El it Now KiniiirA .. . l i cese i r. • It is the geneitd opinion,we believe, that the announeementr`4o ow first psrefilk when they weier turned Out of therpurcienfif Eden, that in the sweat. 4:14 their brow should they eat "1 their biead, was a curse pronounced '-' •upon them. Wo aile , not much in theology, and do not - intend to .--run the risk- of A contioversy with all OrtiiodoadOm, - by Assertutglthat it was really a blessing, or by'gifing a more: favorable interpretation than the generally received one, of the-as sertion that the ground was caused, i'r,r theirs v. - i Sweat e: good fertilizer, and a very chea ono, es'peciaq when the 1 1 . -let' theirammaer stands at niaty. ;Brains are equally as good when properly applied. But the two when mixed in proper proportions, make in ad mirable compound for all kinds of crops on every vanety of soil, that may be applied in 4asoniind out of , - season. The trouble has been that the ingredients have notbeim 'mixed in the right proportion. "'Some have r.iised a great deal of sweat with very little brains, and have become ither ,. °uglily disgusted with the application., ,Others h'ave put in the brams in tin : due propor,tions, which makes' it al together too concentrated and ethe - real, like many of our artificial fertil= irers, which burn the seed and have no enduring effect. These latter - are . splendid farmers-,-on. 'paper, but nstially find, their balance sheet at the end of the year', against them.' The ingredients should be ifused, not a. in the chemist's—hiborato4, but in the field, between the 3houra" f sun ri:f.e and sunset. ', -Thus tr' ed,- the compoUnd may bei applied all kinds of .crops, in erg., possible way. It may be, plowed in deep or shallow, iaixed ivith the 'soil; or, applied on the siirface, dropped with the seed, cr scattered around the growing' 1,1,2:A4 - but it must in 'sa eases be thoroughly "rubbed in.',' How to_ Ooti . k Veggtablea is one. ; - important objection often been made, • through -ignorance of the first rule in, cooling 6getalsles. It -is observed _that a vieal from theni is not 'satisfying. I \ Lave found.. it freqUentlY happen that \tiic.persOn. who. thVts objected did not . now even how to j boil a vegetable. Tile rule is simple,'-but must never be -forgotten. :Every kind] of vegetable .i;l.l.oadcd to be served *holt should,. put . to boil, be placed at once iLr‘bbi,ling water; and this applies es ooially to potatoes and vegetables f- oni 'which the .outer cover has been ret , toy i ed. Now, it-ofte,ii happens that &c„ are, to save time, in cold water 'and-left to boil just this •which al the nutritious nitAter to ,escape, imd renders the - l ineal unsatisfying. riten, on the 'contrary, the 'water ' boils from them:in:lent the vegetable is immersed in ;it, the albumen is par tiaiiv near the surface, ' and serves to retain the Virtue of the \-6 - getable, The reverse is, of course, the rule for Making soup, or atirtlisli ; • ,which .the 'water' Will not be trarnctl. .8 . 7; placing' UM. vegetables cold water the 'albumen is slthvly 1.:-:ts(..11‘. - ed,. and actually . mixes • with . the Iv- - ter—ayroceSs most necessary :,,t- 1_1n:011a - ion Of nutritious soup. . ;t t,) be hei)ed"that the poor, .who special nectl.fOr the most their prOdlli.:e k will . learn, - im liaSte they may pe, not , to' the allnimen from their pota , • toc- , , reserving need only the Jetifital. ROCIING AND DnNG.— Ile 'Rural . IV,'}(7 lamer has the fol :3wing: c;hielceus are .very often iu 'the 'Poultry- yard drooping 1,13...1 moping about, _and finally die :iefore, any 'attention is paid them; ; ucl th - breeder4 are In.ofnse in their •-'- . --iuririe.fas to what kill their fowls. i.:)ne•reitspu is that the chickens. are c.i.ther too highly fedforecome lousy. 1 .11 theAriner ease the food should chopped eggs, bread. and meat . craps from the table chopped fine; .t e ti.:l let them have. plenty of fresh ••. mold aml road sand' or. graiel. latter vase,.put some worm-wood . their water and 'grease the head ~ • 'll,4ouglily with lard .or. fresh • butter. our youthful days the first thing e did after -the. chicken was out of sheli'vas .to4,eaturiate its head will with, fresh butter: .'This preean-i, ion, in pal. opinion, • haS.Saved many ,• ' • I ' . BE . IiEFITS OF SHADE.---In plank fruit r trees, aim 'to hai-e ,them . Se the.tibt, dry ; sun will' not have f;1 1 .:1•4F4' Thcf, on the ! ground about the 3lauY who have trqes, in .gar -1154: platt . I. i ispberries . under them: Til*: partial shade. is-:gdod for the and' seems to help the ice .I . 3laeleberries would to doubt in the , same - 'situation; apil ?.e. finest strawberry bed we bay° is th 0 northern side' of a rovi, of- ap-: IN 1.: trees, -byl which it is protected tAll the ys of the noon-day -sun. 1 - 'le.g..)9E-eberry and currant also do .shade; , and, indeed,- our soil be lig . bt. they , :luret. be grown.advantageously more or 'lots pr4t.ection firoru 4 ;.t. 4.4r4.14 • L/M.k c4re.vondent tic 'C', , ltiitry-Gentle;ilah, says that'.''thel princilial point in the successftil. ctrl - turn of the limn bean is to get the tek,;.l well started.! . The hest way of - doing this, is' to liittt in a till of --14 ht earth,. made 'Offing the oil, if it . can 1 . )611ila in no other way shovel fa. of - totted. manure :.:01 . 11a, go into, each hill. mires tud - and:,naneN. and after placing ach sect" with the germ downward in 140 sifts the covering over it - thlough a willoW - sieVe. , - - . Corn- plant;. 41g • time is about tho-rrighir time ! _to pl'ant. lima 12c - -anal . ' The after -cUltpra ii-onth: the st..nic - L4 - rot' . the common bean. 1 , . . . 31c , .-srNo 131;cu:r3.--Oni3 = - quart ,of t.)nr, half a teaspoonful of fsalt, two 'll:2Tipoenfuis Of yeast, and one pin song Milk;' with half a teaspoonful ; ~ oda dissolvedl in it. Work this :nto a dough; then nib into the dough lalf a cup of butter. Knead wells tt off shall, bits.; 'shape them into - • i -cintQ • lav them in the bake , pant • ~.v.2r closely with a bread:cloth, and ....t them stand , over night, in a warra - ;,lace fn winter and ,a cool place in • Imuner. Bake in the I:aorta:lg for . .Ircakfapt. anion. . 111 ii.):..r.E. , r-o.nonrr of the German -1[ 7 - ••:Pfirrph gays that fresh, water -rith lump of 13rimiftone kept r:ert,•lia preventive ar,, , aina! • • „op:. •grfoit3 time tea, • =I, • •• , •0 mye, to thst Usise.l • .1 LL Incathw• ROSENFEELD, & WOLFF. We VIO undandgetd would teipectropy Inform the anima of Towanda and vicinity. we do hereby melahn that our snick of .SPRING. GO-ODS, ' 0 Ctinvistlig arcritblng in the Ltrte of 6ir la- rr A.IM GENTS FIIRMSHING, Both u .1 nariza, cmaccunsu. DOMDECR. AND , .ON.E R-C 0A T SI, Ozd All of tho Wort Rile of . COATS, • PANTS, AND .. VESTS, And an otthe Latest Styles of HATS, CADS, &C.; .&0., Which will be sold at.suth redacted Flees that it astonish the ocerniurdt7.__ ' Game to the store of BOSS k WOLFF and examine our goods and prices before purchasing, and satisfy yourselves. We guatentee all .to give entire satisfaction. We aro thankful to our numer ous customers and friends for their past liberalpat ronage and solicits continuance of the same. ~ROSENFEELD & - WOL4T • 115 111•13 STREET. grOWARD.A. Ps. feb.1,71 c (Matto Fox k literetu"a). 410 , THOSE GETTING THEIR CLOTHING GLADE TO ORDER. Ton ettoitla daditito *Logi. Pilot. to cirr imdiz WHERE rmarcusti-cuxinaM IS MADE 0 - 14111218 Tarr 4 SOLD CRIZIP Seasidly, .ji . i And in order to be ibis to sells good article citcap tho merchant must understand Lis business, and know how, urticro and *bat to buy as a practical man does ;, and a • - . _ PRACTICAL TAJLOR In Stile brandies I profess to bO. havingliad EIGHTEEN 'MBE EERSENCE \ i U. the tmsteess. Efate been a cutter Itriotne of the N best houses in . . : . . . .. • ' NEW : YORE CITY. \ _ . , , - \ I , l i do my own.bnying, i selling and cutting, awd divide my profits with no man—so tat lens of it will 40-4na with low rent and other expenses in pro portion, thus making the- cost of_earrying on. they business very amid. rip reading the above you will leo why it Is that I CAN §OILT i 0-00DS CHEAPER Than men following tho btudne t ts, .a. having no .knowledge of it themselves, have employ others at largetaalaries to attend to it, and customers muss pay aceordingly—as they, lite rayielf, • D ] ia BUSINESS . TO. LIVE BY. .IT,•: 1 y you doubt the above alatement, be conrineed b; - c. ung on 0 ttEIi . SY nmuus / 1 • I ~..-. 1 ' l r Nero/lard Tailor. MA'S; St.. Tolima; . IN Pa. I l 'Attg.lo,'7o . !vial:wry. NEW IEMLINERT GOODS, MRS. J. D. BILL . 1 .IB now offoring a lugs rock of iirLLINELY:GO 0 FANCY GOODS, Consisting of the latest importell styles kiIIENETS, HATS, RIBBONS, &c. 'Km GLOVES, -TIMEAT) AND- CaMPUILE LAM,. COll SET '3, Urn" AND 650 Am % HANDKERCHIEF. JEWELRY, - OT sif the latest 'styles. 4 • ALSO- A LIEGE STOCK OF 11 Store Drat door eastkof. the Red, White an Store, Bridge Street. 'Towanda, April 28,1871. MISS E. I J. KIN,GSLE'f, Wishes to inform the ladies of Towanda and that she keeps constantly on hand a largo Goias. suitable to the season. Thanking rons for their liberal patronage _heretofore. sures them,that no riser lonawill be . • • sure a continuance of the inane. .She &ha) selection of HAM! AND FANOY GOO Buch an Kid Gloves, LO.en Collars, CV's, 11andkerchWs. Real Laces, Corsets, &C. & I have o reop . ened, in connection with my_ DEM KAROO ostaldialunent, and I prepared to do CtlTTllit and FITTIN in the latest fashionable styles on short.nor. l Entrance next door to Fox & Mercur'S. April 4:"."V • ' ' svrtaiNur-‘ C It: - 0 C K E It Y A full line an 3 csteuelvo assortioacut now VICKaAlit & BL A GLASSWARE AND CH IC Iu full v ariety, fsp lc, anl and SILVER PLATED W BOG BS &' BA? EVERY PIECE WAIMAN'TEIN CALL A. it-ovEn. TABLE CIITLEt - i A,lttll hie. CHAMBER [ff.E7, In White or Decorated patterns. BABY WAGONS FROM $3l Agent 4 for gINGER,SEWING MACHINE. ~_ m:-.i'~n SQvG.A.It OF ALL KINDS RETAIL _ Lug at wholesale prices at TOI k A A. MP PIIRE CIDER Nlrcigp DTARTPSI FOR, 101., PIA Y f:l)*A wasom74 tiA 1;4 al ;TA SCHOOL BOOKS PENS, hi, Music, STATIONEY AND ill=l BLANK BOOKS YANKEE NOTIONS. TBB Sewing Wahine, which has been MI 'R. 1 Amp Bye ctntty pl7of Pat . 0 PA- W en s fine e above noW =I LT Ell OE CB. ARE 121 LOOK El i Books ad litatiobisii. Towanda, Nov. 19.1868. WacoDine= • " DOMESTIC" LOCK STICH SE WING MACHINE, - THE " DOMESTIC " is a Shuttle • used ' for the last five years in the West, and is now introdneectfor the first time in this seetiom It - mw3, faster than most, easier and more - cinietlY than any, doing the lightest as well .as the heaviest work done on any Soiing Machine. ALL AIU INvrrED TO \FALL AND SEE IT -Machines `- - $65. Half Case' - $7O. All Machines have Blake's Paten Table. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. Act iron, `BLASE /c CO., Scranton, Pa. lepr - sale by TAYLOR k GORE. \ Towanda, P. • A. A. MKT& Athe us, Pa. ACKLEY, LLOYD & BLOKE% M 717, 1870.11 - WyAnsing. CET TRAI, MARKET.. The inthscrfbers still continue to keep constantly _ on hand a foil and cOmplete assortment of every thing pertaining to their business. consisting main )y of 131010, PORK ,FRESH AND SALT !SUGAR GYBED RAM( I • 4 -LAND, 31IITTON, VEAL, '„ POULTIW,_ SAUSAGE... S „ LARD, :VA BOLOO, DRIED ,lIEEY, TALLOW, k.c..„Ac. Also, -r• • - IFRE;SH FROM THE T.AIZ .S. OYSTERS RECEIVED . DAILY • In their season. Parties wishing Oysters to large or sinall`ntiantl. tied will be furnished on abort nOti6e, it the old stand, CLN-ra.sz. Nasser, Montanye's pat door north of Dr. Porters. 0311.saary, 1 KELLUM 42aULLocr... \ • nub. MIILLOCE. • Feb. 24, 1870-tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF TONViIqDA. $125,000. 40,000. CAPITAL . SunpLus . FUND. This tea oilers ITIcTISUAL FACILITUS for the transaction of • GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. INTERIME AD 011 DEPOSITS ACCOEDEiG •TO AGBS&9t Nr. T SPECIAL,CI4T. GTV22I TO TIM :LCIOA or &Pru Lico Cnaczi. • Parties wialtini, to MOW Moicsr to any part of the United States, England, Ireland, Scotland, or the prin cipal cities and towns of Europe, can bore procure drafts for that purpose. PASSAGE' - TICKETS - • To or from the old country, by boat stoamor or sail log lines, always on band. - • FANCLATSIMOTGUT OT AT ItEDT/CCO SAT a: Highest rsi c a,paidfoi• MS 80144. Gold and silver J.:PC-WELL. President Towspds,..lune24, 18 GSI pERSONS IN SEARCH OF =.4 0 L D A Y PRESENTS, Must not forgot that t iIILgS,HUGUEN'Ii•I, JEWELLER & SILVERSMITH, Ono door north of , . ,-- MESC:C7I'S P. t At iV - BLOC.N, rowANPA. PA la constantly teething additions to Ids stock of goods suitable forprcscuta, such as LADIES' WATCHES, AIIERICAN WATCHM3 SWISS WATCHES, of all descriptleTtp, 'Also a selected asaortaaeat of GOLD:CHAINS, )INE GOLD "W r. r l all new. I. CLOCKS OF ALL STYLES FROM TEE CLEF. EST TO THE BEM GOLD, SELVES AND STEEL SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASS:Eno St all cues of !sips!red alga NEW LATENT ACCOMODATINO ATZCTAOLES. 'lly this patent I axe enabled to exchange Glasses at any tine withcnat extra axes. Call and lee. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED awn wannarnno ? Towanda, Dec. 8, 1870. " T OWANDA."—This high - bred Stallion waaelred by Ah-wals Chief; grand sire, Eyedyles Hekbletonian;" dam ' Vermont Mick , Hawk; grand. Messenger; IMO white pastern'belaind, black points, dark bay. 15 heap and 3 inches high. 4 years old in July. He is one of the moat remarkable animals the country has pro duced. Hale beautiful, kind, and blood like:action perfect, posaeming mat strength. He is In close proximity to two of the most notable ,stallicre . in thienation: "Hambletonian " and " F f iltan All a .most fest:mate &OWL . 'TEgmg—sloo to lank $ at the of a rrvim • which will-sot be refunded in any event. and $75 when proVen in Pah We have line stabling and pasture, en, reasonable tams. Best possible este taken of Mires. All accidents and escapes at owners risk. Season, March I.2th to November let 1871. Tbwandsidar.ls•7l MIX k MONTAICYZ. : I : 0.1 F: . CO " ZYI wowin.r. inzz. TGli?sl FRUIT JARS, THE best la ass, tasks". sad retail. , ILsCallt k pus A. 0 6A.13-6Vir i a - 7 THE . UNDMIGNECD ! BATING siscamea tioissititnin;* oe ME pigmies et& PAIWZ 00.. Li ben. progim4 lola/ is Us telassi et Breekirdoamtrall*RM. ki o to to th • bop opt aolooled afoot of ensocznills, Vldatti ban parabfeed tae Old'. WI OA waft* that I csa eel/ a 4 as kw arms as eon be pinhead tt O o N tanisits. I now peer to thepablic a spleadhlittock TEAS, OCTFEES, StrGrAIW, mmlr FLOUR, GRAHAM DO. I keep constantly on Mad. POBX. HANS. LAID, aid all ktods of FISH. Would ail the atteatios of as F üblic( to 4:r Dia% De liqvialti a peke. Jima Clakkri Now Tat Ctrinkal and Brown Soap.' Ileum caul our stock of Large assortount of YAM= Nanoss, TOILET SOAPS, &a. ko. I win pay the highest cuII peke for Farmers, all before selling asewbere. . 6. B. PATCH. All perecaue ladobied to the late Aria 'flapless. call aid make !lamellate mated. Tcnranda. 'March. 12. WO:KIRBY AND PROVISION IioCABE & EDWA4DS, , L FAMLLY G QC E itXRCUBB NEW BLOCS. TOWANDA,. PA: • - .of dee= it necessary to enumerate all the diferent we keep. Our sawntingnt is . ALWAYS COMPIFE. FIRST CLASS GOODS cuh paid for Fanners rioduce. JAMES McCADE, WM. EDWARDS. Mar& 1. 1870. PEOPLE'S GROCERY ii t -ND PBOVISION STORE. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which win Do sold at die lowoet possible 'sifts. iC : w , FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, FLO:trit, FEED, KFAL;GRAIN, dra Bring on your Prodiuncirhich wilt pay cash far. N. N. BETTS, ;Li Cash': . A constant ripply of Ashton Salt, all 41244 Churns, Butter Pirkina, Tubs. kn. Please call and look - through our stock, and *swill do onr best to please yon. W. A. ILOCKWELL. Towanda, April 28,1869. L 00 - K HERE! • COWELL & MYER, At the old stand of lhatatruu. k Covret.t, aro now receiving a large and wep•elketed etock,of GROcERTES PILO VISIONS. • Which they offer tocash bnycra at' prices , that defy competition. Caah,pahl for all kinda Farmers' Prodnert April 21, 1869-,-tf. r, • It W Y A`L 13:S 1 ., ,N G. 'laving leaned the Storetnnum and rpa a dues belonging to the Messrs. Welk.e."vrottlii notify the citizens of WyalnaLnit and vicinity that he will tory constantly on hand a full stock of EGO, STOVE, CILIWELTVT, PEA exit BARCLAY. 13M . EWT:TWIMI.MM IN SACKS, BBLS., AND BAGS. PLASTER AND KEROSENE Mash he will be pleased to supply them with at reasonable prima. Sone but th e nsgs etrALITY 11 1 n be offered for sa/e, arena fall In et- Mg entire satlidiacti meeting the wants of th e eammarntr. - A , - . - 'CASH PAID FOR GRANT , On delivery, and for every description of FARMER'S .I ) .RODTIOE, Or taken in exchange foe Coal, Urns, Balt, Fluter. Cement and ;comae Oil. s DIOTT, as tity agent, will always: be it the Warehavas to attends to costosoets. Wyskuttor,, Aug. 10, 1870. B. E. PATOIL n.ll:fi A •:/%01:3,4(#8,.14.11 Halo an band tlarge stoat of 87Z DO.. BUCKWHEAT DO.' swam . or TOBACCO, , WOODEN WARE. COUNTRY PTDU STORE. ' Wholdndo and nctia Dcilers in AND PROVISIONS, We will nothing but I s s • bourn colons namoz AND maim wren= s. A new and eompleae Mont al CODFISH, HEREINcr, PORK, WMON, \ t' /HAMS MODERN STONE WAGE, YANKEE NOTIONS, MIMI f DAIRYMEN, 02 . W : CLAPP '0 0 A "L_.- L I, M E , S A L T_, , C •E, M„ -E N T MEI o o ; g Q 4 • _ 1 ra• Cl 2 t a • • M 11 -0 Q , szt A DIBI!ATCH GUST imam. awarop =vs YOU cir izors OF TOWANDA : AND VNIEMIr : Them !a conataatly Wee receltrod at, the .TEICPTA OF resittorivo a large dock of SPRING. AND SUM= GOODS, which lures been purchased for cash. st rsdaosd prices. and will be sold toesah buyers at lower rake than over before offered In Towanda. My Mock cm. slats Invert-of-- C. R. PATCH. wastir. BOYS' Ain) Tour Era currant°. Ds.Acx. Nowt on) mm aura ram. TINE DRESS COATS. coats, pants. Wats, and White Linen Duck thins. also clargo Tarictl of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, tins, Cale BIIVELIDERS. NEOX Tres. of the lot4t offita and fashions. 'ltememberthe dueementrthat I otter, and that lam not to be un dersold by any dollar in town, ar elsewhere. All who wish anything In my line are respectfully Inuit- ed to give ISO a call before purchaeing and convince younetivea. 1C0.119 Malskat..llsallinnan'a Monk. Toy ands, rs. 'sr Cash pad Or EMU* and Nitta. yti:4N . ITUBE : NEW FIRM 1 NEW GOODS We are now gibrlng at our Whoielt and WWI FURNITURE EMPORIUM, The greatest Izelueemeots to thoseln want of FIRST - .CLASS FURNITURE The attention of the public is especially called to our recent hoar purchasos from the late Great Auc tion Bales of CHAMBER AND PARLOR 177 B.,1•17I T M I We nrollcTir offering WALNUT MARBLE TOP SETS AT $75 90. And . Nlcr, -PARLOR SETS, -At $5O ,00, Together, with our Completo Stock of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, CHAIRS TABLES, STANDS, SPRING- BEDS, MATRESSES, LOOKING-GI4A.SSES: MI And tia feet everything to bo found in-a First•dau CUKAPEIt THAN TILE CIIMPEST PEMEII*II, THAT WE ARE NOW MANI:TAO- L taring. and do offer .goods of Oar own manu facture cheaper than you can buy clty.made goods elsewhere. Limber taken la ekeliange for goods. .•\ We also furnish METALIC BIIItitIACASES, AND COkkiSS Awl vro also bavo Lilo GoOa delivered to the Depot froirpic \ harg e, JAM:M .. I a SONS. Towanda, Jan. 11.18711 M. J. LONG.- GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOOD. VILOW. LICD STONZW4,RE. FLOUIt, - ';,FEETV, coa MAT! ANDI3REDGE I drake to mil the ittiontion the to my pkte. aasorlmcnt idu pt goc•da, be _.. w,hkii gimp =tom. L aud 10,-zoi customers at loiest market r,s. • Mydockc- - TRAS, Use been purchased since the late redaction In the tart/ on them. and are offered at vices to cor respond. • • Orders by man or' otherwise will receive eaten and prompt attention. Thanking the public - for the libels, patronage they have Wow mti, I nigh a cositinnanoe of the mane. CASH i'AID ton COST= iIiODUCZ. hb.3o"fl tu • • ; ' Dill STOVES AND HARDWARE Orwell,' Pa., 0ct.20.10. It. SBOTE.OIIt ME 41 ra . -0 • VI Pr IEI 11144.1Ais risza AND I U=C 0074JAS, IL JACOB& M IIII . I M IP II It0:107 NAM STEM. Ever offered this market. Furniture Store, nosEwooD CASKETS, of every description. BIIIIIIIL lIDILIS., CAPS,. &c..; FINEST' lIE'NRSE In We section of ootanry MEAL, &c:, No. 1 pirrors :BLOOE. TOWANDA, PA. COFFFZE.S, AND - S P - I C E,S, IST rdiatasisd 'ova EM O! I. 1 y)MnT di 7 LC If= SHOP. ALJALL...GEARINGS, onoupAit SAW MILLS, DI N I And an bads di MILL Jars= onza. ENGINES REPAIRED, ` . so us 4 t4l r Amanwark trotraotot to gtto solittootito SHINGLE Itd:eLMINES Otidlest and most bap:trend Mud. f or and kind coontintly on band use. S M IP' b 4 j ti r:1 - CA SIDEMILL. IRON AND WOODEN DEAN* • 01 GU kind& CULTIVATORS, CORN PLOUGHS it in Iframe mad the h sops coastuday as PLOUGH' P:01 N T S • CHURN .POWERS, . . LA.1103311 •A3D IiIXkLL 11112. STOVE. IP-ASTINGt: mazes ompms. SLED AND SLEIGH. SHOES; LAR MR KETTLES . And all kinds olcasUngs fnrsdatted to March 30. - • MEANS A ItOCKWELL. Bmicomc ,ez co." Still continua to manntactore their odelnated HORSP, POWERS & GLEiIiERS and will sell a better enachtee, for. lota money than eau be had elaewhene to the world. We &dm, ;pr oem meridiem that they will do as mach, or more, than aniother, and aro mare durably Wit. We peounnaltr anyendatead inn work and we that it la well down. We send . of • tar machines, on application. ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, one d Aro Hone THRESHER ge‘;RECERA ?ores. THRESHER and CLEAXER.7, % FANNING 311L. L DINCD24Ii AND DRAG LkSF NCELIN, SAW ACID 02IST 7 1111LL wort done SO onli,r Give to a call bcfoio purchasing lowhcro. va - " 00 ausaiavua,(sxmax, "OD V-Clo6rla Ann. 1 1962 NEW LillitLlGE ..FACTORY"! 9n Pine. bctwoon Main and Second. Stre•-•ts, pack of G F. Mason & Co.'s Dank. TOIVA'SDA, llMin( STULEN . At CO., H Itespeetfullp aiwoouco to IL,. trion:liand pstrUni. ti t abate built a i. - MW BRICK CAIILIAGE ricp:na, where they will constantETkezVou baud a fun aesort Inept of _ - 1 FhtArILY I.4IPLIZIAGES, TOP AND OPEN MtTGG7S, PI,ATF - 611M WAGONS, T 110171240 8137...KY5, AND SKELETONS. ' Made of the best material and finished In tle: best city style, • His long experience in city Carriage rectories giVCS them& decided advantage overothers to the - Finish, Style and "Durability or his Wsp e otts. All they mks is tin INSPECTION OF tIM WORK previous to purchasing elsewhere. ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE PthrECT Thankful for the liberal patronage formerly ex tended and respectfully auk a continuative, of the IMMO. REPAIRING . .11:0MITLY ATTENDED TU EMMY STULEN U. S.' CT ARK. • Terran4a. May 24,1570:.—tf • NEW PLA*ING The undersigned havinbmilt a largo and commo dious Mill in the Borough. of Tolima,l4,nm' filled it with the moat modern and improved machinery, for the manufacture of WINDOW-54911 A\l.) Are prepared to flllaerders, whether large or atull. upon the shortest notice. We have also a large vs. !let: of MOULDEiGfi, of the latest style and pattern, which we can furnish ranch cheaper than they canleo worked by hand. ' PLANLIG, . TONGUI:MCG,, , • opoovrso, -- • AND SCLOOL • SAWLNG, Alla all other work pertaining to Jolttery t willbo done to wait our customers.. Persons building. and,not living naoro than tware to fourteen miles distant. will ilnd It largely for their interest to bny of us, or bring their lumber and have it worked by our mrrhincry. Bring your grist of Flooring, or other lumber, and while your team is feeding, have it ground out and take it home with you. , ItTe will pay CAM for PINE AND 'mu:tom Lumutu. ddir, ma at our lumber yank Como. and 540 us, Or if can't come, write. ,T owan a a . Fo x . 19114. L. It, RODGERS k 00. 1 . oo L 4111•413 RY.—THE - PUB lie Is respe.d.fully informed that the Bookalin, Abu has been remove...l to the -Reyorter'-' gulicling, third der what, will betiono • In all its varlets branehes. an terms as reasonable is the times"lrill allow. The Bindery will be under tho cluirre, of An experienced Binder, and all work will be done in a able and :tanner which eannotbe=t Y d.. Mink: 31agazirtes. liewsPaPere.Old nooks, Zre...b.rtind In every variety of able. Particular attention w.. 11 bo paid to the Ituling and Binding of - BLANK -BOOKS, „, To any deelrod pattern, which in quality' and -Aura , bility Witt be warranted. I. All work will be reedy for delivery when promised. The patrauago of the plablig SOliCited, azull per-. feet irathdaction guaranteed. Towanda, August 2, 18C6.-tf. , B ABY AND . Drinco. Room. First bloc north of Ward Tio C A WE,CRACKERS, BARED DAIL Y, I .. 45d:' seld at Wholesale and Retail. • In oar DlllcriG ROOMS we will icoarum o the public with either. a lunch or a good meal at all times of the day and evening. • OISTEEta A*l) ICE CREAM OR RAND. G THEM BELSON. - Also a fine assortment of Groceries; Confectioner y, Fruits. Nuts. . . mayl9lo4l D. W. scow k 100. pracELIST—CASCAIDE VIT,T.S. . Flour, test qualit7, per sack \ $9 12.; ", •• . ' - r• . hundmal 1t0..—. ... , . 41 . 25 , 41 111 .. (I " - b arre l , . Bto Cristord grinding =natty done at once, as the es pacit7 of the mill is millickat. for a lage amount of work. • ', H. Ti.',DiGHAIL Camittaws. JrB7 23.11179. X. J. WIG.. t Illik; BEST KEROSENE OIL IN trans by Ma quantity or retail . FOX:4k TitEIiCRIVS. SUGAB;.IISH, tail. • 0 5 t tlIFEE' e.. ntiolesal l'EA' O and r July 1. ' • CCABE k A LI,KiNDS GB . 4.1i1) Previsions qt. wholesale and retail. at • May ' C. B. PATCH'S.. OOAL TAR, by the Els Mon or Bar r 1. for 'eats by the GAS COMPANY. P-14)11.GH5, , , Eli extAuxm73, SATISFACTIQN. reduced pricus. BOOK-BINDING! C. WELT ' MUM, MAREIHALL:BRMapri 'f[ HARD WARE . 8.21010, ..• • • _ ILERCUB'S NEW •13L004, mum. PA.. Li ens pima to bag an dada at 3Ef.A.RIDWAIe•.E rot 'oda. Wo Immo ou bald and are roaeitlag,a .tlargoratocrof HOUSE 1 1 91BNISEEDIG .GOODS, Dom. ski, BLENDS. GUS S.. PUTTY. 'AND LE ANNA BELTING. Oar Puite. Ofli he.. are of the beet Tubb, and WO Donald rem low. Wo aro also Ufa for the AIiFIRICAFFpTEAM (swami's PATIST). TM oily nibble-Fire Pritcd Sata t mado. , Also.„ ii'A33II3ANKS'S SCALES, - SCHLGHTICOSE POWDER 06., amurs RAW ' BOU SUPREB 'PHOSPHA.TE Our stock of le la 111 k &Vitt =A n j To very large sad, manulbetural oat at _tie bast We are alio prepared to 40.Jobtdog of all Idtitle We are Übe only spots tor Ito octiolostod tow EMPIBI COOKING STOVE, The boot cooklog stow - hi we, and ews7 itele Initiated to give istlotactiou. ltoty.h JO, '7O. T H_E- LARGEST MOST , COMTIAETE Assortment of JEWELRY, 3 :,; WATCHES', CLOCKS PL,ATLD• MYER • \VARE, GOLD RINGS GOLD CHAS, &C, It C., E • I. 1= Ever opened in thIA market, IS, now \on extilbltion ' • 113:111 for sale .t the well-known store of W. A. .011A.M.BERLAiN. 4r. C. haidnet returned from the city, and flat tore himself that his fitnct has been bcnight at bot. tom figures, and that he can offer better Induce silents to purchaser! of first-class goods then any. establiattmerit La Cue connt:y.` TaPORTA.NT TO ALL-WHO A. VALVE TIMM SIGUTt The eight of the age .) assinted.Vie weak strengthen ed-mid the perfect preserved. PfIiLADEL.IIII.I. OpTICIL INSTITUTE, For th manufacturing of LI CONCAVE CONVEX, CRYSTAL L&"iS, LONDON MOS= .41.13 TX TED GLASS YOU Irr-I.s on Ix The Concare ennve..v Crystal Frectaeles, made the abovo institute are now a long time before th • public, abd the rapid and increased demand for then, combine' with the universal acknowledgment i f their clearness in vision and ease to the ye, sho w lit:Ili:4 that they are superior to any ether glassel in the market. -The majority of Spectacles, (mostly imported) an' no matter how fine the frames, contain but a poo • and worthless article of glasses, (generally cast 0 pressed;) they are made to be sold only, withon any calculation respecting benefit to, the eye, an, therefore the great complaint of poor and weak sight. Tboasands are using glasses now and fatigue the eye, where the objects get dim after ahortrulage, or requite an intensely: strong Ugh; and therefore destroying the eight, which,they properly suited, would be preserved aP i ' , The advantages claimed for the Concave Curt Crystal Glasses are the following : • The Lenses are grbund of the best material; pure and bard, and made only for opticaLp es. they are therefbre not liable toga aerate . They chafer a brilliancy and diatincliesa of vision not found in any other glass. • Thiy can be used equally well by day or candle light without tiring or fatiguing the eyes. They are ground mathematically true in the con cave convex mirror, according to the phrocophy of nature, and shape of Cornea of the eye,. therefore assisting natnro only instead of forcing it. Thit the lenses are centered cermet into the frimes. They can be used longer than any other thaw without changing to•a higher power. The frames are made strong and durable by expo ' rienced workmen and warranted to give satikfaction. - WSf. A. CHASIBELLYN, 'lDealer in Watches, Jewelry and•SaVer Ware, Towan da. £a., Ws the sole Agency for these glasses in Bradford comity. No Pedlera employed. • July 12, 1870-tf . THE BEST AND CHOICEST SMOXING TOBACCO, • IS MANUFACTURED AT FAG Tait Y • o SD DISITUCT or ILARYL&ND. N, • Ala- See; slit Every Puk is. you boy icsiv that Dec...\ll, alto ana Mickel D,11; H. C. PORTER, SON ft co., OLD: CASE DRUG STORE; TiMTTY TrAr.4 earner Main !ncl Pine Etiftts, Tonna. Pa., • lis~emeetly schlCd largely to their stock. Stull and complete assortment, constietieg as extensive vs. ==watog many articles wed Its the Artilx Pullwaseo, carets* selected with to the proposeetve wets of tho pub*, which . be Med miostourtlp Su ot • pplied with fresh perches's', sad Mcm tbe ressonebloternuiot Wholesale or all, °Detesting Davao; Caxmims, ALCQHQLJ AND TUTIPENTINE, BAR% PAM. VAIISISiI; ifirri-WA4III, ' And all Ytads at ZrniDea, - KEROSENE 011 COAL - _OIL, • ..tea Mids. . LAW& eatins, wicss, atoons. SPer6. Lard, Male, Nests root. VANMII'S 4iNl) IlLiCffiNE ons, Fancy }ad Totkst Articles in ;4 thdr variety, seams. srauinws. SOAPS,. 00311121. . Pinsiaties. Hair.Dyea. lellturtni7, POCKETBOOK - A PORT MONAI.B, FI . 7IIMMTWgM . M . I.rTV7r7I PURL" A2tD7uQuoB9, . . rOr Iliaaj , irg cum, WOBAOOO, &BPI', 'PIPES Alai CIGAR?" Garden. Mold and Slower Seeds, Trusses; Sup portem--SuspepsNies. Shoulder Braces, Breast Pumps, Teet l Atop, Nursing Bottlea, Ripples. Nipple Shells and Shields, Syrtegen, Bat Pans, Etelf-Sesling Fruit Jars, Thar- roometers„ klavesing •Eximieta, - .. Stone Jugs. Glass Vtare, Bottles, Vials, Corks, Bath - Br ck. and Stove Blacking, Fish Tackle, trenntton. &c., Botanic, Eclecto•and lionnepath .k )ledicinss, and all the p*ular Patent :•-la. E D E S • IMO An uncles infralited al Lreiresentod. Persona at • distance can receive the* orders by ;Lege- or mall, which will metre prompt and careful attention. Medical advice given graturtenely_at the ad" clungig only for mediefoe. . • '; far Tbararret for,past liberal patronage, would tea pectfully &nominee to their friends and the public,that novaina shall bo spared to nasty, andment the con tinuation of their confidence and patronage irir Open Ibuidays forprescriptiotur from 9 to 10 a.m., and Um. to.l. Cr to Spam RE. C. Y.OISTER, SON & do. July 1,7.1 . 870.—yr. . • F..W. BBro W N, • 137 3114LN STILEET.• TOWANDA.. PA. WLIOLEALE' RET IDRITG-C3FISEI' The subscriber respectfully announees to the pub. lie In general that lie Las ou Laud a largo and wall selected stock of DRUGS. JIEDICINES, cLIPIICALS, • • PAINTS, OIL, VARNISIIES - wrs - now - GLASS, _ • - DYE STIFFS.. Sac: tlicpor . ularTat. , r.t o: the day.' \ • PLIV.E\ WINE AND . -LIQUORE.' For Medical rtlri.o.:c,, • • - PERFUMERY. . .1" naey' :tind Soaps 6f evc r - c• , •• • • • Thermometers, • ' • • .I.l,lthint7,Sr.r: , :' 67:', • Lair , „ • - • - •., 'poct..t.„and 'nue Comba, ' To:11.1 Powder, - Pc ft' • Tenth Powders, ' Tooth SN'a.ahea ' j j and Tooth Soape • And other artleYs bele.per,lng to the Dreg trade to( nunieruilif :o Locution.' I' T.sing 'the Agency of tho GREAT U. S. TEA . COMPANY GREAT ECDUCEINIENTS To rnrclia4ra of roods in filar Shysiciatoi prescriPtion4 ainl.fatutly inceipta COED 1)01111dt-a by 24,... 1"601111 •thorou4;llls . competent, at al hairs of the - ilr.y or , .• I'fiank - int for the past liberal patronage, I re iPootfitll2, - solicit a continuance -of tlio same. pie dg tug niyself that no effort- shall Lo -spared tu tuak tuyeStablishmeat second to none . in this section. , Dr. T. F. Maaill may b 8 consulted at this store a heretofore. - . F. W. DP.UNT-S. Jan. 31. IA7O. • . GREAT 13ARGANS Ir 13(70 1 1'S - & SllO -'S NEW 11.00 T AND 'Szrak: 'STORE. . .. . . • . - . . . , Th. , : mitlersigtica are recteNi.w ;4 Ingo and well at. , lectett stock of . , ^ 13 0.0 T. A Is I SIIOES SUMMES AND FALL' TRADE, Which wo cifkir lots , for C4sli. Cois!sting .of; GENT, i 4 ec.8,'70 AND CIEEILDRE.N'S .WEAR. S.EIP.ED . AND..:PEGGA LOOTS I;Ef AIR VG .... - E.;1:41,1" DONE . , TLankful for I '...1 4 :%•rzz, • riti aoU t a c%miTnualic of ill: , Panic, • • 6ANVEL Tov : intla, kliril 5, 144 CANDY ! CANDI!! • t'ANDY! ! .NTFACVULTD SE - G.JRS. WL,Cdc"."....11(1: , 1•1 1 ":1 ta 1. at r.. Cl' 'CCI.'y 0: 1‘1 1Cot ' Fart •o: 1 1) :1 Candy AppleA, Gum Drops ClioeoL. - ...• Dr , 0z , ..t..!,-.),-,o=at-..,l'ararnals,.".ltolasses • Urfa, dr . e:uu I,:a-:•=.Crea"M4-nbous, Smooth - Ltrrt and Cine.amontltriez. I';..ll.errn , nt..ol.•opg • and Lo:nmx..(. a. 31,med.calnly,Jap- -anec.e. C.LnAin9n tut perials. Tat', Sou,r Lemon Drops, Pea- . Ear. Itp.4i) • LSPN. ltolu.=9 - rg NNW, 'Paste, . - '-C ea2A Dates, . a • hea„ts. , • • . - • Lozenges. N'spolean Don . Bons. Grained, Clea.,• and •• Sugar Toys, Gun.l,7 licarts, Plain , and primges avail Lemons, _ . CM:ming. “um. iNsantic Petican Filberts. Almonds. i2-ar..llNuts, Fan: nuts, and ece-y thin„ kept Coh% , ctie,nerss in getters]. _ S.. ' • tk, - . CO'S N 0.121, .Main.sta P. B.—ltemember vrersel the Faintly Favorite Weed Sowing, Machine.: • Yorrantla, tX'c. 13. IS7O. " . B OO T S AN , D , 54.0E5 . .11,1DE AND. BM as made arrangentints .to ageominodate nstomers that are dgastantly calling, with hoots and Shoes for new soles, etc.., and have had to leave tbeth, to their great disadvantage, until another day. The constant call for this kind of Wort', - and the deaire to have it done trtunediately, has 'induced me to make such ar rFlgements. that you need hat return home Without your solo bring reoOwed and your heels set agna e. .' . ' ' . • For pricts that are honer.t and rerfectlrfair Ladies that have gaiters that are broke at the toe, To this repair-shop is the place for to go To get them re-vamped. rie,atfq tipped or half-holed. And your feet well protected from the wet =tithe cold Sow work we can Make yon with the above double quick, We cau make them for'you thin o ar we can giro them to yen thick.. - We can make them with high heeds; or we can give them to Yon 11 4 4 • - "ti So you need_not sta ge with . a; brick In your hat. N.B.—Good cider 'Vinegar for salo by barrel or gaL . •Pront of Methodist church, Main street. Towanda, Dec. 13, 1870. L. C. NELSON. Fr' PORK, 7rltl cr ANPauu. AT ITIZ MIA .mss. Pmkeit Snivel, n I AN °IT= Boo.th and Shoes: -- - goilth end of Watd llotYrr Suitable rot' the LADIES, MA D:l3 Tp ORDER AND REA DV wnrs.lllo7,[lSr.D I=3l C. NELSON, . In~,aiance. Ni,,,,, n on urE •••• co,,or.r.ft A. • • atit itcaPriA443/.oo6.ooo—VAlriltir • -.0141.0611!), Cotgrf4g!a. • MA ME cLutx. Piealldtmt JAY , COOKE, ChaLern.an Pinucco Lad c oa t ; irMY D. COOKE, Vi ce . Preakkitt ; =CUM W. MET. Secretary aq .binary • .1 The 6thantageoi of , the National 140i tearatv: ara - • • • L.'S is SN l Sksskl - er°l4 o la L ckar ttred by Coazru 2. Is has a paid up capital of One liil4ou 8. It offers IT, rates of premiums ;- 4. Itinmishes larger Insurance than 0th..1-- c, ;z pantos, fortis° same money; • - 6. It la definite and certain 6, There is no possitat7 of crn ud srfprs.ntsi agents; or misunderstanding by pr,licy-Li t A,I , 7. The policies are plain contracts, sp may far so much moues - & All policies are tdm-forfe p, The policies; are exempt f ittachtner.t • Ea W. CLAM & CA., talal/4et itp'SSELL. - *t . kays. N. C. ELSIINZN & A G.• 4.(soN . • i LWAgents for Towaads nod Jan. 9, 186. CAliiP k VINCENT'S INSURANCE, AGENcy„ BEI Ps'ies written in all alibi') following pri al'zr reliable Companies. LOSSES FA•ttled ana l il office. FARM PROPERTY. (Including List and dwellings in town insnri.. , l a,,,,niust ALI. wawa- DT Ltuarttimin as well sl4ll' „LIM nEr L I R A:1 E affected - in one of the 0j 4 , 0, Largagand Safest Companies in this country. • 'ficrritmz. I;IIMIASCE COUPAI;T o Landon, Engtand-j- , • Siirms 'Nucl:Jac! CoxPAirr; 07d0..f LIMM Cr-2 wzr.„AND - Is * n - rJores Co -11PANY. I- Cledand, Ohin. j Assetts • IVxoUrns lxgruANTE COMPANY, • Ifilkesßarrr, 1:41. Axsctts, . • • , L.dc.tsrr..t, thtIIANC . E COMPANT,. Lancaiter, Pa.) !MEM Cr/7 FIRE C9.III•ANI, - Hartford, tror.7,i. CM Noims Axu!scvs itiMMANCF. Co., • 1- lartfi/rei, CO M, IMEM . . . TUr.aors FL - az P,:e.1:71...04-E Ci , .114.A.Nr7 - , .1 v MEI _, .1 INDErILVDT'S": , ..? tinv Y,ya N. rz . , 1",..rd:. Azs,ttr, (AL:. $25,000,000: . • Strict. I attention' to busin6is, frar S,ttiement of Los,us, is ot - n Cimia,alta try uo. Otlico on ]laic streCt, oplipsite Court 110tt.4., stairs. llte Vnic - myr at liergars Earl . from 9 a. m. m., AV. S. VLSCENT. 4 GIMP VVCF-Ni. Towanda, Pa., July 20, 5870,-1 y HE PENN MUTUAL - ' LIFE - INSUP.A.Na COMPS;Y:, NO. 921 CHESI NUT STU:LT. SOC:CSII.U....A.TED TEND, $3;000.,000.• INCOME FOR ISGO, • i.. - 006.255i.V. , . • DIVIDENDS r..v.:E ISOI . A.LLY • • • &rout 30 I'ER CENT. 4 ISSCE,D ON ATI, ,11"1"11OVED PWI , . Preminn l ts N:_pa . klannually or st4qui-alintial!y o. a ',sill liq li)afie for part.of the umotmt. • . SAMUEL C. ISLI:Y. Ft csidcut, • SkStrEL F....STORES. Vit/Tregidetit, .TULIN W. nou.sor,.. A.``' P. 4iml Actuary, " -IL S. STEPEIMIS‘ Sevrt,tary. ' • ityl3,'7(o . ___ Ir. • P.. II'EF-NN, Ocnvral. AgrLt GUARDIO MUTUAL LIFE hc . SURAN'dE Co3l"k-NY, NO. 2.11 BROADWAY, NEW YORE. Pozzcins IN Falter A.csrvs, over 2,010 J 00 AsrsuaL INcOE, ovar ' I.4ssf.Ao Los safs PAID . . Ali appioved.fonais of Pot;eies issued. Liberal model for pavlnett of . preiiiiruns: rolidies non-forfeitable by thelr terms. Thu entl-s profits of the. Conipahy dividtd ably 'among the insured.- ANNUAL 'DIVIDENDS. IVALTO:. 4 I H. rgerir..6l, ririzIDENT. - -WELLTAIT T. HOOKER, VIcE Puny L s -r ..ticrus at ADAMS. Bre't AND Aymum POLADELBBIA rzysialcEs : ,JAY COOKS & D 1 EL k CO., Bankers. Joss Woofraps & Co.. Tea Merrhantß. - B. A. th.r.e.x..a...PreBt. Farmers' A Ilechinics* T. B. kiar..r.so.N, Publialce." MN] TOWANDA TAGRIpI7LTI.TIIAL . 'WORKS STILL ILIVEI .• ITISSES, The , superintendent of this shop is now offerfs eons of the hist LVAIDER •WAGONS; COVERED AND OPEN 13iTqui1 s, .ever r:2l ir. this AiND - RICRORY OAK ‘iurk. thci luoet LSE LIE2i - CELI curd MAN We s haw tkc 1*.?:"E T I US, S A - 1 RON 1, 7 an,: 5.1 durable -I.ltht even timc • 1.41:1'141. little Co do ton-artls the. i.r decay.. 14epairin2 'dor.° on shot notice. • 11. C. Mtuaxv., • G. W. VINCENT,, T.; ,, v311..1.1, July 20, 19.70. ••• filiperinten4 , nt. 0 7- 6114 D STILL COMING DOWN '• .N_lt• • • • GEOLIEItT : &-P1t01 7 1510.. 1 7 C.O :L & M E IV,S At prices that cannot fail to satisfy all thatthe , cleteirturica not to tk unAiTiold by any one. • 4 11 , bay° enla.Nyd t.heir SIOID by buillling sotlott th•••.: now-halo room for the fresh supplies ~ Are:i:ly ieceired by Omni. They halve eon:looted with store a Market where they now kt.ep fresh 11 1 .• 31 '.1:' sell by the onartel• or pine, ana a fall supply or titL , • • c6rivs and r!r"ViSioll+4, AO which "they would attention of all cash buyers. . Comeau teens: ti and Prices, before purchasing and it yoqrselves. We :plate:Are goods•to give ruses fottisfaction. We art, thankful to ~hir customers for I,lA•ir liastliberal patronage and solicit a c.Ainuluce of tho tame. CQWELL k 311 Ell. • Der. 20. It.Cj.;" r Olt SALL' .tNp*TO RE-NT, -1L DIT - TIZICH'S MTTSIC STORE. ONE Etim . umn - rt*i-pLis sms9s.. (in MINDY:ED :AND FIFTY' IHELODtONS. TWO lIUNDIVE7)AIIDTET AN ' • or.ci.n. • ,Fiveliondreil Cjarionet3, Flut;^s. Orators, Coneertitraav Accordeonm. Strings .• ' for all String Instruments: ^ • • Drunii,.Hones, etc." • SHEET 311.53.1 C AND INSTRUCTION DOORS Ftil: Eyfur nisrrituaiEwr. • . • Froiii'jhe dnlyi firvf-eias4 inakero, in the lfujol StoLis. as P. C. f.ighto 4 Co., fleeter Drop.: Stule• way, :4 - Weber, New Ifork; Hallett and ,Conr.tou , 'Boston; Mothewshek. New Haven Ct.:. C. tindßiaboM Daltlmoro. lifeloavia o from BZ . Shoninger, Now•;Haven..Ct.;, -- Peloo bet. Pelton k Co., 'Now York. :Organs, the -sekbrste , l Golden .11ced American Organ. and the. Burd , ti COMhinstion Orgill.' Ono door east of • Mercur' 6 . tho only store of the kind in Towanda. "M0r.'29'71 . • " •t. General Agents. TOWANDA, MEM :.—SSIS cc{ MEM C;1,14.37 BEM ME MEI INCORPCTSTED Is 4 t A. RECOUP, Agent; • Towandri; P 3 I'L1TFOI1; IV.WUN :al kci. .Ikt - 4 "t,vl;..c Al.lOl Britt TIiTNG'IN Tll7. tro — uow tKino or:erea at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers