Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 12, 1867, Image 4

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[Concluded from First Page.] _ •
army and sailore, of the navy ; the
artisans -who tail in the_nation's
workshops ) or the mecnairicaland is
borers who build ita edifices'aad con•
ttruct,ibi forts and vessels of wily,
should, in payment of their just alla
hard-earned dues, receive - depreciated
,paper, while ' another class
.of their
countrymen, no more deserving, are
paid in coin of gold and silver. Equal
and exact justice requires -that all
the creditors of the Government
should be paid in .a'currency possess
ing a uniform value. This ,can only
be aceompliahed by the restoration
of the currency to the'standard estab
lished by the Constitution ; and by
this means we, would remove a dis
crimination , ihich may, if it it has
not already Alone so, create a preju
dice that niay become deep-rooted
and wide spread and imperil the Na
tional credit.
The feasibility of making our cur
rency correspond with the constitu
tional standard, may • be seen , by ref
, erence to a few facts derived from'
our commercial statistics. The pro
duction oft precious metals in the
,United Stateafrom 1845 to 1857, in
clusive, amounted to - $579,000,000 ;
from 1858 to 1060,inelusive, to $137,-
960,006 ; andfrom 1861 to 1867, in
clusiite, to $457,500,000 ; making a
grand aggregate of products since
1854 of 1,174,000,000. The amount
of specie coined from 1849 to 1857,
was $439,000,000 ; from
1850 - to 1860, inclusive, $125,000,000;=
and from 1861 to 1867,, inclusive,
$310,000,000, making total coinage
since 1849, $874,000,000. Fr0m . 1847
t 0.1857, inclusive, the netexports of
specie - amounted to $271,000p0 ;
from 1858 to 1860, inclusive, to $148,-
00,000 ; and from 1861 'to 1867, in
clusive, to $322,000,000 ;.making an
aggregateef net exports since 1849,
of $741,000,000. These figures show
. an excess of product over net exports
of' $433,000,000. There are in the
Treasury $111,000,000 in coin, some
thing more than $40,000,000 in circa
lation on the Pacific coast, and a few
millions inliational and other banks
—in all about $160,000,000. This,
however, taking into account the
envie in the country prior to .1849,
Idaires more than $300,000,000 which
have'not been accounted for by ex
portation, and therefore may yet re
main the country. These are impor
tant facts, and show how completely
au inferior currency will supercede a
better, forcing- it from circulation
among the masses, and causing it to
beexpdrted as a mere article of trade
to add to the money capital of for
eign lands. They show the- necessi.
ty of retiring - our paper money, that
the return of gold lead silver to the
- avenues of trade may be invited, and
a demand created which will cause
the retention rat home of at least so
much of the productions of our rich
and inexhaustible goldkrearing fields
as may be sufficient for the purposes
- of circulation. It is unreasonable to
expect a return to a sound currency
so long as the Goierurnent, by con
tinuing to issue irredeemable notes,
.., fills the - channels of circulation with
depreciated paper. Notwithstanding
the coinage by our wints since 1849
of $874,000,000. the people are now
strangers to the currency which was
designed for their , use and benefit,
and specimens of the precious met
als bearing the national devices are
r&dom seen except when produced
to gratify the intere •t excited by,their
,lovelty. If depreciated' paper is to
be continued as the permanent cur
rency of the easatrA and all our coin
is to become a mere article of traffic
and speculation, to the enhancement
• in-priceof all that is indispensiblo
to the comfort of the people, it would
be wise economy to abolish oar mints
thus saving the nation ((the care and
expense incident to sneh' establish
- . ments, and let our pre,eious metals
be exported in bullion,, The time has
come, however, when the Govern
ment and the National Banks should
be required to take most efficient
steps-, and make :all necessary ar
rangements, for.a resumption of spe
cie payments at the . earliest practica
ble period. Specie paymenta Having
' been once resumed by 'the Govern
- ment and the banks, all rotes r bills
of paper issued by either of a less .
denomination than $2O, should by
law be excluded from circulation, so
' that the people way have the benefit
and .convenience of ,a gold and silver
currency, which in all their business
transactions will be uniform in value
at home and abroad. Every man of
property or industry, every man who
• desires to preserve what he honestly
}possesses, or to- obtain what he can
honestly earn, has a direct interest in
maintaining a safe circulating medi
um, such a'medium as shall be real
and substantial, not liable to vibrate
' with opinions, not subject to be blown
up or blown down by a breath of
.speculation, but to be Made stable
and secure. A disordered currency
is one of the greatest of political
•418. Ito undermines the virtues ne
p,.seary for the, support of the social
system, and encourages propensities
'destructive of its happiness. It wars
against industry, &utility and econ
-91-n.Y, and it fosters the evil spirits of
extravagance and speculation, it
has been asserted by one o our moat
gifted statesmen that of all contri
vances for - cheating the laboring
' classes of mankind, none has been
inure effectual than that which de
ludes them with paper money. This
is the most of inventions to
fertilize the rich nati'e field by the
sweat of the poor man's brow. Or
dinary tyranny, oppression and ex- /
I:essive taxation, these bear lightly
or; the - happiness of the mass of the
'Community, compared with a frail / 4U. ,
!clt currency and the robberies/eom
• mitted by depreciated: paper/'Our
, }wEl history has 'recorded for our in- 1
struction enough and mnr. than en
ough of the demoralizin(tendency,
injustice and intolerable oppression
on the virtuous and well-disposed of
a degraded paper currency, author
! iz , :ql by law, or in ,any<way eounten
lowed by the Government. It is one
i. --of the most snercessfel di:vicea in
times of peace or, war, of expansionS
or revulsionsAo accomplish the trans
fer of all precious metals from: the
great mass of the people into the
hands of/a few, where they are hoard
ed itt : _pecret placei - or dap - sited in
strong boxes undertholts and bars,
while the people are left to endure all
t4e inconvenience' and sacrifice and.
demoralization resulting from the use
/of depreCiated and worthless paper
/ money. I -
The condition of limineee Sad.
the operationsof .our revenue system
are set forth awl. folly; explained in
the and horactive,r e port ;the
Secretary _of. the' Treisury.Qn.ihe
80thlwxt, - - - 1866, --tbgi public :debt
amounted to $2,783,425;879 ; on• the
30th of June last it
_was $2,692,199i
215, showing a reduction daring! the
find year -of - $91,226,664. Miring
the fiscal year-ending June 30, 1867,
the receipts were $490,634,010, and
expenditures $346,729,129, leaving
an available surplus o $143,904,88 ( 0.
It is estimated that the receipts 113
the Neal year ending-June 30, 1868,
will be $417,161,928, and that the ex
penditures will .reach the sum of .
$393,269,226, leaving in the Treasu ,
ry a surplus of $23,892,702. For the
fiscal year ending June 80, 1869; it is
estimated that the receipts will am't
to $381,000,000, and that the even
ditures will be $372,000,000, showmg
an excess of $9;000,000 in faior of
the Government
The attention of Congress is earn ;
estly invited to the necessity of a
thorough revision of our revenue sys;
tem.- Our internal revenue laWs and
impost system should be sp tulfusted
as to bear moat heavilyOu articles of
luxury, leaving the necessaries Of
life as free. from taxation as may be
consistent with the real wants of. the
Government, economically adminis
tered. -Taxation would not then fall
unduly on the man of moderate means, .
and -while none would be entirely ex
empt from assessment, all in propor
tion-to their pecuniary abilities would
contribute toward the support of the
State. A modification of our inter
nal revenue system by a large reduc- -
tion in the number of articles now .
subject to tax, would be followed by
results equally advantagiOus to the
citizens . and the Government. It
would render the execution of the
law less expensive and more certain;
remove obstructions to industry, less
en temptation to evade the law,
minish violations, make ita operations
less inquisitorial,.and greatly reduce
in numbers the army of tax-gathers
created - by the system, who take from
the mouth of honest labor the bread
it has earned. Retrenchment, reform
and economy should be carried into
every branch of the public service,
that the expenditures of the Govern
ment inay be reduced and the people
relieved from oppressive taxation. A
sound currency should be restored,
and the public faith in regard to the
national debt sacredly observed.—
The accomplishment of these import
ant results, together with the restora
tion .of the United: States upon the
principles of the amstitutibn, would
inspire confidence at home and abroad
in the' stability of our institutions,
and bring to the nation prosperity,
peace and good will:
The report of the Secretary of War
ad inteiim, exhibits the operations of
the army awl the several Bureaus of
the War Depaitment. The aggre-
K strength of the military force
on a the 10th of September last was
56,315. The total estimate for mili
tary appropriations is ;77,124,707, in
cluding deficiencies in last year's ap
propriation to the amount of 018, 7 ,
800,000. Payments at the Treasury
on account of the service of the War
Pepartment from Jan. I to Oot.
1867, a period of ten months, amoan
ted -to $109,807,00. The expenses
of the militaryestablishment, as well
as the numbers of the army, are now
three times as great as they have
ever been in time of peace, while
discretionary power is vested in the
Executive to add millions to this ex
penditure by an increase of the army
to the maximum strength allowed by
The comprehensive report 'of the
Secretary of the Interior furnishes
interesting information iu reference
to important branches of public set t
via() connected with his department.
The menancing.attitude of some war
like bands of Indiana inhabiting the
district of country between the Ar
kansas-and Platte Rivers, and por
tions of Dacotah Territory, required
the presence of a large military force
.in that region. Instigated by real
or imaginary grievanpes, the Indiaes
occasionally committed acim of bar
barous violence upon emigrants and
our frontier settlements. But a gen
,eral Indian . war . has been providenti
tally averted. The Commissionerst,
under the act of the ?fill of July,
MI, were invested - with full power
to adjast existing difficulties - '
ate treaties 'with disaffected bands,
and eel ct them reservations remote
from traveled routes . between the
Mississippi River. and the Pacific.—
They mitered without. delay upon the
execution of their trust, Out have not
yet made an official report of thir
proceedings. ft, is of vital import
once 'that our', distant Terr)turies
should be exempt from radian out
breaks, and that the construction of
the Pap* Railroad, an object of no
tional impbrtaae, pkoiltd not be in
terrupted by, hostile tibex. These
objects, as well 1141 th'e material in,
Hterests and the moral and iqtellecLual.
improvement of the Indians, can be
most effectually s ( ecured by concen
trating - them u / pon portions of'-the
country net aptcrt fur their excluilve
use and loos at pr,iuta respote from
the highwqa and encroaching:white
Sincevamrtc sauleciaea.
the- commencement ur the
second session of the Thirty-ninth
Oeugra-s, ,51!) miles of road have
been conga-anted on. the main - line
/Ed the branches of toe Pacific
way line from Omaha, and is rapidly
approaching the eastern bise of the
Rocky Afountaitis, while the terminus
of the fiseSection of the constructed
road in IJalifornia, which was accept,
ed try Goverrimeat on the 24th of Oa
tober last, was bat eleven miles dis.
taut from the summit of the Sierra
Nevada. • The remarkable -energy
evinced by the companies offeri,the
strongest assurance that the, com
pletion of the road from Sacriniento
to, Oinaha will not long be deferred.
Daring the last- fiscal year
114 acres of public And were dia.
posed of, and cash receipts from sales
and fees exceeded one-half million
dollars more thin the' sum realized
from Cies° sources during the Pre
'ceeding year.
atnoaat of money paid tolva
aiontirat 'including the expenses of
disbursements, wen .18,611,065, and
30,482 names were added to the
rolls. The entire number of pension-
er.siOlV - .ft ttift ..' 1
100,47 . ~.. . .., . '.. 1
. - •q• , .,..t ~...- 4 5 1 4ilitti
) 2,
.. r. ffe` iiii)ipits*
. 7'lp#lo#
4situxi: unug. - . i ..
ilk-18 ti=s - n&itt -, :
in Vressitry:
Pitit4l o fatid -vi :, :
r .-yeaut-ieditigSopti
to the - crediti of the
$2BO 607. • r
Thereport of
Navy i t i states tI 1
squadrons auti ,
employed untie
ewnmanders iu
sons and proper
ieni, fnair4ainit
pcNver.,of imnit. G
moth all whittler
liters of our
'pail, or he wo
compolain '•
Unite Sta%
hind d ands v
ron s rviee.
numbo . Or. v
the Secretary,. of Abe :
Sit vie have; seven . ,
ely and , judiciously,
efficient and'' able
protecting the per-•
of American citi :
i g the dignity and
veruraeut, and Pro;
0. - /uid the - business
a. ;Of -.2 ,3 8- ' vessels ,
resent navy . ;of _ f - the
ftysii• carrying five
-guns are,iit ff(ll4,'i
I ring' the:_ year, ;:thp
• eels,: in, -,catruis•
.. „
'ohm has -. -bee
there - r
st .
; e t; lea.
*err ; here • we
e ort •.4
Bele- wpre Comm 1
,ated, had _I alth
made ithe ,u'eee
e t
for . 0 ir cote ple I
has; e her .- sue )
theta; rPoited
- - reduced 12, . and
on .squadroh- duty.
e at 'the date ofthe
arge niialair Nes
need . and in ,course.
hen the war;tertnip-,-
ugh Congress has
ion, the Department
t i . ended worr. upoti
to slow,coinpletion;
s, so ,as to meet con.
. nerytnade with pri.
.tuts. The. 'total = ex
e Navy ,Department
ar euding Juhe 80,
ions have beep male
the close of the war
ction and repair of
:am machinery, Ord
s and clothingyfuel,
istances raider these
vi_ng been. niore hau
_rent expenditirss.L--
stated to the credit
at' that, besides ask=_
gone for Abe above_
last -two years, the
Navy, on the BQth
ast,, in .accordance
ay 1,.1820, request
..of the Treasury to
plus fund , the sum of
ng the amount relieiv
-3f vessels and - tither
td remnants of former
. .
the st4aor,vesse
traetsfor mash
vate cptablislon,
pendittires of t
for Olt- fiscal y •
1807, , ere $31,1
No ppropria
or required sine
for 'th constr
vessel fur at:
tkinp, provivio .
hemp : Ike., the
sever heads b
suffichlnt`for cu
It should also b
Of the pepartin.
ing nq appropri
object, fur the
Secretary of th
of Settember
with- t wad' of
ed theilSeetetar.
carry lq tbo`so
$60,0011,000, be
ed fro ila sales
war ptoperty Si
i. 1 kOSTALAFraIia, )
Th RePort of the Postmaster-Gen
eral a ows thet business of the Post
office /Depaitm et and ilie condition
of .the postal s'rejcniti a very, favor
able light and the attentionof - Pon
grese e called ore prattical recom
mendations. he receipts of the De-,
partmimt tot • e year: ending . June ,
30, 1847, indla • ing all speci4l appa-
Prilo,l4 B Pe ;'4 40.1' 1 0 lefYiee eild
for free mail m • tter,were . 519,1178,0113. , ,
The lapendite its for all purposes
were $19,285, 83, leaving annnme-,•-
pended balan.e in favor of the De
pert rat of, $ 42,5.191
: which tan be
applied , tower • the ,expenses of the
Deparlment r the durreut ; year.--i
The increased .oat revenue, indepen
dent of speolli• appropriadoe tor dui
year 4807 ov r that_ of Igtiti, was
$8 5 0,040- Tee inereased 'revenue
from 'sic of et. tops and stocoped en.
velopts was $ 83,404. The increase
of expenditure. of 1567 over itheise of
the pre vlons y at was owing chietly
to the extensi • a land and ocean mail
service. Der ng the past year new
poste convent one have been ratified
and exchange , with the Puited King
don/ Of Great Britain and ;Ireland,
Belgi#En, Net] erlands, Switzerland,
North German Union, Italy,; and Col
onial, 'ploveru •• wit at Hong Kong, re
(hieing very la gely the rates,ef, ocean
and,lend post:g•es to and from' with
in thase pouut I",
•• i THE AGRI gUITJRAL 111.111114 N -: „
' Thd report f the Acting Cointnip;:
siona of Agr culture_ concisely-pre
itlie-corel don, Wants - and /pro
gressOf an int rest eminently worthy
of thelfoeterin care of Congtes i ecnd
wiliibits in e la In
rge easure/th ea.
fill results nob eved during the year
to whlch it ref re
• . /'
TliO reesta lishment of peace at
homeland the estut iptiAl of extended
, traded travel ud commerce abroad,
hayeleerved t ienveaae the number
and variety o / Atmetions in the De
partolent for oreigli Affairs. None
of these quea on; however, have se
riously dister ed our relations with
other :States. The Republic of Mex
ico, Biting li• en relieved from for
eign Initirve • tion, is -earnestly en
gage in effe ts to• reestablish her
constitutional •zystem of government.
A/gO4l uncle -tending - continues to
giist lbetwee our Government and
7 the -114 publics f Hayti and St. Domin
go, and our ; _ordial relation with the
Ventril and~outh American States
reruali noc b igeil. The tendermsde,
in cliformity with a resolution of.
Congress, of he good offlee -- iif the
Govennent, - ith a view to an- awl-,
cableil adjust e nut of peace between
Braziliand her allies on the one side
.t inagu•• 'on the othet, and be
tweetif,Ohill an• her e ollies on one side
. and lain 014 hetother, thongh Bind-, ly tee ived, le - sin neither ease been'
fully le i rptt
d by the belligerents.....
The % in the Valley of the Penaina
is - still yigoto•sly maintained. • -On
the of er ban , actual hostilitiei he : ,
tWeen the fa i4d kl4tee end 3 11eiti
~eeti mo 0 than year k
s asPe
ded. -I shall u any propel' oatlesion
that tt4ty oecu 'renew the ootielliatary
iecotaexendati nu which Ita l ie been
already made. , Brazil, witti„Snlight
oiled sageei -rnd compteheiisive
states aushi has opened_ the kreat
channild le el' th 'Amazon 1111¢,21$ tribil-
t )
tes univ real &rumen*. ItYlie
thing ore - se Ms needful to l llBol.lre a
rapidnd die lag progress,in South
Ameri a. - I efer to those
habits withon which states, and. na
tions cannot i this age' WelleXpeet.
j prop rity, or Boole l advanctei .
ment.; , ' - •
on Universal of Indus
s passed, and ;eetti to
zed the high expecte
; ere bailed regarding
• Government. If due
We for the , recent po
ll • ont of industry 4ere,
the United' Straw) has
• ihibitioti of =invention
• e regarded with very
by at i taris I f ly rca
flosssihich -
it, by t he Fren.
altowa - ha
!Weal eras /
the pu t. which
horse ' this
and ar , may, •
higkais ista!:o
* the II
1 4 . 17 0
the Ui
h the I
a . ud 1
nation l ;
as whi
spas ition .
ited Stetee being one,
nommen lenegoof COM'
Omerciai ; <intercouree
- • i
feAstitting friss*** J . rand meow
igagivero..fotit - Ati4 - ; .o*4 B
ir, ftre:' 4 .4"041, 4 ,f0r lis I bilehififtib
.Onwentsk r esiusasi.ot ' is* lab `I
0%10 ifte?toitiligeli ' ' ld: , ; i , -
conreresces are . .ezw,p4, (,to t# li...idei
ekiiith Aber "attenUncq:4 into for , '
etVAliten'ultidAiirtix Iceeo o **
A:report ottheimiiptiieoas ii*edi .
lags iivill ' be'-! Slibmitted' ell Orgreise,
whic4 1 0 11 , 4d:APut)flis, ily_:!lP, WO
ate this -great'objest, ant be teal to_
,aqc9,ow, mrlyittre i5h3017:47,1 nd'
p-fssillosteitisiiiiiiirite ' - SOSositikal!
Oil thik 25th-day ef Felireary,lBo3,
Fuligreink declared: tine the Treas
,notes without interest, a s there,
utter issued, should he :F-gal tender :
feria% debts, public and private,with.
in the. United States. , An anunalle
rnittauce of $30,000, \the stipulated
expenses, accrues to el ii rants under
the Convention made With Spaiti in
1834. These run:At-too* since the
passge of that act ha,ve been paid
in such notes. Claimant!, -insist-that,
the Government ought , tc) require pay
meet is coin. The stibject may be
deemed worthy of yinir attention.
4HSAt.An cusp. '
No , arrangement has as ye been
reached for the settleineut ler our
claims for British , depreelationa upon
the commerce of the United States.
•I have~ felt it my duty tto decline a
proposition for arbitratiest made. by
Her Majesty's Government, hecause
it has hitherto been accompanied by
reservations and limitations mecum
patible with the rights, interest, and
honor of our country. It is not to be
apprehended that Gleati Britain will
persist in her. refusal to satisfy these .
' just an reasonable &deli, ,which
'volve - the sacred princiPle of tion
interventions prinsiplei henceforth
not more , important to' 'the United
States than all, other -commercial-pa
The West India islands were set
tled and colonized by European
States• simultaneously with the set
settlement- and. Colonization. 'of the
American. Continent. Host of the
&Andes planted trere beeame inde
pendent nations at the close of the
last and beginuirig or the Present
century: Our OWil country embraces
oominursities whiah at one period
were tolonies of Great Britain,Fratice,
Spain;( Holland,. Swain sndiEussia.
The people in the West Indies, with
'the exeeption of those of the Island of
' Hayti, have neither attained nor as
pired to independence, AO have they
prepared fur. self-defence.—
Although . possessing considerahle
commercial value, theytsve, been
held by several Eitropean States
: which colonized or at eonie time 00
quered them, chiefly for purposes of
lutlibtFY . 484 par
rrug oat tiaropeee Roney' and de:
signs in regard to this continent. In;
ear revolutionary war, the ports ised
harbors is , the West India . Isla Ida
were used by our enemY,to the great
L injery and einbarrinsament of the
"gaited *stmt. We bed Alin same
experience iu our secoed war with
,Great Britain. The Same/European
policy for a long time excluded ns
Wirer , ire% MAP With Wei In
dies, whiiirwg weFe 1 41 peaw with all
nations. In our recent C ivil, war the
rebels, and their ptratioal and block
ade-breaking allies found facillities-Ju
the same ports for the work, which
they too successfully accomplished,
of injuring tied devastating the coin.'
merco which we are now engaged
rebeiblitig`. We labored especially
under. Oh disadvantage that Unro t ,
peen eteem vessels r employed by our
enemies, found friendly shelter, pri)-
tiotien andsupplieis in the West
India ports, while our own- naval
Vperationti were necessarily carried
on froze ouf owp distant shoree.---
There was then a univeraal feeling of
want of an advanced naval outpost
between the Atlantic \ coast and
Enro'pe. The duty of obtaining such
an. outpost, peacefully Ond laWfully,
while ,ticither ,doiug ner menhoing
injury to oiliga 14tates, eareestly
gaged the attention- of the Executive •
Department before the close of the
war, and it Las not been lost sight of
since that time. 'A not entirely dis
similar naval want revealed itself
during the entue pertufl on the Bacilli)
coast, The required foothold there
was fortunately 'secured by our late
treaty with the Emperor o: Russia,
and it now seems imperative that the
more 'obvious necessity of - the Atlan
tic ?owlet should not, be -Wee, garefelly
proVided for. A goed and peviniielit
port and harbor oapable.uf easy' de
fenee will supply that want. With
posiesaion of such a station byrthe
United States neither we nor any oth
er American wak, nee d longer ap
injury or offence from any
trausatian,tic enemy : - I agree with
our eatt7 statesmen=' that the Weal
Indies naturfi.liy, igraVitate Ks. and
may be e;`pdqted •illiiplately '
to en
absorbed by Oontineotal §tates, iii- ' I
eluding our own. I agree with them,
aleo,that it is wise to leave the clue s tion of such absorption to this process
of natural political gravitation. The
Islands of S t . Thoinas aud St. Jams,'
which cons titute a part of the' groqp
oat* the Virgin Islands, seemed t..)
oiler all advantages immediately de-
eirable..while their acquisitioe could
be secured in harmony with the prin.
copies ' tci which I hays nlledeil. 4
treaty has therefore been cameleded
'with the King of Denmark for the
cession of those islands, and will be
submitted : to the Senate fur consider
It will hardly* necessary, to c ill
the attention cif Congress to the sib"
Rct of pravi4ing for the payment to
ussia oC the snip stipulated in treaty
'for the cissationi of Alaska. Posses.,
skin having been formally delivered
to'our Cemmissiimer, the territory re.
fusing - for `the 'present', in•citre of a
military; !We,• iiiwoiting suiA nili
orgamiatiou as skill bp'deOlarA b y
Congress, \ I, '
‘: ?(41t4.4V4K1) CfrfatiNti. I "
The 4tinexation of many wall Opr,
man States. to Pr•n ssia, and the rear=
ganization- of tba conntry under a
liberal Constitution, have ,indueed me
to renew 'the effort to \ obtain:a just,
and lirnmpt settlement of the !wig
vexed muss , ion aoncerning the glniins
of foreign States for military eervich
from their subjects naturalized in the
United Stales. ' . 1 I , •
: lirtionnection with the :Subject the
attentjoauf Congress is" tfully
called-to a singular and embar4ssing .
conflict of - laws. - The - Executibe - I
-paittuelit of the Goviirtiment his
hitherto tinifortulfleld - , - _tm it now
.4 , 7, -;'•'—',!.:;• ''.::.''''' * ' '''-r-'.:"''',''`:': -
•tliO l4 k - 401.11414010400 111 - 111:00*Iwi.
ity wiitlthiedeetheillt aidirill of
thaVaited'Hiatr:iaalaitivino-the*lp- .
lent 'bent his native . illighintte.'ir
Tho.9 ol o6cot Grist:ifittlialits4 , .that
atkleknOe t 9 tbo P tab' rqw , i la It
dltgliMlAiliti g' i t ed l 411
tallilltit iiiitusii tw•, ' dash oak
Oit tite'the'ooi4irstief laii.aillliodoo l
of the - United Slates in r support Of
13 %
that tit il;sigiiiiit the ..peititton held
by ' the veutive authority .of 'the
United tateit. --. Thia-rumilict-pesples
, . ,. . - ,
eu the. public mind '
.Tooncerumg :the
lights of naturaliiedisitiienti, audio?
pairs national : authority abroad', I - ,
.called attention to this subject:in in . y
.Iset annhal message ; and- now aga in .
,uppeat. to Congress. to:
. leclaie the national: will nutnistaki
•bly - upon this important_ question. . .
. - - Tagiu.#, ll4 : Bl Dr. '- '
The abuse of our laws by the clan-
destine protoeution of the African
slave trade . from American - ports, or
by tuner eati:citirens, has::-altogether
ceased, and under.' , existing circum
stances' no . apprehensions of its re-.
I news' in [hid. Part of the world are
entertained. Under these eircurn-
Matinee, it benontetta question whetb
,er we Ashall not propose to Her May ,
estyin: Government -ti seepettsion . or
discontinuance; of. 'stipulations fur
maintaining a naval force for the sup
pression of that trade.- - '
(Signed;)' ' AN Raw Jonsson'. '
WABIinrGTON, Doe. 3, 1847.
Onve mib
at vair
saraatmara 1411 , N11'
Corner Main and Pine Stieeta, Towanda, Pa.
flawing recentl,j added largey tO his Moab, &
fall and complete ossortmen , constitating an
extensive variety, embracing many Prtlcles • •
in the Arts for mechanical parixatea, carefallY
selected with regarvi to th e progress— iv* multi of
thethe bile, tibia trill bettept constantly/im p !
pl with fresh parch.. sei,_ and offeredea the
ressonable terms at:-Wlaolesale of Befill,
t ( • i !
I * . • ' I
PAI3IIII. 01L11.C41111111116.
.1, • - f
84 / 38 ..M81T1 YAW% WHITE-WABB ,
-. And all kinds 4 Brindles, s
. Alcohol au / 4 / Hurtling Fluid'''. A
Sperm, Whale. Nests Pool,
Panes sinl*llet Artieler" in • Iheli variety,
/ • -
FonniSes..Halr-Dyns, Perfumery.
/ 'woes r , Han nr.
SKIN AND agra PiiePAamoks
Per Medicinal tree, ' s
ToLtooo, SNITIT, PIPES • AND 010 MN;
Garden, Field and Pular Seeds, Trusses. Bei
.portees; 4spensories, Shoulder Braces,
Breast Pumps, leething Rings. Nurgdng
Bottles, Nipples, Nipple Shells and
' S [aids. Syringes, Bed Pans, Self- •
Sealing Fruit Jars.i Thermometers
Flavoring Extracts,' `Ste; Jugs, Ogee
W W arkliotties,Vlsk, Dor
and Stove Blacking. Fish Araniuni
tion,&e., Botanic. Salerno and Homtnpath
-lc Wedloteee. - Cud .411 ;tile Popular Patent
It alleles unveiled• u 'represented. Per
eons at a diatnnes can receive their orders b ;
singe or mail which will r ec eive • prompt en
careful attention.
DR. PORT-ElrB rit4P44471058
PANAY • 1188,
Ertown as' Safe and Reliable Remedies, are war
ranted tor what they are thtended to give sane
faction, via :
Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup, for conks,
• • colds, him anniittints*.6o44l qp
Dr, PROF r 4! r uiili.. tt ,i...4,• .
Er ma Otte... 5D
Dr. Portar'a ' iter Syrnp. for scrofula ,
• shistdisermes i.e. lOO
Dr. Porter's Uterine Tong?, forfemals weak
nuts,... 1 00
Dr. Porter A Tonic Klixtrfor atrengthating
the system 100
Dr. Porter's Tinny Sch napps. for liver and
kid."), ei nf t ViNiii . •93•1 ,/ Si ,; • I 00 - a
D. jii i iitiqs Clomp. Syr.' HYPophwiphites,
for nervous debility.. f k 1 00
Dr Porter's Blackberry Balsam. for dine , '
rheii.4c. ' 56
Dr. Porter's Family Eiontnocation.foi sprain*
, bruise,,4,,c as
D. Porter'. Pet:tort W.sfora, for linc.rn :
I aces, 5eu_ 11 4,..0.4 1 0:•••.•,,,,,, 5 5
fly. pukes %Mu Wafers, Or “peniss tso~ts - I
Dr. P°+g Worm € 1 ,1 7 414 fo r saterrnina.
uror 26
Dr. Portenosja
Re i ttt i ', for crying baton
. 1 'cab 3, te. • 26
Dr. Porter's Ce Italic — Sautf, for catarrh
Dr. Porter'o Zoothacim ! ,Drope,. ex Mow
Tooth... ..t.... ............. 44
Dr, Partar,ls POlrder,./hr Mstrving
WA.. . . . • • .. IS.
Dr, Porter's Tricairaut, itie4ieltsitl in s . 60
growintt the, hair. . ' • 50
Dr. Porpr 'a Trioophile, tor baratitylag the
Dr. Porter's OdoriteroasStrampoo for clean- 50
blithe halt 50
Dr. Porter's 1111 k ol Flowers,: for beautify.
ingthe complexion 50
Dr. Porter'. Pile Crniment, for external;
pileu I oo
Dr, PoiltritPrthliL PT.lll O #4• lAr 60 404' .
Ink {. 0 . ,•.•.' for -. 100
Dr' Porter ' s 11 aided . P l Ol.. lisblaol
co tipation I 00
Dr. Porter's 11 Mg Salop, for onts.wounds
' It.: i t•LA
Dr. Porter's %patrol, foiii ;13.9Witici 14;7.
Di . Potter ' s nyi Salve, for Inflamed eyes.. Ifs
Dr. Porter's Ey Watei, foilnflaned eyes, ,26
Dr, p 9r 4re porin 4n4' Wslit rettlaW t f at
60 ~aa auto br~nibns Dr. Porto. 'a —l3
nae. 2
Dr. Portern 1. on ****** for poor blood ..... 33
Dr. Port M 4 * Citrate Magnesia, fora plea
sat catharrio. • ,". .
Dr, eorlfes Idguld *smut; fdr magnifhtr
tt_ „tons diet for Instil -
Dr. Patter's Extmet Vanilla, toe //noting
• ice cavern. de lit
Dr. Porter's Extmet Loudon, for Savoring
• leaserearri--huge bottles 40
Dr. Porter's Oriental Cement, rok mending ' •
• broken &am, die:, IS
Dr. Porter's Liquid Glue, tot-repo iring.
• wood work ; u,
Dr. Porter's Cleansing Pluidtor easy vi t. • •
ing. .' . , t. BO
D. Porter's Bad Nat 'POWs, 'rer Wang
Dr. Porter's - IW Poison Paper, fia. killing 50 •
dies SS
Dr. Portes's Itat and Poiso4, for ez. •
terminating rats.
Dr. Por:er's 7:Brusine, fffl• realisi 2.S
ng ;spots
from W • SS
Dr. Porter's B ;tieli DAVvikagall 25
P.bul r o
Dc. a n t e va Mute and Cattle P el., for ;00
.., • d_isedles . ocattimals -
iwooeit Ha* ant ItotinC int
• pins. gum.•
• I t t • • .
Pt , Pc ell.Big ra iri 3 ons had 446
SPaelt.trlekre. 5 0
farimma liaises -Qv
- Medi adriee Ores g r atuttousll. tte 1 4k- 1 4 E
ehargini, Only for medietne. ,
/fir Thankful for pad Mere! W,rap:4o,lMM'
ly announce to his friends and the
;pnbllc,.that no Pains shad be spared to - satiety,'
and Merit the teinitinuatlon of beirl.confidatara
aed turilr)4ll4ief ' - 1
; G, 0. points, lc D.
•. Deo, 0,1014 _ • •
• • . .• •
ANC'S' tkmastglivArney fae Bradforifco.
CASH CAPIT4L. - 43,000,000. •
Ty. , 13 %goo 0,11, 62.000, 00 0- 0 „„ b :
- Jima
Tostaai Juil94 Itier 48 " a
• v-
Cso` _-,
-,.,... -
, ,
...,,.? ,
1..': , .1.
% •.,,.. tit*
•_'.":: _ ,
.3.:. el. a' .
, . - 4
i PA-
r..,c 0 1 ,„ g r
-;•. a -%
.-4.1 -...„. .-- 1 ' ~-
;...: E . , •" 4
Zi -'
'': i
. *. • -
WW* to all the - atiesition of the publieto
their lOW litoek - of * . ,
.HARDWARE • • kair i tio ' o ' ../
_. ' vAßialsa OVUM • _
1 •
BLACK 01111 1 11)3 , ,
Minot Imp' amostateator - .
Wiadcrir Oink Stith. Nate. O . le,
iPuttY.Yandahee," ttad Paint;
•,- tad Ifisalatißraahem , . ..
(Wall b o de, which will ' . be eold',l6i 'the lowest
Cadtp#oe. to. a fittaaeo, rhoent,of .
of every style And pattern to l ailt the Patilk,. -
• LamC r e paired and di/toted fromOli _and
Putteelar attention paid to the manufacturing
of all kinds of - -
- TIN/WIA 88. " •
aositsCrio#riL Airy:xi:4o To
We Imre on hasel a Sae article of
4ltit tnsproved,iielkelltag Corks, nail
latch fa one of the beet cans' used. '
Jane NAM
R D , W A „ R(E 1 , •
illy inform their eustdmers. and the
'public generally; that although the Are occa
sioned serious ton and temporary interruption
to oar business
And have purchased a large stook of New.
puede, bulls a new
And, are fairly Reconstructed and • doing We
nt& again. -
The \front of oar store is now on Pine street,
abbot 11/0 feet from "Main street, at E. T. Pox
(now Powellsj old Gornto, you should go
into Powell's and walk straght through the
wall of the, back end Lot his "'store, you would
nod youtself s among the istovca, pots; ten! es,
anvils, bellows and viees al oar .new st:re. But
sayou can't got through tbewsli,jast. walk up
Pine street to oar Shebang, where we keep a
full Rut of Hardware: ' have a kreat trie
ty of
Among thtjgar the
V/414UNil • , ,
GRIENT4,•• \
- . --A - compirrt•, erfol.rweat or\
Iron, Steel. Nails. Wiiid4w Masa, Saab. Hem ,
sent OH, Table and' Pockei Cutlery, Pann
ing . 'foots.. Carpentets- and Jolne4
rAols, Enaokemilb Tools, pampa.,
. i.ea4 Plito;Towder; Gans,
rlatola, ate.
We eni • agents for
Elmira , Rolliiig Mill Oo.'s:Iron:
7iVe maiats9iu're
And doll! sorts of JOB WORK put llap,
Cash lAN pa , Old lon, Out end Wrought
KorapicObpper, Ertel., Sheep Pelts, Rags, Pets
Pathera, Bon Wax, &o. ,We buy cheap , sell
cheap. and are content with small prone.
Towanda, Sept.ll, 188?.
J. /M. &VITO, M. D.. would respectfully inform
the inhabitants of .Bradford County tlitt tie is
permanently located in. Vrat.rgrlmy, , Y., where
he has been tto piantica of his -- professicin for
a4n pot fofirjeSre, would say that from his
betasad successful praotice of 25 years duration
familiar with all the different atyta of
wart done in any and all Dental Establishments
in city or count , and Is better prepared than
any ether Dents operator in the viethitylo do
work the best adapted tattle many and diluent:
Oases that present themselvee oftentimes to the
Daudet. an ft 1 30efailw,(14 th e art of making his
bi IliVricia teeth, and has faelOtkeallikillot9,
tlfbsame. To ' those requiring tinder sets a
teeth he would cal - bia new kind of
work with Pastels of porcelain for both plate
and .test and formlitga continuous gam. It is
more' durisideonore natural in appearance, and
much better adapted to the gum than any other
kind of work.- Those in need Of the aa.ue are
Invited to call and examine Specimens. Teeth
filled to last for years and oftentimes for life.—
Chloroform, Ether, and " Nitrous Oxide " ad-
ministered with pt.rfeetisaftty, as over four but:-
Area patients within the last four years can telt ;
tify. '1
I. will be in TowoAdelhoni the lath to 30th of
wry naniallGat Abe eof W.' E. TAYLOR,
(Lanced: oaempied by Dr. 0. H. Woodruffl—
Hiving made effulgent , nts with Mr. T aylor. I
am prepared to do all work in the very best
'style. a , his office. April 23, 1667.
DR. VAI , II3IIS IRK, Drtettonvx
AND lizettantea Dunn, has opened
rooms in the Biddle Bleck, directly oppo.
site the Means House,- r the Risotto° is kft
profeaston,and is et nn ilfau to per
(drat all - oers:4oas be Rag to Dentistry. The
different Minds of P Work, will be mom ,
mended *or kg to s tt hauest merits. Nat:
oral Teeth tilled and wed to , Utah original
beauty, with material best adapted to each
individaai case. (rho care and atten
tion wUI be given' to t correction of irreatti
tenths and the extrag en qt Tootti t i It tkla
Departgye*qf 'nuance the Dooley would hay
be cialnison amount I skill, and experience
equal to that possessed by any one in this or
any other country. Teeth will be extracted
without pain, by the,* of gas, chloroform o:
ether, tnilin a manner. 'Very ettisfeetory to ,a
nent', es the testimony of • hundreds- can , •
shown. Please call aod examine specime ,
our wßit, and be:named of tbe• covreetnn al
the statements. and upultatliut 111
be cheerfully and grntaitowdy given.
1 - Tposzadit, Juie 6.1861.--6 m:
• •
Having init;red-into a l o•partnendilp for he
transaction of the PHOTOGRAPHIC basin. sa,
strthe num formerly. Otwupied hi WoOd • ' d
Harding, would uspect a tely cell the anent 'u
of the public to'succal ylei of Pictures nrill h
are make, specialties, ( • z•olar Photographs,
ta t
Plate, Penciled and Col re d, Opaltypes, Peru
laln pieta:se. ac., .w we aloha for datums
and‘hrlllisocy of tone a Artlatic anivh, can
noillf ratlifd. We invite ail to enemies them
as WWI u Me mote cowmen kinds of Portraits
which we make.- knowing MI well that they
will beer the closest Anapection..• This 'Gallery
dahlia the highestreputaticailar goad !work of
any in this section at countaii - .and wei , are de:
termised by a uric& attention_ to, baldness and
thewuperkar quality otter work, to null--'olilY
meal bat increase its very swesiaiite rudiation...
- We keep constantly on: hind the, but variety
at Frames and at lower prices limn litany other
establishment ,In lowly- Al*" Pilvvertouls
Out Iran" Cud "b lle u, MMus' Mena.
seopeOltesatwoopio Vita, N4' . myth ng else
otiniportance pertainingto the buelnee4. viva
.I*-00 early call, . 1 _-
N. ii... - -43015r Prietini for t h e - tradea on ,the
stoat reasonable terms. , D. HARDING: "
Aug. sp. - vr. , . ' . ( v. 811 A LLtY. •
pa isda•Street. ne;itseteixt;i EIoPQ -
'04 . ; 4;1134. -C *l' il la r if ; /*Heti*,
4 •
. . . . ~,,.
: 1 1u4P4IBIR , 4740.ff0, WEILIons ,
PI- ,
V* -
• Minnie to.mAaulacture , ,
To Mlle zed are prepuod:to fill orders
Xe can:biter olio. le die Unite 4 . states.
ing Dean 1b
.' -ye a rs - eng*ii irf tnenefieturbit
Tikreatilzit-Nactlidefs. have.lpared Aelther,
time nor, expense in perriteting
an/ pleb:110 have
, •
Ona lbftt WDi siva ate as silun Irmo die gfraw
*tore kileelly, and. seith less power..than any
otherAulairiactured. Oar Machinci can earn
As tekby moat,of the machines. used. They_
are very simpl lii",coastructluir. being com
rlsed In o e piece, ho that I dc cs riot require'
mechanic to eel them orn t, them • they..
are all manutaeltireil under our Emma! imper-
Vision. and we • •
- J
To show bctiet wOrkmatistdp ivaterial.Ev
ery machine is set up and - . -
Heron leaving Ili& W9,,its,.nnd are
... Warranted to be w v -kin g 9rder.
They have been in inacticai usti tor aeveral
Years, so, that we are not advertising a new
m chine even seam. eaell better tft4n an
thing ever beicattoffered to the pubbc." Th y
caul* attached to Tread P.iwers, Sweep Pow
ers. Stearn or Water Power, a nd to.
Perfection of Working and their
equal has not been invented.
Arias los , as those of a:ty other niaoufactueers
*nd parties desiring to iturohase, wits 'find it to
their inlet int to examine oar sto:k clew pop
chasing efsewhere.
On application. Ail kinds oi -
Ou hand. and Mill Work, rilidrms, Boliers and
maelikery of all kinds got: up t.) order prompt
ly and oo tovoratle term-.
Athena. Aug. 4.1867-
AI A O 11 1 N 1 11 OP,
SHINGLE Atzl.ol/INE:i. .
or the, Lest quality with Lite Liles, luiprove
etit.a. All kinds of- Machinery fur .Flimring au ti
Slaw Mills. • ' •
• Furntibed at abort notice.
" Done froni . f w . • If Inches la - akin/eine.
QI Davy wrought work tor flrldges, and all
- calor purposes, done , to order. Also, a taiga
"assortment of
Coal nnoliirdod Bgrnara. Purnltore for Cooking
Btoyet, , ,, Jib Pipe, Tin-Wain, Boat Pampa,
Cultivator and Lerapers, kept constant
.01 all kinds of maoliinmy for mills and other
purpose.. prepared by -• •
\ _ WARREN' HILL, a ,
P ‘ orentat, who baa had tat , e Pxi dance hi this
totanch of the business.
' )
; itnlti, +1,4,10,1A,N,
Towanda Oat. 29, 18Glr. iv. ! .
_‘,l \. , ,
?., 1 1 TION .
\ •
PE7W 6 9 0 1 .14cUllikt , l , aCo.
Bueneaeorti tolteynolda,- Fellows - ,t, tI 0.,.. are now
offering and are prepared to furnish - on abort
notice, Witgona -Carriages and S eighs, of all
deactiptionas and of the Luca; and taust-ePpeo
ri .
Y- style, and of the rnate.riai at the old
a d Opposite the Union floup' , :f In the can
tpart of Alk2, \Borough', Bradlord County,.
The public are assured that, - the'
I teputation
the shop has acquireik during the la.' six years
ender the superintendence of J. H. Po,lowa..wtil
be more than malotaibml:,.; 'wlll superin
tend the work ox httrayatom he having long been
and_ bavlpg bad much exPeriente .as a Carria,ce
iw4 Sleigh Bolide'. would aseure th• public
that Otis will be`by the above firm
to make the establishment WOrthy or their pat
ronage.. Thankful la one of 4.1 . 5 , arm for the'
patronage thus tar extend:et',
a continuance of the same. •
N. 11.--We, the 1andt.r.:1414:,1, • lov4ig k>ratAlcal
Mer , CflU W.,1150...,f all ;1 oar the
public r,l I,l•ric.Cs t. i t trill tleiy emepethion. ,
D.W. C. CU.\ SCA 1,1.,
I 1 .1 iti
A INA; ,r 1 I 15. i 5 0114.*
, . _
The uptleraitted reN.c-iNfulty 2ntion:lee to the
public tbAt they tutve purc . ha-eld *0:
Q A . ll 111 GE SU 0•P
Tul 14 Tt S t STTUE
And most • workginnlike. [wanner. The :
conntuntly keep on Land an aniori went et splen
. ,
if4.mitorC~IRRIAG S,
- • _ • •-•
.A.T..8 ANT
ttEPAiI NQ Piomptly atte;dill'to at, rcg•
Boilable prices.
Twarida, May 9,1867.--Iy., • :
N %V PI7ANING . 3SS f.
The underailned futvittig. httlitei large and cogs
mudinue'llik in the tioroUgh of Towanda, and
ailed it With the most modern .and: iniproved
machinery, for the manafaCture of
are prepared to OD orders,- whether, large •or
small,. - upon the shortest notice. IWe hive
also a - large variety of 110111,DINGS; the
latest stilt and patters. Which !we: can turulsh
much °Deeper than they rat' . be worked by;
PLANING, ' ; '
'GROVE:INa, • .
And aillotber work .pertallilux to lotpery,
be dew to suit our oustorners.
Persona building, and not living more than!
twelve te fourteen, mile* 'illstani, will , find
largely for their interest 10 buy of-ULo3 4 l)ring
their lumber end worked by our machinery.
Briog_ your,grist of Floovlng. or other lumber,
and while your team le •;feeding, have It .
ground out end take It home with you. ,
We will pay CASH,. for N 4r. YE imaubet
LUMBER delivered at our lumber yard. c ome
and - acs if ru tatet l ram/. write.
1.. 8. RO,DO4IIIi
Thimutdie, Feb„ 1864.
Situated nn rigs, et 0 1 Main Street;
In no* prepared to turni+h
; bD7II
G. U. D R'A .
**ld?" now Prolia.e . a tu . 114;13 . 1 - 4 . 51* in
aim Awn TWO -strrra)
,- - . *-- - • - --, •ivif" - k.:Fb0r,i. , ,ik..r. , ..:,,, __:. ,
*4'* i t .. t ~,71 1 -tlitt f ? tt * ,."tr :4- 5 - ,' , t , `-•
fir owAiND A wr4 :lN73l l -ir A' N ; C Z
'. i 4 1 4a_
_ICY 1
Wiens a d/tided 111 0 to• - wtop 11) 1:i i
fly 11:' ges.iv,.i.4,w,
64 Atm t ouraolig w e liiiiiiii . sea ri4able col,
yr trtfeiti, 9 . 'll6/nniitie'ir pttek.
Ak ;:f
elyiete.ivoint ctr enfigni,. . .'. i. SI 7000,00 )
.2111144Nunntlion sveinr, • 1
liariffirdr COlnhi f
-- Part#••••?••••.::?• ••• - -
Lzvev.root. inn Loarti ,* - or Ami ei -
‘ al
Punt vWs litsvgaseti to:
Capitsti, arpe .
las - and Reserved Pend
W •
-eld). . : .-;. ... ... . . $ t 6,271,.; 70
Assets in t ................. over... t r see,uou
!lofty Preu4umir ullMtot (Gold 1 7 'Of»
Mtn Ennui :al insv4ptcs CottrAmv,\
• /largos ii, Con*
tit Co r
ti-Ilan e, Na
Norm arriale.ati Twin? filatntalec
co:, .•-„(l4.4ldeatal)
• 4:100,1}00
1.1.41 , /f !If/WRAP:CI
laitford Conn.,
10X0 • Ott
Toskan6. Feb. 20.1
Cash , bi Nov. L.
imsufea eit. all ki.
theft eta:del/ill from
1866, 8155,2 1 k R.l
AlAi of live stock,
It. B. McKflAl4;
I Aikent
Jul; 01,10367
Dec. bthei the blared
Denials. F. Flagg, of
received ;a kick
her left:lure reg. Mao'
necessary to kill her
stared in the llartferdl
puny., toss paid I te.l
. IN:
Lady Race," - owned by ,
t tpLan ; Mass., seeideu Li ll y
another. horse, hreaking
i d the knee, rettdering it
as an set of humanity. In:
Live Stack ttilar.inee Wits
hth IRO:
• - J. i
.uit4Ncr,": ,
:I'l3EBENTrtt or - -
f 4 E 111.1.1. lOW DO%. gs;
von TH voi,L9wHol • . 111112 D Stull/4 . coltr.ta TS
Comr.ANY • '
.rapitil and rrplu i :
U..ME (:.)1
1 - • Of
Capital awl .aspln4,
p- I,:sultANcic
r Phi!adelphia
over: ... '
New- Ycn k
t, over...
A/IE44CA, ,
Capital and ul.
0➢ Noun!
Of 2,
apltai altd
cs ComtrANl,
!1e t.
1, over
Of P 1
.1 Colirmer,
Ll4dtlphia •
~ 0ver..,.....
uric Itruit.A.2(cs Coo l
Neve- York
over. .
Of Hari
- Cipit.d and stalky'
ard, Ccaft
t . Af, 1.11 itiieso.
Oppital tutd twarpla.
,NCE Cu:s7saix, 5 •
oVer , , 13,C-300,600.
.ritArELL.giv. bartuta.).9l Cour Are i
Of liariford Como.
al and aarpl4, fiver
MA/is 'Wl:en Oa cill
jo‘r_ratess by any o ,
Piiiicies las,
justed at this Agens
and expense - n(4°in !
4r:P• (Mee, at 'the
ding it itasaelP ,
Towanda, Feb, i , j
i kinels of Prmeeit.y, at an
her reliable gumpanies.
arid Lowies, it any.- ad-,
,thereby arising
,the trouble
elsewhere for settlement.
Uardwbepe Store "id -Cod
' (111.; RUSSEL!,
,A.Sfik; . CUMPAY
°tl oe No. 242 Walnut, Street, Philailtdi,tds.
This Company are Mow prosecuting the 1M i.
!Jess of In.hurunce from Lou or dawiso by FIRE:
on Buildingsl, MirChandise. .Furniture, lc.,
throughout th State, of Pennsylvania, on fiber-.
at terms,for tog or short piiriods; or permanent
ly of Building , by a c.laposit 01 Premium.
The prompt .iyment of claims for losses du.
Mg the priod of neatly 70 years that MS Gom.
pan 2 y Itio: been in cab:tea:ice, entitles them Lb
conadence of c puhlic.
Btsgeroas._ Arthurl G. Coffin. Samuel rr..
Jones, John Brown,Chariat Taylor, Ambrose.
-White, Jno.., Neff, Richard I). Wood, Wm.
Welsh, Wm. li' Bolen, James N.' Hickson, S.
'Morris Wain, aim Mason, Geo. L. Elartison..
Francis 11. 9aeo. Edward U. Trotter3dward S.
Clarke., W. C .E cultaifigs• ' ...'
' • /i rinks G. C.Oirrilt, /TOOL
C. S..IIIIKS LL., )i ent.TOwsdida.
1. •• - RA.zw4 OILPANY a •
.. .
I • 1-
Office is Danville. Not.t,Svat Coonti. E'imu
The-Parmera Mutual lire Itustiranikb Company
hitddle - Pennaylvania.was Incorporated by the
Peausirvania Legiriattire ' in the year 1859, for
'the Mutual Inauraucei of Country prdperty only,
and immediately thereafter commegoed Its oper
ations on that principle, - which has been strict,
,ly adhered to since. .
'All limesa have:been Promptly paid out of the
Yrentiftma collected on application for insurance
without making any stlistAamente. -
The Inaskauce' of •Cimatry proper .y only. tht
tow rates ' charged forilnenranee , and the prompt
payment of losace are !deemed a sofficieut recolu
u4ondatiort tT the Fa rtrs .1/tattai FS,# Mutt
uttee Coiopotiv of Middle ?cams to •t'i tote claas property - .
.lionfmo)e. Ft Chita, Pres t .
.ligeht:Toarandt. Ve.•
AD F 14
Aarch 5. 'tit.
)) U N,T
ItS.ll. EST,
:• . •
• .
rr. B.
, 7 3LreK E.. 5 4.7N1 -:EsTATIci A GE.NT
Vataahle Farms, Mill Properties, City. and
Town`Lota lor sale. I •
- Parties liavipg preperty for silo wiil find it
to their advantage b3i, eavittg a deseriptioa vi
the same . with terms; of wile at thla ageer,y, aa,
parties are coeatarali eaqqiri••g fpr farms
Li. 1. kIe.KCAN,
. . - Real &tate agetti.
40ffice Moetinye's ,alock, Towa , dii, Pa.
'ran. /2; iBl7. • L
coace2ar.--ottlec, 145 aa-I
Broadway, N• Y. I • •
Capital, Surplus awl Desarved'F'unds
_ (Gold) ' ' 1.1.6371,4175
Assets the Halted Stater, over ... 1,R0t1.0002
Daily' Primitun s,npwlirds ot ID.OOO.
"The ahartholders personolly remonildh!e lot
engagements of the company, AR Director's.
must be'shertholders,
• aim.rous' Nuwi Youu .1- I .?..orscis Cut te no t,
Es Chalman, Henry- Grinasel Esq., Deputy
Cit - nnan ' Joseph Gaillard, Jr., E.N., E. IL..
Archibald, Esq. z N. B. U. Condo!, Akron& tr
Hamilton, Jr., bsq., Robert C. Ferguson. F.sq.
Altrod Dell. Estp, Resident Secretary. Ala st
adder Hamilont,'Jr., Esq., Counsel of gaud.
ttantraits Phenix"Bank--Canitnann 'Co.
:The Parties •of thbt Company are Issued by
erell4Enown American citizens - resident in 2.hrwr
York; who are Directors and Shareholders, awl.
conseguently, with thi other Slutreholders. arr.
individnally, 'liable all the engagements o
the Copping ; ail P oli cies tiresigned by.therst
all claims are jurgabl in eish 0-I'proot- ot • 10fid
wiaitat deduction for interest, and nut, as I •
Usual, sixty days- atter presentation .or profit
They ex pire at o'rdock. P. M., and not:
!, - ndou. Fite instfronce etrected. and annuals',
gunteti on,lnverable terms._
t • • ~1 Fl.-B. BIeKNAZI, Agent.
Toivaxida 23.1867.
-—..-: . :it rut{.. - _ .. • -,: •
ti EVIr ' S ROOM 4Nr) 'BOOK
. .
- 'STeI , ,RE
, ..
Min underslgied baXing pornbased tlikPOK
respectiolly Invlte the , old • patrons of, the:4llde)-
a t.
llehtnent and tter palill: viler:illy, to smell and ex •-1 .
amine oar ato . 1 I - • -p .
- - A LVODD, a it4,llllEll.
: a. or. Aix° D.' , . 7.- 2. ,s4,4iiti.
VI E..rt,,.'A
ID A , P A . ,
• ,
Ilaving parchasedt
Brill/0 fitor c et:,- 1, have
It with every coaveu
Lion or all who way
be airaled to make all
)fay J,,
lie weirknowe Hotel et,
refutalsihed and refitted ,
etieelar the accommoda
tronise me: No pains will'
pleatant and . agnseable.
PAT VEBS . ON..PriiP. -
at the r
le, ordered , at shorrnotlcep
I tir.WB "ROOM. .
la SION, aiutParlo
'Tabtes,jit• FROST S.
s;kst, o
t, 8.350.000
tfs7"o 00