of all classes
are exposed and brought to justice. , . Price $2 75.
Send for circulars and t4-•ms to agenbt. N0v20'72
week to the extraordinar
inducements they will•. ofer
in all _their dppartnients:
• -
made in otir pikes, and we cor
dially invite purchasers, to examine
our stock
New Advertisements.
or ntz. uzirrm. STATES,
Beg to mil atteittion'this.
Ii e LLNA.ELS, &c., Cc
ger. A. decided reduction has been
Towanda, Nor. 13, 1372
LAZAICCS 11101111 IS
The undermentioned advn tj a Over ti.L , r in ordi
nary use; the proof of which -.may be seen in the .
extraordinary sales,: and constantly increasing de.
maned for them:
• let. Tliat.from the pc4”aliar construction of the
glasses th•'y assist and preserve the sight, render.,
tog frequent changes unnecessary.
That they confer a brilliancy and distinctness
of vision. with an amount of ease con:fort not
hitherto enjoyed by spectacle Wt.-31Crt.
31. That the material from whirh the Lenses are
ground. is manufactured speciatly for optic purpos
es, and is pure, bard, aut brat ant, at‘d not %%slate
to become se:Welled. '
4th. That the frame in which they are set. wheth-...
.er in Gold. 811ver,•or Steel.-are of the finest quality'
and finish anti guaranteed perfect in ritvery respect.
For sale only-by our outhorized sg.nt, in this local.
Aty. We never knpply ur employ peddlers.
W. A. Chamberlin,
Sole Ageat
-Ncic .20,1872
'OR SA LK --Tau Etihseriber hay-
Incc nap:. treat regoires his whole at:
tention, offers for salt h:s - entire stock of goods - ,
eousisthirr of Dry.GoNls.. Groceries,' Boots and
Shoes. Crookery and Olasswarc, at a bargain:
The store now occupied by him can be leased if
desired. Terms favorable. It. E. SPENCER,:
Ocl.S.Pwn cuter. Ea.
Hon. Fa HMS B. tilnattklTElt,Preatilent /edge
to the 12th Judicial District, consisting of the
counties of Bradford 4 and Suggnehanna, and
Bons. ZEnutos Ft:lsm:v. and D. Hanx.Ntss,
Aisociate Judges, -ha and for. said county of
Bradford, have issued their precept bearing
date the 30th day of Nov,; 1872, to me di
rected for holding a Court of Oyer and . Termi
ner, General Quarter Session/ of the 1 Peace , ,
Common Pleas and Orphan's Court. at Towan
da, for the County of Bradford, on Monday, the
2d day of December next, to continue three
Notice is therpfore hereby given tri the Coro
ners, and Justices of the Peace, of the county
of Bradford, that they be then and there An
their proper perFon, at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, with records, inquisitions and
other remembrances, to do those things which
to their'eflice appertains to be done; and those
who aro buunil by recognimce or otherwise to
prosecute against the prisoners who aro or
may be in the jail of said county, 'or who shall
be bound to appear at the said court are to be
then and. there to prosecute against them as
shall be.. just:' Jurors are rlquested .to be
punctual in their-attendance,agrecablylo their
notice. •
Dated at Tr - 7th "d. If Ni • if
sted 114 Ausrandailthe /sty of OV.,
tho year of .otj,r Lord, ,one thousand eight
hundreitand voNenty-two, and of the Inde
pcndenee of the United States, the ninety
J. P. VAN ELgET, Sheriff.
ors for„ Dec. Terra otCourt to be 14SIt at To
wand. acrurnenetng lionday - Dec, 2, 1872. •"'
,`. swan ruser-s.
Athens twp, -.Leonard White, Athens bore, C W
Canfield; Asylum: D K Ross; Albany, Ralph Ste-
VMS ; Burlington twp, Decatur,. Ayers; BurlingtonWert , Levi Stanton; Barclay , P Moore; Coltana
bla,4 R Watkins:' Monroe telt, N Northrup, Jr..
Overton, Francis Orthans; Pike. Sand Dock; She . -
ehequin, Addison Beidleman, Clark Smith. Rdwaryl
Smith ;-Standitng Stone. C &Taylor; Towanda Born,
T Stevens. Hiram Taylor; Towanda North. Wm
MeMorsn; Towanda North, -WraMoecript; TaseaL
rors,M S Ackley; Troy twp, Thin Manley; Wells,
Geo Nobles; Wilmot, Nehemiah Gregory; Wyaln
sing; Chas Biles.
Athens twp, Henry &Irby, Geo Coykendall; Alba
ny, Lewis Jones. Wm Brawn; Barclay, MCris..
nen Burlington top. E D Rundell. Lewis Shiner;
Canton twp. S H Lindley. Albert Bloom; Canton
bore, Saml Strait; Granville, H J Home, Albert
Barnes; Herrick, Wm_ Giddings; Leßoy, Orator
Holcomb*: Monroe twp, Delanson Kellogg; Overton
Fred Herds; Pike, Ll' Root, W B Stevens; Bldg
bury, G.S Burnham, Vincenl, Owen; Sylvania'. Fin
ley Furman; Smithfield, .0r.1.1'. Kellogg; South
Creek, W A Pirsons, Juo Craig; Sheshequin, Jos
Vonglit; Standing Stone, G A 'Stevens; J.F Dodge;
Troy bora, Edw Wandine, Edw Porter; Troy twp,
Jos Hunt, T B Bildwin; TOwanda Born. F J Cal
kins. 11; M Hovey; Towanda twp. Dani Decker; Tus
carora, David Edinger; Ulster, Jas -.McCarty, John
McQueen, M S Warner; Wysoi, Allen Conklin.;.
Winnham, A E Hamilton.
TRATErt; t• - rzoits—EECO:kin WEE);
Athens twp, Wriebt Dunham, Sidney 1 1..nonds;
Albany, 'Horace Jones; Barclay. D O Poirling
tou.Wet,t, Jno Blackwell; Columbia. Geo 31cear-
Pelez Feckhant, C B Strait; Canton twp, D H
Mart: Carton born, Clarence Wrlizlit; Franklin,
Marshall; Granville. 0 ;,;." Fuller; Lellays-
Riral Bristol. .7 II Johnson; Overton Jocob
Beverly; Orwell, Wm Smith,. Julus +Gorham; Pike.
G r Warner; lbdgbnry, Jared H4mnond; 11 , me
twp. L W Towner:: South Creek. D F Hildreth, P J
Dean; SLealarquin. L Pl:tartan: Sprinitfield, C T
Wtt.tbroah; j II Webb: Sylvania, J F
Tray born, Alvin Linderman, C B Burt; Tray twp,
D Frrtman, Ward; Towanda Born, A
Bin,ttOanry, Gen Vincent: Jas Piatt: Towanda. twp,
L Ward; Tuscarora, Vincent Owen; Terry, Sal
mon Buttes; Cllas • Whitney; Wells, Frank
Brown; Windhara.o Dunham; Wyrdusinit II V
Allnny, Geo, Brc,wn; ?{?inns twp. 5 B Chase._ I)a
-vId.G.Ardner; Athens bozo, Chtts Bintnn, C F Svv.
ycr; JO BeeLer; rarclay, "Lr.v, - 14 Thu
ton. Batt 11:111oonoce•r; Curdon S'y•
.D 3 utr; Franklin, Fair,htld; Granville. 3 , - , e;=
On3,ra Shepard, sztni
Ltephen 31411.innny; Sanford; Stotiroe
twp, J Orwell.° .1 S A Chaffee;
Pipe. P r: Woodruff; Rome twp, L D Prince, John
Yount: 2.11, Farnum Barnes; South Creek, W S
Cyrug Burke: Sprinzfudd * : Lyman Porter. Pe
ter:V=lllo%lllton; t.lmithfreld. Beetle Gerould. B C
Thomas; Towanda Boro, Tidd. G T
.M Woodruff. J 0 Frost, Ilichaj Pine;
roan; Ttlf-e,ar_or?, I' 11 linger: Troy born, Cd.r.rloA
Grohs; rlstOr,"Lorenva Watkins; Wells, Alfred
Pitikney: Wilmot. John Cnnuninskey; • G
: . VAN FLEET, Sheriff.
SHERIFF,'S SALES.—By virtue of
v.A.! writs of rieri r.
out . gf the Coul't of ,Cer.2toon 'leas cf Erldford
Comity, and to toe chrtOttld.' 4 .c..ll be elltoe,l to yotb
lic sale at thr.',Court House in , the Lorouglt 'of To.
Nrand:i, TEIrIISDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1o;3, at 1
o'clock. Tian., the fcgioxi-ing &sr:il el lot. plpce; or
parcel of land situate in Herri h twp., bounded as
fellows: On the north by publie highway known as
the State Itoad;on the east and south by lands of
John Beafdeler, treat lac lava of tho widow Fanny .
E Bull and Edward S. 'Turrell ; cot; taining 2
acrus - ,mert , or' lees, sll iruprovji.
franca horiFo, small frangrd
fruit tres thereon.
Seized and taken into eSecuti•4l at th. snit of M.
Sla•nm'e 1130 V 3 Snsimnalt Bradshaw arid. Aria: M.
Bradshaw. -..' :4 ' • •
ALSO—One ether lei. niece, or par.iel of' land ELtr.
ate in Wells twp.. Leninded a. P,llotrAl: On the
north by lands of Sylvaints VanDusliirli, east by
l..:ahenlialt ratlibun. south by land in possession of
Wade Beardslee and la'id of James, Gri‘cwold, treat
by Daniel Darrimple; containing 8;1; acres, more
or less. abcnt tiO acres hnrroved. 'with a framed
honsc, trained barn; and rew truittre,cs thereon.
8,..171&1 and takill into exectthon t r;n:t c:f
James 11: Brink vi Geo. IV. Erink.
ALSO—One. other lot, ple.c;?, of riar , ,l oC Unit E.,t
uate In Towanda Bc:ro., bonndeclas fonnws: On the
north by lands of D. 8; P,ratt. cast by an ono - ,
south by Adam Wolfe, west by Third street: being
about 50 feet front on said .TllLrd rtre&t - aud run
ning back to the centre of said alley,.ablint 150 fect
more or less. isith a small framed dweilinghcnse
and fen. fruit tins thereon.
seized amLtaken Into execution 'at the snit of B.
W. Lane 79 Wm. Mica. , •
.ILSOG—One other lot, piece-or parcel of land
ate in Sheshmnin hip., bounded an follows: On
the north by lands of Donclaga Davidson. A. Hill,
Ralph Gore and the public highway; on tip) :east by
Clinton and Dantel Cote and the public 'highway.,
e 4 nth by land l:aloncing to the estate-of 0. C. Clore.
deceased. vvest by Susquehanna ltiva . r; containing
acres. more or !es:, about ,r,t) acres improved,
with a framed dwelling house, framed barn with a
horse barn attached, and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of H.
IV. Thomas vs Fied C. pore.
ALSO,—One other lot, piece, or ;parcel of land sit.
nate in Towanda Boro., bounded as fellow's: On the
north by lands of Solomon Walbdrn and B. Jacobs,
ea.t by T. C. Delano, south by Pine street, west by
C. M. Manville; being about 100 teat front on said
Pine street and about 112 feet deep, running back
from said street to the south line of lands of said
Walborn and Jacobs. with a trained dwelling house
thereon.., . -
Seized and taken into execution at the snit of
E. T. Foa vs C. D. Cash k.Co. and James 0. Frost,
ALSO4One other fot, plcce, or parcel of 'land sit
uate Itr Towanda Bore., bounded as follows: On the
north by'land of James 0. Frost, east by John F.
Beans, south by John Lantz. west by Charles et.:
being aboUt 106 feet front on said Charles street,
and runing back to line 'of lands .of said John F.
Beans, about 140 feet, more or less, with a framed
shop thereon.
ALSO-110 defendants - C. D. Cash and F. A.
Cash's undivided two-fifths (2-5) intetest in one oth
er lot,Ticilv, or parcel of land situate in Towanda
,Boro., aforesaid,. bounded on the north Poplar
street, east by Third street, south by Wm. Gras,
west by an alley:being aboilt 165 feet front on said -
Third street and about 221 fi?et back on said ,Poplar
street, two.story gothic brick dwelling house
small framed barn, and other ontbuildings and few
.fruit and ornamental trees thereon. :Said lot known
as the Ilorue*tead Lot of the David Cash estate.
- ALSO—The defendants., O. D. Cash and F. I
Cash's undivided two-fiftha :interest In one other
lot, piece, or parcel of land citrate in Barclay twp.,
containing 113 acres. more or less, in the warrantee
name cf D. nallunningbarn, with a saw mill, two
will honses, art,d a stable thereon. ;
ALSO—The . aillendants, C. D. Cash and F. A:
eash's undivideib two-fifths Interest in one other
lot. plece,lor tract of land situate in Barclay tap,
containing 400 a*es, more or less. in the warrantee
tioirne of Deter Ladley.
ALSO—The defendants, C. D. Cash awl - F. A.
Cash's undivided two-fifths interest in one other
lot. piece,• or tract of land eituatl in. Barclay tivp.,
containing :flit/ acres. more or less, in the warrantee
name of Joseph Ladley.
ALSO—The defendants. C. D. Cash and F, A.
Cash's undivided two-fifth interest in cue other lot,
piece. or tract of land situate In Barclay to-p., Con
taining 355 acres, more or less, in the warrantee
name of Walter Stewert.
ALSO—Thp .clvfendants. C. Cash aud T. A.
Cash's; tindivid“.l two•tifths interest in one other
lot, piece, or tract of land situate' in Barclay and
Overton twps., containing 400 acres. moreor Ices,
In the warrantee name of Andrew Lailley. •
Seized and taherrinto execution at the snit of
11. T. Fox's uco vs C. D. Cash and F. A. Cash. se•
ALSO—One other lot, piece, or parcel of rand situ
ate in.Towsuila twp., bounded as follows: Ou the
mirth by la nd . cif Mace. east by Michael De
plane, south by - James 'Slot:ill, west by, John -Low._
man; containing 3S acres, more or less, nu improve.:
ments.• • -
ALSO—O ' ne other lot, piece, or parcel 9f land sit
uate in Towanda Voro., bounded as follows. On the
north ,and oast .Tol:n F.. Moans, south by
T. Elliott o ve,e, be 5tw0..70 strret: containing one
acre, noir. or Icssl ill improved. v:itli a twa•htury
fram,,d - brurn, and few fruit
Si( exeinition at the suit of
L.• Ward cs J,:m• Lew.s4utl Tienjaram Lewis.
.Ih:a at the suit of L, 0. 11.)llon N. 4 James I'. Lew.
and IletSvinin Lents. -
ALS..)-011 , .‘ “thi:r pieo.-...r id•-a-,:ei of land s'
, ,
date Windham top., btonailed 43 ;hollows: Begin
ning at the toil:II-east enr on line betweeu the Cad
wallader and lina4sbury tracts iti tire noddle of road
and rnotiing ‘, deg west C 0.,. per by
of J. 147m:11i to a ben...3 tree, thence north 82 Ung
west (10 per be lar,lit of E. Boardman to a postand
st tLetz,•e urAtii 1 deg east .3-10 per by land
of J. St. Peck to a post and stormOlience north 34
kiC4 C.7.5t itS per by land aril. Gleason to the mid
dle of said road. thence south 9 oleg east 71 , ., per
along the Middle of ;said road V.) place of beginning;
containing ta acres and 45, re more or less,
about 40 acres improved. 'with fmnacil bBuso, two
framed barns and other eat buildings, and au oral
d of fruit trees tho
Seized and useeutiouthe suit of
AL6o—ene other 1 , ,t, or of laud Pit-
ILA, In Thuile ~ ton Born . hood as follows: On
the lanols of Wm. T. , deflt-c:e I',
Teo y. ca. 4 by Ileul.wti 11:11ielC
ermau and 'llona .11.c.5,:, 1.:.,i-w!eatzum
yik,d containing gb rtt t re's. Ituore 'or lets, all
unproved, with a frrlpied frtmxtt
barn, and fete frnit tree a thereon.'
Seiz..l on 1 talom Into cxeantien at the tit of
Start n J.-Lting ct Thinuss . J. • - -
ALSO—Ong other hit, piece. or pared of land sit
uate in Athens Bsro.; bounded as. follows: On the
north by Sataorlee street, east Lp Charles Decker,
south by Clarbnce Smith, west by lot No. 30 belong.
tug to they;tstate of C: F. Welles, tleedi being lot
750. 31 according to plot and a:art+ made by Z. F.
Walker: containing 11,250 square feet. more or less,
with a framed dwelling honse. horse "harn, and few
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the tout of G.
L. tastabrooks vs Judson D. Baker. ,
tit ' J. I'. VAN FLELT„ Sheriff.
- ...C.A..Netice is hereby ,T.lven alt persons indebted
td the estate or CILARLES late TO4 -
roost. make innnetliate payrnant,
an all p:..n,ong havizm ch.irns Against said estate
moat pregont .1111 y an . thenticated for settle
went. • ,p
The hooka :tad '.ol.tatt of said ttecessed are left
With . Wm.:Foyle, who Is author' ed Fettle
Alw saute 11)r me, and adjust all matters relating, to
the said estate. . S. LADD,
. .I.lnistrttrix.
Toc,vitnaa, Pa.
Leg3l... . •
Tam. ‘71 , 13.5 rElOtS—Tatroni va
tGISTER'S NOTICE;—Notice R to Ite',xeby given that there. has heal filed and
.aottled in Hie office of Register of Wilt in and for
the County of Bradford. accounts of .11,‘Mintstra
ttow upon the following estates, 312:
Final acc't of B. Barret', admr. of Caleb Barrett,
Accodnt of 0. 1", Young. czr.• of Louisa Army,
Final acct of Bailey -L. Stone, admr. with Will
annexed, of Calvin Stone, deceased.
Partial acc't of Jesse Batrerti, guardian of T. 8., A.
W. E. and Win. H. Dains.
Account of Wm. E. Walker, guardian of Amos
acc't or Elizabeth Fox, (now Elizabeth
illackmanj, guardian of Charles T. Fox.
Final acc't of E. C. Quiet, admr. of Paul Quick.
Final acct of Jane 0. Blakeslee and. W. H. Carno.
china. adearx. and admr. of John O. Blakeslee, decd.
Final sec't of Asa Warner, admr, of Samuel War.
ner, deceased.
Final acct of A- G. 3fason, trustee of 'John and-
Sarah Adams. • .
Final-acc't of 0. D. Bartlett, admr of Ed,'ln
rirtnter, deceased.
- ALSO—The appralsement of property set off by
the executors or administrators to widows or chil
dren of the following detedents:
Estate of Baslom Taylor.
Jacob -DeWitt.
Charles O. Kenyan. - - , - • -
•• L. Eowlandain.
• Wm. raker. .
• Benj. Beneath
••Erstatui H. Smith. .
•• Charles L. Arnold.
Harry Benjamin.
D. A. Allen.
Ansel Tillotson._
- Abram Berner,
And the same will be presented to the Orphan'.
Court of Bradford County, on Thursday,' Dec. 60,
next for confirmation and allowance, •
• C. E. GLADDI,..":fit.-Eleglater.
.1.1 the District Court of-the UMW, States for the
Western District of Pennisylvani - 3...40 the' matter
of Marshall Brothers. Bankrupts. • •
I o the credit/yrs of said bankrupts and all others
coCcerned, take notice: That, a second general
meeting of the creditors of said banktupts has Wen.
Ordered, and will be held in the Borough of Towan
da, Pa .. In said district, on the 1 2th clay of Novem
ber, 1872., at 14 o'clock, sin., at the Mike of E. Over
ton. Jr., one of the P.egisters in Banirrnptcx in said
tiletrlo.. for the purposes named In the 27th section
of theoliankrupt Act of March •2, 1647. 1i present
thereat. _ _ D'A.l. OVERTON,
owauda , Oct. 21, 8722 Assignee.
quctice of a mistake in the .EILADFORP atrOSTEIt of
Oct. 24:1872, in publishing the date of,the meeting
provided for in aboto notices. It has been duly
ordered that said meeting be adjourned and conge
uedto, the 211th day of November, 1x72, at 10O7elock
&in:, and at the place, mentioned in foregoing notice
Towanda, Nov. 12, 1.872..u2 Assignee.,
matter of the estate of O. 1. Waller., deed.
In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County.
,The undersigned,. an Auditor, appointed by . said
Court to distribute funds In bands of the Adminill•
trators -of said estate, will attend to duties of wit
appointment at his office. in Troy.Boro, on FRIDAY . ,
NoV1:1113Elt . 29,1512, at 1 o'clock, p.m., where ail
persons having e. aims upon said •ftuadaAnttst; pre,
scot them or be ebaired from coming in upon the
52111 C. • W . CABSOCIIA3r,
, . • • Auditor.
EZ 0 'S • NOTICE- ,
Notice is hereb 'Ten that all persons Indebted
to the estate of Chas.V. Welles, Jr., late of Athens.
deceastxt, are re-Anon:olth make.ithmediate payment
and all persons' ; havir.V claims against said estate
present them duly anthentimted for settle.
meet. _ • -4: ELIZAI3ETII WET T.VS I ;
- JOHN C. trf:LLFS,
si'.;N'.l;-G o i
. '' •
ALI ii , hereby given that all persons indebted to
tin' ...-tpite or John ,Fostring, late of Ctilurnbia,
d. , 'd,v,re.. : , ,flzeltcl. to, make immediate payment,
and a!: ;...r01t,,9 having claims agatzist said (state..
iv:.::: pios:r: theta duly authenticated for Bertha-
13F.TSEY G. FOS TautGri
E- C'II T*o R - ' S NOTICE.- .
Notice is berebY given tha,t all persons indebt
ed the, estate of Guy Kinney, deceased, lat.-
or Sheshcquin, are requested to make immedi
atepayment, and all persons having , auras against
said estaV- must present them duly authenticated for
settlement. ; I 'NEWTON EINNET. • _
Nu% -0-,n
Notice is bereby gicen to all'persons indebted
tothe estate F. Miller, lateiof TerfSfoirn,
de , eased, riansf make immediate payment, and
all pt-rgons hanina claims against said estate
must pres , at th , na Unly authenticated for settle
. N. T. MILER,
No Administrator.
Notice is lictclys given to all persons indebted
to the estate of Win. C. .Wilcex. late of Canton.
tle. - ..7a,(..1, must Make immediate payment. and
ai1) . .=.,r5.4,,s having claims against said estatimnsi
pr tent them duly authenticated tar settlement.
", M. T. PORTE% '
Noy.O-at - Administrator.
• t
• ;
Stoinach. Eiysiptlas, Beadai2he,
.I':lt's, l ith,nutii,:n, I ructions and Skin 11)1R , ases,
Inti,4 - nsms , , Liver Complaint, Drepsy,letter,
Tumors and Sale Llifutu, Worms, Giant -NeuraL 2 ,
Oa, as a Dinner Piil. and Purifying the hiloPd.
Awe the most congenial purgative yet p., - rf i teted.
Their effectA alutudatitlV shots ho* tune they
t all ctlipr the: are safe and pleas
ant- t.) take,,but pon - erfal to curs. .fbey purge
ont.' the foul burners on the blood; they Vitali- '
I..te the shiggi,ii ur disorderbd organ hito
.t.;on. and they .mpart health aril- tone the ,
whelp They cure not only,. tbeevery.
day CV of everybody, hat formidable •
and. dangerous ditiea.;es. Most eminent clergy
man. rhysicans, and our best eitip
zgr.a send ceirthicates of cures performed and ,
gr,, T at'.henctits they have derived' froiir these
Pas. f They are the safest sad best plr. sic for
children, because mild as well as. effectual. •
Leing'sugar coated they are easy to take; and
heing pnrrdy vegetfble, they are entirely harm
fess,. -)
- Da. J. CATER ‘t• CO., Lolvt.r.r,
pltAcricAt. AND ANALT - acsr, cumfisre,
Ana r reold by Druggists all rolaud the world.
Dr. IT. C. FORT It. k SON, Whole ale agoras
TowandA, P 3., 3lttlfOr sale by dealers throughoo
the rourkty. :0ct.30:14.4
underiigned Offerp - for sale his farm in forth
Towanda, at a bargain. The farm contains about,
53 acrcs., •Ift acres under good state rof cultivation.
the balance well timbered. There IS ale° plant) , or
good fruit good buildings, and niveMailing water.
Will sell on reasonable terms and give time on a
portien of the pnrchaseMoney.
C.. E. It Ella..
North Towanda, Oct. R. 15721 -
Simple, Strong, Powerful, Safe. and Accurate, which
makes it one of the •beat Guns ever offered to
Sportsmen. Prices from 139 to ..sdB; Send for a
circular to F. A. Maxfield, West Auburn, Pa., itgtnt
for Bradford, Stisquetianna, sitilivan, WyOming.
and Luzerne counties. \0v.13•w4
belonzing to% the estate of Wrn. W. Eists
brooks,. deceased, situated in worth Towanda, Ore
miles front Towanda Boro., containing about 125
acres, between 75 and 100 acres ftnprored, with a
new dwelling, house well arranged for two families;
a good barn and other out buildings; two orchakdi,
aliving spring of !water brought to the house in
logs.. For further particulars apply' to Wm.. El- "Z
bree, Athens; Ward Eastabrooks, 'Ulster; Wil
lard Loveland, Trey, or Wilford Esstabrooks on - the,
premise*, F I .
1 . . ,
ROr OS AT.S. —Peciposals.. will_ be
r'e,..,:avea, l l. te (ace of the Wilkea:Barre Coal
and Iron Cornran3 l ;, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., until Decem
ber 1,1'672, forth 'whole or the part of Three Hun
drctl and Fifty i 35 ) Tons best qualityloressed Tini
othy flay, to be delivered at Wilkes-Barre, between
date Of contract and the first, of 3larch-1873. , ,
0. iI. PARRISH, Sept:
W.B.C.AcI.Co. •
KJ his home, A BLACK PUP, a small white spot on
his breast, about 10 months old; he is part bird and
part shepherd, answers to the name of Sport. LDS
one giving information regarding his 'whereabouts
will bo liberal*" rewarded.
- H. BROWN - MG TA11.011..
leßayscille, Pa., Nov. 20, 1872.4 f •
7.Carae into the eneles
tiro of, the undersigned, a Pike. township, on
or about October 21;1872. a Light Bay Mare-Mule,
Inane sheared, shoes on forward feet, .stiprosed to
be threi3 years oldo Ths owner is requested -to;
conae 'forward, prove property,, pay charges, stud
take her away, or she will be disposed Of according
to law.
libr:6•43 P. L. COED.'
Advancing years, sickness, care', diappointment,
and hereditary predisposition, all tern the' hair
grey: either of them disposes it to fall of prema
turely, and either elect Is unsightly and unpleasant
to:behold. Dr. A.1. - Er.'s consummate skill has pro
duced an antlloto.for these deformities, which has
won r,rafitude for him from multitudes of women
'and men. His Mutt rmou sometimes reproducer
lost hair;fand alwsys restores to faded and gray hair
;its natural color, with tile. gloss . and freshness of -
, sLuth. - The comparstively few bald and gray heads
that - we nmisco,are - those who hare not yet 'discos.
'rr.d the virtuesof .N.ssn's Itatu 'emu for renewing
tho hair. The fresh and youthful hair wo see on ;
older he ads is ften the product of his art. If yen
are disfigured, or made old, austere and ugly, by
gray hair, restore its youthful color, and with it your
features to their original softness and agreeable es
. -
Sold ky all Druv.ales,, an , / Dealers. in 31nlicinet
Di e d. C. AVM di. CO.. LOwt.ts.,"l.ta.s.s. - ;
Practical and. Analytical Ohemisitt,
Dr. 11. C..Pon - rrn, S'ox & Co., Wholesale Agent&
l e otrands, Pa., and for sale by dealers thron•zhoull
the county.
' Dec, 7, 1871.—lyeow..
‘4I NITURE EMPOratra lot now style at JOIN
Executor' ,