radfordxttpottrt E owanda, Thursday, March 7, 1872. LOCAL AND GEIVERAL for charter for a &wine Bank :1115 place, bas passo4 tb, H Anse. RPgrilar meeting of Franklin inro Hilt; (SVEthiewiev) owning. re- The Board of Trustees of Cor Utilturects have decided- to admit female pa- We regret t 6 learn • that Mrs kr Ism:, nd Omen; died onTuesday morn ;ast. its), j • VAL - PEIGER, our genial „.„1 and nniqbhor, was presented by his bet , , the other day. with a fine boy. tea. D. W. GORE. Mail. Agent nn ~I. C. R. It. tBP umoctd ft.( Wa‘er4 to a;i... ge- The Pa. & N. Y. R R Co. nmi poed grading fie another track be plare an•' Waverly. ay' JAMES MACF.kr.LANE. General A D •t,t of the Blppo•lntreh coal. has remor. m Watkins to Elmira. Go:11. EityB bit; new VI (1 Shona of the latf• roves," is having an extensiv sale: • Pi T:soNAL. Hon. 'GEO. COII.A.V was !••t• n oz) Ttn-9.lay. • _r.. P p,, paid a lait-f visit !o friends 13 , 4 aef•ii. HI:LF TT, Of At'Jell9, 141.irq ittatt be ruln min- WOtirp•!sy crei,ing oflato iftt.rrr s". 118 t,;,1 t17...1:1 to this 1-lact2 and Silent) . has with wtthe t ,w ship .f Trtby. lir.. tried twice in thin comity. ... n ti.a. 11 , 4 for trial at the Supreme ~ tl,•, March is eyrtaitily cowing. iii p Tin.,,eattit.r since the tits? • !•, ,vnle,•ls 4,1 d. Nim,day tight My,. 1 . . hit 0 I , f i he to - iit.11,1,. the lllet 1110111t-Wr F;tt 1 . 0 En ‘rtll deliver a r'• 31 n•lir'. 11,11, ,11 Sunday ,r !T ,• rh•cs t., trelat,d. ••• hamig , :rite.) ttLe scenes Of St . ,•••• u 11.1,•, tut 1,11 .r, is % , cII qun'itiel t... •c, un 111(111. ;rr to; hi Pi . l3 of this • ~ • a, I, ••.. tin Wi au ,! Ltw t • ti ili(• LINTo.N. ha. Ms.: ;It '1 Ili,_ all ttittlit. t.t cit tt li•rrapit o f era• ke" Iti_roirruL has the largest :ld give, 11, up.-t• reatiing matt,-r: r to :•;.11) t It:::tvp.t.ia. loth( r• _ i• 1••-•••• , . m Ihdi (pew -'I ; • t Vth• tr.oltuni. Our fa - tu jt . lt ate Illit••111 - pat,e(1 Ls I,t Irt IL. .111;017. IF The eting of - ,tl,e 41 ty t.t (11 . ist c , as; held • L.: - a , t , r1;00.1. 1 ht. 1 , 11.m;1t.g •• .1 f the t - e-up.a : 1 , ,. F. 1 • Min. W. A t LIA2IBERLAIN. ••••re' , •)'•? - (I.‘nA IfF.Lot.yr. . - )J. 4'. Mr:cc:ult. rsx, TI (• Pa. Az N Y. Canal A: .• It; A Is a znanAgtql and %( , ,y 1a•,.. • nl et...n hi the 'di eary tikts ed I,llte Is pie s .nt and agrcelible 1- M. - 0 . n) ... 1 1 .11/ I . and liit• t:t.mluele jm :”1 11. t . . I. V1 , 4111'11 g. Sn t•it:ts the .) , ;',‘ , l ..-y tutu,. Atr: Al thr eiet.tieg t,f• the TI;wall )4 %! . .1 on of To , arda • - r'• \; , .11.14% , •vt•ni!lg. e!itr,•e_...,fd at The 11 -1, were ani-n led tt ,r i!: , gr , heleatter ho hr d ••• .rth. o: tire firiA Mon.:s.e en • Cme.equently the next nn uti,!g ~li A NN.k . DicKIN -0N 111,-t a fair 61, tou ritur- lay eveli • .-• 70 .rip !I 0 SO Ltrglf t.. 1). rI • a:1:1 taw whyla at ilia, a:: t ya.bj, , e; I%' : D ., :a II Lu alat , but larar 1: ' 11:• I: ran, lav ,: :1;11 t,, •!; Ltr , -P k Nputs: —A loyal taen vg lice we 1: oi ”11 tilt4e• ru.4l(.tnen. ,-.1" 1 . • L.ti r r tipi.: :11 , . 4 , :0 4 .1 •'t.4, LT trade a brisk sit , ri r, taLe ti•Hvti 1:14 r"' I ov the 4.6 tt with lit - itir it;11 tie 11.... Spa pl• 18 •: • • !.j. 1 . , to sulk ft , l Vert .sung, W , ttlld 11. • •• I bat e 4. , put-d bits "- , ••1 v , ers pc re ..• • - tJt It. BiLoAD„E‘L., N Y It ^ It . ha. b. - • ' •• • 13.1111.1., Cret , •i , •••11 1111'M dig !large •'.1•:4•.• .n. th.• fine ..r' 8u...%p •• •n , tt .4. I. On. icg tlniatQ .. • tttviir,lll...rt•rmai.c., • • h h•, fided nu .1 white • : (..rutql • • .• •. :h.- nay. hag . . • I.•••• pl, tilt e••,1..t • ••• • -•:.. A - . N. Y. I.tu•l ,Ins . .-I'he statelueu - G :a , had au •,: cure. • ; I ::f I. , o * rt go.. at•l f 0 . s,d r: • hi Utati-riSt•ttes rrt•aaury. turo ‘`a , l• hi ri MII,II. A circular o • • a —11 l I . r• a-uryth•Vdt l • • I, r nn 1 r:::r attritmle..l I. ' -" . I:: par:in. tit. . 1 ht. It rt 1 flu (Tr 1. • • , r, vt . l“• ru..11 ettrency ut '• • • . t• f l'oattnastvi • nkstmcit Po-tthat-ttat: . 1) h . mutt bt• cu.. 1; rilt --Gent.: I seud • -': ,•. •• I • •ii, 111,• (I,4regatimia • . :• .1,11: N:.% C 0.,. It siluak ' I. 111 14 V. Dr rArLou•- ' - • •:, 111,1,!11 r • .1 ine..titiga, cutratleteil . ,;.! v. J. D the last !,. wcr litgll~ 6p- I t•• all• I aoilglit 111,%. , PurTER wall II LI - . ti 5. weetinkt and vv . *, :a.g P. 4 11 , lan ta , •ore IS till -B.A.T. t±,•4 1 • —A , the thae foi :i: t tr, tilt• ex. cutiou 1., n 1:11..1:• r tiina,(l tetia • 1 " .11 :be Commis . 1 ~ ~ a- 1.. v.l•etlies ti • :alp dray oil - I r". d grc Aanip, e ut eiecut. .s. ••• , • 14.'1,1:11% a. al till , ea i•ar . , a( - 11 ' t uft L b and cbcl • a . • 4 kVlirt• par • I ear •u u rau• wriJklx,ai (bat:, ap ur,vaa". , . _ ~ Bruin . !hrs.—Vb. femur ash meeting, under the dine** of tits New Eng land Evangelis , J. D.' Pcrrnta, was binned of God in - an unWeited manner. at Owego : bat woelt. Over a thousand people 'Wends& the preaching twice a day. Great soletulty char acterized the iervicos. The Inquiry nreimp 13:p were thronged. Jesus...the Kighty t eonquerer. has passed th ugh the town and tonobed \ srltb the finger of s love many hearts. and they have gladly tal n on their necks His easy yoke. Fathers and m era. young men'and guldens. are among the py converts. Mr verrna preaches at Leltaysfille this week, and on Sunday. March 10. ilift.3lEss*s. Farroits : is it not a fact, (an a 8 violin your la s 1 issue to the contra ry notwithstan4g) that Ohio was admitted in toe4b he Union li . 29.1802 ; Louisiana, April 8. 1812; Michigan Jan. Xi 1837; lowa, March 3. 1815. and T July 4 , of the same rear? I think also, that i e times at the settlement of Connecticut.Maryhuid, Rhode Wind, Pennsyl vania and Georgia. is given by the "personifi ed poetry," are different from those Riven by most hiptoriana l I noticed, too, that the old Granite State, one of the thirteen original one.. was not mentioned in, the last. I think suchen mp"rtant table should be a correct one, hence this note -from llespectfally. ,C. L. Eirmsa. East Smithfield ' March 2, 1872. PEspicrr P 4 cr. —Composed and af fectioustely d ted to the pleaaaot memory of lira. G. W. St by her Mood, P. P. 8., Chicago: I lintirV,yPs. mourn! Bet not for her at r-st. - And happy with the blest : ' Win- re ?Iris and trials cease Hi soul may rest in peace, Peace, i perfect peace. Pm!. Yes. pray! But not for her in 'beaten ; Prav we hoax be forgiven. And at the last mat , stand With her; to Glory Land, A happy band. . Praise.! yes. praise! That in the erneitied Sty. lived , and loved. and died ; May grace our i.otda re..ne,„ AO mae , tieehopc !brine lie thine and mine. Amen. SMENIARY Ot LADOILS:—We have re received a report or the labors performed by no,. H. Cinrre_su lc:. Missionary of the Ameri. C ill Sued y School V Ili.n in 13nultird, Lyoom lint. Clinton, and eacjoining counties. The re pot. covering mien years and a ight months of service, Olows that in addition to considerable Bible st,7l temie,atice work, he has organized 127 tICW Sabbath schools in destitute localities; at least nine-tent ea these hare been succe• . rod; man} of the have been fualowod by regn -11 lax i reachin g aid secend hate grown into enurcle s having ttled e piston]. He ha- ad- , drea..ed cud suit i 719 other schools. visited .1 134 families. deliveled 1,153 addresses and ser t-t,s,,end Its Flied 19 149 miles. In egitltlfsC- TlM] with ?ILK Stuiday.sehool work, he has dis trilitio d 1.463 copies of the Scripture•, and git • it away to feeble sch , .ols and needy Denaims, id 100 30 worth 4 books. papers and tracts. , ',M. Rii.., B. .Eadorm, a gentle man mac/ quite well known to many or our readera. l,ed of heimirrli..ge of the lungs, in New Or it...ins, on the 2iitMof February, aged 'about 45 ears. Mr. EltOki was born pear Town 11 11, Liiierhe c , .uoty. and vias formerly a inemberin he WYoming Conference of the M. E. Church. ills la,t station Was at Tnnkhannock, Pa.. where he took a local preacher's relation, and then edited and piablished a Republican paper At the breaking ojit of the rebellion, he remov ed with lua family to Washulgtotur D. C., and held an unportwnepealtion iu the office of tti Quartermaster GeneraL From Washington ii. as appointed CAllectur of Internal Ilevem • lor the third dist r ict of Mississippi., with the lank of Colonel; with his office at Holly Spri..gs . whither he movehis family, about one )ear ago. Ile had bee troubled with b eodiug from the Inuga for soni time, and by the advice iii ph) memo and fnsds was•indti . Ced to goHouto in the uope_ of im l reviog hi.. 'health ; and ac companied by his wife, was on Ids way to tea i I, Antonio, Tesaa, alien the summons came. H. wares a wife aud've children at Holly Springs. di . ti a land of .trate ers. BUILDING . ALSSOCIATIONB.—The till -1.“%log piaa, ~rig i- , ;:streil be the Lehighton Nees to the eitateill. oi Letiltpk and Wenwpott, 'it c.itear„ to es, wtkild . enable bulldiug aiiesticia LIIIIIk tube it : ertiver or their name. lt is a, gotai ore and is woetkel th 7 cuusidinatioil of our mt - zii.is, as well as tii.ise. of auy, other Ogee : "Let Lit- Association ...:'',ect buildings as fast as tate .tues paid in tilltarratit, and user their tut -ate to its sharelet dert eu the highest bidders upon the same Finical:lc ilia! loans aril effereti. in our Astocirtliw here at present, but loan no money. .supposi, buildingaare erected comet g irtutiline to three tiDihuu.l dollars each, file ; tr.- sold to the bignest~ bidder, they giving tu.irtpige, on the same. and assign their stuck dill' 11/durance pt lici . es as collateral security, i , asid in.ike their Monthly pa} meats in place tit f il% nig rent for a tenant house. Thus a poor in in could easily acquire d home, whe:e it *tend be ini,ett; itiati tin er the workings of our ,44.,:",1it Associtti.ii, because as it is now, a man must first oil real estate to offer for se c.truy.before he (..ati even obtain a luau. It ...ems us if ranch kit ihrtlttlia.lll would hate a waltll3 .1111 up-in the growth and prospern) •ti u pla:•;:. Il.jl ,t I) • ...mai fered." Mt. ED. EL , olfrkat —Dear Sir: Tut) , ii •:: ~, .10 g &vs.-W./Is l .. Were uszautiuttUttly latel- 1 1,. -.: a& 4 Ilit-Cf!llg ~ the Tert) tow h L ' udge 1. 0. 4 G. I'., N , . st-1. held Starch 2, Itt72, epee tli,- 11:ath et 'Allen .N.y.Nt'Y T. Hol:ToN, ut tills plait. .therniS , ,beli 1341,y rare gift., anti was veiy . 0,13 et:ceuled l l ey ad wit , ' kt.tew tier. bite t4a, 4.n , : to earnest 'A'wiserid the ezugn 0. Tempe. It - owe : uud telil u tilting that ttus billow, 1 .ibot.• to her ruc r aur.l.• ebuuld dud a place 1 ,ar ooluntos : I- . itr.stK.4.,, It litui pleased Alougtity God it. 1 , ,w t,Atu.to, Wielti.lLLl, to ronovo b) uestu out o tal .tut so , ter,j.itos3 Ndue; I'. Hortout Lula.— 1:e. uic , d. That while we acknowledge. the a !nog atadout ut Hun Who dueitt Alt fungi. ed, ut ioe Ntine , ttuie when we think ol tier I /du. perNotiat k+toe,o,ce to 'la, and te'Vle% tut .t a,aut companionship of Beare, It to With leer 1;.;, of lain that me think we can never 'fee beg ere dg.,lu, and t tat we think we can no long,r c•tte tv,;rda of • - tuditt,a.awl coonael front net itrsultrui, That we tecl that we can profit b' ll! Crilert labor and fidelity I. lb. vine of iewkieraneo, an I Blau I.ly uer tummy e leiveut pirt . % eUbilllelll/011, during long it the or Lanes. - ) Tuu ‘ie deepli e)mpsthize wit.. • , tainny of tb• tleerapect.•tu then - bereave Ornt, and tray • iv.• tiwm 1)1%1i, hat the Uinta uteht AIM tut.) gulp 'it at then a copy of tieNe icboluLtons b. piprre. Kt :Ptlced I ba. -IA to the Wee M. It. DODGE, W. C. T C. A. Stemma., W. S. rcii 2. 1872. rt-rrrtown, M we give a list of Collee for the current pear: irle Kiff ; Athena twp., J. A Boro',•Josepn Hines; As)latu 1; Albany, Ale:. English; Alta Ison; Ihtrclay, L W. latan‘; Isaac D. th,p, r ; Burlington Burluigton West. J.A. Comp on; eiiton Landau; Canton Bor', th; Columbia, Walter Wilson; ,Inigwa; Granville, 0. L Sarre 'Arles .y, A. W. Van J. P. Mnuq,Lellaysvii.e, W. ;11,,nroe twp., John Ennis ; Moo ! . Cal.e; 0 lews ; Pd;e, Newton -Humphrey ; I Manaerrile; Rome twp.. S. H . ro.' 11., W. Bnowning; Suuttial:d .; Spri. gfield. o,•ear Ha , ine ; to Ciao.; Sqvaunt, J. F Br'a'n ; leer 11 French; Standing Stone, Tarr Charles fliouipmin; To D v.ri g urder; towanda Boro'. Towanda - North, S. B 2 harden; S. 'Manley ; Troy Boro', Fri d. - a . li. W Woodruff; Coder, E . ran, 8. I. Carey; Wiadham, M. jyalusiog, E L Vaughan ; Wy nphear; Wel/A, J. R. -.Brasted; 'Morrow. c B. lo • tors - or cffittity t Artneula, Cu.: ‘Vetlar; Atheus I Itatits , )n Decketj Boor W ttarlttiktou twp B oo tj J.V. eat.tou c„ L. Fa.niiiirot Fraloislw. J.ll I ; nwk. le•el; Litt:4ti IdY Brownui g; 3 MEMO itthu Math fti'lpoury. War ' ; Rom - , Ig. Pitt j • , utb crea, • • etthequill.. , W t!it.inott T 6 It. ands t „ pi. A. N. H. Dol.:. 'ro . , W. L nu. Tuscan , P. it. 6 TY. St.-Le W 4.31, H. als (f the Ftrst Wieiona atttieci at the. I:Lott-ring eoudi tution, as ph,,wu _by .tatemen, Oft. Patr 411 k %%In Iry g lOU of tile itist .1 atwtLer e STREETER 'presided at !Ay (.7.,nr.4a.t-weak. as... Judo 4, .m, , nro. col gs.;vb, uu.suy printcd,lur e2Y Mor flub at sll,l* 0 •• PllOOOlOOOllOl/13001011..-....W0a010. day, Slur airy 36. Conn& met pure sst . ti ad. fligninsent: - Presoak A. 0: Ilanott, 'Bowes; Jut grfaill'..7onat Numeric, Joan D. Non ?OM An application being mails .by Hum Paw. attorney for the Fust National Dank 63r stalk. tag off amemment of borough tal 0n137.190.00 _Bank stock owned M Ode borusk the ground that the same Is not se et tolgrough tax. on motion it wu Rooked. That the hereby raised be. if the National Bank consent thereto, sub. untied to the Court of Common Pau of Thu. ford=on souls Stated. far a decision on said q A memorial from GelL - ViViOS - was present. ed, asking 'or protection against damage by `Miter to his tot on klaut street. On motion the. memorial wu laid on the ta ble. The Boardof Appeals mt application axone. rated the following taxes, being erroneous as. sesismeuni: C. J. Coo: Au - ma, valuation, 1400. D. Carron. valuallerl,, CO. The Mowing bills were presented, pulsed upon. and orders directed' to be drawn there. Tana blvta & Co., health account., 6154.02 1.1 C. Puerran, dos & 03. " 19.78 WoLr 1 Clousueris, 10.00 F. J. Caunits, street, 523 If C. Rums & dos. Fire Department, 16 60 On mutton, A. H. Emma; collector, sae: aliened $44512 exoneration on tax duplicates for 1870, throe hundred &Maks of the sense be ing emeteons aseesseuenta. ;18; r• iiir Egge for hatching from fine largo, pure-bred Brahma Fowl. , and Hunan Doan. C. P. WLLIZI . Towanda. as. Buffalo Robes and Hong: Bliwkets —closing out sale reordleas of cost, at KO:METES. S. U. P. Perrus desiring to buy - five or Stu acre lots just outside the boruugh, very km, should call on W li. noictax:. K. C. P. oft. Fine boots wade to order at L. L. Stator & Cu's. K. C. P. ' tA. Ground Piaster $6.00 per ton, at 'formed* Steam Flunr BIM*. K. C. P. M. We do as we advertise. N. GOUNMETIL kir Call and see tho American &sing Machine at R. it. Viruka coal office* 11115. Nitrous Oxide Gua for e itract tug tt..i.th, at Krum S. A:MEV& us. Molasses and Syrups of all grades, cheap, at McCain: a. EDWARDS'. U . ABE COMING."—An immense stock of Chntung in a few days, at the K. C. P. Flour and Feed at retail, at rosautta Steam Fluor dehverett free. K. C. P. Fos SALE.—A good Safe. Enquire at, this diem air All persons indebted to Wolf Gounotrrit, will plea..e make payments to N blouvntrra before t..e 15th of this month. Foa good house with . urge lot. Euquiro of Ovutros & ELIJAH= les s NATHAN GOLDSMITH will have the greatest spring stock ever Seen in To. SA.- %la, at the - K. C. I'.' lek.. P. M. WELLES IS agent for the bent betntig maenine in the Emu keL • lA. Mr. tiouismirli hats ordered a due assurttneut of Satchels sod daratoga Tea%- ,-ium ttaga , which will be ready tut Baia in a ew days. M. e have a hue line of Tea— tiuluug, Young Brion, Japan and Lipson. MtCane & Enwastas. bar' NATELLti GOLlaililTH Will have uumause and stAista 'toe& of Furnishing to D. few days ler - Large stucA ul lied and White WthAt nuttr, at ier An immense stook of Linen thamis nearly ready fur the gritat Ke3atuut eiothlng Palace. Ay./ large lissom:lent of Fish, of 11 grades, on baud at BICICABE :L EDWARDte ifer Don't fail to call at the great stuue Clothing Palace n. se Wedue*day. Fos S&LE on UENT.—A. Woolen FActur. Euquire of Bits:. Nolan. vicar Moil roeton. • S. Straw thus, 3 fur 5e., next ,unituer at N. Gohosminits Koystutio Clothing Palace. IS. Pea -vine, Unit), and bleat- Bnamh Closer Seed ; alto a pnmo article of 1 imothy Seed, 14 holeeale and retail, at licirrazirra. Fos Rssi• —The house now occu i dea uy Taus. De..310x0, on filsin. street. Pos sessiou given April 1. Enquire of M. H. ILL:1- OM War To istoes, Peaches, Pia c apple,, etc., by the can. d.tzen or ow, very cheap, at McCapes Wt. If you wish 'be best. luck Butch Bei!' g machine. cet the Aznectein. stir Tobacco to all grades, at mccAss k EDWAIDS.. *sr The American is the moat du. ntile nevnug L na:hme I tub war et. M. me AineriCan Sewing Ma chine dues lurk that DO uther will du. and to tuld LS cheaper than any other end elate ma chine. 806 11 perbond mdebted to Miss E. J. KINOMLET wi:l plea -c call and mettle befw o' the 15th ut 115:72 J. WIIITAKEB & SoN, Rome, Pa., are eallug Pes•Vtue, ohlo and West. ttranch Cluter Seed, and Illinois Timothy Seed, as cheap as the cheape.t. Mir Miss 'E. J. Korosi.Ey i 5 now re eiittuse her new Spring styles in er6ry vatiety .4 Milliner) and Fancy ds. • Fon Su.n.—The undersigned bin f r sale s good Lam m Burhughin borough. J. J. °mynas. Towanda, Pa.. F. b. ti 1872. sir J. Wornsza & Sox, Rome, Pa., will pay the Inglivet market price in coah for all kinds of Hurler Skin* amtnneep Pelts. Wk.-rm.—Five unwired good veal Keuxs & Mraincs. sir Farmers anti Dealers will find it to to,lr advantage to bu their ,Clover aod t wroth) Seed of Fox ik Msocra. They have iarge stock and sell cheap. To Pawr.—The - Howe and Lot Dow .ocapied by 8 McKim, LaPotts's. on We.- 4,u .4e*c. A tir.t rstr , p for /I iwroon ito kriug to keep • lim a . sib .11; .rN 0 ,11 - 4 * TON 1 &AM& op Wu..A. -flatsimailsecia : better sesmsaelsi el tleth Iltreeieqedie, *bee ear toe is BMbird eneity. Mese hest 1135 to UM Also rases Weeder. =Me Trent _Make, drape es bust. 42 tearrended, I • '• Ar Miring lately - added to 'our mutat bilikira as Immisaes Agesogd having some good Compudes, ask a share of yaw bmisess is Ude doe. Tours reepeettollni Wieggsg A Swim Anything and nverithingi in the furniture line, at now & San, canape* than at any other establishment In Northern Pennsylvania. , 1111. C. F. Caoss has - made his Iso la:bon of wall rapeifor the Spring traile. from the largest-establishments m the country. ;and we are assured Dm the !swat a sortmenat ever (leered is this market.- He trims all paper bought at his store free of charge: CHEAP Coax.—The Sullivan Anthra cite Is the ehespeit and best for all purposes. i t Also the - the bast 'Red andichite Lab at the Central Cal Yard. Orders left a ty ofilou. or at Dr. B. C. Poem , Son . .b Ws. Bore. wM be promptly filled. IL M. WILL= Sept. 27, 1871. 1 stir We have on baud and offer at bargain.: 1 Grover Baker Sewing liachiske, 2 Ladd & Webster's " " 1 Wheeler k Wilson's " 1 Franklin " " 1 Leather Call at the agency of 1:1:11 Wtecius & A Woltz= or SI sitcy.—slso,oooAX) In $3OOO Cash prises is to be distributed lege, ly. Much 28, IW2. at Omaha, hi ski of the tick and destitute, at Mercy H,ospital.• This enter prise is endorsed by the Governor and the best business men of Nebraska. The harts are $3 each. or two for $3. For full parttettlars, ad dress PATTILT. & GAIIDLICI3I, Business Mansgi-rs. Omaha Nebraska. 1 - CLOSING OCT SALE.—MiSS BRANDT offers heir stock of 31/Worry Goods at retail, al cost, for the Drat SO days ; or she will dispose *•t her entire• stock together with the store fix tures, at a great bsxgain, to any ono who Ws% wish to engage in the bushiest. T o lontino is one of the best in town, and Miss 8. - has beet. donig t paying business. Flitisfactory reasons given for desiring to selL For further particu lam call at the store, one door east of Mermen Bank. war After selling over $20.600 worth of Amencan Sewing Machines. tt affig:Lly as great pleasure to state that not one cent ha. , been expended for repairs on -nu of them Wild every ono gives entire satisfaction. NO agent has been able to exchange any other machine for the American, with any person wqtave so.d to. WEIGHT .1 BaNtag Agents, , Jan..9.—tf. Fos Siu.—Tbo valuable proper l y known a the Bradford .House, and furniture ; also, two - second-hand Billiard T hies. This rropertv is well sitnated• in Booth Waverly, .Pennsylvanla. and is an euellent stand for a hotel, and Rill be sold on easy terms to sail purchasers. F.ir particulars in regard to the situation of the premises, and price, enquire .1, W. B. Kamm. of Towanda. Pa., or JA111:0 8 MURRAY, of Waverly. N. T., who -will answer ail enquiries with promptness. ail. Now, after all that has been said and written by interested parties. we 'air compelled by the decision of the 'people, Who certainly ought to be abln to judge, to still claim that the Si. ger Improved Sewing Ha• chines are not mirpassal. They do any work that any rearing machine dnes, asttasy and simply. They do not wear out. They will work as easily after years cum as at first. . «tctinata & BLACX. • Gen e r a l Agents. CHERRY LUMBER II'L.NTED of 4 by 4 inch scantling, and also our (1) inch boards, 14 to 20 inches wide, delivered at this place. Said cherry to be 10, 12, 14 01' 1 16 feet long, roe of heart, bad corners or bark AU good lumber. Persol.s offering will state . tl.x, bow dry tne lumber is, a id lidw and what quautines they can furnish. Address, W. O. Fircaog, Eagle Uorks, Hsrr.shrirg, March 7.-4 t Hems atm—Don't fail to and examine my stock of human hair, which I will offer twenty per cent. less than New Yen k prices. I will be at the Ward Hoose,Toesa.ida on Friday and Saturday, March Bth and 911 i. A good chance fur ladies to buy hair and gi%o orders. I keep on band, and make to order eiwitehes, Braids, Side, Opera, Nilsson. W , ter and Waterfall Curls, Braided Coils, Dune Twists, Grecian Braids Pompadour Braids, Puffed Cala, Finger Puffs, Wigs, Wool Rolls, Brawlers and Fancy Combs. etc.. etc. Comb ingi and old ban mide up in evety style to lo k like new. All order, by :nail will be promptly attended to my place of business is 169 Water street, E.mira, N. Y. k, HArrie. Buncau.t., Human Bair Dresser. ies. So general has, the public con tide:Lice become in Dr. ATER'S medicines, amid great the demand fur them, that uupnneipitai villains are attempting to deceive the un.ary by imposing upon them their worthless nos trums under a bitn l.cnty of name. 'Cherry Pte torsi Lozenges, Dr. Assn's Troches, Assn's Pas tiles for Cough's. Cheri t y PectiralCougu Drops Assn's Fever and Ague Cure. Dr. Ayr.a's diau Pills, dc., (noire of which are of Dr. Attz's manufacture or composition) are slim mer'a of this villainy and deceit. They not only defraud the sick of. their money, but of their health, or the recovery of their health, which far - more important that. money. From a.-lual counterfeits the peoplo are protected by law, which the Doctor promptly enforces, but these evasions sometimes elude the law, and purcha sers must prote c t themselves by refusing to be deceived by them.—kAner (N. IL) Bee, stir " I shall in future use note but liztturto's Sarcs." DETE TIVE PINEEETON oy. HERRINGS SAFES. CHIC ono, Dec. 23, 1871. Mcurs. Herring cE Ch.. Chicago : GENTLEMEN : I had two of your " Herring Patent Champion Safes" in my office at the time of the Great Fire of the Bth and 9th of October. One was on the eccond fluor mot the other on the third floor. Both Safes fell to the basement, and when we got them o t, after the fire, I found all my account books amt papers-- In tact, the entire contents of both. Sates—in splendid coplition; the melting of the glue of the binding of the books was all the damage done. I thall in future use none but Herring's Safes. j Yours truly, ALLAN PINKERTON Four large Safes of an Sher make, belonging to Mr. Puraurros. side by aide with Har.cum a. were de,troyeti with a their contehts.- 111..NDEF.D A • D TRb'~IT•AETEK FIRXId have Wattled to the preservation of their books papers and valuables, in the terrible CI leap) Fire. Manntactured only by •iERRLNG. FARREL t SHERMAN, No. 251 Itristiyay, corner Morrty-at., N. T. FARREL HERRING A CO., Pi, bulelphla. HERRING A eO., - Chic tgn. - HERRING, FARREL 4t SHERMAN. New Orland " Row re Go \\ }sr "—Forty years agc, mums was as far West as most ',col& wished to go, and journeys were made iu e legendary "Prairie Schooner." but in thest days of Progress and hi mvement, the word West has tzime to mean lows, Nebraska,, Ka?: ass, Colorado.. California and the Territories, I.ld the Traveler reaches rilrinwt any point therein by a splendid Line ot Railroad. ThisLine-yof Railroad is the Burlingtim Boole. whicb starts from Chicago Oil r tho Chicago. Burlington it Quincy . R. R, from Indianapolis over the Indianapolis. Bloomington & Western short Line, an I fr tgaosport, over the To. keich Peoria I Waraaw , S slid funning thro' lipsunws, miles Chas* lifiacai, bust ksOfir, at.4oMil t ailalsolN Tioilialorli as Mow at,. eat rit4 >V tribal Psdio. lamas Paces sad, liege Ilitheads rissLi erg those Cities. Al. Rcl "17 vs 7 or sad len vill be sore is to ALL ilie Blifiingtea &Me -adsbibly newer. ed tbequestioa, "Bow to go WNW try th e publication of s traMtal sadfateresting dam Nook Alkd Maas to io regard . ia 11se, . 01310 nectians. sanannolatker, 'Mee at lam sad at..er bitereming Items. and illartrated by a large map. enthrall, abasing the win& Wed, Web they &delete free at ahem). CoMe with skinks's! ndbrasetim, can be obtained by addressing General Passenger Agent. B. I M. R.R Baritnetem: Imre. - SCOIXIIITEN.—WILOOL—ki Smithfield, rob. ffi. 1872. by Bev. B. & ,Deso. lfr. W. e. to sod Kiss Belie Whom, all of Franklin, FAL 22, 1871, at the 'rodent* of hie s' Britten Andersaa, Sad Samuel Andaman, aged 113 years, sentha 21 days. MOLTNEUX.—Ia Forks toward* Balliras 000n1y. Pa. March 2, 1872, Edward Moly nen; aced 83 years... . 1100 DY.—In this large. Febrima a ll. an. af ter a abort, Nit sews Wafts. D.. eldest daughter of Daniel W. so d Moody, _aged 13 years sod 11 mouths. , by Persons wishing to Bay, Sell or Lease 'Hareem or Fume, will and it to their 4drautege to call on Jolts W. Mx Real Est.ita Agent. Office Mercnr ' . Bock , Towamia, Pa. stir Thomas Maddocks, Produoe Commissien Merchant. 220, Peuttselvsnis Ave nue, EkTanton, Pa. Butter, Eggs. Lard. Cheese, Fruits, Potatoes, Lu., /to. Consignments soli cited, end returns promptly nude an side of Refer.mces cheerfully given. Correa • ' p..ndeuce eoluitecL STATEMENT OF RECEIVALS AND EXPPIDIITrEEN of TOWANDA DOW' for the yea: 1871 I= erred Commissioner,. Fire Omuta:aut. Nigbtwatet and Police Punk Walk. Detective Service, Muting f3urougti ErOpfer, O. D. I[ONTANTIL Titsairms. Da. To amount received of cpltor bury. Dap/Amt. of 1870.. /7",' . 36 Planir- Duplicate of 1871 5.144 86 Licenses. flu. QS OS Due Tseasurer January 1. bat.. 2.021 21- By Boroosh Orders redeemed. ....1111.292 62 I rue Treasurer. January 1. 1871, . 1,384 83 Salary Sectetary and Treasurer 100 60 Anuura, N. acs. PAID. rzolt. Ti. CT. Sing b y. 1870...6,524 32-6.64 .341-445 13...438 Ile 1671..1 .43654 ..15.144 80 Due from Collector. Jut. 1. 11172 linitOrGE OIIDCR socoriv Orders outstanding. Jul.. 1. 1870 Orders issued 112 Len Onieni redennied in 1871 Orders outstanding. Jan. 1. 1673 Orders outstanding. Jan. 1. Itri2 $.6.930 841 Due Treasurer ' 2,027 21. C. M. Manville, certificate indebtedness. 360 90 Due on dupnrsb. 01 the indebetednes m Borough orde ' re. 113.304 bo is toe Wykoa Paring, payable r ithout • interest, one. third each year. on Dec. 31. 1833-3-34. I. B. iItraLPILBICT. Bargees. auesornaa Mesa, N. C. Xsiacna, A G. Itescor. - Jolts alcannern. • • ' Jazz, Y. Wean, • Town ConaciL rOIriXDA 11010r08 14002 Accnriterlinallan OP rxrcnntacumi roe ran rum 1871. Belief furnished L. Oillisple and trite ....9 337 84 Mrs. 34cNolty. 64 89 " " Bush thrden. 117 eti . Dr. Mott.-- . --. 127 05 " " Yrs. eavercooi and child 196 00 " " S. A. Jones... . ... 89 75 Samuel Berry's family— 118 TJ Paid Jack lloore's Parietal Expences, 20 27 Te.oporary Beliee—T Corbitt. . 675 J. Avery: 21 35 " " Lucy C01e......, 12 00 .. SO .. Canvey, 16 09 4. .. • El en Bailey 33 00 " 4. John Baker ' 10 00 " " Scott ' 300 - " • " Smith. - 711 B. Booth . , 26 42 .i.i IL Beeman. 15 do If Bennett. 650 .. J'.hn Witte.— 305 --'• " D. W. Hughes. 300 " : Elizabeth MCCIIKIJIaI. 4 00 Paid expenses sending child to Pbll'a..„. 10 71 Sending colored sou.an and chilirn to rk 25 0 , Bending woman to Aneghtn• county 11 00 sending Caroline Baxley to Buffalo. . .. 9 0 Paid Dr. T. B. Johnson. medical attendee 3 0 to Disabled Soldiers 600 Commiesioners of Asylum lor naldp on account ut 0 Post. , thou Barnes for digging grave*. C. K. Ladd. servloes as-overseer or Poor and Ph) mc.an. 1571. Win cervices a. oversew poor. 11170. 64 Di JohnorrAter. temporary mum— 12 x 7 retu a. cry reliel W titraugers. p . 9OS JR° llti H ()RUIN A.NCE.-134, it LI ordained and it is hereby ordained by the Couthil of the Borough of Towanda. That the Borough Ordlnauce. peeled Jan. 9th. ISM and sup. &went thew, to. relating to the erection ca bdW utgs ho amended and extended so that it shall in clude the • tolowing Wade wuerein no buildings way be erected except in pursuance with the teems or wild or aumee: tin the east and west side of Main street. within one hundred feet of the line of the street frum Franklin street to Barclay street. A. O. Burgess. Attest—O. D. Xcurrains. Sec). Towanda. Ps... !larch { th e Its7Z. REPORT OF TUT. CIiNDITIO\ of the "Yi l'ilsvoest. atm" of Towanda. Pa.. at close of business. February 27th. 1172 : 1.4111/ and discounts - $20,390 43 • Overdrafts 2 8911 96 11.8. Bond to secure 132,000 Ou Due from redeeming and reserve agents.. 35,74/ 44 Due tram Natmnal 8ank5.......... 20.670 8.. Due from other banks and bankers ...... 8,077 92 Banking House 6 000 Ou Furnituraind &tures 2.009 Ou Current eXpenses 875 94 Taxes Paid,. 1.01.9 22 Cash Items fincluding stamps) • 6.631 96 Exchanges 3.220 69 Bills of other National Banks.. ——. . '9.174 U. Fisetionid Currency (including nicke1)...1.2.3 4'. SPode , 81 77 Leg* tender notes 21.31. U 0 Capital Stock paid in.,.... . ............ 11125,C00 On Surplus fund 40,000 0t Exchange VJA 75 Profit and loss 7.607 21 National Bank rim:dation outstanding.. 110,020 00 Dividends unpaid - 2166.04 Individual Deposits 210 613 115 Due to National Banks Due to other Ihmke and Bankers EgNEM'E I. N. N. BETTS. Jr., Cashier of the First Cations. Bank of Towanda, do solemnly swear that the 'bent statement is arse, to the best of my knowledge anti 'Whet. N. N. BETTS, Jr., Cashier. Sobicribed zod worn, to before we. thin sth day of Ma:ch .1872. W. G. GORDON. Cor.r.urr—Atte.tt CLOVER AND TIM.. U.D. We base a large lot of . .ILLINOIS TIMOT IY SE! D, Selected by on:mares at Chicago; OHIO CLOVER, Selected In Clerelani. • Also West Stanch and LARGE CLOVER, SEED. We will guarantee our Liege Closer Seed to b , True to name. We base a Late stook to sweet rem, Sod will sell at lowest market price. at Wholesale o sawn. March 1.1871. i'OX t uzailutt. MEW PARLOR OF. FASHIL.N. titIAVIN... CUTTING. SIIASIPO ING. id HALE DTIILND Dane in th. Latest Style. Also particglar s V n e taken in Cutting La ilea' an Cluidnin's Bair, - fiG.ing, Curling and Frizzing. • Go to GatrakWAT & TINCEIOOIIt . over V tat Natooal Hotel. Main - ntreti. f0r03014 Pi. Kara 8. ISM Xi Alit TROUT, 60 1 / 1 k• very fine .1.1. at a MI 111. Prb* +Alp 14 UM. NI owes MARRIED. DIED'. _: =E:E=I Now Aivortimants. szrzsiirrnisa ACCOLIIT RTIII tOLLICTOII. X 1.814 C. X. LADD. NATHAN TtDD. Overseers of the Poor. RESOURCE& Notsa7 Public. J. 0. room E. T. Tux. Vies Cr.. C. S. I,r4ukay. an . Abordowsigi GILIALT S Odalths,k Temods, Patios. Ma.% Debt **+. TM man Medi es he demi est itertm the sett = m a" me _oat my lutes stool at • SWIM it•W. and ETORI FIX. 113115 MTh SAIX AT A stasatrot. Thum it some Maim for an emapriettia man to ester lato ago 4 plates bedaree. Xy mem foe selling is that I Wei payobeeel ea Mind la a Lau etas Moe Itaintedort In Sew Tort. sad I propose... feblehlm aJobbing Zoete la the Minor X the elate ter Oto sib at *or good, all may and seem targets& 3 2.734'73 SOO IA 3.014 51 1,021 00 519.13 70T 01 131 DO 4011 31 40 29 40 ladoomerots oared to ths %etas. TM meat b• said by Apdl let stain H. 1107. ./111,11. sto $ 8.86$ U $12.877 411 $12.877 4 $6.291 $6 811.1,4 311 8.589 11 $30.333 50 . $11.272 e Slll • 8.9 X) 20.323 60 $ 11,M7 Se • $ s.zn EVANS do HILDRETH, WIS. Ist ft•• zed misty dos ear mai bargatas in DRESS GOODS, WEI 83 00 rzt: I.Va FA Fre7.vi 004,993 43. 6,8411 10 NS 05 $506.993 43 SPRING GOODS! We &Le t ts". the bob BUCK ALPACA.% wales w~ wlt~ M aapSoa. miss" ameimasesoiqi. CIDEUNG: otrr - SALE SHOES A BIII3BEBB, dal Off:VI:I:IA FLANNELS, - &C., &C., To who won for was a viiieuz TATLOB.& GOAN /IPASEUONAIgi TAILOR& Waite rubliaSrates Seeksleap Oft hand a fall import went of AND COATINGi3. ar,s.ur4wm CLOTHING In all the latest styles, HA'll3 airs mai ruffs, G4lM' Furnishing Oods In great variety. 3 BM ammo DONE. ON SHORT NOTICE. , ALL WORK WARRANTED. 6 6 MAIN STREET; TOWANDik,PL MONTANYES . Are ofilleti4l BUFFALO ROBES; t HORSE BLANKETS ME GREAT B'ARGA:INS4 Dec. u. ten TO. THE PUBLIC ! Tb. undersigned mould most respectfully say too; aro caw preporod to trel7 - araTto_aftetd to the WI 0 Di In all Us branched!. And we trust can Ors ptis acs the services of ear one in eel line lii;ing 'pond no expense or tronplo to p:oens. mg from 120 'Mop of if. Eitnlen t Co., of's= place. . hems width atanot be grapasmi Deena ego led in sleasrlcs, this aide of our largest cities. WI hue elm eetlirati the eerwicee at a most tehable. eeretta. Aid grat'amnanly person to &howl to this branch a/ the basissals. J. S. Awrw, one 0 . our Lima. will be round aiih• rantitars Stare, oti Brides stavet, and C. 111. lbs. tau, the other acetate: of the Arm; at Ida tied. &thee ori Third street. or about the ofil. at Dr; J. _ It. Lyman. s very Les-able end eithreted pig/motto; wilco* dike to as Perk etreet, near the ALLYN. KOMI& SIISQUEHANNA, I 7: - COLLE(/lATE iNSTITTTL • suwaxErA. RRADVORrk COMM, likiltalloo telll eammence its Somtcentb Tear • 210311) 1 1T. - AMUR! 21. trn. - TM comas of study sae Engitab, • Wenn% Cotn asercid. A.osdemic. Adondac snd Classical. in all of which the inatruction is !optima& and thcleach The Principals IC be waststod In the mince delswilisenteby • Imre and very excellent corps of notare stwidnates. espericno4l teachers having Lento recently enowed—and no.efort Lk! spired to ;Wake she Institute_ In comfort discipline sad sanecal efficient?. second to no other similar Inutitatlon. , The Medical Department 141 be under the dame of Prolbssor H. Fr. Jobaonramen. This Destitution is now in ritortrugb petrel:. In addition to the extensive improvements daring the pelt yew new atwitter. maps and charts. and molt approved patent desks and sect. for all Viand recitation rooms bare just been par,- ' The Prtneipal : of the !formal Department sill organise Alums; IS • Tearehees' Class, • and by ser.ctat. ATTENTION aid to eomplete the mast thor ough course ;omit& daring the Bane. Tuition from $4 to $lO. Board sod room In the Institute BS. if. desirable, ettidents may obtain rooms In town and board themselves. Early apply cation for board and rooms atthe indicate .horrid be made. ma the rooms are being rapidly engaged. • For torthe,r particulars. or cetalosme. apply to 0. W. Ryan and E. E. Quinlan. Pr e. Towanda Pa. • MILLER FOS, ang.9'll • _ Pridddent Board trusted, ****** * * * * * 101110TOGRAPIII .1 nit) underalgtwv.l would inform the yalilie that they have nuretisacd tae ' *, GALLERY OF ART • .or & Guam, = * on Main street neat door south of the Find * National Bank. and mean by strict attention * ire to toncnele. and by the ulddion of every Ito- *. provement in the &dol. Photography . to mate * the puce worthy of gateman& tie. Galore, * is to renuiu- with na, and give Ills whole time * *tut attention to the making of * • * • ItORYTYPES, PAINTINGS IN OIL AND Will . = COLORS ; As wells* PENCELING in IN INK. • . Particular etteMlon toren to the enter griag • - * 1N pictures, and t tho dui.htutt of WI ktticle of work, SO an to eecnre the h. -4t results; and , as much time to posein e ttlyett to making - at., cezatives otemall children. Those wanting plet.tree will rh.aet al re us *. a trial, and tia think that they will be eats : faAl. ' • * • GEO. 11. WOOD & CO. fatlll'727l • II R S i3ANI,, qSuccessor to L. 8. HuAbell t Itatilore.) I=l Recall - ea Drpoq!ia, Limns Monty, 3141--es Collac tons, and docaa • GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS . To persona deAring to t.,end money to- I A sir PAL, of the United :than. t7ratadl of Eneope. tb.ts Eau! ofieratin: twat facilities and tho lowest .terms. ' i I ASSAG.E TICKETS _ - I To and from Icot''s Scotia. England. &land. &m -ural, or any part of Europe and the Orient, by tho CELEBRATED -INMAN LINE . _ Buys and soros Gold, Silver,. United Statea - llondr= at market rates. Agent for the vale of Northern Pacific 7 Sonde. ' • WM. S. Vi:CCENT. CaAtiier FIRST NATI9NAL ' OF SOWLVD.I. •CAPITAL • $125,000 SURMA'S' FUND...... 40,000 Thin Dank offerie - UNTSTAI FACILITLES fcrthe transaction of a GENERAL - B : VKING BUSINESS . • - OTEP„-MT AID . ON EPOSITS ICCOZDING TO A.O • &WAAL, CLU ILE' E GIVE- TO T OULLTA.LION NO2 arm Cazcka. N Parties wishing tO hI.NID 3LOYCT tO Any tart Of tb. united Staten. Enzland.lrt laud. Scotlanli or 4, grin cipal citien and town -of Europe. can her. , procure drafts tor that purposo. . • . . To or from the old - conntry, by trzt otoznrr (.1 sail Mg lines, always on hroiti. - • FAXCLIES 8.173r01iT VVLEL AT I IE IDZ:CESI • TU. ffigNa dr t Pric , paidfcr 17. S ;3—n. Gm! , cr - .3 Sar4r C . - I I JOS. POWELL. Pnei,!deat. . N. N. BETTS.' Ju.• I December 1. 1,463. ' Ca,stver -I' F EG . VRES WILL 'NOT LIE THE GHEAI'LiT PLACE IN TOWN TO' IW DON 'T Pt)rßT 'torn. OWN ETESF lIERL• A THE FIGURES. AT GREATLY REUCC I) VW Gents Kip. 2 sole et tap Itoet. I:01w, tu.ide. _trairantrd . 4 i U. •do 4, •do • do do -• 4 tis . •do 2 - ` do do .. 'VW nailed. 4 o'. `,-do ' -,i doob!e- soloda . 3So , do Cult' peg ,do .ao -.... 'I do' -- 3 00 Boys Kip. 2 sole and tsp. •• do 275t0 3 00 Youths Kip. 5 double see, So Z. , 0 tu:l. 23 ME Merchants can be. autiphed with the above Ca. 9 of goods at very reasonable prices. We are predated to mate Boots to Nleaeurt. Also Firk Class Repa.r. log at reasonable prices. N. ab.we very low pricy pe eteea tipist be tindet%ta)d CASH t r itcariably on' delivery "IT Call sod VOT before you buy. uppotltte Method: Church. Main Strect. • L. C. NILSON. Towanda. Nov 1871. - I,f YERSBIIII9- MILLS. iv I nrr. tisll -LaCEWHEAT 1.1 0 U 12, CORN 3IE4L AND FEED cheap for-CitHHi. •t . ' CUSTOM WORK WAI:II.OTED. ' abio on hand GROUND CAITGA DUSTER, from Ohl Your: BeL's ii'per - Whrat, 1" ) •c, Cora and Oats taken in iNeham„ : e for ?taster. janl4l2 E. R. "V VEIL IniN 019 000 to $5,000 Per Autlum , THE NATION - , Irrs BUT rr '3 AND msTri-vritoNs.- • Needed in every home; la printed on tintPd paper; has sixty it ustratiOns; alt -U 3 Presidents; U r.• Censuses; al, U s'Aenators; cote; likenesses Or all the P. esith uts; • vont of. Arm• " of all the States; and other blasiestions, An- Ency ch•pmdia of the ti , veruni.nt. Price, S 2. 50! Onr agent took thirty-seem. orders in one tlay—anotbey seventy.tlie to a few, day.! It sells immensely Some agents dear at the rate of $ 000 per annum. Farmers. school teachers, professional men, young men and ladies. are everywhere making money rap. Idly in canvassing for-this work. The usefulness of the hook compel. its - sale. Write us and we will send c_irtallara and full Instructions free. Address. NEW WOULD PcuLtsinso south-wca cor ner tilt and _Vail:et - streets, Philadelphia. janl.B"7lmil NEW COAL FIRM • On Caw...! Slrttt, fivntii 3 W-Cliam .4ttr,4t. We are rtx.iving direct. Ito= tlitt suir,en the cots PITTSTON, PLYMOTE, and SFLLIVAN CURAdTE COAL. whlcti we propr , kt to iP:.! at th wrest market price We resp - extfultriuvlte theft to..v.n.chs,KF to call and examine our Coat i , . ITo al.o keep Limn. fr.'n:b treat the kale. . We z•!! alellsrr Coal or Lime wheneter de , re• tri ghost notwe. only tt , oClantornar.% priet,. gers2oll-tf • L. S. CASE &..CO. I ' ooo s l u ' oj ET ß ,, E uri A DE ON rhm2g4 ber no% o tr 3 to- hale b‘ sr, FL' ) URI.Nu MILL, CtiFAP. ost-uArs csrm RALANCE . IN Lti Nr4.t. SAYIIENI6 Thqprapertr Pi situated in Sterol:melt*. Bradford -70CIIM" Pa.. on Cho Idas or Pie proposed radii:he (ran Wyslusitat to Bt. iihszeton. and a depot wii: probabir,ne loc 'sled on. the property. ills pro pert) 4.l)ll.ilitS oll'/litt•tl acres of land. a large pew Mill. two tore/Jag ilOtid..P. two. 11711113, • Oiltb,lllditljjo. atst a noveptstPug water power. For tut , -er particul.rs etaluire o 0. E.utlett Wm. GraS. or N2iietts: Jr.. Cashier First. t-ooal Bann. 'rowan:Fa:Pa.. :Martin Coryelf. ',Sarre: or A. Lewis. Wyaluainti.• rs If 1 111 STONE. jait7rtlin3 ,Pdevenav Pa. • -FIUM FOR SALT. • bee offers far esle tgs tout situated in Litchfield township• tire miles from the L. W a h. and S. B. ft Station. and miles-from Eels, B. R. Le ".faros contains 200 sores 160 a. improveif, halation .coveted with pine. oat and chn..tnnt. There are good bnhld'ngs and a Mie orchard wed fenced and ,'ender good state of. Ciitirolis 'School: etc convenient. .Ttaats—half down, balinoe in essy payments; Enqunn i.f S. W. 'Mann*. this cakes or _ _ A: J. LA VION. Lackfiaol. Act,. 16 p 73. TOW. NDA, PA. same aa an Itcorporatrel Bank Of fiteszn,,rs lawaya M. C.:3rEIICCII, PASSAGE 'TIC6EI.3 BOOTS! Af,ants waited for TOWANDA, PA - - - r, TST nr-JITIMRST - DRAWNI FOR / kTO a TRlnf MP MITT?. TA Tiv 11P.T.11 AT TIWY..OO3IIIMCISpON MONDAY. WARC.42.5.32. • Asslnm. VisaAos 31notr. Tl,r4m Dexter; AOlens Dare: Ira Osborn Wm Coleman, A N Athens twp Freak S lfneley; Choc lat leo CROellontort West Win it Whiner. Atmolwo N ariritnet^n two.. ainipti4 Ikat-rant: 11170•3 f, Menem:Es. Jnbn whestley: - Moto') Merino% bon-Re Mitten: Funk tiOsern:rininmbiti. it At Par. emenn : Tonndarr. p sr•rriek .Isrnes I,,ekes: Weliftelei Attains Decker; nnerne two.. rpno.b r 2 nnftnn; Monroe born.. AMet. t; Oneell Berery" Kinney. Wm ft ;tardy, pq: tilalnstes. JAM AM. men. Se: 'Wendt; ereek. Robert Ahrtnsttelii.. Woodard Derry. Jr: illbesblie qnlo. Wiles ReldlemAn: Tiny born • Woes 4 Lem:- -ard. R (I Aerators% Troy two . Jnbn N Worn.: To w:in/la flora.. Inns. O. resell; Terry. Genr-.4 Rich. snit.; Miler. /spin: A amith Jrnwo% W boot, lltcbsoit toraltloy; Warieti, ffirbsers SSW:- ate r. ; A . Ayrnari. Trerrieb; Athens twp:. Me=litv D ittypvt. Jnhn D . F•Tser. Wm • lowan:- attoMo Ramnei'.lPlnnd: rThextar E Burl/110.mi Dorn.. P..R Pbelrs. Ca' ton Remo.. initrett Whitiniin; enkrinhh4. II S Tkainr; vranklin. Pinanol F afltiami; Ijorio.k. R' 't Chsoh-e 3laVaiin3 John .R john 31 Drown; T.ftridam4.: Wm Rieharda; Leßarmine, fymir) Stevonli. Ste.a , t. Sfonrr,e twp.. rfroright twrlga, °me!. G r T'AnTeforr tar:C/ Dimnek: Pike. Lamy ftecem: Rome- P33l'n.. J errnfbmich: Rttivehrilr. t.r Dew.y:f 13..pbequ'n, p 13'a,-kruan: Rending Plone V-rine•s: P Nt , ftneksi Tnitamia Ninth Amiga, Jtoi.win Bennett Thirdith David Pntro: To , ininda 0 . John A COO , P , 2 , , Filwiliff W.tker: Gen,!! Shopardi, .Wrans,-John T ttIP - V. JA" nol bintA ; Windham, Joseph 0 Ti , reP: WOTO4 John • J. - P. VAN 11;rrt, - 31aich 'FRI IL LIAT FOR mina TERM 1Fr. , ., AT TROT. Nis7 Ermll rn W 11-bi Are r, II Prrec n va T«tzlaffet al - do . %%John n?..ur et; ..... F. Lono CR. AlOn2l W.1!ia••• INVersa - tt .James a . Rogers T6nmas-Jrn•r•• it CrOorpl. .... .. T.. 1. e se ca c.tif on tnrrnsl•la tla•,!et 1111,71n0n va W. 11. ltoort. - 0. P. ldardt-y'ra Talley Can Natnoe ,t Co. Bailey a.-Nortnn vs • .7tl. lohnaon lob rrandall vit;:irrihrrn. C.R.R. C 0..... 1. VP .• S W. Ph!IDP VA John Tallira - .7-cmes F:nv4l-v• R Baker . rt; , l.« W C'ornell ee ettarlea O. ritlq-el 1.1.r;r2n vp tram A. P , r , ortri rot Northern t".R F.: Co John :1 •rn;urtlnn VP Fr•nr!s 4 . W J.rn:fnr•l V. 4 Slr,vl.r G G R. ioclonn v 4 tC Si. 1lnl.L1n• upe • ' Jf , tra - Mt , I •Ilan va - Vr.f fhr-vn i`.R.-:11 Co.. , . Q Sc nton 11 G - Coleman v<Ch+rl , . Hannan SWf4”.l v Vitt Tlnriou .t. Jscl".ii. do rnh-nivr CaFP VA ;Tent's. Unt.nt C. P. JnhT!Slvr.oney..•. TE aze 11c.r} , ys Orr 1:11 Fiteh v* P. T %ferry k Gm Tl.!ironre vs T. 3nlia - Axtvii vs T NTE.-ry vt - ••• CA 0. p nßitard........ V,. Pomero3 debt n C r•-....prt vs Gt.n jnnvg elect T TIM n Prrtnnm. .1^ - MAO FtMi ., e.S . P TCm. It. Feno , Pr ' oiebt 11.1%.nstpr v Will; nra;•,n - rasJ •1 , K. K. AztAll r..'snrt emt wvvt. retnntaMe on .lifonda? 1R72. at In.* in. • .For Qn Nrcin4 , l7 4Prit 1872 . gt fRPRANt4 rcnTwr RAT7,-13v IfturiNi not of the chn+llan't ronrt of 6 rori , o-.1 Conntv. thonnrlom'crnol aritl offo? for Rat. nn Thnr..4117 tho ?ROI : nt lfw•f`h.=llt 2, n't•lnok 'n tn.. on the "tho foTlovr 4 ne . do ;n Trurarn., bvp.. of the ogtnte of Af - rg'T`C frtcia of coil e4. , ontv. 1 1 ..vr;n:nin7 at A (+flint rn•th are=: ~r . 7 714 r of 1....f1u to Iv. pr.nt), 14,z0t ,- o.:^e* 'ar.fla'n• noovzo cfronnor: shr , ,o^ pap+ along tn, "i•nrn."; th,:••f, 5 IO”.r.l.". rnbV, &ono enTnno,:ll3,ntl. Try'• ln 1 , 0 4 to A e 7 17:1 ,- , cYd hj. , ±llr - zr: f1..1 . :<N7 .O.Oth crept lanflu ulj l- 41 , rmr!r. Qoovre , ' 79 2. , 0 narel•ea 13 a .; . 0.11.11 g:% '1••••'1 . ngt <3;,1 Cri.ni,so.fri 3 horleC. flf**ll 5 tiro. Treat Onti7 lt , da of ;a tt y . ,. no^ 37 4-10 orrehr‘v t , or 00 - to ,- 11, nrc• 1 r•ro.11 ,1 1-; mo=t - ^5 von - IP - 4 to a oor , ••r I• 4 -Inr, 0- ror bt-a• of tTp7lry Ctrs-: 111 , nor on'eth Ark 1., to of 1 t,r0 , ..t t , a ro-no•: vr:-.1 '2+l Q 1n rf. , -cI -, Ft to. -*lle , r," north g 414 rr - r. , 0 nl. - .1127 I Infig of J. T. T.^ ,4 . 120 to v.'qeo N I , , , inninri rrntAln for' tOT , '" f - nr ant 2 rercbea be , the. n ame • ra1r.1.7'71 T'Vt.'f'" - !.`n3 , -.' , .-.'”v 4, -r f 1.,., „ f..re.-.. , ,,, ~ ,f,./.'w of ~ f, t ~,-1,, , 1, ,i.,,,.1,: s,;, 1;•.. n 4 .7 ,- ..r hftii bnd \ ';-"'''' " 3 ~ f ~,- t '0 1 , .•1 1,7 - ~ ". - .1 , ,-”riner f7c...4c, , , •••• , fl r wf , t... 1,-It'el, li. : ••• •••j: .;,.! 1.1....1 nhr.v•• 3,, "!1 ,0 (1 ''- 3 1 , 7 ..-;1' 7. II:. ,•,- ' , ‘ , ..1...:"1..•,... - 1 7 ;fr‘n, - . 'ln Fr..- - ,, r.. - .1. I T.,...i, r , To +.:•-•• ,- f? , 1 7, ,, •:, - ... ,iery-1ar.,1. on ~,,. - 4 1 , .i ,•-, .1 , r,. Or , • r-,3 : thr:,,, ,, , , ,,rib 4 ,r 7 5...-ncv pos-1.4 ~,-^l.w.; utN1.1,7:.; ^•. l * '1 f` ~ . 0 4 4, 7 srPsy I"Cf."ll.re , lnN f•; v.ret. , ; ',N.V. S 9 A‘ N , N pla Mr tn - t' o ti.OON-tjv sr An 711' • 'it . , fln.l 4,1 r. olir .5-nla!lrt 7.11T,T0V ,C., - rzool:tnr. 4 TYi TTNTSI`Tt TOP'S "VOTTCP.— • nel :4 1.., , .r1..- viv o , t .;11 r.f n: - l of, 4,4/.1 4, , iN4 ,, ,t -.1 11 ile”-a.yrot n-fn•- ovrn P % ••• vvr. , 7 .1 r v res7Tl, k Amin i.trnirr-r, ECM • r•-•-• . "p "K 701'TO NCITTCE.—Nt4I . g j t's, R , n n r.r.mn.,¢ 41, 11 , Tfr , 1 fUn r'.l - qTrN. 'tn. of 111 ,4 1 , tc • nt5 n I. tr. and •ttl r.l%lnia agNinct 1110 r. An r . 4 : . - GIME • A miThnsTR.A Toß 4 s ta Itorolly to - n•ltlin n n liq.nr •11;17.Lrlt. 'OA nr nr, ”nrovnttod rne:z• imtrPstt:ttp r‘nrniett r,rz.nus r , :tirn• gir•traqt ogtati tbera . (11! . ..7 !ttlthen4 , , lo 4 ,l •nr rnert. • - B. LAP9RTE. A .!tr .• A PPLICATION TN.DTVO'OE.' R _. i Tn T Firrir.t it;n flop, t4n7.1-n 1871. Vnti Ire her - 1 ny :1 , 4150.1 flat rt,Cn:tt7 •irtronut. vntir hoQlvt- , rl; na< go . pl;e,l to eno^t retroonn Won:. nr Firn 4 fo^ , l en n • - tirm-re frnra the Moe:. or Tontrimonv and the s:Vrl room hap norn 4 ntei 3fnn ,ta, the e,tll - ,tar of 'l,e 1 0 .42. for .hont.lrrY. the fotT.l.flenrce ha the prernieea at trbfeli Crite:nzt plzce you au attend yen think ornoee. PERRY TES FLEET.. sbeer..' rob. 15 A DIIT7sTISTRATORP N . TIC "Z.Vee ho,IN , I.ivort to *ll r.rennt, to Ole e•tntl.rif CIS A.TTA' R. PiTN: "1 At ‘f meet make'lmTri•itiate 111.1 , .11 porq,,r.. - hacinr claim* arninat RvlA ePtnto -rrement Abc.in duly, antbenticateri . far retie kb 7 '72.A..c - A DMINTTR A T()t'S \on (I.7intire to herphr .irpn that atlperramniortphted. to thp ~tate of THONLAS F_G tom. tete of WPrrteo ett,raapii. ere recpt...tect to make inarnetitltte raroPrit. - And an perxnna having elle.ron_ngainat paid estate ninst procent than dela .nthetitteated for .ttl , wut. JAY cnA %PET:. f.b7 . 7^_-Cr • Adminintrators. ATYNITNI=TRATORSJ. NOTTCE.,- 7 4Notie. ;44 hrreby et - .• n that all pernOns iiit to tho CAtati , CITARLP-% Inte ot' T , wantialp. t r t. a r rep - le. - dot) to make immihi!sto ermient. peraots having claims, airehlat paid ppt,ti• nat>t present the &snip anthentreetkl ftE, acttlemPet. 'OONSI ; ANT DURrt Almintatratorp. 1 - 4 1 X E C TT ' S Nnti:e twr. , llv gly , tl [fiat all perianelreehtt'il tn the "-tat.' of SAn u T ur.thn 'ate- CO Towarcla• twp.. lieCea Ped. dm retlne.tea to make 41:mediate ".yrn, , nt. and all peranw havittA 'elating aZalUat said . v.tatP must rrf..,3ent them duty inth- nti rated fn- eettlemint - THUItgITON. F • Exe A sniw berehr girrp that all perPon4 Indrbt cd to tb,eo,,te of I LEANtIIt M rFFF.E, decrastal,, 'at. of mcrt , Ft..,l 'to male imnledi atri pay:intent. and all Ivracup, havtp,u clams agaltiti t.statt• must prestAt theta a.nly antlietrtieated, tot' w•ttlernent.. D 31vDDTTFE. : F.•b 29.'7:w* .I,lminiFtratni with Will suatexcd. RAT FM? SAT,T —The •,,•;;-• farm. Ritnace on lkfoor,',l ITC!, in rl.ter *, ii)ightn timitord cnontv - con t4rntnq hnollro,l ar-es or coca- hntl, oitnatett t' r,3”,1 n half terra ,rnra 111 , tt , r V • !13..1.6..Ferei555- crev-inarovvrd. wrll InneoCt .4:d w. tl witt.red, with re , mlfrnitß. Thp ab ,, vo pmpt.r• ty w 11.1. , 161.1 lon :old nu maaonal?le terms. 'or for tbr, pa.tl Mars oncint-o, of the e , nbscriber on t.b..r. nr Drma.% Fen. 0' 7 2-2m. - CLl,%q. HOVE?. CHANGE. OF co -1,,r We? ptj ip ho: ctotc,m. %Pit ng 1.11.1!Cr tha rarro I , r H PORTER. SON CO.. has been tlti,,soit , 11)y mantel eangent, and .1 uow Orin organized nn for the trona of Dr II .1?. PORTER i'r C. ponitst eontli.• in flu: rhlig wune tilt &T • u_t* . oarceter ltfiln th.l Pine -trerts.: Will w.tile all the accounts 9' the a ott• - na and :.11 persons indebt •d - are The payment to them. Towanda, Dec 12.*:2.tt, L l .O P S. A L E—The av I 201 et S. 'Ws satire stock ct' t-1-teQvitold Furbitare, thi Pamt.ngs..Jewelry ke. 1 4.1:+f, 4 Hie 4 - tielea can.b9 teen by cellitu d PONS - - PS..l.k etore - • r..watebs. Feb. 13.1312: eAKES AND CRACRERS.:--GRE- N-jci.n Bind, Ek•otela Oran4e, ili tt . ze r Cite*, Woothington -Jumbles 1;•3 Coffee Biscuit. and all pktis aftirackeri Mircb 4. *TO. , 'AV.'A.-ROCKWED.:BI. ri‘.lll,l )liESS. —Try Mrs. Fns.kk-.):- 1 D. N'S wort and prices. Step In tirsi yelirw houre between Ward Haase and, itkiki.V.Y. °WC° Pot-Ofth.e. . Tow-au I' Oa. 22. s . rthu,Ts WHITE Ditik'S *it rox s MUCIT.TS. urn - 9 FISHI) LAV IPV - JI4L-1:4 , t WES); 4.1 .•.• • ,07ftraall ...for attach appeal =IV • C 2113 ......c'ae appeal ..dobt aimeat for nt , c 4.1 tretprut .., , prwal . trc pc-) arawd debt aPl l ."al ..debt „ea.'s* rs • 4;7,1 app". I , IX O!CD WEE PAnarn et a , :fltIvo••••••;•, t7lo 1 1 ; , " 7 . , 1•'.1 11 , 1 , i‘f . 1 Ont Lrtri E . ht• the LUTZTO Fern•• Mkr.cts 4. PnITFB• Admtntrtr'stor Dr. 11. C. P. 131-.I7REP. LEE MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers