`News prim. Natices. El —Blinois.inStrnq s es.ou typograPhY• - , ' ~... • "0: fkai4 Nitpier t4t mon". . Reictscrie cikPlPsiqus are com ing into fashion _ • „ HautBJll&S raorOziu )1oil1? tuu-libßeav, , — . Rhode Istruid:claims tq produce • —Nemr-Yoik i 3 threattuett , :;with it new minstrel hall.:- . : /. 11 • ' --Chicago has'started Sun ay•traitkp for San rrancistio. — r La,tayette, ita'streets 'with a chain gang. , - . 2 .:--- The pop-torn business is earried on extensively in Portsmouth. :" —Jay C4:4e has endowed. a prer feNorship in Gambier College, Ohio, —Cincinnati talks of a new theatre,. and hag $30,000 already sub.seribed. —rite New York.postLoffice build 'i'inn is to granted an additional half —One acre's surface of ice will nii :an'an avt , rao harvest about ?,000 tons of ice. • —A narrow gauge th'irty-inch track is to be built from Allentown to Harrisburg. —A portion of Pennsylvania is the ,Switzerlatul of America. • —AnoLlier section of the illexico and vet-a, Crnz Railroad is finished- , • Fenian exiles will be pnb , 1 3 - received in Brooklyn February 21. • it: —4larrisburg' letter-tarries deliver, 37,71 i lettere and papers last month. • —A inannfactory of woolen shawls t will be orient-el in Leavenworth March 15. 7t is gravely surmised 'that - Na-: r.deon will yet retarmto Franco as Emperor. _ =Daring the past week Treasurer .-;l4pinner burned mutilated notes to the amount of E 508,275. ' —The, first Steamer of the new line I,t , tween San`,-Franciaeo and ?few Zealand has sailed. ' —Thistgn harbor is fall of drifting ice, and inAlneyard Sennd it is so thick as to be itiverions impediment to vessels. L - -the Boston ::_publishers recently :4Att hnndred volumes as a gift to the libra ry anis Soldiers' Asylum at Angusta.3le. —On Saturday : evening last-the U. Trisistiry held coin to the amount of $.99,127, MO. Enough to buy 4 western farm. - the month of January, New 'Veil: had one *hundred 'and fifteen fires, which destroyed property valued at M2.,539. . . the twenty most prosperous cities in'the I.7utted'St4teS, Pittsburg stands•the sixteenth: - - ; :Oswego manufactures 'annually from 000,000 to 700,000 ba.rrrl9 of flour; and 10,-. 0 . 000 potards of starell. . • —The.new Governor of Maine has in - st ppoint4 . l his predecessor in office a .I'nstice of the Peace. —The present Winter is the cpldest .11 France since 1830, when iclaret -and other, Brands froze in the wine vaults._ 'T -During the past yienr Governor lloffingt wanted eighty-fivo pardons, thirty-. four cormutitationii and one rOprieve. • --A Doston,paper urges that the names of the builders should alw.aYa be given in 'reports of fires-cansed by defective flues. facetious chap, when his cred iforcomplained that his account had stood too long, adviied him to let it run awhile. —The - population of Harrisburg, as giVen in the new directory just issued, foots up Males, 11,895; females, 12,901!; total, 24,796. , —The continued henvs . , travel west over the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Eauroitd, is without a parallel in any past time. - —Pittsburg, Penna.,' has thirty, right ale 'beer; breweries, and last year they •peoilueed 117,404 . barrels, rallied at about ;tr,- tal,opo. ' . Bepubfican,(Tex.- aii)' takes strong ground agaiyst general amnes ty;.and urges that such a measure is full of danger. • . Over, 12:4351;22G\ passengers have been carried over the Massachusetts rail roads within XIV past five yeao, out of which only .67 have beat injuied.c —Daring, the - past -month the Na ti, mat debt has been reduced - $4.,010,986. The total reduction - of the debt since March 1, 1870, amounts to $1'0,301 4 670. • • —The present population of New York is repo!. tcd at 945,842, .`or- 17,501 greater 'than the tinted States.census of last 'Summer made it. " • ---,11r; McGrew has been sent to tian Doniiuge; with official dispatches to the Commissioners, now• supposed 'to be safe on_ that Ironical isle. • ' I —TheyT have a rough place .4k Washington called "Hell's bottom.% Most :of .our readers will agree with s us that that is a very appropriate place for it. - ' estimated that $2,000,000 worth of ale, beer and porter is guzzled in Pitts burg antinaPy.: Enough to float the Great East ern. • • EcoliOmist made th 6 ' caletilittfon of the value of the'property endan • gered'by the bombardment of'Parus, and set it down at 11,44.3,500,Q03. , —While Georgia is.,. urging n. law' to prevent the'earrying of concealed weapons, Tennessee is urging the repeal of the, one' lit prescut in force in that, state. —The Loniavklle Cowrie, Journal • urges the Leg i slature to act promptlt with • ! . erence to negro testiinonn and save that the feeling is almost general in favor of it; • • . • —The Legislatute of 'Ohio has ini4s - a resolution- instrneting the Congressional delPgation frOw that State to oppose all .future lautl . grants. Will they obey? —lt is said that Philadelphia. has - more houses than New York, Brooklyn and - Jersey City combined, or 120;00 in all. Bow dots the great seaport like that? —The .unitarians of Washington • cityproposo to erect an $BO,OOO church 01 4 ,000 tole furnished by the society, and the balance I -t Ibe raised . by outside subscriptions. =The National Executive Commit= tet' of the Unitin League of America will 'nee ' ,in Philaileipina un lay,Thurs February Id, a 0 noon. < . . . • —TLe latest idea in insurance. is said to be that of the man who wanted the ice in his pon4,:rchicli is atraitirm the cutters, to be insrtred-againt4 a thaw. . ilraington, Del. ; has just" built and furnished an iron , steamship at a cost of f-325,000; supplying all The materials and outfit, eicept a -compass and the rde-preservers,. from its own establithments. ' —Pittsburg boasts.a firm of cattle dealers who did .a:bnainess . of $4,000,000 last 'rear- and three ,other firma, who traffic in hos and horned cattle," show a business of nearly $9,000,000: --Among the numerous Democratic eanffidateamentioned for the office of 1311rveryor General, the name of W. H. T. ,Panley, editor of the Waynesburg Atessenger, is the last one reported. • ---Saltlrom . Salt Lake has been ex hibited on Vhatige•in st: Lords. Whether it is pure enough threnring meats is not yet known; Let seems to be good eneugh for salting • tides and kindred purpposes. —( eneinl VanWycic, the hatdionle Member of Congress from the ;Eleventh New York District, distingshed himself lalit week by treating over 1,000 Whoa' cbtMren, of NI& .111ctown, to a grand sliiig,h-rlde. —lt is announced that the, "hea ri. then Chime," litely imported into' Massachn . setts-to work it ithoemakingouv gradrualy doff * ing their pig Milli and donning the costume of •4' • I - tuotiontil Inianitii is not duly app_t'ociated Clevelatid.r.br. Galantine, who sqmi three Months ago , ale wife's par niour,o‘vas convicted of mural toroluid un • lentwd to ten years' imprisonment. • • , -LTho Kentucky Democratic,argu : - meat againitt allowing steppes to giva'esidence . in - court is .a stupendous one. It is briefly this: "What! let a tugger mar *gut' a white want Never?' Shades of Daniel Boone. : excellent nuthcriss4 t he diner , , Journal, svi twit thelhoi_e_woduct of Anthracite coal gent to market in 1870 Iru 14,- 84 ,78 2 tiina, 60101 18,t21488 in 18.80,. :giving alc.rease of W. 3,886 tom* VIM • —The Montreal- Teleiril,ph' • Coni=; ymni , lisa adopted thin maim -rate= at tliettY-' lire tents forte* ypordaito , 411 Weir lint. The Company has 12.10 mile. 'o' loth : aith`6lo ofiletir and - 996 oPerstOri• f1 ""...4.i L , uw .ttin best al smump telogra* COmpaiont viTy-' J 1 • • Vra;Hord cittepovter.• - OOODRICII. . li. W. Alsifflan t —": • Towanda, Thursday, .16, 11) .: REPUBLICAN COUNTII! CORVIQN ZO.. At a meeting Of the Republican Standing Commit tee of county; held on Tuesday, Jittinary 31, it was resolved to call a Convention to meet at Chr r lrruten Si. Tem+. . RI/AIM 20, 1870, at 1 o'aock, p.m., for the. purpose of .litticiedaii ilogitateis: . 111.6dif ASO /liinalilleart ,l State Convention to assemble at Harrisburg, on the 10th of March. It jar recommended thathe Vigilance Committees knectirigs. at 2 o'clock, on SATURCAY, FEBRUARY 18th; for the 'purpose of, elecUng, tiVO . aele g ates to represent each election , dist-ict its said Convention. • / The Vigilance Committees fi4aiuted in -July aro hereby ant prized to call the primary meetings. ALVDIII3, Chairman. V 'LANCE COMBITTRES. ithenros. Hawley. Geo. Page. L Msbrec Athens hero-r Reeve, Joseph Ely, John Homer. Anditin-R Lap W F Cole: Ulysses Moody-. A lbany-Buisell Miller, S D Steriger, H Vanloon. Arnienia-Nathan Sherman,4imeon Williams, C Webler.: Alba floreD J.Manley, W GAndrrts, Chester' WU- Mims, . BarclagL-C P Moore, Henry Duggan, J W Taylor. Burlington Top.-Jaseph .Campbell, J .1 Haight, It M Prima, i Burlington Bore-11 n Phelps. It H Ely, M Vosbnrg. Burlington Weft -E F. Loomis, John Blackwell, W D Garnage. " ? Chalon W Dallas Owen, ianaes ,Retelmm, . Canton Boro-Joseph Wright, Albert 'Conklin, Lae! leieJ Newman.. - „ Columbio-J H Frank/in-4 R Velment, M. Marshall. Chas Taylor. Grartritie•Orlando Taylor, Itobgrt Buns, 'Andrew Bunyan.' ~ • - Herrick,43 W 'Elliott, Wmu Howker, Ezekiel Carr.- • Leßaysrille-G W Brink, D S Codling, Stephen Gorham. Lrffoy-M L Wooster, .Lelloy Iloldonsb, Volney Landon: Lilclifietd-4 *Layton, S D Batnum, A D Munn. Monroe Turp-4,1 W H H Sweet. C A Rockwell. Monroe Rorci-lt Efollet, Daniel Hnutley;-John Dunfee. . Chnbtmek, Henry enerton-Jolm lidathews Josiah lthinebolt, Alford Streen. Pilx - C W. Reynolds, 0 N DeWolf, Joshua Blniroirs, Ridobury-LTheodore Larrison Wm Dickerion, Joi Davidson. Rinse Tirp-Levi Towner, Addison Taylor, Wesley McCabe. Borne L'orol) R Woodburn, L Browning, F Young. SMilltfield—Beebe Gerould. N W Waldron, C F Colin A'prineeeldTheodore Wilder, Joseph Crediford, S 0 Phillips. • Sy/rnain:-Finely Furman:Wl Scouton. C E Waldo South Crerk--4 F Gillett, 13 P Hildreth, Joseph Dun ' ham. A'reehequi3l-0 D Rinney, G W Blackman, Abram Patterson.' ' Standing Stone--G A Stevens, Hiram Gordon, James Espy. Terry r -Hirarn Terry, N T Miller, Chas Thonipson. Towanda Try-Chas Dinimock, Chas Denial:llin, 13 Davidson. Towanda Bora-lk G Mason; Percival Powell. Henry -Stolen. Toleandri:North-F.zra Rutty. G It Mills, Trot-anger. Trop-T B Baldwin. Milton Pierce, 1i 11 Caw. Troy Iloro-A S Hooker. N H Pomeroy, 0 13 Long. Tusrarer6-W Barroweliff, H B Ackley, N J Cogs well: ftl ter-5 C Horsy. Milton Holcomb. A 0 Moore. Warren -ioseph Cooper. A J Whitaker, If Chaffee. Windham Vandyke, Trustily] WhiM, L Shoe maker. . . Tryalaqug-LP Stafford, James Fee , . D L State , . Irpor - G Edwin Owens. A H Hinds, eo Poole. Wlc-.1 A Roy, Levi 116rse, 11 - G Grinnell 'thoot..4 U Brown, Frank Morrow, C A Stowell. , . . LEIDOII VALLEY RAILROAD. The extension of the Lehigh Valley Railroad from its.-Pittston terminus to the Erie road at Waverly, *as an enterprise of immense importance- to the people of Bradford , county, the advantages of which can hardly be over-estimated, when considered merely as regards the facilities it af fords to our citizens for travel and ti .c. - It has opened the markets of the rich*Letigh 4alloy for the agri cultural productions of Bradford, and inaugurated a trade Which is already of great-value, and which must inev z . Rabbi increase from year to year. Whe importance Of an nutlet north fOr the *mineral productions of the Wyoming and Lehigh valleys, at an early day attracted the attention of operators and railroad managers. A favorite project of FEnsoN, when . President of the North Pennsylvania • Railroad, was to complete that line to Waverly,,to reach .the fertile and popUlous Central and Western New and to draw from thence to. Philadelphia its agricultural produc tions. The, Delaware and. Lacha wana, Road, by the extension of its line to Ithaca was the first to occupy the field, followed. by 'the Northern. Central, and now there are fire Rail road, Companies coMpeting for that trade : the Delaware and Lacka- L wana, the Northern Central, the Erie] thc.Delaware and 'Hudson, and the 'Lehigh Valley. The shrewd and practical manager} of the latter Company, by purchasing the North Brach Canal, secured a - feasible rout 6, with very favorable grades, and, by using the towingpath of the canal, j with a road-lreds already pre pared:l- From Wilkeebarre to Waver ly ilm i grades axe so light..ni - greatly to favar the coal' trade north. Tie Lehigh Valley Reid has .00n nections. north' already Completed, Or. nearlrso, - which will give that road acej ss to Central arid.. Western New york,, and . communication with the 14kes,lopening a vast. and profitable field Of operations. The Southern Central now carry their traini.thro' to Auburn N. Y., and in a short time will reach Lake Ontario, opening the 'Markets of the Lake ports and Cana da. The Athens and Ithaca road is ready for the rails, while the Sulli van and Erie road will send the coal of that section over the Lehigh Val ley from TOWaricia. 1-The...coal traffic thus Opened for this road will tax its I r earffying capacity to the utmost limit, While the returning.freights must- be heavy and profitable. Thd annual report of the Board of i T ;oitlectors of the Lehigh Valley ; R. R. Co. l Made January .9, 1871, eillibits • ,gxlifying . stateuient of the busi ness' one during the last year, and Contai l ns some matters of interest el:lie/ i ; I'lly, as ik,ineludes the opera 7 Eos of' the Pennsylvania ; New tofrk Canal and Railroad Co., extend frOm Pittston' to • Waverly. The. Ocers of the, latter ':COnipany (or. 1871, : are as follows : Crliarles F.: Welles, Asa Packer, Wra.. Lon&streth, Chas Harti3horpe, pobert A. Packer, "c -tor E. Pibllet, , Garrett B..Linderman;,, -j. Henry ,swit•yer t John J. Taylor, Ittbet4 :L&Ckhart, John. W. liollen bd.ek, Wmi H. Sayre, yr. - iThe vacancy occasioned by the death of Supt. oust: P. Cox, has been fililed'bithe ithOintment of lionrtrr A. P.tetsa. • - , rreipts of the. goad the SSE year: after its opmpletiOn, 35 . rets'' K 67 3 ,24 iSt reecipts'id yigei*l - v4ia _the. - gisi .*O4 ( 1 § 56 ), 5 t0' .4 , r4moe. Lfilie'tc 4 l l l'oll 4eimill i Sawa fur-thsyessisrfirt#lgrabout6gttOis attlip'pettseid 1. 3 . resificni,— Row.y.r 11. - S4•Tit,E; • ;Secretary Caaam ilarrinicarzm pairs. The latter bake been heavy on account of. damage from freshets. 4.11 e Oither of:passevirs c.ipi.e& :in s 40i0ar.:*4.441021 - 44.)4 iio*tfilrom * :04* $111. 5 *-' it 9 _ 6 . 3e mirploto)( - o*** om s . bigto *l l rnitiOW Aei -A . -' -4 , *kal sialions : -- - 0 " ..( e1i f „, 1 Itio:Pas.l A .i o n' M.' 1-1 • - 7. Fitost .yWareziy. Station. • Atbeni " • Ulster " • Towanda " Wvsanking " 'NV:N./duping " Laceyvillo " ' *Skinne t es Eld titan, Meshoppen 1 rsfeboopany Tnnlilkannoelt Falls ISM The bituminous coal sent ' north from-Towanda by - rair. amounted to .235,204 tons, which is transported by the Towanda and Fall Creek 'e mpa- nies, and pays: traekado:only i ciinal carried, both north and but •19:i tons bituminous coal 1i The anthracite coal tiinsi amounted to 276,151 'tons, of 268,690 tons were received -froi Wyoming:region; 7,443 from ton ,and 10 tons from - Deaver; dow. - This coal was clistribl4 follows : . • ' DrSTINATIOS. Falling Spring% Ransom• - • • • • Falls ~Tnnkbannoek osburg • .- Neboopany.,-.. , Iticshormen ' • • lark Walnut Skinner's Eddy.... Lacenille `Wy Wy alusing sauking.. ... .. Towanda ...... . Ulster Athens. • Thrmigb.. Y. For Company's use Total ; The - ioaa\isprovided with telegraph line, with water `s, clepot,:'trauife c r , pockets, houses, &c.; atal.)le for' a 1.; crease of.busitiemi t year, crease, which may be looked a tolerable degree of certain the various connections, \in to be made, affording outlets and . bringing return freig Eastern.and Soutborn4 mark] for the large and--rapidlyjni local demand. Freight and ger trains now run to and- f mira, over the third rail laid., Erie R ihvgy Company, ZE6 -I .)The West, Point insurrection is likely to be punished as it deserves. the Military Committee of Congress have recommended the resteratidn of the three expelled cadets, the dismis ,sal.Of the leaders and ringle4ders in the affair; and the trial o the other ni \ embers of the first class par, tieipated in it . 1 % ., The report will un doubtedly be. adopted by they House. This may seerli to some a little severe, but,there-is . no doubt of its tlYsoltree necessity Tor, the preservation of dis: cipline at‘the institution. 'Much al lowance call alwayS be madel for the indiscretion of boys, but indiScretions ivhieh take on the form of assuming the controlling authority cannot be tolerated. We may sympathize with the boys, hut that does, not obviate the necessity- for the piniaunent. We are pleased-to learn that Cadet J. E. SIIOII.TEILE, of this •coUtity who is,a, member of -.thee first class was not implicated iu the tiLsgra4eful pro ceedings. lea.rn,has instructed the provincial authorities in Canada to cease that offensive policy against the United States iin regard to the fisheries which inducad Gen:Grant to call attention to Cam*. in Very plaid terms in his annual message. The tone of that message no doubt con vinced England that there was den; ger to-peaCe between the twO nations in a continuance of the- unfriendly conductioivards our fishernien. The American people feel that' the Ala: bama wrongs are about as' ,tench as their desire for peace Will enitble their to bear,' and 4glilnd appreciates the feelings of our people. If war is, to be avoided'between thg two nations, England will have to be catefal to of fer no further aggravations. It will be a long time before her unfriendly , conduct towards us ckiring the, re.' bellion can .be forgotten and forgiven. Lam' Six years ago Grant' said the; people of the South were all quiet and ready to peaceably accept of the events of the 'war. Now he says they are madly committing ontran•es of all kinds upon loyal people. Is this "a compliment to Radical rule?—Detroit Free Far from it. It,is the result of the teaching of Democratic journals for the last six years, and is . a compliment to' that party just go far as those mis creants have followed such teachings. Jar riXe London Tiniei is very much exasperated over General But ler's relpslntioii welcoming the Fenian, piisoners, and as s erts , that it indicates hostility to FliTlyind. The' Ti'nie s has had 'its limes, on edge- for . many weeks', and "summons danger ont of every shadow!' We advise it-to look nearer home for acts indicating hos tility towards England that . -have morermeaning in there, than the quiet tvelcoming of a few exiles. 1 • Comar..--the L. total gold e at the U.S. Mint, Philspelphia, during the month of January. was over a•half a million of dollars—pm eipally in' gold double-eagles, and sil ver- dollars, tali•es and quarteti. The base•coinage, in oneJiVo, thiee and, five cent pieces, amounted to $2), . 000. No len_cent pieces which are so badly wanted for change, .re coined.- • • , ear Coluiderable stale:trims - ttlicested . . throughout the .eiiuu • '0:16 the cosie . ll the San . ilci!#bro Q,'numiseeners sailed. Nei:4lloms been beard 'iota authorip e i bAlly as bi ngt tan opufment tut lietisilafe.- the article: itoit:larneelf. Webb' li the riiient Tpreldalni nfficeror Speaker of the Hawse of Representatives at Ilarrisbdrg. Fa. ,The election Aria. wan Ai.' Speaker !would ceemto indicate a reform' in leg'hda tive organizatiom as, during the tour sessions be, hag served in that body.lie bee - opposed.inerahate legislaticeriand favored'llll-tad . tareuntres. Mr. Webb Le blew in tie fifty year, baring bee* born me the ethday;of Decembei, - 1820,ta themeing.' Chemung.eiinty..24w..Yor_. kticos taro branaylvarda State,line. He comes .of Revolutionary ancestry'. Ina grandfather and five brothers having fought for American Independence. illifteher,.Hon.johrit. Webb, cudgrated where nineteen years of age to Cheraung county. Row TOrk. and soon after mar. rod Wet Annia Hammond, *daughter of an estim able widow lady of the locality, of which marriage 1 our subieet was . the first. fruit. About two years . after Jamas' birth, hie father crossed the New Vet State line. and located in Bradford county, Pa.. where th'e family and 'some of its decendents still continue to reside. . • • James' father.was quite a prominent man in 41S day, aqd filled may offices of honor and emolument. of both county and State. :-At.lhe time of his death ,he had lust been elected to a - second term; he the Fenukti a norm of Representatives. e • • • ..• • ' The educatiawand genend training of. this. Fl the'pre eat representative member of the Webb, family:Seas principelly of . . - a pracilealtbaracter. It is true he received a common "tool eat:lotion, which served as a key to the acquirement of ether.. - .melt knowledge of business dispatch and accuracy, but to practical application arid natural tact is due 'his present honorable position -and knowledge of Men and Wren'. . ' - .. r . . _ The early part,of.him mivaliOnd was 'Tent in farm ing..bambertng, and mundaandising; in all of nhich, In a buniues+ point of. view, he was reasonably snob ceseful: When he was twenty-air years et nge—tn 1e47--he Was elected a Justice of tbe...Peacg . /erring three Tears, until he changed his-location to a neigh bering 'township, when ho -resigned. In 19SI he was elected. Register and Recorder of Bradford county. 'and at the expiretion of his term of three years. he was re-elected, the first instance of a re. election to that of in the county. --In IMO 'he . retired to his farm and prosectitcd his old tine of bciainesing---up to UM, when he Wait choecri• by the Republican party to represent his district in the loser 11013 Se of tbe.State Legielature, where he is now serving his . ftfth consecutive' Beaton, end with what distinction pray be inferred hem Ills be log elected Speaker 'of the peek-at shaion . by. a strict party vote. ' . At the opening of his second session ho was ap, I *dated on the ConimltteeOn Ways and Mans, and continnedone of its infidential member} up. to the time of his election as Speaker. .I)usitr his whole legislative career he has favored retweithment. He o'opotted the oliine Million" and Our ..Border .Raid" bills strenuously and'. pereistently• Ho sup. ported the Fifteenth Amendment and the five rail road lair, and on the proposed law to increase the rate of interest to the State, he was in favor of fixing Mao Tatra at six per cent_ local, and seven CO con tract. an spproaltnation to the laws of t surrounding States. whose legal rates 'are seven per cent. Ills identilic.ation - with the Itepubliesn party dates back. 'to its organization, and he has' always been a con sistent and hard working member, actively partki. 'patine in many of its conventions. State. - county, and district. and laboring aeselunnely for the ene ma of its candidates, and ttio enpremacy of its Prin ciples. ;And his el orts have been 1i: erupted by an hone-It ronvictinl of right. Br is no trickster. per political intriguer. but ati holiest exponent and Ad vn±.ll,l of the interests of his party roil c.uistitnents, During the late war he contributed. Largely to the interests of the goranment in money and mem and although Le was excusable from Military .lute. lie pit a.substitute in the army; and since Le has been in the house his patronage has be. freely bestowed on meritorine and nerdy returned snifflers, Be also voted for and favored the very largest appropria, Collis for eilncational PITITCrSeg, especially for Vitt': children of deceased soldfirs. . Ills private life has ever been iliaracterised by a christian spirit.: At the age of twenty-Vivo Le mar ried a daughter a Mr. Calvin Chamberlin. a well-to do mechanic of his neighborhood. and his 'martial , latirms hart beenldessed with a dutiful -family of lour boys. now nearly grown to mania estate. In statue, be is Mow the medium. contra, tly built, totigh, wiry. and capable of much phypieal as well as teentalelubor. At llarritliurg he is regarded by biln,,fellow-m.velars ae a wise, fat-seeing legielator, eantiona of his personal character and political rec ent. andever ready to servo , his constituents as far as ronsiet4d with cony ieuee and the usages of - his ltarte. , .i.d. s i . ... ........ 17,257 $ 8,9191 • s,slktf %,879 1.8921 4,5{;. 2,728 f B,=ll 4,79911 14,9331; - 2,320-„ ,3101.83 .317.53 ,811.38 1,247.84 ,282.98 ,866.8'l 2,056.81 1,42''.91 1.371.03 ,694.77 ,800.03 . 902.20 - The -puth, • orted . kvhich fn. the Razle- Mea-- tcd as Twill 5.05 16.0 i 1:13.14 , 584 -03 156.00 517.13 1,42415 • 21.01 4'...103 10,15 Me." ,287:13 M.ll 1,686.03 , • 191.04 G,574.38 EOM ~, good tations, engine „, go in an in: {or T% /1 y from ,de and for coal is for ts; and- passerl -4:-Jra El by the Thia bill is now pending at Haf riebnrg, and is being .puahed by tile Young Merlla (..lristian A.saociatioas. throughout. the State: An Act to Hermit the voter"; of ere*: ward. borough,. anal township AO the pptureonwcalth to vote evory three yearN on` l the wileeaticin of . craiiting license to sell intoxicating Liquors. • liac. 1. Lie ii rnacted, se., That at the next annual nn incipal. etion in every ward. borough, and town, ship in the Commonwealth, and at the anneal noun cipal election 'every third year tlicrafter, in very ward, berotiAh, ana township, it shall be tic^ day of the inspectors Nind judges-of election in said wards, boroughs, and townships to. receive helots.' either written or printed, • from the le, al voters of said ward, borough and township, labeilled on the outside. "licensee," and on the inside, • , fer license," or oagainst license." and to deposit said tickets in a box provided by said inspectors and judges, as is required by law in caie of. otherlickets received at maid election, and tickets so received shall be count-. e'i and a tr•turn of the same made to the clerk of the Court of Quarter Session of the county in which such wards,' boroughs. And townships are suited, duly certified as Is requirSd by law, which certifi-• uteri-AMU] be laid.be.ore the judges of the sat court at the first meeting of saisitcourt after such elections . shall be held, and shall be fired with the other records of said court; and it shall be' the duty of the mayors of cities and of constables of boroughs and town- Shins, or any other officer whose duty' shall be to perform such service, to gite due public notice of such special election above provided for thr - re weeks previous to the time of holding the vezt annual muncipal election in every suer& ward. borough or township, and also three weeks ;before the annual muncipal election every third year thereafter. ' gee. 2. That in reviewing and counting, and in making returns of tip votes cast, the inspeetore. judgeit, and clerks of said election shall be governed by the laws of this Commonwealth regulating gee cral elections, and all the penalties of said election' laws are hereby extended to and shall apply to the voters. Inspectors, judges, and clerks voting at and attending upon the election. held titular the protba ions of this act. • Src. Si Wherever, by the returns of election in any ward. borough. at township aforesaid. it Shall appear that there is a majority agaidat -lieenle, it - shall not be lawful for any license to tine for, the isle of Spirituous, animus, malt or other intoxicating liquors in said ward, borough,. or township there after, until at an election as above provided a ma jority Shall vote in favor of license. Sec. rl . Any person who 'shall, hereafter be con victed of selling or offering for sale in this Cori:anon isealtli any intoxicating liquors, spirituous, vinotti, or malt, without t Menge, shall be sentenced to pay a tine of fifty dollars and confinement 'in the. workhouse •or county' Jail for, slz months.for Abe first offence; for the nocoml and each subsequent offence, a fine of one hundred dollars and confine ment in the vrorkhonle or county jail. one year; PrOttdcd, that it , shill not. hi unlawful for the owners of vineyards to sell on their own premises wins of their, owq manufacture in quantities not .less thau one galhaa, to be-removed and not drank on tbe - premise& ' , • as.:When the death of Han-Jorzi Cayonn was announced in the_ House. of Representatives,' Hon. IL tlEscutt addressed the House as follows: Mr.-Speaker, I feel unwilling to suffer this occasion to pus without briefly adding my trite nte to a departed Mend. Jour COVO"DfS life was tt striking illnatratiiiie of.the.snecess Which will crownthe works of an earnest and laborious man. Deprived in his eolith of the advantages. of a liberal 'education, k felt the greater need of literally working his way to enable him to 'rise to eminence and to fortune. This he determined to do. strong phYsicial powers. clear practical mina, and in domitable wi11.,111 united, in Impelling him on ward and upward. Ilia was a mind that was not contented to occupy any uncertain pbsition. No so-called "conservatire'! doctrines over de terred him from pursuing the right, ;& ho saw it. Sprung from liberty-lofing ancestors, he retained all their notions - ofreedoxn; but graft ed thereon a greater love, begotten 'by the spirit (4 this progressive are. His opusions once carefully formed,no timidity characterized their expression. ..lie followed 1111. convictions to theirrogical consequences.. Ken who united their ix:lilt:cal fortunes with his felt &confidence that he - would continue as he began!, • and • not turn aside and leave them without a. standard bearer to lead them— - t-' Neither his accumulated wealthia4 his prom - -.' inent position in the eye of the Nation ever- es." tranqd ism from his early `anti less' fortunate associates. Dwelling in the small but. beauti ful and retired valley of the 1141gonter;. in 'his native county of Westmoreland,. he# never 'ap peared to desire a latrine elsewhere" The rug ged hills which surrounded his resldenoe seem ed to give strength to Lis judgement and free dom to his speech. When - in obedience to rt tomb:dim Sof this I House, stood - beside bis colhn, and hundreds ()rids neighbors and friends passed' Wier° it, I saw unmistakable evidence of the, esteem and affection. which. they had borim toward him. With pride_thoy had viewed. his "elevation and success in life. They'shared in' his reputation his honor was their honor. No jealousies had separated them. He had ever returned to them the same social, kind, and' unassrunieg friend! His Waft a nature to mourn with . them when they mourned, and to rejoice with them when' they reteiced. A true typo of our republican institutions, he never far a moment lost sigh-of' that great cardinal doctrine that ours is . "a Government of the people, for the people,. and by the people." Suddenly stricken down in the midst of his 'aCtive life, this House lost ono of its most faith ful members,-the nation one of its watchful leg-, islators, theStato .of Pennsylvania' ono of itir ..best known and most enterprising citizens, and' his family a kind and indulgent husband and. tither. ' ' SW It mill ben Boyce of gratifica tion to every : trine-hearted Republi-1 dim that the 'assassination of 431mient4i .Prim; cannot. be laid on the advocateSl Of a Itgptiblic,in Skein. The old dp 'nasty is responsible: for it, and the, OR:gliders of Repnbhcfina arc 'hoed . from the: bniden. i'rentinent men haie ; bon dh*Tered tote Connect pith* VIBI)Odes %mind the Ilerinblio, !ad who fat thirmonoi, 1 4,4 - hare" ruir4 1. • 17 3: - 11011. Ji] . olll U. WEBB: luting a series for Leixtire ishCd by him- The Febniary I interesting • .on., 'Timm a very correct We append 'LOCAL OPTION DILL. LETTER P!OM R,ABHIHGTOL IVAtureerrox, D. C., 14b..1A 1971; Ain:El:Fon : On FricTaimornblg lut e aiznn the' 1 4, bnistlfal snor4 its fraaiyhai &WOW iitzliatarAdatastarnikwe bail at lead da. inches on the "dead lei** .11 was pA " great shakeir og. a "floe; tut -14ki, 4e21 4h of twO catirlk 6mt put Oelliiiirnit44bAkiiie. are harp ppraspd fq oyettkao *ls* a that in ihe abienCe of a snidcitintlinmlier of' sleighs there was litought Into riciiiisitioh and mounted upon !runners, "crockery. crates, dry k;00-41)0xeSi_atid. many other._, odd and....anSPr. looking "contrivances," the happy passengers of whir-14.0 thordastrid aimagtheatieocts look ed as happy, and as smiling as thoyoutidal gent *lion againit his vestpattarta is laid the Curls, Ofier, " 4 the gillwhona lUs adore t," ..-: -::1 . ' - MO ts -"till -that'll' bright mnst ,fadO,": so 4.onr pal anon - de ' ' rather sorawr than we wished. or expecte d, was fobyred as quickly by any amount Of m d—the micrTasgrtg' laud--amid 4hic' h at thili'present time we are wading and floundering. i 1 •' ' •-• -aackzevsikceingwriost. Dttring the lastmor9; Our city c was 'favored with a - visit from the intrepid. Cul. liotax B. , Asruosr,_ the persuasivo . 11rk Vis t rronix C. Woonutty., the loquacious 'xis* Tsui C. Ci.a.m2s . ,,the. charming , Mrs. .Pr. tAXEWOOD, the pensive Boetor and the '1.)1!•? . Setl baby," and : others; acknowledged leaders, followers, and helievers,tand advocates et,the doetAno of Wo men's Mghts and Female firtif,rage, arid at Lin colnßill io solemn cenioesttayt these women, big with events; morbid' sentiment, - imaginary wTougs, and tho love or notoriety, ,field'-what ;Sur citizens irrevently And im,grarionaly;' styled a "Ilen Convention." This meeting of Savant; in petticoats, held (htily during Shuns t au entire week was cenductel and managed mainly by a Jew old worues resarrocted from the shades of private life to which a kind public had 7ong ago cOusigned them, quite' Willing they should there repose and rest, undieterlicd even until awaluMed by the last blssts of Gabriel's trump. taking now hope iktlto fourteenth emend-• merit the tocsin of narlWas sounded, and ' • locusts, swarming ou the wings of the four winds, came' th:to 'gray-headed apostles and their followers, awl in this wide, and spacious hall* of tta-Young Men's illbrististi Asixiation Building, under Me leadt:rship of the 'daring auttchtTairotis clot. Scatty 1., toe 6 4 313 g mind ed in battle array were ni.arshalleci.. No ballet troupe en theatrical boards ever performed the giOrious " March of the Amazons'' With all its changes and evolutions, better. 'First was the call to arnv, a promiscaons Meoting, merging in line ble Indiana on the Warpath, then in solid .rtaianx, defiant, rlthitlieir facts toward the foe, th'cn forraiiTr, In f hollow squares arenuil their laced and majeatie leader, who with rot ton umbrella under Lei aria, steed not the per 'unlit:cation of •` Lifires , bung Dream." but Pro*" :Ind. trilimphaniiikq Daniel hi.tLn 'tree din, nod attic - nigh age 'had left its impress on het brow, it had not abated one paFtilc of OK; energy and um.thnslasin of her Inure tender years, Moses, when gathered to Ids fathers -- 2 -" her eye 17as not dint, nor he .natural force abated: diem in leo of battle, midst:rigging a strong force or the boldest end the prettiest in . the Congressional re4eption rooms, they - tharled that body. en nict4sc, and "-they. went fur the, heathen Glace." Among thorecaptur e3 end-held in trinmph it is relmrted - we're some who had faced death " full many a time and oft," but the soft gla,pePs of this bright eyed host with short hair and joek6y hats n vre to theta him the.faseinating gaz. of)the serpent ; helpless, they were again "bottled np," and 'as a ransom from , bondage consented to report ". tight away "r. bill granting the demands of these blooming dnmtels and:aged matrons, Who desire to-entet-the dirty arena of politics, tovotc,‘to' become pot lainke politicians, to stride amid the-fon - 40f whiskey and tobacco, to harken unto langWage that may sound strange, and•to walk in ways "that are dark" and learn "tricks that. are Vain and peculiar.”. x Arid thus the matttr rests, and so ended The it farce, and gone from our wandering gaze arc the motley crowds, tliit old, the young, and thif beautiful, the el f-del,;gated, Colonels, Captains and orators, lon dresses and short dresses, and those that walked the street hi breeches, itt; ter the manner of men--all have dimPpeared, .and for all of Which k. , b us return thanks , stwilct itergr.x. has to imite au extent, occupied the attention of Congress, and several bills have been intro dueed with a view of creating a change in. the prei.ent System. Ref Orin is decidedly the order of the day, but if the present system works well what need of reform at ail. The jurisdiction of Congress canat wellbe questioned • In •their hands rests the general welfare of the Govern ment and the peoliki,, , bnt It has - eier 'been the usage of Administratichis to testoi their pa t rcih,l; • upon . theit impporters—a .conceded tight darer for a mothent questioned, and any attempt to leghtlatO this privi:ege mast be futile. A "refona may be weeded in this branch of the government service, but. in what. respect? Is it luoral:.legal, cscleshistical, - or what? And if so, will any of tqe proposed bills noW`before that bob bring thd-restilt ? Oppo nents to tho Administration and its , principles, and those Who once Sought to destroy the fair . fabric of thit Governinent, with whom still lin gers the spirit of treason and slavery, are quite willing to endorse any Measure that will have a. tendency' to seciaie to them a retention in'-of- Ike. But in the event or possibility of a Change kill not the 11,epublican party, soon be tdnght the fallacy of all such legislation, and will they mot learn then Most 'pniphatically "to thei vie belong the spoils." ANNUAL .nit 7: for the fiscal year ending Jttne 30, 1872, redti; yes the elericalloree in all the Departniants. j l , -, Tily the .Treasury will be made the greatest re anetiap., especianyitt the onice oftlntental Rev enue by reason of the consolidation of the rev enue districts and the lesiening of our diltiqs , . ; and 45..ea., - )Gertgrei l a , so fat - ,liaa mule bueslow progetuoyin disposing cifthe work Ixforeit, and pirties inierestiidin,thaValoolgo of allPToPria lioii I,4ll2,enfortain Sclions'. fears that Act sea wised may close before they can all be ,reached or acted upon. The 1a.!.1, fair days' br Weeks of a session, however; genci i iily, witneiies, body at work in frog; earnest,- and more legis lation is transacted in this !short space than one Would naturally conclude from the amount of time generally consumed in consideration I matterei infer.? them. - i r On Thursday of *4: week the President gave 'one of a seri4ef elegant State dinners, nsilally igiutoo during; the kvinter, the - invitations to which are generally; confined to a few. Among ,those mentioned as lociug prci ht we notice were llon..rrAssr_s;llEricri. and wife from your district. . , TEM rAmposAisis. suksos is nor. - at its full height; and not a day or night gees Ly without haying a reception, a levee, a " Gerrisu,'! a matinee or apart} - of some kind: 'hest various receptions given - by the Prost dvnt, the 'trice President, members of net, Foreign Mipistersuind others, afford eoli th:moils and tanceasing . round of 'amusement to the pleastm seekers,. the beau monde, and those-Who find:eraciyment in the giddy whiri pool.of-fashionable fife. With. this month; however, cods the season and its festivitieS ;'the now gay saloons and parlors will then be void of their , brilliant as= serublage ; the sound' orme.sie linalitdi the dancing hall still and silent,. the lights eatinl guish&l, and the feStiveiyouth with downy mus tache may fold away his ", wallow tail " to.rest.' new order of then bo instituted, the attention of both' old and young will be at., iected in a channel of a different natnre—more serious, sedate and reflective; the time hating , approached when:the flesh must be mortified: ray The present canvass-4n C.n necticut Will he 'one of uncommon interest. Both' candidates for Gov ernor have bee 4 atteeessfdl and un successful in'tgbailar totted% and. by the rule of rotation it is fir. JiwzELL' i s turn Co heat. E.Nousa, the victo ries, standing at present two for Mr. ENousu and one for Mr. Jawm... The election 'Of, Congressmen also serreslo give interest -to the oaniass and in the tir; stand second districts the pontes trill be very c'ose. The Akira - d*eidedly 4p., while lholourth is grotty certain . - De tn;qa tie =majority The • ed*v . 64 6 ; 1111-1 it; 11 ; ;IA ted uliOn: to increase; the Repolrt liOnitretigthitnaterhill* THE VILLAGE O TIOGA, PAn DM" TRUED WI ME. WHISKY AND DAMINMENG, riesurliStoe.ooo' Worth et ---- MY destruetibte • conliegration owed rtegii Pa., ".on - ''llednes day-night., Feb. 8, bys whicic nearly -1 every br.smess place irkthe town was destroyed:" Then*E.:Charth and - Episcopal Church and. Rectory were alSo.burn . ed. A c orrespondent , of thl Elmira Adveltser aura : , • " lbw-minutes past twelve o'cl kon Wed nesday night a general fight corn enced and progretwed in s saloon in Tiogs, Pa. known as the • Hole in the Wall.' Whisky an gambling was the cause of the row, and' the Iresolt was the breaking ots kerosene lamp, tt o contents of which set fire to the room. The fle es spread rapidly, and in less time than ; it takes - to tell the story , the room and bntlding wete put 113T mg. An alarm was sounded and the sleeping inhabitants were aroused. fr o ; tlieir slumbers to witness one of the wont flsgritiorut that ever limited a town in thissec;ion." We notice that \Val & flizsAuci, of this place, lost $1,006 byitbe fire. This disastei is 14 strong argument • - in favor of tbe passage 91" Father' H e rr's bill, making the whisky Seller r pow ton ed by iimunsßutio, 'l4). 6, 1‘71., The bill to : change • the thite, for . holding township elections from. Oc tober to sprin'g was ioassed by the Son* to -day..- It will probably'pams the House. - ..' • 1 . .. Among-the bills reported! favorably in the House is ono allowitg persons injuredin person or propeity in CPU.. , sequence of the sale or use? of intoxi cating liquors, to collect damages. • The bill for a constituttonal con vention has passed to a titi ' dreading in the'House; but . .it isa flieved the Senate - will .not agree. i ... Mr. , Bccx.u.xw's bill fort, reformed Toting ... in .tht election of school direc tors, has paged the Sena 4 Among the bills introdneed is ouc i allowing .yards and toainships to ~. vote once every three year's a liq uor law. . Another requiring all healthy. clitil drembetwe'en G and 11 ydars of age to attend some school tlnee months Pin every year, under a poialty to the parent of imprisonment aid fine of one dollar per day. - Refe red to the Judiciary Committee,. • An act authorizing the securities in the ,Siaking I reported necrativelv. : I Seir :HENRY • 'WARD BitECHT-11. ha consented to accept a salary of $20,- 000 from his Brooklyn 'congregation. A portion' of . the public seems to be, a good deal annoyed' at .he figures, thinking their size augury a bad con dition' of 'religion do thio City of Churches. Now, wo are not elear whether it is any outsider's businqs what arrangements )Ir. I. .n and leis congregation may make in regard 'to his services: If the eimgregation did not think him worth] the iimires named they would not /te....liktly --- fb pay thA same In a. business view 13 . zrctiza is worth what they pay him, for ho enables- the confireg ation- to set-its pews at enormrs _tig,nres. As a general thing the ply of preach ers-does. not reach figitree to. ,be en vied; and Yet we are u+ble sea why the laborer is not wbrtby of .his hire in that professioni as I well 4s, `elsewhere, They have ivory . mush the wants that otiier deceat Men have, and if they tlesirq to lay np something for a' rainy da, or_ for their: amity, 40 not See that the, desire is one to bo conde'rnnmd. , II-11.04. 4 • re- The Democrats n t ow4a"edu- - cation l " poisoning the ininds of the young." The folloWingli extract from 'the Deinocratic Orty orgn of Washington, with referent to. some .1. congre proceeding proeeengs: " Mr. FfoAn, of Mas,sachttsetts then advo ea ted the great schemoi 3 foritiational education which-is to b su4stiteted for. the Freedmen's and s 6therbureaus: , yy furnishing a niammoth machine Co 'Pelson the minds 6f the rising :-generation. This is 4.'ofltto most insidious and dartgeroup r of ;plans for, 'perpetuating radical' rule lyet ceived by the inventive genies of Nov England, and •is, therefore, the -one that ought to be most ;dimly resist ' ea." f • 4,41 eel. Terms of , ,ac. jus met - of the i' t i ' difficulties between thiS . Government and Great Britain howl been agreed upon. A joint High Commission to be composed of five memb+s on th i i part of the United States, 'iad three on the part of Great Brit 'n, is to meet in 'Washington, and .just the Alabama claims, the Canadfra -Fish ery question, and other tufitteis of. differende between the two . nations. he President has appointed and the_Senate 11 - - confirmed the follow ingsl named distinguished !) ntletnen Ff as commissioners : on. HAmmres nu, Secretary of. Stag ; on. B. C. SCus.Nek, Minister to Eng ' d, Jus ticii Nzises, of the . pwre e Court, Ex 7 Attorney General). an, and Senator Wits.Ltais. i I s " _ J • 1 The managers of lb? impeach ment of ,Governor Hoz.nmFindertook a sharp game in srumuOning• Senators PooL aria ABBOT, and Representative Dociair to attend the: Coirt of Im peachment as witnesses. The idea no 'doubt was to interfere with tile Se‘te Select Committees,ibut failed.; The Answer was returned 'that they could not *absent themse l lves from Congress, but would . ; testlify - -before any commission the Copz:t might designate: i leir The 4Vontear American, Dcui ;dile, Pa., , has been pdrehred byte proprietors of the Bloonisbnrg Re .-Republican. . • is. It is enppose4 - Ott the Or , letwists were successful i i the recent elections, in France. - * The U S. Hqnse I se*atiies hUiefusea to I lumina tai.._ . . •: . ~ .- . . ' --- NNITA._ - REPORT , ... . . _ F THE "RECEIVALS AND , EXPENDITURES OF BRADFORD- . . •• \ COUNTY, 1 1 11.0 X JANUARY Let TO DECEM.W al, MO CAVSE. Iliii • , - EXPSND • - i • Auditors .. 4 1D) 00 • .Assessore 1 ~ 70 lo . 1 Bridge•Contrects : 73 . - Bridge Views... • . .. 00 Bounties to Volunteers, per Act - ‘,1853..... 00 g e mnionaroalth Cost \,, .... 1009 23 170 80 Constable:a attending upon Court .. 486 73 District Attorney -.273 00 Elections 756 13 -Feet gad Lig - - • ' • . 190 07 Grand Ju hts rors , G6O 58 - Treaters° Jurors . 4075 60 Ituntranee on Public Buildln„la 131 la Counsel to Commissioners..:... 50 00 Jury Commissioner and Clerk - 136 72 Ottloe Bookar god Mgt:lottery .537 tot Prisoners' support in County Jail 1370 -'lo Butcrn Penitentiary. 723 is 1 Cot:truing Prisoners to Penitentiary en 00 . • • . = .I(r° UST Fl. r /TH THE SE3'ER-1 L ( . 0 LT.Er;TO RS OF ROC:NTT • T.11,0I: THE Cotr,V , ti• of 13radfordii» - the year 1970, awl precious ::. . - 1 . , TWP. & nonotriam.- • COLLECTORS. 1 Te-±Creno'o I liter , IkiN'toPre.er.l,l:o! - E. , 1 • , - -It„ . .. , 'Faecal : ors ' .... C H Newman.l`ifat' i2l 1111" 10 94 ; 1 40..1 ' . • -'- • Columbia 4... ... . ... .. Jll Morgan 118691 - 1/1 00. ... 10.00! • .' I. ..- Overton - - Henry-Sherman, Jr ilB6oi •al 6G. 30661 . i ' ' • 1 , Troy Bormh.. d i mes Adam 3 . 'lBooi .121 65! -13 711 10 53: 27 81, - Armenia Simeon. Williams ' . ' 11870! :171 tgil• 160 00i • 2 00: 8 431 • . • Athena Township Frank S Morley ... ' - 12164 1161 2040 98' 15 66: •107 44.- '. . 1 •.I I ; Athens Borough.-- L E Sinsabaugh ..... - ..... ;:-.. .1153.53/ 613 12f 6 041 32 371 . , Albany., , • Alexander Ruglisli...... ........ ..1 433,601 396 31! 16 42 ; W. 86 • Asylum ; .... . Isaac Eunia .. i . 1666 791: 628 901 ,5' 741 . 3:1 651 - . Alba Boroug,lt - ...... w a Aud,u, .- • 112..2.1! 116 la. • • 1 -. G 111 Darclay;" EW Talady - • ' 945 151 915 941'21.66 1 4p 21, . Burlington Township. Morgrin Waters ' 6,46134 , .614 o'2l •'' ' 1 22 22 '• - , . - , Burlington Borough.. n It'Yhelps. - - 160 94{ . 141 11. .; xii 8 44; Burlington West • d A Compton 1 61 1 81 523 511 72! 27 55-1 ..- Captor' Ncornship.. - Newton , Landon.., • i - 1184 10; . 1110 4Q 9 03i ' r,ei 7tl; Canton Borough , C 1 W Gritlin . 470 09, 431 64; 13 6.1 •11 - 821 - . Colimbia. 1.1 II Morgan. ..: .... .. :. - . 1 1204 481 12:12 721 10 88- '64 kg • • . Franklin. i s:K.l3°n Gilbert, . ..:.:.' - 445 Ir 2; 419 OW 4 171 '2 - 2'03 1 ' Granville' 0 L.Stret•tor . .' ' -702 58j ' , 151 13- , 1.92'. .39 53 . 1 i •, - . . Herrick l -' Charles Bice - i r... 39 021 1 504 • 411 ' 3 EZI •26 Icl, . • ... Leßoy • ' ' !Al Stone - . . ..... - - ~.- • 66.3 421 628 00, 1 sa, 33'021 • ~ . 1 Litelifiehl ' . +,.l' Munn. .... . ..... ~ . • - • SW ,J 2. 4.0 1: 18. 45 95 41 5.0 , • 1 Leßaysville • 31 Benham ... 1,,, 73r_116 ,o, ~ • m ..,,.... .11onroo Township .... ' John - Ennis. '.... ... ;• ; 721311 631 17! 4 4 241 * :15 90.. Monroe Borough' ,B n Ballet ~....,...... .. :..! s' 17.2 60! - 160 411 3 09 ! • a 4.1 . _ Orwell C C Tho Overton IJa Pike • • , Ridgbury '•C .1 Cliublpick ' -•' • . 92'3 25' -1-141 - 63 1 1 20 ! ,46 1 - - . 37 rnes 31olyneua 11 Stevens . ' mpson • Rome Township • 'Philander Tewue- -•• •, - '2Ol 35' 179 sol 12 40• : 9•45 _ .' - ' . Y 20713 61 1097 431 7 57 1 '6O 02 • 4 ' 2 .$ 4 .....-- /•:••..; - '927 11! A7l 46 - , 9 791 45 86 ~....; -• 723 591' G7B 79 , -.0 07.' 33 73' . '' Rome Borougl . t. ...... iDaniel Vought.,FOrrest . , - i ~.... .... . ..., ... i , ' 1 1 4. 1 2 .1 f r , ; s ;i l 1347 ~!. 2 sg '.. - ..... 0 . S9 -I 1/12...67, mithfield lw It . Springfield. .. ...... - .,G N P,01ter.,... - South Creek . .! 'W 11310°re Sylvania.. ' !Peter 31ouro • Sheshequin, .. - ..... ;Charles Chaffee : . 1219 70j 115 t 19 1 4 a3i go 72 -..- • - . ....: , • , 5313 211 . 4TI 1251 11 21 1 'l5 95 • - . ..... .....! 124-56-, 121 73 1 ;3!!: 641 • ; 1243.191 1172 27i 9 221 .61,70 Standing &Abe ' 10e0rgd,A Stevens... •,. ... .. 1 ...... • - 633 30 505 33, .6 4,, ar, - .7x1 Terry Charles Thonrpson ..., - -- .• 431 88 110 06; 2 2‘. ) - 21;. * C- 1 1 •' - Tcraranda Township-1W W Bowman , i•• • -. 573'07 542 07 4 471 '24..531 - Towanda Borough.... .4 11 Kingsbury... ... .. 2612 14;. - 2138 35 . 48 251 121k341 • ' . Towanda North...-. George B Mills • 430 401. 414 53 . • I - 21;8'1/ . Troy Townshino...... Hiram Rockwell , 127 1 7 53. 1204 391, 5 561 63. 601 -... Troy Borough iE C Williams 1 914 121 - -844 Nit 21 82i 44 47 1 • uscarora-- - ....- • ;George W Woodruff ...............:1,...673 101 r.:3a 51: . 3 - Is!' 33 sot . ' • Ulster ~.:: I Hiltonlfol6Faub... ...... .....,...,.. 744 52 - 703 951 -3:,2 1 37,4151 - Warren 14. I' liinney..; • -. .. 11:71 051 1(I1',7 - 501. - .ti!! 55; :' • Windham 'Joseph Elf-In-cc • ,- . 8149'77! 841 aoi 4 AB; .44 4!..! . . wraraging. ... . . .... .. !, A. C st..vens 1-1 0 3 32 1 , 1013 31/-26 141 53 fol' .602.32 WYllOx ' I W W' Won! :. 971 89: 315„ On! 6'29 1 ' 44 24i . . _Welles" 'IC L Shcpanl • • • s 1 344 371 1)0 001 017! 42 11! Wilmot . ICI II 51613,0 - , .- .578 . 7 - 2: 541'17: 9 071 28-.44', •••• 'Roaszcasment , . r 341 46/ 3l 31j126 - . 1 30' :296 23 . l------ 1 ---.....- 1 -7. a .. , 1 '36,81)141 j 33.5302.11379 32,;1.13.971.1,05 iO4 To amount dm , lni-M 4111plie•Otes for 13.59 and prciion4 years To ant't of dupljl.•a:ea' for 1870 ree4.lrect . •• 4•N• .seatN.l of reas7seesiiteilts . S. " of (ncideutal Si' Treasurk. San. 1, 1h74) OM To amount of order i sued in - 1:7 , 1 , • " out.taridiag Jan. 1 " Total EINE nnADFgRb cousTy. tiS Fnnd WaS . . . We thinnderalgued Commhinntonern of .41 4_ , „ n n t y (1. : , her.bie-rtify thaethf! :111 , *0 is . A trne.and cor rest statement of the reeeiven and owen•litat'es of said eQuaty, from the is day if• .Tannary to ti:_.;;lsi datot DeCember, (inclusive) A.D., 1' O. . nk . rtnenn bur handl. and seals ot , eince, at Towanda, tni: 2.1t1i dayotJanuary,lB7l.. . .r.zit..t TAx.)onl.R. - ) . . .T. J. 111.:, ; Couil , liaskn. , .; - ::; , .. E. C. KEL.T.Q66, ) . . • . . s • • Aiteist—E. B. CrIOLIItITGIT, Clerk 11U4PIIRtY BROTHY.RS, 100 CASES • 100 CASES IQ.O CASES 50 CASES 50 CASES 50 CASES WOMEN'S -and MISSES . SHOES. WOMEN'S and MISSES SHOES, WOMEN'S and 7 - I 1 S E - IP ES : LATEST LATEST LATEST - 100 100 100 TRAVELING-BAGS, &C.. TRAVELING BAGS, &C TRAVELING BAGS,-.CC. FINEST LOT IN TOWANDA FINEST • LOT IN TOWANDA FINEST LOT IN TOWANDA 200 200 20Q :SPLENDID HORSE BLANKETS, SPLENDID HORSE BLANKETS, SPLENDID HORSE - BLAISTKETS, EVERY DESCRIPTION. EVERY WSCRIPTION. EVERY DESCRIPTION. Larg© lot of Largo lof t of Largo -lot of_ FANCY RUGS, &C. FANCY RUGS, &C. I 4 ANCY RUGS, &C. Baring enlarged our salearoam aad made ettaii olive purchases of all goals in our branch of trade we are twpired to glfer extra inclorigatenta, . 9apt.32. 1870. . BROTIIEIIft. C • • COMPLETE 'ASSORTMENT..--OF. 110SERGY AND GLOVES, inclnillit the :cele.: best od Sssls liktemites Rid Gloves, - at • Ev&Ng & Hi.rx!TOrs. . . Iron WILL - FIND THE MOST - "ATTRACTIVE STOCK to select from In YAM: -Via SHAWLS Double and SlAglo Wool Shawls in Dales and N ue- f! - . =ANS Hll.rntmrs. IN FACT, YOU. CAN ALW Add 4,', MOST COXIATZ STOCK, of ac K11:3, gilt; branches.. at XVANB & HILD Bridge street. Towanda, Pa., dan.lB."ri. , it.u, KINDS GRO. ' of R.Opre ifgwg Era CHOICE • Black TN 8 915 cheap re "Chat. K. Lad,?. Tren..,eirer, in a r6)unt r Ar s 0 County 0rd,1.. in With (Ae Cfito;ly f .1).. 1870 lascellaneous. WILL OITEE. TUIS REEK MEN and BOYS BOOTS MEN and. BOYS BOOTS MEN and BOYS BOOTS AND BEST QUALITY AND , BEST QUALITY AND BEST QUALITY FINE- TRUNKS, - 4 . FINE TRUNKS, Fn E T4UNKS; BUFFALO ROBES, BUFFALO ROBES, BUFFALO ROBES, EMI c 11.. .17171ZPS : . .Public Printing ' - $ 404 LI . Prothonotary and Clerk officsslons • ' 447 96 stirs upou Public 13uildings • - . 12 . 73 47 Reerees, as per Act of 1669 ' 40 00 Justices! Inquisitions 03 97 Rent of House for Comts at Troy: ... • - 200. 00 State Lunatic Asylum • - . 129;65 Summoning Jurors - , .. 207 90 Fite Companies.tcrorardliteamers.. ......- 200 00 Teachers' Institute, as per Act of 1807. .200 00 Township Line -Views • • 1 - - 45 00 Wild Cat Certificates:. ' -'.. 2 28 . . : . . . . - - John A: bloodr o asto cafiusalosidner ....... . ZOO 00 1. 0 011:01 1 . COnunlssiCiller. ' " 470 00 John 13. 111:1(1H, .. . „ 456 00 Ezra C. Rallogg. , 5n 00 CollbangClerk Cematul/041.0rier... 1200 00 ui, 8n To ..... - ..1•27726 41 laity rF .174 7 ./n,r . ci.t.i.,..,%157Ci - .• __ _ -- - _ .. ~ , .• A • 4y 31.1)Cnillt r , thilasll - 11114:01/ctlf:1.1 . ' ft): 187 p ..., - , 5t4 2i • and previous' y,ar1t......,. . S-1,379 25 2 , ;,27t; 8 "1:y ani't er.oncrak‘.l tocollre.t9ra... ' ". 379- ~ 2.4. • 75; 9Lpercetitage " 1 "" -..-" '._ A - 1,22 .P. 7 rg. 34:; 38 t• or.le rt , 1e01ie , 1... - , .... .... ..... 27796 '47 :i2 Pl. . " of 2 per, et..corazni;oion on Num :5 '^3 447 454 i " !,f 1.. " ". " inn f:3:,637 62 .:1k23 ,4,21Y2,15 .! a ••pat , t StateTrca ,, tit',....7 . • 5,^13 18 Li% Tr.ii,nry •Tan. 1,1 s f 1 ..... ... 5,126 r $12,11.11 57 I:utul 27,7:4; famount or order- - ; re , leCracil in 1570... $27,751: 67 3 37 •• " .outPtauding Jan., ."4, 5 . 37, ".:2,701. SI T I IL L It E 31 o ;f • o ,o, :',u - i' L .ii:T'i: J 1: IV L 1 Y, 'WATCHES. taoCli•• STYLE STYLE STYLE PLA T-E.DIVAdtE, E SILV.Fjr (iIOLS GOLD. CHAIN ntr inarisit, is . I.lc , yr ' ay. e•~lzi4ilion •rtid font:al: , at ttr,‘. Ftor¢.;d - . • f: • A. •CIL.VIII,BERLA.IN El Mr.;C. Las jib - t rt-piriiet tors himself that his stock torn tignreA, and that he _menta,fp plarcllast , ra, of El es,tablishment in the conn AFULL ASS O RTMENT OF yam and caarain raurra. at • March IQ. 180., LONG & EIMER S. pIIR : E - CIDER V4OGATetui4:T ' AND • QPRIES•OF ALIT EINDS , WHO :atida*ml at - FOX, dc 3,12td11413,, ;-'12419 MEI $27,.§0 Miscellanms' PEI tiuclit • of / - i `) NM .. • • > . I ; f m;ml EEO -.. '.1.• N • ....., •-, -_ t li10401121:".'kU"'' it I l i D A- '. 31 .k i. I: K L• T r i l e - - • W4fOT,E.tiALEPIIII7Yr•:. ConlvNit every - I :ViAni.;sday, 1,31 c . 3 . , ,- • a+ii:ject t• 9 chativ.s.daily.„ . •• . -i , • • Ari . p . Wbeit. "ik bn.4l; -- • • , •.. . ' ..... ~. ~-.: H n• Rye. 11 Minh .. - ......... .. •-• .. .-Butimbent, --e.l.ntli • . .... - Porn, 74 Ibnxbk ..... - Oats, •1 Liv-'l4:. • I. Denial!, (,r. bnFb.... .. .- Butler froEs) - B lt;„. do (dairy, /} fh .. 14;g8... doz Potatoem,V brat., .................. Ilour. ? batrel - • Ilalll VI. lb " • Onions, y 4 1 - Ault • • 'WEr.oirys or. GuAr.;,—,Wl,r,.t c. e .E:. " ;'• ~••' 2, - Eye 55 lbs.• Ont.; 32 Ibli.f Bar:pyi.p; r„, .%,..,:, 1- • 481bn.: Been*.f.2 ILK.; Bran. 2•1 1i;... ; (1; . ...,,...":" . ,:• • 1.814. ;"•Tinntly it , crt.4.4 Ibp. ; 1.,, , , •4!... ~.‘",','.''''.!• Dead Af.i.Tt•a 22 lba.. Flax f!--,.1 5u n„: ' • MAIL ' ,, AItIIANC;J:::‘j ~NTs i ,!, THE , TOWANDA • I'OST-f•Ty ‘ :1...,., '. mita Baribor ni.A..tee f 1.6 Slaife. :il - ‘II.• t . • anjv.; and ctiTart as f..)::.•••.e.:E.: , . ' . • 71-1 ,, .. .. A Northein SIC' • fiottLeM ". Trot 7 ~', '? -;..,.......1.2.c0 za. ‘ ....,,,,-,....; .-; . 1 7 .. Canton. If ; • f;•.'-'• , D. Itl-f". - : .. .I,r; - Dualist • ' ',..,• • r. ! , 11 , . 7 ........., Lejlaysvirin " , ..,•........11 : :or) A. :;:: ..... l'i ~ 1. ‘.. ' B arc l a y • •,. (..12 :fp) %. . ...... .7 2 0 ; 1 1.140t1. =LIU arriv€ a -ove., ry ' ltorvlay. Y.', .7.,.., ; • -rriza7 at G:00 F. 3.1... aliAl (.1.1,..rti nt : .: , ' Totada.i. TStirs.lay, aLti ~ : at:L^:1, . .... - - - - - - 1.11... - ..rty Copera mail arrivr•i , v , . 7:• . 'f',l- • 1 ; , : • day s and satlArdfly at .9......6 a...•.r. I; .... - • -.:1- .?. • . - • 44 ~. • - J 4rl•lnai7v ,;.!".s." n• 1 mi, ;,.1 ; c r.., pallurc ; and the yralitz tv , r:/, v. p.- J r. , ;.'., . . . ie.'. prerLot,r, ti., W. AI..I:CP;; J• :: , ...Tl4 TABLE OF TITE: ST; Tr . 3 1'711 k 'ERIE ILLTI.EO•III—T, i - IroCafay, Jam', 21, Vi7l. spil - r - irw:anm i ' , P.'. I A.. M. 1 . 2:40 I . .,g:10 D.I.I.ICLAY .B7N , :t;f .•.,:, i 1 2.1 ,, , '3;00 l' 8:30 1 ...... ,fONItHI: ........ ', 11 - I 3:35) 9:65 It w.tr.,c0%i...... ::-[- j, 3:45 3:7.5 I NEW ALLA NI".. , ~'.., (, - . I 3:r , 5 1 ..):?...; r :„......MILLEF::•4, . ... -... ; ;,.i-; 4:20 I 9:::( - 1 ' 1 -- DUSHOEF. ....... l4 .4*.: w.. I A. If.' , . . . .J311.'21771.1 . 1 . 1 . 0 " ..) 1 7t QUICTiTeY 7.r . kni.: i. , , _1.7 il_ aci.ivi:l ri,-U and v1np:01..,11.:.!.•r,:, ;.,;,,,,.: for filo gmati .aligious an4l Lt. rury ..,,.. -;..; : Lintr Vaion.lited by HENR W Y .11:1; r :-e,,,..: : ... e... flaying in i 6; ..orp3 of enntra.ll!..q- , 1!: z - ... t y . Of the land. - "Qi...% channin?, rerial :' , ... - r. , ..).y 1'.. ,, ~,. • fill.uOrt'3 antborcsn of •• Ifne.e T , nl'.- , . C.,`. ~ belstri. Er ; frry ssnlor..ribel• r r 1 , 71 ri... :,,..":" .paiwr 'Fait 14 , 315 z wg}::: - . , . an.l •ti.a 1 ,, , ,, ,1;., .-fa : . :: 111x1:.flall WA:411.11 ,, A0.1. 1.1.1r,r,, r rth' "..3,..1..._ Thin ~::ter and un , ilual',2l ~,,,,,b;,:.j.,,f, i. ..,,,: LIEU Wit.)) .7111 E. All am (1 ,, f1,:z . ..,il. 0'a',.11.2 :, $lO to 300 a day. Now J• 5 110 .11.•.1.'.y-.1" 1:..r.: .. seil.:t.lC CIA Qt.71.:K12r. 1 . 1. , r , . .14 1 , - ,. .:1.!y 1.. ~ ;bat Wilk rxr you so - WELr.. C , ll - f•: ;, ,, ,••7 0 .•, - „, : • of 'Etory and raretv . rnv!,. true. .1.1.,'; , .x".... " . A. 1t.71-11'1;1;_trj,: - 40 4 - 11. , qTn:t :,;:.. I ::.' ;.• •''' • ' ••• Qrc.l,'SO TAVLOT.Z-E.I_ECTI:IC; OUT! This Oil 1:a-: prover) cum' or I:her:m.lly: - finiritet an nntward Nv, eat wradd to Innne ti nrifrri , .l ar.!:.l-t• .alleriat4on of pain and n, I. than-is this It • i,r. • • as It. mtarevt ; 111.1., Illy It ," `jf the ra:lnte, . • eptup.:tented on,A. It wr,.. - 11.••• t-titra, Every should It H IT c , IstiliS(.3 or P. -t, N arTill'a {1,3. I, I , nt , ~f ra'atel,fah, trinn-n - '- a,n gef ,. .ntiV :taMe:2. hr an thin!! r, and try it. yt ,, , ru.t tt. F ,, r rat- , 'dealers in „. , - - • , , It. 'TAY • P.ropr;Mor. " "n.tf NT:EW I ;OA I - Z DT... ITO t: 5,11.- , !•. •• • g.": 1 141 r, , 1 .t • 7. • •1! , " : . t'm: a rt i!I ^ V, hop:i L. T. 11., '7 I - In ATON SAV ED. 1:V PriII'ILCSING Yuri: 'Kr( AND TIMV.O =E= COAL y.11:1), NTIIIZA ;1 4 .1 T. .t. r) C,LINi: rs.( t 17. •;:,.•,,%• •'•••• prs"par. I t , ftlrn:r.ll •. •• . • - • t •,..: tl , 4'.cc : St.o% v.. • Ldre.c. L nap.. IM=E rat • " I mini) • • - ittlin 14 ir'ir .... Inaol: • 'l . ll Coal within the Per Ton crr_its. Qr. Ton - may left at tlfii l'at , il con,: read and Elizabeth Burets. , a: I Drag SiPro. iu all the k TO-74dia,•Ttri. 10, Is7l.—tf Mil NTET;T, - 0. 1 i: =I CO.l '.1.,11 1) • . . __, Until fattli..: tipt.ce 'Tinos rt yart, an. Ef.tg, or No. 2.... r, . , Stoic, or Noq. 3 and- - 4 ' ';',. Nut, or No. s:.. The rmio,-ing .;,,iiconza charp. , , acliv,ring t.c.al within the bo . roi - 4;11.1:it',.1 Por ton, , •0 ,t..:. , Italf ton ...... .37, .• C211.311,n• t0n...25 4, OM • t'lj — Leave Orderl at'my COal 021,, curs New 131oet, small side: • z-zr Orders *.nsi in all . c2.9C Lc a.. - ":e tlie•eash. • Towne a, .134, 11,'71`. . • TEW GOLD .1.:1,1.1; FE 11;02:1'r. ! ,;E.1;70, .If I 0 0 0 11.7.,E, fur tr at paz hst ,. 4.1 T;%l GE 11.1 N zi ANTG! C ' Th.eo4,onils art, F•etlirrt,l. tnlsr. I,y A.l-: Atago . c , it the Itailrf,ad ifiw,lf, its cltiipinerfts; sECOND, by-a First Siert, A.:, tire Land Grant. bcdn-z. more Man 'Latta to Melt 111;10 of RUid. The bonds atti free from Principal aild Ititerest are - eii , al at the end, of Thirty cirs, t! Somi-annrially,,tt the rate of it-ityliti i - TO , Pt= atitmin. 6 o, ! They ariiisthl. in denonain.,ts , ,, -, , ,tll.OOO. apt The Trus6Aea tinder the 3F . ./1,7 Co:di. of Ithiltidelpiia,• and. 1:1„,: - .; d`re , id-Ant of itt, Tliese.Northcrn I eit t-u-) before tiiatntity.- be rrzeivat-hi : r . rar:ittuar for 1.10), iii -t' laibta at their loAcf st."LMsli pro ••. In addition to .{heir an,lnroino Itrger, firct-class !security. l'r:isons eaa, by e.onvvrhilt:z tti it-i. inercasa.'thrir, tirt.rly Still have a perfectt; reltablc rt. 110 W TO G} T11111 , 4i- 1 -`:•tttr n' 'l., Banter trill tai ply Enmis in : nry amount, and 'NT any rN. cie!.:ll!:.kotititta whiting g AN:Ls or can it" so with any of ord. agenti!--, 'highest current laic° for _ALL uAnLi. - Lit-Lll /ma Thdse living in !ocalit!c•s Fend mono} ir other bonds, a• press. and Ire wilt send 1 , 1 w% at.enr own risk. rind with••it i r • 1 •' ••• .For further information, on or address the utuler•.igne;i..,:- :•. or llaulters employe,' to this $ Ft.r-sale by • FlEkr - NATIONAL 'ION G. r. ".r.skYs • • . - • JAY COOEE - & ('`• 1 - riscaZ Agents NeHAern /141 We li•Cii , e'l•e'; • • 114 'South 'thitil -Street. I'lli!.14,11;!!:a : '‘' ••• .X.t. , :+salt atutWall f•tire , tg, New I oil::,. - -1.7 2 I . j StrLet, We. kingbpi, P. 0., by National • 11• - • •- • b•Y Broke gene!ally• tle.-,;11:11ont th e rel.:l -- 11 IS7I. ' FRUIT . AND ORNAMIE: . : TREES, Sl{RT:ll§; VIND.I. • e.•:-.lllr. Wreemi is 1167: CUnVaSt..:l4.! in. Baaafor. l, ' ''••••:=V" Tf,s..te., freili the TowyNim 11031 E \ 1 1 aild rill taki. orders:lw air,' Irar.ly kie4 ,- • r ornamented. Tree, Shrub t.r Vine: - . . . Wil2oll is a Nlri,-tly, Who riot kndtritrly lolsT:ppreselit in t , ' will matq i aoykrmtract he may tux:v.' I:1 'activj the busim , ..a hi:, rie,eiwy for 'no, TaWanda, Va.. Feb. 6.'71. • R. :NI • .• • TOWANDA 11011 - F1 NtrtsEk.. - The sulpwribcr has fOr sale LCtwcen • 'lO - .06U nioe four years .-ga' thrifty anti PLE. TR.E.E.S ortke leatlin , J select %aril t..- • in hid unrraxy or. To,..andc ylao, , /. transplanted at one year o!,1 alley arc. ..ir ‘ ap.ruitar4 , l,for transplanttn3-in ;enc.e •-cc.: • , Towanda, I's. , Feb. 1. M. \t'}... OF . 1)1$11( 1 N,:: - . NEW 'YORK - - ,I,OENTS.--I am ertcllbly tuforthed tl:.:t ..• several Tree Agents. - representing • Neiv Y- wuraeriei, who are at this' time eania4 , inc d • Ilradford, and Ting to mate peolao Welled' Tovari i Nursery no longer • what few Apple Trees Ito haalett (.lnr ": anti wolyrittmss.” lbost• •t.t.,t.. :a • toWy false. thy Stock of Applo-irtar: ;':•• Clicrry Tres are all of.my own raieln:o from tweects, healthy awl sound: Towanda, lla Feb. ' * r k /1.- 0 0 TONS B•E S T - • naster, for • Me , nroettin. feb,8' . .71 W. • II EMI =Ea El It. I'. Gtl..pi ri-1 =M = OEM PM ~. <... , !Iz. Miscellariozr. MEM I= Ell EMI EE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers