Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 19, 1869, Image 2

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    News frcan
=lt is said that Mrs. Sonthworth
rats optmst.
—Panthers are plenty in •Perry
conutt, fli n)bt. ' '
The strike among the Newark
mucus continues.
—Emigrants an) settling.largaly in
. , •
_The gambling houses of Chicago
aro to be broken up. • . - . . ,
—Some onepiesented Alexinder
Dam's with a burial lok ,
—The bears in Minnesota are liv
ing on berries.
—ln Buffalo that horses are train
ing far the national meat.
• ,
—Thq navigation of Bea r" Riv er,
Utah is "aid to be a !access.
—Louisiana has a blooming "nen=
thry plant' less Than twenty years
—A car load of Bartlett pears is on
the road from San Francisco to Boston.
—A Minister in Provincetown,
Massachusetts, kocpa s tot yacht and wants
Eat nag.
—A nurse ii Harrisburg killed a
OM by (lair inieldag it behind the ears with s
—I Aar ear lee& of Chicago but
ter hare. reached San Francisco; '•
—A man in Brooklyn has been as-.
rested for starling lahii:dre to death.
—They are having spiritual
vals in Brooklyn.
—A New York milliner has fallen
heir to a large fortune.
—ln. New Mexico there is but one
Proicatant phee of worship.
Minnesota farmers •are im
inZed upon by swindling fruit tree deism.
—Coney Island serves up her chop
pta potatoes and warm water for clam ebirwder.
.-44• 8 • 1
Newton, Mdse.., 'lady .aged
vents, his gone on A visit •to .11Ciropoyith life'
iamilr. .
- -...
—A strait= of genuine porcelain
clay ties been recently disemerea near Atbena
—The New Albany, Lid., thieves
havo iakou to telling .bets -hives, garden
—Fort ConStitution,st POTNMOTAII,
N. H., L in a Ivry dilap►dated'condit(Ob -
—The: post-office at Feirmdbia,
o Florida, has been mamadea postal money order
ffice. -
—A soldiers' monument haa.been
aty/Imonth, liars- with appropri
ate evremonie,
—The : uses of the city Govern
:4l...w of Iks _ -3 for the iwitath Al July
211... - mr.ted to t4.*5 24.
—The' railroads in Minnesota are
-ervrk in the
tasr,,,,; BeMA. •
—The Yale students who drew the
n.o=-: 1.1.:at thocsand
diZtr by Li oat.
—The- pastime• o the young men
e'artnThe tinvF.n. c , nsist.s in rat
:z.l,;; th.- hat... the sexton,
13Aleigh C'., pave; man
.t. - - , a4.t5.3111e Stock f,:r cash, - and when he im
d die ragr ftharali a dead Infant,
• —it is calculated that the average
eadaraixe of bank notes is three years. They
7....wr enact:ea with us that loug.
—Zan dredging machines in ope
=nun in its: Benet:wee me: aro removing on an
arc rage abort four hundred cubic yards of the
ric4 bed dray.
—A Bridgeport paper .deserpes
walling cane composed of 4C3 pieces of leather,
and nude tram a pair of old boots worn by
lay.ident Lincoln.
—Araoug the receipts at the Cin
cinnati exhibition for textile fabrics, last week,
one box of casisimerce, kerticyß and jeans
fr , .in Brigham Young's inills.
—A' Lark Ringing match recently
t., .k Islam at Ifafitat, England . The first bird,
1 years rid, sang ten mutates, and the second,
13 'years old, sang nine and a half.
New —A Catholic clergyman in New
York has been arrested for obtaining mone'y
m: , 1 , 1- false pretences. There are sixty • corn_
?Uinta against him from poor persons.
—Three millions of brick have been
male at Des Moines this season. It is saki
that 6,000,000 bricks are contended for by buil
.lcrs jn the city and county adjs.:ent.
—Peoria capitalists are endeavor
ing to induce a company ofglass manufacturers
to establish works in that city.
—The Sienese twins say that they
n, designed to be cut asupder, but that the
story to that effect vas BartrimiNiinvention.
T—Bnllet proof knapsacks are to
Ln mitiilied to the French arms. As they are
thrown awns in battle the intention is anim
rot flint Ohe.
—A pump dealer in 3fiunescrta
bull. on credit, agrc t itig to. take pay this fall if
wtp•at stAIR at two aolbrs a bushel, (otherwise
to watt another year.
---There is a wild man in Johnson
~.",into: bull:lna, who Wag lately seen making
tracks through the woods, carrying a rifle
twenty-too feet long.
—A walnut tree, eight feet across,
,petriatvl into soapstone, was lately discovered
one 'hundred and seventy-five foet deep in an
Illinois coal mine.
--The city of Winterthur, Switzer
has no debts, and possesses property to
the amount of 8,000,000 trances. It contains
eight thotuouul inhabitants.
—Danhnry, Conn., now burns
twenty thonaand tons of coal a year. It is said
that in ltild the whole town burned only twenty
tom in the same period.'
—The floods in Texas having sub
sided and the people ha iug become more calm,
it ix from! that a fair erep will be gathered emu
from the submerged tract.
—A mammoth blast was made re
cently at the Plymouth marble quarries, loosen
ing some six thousand square feet of atone,
which now lies ready for the chisel.
—A steam shovel capable of doing
the' murk of one hundred men has been put in
nee on one of the Illinois raikoads, for the pnr.
WM' of loading ears with gravel.
A large infirmary is to be erected
by the Sisters of Providence in Indianapolis.
They have paid $26.540 for the land and the
bulling will cost $50,000,
An American who broke his ankle
1w a rail road accident in Hesse Darmstadt,
dermany in June last, was paid MOO, gold,
damages by , the railroad company.
--At a fashionable clam-bake held
iu Newport; Saturday, the invitations were sent
oat written, in these words on the inside of
dam shells! ''Come and help bake some of
---The bigest man in Indiana is
David Ihiskirk, who lives in 'Monroe county, a
mile and a quarter from Gosport. ' He is °bout
seven toot high, and weighs three hundred
—E. T. Page .of Lunenburg, Mass.,
is said to be a grandson of General 'Washing
ton's barber at Talley Forge, and claims to hare
a razor with which the Father of his Country
was tbared.
—There is a man-at Mount Desert
who is industriously at *pork digging for tho
treasure of Captain Kidd, and lus operations
are not the smallest entertainment to visitors at
that at tracttro watering place.
—The Levant Herald says that the
Turki.h government is reported to hare order
ed farm an American inventor thirty
which will throw out grapoahot M a
rnnge of from 1500 to 2000 yards..
-In the police court, at Boston,
❑mu was held for drunkoneas. who mild th a t
he was a resident of 1 netghboring town, that.
be had been a member Of both branches of the
I.4l,, , iedature, 'and Wall worth $lOO,OOll.
—An oyeterraan .of Bridgeport,
Cwww-, while
Tnesday, struck quie a bed of ily4nraming his vocation on
cutlery, and fished up
101 imirm and 23 pairs of acissant Row the
strange deposit originated is not known.. •
—A German railroad convention
wet at Vienna on the 18th of/nly. The dim ,
tors of - Seventy-Offen taitroada - were 'Present,
representing fifteen thousand miles of way,
'and capital to the amount of one thousand mil
lion dolhtra, gold.
—The coinmon• coiuleil of ?lin
cheater, Mass., recently gate eerie's, parties
permiseion to lake' water from a city reservoir
to nee in their brewery when at the same Moot
ing the board voted to kistrnot the city marshal
to cures the lignterlaw: •
—A Wisconsinphyiician pc:rimmed
a ch il d, at the request of its parent., bonnie it
was siddr.
--An international of
richer for far the proteethm of itseinsi
been held at Zurich,
Vradford quiet
Towanda, Thursday, Aug. 19
Republican State .11114
' Or ClnallM/AND 0011717.
--- rynmmurin:Mirreplifif
11 ,, ENIty -, .:W.! ,- c. WIZ fiVA-41- SI
t t.
A Conrentkin of the Duke
lingthiatiirofilo — be composed .of two dekgstes
tons each election distoldfssinidoeinity
We, it 4 16 o =6 acinitt, in, TeTspdA
.4 61
3102IDAY atte2Moon. AIDWEIT ao,lBp,el CO' - . 06 99 . 4
to place nomtgiskien ndidtta to be limited 24
the enacting election. • ' A • :11 , 1 •T. i
The following imams tune &en
mutes cI Whom fir their sentecitti hellhole and
they are directed to call meetings tor ilmelectimuot
Delegates to the Oonmnikon.rmt 'usual places of
holding /MP? of 2 and 6 P.
in., on gammoii; the geth'iliy of Ammo.
By order of the , Delo* ikplaNksti *WA/ Com ,
• ,
*titre. , T. DAVIES,
Towanda, July 14.1881.
. .
Varna= Corneal= .
& 0.0.11t01ey,121
B.Mettle& Wane* Ouritn.
eirinerda.-.Btineon Abermatt John DarnOtrai, fitinerei
/am tap.—E. Ir. Thaaaaa. Pink
a AiVIVIn&D. .t
Asphen..—Riau loge Zasts..
Barelay.-2210e. .1111uir TAAer. Leal G. govea.
DisrNakgten.—Jeregdah C.F.:VOW; Roe.
-phnifeempbell, . • - ' ' ' ; A
Derliagtai Inst.—Thomas *two& feu* Jie
parilairtea bent—Dr. EJifETeraittiliaare lang, Joint
V. 'Rico . -
Cosies -Manch Heard. Orrtiltilatgontil.lAir
etearoieeerelo W. 'Griffin, WEI. Pincnaa,
Oalsadrasiohn H. Oldt/ns. A. x. come% Dewitt
Ilmeiklis..Bbiart Melee. Writ Lyon. Faleckad.
Cranteille.z-Andrew Boman, Oacaa Sidon. Orlando
. • ,
_tillee.ffetal&JOltati• tgr-Ma l lOe. D.J.: Griswold:
Leitaprilte bero.-o.Wali, 8. Getteniadiaii Carl.
Nome tag—Chasitollon. 7.ltarei. HhnmNarik
Mama. , 80ekwell.
FL a ier. .
Orr/dr.—LC. Tr !Wage. 0. lit atubbeek.l.o.attieia
Oecrlort.-4no.lBatbewa. Don't Tharerty.R.
Pae.—C.W.lteriolda,O.N.DeWolf. Joshua Ipueirea.
Rielljosrp.—X4 J.C. Bobm% E. & liteirese:aeled
Rose rirp.—L.W.Towiter.Jcohnillorkro.attiaarda.
Rears loro.—John fearenore. H. Yost; DAreeight.
:3711. Dear& Cbria. Form& .L.Pbeipit Jr.
-1111aer, Bob! ABM Wm.
Am& Caerle.—J.lLYanng./XY.ll9lestklL
Sfigroa4 bara.--4APAteerae, P.PAnaaa.W.L.Scouteri.
Ihesigoifia..-0.1). Klemm . J.Allt Ckeset. LordMAL
&oda" Stollll.-4011/11 . Gordo% 114Xibtkak WA
led Jeantogia
raillP+llatAr. Berton. Jahn t.tiodee,'lrm. Tiny.
TOCAPAI **pp.—J.l4 Swartalsol. JALl4llo4.ll.fltkuaar.
Teureads NerrA.4-Ezis Batty. 8. B. Hardily!. Daniel
raraink• Eara—B.3lLPeck, J.Noridetti.E.3l.Paremia.
Ifrasr Ata...LX Iteasla.' FL PIM. Edward Deitintiore
frog tors,-.><K.Pootni. Mira.oensant atm.
rarearere.—lLD. Blue= .: J. Corm& LB. Ackley.
Mather, Z. D. ]ArrasA.. G. Wawa
Warrirs--Ateare Whitaker. Yaw* Yeadlataa, WAD
' Coadn.
Etykar3in. Audriair Hand.
Platt V
11 fa mop —![ ar4tn Pee, Jabei ebaralriEtn. Edward
Sabra_ . - • ,
CoaDiiingh. George Ganger. Samuel
Ckaaabarna. •
Wal/A—F.. 1.. Mewl. Wadeklieentely. J. B. &tete&
wc=ast..iVaaliington Ingham, Smith Snide, George
Time tow meeting on HATUDDAL AMA/a 244 b.
between Die boors of 2 tral 6 o'clock p, nu •
We will send the Itseowrza from
Ang,net 12 to October 15 1869; for
Twenty-five cents.. or , in clubs o
five for Twenty cents each.
An insurrection, .or revolution, has
been in the Wand of Cuba, for some
time. It is difficult to judge Pram• the
published accounts, what is it:Wiling
iiitnde, or prospects of ultimate suc
cess, the sources of information being
so utterly unreliable. The native Cu
bans are strayed in hostility to the
Spanish rule in thirst island , and tho'
they are numerically superior, they
are without discipline, without arms
or munitions of war. The sympa
thies of the people of the United
State are with the insurgents, in their
attempt to throw off the burdensonie
and . tyrranical rule of _Spain,. but the
policy of the Ck•vernment has been to
preserve an attitude of strict neutral
ity, and to rigidly enforce those laws,
the violation of which by Great Brit
ain durihg the late rebellion, was
just ground of so much complaint.
How vigilantly this duty hasbeen per
formed, is attested by the seizure in .
New York and the arrest and disper
sal of bands of -Callan sympathizers
and adventnreis.
The matter is now invested with
still greater importance by the
report that the administration of Gen.
GRANT has opened negotiations with
the present Govesrunent of Spain for
We independence of Cuba. Gcn.
Sidi m, the new Minister to Spain
has been charged with the duty of
making certain propositions to the
ruling powers of the latter countr y ,
which are said to he that Spain shall
recognize the independence of Cuba
under the government of CESPEDES,
and that Cuba shall pay o la 'Sian an
indemnity for the resignation `the
rights hitherto enjoyed by the,moth
er country, the amount to be specifi
ed in the treaty. The , indetanity,
whatever the amount, to be in hoinia
of the Cuban governmeid, these bonds
to be guaranteed bithe United State's.
An annistice , to be pmclaimed ' be=
tween the patriots and the Spanish
troops in Cuba immediately, upon the
elocution of the treaty. The ishurd
to be evacuated by the Spanish forges
as soon as the treaty is ratified bythe
representatives of the Cuban people,
and the guaranty of , the beads ap
proved by the Congress of the United
If these terms are not at 4Meer" ac
cepted by the Spanish Government,
the United States wilt without farth
er delay recognize the independence'
of Cnba.
If there is any reasonable degree of
truth in thestatenict that such Prop-,
ositions are to :6 . '
.urged - by Oen.
Swum, there is every reason to be
lieve; that 'they will. be -accepted, by
the present government' of Spain.
That country is, %mild state,pa
litiadly andpecnnianly . Shahni
settled, reigning head; her .tresimiry
is.bainkrupt; and she is tumble to sup
ply the means . and men ii4iieh a - 0011-
tinnenee of the Cuban . , rebellion will
Should the independence of Cube
be conceded, wide / 0 m errangeniind i
with ! ' tlen: Bmq/tic:it will be
done : 1 41 )6. 4.0 0 .1i0i 4 04 61 !iiiii** -
- deu.knik, SNIT Of Ilk 9.__r" , htgAreil
millions of do ll ana Motddliione
thniemxtionr the*lnristWgqiiintee
ofb;n l .4 ice* Pii*Oretlfit+
iee -vm-11
Aft tin I lene of Cuba. What it might
be worth to . .us, is a bona fide pur
chase, we are not prepared to say, but
if annexed to the United States, it
Our telTitOric Atti!gorieign govern.;
meat, it nmttemi Kt kttle,whether ,it
is a dependeney,Of Spain, -or km a .
independent govertmient
The Cabaiiii'deseiii
thies 411 their. Ata *cause! they
have *belled as our -fore-fathers re=
belied, kg 41 1 21 '4 '0,009t.1.0 160:tft ,
ranicalioit t ,,wbich. *co. the
island, _ only to Tilt , the • eoffer4
of §paini yen deri4 do
the 4ter)4 l 's urdens tuicl .ciactionii
puts upou the people and industryof
that fair liter* We forget that,
the fil 4 it.Ao: l 4o* wlig. rt244443iiii
to overthrow this tyranny was toeuks ;
rukeipate•sitlitindr!3dthOisand slOves..
We soul me
cess, and we tract-that- the day is not
far distant; When Our Clovenuitent ten
with prop iety eciognize thebetier 4
ent rights of who are fighting
for their independence.
POLITI . VALovrwoic..
i • •
in the contest liowgoing on in tills
State fir'iolitical'OpriptikT, our'
ponents dove/awry upon the pi
' 41 11 of their clafiAidgq thAnAe.4 6 4-
ness of their tame. -Theydrell know
th4t- the illgaibiicans have a large ma
jority of: the legal - voters; and that in
a fair election they stand no clutnee
of sticcesi. Gov : 131-parr has
not, empty milliopei9f, dpllfire tc,pur
chase Totes with if he dfsired,to do so,,
he has n record, civil 'and military,
which entitles hini to the hearty sup
port of 'all who desire to reward pat
riotism; and wish to see an honest
and economical administration of the
affairs of the Commonwealth.
Why is it that the Derhocmtic par
ty havi steadily and 'unitedly resisted
every effort made by. the Legislature
to prevent frauds upon the ballot-box?
It is because they-know that in an
Honest poll they' . are'grire'to be badly
beaten. Hence,their Stout opposition
to efficient Registry .Laws and all oth
er enactments calculated to seetwethe
purity bf the elective franchise. In
deed, every bodyiinderstande perfeet
ly that whenever Democratic legisla
tors or Judges of the Supreme Court
have assigned other reasons
.either to
prevent such lairs 'or to evade them,
they 'have only ;knight disguise
their motives, their, being
torrender frauds not only poasible, I
but easy. ' - 1
' With all the illegal votes the Dem
ocrats have been able to put into the
ballot boxesthey have not:succeeded
in electing a Governor for many years
'mt. Indeed, at every sittempt their
chances have sensibly dindidslied,
even in the absence of any proper
registration of the voters. How shall
they succeed, no imitter how earnest
ly they `may 'strive,' now that whele
sale:frauds are rendered diftierdt If
,net impossible through; the
tion of new and riatutruy laws? In
truth, the Democrats acefast coming
to take a Correct, view of the'situation,
(Ma, io.parce ive ihatlti,i ) A - Car.u's case
is. hopeless. At the same time the
Republicans are shaking off theirap
athy, and evincing a determination to
keel), the ascendancy they have 'long
held, with honor to themselves and
profit to the Commonwealth.
Gov. Gem. will be - re = elected. -
ist.We lasit - week called 'atteiition
to' the, importance of a full attendanCe
upon the part of voters at the :El*.
gatomeetings, to be held on the 28th
inst., and we trust the matter will not
be forgotton,or r egi.ectied. The men
who compose the county Ctiunty Con
vention, will decide ,the character of
the candidates. to be voted for at the
October election. A county ticket
composed of the right kind of men
will materially strengthen the State
ticket, and add permanent strength to
the party. ne great necessity of
our political system is the active par
ticipation of the best, men. Without
this aid no plan can work well If
the duty is neglected by them, it will
not be surprising if political knaves
andtricksters manage matters to suit
themselies; and "Select candidate's Who
Will do their bidding when * office.
If the good citizens in every district
in the County, choose to do so;' they
can control the' eleCtion - of delegates
and see that men Who have the intei
est of the party at art, men who are
not actuated by any selfish motives,
but who only 'desire the timicese
P 3 :6 3 0 lOnciples for which' are
Contending, are selected. If this
course is pursued there will be no
complaining of "cliques" or 'politi
'cians" contirlii* things after the
nominations are made.. ,
HO! PIX Y MIXT, 1T.7-7The pro-reb
el pre* has no way .to meet the oyez
*hauling unTament of *wee and
,fsete shenin4.the'..fujihr ilecteeier • tit
the 1 4 :0 6 401;1 3 * b y ' o9? : io
.P*Of;lh‘ehOool, They get
vervinumnorwuy by dechuing.thnt,
the publinhed;treas* neemnitor
false. But, few qupS:hetids' 'who,
kibenoo utgatothilycsateehooje.
Minim wetween the Ane and
Smitpiebuintbli- Compsniakmas
*0.0443 iii v Aipotoii of tiouttki!
- 144,-Thiy-Botiniblicaus 4 ot.,
- bola their Cbavautionlic
*a f t uttoi
dig little anytime in thek5,*0444414
obotild ranch. a nif*emilat mar in the next
Thepartyin Nrklint4pct s io=
drawal from (Mot IfirftoMV.,
Uncle Sam's firm, and the Other %WM'S oLfait
In ioraseuldoiriettepetlikomii as •Nellig
tolitad to thelbisfredieiLl ITliawaseur Icrb4
dissassice in irbieli .11* 'isfakieid avocisi
liamiso ?anemia -,bitWr *AID bigicx alba*
, Pend49fe. as eltsis! , l4.44Bk n914•40**
'FP insf9rifg &mom*
troi ni b rt‘ll ta iN,Atkrz o ftfrioo,l4,__The
r e ro l 4'2 l ? tW ir . l .4 f k,r,APagiroc
la theiimo.4 .4 Tr 411 P,°° 11 P ( 1 1 4
tt A I .sin; 0 4, 1 * * Pottfal
*tends.- rotfotbsteahlii ' dde, doadel
mcitethentleilic7o *le bit **IS kif fide+
tivotible tiY wouldolfebetiiiic.taliq
teuabsice ihrisdletko athe Traci* bilk:fiTl
siOntla tam • • "&
. ,t-r The ,Denkoarmr of .oWhaTe get
! moo otairientotoi; Just .ateig how,
incooelloi4n , wad -.* re*lfroploidi
,zex, gIRO femlif!ofil,toFre. uoixtopispupi
# l B # first:o v i. roppopsd,,the 4 :4%miia ,
portrait f hrpt that ho d o es - DOt accept n141'11014 ,
- nithnu, They hi" tled ukulnor, ot#74101)!
I 134 to Maie the twantettion alidller kirept•
iIOVIO Cieeptititi, in es*
thearielveiltral they hail the thlitg
but they nowilifind thetriaelter weed their
owe earalidate, vibe haainade vide miail that
iswdoesatet inuitAn ha withal ;Aeon iir;the
=alio formerly detwoneedactraitan to their
emit* , and who are thel same now itadarieg
he war. Itovy hi wise. , P.a.prailetit lean
seeth the evil rand , kaleth, himself ; Ant tLit
wicked paaa Pi ‘and - 3 " 1,4 4 5. + ' Po did '0
irant'tq P1r'',9 11 1,,,/!er () Plie4badedi ??1 'anti iclt ,
the„repridiatiimtlat In the ` Ti
Are` athiat adata;With io priispwet atraiiiieg
Ibis decent AMR ortglit,
A Democratik obtemporai7 Lim!
Ceti cheeringly declared thiitthe shongest'ar;
'gnment that can: poets* be made baton* of
the copperhead party is ti faithfin , record'
=root history. No ohorwill -doubt **faith•
fulness o( the ;resod.: For instaticeAlMy weft
good Deaoaals who Wit 11 49 1 ,1414,0!‘50fre
the talon. They were good Monmeraki; who
uphold slivery to the very last. play werntood
Dernocr"ta who ,opposed our for o n the,
bloody field of Gettysbufg. A amid Deiniicrall
was he.who assassinated .Feesidept Llnesdn.
Thote nice who trnrned tNembekilmlig stood
high as Democrats. • They vide good Decoder - MS
who attempted to 'burn the ptir*lptl'h otell
New York city dining the war' • Oiled DEMO
crate brought on our National and Bhda debt";
and he is a good Determine , who faros of
repudiating both. Theweethl,es t opal ettotsopo
list hi !Pennsylvania is a big , Democrat ; to big
oboe he aspires ic k thc ke! lbe rP,Ori a k4*y_!......C_,
rent history in favor of Demner*FYi; u 1 •11
still Mention !amiss. and Abnitfor tbetioor
man in Teinusylvank, aritilliqbactefihe
standing . DeniiiMtt Is humid tipoOoti. 'GO
into eldo;hiror thanilbttlie
rich min in W k'biltheinnienifiea, ind I;
etteottal•ahower of bad elk." We be apt togmat
pin from Dettiocratie hinds. Myra aresgood
Democrat, • you ditto not • "down with the
-nigger" hi the Sot& iny more; aadtt *mid
him it the North would be fatal ki Dement".
Well mu Yin; of_ Philadelphia , say, let the
- p — a. - st history of the Democratic party be forgot.
ten! He could equally tiKlettesemt
recolleetimis also be Mao* perinitted to escape
the Memory. "A faithin 'record' of etisrent
hktory," so ti as Democracy is concerned,
- whet mentioned by Deltic edithrs; mist
be intended as a phice of atrium to Whiten"
woelhdly ininteditent party to their reuses.,
ita-The nomination of Repudia
tion Pendleton in Ohio reveals the
meaning of Rosecrans' oracular- Ut
terance about his family and credi
torsi. Re' wan 'evidently afraid his
'Salary Would not he paid.
If Roseernna *owed au much cau
tion that he would not trust the De
mocracy, even bearing gifts, would it
nothe prudent for all holders of
!Opal currency or United :13t f ites
bonds to vote against Pendleton, or
any other Deilmeratic candidate 11-.
• A corollary reflection for Penns*
'Tanta It is not known - that Aso
Pucker h* a single 'Mated. States
security. Certain it is that he did
not lend the Government a dollar in
its extremity.. Will not all his intin•
once in case of , fiis election be thrown
as a matter of . course ,against the
Government bonds and credit ? Now,
when Grant is straining every nerve
to flay off the great debt, we shotild
not throw a straw inhis way. '
1116..Tuz people in various parts of
the country. nre becoming excited; on
the coal question. The high , piiees
thre Mend are creating considerable
alarm among , consumers. !We ob
serve that a large meeting of the vit.
izens of Buffalo was held on !the 4th
inst., and an association for Med" for,
procuring a supply of coat Coin
monopolies : and combinations • were
denounced in most indignant terms
as robbers And plunderers °title poor.
pte most prominent .'citizpus 'Aare
are engaged in the mo v ement nn4l.,n
determination is manifeate4 to mate
the association permanent,t said: ogi.
tate for State and Ccilikteistdonfti Md
`to `break 'do;svii
fions L said to be in existence. .
41VANCINCL—The fact is not goner
allyknown that our. Fedend securi
ties are worth to day it' least : s2so;-,
000,000, more than they. Were" iroikli
the day our Preeidentivaehningsrs
ted, and are adcannug at-tholnfo of
ten or fifteen millions wweek. 'There
is no doubt of our tibility'to fang the
entire national debt a r ilhia a yep at
rate of interest _ not eft fnuc
and a half per cent. i• We are sure of
a stirldns at the end' of the current
fiscal year of from '5125,000,000 'to
siso,opo,ocio, and longer a
question thatour,revmmes . wiltiusti.,
ly large• reduction, of our lazes.
Were our seat - of guminment aeon
-pied by Demoeratie officials, Would:
we,tci day,
,be enabled to chinidele
'these cheering facts?
servers of=acarrent histiwy ? " •
Axon= Spifnidtg iliTzLn."—A cowl
'• mote 4as ' Been :
*faiP4' at t* . TreaaPreen 9 61 04;
third.onireeeived-so •Thq ag e
* 4 0 4 ec''Vatilia .ball and
' ;Pliaast4 o B.o, lo ;*l4:t4Pft
Agi!actaths to Ott Trommarth stuaa
l a= 01 ' Mirk ell,Odings9 l4l °N
i n d • 44*th/i n IDIOT
b 1
erXn'uini 4•13051,114/4kte,r.,'4114491Prilt
tnd Pi
— inurosat milers Bds,
and . When st - pattplkin - -' lfarritioi,
.. 11 .
sins., The rock Aten , O, the ^ 7
•• . - V 01 0.0 41: -. 6 ' ikw I:11 ::
~.,, • , ,_,.;":, „ . ~
„. : 4 1 :: 2:t:i ',;,4 ,, 1, •..
ikwr . " • ski : :
. -- . ..„ ' ~. , ;•4 1
j" t. '**"- .•' *: . I t }iN iil l
Otl:•:•' : ' .
"oti l F*!, • . , ,_
-was zu mata All TIMIS Ai!'
FaBlsl3Willi'M mtal A; 1I : I IN . DM
= , • ,ii ! A li i 4 ' 4
VC.STIWArkIit ' O ' C II ore, :., ..* ... ;
and hoot duo**, (dike/ding;
E1_Art .... _ ..2 40 vfat I Lkings7l4o4 si ' 1
WtOi ecar.iip .
.0 le *i t;VaC ge t
4mairy A , " i ii ii i m„ar ,
ig tti r ra r enf, -2: . 1 21 . a ' , -,,f1 • tt a : 6tc 4 7
Menn diet in in en.= Inntr
40..1M41e5t. afterldrerilltMrgia.
t'iliSPl;,: -1 1 A.P,.. 6 ,1n/ 1 r.4 11 ,49 1 ,1#?&
Bfall ,
' The e W
(6onieelnry tendetedialin
die* sittsehing no Mani.) to the Nertht
`ern , Centril Beilraed Ontepsnyloriie
empl?yees, they,lia*cbut, piu4 for
the.njght i of way (Arai Vie mad,,
.0 154rii g, 41e f ertif y: th. iltußTlOitippl
!"4 s4usikattoin:mo fooiiiit*-
40 , 4_tcheik'iit 't om ppinVAiKth
'lwt Toni' fle:en:eolopi l ie dike kiroe
, in" ofit'AiNtgolie Oti*,iiiiid, 0400
the'Pif*Wiiiillg'.o* Thot4_.o
44 the conipiiiii is law:- • , i
• • •
egi„Tho effort of the ;Democratic
party ta defeat fitaut last Jfall
confined to ?TewTOtle:PeolloYlTlON
01 . Indi4 n tL .w .P.k . ' 811 ° 4 "4 ,
lint ape, ; but its iPleVegtB in that ,one
slutiors that meals_ the neitt time may
Defeated as the party
'idprkiciple, it still ",beeds watchin g
is a conspiracy against, honest elect:
ions, or; as Garde expresses it in
Hopes Wcekly; the %moray as
, 1 07 o f principles " 1 0 1 0,,045el to
i*AFm!d°, l 4.,e. - tut ,n° conspiracy
hotmdldections it , Rtill . chat ,
lenges the Vigilance of every man *ho
vidties iota Mader government: - It
'tirt° ,! 1 ° kett*Obett4tYnt .. *hpitis.
cettse` 7 7oll who would •repudixte the
national debt and dishonor the nib=
tional name--all who disbelieve in
P 6 PTditr s9r7Piientag who would
perpetuate ihOota4tioi 3 Of who
who oppose a•registry and its strict
enforcement—the- ignorant and' the
dangerous part' of the Populathin-1-
instinCtivelY ally. theMselies ,'tp 'the
PortY t 11 4t.i 6 rellr)i/ 41 4 4 . the "et
'system of electoral frauds."
• sar"Ae Indianapolis Jolfraal ova
that *lndiana the year 1869 v~lltbe
n1 116 4 1 '4 118 the year of *lie&
More frequent and violent thunder
storms have occurred:heavier. rains
fall* insitO deiliniethv
&Acta , have been *Aimed,
more faial accidents have oc c urred
than in.any.year within the memory
. ofthe, "oldest inhahibint." Within
the pact *Celt *O *maim' part tif the
State hue been"visited ';vith,"fidiep,
Protriwbfklkild damaging 1401gcNry
peatizw4he old story of high :inters,
.droiniezd cots, and'deuthe Noun
• but with the raiI:ALM Cie large
gnantity of whichhaC gristly in
jured. the corn and other •crops.
Winn Claw: Was leading wdinsion
against armed 'Democrats' in" the
Seithweit; inlB64,,packer was"dor-
Sing. "Ream_ at ariy, , , *ice", plat.
formupon which .1 - was
placed' at Th. • -Mame,
betWeenflieir'attituder ardiSbels
may be Stated thrip deari ,Was, for
peace-on terms involving the surto
der of the-rebels to the Gwrenammt.
Packer rituf for peace bn terms inviil
- 'ender, of the bo:yeim.
went totliitmobeil. Some PeoPle can
see a difference in the positions 'of
the , two. We can see the diffenuce.
%did Jeffilaiir, pt the time.
,;- •
piasiffi have satialeatm, iuntwance
froth Washington that the Conserve,
liven 'lmre net the sympathy or - taip
"Oki of "any one coiniqied 'milli' the
x j p4=4
continimii i 4 he military, *ota
mend, and will canine the neon;
the den ' s ooi + bioi SUPP 94:
- TIOXIBLit Ler= Gute--:-.14 the home
ecinnty °U.* Thersic •I!-where hu
possessi..":"ens Jie," Aimee 11 4 serinnii
tiv,rinble in the : prn-reheyesniii,. nll '4.
1 ) 0 4 ' Oec•shitubpiAdii; the * l O4 , to
beinvishly dispensed by their. mididete for Gliterner. The figiv , .is - a
bitter one, ad bide fait; : tiv illustinte
t ll 47 l ***4 l '!*4 l hilint:7 -
Awe Ittt.uois Prit Mons.--Thie
I.he averige ightetiew -of • the' Ala
tientd; AAA
Mie:1Pr010 31 4,110144-
&DI can find na loopihole. to tuidev
-Thine :this stetiemeet , 1 *lir; inAhiet,i
s 0 4 1; i iin i ii i ik fi ngu t i dia imeijLt
•• ! : t.. 17
J - j ti l ` seir,- 1- 41#11Esniebone Patriot, iu
&1064 editotiiktidan: 'Wit&
`oiti n
-10 r-, 1 ** 8 3 , -. , 10.14 4 v.1,41mip-,
•t!;Honagiwoassioat .Ikiioto tor :the
tp ever ir
= regildratiok ihoterrp ,
I h l tarcl"thwih np ab ni lll nmt6 l4l" e
aPPointeal* AKtrYainveilletrin
lee city, anartesweienistwbielvaik•i
saigtve .orseithidalmigiiii
• • • li e f- 1 ,!! Alt 1 , .. - 11'.:7=4 1.19 n 1
4 .1 ;7( ,c:(.1
rat; inc 6BB
legal , bon=m eilo
holders, 19;rm the ;
4111/1100T100 INSM. weslth, risk -by
sekgndlltin her unlimited to
~4 kil*Aoos snuff to subsist
1, this :win= gains luxuries
..s us the sweat us theWinlik
un4lthein siOnnebeshe my diet .0. .
I= lnNall ' i st=. .
..,,, , ssi 4 44ma t i r ft° 1431
istsposibaa oilW leappesneaauns
3doorialbe Woinishixtbe gamut min; '
ielithlyitellicrl wnicitterd , insi
- - I'4 1j ' (Skil ,l': +713.3 p,trt;'. IT" 1
i ogliVhdlbibtyeittlinerkrabebseincr
luadid4eAorflioternocirs shaded
` ilbelifStetackiustateseukaS
*ohs - ' liityllikihailiboailin%
i stood ':tai. tr,..faibusim* , ,ta
mirers•pi PluitaibltleAlsyri
handy by‘ assiltelioninall , us 'A:4mA
with 0 04 0 9t:ft i Zr**
cool stand, and,' inikW
pellimpelkovri t !4
sturdy nom of Pennsylvanbtowillatot
bow downbefore.thoripidem: imao
which haa
&lowland. faUtibrtni , anililworehip
AmiPliabripthe.aorinii!Toark Of
the Democraiy.
(ó) :}
:-.4:-c -41:..;=11;.:
?~ vi „
.fIOOT :4WD - swim ,11410R16.
„ extutep4i4 WqrollP449.
%egad The ribilerelsrd ocketoed are reetevleg I large and well me
. '
•1 .
1100.7'Sj i Av - Y.71 61,9,
eaitible te'•
stpares 495 - nt4 =pit,
*I4E4 we offsc,low for Ar.looh, Consistini of
. -mi.
i ~
, • * '
kw* '
# 4'1"40 4 211 :9: . # 4ll :T .:li P*Ft
gMaolfcilloi post ewe% Ps pall& !k. eardnumeoe
01 .0 Puma-
2.11111:91.WOODIVITI. 5113.419 M X. CUM
TOWIIII2I. ken 5;1849.
' ATITE—The cowtoiliontwie win oteklis aiii•
tae: ow inawaitz 11111 j • Towanda. • act , nth;
c sa
. taireksep villa:mum pa
in 2 o p. U. doetng. at Cannes on
ounieg:4l Mused* , oni aufaenlll. on
".; eilleienet ate =Sena to be peeling
.dunko announce of tin leolltuaL ! •_. —,
An o to tenth In Os utak' seance ere
earees etibelken MOM ounennent. "• '
=ft. i .
ess alt r cr ai t e l
. o L atecid Oa.
• , • .-" li .., ' , •',1,. il. IMF e =
Amp iiis, sera,st. -„ 1 , . ; , noiwitr,simes,
- 1- 4 6 NV Et.r.'
1611 , 4.!1?.pcl: an ..g.
ltwor:it...4l • is rbt. 11116,'•111,1 •Ils Whir
voi the
tFPitiN•ti Tk %OR
4.111914r* Nb twig ♦till
lig I:
4 fl qi
i.e. /41,
Ticia 444 hairs sort below 0f4r04,
:Irb*y .espeetpally eSte tteat4•a n 1 the pith.
- • A • .1 t
1e ilitirdepirtgest a tbe4r he art
*Or tbmisoftes Visit ,: Owls. tbalr al,
woyel • imgd sit)*
I‘ , t - ".4
*Alit re :igpiors
n imp • tu
-: . '-' i'll'zi , / siti.".niitfit l ''' -
Inabegb , au
tree -ate.-ate. ' DWG Xlinfbf. nailll=. and mews
ma be in tbe 'deter
se reeraoiresster' 'Pat putt bets seaborne.:
- Wieb*lier. - Ibille4l It' 31111%"Mselsol.:
Quo, ." ' 621103 TE
„ItfirOD/4" ininriik 99 4
This UMW elifolific
corm dtaistradars Air an the ...mum._
wawa dieginmesit4 fee • W•bosikENSWizz
Mitt tOgi.-41
_ .
pp Sgeskiie et Ude hiPtutke will eoppleac4
116 1 61 0 1 1 4 I M 2 ' •
• z = • Prat CHIA X;
is)/ 1 3. • ItthelpliL
tAli-TIO *le 1 ' '
' . .4. . Sas - Aly wifd
= I sbApiriise linumeenan• bit
MAW fbi1=b=4" 11.9 " 161.14
. be amen
lisisr amps* validiLfleapleble et *Me
. Wlt 3 ! c . c/14 . 1
riAtr:zdat.-- :IA: • - •
-11". EitiLt 'tea ipe
- taick=4;liviC liol-20 • =
. ,
. ,ii ipbeakften sidlillft }uilliklbeimmei of
at=Sl* hi OP 1 1 11 0. 1 1 bpa=tlais
Irrarglialeasseaß - lir
.1040.1111104,11110. ft .14,16 ; Viop,,slll ogle tba
lilts lor Ow Me kit,; . ; T. It AVM 1
4 w,
la t ians, : : ; s c:A: o-: 41 ; ND
J ., 0 - , -,71 - Tf; •Irf,t ..:., E lf - :I t.' 74. , A.“1 , .1';;•- i.
• •. . r"•! , vsz • . 7 . steximrsrairain
ka. .
=I =peel
lOlsadadtmite .
North Tnacarora
as W= brim& of II
Wow. mai by Wm Peet ant Norris Fargo. month
sad* west by L N Neese, ; containing - &Fr acres more
or tug. wogwotmsrveemenis.
ALTO- One other
north by land of BB cad b 7 B Bugg
sotdh hi Owen
. 1 . 111114 r; contailar
lag 21 rm improve.
menta. acg rld_ 1 "
Seized tam lir Cremation it the mint limn ,
IM IF timer iv% Leonard Clark and Jamee H Chink.
vnitfint l iaralbe lden FRIDAY
of land; . 1 a t itr6A d aeWa
in. gror bo ialre d
as Miami - Ilka/inador At iflidetiesier or
I =l= l „britoftittre ti mv ,
a rence,,weitlo east. Ow *dieser; thentereast In the,
centre of the almond road for acorner. thence along
und ralkihedinalcitanaketribleethni Ihrodiatlience
math ict bind Rwipiti.=?lv=ii n a"
melt kerei mare ot id trued, p .
•himal barb and barmiiidasipleatchtnlftereen.
Seized and taken lahtirrecntimpAtlte .pia g Hl ,
Patrick re. Horace Marin. .
logierrioreiaribiad ritaa been lNd and ;
the Miceot.ytt ~of Wale, In end
for the county of-B `-ria'adinfrdstrar
tim rhirjaUt i ti=teara. ** ifatra*4
Final IleepUp rt Of C. He
=Ade of Mum' • '• "
ecazernt of , Watc,Ohyrisa add OtredkihOord,
executors of Never tinyder,--late of Sbeetrionin.dcert.
Lilted acirclosagl i ßliaw E,Chaffee, eiPtgial ref ifhtletr
D. Chaffee, late of Bb rheonin,'doc'd.,
Final ericount of A. 1.„ Cramer. adDinr l,l nen°.
s 1
r Alra... o =4 , Xturoetoh,
of _
O. E. Picket, "dip 'r of !411 ; 11p,,AL
Ifell, late ellttrearant: deed. • ' • •
k1430--The andlioehaant%of•Proliegtar off by
Executor, or Admhthatratore to widows or children.
tlif taflothlidecerfenteh,;-, , ,
Estate of David O. Amin, of Prenkiiii,,deed.,.
lint NU; off Plke, deed: •
faemeedZiallehorah .111•Witelblet. deed.
" John R.Prlfda, Gif*me deed.
Janos Waft... 6 foeb ia, decd.
• Jeremiah !Legere, of Towanda: deed.;
Tema iluMn - EtheAc.frdri: deed.
Met the lime wElit tets to thrt Ors/Ple
Court of Bradford r, on,Thuroday firo,nth day
septettater:. Mk it 2' 'cloeirp: rd., for coritrraittoo
end niknornee. /..,31RDLL7I.
Aug.. • • . -43fristPr•
• • ir
on MONDAY, AUGUST N, 1860,
The higher Mathematics, BoOk Wiping. Latin and
Greek. and also the common branches will be taught.
Uetr?ef. 4 0 (award primary as well as ad-
Tame. W Pipes. "'hake' $4 to $6. Information in
re=4=44Litur boarding' NW be
*boot Dieeetors,' or the
.Loitaindlle, 414 IBla-2te •
1 1 / 4 .1 •-. • .
tAssgs '
i:„.. LEgmr.. ,
1, Win eclon4ence the Autaaeierm of her
?aIY.PINAWITharI*.4 I O. •
ariAltsucia-41cbotars. 12 pars *3.
%cholera &dr , flycYti f!
1114_ 4iiiirlin:oo4m-4e&4a6 andvr 1 2 icirs•
*a. 80b 044040 12yearai $4 50, • ansllo-4f
1 4 0.1114A.=- . -L-Th tcp ersvined
await %%trivia:irk atl r ioritlOn.
' tam Am* honetefrol lot fereale The PAM 60:120
feet The dote room; ,ii 21:40Keet and a ware room
_et .IVbett. .Thn prOgkett hi locates! to the fleintribtna
town of Albans. anidfogli comity, .Pa.;, on the 8:111.
'milk Trio 11.11., and 'a very. destrible prorieity.
Folloltbetp erenquire or addren .• ; •
sag - 12-1 • A. 11., //ULM.
,P&RM FOB' SALE..-J. IV. -
80,otai orors salriable•Dahl Farm. shit
stodbmprirell teowtiddp. for'sate. Ho invites all, le
-014 lichirropetrite examine iiwfine the 4 gcrowl4
crops witi as the gnalft, . of the soil, which is
•witalinallidder than evidence ob , Wined from' persons
tosaliolear,Ridstrintsiom .Teteis
y----- - lat e , • . J. W. PAYOON, ,
V, A 4114 8 GRANGE: YOUR
MED WECIP.T.3O • tram 0W . .. A.
=WV Ettes th sental &Mt 'Wheat Fsrm, imlected
las bed. ... •
Bohemian ftraciotb Amber Wheat. VI bM.L 410 :00
, 10 00
Bandontey, white , 10 004
Rardetudta, Warde oo& d red. ' 10
,Itte stases seelhnsted one yosr. ' . ,"
tYrestr4t,'White Chaff .14edlteraneint, 5OO
!S 00
(OM= ..mber.lahoeth. • • . ! 500
'B . ias Stem, aMber bearded . 5
White CbstrKelltertanean, nab.? 'bearded, 5 n 0 ...
red - 5 00
d filinarilki WhiteChass 00
Weeks - ••
tredwidi "• ' S 00
eaDiebre Wldte Smooth ' "; ' 25
Ml=and Valltandaoaldte,amocalteach s_oo
ealthratitn French White and Red
' entehl's end Weedu' White are the beat. They
any 'lards sod productive:- ylebthas good crop
jdakd of mil The atriw is atom+ not liable to
, atoollibugebt• and are free 'from mat. By, and
ptooL . Address all: orders to - - ;
, J. N, LEWIS, • -
• Sprites BIR. BradfcMl Co:: Pa.
Agent for Oneitord and tirinttl.
voidlaarpeo, Sqpir Btadiki dmaty, Pa.
pike al reddape fonnedi of:94dod ti.T.Pr rsts
, I ,
BLOOM 8z - CO.; •
Sun 46.0, 0 Maradaettire their celebrated
and will salll'abettdr machine. for leo nailer) , than
mm betlhad abwrhare in the. mod& We-clarm' for
our amehnum thwt,, will do alt maw or more,
Chao , other .oll24 are , iliMiduratay,*lt.:, We
pessumny superintend our work and see that it la
hell auun, * Nifi4in Sena ,
4iAr,ooiJis: j
Pfo,F machines, , (118 1.5 410 4t" 4 - • •
ITOrre rilsistair d srmiirohs,
P A lirNll4l-0 MIALS
t• 7
"ruicirnai: DILVI Mt =Ms. _
• , 1. fl 1 • •
SAW 01? GIUST XILL work *me to:corder
be fF e eP""minti
'ova "oat ant:Alarm 'sNalux
!).-• -.7 - 7.
A iwiaideriel Opportufillor ' tor ell who whiti to
:!. op - T. DECKER
iiie ' toOds con °- gigs ' f
•••• • • i • —,•
.P.4R.i,dirgirg: • "
r' — '• • t=l2 - 7 . • ,
"'.. • lIEDSTE.4I) 8,"
(ta (CC,
!!' Ifieritest‘ireat proienl occupleil by me I. for
;fin ni or.
nda. ' male. IL Is me of the bost.basinees stands
Towa •
:Towanda, Sul,. 244186. • aT. DECKER.
0.11.-GILLS - .vomaz Ammo sox.murJa
,7 - ::: --1 : , :o.:4, c.. 0. - -..P, IT 'ill P ?
Vidented irady9o,lllB7 Thin-Ramp la leather
not to hem In any climate. It • has im leather or
lubber varre.'notbolts Mriecesri Mentor loam It
areelorotth neck Iliciltty that • con, Inmate it
wlthotaC:'ltla DO Arranged that a 'holm can be at:
ftiohedialt. mairng It just the thing , for totaldni•
, arid prisdowsoraterin A gardens. ; ko. Jon ex.
on- of tWtnerith nal Idler any Oft g
.1140TiOrlitent Any otbeermyntase...:
.14/01.nation. of Am* Woldfteccituaty,i's.;
lit the ontlinthed'agent, 'tee the sale' Of reetmly ana
lowiladflAghWnond#or that Pernenom4
who, Wawa premed, wtil, put
,ny pampa. on
aloft •.'hn , codites foe' pear or 140* nit
40 ,11 4,f 0 swf !!, 1 9 1,3511 1 1 / 1 9 0 - PIPT9PL. te141411.
AZ. Masi. lm* Anis &mi., tillonet; LW.
AVIOL Satan C. IL Trial"; Watkins'
; Ge sti At Deer *Co.. Rome; *abed
Aggin,diarranOklir-ThietrlifferrW , :
-4.asitAiii . jeer; C9c4..141/1.111;
- LBO -; W 01)
eachrn Pea
yr. A. 110CMI,A.
: reHAT SELF • 17
wX„' tie PION. it - ' ' C, D. "AIM&
Itsestsitowsi::•._:/ ,, i • ie. Al'm&
. 1, • . _,
: owatrorrceratirdrzier. — saa
piece's I of land alto-
ra• - . 4; c' eirAJ , AI:PAOAS, ;
. ,
- 41-q ll . l 4 4 cii .
• "tf r'-, .
...041tP11."1 :".': j
1,1',71;!, xa•
•:1••• • "
Y & 14.0.0R.E,
and Sommer Goods,
-111. -:,
2 le tstittafsjs;7".:
7. ' •
4USLI - liS,
• t, ,
(:1 J(.y-
n •:• , , ,,, J(T • •••. -•
• I: HOOP' filth;
%HATS '&".cAPS,
Please aN and exmaine our *rtercir
tag elsewhere. • -
Towamla, April 28„1S.10
B BB BB B. 13' B • B
We are in.daily receipt by Fspress
and Freight of the. latmt 'styles
...„ ,
d znakcs of
118 1 .13 11. - 13 888 13
We-nre rannufacturi,ng
B007;5 . AND SHOES',
Especially aclaptetleto the wants of the
liindforit County trade.' : • ,
H E 1;
B B 13.33 13 — B B B
- Our iek
74141 7 EL LliG
I( R Tretaxs and VAL LS'ER,
Is the In 7gest in-, Towanda, and are
Offetred at lowest-rates. .
H . H 11. 11 EL II Et
We have oil hand the must eaten-
xice as's6itmeni.
Ever offered In the. County, and!nre
.prepared to order ntrything, in this.
-~ -----
111 - IHIIIIIIHI-113
88888 B B B B
Thanking our friends for the very
-liberal patronage given us in the Past,
we incite their attention to' our as
'.sortment of goods in: each .depart
assuring them that We have
before been able to offer grea -
er inducanienta than at the pr,sen
Timancla, June 21..1867. - ,
1111013 an ANDDrilthillocTrairiwiEß pIo:LADLLTRIA,
. •
tlao ANT - B.I.IgEIi.ING: V.A'RS on au Night
On and after MONDAY, JULY 26th. 1809. the Wahas
on the Philadelphia* Erie Rail Road will run u
lows : _WENTWAIID.
MAIL iltAlit loaves Philadelphia. ..
arr. at Erie •
Enir. Exruzxs !ravel: Philadelphia.
arr. at Erie •
EI , lama Philadelphia.
44 44
•4 44
MAIT. TRAM leames.Erie • '11:15 A. 31.
• Wffiliansport. ; . . J 240 A.m.
arr. st Plaidelphia 9.25
Enrs Exravia leave!' Brie 6.25 r.m.
, Williamsport ; 7'50
• ' - arr. Philadelphia" 4:10 P.M.
Aciv.isionaTrorr leaves LodiHaren. P.M.
• • •
arr. 9 • WiliiMMllper .. ''
143 P.M.
at .
Mall and Expreaa connect with Oil Creek and Alle.
iltd:ny River Rail Road. mg... 6 Clieektl Thmeo2 -
'July 29,•1889.! General Sorierintendent
at vi i l eu rl4=bgranzande Tanning Co.,
beyeld dazing the peding seeson. Th S. B. HOttl iji
45 " 0 " 1,004 MaY 111, 3e6o—tt,
;tl, O bat in,quality orig t rd
Work • . •PATCrill.
PcoTtatoamj. at wholesale and retall. at
i.Ma72O. . C. B. PATCH'S.
' Azipasaai at • B. PATegs:
Ware, at O. B. MOH's..
ocoiTKE, - tE , A t
ta SU GAR, ' FISH ,
. k 1".
"- • ST
TA =5,7 - 6) .
civ co
CLOTHS aid: c"simmEs,
1 0
• or
; a
3 '
TRACY klkioollr'
air H . :• 4 : K. Grta
Our Spring Stock is now complet,
in every De'partment,, and our' (;,•(H1
hare not been selected with a viol
secure large profits, but to pleas'•
benefit our customers. We beli(
vve have succeeded in this, and insit
all to - call and verify our I.:tatt.meilt
Towanda, April 1, 1864
"1,1 Atand 'of 131uutTALL S Voi% mt. ar, L• ..~
receiving a large and well F.V/M11241 aVek of
Whieh they offer to each buyers at prier, that
Cash paid fur all kinds Farintrki Produce.
April 21, 16G2—tL
The undersigned offers for sale or excham
his property, situate corner of Bridge and Sixth St,
consisting of a Dwelling HOUFC.and9 . .„ acres
with a large variety of fruit, such as i. 71,11,5. p. v
es: apples, plums. cherrie . s. and a number of
twit- - For particulars Attquire of G. D, MoNI ‘7 , 1
The above property will be ' , old low and pay.. m
made easy.
Towanda, July 1, 18C9—tf.
1.1. Pon aux.—The subscribers offer tor. sale th,
line Dairy Farm, situated two miles east of
wood. McHenry Co., Thinots. Said cairn Contain ,
three hundred and twenty acres choice land, wilt
ed as follows : . 160 acres choice tunbered. r• •
meadow, and 60 acres 'under the plow. Good dn.'-
ling-house and outbuildings, large cattle barn
and good horse barn. The finest living sprit.. 0. running:through a commodion
house. Is capable of keeping I's cows, and t. o n ly
1 , ' miles-from Abbott's Cheese Factory. Terms
half cash, balance in easy payments at G per out. in
terest. References—H. N. Germild. R. S. Mellenr),
Greenwood. McHenry Co.. 111.. or F. R. Ayer. Shtthe.
• 3.10*.N. 180
-1. One Iniiise and lot ' , anat . ; on Mechanic Mtm.4
adjoining the Barclay railroad depot. i Ale° one I
of land containing two and one-half acre* by the
of the Sullivan and Erie railroad. adjoining the depot.
and only one tier of lots between the land and ]Linn
ntroet. If not sold by November let it vtll be for
rent. For terapos en q uire of Jame. Elliott: Towanda.
or Wm. Lewin, on the premiees.
Monroe. July 15. 11419.-4 w..
- The subscriber offers for lade his farm in Can
ton, containing about eighty-six acres, some seven: ,
improved. The improvements are one dwelliu,
house. one barn, one milk-house, one saw-null
good running order, with 12-horse rtriable env,.
capable Of tanning mill : it can alio be run by
a portion of the year. Connected with the, same. sU
the necessary machinery for mannfacturing wtte'm
hubs, in good order. There is sue a thrifty
apple orchard ort,the premises, and other fruit trc.--
around the house. The farm is located about ta •
miles from Canton Tillage. and within one, hundmt
rods of the Williamsport k Elmira R.R. For term ,
call on C. Stockwell, at Canton, bribe sot:owl - 11)er 01.
the premises. ANDREW TERSE.
31ay 9. 1889.
nog lot on Third Street, near the Catholic Chnreb.
MO' fret front, bounded in the rear by an alley. will
be colt at a bargain by immediate application to 31Er.-
cun & MonnOw,
Towanda, July 15, 1569.
°client farming land—conmiderable ii!ufber—in
'Tuscarora township, 13' inilefi from Csoptenni
Price $lB per acre, For Pirtirrihirs, suldress
. 15, 8369. Trinkhannock, Wyoming
this day entered into a limited partnership..
agreeably tqpe provitdens of the act of Assembly.ob
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the
day of March, 1836. entitled "an Act relative to Lan=
Ited Partnerships." and do hereby certify that th.'
name of the firm under which said partner hip Is to
be conducted Is COOPER BROTHERS :- that the gra
clad nature of the tattiness to he transacted Is the
manufacture °fele and other malt liquors. and vend
ing the same, and the same will be transacted in the
Borough of Towanda, Bradford county. Pa. ; that
the names of the genetat performs of said f rut so
Richard P. Cooper and Willittin S. Cooper. both of
the borough of Towanda, afofesald. and the.srvol
partner is D. Archie Pell, of the City of Nor Sort.
State of New York : that—tle...cePital contributed 11 .
lire said D: Archie Pell. special partner, to tn,
deed dollars In -cash for. ono.-tenth Interest in sast
business ; that the period at which the said partner
ship is to commence is the -first -day of .i p ou•
thousand eighthandreell and 'duty-nine, and that It
will terntinat3 on the first day of April, one thousand
nine hundred anal utueteen. • -
10:45 :?.N
~.4 - 11:50
6:50 r.x.
Towanda, A
11 Parsons' Laws of Iltiatnees. with hill ifirectio. ,-
sad forms for all Transactions In every State..h,
Tur.ormixs L.L.D., Professor of Law a
Harvanitiniversity. A NEW 0005 roti fIaIITVOM
Explaining every kind of Contract and Legal.Obli:s .
tion, and showing how to draw and eiScute them.
Tie highest and beat authority in the land_ Send f
onr liberal forms. Also for our Patent
Bible Pry•--
pectos. Br_s? Furs. PARMELEE k CO., Flails.
roasted, ready ground, or ground to Order, put
up I. or 5-pound boxes.
Wir. DE k Sltt.
A begs do* of
ttol.o and SHAWLS,
_ -
, .
Beal Estate for Sale. .
&nerd Paenerti
D. ARCHIE- raj,.
Spectal Partner
, ri11.1869.-cw
SHOE , ,,
It. H. AYE&