Ividford it to. LOCAL AND GENERAL. ToWiNDA CHURCH DMICTORY.--.Baptist Chureh.—Rev. Basarcr Dtarai. Volta: preschin,g. Sundays at 10k a. ri., sad lk p. u. Sunday 150h001. 1j P. K. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening. M. E. Churels.—ltev._L T.Dscseurr.i., Pas tor. • Preaching eve ry: at 10; Aar.- _ and 7P. M. Sandal School. 11 e. iL Prayer Meeting every _ evening. P re sbyterian Merck—Bev. Wit. HANSA Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 101 A. N.,. and 7 P.m. Sunday School.lk Prayer Meeting Thursday evenings. . ,Episcopal Church.—liev. P. D. Therms, As. t or . Preaeldig every Sunday at 10k A.m. and 3P. IL Sunday School, 11 P. IL TIME TABLE.--The following is the Time Table of the Pennsylvania and New York Canal sad Bail Boa& Company, which took effect on Wednesday, Jan: Ist, 1868 : 80.VTRWARD. P.M. P. M. A. M. WAVIBLf.... v:35 12:30. ..,..9:00 Alm= .6:55 12:50. ..-9.t0 .. ... .7:15 105.....9:35 "Cur= ....7: 1 3.0 120 ' _9:50 icTiveicis.... 8.00 1-45 ... .10:15 P. M......P. M. A. It NWM&AED. A. IL A. M. • P.M. 810 11:45..4 ..sao 11:30 4:55 ... .7:40 1115 4 , 40 7a5 110 4:25 —7OO 10:35 4 00 A. M. A.M. P. M. 'JOHN P. COX, Berixrbdendeat. WArmr. ATKINS ULSTER.. TOWANDA. FESTIVAL' AND SUPPIR.—The Lidies of the Presbyterian Church will hold a Fes- Ufa in the basement .of the Church, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, 25th and 2Cth inst., the proceeds to be applied to the extinguishment of the Church debt. Supper will be provided, and the public is invited to attend-- FORTUNATE ESCAPE.—The larke Me tropolitan Hardware Store of 8. N. BRONSON RI Orwell, was discovered to be on lire on Friday forenoon, on the second floor, in the room known as the Stove Ware-Boom. By prorapt measures the fire was easily extin guished. The discovery was most oppor tune, as the ,nearness of'the Presbyterian Church, and other buildings, would have rendered their destruction certain, had Biresson's store', been burned. sel. We are requested to state for, the benefit of the public, that although two mails are sent from theTowanda Poat Office to Waverly, daily, only one' 'mail leaves the latter place txistward each day, (at 8,35 p. m). Two trains leave westward daily—one at 7,00 a. m., and another at about 7,00 p.- m. So that letter* deposited in the office here My time before 3,30 p. m., for places beyond Waverly, will reach their destina tion just as early as if they were put in the morning mail. tar We are receipt-of the Annual -Report of the Surveyor - General - of this Commonwealth, and gathet from it the fol lowing statistics of Bradford County : . " Bradford County, February 21, 1810, formed apart of Luzern° and Lycoming.— Previous to March 24, 1812, this county was called Ontario, but its name was chang ed on that day." Bradford county con tains 1174 square miles, and 751,360 acres of hind, ranking the third county in the State for size, Clearfield being the next largest and Laverne the largest. The pop ulation of Bradford in 1860 was 48,734. It is in latitude 41 . deg. 47 min. north, and longitude from Washington of 0 deg. 25 min. 28 sec. east. This table may be useful to our readers for reference, as it forms a portion of the history of our own county. CANTON.—EdiIor Reporter— Sinop , T nay last.communication to the EmEtozrza, the EL= of GIiZARON do Inirm, of Tioga Co. Pa., have bought eleven acres of land in this boro, and as soon as spring opens will erect a large tannery. A cigar and tobacco manufactory has been put in operation, in the buildingrecently* owned and occupied by Dr. W. f 3. Bxn as a drag-store. Our Irikdi fellow citizens of this place and vicinity. contemplate erecting a Catholic Church during the coming season. Lirvrri MANIXT are to build a sash and blind factory on Mechanic St., and have dug an immense well or reservoir to supply wa ter for their engine. It is reported and generally believed, that a well known citizen of our town has recent ly fallen heir to $30,000 - ; I and {and that a few neighbors agree that is bdt,a paltry enm, after all, the balance of town including -"yours truly" think it's a big thing. .The prospect is that more-building will be done here than was last summer, and that is saying considerablefor us. The Good Templars have a flourishing organization here, and the Odd-Fellows are immense. The Canton Literary Association holds semi-monthly meetings in the session room ,of the M. E. Church. This society numbers some forty or fifty members, and has been productive of great good id; elevatin,g the intellectual standard among our young peo ple. &names Cornet Emu' go to Troy, Tues day evening next to play at a festival. The band numbers - fourteen performers, and has recently purchased a new uniform through out There are but few country bands thit can compete successfUllY with our boys. Last night at the hour "when churchyards yawn and.graves give up their dead," tw• male forms "might bare been seen" stealth ily approaching the jewelry store of Bunn Nxwitais ; slowly but surely they insert their jaclmives (blades Iran into the putty that surrounds each separate pane of SAMMeI3 , glass ; there is a sudden crashing of glassoi hurried tramp of footsteps, a fierce impre cation or perhaps' two, and the baffled vil- Hans rush wildly towardlhe depot. Sucial.believe lost nothing of value,but the thieves carried off a horse blanket 'be longing to S. W. Wszoires livery stable.— So clue has been obtained as to who the woad bC burglars were. The books of the B. B. and Express Co's. show that within the s ix months comprised from May to October hat,there As shipped from this station over one thousind ftirldus of , butter, against about one third that Amount for the best year previous. I will advise you of further progress. Canton Feb. 15. 1868. 1. N. 0. JAN". E. OJLLDWZLL VB. OJITAWISSA ILtrutcur, Clotatits.—We find the follow ing notice of this ease in the court reports of the Philadelphia Press : - This cps developed some peculiar facts in medical skill. The plaintiff started from Wiliiantsport on the 3d of November, 1866, for New York, and the train was precipita ted down an embankment by the breaking of ana Dr. Sayre,. of New York, was called to see her a yeatafter other medical gentlemen had given her their professional. attendance. 13he had fivtribe broken And a variety of other iNuries,which were ameli. oratad, bat it was wsooyered that her spinal column was so injured that the slightest tap on the head iro ~, . 1 . lad I Vbrought into -.., , an 1 k i by whir& the w. • htr,u the b prey ted from pressing me esp tunn, and made to bear one shot This apparatus the lady wore z ig. Then It was discovered' 113a0she a rest her foot upon grmuutixtatt falling'of the arch Of the foot liy the net performing their flusilittia. - '. - 41 rains made of India-rut:ter belts, I with &ball beneath the 24 of t obviated very ancemidtdly' ditlin • The railroad company . ccmtend that every care was evinced on Lh4ir - by the employment of ootatent mrrants. every capputy, and to Laving; *Wm men to 4y. walk oXIIIIIIES the Wick -- Thp • jury, however found for the laily,i and- ve her damages in theginm of sll,on i " . Miss MarrmaCALDWZM,4O was 'tired on the some occasion , hmwhice ob ed- a verdict of $1,600 against, a Com any.—:. The many friends of: tl*F - 1 indies, rill be i pleased to learn' that they 4re to receive a small return for the very! sigious injuries received: . I 1 - I ... a. Gen. PskrroN temperance, at atfl+ens, onA " . sing the 26th. l COURT PROCEEDINGS.—iii efulls I . - licenses were granted : .t• • .i . NOR A TATUM *16:814 r P. D. Wilcox,. ' A ..Albaniri twp. J. S. Hill, L llarlingto bore. 8.8, Downing, - 1 ; Frankl twp. Seneca L. Arnold,... 4.. ... - Orw 11 twp. A. C. Peters ' i....We twp. John A. Usher, I ~.i r mitikfle d twp. G. W. Squires, .Stan ing Stolle twp. Bbubal Bosnian,—• [.... ...erry twp Allen McKean,, .[..oowanda bore. C. T. Smith , - , , At If, Senben Stiles, J. H. Wells , t. . j ~... Tr ....Trclyy twp. tw. i ' L. =BOHAN? reatzes.. Colwell it Whitman, i ; Canto h boro. Mitchell I Newman 4..1, , ..Trq boro. H. W. Nobles, • 4..1.1:0wand boro. EATING BOUGEN ao. Cho% W. Crans, • ~ t p. .. Attie tw Melvin A. Wall, Edward Swain, ,Burlingto bort): Besley 1 Ferguson, . .... . '....i. 4 - Columbia twp. WilliW. Coon, ..... ... ;. . ..:....Towandit boro. m Henry, Warren Mclntire, • Oacbr C. Post, J _as. is C. A. Smith. Barnard Dunn,...., L Overto twp• Com. vs. Alexander Niblacilc.,--Sur ty of the peace. After hearing, Court disciarged the defendant. L. __ 1 Com. vs. William Harris.-+Chargeicif as sault and battery and threatsi Court alto* a none prosequi to be entered in paynientof costs, Com. vs. Jackson Barioell.-kurety bf the peace. After hearing, defendant orticlred to give bail in the sum of $l5lO, - and stand committed until sentenee is complied with. Ctun. vs. Edmund Gdfron.i-Charge of as sault and battery. Court difect a aolle.pro sequi to be entered on payment of costs: t i Cbm. vs. C. E. Coe.— lndicted for Ring liquor without license. D'fendant ' plead guilty, whereupon the Courtisentenc him to pay a fine of $5O and co ts (.4 p seen tion. Com. vs. H. J. Madill.—D eendant yes in dicted for fraudulently alterifg, a mote. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty and that the prosecutor, E, W. oOWell, aqd the defendant, each pay one-hall the costa. In the matter of 'the. Incorporatipt of a Borough in Smithfield, thirule to cash proceedings was made absol te. The Report of the Au ' of Bridford county was file approved b , the Court. wt approve the aploiiitmen of J. M. Loomis as Deputy Cons able of ter township ; Horace Horton as Deputy :den stable of Sheshequirr township ; also ccept the resignation of W. L. Scoitton, Co t able of Sylvania borough, and , bppoint - 0... Reynolds, Constable of said borough. I On reading affidavit, Couit grant tide, returnable to next term, to show cauela why tavern license granted to hill A. Ers er, of Smithfield, shall not be vomited.. On presentation of petition signed sun dry citizens of Ulster township praying the Court for the formation ofin Indepe ndent School District, the Court ?point asiCom missioners to view the premises , Jos plate' Campbell, Alexander Lane tad Loren j i Run dell, to meet upon the gratu!ta, and ake a full report of their-proceedings to the, next Court of Quarter Sessions. 1 •, I In the matter of cluuogidg the plitce of holding the general electiobs in the itown ship of Wyalusing, on presiinting petitions the Court order an election to be held On the 24th of March next, to deimimine the qrzes tion of such removal. On presenting petition, oux_S. miTumu was appointed Auditor of he township of Windham, Pa place of " m rn i llimin ' 3p-signed. , 1 The Court allow the transfer of George M. Hall's tavern licenstl Oscar Eieleker ;, G. H. Estell's tavern lic etoN. MI Roy -1 nolds ; George Messersmia 's tavern license to Benjamin Vaughn. I. In the matter of appralSe enby Canton school distri era filed and confirmed si In the matted of app taken by Troy school viewers filed and corifirn l leave to any of the parties i 1 exceptions within fifteen da s. , ' • On pleading certificate eflexamineriii &e. l'a uw * as G. Parades and. Hraszri Wes xxas were admitted and swern as Attofneys. The sale of land in the case ofAl 'en•FD: Brown, a lunatic, was co ' ed. • ~ . On filing petition, the Co t direct ,pri vate i t in vete sale of land belon • to Ha milton Dickenson, a lunatic, and', the return having been Jamie, confirm the ask to Charlotte-M. Rogers. The - applications for Incorponition , the first M: E. Church of Diat4, and the, fir'st M. E. Church of Canton, wine granted, and decrees made accordingly. u • n l 3 In the matter of the alleged 1 I , 7 of Ann Donahue, Court appoint W. C. Brit Esq., as commissioner. I _ On 'the reading of petition the Court;:dAr the adoption of Cornelius ' Alonzo Ro • kik as the child of Henry Janes, and the adop tion of Alvira Colgrove as the child of R o b e rt bI B. Baler. H In the matter of the lunaCy of Julia Arm strong, the Court conflnn l the finding of the inquisition, and appoint H. N. Vi" 8, committee of the person aid estate 0 said lunatic. In the matter of the application forcor poitttion of the Tioga Point Cemete ry f the Court order publication. COMMON PLEAS. In the matter of the alleged lunacy.il D. Barrett Dewitt, Court appoint N. 8 . . t.. o dran, Commissioner. . , In the matter of the adjustment of , Frank's! ac.,and Barclay, the Court appo i nt Wm. A. eck, Esq., master, as well as to said excep ons, as to hearing of the case upon its merits. In the matter of the appli cation of E. F. Bishop, for the benefit of insolven law: the Court grant the application. I In the matter of petitfon of Cliadis M. Hall, of 'l'owandahorough, for appeintent of viewers to appraise the damages ell ed by the constriction of the,Pennsylvan*and New York Canal and Bailroad, the court appoint as viewers Geo.. W. Brink, 1 .R. Buck, Geo. IL Little, Zebnlon Frisbe, Doha Ballwin, A. G. Mathews and dolui W. W.oodbnrn, to meet l upon : the -grounk oa Friday. the 13th dai,of March, 1868,1 ail p. m. MI Snpoe • • in Divorce ertirii4liowed by the court in tie following eases , : \ Geo. P!IB;OWII vs. SylvliB. Ein \ pwn. John/104mi is. Rhoda Uingos. Mary A Clumsy vs. Spencer H. Eltr7 \ Enalit4'ialady v& John Malady, -• '72 Ntincy Russell vs. L. B. Russell. Mar y Briggs vs..Edward-A. Brigga On reading depositions Divorces' - was granted id the following cases : ' . John DE Bell vs. Eliza Bell, Ellen Oi>rson vs. Andrew B. 0018011. AlmitiSegar vs. Henry Seger. ,+ • AIM Dickinson vs. John O. Dickinson. of the nada foot, Margo* Pickett vs. A. T. Pickett. Sarah COMPIon vs. Hollister Compton. - Emily Spy.** vs. William Spellman. =Moses Walters vs. Clarissa Walters.' Rachel Baldwin vs. Benjamin Baldwin. The following cases were tried by a jury : S.Jlr. B'lvalson vs. N. N. Parks.—Defen dant's appeal' from the judgment of Z. Eris bee, Esa), of Orwell. The jury rendeis verdict' fdrPlaintiff for the min of $79 99, and costs - I lOn reading and - filing affidavit, and on motion of defendant's attorney,Court grant a rule toshow cause why a new trial shall not be granted, returnable next term. ‘dnes. 3IM:1 I=l M. ißt/shaw vs. AdeThert Munn.—De fendants appeal from the judgment of Geo. W. Brink; BK., of Lellaysville. Verdict for the pliintiff for thesum of $2O and costs. Thilegran H - to show cause why judgment shall not be rntered without costs. Alvin Sciyies vs. Township of Leßoy:—The plaintiff sties' for $3OO bounty offered by the township for voliinteers. The jury having been sworn, on motion of defendants cotm sel;the caSe was continued at costs of.defen .e. dant. wing E W. fpoicoll vs. D, H. Sweeney.—Aotion in debt neon promises. Verdict for the plaintiff for $45 60. Sally Hayding us. E. W. Colwell and Olney Churchill.-I-Ejectment for abouktwo acres of land in Ciknton borough. Verdict for the plaintiff kir one undivided fourth part of the land in gnestion. J. A B4Ecen vs.john Russell.—TDefendants appeal froM the judgment of Asa McKee jr. The jury found a verdict for that defendant. The Courts were adjourned oh Saturday until Dion#lxy, for the hearintiof arguments, &o. - THE BROADWAY THEATRE.—This ex= cellent company continue to attract laige iandienceslat Montanyes Hall, in this vil lage, they ;are, without doubt, a first class troupe, mid every thing is conducted so that the most t cfastidious can not help - but be pleased with thearrangements • Everything is now, frisk and original, and brought out in that superior manner peculiar to this popular ompany. Friday evening will close the season here,-and"nll•should avail themselvels of the `opportunity of visiting one of the finest -'ente rtainments that has ever beenlproduce in Towanda. 1 419,.. The "Ba d of Hope" gave a Concert 4 the PresbYtexian Church oz:aat urday evening last, The exercises consiaf ed of singing Temperance Songs, Hymns, &c„ by the members of the. Band. They were also assisted by Prof. Tows= and Miss MsTissne. Srunins's String Band were presinit and added much to the inter ests of the performance, The proceeds of the concert; (about fifty dollars) will be faithfullydevoted to the promotion of tem perance and , good morals among the young, We should do injustice to Messrs, Drr nuca & qa4arezmax, did we not mention, that the beauthul and excellent Piano used on the occasion was kindly tendered by them to the; " Band" for use on that even ing. . BURGLARY AT TROY.--On Friday night the: Village of Troy, was visited by burglars who with a jimmy and skeleton keys forced an entrance into three stores and the Railroad Depot. They evidently commence/ their operations at the Railroad Depot, where they effected an entrance through a window in the freight room. A. ter once being inside the building they were accessible to every room in the depot, ex cepting lii, Ticket and Telegraph 'Offices. With a jimmy they pried omit the tieget of fice door, land after rummaging the itiewers in the °Mc , they with a common'reiiining bit and a shall chilled augtir bit, commend boring info, the safe—their intentions, prob ably, beingito bore into the lock, fill it with powder and blow the ' door open. The safe was one inl Herring's manufacture. After they had i bored in about five-eights of an inch, they !struck the chilled iron which protects ilia lock, upon the reamer had no effect and !which broke their augur.bit in three plecei.. This evidently being all the tools they bad, they gave Kip the job ofopen, lug the sr* and turned their attention to the store' down town. Their neit attempt was, to opp dzwzrz and roariaex's clothing store : ,The doors, however, being double plank ones, resisted 1 1 their efforts', and after trying the front, - side and rear #cns, they next visited blowitynx. i j ai and Pzcs, dry goods dealers, where they pricd, \ the . 1 ;1 or open, ' looked into two draw ers which w re in the counters , and which one would na ly take formoney drawers,but! weicrused for other. purposes. The mono; drawer they over looked, as the... 44- chang' e left lin it was undisturbed. \ ritte - Y took no goc;:is, their only want being money. They then passed around the corner and down to Q. T. WEBBY & Co., Jewelers. This' plate was opened with wskeleton key. .Noehing from this store was taken. Everything valuable. was deposited in thgir sales by the clerk the night before, so their wab nothing they could get, excepting clocks find a feW cheap show case goods. ._ FromMapt- 3 , . . It and Co's they went to 8.43. hirramul and Co., druggist and groceri, Mr. Moh'inT.A.N, who sleeps in the store was awakimid, about 3 o'clock, by some One trying• to milock the front door. This they could notidO, the jock did not work free and one mustiknow the peculiar catch in it to unlock it *with the key rightfully belonging to it. Mr . litoFirmum got up and stood with his revolviar in hand awaiting their next move,. which was by inserting their jimmy - and forcing the door, -as the door came open Mr. lifcFkmarin fired xten, the burglars de camped. 1 - -, p The shot of MoFA MIND was in excellent range r and had it been two inches more to the left,. i Would have ended the career of Mr. Burglar. d toi t . • ow- EMS report of laud rt of with file : ement nP trict, rep • d finally, interest', Enrroi REPORTER : The following is a list of the Good Templar Lodges in Bradford comity, with the day, of weelcon whie4 they hold meetings. - . • .W. FArriFf District Deputy, Alba, . ; Alba, Friday Brulingtece cenVe, ..Burlington„...Tuesday , Canton, Canton, ...Monday Delavan, . 1.. East Smithfield, ..:.Tessday Franklindale, ...Fnualdizidale....Saturdays Granville Centre, . Leßoy, .Leijoy, Wednesday Martha Wailangton..Camptown,.. Monday: Morning Stari -- 2T. , ..Yinikroeton.... —.Tuesday Northern 4 ......Towanda, WAlnesday Rock .; . West Bur li ngton, Saturdsy name, * - Romp; Springfield Centre, Springfield, Wednesday Spriaghil,‘ .....E3pnnglaill, Wednesday Terrytowo,- Terrytovrn, --Wednesday Tioga Poult, Athens, • Wednesday Trojan, i Troy; Wednesday Ulster, I Ulster, Batas day Wyalusing, Wyalusing Tees day MEIMEI - Pelson .put - Anteing 'Autehtll One of ifo*T's Tioturn of Tomrap a can lecture One at less ithin fie re Vice, by calling at elb 1:411430. - : = 4 , mier We have reeds , the-Lycont *lig Daily Gate*, one otihei- poblisheas r 44 4 01 /f- 11 4. ."T; rP T I- 4°214 - er/ Yi•., 4 4.4* The uaze appears in (hien of new444' :and # l6 -11 unibei 'oloolteble\* oppeazonee end =Wei. . ; liourz" 'General a PP44edeaPt. ,5 10831 alttf. ,Ageit on the Ilailread bet4reim a 4014 'and Waverly, The mina were, carried Over :the gook otitiaturdai \ --144 ,the 430141116 f with the company having been; completed. - • THE. NHW luxranuaiDl , Wir.nsrxe:= The work taken as a whole, is ene'of the most ehilmrae, valuable, erudite and com plete 'ever heated from, the press of , any country, and ae, far as any . imitation is Con cerned, is the nephu3 ultra Wits spliere..,We congratulate the pub li shers on the general' beauty of the wort and have wondered, how in the midst of war, and theconsequent ad vane° of, all the materials entering into the compositien of such a book, - theyS o uld venture the publication at this hour.- But the work was needed. Science , itself has discovered that words are powers. And this work, demanded thus by the restkes spirit of investigation, will, welrust, find its way into every family library,while s with the stu dantand minister and man of sciendeit wfll assume the character of an indispensable necessity.—Pittsburg Christian Advocate. ' special Notigto. - RtmouisoN'e Piano Forte Instruc tor and all the latest Sheet ' Music: fiir sale at Dizmuca & Co's. feb2o. All others' uprights, .squares and grand, Have lost their favor in the land, : For klathushek of all is king, Whose hll, round tones so sweetly. sing. W. Drrzeren & Co., Agents. - ' Tke Book for the People 1 and should be in every family. Every Minister should havb it, and every Sabbath'School Superintendent, Teacher and advanced pu pil are much in need of it. The New Dic tionary of ' the Bible. Comprising its • Anti quities, Biography, Geography and Natural History. Edited by . WM. &Inn, LLD., Classical Examiner in the University of London, and editor of the Dictionaries of Greek and Roman Antiquities; Biography and Mythology and 'Geography. • A very cheap book for the times and well bound in three styles of binding, and- comprising nearly 800 octavo pages on good paper with clear- type. Price- $3 60, $4 00, $4 50, Published by J. B. Burr fr. Co., Hartford, Conn., No. 18 Asylum street. Sold by sub scription by agents. Rev, E. Brraaouons, of Rome, agent for Towanda, Wysox, Her rick, Rome and ,Orwoill. It is the only gen nine American revision by Smith's tiwn band. Feb. 20,-3*.‘- FAIR ISTARsiNGI4—The nciteifritird accounts ot E. Solomon, and AL F., Salomon& Son, have been placed in my eands for immediate collection. All Per sons indebted can save costs by immediate payment. N. N, Brrrs, Tosrtiiidti,;Eetr; 20,1868.-3 w. Fon. SALE.—A Seven Octavo Got- tags Organ, very cheap. Enquire of X. S. PATrEasoN, American Hotel, Towanda. Feb. 13, 1.868. IS. A Ittrge lot of 011ovor Seed for sale at , 1 Feb. 13,11:868, Ctovna SEnn.—Large and Ohio -clo ver and timothy seed, for sale by W. NPLIvErz" Feb. IQ.. j P. POWELL, wholesale and re tail dealer in Oysters, in the baiement of the Ward House, keeps constantly on band, a supply of Ohoce Oysters., , Families sup plied. A liberal discount to dealers. Towanda, Jan. 25, 1869. Norwg.-The Board of Revision have fixed upon the following dates and pla ces for holding appeals for A. D. 1868 : Towanda boro', at the Cotamissioners'office, Wednesday, Feb. 12 ; . Towanda 'tip. and Towanda North, at the Commissioner's office, 'Thursday, 13th. Asylum, at S. Decker's, Monday, 17th. Terry, ate. Bowman's, Tutiaday, 18th. Wilmot, atELL Horton's, Wednesday, 19th. Albany, ,at P.ilcox's,.. Thursday, 20th. Overton, at Chas. Heichmer, Friday, 21st. Moms twp. and Boro., at P. Mingos's, Sat urday, '22th. Ulster, at Ethan_Tuttle's, Monday, 24th. Athens Boro4 at C. Day's, Tuesday, 25th.' Athens twp., at C. Day's, Wednesday, 26th. Ridgbury, at C. Kandy's, Thursday," 27th. South Creek, at G. F. Gillett's, Priday,2Bth. Welles, at J. Brink's, Satuiday, 29th. Columbia and Sylvania, at S. D. Goodrich's, Monday, March, 2d. Troy Boro; at y. M. Long's, Tuesday, 3d. Troy twp ., at V. M. Long a. Monday, 4th. Springfield, at R. H. Benson's, Thum, sth. Smithfield, at L. D. Females, Friday, - 6th. Burlington twp. and boro;., at J. S. 'Hill's, Saturday, 7th.. - Burlington west, at Geo. Godard's, Mop day, 9th. , • Granville, at B, F. Taylor's, Tuesday, 10th. Armenia and. Alba, at G. H. Estell's, Wed nesday, 11. Cantonttwp. and boro., at J. Fox's, Thurs day, 12th. Leßoy, at C. R. Holcomb's, Friday, 13th. Franklin, at S. S. Downing's,Saturday,l46. Wysox,'at j. Conklin's, Monday, 16th. Shesbequin, at J. P. Rogers's, Tuesday,l7th. Litchfield, at S. Layton's, Wednesday, 18th. Windham, at 1, Osborn's, Thursday, 19th. Warren] at B, Cooper's,Friday, 20th. Rome tivp. and boro., at U. G. Goff's, Sat urday, - 21st, . Orwell, at W. H. Darling's, ; Monday, 23d. Pike and Leßaysville, at 'J. Charapion's, Tuesday'; 24th. Herrick,tit H. Coleman's, Wednesdily,2sth. Tuscarora, at D. D. Black's, Thursday,26th. Wyalusing, at M. Brown's, Friday; 27th. Standing Stone, at E. Cowles's, Sat.l, 28th. Barclay, at Commissioner's Offide; Tues day,' Assessors will be pttnctnaldeliirering notices to tasables, siirl tuakilit their re turns in person, ,at the times cified in their warrants, at which time anirlace the Board of - , Revision will attend an hear all. who consider themselves aggrieved by the Assessment, and make such alte4itions as to theta shall-appear just and re sa ble. By order of the Board, Attest, E. B. Coors on, Corn's. Office, Jan. 31, 1808. I Clerk, Seir Will.any one lone - the present opportunity for procuring Frames, !Albums, Gard Frame% Bustles, Pictures or anything else in our Una, whop itigt Pt go /WAY and well known, and the goo so veg, rear pliable hairier). Hsu = 4 Bassu.mr. veg. Blank Deeds and Notes for sale at Cross 85 Co g s. Jan. 22. i 4 Mir Dentists Teeth for sale At Cross JG .lan. '2. M A-B-R I BD. MORSE—BRMR—In • Warm ly, 13th by 13sv. T. J. B. House, Mr. Geo, *lse and Maryßrink, both of Litchfield. RUSSELL—TANNERL-Feb. 6th, 1868, by Rev. A. W. Loomis, in Orwell, Mri Joseph P. Russell. of North Orwell, to Miss Rmelia Tanner, of Rome, Nt 21bvertuftnutito. LAMB KNITTING • MACHINE,....- Ju Price reduced to 88 Dollars. It sets up its own work. knits all sizes, narrows and vi. dims, knits the heel into the stocking, and nar rows .0C the toe cOmplete—producing the varie ties of knit goods, from an infant's stocking; mitten or glove, to a lady's shawl or hood.— Has taken First . Premiums—Gold Wand Silver Medals—at ail Rails atid incittp s ing the' Paris Exposition of 1867.' I It is simple, durable, easily °perste& and guaranteed .to succeed ' in the hands of every purchaser, Send stamp for Circular. • 4.1r,* ascot for a first class Sewing Machine. I S. P. WAItHEM, Agent. • s Herrick. Bradford county, Pa. Peli. 13, 1868. 7 6 w • , MMEBEMMEI • te,(l . _ . N OTiCE TE: :- BANKRIIIICY Taksiolicei That on the i9th _at 40111 r, L. MS, a Warrant in Bubo • hat4rit the estate of Joseph Crud f thr county , of Bradford; and tenf mpg Innis, who has been adindgaw flaakimpt on Me.-town-.petitke ; that the pay. - ment-of any debts and delivery of any, proper. ty belonging to such, Bankrupt - kr Ithwor for huse, and Abe transfer of any property by im are forbidden bylaw'; that a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their debts and to chow one or. more Assignees of his estate, will be held atw Court of Bankrupt-- Cy to beholden at-the oaks of the Register ha' In the Court House, in the Borough of Tower'. da,,before EDWARD OVERTON - , .Jr., Regis. ter, on the. 4th day of MARCH, A. D 1868, at 2 o'clock, p. m. - , THOMAS A., RO.WIEL United - States Marshal - afessenger,Vest. • em Dietrict of Pezmsylvanla. Feb';'4" By E. B. COOLBAUGH, Deputy. b /868.4irt. /10MMITTEil SALE.By "virtue NJ of an . order: issued out , of the Orphan's 'Court of Bradford. : County, the undersigned Committee of the estate and person of .Alvan Morley. will, sell on the premises on WEDNEI3- DAY the'26th day of FEBRUARY, :1868, at 2 O'clock, p. m, , the undivided thtetdourths of an Island situate in Athens twp. and bounded as fellows : On the north by bind& of Curtis Thurston; east and south by the Chentuntriv; er, :ad west by the mill-race leading from Griffin and Morley's .mills. 'Containing, about five acres. Terms-Z.oa: Ina on confir mation of sale, and one half in oni — tear, with interesz. to be secured byjadsement: hen on the premises. ' \S. W,MILLER. FRANK B. - MORLEY, Feb. 6, 1868. Committee. NOTICE IN .BANKRUPTCY. • Tas is to ere ware, That on the.lBth day of Jan'y., A. D. 1868, a warrant In Bankruptcy was Issued a gainst the estate of Martin O. Wilcox of Granville,. in the corulty of. Bradford, •in the Bate of Pennsylvania, who lam been ad judged a Bankrupt on his own petition ; and that the , payment of any debts and, delivery of any property belonging to such Bankri.pt to him or for his use, and the transfer of any pro. perty by him are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of thq creditors of said Binkrupt , to Prove their debts and to choose one or more As signees of his est .te, will be held at n Court of Ba4kruptcy to be holden at the office of the Register in the Court House, in the Borough of Towanda, before EDWARDOVERTON, Register, on the 28th (flay of FEBRUARY, Jr.,. 1868, at 2 o'clock. p. m. • THOMAS A. ROWLEY, United States Marshall as Messenger, Wes tern District of 'Fentlailvania, Jan. 23, By E. B. CO , t 1.13 iUGH , Deputy. 1867.-4 w TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the West ern District of ,Pennsylvania. ORSON RICKEY, a Bankfupt under the Act of Con gress of March 2d, 1867.1/riving applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, By order of the Cons,..notice is hereby given,- to all Credi tors who have proved their debts, and other grsons, interested, to appear on the 29th y of PEBRUARY,IB6B,at 10 o'clock,a. before said Court, at the office of EDWARD OVERTON, Jr., Esq., Register at Towan da, Pa.,,to show cause, if any they have, why a Discharge Aliouls1: not be granted to the said Bankrupt.44iid further, notice is hereby given, thathlikSecond and Third Meetings of Creditor - of the said Bankrupt, required by the • 27tir and 28th - Sections of said Act, will be had before said Register, at the same time and_place.: McCANDLESS, Clerk II; S. Dist. Court for sail District,- .Feb. 13, 1868.-2 w. lIARDIAN'S SALE.—By virtue. ,of an order leaned out of the Orphan's Curt of Bradford County, the undersigned =mien of the minor• children of William Vail erppoti late of Terry twp.; dec'd., will sell on the - premises on TEIGHE , AY, MARCH 19, 18C8 at 10 o'clock, a. m:, the following described lot piece or percel of land situate in Terry twp., (subject to dower of widow) bounded add des cribed as follows : On the north by lands of John Lane, east by lands cif Sarah Rouse, south by Charles Vanderpool and west by land of Wm. Joh:igen and others. Containing about 25 acres, about 20 acres improved, a framed barn and a sthali framed house thereon. TERMS-925 on' the property being struck down, $5O on confismation of sale. $lOO on the first of January, 1869, with interest oa the whole, and $lOO annually thereafter with inter est, until the whole is paid. UEO. F. HORTON, Guardian. ENE ' Morrtemees: Feb. 20; Is6B ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.-By V virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, -the undersigned adminis tratrix of the estate of Cornelius Vancise, 'fate of Rome tp ~ dec'd.. will sell on the premlsea on THURSDAY the ;27th day of FEBRUARY, 186, at 2 o'clock, p. ra., the following desert beelot. piece or parcel otiand situate in Rome tp.. ginning at - a 'stake. south - east corner of W. W. Kinney's lot in the yea; thence py war rant line east seventy-two pea, to a saake and coer of William Strops , thence north 80. 37- 1001prs. to a stake, thence_ west 87 23 100 Prs. to stake in the road, thence by W. W. Kin ney! s estate south.lo,p east 81 8-10 prs along the , ad to the place of beginning. Umtata riv ing'fttO acres, strict measvre, nearly all improv ed, With a frame house and barn thereon, Excepting and reserving the interest which the late widow of the said decedent, viz. Har riet Chandler, may have to the following des cribed piece of land, via : Beginning at the' south-east corner of J. W. Woodburn's timber' lot, thence east along the line of Charles E Brown and Jgshua Vought, 72 pre.. to the coin er of William Strope, thence north along the line of William Strope,32,prEi. to a stake, thence west through the lands of Cornelius Vancise es tate 76 pra. to the public road, thence south 10° east 32 prs. to the place of beginning. Con taing 15 acres and 32 perches. TER S—One fourth of pbrohase money to be paid at the sale, one-fourth on confirmation and balance 'in one year. HARRIET CHANDLER. Feb. 13,1869. Administratrix. TOTICE, IN _BANKRUPTCY._ • This is to give dike, That on the 12th day of January, A. D. 1868 awarrant in Bank ruptcy was brined against the estate of Jacob M. Bairman,ofithe township of AsYlum,in the coon ty of Bradford and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own peti tion ; that the payment of any debts and de livery of any property belonging to such Bank rupt to him or for his u se, and the transfer of any property by him are forbiddeb by law •, that a meeting of the creditors of said Bank rupt to prove their - debts choow ono o: more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court. of Bankruptcy to be holdia at - the office of the Register in the Court House, in the 80. rough . of Towanda, before EDWARD OVER TON, Jr., Register, on the 21st day of MARCH, A. D.. 1868, at 9 o'clock, a. m. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, United‘states Marshal as Messenger, West - ern District of Pennsylvania. By E. B. COOLBAUGH, Deputy. Feb. to, 1868.-4 w. E . • XECVEOR'S' is hereby given that all persona indebted to thr estate of ljewtP.4 W. &WY, late of (Anton dec'd , are requested to make im .mediate payment, and ell having claims upon said estate *ill present them duly authenticated for settlement. Feb. la, 186$. t ie DARNISTRATOR'S NOTICE.4No. tloe Is hereby"given, that, all persona in& bt ed to the estate of Henry Pepper, deo'd., late of Pike twp., are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having ly claims qignt ainst iested for said estate tt will present them dn. anti Pele ment. 1 1 . IL BIWA, Administrator. Jan. 21,1848. A DMINIS'TOR'S NOTICI —No tice ais hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of Irs 0; Newman, deed., late of of Orwell twp,. - are requested to make homed} ate payment, without delay, and those having claims against said estate must present them dulyanthontig#o far settlement. • 4141IEHT T. WHEAT, Jan. 2q,. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— - 41..Noticels hereby given that all Persons indebted -to, the estate of ' Duncan Sinclair, dec'd, late of Ulster twp., are requested to make immediate Payment, and those lumina demands against' said estate will present them duly . authenticated fotsettlement. • \WM . SINCLAIR, 'Jae. 2/, !SOL!? II.XECbTOR'S NOTlCg—rNotice is hereby given that all pesiens indebted to the; estate of hassle Cooley,;d.Wd., bate of, npringfleld twp.,are requesthd to Make payment without delay, and those having casino against said 'estate must present them duly adt codex. ted for settlement. COOLLY, • ' - 11.13. COOLLY; Jan. 21,1888.* • • Executor. ~DIiINI L STRATOR'S NOTIOE. - -:- nStriitice is hereby given to allpersons debted to the estate of Joshua Simmons late of Tuscarora twp., deo'd.,sre requested to make im mediate payment, end those baiing chime against said estate, must present .them dal, authenticated for settlement. - • • ' ALLEN 161EAN, Jagra/,1868. I Administrator. eIOSES 4 SOPER. N. M. litrusEy, Executors. MMM , . A NNUAL - REPORT' OF MR , n , , OtIVALS- Or. .. Bradford Dowdy, from January 1, W • 31. A. D.. 1887. WWI& A tailors, ••a. ji - • -*• -44 ' 2018 " , . . . 4,216: ea Bridge 38 00 Clamponareal .th Suits:. . . . 8,-184 78 Counaallo Conunhutioners ' . •6000 .oonstablea kr making returns and . - L,attending Court 813:76 Crier 112 . 00. District Attomey - 300:00 Mintage for Falling Co. .Bridge. • 100.00 Elections 889 81 Fuel and e . : . 276 56 'Grand Janus • 726 84. Traveree'lardre ' • 2,709 83 -barium) upon Public Buildings. 137 00 Justices Inquisitions - 43 31, Jury Comndationera . 33.86' Office BookeStaticmery,and Seals fa Moot/_ 701 53. Prisoners Support in County Jail. 1,429 84 , Ace:OW milk tits several Coneytors of aninty _ Tax. for 'llie , Cbunly of . Bradford. . , ':' Towns. • i alledors. Yer Charged. Ricci" ved. Armed Per. R Due. -........,... —.,_ —.... ~ Albany ...- ..... 1 Geo W Cranmer ** 1859 125 40 . 114 71 . * .10 69 _ . - Animusßenj L /Knights 1867 104 02 .."98 82 - . 520 Albany . . .... .... Cameron English.. , ._* 294.93. 256 34 2510 . 13 .49 .., Asylum * A E Benjamin ' • ' 455 41 425 14 . 790 22 37 1 Athena twp Frank S Morley • 1,674:92 1571 16 21 06 82 69 • ! Athens b0r0'.... R C Sinsabaugh ... ~ . 567.82 537 03 .2 52 28 27 Alba 'bozo' • 0 F Young . 59 '7B 56,56 .. '24 , 298 Burlington twp..Philander - P.Burns... " 446 50 .. 420 88 '3 47 22 15 Burlington • boro John V Rice.......... - i 117 46 111 17 44 585 t Burlington West J A Compton • 376 27 354 13 350 18 64 • ' Canton twp ...... O.W Landon ' ,756 77 708 11 11 39. 37 27 Canton bm0:.... Samuel OWOXI. ! • , 159',61 150 83 84 . 7 . 94 Columbia B F Knapp . ;• . 944 47 891 24 632 46 91 -., .. Franklin....... Frank Same ' . 350 63 326 76 667 17 . 20 Granville Orlando Tay10r...... 504 66 • • 575 28 436 •25 02 • : Herrick. , ' ' Charles Stewart - . 371.02 * 350 52 205 18 45 - Leßoy ' e Carpenter Hoaglin. :. • • 359 70 ' 339"37 247 17 86 •- l' ' Litchfield.. . J'P Munn - , • 582 !, . 548 45 ..4 88 28 87 Leßaysvilloberro Stephen Brink. ' 116 9" 111 14 , " 585 Monroe twp.,..., Clark Cumm ings jr... , 402 . 20 • 379 81, 2.40 19 99 - - Monroe boro 1.'.. 3 G Hornet ' • ''l •86 04 81 74 430 Orwell i William Howe t 686 85 646 56 626.34 03 Overton.... i ... Henry Sherman - jr,... , 138 19 130 1 31 101 6'87 ~ Pike ! , John Keeney ' 841. 94 795 72 434 41 88 ' Ridgbury...i.... James Mitchell 619 81 584 44 461 30 76 Rome twr, ..i.... B L Smith .. 538 04 496 73 15 17 ' 26 14 Rome boro . 4.... L B Browning - 69 0 65 58 • 3 45 Srititlifild , Dighton Phelps 'o4o 36 888 60 499 46 77 Springfield...... Martin Harkness.... 792 92 748 84 467 ...39 41 , South Creek. - .... Peter J Doan ' 392.31 363 38 980 19 13 ' Sylvania........- N B Stevens. 93 24 88 17 43 ,-' 4 64 2• .•,.. Sheshequin • 0 D Kinney i-- 825 26 779 51 4 72 . 41 03 Standing Stone.. C S•Taylor ' . 419.08 397 95 •-15 20 98 Terry Jonathan Terry - * 314 43 • 292 88 - 6:14 -15 41 Towanda twp.... D D Maynard ' 370 34 346 72 5 . 37 ,/825 ', - Towanda 80r0'.., A J Eastabrooks 1,240 65 - 1 - ,171 65 733 61 67 • . Towanda North. Roderick Granger... , , 279.74 264 91 89 13 94 -;.- . Troy twp Ezra Loomis . 925' 56 871 11 860 45 85 ''''' ..._ Troy Boro A 8 Newman 453 89 400 00 22 69 31 20 Tuscarora. C H Newman 422 75 398 26 353 20 96 1 - Ulster , .. S 0 Hovey \ • 511' 45 484 12 185 ' 25 Warren ' - John D Kinney .• 759 63 714 77 1 . 7.24 37 62 Windham ' R W Darling, • - 635 52 598 02 __.,6 03 -31 47 Wyaluaing ' A C Stevens ~. ~, .... 690 81 653 59 -- -2 82 34 40 - \ 'Wysoz.... -, E B Bishop ' • 797 78 749 51 .8 83 39 44 Welles - . Walter S Bowman... 548 78 519 13 233 27 32 Wilmot G B latorrow -:-. - 391 39 366* 85„ • 5 . '23 'l9 31 . • Reassessments . ... , - 107 01 161 - ' 106 30 , •-,..-'.., --- —;;.--- -- • ---- —..-.,..., - • 23,664 46 22,128 12 227 95 1;170 . 89 137 50 Dr: J. Perry Van Etat, Trecuperer, imaceowd with the County of :Bradford for 1867. Cr. To amount of State and Militia Tax due _ upop duplicates of 1866 and previous years To amount of Duplicates of State and County Tax for 1867 Re-assessments, 1867 Incidental Receivals - National Bank tax In Treasury January 1, 1867...-. Total Dr. County Orders in Account tcirtiqhe County 4 pf Bradford for 1868.. Or. To amount orders issued in 1867,82-1,991 991 By ain't orders redeemed in 1867,84.985 82 .•116 outstanding Jan. 1,'68 , 6 37 - 1 " outstanding Jan. 1, '6B, i 697 •••.:—....--.. •- • • :$ 7.---- 24,991 9Q I Total . • ~..., $24,991 99 Total • BRADFORD COUNTY, SS. . We, the undersigned Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct statement of the receivals and • expenditures of said county, from the first day of January to the 31st day of December, (inclusive ; ) A. .D', 1867. Witne r sp our hands and seal, of office, at Tommie, this 25th dayof daneary,-A. D., 1868. STERNE MaKEE, W. B. DODGE, CommissioMma. J. A. MOODY, • - 1 Attest—B, B. CooLusuctrt, Clerk. meccLlin „ . FOX, STEVENS, KORCUIt & CO., -1 - ,WHOLESALE GROCERS, Having given up our Ettft.A.lL TRADE, we are• now enabled to give our whole attention the selling of GOODS AT W£IO4ESALE I We have In store a large stook of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, And other goods in our line, which were nor chased for CASH, from first hands, and which we offer to the trade on 'desirable terms. We desire to call particular attention-go our stock of FINE NEW CROP. TEAS, Bought directly from the , IMPOItTERS con efsting of HY6ON, 'YOUNG HYSON, 'IMPERIAL JAPAN AND OOLONG TEAS, Which we op; at , NEW YORK. JOBBING PRICES, Guaranteeing the quality in all cases We are daily receiving additions to onr •,sfiick in all DEPARTMENTS, all of,which are bought with special re lerence to the wants of this te ar ket. One of our firm being-a resident buyer in New York, of *many years experience, enables us to take ad vantage of any favoralle changes in the Market, and to keep • our stock always full and complete'. Our business experience added to oar facili ties, enables us to oiler great inducements to purchasers.'. Orders by mail, or otherwise, will receive prompt and careful attention. Towanda, Sett. 1, 18ti7. CHEAP PASSAGE FROM OR TO IRELAND OR ENGLAND ! GUION:A CO.'S LINE HP STEAMSHIPS FROM Olt TO quzzsErrowx os LnurooL. Williams dr, Gran's 014 "Mac Star Line" of Liverpool Pankfts, sailing oiery.week. Swallow•tall Lino of 'Packets from or to Lon don, stilling twice a month. Remlff.anees to England, Ireland and Scotland payable on demand. , - For further particulars, apply to Williams it Onion, 29 I,lroadway, New• York, or • O.'F, MAAION Ca.. Bankers. Oct 1. 1868. Towanda ,Pa CALT # AND . SEEI Great -inducements J. 81:18T .L'B ATR-ENS - CARRIAGE FACTORY Open and Top Outlet', of she. Latest Styles, and a ; lariat, of 'light and heav y Platfm m wag ons ; all of the beat material and finish ;at very w prices for the times. Also plain and fancy % sti S Ighs—Long Sleighs and Bob Sleighs: Spec. ,lal Is taken in selection of stock and with ,the tk. None but experiencsd wprlitqn in ,emplo _d it tscNieraAch of Inainfacanre,and I d x.v.._ umo to gpLetuttlilfaction to all who favot me With th Ir, custom. ; All Work warranted J. A. BRISTOLL. Athens, Pa., Dec. 2,1867.-4 w. f $ :' l- ,. ..1,fi' '1- - - Ortnntig IIQUOIL-' -: - r is B:omit In Penite!ttll4, ions ea Toying rowsto 41V11 00 ' -.278 IN) =sad Cleat of Seadona ... - 445 80 oft 1,448.40 Mate . Liinatio Asyltuod 148 70 ,Tttfihertatuthhtte Per hat 9 th 3 . 441867 78, Inminsming :urns 140 40 cmnshipe - for School • azni,Town I'ex =fleeted Laid. 161 40 Fowns_hip Line Neve.. . 180' 00 lid C 4.1 10:90 hn &arch dee, litaponoloalon'r 3 3 2 00 r William B. Dodgei'i 418 00 'ltem/tali., • • _390 00 John A. Moolly, • " 60 00 B. B-Coolbangh, Clerk " • 1,000 00 Sum Total L $24,985 Si Atnount - returned uncollected for- 1867, and previous years " $ 432 Exoneration to Collectors 337 Percentage ti 1,170 Orders.Redeezned - 24,985 2 per commission on eame 499 1 14 • CI $23 , 3 3 8 37 233 State Treasurer's Receipts 2,999 In Treasury January 1, 1868... ' 2,684 Total • $33,113 23,431 14 560 559 8,024 $33,113 TO THE FRIENDS OF EDUC - CATION AND LOVEBZ OF MIISIO. ;31*w„,, e take pleasure in informing tyol4 that we have just opened in Towan- da, on the corner of Bridge and Main Street, Ao. 3 Patton't( Block, on Elegant New Book • and Mimic Store, where every thing in the Beok • , Stationery and - mueio line -may be found. Also Statuaq, Paintings, Gold .Pens, Spectacles, Eye Glasses Spy Glasses, Opera Glasses, and a general assortment of .11f18ical struments, Yankee Milani and Fancy Articles. Our Goods were all selected in the. city with great Care by experienced hands and bough; 'kith , cash cia very low figure with a uiew =to the wants of this commun ity: We feel ronficle:nt.we !hall be able to - offer bargains to all Who will fav 7 or . us -. wit their a patronage., - Call and see Tots is PrnsoNAL To Aix, wio READ - rt.--Caoss & Co., have just opened a splendid New Book and t dii hi l ierAtore, in- Patton's IIlock; To , everything in their . 1140 cheap for dash. bail And see 'them and sat- isfy yourself that such la the case. Towanda;June 77,1387 EW VIRM.,--The undersigned .41 bare this day formed a se-partnership under the arm name of Alex. Solomon & Co., in.the Clothing Business, and Will cop. tine the same at the store of the late firm of Solomon & Son:,Thanking the public for past liberal patronage, themost respectfully soli cit a continuance of the same. "- .ALEXAIII:OI3 MALOMQN. ' - NATHAN STEIN, JULIUS WOLFF, • Decembox 5,1881, NEW STEAM FICIIIIIING The subscribers having eyected a new Steam Flouring Mill, at a' heavy outlay, on the site of wouldi D om the ' n eSopnled hfg B sa z r T C w o n u sh ty and vicinity, that khez are prepared to execu to work ig till im branches In- the moat approve d manner. Their mill has all the modern ithpro Talents, and built by skillful workmen : and neat the firm being a practical miller, they rin •guaraw tee their work. ' _ ' They. respectfulll solicit/the Patronage of the public, Waging theaselses to render perfect eati•faction to customers. Glse us it ' w We will keep on hand at all thney,,Vionr, and Peed, whctliale and 'mail, nt'hareia• ca prices. • 01 4 The b4ghast cash price paid for Gain: " —• • ACHLA a VAUGHAN. Stand - Log Etone, Dec. 26, 1867.-36 r, ~.~ i `_s. WIWI litistellmons; CROSS t. CO. where they are. selling IN. STANDING STONE! Mil=iltMMl Belt Estate.; ~.~..^. V.~....:..,~,.~.. sue` - iFORT.-A. BA& .041/1. As the gebsesiberwishing to dbssEgse his to therein* Ofts Wl= .braidOodtllllted la -Libertj tarp.; ty, =Waft 250 acres of cholas God, app SCrea improved, the balanceto go, od timberjrWr netTer lOW = d amage led We Iten rethem, with three good Apple - orchards an Fruit zor tam. ly use.. The 'Wm lays-ht r good ael=t i o nw od.' ead, a pod Market ems miles one *tate largest eoal works Inv State s and, livelinles front the Williams Port & Emits R. R.. heady to church sad sob& The billIMIP; 4) . to n t" are One old two story holes caistortabiti; l tor a number ,qtyears, one trams barn 64 by 64 • feet wits tunierground stables for 50 cows war l ' jou shArVother neatassa oat buildings. t also a •• Rill eat, with a dam b uilt The, term be sold with everything on the .tarn ' in follow*: 12 Sirs and all • Wry Moults* 1a ot 3 younehonss, harness, 2 ars& goes.' mist ir an field rollersets ot 1 Eagle Mo wing - A Reap Is Machine obmbiaed, T Hone rakes and' forks, Fanning: ill Buren, Plows, die., and in fact ever thing that is wanting, on a , , term, and mostly all new; Price 233 an sere beledieg e ll 33,000 dawn the balance to slat the_purcer. For farther information juldress,, H. K. MOTT, liberty, Tiara Co.:Pa. S• • OUSE AND . LOT FOR SALE.- - The subscriber offers his house and lot for male. Situate In Towanda Borough, on Malast. Lot 70 feet front with room suelidmt for &build ing for business_ parpowat. For particulars en quire on the premises. JULIUS FOSTEIt. - Jan. 11, 1888.--Bw• ..tI°RA T.R _The subscribe:ire, Ei =tors of the eatite or Wm: Girard ,05.4. or sale the 'House and Lot situate corner of Franklin and Second Minas; Towanda. The house Is nearly Der" *ld _contains 12 room be sides cellar and wogiP'house. The lot is en. closed With a goodAolcket frame well painted, good fruit, veil- and cistern. Persona wishing to purchase a home will do well to call and ex orable before purchasing elsewhere. Enquire of. J 1L:WOOD, or on the.premisee. G. AG - HALL, -YAM A. GIRARD Sept, • • Executors: - volt SALE.=:-li. valuable Hotel A: Property with an established business, at Alba Boro', Apply to - - - moNTANTE do WARD., Aug. 21,1567. FOR SALE - OR EXCHANGE FOR TOWN PROPERTY,-3 . Track rams of 10 acres each within one mile of Towanda 80. tough. Aptfy to ONTAINYE &-WABD, Agouti.: - Tewanda, Nov. 16;1867. BRAD-FORD COUNTY REAL ESTATE AIIENCY, H. B. McKEAN, Bpi. Emu Acura?. _ - Valuable Parma, Mill Prbpertles,l City and Town Lots for sale. Parties having propertyfor sale will and it to their advantage by eav ing a description of the tame, with terms at sale. at this agency,'as patties are constantly enquiring for farms /sc. - H. B. 11c1C-EA.N,, t. Est Office Montanye's Real Towaud ate a, Pa e xi t, Jan. 29, 1867. . - POE SALE.--Bitty acres of irg- Ju proved land, with a never failing string thereon, situated walla oaaand-a-half miles from the Borough of Towanda. For lurthqr partisulars, and term of sale, enquire of W, W. Kingsbury, North Towanda.. VALUABLE FARM FOB SALE:- , •The suhaariber offers for ale his farm in Wys=, nearly - opposite ToWant's. This - farts matins 190 acres of hind bi a high state of im provement, with a splendid dwelling house, Wna and outbuildings. It has a large never failing orchard-stocked with good fruit of evi ery description. It is in a good neighborhood within easy reach of - the cl2uroh - and school privileges of Towanda borough.. For - terms at sale, 49. c" enquire of the subscribe on theprem ises. • 110110•11 D.. BT/1101E143D. Wysox, April 8, 1887.--41* REAL ESTIXTE--rAGENCY,_ H. B. ldoKEllli, REAL ESTATk AGENT._ Offers the follewlng Farms; Coal and Timbei s Lands for gale Fine Timber lot, 3 miles from ITowandai e n. taming 53 - acres. Prise $1,325. Farm in Asyhtm, - containleg 135 mires. Goad buildings. Under a ate state of cultivation. Mostly improved. Price $6,000. • Fan* In West Burlington—on the Creek.— New house and barn. Under a dnejttate of etil tivatiim. 95 acres. Price $5,450. .4* . ma Franklin . All under good cultiva, trait:: Good buildings. For sale cheap. several very desirable. Houses_ and Lots in Towanda. - - Si large tract of Coal Lands in Tiegasonaty. , ToweAda, July 18,1867. VALUABLE FARM POR SALE. k Fituated one-and -half miles from .Ifon roeillcatough. Contain lig 96 acres, ander good imiirovement. Good onc e and bra. Large quantity of Pine Tim r Price $230 -. En quire of )L B. lifcEE - , Towanda, Pa.. or L. B. MOB. on the prem - • 1 . . . Feb.l3, 1868. - " :". , ;--E-t-, - H OUSE AND LOT FOITILE. A-` A House "and Lot on Hain Street. A valuable business stand., to - }toirrUrn & WARD. ;Towanda; Jan. 29. 11168; -- -i-r_ • , THE TowA K ER 17 EATING ESTABLISHMENT t - WOOD k ALLYN .havitra pnrchased • tie Baker and Bating Egablbihnsent_sndGrocery recentlyy kept by laill Smith, dra doo r south of the Ward House, Main street, Towanda, Pa., and having remodelled the same. they are prepaie dto furnish their customers and the public with everything-In their line at reason. able rates. • VIER. EATING DF4II.I.IITMEN't Is fitted, up. in the stoat approred !style :and meals an, served a: all hours, and their store is filled with a good assortmeht of onocinmis, CtafFECTI6NARY, _GIBE,E!S - AND DRIED FRUITS, &C. &C. They will keep in store and sell at irholesale and• retail or manufacture to order BREAD, BISCUIT, RUE, FRBBH ROLLS, BUNS, PIES AND CAKES, Of all kinds. Also will keep the beet Crackers of all kinds in t he markot, by the barrel or pond. Fresh Oysters constantly on'hand by the keg or diet, cheap as the cheapest. They will use the beat , materials in every thing and will try to please the most faatidions,:- order Hir wedding and otker fancy Cakes made to . • Uif Families supplied daily and with anything desired in our. line. •They employ none but the most skilfal work men, and use only the best material. . They are • determined to keep a first class patablistimant. Give - us a fair and candid triad and you will fill d it to your advantage. • ' G. H. WOOD. ' • J. S. Towanda. Aug. 1, 1867.—yr. . • 1100 X.-BINDERY.-THE PUBLIC t• respectfully Wormed that - the Book- Bindery has been-removed to the Arius 341 story. *here will be &mg BOOKiBItt PIN Gt its sadism branc hes . on terms as- res. smudge so" the times will allow. The Bind ery will be under the charge of H. 9.)BBITAICER t • An experienced Binder, and ,all• work will be promptly done, in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Mask, Magazines, News papers, Old Books, 414.. bound in , every variety of style. Partienkr attention will be paid to T. the Ruling and Blading of BLANK BOOKS; • To any desired pattern, which, 1s quality and wil be warranted. All work will be ready 'b.4 delivery when promised. The patronage of Vaa• pahlic Ls solicited, and persa tisfactiokgnarranteed. Towanda. Angnst 2. iess.—tr. TANNING :4 HARNESS MAKING The undersigned have this day formed a co : partnership to be known as the firm of IdA• GEE & FULLER, fps thh purpose of carrytng on the above hairiness. Harness making 4nif repairing done to order and ail work war/gated, Cash.pald for tildes. • GRIFFIN IdA.GBE,-_ EDGAR S. FULLER,. - &lap lowa, Jan. 28. MEI. kWANT ‘ SIJPP.L.IED! Every eboemaker cart col Ma own ford bY tbe aid of BOAT% NEW, CHART aught: log all kin 44 of boots, aboe3 and_ gaiters. - send (Of .cireutur. Feb. 5,1565,—.arc =I J. B. BURT. Towanda, Pa,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers