II ' -4( , .4.0 - .AV; . •"..1 : 41:4 .) • 1 • a, . , The Tteserrativelthirer of Tau For moray • yen* in llnglend, hare been employed -as a means of PresaTingliuit Whieli is to be trans- pitted. to, any -distance, Their" . .tuie tenda.te prevent* 10. 'decay.: Tel n iT Aro i . dso Yin : lonAing Ash to Iron& the =ad Lontiqui also to line the 'lnimPets WhicTr4ontain . fresh vegetableiferthe eily. markets. . In. this eounto' there la, compare.; tirely npeaking; : ',lmt nen inade of them. 'Our,-fieldn. and .hdLaides` are core*tiv.ith their:bright:l4r= plumes ; and in the economy of nature, there' away must. be found some gap for, them to fill.. We believe that there is no plant growing ,on the' earth whichliasnot,ita utility, There our be brat: littlelloubtlynt what ferns contain some Pietdiar pre setrative power. Both the bract= end the nude fern abotuid in alkaline matter which was forme* used by soap and '; glass manufacturers in England.; and -their stringent pro perties arovell known to the Alresseri of leather. , - • , The aroma 'of this genus of plants is repugnant to most insects, and ini mical.tp the growth of that species of fnugi . knoin = •mould.; hence,, the leaves could' not 'but be of use in packing those fruits liable to its at: tack. r. They might be made' available by Our peach growers 'in sending . their fruit to market. If the bariketi were lined with the' leaves,and they`were betireen the 'fruit; we think it would arrive at s its :destination in good - Order, and . th.ere - would .be no complaints about its decay. The pecidiar odor thrown off by ferns id fa rrtainr tonli wholitive Bath= erect and-presaed:their ironds.,-.. It is slightly aromatic, stdvert agreeable. Is it due to an essential oil contained therein ? All of us who 'dabble in paste know well that a few drape of essential oil of any kind will prevent, to a gre.at l extent, the growth of fungi upon its .surface. Would not fern leaves boiled. M it prove equally pre servative ? • The root of the male fern (Lastrea fil i.r nuts), when administered in the form of a powder, is a prompt anthel inintic, and, it is said, will destroy even the - tape. worm. In some parts of Germany and' Denmark; beech leaves are used'to stuff mattresses, because fleas and bugs cannot exist among them. Would not the dried leaves of the bracken and fern which aliound in all our farming districts be found a great iinprovement upon the rye. - ' They would certainly be preferable to the split corn-husks and the "Ex- Celsior" stuffing so extensively em ployed by the upholsterers. If they would prove deadly tolugat and moths, they - would certainly create a new era in bedding and fur niture. The young fronds of the male fern, when cooked• and served on toast, like asparagus, are said to greatly re semble that vegetable. Dried ferns would also be a valuable protection against cold, and would preserve delicate shrubs and roses, as well as the hemlock-brunches; which are so extensively used for that purpose. In Somerset county, England, they are in great request for covering po tato "buries,'! in lieu of straw, and are said to resist all mould and damp ness. We hope our readers in the coming season will test their prespr vative power, and secure this valua ble remedy against the pests of mil dew, moth, and mould.—Hearth and Home. liwirs. LEMON RICE PIIDDENO.—Two quarts of milk, one Cap of rice ; set it on the stove and boil until soft, stirring all the time to keep from. scorching. Then add one coffee-cup of sugar, some butter, one lemon cut very fine, the yolks of three eggs—then bake. When done, beat the 'whites to a -froth, add a little . white sugar spread on evenly, and set in the -oven, not long eneough to brown, A dip of some kind, if you choose. LEMON Pm—Take one lemon, peel and mash the lemon with one cup of sugar ; chop a part of the peel very fine . ; one-half cup of water, one ta ble-spoon of flour, the yolks of three eggs—beat all together—then turn in a tin with a: -nice crust.. When done, beat the whites to a froth, add some sugar spread on evenly, set in the oven until done ; don't brown it. • BERIti SuoaTcasr..--Three eggs, one cup of sour cream, half teaspoon soda,. a little salt ; add flour enough to make a thick batter ,• put a layer of batter in your tin; then your berries; cover with batter and bake. To be eaten with sweetened cream. TREIM—The following re specting fruit will be found interest ing. 1. When fruit threes occupy the ground nothing else sh . ould--except very short grass. 2. Fruitfulness and growth of tree cannot be expected the same year. ; 3. There is no pltun that the et:r adio will not take, though any kind may sometimes escape for ono year in one place. 4. Peach borers will not do much damage when stiff clay is heaped up around the tree a foot high. ' 5. Pear blight still puzzlee the greatest men. ' The best remedy. known is to plant two for every one that dies. - 6. If you dont know how to prune, don't hire a man from the other aide of the sea who ImOwslssi than yon. 7. Don't eta off . a big lower limb unless ' you are a renter, and don't care what becomes of the tree when your_tinke 18 out. , ' • . 8. A tree with limbs gom#hg out near the ground is Worth two trees trimmed ttp five ;feet, iin4 worth four trees trimmed rip ten feet, - and so on till {kg are'not worth anything. 9. dim down, not up, . 10. 'Shorten in, - not lengthen °P.+ 11. If Yon had your arm cat off, yon woula - .lml 'it to your - heart--a tree will not fM,. butrot.to the heut. 12. 'Ulm anybody tells you of a .gardner that - understands all .about horticulture and ' aulhne, and that he can. be hired, don't believe a word: of it, for there are no such to be Mr' ed. Sneh a . mart - pait ratite more Man you. can afford to give him, and if he hat sense enough to understand the busi liess, he gill aleir, have 'enough. to know This. ' AN ow stahlAsiadef ' Baltiniote has come the oortchision, sir twenty-five fiit.te" plank fioor,lsid,levet with a sivere tirio-lAwii - sad a' halt grating, so- lased lotto rpeoive the wine, is thelmisearrangelest-ke a horse. Clay, stones, concrete, .ete::; he rejects. - The width of a horse stall should be four feet-idne inches.. GM o it 0 PI( Ea l * 81 ) , TEAS .GIVEN INtrALY OEM GREATAMEIiratiIfgeS.STOR - E , , So. 1 Gann= & Piiscoes Dux": !EWO 8211134 T. TOWAIID4 * 1 &t ee dgn of Um; AMERICAN FIgAOI Bp; wiaL.E AND BLIJESI'ORE ! Elooptsi ot.Tosit Wl= AWAY TIIISIMT, to nthdtr the people that Wm Is the pito° to save mow. coxeass-or NEW TORE. Pre& GroundOofiliereceived dtreinDefilrark4 eirgoraad to orbs. - Also idiots Co 0" green and roasted. ate" *bilk and ground apieea, Dried Troll* &a, at oirailtr low prices. - The tatiectiber beg, tram hrreturn Ms thanks for *evert Windtwitronage minded to ldm while to the Groan Imams , illattle plece, and solicits a trial tn newmderprlee. The will be conducted strictly on fee CASH - SYSTEM ! - Bo you salsa hunato pap extra ;aim to make up !kir the loom lit . : a waft badness. If yottesn'tiqUes the looney to pay for a pound, but An ounce and pay for It. Be Independent—then you will be worthy to walk under tho Amerman Tea Store ! Ana bur Tiur Goods cheep- /fir Remember . the Bed. White Sod Blue /tore, newßlock.lkidgefttreet. :law. ISM w. JIRAIMAT.T. GO TO a N. BRONSON'S FOR HUBBARD MOWING MACHINES, )10ne bettor. and pats tor the male, an impeding announcement: SASH, - DOORS AND BLINDS! lie better am ity an be found , and at Floes attain abbe. STOVES,. , IRON - AND -)HARDWARE, As ibw us the tide of the market, ke., kc., at nM ' 3IOPOLTTAN HABDIVLRE STORE, June 24, ISIO-471 DIARIES FOR 1869 PAPER At, ENVELOPES NEW-YORK PAPERS SCHOOL BOOKS PENS, INK, MUSIC, STATIONRIf AND Picrupz BLANK BOOKS YANKEE NOTIONS Towanda, Nov. 19,1868. GO TO THE ..A_ "3" FOB A C3-003:3 • AT ALL BOVIU3. OYSTERS ALWAYS ON HAND, IN THEIR SEASON. BREAD, 0 )-3 FRUIT, PIES, . ,pt CANDY, CAKES, o NUTS, wow & BUFFINGTON. Temente, Dec. 15, 1888. FARMERS OF BRADFORD CO THE CATUGA CHIEF D 3 THE BEST MOWER, THE EMT REAM, AND THE EMT COMMEED It Lithe LIGHTEST DRAFT MACHINE sold. It to two wheeled. with a &enb pole, and so wise= os sames' mem It has • grating Angerbar, and fellows cloudy inegtialitiaa the mound, we the graduating the bar ghee perfect of control et the guard fingers. so as to wort perfectly in lodged and tangled grass. and -darer. In lodged clover it beige aepthing out—no Naos la too bad fora. A aitepleledger plate, map Jaen out, enables the owner, as any time to make the cutting apparetai to cut as pair ea when It Is en iron machine, and will kat .peare longer than a wooden framed machine can. 0441:16 6ao). ILyon Irani a PEIIPSCT ramie and num ins the CHIRP before purchasing. and rni will take no other. Do ti want a HELP 11•1132. the CH', with wheelee • New Coact:Made Rake, le ahead of soy other. , . Rawls or Tam or D.Are. num ar TSL Thom Has. Farms* • Oun. As mos Sara Amstutz Tiuz. or Lemmas. : Dodge's Otdo and Buekere,No. 2,averve per Inch, 7.84 4!=aertor, do do 7.54. Chief, do do ' ' 6.88 Xietor. do do 5.85 Buebrio. Ho. do do 5.10 Cayuga Chief, No. 2, do do 3.93 For Pamphlet. or 12.eldnes apply to MARSHALL BROTHERS, Towanda. HIRAM ELLIOTT, M NEWTON IHTlMERRY en ,Mayarrne, GEORGE H. VOL Towanda twp. VMS XACHIVIE IMILLY WAIMINTED AU* 11,111118-tr. THE NEW AND IMPROVED ELIAS -HOWE FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, Wen inrarded the REM Ptise verbs Preis Erpoeltb" Mt twee 09 other Machipes. Also, the Mold* Nate Fabi of INS have Nut. ed thla Moe Nat the Int reads= New Teel, Clhialts itamehusetts. Now onnt. lesoonitti. alfd Iltnehl‘ V ou Ocemty Fairs at Madlion. Onondaga. um& F! , it odium Tappatea. &meas. Nome. Hee , richnets.Pitaftposi, and a host of others. MOM at the uolaseme on !e a lOchines. at the Nabs Nis held la Ittlebsater _ha Nee : “Tour Cansuities beta suadned UN Vane brwtqg Ms. tense. le wit% thar attationeasalha. sad Inxdd teeceenNad as the beet Fanny Matedne ter NJ Nut Elm ta ot 211—Bee WNW d oe. and tor the fidlowthe remo oaustruetiou. . attend= au arm ant boar threads. or autairment me...eve="o Im o wok sll natartsla-Vtle—The the Maehtne for NUN& bubo& besedvir. =totalhotand owes& Ur ease Nth mid% ak applied. alb—The mat 6t the Ma. chtni. It be/Novae et battened sted. said adjusted Nits below teeaselased a midst"' • • • - Navy/IA SNONN. Beelder, Tadest. Queer:Cord. Ilbeler s Teller sad laosoral Nick _ wit swag and Nary Ilnd at Nasal. tram the* finest to the comsat, Nth a annh walks needle Nis other Neebtaea. stirs awl sundae an be. tore you pareham. Aka trots Nino MO. and ininiase wed. The rest test of acr Manatee. INettertterNsai Team Hoot Mote Mame awl OWN. M tor ew* la km wall lama to Nostra cone INN ,__Witt IN to NG sad ass the. - • =WARD, k Ti6lf>iQi Gemmed Attend: • ' ' _ Lica abut. Mafia. MT: For iate. by OUDDOK.III3IIBI4. k CO.. Game *MN Toanda. Pa. MiAlfium 4117 TICS And the ~.: .; # :e Into tho Orwell, Pa MA . ~~ ' q sa.- fiii'Lzie. go. = itoozkil • • OCL 113 3ca3 eriar.;: The undersigned; enroll raged by the success which has thus far attend ed their new enterprise, desire tulle aoknowledgment for the veiy liberal t ' pidronage.they have received, by giv ing their customers the advantage' of their years' experience; together with the benefit of their greatly increased facilities for doing business They kee . p constantly - on hand a very large and complete assortment of everything in their line, and are daily receiving such additions to Their stoek as the wants of 'their trade, re- quires. They have now in store, Sugar, Sy rup, Molasses, Coffee, Rico, Tobacco, Fish, Salt s Cheese, Fruits, Crackers, Candy, Matches; Brooms, Wrapping, Paper amiTivine, Flour Sacks, Seeds, and a giecit, variety of other goods, which have been recently bought at the lowest point in the market, and are offered nt w k olesal4 at rates to correspond. They desire ito Icall especial Litton tion to_their largo stock of Fine Teas, which they are selling at New , ;York Jobbing prices---guaranteeing the quality in all cases. Have also on,hand a •good, assort , meat of Flour, Fork, and Kerosene Oil. They still continue to have the ben efit of a resident Partner in New York, who, is constantly in the mar- ket, and prepared to turn: to our ad vantage my favorable changes in the price of _goods FOX. STEVENS, MERCUB & CO. May 124868. - pATTERSON & KINNEY, (Successors to Macaw J. Josiz) Dealers In GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Faurra, iza, NO. 2, PATTON'S ItiOCIC, , TOWANDA, PENN'A Having purchased the entire stock of GROCERIF.S & PROVISIONS. of T. J. JONES, anti haiing added largely thereto by recent purchuea, they take pleasure in announcing to the public that they are prepared to sell anything aniteverything in the h, GROCERY AND SIIIIPVISION LINE. Such u SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, 7, SYRUPS; FISH, _ FLOUR, FEED, CORN MEAL, KEROSENE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, STONE WARE, &c., &c As cheap as the cheap*, We guarantee perfect sat isfaction to all who may farm na with • call. CASH PAM lon COUNTRY PROIiIICE. J. B. PVITEMON. Much 10, 1863-4 L PEOPLE'S GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. . SOUTH DOLNI:11 BRIDGE AND ItAIN rrezent. new and complete dock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Which will ho sold at the lowest .posatblo prima CODFISH, MACKEREL, EERRn4G, =PORK, IA Willi WA HAM, FRUIT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MODERN STONE WARE, yANKEF. NOTIONS, ,nMN I TM Bring on your produce. whkh.wo pay cash for. DAIRYMEN, A conduit wp tasks SKR. all And Maros. BatterMMus. - ko. Plow can mod look Unwell ow dock, and we *ill do car best to *we yoo. W. A. ROCKWELL. 'Komodo, April SS. ROW. . • LOOK! NEW . JEWELRY, AT WANNESS AT WARNERS ELGIN WATCHES, AT WALTHAM WATCHES, AT WAHNEW& FINE GOLD JEW.tLIIT, AT WAENEWEA ALL _KINDS OF CLOCHE, AT - 4=ms: - Bpectieloi,andlota irosoux to man. Ctilitill'Oeto tau, you - it:11 am twat' pit j to . . • • cieks' :eclair_ militant aind waerantaL Patton's Mock. - B L . WAWA& T 014114 Dec. 1.1868. : T HE mitotatuoNED, HA IN • , • 11: E 'PATCH, • 1 14.1 46-1 4.41:14.4 . 41 1 1 WS' 10441044.1 to oft tel2lo:44llllll4lksabri Comb , and dotal. kb Lige in*adaeMdMoit et GBOOBB vowans. PA. • • Which I bamtperchase t d fir dab. sad $4 =maw disk I an sell at as knrfigiFesY do be purchaio amirtms. _I Dow oar to the public a spleadkt itcoll TEL%-.COMMS,; till(tAiik- • = STARCH, t3ALERATUS. SPICES. AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO I keep eonetantly ; on lona, PORK, Una LARD. mak an !dude Of FIBk. Foold.call the attention of the ' public to our dal Be Bed ; STOCK OF TOBACCO, In Tuft. or pica. /ogre Ookkrro ColebrotodLoori; dry, Now York Chemical arid Brown &Op. ,1”co call And cumin inai stock of Large assortment of YANKEE NOTIONS. TOILET SOAPS, ke..'ke. I will pay the hlgbeet (nab price fee COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ifarmers. Ore us a all before iseillikg afeenik All persons buiebted to tho late nem tylll pleataseall and make Immediate paymeati C. - .11. PATCH. TOINIIIft, glarb. 12, feat • - 111 CORNER MAIN AND naiDor, STREETS. Deakins in all kinds of , GROCERIES, Feed WOOD, - WILLOW and STONE 7.79 e ' A_ R E Ws would all special attention to our stock of FLOUR, SUGAR, TEA & COFFEE, 'Which WO WARriANT to ere satisfaction to CASH paid for destirable Country M. 3. Loxa. G. L. Kinza. Tapioca, Vermicelli, Mica:rota. Sago, Pearl Bartel and Hominy. Oakley's, Taylor's, and-Ford's - Family Soaps. Holman's, Talmadge, and Royal Burnell Baklw , g Powder • , - 's Stan dard Extracts. Redoes - Hops. - Cox's Gelatine. "The Gent " Fruit Jar. Baker's Chocolate. Cocoa and Broma. " Titus " Cream, Lemon and Extra Soda Crsikers. " Grant's " Water, Milk, Boston, Ea and . Butter - Cmclowa. Towanda, Jane 23, 186 D Iviec&BE & • RECEIVING NEW GROCERIES DAILY! . , Splendid Assortment! . Wholesale and Froth and fine quality of Groceries aacan be bought. PRICES RANGE LOW FOR Tat; MARKETI All bola of NATIONAL FIRE WORKS Wholeiale and Retail. ' Country Merchants will do well ball. Ourpriers shall be, With the reasonable," ablifsettng. , CALL AND SEE trS t CASH PAID PM COUNTRY 'PRODUCE.- . Goods shown with pleasure. We shall pay strict, attention to all Tarts of our bade. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL iecept our thanks fn. past favors. , Towanda, June 14,199, MOLASSES, W. S. ICIWSEr TOWANDA STEAM FLOURING. MILLS. writ H. FULLER & CO., RespectMlly inform the public that they have pur chased the new and extensive Steam Routing Mine, built by Griffith., Wells & Matson, in the South part of the borough of Towanda, and hiving all the mod ern improvements, and competent Willem they are prepared to do ' • • CUSTOM GRINDING In the best posidble manner, and at unuanally &cat notice. romy_pains will be taken to give satisfaction. and we invite &public ttia - • Farmers doing business in town can bring their grain, and have it ground to take back with them .• FLOUR,. FEED AND, MEAL, For sale at the lowest cash prices. and delivered in any part of the village free cd clarge.' Towanda, Tovember 10.1868 NEW . TAILOR SHOP. • AMOS PENNISPACKEB Has opened • shop in the room beck of the Rooms at - thalami lien's Christian Association, second dory. orer Eddy. Clothing Store, where be is nowprepared to do all of In the best and most fashionable manner. An en. perience of many years, a determination to Imep up with the fashions of the times. and a desire to Omee Ids matomets, be believes u I 1 enable him to give sat. isfactioM gig-Cutting done on abort notice and tenaonabbi tam& Towanda. Oct. It 1867. TANNING AND HARNESS MAK .I.• two.; -The =dentinal bin thii dsilonnal to be known es the Arm of 3IAGEE ft * M h te the moose ot canning oat= shirrs business. Harness =elm and repairing done to r. der. sad all woekwanantod, Colt for hides. ZDGAB, I ° MM. °Raytown. Jan. 48, 1 If _ . lIMBER.—LATH malliasszauca.—A, whim article of .ikolids. Iflooebir. ea sad Tliabet claimed asyleugth, sod dimensions. Also &pi of Lath and the best flawed Mingles mantabetured the Comdr. ma be awned to parUes for WM* papas* owe abort make. upon the most reasonable berms. by baring their orders at the Towanda Cod Yard. or with Timone 'X.n.lformarrlL na15',11,04120111411 Tov=el-IR-1869-41m. DRIED FRUITS OFv,i,l.l;kEttlVS Hive on, zt].has eb:tek of BYE DO., DIICEWHE&T DO. : ..:' - ;H WOODEN 'Winn C. B. PATCH. AND Tow Arm. PA.. PROVISIONS,: FLOUR, and Meal, QUALITY' AND PRICE. Produce. LONG & HEELER. TAILORING, . A mi • MSS ANIV4B9 muttim L. -R & v___ c.. , - slt i _.= 44ATC. ' A if -a.r - r•- I ,A - '4.0.."-..... ~,..., . 4 1.. .. 1. fe . , . - H;X N A;;M, r - GENTS' lUTMJID:NG GOOD .!: 118 Broad Street, WAVER 110 GA CO., N.X. We have s Pluddotuble butter from New York el* athl take all sib risk in giving you s gdod Et. , We mike at car own establishment - We giro pas; gaga attention to Youth's', Iloys, snd ; CHILDREN'S' CLOTHING Aid always harcii giaa eascretmene. r,MTEWTqM.M I M77q. From 83 =As to 83,00 per, yota ton wool) B€-43Widk of Holsiand typs Kept within 90 ndlea. Como and look, and prase tot n3„.Will be 'et the. Ward Hone every TlinrsdaY; with samples of iGooda, andpepir to take ma. sues.'Vffii ,WB MANNER% - 68 Broad4t., Waverly, N:lt. 4 : j Feb. 20,180 THE TOWANDA REGULATOR CLOVIING S7ORE I Adtidsdng Patton's Block. - . ROSENBERG & WOLFF, WOuld respectfull3r announce to the citizens of To. find& and vicinity. that they - have opened the abate Stem under the none of The Towanda Regulator." eritb • splendid assortment of K. FMTr7M ' M ' T:M Gents' Furnishing GOode,,Hats, Cepa, kc., the., Which thziewe the said citizens cannot be excelled la or elegance. and that theprices are so law as to everybody. llosonlierg a Wolff hope that. by strict attention, and fibdealing with tho people of Towanda, they will ....Wain their patronage and sup. port. They also beg-to subjoin the following Com mandments for Their ggidance 'Tar. TEN COMMANDMENTS. 'Keep ana.Happy wBl be Tby Days L Thou abiltlinve no other place to bey clothing except Rosenberg ki Wolff's One Price Itegtilatat. Main Street. 9.' Thou shalt not choose any other merzhant ; thou shalt not listen to their speeches. for Rosenburg Weill are no Cbathamwt. dealers, but sell at one prier. and reliable, and will serve, you unto the third and fourth generation. • , Thou shalt not seek'in ' vain any more for cheap raiment, for they can be found at Rosenberg & Wolra One Price Store. ' S. Thou shalt bear in mind that we sell only on six days of the week. and don't desecrate the Sabbath by: keeping our doom opts and hanging ont • show. for. on the seventli_day.Roaenberg /a Wolff, and their clerks. desire torestfrom their labors.. 5. Thou shalt hoar the way Rosenberg k- Wolff deal, and long may be thy *days to enjoy its benefits. IL "Monahan not commit an Impropriety—of bny lng of Chatham-ate Dealers, but come directly to Rosenberg k Wolfs One Price Regulator, Main street. fi 7. Thou shalt not seek to vain for goods of For eign make, for Rosenberg k Wolff keep a large varle. 8. Thou shalt not purloin from the Regulator for Rosenberg k Wolff sell so cheap it would be a 9. Thou shalt not bear Mae witness , but =fly acknowledge that you can get better suited and for lees Money, at Rosenberg and' Wolfs. than any oth er store. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods, or his bar for-Rosenberg k Wolff can give them to you likewise therefore. take counsel. and buy on ly of Rosenberg k Wolff,. the One Price Men. , COME ONEI COME ALL! At Rosenberg & MoliTa One Price Regulator, Main Street, Towanda, Pa. sept. 1. '6B. SPRING AND. SUld e ptiEß GOODS ! GREAT REDUCTIOi4TRICES PROCLAMATION BY COHEN •it ROSENFIELD TOWANDA. PA. Wang" It seems Solna plessedthe inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity to recognize our fir way of dealing'._ AND Wi - Owe our gnome thanks to the community for extending to tur so liberal &patronage unto now ; - Ann Wmanza; We deem it our - duty to recipro c ate all the favors bestowed upon us thus far ; We do hereby publicly PROCLAIM, that our great stock of - SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, SUCH AS BROADCLOTH, BEAVEL. Doeskin - 4t- CaSsimere quits, Of all grades Mid of the labsatotyles, will be alarmed of ot • • • • REDUCED PRICiSI , Our goods are maimfactured in New Yorkl, city by one of the members of the Arm, therefore wn are ena bled to sell as cheap as the next, and wishing to re -duar ma stock, we will put our goods at such low rates as will enable anybody to buy a suit of clothe!. We are receiving the Attest stock of SPRING AND SUMMER (i44)DS ! Eva brought to Ilds inarkeh - .deb as Beaver. Chin chilla, Clo wain; Se., for Men and Boys' wear. Call at Ste thing Store of COHEN & ROSENTUILD, And convines yof the fact that they dem they als, and do not t of thelr -goUda. We o call attention to our stock of . GENTS" FURNISHING GOODS! Such u Cuslmers and Woolen Grublets," Geller adds and Drawers,Ouralls and Oursldets, Gloves, Cordlgan 3actets, Ties; Collar, Bespenders,l LATEST STYLES HATS Sr. CAPS, Which they also sell it Reduced Prices. Give us • call before buying elsewhere. . COHEN it ROSENITELD, Towanda, April I. IND. Oppostle Powell k Co. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER 1 R. irtr; E=D D• 9 Would 111114711111,11 to the citizens of Towandt4 and the public generally, that, he hasin store. and 'daft n othing new and PRESB G . OO S In hilt Lae, suitable to the waits of the people, which he will tell for pommy at former PAICE:SII Consisting al usual of good well and :agile made CLOTHING, (No Shoddy of soy kind) ixotoloting BUSINESS COATS, VESTWANTI PANTS, all Wool,. DRESS COATS, RANTS & VESTS, Linen Coats, Dnatersand Pants. Overalls and Orembirts, Linen and Pape Conan, Linea, caestmare, and lianas] Shirts, Neck Tlee, Sus- MrGimes, Canes. Leather Bags, timing We * aid Straw Hate. AU !Maeda's.Hemet*. bee that good Goods are cheaper aa Sir prim than pocegoods at any price. 0-sU angicaunine lay goods bc=ag. Neolikar to Powell k I , May sa. ase. B. W. ram. .4 44140 r 4 1 1 1 414'4 Tom !Kalamai etas arlattow * to rand/6 all classes with constant amp at their hamea,the whole of the time, ordor mare mo menta Brisinem new. light aterProtitaldli• t Pity cants toie per sewing is easily earned by !perm:nut of lather sera and the boy. and ghis earn as mach as men. Gres* inducement' are Who wilhessetelhedr whole time to the sat Hat own Pinion who sees this notke send me their addressing kaathe basineatier yea, I make the Mowing naparalieled Gear all who are net well saHttlidwifk the busitiepa. I will send it to.psy for the troulgs' of writing-mo. PIN Ueda% direct:lonic kia.,mat free. - Sample Met by mantra 10 cents. 4Adrelii P.; , e , . /mom May 19.1069. 314. l A MB latifFei I TAME 11! The undlersignedlere* announces to thlt public that be keeps contfludil'eu hand 1 4 / 1 / 2 1310 to BROWNTOWN, PL.& toll suppl, Of freak burned NEW. TORE Ltglkarldeß he will on as cheap as it can be bought at any point along the Canal, flay I, Inen—tf. DAVID 13 WN. ; -4 , 67 ,1 31 f 2 :- IFF•L''' ,----.Esteetablikw-1 1 ' _. ~- . i - • , : .- ioarletregkivee-1 .7 4 t:' ;..,•`, ''o- XV trOP-blfgeeri: 4 ,,, I V-.• ' = - , ,,- ";' ,-4, '. - - - - = ;‘:-‘--:. beb - - , ,,,- * : - - ' , •• - t 4, -..r-,. -f P 4 r l ', 1 , eptir4l4 41011elieitedeettaellgit: UM. 111 . 11 2!) tl / 1 16 :1 1 .,*;t 1 0--.-,. , 4•• ‘34' zA 4O '',' i 4 ..;,•-••• --•.. • - r s - - ' ' ••-•••• •- :-•,--- • , .t.g.,- - -.04,-Az .tr •,, .2:- ' ::;:::::::,-..-;. TiiiNw,,ll _wool& Nerepilly. ,, Alilice bt the Mame( wersamt sod iseamyiree be Amt. ready to age thew ;WO& imam .7 , 4.7 ...4.. , :- -- ,.. i .. --..!•:1,,,, " I . 6. -',-FINF 4 , -BTA . 0 O 4 .. • 4's *.i. r'' , . 4 " ,.. .` ' '' V . ' ', '' : ' JULIAN, Ell 0711,7•,: •• -I' , -•• .. ' -/ -, : - •, ' • -'il r Abep lf) - T 1.i)01r - ti *" ' • • . ' i --- goo& will be, initiated tor what they nee" eppmeented lo bO.. Come andemmine, sedomminee minima -Don% ibt the pima Temple of laalthes. lioN: . 14 0010 Pilaf /.4,114P31r. GOODS! an apiffli, I , _ - . DEEM 'From DIMS, Ami:Boarilms Sur* atTErAND Tun&Mug tio Oda. en:, and that thloll 04 wary knroartil In sold with wr _molt pro. dna Maud SO eatabilsh a paman. aide tn this plaoa and in order to Ws U•saontldinsos a welr ars, will deal on a - bna at KON SEY AN IN IUTYI. SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, And it prices that will Induce everik,one, to blared them. 'We shall at aU times have a good assortment FALL AND, if4N,Tililgoops! Ecil racing al} be bites& i;t3 , 3,0e of I = LADIES' DRESS GOODS! DELHI SE% ALP C 4 A, PRIM GLOVES, 4 - omollA3s, uo4eur, RATS, cars, DIXOTS, 811003. • VE4TINGS, iANCIt 1 61:WU ' S,' UMBRELLAS, Fa cilJ Groceries, Hardtpaie,, I citozE;mt mown% LADTPS. TRAVELLING BAGS, WOOD AND TIN-WARE, Dr Egg,' Furniture, itc.,•&e., I The elxice4tres but • slight Woo of R I GOODS WE HAVE IN STORE, And vve may sai,.to onr nanietotui - friends and the publio genersily,Nall and Nee as, test the merits. of ,oar pretatudona, and if convinced, ~0 ',/ .../.. 1 " MTV AND:MARE YOURSELVES - zucti l- By e4ing money in your purchases. We intend to • G.lrrE GREATER BARGAINS yllAllt EVER, BEFORE =MID. OF Mg know we can please you,. 'so plco ne a call. All kluds of 114RMAR'S PRODUCE Taken to exchange for goods. WICIOLkM. k }MOST. Successors to L. Moody. XD. MOM O. D. InCICLIAX. Itame,l%., Nirv. 19 1868. NORTH; BRANCH FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP, Shoaled on Pine, east of Maki Street, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA., Is now prepared to furnish CIRCULAR SAW MILLS AND SHINGLE MACHINES, Df the beat qualitr, with the latest improrentents. All kinds of Machinery for Ficsainf and Eras MULL Steam Engines Made and Repaized, Steam Whistles, • • Steam Gunge", Gunge Cocks, Oil Cani, &c., Furnished at short notice. BOLT CUTTING. • Done from % to 1% inches In diameter. • FORGING -or ill!' heavy wrought work for ridges, andall other pur poses, done to order. Also, a largo assortment of COOKING if HEATING STOVES, Cosi and Wood Burners,Funriture for Coiddng Sterns. Stove Plw. Tin Ware. Boat Pumps. Plows, Oaths. tors and Savers, kept constantly on bead. Drawings and Specifications Ckinds cti auic unary for mli i, and other gnu fliteb7 WARREN HILL, Foreman, who baa had Lave large expernmee In tbla branch of the business. Towanda. Oct. 29, 1866-17 THE iiIitOSL,FONVENIENT Cf 00 D isZCM.A.I.I le al the EATING HOUSE, Two &ars south oftbo'Nattoual Bank. • i• • G. B. ALVOED hiving purchaaod tho 'swam lra- Imown eatabllatuneaaa• wow Maroll to wait Mewl all who may favor him with • Ho also keeps a !WI mpply of FAMILY- - 9ROCERIES, Whirl he Is prepared to sell cheap. Tenranda. 3117 20. 1889. F TJENTrETRWWARE-ROOMS: JAMES HAMMON annOnnees to the public that be stlll continues to nowtafaelnre and keep on hand a large assortment of CABINET FURNITURE,' . Bureau, Tables, liedsteadr, viands. Clia ke.; of every deicallition. - widch are made of the beat mate. rhea, and in the moat workmanlike manner. • • I invite the inspection of the public to my work, which shall not be anrpamodin durability at any shop in the country; and iny prices will be found to be as low aa the times - TM admit. • . " Beady-made Coffins constantly on bander wade to order. A goodHearie wine furnished whendestred. BOOK BINDERY ,--- THE PUB- Is reipeettally informal that Lb. bookain. der, has beeo retnowal to theAripoi MAW& MEd story, where will be done • • , • ••• --BOOK-BINDI 4 oC : • In all its sackais branches. a terms as reasonable aa "the timei" will allow. The Bhnlary mill be under Abestiarge el • •E. Q _ WitarrAzEn. • ' Ariiewed Bind . sad an work will be dimve • *Act. and maw -width cannotbe=2 , Xmlic,Xsitisinek NalriPi=pooko. in mat Of s vari•W igrie. Paid to the Wim and Binding of - BLANK BOOKS To iv desired pattern, *Mk in quality *ad vilitcbe w an rated. • * eneikirill be readyfar deliver7whe4 The pihrolefteet, thepub ll e and fed silhhelkarieemadeel.; ° •c I! i t Towns% Angnit 2. •• • • , . nNE AssOitran ortozi Xi- air likirs. at . Mactat k AVMS., SALT PUT Irk JCL. large at anal quactittes at X4 lO . Mal' &AWNED li i ittriTS OP': kinds it I C. B. PATCWIL - - • to. • .eitzr - -' '''''. ' - -, i31-;*•• - r ---- V . v . ' - - e.4cdt.,..fdi;_ , - . 1.0 , ,r+ . •-ti--...tilf ..ii 4:-.f:3-, , p , ,,.., .., . . -- : - .9 - •:-.' - .".". - ! - .er - -' 7 -.td•s- , ,,,:,'I''• , '. .I.'„, .s. - .41-44C3 •.1 , .:-..,0 21,, ...4"44. - -.7K,L'._... -,1,J 1 -,... .7.: . t- - i t.'!." - . t.-,. : . :' r0.11,24nirt4 - kt...NAIIIe4P - dr.v..,U . ' 1 ,- ek**•••f' .... . - , i A. :411. a .i.,! ~-,?itfalf;c.., . .i. I t It' ,4bitiriV: NY . f4,4147t. • `.A / A ~ 171,1::- . 1: 7.1 . V . 'i.t rlif . a 111.1. -4:241 11 6.: , 3i11. ti, 1-. i :1,1 . 11-, , ri . ;1.4,111',1i.” • - 4 . 5.1 1-;•:!..., .44f r .1,:- . 1414, ;, I' 4 '• 11 ' • ." -- : .: ' . 301 ::.r74":4::, ,r 4-.;,' 7 • , „,,t... , _ .......'o 1... .. ... : : . . - ....,..k I, 0 • - 14 -' 6 ';', .cI. • Ti. a 1.. 11. • •O• '' .•...: • -... Ji ;:- g .. , 1;•'-' elf .14 . ...r.:0611i. ~....; 55 . .i." . /;:ii.i. ; 81307 LI o', 'MARSHATIrd titt9ll#B ilittenthillgt4b6 pea* , toillbei: •.• t - • gamitgamv: . rn sr'. '3'l. • . - .11/121111110.EllatinOi, ,•":f •-• ••- -=!!. WhittowGli*Sddidadixb o Y`. Puttniraroadmatami ?Mat , = 1 - • •=,• • and, Yang* ill = • . .ar.su kindly toinsoid-fik eusboo the ANA sda k . ailliatail9eldumed?C, • • or im ligi t o•tiort•i46 l . l r.7= . - • ..1• . ; pationi tasidt the taic. - Lamp' reigred and clytaged from to ?hid*: Pattiostariticattonmahl 40:1he=413.fiethittaig cr all klcub at • • . •WA BEI ••-• ' - t We hari o *W.** PLASS.-7/ILIT -41:1183- With fropi6ria idelf-aeslll44arkeittA , - 4: •-•:, ~/ . 441 Y 4F/C4.CLAPPYIucusi, : -..- . 1 vudicaldrone °film-bast • t . JUNI 11111486.1.' rd r;Y•kt:- S T( 4: 931111 §WY : 4 4, IV;;AM 37 - 7118 MLA METROPOLITAN:THE:. IRAFIDWArtE' STORE Aro attratftnialliftentan. Ifilm7nCnlrrirlr'rti 8 72-1C1 7 :1:3 • t ALW.ATB 0141:71ANDA, - • :!\ Store, 'pod' woOa, **J . * for Parlor, Offiee i tore,-Sch Shot) cLlVltplc ckil; will . ••••• • Como sua4 see the .o zr o yff pittertia-4t le-sst. orlk•u)oii -pkgoiti 11 a Vika* 41 leading Ara:elan Shrine f** the opu lent, and a cheaper, etainticul Stone for the hambleat, F l amm/nit toeyaaraeleee your own interest. ' - ; • : - ,3, rt. Dlto4r9ov) :ongetL iNg; Oct; 21486 k, • "'"' . r''" i LOOK HMEI -'Lora Is now on exhib . mra' se the Mammoth' = ' Furnititre ...Store; Tbe! largest and post stock FIT It.: BT. I ri"--.117R, 1. To Do !blind In SoFt t bero penosyh - a•All, wtifelf Ys be tag mold at kly stock conaists in' part. of Parlor, Library( Din: ing.room and Chamber sets,Parion Library, Eaten- Dirdr4T and Pelee Tables. Chair*, Bedsteads, Bureau., Washstands, Sofia, Lonnges, Tete•s-tetis, What•Nots, Cradles, Cribs. kc., kr- A full line of eau:rams and -Bedding. Pier; Maidol.aud Common Mirrors, and Rustic Frames • and Brackets, kr., kc. In t actthing • -. the Furniture, Li Which nine be 'cede to too appreciated, end which will LOWER I'RIO-ESI Then the same quality of goods can be pner4uiscel oleo. Thankful to the public for their Part liheralpetron age; and determined to =OVA meth:manes of the where, i f t : i r t h e r on ad ti:cu:a tan lza rtot=ornid else. and my pri wing goood s ces befre purchasing 'elaewhere., Pio for 'ha, mid I WILL. NOT. ARE UNDERSOLD! COITSTRY DEALERS supplied as nand at the low est Marketviees. I also keepon hazel_ a assortment of. Ready Ride COMA, from the' most common to the finest Roisisidsd. Also Stied Robes, - Crapes, - kc.,and lam the sole agent to Ilesdfced county foriinnakre k lILTALIC i : CI:HEI3, CASKETS, ac. *good HEM= always In mulineas when toqitired. Towanda. Dec. 10,1818. s 4111;13 Q. FROST .WIEIERE "TO LUMBER; CEILING, FLoomNG;',- mtimamigatb .camas,-GLAZED saga, WINDOW AND DOONtRAMES, McF:Rmis, POSTS, PICKE'TS, JOHN CABMAN CORNER BOARDS, BARE WARDS; CCONICF 6 yam= ~01EaNGT.RA ROOF II MB WM: V;A,8 , M11. - 011, ..• •• S E— .V., a . a ;. 1 ;;I V V:11 7 . ID. V CO .= Alois to if - 0i: filY 01.4.11:1 N. 13.4J0b Workintimplbo done: Towanda, July 15. 1869. . . NZIV 'PLAN/ N - G - T ' MILL. Thir.underelimedlim built a ;arm and &Immo- Mona, XIII in the Bor ou gh of ToWandi, end 'Med it with the moat modern and improved - machinery, for 44, 1 1 ?4,,9 1 f 1 ,1u 1 09. 1 r-',4 W/XDOW:I34BHt AND SWIM- •:: Are primareato airttli. upon the ehmhist notice.. We bave,alwkw..birge rkifof WOULDIWGIA, of the hiestitreexid patters, which wwe can fundahmuch cheaper *ln ikielf42o4 onted by bend. PLANIIIO. . . _ Ara all other 'petitpertehrlog . 'to" ,Tolnitry . ,4eftit' he" doz 4 .- foloitt oar onsitoners. - ...Persons Wilding. and not Itelng to fearteen miles difftntt trifilind it loveli for their beefiest to boy Wes, or bring their lulfwel anal ft -flocked by our machinery, WIA your Yloteing, or other lumber eft& SonY leddhgft bIYfVI dl tiVA 1 4th We ;in pity 'ma for xonrilniCiatikaitic AgfiliZigellrered" et dor tOmbeeYOze.'''„Cspeand pie wee if you 4 an't mix% yrrite._' 'Thlr t didkY*lWX. ',frt. • - ,T4OPCIntiS -fr; • A FULL ASS X It. OF 1 - 2 k; 1:111111010114COSial !nliAilkat • • . Aigica LIMO k KEZEitra. li/CE STOOKi4I , (HU) Al& alidtipaftegai , -41 -4, 4 4, ; omminia•Nt• : " 1 . ;•: No% is MCA= lc 1111113. rithftlie; EN TOWANIM. 'GRE,ITLY REDUCED - .pßicis;f &J1813,Zi03, Di4IID . S, _ MANTEL SHEL*.iffly WATER TABLES, !ACED LIIMBKEt,: BILL , TIMBER,' mr.O. EMffM MI=MMIM TONGUEI2iO. ~ - MND SCROOZe ' • ; 16011111 M • 1.: i i iiwallEfa 11:1 , 1 , 40;EVMELi' . '. zi:;j1:wft., , , , ,;)„ . •:;.: , y , -z-.1 ."1: ..:•1 ?....51:7 '0 4 i ., = , :l 'iti.i- i. 47, -,.; ~.AX MI ..- : , ~-., .:- , .-.- •.> -•— --. : 44-0 , 0 . . f.• •/-0i 7- * AtD .. oAf4it :-liIi .. I:IG . :'STO it 2;.. 'ls'4-.7..7,zn,...-,..1. ;,.;;;,..,..,.,-i iiniiiiiiii4 to4iiiiii;pc, , ~, cfitat. 500 :.ylfi wi1= 4.7..-..,,, , A-..;44 f ?!..004.ar ,--,r edetid s ka, ;... ton . ; .,; 64 „ . . .miebloetnitaliairielbieimmotat tbo'lobi tOr, cezefoltrabd oda, opoll to the oraoto at tbe - TM* VI be *My petrobrieb - itad = 4 " 0111 ra l0,005 1,11 ffil ln 0!" 130 or 111= aued •t 1 +,....;:ff, ~ 7 1rw.tiq' ; ', .. ,,1.ry, • ••. - 4' ?,,,, A .• 1 t:f. DWI* IY ItliMrig, ,Caggica*c.i . f. j.i.:. .....,:t ; ?,—. '!...' , .1A - 5 , 4 . 44 , ~,/ "I - - .70. , , ,, f. - -, "<.i• ',', 4.1 N; 174 .4 : Wf0; 411/ AN:;'. -,- , .. ; BENZINE-AND' ' • • - 111.18U.,P411V. 4 7,7121M-WASIIV _ jai al; -• opr' vonfintif - on' 4.7 vip.ar;piTt_4,xtfam , ,ifiw—u , e7 , ;! - Cla ; 4 0 :0 1 0 7, q 1 ArAtt k. N;#4 - ' • ••-tt , ..• ;11 , c.'t 1 4 4 g . 4 49 11 "14 Paelir 6• 7 •-• '''''''' tt 40041/. MU* An HAUL NOWA/14,210N5, , I, z- , ! , ci'; limerviskei :tklY'rAtrong, ' ~, mi , • t... , tt-ota. 0. , ' , .. • , ..7 - - I- x .I'. •• - •:: ...,A , r• 7 -', XI /64 1 9 1 °. ~ '• - . Twactoo;;SZTl . Pri 'Pella IaITX:CLOABS, 1-.1. 0.4.... .1 ••.:4 , •• vs..ci.: -..i I,e.s _,•,- - , •-• l• ••:,, .••• . 111014 and.Pitnrar sekoki=. *IP ' -c liathilt r Zikapedideles; ftfixactet - .Dr ea d • t t• • .. , , i , '7/1- .. .... 201111 11 , elia ltingw. Ihiridnir BodiMai, . '. l ra"Pix " rtka•Ela4l4 l lt ge r i us. • 2 . •••• a Asiesifttem flidnelik," illisw•-• - 'Alfrxrdslir WitM l6 ; 4 l l:- m i. ' mamilloaPita; tialiktempatit • , ..Ac ) . 1 .' ,6 *-ttitaud 44 tharixtbe Moot ~ . , :-, •", Pil , ERI 01.1 4 . T-E S"-. t • ' . ' Artrtkiea 314-16ias-reprosontad: 110DS 4 ien eboelife theftrordoni , bitatage• or' mill, 114a740100. onus: vice' • at. the otlo ct ihmating only for niodioinc v • ' ' -.llfir Thaublul for paoillband 'patronage. would res. poctfedly announco,to Inolidenda and the public, .Ihalt, no pains atudl 1.5 spared loaattaty; and merit 140 Con tinuation of their contiOnce,and patronage. • . • ' Ja- Open Sundays for:prescriptions from 9' to 10 a.m., and 12 m. to I, se3l" to 6 p.m. • Jan. 1, 1809- , -yr... I , C. POUT= 7d.1). i .,, H... Hi G 0 W.:11.!11,;00RE lattereasim sd lox it Poireta.). -la costionlag the, bush:tem . at the. old stand. No. Placesßlack, whore ho is &ally reviving additions to Ma Wet 4`rom'llio Moat rdiWe Importer,' and AllaWatactorore _LW Wespedl ay, asks fora Metal' aliire. of politic pa troilage. . A largo stock of ?BEM DAUGI3 AND MITICINES and a to itupro tho ' - vt* or TILE rtak ,.. l4 . Ctrlill tiaTICLES BYLADYGING , :II4 THE ruRE WLtif'S AN - 13 LiQuoniirOn KED:CAL UBl ONLY /1 Or ' C ' Ol( 1 COTitiT ' ED. BOTANIC, ECLECTIC AND 110]ITOPATII7: • - - DIED,IODUN: ; - ILL THE TOPULAIi. 1=I! -iiIi.LVT4ND YISH BR ME S, tret:Arcrrs ANi) ft. ...* FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EVERY KIND. trum% Aiconntac AWD rump 4.K.t4o.frts,i.vo_ nE,Ft,vpip.g? AD the beßt.Trnsees, ADDOMINAL 4UPPOILTERS, BRZIST PUM2'S, NIPPLE SIIELL.S Nurstng Bottles, Bringes and Catheters. .1 LAILGE SXTIOPS, POCKET •f YY AND 'VEST QtrAll'lT A large sapply.of Brushes for the Bit and train Also for the Teeth and Nail. Tooth Powder and Fairies,. W 1 1.2 Pelt/mein Keeps. Combs , Hair Dye, auvirgorshrre:t litc, Kerosene, Kerma° :Letups, Abides, Chinineys, Wicks, . . ke., all of the latest Styles. TOBACCO AND SNUFF. to- Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Medl dhes and Pft;sctiptiona eatefuny and accurately com pounded and prepared by competent persons &Call hours of the day and night- Sunday. Dom./soca 9to 10 o'clock In the. forenoon. and I to 2 in the afternoon. Towanda. Sept 29. 1866. ": W. H. H. IIIONE. Manufactories. TOWANDA . AGRICULTURAL TO if .PENN'A., 'MANUFACTURES BUNS, SPOKES, HEAVY AND LIGHT WAGONS, GENERAL WOOD .WORK, WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS BRANCIDES. BCBOLL SAUING, PIANINO, ETC., ETC HUBS, STORRS & llsiYT S74U.A'F, LARGRWAWR FROM utnall-To SELECT Paid-up Policies are granted after two . 7 more yearn' Premiums have been . paid, thus practically making ALL I'OLICIES NOX-FORFEIONG. 6 - ISEC,QI4) GROWTH AND OA:K. - It issues Policies upon all The abare :Lie from the best 410111' AND. HEAVY. WAGONSGN ;HAND We have the Broad and Narrow Gunge t}~DIII.L PICKS made and dreamt!. .• . . T. BISHOP.. Superintendent M. C. MMLCITR, Pnm‘rld+e at. TOWANDA CARRIAGE ,VACT,ORY. The wailerslgned TlMoeFtruilY ummuum to thopnti• tte that `they biro purchased the q H.O P G . • H . -- DB A K And sip 'noir pripareil bad IriA In TOE':,:.L - A 'X'Zi - "±::' : S T,Y,Lt . . tnoid woikmaubie inantter." They wal constani-, kr I Rep off bind en &wafted ot aplendkt TOZ:, OPE.N . T V (3.7tRRIA.GES; , DEmmmiAlfb r tersiiiin oxsAitir.prointaiszi -44:i' R. AR WAlLiklptirM • 't • IMPAIttn• •. prowSly.;attenslod to st. fosoonotio j2°l4ll"ta 9. leer-AMMsT A OICE . LOT - , WINTER A.....irvat of ell kinds, for nolo by C4ll the barrel or n n- el. at . Mcll k. 311,11:8. HEM D.UUq. STOILE. Ider Brseei, lIMMI WOAES. DENT STEFF, To Dealers in We offer a Towanda, July #,4B6AL MED rV,==s! 11. tti 04 '' 4 '. . - 1 i' 77------7---- - . - .,4 'i: •• • • - :'-' ' . : o - ': l' , ';' ,- • .., ~ 111,81111AECE, AGENCY, TOWASDA. PA. CHP, Aamr, And ,!colicilor for.llw -following reliable 00 . 177 1xnfie. 8 ,: - BEES Wioiru!et bitiruses-bostramr. cni uib &min' toionas oz Lanai:kr, Pa. ME ;foirru 4ixatu:Ax ,Ixerniace Couxurr; , • . • Hartford, Coon-) r .., . I - .. ,IpaTomuk. roil Ant 3 1112M11 /ZSVIAIICZ CO.,- , 1 -- , - . , ' Nprinktetd, ifitis,. Z'i ;.:o' , ' ' -• ' - - • . Irvirox yrymules CbaspA;st.' , ALBIXT VITT hISVILANZIt CO7QAIT• A - tam:int of Capital - Represented, , ' ' $2,00,000 P-0 LICIES Secured is theabcfre:Caniponira at IR 114 T E 8, and risks taken on all kinds of 131.1114:00G8 CU TI *ice pind limit 4.083E1l adfosteland paid at this °Moe. . -- 11athat paedappllea hls whole time Lt. fonUoiIEXCLUSIVELY to the modali zionlzuscr BMUS% Makiug a =sad sua Ilkarolutiterainhatioa of erery risk; einadm care wit promptoesa recewingc Policies when Wont to eeeptre.aad 'by • careful Est Mats! atteatioirto the bushel= generally, be h0p, , ,, to secure the confidence and . oe . of the-coth ittualiy., PAR . 71c13411, Aulii"TlONnirtn to Is stirawo on ',AMU StALDINGIB. AND DWELLLYGA, 0, • and 'Pi:dittos Written foi the ternrei THREE YEARS an mach risks at the very LOWEST RATES. •. Farmers and others den g to inane. do well to Rive Ina, a can when coning to town. Office second-door math of the Ward Home. op stairs. , T. B. CAIN. • Sir Applications received eau a wry. made by Is P. -Bowman, South Towanda s L. 8. Aanow. Ts.* linvithdeld • WasiaDA.ast. Maces MIL tRE,-wp e D ACCIDENTAL SEVENTEEN lOU lON DOLLARS • C. 'B. RUSSELL, Agent . • -117"alftforkaanywimigi mud* Caorimin Chtt&ED itizz & Maanrx Issmascr.. Plltilaerelphia. 91,141.al iimienrpina aver. O's bismAxezArrAm - Capital , New York. and surplus over Lvsrr..erci Co. or lioirra Azalea, 1 Pfelladelpha. J laal and rasping over MAITILLITMC LMieI!LSXCE : Courart • . ' New York. Capital •nd enrigua over t•ono,Lto Emanknor. Inatruascz Cowasy, Capital 'and onridna over 7 AACTIC ,LtrmaNcz• Coxresv. ' • • . - New York. Capkal goad surpina over PIIFLCASI 135t7LIINCE COMPANY, Hartford, corn. Capital and'earplua over Mirru LIYE Issuiumcz COMPANT: AWF rk. 1 Capital and atmpltui over .-.-.-1.- - 8,000,000 carrot fin' Ixannaicca Ccon:Anr. Hartford, Conn. Capital and adrpicia over ' Risks taken cm all kinds of Proprrty, at aa low rates aa by any-other reliable Companies. Jar Tolleirs boned and Losses, if any, adjusted at thls.Ageney, thereby saving tlib trouble and exprn/a , e going elsewhere for settlement. .- itl6,olllce at the, Hardware Stare of Ce.ittlitigitiw, ben & Co. C. S. arsski.r... Tewands. Feb. 7, 1866—tt. NATIONAL LIFE 'INSURANCE CO. OF 117.9. A. *, CAstreuTrAL, SI,ODO,OOOAID ur Cbarteml by CA,n2giess, 1863. CLARENCE IL C/...t.T4K, President L - • JAY coosE; Chairman Finance and Ex. Cum HENRY D. COOKE. Vice President; E?IIERSON NY: PEET, Secretary and Actuary. The advantages of the `Sattonal Life Insurance Co are: • -1. 'lt is a National Company, chartered by Conga...; ,2. It has a. paid up capital of One Million Dollar. ; I. It offerslow rates of premiums ; 4. It furnishes larger inn:ranee rthan other Cone panies, for the same money t - :E. It la definite . and,certolg , 6. There ls . no possibility of misrepresentation Ly - agents, ormisrmderstandlng Wpolicy-hohlers; 7. The policies are plain contract., so mach Mini mum for so mach money ; • 8. Ul policies are non-forfeiting ; -9.`The policies are exempt from attachment. E. W. CLARK le CO., Bankers, Philadelphia,, General Agents. B. 8. ItUSIMI.L. Manager N. C. ELSIIREE A. A. G. MASON ve... Agents for Towanda and vicinity Jan. 9, 1869. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE MI:MANCE COMPANY. OF 11/111TFORD, CONN . Ernilustwco aro= =Au 59,000 Maaaartut ASSETS time 1, 1869) over $25,000,000. Surplus over $7,000,000. CIIERVTT DIVIDEND FROM 40 Toy) piat CENT :Total Clem by Death Vald to date, over $6,000,000. Tozaz. DrnotteDs Paw TO arr., ores $6,000,000. 4. PURELY MUTUALI N3 All its stuplus is egtiltably divided among,theTa fey.lioldErs in ANNUAL DIVIDENDS, Which may be applied iu reduction of Preiniums, or tray be accumulated at interest for the benefit of the Assured, or may be received by them in Cash. DESIRABLE PL:A.NS OF LNSEBANCE, And has adopted In its workings several. SPECIAL FEATURES I ORIGINAL WITH THIS COMPANY AND OFFER- ED BY NQ t- MeREAN. Agent. Towanda, PL. July 22, 1860—t1 j3RADFORD COUNTY , FIRE - INSURANCE AGENCY JOILY W. MIX. Agent TOWANTO“.PA.. - a Ton THE tomowrso tOLUniI•COYPABIES PHM(Li kraz, Hartford, Conn. } EMI HOME hiSUILANCE Com:mnt: New /fared, Conn., E=2l Gansu:us Fuzz. , Nem rotk. I It= sLoon.ooo 00 Norm AmyszcAx Flux, New York. 073.843 71 IMMI Itssovia, . . Neve 11;1.k. $00,64 Amts -Policies written and LOSSeII adjusted at this Agerl- Farm property risks taken arthe lowest rate:. air °®c° in Memel, New Block, north side rob .. Squib, Tanads, Pa. JOHN W. Hlx 'InceEQUTrABLE LIFE ASSt- ItISCE SOCIETY'S Agency for Bradford Co. CASH 'CAPITAL ' $3,000,000 Tea,* Itioameover $2,000,000 ash. . • . SIONTANTE k WARD Towanda, July 25,.1867 THE LYCA)MIitIG MUM FIRE immure Agency for BradtOrd Conn CAPITAL $3,400.000 *lanai Push plan. Inauecesaful operalaon over Oren MONTANTE 4 WART) : TowaMta .11317 14 • . • :iDvIA era : . - Anstr..3tacklasli Trout. Clamees. Melded an Molted adman. Ilmoked Esikrat. and Drkd Deer. • LONA) & 1131:1ELEBIL r IsDie •VI 0 ALL : 1 I comm. Wakes.! fgro, New Thrk 4Th, ~y r. . . $3.4.40u $3,740.tim $1.700,001) 350 LK) $70,00 $104.000 $600,000 $1,157,835 GO ...$1,622,974 37
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers