News frcan =lt is said that Mrs. Sonthworth rats optmst. —Panthers are plenty in •Perry conutt, fli n)bt. ' ' The strike among the Newark mucus continues. —Emigrants an) settling.largaly in . , • _The gambling houses of Chicago aro to be broken up. • . - . . , —Some onepiesented Alexinder Dam's with a burial lok , —The bears in Minnesota are liv ing on berries. —ln Buffalo that horses are train ing far the national meat. • , —Thq navigation of Bea r" Riv er, Utah is "aid to be a !access. —Louisiana has a blooming "nen= thry plant' less Than twenty years —A car load of Bartlett pears is on the road from San Francisco to Boston. —A Minister in Provincetown, Massachusetts, kocpa s tot yacht and wants Eat nag. —A nurse ii Harrisburg killed a OM by (lair inieldag it behind the ears with s —I Aar ear lee& of Chicago but ter hare. reached San Francisco; '• —A man in Brooklyn has been as-. rested for starling lahii:dre to death. —They are having spiritual revi vals in Brooklyn. —A New York milliner has fallen heir to a large fortune. —ln. New Mexico there is but one Proicatant phee of worship. • Minnesota farmers •are im inZed upon by swindling fruit tree deism. —Coney Island serves up her chop pta potatoes and warm water for clam ebirwder. .-44• 8 • 1 Newton, Mdse.., 'lady .aged vents, his gone on A visit •to .11Ciropoyith life' iamilr. . - -... —A strait= of genuine porcelain clay ties been recently disemerea near Atbena Teitn. —The New Albany, Lid., thieves havo iakou to telling .bets -hives, garden ye,getablea. —Fort ConStitution,st POTNMOTAII, N. H., L in a Ivry dilap►dated'condit(Ob - —The: post-office at Feirmdbia, o Florida, has been mamadea postal money order ffice. - —A soldiers' monument haa.been aty/Imonth, liars- with appropri ate evremonie, • —The : uses of the city Govern :4l...w of Iks _ -3 for the iwitath Al July 211... - mr.ted to t4.*5 24. —The' railroads in Minnesota are -ervrk in the tasr,,,,; BeMA. • —The Yale students who drew the n.o=-: 1.1.:at thocsand diZtr by Li oat. —The- pastime• o the young men e'artnThe tinvF.n. c , nsist.s in rat :z.l,;; th.- hat... the sexton, 13Aleigh C'., pave; man .t. - - , a4.t5.3111e Stock f,:r cash, - and when he im d die ragr ftharali a dead Infant, • —it is calculated that the average eadaraixe of bank notes is three years. They 7....wr enact:ea with us that loug. —Zan dredging machines in ope =nun in its: Benet:wee me: aro removing on an arc rage abort four hundred cubic yards of the ric4 bed dray. —A Bridgeport paper .deserpes walling cane composed of 4C3 pieces of leather, and nude tram a pair of old boots worn by lay.ident Lincoln. —Araoug the receipts at the Cin cinnati exhibition for textile fabrics, last week, one box of casisimerce, kerticyß and jeans fr , .in Brigham Young's inills. —A' Lark Ringing match recently t., .k Islam at Ifafitat, England . The first bird, 1 years rid, sang ten mutates, and the second, 13 'years old, sang nine and a half. New —A Catholic clergyman in New York has been arrested for obtaining mone'y m: , 1 , 1- false pretences. There are sixty • corn_ ?Uinta against him from poor persons. —Three millions of brick have been male at Des Moines this season. It is saki that 6,000,000 bricks are contended for by buil .lcrs jn the city and county adjs.:ent. —Peoria capitalists are endeavor ing to induce a company ofglass manufacturers to establish works in that city. —The Sienese twins say that they n, designed to be cut asupder, but that the story to that effect vas BartrimiNiinvention. • T—Bnllet proof knapsacks are to Ln mitiilied to the French arms. As they are thrown awns in battle the intention is anim rot flint Ohe. —A pump dealer in 3fiunescrta bull. on credit, agrc t itig to. take pay this fall if wtp•at stAIR at two aolbrs a bushel, (otherwise to watt another year. ---There is a wild man in Johnson ~.",into: bull:lna, who Wag lately seen making tracks through the woods, carrying a rifle twenty-too feet long. —A walnut tree, eight feet across, ,petriatvl into soapstone, was lately discovered one 'hundred and seventy-five foet deep in an Illinois coal mine. --The city of Winterthur, Switzer has no debts, and possesses property to the amount of 8,000,000 trances. It contains eight thotuouul inhabitants. —Danhnry, Conn., now burns twenty thonaand tons of coal a year. It is said that in ltild the whole town burned only twenty tom in the same period.' —The floods in Texas having sub sided and the people ha iug become more calm, it ix from! that a fair erep will be gathered emu from the submerged tract. —A mammoth blast was made re cently at the Plymouth marble quarries, loosen ing some six thousand square feet of atone, which now lies ready for the chisel. —A steam shovel capable of doing the' murk of one hundred men has been put in nee on one of the Illinois raikoads, for the pnr. WM' of loading ears with gravel. A large infirmary is to be erected by the Sisters of Providence in Indianapolis. They have paid $26.540 for the land and the bulling will cost $50,000, An American who broke his ankle 1w a rail road accident in Hesse Darmstadt, dermany in June last, was paid MOO, gold, damages by , the railroad company. --At a fashionable clam-bake held iu Newport; Saturday, the invitations were sent oat written, in these words on the inside of dam shells! ''Come and help bake some of these." ---The bigest man in Indiana is David Ihiskirk, who lives in 'Monroe county, a mile and a quarter from Gosport. ' He is °bout seven toot high, and weighs three hundred pounds. —E. T. Page .of Lunenburg, Mass., is said to be a grandson of General 'Washing ton's barber at Talley Forge, and claims to hare a razor with which the Father of his Country was tbared. —There is a man-at Mount Desert who is industriously at *pork digging for tho treasure of Captain Kidd, and lus operations are not the smallest entertainment to visitors at that at tracttro watering place. —The Levant Herald says that the Turki.h government is reported to hare order ed farm an American inventor thirty which will throw out grapoahot M a rnnge of from 1500 to 2000 yards.. -In the police court, at Boston, ❑mu was held for drunkoneas. who mild th a t he was a resident of 1 netghboring town, that. be had been a member Of both branches of the I.4l,, , iedature, 'and Wall worth $lOO,OOll. —An oyeterraan .of Bridgeport, Cwww-, while Tnesday, struck quie a bed of ily4nraming his vocation on cutlery, and fished up 101 imirm and 23 pairs of acissant Row the strange deposit originated is not known.. • —A German railroad convention wet at Vienna on the 18th of/nly. The dim , tors of - Seventy-Offen taitroada - were 'Present, representing fifteen thousand miles of way, 'and capital to the amount of one thousand mil lion dolhtra, gold. —The coinmon• coiuleil of ?lin cheater, Mass., recently gate eerie's, parties permiseion to lake' water from a city reservoir to nee in their brewery when at the same Moot ing the board voted to kistrnot the city marshal to cures the lignterlaw: • —A Wisconsinphyiician pc:rimmed a ch il d, at the request of its parent., bonnie it was siddr. --An international of richer for far the proteethm of itseinsi been held at Zurich, Vradford quiet EDITORS E. 0. GOODRICH. Towanda, Thursday, Aug. 19 Republican State .11114 FOR GOVERNOR: JOHN W. NEAR" ' Or ClnallM/AND 0011717. --- rynmmurin:Mirreplifif 11 ,, ENIty -, .:W.! ,- c. WIZ fiVA-41- SI or ALLICONZXT 000XTT (NM 111ZPIXISLICAllf 001iirIENTION. t t. A Conrentkin of the Duke lingthiatiirofilo — be composed .of two dekgstes tons each election distoldfssinidoeinity We, it 4 16 o =6 acinitt, in, TeTspdA .4 61 3102IDAY atte2Moon. AIDWEIT ao,lBp,el CO' - . 06 99 . 4 to place nomtgiskien ndidtta to be limited 24 the enacting election. • ' A • :11 , 1 •T. i The following imams tune &en mutes cI Whom fir their sentecitti hellhole and they are directed to call meetings tor ilmelectimuot Delegates to the Oonmnikon.rmt 'usual places of holding /MP? of 2 and 6 P. in., on gammoii; the geth'iliy of Ammo. By order of the , Delo* ikplaNksti *WA/ Com , • , *titre. , T. DAVIES, Towanda, July 14.1881. . . Varna= Corneal= . & 0.0.11t01ey,121 B.Mettle& Wane* Ouritn. eirinerda.-.Btineon Abermatt John DarnOtrai, fitinerei /am tap.—E. Ir. Thaaaaa. Pink a AiVIVIn&D. .t Asphen..—Riau loge Zasts.. Barelay.-2210e. .1111uir TAAer. Leal G. govea. DisrNakgten.—Jeregdah C.F.:VOW; Roe. -phnifeempbell, . • - ' ' ' ; A Derliagtai Inst.—Thomas *two& feu* Jie parilairtea bent—Dr. EJifETeraittiliaare lang, Joint V. 'Rico . - Cosies -Manch Heard. Orrtiltilatgontil.lAir etearoieeerelo W. 'Griffin, WEI. Pincnaa, Oalsadrasiohn H. Oldt/ns. A. x. come% Dewitt Ilmeiklis..Bbiart Melee. Writ Lyon. Faleckad. Cranteille.z-Andrew Boman, Oacaa Sidon. Orlando . • , _tillee.ffetal&JOltati• tgr-Ma l lOe. D.J.: Griswold: Litekteld:--11. Leitaprilte bero.-o.Wali, 8. Getteniadiaii Carl. Nome tag—Chasitollon. 7.ltarei. HhnmNarik Mama. , 80ekwell. FL a ier. . Orr/dr.—LC. Tr !Wage. 0. lit atubbeek.l.o.attieia Oecrlort.-4no.lBatbewa. Don't Tharerty.R. Pae.—C.W.lteriolda,O.N.DeWolf. Joshua Ipueirea. Rielljosrp.—X4 J.C. Bobm% E. & liteirese:aeled Hammond. Rose rirp.—L.W.Towiter.Jcohnillorkro.attiaarda. Rears loro.—John fearenore. H. Yost; DAreeight. :3711. Dear& Cbria. Form& .L.Pbeipit Jr. -1111aer, Bob! ABM Wm. Am& Caerle.—J.lLYanng./XY.ll9lestklL Sfigroa4 bara.--4APAteerae, P.PAnaaa.W.L.Scouteri. Ihesigoifia..-0.1). Klemm . J.Allt Ckeset. LordMAL &oda" Stollll.-4011/11 . Gordo% 114Xibtkak WA led Jeantogia raillP+llatAr. Berton. Jahn t.tiodee,'lrm. Tiny. TOCAPAI **pp.—J.l4 Swartalsol. JALl4llo4.ll.fltkuaar. Teureads NerrA.4-Ezis Batty. 8. B. Hardily!. Daniel Malady. raraink• Eara—B.3lLPeck, J.Noridetti.E.3l.Paremia. Ifrasr Ata...LX Iteasla.' FL PIM. Edward Deitintiore frog tors,-.>