• , Mir the liersay. Oats. . EDiralill or, ItseeornaL7--Dear Nies:- For the sake of the farming interest of Bradierdteimty, I'feel it my.duty to give, thropgh your excellent pa-, per, my experience and thoughts about ate .so•called Norway Oats. Last winter Ibought, for= one dollar and twenty cents, one quart of Jones tt .Clark; D. W. Ramsdell, accredited agent. I drilled them, in twelve-inch rows, early in April, on . good soil, covering stx rods of ground--a little less than.dne bushel to the acre ; re sult, sixty-three pounds. liow. when I received these oats, I compared them with mine, and could see no difference. I sowed them side by side the same day, watched thegrowth and formation very closely, and when they matured, on a perfect examina tion' of t i he height, sze of leaf, head, form of the head, color of straw, also of the grain, thicknees of the straw,, thickness of the shell of the straw,: kc., I said they are the same add I had sown for four years, and last spring sold three hundred bushels for eighty cents per bushel ; that I do now candidly believe to be the same. Now I would not discourage triais.for improvement in any kind of farm produce, by any means; for it is laudable in on of us farmers to try to improve in all the products of the farm. In the New 'York Weekly Tri bune of December 22, is a list of names froL different States, stating the amount ßo wn and the product: if the editor ha ut his name at the, at root of that cola in, we, should have . known who made the synopsis; but a large number this reported are ,from seven and one-half bushels to fifty per acre. One man reports one quart sown on eleven rods, gathered fifty six bushels and fourteen quarts, or about eight hundred and forty bus&' els per tide. Who believes it? I think it a mistake, or truth mod aw fully stretched. Now, there are some things that we have learned by the so-called Nor way Oat notoriety : • 1. That we usually sow too much seed per acre. • 2. That we do not give the land as good tilling as we should. 3. That we often lose much by care leas gathering and bad threshing. Now look at a few rods of ground rich to begin with, plowed two or more times, made perfectly fine, then nicely top-dressed, each seed put sep- arate, far apart, the weeds pulled out by hand, the chickens kept out, cat clean, saved from waste by storm, threshed clean, and we all know that we would obtain entirely different re sults. But there is one thing that I have noted for years, and that is, these oats will stand up good on rich er land than any oats I ever saw. The traw is very thick in the shell, and also in diameter, and remains com paratively green when the oats are fit to cut. I have cut acres of therri that \stood up to my chin, and I stand six feet. There is one thing more to he considered, and that is, I think as farmers we do not change seed fre quent enough. I have no doubt but many marked results are from this cause, viz : "change of seed. G. W. PLummoa. ATHENS, Dec. 28, 1869. • Farm Work, Mechanics, Clerkships, Bar- Tendtrs, and Stable-Boys Why do young men leave the farm and workshop to engage sin counter jumping. mixing liquors, cleaning spittoons, and lounging around sta bles and liquor saloons? It is be cause they do not know any better, cannot . realize where' it leads to, or because they are preverted and will fully wicked. Many farmers arc to blame fOr not supplying their sous with useful and entertaining books —with the means of improvement and amusement at home. They fail to realize that boys are boys, and that they love variety. It is observ ed by young Robert Corncob that young Mr. Yhrdstick dresses nicely, goes into company, and is popular with young ladies. This gives R. C. a desire to change his rougher but much healthier pursuit and become a clerk. Or, failing iti this, it would be a good thing, in the way of pro motion, to learn to smoke, drink, tell stories, and get acquainted with bar room life and bar-room lions. Strong talk—profanity and vulgari ty-strong liquor, and strong tobacco go togeth er and may be found. there. He be gins by holding horses, holding spit toons, and doing much menial servi ce as his • low ambition and cock nature suggests or permits. He sn ally "fetches up" in .the poor-ho , in the gutter, or in the prison. Parents cannot be too careful in impressing their sons with right ideas as to the most desirable callings in life, and to cultivate in them a love for rural life. Who is there more noble, more independent, than the intelligent farmer, who owns his homestead stocked with horses, cat tle, sheep, pigs, poultry, fruit-trees, vines and shrubs? The farmer who is thrifty, and well-to-do, what cares he for the fluctuations in the price of stocks or dry goods ? He will gath er his crops, lay in a store of good things for the winter,and sell the sur plus. His time is ; his own, and his crops grow while )he sleeps. The life of a farmer is, or should be the first choice of many more of our young men. Next to this impor tance to the commonwealth is the, mechanic and manufacturer. After the farther—or tether ; jintapositiOn with him—comes the mechanic, the inventor. He makes the labor-saving machinery.. By his contrivance we transport our productions and our selves across continents and seas by means of the steam engines. Is is the engineer—not _the politician— who is prominent In, building up a nation and making it a power. Then let us encourage our sous to become inventors, engineers, machinists, ar chitects, brulders,k - manufacturers, rather than to fritter away their pre ciohs livers in doing nothing,becom ing nobodies, and in rmilcmg, life a failure. "Work, work, • more work," is what is wanted to give health, wealth and power for good in the world. . ,11%113 AND HARNEM-It IS stated on good authority that a teaspoon of Cayenne pepper mixed with a quart of oil and rubbing the harness with the oil, will oectually protecting it against the gnawing of rats. It is also said that an oance of aloes to one gallon of ail will afford the mine protection. Our remedy heretofore has been, and hare serer known it to fail, to hang the harness up so no rats can molest it. Bat as some peo ple are careless in this respect, the red pepper and the aleoes and oil remedy had better be adopted. . Ip you would be miserable, look viiiidnOr You would b• dishzeted. klok armada ifaofi would be tuPfrOw 3 k up.i, • 8~1l a lUMWAY. 1100 MIL= MiDint 100 11171111017;_ • iturAzuszra.. casstasat Oakes's: 33,11.0 AD GUAGE—DOUBLE TRACI • _ TOLEDO. DETROIT. cWCAOO. =MAULS& BT. PAUL, OMAHA. And ill points Wait sad E9tOnrest.. wigwam& cusaos. smaau. • - Dirrox, INDIANAPOLIS. . LOUISVILLE. tn. LOUIS, • And sll points South sad Soullonsl. - . • I(iw Amp DasanD Quests. MT itri. =meal lamella. -.cusses TO ROCOTIOXI. Burnt% . Dow: znia, CzalrizAim aim Ilemarintal. • - On and saes Needle: Nwebor 15.15 M. tnans wm lane Warily at about the tolicnriaibouraots 1.. • GOING WEST. - - • . CM am.. NIGHT HYMNS Olookgraexpepted)tor Hochman?. Buffalo. Dunkirk. Cleveland and Gin. danati; caramelises with the Like Share, Mteltimin Souther% and Grand Trunk Hallways at Babb. Dunkirk andllleretand for the West; alma ChM , land with the C. C. C. k ban. Railway tor Inas* Mbsim spoils :ailway and st Ci and the o ncinnati with the Louisv int ille Short Line R, Obl e t s a= for the Booth and Southwest aho with ' lug lines at princirsl stations on main tine. • . 5:15 a.m.—NIGHT EXMIES3. daily, for *.clash. Buffalo. Dunlirk. Cleveland mid Chrebuisti. mat tog direct connection with trains of the Grand Trunk and Latudbore Railways at Buffalo, Dun. kirk and Cleveland for all pamts We*. and al Gin eirmati with the Ohio sad Miseissippi and Louts. vine Short Line Hallways for the South and South. vest ; ahm with all connscting trains at principal Marlon* on main line. 8:211 TRAIN. Sundays_ =mited, for Buffalo and Dunkirk. 405 p.m.—ELIORk ACCOMMODATION, Sundays °vented. 11:17 p. DAY HIPPX66. Sundays excepted. DM Rochester. llnthdo, Dunkirk. Cleveland; Oneinna. .r and the South. Stops at principal stations and connecting points on main line. New and impmeea Drawing Room Coseticsaccom pany this train from New York to Buffalo, jaid Sleeping Coaches are attached at Bornellsville, fon- Mug thou' to Cleveland and Galion without change. 10:33 Sundays excepted. for Rut. ado. Dunkirk and Cleveland, connecting with mime for the Wort. A fileeping.Coech U attachid to this train running through to Buffalo. 7:2S a.m.—WAY FREIGHT. Sundays excerpted. 3:30 p.m.—ESUGItAIiT TRAIN, daily fox the West. GOIN' EAST. 220 a.m.—NIGHT EXPREftft Pte. connecting at New York with afternoon train, and steamers for Boston and New England cities. Sleeping Cesehea accompany this train from WIS. lo to New Trek. 5:38 a.m.=-CINCINNATI MEM Mendays es. cepted, connecting stlersey City with afternoon and evening trains of New Jersey Ballroom for Philadelphia. Baltimore. and Washulgton: and at New Tork with steamers and afternoon Express trains for Near England Cities. Also stops at prin. dpal stations and connecting points on main Mo. Bleeping Coaches accompany thiatraintoNew Tort 9:38 a.m.—BINGHAMTON ACCOMMODATION, likmdsys'excepted. 19:59 p.m.—DAY =PRESS. firindesilacepted, con necting at Mddletown for Unionville., and at Jer• soy My with midnight express train at New Jet , say Railroad for P New and Improced=ratoom Caches mann pany this train from Buffalo to New York. 13:45 p.m.—ACCOMMODATION 'TRAIN. daily, con necting at Owego for Ithaca. 6:38 p.m.—N.Y. MAIL. flundola excepted. 9:09 p.m.—LIGHTNING mama daily, connect. tug st Paterson for Newark ; at Jersey City with Morning Express Train of New Jersey Railroad foe Baltimore and Washington ; and at New York with Morning impress train for Boston and New England cities. Also stops at all principal suntans and con necting pain on main lin .Elleeping Co ts aches accomp any this train through to New York. 5:03 p.m.—WAY FREIGHT. Siitidays excepted. BAGGAGE CHECKED iHIICITOH. ult. A nerlied and complete " Pocket Time Table" of Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway and con necting lines, has recently been, published, and can be procured on application to lie Ticket Agent of the Company. L. D. BUCKER. GenlSupt pl. ti, N.Y. CANAL A:, R.R. CO. ABILANGEHMT OF PASEMPIELL TRAINS, Commencing Sept. 13,18C9 TIL.I=3 &MG SOUTH WILL Leave Towanda at 7:00 ►m., 4:00 and 6:38 p.m. Returning, leave Waverly at 8:40 a.m., and 12:43 7:113 p.m. TULIN Gong° BOOTH WILL Leave Towanda— ............. Arrive Tank Warnock.-- Pittston Wilkes.Barro Manch Chunk__ '• Allentown Bethkhem Easton Philadelphia New York. Dine it Pittaton. I Leave 'New York Philadelphia •• Easton... . ...... Bethlehem • Allentown •• Much Chunk... ;" White Haven .... IYittol m ar .. llz. Tunthennee. Arrive Toranda.. Dine at tilde Haven Paasengers for Harrisburg and Pittsburg writ change cars at Allentown, have time for supper and take the Throingh Fast Etpress, with sleeping cars attached, at 8:40 same evening. Books and Statonoz7. DIARIES FOR 1870 PAPER & ENVELOPES NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS Pm, Lc;, Music, STATIOXEY AND Pcmroza BLANK BOOKS YAI' , .TREP, NOTIONS Towanda, Nov. 111. 18C& Sowing Machines. THE NEW AND IMPROVED ELIAS HOWE FAMILY SEWING. MACHINES, Ten awarded the Pint Prize at the Paris Exposition 1867. over 82 other Machines. Also, the following State Fairs of 1868 have award. al this Machine the Ent premium : New York. Olio. penneayyhenta,Massacbusetta,New Hampshire. Vermont, Wleoonaia. and Indiana. At the County Fates of Madison, Onondaga, Owe. go. Wayne,. Orleans, Tompkins, Seneca, Monroe, Her. kimer, Schuyler. Lt ~and a boat of others. Report of the Com mi ttee on Sewing Machine*, at the State-Fair held laßotheeter. fail of 1888: w Your Committee have examined the different Sewing Ma chines. to which their attention wucalledund would meornmend u the beat Family Machine for all work, Ms Howe', Sawing hiseldne, and for the Mowing refaces : of amstruction. Id—Beg. clarity of tension on both upper and lower threads. 3d—Ease of management. Rh—Great range of work upon all materials. Bth—The perfect attachments to the Machine for felling.. hemmthg. tackingObraiding, =f, binding rording. and the ease with which . re applied. .6tb-The durability of the Ms. chine, it being male of hardened steel. and adjusted in its bearings. We meammend a medal." New etyle Hemmer. Braider, Tucker. Quilter. Cord. er, Embroiderer, Binder, Feller and Improved Tuck Muter. It win us* any and every kind of timed. from the driest to the coarsest, with a much groaner needle than other machines. Be sore and examine one be fore you purchase. Peke from Sal to 1900. and every machine warranted. 'The real Wee of our !iambs. taring Machine" for Tailors. Boot Shoe, Harness and faurispe Makers. is too well known to require mint. Don't till to call end me them. am- SIMARD k TEEMED& General Agents. 29 Lake Street. Elmira. 'N.Y. AmFor sale by CODDING, RUSSELL k CO.. General ite. Towends. Pa Ilscellaneou. ' GREEN ROUSES, TOWANDA. PENN. I have. reoelyed a large and hill Meotiment of 13I 'MOf1TALL2t8. or the Dried Flower. of Errelisting. of a most Wanted variety of colors. 1 ant now prepared to furzdah. for parties. 'twilling.. or foam al oemalorm on-shark notice. Wroatint. Cremes. Anchor.. hand and basket Bonnets. Also the same vith natural dowers. I hate also a few imported Wreathe oe Crowns. formed of Imreatirdka. No. 1. nine inches in diameter. • - $1 SO — No. 2. tam - • 2OD AU °ohms reoeimpromntaliTtion. and prices remonatee. Nev. 1/5, 18439.. HARRY ILIX. 13REPARE 'FOR WINTER BY PAPERING YOI7R ROO= F° NEED OF :DWG OLD NEWSPA2I2II3 MORE! Sne'snotbey by Wilzig your old tavern atal..buitag Jame at that betutltal WALL PAPAR, OF F. J. CALIEncv Ife bee lust mated down bls nitre" stork said Is prepend to sell Walt Pew of every desert on. s& cf=r than it bee ever keen offered Wilds wg.oxips--it-xtEe,o4sx ':., . -: 7- f.:,',:„ - :_::i W; .:.1 - - -: : -- . ; ' ,, -'''.- 1. -:'''s'D' - '''= - ' - '''• .'-'''' ''': /nOtiiiioN;.7::lii)ilOt.:4,-;',"-:-.. 3r. se • -Mil*. The tutdersigtied, Itneoltrage4 -by the =mew whir.' klusethushirittUnd- ed their eab espn to mare aolcacnvledgment for the very Must patronage theY have received, by giv ing their customers the advantage of their years' erperierme c together with the benefit of their greatly increased facilities fordoing business. They keep constantly on hod a Nelry - large and complete assortment of everything in their line,• and are daily receiving such additions to their stock• as the wants of their trade re- quires. They have now in store, Sugar, Sy rup, Molasses, Coffee, Rice, To Fish, Salt, Cheese,: Fruits, re; Candy,' Matches, Brooms, Wrapping Paper and Twine, Flour Sacks, Seeds, and a great variety of other goods, which have been recently bonght . nt th% lowest point in the market, and are offered at . wholesale, at rates to correspond. They desire to call especial atten tion 7 • to their large stock of Fine Teas, which they are 'selling at New Yoik Jobbing prices,—gnaranteeing quality in all cases. Have also on hand a good assort ment of Flour, Pork, and Kerosene (XL They still continue to ha4the ben efit of a resident Partner in New York, who is.constantly in the, mar ket, and prepared to tura to our., ad vantage any favorable changes in the price of goods. W3l. R. BAER, Genl Puler AO POE. STEVENS, NEECTIE & CO. May 12,1868. PATTERSON Sc KINNEY, .9:30 a.m. 11:53 . 1:15 p.m. 1:45 4:20 . 5:45 . 6:00 . GM . 8:25 . 9:25 . Dndersin GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, 2, PAITONS BLOCK, TOWANDA, • PENN'A . 6:55 a.m. . 7:45 •• .10:00 •• .10.30 40:45 .12:00 in. . 1:32 p.m . 2:50 •• 3:10 •• . 4:21 . 6:38 Having purchased the entire stock of of T. J. JONES, and having addexi largely thereto by recent purchases, they take pleasure in announcing to the public that they are prepared to sell anything and everything in thb .101 MT. cox, Superintendent- SUGARS, TEAS, COFFERS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, FISH, FLOUR, FEED, CORN MEAL, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, As cheap*, the cheapest. We guarantee perfect.. sat istachon to all who may favor us with a call. CASH PAID FOR COUR= PRODUCE. J. S. PAIIZUSON March 10.18G0--U PEOPLE'S 5U17111 CON= 11.11XDOZ WAD lIAIX 111:11111M11. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which will be sold at tre lowest pessible prbies. FRUIT OF ALL DgSCRrPTIONS, FLOUR, FEED, itITIA Ty GRAIN, &c. Bring as your produce, which we 11 1 7 Casa fan , A constant rapply of A i bton Salt. all sized Clams. Batter Endes, Tuba. Ate. PI oasse eau and lookthreagh oar stock, and we win dohr best to please you. . W. A. BOCZWELL . • • April 28. UNA TEpHo,I.MOStowv I.getesONVENIENT GOOD MICFAL .13.-B. &Aroma) hawing Puriaimeatbe above wall: known meat. la 'wow permit to welt upon all who cm tam bhp with aea & - He aho keeps a MI supply og' 1114th he is prepared tit !how. D F 1 . 1 . tr T c. S IL C:F ALL . ' EM=EM latc. (Successors to TIIO3IAB J. Jose %) Fuvrrs, &c., GROCERIES cf PROVISIONS, GHOCEItY AND , PUOVISION LIFE. Suck as ;/..3:1 Dia Di STONE WARE : &c., &c. W. & KINNEY GISOCZNY AND PIIONTSION'STOREI, A new and complete dock of CODFISH, MACKEREL, :plotwcel PORK, MUTTON, HAM, MODERN STONE WARE, MUOCPV4 NOTIONS, DAIRYMEN, Lathe EATING HOUSE, Two doors South of tiks 21stiouslassic. FAMILY 01100, - - - . a.!r~.,a fir€ THEingrnitaitnaofAVlNG --'-:•4011010.1114.11biaileSS , • ~;-; • .V.ato hi lb° ara, orciiilAPars**l***Prisagor ii•oppe ' Oths. s 4 o, 4 o3 sigt9.o4,l* t r . siargesadvasehotblaixttat . 'Oa: q. 41 4 0 O , E* I-4 Which / have P;1i 411 ,/c w , , lad" Ong" , ~-,. - . '...( -.--,--:-:::',:-!.%:-..: • 4 , . ,, 1:::-S;.::, - ; . < . ':.:f . ii thailtaiset is lintiligiri ion 40 'Firdieea.. ..... ~. exmoin. I wry oar aepaukissigimalasii)dr =1 MU‘ COMM- M14.M13, < 11528.-11A141117111 ' 1"1-13. to: Ras on bind o lingo stock of AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM D DO. IRE DO, EU 1W lEAT DO Ikeepannisattron witrax.unti!. - Lum..na an kinds of DIEM Iro!1 a cell the site Mimi tithe pebsc to flit Met Be Beat STOCK OF TOBACCO, quflitxor plea - ,esee Oskkreseelebriged Laos. dry. New Nark Chosoial and Biown Soap. ream can and Mali= one stock of WARE.. • • laeget ot MOM ItolloNd, TOLIZr SOAPS, de., to. I win pay the hightedaudtprice for. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Farmers, give in s eel before selling elsewben CLOTHING , I CLOTHING! • CLO,THING • - If you want to buy good rallimd Wintei _ CLOTHING, • and at unheard of LOW PRICES ? Go Mown to • ROSENBURG 'WOLFF'S, at tluiCtothlng Itegialator, 133 Main - St., Pagon's Block. • Towanda, Nov. 17,1869.-4 FAGUR, SUGAR,. TEA if COFFEE, jF.m" • a • . C. B. PATCH. All persona lade to the late Ann will please ean lam and u Immediate eat. ike - C. B. PATCH. Towanda, March, 1 MT. Iffl COILNEBILitIi AND =DOR STREETS. Towana. PA.. Dealer hi all kinds of GROCERIES, Feed and • Meal, WOOD, WILLOW and STONE WARE I . We would cal speolakattention - to our stork of Which wo WAIIIIANT - to give satisthcilian in QUALITY AND PRICE. CASH paid for desirable Country M. J. LONG. G. L. Tea. Tapioca, Vermicelli, Iticearonl, Sago. Pearl Barley and lianday. Oakley's, Taylor's, and Foglra Family Soaps. Hobnan'a. Talmadge. • and .Royal Bakin g Powder. "Burnetta " ,t Stan- \ died Estrada. \ Hecker's Cox Partn'sa Gelati . Hops. 1, \ • ne. "The Gem" Fruit hit. • \ Baker's Chocolate. Cocos and Mama. "Titus" Cream, Lem on and Elea Sala Crackers. " Grant's " Wafer. 11k.'Boston, Eig4and Butter Crackers. - Towanda, lime 23, 18GO. cCABE S. MIX RECEIVING NEW GROCERIES DAILY! Splendid Assortment, Wholesale and Radii Fresh and tine quality. of Groceries as can be bought PRICES RANGE LOW 'FOB THE MARKET! All kinds of NOTIONAL FIRE , WORKS! Wholesale and RetaLL Cotuitry Merchants will do well to all. One intent shall be, with the resactnable," satisfactory. CALL AND SFPI US. . CASH PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Goods sh i m* with pica:are. We shall pay 'strict attention to all parts of one trade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Accept one thanks tor past favors. Towanda, Juno 14,1669. LOOK KERB! COWELL & MYER, At the old stand of Ratintara. k COVELI • are , now receiving s large and well selected stock of - ' GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Which they over to cash buyers at prices_ that deli, competition. Cash paid for all kinds Farmers' Produce. • April 21. 11169—tt. - Tea and. Coffee. - G LORIOUS NEWS! TEAS GIVEN AWAY • AT UM GREAT AMERICAN TEA STORE I GUM= t PAT/031 . 8 NEST BLOCS. MIDGE STREET, TOWANDA, PA., • • At the idga of sue AMERICAN FLAG! And the RED, WM r. AND BEDE ST()Rr Samples of Tess Orr= AWAY MILLI. to 11111thq the people that this. is the place to PTO numay. PRICES LOW AS THE GREAT AVVltre Ali TEA COMPANY OF NEW YORK. • Fresh Ground Coffee repelled dalb• frons7few Yost. or ground to order. Also whole Coffee. green and routed, an styles, allude and %mud Ilpices, Dried Emits, tc., st equsay low prices. The indiscrilicr begs karst° return his thanks 'for them, liberal_ pstroaseeestendeilio hies' while in the Grocers business to this piece, end solicits a trial in his new enterprise. -The wm bo cinsineted strictly on the CASK SYSTEM ! 130 you walnut have to Pa extra Woes to. make up for the losses ets credit Wetzel& 'Own real spare the money to pay tor a pouted, bey as autos sad soy ter it. Belndependeut—thep you in be worthy to win ander the Milne= NAG into the American .215 a ,Sitwe! dud buy Ivey Goods ebsep. Sir fl member iee Itet Wigs sad Btuslitoss. iterrglo*. Brides Street. 1; Up. - BItAIMALL & IGDGEWAY. ;ALL:. ICINDS GROCERIES rovisions* at 'wholesale nal retall, at V.Kr la. C. IL rATOBIL DRIED 8 OF A INDS 111cCABS#ALIX. K. PROVISIONS, FLOUR, Produce. II E!MI 4 -- • t • " ';.. trAiN1,44:414 4.-`" itrtk: .14110 , . • . HATS • AND ,l'=)-At.P l3.- s • ~z?' ;(~ ME El G 0001X31 GENTEp FpANIEEKIN 6,80*4.04. ; WAVERLY, 11.0G4:5341,14,X=e.:, :~.... . , „We hew Paebtooaltdelhdteefropt Xam /oh ehtr, .00d tehkel the ttoli ht (Meg Tottie good Itt.' • , . . Ws Make al mei owa eallebtlabammt. •Ws jibe VIN! , tkailar attention to Youths', Bore; and CHILDRENS' CLOTHING lb "P have *lt' a W aa "Xi l l"Ili• • CLOTHS AND CAS&MERES, " IMn 88 w /01 / 4) MCI Per lantlaUwool). Best Stock of Hats and Copt Kept *this 'youselE, 20 mile'. Cape . and look, and prove tbr • • ea..Willbs at the Ward Houma may Thursday. with sampkw of Goodi. apt mewed to take mea sures. • VAWM.Wa k MAIMS& tat Broad-et.. Waverly. N.T. Fob. 21q, 1819 =EMS ripe are thq Garments made for Pa, [Store, In the splendid rooms of the popular One Price Newest:and choicest, rich and raro, Elegant Clothing for men and boys' wear. Pall In, gentlemen, fall in all, Alter the clothes at the popular One Price Store, - Look and you'll find no clothes at all Ikon% Like the splendid Clothing at the popular OnePrleci Clothing in season, all tented down ' Lower than anywhere elm in town ; Overcoats, both Oar boys and men, T. 7 thorn onee_and you'll come again. Hurry along, for the people meth Into our doors with a beavyrush. Hobby and nice are thi garments all. Great Is gtocrat the popular One Price Btore, CO2(MagAL RECEPrION t 14:ibirlANItodriOtti:113:011 ettociumity WW PRIM I 11=1, non, IND 'scams curramo, tin:it-pram HOSIERY, GLOVES AND MITTENS. . _ wirs.-wyAtt. . FINE.I7SS SHIRTS, • HA AND CAPE, . my 4ock is complete. EL: lot masked in= figures. and no deviation, treated alike. garment gumanteed to turn tas represented. • Call Sad look at our goods and prices. Save mon- ey and e. 110 STIODDY I - NO lILICTIM I xonnrwztso -at the popular One Prior Store of . ALEX. SO\LO 01t. . 123 htaln att. Opposite Codding. ItusseU k --L. . . Towanda. hior."22, 1869 '.. . and The highest cash price paid for Wool. Hide 1 14 Pelts. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! R. W. EDDY, Would announce to the citizens of - Towinda, and the public new generally, thst he has in sstoveand daily re. and FRESH GOODS, In his line, suitable to *taunts of the people, which ho will sell for Currency at former GOLD PRIC7ESI Colpdatlng as usual at goad, indl aad•rellable made CLOTHING'; (Fo Shoddy of any kind) consindng of BUSINESS SUITS, all grade% COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, all Wool. DEESS COATS, PANTS & VESTS, Linen Coats, Dusters and Pants: Overalls utd Overahirte,. Linen and Ewe Collars, Linea, Cunimere, and Flannel Shirts, Neck Ilea, Bas.. =Gkeres..otnea, Leather Begs, erring Style and Straw Beta. dll entelan. - Domain • ber that good . Oooda are cheaper at • fair price than pone good, at airy - price. 0-alland exandnenry goods bad buy Ettoreing: One door south of daidnwall'a Hut owe . Tbwanda, Nov.lB. 1889. - N. W. EDDY. THE TEMPLE ,OF FASHION ! KEW STORE ABB Mt GOODS! An entire new stock of Clothing, bonghtas cheep as before the war, ,to he sold with . . SHALL PROFITS! • The jeedreeliPesh WOrld tworectes* =Wince to the Mitt= of .frowinds and sicinity that be iD now ready to cam them Clothing, mach as • FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS, • • . • • .• .(IUINCEILLIM IlLdri3. - Also the • _ . Futper - .DRESS AND Biwa:a Suns, . • esD • •-••-• • Fuishing ciooft, kr., and tbst thweegoods. boght at rery rn ilgu r am. besoldwitit ray mall ' e pro. Ate. I intend to establish a permanent trade in *Ms place, and in order to gain the conddenm of pmcha. eensoral dolor abode at - - - HONI!%TY AND INTEGRITY.! . - And el] goods era be wuranted for that they are represented to be.. Come arriooe:mw oraecorinee roureeit, Doter feripitbe plow Topple of Faalkdra?,, i mAte the Keene Bome.lonth OW of. JACOBS a 11. 0447. -MO A'A NOF ICE STOCK CERCiMOS awl Egigimthgs at MOM. -, TIE BEST TIM JABS FIT= GEM FRIITT JABS, 'THE I[ lll 4s Idotooder lad _ • - Saki! • SigChai a EIMIII - • 4444740 1 440:91 4,44 , 4 -- Arw.A.440 , 4 - • ,111 1 " . OZOMECIZTG. Ac` , HESE , 7: P 11 , 17 . 6-2::::';:: : RIM alid ihu irki Suds, 41;i• - 4 i or 1 iiesimunkta=smili the wtdolivell/ be sold fit veyeli.- - I sea Mao re -5.11411.1.601500#0.4.4- . 0 f r .SIiOOATW sysebrousbi tottPvigadic , • • far Yes Oidiporiswagt.'!''Oatrat IL 'E ' 2 OSENFIEMY& and taanaa parl e nt,lna fad, al epee .at a ct . ars g pubuestoci l s'd Clean int 441iii/a/triC - wvorativ orv,iptrars, introlutsszsre. ItRAWN&T. -OVIRALL4 aI7. 11 S :r te eal""**4B4l;ml3"`" amt *a HATS, „CAM iv. Alive me. all before psramblg el!wirbim. New Tort Cloildag Baum 11 1 .1111n.strali. *P. podia Powell*, Towanda. Pa. . 0ct6,111811 CLOTHING :1: - •C LOTHINGf TAYLOR & GORE, Snows semi to J. 1G Collitu, Weald call the attentkut of friend* ind the imbite,to their Imp !dock of glolifttaalViii;iohoittiJKo4:ll:Ce which haring been *mimed for cisSX they arkpre pared to sail ehaspkthsn any other store In North- ern Peungiva IL 0m stock coiud;ts of CY'TIOR, COATS of every atzfie and price, such as ENGLISH BEAVERS, 313MTONS, UNIONS, CASTOR, BEAVERS. 61131MULLW414TENET4 With the largest stock of Men's, Youths'; and Boys' Clothing, A full'Une of GENTS FURNTSTnNG GOODS, llosint owns and larrthrs. 17:1ATS c!;5 CAPS, • • 1.131 EN AND PAPER mourns, CUFFS, SUSPENDERS, HANDECiaIan, /cc. &c. Also a large Mock of monis, usTz.vas, rvabusas, ac All Goods warnmted as sad ex amine oar stock before pureLaaina Remember the place 06 lialo drat owe door north at Cturmbertn's Jewelry Store. Towanda, Dec. 2.1802 Tobacco and Cigars. G EORGE V. MYER, TOBACCO AND CIGAR -M :MR, One door south of the First 'National Bank, is now selling everything to his line, wholesale and retail • Ere keeps constantly on lump a complete Work at CHOICE CIGARS, FINE CTT, PLUG ai'D SMOKING TOBACCO Put up iu all styles. The bait qualities at BROWN, BLACK. AND Banat. mum, The most celettroted brands of 7 \ ~,va FAR IP E 8 , TOBACCO BO : d POUCHES, MATCH 11A112 .\ 71, And all goods:nannUi And in a Ai 1 f t (1.10A4? STORE! \ Dealers will do well to call and =amine his lama and well selected stock. Towanda. April 32,1109. LOOM . NEW JEWELRY, AT WA11202111, 601.J11 0-I i4TCHkS, AT WARNERS ‘. • ELGIN WATCHES, AT WAR! 8. WALTHAM WATCHES,' _ AT WARNERS . • FINE GOLD JEWELRY, AT WARISERS ALL KINDS OF CLOCHS, spict ? cies, ou • t lob of Urs t o o in s a . suerous to sum- Con and see . Um, you will save twenty per rout in Aar Watches, Clocks sun oranunto4. PaUou'a 111 W", "arknrilialptild SE 2 N 'l' YR E E! • st. oicitzn, sox k 03.13 SEED. CATALOG-lIE FLOWER AI4D mine= t • Published blamer. Zrni kreer of towing Mrstararsod uhueleacet. free adores, swum bmsW* 0113113% SON 00.; 111. •M "MO ° 6 ' l .l lo ebel.i.!°!Of•lr- - * 2l, 1.00,4101.1. - • . _ A FULL ASSORTMENT OF xx. Imo and ant= inciso;at to. law - - LONG h-./12LaRS: VISE, Pf.)RH, HAMS AND LARD ~, t »~K In Beaver; 8111R221. ever offered in bromide. Hotel Verehmett the SMOKING TOBACCO, 7 In great variety: Jewelry. ENAlums. AND GUIDE TO THE '..-,._- •-- -,•--;--: :er -- ,'-' - r.::'- , Y,.. 4 "-.7.1,::',_7.". .•-•-•4 , r - i .: 44i1 - A - L . - - c - fer:'-' 7 -1 'Ori..* :I ' . ; - 4 -,,,- - " r • - ', 4 -- al t._, , t ,;:- 0- .-4 . 1 , ,.,! _: 9 - .. i„.., . ~ 4.-!..- • .-..`-41 : -. 0" - -‘" ; ..1.-- _7: i.--c 't-' .4'''''''' - fi n' ~ • _ ,- "pi ~,,. , ... , , ...iii „,'.'. - • - ' - 2 - ~. 1 I If' '.' '•' '. itr.,' '''''': s , 121 -' '' . . . • - - , ASORAtit. intElttE ct . 574 • Wl* to , oilt the OtieidSoorof the•pablio to bile •': ~, R halifirAßlL.. _:-. - i• • - ,_;..t - r.: • - ..4J i • , . • TARYING tilltkielitlTti; . ,- ' -, MAC JUNKETRIr TOOLS.. ' - \ 44. sod COIRPPMCIOr TOOLfi., ' • .; . ifiodoir ahem Hook - Taiiigh ulloi . ' , •,•-, ••••;. 4)itiy. Vardr* ilia Pilot - •'sod Veroldellembee - - -.-- - - .1 whicherill,bo Avoid fix thik hmniet ,(losh , , . . ofineoesortarcrfcif: : c . ...,. . ~.• 3110813NR LAMPEI. — Of ereq,etito patiern to atilt the politic,. • Duns ft9i4o4 . cbaiiii*Ml ll On an4lF7no I 0 PflittialbZ . to the nointitectoring of " r. TIN WAGE. . . • soma* *art enizioni TO. ' We him °ohm! • doe - of ' ' • ' - ' GLASS PRIM JAttiii; •• ' With iniprovedecif•seellag cork% ' • - - • . IiZICSECICAL MILOCA" - .' • \ \ Which is orieof the hut caue wont „ Jane ie. 1865. - Of ail tin) prim. G° TO 8. N. BRONSON ' FOR HUBBARD MOWING OACHIN , None better, and parts for the same,. an important announcement. - • SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS! No better gather can bo found, and stint:es attain. eale. • Tens of- STOVE'S, IRON AND HARDWARE, - • As low as the tide of the marketi tta, Occ., 1 MentopouTAN limuiwAnn &From, Orwell, Pa. Jane 24. 1803--j Tanitm. LOOK HERE! There is now on exhibition at tho Mammoth Furniture Store, lli TowANDA. PA.. Tlu3 higest and beat stock of Fl 7 8., INT I 1 :1" 17 Re M I To be found in North= Pennsylvania, which is be ing sal at .GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! asp stock consists` in part. of Parlor, Library, Din ing -room and Cfisinber sets, Parlor, 'Library. Eaten. aloe, Dining and Mee Tables. Chairs, Bedsteads. Bureaus; 'Washstands, Sofas, Lounges, Tete-mem What-Plot., Cradles, Cribs, kc. A full lb of Mittman and Bedding. Pier.-Mantel and Common Mirrors, Oval and Bustle Pramea and Brackets, kc..: kr. - In fact, eaentldng In- the • Furniture Line Which must be Teen lobe iipMecteted, and which win be sold at LOWER PRICES! Than the same qualify of goods canbopnrchasel else. where. Thwrithil to the public for thelr past liberslpatrus age, and determined to merit a continuance of the same by offering inducements not to be found else where, I invite them to call and examine tny goods and pri m a la s. purchming - ebiewheze. No charge fa r larafinud and I . WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD!. . COUNT= DEALERS supplied as =oat atthelon eat market prices, oleo keep on band a large assortment of Ready Rada Collins, from the moat common to the finest. Rosewood. Mao Ronal Robes. Crapes. ice.,and lam the tole agent in Bradford county:for Shider & Flak's lieraim DORM cAsTs, CASKETS, &C. A good HEARSE: 'leaps fa readiness when required. Towanda. Dec. 10. lus Syr LING OUT BELOW COST 1 Awonderful opportunity all who wish to PURCHASE.'FURNITURE CHEAP B. T. DECKER will front thia date sell all NB Reads wadding of PA.I . IIOR SETS, • DINING BOOM SETS, CHAIRS, ' BEDSTE - A., AtIBRORS, &C. &C., BELOW COST! tent or I t one — TiciuTte: 1 3 18 1,11 In Towanda. Towanila, July 24.1849. S. T. DECKER. FJRNITUR,E W ARE- ROOMS: JAMES MAILLISCiIi airwomen tothepablio that he stilli cca Mau* to massilictaxe and keep au hand k a lame assostsient of CABINET ruRNITInts, sothands, stands. chairs. ke-, of every devertption. which ate snide et the test mate riels, smile the wet wcalkinealap meaner. I invite the, inspection of the public to my work, which shall not be sarpsmedLuilrusblitly at any shop In the coantry:end my prices via be *and to be air low as the times sm admit. nesdpmede Comm. eon.tanUy on bead or m.deto order. A goallies74(befurniehoderheu deidred. ~disoel]a~eoas. • 19110011-BENDERY:==TILE• PU8.1../ .1../ lie is iespeetfally informed thet the Itook-Biri- Aery has been renewed tothe Argaribillding. third story, where will be dime I; " . • ;BOOK — ,B N I\ . In all its ratans teaneties;on terms asroas ble as thnes"wilt allow._ - The Bindery will be n:Meg H. C. NVIIITAIEU. ~ . . ... . . An xpeekneed Bander: and an wort wni be re:ri m = lone r In s styls eat MIDST .:den cannot be 31Insle.).VelnipeOld Itooke , go., bound. in emeryeateely of A sk.: AnCeulat enention will be paid Who Borg ae4intenns a : . . ._ . . , . BLANK BOOKS. To any desired pattern, which in gitallty, awl thus , betty will be vernadea. . • - • , All wort win be reedy for delivery irben proromd: ThiejsZtlige et the public is .Duetted. end pert EW TAILOR SHOP. flu opened a shop in the remain& of the Rooms of the Toting lleit's Chtistisn Association, seass4 stow, over EdVs Malting Store, atone he is now prepared to do an of e_ - , • TMLODUW , In the beet psi hod teshioneble :manne. .An ex pecte:me ot maw Imam • determination to up with thellishlons of the thmes.And a des:reap..mse his etnetonsena he believer IrMWnitUe him toes* sat. isfaction. ' - • - • , Oatling dime on short notice and resionablo . Wanda, Oct. 11. test LIME - LIKE .114fE! 1 1 ZIJ . , • , • Thenadereignetibeiebi . inknounen Patina *Mho ham .mmtuttly en Mad at his UM in BROWNTOWN. PL. • tun , ENC94' a bash limed ZOE TOIL MIX which he nal mil meta:lip as it am be bought at any, potht along the May 1,1889-4 t. ' DAPlD'lnhowhi. ACKEREL, CODFISH BUIE Asa. nat. Vaddissw Trout. 7 elsooss. Pickled aid asalred Sefton, 8,40111411b0t. and Med Beef. id ..- - -.^-trf.- - ••••••;::•• .7r r'• ':•••••- .•. ~• •11#-• • • • • 'CilE'ol3 , lL s , • 401 a). 'ki 4 .OASIU.:IOIIIG , IFEITOB3II, ,, c.. 1; minim no sqleu, Taisbasi aa~a' tabu ;Jai,' a fea eampato aseedeat aamereea ratt.___yeebresa**ll7aMeaktaat lika Was% taltegt= i rared i t =vet= allosa ea th. moss memim was wafted'' , or , Mum, itzmanok ::Clamacelaq OP ? BENZINE ANDIVBIrgINE, - . ites:PAINZ , MPOL,rI*".W4a, • KEROSENE. OR COIL - 014 .- Akohda.4l3tusibigphit . =Dm 'now casxm. , span& Lora Whale. Nale ioot, • TANNERICAND.AWKINEOII.B, ism;rdionee,Aiik4lo,4 uniiirizettni atoms, zumug4 SOAPS. ,DOXDS, . Poloaded.PO-DVis, Peufwatil. POOKETROOKS,.I;ORVIONAIS, pocket iinino,BarAm want SKIN AND HAIR isznuittoNs. For MAW* nee . Toucco, *gm. Pigs Axis Clam". Barden, Meld and Plower Seeds, Trona% Sow porters, ihupensorics. Shoulder. BraCes,..Beeket Anon Teething. Rinds. ,Nursing Bottles, ' Nipples, Nipple Shells and fildelds, Syringes, Bed. Pane, Eitiktralltar Fruit-Jam Thar- incomenria. Flavoring Eztracto, Stone In" Glass Wm; Banks; Vials, Verb. Both enttßknU Blacking' Tlah Tackle, Us. • notnitlon, Ate.. Botanic. Eclectic and lc MedietnesOnd an the PoPu* /44411G1 •" • MED,ICI - NES, All articles warranted as representai. • Perrino at a &Mame can receive their,oedera by stage Or mail. bleb will receive prompt and careful attention. Medial adidoe given ttrinultotudy at the once. ehigat =for medicine. - , • , el for past liberal patronage. would rm. pecthdly announce to hbe friends and the public, that nopainl s rl be spared to **tidy, audmeritthecon. S mug !their confidence and patronage. • - - gar Ope Sundays for prescriptions from 2 to 10 am., and am. to 1. seal 2to p.m. - • . Jan. 1, /2 1 4-- \ fr. • ROWED; 11.1): TOWANDA . \ AORICULTURAL . • • womi. - • \\. - • TQWAN.D.4,. P.ENN'A, - • 3LiI . SOPACTIMES EVE SPOKES, HEAVY AND 'LIGHT WAGON, WOOD TDDIDSG ALL ITS IIIIKICTIES: SCROLL amnia, .ISANVG, ETC., ETC. .- • • HUBS,.WPOKES & NEXT STUFFS PrTMM:Inr . IIr!W • 7I7 " ,r'MMMI SECOND OItOWTII maim AND OM LIGHT AND. *Mt WAOO'NO ON h AND We . hare thßroad andiNa,rrow Guage BDPO ,CO., Still continue to.mantifacturo their celebrated HORSE POWERS & CLEANERS, and will 'Mil alietter machine, for leas money than can be:bad elsewhere In the worIA, We 'claim - for our machines that they will do as I much, or more, than any other, and are' more - durably built. We personally superintend our work and See that It Is well down. We will seat JAMES 0. MIST. of our machines, on nrEalcatton ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, One & Two Horse THRESHER tt SEPERATORS. rIIRES1141? and: CLEANERS, FANNING - MILL.S.; SAW .61,13 GRIST- ktILL work done to order. Give na a eall before purchasing ebiewkere. •va "oo aaoaavaa cumuli? . ' ".OD - 2g faooria. Aid. 2, 1869. NORTH BR iNCH FOUNDRY , kip MACHINE' SHO'P, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA-, Of the beet quality: with the listed iniprocuts. All kinds of Machinery for . Flouring and Saw Steam Engines. Made and Repaired, Steam 'Whistles, Steam Ganges, Gunge Cocks; • Oil Cans, Furnished at short mites. BOLT CUTTING Done from 3; to I,fi Inches In diameter FORGING .Of heavy wrought work for liridgea, and all other pur• poses, done to order. Also, a large assortment of roaKING & HEATING "-STOVES, Coal and Wood Burnans.Furnitmn for Cooking btowea. Rove PiPo. Ware . , Boat Prampa4Ploka. tore and Scraper*, kept constantly oil hand. - Drawings and Specification Of an kinds of machinery for mills, and akar:Pur poses, prepared by • jAnrrs tiTTCHELL, - Formai.lop has hail la* largo aPeriDUCe in this branch of gm Intents", JOIEt COMM Towanda, Oct. 23, 1180-17. • NEW PLANING MILL The undersigned hating hal:kale:we and corium). diens Rill to the borough of !Towaa, and tilled it with the most modern and imyrtned machinery, for the manufacture of Area;d So All orders.. whether' large Of small. upo the shortest, notice. • We have also a large Ts. Kett of MOITLDINOB,.ot the latest style sod Fetters. which we era I arblsb much cheaper thantbey cut be worked by !mad.- . • . . , , - PLANING. ! - ., - , • • . •• . ' TOSURMO. ' • • •• - • -AND 13CROOL ' - . - And all other work verbinlfgtnJo uei/.will64da x me to suit our .customers. • Pumas building. and not living.more than. /wan , to fourteen miles distant, will grid.tt largely for their tamed to buy of or bring their lumber and have it wand by our machinery. Bring your grid of Tiocring; or other luinter, and while your team Is feeding. hate liar:tad out and • bke lt:hemei with ou. We will may CAM' for MBE .Al 4, HEMLOCK LinfllEß delivered at oar lumber'. yard.' Come and ace tut. or if Yon esn't comm. write. • Towanda. ro.. 1864, - E B. soliontli t co. PINE 'ASSORTMENT, OF TOl vrt scurs. att Wei= s Mr& . . _ kSHTON SALT- PUT IJP -• IN Jai . law or small guar - titter' at, FRIED FRUIT OF ALL" RINDS - - °WELL 4 MEP. MITAI,-:SPF:CIAL . N - MBE WINES' . L 1010134 Manufactarim BENT STUFF, GMERAL ROOD 'WORK, To Doalani in We offer a The above are from the bed PICKS made and dressed. M. C. MEU=II: Piesident. ?maw* Jitly 2,1868. CATALiXIVES, r7 l-11 11Fr sitnitaa oil pine, cad of stapi Street; L now prepared to furnbill CIRCIILAIt SAW MILLS SHINGLE MACHINES, BASH-AliD - TOWAXDA, PA. lar • W TOZOki , .111 Y, au, Bk 3 MIA; aPiilit SitiVta, $170,004): 1101117 Isamu Asiti CirxrArt, Zratiford. Clain MI ern tair, .130grapar. Awn era Irsuzuscis colir lotaOir 2iu baziurcz 9tSIXOIPrEID ROLE 3t4Xl* /*lttliiaCt , NPriniUteld. MMZEN!! SIR Taik Courirr. Ands $l.B 000 000 Pouted* written sod LOIN= adjusted tud rue s t . Once In At_ kbisek below Ward Haw. up it . COM Agent. * Jar. 8,1870 VJBA. LIFE, AND ACCIDENTAL: , 33SVILANCE. vikrENTzisx NIL-LION DOLLARS C. 'a RUSSELL, Agent ror vie fonowiriroomiat Rdiable Compoxia ammo rex a Ala rmlmmix= Co, Capital and surplus aro— - Pakellit Roes Issueszcs CoerksT. •' • .11ito York. • Ogiftsl and surplus over .13Alkot Irotousefas Co. or Tessa 4.1112111 CA. 1 • - iltifadelpAia. J . Capital imsplus over - sl,loo,ut Ilisuunsx Issuasscs Coursur. I Capltst aid surplus aver.. SMomoi Eirrimmis bunnuscs Coweasr. 'capital IDA surpb3l over - , Ascnc LnEritAscc ComrAsrr. I New York. Capita arid morph= over.. POTS= Lasaaascs COVPAXT, j Hart/aro; Cain. Capital and imrphis ova. 17o4.rirjh Yctvu Lux Ingoancr, Co3OOT. ' 1 14"tro Yor4.. ( Capital and msrplus $ g,i.oumb TILAULLZ/IS' b'SVIAXCR COMMIT. I - Hartfimi. co**. f - Capital =1 Curpywaver I gtcO'. Risks taken on all kinds of Propertif, at la low Mee as by any other reliable Companies. sar Policies isatted and Losses. I 7 any. adinaled of this Agency. thereby , saving -the trouble and n ryenie - of going elsewhere for settlement. 113.:081ce at the Hardware Btore of Coddluvile.- cell k Co. • C. ff. RUSSELL Towanda, Yell:7, 1868—tf., • ' NATIONA_L LIFE flint:INCE CO. OF F.fi.A CASH cartru., 61,00034-nun Is rat _ (4 . urzteredby Coagresa, Inca. t 7 axc~ ¢ CE li. CLARE, President ; JAI GOOSE, Chairman Finance and Ea. Cow HENRY. D. COO= Vice Preiddeit ; R2dERSON W. PERT, Secretary and Actuary-. The adrantaipte of the National Life laenrance ire I . I. It is s Natlonaleomparry. chartered by Cowen.: 2. It hare; paidXtp agittel of One "Million Dollars : i It oilers for rates of premiums ; 4. It furnishes larger insorancia than other Cm . panics, for the same money ; • 'S. It Is definite and certain ; . C. There is no imudbiliti of mbeepresentalion agents, ornalaunderstanding by polkT-holden:. -- 7. The policies are plate contracts, so • umehliwc. • . rance for so mach money ; - All Policies are non-forfoiting'; V. The policies aro exempt from attachment. Iludami„o‘ . l;iladelpha: E. W. CLARE. k CO.: (intend Agen t/ 42gor. N C. ELSDBEF: k. A. G. `SIAL,ON le. Agents for Towanda and riciniti .Jan. 9. 1869. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE D;bISRANCE COMPANY. OF ItAIITFOFD, CONN Nrstanntve moan 'IRAN 39,000.11EIDDAt;. . : 'ASSETS (June 1. 1860) over s2s,otatOist Surplus over 87,000,000. EUDEENT DIVIDE iT) FBOII 40 TO 70 PER CENT Total Claims by Death paid to date. over SE,OOO.tAr I. TOTAL DITIDMAS PA:ED TO DATE, OWED $6,000,0(0. A P 1.711.41 M t.:7ITAL COMPA NE tta enrpin4la errdiably divided among the Po'. icy holden_ in AXNUAL DIVIDENDS„ Which Way be appfled btredaetion of PreMiums. 0: may be accumulated at iatereat far the tenett of the lawarett, or May be reed:red by them in Caatt Paid-up Policies are 'emoted siter two o: ism Prenduiu s have Deco Paid, thus pratLcsß7 making -ALL POLICIES NON-FORIEITLYG. It issues Policies upon all I DESIRABLY. PLANS or ~INsui4NeE, And has adopted In its *orkings several SPECIAL ' FEATUR&S! ORIGINAL WITH THIS COMPANY AND OFFLI: ED BY NO OTIIED:. U. B. McKE.XN, Aleut Towinds.ty 22. 18G2—tf BRADFORD couNTY ARE nistruiscE AGENCY Joint W: Ml, Agent, TOWANDA, PA.. YOB Tim romoserso Braists. comes:At,: Hartford, Cirdh Assets itotse, Istanssicr. Comeaser, • I • New /lams, CG,OI. ) *Assets • ' 0,6.22 n, Pas= nag. OEIMLNLI Fuer, t Nem Pl. 11 , Noma Amvac:AN Nev: Pork. Areb 17:3 Q4'.: I=l HAsompr: Nita York. J • ED= Pakten written andLoases 414112Sted at this A,^trol -. Pane prupertinsiake taken at the lowest WOO= to liteTenea - New Bloe.k, north side Pal, Ilc Eignate. Towanda, Pa. ABM W. NIL April 1, leG9. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASA"- awe socunTs Ageury for Bradford Co. CASH CAPITAL $3,000,000 Yearly income ulcer $2,000.000 6th. 1101STAN1"E & WARP. Totarida. July 254867. THE LYCOMING MUTUAL FIRE pint:anee Agency for Bradford County. . , pAPITAL $3,1C0,000 Mutual MA plan. In macttlreltkoreration over twes tr4re'Veri MOSTANTE & WOW. Toranda, July 1 2% 180. F- • T ANI' iNG AND H ARNESS 31.SK mta.—Tbe signed Dave this day [timed s copartnorship, to be known u the Om of ILIGEF. k YULLEIC - for dm purpose of carrytogOo the Ow" Dadaism. limes/ making and repairing done t" : " doe, and all work warranted. Cash raid for bide*. GUMS MMILT-• EDGAR S. mum. Caraptositt. Jan. 28. 1860. -_ _ _ I I AND MEAL sold cheep. at COWELL 4 LARGE ASSORTMENT 0 Wooden Ware at • COWED. k HMV'S. ROYAL BASII, NG POWDERS pr COWELL k 3fLEVS. Runs OF) ALL KINDS AT COWL it MYER'S. COFFEE , TEA, SUGAR, FISH, ke., wholesale and retail. • Jul kcCABE k 16;1-- PT CELEBI(ATED SEI,F BIS nAg Flcr4r. at C. D. War& maa , yo. _ 10IRCF. HORSFORD'S BREAD -IL Preisnem at .C. 11. PATCH'S. Ka 20. CONCMTRATED LYE AND , Potash, at C. D. PANICS. May 20. • , :~-~~~ RE I= g<1814 , 11. Co,. Albany, 2v.r Sus rod Isso,at s7so,oct, $l.OOO CR ol
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers