friuw, LOCAL AND. :12,1ZNIFIAL sir The wife of llon:Alt W% Bum, of Chemung, dies on Monday ironing. • Is.. A. J.'NOBLE has , been appoint - N I Postmaster atifyioz. - •.4• -0 • I Bar The Catholics -will holds pia n ie in Convent Grove, - on Saturday next, for ithe benefit or their new church. sa" A. age: Part' ctlexcursionista from Philsabilids. Passed-this pleas au Tues day erening, on their tray to Niagara Falk, in • specialinsin. .• • , • jar Mr. ETECL rviany Deputy' Marshal for one of the eastern (Wets of this county. has completed the come in the to:nap: ships allotted to him. 31 . 1138 "MEM COLIC, ' of Lecirug,' has reoeired the appointment of Teacher - of Instrumental Musk in the Baptist Female ciliate at Indianapolis, Indiana. •ittr Our presses are constantly gon Joblfork. The rash. is tinprece. d ed for this season of the year. Beason— Abandanoe,of type, rapid facilities Ibr printtnir, and Arm-dm Workmen. • „ . - ser A tidy in Binghamton oom. plains that the first ysiiiof heinikriled life hei husband called her "my dear,” the second "Mrs: A," and the third year "old smell top," which was too much for her to bear. , perVourEy TatowAßD, of Springfield township, has patented a beehive. Kr. has given a good deal of attention, to the manage.: ment of bona and we have no .doubt his new hive will prove beneficial to bee owners. _say- By referring to an advertise ment in another column it will be seen that Mr. JAXES Immo has leased Mimi Mix's gar den. Mr. I. is an experienced gardner and a very gengemanly and obliging mark. We 'be speak for liim a liberal patronage. .pe- A young man by the name of . Disret SwecOmattn, in the town of Rnah, Susquehanna county, was bitted by a rattle make near the knee, while pickingbhickberriea about two Wecks since. Las week he was in a very critical condition, having Spasms fre quently. ‘, J®' Messrs. RYAN and - Qunnun, Principals of the Stisquehmina Collegiate IMsti tote, are giving personal attention to the repairs on - that building. Some very necessary altera tions and improvements have been made, and when completed will be in every respect adapt ed to the convenience of teachers and students. Vir On Friday last Aarrnosy O'Borta, of Bradford county, was arrested on the oath of ZACHARY Tnewas for assault and battery. He bad a hearing before Justice .LT mg and was held to bail in the sum of f3OO, in default of which he was remanded into the cus tody of the officers to be taken to Wilkes-Barre Jail, whore ho is now confined.—Piffsfen Gar. Air. About 3 o'clock on Sunday morning last, r small frame house, owned by JAYES BZDYOIIII and ;occupied . by A. F. Pwran los., on Main street, nearly opposite the Barclay machine shops, •was discovered to be on fire. As it was impossible to get the engines to the rn•er, the building was entirely.destroyed. Mr. PErEnsos and his family were absent at the time, and lost most of their furniture upon which there was no insusanoe. We learn there was an insurance 'of $BOO on the house. i 0. D. G00DN017614 Of this offi ce, finding the weather to oppressive for com fort iMdoors, went out onto the r oot of the portico of his house the other evening to take a " nap," and was soon locked in the embrace of morpheus. He woke up about three o'clock in the morning to find himself resting on the ground fourteen feet below, with one arm bro ken, the other sprained, and his face badly bruised. Under the skillful' treatment of Dr. Lino is getting along as well as could be ex pected. • TOMATO SOUP.—Sike a quarter of pound of raw ham cut in small slice, with a sprig of thyme, four cloves, and a pat of butter. Slice a dozen raw tomatdes, or failing Id these, the contents of a can of preserved torditoes. Boil the whole in three pints of water until thoroughly *lied_ and then dissolved in the MARS. A teaspoOnful and a half of extract. Sea son with salt, Pepper, and a little nutmeg, and rub the whole, for homogeneousness of liquid, through a tine sieve. SUDDEN DEATIL—Mrs. ELLEN MA nom, of 'Tuscarora, aged about sixty-nine years, went to bed on the evening of August 6th, apparently in good health and was found dead in her bed the next morning. A child of fire years old was in bed with her, and a young lady slept in another bed but a fow feet froth her, neither of whom was aware that the death angel had been so nigh them till the light of e morning revealed the startling and mourn fact. She had evidently pissed away with out the 'slightest struggle. • De- Musa nuirrien, a colored man, who moved from this place fo Waverly about a year ago, got into a difficulty with mother colored man named HARRIS, on Sunday after noon last, in which the latter Wm so badly eat with a carving knife in the hands of Parma, that he died in a few minutes. It appears that BAWL'S when drunk was a very quarrelsome fellow, and commenced the assault. His wife had left him and was living in this place. Fats- TES was committed to await his - trial fur homi cide. Stir We are pained to learn that Prof. A. J..1.0ar0. of Waverly, died at his hied dence is that village, on Monday afternoon last. Prof. Lino was a teacher of great learn ing, and had been eminently ancotssful. Poe his ability, uprightness, integrity.and talents be Ras giestly'reSpected by all who had the honor of his acquaintance, arid his sudden, Unexpect ed and nitimelp death will be deeply mourned by a very large circle of- relatives, friends and acquaintances: Prof. Lairo leaves a widow and five ehilOrei. His age was 39 years. SECRET SOCIETY.--A new secret so ciety has been formed within the throe years, which aims at =Mpg agriculturalists for protection against monopolies and secure their public interests. It is known by the pastoral title of the "Patrons of Husbandry," and It already nmnbers 430,000 - meinbers.• It admits women and children to its rights and fellow ship. It has various State and ciinty organi zations, called "Granges," under the control of the National Grange at Washington. Among the things it hopes for, Is to, brealr , dows the high prices at which agricultural Madams are sold, by ordering them by wholesale • for ita members ; and the same thing will be done with seed and other supplies. PIMSON‘L. —The Bev. B. J. Bova use paid as a flying ♦isit last work. He was warmly welcomed by biz numerous Mends. --Hon. A. W. RANDALL, ex• Postmaster Gun oral, is aecompaaying Gov. Gamut) do his trip around the world. —Judge &war: was in titan on Sunday. • —The family of Ron. J. D. dor, Secretary of the Interior, aro at Minnequs: —Maj. Ij and JOS. G. Pswrox, of this place, are enjoying Invigorating effects of Num Eitantc's Minneqns Springs.. . —W. 8. Yucczirr, aside; Mametra'a Bank, Mrs. %cm ; and• Ina Taverna, tisitt4 Watkins Glen last week. • —Druz= Tmunta, Ktc. Tuns!' and Ham Donor leave to-day,for a two weep trip, during which time they will take a tide nn the 81. LW rence, visit. Niagara, Now York, mid several other cities. "We wish them a pleasant trip. —DAvw btousx, of LelloY, and his daughter, Mee. Sheriff VAN Fuze, of this place, have gone to Topeka, Kansas, on a visit. :.~ 4M.,. •..,.~,.,~,, Ms. • Etiiiiith , laimiiter atteika plc* *WA" sointbOr.witere .111th totuAbrie tends loaded with' • = , r,. drenorith banners *Mad and alto Tkrtha*. where those itith Ate and Amu" britp)Orst vied itith anditarij Miess ieettiotheitnkaio, the earl; =a where tale side *Pe PPlOsti on a otdbito WO *hoes - thiCalin pie should* thelitgetit, end whet*. Miliaeatt Where the young me s a had solider bit "Mi l fa *it 011110siAnd ethetilthtothlitirefthethe'; b-ias the salt otiti m aim e N 4cie:Alieritibbnir. thethre*/ Pkee the • . .thre l 4lo l * tbdr. u sltY, **Mt have seen heard aunethingtiltblleMlet bob and soul than theatre or museum:.: But,-"airj, •Jo shaubt beiS" beei Mitt" bi Pother /IMM%; grove, an South thYt'',.tha/ 0 1thSllree APO 40bIsttiokileobt they had a "big lime" in !lam! grove at Wy-; alusing;"the l ttli, esitoto **Ad; Where there were Gees. tio'hundred, and they "ere..tated_log . , the; apmebetmtluiter ward Mitchel to the tables se quietly, and with as mach %Spit& ;WU" Maraud, Tam: could hire 'done ' And it %by bad bears' Phethe the`e. t , 1 04"thr the tekellthre =OW AP ; Pt i llrelit abridi the/ Willi hate k es/M - : pi y relbitveaethei mote' %IP twelve' hubs% 'tut Of bags beside 'may itne caltekerards et bisotik‘A.4 Simaintog attar the crowd bial Meyer * s kV, ' bail* the tables. Father Berrizia l • tahlit mitplled Arty or more, and hit- ftroistpige was only. hi keeping vitle the many Pet,/ **lll l th eme% But do not supposti nigh ri crowd as thbt could be satbdied withl' l E4W alone- r ue* they. They were ai mid few ore hourtuat ibileAtearra. BaniataA'curs o Tommoit i Tows* and tteitros talked sa They were bury at the table.' , MP teem :Orwel% -oOtter vnie, South um, Pleanint Herzieheine and East Herrick, urdted•on this :ooessiots- hence yon see it was _a general time, aid those who enjoyed if wi unite with me in laying that it was a general good NM& ' • The; By the wayhiaanyone told yon•that tbey had • fine timein Fnatuesgrove, at Standing Stone, the AUL Inst. Such Was Alio cue,. and bad "Alpha Beta" been there he Would have found material fora communication. without ‘!!sase lug.* As he has lived through the hot weather it is im:med he will be more sociable now. Keep your . correspondents good natured, if possible, and . then tell them to let "nature caper." • Hastily yours, • Rome; Aug. 20;70. • .1.4. BovrawEerrEnN BRaprosto. Mr. :Printer / • Lighten 'the burdens of a gluier young man, Whose fleeting mind has led him to yOrir cot ; Whostjoyaire'soniited , at the briefest span; hir, grant him help and never be forgot: Nmember prints?' ink Will save him from the brink. ' Our wiseacres inform us thit Blimrjua and Nophawin (pronounced ne-pha-win) erg of In dian origin, signifying "to..drink" And "sleep or rest." These names °are quite appropriate to the localities bearing them as people visit tho springs and lake "-to drink" and "sleep or rest" from the bustle and turmoil of city life. It is singular that some of our newspaper cor respondents should still persist in. \ calling lake Ncphawin such unappropriato namesas "Laurel Lake" and " Gilletts Pond," they even forgot . that here one of the captives at the Wyoming massacre was sent to 3ruthf i 2.leitahwin, long sleep. Of course we want molt, but we do not nec essarily desire it enough to quietly submit to having a slaughterlard near our door, unless the butchers Cease starving the sheep and cattle, thus causing them to bleat and low al most continually: Neither shall we then, Un less the surrounding stench be removed or annihilated.' e According to common-sense wis dom, the town council or sombody Else should remove slaughter yards from within the limits of the borough, e. e. in the dullness of the mo ment we so look at it. It is said that the ground for a $lOO,OOO hotel was staked out at Minnequa on the 13th inst., and that the present hotel is to serve as a water-cure as soon as the new one Is completed. We prophesy; in part, remembering a prophet is not without honor save in his own'eountry, that when the new depot .is erected the rail road company will be or the opinion that three depots within four miles are two more thantie cessity demands; that it is cheaper to hire agents for one depot than for three; that more business will be brought to Min:amine if the de pots at Canton and Alba are expunged; that within three sirs the center of busines will have seen changed to Blinxiequa ; that a good. wagon road 'will leail directly from HODIFEL itIANLEleff to the Elpringi So as to accommodate the people hying on Towanda creek ; that a court horse-for lifinnequa eon* will be located within four years, and that many who read this will sot believe, though we thus see through the. mist before tis. 'There were - two runaways at, Canton on the 14th inst. One child was considerably bruised and many people very much frightened. By the way, Y would say to "Peres" (the one who lives away up on the hills in thenorth eastern part of Bradford where 'the people are so near the sun that the "blinding, withering heat reflected from the thirsty earth makes them pant and ei,gh") n-o-w don't 8:70 . From your ter We clip the following notice of the famous Glen at Watkins, N.Y., from a recent number of the Elmira Dagy Adathiser. If there are any of our readers who have not yet visited this interesting place, we advise them to do so at once : This remarkable wonder of nature has now • become so widely known and is so highly appro. elated that it confessedly ranks among thetirst- class attractions of the country. The • number of people who are visiting it during this season is Morally immense. They come from all parts of the nation, though the States most largely represented are Now York, Pennsylvania and Maryland. Among the names on the register may be found almost daily those of men of well known prominence in the country. The Glen is thronged from morning till night, from one end to the other, and presents a scene of gaye ty and life which reminds ono of Niagara or Saratoga in the height of the' season. The neer proprietor, Mr. ranaosa, •• wider stall& his business.. By many improvements h has made the passage of the Glen comparative ly easy and perfectly safe. New and strong bridges and stairways have been added, at diffi- cult places iron railings have been, firmly fixed in the rock, capacious pathways have been cut out, - and every passible arrangement made for the comfort of visitors, and the bestopportu pities providedier .seeing the beauties of the Glen. The new Mountain House is capa cious and leen salvaged for the paha **born modation. His Only intended as a tehiporary stopping place during the day for rest• and re freshment. and for this purpose it i'd_ thet could be desired. It is under the immediate charge of tdr. Jaci Wring, which is sufficient guarantee that all who go there will be well provided for. The one thing needed in the way of accommodation and , to increase the attrse tions of the Wen in a first-class hotel at or !emir the entrance; where people may be butertain ed during their stay in Watkins. There are alread yy goodliotelsin Watkins, but fur, a: succeeadtl summer resort, as this has come to be, the pub lic will demand a large first-class establishment. We are glad to learn that such a work is in con , temptation, and under the energetic mauage ment of the gentlemen who now control the property will doubtless soon be accomplished. A a: tingly linpregriatedemlphur sprinkles just been discovered immediately beneath the Mountain House,and with its" development a new and poireiltl attraction will be add ed . A fine roadway has been: ipened Over the bill from the 'Mountain Hornet to the village and carriages are iickitantly in readiness to convey visitors oh their return. After the long and fatlguitig jimmy through the. Olen this is 'a pod wing* and pportu nietoyn ven , iseenee e. Visitors th l u monu• r no othelate,Joait MArm=a expensive and elaborate work of the kind which we have ever seen in any cemetery of the coun try. They also have 'a view from the top of the bill of Seneca lake and the surrounding country which aloud Is worth going many mtlerto see ' We cannot close this notice of the Glen with out making brief mention 'of the gentlemen whose labors And genius have 'brought A int° publki notice, and . given II 'name 'mud repute,: Lion commensurate almost with the limits of the country. We refer,. of course, to Mr. 111. Emu It ls only a few years since Mr. Ems, solitary and Moue, txpkted its then -hidden and unknown recesses, and discovered its won derful beatifies and , sttnictioos:- Hie • engin& Indic mind at onto, eteniehed the ides that in that Glen, Watkins had a treasure which; with proper management - and - the expenditure of a little capital, must inevitably become famous and make that:44e a Brsti/of summer re sort. Filled with this idea he opened the Glen himself, and conteodidg mentally . against all obstacles, worked with' might a mid main to bring it into public notice.T. In this effort he got little sympathy anctinuch•distrust. Season by Basun, 'however, the reputation of the Glen, inmate* and people flocked there in annually increasing numbers. . Visitors sent a dozen more, until finally • one tingly morning, Mr. Paesous, et Troy, Pa., .fereing his down trelmte thottatal= and easi err employed Mr. Etta for Super intendent and,' and the- Glen is now a feature of which . Watkins is as proud is a boy with a pew We are glad to luxe" that the credit which so richly belongs WM.. Eire Immme!wpgm!!l! is ioi ..vmailiiriiiiiimia be - WI" be ititedd-be, the amort Witted amp: itMltteletithompeleetisit uhriteelt a 4 o l o ll hosermalleetioidial 41=1 graariVi= 4 4 w . _ pedal ime4 petpete , _ 1 2 b eirr I r tteieltiet: - - ' jewire = inteelvel en aS 'WS, eta tIY *pram .thit. hope- thee. an comeenset lea we many' yietri to ,- tittrien • the gayeties and pleasures at isereuh4Oremnele sew meat the Waltdiliatimi; -_ , . • - 4 1 1: PO i kr i"111 4 1 " 111,0 4 0 14 4 nikbehmten.Waywdzr; and ind a' short time the Lehigh , Valley can *Um lireeqto thelatter pie" • - - Hose ,OnnpanY hive colleted thekr Weiser; - They a:meeting with stoning emcee hi dispesintal the tickets, and, tho draw tioffol#4 o 3 l kgrono, of lo Bei* tember. 'The rad' is In session eV l'Amits. We regret, to learn' thaktketit Otttitir Bin C. W. Itiontrrryill not bevetogoel to Wiliam.; M. WAiD, E. Ovsntrox, h., have ereeted a row of tenant: houses dt the karrie:ezik tin* Mitch a , r alike creditable to themseties and' the -town: While. the, bnildirt/ti 140:011 lenittiatikthi'aine is broken so as to give the aippearandm of threo double homely six Angiesachem; Mining fi ve rooms and Sc. They are all neatly Oinished,"and are ;,.. nary &n. The building was designed constructed by lir.: tioyaw, who betari the reputationnebeingone orthehegit lain the beoraity: - The . houltis lir' be ready f9r may, In aAm Weeks, I liad we have no doubt will soon be hied by gobds tenants. St I3WIZE xttr —We. the undenigtmd, herhereby onmertin* challengrany pertons in Bbaitaebinn a county to play a match game of Croqnst tor the clisimpiimaill and Mallet of said °qui* . Cisitust best 2 and& Tile phial at Iliostkose, according - to the rolei of 'the London Clib As soOation. F. W. - Cain**, G. H. Fatten. --WILIM SI7AWAT.--cht weammuy evening bit tireol i .Giettliand ltimax l Raw. car left Montrose with a horse and buggy, to go to' the home at the fishnet, IS Bush. ' They took the south road out of sown, ant at, the caudal of tuning to .the Wyaltudigimid the horse suddenly st arted and became onoontrojb able, running at a furious rate. Winos[ • ing a hoaty load in his hat was soon throinx whaOsiOnor., whose head was clear, clung to the reini pill opposite rim. Coon's farm house, when • the buggy upsetting, he was throws out,gstrildng: heavily upon the kip - Of his head. The thills and dash of the buggy were badly broken, - and the horse becoming entangled in the harness was presently caught. As a result of the rtmatiaf; times was acti on/fly but not dangerously injured, and the buggy was . amebluore damaged than either WILLIAX or the horse; the latter having only s, slight scratch on one of his legs. It is often asserted that intoxicated persons are never in jured by a fall . ; be this as, It may, it le pretty certain in this instance that had neither of 'the parties been intoxicated, there would have been no runaway, and affords another illustration of the evil effects of the " upper and, nether open- Inge" of poison in oqr borough. —Haunt Freon.—On Thursday night last the vicinity of Oakley station, on the D.L. & W. B. 8., was visited by a shower whi c h caused the little stream that flows under the railroad that point to swell ip a magnitude fearful in the extreme. As often happens two clouds ap proached each other from opposite directions, meeting in the vicinity of the basin of this creek, producing what may be termed a water- sponi, which poured in such torrents as to raise the creek in a few momenta to an almost incredible height, causing it to flow over- the railroad bridge near the station, which is said to be 20 or 25 feet high, and carry destination to almost everything before it. Mr. DANIEL atimEr, who is the princeple owner of the land and crops about there, it is thought has suffered s loss to crops, fences, and other damages to the' amount of $1,200 to $1,500. The creek is buts small stream crdhiludAy, and to those who are acquainted with the situ.: anon it seems to be - the most remarkatde rise of water seer known in this section of count. loasn-Tatvzs Carr:rum—The horse be- longing to O. M. Neon which iris stolen from the pasture, in Tunkhannock, on the night of SaturdaT, August 30th, has been recovered and the thieves captured. The, horte was found at . Otego, Otsego, county, N.Y., about 45 miles from Binghamten, on the Albany and Susque hanna Railroad, where the thlevcs hid traded him with the landlord. The thieves were cap tared a short distance from there. Their names are CBUIDALL, two brothers who reside in Windsor, Broome county, N.Y. They wer e •bound over to appear at the nest county court, under bail of $2,000.,-Democrat. —The - annual lair of the Harford Agricultu ral Society will be held October sth and 6th. —A Teachers Institute commenced at Mont-. rose on... Monday last. Prof. Coyne, -formerly of the Susquehanna Collegato Institute, is one of the lecturers. • DULL JOSHUA. MCKEAN FAMILY MULTI:NO.—A very interesting event came off in Troy township on Wednesday the 17th. Sometime since Jona Maas', Esq., invited the members of -the McSaari' family to assem ble at his residence, 'about two miles weseet the village of Troy, on the 17th of August, auk on that day representatives of the family-to the' number of about two hundred presented them selves at hie hospitable mansion. Ample prep arations had been made for the whole family. An excellent collation was served at 2 o'clock, after which a meeting was organized by the election of Taos. Massa, of Center county, Pa., as chairman, and Rev. Sarum Ilicßaaa, of Amsterdam, N.Y., secretary. Rev. Mr. Caw made an appropriate prayer, after which lion. Jain. B. McKaaa, of Utah, gave a concise, but complete history of the origin of the name and the various changes and renderings of it. The name originally was spelled Mackian, and for four centuries the oldest son in succes sion of that name was chief of the kicpowerzis, of Glen comity, &Wand.' About the year 1745 two or three of the Mc- Kim: family, which, by positive proof is s cor ruption of, the. Nene Macmasoimigraeld to this country, settling in Maryland and Dela ware. des illtilizatt, the ancestor of all the family represented at this gathering, removed fro Cecil.c v xmut,y, 11W., to chanting county, ;4;4., in alai-ear 1780, and aliimt four joint itlitUr wiiird to Burthigton, Ilawdford county: Pic ten children were born to him - Mostly after his set, ling at Burlington. Prom these ton, (eight boys and two girls) have sprung a large and thrifty stook, who are-timid of many. laktionli of the laid, and not a' few of whom have been and are known to fame in the service of their' country is manj waji. . I3hort addresses were also made by.,Bev. Bun= . Masse, .Col. • Amax - Manx, of Tawimb, A1..8L B Name, 'or toiula, CoLlaan WILBON, orAl* and others. . Desolations were passed thanking Mr. lons hie Hess and'velfoldi thiaiospitality displayed. Plans ware disowned for future meetings of the fandit. Histoilans Were *044 tr!the deneidinhi4 iisabor the ten ehildiemowliaio deity it is tgoompile a cninplete orifiedi separate ken* with all pirticulirs as to ilia age, deathe; marrram and: Isvpr_tant Acts, sad comminicate them to the Bev. McW42l, wi* War takei the respitsibility of condensing the matte; so that it can be aces-, :Moly referred to. • " . mbe dozglia suig.,o: l 4o Oxtail eto47 ing closed with the benediction and altar a ecoraPatiOli of ,voiilllt .11 - 1! conkiany diapented,ilth many emir ties 4 list: ing Motaddp made, and a raeral sorthw that 40/ 1 114 - , 0660 r. IP 3 the ' lr 14'4 ' l6l i ) 'Pritbiti4 tr9i* hi west= lIlAlk Ida had .come 43,1p . 0da1y *AP tonditthrato-tmiam — ' - • = . A;Dartained thatribage mere at kivoPetsemsytelsodfOartka •Of oltr? jai* Lpoi kk 4eCielst