Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 25, 1870, Image 3

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sir The wife of llon:Alt W% Bum,
of Chemung, dies on Monday ironing. •
Is.. A. J.'NOBLE has , been appoint
N I Postmaster atifyioz. - •.4• -0 • I
Bar The Catholics -will holds pia
n ie in Convent Grove, - on Saturday next, for
ithe benefit or their new church.
sa" A. age: Part' ctlexcursionista
from Philsabilids. Passed-this pleas au Tues
day erening, on their tray to Niagara Falk, in
• specialinsin.
.• • , •
jar Mr. ETECL rviany Deputy'
Marshal for one of the eastern (Wets of this
county. has completed the come in the to:nap:
ships allotted to him.
31 . 1138 "MEM COLIC, ' of Lecirug,'
has reoeired the appointment of Teacher - of
Instrumental Musk in the Baptist Female
ciliate at Indianapolis, Indiana.
•ittr Our presses are constantly
gon Joblfork. The rash. is tinprece.
d ed for this season of the year. Beason—
Abandanoe,of type, rapid facilities Ibr printtnir,
and Arm-dm Workmen. •
„ .
- ser A tidy in Binghamton oom.
plains that the first ysiiiof heinikriled life hei
husband called her "my dear,” the second "Mrs:
A," and the third year "old smell top," which
was too much for her to bear.
perVourEy TatowAßD, of Springfield
township, has patented a beehive. Kr. has
given a good deal of attention, to the manage.:
ment of bona and we have no .doubt his new
hive will prove beneficial to bee owners.
_say- By referring to an advertise
ment in another column it will be seen that
Mr. JAXES Immo has leased Mimi Mix's gar
den. Mr. I. is an experienced gardner and a
very gengemanly and obliging mark. We 'be
speak for liim a liberal patronage.
.pe- A young man by the name of .
Disret SwecOmattn, in the town of Rnah,
Susquehanna county, was bitted by a rattle
make near the knee, while pickingbhickberriea
about two Wecks since. Las week he was in a
very critical condition, having Spasms fre
J®' Messrs. RYAN and - Qunnun,
Principals of the Stisquehmina Collegiate IMsti
tote, are giving personal attention to the repairs
on - that building. Some very necessary altera
tions and improvements have been made, and
when completed will be in every respect adapt
ed to the convenience of teachers and students.
Vir On Friday last Aarrnosy
O'Borta, of Bradford county, was arrested on
the oath of ZACHARY Tnewas for assault and
battery. He bad a hearing before Justice
mg and was held to bail in the sum of f3OO, in
default of which he was remanded into the cus
tody of the officers to be taken to Wilkes-Barre
Jail, whore ho is now confined.—Piffsfen Gar.
Air. About 3 o'clock on Sunday
morning last, r small frame house, owned by
JAYES BZDYOIIII and ;occupied . by A. F. Pwran
los., on Main street, nearly opposite the Barclay
machine shops, •was discovered to be on fire.
As it was impossible to get the engines to the
rn•er, the building was entirely.destroyed. Mr.
PErEnsos and his family were absent at the
time, and lost most of their furniture upon
which there was no insusanoe. We learn there
was an insurance 'of $BOO on the house.
i 0. D. G00DN017614 Of this offi
ce, finding the weather to oppressive for com
fort iMdoors, went out onto the r oot of the
portico of his house the other evening to take
a " nap," and was soon locked in the embrace
of morpheus. He woke up about three o'clock
in the morning to find himself resting on the
ground fourteen feet below, with one arm bro
ken, the other sprained, and his face badly
bruised. Under the skillful' treatment of Dr.
Lino is getting along as well as could be ex
pected. •
TOMATO SOUP.—Sike a quarter of
pound of raw ham cut in small slice, with a
sprig of thyme, four cloves, and a pat of butter.
Slice a dozen raw tomatdes, or failing Id these,
the contents of a can of preserved torditoes.
Boil the whole in three pints of water until
thoroughly *lied_ and then dissolved in the
MARS. A teaspoOnful and a half of extract. Sea
son with salt, Pepper, and a little nutmeg, and
rub the whole, for homogeneousness of liquid,
through a tine sieve.
nom, of 'Tuscarora, aged about sixty-nine
years, went to bed on the evening of August
6th, apparently in good health and was found
dead in her bed the next morning. A child of
fire years old was in bed with her, and a young
lady slept in another bed but a fow feet froth
her, neither of whom was aware that the death
angel had been so nigh them till the light of
e morning revealed the startling and mourn
fact. She had evidently pissed away with
out the 'slightest struggle. •
De- Musa nuirrien, a colored man,
who moved from this place fo Waverly about a
year ago, got into a difficulty with mother
colored man named HARRIS, on Sunday after
noon last, in which the latter Wm so badly eat
with a carving knife in the hands of Parma,
that he died in a few minutes. It appears that
BAWL'S when drunk was a very quarrelsome
fellow, and commenced the assault. His wife
had left him and was living in this place. Fats-
TES was committed to await his - trial fur homi
Stir We are pained to learn that
Prof. A. J..1.0ar0. of Waverly, died at his hied
dence is that village, on Monday afternoon
last. Prof. Lino was a teacher of great learn
ing, and had been eminently ancotssful. Poe
his ability, uprightness, integrity.and talents be
Ras giestly'reSpected by all who had the honor
of his acquaintance, arid his sudden, Unexpect
ed and nitimelp death will be deeply mourned
by a very large circle of- relatives, friends and
acquaintances: Prof. Lairo leaves a widow and
five ehilOrei. His age was 39 years.
SECRET SOCIETY.--A new secret so
ciety has been formed within the throe
years, which aims at =Mpg agriculturalists for
protection against monopolies and secure their
public interests. It is known by the pastoral
title of the "Patrons of Husbandry," and It
already nmnbers 430,000 - meinbers.• It admits
women and children to its rights and fellow
ship. It has various State and ciinty organi
zations, called "Granges," under the control
of the National Grange at Washington. Among
the things it hopes for, Is to, brealr , dows the
high prices at which agricultural Madams are
sold, by ordering them by wholesale • for ita
members ; and the same thing will be done
with seed and other supplies.
PIMSON‘L. —The Bev. B. J. Bova
use paid as a flying ♦isit last work. He was
warmly welcomed by biz numerous Mends.
--Hon. A. W. RANDALL, ex• Postmaster Gun
oral, is aecompaaying Gov. Gamut) do his trip
around the world.
—Judge &war: was in titan on Sunday. •
—The family of Ron. J. D. dor, Secretary of
the Interior, aro at Minnequs:
—Maj. Ij and JOS. G. Pswrox, of this
place, are enjoying Invigorating effects of Num
Eitantc's Minneqns Springs.. .
—W. 8. Yucczirr, aside; Mametra'a Bank,
Mrs. %cm ; and• Ina Taverna, tisitt4
Watkins Glen last week. •
—Druz= Tmunta, Ktc. Tuns!' and Ham
Donor leave to-day,for a two weep trip, during
which time they will take a tide nn the 81. LW
rence, visit. Niagara, Now York, mid several
other cities. "We wish them a pleasant trip.
—DAvw btousx, of LelloY, and his daughter,
Mee. Sheriff VAN Fuze, of this place, have
gone to Topeka, Kansas, on a visit.
:.~ 4M.,. •..,.~,.,~,,
Ms. •
Etiiiiith , laimiiter atteika
plc* *WA" sointbOr.witere
.111th totuAbrie tends loaded with' • = , r,.
drenorith banners *Mad and alto Tkrtha*.
where those itith Ate and Amu" britp)Orst
vied itith
anditarij Miess ieettiotheitnkaio,
the earl; =a where tale side *Pe PPlOsti
on a otdbito WO *hoes - thiCalin pie should*
thelitgetit, end whet*. Miliaeatt
Where the young me
s a had solider bit "Mi l
fa *it 011110siAnd ethetilthtothlitirefthethe';
b-ias the salt otiti m aim e N 4cie:Alieritibbnir.
thethre*/ Pkee the • . .thre l 4lo l *
tbdr. u sltY, **Mt
have seen heard aunethingtiltblleMlet
bob and soul than theatre or museum:.: But,-"airj, •Jo shaubt beiS" beei Mitt" bi
Pother /IMM%; grove, an South
thYt'',.tha/ 0 1thSllree APO 40bIsttiokileobt
they had a "big lime" in !lam! grove at Wy-;
alusing;"the l ttli, esitoto **Ad; Where
there were Gees. tio'hundred, and
they "ere..tated_log . , the; apmebetmtluiter
ward Mitchel to the tables se quietly, and
with as mach %Spit& ;WU" Maraud, Tam:
could hire 'done ' And it %by bad bears'
Phethe the`e. t
, 1 04"thr the tekellthre =OW
AP ; Pt i llrelit abridi the/ Willi hate k es/M - :
pi y relbitveaethei mote' %IP twelve'
hubs% 'tut Of bags beside 'may itne
caltekerards et bisotik‘A.4 Simaintog attar the crowd bial Meyer * s kV, ' bail*
the tables.
Father Berrizia l • tahlit mitplled Arty or more,
and hit- ftroistpige was only. hi keeping vitle
the many Pet,/ **lll l th eme%
But do not supposti nigh ri crowd as thbt
could be satbdied withl' l E4W alone- r ue*
they. They were ai mid few ore hourtuat
ibileAtearra. BaniataA'curs o Tommoit i
Tows* and tteitros talked sa They were bury
at the table.' ,
teem :Orwel% -oOtter
vnie, South um, Pleanint Herzieheine and
East Herrick, urdted•on this :ooessiots- hence
yon see it was
_a general time, aid those who
enjoyed if wi unite with me in laying that it
was a general good NM& ' •
By the wayhiaanyone told yon•that tbey had
• fine timein Fnatuesgrove, at Standing Stone,
the AUL Inst. Such Was Alio cue,. and bad
"Alpha Beta" been there he Would have found
material fora communication. without ‘!!sase
lug.* As he has lived through the hot weather
it is im:med he will be more sociable now.
Keep your . correspondents good natured, if
possible, and . then tell them to let "nature
caper." • Hastily yours, •
Rome; Aug. 20;70. • .1.4.
BovrawEerrEnN BRaprosto. Mr.
:Printer / •
Lighten 'the burdens of a gluier young man,
Whose fleeting mind has led him to yOrir cot ;
Whostjoyaire'soniited , at the briefest span;
hir, grant him help and never be forgot:
Nmember prints?' ink
Will save him from the brink. '
Our wiseacres inform us thit Blimrjua and
Nophawin (pronounced ne-pha-win) erg of In
dian origin, signifying "to..drink" And "sleep
or rest." These names °are quite appropriate
to the localities bearing them as people visit
tho springs and lake "-to drink" and "sleep or
rest" from the bustle and turmoil of city life.
It is singular that some of our newspaper cor
respondents should still persist in. \ calling lake
Ncphawin such unappropriato namesas "Laurel
Lake" and " Gilletts Pond," they even forgot
. that here one of the captives at the Wyoming
massacre was sent to 3ruthf i 2.leitahwin, long
Of course we want molt, but we do not nec
essarily desire it enough to quietly submit to
having a slaughterlard near our door, unless
the butchers Cease starving the sheep and
cattle, thus causing them to bleat and low al
most continually: Neither shall we then, Un
less the surrounding stench be removed or
annihilated.' e According to common-sense wis
dom, the town council or sombody Else should
remove slaughter yards from within the limits
of the borough, e. e. in the dullness of the mo
ment we so look at it.
It is said that the ground for a $lOO,OOO hotel
was staked out at Minnequa on the 13th inst.,
and that the present hotel is to serve as a
water-cure as soon as the new one Is completed.
We prophesy; in part, remembering a prophet
is not without honor save in his own'eountry,
that when the new depot .is erected the rail
road company will be or the opinion that three
depots within four miles are two more thantie
cessity demands; that it is cheaper to hire
agents for one depot than for three; that more
business will be brought to Min:amine if the de
pots at Canton and Alba are expunged; that
within three sirs the center of busines will
have seen changed to Blinxiequa ; that a good.
wagon road 'will leail directly from HODIFEL
itIANLEleff to the Elpringi So as to accommodate
the people hying on Towanda creek ; that a
court horse-for lifinnequa eon* will be located
within four years, and that many who read this
will sot believe, though we thus see through
the. mist before tis.
'There were - two runaways at, Canton on the
14th inst. One child was considerably bruised
and many people very much frightened.
By the way, Y would say to "Peres" (the
one who lives away up on the hills in thenorth
eastern part of Bradford where 'the people are
so near the sun that the "blinding, withering
heat reflected from the thirsty earth makes
them pant and ei,gh") n-o-w don't
8:70 . From your
ter We clip the following notice
of the famous Glen at Watkins, N.Y., from a
recent number of the Elmira Dagy Adathiser.
If there are any of our readers who have not
yet visited this interesting place, we advise
them to do so at once :
This remarkable wonder of nature has now •
become so widely known and is so highly appro.
elated that it confessedly ranks among thetirst-
class attractions of the country. The • number
of people who are visiting it during this season
is Morally immense. They come from all parts
of the nation, though the States most largely
represented are Now York, Pennsylvania and
Maryland. Among the names on the register
may be found almost daily those of men of well
known prominence in the country. The Glen
is thronged from morning till night, from one
end to the other, and presents a scene of gaye
ty and life which reminds ono of Niagara or
Saratoga in the height of the' season.
The neer proprietor, Mr. ranaosa, •• wider
stall& his business.. By many improvements h
has made the passage of the Glen comparative
ly easy and perfectly safe. New and strong
bridges and stairways have been added, at diffi-
cult places iron railings have been, firmly fixed
in the rock, capacious pathways have been cut
out, - and every passible arrangement made for
the comfort of visitors, and the bestopportu
pities providedier .seeing the beauties of
the Glen. The new Mountain House is capa
cious and leen salvaged for the paha **born
modation. His Only intended as a tehiporary
stopping place during the day for rest• and re
freshment. and for this purpose it i'd_ thet
could be desired. It is under the immediate
charge of tdr. Jaci Wring, which is sufficient
guarantee that all who go there will be well
provided for. The one thing needed in the way
of accommodation and , to increase the attrse
tions of the Wen in a first-class hotel at or !emir
the entrance; where people may be butertain ed
during their stay in Watkins. There are alread yy
goodliotelsin Watkins, but fur, a: succeeadtl
summer resort, as this has come to be, the pub
lic will demand a large first-class establishment.
We are glad to learn that such a work is in con ,
temptation, and under the energetic mauage
ment of the gentlemen who now control the
property will doubtless soon be accomplished.
A a: tingly linpregriatedemlphur sprinkles just
been discovered immediately beneath the
Mountain House,and with its" development a
new and poireiltl attraction will be add ed .
A fine roadway has been: ipened Over the bill
from the 'Mountain Hornet to the village and
carriages are iickitantly in readiness to convey
visitors oh their return. After the long and
fatlguitig jimmy through the. Olen this is 'a
pod wing* and
pportu nietoyn ven ,
iseenee e. Visitors th l u
r no othelate,Joait MArm=a
expensive and elaborate work of the kind which
we have ever seen in any cemetery of the coun
try. They also have 'a view from the top of the
bill of Seneca lake and the surrounding country
which aloud Is worth going many mtlerto see
' We cannot close this notice of the Glen with
out making brief mention 'of the gentlemen
whose labors And genius have 'brought A int°
publki notice, and . given II 'name 'mud repute,:
Lion commensurate almost with the limits of
the country. We refer,. of course, to Mr. 111.
Emu It ls only a few years since Mr. Ems,
solitary and Moue, txpkted its then -hidden
and unknown recesses, and discovered its won
derful beatifies and , sttnictioos:- Hie • engin&
Indic mind at onto, eteniehed the ides that in
that Glen, Watkins had a treasure which; with
proper management - and - the expenditure of a
little capital, must inevitably become famous
and make that:44e a Brsti/of summer re
sort. Filled with this idea he opened the Glen
himself, and conteodidg mentally . against all
obstacles, worked with' might a mid main to
bring it into public notice.T. In this effort he
got little sympathy anctinuch•distrust. Season
by Basun, 'however, the reputation of the Glen,
inmate* and people flocked there in annually
increasing numbers. . Visitors sent a dozen
more, until finally • one tingly morning, Mr.
Paesous, et Troy, Pa.,
.fereing his
down trelmte thottatal= and easi
err employed Mr. Etta for Super
intendent and,' and the- Glen is now
a feature of which . Watkins is as proud is a
boy with a pew We are glad to luxe" that
the credit which so richly belongs WM.. Eire
is ioi ..vmailiiriiiiiimia be - WI" be
ititedd-be, the amort Witted amp:
itMltteletithompeleetisit uhriteelt
a 4 o l o ll hosermalleetioidial
41=1 graariVi= 4 4
. _ pedal ime4 petpete
, _ 1 2 b eirr I r tteieltiet:
- - ' jewire = inteelvel en aS 'WS, eta
tIY *pram .thit. hope- thee. an comeenset
lea we many' yietri to ,- tittrien • the gayeties
and pleasures at isereuh4Oremnele sew
meat the Waltdiliatimi; -_ , . •
- 4 1 1: PO i kr i"111 4 1 " 111,0 4 0 14 4 nikbehmten.Waywdzr;
and ind a' short time the Lehigh ,
Valley can *Um lireeqto thelatter pie"
• - -
Hose ,OnnpanY hive
colleted thekr Weiser; - They a:meeting with
stoning emcee hi dispesintal the tickets, and,
tho draw tioffol#4 o 3 l kgrono, of lo Bei*
'The rad'
is In session eV l'Amits. We regret, to learn'
thaktketit Otttitir Bin C.
W. Itiontrrryill not bevetogoel to Wiliam.; M. WAiD, E.
Ovsntrox, h., have ereeted a row of tenant:
houses dt the karrie:ezik tin* Mitch a , r
alike creditable to themseties and' the -town:
While. the, bnildirt/ti 140:011 lenittiatikthi'aine
is broken so as to give the aippearandm of threo
double homely six Angiesachem;
Mining fi ve rooms and Sc. They are all
neatly Oinished,"and are ;,..
nary &n. The building was designed
constructed by lir.: tioyaw, who betari
the reputationnebeingone orthehegit
lain the
beoraity: - The . houltis lir' be ready
f9r may, In aAm Weeks, I liad we have no
doubt will soon be hied by gobds tenants.
St I3WIZE xttr
—We. the undenigtmd, herhereby onmertin*
challengrany pertons in Bbaitaebinn a
county to play a match game of Croqnst tor
the clisimpiimaill and Mallet of said °qui* .
Cisitust best 2 and& Tile phial at Iliostkose,
according - to the rolei of 'the London Clib As
soOation. F. W. - Cain**, G. H. Fatten.
--WILIM SI7AWAT.--cht weammuy
evening bit tireol i .Giettliand ltimax l Raw.
car left Montrose with a horse and buggy, to
go to' the home at the fishnet, IS Bush. ' They
took the south road out of sown, ant at, the
caudal of tuning to .the Wyaltudigimid the
horse suddenly st arted and became onoontrojb
able, running at a furious rate. Winos[
• ing a hoaty load in his hat was soon throinx
whaOsiOnor., whose head was clear, clung
to the reini pill opposite rim. Coon's farm
house, when • the buggy upsetting, he was
throws out,gstrildng: heavily upon the kip - Of
his head. The thills and dash of the buggy
were badly broken, - and the horse becoming
entangled in the harness was presently caught.
As a result of the rtmatiaf; times was acti
on/fly but not dangerously injured, and the
buggy was . amebluore damaged than either
WILLIAX or the horse; the latter having only
s, slight scratch on one of his legs. It is often
asserted that intoxicated persons are never in
jured by a fall . ; be this as, It may, it le pretty
certain in this instance that had neither of 'the
parties been intoxicated, there would have been
no runaway, and affords another illustration of
the evil effects of the " upper and, nether open-
Inge" of poison in oqr borough.
—Haunt Freon.—On Thursday night last the
vicinity of Oakley station, on the D.L. & W. B.
8., was visited by a shower whi c h caused the
little stream that flows under the railroad
that point to swell ip a magnitude fearful in
the extreme. As often happens two clouds ap
proached each other from opposite directions,
meeting in the vicinity of the basin of this
creek, producing what may be termed a water-
sponi, which poured in such torrents as to
raise the creek in a few momenta to an almost
incredible height, causing it to flow over- the
railroad bridge near the station, which is said
to be 20 or 25 feet high, and carry destination
to almost everything before it.
Mr. DANIEL atimEr, who is the princeple
owner of the land and crops about there, it is
thought has suffered s loss to crops, fences,
and other damages to the' amount of $1,200 to
The creek is buts small stream crdhiludAy,
and to those who are acquainted with the situ.:
anon it seems to be - the most remarkatde rise
of water seer known in this section of count.
loasn-Tatvzs Carr:rum—The horse be-
longing to O. M. Neon which iris stolen from
the pasture, in Tunkhannock, on the night of
SaturdaT, August 30th, has been recovered and
the thieves captured. The, horte was found at
Otego, Otsego, county, N.Y., about 45 miles
from Binghamten, on the Albany and Susque
hanna Railroad, where the thlevcs hid traded
him with the landlord. The thieves were cap
tared a short distance from there. Their names
are CBUIDALL, two brothers who reside in
Windsor, Broome county, N.Y. They wer e
•bound over to appear at the nest county court,
under bail of $2,000.,-Democrat.
—The - annual lair of the Harford Agricultu
ral Society will be held October sth and 6th.
—A Teachers Institute commenced at Mont-.
rose on... Monday last. Prof. Coyne, -formerly
of the Susquehanna Collegato Institute, is one
of the lecturers. •
interesting event came off in Troy township on
Wednesday the 17th.
Sometime since Jona Maas', Esq., invited
the members of -the McSaari' family to assem
ble at his residence, 'about two miles weseet
the village of Troy, on the 17th of August, auk
on that day representatives of the family-to the'
number of about two hundred presented them
selves at hie hospitable mansion. Ample prep
arations had been made for the whole family.
An excellent collation was served at 2 o'clock,
after which a meeting was organized by the
election of Taos. Massa, of Center county,
Pa., as chairman, and Rev. Sarum Ilicßaaa,
of Amsterdam, N.Y., secretary. Rev. Mr. Caw
made an appropriate prayer, after which lion.
Jain. B. McKaaa, of Utah, gave a concise, but
complete history of the origin of the name and
the various changes and renderings of it.
The name originally was spelled Mackian,
and for four centuries the oldest son in succes
sion of that name was chief of the kicpowerzis,
of Glen comity, &Wand.'
About the year 1745 two or three of the Mc-
Kim: family, which, by positive proof is s cor
ruption of, the. Nene Macmasoimigraeld to
this country, settling in Maryland and Dela
des illtilizatt, the ancestor of all the family
represented at this gathering, removed fro
Cecil.c v xmut,y, 11W., to chanting county, ;4;4.,
in alai-ear 1780, and aliimt four joint itlitUr
wiiird to Burthigton, Ilawdford county: Pic ten
children were born to him - Mostly after his set,
ling at Burlington. Prom these ton, (eight boys
and two girls) have sprung a large and thrifty
stook, who are-timid
many. laktionli of the
laid, and not a' few of whom have been and
are known to fame in the service of their'
country is manj waji. .
I3hort addresses were also made by.,Bev.
Bun= . Masse, .Col. • Amax - Manx, of
Tawimb, A1..8L B Name, 'or toiula,
CoLlaan WILBON, orAl* and others. .
Desolations were passed thanking Mr. lons
hie Hess and'velfoldi thiaiospitality displayed.
Plans ware disowned for future meetings of the
fandit. Histoilans Were *044 tr!the
deneidinhi4 iisabor the ten ehildiemowliaio
deity it is tgoompile a cninplete orifiedi
separate ken* with all pirticulirs as to ilia
age, deathe; marrram and: Isvpr_tant Acts,
sad comminicate them to the Bev.
McW42l, wi* War takei the respitsibility of
condensing the matte; so that it can be aces-,
:Moly referred to. • " .
mbe dozglia suig.,o: l 4o Oxtail eto47
ing closed with the benediction and altar a
ecoraPatiOli of ,voiilllt .11 - 1!
conkiany diapented,ilth many emir ties 4 list:
ing Motaddp made, and a raeral sorthw that
40/ 1 114 - , 0660 r. IP 3 the ' lr 14'4
' l6l i ) 'Pritbiti4 tr9i* hi
west= lIlAlk Ida had .come 43,1p . 0da1y *AP
tonditthrato-tmiam — ' - • =
. A;Dartained thatribage mere at
kivoPetsemsytelsodfOartka •Of oltr?
jai* Lpoi kk 4eCielst <ttiaioieiirar Haug?
Eight?-three gr9d .dalrent "-
igkithtfOgit _
• Tiepiptive 'who bad sirripeo Alarm • • • •
'rwiauVrt-to who had zaitiftifieitaiiblidee4
thwi Mar Visoliorried *lnlet grated def.
A totarof one InuAria-mainitittiyAirro.
ilemnigt is the
WlN*Saiiii.dibe bdet4oll
- •
- . 11 Mt- iri * ' '
'44lali tit '
vas quilt *
Wawa tom Nal 'has. atienTesS to calPili.
4161/ * at Wi : i rtiraiff tigra6r4 ol . ,_ i
„ 1 ,
, MSS ar Ehrtmunswr4. Skil& ' SPA"
iguyemit4 l 7 4strAKwatismow mai
destriiiid . tii ifo - 011 Sunday swift lass. Ori,
Oa ankeerra, LosaadlOL Inemudds1111011:
inmweif mu.
, „
ge..The, Nl*" =Bu ;
c k -At p i s P.
=put matted by_Tanos & On., an superior to
Ir Talmo) dt. Co. ism now
„ polling
the best "Black Alps!** Ivor offered in tbh!
Bea and a Melodeon. Maguire of C. Maaana,,
at !":3 , ;:•;411M:177, .
iller The nett oteeion of Bradfortt
cotootrroodieroo to to bo_ hold at
Trenchtowsi on the dth and tout a septeasbori
_ _
_1 t a
NT The. mothers of Northers!
Lodge LO. of OM. ate requested to be mem*
at. the nest Midst meeting.;. Addouses and
zWeiga A -1 , 1 4.1 4 r 11#11,914
FrirT Po*Ank-Itrfroix4PAr.
***WA Algast IV ni 7o / WIWI=
Ciii*ie and Yrqakthig 1, Ton 4 4 1 ,4044!
amend* to NW 00 ibr the goitre of id*
Als, Owe noird l o/ 1 be Pilitg- !'-. W .,- - TO'
TorondiAng,23,lo. Annex Be ' ,
Amin Wier .— hough Um trout Ittitia r
So *Uplink:ol poirthi West reduced Wady pat
ant • Bay year, tickets snithitritourbi**
;cested through. Wedge travelers iQI sm.
_matey by pig their fide* at the do•
petit of the R. & N.Y. Wt. Co., TOwands, Ps.;
wir donna keel/slides new ilton;
is to begin* thaliopiiiiibeit Wig* It opens
in London, - but , it , i's eiVe,p4.tlut the 1.
last soixid this in' aiimtiy: • Tboiriot
.reputation Er: ,Ma lthrtrri ha' nada as as esr
sayist will cause this novel to be regarded with
peadiarinterest. The title is . "-Lodiludith:
Taki r
Ilar The annul. meeting of the
HisteritalSociatpof Bradford ; comfy U bo
held in To Sands; at Igsscrisistas, ori Monday.
September 12,1870; at 2.07c10ck p.m. Histori
cal addresses are expected to be delircrekle ,
Ilanis.ll3. - Ilitriis lib air .the *MS
are cordially,invitod to anima., .
• E." P. ALuai, Secretary. •
lhasanz Faleriathr.4The 026-
liisn Electors &this Borough are-reeptested
meet in the GUAM) JURYDOOlifosffintitt.
wnon.the hours of 5 and 7 01204 forDto Pins:
pose of choosing taro_ delegates to attend, the!
County Covention - toAtsetilble in this place,pst
Monday, Angnst 29 - •
H. OrtruT,''
Fos Max second 'llatlld
!Wheeler two Horse Power, , with new - ledge,
new patent self-acting brake` ; •cni• Wei 'arid
wheels all in good (inlet.; Oki one 26 inch
finder Blood Thresher and Cleaner,ln toriler Tor
running—been used two seasons. The set lid
be iold 'cheap for cash, or on time, or a good
young horse taken in part psylnent. This stlt
of machines Is capable of threshing 100-bitshell
of Wheat, or from 200 liti3o(tbashela Oats pct.
day ; lt . kL wiir4i;Towii4
Fos atiz.:-A. fine r ne'w ilweAing
bonse and kit in South Torranda,on Haiti street,
in splendid, neighborhood, itnd .opumuuldixql
ime of the finest views ,in .ItrAdford mitutty.
ethitains 11 Weli, a h rooms , ana soup:l, bs
adapted to the convenience , of two families, me
for tionniers. A good 'cistern; and 'sift *Mei
the year round. Terms easy. - For partici:llan,
enquire off. D. Clohnsioutin, Esq., on the
We have received Vcdome 2d of " The War
Itettreen the JAY* its •Ilasses, ChortialesTOots.
.duct and Results, by Rm. £ firrrnwes:'
just issued by the National Publishing Com
pany of.Philedelphia.
The workis written with vett lability, /IW ,
SIMMS being one of the ablest men the
South he. yet prckinced, and presents the rec
ord of our great civil war from the secessioi
• standpoint. In reading it due - idkrwinowattaat
be made for the fact-that. the writer's "yaps.
thies aro with the • " Lost Cause." However, it
is but just to observe that Mr. Srxruess has in
this work been less unfair -aid • partial than
might have been expected, considering the fact
that it was written in vindication ot ' the rebelj
Mr. Srarnzara was for Many loins a promi
nent actor in the 'tames of lejialaticiii which
immediately preceeded the war, and knowa,
much of the, secret history iir„..these stirring
times. Besides his position as' tee Piesident
of the Southern Confederacy, afforditd Lim an.
opportunity to gather a kiidarlege of the so;
tions of the Jur. Davis government, such as
perhaps no other man enjoyed. Theldstory,
of the earlier days of the Confederate Govern.:
meat is for the first time giliekt• to' the Worlitir
thole pages.
• The work is by far 1,4 best yet pindtteed oa
the southern side. It ,is lor sale, by subserip•
tion only. and agfuta are .7849ttl every ..
TfiCHEß—lsUMNoTON.tilittAimuir' . '
S. Betdin , by Rev. M. & krmer, Aug. 20.10,
Mr. D. Tucker, of Lawreueeyine. ra.„,to Mina
M. C. Buffington, of Warren, Pa. - , ,
MELVILLE—LANE—At theEsglehetet;Morw
• rcieton, Aitg. 11;100, by Re*. 'Mdleidt Arm.:
strong, Mr. John C. Melville to Miss Malaita,
lane, both of Barlinittori:::. ,,
SWEET—MYEL—At the house of the bride's
-.father, Monroeteei . RROI 'br Rev
, Hallo& Armstrong, .111n.7 maibui , J. Sweet. lck
Miss Ella A. Myer, both of Monroeton.
ItYER.—M Harrisburg,- Augt: 15, 1870, Lucien,
Myer, youngest son - of Isaac Myer, aged my;
WIIIIANB.—At Liberty Cbenateas., Mtn,
-1870. Mr. 7. D. Willbates, aged Oa yesee:l
- • MEW. •-21TIMIL
. ••,:• '
lor, - .
TAw 4 t k (101!kNPErlit4'N'
GAB z Toxmlis.—The Ehitirill bei
ready /Or oonamikplion by the at otiOetollieri
at least, and poem -who thitidliating their,
=pima, woildratell to appiyaionoe, ;
sive af Allwork seta bitt will be tar
Pond* to attend fp all at
Au4OO lO4 W Clcath2oo
La J Of
behalf ot*Wtharitodgetalall4l Aliahe to'
.gettnia viseseadhaarka Jo. dui dams•of TOti-‘
•tadsorkolasie aidadwo terattotidyil
big Ft Mau = t i Pr,uur 1 9 1 1. A4o l °
licat4it tholmiwokik- . proitit4.!
owat that tie at _2„ .IbOtirebor /Uttli j
frAllutY übldribulialltiuMl
air Phconit . Fire Ins:Co., of Hart
-41 New zkikt
0034 1 141 # 1 04TOTA.MenErNgtagitkt'
;• - 40111 W., KEN Agent.
_os; Houses,
sitheliedliithe" ionthernpert of. the Ikee. of
Towandeeneweeketio. arellawiliehum:o4•'
r Ville ti d i rilm=1; 1 1
&ay Weill*
ammtimmemsrwints=li iiitiaiiit 1
osio". *Thwands il inlarodoesdo tt
70111 k: _.—
P. Azaam, Baty. Ass. 18, e, - 111170-A
:1•7•!<: . ii; , Lose:xi.l . i
... '4arliM ii , .. ..• • .
intra. et . - •
ono, Illactdas N 011, Tkoa4 IPA
. 144 v14 .- - - -. -.--:---.-----, • ' APrales ....U.- -
.-70 - • ral
. -
. .... 46444
samoome 42
AD W6Mir
spoeuiny 4 • noldoots of Brod}
dB m m 4 ieee "asri)tt
l e t tl h h4 t i e M
li s b ekraaWl = m o 4•
esab l ,
whereadamp 2 : lo =lliNo.MWra
rtronge bestowed uponi
bite combgor. ~. . Jaw Cl. lonia i
,:: ~, ~t.-..;.1.Atit04t0,1 1 11 0 04.C.0rii• I
liir We gunnies won : .
• 4.40#49 Rirto.4!_. MOWN
NW lasoatze- Tam - ; For
usaminct—lttarsikrbor.“ ,_ 1 - boo , , ...
facti ng eormortkai with Shear g i
Mr hating snared
.. .
M i lek beat style anciStiahlons to
:der, lis a S s est Teethed
, o a new AM. freak
ateeirlff thilylatelpregiariffie olguribrati ,
ter induce than ever before offered in To
wand*: • Thera& will And it to their advant
taws to &witmethilltudiani: Wog ebandoene
Bemm we warrant oar Work and guaran
liareh tee
goodlita...-Bairing4cntm44s -
se.The Lvetirwpuratted by thi
Camede 14114ofsenhm good door at tU
011 1 40 1dermi IminethiootAgnarona
envanta& s. Itmares e ready market for the
merle; Thad
_0( ar
semen arm o idelmoima argete 00
!real ground door, mid as a natural result mikes
active buidneas.for the Mils. War in Europe,
drontbossiftrt erapMern.hreisgrtbs erect
to Mae prices; but nab kilt a( all times sell
=i4M ati lau ta 2 13 n fier=
counUos. All communications confidential'.
MO= &KAI Ao. 274 &nib &Wesel, aga r
adelphis, • • Ang.,lB,lSlo.4lwi,
I beg leave erall to infirm my old Mends, and the
grita cy c that hue :opened t , AZEJ
imiPla=rtuxlr ,4 1 41 1 xUt, .
and' rea y site an inspection of my
goods and pripee, As my stock hu
chased entirely fed USE; end air 1' proposelo
sell fbr BEADY PAY, I feel confident that my
prbm will oompare - firtoraldy with any esiabi
Wiment in the country.
VtiVel= rtl / 2 3181 '3er - MA it = k ie=
assortment le- 117 to74 Bra ITFORTY
• CENTS. Co ff.t eegru, rul
.40ien1441114,11014114111Wiatleatpries.. G ina,
a an. Gm L. KEELER.
Towanda .Inlyl4 1870., r•
1826. - MONTAI4YI3B 18704
Constantly on band and arriving. seasonable
goods of crag, yaldety,,, domestich and-foreign
manufactures. Goods bon;ght-exelasrvel on
the cub systetnand.soldat,a
low figure .' ' Going oat of 'lib Iluddifsze e ;
.are offqraig It lot of gwda dial line akoston•
Ably lot Intel. t'GresA bdlderi
and contractors.
New ,a,dvertisements.,
The :n artier offers for sale his sate►
Lellayrrille,knowa as the rr Lellaysville House."
Titus .WW be even - off's portion of the purchase
0141M9144 —The
eKetorore elng n ndei the firm name of
Davis it keener *this daydirsolved by mutual con:
sent. The Witness Win be 'iredinue4 at the old
stand. and all demands against the late Ann. all
debta due will be sated brs. - the tradiseribervsi All
goods on band at present will be sold at greatly re.
doped rates.
Totianda. Ang. 6,10-3 w M. 1461,,
11 This is IsriteirmW! 'That 'MI 'DM Mit Dai of
July, A.D., NM a Warrant in Bankruptcy WU is.
sued against the estate of E. P. Wilcox,
of Can t on. tn the county of Bradford and State of
Peansylrada, who has teen - adjudged a Bankrupt,
on his own petition; that the of any debt*
an&fleltrittyAd anf -, borMls i t r udi
Batdretipttoitim eerfcir
any property of by him are for bidden by law; that I
mee the creditors of the said bankrupt. td
prom r. - debts, and to choose one or mom ,ant
*bees Mild& ssisde.,lllll pe Lil 4 it 6 -1000/0/ 1110k4
repley, to ni hidden at the (Ace of the Register.
the borough of Towanda, Pa.. before EDWARD
OVERTON, Jr.. Register. on dink,2.l day of BEPTEM I
818, A.D., 1870, at 10 iftiorh,
U.S. Marsh al , as Messenger.
The te mzeintendim c of tLts idemje now ?Eke tag
• '
q:a ti v ni i i '4l 34 - 3 i ns :
ever offered to thia market. Bert selected
naed. and allwork made I* the mad
sti seauxixeDwownamat
We have the •
: - "Nr PY T '4 14 7 14 .I A/9X ;froth!.
e li t e
d t, and so
towardsdoable that even time has but
• .11amorrinintarima work •belere Winkbming Vie?
where. Repairing done on abort notice. • - - i
W:a Kansas. Pm* G. W. VINCENT.
T°11•Poll. Jnij90.1670. : V Ouria„texlent
3 •
F4VATIti `b 4.
WieKli&M & BLACK'S.
Towanda, June 16.1670.
: • •
.: , .1.1 . frt'4_c...- - -.i:. - iviii, l l.43 riAak..P.l-1.-.2c.1.A,
• •llinuirigasidistise-44.4,4601"
baknottog SO do MoteLiras"; wood& tiotiffosi
edition= of Wystazlag and Tidally Mr torWlid bop,
conotantlion hand • fun stock ot
. .
,A 1 1 .7, /0,. 0,,: .4, ~,L ..:e.r4t
' ZOO, trrovs. binarrnrcrr. PEA AND aumpF.o4
1-1',"1:n-C: i : if . .' i.'7" kl;:-..X. !'5 - iiJil i
•tf;_r ...1 A;
EL! ,
07 1 .4AMOVItigiUttitik E4tifit.
mergilmutszecsamionk ,
, Agri
, 41i,;-'` • -:r.:V1'..C.116 •
. Which be , eitihe l piteeed sextly•theet with et
lap rill =traiit E
arsa l
met tire eedshettait the ad the:
minzillu dkr• - I.te-Z. , :rxs
84 1 4 RAMAk - 0.1411% .
• ..1` r,
•iik- - I gi/1_444.
! E A: 4.1 , f_t% 11-.K:l . .tpkivei.: .44;4
laysklitittritrU.4.l4Athit - / ,
.074.0.•-iingiLaw 7.71:3?4.1p
IMI"*"14111 2Z2 P
trl.l`, - ;a l .4; , :•; ! !i !
r.tritZF'l,l ,V4 - af
7 , A+,1;41.•tfaf. , W14 , :q.114' I.l * liteSt.
""4-11844941Ir t '''' ;
• 7 Avg: Ilk • •,,$
_ _ _
vox war
,Nike isms. M
Auger. Lonams s.
C. -D
it 11,-_.N.L,1g..,.!
. . ...„ _
..-:,4 1-ph.i:ta .41wit-ii twitix:rffi-:*11 it e:-4/17i.2
. „
.ssoom , • ••• so as - ono= nokoustoo
.- 1
i r
..- : tio i rlifigk,Lilyolio,i i
-.. ! *.:4,, , ! ,-.... k ....•;:',.3-ArKit,'.l',4,-,4.;.:Ty;T:,.';-',. f n .1'
The Cameo Oki mot Oilieure til moodily' ty
the"* W= " M V"l‘
wideiVititf Dever _
I hnr i g ===°
ted tpri di*
made. ay, be mail Ipeetoo*Asolenol
The diOr6idablitSieVidgridgeiteie at Mimes
14 ea soon se !b!!ililds pcoo Off Mei
.r.a"f 4 k.ritiValldt l . 3oll ' 4)ll L" . """ 'l'l
ri i l itno .diSa v ailairr:6li ..18:: . 1 - tr -pixilirolbir»
, 8300 00
111 itestidami lasi& ~ J CL 4 r ,,.., .-. % ,-
too m re
1 Ladies' Gold Irak& '''' • 'f
.''• '•.'• t :•
10 OWEN bilk*, - •= ' - '''
' • 23 20
l 1 GlainieWiCa 'Et 7.4.44(yre. a
ama u
i10wb,...1116e4111, Ifloesh. . ' . 10 SD
glakt=l ic til ies. Pilekr ,
.., .4.,.. 7,kt:4t-pgae
1 . 4 =04 - itr,rl.- - VP-iii4 tAviivw. ".,:i4.-,r,i ~..,:q .4
i . , i, , ,„.. , 4, ;;;;.; ,-.44:; ; ;;;, , -;; -.,:‘,, pe ,0..- , !.- 6 .
8 00
..1 84011 t lig;
.. -•-... -.. .., 15 3
.40......i.,-,.,,,,, , rt - 5 6 0 00
Groilabooh. i.r.„l
solicit . , ,
10 . . Ir .
1 • , t ,' 60
1 .. .„ India Bib%' .1°
25 00-
iTWIM:11.1101111°112.11W r... ...;', „..,.,..
~..., ! 15.40
1 Set Dosble 4 00
I CM .. , t • 11 . friffirt•q. V , T'7;;'.: . <7 ri• t - 1 , , -. ta oo
a Too oi cod, • 4. ' '
1 ... of More Cod.
' 550
1 -•.i. kit Chirieltdiele4.l.t . : , . P' , . , ' ,- ,::,:-. e.,:-.,-,13.-.`*: s
1 Globe Hemisphere, . . 2s
2 4 1 4 !Um 15 00
SOWN of Toll.iilWil ••
• . -. 500
, 5 50
1 Drawing case,
1 Ton 0f.e.031 111 o 0
', 1 Oil PlintiOg, --
i Oiob4 Nerulaphere. • • • • - .5
I.IIIIIW la vo'
1 Miao mod. •••:. ' .: 1 • •-• -'•• ,'• a' l, • • •""''r;
_ *I 0015. 11101,
Ir inoloo -.1 -r esith r' l :lk9'. , ..; - i 121- 2° •
1 Opea ~,, 00,
IB= ort • - ' - 7 ao
a oo
1 og P 8 _ • • 0 W-
I &eider ./Ite . Bog. co 00
1 Ton et
I Chatjarte fl'irit;. C.) -L. t.. ..,.
t,,,.. - 4 00'
50 00
1 mobs Mire
15 00
1 Ilnit of Clothes. . 40 00
1 Large Steel Plate Engravtng. - 40 CO
I Box of Cigars, 8 00
. -
1 Taira - Moil •••.. :1 .1 . . -r - ',/- .: t :"! 400
IrsiMeg) l'ospy each, I yr...W*l6nd Reperter,so 00
1 Barrel 23 00 of Flour. . 10 00.
1 four lampxs , OW
1 Box of Eimus Clumdsller,:,.
,1 • 5 00
1 Flrsaellas Overcoat. to oritef,.. 55 00
1 Ton of Coal, . ' 4-00
I.l4kllm.Beinisphere -.. .e. i 15 00
tipaltalßlWar..2weig: ikis etc: Per ro. - - -as oo
1 Velocipede, 65 00
1 Small Chromo. ' 200
1 Band Flour 10 00
1 Box of Soap, Ct. , .. 9 00
/ f• 4. • . 900
1 Boz of Balerattut. ?
I Came of Calmed Peaches, -, lo 00
1 010beliesilapm. .;.., 1 .) :( )11 ' j 1 ,
4 5 00
1 Tomer tkid, • , -_ 00
1 Cook Stove and Furniture, 75 00
1 Cue of Canned Plums, 10 00
Fwimwood Tenet Brr 4 ' ' " 5 00
1 Fancy Barrel Flour, -
Math 10
h Holder, 1 0 00 0
1 Jar Eomalle, . .. . _ .... -2 00
1 Itoresiood Tollof 1/IX. , ' ~
.-' '' • ' ."..: :. ," -..' aO6
I roil br - cosi; •' • ' -.-' ' ' • "" 4"
(25 Prizes)l copy each, I Yr.. Bradford Amu, 50 00
/ Case of Peril/may..
ill prizasi.CientlitFacksdlooka,4l Elkelkli. 9 - 00
1 CasoCongr of esa Water, . 12 00
1 Ton Coal, " 400
(.5 Primal Lease Velvet Parma,. $2 each, 6 00
1 Cams of Perfumery, 5 00
1 Jar Pomade.
I:Tfilp 96 !... _. ,! . .-. s , , : ...: ,4 00
1 Cake ofZlmerf, ' ' '_. ' ' ' • ' 4 ' ' ` 500
(5 prises) Fancy Iron Match Bolder., $1 each, 500
1 Toilet Bet, four
h rushes each., , , 500
IOK Painting, .-- •,• ,- -• ' • . ' • ' - ' 4l '"l2 50
1 Marble Ifairikylikelf. 6 00
12 7 PDX* Boxritch 100 Otribaldi-Cherocda,: - -- 117 00
1 Large Rocking Bone, 10 00
1 Pair Napoleon Grain, Waterproofßoobac . .'" 16:00
00 prizes) Kerosene Oil Lamps, $1 each: • ' Id 09
1 Barrel of sltacksok_. T 8.43
- - ,
iiiiiire ._ __, • •
1 Set Sash and Blinds,-for 0 house,
I Marble Mantle Shell. •
1 Casetif Ilidrileattireic - " ' ".
1 Cue of Petfumaty,
1 Jar-of Pomade, - , ,
1 Toilet Cali: ' ' - '
I Cue of Perfumery. •
'. 2,,
1 Ton of-Coal, - - 4 00
:20Bollidielli Otild.l6 ciriptandistu,Y; ~. -, ',„, "23 2d
I Marble Mantle Shelf. - 6 00
10 Dollars In Biker, ' , . • 10 00
prizes) 1 pound Tea each, 20
1 Ton of Coal. 400
1 Barrel of Flour, - . 10 00
1 Fancy Watth Holder,;•.„:• , • . ‘ , , 1,f,'," ) 100
I Jar of PoMide, . 160
I Bottle of Perfumery, 2 00.
1 Case of Canned Posichal, . ~-, ; .., -. 10 OG
1 )(oak Mantle Shelf,. • •' * •. l li •'' -••, • - • 10 00
1 Cue of Perfumery, 9 00s
IS Ton Of Coal. 4 Od'
1 Barrel of Flour, ..: 1„ '. 7 i -..'.• "f fi , • 10 0 0
l' , lar of Pomade, ' ' . 200
1 Oil Painting, • 12 50
I Marble Mantle Phu%
, r , -, 6 Oti,
1 Toilet Set, four brnahes;Uen,..' -, -
5 00
1 Borough Lot, 50450,, • 400 00 1
1 Ton of Call, • 400
1 Me at 23 per yd. rino Dress PMectitallildu
1 Pair of Fine Beide; to order;" 1220 00
1 Box of Cigars, % % . 600
2 Seta &ogle r l 40 btr
1 Barrel of Ylcu i rr 6 - •• ,• 10 00
1 Yessames Patent Cutting Box, 13 00:
1 Marinc!Dresaßgam,algydsaikli pap e yd.. 23. 00
IWawa 11:0014 as al. Prmot=i -2 - ..) 2 0
Box of Cigau, -! 22
1 Yeoman's Patent Cutting Boxes. , 13 00
2 Box of 600 ,
IBartftYMr,.. _.;:lq.: 1- -, •/.-,.-, :lA - i ;.i• :* t:: 10 55
1 Merino meta mune; lu you. at $3 per yd. 20 00.
1 Buz of Cigars,, ' a occ
1 Complete Set of Thum" • . 740
I 1112 e, Veurnmileki :f . : , : - '' . 7 4 -"',. , ! i I 23 oo
1 Box ofCigani. - “ - - 6 00,
I Set of Chamber Furniture. 15 00
1 Point Lace Shawl, • 75 00,
j "r igt°9l. .t, -I - .l 'a ; 7
1-Bat Cigars, •4. ' ' 4 - , `0 od
I Dieu Pattern, • • 10 00
1 Shawl. 5 00
IMorlitoilpai Peltier% Illyda Mal weld.. 10 00
CI mil e. .1 CI a. NI go 00
1 Box of Cigars, 600
1 Velocipede. - ,„4 •': .7 r -, i f - f I:: i i 50 001
1 Barrel at Flout. ' ' ' 10 00
1 French Shawl. - 15 00
1 IlilltDress , Pattern,
lace of Dingedgearipet. . ' ~;;;'''. ;": ~., ••• -,- yo, op
1 Plqugh, . , _ .' 10 00
1•Bet 01 IllarretiltIS '.` "" - • .•'•' . :, ; ''' , ':. 'll 00
prirearC= Pails, it 00
- $1 (12
000 Life butarance Pulley, - i.` •:''l
••• 20 00
al ta • •• p. l . ~" " q -,... if t, , 10.00 :1 t. , 2 5 *
1 Map of Towanda, by. Morgan. ' wa:no
TothhiNiant of kris'es..'.... ...... $4,306 95
• , '
Whole Number of Itckets,. ow. .
pcicr,,mt.tspgoT4-xicingo.g p-:. -411teo:
~G5~a.:..,.:.~:::..... -
IL C. lieactni. Jeszeil Powru..
Ron. Y. l. Ender/a.. Hon. P.D. Mum*.
-' ,' Gii . ~t46rsiss
Joan F. mwriVl7'7.
lion. Ui.y Manaus.
JAN= 3L WASH, Mod. Azxx. llvres
'a -. 111 eat. daDMitki A
Tickl# l .l44Etif latolßM:ed
4.a .),:aroortess
aid ti th e allaidliksel armies paned la small Ca ,
C. B. POBTIOI. - Terawla. Pa.,
Chattinau of compoup.ll9llp,n *awiet,44ll-
Towanda. Juli XI. 11170.
A_th U VotrOE
pmmi fade •
UMW kb a fibs
liZrateWanist mats tumedisto p_iquent..
aid ' •s. Wag =Maw=
olaD 7:l7?,ji'a=a,
1ag.10,1870. . Admiaistratoca.
Nolatele hereby ten that all hidebti.
tel to the estate of t. late of .
Albany, deed, ?' • to sake teleeediaht
mad allpenool chime eselost said,
iw the hithielledefthh.
Pa Allgit.
Ang.lo;7o - . Adzobitedoe.
dairstattmi FlriErslallp;ATY•3
Dadra to the atleaticm ache ladles to her ,
mll".ll l o4ourkgits,:s.fyale.s.,--, , ..q...::".. - 4-I+,-, 'War.
1A. 111:1 . 1 4 , , ,, Y4 11 ! IR
_ ',JAI
town sal Oa pablimillwangraiimatop Yams.
Boanetaad Mama °Alta"
. .
: 1 17442:Ma/X*46
NRSPIPAP 4-7crer
piltiatiket brittittliSS
00111114ia 111121.
Prx4 , 4l.4*StM.lllP 4 i .
. 2 1Mtl biritiri !Os AM Oillettrltakirilt
Gm marabout me mulantorkit Ibuatimmt
• ' ' Via*.fp bra. ti!. • PnitAka
• •
V.:r) I: •r 3,...
4 - !;44.1•: , 5
ilantl3ltlllibOV Ofoll.iiiiielooktirrtiqt
Zstf,Fl • _
jiIIiffZERWIEA4IB - zirrsturarer
z 7; •
le Albs blidmiele.- ;Bore bdint avOititg ft' same 'it the
. •
•111 1 ^'
• -•
' , NOME -- -vrtY.•
~ . .
dL'aey awnlyayi selling sad autidag, sad
amakaa, mail* kia at la win
do—lad 10i Teat adkagapeaosa lams
= si tigaisaskiag- the aad earrrag aa
t CAtfi BM Gams maw=
iltaitoos'forlawftictto boidasoo; kit*, omi
tooollolgo of It thootselvetaino to employ others WI
large salaries to , attend to lt, sad tostooiets mad
sly auxedlogir—ositor. itfe Mug&
'lf you doat thor stxnro stateineaki bir =Mimed
b7.cant§; on' :
- Wrchant %%par ! Itrido 81.. Towanda, Pa.
AU- . 10.10:
'lf 0 'lt c
A States, of uniform make, and nusurroused
in color, (polity or price.
4 00
125 00
10 00
G 00
.1 SO
2 00
2 00
.rod ands; AuR. 15,t0
Codding, Russell & Co.
Ktiop the . largeit stock of
GLASS, 1 - . ..
Looks, 1 '
to. be found in this part of the State.
Heidquarters for
Try the New Improved Top
Quarte,l)/ the case, $22.00 gross. ''" " 29 00 "-
Warta, " " dozen 200
Iftptinst . 3lLatim SECTIONS,.
Hay; ItOpo, Fork Pulliea,..&O.
, .
FlBffiN4{ TACIçT•Fy
, . .
dAltatift Taiiimmets;'
t i t *,
We offer stoiholesale
• :h.:: ),'
and inaalrather goadicit'all times at
kraxiat market rates.--
: To ~
1 , -
Aitaiat ll lt lli)e awl ratan, at
/4 184% . U. B. PATCH* .
kJ; • •
kJ; sundry mite besot oat of theßoart of doe.':
awes Phis of Bradford' County, and to me alma*
sin be orpormst_ Icrinhhe~tie Ooat
the born' of To , lis MULL'
at I: p.m. the ikMirlftlescrilawl balding and lot et
pound of Norma Weise arm. and d. B. Oodles.
ainknotor. Made In Windham ter. to Wit; Be.
'shaft at stake end atones; in the h*ay whirls
Wm frail Beaver TAW HC*ll to IlibeldhollBBlo9B.
:arra thence by aid highway nathOdegreis'aist
perches; thence north two and one.airilt - de ,
pries west nlastara parches. eight and ono and.
lake to stake. *O4 UMW north sighty.four and.
degrees wet nine pertly* sal dean links
rer th ke. U.; thaw south dal Aremialts de.:
Pea earl, eight end ypeatharshe OWL;
km; thence 'south amity lit west four ,
bra packs highs Oboe of Sawa which
JaAeguare hewn rola° post stands Mac on the lest
maned line, eight and • half links from said begin.
-"dog corner: cants/nag Maguire rods.
" - .Seised and tem:kin execrithnill the adt ft. SA ,
ese re Neiman .Cerniarentalor. and A It Cbobor
ALSCa.-The Montag let, pi nee or pawl=
+Austell in Athens borough. and
as follows, via On :the north by lender - a llr
•Ciorbin. eai4 by Mrs Kenya, earth by North street.
void west by-John Roamer; being 80 feet hard on
cod Molts sheet, with a emit lime 4.11171Nri1,
lot trait trees and grape vitas thereon.' '
„_.• Seized and taken into imecution at the rat ot.
Spalding IS Wript vi John 51 Kramer.
A.LBo—The Worths lot, piece or parcel of land,
shade in Standing Stow, bounded
as follows: On ,
the north by hada of John itaa..Jobiallut
cob Schoonover, east, by gold framithawaseri and
Peter Keene; south byledirrom Roof and west by C
.Schoonover and Jacob liankinsou ; containing ISS
scree of land, more or leoikabout 80 saes improved,
with a framed bona, log /ruse,grr9ed . nn? And
fait MO trees thereon. ~
A LT - A CA.4
TOILET sgrs,
fletzeitaadtsktst late WhistflOit
Leaning vs Edward YaUUee Jarpes Yatltlee , and
ALSO—The Grilotifr - ofka; Weosoe puod of had;
Waste tit Who tap. boaladed as Mow": Oa the
ninth by the Write bighWay leading frOw paw
'School Booze to George Beckwith": end Inr lend ed
°hone Nobles; Loath br load of- A Mahan; *et
by Daniel Dalklinples: tiretaintog 52 awes of bad,
more or lees, ate* 35 Acres improved: a plank
honed. Sapid liege awl* lien{lien{ fewiKagell Saw trait
trees eon. •
Seized and taken i nto eieetetine at the malt of Jes
11,11 rink is Ofl Chordal. • „.
ATJ3O.,The following lot, Piece or parcel of land;
Tuacarara try; bounded as follows: On
the north by land, ofifin Peels; Haft Keeney and
James Keeney, east by Surge banns county line.
son by A B Yam" and James Green, west by A
irsirgo: containing 300 acres of land, more or he..
about 36 sires iniyroroli with 3, framed henries, I
framod.loon,' Minna and few fruit beer therein.
Seized and taken into execution at the =dot Ram
uet•Tukisbury's use vs Fords Fargo.
ALSO-The following tot: piece or parcel of land,
sit:tate Franklin twp, bounded as follows: On the
north and east by land of John Men* south by
lands* pos session SarryLettle and 8111111uman
and Jame** Winder: west by •jobn Wagner; con
taining 128 acres of lagd, more or less. about 1 0 0
acme Improredi with a framed bottle, framed barn
andorchat fruit treeethereon,
Seized - idtert into execution at the snit t J
Abby rs..lff W French.- . • .
ALSCL' -The following lot, kdece or parel of land,
situatete in Columbia key, bounded as follows: Oa
the north by, land of Ws 0 W Bosley, east by land
of. John' Bosley, deed. lianth by Orerge nadir! and
west by the James Hieka farm, now owned by Him
W Begley: contairdig $0 sexes of land, more or less,
all ainproved: a framed house, framed barn. cow
shed attached, and .a framed - corn house, and few
fruit trees thereon..
-Seized and Satanic& execution at Uss snits! g 1
Vanbuslirk va S 12 - Watkins, On W Bailey
and Saint Watkins. -
situate in Litchtleld twp, bounded as follows: On
the north by lands of 6 W Brink, east by Wm 11
Campbell, South by John Brownorest by Jan Hal
eft containing about'.3 acme, mods or less, about
10 acres improved: with one lockout° and - a few
knit trees therecin. -_ • • .
- &Ned and taken into execution at the snit of /1 C
Baird for Bodine k 'Co vs Memo Frederick.
. .
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land,
athlete 'in Me, Orp, bounded as follows: On the
• north by lands of P L Cobb, east by public highway
south by Clinton Keeney, Aden Stevens. SB and 8
Stevens and Henry Stierfinin, west by lacy Stevens
and George White; containing 75 acres of land, more
orless, IA acres improved: no buildings.
ALSO—One otherlot, piece or parcel of land, Jilin
ate in said Pike twp.Asnuided on the north by land
of Cyrus Stevens, east by S B Topper, south by pub
lic highway, vinatiby the -Presbyterian. church lot;
containing.% acre of laud, moror less,irith a plank
house thereon.
AL.SO.-One other lot, pieca, or faunal of land. situ..
ate in aald Pike twp, bounded on the north by the
'public highway,. oast by Cyrna.Stereda, south by
Henry Walker, wcet by Anna COntaininic)* .
acre ofland. more °Mesa; .with a framed barn and
few fruit trees thereon. •
Seized and taken into execution at the snit of Clin
ton Keeney IT Jan Keeney.
• ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land,
situate In Litchfield' twp, bounded. Is follows: Od
the north by laud of Claris* Drown, mud by public
highway leading from Rome to Athens, south br
Ebenezer Drake and James Parker. west by [Came
Strublot containing 38 acres .of land, more or l ey:
about acres improved no buildings. . -
Seized and taken into excretion at the suit of ;Wm
Harrington vs Andrew Van Sire. '
ALSO—The following lot; piece or parcel of b l ed,
idtnate iR HOMO tarp. bounded as follows: - On :.the
north by land of L D Prince and J iY - Rdasell:lst
by - Joseph . Vonght south by Polly King, west, by
Russell; containing 16 acres of laud, more or lees
about 8 acres partly Unproved; one framed bona!,
Mac framed barn and few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken Into- execution at , the'sikit of E
T Fox's use vs P 0 Prince.. -
ALSO—Who following lot, piece or:parcel of land;
aituati in Asylum twp, bounded as follows: On the
north by lands of William Aria, twat by galwaril
Croak, Win Croak,,J rCrizmairis; J Tettin and May
nard, month by John Benjamin, lid and Elias Benf.a.
nil*, west pyliVm Ads; tarntainEng 101 !wirer Of laud
more or less, about 20 acres improved; with a plank
Mingo and framed barn thereon..
Seized and liken MM Mnentiount the suit of E
kids Ts EdiTud Max 4 .
ALSO The tollowingtot. piece or 'name! of land,
situate in Terrylwp. bounded as ,follows; . On the
north by lands af Nelkon White, east ,by John WA
ling and T. White, south by I Van imranee, west by
the Butler estate; containing 117 acres of land; mare
oriess. about .10 acres holm:wed; with lag house
kLBO--kone ' ' other -lot, piece 'or parcel of land,
' , Hugo Wyaliming bornidedin follows: On
the north by ‘ laiblie read called Front sheet, east by
Joixrph Onylord, south by polo& highway leading
from,Wyalusing village.. to Browatcrirn. West by Mrs
O Winnie. being 48 feet wide On Bald Front street
Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of
31 Bixby. s Thomas Lamb:.
AD2lo—The toll • lot, piece or parcel of land ,
situatet in Alba 'bow:bounded 'Ai follows: On the
north. south and Weal b land, -of Geo, Fogs, east
by public highway. leading from' Alba-born.. to the
Noddle' n Central ILK. depot:Containing 2c).‘ cies of
land, mere or lest, all improved; with A two-story
famed dwelling . house, small framed barn and au
orchard of fruit treesihereon.
. ,
....Mad the densndaids onelalf .interest in another
lot of land: situate In Alba born., bounded at *A
ims: On the north by public highway leading
from Alba boro.,Art Granville. east.liy Andrus Mer
ritt, south by .C.obinibtoi Pahnerfsn&V M . Wil
son. west by said V Al Wilson and the public
highway leading from toy to Canton; containing
Si acre of land. more or less, all Improved; .wirh a
framed bundling need as a dry goods at
with a
store house and shoe shop attached.
Seized and taken Info execution at the snit of Leon
ard Lewis vs E P Rockwell.
ALSO—The followinglot, piede or pawl of land,
Mtaate -in Canton -bora; bounded as follows: On
the north by Union duet, east by Jane. E Cohrell,
south by Gleason k Irwlne, west by. Taylor King:
conminWg.l acre of land. more of less, all Improved
with framed house and few fruit trees thereon.
AlB3O-:One otlaZi lot, piece or pueel of land, sit.,
nate in said born,, and bounded as fellows: On the
north by land of,/ Str Griffin and J C Tyler, east by
Jane E Colwell, smith by Union street: west by Pu b
tic:kJ:lumen; moo Ining 9 'CM of land, more or
leas, alt Improved.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Fez. -
Stevens, Herm k Co vs Wm Brew. ,
ALSO—The following lot: piece or parcel of land.
ituate In Armenia twp, bounded as follows: On
the ndrth by land of Hosea Scott.
Mehl arid. HOrace Damns,south hy i ( 1 6 1=
Horace. Demunn, whit by Hugh Crawford
containing 80. acres of larid, more or less. about 6
acres improved; with • log houre..framed' barn.
sew. Mill with shingle machine ottached, thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the wait of
J Parker vs 11 E ifelnioah k Co.
ALSO—Tbe following lat piece or Woof of food.
innate in Wilmot twp. bounded as follows: On thi
north and cast by lands of Hiram and Jayson Hor
ton, south by land of. Thoinas Fitzgerald. west by
Hiram and Japan Horton and 0 31BL:by; contain
talning 50 acres of land, more or less . , about tOsicres
improved; ltiaiwdwitsurt4ll9l3 barn; and few fruit
trees thereon. •
Seized and taken 134 Q txecntion at the mit of A
Leiria vs Mamas it B .Pond. and Phloem Pond and
. . .
ALSO—The following lot, Om or Parcel of land,
situate In Towanda Bore, bounded as follows: On
the north by landit. of J P Kirby, east- and south by
James 11 Ward, (lately owned by the Ilirelay 'Coal
Co) west by Slain street; being SO feet wide In front
on said street and rear, 6114150 feet 'deep ell which
there hoe heart erected a large stems flouring mill
and tneently , Minted--
Seised and taint into eleetiiion at the saitof J J
Griffiths as _ •
AD3o—The folloning Mt. pt or part:ola land.
situate in Wyalnaing top; bounded as follows:, On
the north by land of George Reber*, coat by the
c lihMway loading from Wyalinsing . vfLge to
Towanda, south by A W Corbin, west by C F Ste.
renal containing arse. more or Lem, alllmprottd ;
with a two-story framed boast with a basement, and
Seized and taken Into ezoL'atlon . at the =lt of A
Lewir ss C P Godfrey. ,
• ALSO—The following_ 1.3 k piece or parcel of laid,
situate in Pike twp ..bouMW am Ott,the
'north by priblic from.Wyabaidmy le
Montrose, cast, t 7 8 W and n amens. south by
sower Sterens_rmitt Ibr land Of: deleadmits Mit;
containingacre of. buts More or less. in kn.
proved; framed. koala ,waygon 'shop. framed barn.
blacksmith shopomerd few fruit trees
Seized and talfen.inta estention at =of Alt .11 Stevens. .
ALSO4I7e following lot. * Mem or peroStoi !saessituate In linefinetelottwp, bounded la; follows: On
the north b 7 pn lic blabwar leant from Lea" to
Smithfield. east brit B Yew*: .oathbywm_Grace_
west by Maros° Grseet eentahnnil 60 IMO of MIU "
houar about-70 sans bnprored; framed
se. freVern tad fl ew fruit trews thereon.
. . .
A l BO-0 11 0 other lot, sibmte as sbom-boweded
SU the north by. Ambrose Aloes. nest by Mut Chem
end LeMs.-Seack. south by Clark Orace. west by
Oast Orsee and Mbessfislik Groom
oc ZttabeisS
Isere' of had, more or less. about SO lowered.
eeizad and Salton Into. execution eh the nit of
WaldoSpencers use vs Challottel Genre and Lorin
GraceS , Ples cijaosee II . •
tildo4.The idt Joe, liken arprecol bob
bde Tummy of
bosaded • - On
tho north bY bad of Jefferson libetoood, Is tea:
old by
Bann' Eloper. aoisili by Luther lidaseYi - liest-by
Aaron 1. Bump: containing 103/ obey o f bad. *sore
or less, about 6 some improved, and 'few butt Wes
rienion; . notxildinga.,
41110-w_ etheelo4 Alice el-leiel.l
ate as gime, bounded an the nath by land of lege&
son Rierwoodi eastbi l d ni t ogr elbove described lot, south
and ibiettrylLalbac tiotdainiegdgi acres of
Md. 'more . or 'leas. lb= IFens ,iinpeneet lei
house and o r m ied thaw& • -
. &bed , Ulm into .coacetles - .. at cult of
dada Denali L' Bump' end Moll'
_ • . -
; dulate ist l ,41.1110;Te onads' kife,
beftWiis pr it icrif bind;
ainty typ,
roidaliimcdby lands of John Dowd
. others.'soodi 2 deasoreet4llo and deotenth at e
spoduceneet SW, 2/111441114 0
TOW. diudb 49 dam'eres-
o r a nd
coiner: thence bylaWs Rldor IndOthory
2 deg% eml2249atelsa to abeinlookeseasii - - dine*
by lands at hAise 71.11W119/411 as "tot*
Mhato a bet** canoe; th ence of
noeth 2 dedsieastlo2 aid six.t•en
a polity tbeeled - byllands - of lfranlilbaLsotter:g
11; patches 1
_to a sad. ir thence
r e ad., . of siddilksok" Tblli
o th m e p - s ro n. s o th h ew 7l d eter
porches to the place ofbeginning; containing 243
ages and 63 mace of JAM% Woo or less, about 100
elo-alke madir a za . klerr e at
Mims Ithe wortbeestecr
err et the blemed eel Sower meet* W larierilii""alt
, south TOlami,
'estAbiegalighlitila .01-12 It- Hlea.
2 aegs; bathe
piste 411, sherview9p2llllWised le
113Latb—OiMeMwolet.plaeliotpleistef iieil, situ.
alleinelhafgetilehaet dossotted is
tomato_ aw=ag CWeb*seetlierteteemer
ic Umilift F = atielobsenth
liftsgaoset_ litpm*es_jo .Meess ream:
was bt I I WI stiffs, noose 2 -
" 2 . - */~110 legclam :aetmersemill' limes '
la i Ms, of Same! C. /glum&
,t1.11a2, dogs.
to - sV ,,,, rateste same.
swek2 tW ea IWiILPI Ode Semi
by thelherese. :doe le dogs, weebl2l=
leo mimetseariert ibeeke bylOwds' it TY
11F141; - 111, V4 0 111.kpaN10:40.0
Jews cor y ' aaeocabY of tams .oel
oettb -elobilf girder le sleet; Amer try
Igs of andenpooland,AHO4sast mad labs
marthi degs. eMtlet ohdl imcgorithes
poithitatenstatemeety imesay OsatJam
taloa mad the J lota meth 11114 bet. mat HI •
pergsbessoti ember I* thaf Gordon lbw: theses by
Odd Ogees tendb-2 Chmi. vette gitrehesso the
Non of besitudus; mnetning, He sees tyt ,. la
also* lel Wee Mkt menthol et He salter P
' iblry W Dedson aillforehati;
a.l.9o—Tbaloilot t e: pima or wad of. land.
'Mute tn,Wilmot bou ea : the
• teeth by land. at, ,ftrosi, neat int Alls
Ibna. wrath by Vault Extowles. west by the Hot.
Wadi lot; tb,ftg Met of Imad:4lkeded 111.
in r =o es Hr o a d s( WA by Italy
1112asee. =alibis; AM** beret Improved"
4.1 1 5,..i.P 1 ed 11813514. um
/ 1 " # 41 5_4
Simon. •
Wad etableltailiMieseehoser Oar 42( 'Hi• •
ram Horton vo_Jamb Haat ,
lLllo—The iallowbef *eat Of WM 02 land.
elnatilatereige Omsk et% Moralist' es follows: ' On
.theeorth by lands' of geymoor Smith, tad by the
'Sago= tbstfiw eLitelifartto • Wes; went
by Heitry•
,9 mem of bad .
I mom or I ltia. " 2 " Loprerr a Homo! house •
sad Itamedlionaoollloll6,.., '•
.• - .
. Seized Ind eh* ede etectillolline„Mll Har
i : tain ladia's me vs Rhoda Nellintars.
Aoso,Air gotkrwisookpiro• orporat damn&
innate iolivet& haro, bimodal as Mow": On
Aboomiltby lend et •Thatess V lgeOdlera,' Mot by
jaw, &Milo smile IHlPabllo • lading fran
Mmy - to Walborn, weatby , blare* lading
treat •Ilybeirbia WA • 'is tkridiarg 1 lees of
lant2, mom arks" eras 0=44 bokil.fearted barn
ondfew butt treeatherecni:
.. BMW mad lib* Me. copeutloa , at the matt of
vonAmma um vs yo
Maytag let. pteee or- parcel of land,
samba Is Illairlingfma tsp. bounded.. 'COME Oat
tooth by public b;lghwiry leading Irma Sackett/
lea l Bauriarturspiker, suet by John Raped; •
lOU* by George Pods. met by, Hamm Paine;
containing 12 antis, more or less, about 9 tern Im
proved; log home tubby bars therms. . •
Seized and taken Into execution at the suit of
Abner W Oaten's use ea Jeremiah IlHolon. •
.11.90—Tbe follember lot. Vies or parcel Of laud,
situate in Weat Brulington tem, bounded follcnrs:
On the sortie by leads of Jamb 981924 east by '
gnae~ i t a l itrathorand by by A. P Hiles -
Salad and sabre !obi sabostios at Was salt of H
W Hades vo tt HU:Crony and H W NoCruny.
MEET. Sheriff.
antra Can, Towanda. Ang. lane;
!Amu= azu, ENT= KUlt towesam
By - vtrtne of an order loaned oat of the 07Phime
Coot of Bradford co.. the undeesigned. adnsiolstra.
WY of the estate of W: muss 19.9,111; deceased.
will expose it public oho on the premises to North
Towanda, on SATURDAY: AUG. 37th. -1870. at 1 o'-
Tothe following deacribed property, 'fiZ
A.certain piece or parcel of Amid ablate „ta North
Towanda township, beginning at a corner on west
line of Allmon Lovelace, and nurtbeeat corner of
Badger's lot, thencealong north lined Badger's lot
smith 00 deg. 30 min. west 8t per. to the public high -
map p letting to Towanda borough, thence along the
17orth 33 deg. west 27 240 per. to the eolith
:,:irri2er of James Pulter's lot, thence along the
samo north 61 deg. rut 91 percbesto the newth.west
corner pf said Lovelace'slotahltnce alcmg Bo Ibis of
"the same-south 2111' deg. east 30 740 perches to the
place of beginning...Contentintatlagree, and Si per
ALSO—Adjoining the 'above, Icit,i• piece keineded
and described ea follows:. On the out bylimun
road leading from Towanda to Miles:, on the irgth.
south arid west by other lands of add' deordedt.—,
Containing oue-half acre, more or least -
W.l.,Bo—tMar other piece of land adjottitng tile:
sliiive and biomdad as folk/six ": Clet,the.-si.wth by
- Charles t. Drown and Use lot above - described. on
thetas: by the Towanda road. on the sonthby Ben
beii.DeLong, and on the west by Linda belonging to
the estate of the Isle John C. • Adams.. excepting
therefrom - two acres adjoining Itanben DeLong.
which' ham been act asert to the widow. -Containing,
after deductJng the two edrea set vitt to ttis. widow,
about acres. •
ALSO —Ono ether piece of taint, purchased of Jas.
A. c ii.-B. 11641111, 0 , beginning at a pohrt In the mu
tzr of the ;Towanda marl un the north line of other
lands of 431111 deeedeut herein describe:U, thence in a
westerly direction dam: said last mentioned lend 20
3, rods to a stake and atones..thePoe, is a northerly
.dire e tion Parallel with the Towanda nada rodito a
stake...and /Apnea c•oner, thence in an eluitiily dim e
tion piaci with the :.orth line bf. other lands of
acid decedent rods to id:weenier:of the highway,
thence southerly along said highway 6 rods to the
place - of beginning. Containing , one sere. strict
• =mire. .UI of the shore described let., pieces or
paic.ds of laud ant a Bart of the farm owned by the
said William X' Watt.. doceaseq. and . containing al.
together about 37 acres. and 121 yerehls. The 'sod
will be/ sold in separate lota, or altogether, as may
beet end the purchaser.. • •••
The above described property lit ennead shoot 1';
miles from the Court House, and within Aire Min-
Ott.. ;oar to the depot. There are two thrifty young •
orchards, a good dwelling house, and a large new
barn on the premises, rti i• short time &large per !
lion. of the land can he Mid for town lots, as the vil
lage of Towanda Is rapidly spreading In that axe-
Von. - •
TER2d9.- - F9ve per emit. of the intrettate money to
be paol when Vie mcpertyls struelrdown, thirty-Ave
per cent. eLlbe imitrination of the see, and the 10-
anne„-w3ittli tntezett, , emanally from yonitnnotion to
prne eqiiii! annual I:Landrum/A.
- • • r • M"
Judy 13 , 1870 . MU ,
••• • 11141110 MOLL ,
Athens Twp., John . Watkins, if IC - Park. Hugh
Robb. Albert Hayden i'Athens Bore. A H Spaulding. -
Columbia tarp, Win Pam; - Marls Fairbanks.- C
McClellan. N Bradfoni,• Granville W
Chtrichtil; Iterrickhrp, James Foyle: Leßoy twp,
4!.,1/1 Brigham: Monroe, born. 'J B X Hinman:Or
brP. C Davis; Pao tsp. Edward Borrows:
Rome brp. Oscar Elliatia-ahlmany twp, B Cooper;
Sheshequin Asp. Stephen Rare*, E 1:3 - G9calsin:
Titscarors twp. W Y Black: Troy bum; S W Pam,
a O 9: Terry twp. Raman Horton; Mater twp, Win
H Rockwell: liVitax ticp,, A A'Whltney.' -
1 -- riavictesic srarats•—inarr aria.
Athens twp.J A Perkins, Laac,Narthrup; Athena
tam. CUM* Day: A/bany top, James. Warren,
Roman Milla••Animas - tsp. Jain. Yeomans
Burilaiton twp &Wien Haight . Hann Barn: Burlington Wes!, Samuel Bliley: Canton Ann
tam Rockwell: Franklin twp. B .L Haight:
twp, R J Home. Alvin ilaylaa• Herrick. Janes
Newell; LeKaymille been, I rit ' anrorth; Mono;
!t Yickering wp.M.T VD d C g o e r m der y;
J m oh a n L " itri aZou I
Barney acob
Cann; Bans bora, MR Carey; ,ObeabagaLn tap.
Chandler. Lawrence . Vaaftbd;: P.lsottagfleld
twp. Hiram Kato* Troy L Pack: Troy
Pall. A Pumas, J-C May: ,Terry N Maw;
Towanda tap, Daniel Data; • born, Wal
lace Keller, C B Rutty; Ulster twp. A T Monism.
A, J, Hallenback: Pike tarp. Elser-Briater; Welk*
twp. Horace Dunning: Wilmot twp I A Corey.
Amts Mite; Windham tap. Geargei tap,
Ibatatiliagh. twp. Cyrus Avery: Wpm twp. Suttee Cool-
f/ohn Miller; Albs borts. Samuel
; Columbia twp. Lewis Edsall.- - J-M Yming.
114 7 81 - evisas; Peanklin tom. Matsu.
;Eat?, Henry - Hazleton; John Mier , GOUrge W
t Leltaywrilie tato,. Richard Mister; Leßoy
H 3L Holeomb; Monroe twp. Chain Scott;
Orwell twp, W W Morgan; Pito twp, J W Bosworth,
1118-Pro. H • Ban; South Crick twp. Alvin
Farrdan.. 8 B Pettingill; 8 - ~eld tarp. Prank
Brown; Sheshequin twp. Wm n; Smithfield
tsp. Israel Phillips C Wood. 0 , B Bird; Towanda
-1)04, Wm Mix, Hiram MOM Josep h Powell;
Tornsudil Pip Isaac LIMOTteIX, • a IV &midi; Tus
carora. twp, John 'lough% 0 W , Woodruff. David
Edinger; Troy Pip Thomas Baldwth.J.kadsr Vim
Horn; Troy boro, E H - Dewey: UMW twp. P P
Sweet, P•Tif 'Snide; Nyalliaing twp, W 0 Morrow,
Charles Blks. Just& Adtley: Warren twp, Edward
Stevens. . • . • -
hereby glees that there wig - sled and
arttledin the edlce of thi Register of Wills, In and
Jar the' enmity of BradihnU weenzats •*: adosia*tra.
non nporrthe following estates, As: •
Ph:ad seetof zanies • A. Su eg. executor of George
Wes, late of VP/Wash's docrosed. • • • ... •
:Final acct of WM= "finyder„ ober ocsraoma
lfaati, late of fliseatieqnhi,"deeed.
. Partial acct Ebeneux torn, ,execatti oe Jan
Shell. late of Pike, decd.
ion of Chaffee ittorkvell lade. G. Wright,
adzofe of Samuel Pitrariter. late otCanton. beced.
Final met of Jefferson Pratatnan, executor of John.
son Ittearrr. Iste of Wells. deo% • " " •
Final wet of Sherman IL CAW Philander lona
and Ella P. Witean. 'dotes Of Adis* Inreaus, late
of Darlington Bora., deo'd.•
samenoel of Susan If. Grind W. U. Bisho
of flannel Often. /s kiThollhojffitr: r ot a
Anal wet of Meg Pea. Jr. adna's Of fiffitt• ,
West Esslinstss taro, deed.
ltnalimetof MIL Maier. &dol. of 'Betatir
Hems, Ismdistsobeld. . _
Irtl4/ aec't of ft.: D. Warner; oiler OrriD War.
par. Ws of Tantannamhard.,
Moat meet aloha liotraar, adscr,of Nait7
Mal awl of Amaaa Watkins, adsa'r Of John lit.
, late of Ulster, doc'd.
putal ocelot .1 EL Cowie% Viordialt Therim 3
Alto the. oppnimorat jpeciptetr Need' by ex
- 'or itlftro to vidosts or children of
Esta de
te of l eis:
• • James L Bowtosa,
E. 11...Diekturoo. ' .
Onto noeitwelL, •
- • •.: • onto WerserJ • • . . •
Cwtthe pane slit be - thp .
of altdree3 eden==hlr, the a i
der ot 111212:1113132; • 1330. M 3 (kink p.m., los
tontilisatign land
C.ltsmdtrrvi.J. S. WIIIIOkm '
Saab Lilt matins Geo. IL Prism . - nem
Josksthan Whipple vs D dab's ed3sea..act Made '4
Runty_NMer.Th Sturm . . ...
m. • -
GM Wolnlite VirMEOCIVOn ;WM
.I='Wbeedes. vsNoss k dialfesd..edeetwent
elerstvs brad Smith 'raver
atEssisa lc 00,. me .I.B4kdrars " ' debt
' 1 . 4 .. 0 ..... 1 . 41 ./(2.811 1 et al ' ..... ...ONO
Oyu Worm vw&lLidliglik ke - - ass
John McQueen_ vs Wm,
_llld3ses ' eel ts
John Marna villa& k 7.1: C. k LE. Co.....trespus
visiatassits' 4 1.4 - A —We
4 1 1 VICfn Jesse - MO
NOWA*. vs - 1114kos iliala Ar.. - ..'.::: . '.. :. „troops."
Ahlakessatd vd A., Conoco ;:::.....4: , ...... oppeall
Abcdrradost v silent kadth " " . -ettt
M _wets 4 7 .:0 1 C.• Y. Emig OW WA .... s; 'debt
ms,W vs Stfirelltoilksup - - - 7am
Thomas ityvikydP4..l ,l llPrimiipsw• - - itetbanrt
Erdbcppornia• reW'DPS. M004V, ,
- mks. 10 ado& kell: ' - ,
W. A.
i msbe w r n.
t4 , 41.5.1k . - •, if pt- .I.:;. :, Porkliatiotvy. I
h, at C. D. VA,.
bastil !Haim.
lad krit trait