Vradford ep otter. Towanda, Thursday, lioTember `..18,187e. I,OOAL :AND GENERAL. /kr Go and hear Mr. HAuraerr, tblercur's Nally tliis evening. • siV. We understand that an en ,:awpment of Otht Fellows is soon to be insti tllied at Troy. Service and sermon in z the Eptßeopal Clmrch, thia Thurhday morning, at 10} IST r PETER LANDMESSER has been appointed Postmaster at Ituntrucrileld, in piece of T. F. Espy, reogned. tar EIIASTUS BELL'S, au ewploye of the Pa. & N. Y. R. R., was badly injured on Wednoulay afternoon last, while coupling ears at the nppe . t• depot: lier Do n't fail 'to hear the TRE— MAINE BROS., Pest Monday night, at Mercur's flat'. Iterierved . seats for rale at Kinnr's Dig ;Re There will by a union Thanks ;Ti %jag service in the 31. E. Church, this Thnrs morning, at Di Bev. .T. Lcsi , willyreach the sermon. life - The friends ofthe'Rev. •0. L. CiiiisoN will give him a donation visit on Friday afternoon and evening, of this week, In the basement of the Methodist Church." ce6.- Bradford county's quota, of :), e Centennial Bonds, is 1,350 shares, amount ng to $1:3,800. 731.. C. 311utun, Dig., and TIM& DE.t.yrit ere the commissioners for receiving ~;11,, c riptions in this Congressional District. The Odd Fellows have recur . ,! Ow services of W. n. BARNES, the poi)ulai tar. r ‘,l titeir order, fora lecture iu this time, next month. We do not know :he subject is to be, but Mr. B. is capable ..asking and - subject interesting. z Our young friend, M. L. MAY retutivedfrom Rome to Leona, and himitlf in the Grocery businebs. \V ciwdially commend Mr. M. to the cowl .leheef and 'patronage of the people of . ..q...;11 , 4tie1d. township. .4e- Northern Lodge of Good I.llplars is atnut holifing a, few pulilic ,ocia :,Ms, for got .: - rurprise of raising funds to apply .11 purcl3 , 7se of pialio. The fire: will be held next Mrms.lay evening. Dec. 2. Thcy invitetkteir ':rieutia and the public gem rally to atmml. rs&- We all agree with HOOD'S ne ~satire poem; de! , •eriptive.of•thisMonth : - No A% amth, no cheerfq:ncss, no Imalt Itful ease No comfortable feel in any member ; No f int t ile, no s hine, no butterthes, no bec-4 ; No friars, no floiCers,'M Ic :Ives, no b.rds .No-reniber ' The-Record Times -It i, rumorrd that Cu nix PALUISII, Eq., taking up his residence in Now and has offered his mansion fur sale. Our „• ..11i1( 1 t wJ OYU rd 10 lose 2,0 enterprising a but the best business talent of the entin '!"ll i-. naturally clraNsn h, the great -business MEE An ingenious fellow has stud • hi , . that iltint,..4 the m+gish of N t:. 111111.1 t ? The e.I I ~,rte-thrce it.t , t the ere-tong, anti affords 50,4 nu.%" l " 1 , . iin papers - the t It Tll , ,re Ini,Clllol- I I=l A philosophical writer very "; , :r. , ,,:2-Cpartlls of the air- le , 4 , r int neolry. , from the fact r7f.litt witirtut eau - 11114i% fame dt` it. ity without tern witivint Nadu - e, and happlt.,n, A NIII• of tlo,A , zliinp -cat f pen:n-tent e I ItoliEuT A. PACKER, Esq., Su :!.!.,• o: N. B. Co., is ;1.11 :dive u, the cow:A:niche(' of th , se who riot over that route. - The depot at Towanda dn.tance als7ve the busitiess portion of .li , and during • the prevalence of the a .7! he kras directed that a special Lall run din dt iv to the borough.-- Wilkes- milic.s in the ~t I.:IVO had to t-ttspOtti • pr,vul-lice of the horm.• iutitienza. • •••••`-i'.i. Lt.ll(.vilt• Scranjo: - , Coal C.... bc -. :It. 1.. .1: W. 11. IZ. Co., FILET., 1:..: t• been .1 operati , ,Ds. it in F a nun's, a:tree.te/t. Elie outside. "Vim n WINDf)w - AT NIGHT E ‘• 1.0 ;y 114 ; 4,1 tri.l( thy 1. , ., - pitals which eh'. alr from the ititttlow. the lituq. , ittits cl o sLa, aid $ nas her aavoi•. l'ins is t..• day. 1:,(.1, out fu the fresh air day or Mil = Thf- Caiitun Sentinel says that. •- tit: Pn.sbyterialt Churelr'frl that filaking exten?:v, urralq, , cruunts. ; , i• panty}; a la rf.Te variety of useful and or :;t4: .itivies suitable as holiday presents. 1., of the fair are to * release the fr.in a 1,•1 , t in(ltrre4l by recent improve 'lie object is certainly a commendable I :t is to be hoped that the affair will he ;1.1: - .sr.—Ort Sundae morning li.tYit S. ELLIOTT, residing on the .e.l ,1,9r1 al.itnnee above thl3 place, hor.se in the coati in front " whvn from Font° cause, the , rulleo turn, throwing Mr. E. hrtaliiilg. 1.31: , left thigh, r \twd...,16 of a trilling nature. %N C,' this gentleman from t r Clue tiLtIC to COlllt I 1 L •6 ~ 11,-,iunary Corn Compa and girls; • 1)2. tellan And Mclhodist 0: Orwell Hill, has .ts• 1,1•1:ccolt•nt wQrk du -- 1.• wouber planted 24 f•T c.aeli to cult•Aatc• and lIM , •1141 y purpoet.4 A kw e (.1- ttl,g called for the purpuee, and sold at auction. Mid 19 ut: 11;, , young f,.11., to do a other!. :.1 :t., 90;',1 ;.;raltizi litpri the following among ltl till' Pr'N.S. Mr. Cumit lis u. phi, county luting the . and rendci,..l publicau ••• Ile is a polished gentletham :4r.. We hbutiattut keturt• (kid : t413. , 1 to t:e the bamo of James J. roil of lecturers. 4 llis scholaily .-Ht , and easy sell-possession, will un g;te. him deserved success. A course lectures is being given at George ra tar avenue and Fiftieth street, Mr. Creigh delivers the se,!ond I , ,.night, IIJ toll 11 eat his sub t'.llart)r," 1‘1:11 a ripe ability in his college 1"- A . .NLitviNE.- T A corre " I Int at'A OyA(tIl . t 0•1, Val" that %%he', the •'•• ••• .• :•....1> thus {u,ub i+6e a-I)cIA l'eaA t 1.7 al:a by a daily in"derate use cl I ttall.a el . the celery I , :ars as str , :lig and Steady in their liMbs •as other people. I hare known others so very nervous that tho least , annoy ance put them in a state of agitation, who were in almost constant perplexity' and fear, and who were effectually cured by a daily moderato use of blanched celery as a salad sit meal times. I have known 'others cured by using curry for palpitation of the heart. j A Fair will be held in the Lec ture loom of tho r Presbyterian Church. under the direction of the - Woman's Foreign Mission ary Society, on the evening of Tuesday, Dec. IQ. There will be a large variety of fancy and useful articles : Chrigmars gifts for the house hold fairies ; dolls for'dollars ; more boiAerous playthings for the boys. A host of fair things, " not too good (excepting the refreshments) fur human nature's daily food." The ladies of this society should be liberally encouraged. " None but the brave deserve th'efatr." • THE ERIE RAILWAY.—Qf all the rail roads in the country, none afford the-traveler better accommodation, nor more coniftwt and pleasure in traveling than does the Erie. A trip from Buffalo to New York, either 14' day or by night, over this road, is &positive laxury. The beautiful valleys, the deep mountain gorges, and .the wild and romantic scenery through which the road passes, constantly fill the mind of the traveler with admiration; as tonishment and delight daring the daytime, and entirely relieve the tedium of ordinary traveling; and commodious and luxuriant sleep ing cars afford all the conditions essential to sound slumber and haepy dreams during the night watches. NO road in the dountry is su perior in its accommodationi to this, and very few, if any, are its equals. 4.anybody doubts this assertion, let him makes trial of the road, and he will be fully satisfied,—Beffalo Ecening, Post, Sept. 30, 1872. tor The following letter was re ceived some days since, and overlooked. We now give it place: although we think tho col . urrins of the ltr.porrrin have always furnished evidence of its hearty en orsonivut 'of every movement calculated to advance the causo of temperance. For the information of those who do not yet appear to illicit-I-gland our positiOn, we sac again that we will cheerfully publish ar- ticks on this important subject, under the same regulations which apply to other commu- nications " ALV0111): NOV: that the political coutcst ended, can you hot dt•votc a column of the lirrotittn to the aid ifir the - temperance cause? With the circulation and itilluence of your paper iu this county, I doubt nut you could thus du much good. There are those who would cheerfully contribute to bald column. What say you? Yours, etc., S. S. Burrs. "P. your last issue, yr.o appeal to your patrons to aid in extending the circulation of the ltErontur.; this, I believe, would be more cheerfully and effectually done, were it known that it is to give efficient aid to the teini , erauce movement in the county. Yours is an excellent c..muty paper, well deserving all the patronage it yeceives; but i cannot but believe that [lie tiro« has come when a temperance department wouhr add very much to.its usefulness. Hop ing you aiil answ-r tlr.. n. , 1,• through your col -4m,• 5.46. 8.- et the 1;14A :old I:tahnhg AS. CUeiat W edhesclar evening at eighty dollxts pt, Mann, p , r share of ttio but:drd dollars. th•s rate vont . owv tho stock ould cii!nimat. •.i cars. Thi, ilirecte , rs has di.videi r. 11 stock at par nutil the neat regular ci,etlllg, I the third Wednesday in .I),:yembei an•i cantemplating taking atock had I , etter do so immediately, is it itl limited to 1,000 shares, and if any is to be had aft( r th. 1191 meeting,.lt. will Li. held at 'a premium. Joni FITZLII.IIONS, belonging at Mishop pen, was nietantly killed by the cars, at the Junction, last Monday evening. He was en gaged in making up ct tram, and stepped iu be tween two care in motion to rill a elmpllng pin. v.hen his boot heel caught between a main and guard rail, tLe wheel, cutting 11mm into a shapeless mass. Jivaty NVIGHT etuod ne.tr, and imperiled his own life in drawing him from under the remorseles,; wheels: He cried out, "On! JIMMY," and " - as di d. IMO itt,'lttVllll, a ri: t,.. •i -ra host !be I.ts' fnr ttr Nsa ,, ttti evening arrested by the United States autle,rtte_s ou a charge of "detaining and cretin:4 Vali:able letters." Lio : had L., -LI tle-cle-.!;.;ed front serv:ee Postmaster mt., a few Pii/ At a rueetiLig of the Third Dis trict th,• Preshytuty I.t La.chawauna, hell at Atlicno va tire 12th awl 13:11 ut Novethbvi , the fullo , un a; p. , :utrlitoni..4 tree. utade,f , .r teriai Atiwns-1 , . cti7b,l 5, 1'72. Lev. J. S._Stew art, Rev. AL A rm,troe-. D'A. Overton. Tuwand.4--Jaeuary 11, 1873. Rev. D, 11ev. E. Kennedy, S. Nesbit. • Mohroeton—DeeeinlA r 17, 1872. Rev. C, Coral, Htr. i J. Je‘u.ll, A. Bl a ck,' • Wysox;-- S. I'. 6.1 Rev. C. Salmon, T. S. Malik Wyalurug. and lirrrc. -December 3, 1872. Gran ger. S. Cult, Re E. E , imedy, Geo. Wyalu4iug 2.1 and Terutown—Ducemtler 3, 1872. Rev. 'l'. Thomas. Rev. T. IS. Jervb, D. Orwell' and Rame- January 11,'1873. Rev. D. Craft, 11ev. H. Armstrong, J. IL Smith. Ste% • and Rush ---Jaauary 11, 1873. Rev. S. P. Colt.,,ltev. S. P. Gates; S. C. Gavlord. Cantu, and Eitst Canton—Jailuary 21,!1873. Rev. D. GOok, 'Rev. C. Salmon, .T ! . Sialford.l Troy—December 31;1872.-11es . . J. -S. Stew art, C. C:C , d - ss, A. Wickham • . . Colnrubia Cr;s , 110:ois—Decerubc.; 3, 1 1 .372. 1:...v. I). Craft, P.c!r. T. B. J. , 11 . 1: , . 'l'. S. Manley. Wf.11•4 3114 C,•!atlf.:l3 Dee mber 10, 1b72 P•••••. C. C. Curve, 11 , ..r, S. P Clatc- Warren—Febrmo - y . I'. ByliPbby, 11. CLany.lm. jr Laport—J'antiary '2l. 1573. 11.2 v. D. Cralt, Iles% H. Armstrong, F. FkA}lcr. le,- - ..noOpen and Mehoopany February 5, 1573. ersf:, S. Son. thirclo.i-1 t.:l;vll.tv3 12, 1•47.1. .14. i - 1 ' Slew art, Lev. 1. 'llamas, S. Easterbroiloi. Duslicitii 7 Rev. H. H. Welles, SI Torrey._ Pirethrsin and ChurcliPs will bear In mind that 3londay, the 2J day of Decernberi was selected as a day It specrd pray. r tiir U idls Vi,411 - 12.1r1e on Allis ivlrk ,If v;f.itati. , n. • 4 EMI -Ozriton ES Lli " LIME HILL, Pa., Nov, 11, 1572. r Items from the Waverly M/ Mill 12. 1473'. i Ilcv. D. G/01c. .1 S. STEWART, .1 D. COOK, €l Ol / 3 D. H. CohunN, Sir We clip the following from the Nortlierti Tier Gazettc : --We understand that some of the young men of .A.kinenia, propose to establish a debat ing club 11nd reading Fociety this winter. There should bc such an organization in a ery neigh borhood for self-unprovement. —GOSPOI WLEBLI,It. of Armenia, neon Old, IS lyitig low with paralysit, and, ;bough Le came outat, the State election an,,tl vot