Vragford ftporkr. ' • EDITORS a K. 0. 000DRICII . . •S. W. A 1.1701 1. D Towanda,-.Thiuidoii. Nov. 10,187 L Tint -WARD TlfiLtL. We give up nearly all our space this:week to thtv?videttce in the WARD trial. At the time of going to press the case is still in progress We shall have the balance of the evidence with the finding of the Jury next week. The report of the tiial WO have cop- . "ied fromAlte - Elmira Daily Adwrliser; which has furnished its readers with iltivefifull and accurate proceedings from day to day. *Wt.. The - I - Episcopal Primary Con ,vehtion which assembled to Harris burg last week, organized its ite_w di ocese and named it Central Pennsyl yan ia. Dr. M. A.Dr. W. Howr.,: of Pi il a delphia was chosen Bishop. The Conventian - was largely atfended. .The opening sermon was preached - by the Bishop ofLitchfield. ye.._Tlie result of the New York election 43 more glorions than at first supposed. Both 'branchei of the Legislature are Republican by nearly two-thirds majority.. 11----=+its . The Ward :Trial. • . Coidinued from Fogrth• " IA ent twice into the room after she heird tha rezharli; the fist time Mr. Ward was Standing noir tho same place, and Ur. Shader sitting hore he had been sitting; thinks Mr. - Ward had on his overcoat; Mr. Shader was cracking hod vaiiim nuts; that was the last time she was in there tliat evading; • Ur. Ward stood at the table doing nothing; he was Juging Mr. Shader to get teadp to go oat riding, and Mr. Shader semi to be in a, hurry; this was . the het time witness was in the room; Mr. Ward said to Mr Shatler_to_hurry arid put on, his over-shoes and conic out riding; after a little while witness heard Mr. Shaffer say, "I beg otT,"-this was be fore•slno went in the last time; went in twice af ter, she heardihis remark; heard a report of a pistol that evening in file dining room; heard somebody say, "Oh, oh!" immediately aer the shot was heard; (witness left the - house 'then; stopped en the street awhile, about. twenty and then scent to Mr. Mhrshall'ir, wit- . ness swore to the same. perithn's,being in the kitchen at the time, that was sworn to by the previous witness; think they were oVer *Couple ,)( hours at dinner; witness got some wine for theta; in good sized bottles; got them do other nine until supper time, then brought them a bottle of •Irish whisky; one bottle was broken and it stood in ajdeeii dish; the !leek of the bot tle was knocked - ofT;. don't know as 'she saiv a bottle of olives on the table; when she - went into Library, they seemed to be very pleasant with eactpether, noticed there was a bruise on Mr. B'ard's ferehead'when in the dining room; Brat tiotii_vd the bruiid when they came down from Mr. Ward's room into the library; they went icto the library before going to droner; saw no marks on Shader's"parson.at any time; saw no scratches upon his hands: To Mr. Peck: When they were- first called to supper they werikiri the library, - when next in Mr. Ward's root, and the third time in the library again; it was about 5 o'clock when they :wile to supper: they came, in soon after being • called the third time; 'when Mr. Shader came to' the table he took up a glassand let it fall, think _lie broke but am not positiie of it; made no-re mark about the breaking-of the glass;' ho wrbte• a note then; Billy Thompson took the note and was directed to go with it to the-Ward Horse; the Ward House is a hotel, some distance from Mr. Ward's honk; thinks she heard theta talk ing apont taking a ride; when witness was in the dining , room last, Mr. Ward had on his overcoid, I VE rstions and hat, while Mr.. Shader was still li the table; whin they were told that the.car ' rugs was ready Mr. Ward 'said ho would be ready in.a few minutes, and Mr. Shader saidno, In not less than half an hour; after thetrist b , .ttle of champagne- Mr. Shader said. when Mr. Waril took ;t, I kayo tikon it all and if Yen • want any more you must send for it; was then - seta for the whisky; heard no quarrelling br - disputes during the day betlyeen the two gentle • 111 , 11. . To Mr._ Carnochan: Mr. Ward's bed room is in the front part of the house over the front parlor; witmeas only rappedat. the -door, when she called them; left the whisky bottle near Mr... Ward on the table. , :1" . Dr. C. M. _Turner was' the fifth wit nelis called en' behalf of the Common wealth. • To Mr. Carnoehan: Was present itt :fhepost , mortem .examin - ation of thc. deceased;_is :a physician and stir= g - e.O'n residing at Towanda, Bradford colvity; his testimony was sttbstan lially the same as that Of Dr. Ladd; the liver was in a. healthy condition, but the viscera and lungs *ere gan grened;the wound was the-cause of the gangrene it the lungs; saw de- ceased before hisdaiith and after the wound; the gun' shot__ wound was 'bat caused his death; was present when the pall was extracted; it was conical; the condition cif Mr. Shader's ,fnind was quiet considering • the ball • he had in him; thinks it was about forty,eight hours before hiedeath that his mind began wandering,show . ing - that his powers of life were sub siding; he was about ; five feet ten . inches in height,would weigh between one hundred and sixtyland one hun-. Bred_ and. seventy-five pounds; he Was,a proper young man in stature And in manly - appearance. William Thompson was the sixth -Nwitness called on behalf the Com monwealth: • T 9 Mr.,Carnochan: Lived at 'Mr. • 'Harry Ward's. on the 22nd of Febru ary last.; after the shooting, witness -left . house, going through the wood house into his own house -or • . where ho lived; met Mr. Ward ih .the •: yard coming frond •toward Mr. Mc- Nett's; he -:was near the barn; Mr. Ward took•h — old Of witness and said •. his friend was accidently - shot, and - he Wanted him to come in nith - him ; • . 'went into the' dining room; the wounded man lay on the lounge vom iting; Mr. Ward stepped in ahead of witness; he had witness by the r i arm. until. they got into the kitchen; Mr. . Ward requested witness to ask kin der how it Was done; took hold of the arm of the' deceased . and saw' there . Was apparentlyno- strength -in him at: all; found the pistol; it was be tween the dining room .table and the kitchen door, nearer the door than the table; put the pistol in his pants pocket; identified the pistol which was shown hire; when inquiry was _made for the pistol-witness hid it nn . der a box in the wood-shed; after wards took it and gave it to Dr. Lachl;„the outside barrels and cart ricig,es!in it; gave' it to Dr. Ladd in the same condition that it was when as picked up - from the floor; Mr. Shader was weak and grOaning and vomiting; he did net answer witness's question; next told- Mr. Ward that he had better -go -for' a doctor and, have some more help; 31r. Ward told witness to hurry; didn't speak to Mr.' ward more than once about going for the doctor; went then to tell Mr. Solomon to g 0 for a' doctor and get some more help; ho drove off; Mr. Ward and witness took up a st-retch er bed and carried it info the dining room;.the wounded nien then lay on his back on the floor, with his hands crossed on his stomach; he laid there groaning painfully, seemed to be in • great pain; said nothing . about his being in pain; Mr. Ward and witness ". picked Mr. Shader up and laid him on the stretcher bed; started then .• down street to hurry up the doctor; nobody was in the dining room, when - witness first went there but Mr. Sha der, nor when they returned with the - stretcher; saw patrick Brophy first time when he vient around the house to see Mr. Solomon, before he had been in the house; saw these two at the dinner table; was called into the dining room to get Mr. Shader), things to go to the Thud House with a note,and order , a carriage from Mr: Solomon; took the note; witness was shown a letter and thought the , en- - velope looked like the one la had (tarried; both were sating at the table when witness took the note; it was .abouthalf past five or twenty min utes of six, -somewhere - along - there - -; hrought up a satchel, Overshoes and shirt; gave the note to the 'clerk at the Ward House, who gave it back to witness who t ook it back to -Mr. Shader; Saw Mr. Solomon when he name up with the Mail; he was wait ing at the gate;he told witness to hurry them up in Were as he had been there sometime; and was get ting cold; witness .t.Old this to the Maggie; - when witnesa 'returned with the note, Mr. Shader was sitting, at the east side, of the table; think Mr. Ward was walking ab out the room; around near the stove, onl the side towards the kitchen; noticed his face, on one side. otitis forehead the skin was knocked off and there look ed to be a little scratch onus nose; discovered these marks first when went in 'to get the note;, saw Mr. Ward before that, went in the libra ry to shake doNi the fire; they were in there; didn't in particular notice Ur. -Ward's face at that time; didn't notice -these marks at that tiine; think Mr. Shader sa in a chair smok ing a cigar. I - To Mr. Peck: First saw Mr. Slt" der on that day in company with Mr. Ward about half oast eleven o'clock; second' time saw them about half past one or two; third time saw them about half past fiva:Or twenty min utes before six; at all times when wit ness saw thein together they seemed friendly in their conversation - and pleasant; heard nothing like a quar rel or dispute while they were in the dining room and witness in the kitch en; think could have heard them talk; when witness returned with note Sha der was very pleasant; • Mr. Shade: , could have very easily heard when Mr. Ward ordered the witness to get the carriage from Mr. Solomon's; heard Mr. Ward calling for Mr. Mc- Nett when he was coming hack from the gate. To Mr. Carnochah: When witness returned with the doctor, found Mr: Shader on the stretcher and groan ing; about the same as when he left; it was about twenty minutes after seven when witness- went for the doe- Dr. To Mr. Peck: Didn't see them drinking daring the day, nor in, the library, saw a "bottle on the table, about a quart. The court adjourned tO Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. FOURTH DAY'S PROCEEDINGS MORNING SESSION TVSKUANNOCII, Nov. 9, 1871. • Pitrick Brophy was the first wit ness, called this morning for the Com, Monwealth, he being the seventh wit- ness thus far. To Mr. Carnochan! Reside at To wanda,and was residing there on the 22d day of 1 0 ebruary last; was at home about-the time of the shooting; lire across a large field from Mr. Ward's; saw Mr. Ward that evening; out door, back of Mr. Ward'Ei norty z .west from it; about twenty feet from .the kitchen door;' about seven o'clock in the evening; it was pretty light, starlight; before witness, came up, heard Mr. Ward talking to Billy Thompson's wife; conldn't hear - what he said; heard first M.S. Thompson say, " here comes a man;" Mr. Ward called witness by the name of Mc- Nett 01r. Ward asked witness into the house, when he was told who he was; Mr. Ward said "I want you in the house, there is a mfat in there who shot himself accidently;" went in the house then; .saw Mr. Shader on his knees on the floor lying across the lounge; all that witness said in the dining room was'\" would I go after the doctor?" Mr. Ward paid no attention until witness asked him the third time and look hold of him; be- fore witness asked if ho should go for a dOctor Mr. Ward asked Mr. Shader if he (Shader) got shot by (Ward) asked that question twice or three times; Shader t made no reply to the question; spoke bat once in presence of witness and then said he -was dying; Mr. Ward took hold of Shader's coat collar or shoulder when asking the questions and pulled him pretty hard; witness told Mr. Ward he might hurt him, and Ward Old . witness he wanted to have him hear what Shader should say; Shader was lying still; saw no vomiting; seemed to be in pain; witness went, to Dr. Ladd's; didn't find him; saw no per son in, dining room except .Shader; was away from the house for the doc tor an. hour. To Mr. Peck: When first met Mr. Ward he spoke to witness about their drinking; didn't know what he said, but gave witness that impression; no ticed, by Mr. Ward that' they had been drinking quite a good lot; think Mr. Ward in the dining room was manifesting great anxiety and dis tress; didn't ask witness to listen,bnt wanted Shader to speak so he could hear; Mr.-Ward was greatly distress ed by the occurrence. To Mr. Carnochan: Couldn't tell whether or not Mr. Shader had been an sign at all; ;, drinking; couldn't see thought it strange he did not answer Mr. Ward; Mr. Ward In nifested his i anxiety by going around so arid pay ing no attention to vita as, when he asked about the Doctor; when Sha der said he was dyingllfr. Ward stood'near the kitchen:_ r. . • Byiagreement with ith - Commion wealth hits. Elizabeth Porter was called for the defendant out of the regular order. To-fr. Peck: Was 4n Mr.'Ward's house on the evening . ° l i t ; the occur— rence; saw Mr. Shader ter he was wounded; Dr. Ladd was there; John Knox, Isidore Solomen, Hannah Cranmer,and Mr.X. B. Porter; heard a conversation held with Mr. Shader there; Mr. Ward first spoke . to him; lie said "I demand . that, this .man's statement be taken, listen every man and woman present.", C. B. Porter asked Mr. Shader, "did Henry - Ward shoot you intentionally?!' the reply was " Oh! no I do not think he did." It was in fun, be added' afterwards - ; witness Was sitting of the- headf of bed rubbing Shader's head at the time Of this question and affiawer,• Mr. Porter' wassitting on the, side of the bed and wrote the answer '.down; Mr. Porter wrote downs, the,' answer already given; 'he didzi't _ write the question to which this was an Anewer; book and writing shown the 'witness which she identified; Mr. Ward time for witness; - said a man had been.ac cidently 4hot and wished her to come over. :To Mr. - Robert .11. - - Little Live about one 'square from 'Mr. Ward's; iir: Porter is a cousin of Mr. *Ward's; went within fifteen Minute* after Mr. i WirCdseulled on her;llr. -Porter dil not go with her; he came in about two mmutea after witness; was not excited; - Within bad retired When Mx. Ward. me' to be f bourvolidul. rxert liitcriewiiik wait: elicitOeinielt -100 Vr. Partake outil alio get* !Out &lOW to NW ' ete#: d thnitidato Iktr:Air . ' "lif . - Went abiint sir squares; at foot-of th hill met Mr. William Vincent; inquh ed of him where Mr.- Porter was; don't think she stated to Mr. Vincent that -ri 'Man hid - Eihlit liinieelf ailific Ward's; Mr. Codding was-not at Mr. Ward's when `Witness reached there, nor Hiram Taylor; think they were there when the questions were asked and answers given; Mr.- Samuel Wal bridge was there at - the - time; didn't know Mr.: Shader; Mr. Porter did not ask Mr. Shader in witness' hear ing if he shot himself; saw, the bbok next day and not again until to-aay; have - not had - frequent .con+ersations , with Mr. Porter on that gmbject; did not hear Shader make - any,' reply to any question asked by Mr. Ward; saw Mr. Ward kneel by the • couch and speak to Shader; .Mr. Ward said ".my dear fellow, you know I did not intend to do this. Shader I made no reply to this; cant' say where she was when this was said; was engaged in getting extra coverings for bed and putting hot water to the feet of Sha der. • ' - To Mr. Peck: Mr. Shader vomited while witness was there; there was a very. strong odor of lignor in the room. - Julia Fitzgerald was the ll , eighth witness called on behalf of the Com monwealth. To Mr. Carnochan: Was in the kitchen of Mr. Ward's house at tho time. of the occurrence; was there about ten minutes;, heard a -voice in the dining room before -voice she heard the shot; didn't know the voice; didn't lebve the house until she heard the man moan; went but with Ithe other girls ; Kitty Kennedy and Maggie Dalton; Were was no other persons in the dining roam except Katy Ken nedy who was letting down the win dows. fo Mr. Peck: Witness thought, those in the dining room were only enjoying themselVes. Isidore Solomon was thb ninth wit "ness stilled , on behalf of .tho Comnfon wealth. To Mr. Carnochan: • Keeps livery stable in Towanda; - was near Mr. Ward's house on the evening of 22d February last; wetit up there about quarter to six; this witness corrobo rated the testimony of Maggie Dalton and Kate Kennedy so far as it con cerned them as to time ike., heard the shooting and groaning and saw Billy Thompson come outJ who said who said =a man had got hurt fin the house; saw Pat Brophy going out, of South gate; coming, from around the house; heard Mr. Ward call for one of-the /girls and then - for "Billy," pretty/sharp; Billy requested witness to go-np and meet Mr. Ward; was told/to go after the, 'doctor; Mr. Ward said somebody had; got hurt; went after Dr. Ladd; didn't find him; i Went for him to Mr. Kirwin's; this' . was two or three minutes, before sev en; 'when arrived at dining room, Mrs. Cranmer was there; Shader was groaning; heard Shader say to Mr. Ward "Harry what made you shoot me?" Heard Mr.- Shader say nothing more; heard Mr. Ward , say, "you know my dear fellow, I didn't intend to shoot yon;" remained in 'dining room less than half an hour; 'Witness swore to the persons who carre while he was there; Mr. Ward seemed very much excited' and queer that ho de manded- Mr. Codding to take the wounded man's statement; Dr. Ladd requested witness to remove Mr. ' Ward, probably half and hour after witness came; went into ! the library with 21i. Ward; took held of him; Ward was near litter; I heard Mr. Shader request them to send - for his folks and a girl, Miss Wehl; Clark Porter was taking these requests; Mr. Porter sat on the side of the.stretch- - er: Mrs. Porter stood etther -at the foot or head of the bed; l Mr. Porter had a book taking down/directions; heard none of the questions by Clark Porter; Mr. Shader was fin pain. To Mr. Peck: - When Witness, took_ Mr. Ward from the room Ward held a book and was requesting . Mr. Cod ding to get 'a statement from Shader; Mr. Ward went away quietly when he . understood what was wanted of him, he seemed to be very anxious to remain in the room with Mr.. Shader; Mr. Ward remained in the library until he went to his own -room ; Mr. Porter was asking questions of Sha deri when witness left the room ; Mr. Thompson ordered he carriage for Mr. Ward about h f-past five ; un derstood him to say they were to go to Greenwood. To the Court : Greenwood is about six miles from Towanda. •---? , -, .To Mr. Carnochan : Some one asked Mr. Ward how the thing oc curred and the reply was, "God On ly knows ;" didn't hear Shader say that he expected Ward Iwas going to shoot him. --' • - ' Harry Streeter was the tenth wit ness called on the part of the COm monwealth. I To Mr. Camochan :' .faed. in To wanda on the 22d of February last ; first heard of the oicarrence ,at the Ward House, shortly after eight o'- clock • went in: front of Clark . Por ter's drugstore and - then to Ward's house with Mrs. .Porter. Witness swore to finding some ; person in the dining room ; went into the back door through the kitchen ; stopped there a minute or two, when Mr. Ward came in and made some remark about like this : "Some- of you, all of you, come in and do Something for this man; went into the dining room ; asked Dr. Ladd how ' badly the man was hurt ; remained there twenty or thirty min r tes- and went down town ; while at 'mpting to get Mr. IShader's name, Mi. Ward -walk ed - around to the otter side •of the bed and' said : 'Hear, heat, stand by, every man and woMari, what this t rd man says ;" Ward s 'd to witness, "I want you to hear.' .3lr. Shader looked up at Mr. W and said : "Oh ! why did you shtiot me ?" Mr. Ward then knelt by the bed, took Mi. Shader by -the htind, and- said, "My God! yon don't think I intend ed to do it ?" or some similar expres, sion. Shader replied, " 0,1 don't know ;" He was in iain all the time r and spoke that sentence very earnest -I.y.,;witness then.lient in the library with Mr..Wiud ; remained there two or three minutes ; came out togeth er ; Mr.,' Ward continued to move about in an, excited manner from room to room ; the j bed was being prepared:, during this time ; just as witness left the rooM'Porter was try ing to get- the names! and addresses of relatiies ; think he sat on. the side of the bed ; don't remember where Mr's. Porter, was at.4liis time ; beard something about, 'whether Ward in tended to shoot, bar say what it 'vas ; Porter was ' . ere when wit-, ness got there • fi rst saw him - at the, otAtshlg .kitch en doo r -way.. k ' '' - The witma yrs" 3 4 c roa. e xim. ined. ta Toopir iz tkihe eleventh -fi* - 1111101411; of.the Corn ' To • • ''{Was in Ward's 9ff 10 5 4 : - .... of the maw _ . • 11,', -borough of anda ; ha - ird 'jam or the vies ons asked ky Mi. 'Potter of the wounded man ; after witness wept in Shader was endeavorira to. give the names andsuls Of la friends ;'it was with agood ldeal of difficulty that he did so, something rising ux his stomach ; considerable movinpboutby ;Ward WA Ale molding a Statement ; Ward took hold or*itnegirtuid - denial — ldea"that heihould'asklbaflor how,the thing happened ;- witness told Ward better keep quiet and, leave . the room; wounded man was in no condition for a statement, he would be better ; Ward said, " God only.knows how it happened, Idon't ;" witnessrequest edllr., Streeter to get Me Ward out of the room ; heard some .questions asked but cotdd'ut hear the answers; questions Were asked by Clark Porter mostly ; Mr. Porter asked, "How the thing happened," and "If it was .an accident "to which there was no re- ply, and when he did attempt to an swer,any questions it was with diffi culty ; the shaking the head followed immediately the question "Was it an accident " Sliader rolled his head_on the pillow ; Mr. Coddin,g and Mr. Porter were near by , at this time ; Mrs. Porter was moving about most of the time, bringing things, there were a greet ninny questions asked ; the wounded man's mind was mostly engaged in telegraphing to la friends. •To Mr. Peck Shader was in great pain all the'timcf the questions were being asked,writhing and groan ing and uneasy ; he could speak on ly half a sentence at a . time ; heard him-afterwards ; . saw Shader answer questions by moving his head 'very frequently after that ; he appeared to dislike to have questions . asked him ; appeared not to want -to be troubled about anything except to get word to his friendif; shaking of the head might have been -an intima tion that he couldn't answer?' . Samuel Walbridge was the next witness called on behalf of tile Com monwealth..\ To Mr. Cali nochan; Resides at To wanda; was at the house of Mr. Ward on the 22d of February last; arrived there after 7 o'clock; went alone; saw liquor there; found a bottle near the cooler; bottle wouldn't hold, quite a quart, what is called. a quart bottle; it was full; cork had, been taken out; saw no other wine or liqtior; there VMS a broken bottle on he table; looked like a champagne .. ttle, neck was broken off; saw no caller - liquor bottles; Mr. - Ward was not in the room when witness canto ; he came in very shortly and wanted-some one to take a Statement, 'inquiring for some of the servants to get some pa 7 per; some one requested Mr. Porter to get a book or some paper and take a statement; Mr. Clark. Porter askid Shader if Ward shot him, to which them was no reply; he asked if Hen ry Ward intended to shoot him, to which there. was no. reply that wit ness heard; ha asked him if Henry Ward did shoot him, to which Sha der replied, "0, 'my God, why did you shoot me ?" .Mr. Ward kneeled over the stretcher and said, "My good= follow, you know I didn't in tend to shoot you; witnes heard no reply to this; think Dr. Ladd told Isadore Solomon' that M Ward had better be taken from the room. At, this time witness WAs wiping Shade's face; some one then brought Mr. Porter a .. paper or a book, and .then Mr. Shader wanted them to send for his mother; this was before Shader's clothing had been removed: Dr. - Ladd gave witness a five shooter revolver, and told hinilo keep it; hits had it in his possession ever since; witness identified the revolver; one load - was discharged when Dr. Ladd gave it to witness, rest were in, it was loaded with metallic cartridges; the same that were removed in the court room; the cartridge remaining was the "same as the one when he re ceived it; kept the revolver in a bu reau drawer with a handkerchief tied around it; Dr. Ladd opened Shader's vest and showed witness the wound; couldn't find - any place where till:, ball came out; -the room was full, a. gocid many people being there at this time; did not see Mr. Ward at this time; next day noticed Mr. Shader's hand, who spoke about it - himself; had not been with Mr. Shader all the time; saw a scratch'on Mr. Shiuler's right thumb; Shader's shirt was re- moved on the third day; shirt shown 1 - witness and thongbt it was the same : one; on Sunday_aftethoon Mr. Ward and his mother came, into the room; Mr. Ward put„his arms around Sha der and kissed him; Mr. Ward nev er spoke while in the room; 'Mrs. Ward said, "Mr. Shader do you think Henry intended to shoot yow?" Sha der said, "I didn't think he was go ing to shoot me;" Mr. Ward left the room but came back and kissed She der and then left the room; that an , swer watt, all witness head. John R. Fanshawe was the thir teenth witness called on behalf of the Commonwealth. • To Mr, Carnochan: Resides at Li ma-N. is the brother-in-law , of Wesley Shader; arrived at Towanda one - o'clock Saturday morning; had an interview with the prisoner after breakfast about nine- o'clock that morning; -witness asked Ward to give him some explanation of the way in which the shooting occurred; Ward said. Shader came there on the Wed nesday morning reviotui; they pass ed the day together; in the fo.enoon they had a bottle of champagne; they didn't drink it as it didn't turn out as they. expected; he haditivited Mr. Shader to take a ride with him to his place at Greenwood; Ward said he went - np stairs and got the pistol ,for the pruppse of taking it with him to Greenwood; Ward said the pigletl was in his hand' when it went o but God only knew how it went off for ha did not; witness understood Ward toisay he went for the pistol after dinner; witness asked' Ward how he came b y the marks on his face, his forehea d was bruised and he - had a mark, on hi nose; Ward said be got them in a friendly scuffle with Shader; witness said he thoUght it strange, he had known Shader fdr twelve years and never knew -hinr to have any friendly or unfriendly scuf fles with anybody; as witness was leaing the room Mr. Ward crane up 1 --and put his hand on witness' should er;:.Ward asked witness if he would not use his influence with Shader to get, him to say that When the pistol was fired Shader had hold of - his hand, such an _admission would be greatly in Ward's favor; hadn't seen Shader at this time; saw him first this same morning about half past ten o'clock; had a conversation with him that morning as to the oc currence; Mrs. Fanshawe was prea: ent; is other ; . 'ink is a sister of t . - 'hionsediMin. Irsams Ott to 8 1. 4 05 . 1.Y0t0r.. —LIO II liat. hopie ~.: •• 1 , . s Ariloilo f f _ re p .... r Oe_lle - plp* H ieirt autz l ' : rifillift . ' t in flie aid; - . - ,*utt• - iiii 4 thbi time as he was two or dii afterirezds; quite an effort forum to talk; Mrs. Fanshs.we •is at the hotel taszotiirolikagstlera....thinnfia- I noon: - ' : •- - - 1 . • A-dissuasion suasion -here Wail in refer ence 6) the admissibility of Oral state- - meats made by the deceased, as di ! ing deobirations, tha *ntad *O r . I,* defence objecting, n the mum& thirthe annular declaration in .writing and sworn to it before a magistrate, - mul oin t& latter was ,the beat evidence; ing to be a full statement ° all that oxnred. - Witness Fanshawe to the Cont .: These inquiries made by ,Mr. Fan shawe were made. about 1341-past tcin in'the morning; there was no one-in the room but Mr. and Mrs Fanshawe and the sick.man; Doctor Ladd was there about noon of that same day; did not hear him'tell Shade, that there was no hope of his recovery. As to the admissibility of oral dec-t larationa as dying statements, when thqe were written declarations of the sa.nds purport, the Court decided to hear testimony as to the condition of Shader when these oral -declara tions were uttered and from tlds'to determine the admissibility of e declarations themselves. With tis end in view the examination ;of t nese Fanshawe was continuecton the part of the commonwealth' by Mr Carnochan. To Mr. Carnoehan: When Shader answered Mrs. Feast: kaw's question, it was - very difficult kir him to speak; the longer Shader talked thb vmiker he got, and towards the last! lie Said he would hai , "elo stop; don't think Sluider's mind was any more depress ed‘then than generally ,through his sickness from that time on; shouldn't judge hi Was in very good spirits; witness hadn't seen Shader before this time. To Mr. Peck: Mr. Shader made this statement about half-past ten Saturday morning; at the end of this same conversation he stated he thought he would not recover; wit ness did not make similar statement to Shader; was in his room about 'half an hour; it wag - hardvork for bird to talk, and it -took sothe time for him to talk; didn't say a word about business; no allusion was made to condition in which Shader left his own personal affairs; at time Shader was shot he was geneial agent for the Mutual Life Insurance Company; arrived. in Towanda that Saturday morning about one o'clock; went di rectly to Mr. Ward's house; remain ed there with wife until Mr. Shader died; Shader's mother and Mrs. Fan shawe went immediately into Sha der's room; had buithess with Mr.. Ward before he saw - hiti brother-in law; interview with Mr. Ward /was not over ten or fifteen minutes; 'Mrs. Faxishawe may atave been in Shader's room when witness went in; witness don't know that the nurse was ex cluded from the interview; Mr. Sha der was every athletic, robust man, one in full health at the time of the accident; never had any accident to hnowledge of o witness to weaken his power of recovery; can't' say that Shader was cheerful; sometimes " : he was more cheerful than he was at other times; don't reccollect of hear ing Shader indulge in expressions of hope; couldn't smear postively one way or the other as to it; have no reccollection of such expressions; the dying declaration was not alluded to at that conversation; was not aware of ti.e fact that a dying declaration -to be admissible must be made in a unconsciousness of impending disso lution;- don't know when I learned the fact; never have been connected with a homicide case before; about noon spoke to Shader about a state-' went; requested the presence of Dr. Ladd; told the doctor the dying statement ought to be taken, and spoke!. to Mr. Ward about it; did not request Dr, Ladd to say to Shader that his younds were mortal; didn't give Dr. - Ladd any directions at all; didn't send for pr. Ladd at all; saw him at the' honoe; consulted with Dr. Ladd shell' . it, and we concluded it was quite proper to hear the state ment made; didn't instruct Dr. Ladd '_to give Shader his view of the case; didn't request Dr. Ladd to see Mr. Shader; when in the Library Dr. Ladd remarked generally that he would go in and inform Mr. Shader of his condition; Dr. Ladd has.clear ly stated to witness his oppinion of Mr, Shader's. condition; Dr. Ladd went in to. see Mr. Shader atone; Mr. Overton, Dr. Ladd, Squire Tidd, Mr. Bogart, Mr. Montanyeand one of the Mr. Dewitt's think were in the libra ry; this was about two o'clock its v t before they took the deposition; Dr. Ladd said ho would inform him 'of: his condition; about noon witness and Pr. Ladd agreed as to the 'pro priety of the deposition; agreed that deposition should be taken; at' two o'clock; don't recollect that airtything was said about Dr. Ladd's %forming him of his condition; Dr. Ladd en gaged to meet witnes at two o'clock; couldn't say why Dr. Ladd was to be present; suppose - he thought it necessary to be present; didn't recol lect that any one suggested that' Dr. Ladd should be present; the matter of informing Shader of his condition, and its necessity was not discussed at the interview; nor at two o'clock in witness' preaence; he has no rec ollection of it; was present when the deposition was taken; Mr.' Ward was not present; thinks they were in the room about an hour; during this time Squire Tidd *as endeavoring to take the eeposition; did not assist Mr. Shader in prompting or repeating during the declaration; think deposi tion was read to Mr. Shader who' signed his own name to it; witness -don't recollect that Shader, was cheer ful on Sunday or hopeful; didn't see any, whom he supposed to be Shader's nurses until about Santrday noon; at or about- the time of taking this dep osition could'nt say who was Shader's nurse, nor who sat up with him Fri day night; don't know who waited upon him Saturday evening or Sun day evening; had no other 'business there than to attend 'to Shader; hadn't then the slightest idea. of be ing a witness here; Mrs. Fanshawe was with Shadei a great deal; should say ; that-Mrs. C. L Ward was not. Court adjourned to . nine o'clock Frellarmorning. andisised Next Week. -WARMS .TO `RTOT.—Thri3e vein able farm to lease fro stoney rent. hear To 'nal% Beraudt4 tram APT a next. Mouths of Garerrnt t. Perms. at their alike on firidge4d.. Towanda. Pa. " " rawrls."ll-It. .k. MYER '4/IE, SELL- . vAßitirritS, bring your produce F and sell to MA Jan. 12, 1871. El==3o E -,L, !yr . - 7,-;.„ey IS ei _,-; • - c IMIN z :I, m Pil ra m A al rz. 0 E HARD W . 4,ti RE ! IRON & NAILS, MAIN STREET. Agent for the celebrated Heating ILLIIItINATOR Call and wait with a fire it. A fine line of cooking Stoves, among are the AIR LINE, - PAY -MASTER, NORWOOD, PRAWN HOME, SENSATION, . &c.., tte. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Carefully packed, same price as mi.: mon Sash. Oils, Putty, Paint & Varnishes. = I'MVA:4 1 01;110: 10:1444 Ii Locke, Latches, jititts, Screws, &c. Horse Shoes and Toe Corks. PURE MANILLA HAY • ROPE, Cheaper than ay House in the State We yip' sell you anything in .the ' - Hardirire line 10' per cent cheaper foroaah than any Howse in -Bradford county. Towuda, 1, 1871. "r• Law rolzac3ms FIRST - CLASS GOODS 41 , 1, V, Z 0 g ' .14 , &4 g 1 - 401712\T IS MI Stove, -X D. BALDWIN 1.1 s., • , ISEI 101 , IS THE RULE AT MCINT.A.NYES: STOCK NOW COMPLETE IN ALL WWI Or ~ I S~ i DR - 7 C+bO3DS LADIES - AND GENTS 'Furnishing, 43t- o o ci f s FLOOR OIL CLOTHS CARPETS BOUTS AND SiOESI •-• TIII7I,TICS I TRAVELati*iti BAGS HATS AND CAPS ! ITIL .13 B.• Ell-11 iLi;lmxiuh;tlr &.m) GLAS3MABE CHOIC.Z Family GEroceries: 105 MAIN STREET, DOMIR 0111TMB PUBLIC SQUARE. TOWANDA, PL Ailed 30, 1871 COWING, RIISSIILL',& CO., Mt attention to their Wadiof lacliitlea• for farabiluag all . - • '• BUILDING MATERIALS! : SASti 11, GLASS, BLINDS, P . 4.3:N7 1 5, OIMJ s, _ Always at the lowest rAtei HEATING & COOKING STOVES, GA.S FIXTURES, HOUSES PIPED. UPON SHORT I .NOTHOE • - - flO PUT- WITH T,INXIt' SLATE MADE AND-PUT UP EVE ISVIC • C NI 1T rir ALWAYS ON HAND INIVES c ri‘c3Fr.rKs FOR SALE AT 75 CTS. PER=SET Clothes Wringer PLATED WARE, . , IRON - STEEL; POWDEIii, 1 • I Gem Fruit Jars =I August 1, 1811 SUSQU'FIANNN:V 1. ~ ` rs:STITEJTE. - •TOWANDA. 1111.A.DPOIIP COUNTY, PA. Thia i4titutiOn will commence its Seventeenth Tear no-con:sea of stndy are English. Norma', Com mercial, Academic. Scientine and Classical, in all of which the instruction is systccnat•.c and thorough.. The Principals will be assisteli in the various departments by a large amt. very escell.nt corps of instructors—three graduates, experienced tt , achers haying been recently engaged—and no - effort - will be spared to make the le.Adute. in4comfort, cl:cipttne and general eillaency, second to no othes . struilar Institution. - • The Metrical Department will be under the charge , . of Professor IL.Fr. Johanneasol. In addition' to the exteniiivcr - icaproyemeuts dorimt . the past year, new apparatus, maps and eliarts, and most approved patent desks and seats for all thea study and recitation rooms have just teen purl -chased. The Principal or tho Normal Department will organize August T 3„ 'a Ttarchera' Class, ;and by SPECIAL arrr.slioN aid to complete the most thor ough course possible during the time. • . Tuition from $4 to flO. Board and room in the Inatitnte $4. If desirable, students may . . obtain. rootns in town and board :theniselveS. ' Early appli cation for board and rooms at the Instititte should be made, as the rooms are being rapidly engaged. . . .For 'further particulars% or . cetalogue, apply'jo G. W. Ryan and E. E. Quinlan, Principals. Tow - hada. Pa. „. 31ILLER .FOX. ans.9'7l President Board Trustees. BERDSELL COMBINED V , This machine Threibes; Separates, -Units. arill Cleans Clover Seed at one operation; Cape-fay rang ing from 20 to Z 0 bushels per day, according to yield of so'd. After the clover is fed into the Threshing Cylinder. the need- contained therein is deposited . into a bag or measure at the side of the machine. An elevatorconveys the nnioilled chaff back to the Huller Horner, and an extra elevetor conveys the light seed, Se., back to the Fanning Mill. TWO THOUSAND NOW I USE thronghOnt the= United States and AWARDED FIRST PIIF.,3IIIrSI at, 75 State Fairs since; 1856. Send " CLovim latar " and Colored Engraving, which give complete dacription. Brniena. ni7rFAcruitrso co. ! Sure, . Harrisburg, Pa: Home racial*, Smith Bend, Indhum.* An Agent wanted follradford Co. tang,3?-71-3m T OWANDA STEAM Respectfully intann, tho .public that having rebuilt' on the site of the old mill, with all modern improvt:- remits, they are now prepared to do TOWAM)A, -PA., I= SIJCIV AS ' . lp9ons. ALL *KINDS OF 'RINGF-8 AM) FLTUNA.C, GAS GLOBES, kg CONDUCTORS AND EAVE TROtiGILS THE I EVER SOLD IV TSE coo.= Used - July Ith by the Odd Fellows. Ismss SETTLES LEATHfI BELTLNG , BY THE CASE Olt POZEN MONDAY. AUGUST 28. lis7l This institution is now in thorough repair Clover Thresher AND SEPAILITOII NO IMILANDLECG OF CILAFF On TAILLNGS.- FLOURING. MILLS ! FULLER k TCUSIy GRINDING In the best pons: manner and on the shortest notice. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction. Farmerif doing business in 'town can bring their grain auil,tiave it ground the same day'to take tack. , . ELOtit, BUCKWHEAT 'FLOUR, yEr.p.Ai mt.A.T.; By the car Toad or in - quantit.ies to mitt purchasers. . . . , GROUND sa• AT ;(1 TON An Lints or graiti tat:ea h exchange for Planter Cash paid for !ill kirdl of zrain G. F. :11S,'SON. NF. n. FULLER Tau - and:42;01111. IGI. Fr 0 BITUMINOUS COAL MINERS OFERATOI4O-2lio Sarthana Coal and Lumber Company will receive , propoishi until Pecs Ist, 1071, at their °Mee, for the alining and delirer ing of their coal in the ertintes at their mines near- Renosn. - Pa., or for mining of tho coal at a royalty. . The capacity of the present openings, •plane and tants* is from 500 to 700 tons per day. ' i F - Thoso wiabing to view the premises please call on Wltllam D . Yolla d , Superintendant, at Reties-a, who will show them the' mntel: ke. For terms address, JAMES BIIADNER: TCCAS.. NO. iU Walnut street, Philadelphia. CM WOMB* APPLVS . —New. York State ippleg tr# tt., barn•' or bushel. nov . 9 ' at FOX # 3IERCUR'S. SWARM - WHITE'DRIPS at • • • • FOX 5114ICUIVS, _ - ntn'J MiuMmu=.lk .„„ rr ND A 141 A R .wBOLZHAI;SP4IO2. Corrected ; Mar weoneieuty, by C. -B. PATCH subject to thanes daily, • Wheat. bush Eye, 1 11 broth Driekirbe . ak . 11 blab.._.. OW" • WS. 6r01 1 4 Beans. sk vu...• • • .... Bata vopo N 1s do (osui,) II 2i new.. dos OtionE Web Moor,' barrel a004)10 01 00 s. l O bash • !al Warmers or Mum—Whoa 60 1b..; Corn 56 lbe. Ere 51$ Oetsiti.; Barley 46 lbi.; trackwhest 42 lbs.: Beene 62 We. ;•15ren 20 lbs.: Carer Seed go: lbs. ; Tbnotity Seed 44 lbs. ; Dried Peaches 23 Ihr, • Dried 'Apples 22 Ibis: Flax Sed 50 1b... RICEL.IBI.-CASCADEMILLS. • • .•• 4 . il , best 'Winter ilheat, pt. sack ' ' 12 (x, * 0 . 0 0 hundred lbs • i ( . 1 - _ , .). .. f d b arre l - 8 N asiom grinding Milani done it_ once, as a t , ~„'I yo f the mat is mxtEcient for a largo amonnt 0 ork.. •, . ' H. B. INGIIA3I. • Camptown, Jai* 23, 1879. ' - CENTRAL COA L YARD, B. M. ME4t;e3, Pr?pKidur • UnW forttior neitlee prices, at yard are, per or t L of 2000 pound' aazezaczza mu" Ea. or No. 2 - Stove. or Noa. 3 said 4 Nat, or No. 5 I SI "1 • Large Stove i i 09 Small Stove: ......; . .. ; ... ...... t 4) .151:11 3 3 75 .The.following additional Charges will be made to. delivering coal within the borough lirmter Per . ton - 50 eta.- Extra for carrying In 6p ct . net ton " " ." • Qtysirter t0n...24 " " , t om Leave Orders at my Coal .\o, 3. 3':r mars New 'Block. south aide. ler Orders mania in all cinvile accorr.paw,4 he cash. Tossantla...4ng. TOWAIiDA COAL YARD ANTHRACITE AND DITMIIN:OCS.COAL, The tnlersigned, having leased the Coal Yetd on Dock at the old Barclay Basin." and just c , obrdLn.d a Large Coal-house and Oiffce upon the prerrasso ar now prepared to II krnish the citizens of Towanda an vicinity with the diBerentkinde and sizes of thv named coals upon the moat reasonable tenns is any quantity desired. Prices at the Yard atdd ortl.(r notice per net ton of 24)00 pounds:. COA L, Egg, or No. 2 Stove, or 3Zott;_.2 and Nut or No. 5. • t• — L'Ll..l t0.! , 1. 24 - f 111 U Cll Y. t:,)&1—. Broken Large Stove.._ Small Stove::: at •tiarcLay" L. ita of Mines orldsclisaandi cite.. additional charges will be to . ,:de rut within the boroegh hngtg nts. Extra fur carryinc in, 50 coat, Sullivan - An The followi e delivering C Per Ton —5O c Halt T0n..35 Qr-T0n.:.25 Asir Orders I road and • Elii; Drug Store. 101 1 1.. Orders the cash. Towanda, Junl Th'e_o ; safest Life ] pany States [. a, be left at the Yard. corner of Ra:l - Street.. or at Portr S tabu', umt in Mil eases be mcconipare,pd m;tl, NAIID lICYNTLYiL. 8. Viil—ts dest, largest, and purely Mutual I nsurance Corn :in the United E ,- MUTUAL Life Insurance Co. NEW TORK KIN ' GSBURY, Agent. OE -ALSO ney . in - fact for M. tlement of her in .a-rising out of the of the late C.L. Atto IBM the se terest Estat WARD, OFFICE Car. OTT/I/hyDA, PA 1...,11 -- = ~=-....., = .• 4 :4 - = - • 121 LION. Whereas, Inv 'Wife FE, haq left my bed and crithott r proumation, all peiisons are -1,1 . 04 ortn4.dr tral-ting her op tILT .0 debts of her eontri.etiO;; after UI LOTI just cause forbid Ear I will ray date. a., Sept. 25, 1871.. - pE.--Havit , been appointed of the (state of I.lentett ton Bradford Zounty, her last will and testan,ent: 1 orbid a 1 persons from pureaaiir.: aa! u the premises, from I.aiAlt the same . Uilliont: my nal r prosecution. W3I. S. J.kl - N.E. S. Lenny. TUT! Tru late of Ca. eesqed, try warn and P" 'PertSS ruuovltg penalty DR TERGEN • POWDER, 1%14 & COS;-'I.:O:WANDA IRE d . .EANS r;P , ZYTH IN EiZEE be convinced COAL FIRM NEIN' `anal Str,: , a, fr.3ntiog I EMI TOWANDA. P , oeivim; dired from the miucs EMI !STUN, PaMOTH,. 4-4-I.LIVAN IX In rn E COAL, which we prot6s.:, t‘i s , :: at TIER-CI l i fket piice. \ owest in ally irevitelhoso wishing to puroLlp amine otir Coal. We me call and, e l We al y. keep Lime, fresh from the kiln deliver Coal . or Lime whenever deAio ~ tiee, adding only the cusstonlarY 10",'" We will on bort sen2Ck'T _moo. EY - . SAVED,. , nr PURCILLSIStiNOUR 'ES. AND HARDWARE. "l'(- I SEE= Orwell I IC SALE .01' A GOO .—The undersigned will etTer. , at rub:. sti sxruitrux.- No‘TMITI: . a. nn., On ' the PrOCO , O 4 , - Jesse Smith. deceased, Kraal... Lii . AVY ,, ' tarna contains 51 acre.s; 'all ing.r..v‘ 1 t 3 acres. Good fences and well vo.4tcr ,, dwelling Ronne.' large barn. gra.llo7 pildings. Two orchards of .at !.‘ acre grape I .. apply t 0 .111.RON' S:11111.1. a. Qct. 20. 1871.—te pu A-, 10 v'eloc owniJ b twp. • cept abo One ivokt other on , Lees, ah terns, & Towun • • 1 1 SALE:-1 House and Lot o . litrect, opposite John 13cidloc..m s and convenient to the Iron Worts. T o ew.eOntains sroom anda brick ',L.:4 rant I other necessary convencies on the pro ly to WM., HENRY., at the Bralfor id,ge Street. Tbwanda. Pa.. an , ,, , •2'71. 11 1:4 1 01 I Rai I rt. stlertc h9nAt , is , a well .n iqea. Uotel, XA. INSVMANCt AGEYC , TROY. • IFY. ant ACCIpENTINSMINNCE .Int-. I ass 'compaufe. Al' I=l Sam-tying a clu3, Twenty - Feven ypirs mad promptly attended to. I 1.4 y •• If. C.tsr __IL AT WYALUSING! CAS FIRE, in first.t. Coney* Ortlt nt b Co dersi,. , rued have on hand. opd ititevi pply of Sullivan AnthrF:t.. lia^•_'.as , hracite Coal of the vario:t4 Iktz...e. • • ' G. 11. WELLES Thaw keep. a bard An EMI E CIDEit . Fox s ?ita:herai, FM 0 $1 Cr 1 •• • I to •• • 22 riy . 4 ZI &A" 2E PE $5 054 $5 G i l 4593 R. M. WELLr lIM 4 10 4 .. 4 r • 0 . 4 (0 .7 ERB 12E1 For. 'sale .t L.. S. C.ri;l; t Co W. L. I'I_NPLETVN
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