PREStDENTM -MESSAGE. [Concluded from First Page.] _ • army and sailore, of the navy ; the artisans -who tail in the_nation's workshops ) or the mecnairicaland is borers who build ita edifices'aad con• ttruct,ibi forts and vessels of wily, should, in payment of their just alla hard-earned dues, receive - depreciated ,paper, while ' another class .of their countrymen, no more deserving, are paid in coin of gold and silver. Equal and exact justice requires -that all the creditors of the Government should be paid in .a'currency possess ing a uniform value. This ,can only be aceompliahed by the restoration of the currency to the'standard estab lished by the Constitution ; and by this means we, would remove a dis crimination , ihich may, if it it has not already Alone so, create a preju dice that niay become deep-rooted and wide spread and imperil the Na tional credit. The feasibility of making our cur rency correspond with the constitu tional standard, may • be seen , by ref , erence to a few facts derived from' our commercial statistics. The pro duction oft precious metals in the ,United Stateafrom 1845 to 1857, in clusive, amounted to - $579,000,000 ; from 1858 to 1060,inelusive, to $137,- 960,006 ; andfrom 1861 to 1867, in clusiite, to $457,500,000 ; making a grand aggregate of products since 1854 of 1,174,000,000. The amount of specie coined from 1849 to 1857, inclusive, was $439,000,000 ; from 1850 - to 1860, inclusive, $125,000,000;= and from 1861 to 1867,, inclusive, $310,000,000, making total coinage since 1849, $874,000,000. Fr0m . 1847 t 0.1857, inclusive, the netexports of specie - amounted to $271,000p0 ; from 1858 to 1860, inclusive, to $148,- 00,000 ; and from 1861 'to 1867, in clusive, to $322,000,000 ;.making an aggregateef net exports since 1849, of $741,000,000. These figures show . an excess of product over net exports of' $433,000,000. There are in the Treasury $111,000,000 in coin, some thing more than $40,000,000 in circa lation on the Pacific coast, and a few millions inliational and other banks —in all about $160,000,000. This, however, taking into account the envie in the country prior to .1849, Idaires more than $300,000,000 which have'not been accounted for by ex portation, and therefore may yet re main the country. These are impor tant facts, and show how completely au inferior currency will supercede a better, forcing- it from circulation among the masses, and causing it to beexpdrted as a mere article of trade to add to the money capital of for eign lands. They show the- necessi. ty of retiring - our paper money, that the return of gold lead silver to the - avenues of trade may be invited, and a demand created which will cause the retention rat home of at least so much of the productions of our rich and inexhaustible goldkrearing fields as may be sufficient for the purposes - of circulation. It is unreasonable to expect a return to a sound currency so long as the Goierurnent, by con tinuing to issue irredeemable notes, .., fills the - channels of circulation with depreciated paper. Notwithstanding the coinage by our wints since 1849 of $874,000,000. the people are now strangers to the currency which was designed for their , use and benefit, and specimens of the precious met als bearing the national devices are r&dom seen except when produced to gratify the intere •t excited by,their ,lovelty. If depreciated' paper is to be continued as the permanent cur rency of the easatrA and all our coin is to become a mere article of traffic and speculation, to the enhancement • in-priceof all that is indispensiblo to the comfort of the people, it would be wise economy to abolish oar mints thus saving the nation ((the care and expense incident to sneh' establish - . ments, and let our pre,eious metals be exported in bullion,, The time has come, however, when the Govern ment and the National Banks should be required to take most efficient steps-, and make :all necessary ar rangements, for.a resumption of spe cie payments at the . earliest practica ble period. Specie paymenta Having ' been once resumed by 'the Govern - ment and the banks, all rotes r bills of paper issued by either of a less . denomination than $2O, should by law be excluded from circulation, so ' that the people way have the benefit and .convenience of ,a gold and silver currency, which in all their business transactions will be uniform in value at home and abroad. Every man of property or industry, every man who • desires to preserve what he honestly }possesses, or to- obtain what he can honestly earn, has a direct interest in maintaining a safe circulating medi um, such a'medium as shall be real and substantial, not liable to vibrate ' with opinions, not subject to be blown up or blown down by a breath of .speculation, but to be Made stable and secure. A disordered currency is one of the greatest of political •418. Ito undermines the virtues ne p,.seary for the, support of the social system, and encourages propensities 'destructive of its happiness. It wars against industry, &utility and econ -91-n.Y, and it fosters the evil spirits of extravagance and speculation, it has been asserted by one o our moat gifted statesmen that of all contri vances for - cheating the laboring ' classes of mankind, none has been inure effectual than that which de ludes them with paper money. This is the most of inventions to fertilize the rich nati'e field by the sweat of the poor man's brow. Or dinary tyranny, oppression and ex- / I:essive taxation, these bear lightly or; the - happiness of the mass of the 'Community, compared with a frail / 4U. , !clt currency and the robberies/eom • mitted by depreciated: paper/'Our , }wEl history has 'recorded for our in- 1 struction enough and mnr. than en ough of the demoralizin(tendency, injustice and intolerable oppression • on the virtuous and well-disposed of a degraded paper currency, author ! iz , :ql by law, or in ,anyratAlcal Mer , CflU W.,1150...,f all ;1 oar the public r,l I,l•ric.Cs t. i t trill tleiy emepethion. , JAMES B. D.W. C. CU.\ SCA 1,1., I 1 .1 iti A INA; ,r 1 I 15. i 5 0114.* , . _ T O WTA N D (3 Al RAGE The uptleraitted reN.c-iNfulty 2ntion:lee to the public tbAt they tutve purc . ha-eld *0: Q A . ll 111 GE SU 0•P Tul 14 Tt S t STTUE And most • workginnlike. [wanner. The : conntuntly keep on Land an aniori went et splen • did . , TOP : BpGGIIES, if4.mitorC~IRRIAG S, itiEktOGRAT . AND lAIMBEtt WAGONS, - • _ • •-• .A.T..8 ANT ttEPAiI NQ Piomptly atte;dill'to at, rcg• Boilable prices. • ' BRYANT it STULEN., Twarida, May 9,1867.--Iy., • : N %V PI7ANING . 3SS f. The underailned futvittig. httlitei large and cogs mudinue'llik in the tioroUgh of Towanda, and ailed it With the most modern .and: iniproved machinery, for the manafaCture of g fILINDS; are prepared to OD orders,- whether, large •or small,. - upon the shortest notice. IWe hive also a - large variety of 110111,DINGS; the latest stilt and patters. Which !we: can turulsh much °Deeper than they rat' . be worked by; PLANING, ' ; ' TONGUEING, • - • 'GROVE:INa, • . • And aillotber work .pertallilux to lotpery, be dew to suit our oustorners. Persona building, and not living more than! twelve te fourteen, mile* 'illstani, will , find largely for their interest 10 buy of-ULo3 4 l)ring their lumber end worked by our machinery. Briog_ your,grist of Floovlng. or other lumber, and while your team le •;feeding, have It . ground out end take It home with you. , We will pay CASH,. for N 4r. YE imaubet LUMBER delivered at our lumber yard. c ome and - acs if ru tatet l ram/. write. 1.. 8. RO,DO4IIIi Thimutdie, Feb„ 1864. O'IIR, PRICKS Situated nn rigs, et 0 1 Main Street; In no* prepared to turni+h CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, ; bD7II FACTORY. G. U. D R'A . **ld?" now Prolia.e . a tu . 114;13 . 1 - 4 . 51* in aim Awn TWO -strrra) ALL WORK WAIIIIANTED. SCkOI.I ,- - . *-- - • - --, •ivif" - k.:Fb0r,i. , ,ik..r. , ..:,,, __:. , *4'* i t .. t ~,71 1 -tlitt f ? tt * ,."tr :4- 5 - ,' , t , `-• fir owAiND A wr4 :lN73l l -ir A' N ; C Z '. i 4 1 4a_ _ICY 1 Wiens a d/tided 111 0 to• - wtop 11) 1:i i 11:- fly 11:' ges.iv,.i.4,w, 64 Atm t ouraolig w e liiiiiiii . sea ri4able col, yr trtfeiti, 9 . 'll6/nniitie'ir pttek. Ak ;:f elyiete.ivoint ctr enfigni,. . .'. i. SI 7000,00 ) .2111144Nunntlion sveinr, • 1 liariffirdr COlnhi f -- Part#••••?••••.::?• ••• - - Lzvev.root. inn Loarti ,* - or Ami ei - ‘ al Punt vWs litsvgaseti to: Capitsti, arpe . las - and Reserved Pend W • -eld). . : .-;. ... ... . . $ t 6,271,.; 70 Assets in t ................. over... t r see,uou !lofty Preu4umir ullMtot (Gold 1 7 'Of» Mtn Ennui :al insv4ptcs CottrAmv,\ • /largos ii, Con* -r -Capita imitriisexa in tit Co r ti-Ilan e, Na Capital. Norm arriale.ati Twin? filatntalec co:, .•-„(l4.4ldeatal) MOW • 4:100,1}00 1.1.41 , /f !If/WRAP:CI laitford Conn., 10X0 • Ott ,--- ComNrievr Capl6l Toskan6. Feb. 20.1 ITART.PORD, AANCE,C4)SI' • CLPI Cash , bi Nov. L. imsufea eit. all ki. theft eta:del/ill from IVE STUCK 1 T,SU ANY. 1866, 8155,2 1 k R.l AlAi of live stock, It. B. McKflAl4; I Aikent Jul; 01,10367 Dec. bthei the blared Denials. F. Flagg, of received ;a kick her left:lure reg. Mao' necessary to kill her stared in the llartferdl puny., toss paid I te.l . IN: Lady Race," - owned by , t tpLan ; Mass., seeideu Li ll y another. horse, hreaking i d the knee, rettdering it as an set of humanity. In: Live Stack ttilar.inee Wits hth IRO: • - J. i AND AuC IDENI'AL .uit4Ncr,": , OEM :I'l3EBENTrtt or - - f 4 E 111.1.1. lOW DO%. gs; S: RUSSELL Agent, von TH voi,L9wHol • . 111112 D Stull/4 . coltr.ta TS l?inz Comr.ANY • ' .rapitil and rrplu i : U..ME (:.)1 1 - • Of Capital awl .aspln4, p- I,:sultANcic r Phi!adelphia over: ... ' rzra New- Ycn k t, over... INSVRANCE COXSA N A/IE44CA, , Capital and ul. 0➢ Noun! Phdeoirlphia over ?TAN INPVItANk Of 2, apltai altd cs ComtrANl, !1e t. 1, over ENTERPRIER hisritiv Of P 1 nurplu .1 Colirmer, Ll4dtlphia • ~ 0ver..,..... uric Itruit.A.2(cs Coo l ,Of PANT, Neve- York over. . P.rr.N,.,:a,aaae Of Hari - Cipit.d and stalky' taI.PANT, ard, Ccaft aver t . Af, 1.11 itiieso. Of Oppital tutd twarpla. ,NCE Cu:s7saix, 5 • Yor oVer , , 13,C-300,600. .ritArELL.giv. bartuta.).9l Cour Are i Of liariford Como. al and aarpl4, fiver MA/is 'Wl:en Oa cill jo‘r_ratess by any o , Piiiicies las, justed at this Agens and expense - n(4°in ! 4r:P• (Mee, at 'the ding it itasaelP , Towanda, Feb, i , j i kinels of Prmeeit.y, at an her reliable gumpanies. arid Lowies, it any.- ad-, ,thereby arising ,the trouble elsewhere for settlement. Uardwbepe Store "id -Cod ' (111.; RUSSEL!, ir.- . rvELE INSU ,A.Sfik; . CUMPAY • OF N.ORTM AMERICA: 1. °tl oe No. 242 Walnut, Street, Philailtdi,tds. This Company are Mow prosecuting the 1M i. !Jess of In.hurunce from Lou or dawiso by FIRE: on Buildingsl, MirChandise. .Furniture, lc., throughout th State, of Pennsylvania, on fiber-. at terms,for tog or short piiriods; or permanent ly of Building , by a c.laposit 01 Premium. The prompt .iyment of claims for losses du. Mg the priod of neatly 70 years that MS Gom. pan 2 y Itio: been in cab:tea:ice, entitles them Lb conadence of c puhlic. Btsgeroas._ Arthurl G. Coffin. Samuel rr.. Jones, John Brown,Chariat Taylor, Ambrose. -White, Jno.., Neff, Richard I). Wood, Wm. Welsh, Wm. li' Bolen, James N.' Hickson, S. 'Morris Wain, aim Mason, Geo. L. Elartison.. Francis 11. 9aeo. Edward U. Trotter3dward S. Clarke., W. C .E cultaifigs• ' ...' ' • /i rinks G. C.Oirrilt, /TOOL C. S..IIIIKS LL., )i ent.TOwsdida. ` . . 1 'ARMEWS MU 'UAL -FIRE ANISi§ * 1. •• - RA.zw4 OILPANY a • .. . OF MIDDLE i tENN6YI.V.orm, I • 1- Office is Danville. Not.t,Svat Coonti. E'imu The-Parmera Mutual lire Itustiranikb Company hitddle - Pennaylvania.was Incorporated by the Peausirvania Legiriattire ' in the year 1859, for 'the Mutual Inauraucei of Country prdperty only, and immediately thereafter commegoed Its oper ations on that principle, - which has been strict, ,ly adhered to since. . 'All limesa have:been Promptly paid out of the Yrentiftma collected on application for insurance without making any stlistAamente. - The Inaskauce' of •Cimatry proper .y only. tht tow rates ' charged forilnenranee , and the prompt payment of losace are !deemed a sofficieut recolu u4ondatiort tT the Fa rtrs .1/tattai FS,# Mutt uttee Coiopotiv of Middle ?cams to •t'i tote claas property - . .lionfmo)e. Ft Chita, Pres t . LUCIEN MY EN„ .ligeht:Toarandt. Ve.• AD F 14 1-P Capital Aarch 5. 'tit. )) U N,T jams ItS.ll. EST, :• . • • . rr. B. , 7 3LreK E.. 5 4.7N1 -:EsTATIci A GE.NT • Vataahle Farms, Mill Properties, City. and Town`Lota lor sale. I • - Parties liavipg preperty for silo wiil find it to their advantage b3i, eavittg a deseriptioa vi the same . with terms; of wile at thla ageer,y, aa, parties are coeatarali eaqqiri••g fpr farms Li. 1. kIe.KCAN, . . - Real &tate agetti. 40ffice Moetinye's ,alock, Towa , dii, Pa. 'ran. /2; iBl7. • L .I.IVERPOOL !MN 1)0 N.A Li CLORE FIRE iND INNURANCE coace2ar.--ottlec, 145 aa-I Broadway, N• Y. I • • Capital, Surplus awl Desarved'F'unds _ (Gold) ' ' 1.1.6371,4175 Assets the Halted Stater, over ... 1,R0t1.0002 Daily' Primitun s,npwlirds ot ID.OOO. "The ahartholders personolly remonildh!e lot engagements of the company, AR Director's. must be'shertholders, • aim.rous' Nuwi Youu .1- I .?..orscis Cut te no t, Es Chalman, Henry- Grinasel Esq., Deputy Cit - nnan ' Joseph Gaillard, Jr., E.N., E. IL.. Archibald, Esq. z N. B. U. Condo!, Akron& tr Hamilton, Jr., bsq., Robert C. Ferguson. F.sq. Altrod Dell. Estp, Resident Secretary. Ala st adder Hamilont,'Jr., Esq., Counsel of gaud. ttantraits Phenix"Bank--Canitnann 'Co. :The Parties •of thbt Company are Issued by erell4Enown American citizens - resident in 2.hrwr York; who are Directors and Shareholders, awl. conseguently, with thi other Slutreholders. arr. individnally, 'liable all the engagements o the Copping ; ail P oli cies tiresigned by.therst all claims are jurgabl in eish 0-I'proot- ot • 10fid wiaitat deduction for interest, and nut, as I • Usual, sixty days- atter presentation .or profit They ex pire at o'rdock. P. M., and not: !, - ndou. Fite instfronce etrected. and annuals', gunteti on,lnverable terms._ t • • ~1 Fl.-B. BIeKNAZI, Agent. Toivaxida 23.1867. NEW ALRRANGEII'ENT - -—..-: . :it rut{.. - _ .. • -,: • .. ti EVIr ' S ROOM 4Nr) 'BOOK . . - 'STeI , ,RE , .. Min underslgied baXing pornbased tlikPOK STORE AND NEWS ROOK of J. J. WIWI,. respectiolly Invlte the , old • patrons of, the:4llde)- a t. llehtnent and tter palill: viler:illy, to smell and ex •-1 . amine oar ato . 1 I - • -p . - - A LVODD, a it4,llllEll. : a. or. Aix° D.' , . 7.- 2. ,s4,4iiti. N HOT'O4, VI E..rt,,.'A 0-rit ID A , P A . , • , Ilaving parchasedt Brill/0 fitor c et:,- 1, have It with every coaveu Lion or all who way be airaled to make all • )fay J,, lie weirknowe Hotel et, refutalsihed and refitted , etieelar the accommoda tronise me: No pains will' pleatant and . agnseable. PAT VEBS . ON..PriiP. - TIGLE in J* at the r NY, -O'NEIER AR ! le, ordered , at shorrnotlcep I tir.WB "ROOM. . la SION, aiutParlo DLVING, EXXEN. 'Tabtes,jit• FROST S. $A00,1x)o 5200,000 SIL.OAbo s;kst, o II 53.75010: $1.7Q0,mN% SAW,OLI) t, 8.350.000 $750.((R) t704,0(Ki 5600,000 tfs7"o 00 ME