gqriiulturat. How and when to Prune. Pruning trees of any kind,-shrubs, vines or bushes, as they should be, pruned, is - a science requiring the etereis , of in ,, re skill and mature judgment than is requisite to do any thing-else connected: with the grow ing of plants - and fruit, from the time the tiny seed is Aid in the fertile soil until the branches are bending beneath an abundant yield of luscious fruit. Fruit growers;talk about mi.- nii:g in the winter in some instances, and ofpruning during the growing season. Thb true period to prune auything—tree,bush,vine or shrub—_ is-When suck things are young and small, and always when the branches are growing. The best instrument that ever was employed for the pur pose of pruning is, the_thumb nail— No saW,axe,hatchet or pruning•knife, will bear any comparison to the effi ciency of a strong thumb nail, em ployed at just the right time. The writer knows what tie is relating.— He has reared and trained hundreds of fruit trees and vines, which are now in full bearing, most of which were prungd with the thumb nail.— Occasiorafly a .small pocket-knife wail employed, to take off a branch which had been neglected so long that the thumb nail could not serve it. The pruning should begin with - the swelling buds. The cultivator should have perfect nuderstandin'g-of what he desires to accomplish by Iprrning. Before he serves a single bud he. should understand the laws Sf vegetable physiolog,y so far as they affect the flow of sap. There is no chance for correcting bad mis takes in priming. If one tiinches a bud that should remain, it will' be ruinous to the form of the tree or bush. There was never a more eg regious error promulgated than to allow a bush or tree to grow at pleasure for a few years„ and then give it at thorough and severe pruning with saws and axes. Yet this is,and h .5 been, the prictice all over the country ever since trees were planted out ; and the ruinous ccusequences otsuch pruning are manifest wherev er large apple trees arc found, in the decaying trunks where large branch es were cut off ; and because the wounds wire so large nature could 'not heal them. This is one of the , prominent valises of the failure of 1 the apple crop iu New Englanil and in other Tire correct way to prune is to set up lA.fure the mind a beau id - Gal of the of the form of tree. or , bust desired, even when the tender stem begins to put forth its buys. Then,all through the growing season, .the buds should be wiTehed closely .If a bud appears whell a branch is net desired, pinch „it eff,'livel- leave !lids on. the main stem wherever a branch is desired. (Iratts that me:: growing from scions that were set last season should be examined fiequently,to See if the main sterns anti laternal branch es are all growing uMformily. If a bush, vine er tr, e, inet case in length faster than the atom attains propor tiomil strength and slz,, apply the thumb nail to the very extremity to check the rampart growth. Grape, vines, -and berry loe-hos of all kinds, need pruning, pinching off the extreme ends it in xu II a nt b ranc h es , after they have attained a suitable growth. In our latitude: the_ best period to do this work is in July and August: After blackberry and ras berry bushes have grown about four feet high, it is tar better for the pro •ductiveness of the bushes to pinch off the ends, wid•niake the bushes thick en up near( r he ground than to al ley.: the cata;s to attain ten feet in length and then cot cuff the ends. Blooded Stcck Within a few years past, a great has been said and written in favor of blooded stock. The interest. Las extended to all animals from thor . ;,nglitired horses to full•blooded hits. The great cry•has been that : ) fuil.blood was to be the'salvation of stool. and stock:keepers and rs ~f America. Extravagant lay' , been paid for full-blooded i.lals,and large quantities of paper nd irk have been used in their praise. Some of the animals were reftlly splendid, while others were "no better than their neighbors," except 'that they had fashionable blood. But there has seemed to be a general disposition among the farm ers of this country to look up with = itverence to the men who imported blooded animals,and look with great admiration on the animals themsel ves. This, in a proper measure, is right. - Thg men who imported blood ed animals are public 'benefoctors, and are,doing a great favor to the farmers of our country, and a really splendid animal is worthy of admira tion, but these feelings may be, and we believe are caried to excess. And we believe the great secret of success with - blooded stock, is not . entierly its superiority . over native breeds or grades,but is largely owing to another reason, which is this— ' blooded stock almost universally ire ,. ceive better care and , feed than natives or grades. It is natural that this should be the case. They cost so much more, the owners feel a far greater interest in full blood than in other stock, and in order to save both reputation and money they are bound to do all for them that. care ani attcnti•nl can accomplish. But I w,;e1,1 not condemn blood stock. On the ~.,,utrary, I freely admit it, suiwriority, but I would have the ordinary farmer feel that he cai love ():1 a;nl C. V , ll extra stuck, though he eanOt ail' rd to buy full -I.lGodk fT. the ?ifference is not ntierly with the - breed ; and the .:3111C eate,fezd and attention bestow «l'upen natives, or 'still better, upon grades, which is received by full bloods, would greatly increas their valw',and materially lessen the differ ence bitween the selling price of full bloods and other stock.—American Farmer. TRANSPLANTING IN THE NIGIIT.—A gentleman anxious to acertain the eff,ect of - transplanting in the night, . inAsead of in the day, made an exper iment with the following. result ; He fcaLsplantcd ten cherry trees whileiln bloom, commencing at t fottry'clock in the afternoon, and transplanting one each 11,,uf until one in the morning. transplanted during daylight the - ir blossoms, producing little 01 no fruit, While thosi transplanted during the darker portions maintain ed their condition fully. He did the sank with ten dwarf pear trees,after. the fruit:was one-third grown. Those transplanted - during the day shed their fruit ; thosp transplanted . dur ing the'itigEtt perfected their crop,and showed no injury from - having been removed. With each of these trees ho removed some earth with the roots. —,ExChange. aciireabs. 818. 11. - A - I - L - W y J 2 06 and after Mimday May 11th tau, Tratas lease Wisely. at Abut folkror • ins boars, vat : • GOING W T.' 7 ; ' 4:38 e. m., Night Express, NondaylleXcep ted, fbt Rochester, Buffalo, Salsritatesa [and Dunkirk, =kin:: direct connections with trains of the Atlantic and ::rest Western, take Shore and Grand Trunk Railways for all points West ; also at Elmira for Canandaigua. *4:57 a. di., Night Express, Daily, for Rochester Buffalo, Mammas, Dunkirk and the West, connecting as above. 8:25 a. m., Bail Train, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and• Dunkirk, connecting at Elmira for Cdalgu.l 3:tB p.m., Elmira Accommodation, Sundays ex cepted. 5:1? p:m., Day Express, Sundays eyceided, for Rochester, &Ohio. Salamanca, Sunda ys and the West, Connecta at Elmira for Canandaigua at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western Beltway, and at Bhp with.the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways, far an points West and South. 10:33 p. m. Express Mall, Sundays ex cepted, for Bulalo, Salamanca and Dunkirk, con necting with trains for the West. 9 10a m. Way Freight. Sundays excepted. 3:10 p. m., Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West. •,St3ps at Waverly on Mondays only. coma star. 5:34 a. m., Cincinnati Express, Mondays ex (milted' connecting at: Owego for 'lthaca, ; at Binghamton for Syracuse ; at Great Bend for Scranton and Philadelphia : at Lackawaxeu for Hawley. and at Graycourt for Newburg and Warwick. 8:53 a. m., Binghamton Accommodation, Sun days excepted. p. m., Accommodation train, daily. 11:19 a. m., Day Express,Sundays excepted , connecting at Binghamton for Syracuse*, at Gt. Bend for Scranton at Lactawaxen for Hawley; and at Jersey City wi;h mid . nt express train of New Jersey Railroad for niladelphia, Baltimore and Washington. 6:7,7 p. m., New York and Baltimore Mall, Sundays excepted. 9:17 p. m., Lightnirm Express. Sundays ex cepted, connecting at Jersey City with morning express train of New Jersey Railroad for Balti- more and Washington, and at New York with morning express trains for Boston and the Etst. 2:08 a. m., Night. Express, Daily, can necting at Grayconrt for Warwick; and at New York Leith afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities. 4.25 p. m. Way Preight,Sundays excepted. *L. A revised and complete •• Pocket Time Table "of Passenger Trains on the Erie Rail way and connecting Lines, has recently been published, and can be procured on application to the Ticket - Amt of the Com_pany, WM. N, BA.M, 13. BIDDLE. Genl Pass Ag't, New-York. Gen'l. Bay& p EADING RAIL ROAD-SUM MER ARRANGEMENT. MAY 20th, 11368, GREAT TRUNK LINE MOM THE NORTH *ND Nairra.arzarfor Philidelphist,New-York,Readlng Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allen town, Easton, kc. ac. Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, as.fol lows: At 2.50,5,25 and 8.10, a. in., and 12.40,m. 2.0.5 and 9.35 p. in., connecting with similar Trans on tae Pennsylvania Rail Road, anti ar riving at New-York at 5.00 and 10.00 and 1150 a. in., and 3.50 7.40 and 10.30 p. m. Bleeping Cars aocompanying the 2.50 n. m., arid 9.35 p. m., Trains, without change. - -Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Titaaqua, Minersville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10 a. rn. , and 2.05 and 4.10 p. m.,stopping at Lebanon and principal Way Stations ; the 4.10 p. in. Train making close connection for Philadelphia and Columbia For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schnylklll and Susquehanna Rail Road,leave Harrisburg at 13.55 p. m. Return -mg ,Leave New-York at 9.00 a. m., 012 noon, and 5.00 and 8,00 p. m. Sleeping Cars accom pan3ing the 9.00 a. in. and 5.00 and 8.00 p. m trains without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., returning from Beading at 6.30 p. m., stopping at allstations ; Pottsville at 8.45 a. in. and 2.45 p. m.; Ashland at 6.00 and 12.19 Loon, 2.00 p. m.; Tamaqua at 8.30 a. m., and 1.00 and 8.45 p. m. Leave Pottsville to r Harrisburg, via Schuyl kill and• Susquehanna Rail Road. at 7.10 a. and 12.00 noon. Reading accommodation Train : Leaves Read ing at 7.30 a. in. , returning from Philadelphia at 5.15 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train, leaves rPottatown at 6.45 a. in., returning leaves Phil adelphia at 4.30 p.m. Columbia Rail lload Trains leave Reading at 7.00 a. in. and 6.15 p. m. tor Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, &c. Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomea Junction at 9.00 a. m. and 555 p. m. Return ing : Leave Skippaek at 6.45 a m., and 1.15 p. m., connecting with similar trains on Read ing Vail Road. On Sundays : Leave New York at 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia 6.00 a. m. , and 3.15 p. in., the 8,00 a. tn., train running only to Reading. Pottsville 8.00 a. m. Harrisburg 5.25 a. in. and 4.10 and 35 p. m., and Reading at 1.10, 2.55 and 7.15 a. in,. for Harrisburg, and 7.06 a. m., and 11.40 for New York, and 4.25 p. in., for Phila delphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Cacao ion Tickets to and from all points, at re duced rates. - Baggage checked ithrough ; ,100 pounds al. lowed each Passenger G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent . Beading, Pa., May 20. 1887 PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE J. RAIL ROAD.--Summer time Table. Thro' and direct route between Philadelphia, Balti more, Harrisburg. Williamsport, and the Great Oil Regions of Pennsylvania. Elegant Sleep ing Cars on all night trains. On and after MONDAY, MAY 11th, ISGS, the trains on. the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road will run as follows : 1=22 Mail Train leaves Philadelphia.. ..11:15 P, M " Williamsport 8.20 A. M. • arrives at Erie - 8.50 P . M. Eric Express leaves Philadelphia...l2:oo noon Williamsport.. 8:50 P. M. • arrives at Erie 10305 A, M, Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia... 8:00 A. M. " Williamsport... 6:28 p. m. • arrive at Lock Haven.. 7:45 p. m. EMITWARD. Mail Train, leaves Erie 11:00 a, m. " Williamsport—..lo:ls p. m. .• arrives at Philadelphia.. 7:10 a. in. Erie Express leaves Erie 7:40 p. m " Williamsport.. 8:55 a, m arrives at Philadelphia 5:00 p Sian and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Rail Road. Baggage Checked Thr Jugh ALFRED L. TYLER, Qen'l Snp't itlisrellantous THE TOWANDA BAKERY D EATING E;FTAI3LISHMENT WOOD & ALLYN having purchased tithe Bakery and Eating Establi-Iment and Grocery recently kept by Hill &Smith, first door south of the Ward House, Main street, Towanda, Pa., and having re-modelled the same. they are prepared to tuinlsh their customers and the pnblinvith everything in their line at reason able rates. , THEM EATING DEARTMENT I. fitted up in the most approved style :and meals are served W all hours, and their store is filled with a good assortment of GROCERIES. CONFECTIONARY, GREEN, AND DRIED FRUITS, &C. &C. They will- keep in store and sell at wholesale and retail or manufacture to order BREAD, BISCUIT, RUSK, FRESH ROLLS, BUNS, PIES CAKES Of all kinds. Also will keep the best Crackers of all kinds in the markot, by the barrel or pound. Fresh Oysters constantly on hand by the keg or dish, cheap as the cheapest. They will use the best materials in every thing and will try to please the moat fastidious. Sir Wedding and other fancy Cakes made to order. Sr Families supplied daily and promptly with anything desired in our line. They employ none but the most skilful work- men, and use only the best material. They are determined to keep a first class establishment. Give us a fair and candid trial and you will find it to your advantage. G. H. WOOD. J. S. ALLYN Towanda, Aug. 1, 1807.—yr. FURNITUREI NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! NEATLY FINISHED POPULAR PRICES Consisting of CLIAMBER SETS, PARLOR SETS DINING ROOM SETS, MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES Photograph Frames, for everybody A GENERAL ASSORTMENT FURNITURE Suited to this market. I have the .best uphois terer in the country, and manufacture our o upholstered work. REPAIRING AND JOBBING, Done to order. Having an experience of 20 years in the business ~1 can confidently hope to please all who patronize me. . Don't forget the place. No., 15, Slain st., two doors south of Deldleman's mock, Towan da. Pa. Towanda, May 30, 1608.—Lt. enb untrante• 11*-Atinat A * Eil DNTANYE WA'B;D, LEST ATE AGENdit , Oir sale the teilowlngproliettles st reassoMil:le 'aloes ant upon rwrorstas terms: A tract of land altnste In Glondaster , i Minty; New Jamey. Contatetn 448 acres, 31 miles from Malaga Station, Camden and Cape May Hallway. . . The" Bine A nchor" properts In Wiantow town - alp, Camden county, N - Y. Corda / taw.: 3500 acres. • 'To be sold in lots. - . , , Potter County Lands. Heavily timbeired with Pine. Hemlock, Ask, Cherry and hard . woods as follows : . • Tracts No. 1763, containing 090 acres.; No. 4755.1)90 antes , -betwein the first ' end . east torts of the' lilinnamabotting in Wharton and Sylvania townships. - Tracts No. 4767; IMO acres : No. 4768, 400 ?acres; No. 4698, 400 acres.; 'Wharton town- ship, line of Appot, head-waters of Settle Creek. • Tracts No. 6017,1100 scree No. 6720,1080 acres ; No. 5833, 1100 acres ; 5024, 1082 acres 75 perches : No. 5912, 1100 acres. No. 5930, 1100 acres ; No,. 5938, 1100, acres •, No. 6929,1100; in Wharton and Stevrardson town ships on head waters Kettle Creek, near main branch. . 'Tracts No. 4717, 196 acres ; 4729, 990 itores ; Appot and Btewardson townships, near Little liettle Creek. Tracts No. 4920, 831 acres ; 4924, 600 acres, Wharton township , main branch, Sinnamahon• Two hundred and seventy-five acres prime, first class coal land. Blakely township, Lu serhe county, Pa., halt way between Scranton and Carbondale. Very near the Railway s One thousand acres first dui Anthracite coal land about I miles north-east of Wilkes- Barre, in the mlftt of, improvements.. About 1000 acres of land in Medford town-. ship, Burlington county, New Jersey, about four miles north from Jackson Junction of the Camden and Atlantic and Delaware and Rari tan Bay Railways. Valuable • mill seat. Two or three houses, stable, barns, lcc., second growth of timber, never failing water. Power fall 15 or 16 feet overshot. Price 820 per acre. One-third may remain. - Delaware Farms and Pennsylvania lands-- Descriptions and directions given on applica lion. A valuable Country Seat near -Philadelphia. Splendid grounds and trees. 69 acres of land WESTERN PROPERTY—For sale or ex change. 120 acres of good land,one third tin bered. San Plere, Stark county, lowa. Forty acres of good land with fruit trees, ap- pies, peaches, pears. itc. 25 acres improved, .one half mile from San Piers on Railway.— Price $BOO. ' 60 acres one mile from San Piere, one-third timbered. No improvements. • On railway . Price 6800. A steam mill property in Burlington town ship, Bradford county. A. very-desirable him bering operation. Eight parcels of land, containing from 50 to 100 acres, each partially timbered, and improv ed suitable for farming or grazing. House and Barn in good order and 136 acres of improved and timbered land, orchard, good water, lc. Union township, Tioga county, on Northern Central railway. For sale on long time and easy terms. 26 Town Lots in Monroe Borough; Bradford county, Pa. 3,000 Acres Si ild Timbered Laud. Sullivan county, Pa. 122 Acres good Farmiug Land; Burlington ownship, Bradford courA v Other timbered and. improved properties Descriptions given on appl• ;anon. Tenements and improved Real, Estate, To wanda Borough, and other properties:A MONTANYE & WARD, ExecutelConveyances, turnish Briet.s. ot Title, buy and sell Real Estate, culled rentals and" liens,survey and examine all kinds of property. They are pr6pared to negut hitt ,ales of tarrus, homesteads, and properties especii desirable to capitalists; to procure advances of money upon bond and,mortgage, and to prosecute in quiries for those desiring to make investments or secure a home. They will effect INSURANCE In the best known FIRE AND LIFE COMPA NIES. They have exclusive A 4ency •ot lirad• ford and neighboring counties I). et ling , zom panies in these several departments of Insur ance. Those who desire to buy or Bell farms ; All who wish to effect Insurance against Fire All who seek permanent investments for the future benefit of their families, in secure and first-class Lile Companies ; Capitalists desiring to buy or sell valuable speculative properties; All wishing surveys an 4 examinations ; All wishing advances upon valuable rea Property ; All who wish to obtain lease or rental of Farms or Tenements, Are respectfully solicited to entrust such busi ness to our Agency. Furthit particulars furnished at our once Office, corner orrblain and Pine streets Vie' PROPERTIES ADVERTISED Hon. 11. Alarm, Towauda, Pa. • Hon. William Elwell, Bloomsburg, Pa. C. L. Ward, Esq., Towanda. M. C. Mercer, G. F. Mason & Co., Bankers, Towanda. J. D. Montanye,Towanda. Lathrop, Luddinton & Co., New York, Dickson Brothers, Philadelphia. Hon. John N. Conyngham, Wilkca-Barre. Charles Parrish, Wilkes... Barre. Hon. F. B. Streeter, Montrose, Pa. Towanda. April 2, 1867. FASHIONS FOR SPRING AND Having just' returned from New York with a full and carefully selected stock of MILLINERY GOODS, we hope to be able to please all who favor us with their patronage. Come and Sea! We will do over your Straws in the latest styles and we defy competition In this branch of our work. Collars,beautiful Thread Lace—no cheat. Also Madame Fors Corset Skirt Supporter. Call and examine before you purLhase. Rooms on the east side of Main st., between the stores of Pox, -Stevens, Mercer & Co., and Miles Carter. E. J. PIERCE. Also, PATTERNS OF THE LATEST STYLES for Ladies' and ChiWrens' Dresses. Ladles wishing to have good work and the best of styles, with graceful and elegant fitting, will find it to their advantage to - favor us with a trial. W Rooms over ilriu Pie! L. e e's. n m., _ Towanda, April 8, 186$.—tf THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Groceries cheap, - at . Bramhd!! 4. Cowell's Chcap Store. B. T. DECKED,. G. D. MONTANYE, HENRY WARD. FREE OF CHARGE. ) REFERENCES SIIMME4 OF IS6B H. L. OUSTER Otitcritil 14t '.llrODUßOttit (1110:Wr'- 'PROVISION, 4.1 a? MD MOM - • - r JOHN; .micannirs, liiiin-at.; . itestldoor smith of - the' 'load ;House) would moot respecttatty Invite the at tention or thoPObilo to. tda larp and wall le looted atocltio! GROOtilkl3 .- th PROVISIONS, Which.he tr . , Snit the times, _and plusesf : fie Isor upend a 'planes gusted - tii - sapply the eamt and Sorrily - coal I glon at all timer.`. He keeps constanttron hand a large stock 01. TEAS, °OFFERS . , suoA,us, I . MOLASSES, - FLOUR,. : ;EUTTER., PORK, &0., Whlohtit Is sellin:,q cheap for ash. GOODS lIELIVERiD IN THE DORG' FREE OF GHARGE. • The citizens 9 of Towanda and- vicinity will please accept my thanks for their very liberal patronage for.; the lut two years, and we promise with ',their assistance, ,to improve av ory oppc rtnnity to enlarge our business, so as to warrant satisfaction to all. Call and see us again. .1 JOHN IiEItIDETII. Towanda, 'July 10; 1867. NEW ;GROCERY AND PROVI SION - STORE.I • , 77101114 S J JONES, 1 Has opened Grocery and Provision More in Patton's Block, in the store formerly o can. pied by Solomon & Son, where he now offe re to the public *large supply of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS,. t . Of the best jgqnallt7 , anTahrsigdrci o d n 't the us VERY TEAS' COFFEES, SUGARS, SUGARS, &C. ALSO FLOUR, FEED, MEAL, &o. In fact everything usually kept In a iHrociiry and Provision Store, which I shall seill as low, as can be bought elsewhere. ler Cast , i will be paid for all Conn try Produce. Towanda, Oct 17, 1967 N•EW STORE! NEW GROCERIES! W. A. ROCKWELL'S. CANNED FRUITS, PINE APPLES, PEACHES, PLUMS OF ALL KINDS,. AND CANNED OYSTERS DRIED AP LES, PEACHES, PRUNES, CHERRIES, fib., AC., &c. TEAS, SUGARS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, COFFEE, SPICES, Of all kinds, in tact .everything in the GROCERY LINEI Will be kept constantly on hand FLOUR,FEED,BRAND, POTATOES, BUTTER, LARD, EGGS, AND EVERY VABIE 4 TY OF rauvEus PRODUCE. A fresh lot of DRY GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, ParchaBed at tho LOWEST POINT IN THE MARKET And will be sod as CHEAP• AS THE CHEAPEST! TO THE FARMERS CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE W. A. ROCKWELL Miy 23, 1867 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING Purchased the entire interest of R. H. PATCH, 1110. the firm of C. B. PATCH Zr. CO., is now prepared to offer to the citizens of Bradford County and vicinity, a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, Which. I have purchased for Cash and feel conft dent that - can sen at as low figures as can be purchased elsewhere. I now qffento the public a apiendid stoch of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, MARCH, SALERATIIS, SPICES, &C. Have on hand a large'stock of AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO RYE DO. BUCKWHEAT DO I keep constantly on pant, PORK, HAMS, WOW and kinds of Fl 4: Would call the ten ion of the public to our Can't Be Beat STOCK. OF TOBACCO, e' fn or price. Jesse Oakley's Celebrated Lanndry, New York Brown Soap Ple am call and examine cur stock of WOODEN WARE Latta assortment of YANKEE NOTIONS, TOILET SOAPS, &a., &c. I will pay the high est ; cab price for COUNTRY PRODUCE Farmers.give us a all before selling elsewhere C. B. PATCH. all persons indebted to the :late firm will please call and make immediate payment Towanda, 6larch l / 4 12 - , 1867 N EW TAILOR SHOP AMOS I'NNEPACKEM, Hai opened a shop in the room back of the Roo ins of the Young Men's Christian Associa Lion, second story, over Eddy's Clothing Store where be to now prepared to d Inll kinds of TAILORING,. , In, the beat and most fashionable manner. An experience of many years, 'a determinationio keep ap with the Fashions of the Tana, ands desire to please his customers, tie bulleves will enable him to give satisfaction. $ll. Cutting donejon abort notice and reason bye terms. Towanda;'Oct. 17, 1867, STBIN G AND - - soak 1 ..AOODB 1 . i. 'iit- e. "—E"D-11‘Y .Woultebn - ones . thit::eltitebt_ has_ _Olt sad the publiezeserellyt that he ... t OW, end daily reoelviegotor and - • _ F R E '8 o'o D 8, In his lbs. saltitde to the mate of the Pee& which he srUl soU for - annum at fanner ' GOLD kitIO.ESI Comfitbig ea osul of good well awl reliable _ . OLOTHINfiI (No Shoddy of any kind) conslogng 'L3 BNSINEBS COATS, 'VESTS AND PANTS, DRESS COATS, . PANTS & VESTS Linen Coats, Dusters and Pants, `'l' _ Over Ibr. and Over Shirts, Linen and Paper Collars. Linen, Casaimere and Flannel Sides; Neck Ties, Suspenders, Gloria , Canes, Leather Bags, Spring Style Silk, So ft and Straw Hata. All first class. Remember . that Good Goods are cheaper at a fair. price than poor goods at any price. Call and examine my' iroOda before bay ing. Next door to Powell & Co. = B. W. EDDY. • Towanda, May 98,1867. THE- . TEMPLE OF • PASHION NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! An entire new stock of Clothing bought as cheapiss before the war to be mold with , The undersigned would respe ctfally announce to the citizens of • Towanda and vicinity that he is now ready to offer them Clothing, nob as FINE BEAVER OVEROOA7S, Fnlzsr DRESS AIM BUSINESS SvtTs, Farnisl i ng Goods, and that these goods bought t very low fignres will be sold with very all profits I intend to establish a per manent trade in this place, and in order to gain the confidence of purchasers, will deal on a basis of NEW GOODS 1 HONESTY AND INTEGRITY and all goods will be warranted for what the • are repress nted to be. Come and examine an .1 convince yourself. • Don't forget the place Temple of Fashion, opposite thejfeans House south end of Beldleman's Block. Towanda, act.l7, 1867 BEDELU& VAN VELSOR, MERCHANT 7AILORS READY MADE CLOTHING 4 BAIS AND CAPS, GENTS FURNISHING -GOODS WAVERLY, TIOGA GOTINTY, N.Y We have a Fnaidonable Cutter from New York Citir; and take all the rink in giving you a good 111. We make at our 01712 estahl ishntent. We give particular attention to Youth's Boys, and CHILDREZTS' CLOTHING Best Stock Hats ,and Caps Kept within 20 miles. Comb and look and prove for yourself. *3,. Will be at the Ward House the first and .third Monday of every month with samples of Goods, and prepared to take measures. BEDELL & VAN. VELSOB, 68 Broad•st., Waverl., , N. Y. Agents for Grover & Baker's Sewing Machines. April 2, 1868. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS C. B. PATCH ME SHALL PROFITS 1 CHINCHILLAS, PILOTS, Also The HATS AND CAPS FASHIONABLE AND DEALS:BD IN 08 Broad Street, READY MADE CLbTHING And always have a good:assortment.] CLOTHS AND CASSLNIERES From 85 cents to $3 per yard, (a 1: woo PROCLAMATION. BY COHEN & ROSEN[FIELD TOWANDA, PA Wrizazas, It seems to have pleased the in habitants of Towanda, and vicinity, to recog-. nine our fair way of dealing ; ' AND Wnanses, We owe our [sincere thanks to the community for extending to us so liberal a patrionage until now ; AND Wrizexas ' We deem it our duty to re ciprocate all the favors bestoWed upon us thus tar; _ We do hereby.pnbliely PRI?CLAI3I, that on great stock of . • New Spring • and Summer Goods Comprising everything in the LINE OF CLOTHI'NG Each as 1 Doeskin & Cassimere Pants And a 1 the best styles COats, Vests, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS And the LATEST STYLES HATS, & CAPS - Will be disposed of at midi RE-DUCED PRICES! That wllll7astonish the community. As our Goods ar&mannfactared in New York express ly for this market; we can afford to sell as ctleap as the next. We are botin4 to satisfy all who give us a call. COHEN & ROSENFIELD. Next door to Fox, Stevens, litercur & Co. " Towanda, April IG, 1869. We would call the attention of the public to the fact that we have opened a Branch Store in WYALUSING, (in the store formerly occupied by 8. F. Taylor,) where we are prepared to sell at the same Low Rates. (live us a call before purchasing elsewhere. COHEN dc ROSENFIELD. Wyalusing. Aprlll6, 1868. , NEW LOCATION NEW ATT. RA;(1 TI ONS J. M. COLLINS, '' Has removed to the store forme occupied by Marshall Brothers 4k. Co., next below the Post Office, and has replenished his assortment with a large and new stock of F.EADY-,MAD CLOTHING, CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, &C., &C. These goods have been recently purchased since the decline .in pricesi and will be sold at EXTREMELY , LOW RATES Give tne a call, before Purchasing elsewhere, u I will sell better goods.. at lower prices than elsewhere. I have mace arrangements with an experi enced Tailor t • MANUFACTURE GARMENTS, And having a large stock of Cloths and Trim mings, I can foxnish customers with every style of Garment they may desire, made in a fashionable manner, and warranted to tit., Don't forgot the place, next dour below the Poet-Office and News ikiom.hlaiti-st. Toiranda, April 31,1868. • ;Imp sub Sansinto - ---- Mai „ . . 0 OLD VABll',- DRUG STORE, asropum mar Twos bornei Main and Pinititiecta; . ,Towanda, Ps. Having recently addedlargely to his soca, a full and complete amortmestr, - constituting an extensite, emtwacing many, artioka used in the Asti for mechanical purposes, • carefully. selected with regard to the progressive wants of the public, which will kept cbustantly Im plied with fresh wurchses,and offered on the most namable terms at Wholesale or Retail, mandating of , DRUGS, *WINES, CHEMICALS, rims, ous,. Tummy, - BENZINE AND TURPENTINE, SASE, PAINT, WNW!, " WHITE. WASH, And all lauds of Brushes, KEROSENE OR COAL OIL, Alcohol and, flaming, Fluids, LAMPS, SHAM,- WICNS, CHIMNEYS, Sperm, Lard. Whale, Nests foot, TLENEWS AND mAourN.r. OILS, :::Plutcy and Toilet Articles in all their variety, SPONGES, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, Pomades ? Hairßyes, Perfumery, POCKET BOOKS, PORT 11011i1S, Pocket Knives, Razors, • • TOOTH, SKIN AND HAIR PREPARATIONS PVRZ WINES AND LIQUORS, For Rea!ohm) nee, TOBACCO, S NOPY, PIPES AND CHUBB, Garden, - Field and Flour Seeds, Trusses, Sup porters, Suspensories,' Shoulder Waco, is Breast Pumps, Teething Rings, Noising B Nipples, Nipple Shells and Sileads, Syringes, Bed Pans, Self- Sealing Fruit - Jars, Thermometess, Flavoring Extracts, Stone Jugs, Glass Ware, Bottles, Vials, Corks, Bath Brick, -and Stove Blacking, Fish Tackle, Ammuni tiondia., Botanic. Eclectic and Homeopath- Ic Medicines, and all the Popular Patent MEDICINES. ' Ali articles warranted as represented. Per sons at a distance can receive theleorders by stage or mail, which will receive prompt and careful attention. DR. POATER'S PREPARATIONS FOR FAMILY USE, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, are war ranted for what they are intended to Also salts'. faction, via : Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup, for cougks, colds, lung comp/aint5,4T.50c331 00 Dr. Porter's Eclectic Pills, for bilious com plaints Dr. Porter's Sanifer Syrup, for scrofula skin diseases, 4re • 1 00 Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic, for female weak nese, 4.c. 100 Dr. Porter a Tonic Eox i r for strengthening - the 1 00 Dr. Porter's Tans] a, for Over and ''kidney comp cants 1 00 Dr. Porter's Comp. Syr. Hypophosphites, for nervous debility 1 00 Dr Porter's Blackberry Balsam. for diar- ' rhea, &c. 35 Dr'Porter'a ,7,arctily _Fruise, l c hrocationfoi sprain! c 35 D. Porter's Pectoral Wafers, for • hoarse= , " new, sore throat, 4w , 25 Dr. Porter's worms . ~., j 25 Dr. Porter's Worm Syrap, for extermina-\ ling tool ma . S ‘ 35 Dr. Porter's Infant Relief, for crying babies colic E ¢e\ . Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snug, for catarrh headache 25 Dr. Porter's Toothache Drops, for tooth ache 25 Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder, for preserving teeth ' 25 Dr. Poster's .Tricoaene, -for dressing and 60 growing the hair 50 Dr. Porter's 'Tricopllile, tor beautifying the hair .. 50 Dr. Porter's Odoriferous Shampoo,for clean= lag the hair • 50 Dr. Porter's Milk of Flowers, for beautify. ing the complexion 50 Dr. Porter's Pile Ointment. for externs piles -. • , 00 Dr. Porter's French Compound. for staid ing urine - ... 00 Dr. Porter's Medicated Figs,: for habitna. - constipation 60 Dr. Porter's Healing Salve, for cuts.wonnds Arc..... . ... . .......... ....... 15 Dr. Porter's Lip Salve, for chapped lips.... 26 R. JACOB'S Di. Porter's Eye Salve, it,r inflamed eyes.. 25 Dr. Porter's Eye Water, [or inflamed eyes.. 26 Dr. Porter's Corn and Wart Remover, for corns and bunions Dr. Porter's Constipation Pills, fdr costive- ness Dr. POrter's Iron Pllbs, for poor blood ..... Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, for a pleas ant catharric 60 Dr. f Porter's Liquid Bennet, formaking nu tritlons diet for invalids - - 25 Dr. Porter's Extract Vanilla, for flavoring ice cream, Ate 40 Dr. Porter's Extract Lemon, for flavoring ice cream—large bottles 40 Dr. Porter's Oriental Cement, lot mending . broken glass, he 25 Dr, Porter's Liquid Glue, for repairing • wood work • 25 Dr. Pprter's Cleansing Fluid,for easy wash ing • 50 Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison, for killing bugs ' 50 Dr. Porter' Ply Poison Paper, for killing flies • 05 Dr,. Porter's Bat and Mice Poison, for ex terminating rats 25 Dr. Porter's Benilne, for removing spots from clothes 25 Dr. Porter's Black Ink, in pint bottles ' 25 in bulk by the gallon 00 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder, for diseases of animals 30 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion, for Sprains, galls,,tc 50 Dr. Porter's Bing-Bone and Spavin Cure, for lame horses - 50 Medicaladvice given gratuitously at the office, charging only for medicine. Thankful for past liberal patronage,would iespectintly announce to his friends and the public, that no pains shall be spared to satisfy, end merit the continuation of their confidence and patronage. _ . Dec. 18,1866.—yr IsfEWI Having purchased therstock of Tobacco belong ing to Randall, Compton & Co., and baying built a shanty on the same ground, we are pre; pared to offer to the public WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Gold Leaf, Sunny Side, Pine Apple, Michigan Fig, Rose Leaf and Star, which we oiler for sale in quantities ~to suit customers. Packages in Barrels, hails ankj. quarters. The celebrated Lone Jack, Pride of the Dui. ted States, Virginistle, Gold Leal, Navy and - ell kinds of Killicknick. American Eagle. Gen. Grant, Leboq,uot, Im• perio, Tycoon and the very choicest brands of Yams. • We will keep constantly on hand a variety of Pipes, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Boxes and Poach- es and everything usually kept in a Tobaccd Store, Landlords supplied with ti...,•1"t .11 t Foil To bacco on liberal terms. All orders promptly tillei .1 uotice.! Oct. 271867 CASSLMERES, CHEAP PASSAGE PROM OR TO IRELAND OR ENGLAND L OVION:a CO.'s LUIZ OF . STEAMSHIPS FEU OH TO QUEESSTOWN Os LIVEB2OOL. Williams h Gnion's old "BNitar.Lin,e" of Liverpool Packets, sailing every eek. Swallow-tail Line-of Packets from or to Lon don, sailing twice a month. Remittances to England, Ireland and Scotland payable on deinand. . For farther particulars, apply to Williams & Onion, 29 Broadway, New-York, or G., F. 11AS,ON Sr, 0. Bankers, • Oct; 1, 1866. Towanda,Pa MUSIC, OR ANY OTHER AR TICLF, in our line, ordered at short - notice oy calling at tho PIWS BOOM. H. C, PORTER, M. D Misrellantous AGAIN IN MOTION 1 A variety of CHEWING TOBACCO, Such as FANCY• SMOKING BRANDS OF CIGARS A. BARNER . , ~,. _ . . . . t ivaa 2, 7 .-t , 8 . = r-7 A! •.1 f,:. • • • .71 DIIIIG:-131911Xt, =I W:. ki• a. aoti, cioecestoebtOont_ , a..rowitt.s_ ~' nee monteetten sbe Igetnere ~..M •, ule • °kV dui No. 4 1 Patten , ' where -be Is ileity, nentflog AM= to Itti teem the t. --ntont: reliable, - InwoUltln'lnd tally toks; et* Itberfil_ id!are<o l o/ 10 .. age, arfigeltock et , , • - ~ • , - • - • F II :MOH AND' =DIMES. - - , • Hesjuin been- received, and We are not pre pared to !lIIPPIY ti.le - . - -- 0- WANTS Or 'l l !lF,Ptr,BLjqinTli. mirplipli 1 , ismniamliv TEI Timm , - . ' . ' ÜBE, WIMI : 8 AND LIQUOiIS, ?OR I[B 1044 upE ONLY. A artrii mmiiiirtri cii comornsAnD ~•• • .2• __ BOTAISFIC • SOLEUr/0 HOWEPATHICI • ' MEDICINES. ALL THE PClPlnali PATEBET MIMS& d PAWN? :9Thp vAixtar, PAthT AND FABIVTBH BRUSHES, ' DTI-111'1M AND fa* . ARO4O I IIii : 462IOI4ESOF EVERY . !1 g/FP• mimes-conoiao ninv Ernuicr, . Al4l(4E3th AND RESINODI'. • Alt4!eat-Traluiel. • ABIOM IN AI. a_UPpORTB*B, Shoulder Bmis, B } F4ST rUSPB; NIPPLE SWAZI. AND EiMILPS , Nursing Bottles, Syringes and Catheters, , • L. 141.13111 4.BBORTICINT pa RAZORS, mums, rocur /,3"Fil* SUR4ICAL INSTRUMENTS OF LATE ENVX CND I UST qtr ma T r A large amply Brushes for the Hat and Hair Also for the Teeth and Nails, Tooth Pow ers and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery, Soaps, Combs, Hair Dye,,lnvigor- • ators,ere., Kerosene, Kerose ne Lamps, Shades;Chimneys, Wicks, /c0.,a1l of the late st styles. - CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF XI - Physicians supplied at reasonable lutes. Medicines and Prescriptions carefully and ac curately compounded and prepared by compet ent persona at all hours of the day and night. Sunday hours from 9 to 10 o'clock in the fore noon, to 2in the afternoon. r— W. H. H. GORE. ' Towanda , Sept. 28, 1860. gatbmurt. Ail o c=l-' l:4 , -..., tt 1 (t. - cr. c/a CO i 2 . Z A. . 'MI ... g. ',..3 8 -i w 4 s , l . Cll t p :2 3 E , v oi . 4 - 14 - w` .4 M 1 1:J E; 0 C-4!2 G , W Co f 4, ,1 0 "„, • ' a s , . - 0 0 0 cn , MARSHALL BROTHERS & CO., -Wish to call the attention of" the public to their new Stock of • -HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLIMENTS, BLACE SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Al4o, a large assortment of Window Glass, Saab, Paints, Oils, !Patty, Varnishes, and Paint and Varnish Brashes of all kinds. which will be sold for the lowest Cash'price. Also, a nine assortment of KEROSENE LAMPS of every style and pattern to snit the public. Lamps repaired and changed from Oil and Fluid to Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of all kinds of T . IN WARE JOBBING PROMPT"LY ATTENDSD T , / We have on hand a fine article of • '- GLASS FRUIT JABS, with Improved self-sealing corks, and _ BERMETICALSEALING CA NS, which is one of the best cans used. June 20, 1865. illiortilancous. THE GOOD TIME HAS COME I The surplus of labor combined with other causes has told with fearful effect upon M " IT N I 'l' T_T ! And it is decidedly lower, which can easily be Seal by enquiring prices at • FROST'S FURNITURE'EMPORIUM Where may be found the largest and best stock of Furniture ever offered in this market, and which I am now offering at GREATLY REDUCED yRICES 1 I am now selling Oak and Chestnut Extension Thblea at $1,50 per toot, and other goods in the same prottoition, many of them es cheap as'be fore the War. I have also increased facilities for Mandfacturing, and can furnish , DEALERS AT WHOLESALE Thankful f -r their past liberal patronage and determined to merit a continuation of the same by offering inducements not to be found doe where,l invite the public to call and examine My goods and prices - before pure basing else where. No charge for showing goods, and I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD I I also keep on hand a large stock of Ready Made Coffins glom the most common to the finest Rosewo d. Also Victoria Lawn, Merino and Satin Robes, caps, &e., and will turnhl everying in the line of andertaking on the most reasonable terms. A 000 D HEARSE Always in readiness when required. JAMES 0. FROST Towanda, April 16, 1868. ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS I The subscribers aro now receiving froiu New York a•fino assortment of GOODS IN THEIR LINE Consisting in part of BROWN & BLEACHED MUSLIN'S, AND PRINTS, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S DRESS GOODS, Fancy Skirts, Slumls, Hoop Skirts, GI.9VES, HOSIERY, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, &c., &c All of which can .be bought as cheap as the same quality of goods can be bought in To wanda. Their MILLINERY DEPARTMENT lo being furnished with the latest styles of BONNETS AND HATS, And a geneml assortment of Millinery Goods, with competent Millhiers to snit the taste of all who may favor them with their patronage. Spedial attentioo paid to BLEACHING AND STRAW WORK As we have an experienced Lidy expressly for this department satisfaction gnarranteed. • - Main kitreet, directly Opposite the Court House. • - - 11T0N446) April 16, 118 1 .:3m PETTES C°. ME Pent BROCA FOIMDAV MACHINE SHOI4, wa Situated on Piste, east of /lain Street, TOWANDA, 1311ADFORD CO., PA.; Is now prepared to famish' CIRCULAR •SAW -MILLS SHINGLE ), MACHINES, - oritur beat Tat *Kb the latest - improve. Aff kind° of. °Y r f° r"Th l/ F I OS Saw Mille. -L__ .STEAM ENGINES, MADE - REPAIRED; STEAM WHISTLES, • - STEAM GAGUESi - . GAUGE :COOKS, • . OIL .CANS, Furnished at short notice. • DOLT, GUTTING, :trona from to Inches in diameter.. • FORGING Of hairy wrought work !for2l 4 d i gs,- an_dall other purposes, done to order. - 1 o, a Isr ge assortment of ' HEATING- STOVES, COOKING & - Coal and Wood Burnera. Puiniture for Cooking Roses, Stove Pipe, Tin - Ware, , Boat Pumps, Plows, Culti v ators and Lcrapers; kept constant. ly on band. . - r DRAWINGS di -SPECIFICATIONS Of isllidnds of - macbilien , anolother purposes prepared by. . - WARREN ' rcireman, who'hus turd largo experience is •this knob of the business. JOHN CARMAN. Totranda, Oct. 29,1866.-19. T OW AND A CARNIAGE FACTORY. The undecOgned respectfully announce to the pub#ethat they have purchased the OA3RIA.GzE SHOP G. 11. D R A"K E, And are now prepared to build work .in THE LATEST STYLE -And most worlmianlike manner. They will constantly keep on hand an assortment of splen• did TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, , • - FAMILY CARRIAGES, DEMOORAT AND LUMBER WAGONS ONE AND TWO NESTED AL.B,ANY S - LEIG US ALL WORK WARRANTED REPAIRING promptly attended to at rea souable prices. ARYANT & STULEN Towanda,-May 9,1567.-Iy. W P. L:ANING -- -MILI. The undcroigned'having built a large and com modious Atill in the Borough of Towanda, and filled it with the moot modern and improved machinery, for the manufacture of , i• • WINDOW BASH., k BLINDS., are prenared to fill orders, whether large or Erman; ;. upon the shortest notice. :We have also a large variety of MOULDINGS, of the latest style and pattern, which we can furnish much cheaper than they can be worked by PLANING, TONG U-Erts.' , . ' , efIIOVEING, AND .SCUOLI. and a.l other work pertaining to Joinery„will be done to suit our eas . ,,omers. Persons building. and not living mere than twelve to fourteen .miles distant, will find it largely for their interest f_o buy of as, or bring their lumber and worked by (ray machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring, or 'other lumber, and while your team is is feeding, have it ground out and take it home with you. We will pay CASH for PINE h HEMLOCK Idniatll delivered at our lumber yard. Cote and see us, or if you ean't come, write. L. B.II.ODGERS & CO. Fe! . 1Ft74.. Ifii4Ltllantausl CONFECTIONERY MANIIFA. TORY. Calls the attention of the public loth:: fact that he manufactures and sells at WHOLESALE AND "IIETAIL, All kinds of Confeetiona. ies, Foreign ..and ~t -mestie mestie Nuts, &C. Dealers in the quntry wish ing anything 1. hi'S line will do well to send 'their orders to him; and they will be promptly attended to. Satisfaction 'guaranteed. Store in Patton's Block. Towanda, Pa. ' Feb. 24,1868.—tf. • OOK-BINDERY.-THE PITITLIC B is respectfully informed that. the Book- Bindery has been removed to the Argus Build ing, lid story, where will be done B 0 e K• B IN I , J N In all its iarions brAnehch, on te'res an rea sonable as" the times . ' will allow. The Bind ery will be under the chafge H.. 0. WHI A KER An experienced Binder, and. all l'ork will be promptly done, in a style ❑nd manner which cannot be excelled. !Susi, Magazines, News papers, Old Books, Se., bound in every variety of style. Particular attention will Le paid to the Ruling and Binding of To any desired pattern, which id quality and durability wil be warranted. Allwork will be ready for delivery whit promised, The patronage of the public is solicited. aad perite satis4etton gnananteed. Towanda, August 2, 1966.—tt. O - BACCD A - ND CIGARSI The undersigned haCe est:Wished "n STEAM TOBACCO' FACTORY, T O VT. A N D On Slain Sired. Lelow Erhig , j Stmet Where they are naaeutitcuring all Ends et CUT TOBACCO AND CIGARS! I'i 6icl3 thu utter to. tho:traile WrII 0 LE SALE‘PRIC-ES That cannot fail. to suit. We. would most ro -I_3pectfully solicit a - call from the deale.s through Northern Pennsylvania to an rx 4 aminatiou of OUR STOCK AND PRICES ! Our Tots(To is mamilastureil from the best KENTUCKY AND VIRGINIA Stock that. can.he procured in the market. Give us a try. This is a home enterprise and will succeed with a liberal ddiposition of the trade to support home manufactors. MEANS & PHINNY, - 157 kain Street . , Towanda, Pa. Juno 4, 1268.—tf. FURNITURE WARX-.ROOAIS ! JAMES MAKINSON announces to the public that he still continues to manufacture and keep on hand ft large assortment of CABINET FURNIT'UItE, Burgani, Tables. Bedsteads. Stands, ,- .Chaird, ac., of every descriptiot. ; whicti w ill be made of the best materials, nnkin he meet workman like manner. - I Invite the Inection ol the public to mylwork, which shallno - im surpssed in durability, at any shop in the cduntry, and my prices will be found to be as low as the times will admit: Beady-made Conn constantly on hand or made to order. A good Hearse will be famished when desired. Aug. 15, 1865. ' 41nwang4 • - km 4 . ND A. rift att. AN eg poilotei iissed s Lows 'Anted promptly • IFZEA/V.i.digtot, Of.the folloi!ing iniira add Tellable Con. parries. Office Montana's Bkck. digregfift ,Aniountfof C9pital,, '$L 700,(.60 Lm STOGIE Itranurres Coirrixi, Hanford, Coni, Caahlzseta, N04..1, '67 - a -A s Lulairoox. Ptsa l s2L" Lem* Ars Co. • : . Capita_ ,T kin rpl as and Reserved !an& . Weld) • $16,t71,q7t Assets in the United States, 0ver..... • 1,800.0 v. Daily Prongs - ins, upwanis of (.001d)- 17,0(r, • '2Ersa rifBMIANCE C027.11, 4 Y r - Hartford, Conn. - •Nrar JEMET MUTUAL LIVE NEWELI;CtI Co,. I Newark, N. J. conga $lO9 Nom Aadtu call : Tr:AKen LwanaAncn - (Accidental) Phsladelphia, ss.wEic , A. HART, BLANK BOOKS, Capital Capital coiIIECTICET MCTILL LLI7E IXBVIANCZ - . 'Co., - Hartford, Conn., Capital 810,000,(m Towanda, Feb. 20,1F66-t( FIRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENTA I, LtiSIIRANCE, .CAP/TAZ: Eznu?...tevryli orzr: SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLAR.,. C. S. RUSSELL, Sgba, - /dB TUE roilowvo FAMED RELIABLE laptaan Firs & Maalox bum:tams / COM .. .UM • • : Philadelphia, f Capital and emrplas i over Roan losnuasca Col/Pa:FY, . New•Vork. } Capital and =pica, over , HERMANCE COHEANY OP NORTE i , Alienate, Philadelphia ? , Capital and atirplua, over $1,700 • MANHATTAN INSURANCE COMPANY, / Of Neui-York.. Capital and anrplaa, over ENTZBPRIBE INKOLANCR COMPANY, .) Of Phtladelphia. • Capital and surplas, over _ ASTIC /103CRANCE CONZAITT, ' • Of New-York. Capital and al3rplus, over S ,Orf: PUTNAM INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Hartford, Cann, Capital and enrplus; over ..... • ltft - rtAL LrFB" INECHANCE COISPANT, Of Nett.- York. Capital and surplas,oTer TRIVE,LLZIt9 I2:eraxl;cs Cox.PANT, Of liartford, Conn. Capital aad surplus, °cc; Risks taken on all kinds of Prore.rt!;, et low rateeas by any other reliable Companie.. air Policies . isened and lasses, it any, jnated at this Ageney,thereby saving the and expense of going elsewhete for settle=. xr Office at the Ha:Where Store cf C,_ ding &Rumen C. Towanda, Feb. 7,?1 66.--tt T HE INSURANCE CO3IPA:\ Y OF NORTH AMERICA. . Office No. 2i'2 Wainc..t. Street, Philadelphia. This Company are now - prosecuting' ti..•., L..: ness of Insurance from loss or damage by I - 11.i on Buildings; Merchandise) Furniture. -. _ throughout the State of Per.m , yl;-a.nia, an : ,: al-terms,for long or short periods; or perm.:. ,-:. ly of Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. The prompt payment of claims for Ifv,,, !mg the period of nearly 70 yea's that the ( ...., puny has been In'esistence. entitieslthem : ..... confidence of the public. ar • PI-LECT01:.7...1 :Valli' G. C' ~ .n, i'-' lll, • I V Jones., John A Bror.m . Charles Taylcr, An, ;' • White, JII9. it. N 1.1; llichard D., 0.1 Welsh, Wm. E. Bowen, J.LME3 :.Z. Pi , '..L. • . : Mana Wnin, John ld^:tn, tico. I. IL . .. 1 Frar,;;.is R .: .Cope, Edward U-. T :. iotttr, Clarlie. V, nr. C - ...nuning , . AATIII - 11G.COFFIF, l're:.'l.;. C. ey.,.1:1(1,-18E1...1., Agent, Towanda.. '--- t i IARAIRR'S lITUAL FIRE LANCE COMPANY. OF !:: ,, PLE PENNVYLVAN:..., GElct b f2.1t,vi:i..,171.1)b0ur Gout.y am f BEM • 'the Farmers MUl.aal of Middle Pennsylvania •iv., - •• im•orporate , .. ••y • Xen_risylvaniaLeg'istature, to the year • The Mutual luiitraller , 01 Country property and immediat , lytharaail. - : cnnim.) - a-md ations on that i •oi, s ly adhered to since. All los.i•es have been I)l.•nii,“ 1:1.i;.1 . • : Premiums collected on ku• •WithOlt Tbelneureuee of Country proper_y low rates chargod for la3arance, .payment of losses are deemed o r. meLdation of the Fortr,r. Alutuu; ancr Company of Middle Fenn, owners et sate elan^ country property. r . P. Jo ur , Sec 'y . Wm. LUCIEN W.:I): Agent, 3 ...l:trch 5, '66 LIVERPOOL A ND 1.0 NDo N A GLOBE FIRE ANO I,ir E COMPASY.—OBIze, 'Li William' St., di.. - Broadway., N. Y. • Capital. Surplus and ftc , iiirved Ford, (Gold) Assets in the Culled States. over.... Bally Prendan s. upwards '- The shareholders . personally engagements ot the caraNay. mu t be shareholders. IRECTORS IS New YOltE.—Francis • Es Chairman, Henry Grinnell Ch rman, Joseph Gaillard, jr., Archibald, Esq., H. B. M. Consnl,, t • Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Robert C. Ferguo 2.... Allred Pell. Eeq., Resident Seeretar. ander Hamilwn, ,jr., Esq., Counsel ot -assume - . Phenix Bank—Cammana t The Policies of this Citmpany are i , • well-known Amerienu citizens resident .L York, who-are Directors and .harcholdt•:• , , consequently, with the other Sharehold..‘ individually liable for all theengagetut7 the Company ; all Policies are signed II all clAnas are paynblelu cash ou pr' , ' • ' withoht deduction. for interest, au.: n usual, sixty days alter - pre:ientati,r, They expire-at six o'clock, P.. M., .nd noon. Life inf.urance effected, a•l2 ,‘•:' granted on tavoraidc terms. H. B. itlcla'AN, Towanda A prit 1;,;7. a. rrEIELEQUITABLE LIFE CASH CAPITAL" $3,0u0,1i, 1. - e...rly 11e....a:2 oc-. r.V2,(.3 - 00[100 c. 3.1.... ItoNTANYI: :;., Toward::. .1:11y 23, 1,=67 rrilti ASTOR FIRE 1- of New Yolk. A,7, - .:1 , 2) - .f6r CAl'll.“lslou,ui , viLlinid !Jr 1•6.1.,10 per evnt. ZIONTA.I.' , ;YE Tow:L. - Ida, July . :5, LSI;7. gin LYCOMIN.G_MUTUAL in,urolce Agoncy fur Bradford C eLr AL $3,A59,009. IT'atnal p:an. suzze,:ascal er twen:y -.seye...! years. -.II:ONTANYE_Ic Towar..lA,J, - .1" 25, 1E.:,7 • WYOMING INSURANCE AG T CY. WYOMING INSURANCE COMPAN% Wlllie...i-Earra, Pa. WM. S. ROSS', L. D. sitoEmAKEr., R. C. SMITH, Capital ant Sr,rp:a3 North America, Hartford, Con u. Commerce, Albany, N. Y., Fulton. New York, .• Springfield, Mass., Applications for ins.irsuee in • panics taken at fair rates, and bus• 11C,5 ed to with promptUss old care. attention will be given to Farm riii,"; country. Also - Life and Live Stocr,ll7,utaL. fected in good and reliable complies. Fox, Stevens,lkierenr S.- Co. T.-B. CAMT, Towanda. March 12. HUS.—tf. RUS - SELL & MIX'S .117TT SC . ANCE--AGEX Capital Ilopreacntial or,ir $27, Outl.P COMPANIES REPRESENTED: North I.merica,Philedelphia,...s 2 ,90 1 .' 1%0.415 t a Hartford 1,231.1:1 . - Germanu, New 'York, .47.:,%1 Home In. Co., New Haven, 1,111.7. North American Fire lu. Co.„0 New York, 7:5 0' Enterprise. of Cincinnati, . 1!1:;0 9: Mutual Lite, New York; 2.0,00 .0 We write policies in the shove reliable pilules at the lowest rates. Particular attc given to faun pruerty. Office two door , of the l'oat 01E4 up stairs. in the room pied by John W. isliz and Fleury l'eet, the banking Hor. ,- . of 13 S. Russet( Co -ft. S. lIIISSEI.I JOHN W. 511\ • ToWanda..Fel , . 20. I c•;..3. WIIITE MARROWFAT MAO: ryedrea.q. for sale by • FOX, BTEVENS.VIERCUR Js El $1:5,2. r, SI VA or,o g;r.~ ijW v, s3,isos! Stf; 1, DEM gory r r ME
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