Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 14, 1867, Image 3
WWW Intifoxigepovitr, LOCAL. AND GENERAL. TowAirD I A Causcu, Dumcroay.--Bailist. Churck—ltev. Bonner Dtnet.ap,, ;Pastor. "Preaching, Sundays at 1011 a. sr, and,7l P. st. Sunday School, 11 P.' at. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening.. " 7 M. E. Church.-L-Itev.'.Y.' T. Babwrarm, • Pas tor. Preaching every Sunday at 101 a.m. and 7P. 3.f. Sunday_ School, 1k Prayer Meeting every Thtusday evening. Presbygrian aurch.—Bey, War. HUMS ! Pastor, Preaching 'every &mullat X ioi • at.,, and 7r. at. Sunday &ho iiP. 'Prayer, Meeting Thursday evenings. Episcopal Church.—Be. F. D. Mealtime, Pas tor. 'Preach ing , every Sunday at WI AaL and 8 P 4,74. Stutday School, li P. M. •;A MIMI 1 - WiP Thl been rn prace and past week, of the loni„ when We shunt side World. The iron near Athens, rails neeessi already on t' tire and th 4 uesgs. 1 lINipN bloeti4gB ming, at the place, had CEO upon the 4. the Young Mena Chriatu. They will be held et the; rooms of the asseeiation every evening of the p s Aesent week, with the excep tion 'of Thersdag evening. STOLEN Pa MITI RSCOVERED.—On • 1 Saturday night, a inst., a buggy, harness; buffalo robe and - whip, the property of Dr. Eav, of Albany ' wuship, was stolen. The i Doctor follows t She thief to Tivoli, Lycom ing Co., where e property was found in the possesiorVof i r; main named Chas Clark, who was - arrested and lodged in the jail of this County. fo i l , trial. The manwi£4llo3.olU yDr. ELY'S property Was foul:Aim+ his.posorrion other prop erty wpich 4 Bilpp148(1 to have been stolen, to wit: One very dark sorrel mare, small legs with - strip iii her forehead,left hind foot White; . about dire .years old ; also a large light bay horseOsith strip in forehead, and blind in left eye ; an irons axeltree open buggy, with_ `heavy tyre, with end of hubs cloled . up with hrass bands ; one tingle bar at-4s, black mOunted, half worn. Any information in reference to ttrprop erty can be fobtaigled from G. W. Taylor, "E-q.," , Tik•oli,.T.Ayciming County, Pa. lt® THOMAS .CURRAN has built a brick boilding ; on Pine street, north side, near:Blain Street, and has removed his bal.- her Shop, to the basement, where his old customers will find him, with sharp razors, as ready as ever to attend to their wants and with incteased facilities for renovating the "outward man." TOWANDA Lycstof.—This : ociety h as succeeded in leasing the large and comfor table Hall of the Odd Fellows, a d intend to have it bell lighted and w ed every Friday evening. We congratnla f te the mem ..- beili s i upon their determination to spend the ' , long winter evenings in comb" g pleasure with profit. We hope also see our cid inn tens encourage them by spe ding an eve ning now, and then with them. • -The ques tion to be discussed nextllfri.. y evening is, Re.qolved,That the constituti.n of Pennsyl isnia should be so amended •, t the right of suffrage should be restricte. to male citi tens above the age of 21 ye , : who can read and wiite. DISEASED AND INFLAMED visited the Eye and Eiir Insti Ind were's rpritied. to find .1 "ons thue are afflicted with eyes and blindness. Over patients were in attendance !clinic, and had applications ,eyes by Dr. Up De Graff an. We found person there in all i f mess, an& from all parts .r We are glad to chronicle 1 ,2, have an institution in our ci :tiseases are so successfully tr i Advertiser, ' • Dosanox.—The friends of Rev. C. H. TAYLOR will pay him a donation visit at the house of S. S. Dowurso,in Franklindale, on Wednesday, Nov. 20, afternoon and eve ning. All are cordially invi :d to attend. BALLOT: 9 B MONTHLY MA , AZINE.—This very popular and exceedingle cheap Maga zine presents an attractive : ble of contents for December. Amethyst " ayne's charm ing story, "The Dement Et es and Hair," is completed ; Mrs. Edson's =king serial, • .The Lady of Lindenwold," . intensely in teresting, while "Paul's Rom: . ce," by Miss and "My Darling," a• • • by James Franklin Fitto, ait;ft . mong he choicest of magazine reading. The illustrations are also remarkably good, making this one of the best numbers of Ballot" ever issued. The publishers offer unusual attractions for the coming yeai. With the January number ° the Magazine will be enlarged to one hundred pages, and several new and attractive features introduced. Miss Willi an has " written a romance entitled, "So as by Fire;" which will commence the year. Am ethyet Wayne will furnish an exciting serial story for Boys, entitled "Old Hngh's Look off," which will be finely illustrated by Kil burn, and will appear in the new depart ment, called "Qur Young People's Story- , Teller ;" a popular author will furnish a charming story for Girls, while there will be at lwit-a dozen other stories and poems of thelighest literary excellence, and intense ly interesting, all complete in the jelyter9 number. It will be seen from the foregoing that, Ballou's Magazine for 1868 will eclipso its present excellence, while the extraordinary low price is retained. It is only SL6O per year, or)s cents k number. Clubs receive it for $1.25. The proprietors have good cause for calling it "thecheapest magazine in the world." Published by Elliott,Thom as & Talbot, Boston, Mass. Pirsuant to previous " arrange _ ment the Winona Awe Ball Club of this place, went to Athens on Thursday, Oct. 31st, to contest for the silver pitcher sand goblet, (which was to be given by the Ath ens Farm Stock Association to the winning , club) and the championship of Bradford: County. The Tiogas and Winonas had agreed to decide • their respective claims to both the pitcher and championship by a , single,game. The attending circumstances of this game were very unfavorable to ball . playing ; the day was cold and windy, and, the grounds were'So.soft as to bib:daily un: fit for the purpose. ,The game between the Winouaa and Tiogas was commenced at about half-past one o'clock, p. in., with the Winonas at the bat; they started ofiwith a tine lead on the MMI find inniniff the fourth' tinned go bought to ninth inning ! oink the:Win* ninth ther, nine shettil„ , Vegas to win the-giant eut, when . "ninth gone eh i otdd of thdgetp:e —which was ven the 44.Pur pine: hovel% 1111 --The desist* of the pre, fainiessi? - out by t/U re, Lion, and the " • should accordance with theta ; disregarded we failt aket or authority of 4. - 0 The victory .rightly ie...longed nas, and no one who - ~; . - ; • of the game and ii inprejti well think otherwisti; and the of the weakness of then. - post ing a draw •sameis isro:ien by . to. oonsint to alloW the game 'to some person wilt versed . Base B&W—who Ould be ... parties;.7-for . ' .. The Winona not feeling cept cept thelinsatisfaatory .. .. . ged the Tiogas toilty anoth prevent it from again being_ ' darkness 11 a. in.. *l4lappoin for beginning play, IThia : .. at Milan on Thunidity last, as an overwhelming vitory for as the following scioie will sho, willows. '6l * I Eaton, &a. 2 9 Euol, p; li b Turner, Ib. • 3i 1 Dayton, 1. f: 213 Shaw, r. f. . •5 5 Smalley, 2b. 6 2 Smith, c. . 3 6 Dodge, 3b. 3 l .Tracy,.c. f. 2 : "Horltir, Ad - betpe,fi tbls times dung the itorr symptom," desired time, belong to the ont- the canal bridge erstand that the Ite the road are 'load locomo or doing With- les of Union Sunday eve wok in this through the commenced 27 1. 27'30 NUMB= OP lIVNIOLLDE TOITNG. - 1 2: 31 4 5 6 7 8 9, 4 WmoNA-4 6' 91 2 9 4 10 3 7-4-54 Tiooa-3, 2: 3. 6 2 5 4 0 5--30 In justice 1.01 thi3nra ; elves therincinaa' should not have contented t. another-trial with antagOnista BO !unfair Ai to dispute So plain a case. Gentli3men are !always honor able and gentlemardi-stethe they play boil or mix ,in social - g i atherings, dno ye t niig man wins laurels inprank :- a just cause. N0v.13(1867. Wrsoxij Jelin CF: CLI4g. graFti I Parlor *Sociables,•l tit the Co ,Tuesday Evening , Id 4 large A preeiative audieneo Mr. several places in the • corm present week:- • Opcial 1 4 Notit . MS, The' Delegates o the North Branch Association lof trwiv • ts, thro' their Moderato; appoint a s ial meeting of their Associatiok to be h at Sylvania, Wednesday and Thursday, N v.- 27 and 28, 1867. A general ix4itallm extended to all. The Delegates** invit e s i to be prompt in their attendance. t - STEPHEN Bur.rn es, 8 ding Clerk. Nov. 14. ......,..1 4._ ~ . . BOROUGH ORDINANCE.-- - COUNCIT; Roca, Nov. 12, 1867. %isms, The, petit ion of Joseph Powell, B. 8. Emma ? W A gab ,W W Baks itn bury, A H Kingsbu , W T ishop, jr. :ri tEl O Porter, E. W Natio' /1. W d, D H. es, D M Turner, F 4 ;Asian= Parsons, I 8 Post, B F Voorhieii; John Rehm, E H Smith, B M Moon eon, F Watts, Harry Mix, E A Parsons, 11 But James Wood James 8 Fausey, J ti' 0 Geoff. Boss, B B Wilcox, B J Sternum, G Alger, D Savercool, MC M rcur, J b DeWitt, Wm. Diettrich,— 1 Freehold owners of lots, out lots and tracts of land lying adja4nt to the Borough of Towanda, has been', , presentdd to the Bur gess and Town Council of th e Borough of Towanda, praying the admin4on of the sec- tion upon which Ul4 said petitioners, and others, reside, the bioundanof which be ing in said petition fay set orth. In pur suance of the act oflAssemb ,of the 3d of April, 1857, entitied ca an act ' whiting Bo d roughs, in such s made provided. 1 In puremance of the ; provisi of said act, and as' they are therein required and direct ed.,- - - Ba it enacted and Urclained by the Barges and Than thuncit of the Boa hof Tounii de; and it is hereby enacted ordained by the authority of the same—Thu the limits of the Borough of Towinda are ereby extend ed so tis to take in aid a • the said sec tion which is bounded and d ribed as icsfol lows, viz.: Commencing at the north-east ' corner of the Borough as he etofore consti tuted, thence running north yby the sev eral courses and distances f the Sumps- i th i l harms river -to The north t dorm of lands of Wealthy Ann • bury an heirs, thence south 61 deg eastperches to the south-west corner of lee owned by It DeLong, thence south 31 d . east 56 1-10 perches to lands owned by H 0 Porter, thence westerly along said otter's line to the north-west corner of sai Porter's land, thence south 29 deg 4 east 75 perches to the said line of said BoOugh as heretofore con stituted, thence along said . - easterly to the place of bNinng ; an. the said sec tion shall forever hereafter . • deemed, and taken, and allowed th be a . of said 80..1 rough of Towanda, and, su . act to the mu nicipal authority oflsaid . • . as as if the same had been o ":" . - 3 , a part of said Borough of Toaftuida. O. S. BUSS L, Burgess. Attest—G. D. Ido*rsms, : ~—T TRIM. • TRIAL LIBT FOR r 4 4 : ER TER11, 9 67: Charles A Heavener C.. C o' 0 G0re..13 Emma J Hewitt vs. Samuel : ellum et al. ej H B Ingham vs gar li . . . . debt 1 Geo Dusenberry vaGanning• " ightman do James Vandyke vs H B De dson do A Vanderpool vs N Tan. . ... repYn A Griffith et. ni. vs; it H 8 . ding. trespass Wm Winslow vs sad Gam .le appeal Seth Peck vs Steph Ball. •k case I, 8 N Bronson vs 11 Parks. - appeal' Brown & Bockwell'ajuse vs e B Park - do i J M. Watts vs I P 'Kirby do Morgan & Davison Ira Wm B Dobbins J J Densnark int N OtH it . ,6 do Wing & Mitchell vs - Wa lla &IBlood.... do Commonwealth vs in Elabree's ex'rs.dt - Edwin B White vs Om W.l ksori ....debt Harriet Ooykendall is Wu: atkins . ~case Abiram Pierce's exit{ - vs L race et &laded W'll Vanslokle vi A 4ll Coal 00.. apl 0 1 , John... Tones va W case . John Putnam vs Granville:4 debt L B Gardner vs Eidgbary do Wm M Bradshaw vs' Ale Mann...spl John Coon vs Fall. Cieek Bit Coal Co appeal Samuel Kitchen vs .1. ; same, , ' Miles McSweeney TO EalloP do Henry Miller vs Ba&m . ' Twiner sci fa Alvin Bayles vs Lallny twp.l debt Danielltuaid•vs Tolianda twp ' do Martin - W =Gill IT same do : W H Ooykendidl'vs Litchfield twp ..appeal Hiram Hoxton vilealein Vasgason.... - do E W Woks* vs D El Sweeney case Ezra Looniis vs Buftui 0 Iteckwell. ~ • do Sally Harding ve Colwell & Churchill. :eject Elisha Lewis vs Ba4nah Le'do Alex Granger vs. Towanda debt SHAMED Comm, es. a. seas retarnailde D 0, 1867, at 10 .(rI F T o'clock m. = . . Hoy. 12, 1867. • 1 1Y. A. ' ostas, 14ey. 41 40 r —H MY. Persons destrini Pisnoes will take notice that. !Dewitt 4 Dittlich keep always on hand the! Urged! and best stock that can be to ... .R. F 4 Fennsylearda, that they sell at, = - that dat competition. They sell to ~ . -. who whl act as aganbt at oc g d or w. Wes t i New sheet In& re \ 1 t I Itise, —We p to yesterday, .w many per disease of the one hundred tithe morning made to their his assistants. I. . gee of blind the country. I i e fact that we r where such 1. ted.—Eindra theinetneel ,r ' the umpire the Wino -l Air the rnlts can Tiny • nanees ' , "on in elaini• refusal be Waned the. Mee of by both caned to ao tlon chaaen game. To teFraPied by !‘. ;Was played ieindted . in - Wi1201344 ) 0 , B. • • 2b. 2 5" p. 3 '9 1. 3 3 Ô.L.O 7 3 3 • I.L 4 1 • is, s. 5.4 3 • 3b. • 5 - 2 lb. 3 3 z patdd' r9e 11 ,1 Fred • h : " Stiekl one - of his t Hcrase, on d highly ap k sings at , during the I!EttiroviDklNV .i 1110 : feroto , Oho; [maul:o)2es from Mr,at the i _Paj ite &wader's Qfficoer l vhen 13. . ulgt. pottionlar attention. to c00n0t5,, : ,,.. sat Doom balloon , ar4 V7 1. It. • - Dewitt& Dittrich offer-Zgree s •••ts to butchers !lathing angthing line.- Give them* Ifirv., 7. If- , The life- or YOuse - -Albert; 1113tmia i at Cr)" Oer4 - book store; _ • Nov. 7. Woodward's Country II mei p edition, for carpenters , mho the ling to : , build a good House at 00%; • Ov. 7. Musitai instruments of 'all ds st Crow; • Nov. 7.- Music . Booki'll—mdf instractoi skm jaerN'arrw.—A..thicironcili competent BOok keeper, y - N. . 7. - AeurwALL • . re been 01116 - A large gook of Furs jest te. ftived siffiamos it do's:, tiov.t • f v - Alf,A it it . 14/4). EiIIINGL-MOODE—At Asylum, at the rest Idenee ' of the brides father, .I.Toi. 0, by :: vil,. S. Stilwell, Mr. IL T. Spring, ~ Hie, to Miss Mary O. . Moody; tee of 11. Moody, Esq. . ,-- • HOMET—In Wyalusinglin the 7th 4. 1 . hy the same, Geo..W. Fell, of Amy. mil, to ?dim Illarrlomet, of Wyslop It— HELLSLMOODY—At Eta house •of the brides father, in HOMe, on Wednesday Nov. 6, by RV,. A. r: Harding, Wm. G. llilhp,, of Woodbridge, San Joaquin Is. , OaL, to Tillie Moody, daughter of J. A. Moody Esq. .. . its the hour 0:147,--r_W/LCOX 7 -At the bride's vs fir B. tattle, .Mr. D. sth, thet Mice Bev. "lash B. Wiles% both of ertuiville. - ! E j .D.IED• • BOlfi 'olllS—Sept. 27, 11367, at the residenoe_ , (of John His, in Pranklindale, Mrs. Ra-: ;ad Benchly, wife of Gee Benohly, Aged, i 24 years and 4 months. - , . .. • MoHEAR—On the 3d inst., at hlf residence In Burlington bore after a brief Mimi, Addison Mellean 'Esq. ; son of the late, Hon Samuel McKean, In the 526 year ,of his age. TERRY—At Tarrytown, Oct. 21, 1867,'8tt sun Rosetta, daughter of Jonathan and; Almada Terry. Aged 4.years, 7 months, !ano 13 days. - ',AM:lther beautiful dower' transplanted in thei Paradise above. ' Another dear little linili gathered into the bosom of the Good 12411;iiherd. CURRY—At Milan, Oct. .26, - after a pro. I treated and very distreezingilinesa, which was borne with christion fortitude and resignation, Ed. Ezekiel Curry, in the 7.7 th year of his age. ~ • Ntro , -,2tbritrtionntnth.., W M : 'A., : e if gas enlarged his store and is dally adding largely to his stock, In the line of Watehes h? ?wept the WELL KNOWN AMERICAN ! And a well selected' assortment. of SWISS WATCHES, all warranted to ran well or the znonep refunded. He keeps on hand a large as sorinent of the celebrated • • - SETH THOMA.VOLOCK t ITHACA OAIIHNI)AR Eislttble forZlr'Parlo shres : As tu t od r °i JEWELRY ;,AND SILVER WARE. \ z.r\ # &AO Ine line. he has Rimer* Blotter • yo4iitk AND'SPOONS! • Heavily P 1064 Breakfast & Dihner Castors, Elegant \ treble plate double. wall PITCHERS!' ! Handsome cake Baskets, V' TER it BEERY DISHES, PI kle Stands, Tea Belle, d c., &0., &c. IN. Is now keeping the • family Sewing Machines These Machines - are superior to all others for f use, for the following reasons : r eky sew wtth.two • threads oleect 'from the gods, and require no rewinding. They are more easily understood and used, and bus liable to derangement, than , other ma . They are capable of exe cuting perfecty, svithout change of adjustment, a much greater .lety•of work than "other =whines -1 Ilse stitch made by these machines is mach Mare firm, el :stio, and durable; especially upon articles which require to be washed and Ironed, than slay other stitch - , -,. - This stitch, owing - , to ihein which saa the under thread is tinwrosight, is much the duet plump and bey:4lW in use -and retains this plumpness and'beauty,. even n articles frequently washed and ironed, they are worn out. • . - . . • 1 Theetructure of the stem is such, that, tho' li. Out or broken at intervals - of only a few aches, it will neither' open, run, nor ravel, t remains firm and•dnrable illoe Unlike other machines, these fasten both sends bf the seam by their own operation. I With these machintufswhile silk is used• upon the right or lace side: of the seam, cotton may tie used upon the other elde without lessening the, strength or durability of the seam. This ithe done on no other machine, and Us great 'deg upon all artieles stitched or made up ~,,,. These machines , in addition to_ their superior is as instruments for sewing. execute the lbeautifurand permanent embroidery and niamental work. You can get Sewing Machine Needles, and all cies, pertaining to the machine business. i ' ' m.u - s 1 0 t, - . Boa, 'ORGANS AND KEIODEONS Yon can get ,&CORAKNOWER% one of DECKER BROTHERS lINE4IIALLED *ATM PIANO FORTES I IN better made in the States. Warranted see s* yarn. and to stay to tune longer than any Other. Keeps on hand the American, and Treat l ey &Co , celebrated • j BLOB O.RGANB! Witch for sweetness of tone and style of finish emmot be surpassed. Are suitable for Churches laridges, Seminaries, and the home Also s general assortment of: other musical lustre, twists together with Violin, Violincello Stagg. kites. Tail Piece,Bows, Bow Hair, Heys, Beda,Ad.„ _ .1 ;Beasembiw that I do not depend apcia the wide of Musical Instruments for a Sting, conse queotly am srilling to sell at a very small ad ' o WiTca AND CLOCK , Owe in the beat meaner, is Vaal. at low rates. Towanda, Jut, IS. 1867. •MiX, ATTOBN7OY AT . 1 1.4 IP. Tawanda, Bradford Co. Pa. • Gonad Insurance and Real Rotate Agent • .untlea and Pendona collected. R. B.—All • cello the .Orpban'i Court attended to aptly and whh care Office Brat block 11 or Ward Roue item Oct. 2i,'87. EWELRYISTORE AT DIISHORE orrns the ethers of Sullivan count. that he u opened a Jewelry Store, in the Mein hP , • site Welke k Schley's store, Dubose, when will keep on beam assortment -of - AWRLBY, WATCHES, AHD CLOCKS, •ich VS be sold as low as atruer other:Pine the corotry.. Particular attention pidd to • Mich and Clock Repairing: sir Give me a tall, as many years' exp,eri • • will Gable me to give satisfaction, Duhore, Qot. 9, Iso7 . Nov. 7. And the GROVER & BAKERS A. YOUNG, wiiii ,, stom ;„, • "' t 711 • ME iiiin ~~ ~,r ~ :~`,; i~ a • .• • , ,I, ~,„ - ,•'; , 1 '.--I-1-`,', •, 7 -_:.' ' I ; • ..... • , , i - , , t • . 1 ; --,1 ,: 4 ; -,:• , tii - 11.,2-11. i . ~, -I, l * ', ''--:' 1 l' 101 ', . ll' 1, ,'• 'Pl*Ci'fi.Er 1 --'':' 11 CZI I : ' • s ' tll. 1 .1 on txl 0 M lEEE r' - ' - 'O4 . 0> ,t -I i' I ' ~ m vo 1 1 t 4 I=l .7 , H GO *1 r 4, m IA - 1 I .1 I o w o , rzi a) , 1-a o C') PI, t-i 'i ' ~ ~'~ - • 1-q _ s :! t:s • t:1 A ,\ 0 tr, r ImY M T`., . ~. A , 11111 brAWIIALL 1 wnrroatto I Thipsibleibm ore sots to Gists Amer stock, a Ana assortaissi Of Net goodttekibe FALL eNto WINTER TRADE • • '7 , „ conidstlax • Daßss, G-0,91)131 MERINOS:: • KMPRESS A3LOTHSi 0 x 51411,.. poLAINES, do. ® 15Otol . Gingtoons - - 12 i so - 0, 1 Brown illoodgedrti - Idoisobod do dog . ss • 44 . • TABLE win AND TABLE currasi " num AND Malt, von Towns, LADIES satins FOE t= BEASON, amass SHAWLS vox nal errsoN I e. sift 'soli ci! DRESS'I RIM MINGSI minium nu Lase? orsruce. - A large and splendid line oI latest styles of DRESS AND SACK BUTTONS Banana Bkkte $1 . 60 to $3 00 each. 'mr's Pam UMW, guar . HOOP INCIBT, A now and splendid article. • d NICE' LINE OF - RIBBONS, =MN NOTIONS, PgIITUNSIT, 40. A goodsmortment of liens sad :Boys • • BUCK MITTENS _AND„'GLOyES I - *large virhity of LADIES_ GLOVES AND HOSOIXtr. A nice tine of the latest styles oil , LADIES CLOAKS AND SAGES I At very Im prices. W. I Li L l l7m zeix We are rase recelinag &splendid line of goods in this depertenent, such u the late styles of. El I= , 1 1 8 ..--.9 • 4' 1.1 ' HATS AND BONNETS; Together Whit s Wallin. of TRIMMINGS, AND FEATHERS I Expressly for the 'FALL AND WINTER TRADE 1 All the late and 'mild styleiot BONN.IT. 'FRAMES! Sothat we are prepared to' salt the wants sod tastes of all. We are sepplhet with ; experienced and able Milllnets, s a t will "spare no pa Ins to please and give- tton In this branch of our badness. , Thankfitl for past Loots, ire hope to merit $ continued' share of thel t tuNlo ipso& ip. • - . A. PM 4TES CO. Towanda; Sept. to,-, 7. M ,- ' liir o 04 I El o ti al 1 / 8 •,.. •. ; o V ' ol I.s , r 4 c), 1 rii 1 i ? 1 .„ „ . MS Such si THE TEM.PL,EI OF FASHION 1 NEW ETORE,iiii-NEW GOODS! I ; nu entire new stOci ,Of Cloth 14 - be nett am cheap as, beitire the watto be noldiwith :SMALL - -`PROFITS 1 • The undersigned wonid respectfally announce to the citizens of Townhila and vicinity that be Is now ready , to offer thsin Clothing, inch as FINE BEAVER OVERCOATS, cilisrofilL 'AR; plum , Ail° the FINED! DENIM AID BUSMEN SUMO. HATS AND DAM. . , .f . • Famishing Goods, de., and that thte go odd bought at very low figures will be sold with very email profits . Unload to estab h a per . trade in this place, and in order to gain . the confidence of purclutsers, will deal on a beats of HONESTY AND INTEGRITY 1 and all goods will be srsrrentsd for what-they are represtnted to be. Cate ad examine and convince yourself. Don't forgot the place, Temple of Fashion, opposite the Keens House, south end of ileidlemsn's Block. B. JACOBS. Tomah 0ct.17. 1887. HE TOW . ANDA BAKERY BATING BETABLISNIINNT f WOOD & ALLYN having purchased the pikers and Sating) Establl indent and Grocery •recently kept by Hill &Smith, first door south of the Ward Buse, Main street, Towanda, Pa., and having remodelled the same. , the are prepared to to nish -their customers and the public with everything In their line at reason able rates. THEIR EATING DEPARTMENT L fitted op In the - most approvedi style :and meals are yawed at all hoar* and their store la Ailed with a good moment of • GROCERIES, CONFECTIONARY, ABER/ AND DRIED FRUITS, &O; They keep in store and sell at wholesale and retat or 'manufacture to order BREAD, BISCUIT, RUSK, FRESH nous, BUNS, PIES AND CAKES, Of all kinds. Also will keep the best Crackers of all kinds In the market, by the barrel or . lam& Posh Oysters constantly on hand by the keg or dish, cheap as the cheapest. They will use the best maUrisls in every thing and will try to lame the most WSW= ar Wedding and other.tancy pekes made to order. silt Families supplied daily and promptlyb with anything desired in our line. They employ none but the moat skilful woilt men, and use only the best material. - They are determined to keep a Brat class establishment. , Give us a 'falr and mad trial and Yon will and it to your advantage. , G. H. WOOD. J. B. ALLYIP *wands, Aug. 1, 1867.—yr. Real (estate. L"ABM FOE SALE AT A BA R " GAM. As the Subscribes wishing to his business, thereibae offers his farm for sale , situated fa Liberty tap., Tioga Cann. ty, Ps., oontaining %So acres of chola e [ and, XOO scram improve d, the balance in goodthnber,well watered by good never featl y springs, well Mb fenced in 20 , and lays gat ro ll ing, with three ,good Apple orchards an Fruit for trim ly use. The Airm lays in a good neiti ike ldmrt and a good market seven miles from one.of the largest cost works in the State, anti Ate miles Sum the Williamsport & %%mitt 11. H., handy to church and school. The improve. manta are one old two slaty house catefortabie fora number of years, ons frame barn 40 by 66 teat with underground stableifor 50 cows, wag gon shed and - other neoesserji -out buildinp, also a good Mill seawith t, with er it dam on t built The bum will be sold everything he farm as follows : 12 cows, and all 'dairy utencilsa span of rang horses,: 3 sets of I wag gons. 1 ea* ir on field roller, I lb& & Mowing Bap— ing Machbie combinM, Horse rakes and forks, Vitaningutill, Bestows, Plows, &a, so., and in fact ever thing that is .wanting on a fans, and manly all new. 1 Price -$32 an acre includift ell ; 63,00010wn the balance to ant the para. for foliar information ladthem 11, K. MOTT, Lifierty, Tioga Co., Pa. Aug. 29, IPOR SALE.—The subscribers, Fa ecutors °tithe Meat* of Wai t Girard o ff er Ow Sale the House and 'Lot al to car nor of Franklin and Eleccmd . streets, T wands. The boase is manly new and contains 11 rooms be. sides oellaellrood house. The lot is en. closed with a picket fence well pal rated, good fruit. and claim. Persons wishing to pur f lume bome will well to call and ex amine before ,prutbasing keliewhere. Enquire of.J. WOOD, or oa tbe premises. \ • G. 11. MARY A. WARD, Executors:- Sept. 17, 1887. 110II4E AND LOTS FOR 'BALE. _ • • ' The stablariber Wren for sole.* • ItOuSe. located on Ifitildoad inset n Son% Totrands, raj opposite the t l ed br A l r i rtiod Th et i ilr l it lots are ouzsOfffeeteecn, and will be sold oep• r a t !firt i gMr l . 6r. Pr i es41:1:: gie tba rmatintetredt. ng.21,'67. JOHN KING. vs as VOR - SALE.-4: l Hotel Property with an ostabibbed bosions, at 411* Rao'. Apply to • ' *moirrpn i z & MOD, ‘ &. 21, lect - - -?1.14.14-!"42:40 _ lb QIO2OII I B'I3ALE.- 1 1.1-lo ids 9t_ Waif/4 ism* oreoginoir Mord ire "tip e6~ , ~TnaeO Haag isthaoh~~?alraet4 follookkg limaibed kd, siessiwperestat Mad di a trtai 14201P1rp.• daoetb:tends a[ Wm. Braktoi.,east and eolith ky Schrader lands,. moth ant weal by lands of G. L. Ward: . Containing 108.neres i i more or less; Mold ors . =sere: improns4 with small framed bons., ay mill, and board stab ALao--ibe following described leek tith l er parcel oil land ideate in Lellny -north by had Elf Wm Chapin, east by tbs Trilby Ito biginnayolootb by bunk In pouendon of Wm A. Porter; .less by had of. Wm. Braille.-- Containing $2 saw more o r leas, about 16 acres improved: A hi 4iAnds, and few Wait tram thereon.. I ' Seized sad takes lineardirla if, the snit' of Man Brains es. William A. Porter. • - , WILUAK Weft Towanda, Nov.% 1104. NOTICE ,lifilliZETTteir. This:ita tore i wake, theld .del of ,October: A. ..1.1017. a In Bankra n ab3 was hued wawa the notate' of Orion ot Rome, ' the mutt of Bradford. *Oka* of Pensillvards, wbp .bu tees a& Judged a Bankrupt on his own petition'; sad that thi r Eent. at any debts and delivery of SAY blikelithir to 'seek Bankrupt blur or me. and the Mute of any pro.. pelk.l hint are forbidden by lair ; that a of the creditors of said Bankrupt to g7eriadr debts and toebiewe ups or more An. signeesof his est( te, will be held at a Court of faudiroprot to be fables at *Moo of the . Begleter la the Court Howie,to Borough of Towanda, before EDWARD 0 • I: i jg, ,Jr; . Register, on' the lath, ay of D &REBER, A. D.. 1867. at 2 o'clock. p ; at. t MEM A. EOM" . United Btatm Marshall u Kearuger, Wee tarn District of Pentuniernia. By E. B. CO4BAtfc 11, Deputy, . Novae, - . 4,, TBANK N RUPTtTY.— the matter t Ste hei Whitaker, Western Die. Viet o f nia, ow • .. _'' /to whom it bray Concern : undersigned hereby gives notice oride tip,tment u as. Mose of Stephen Whitaker of ,in the Conn ty ok mimed, and State of refiney _lien's., within Bald Distrkt, Who his ion miludored a Bankrupt up_on his own petL ion y i the Di stric t. Court MAW Blatt.. -l, . . Dated Home, AM lethiday of vember, A. ii :1867. a- W. now RI r, I Assignee. 1{ lEOUTORI3 Nona ; Notice is heteby, given ' that all indebted - to the estate ot J. 0, late of Renick twri.; are requested th make payment without deday,,aud those laving 'against end estate mutt present them ytaatheutie tOd tor, gettienivit -, J. .1: ARN ' D. C. BARNazi, - Executors.. Nov. 16, 1887. N BiNKRIIPTOY.— the matte rr or Wm. A, Park. Bankrupt Western Di met of Pennsylvania, mi. . To whom it may coneern The underaimied hereby gives notice of his appdatment as as signee of William A. Park, offal - n=oo. in the county of Bradford, and State oFTennsylvimia within said District, who- has been adjudged Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said Dbitrict._ Dsted at Towaids, this 10th day of Otto*, A. D.. 1867. . J. P. „KIRBY. Assignee.. EG/STER'S i NOTIO —Notice' s R4areby given, that there bilk been filed and settled in-the office, of the Rena counts Wills, in arid for the CountYlof Bradfo , of ad ministration upon the following tea, via : 111 4 1 Final seal of Jrat• IL We 'b isdaer of T. ihnesd, !stool Sp_Ongtield, dco' . • • Final met of WI. A. ,Tbo oder of. the estate of Anson Williatas. lat e Troy, dec'd. Final molt of W 4 H. Foster a d E. H. Hor ton. aden'n of thaolfiate of Bareuel B. Foster. late of North Toweinfia, deed. in Final acct of Bennis Wife on , iidm'r of Patrick MollWgottflate of Tow ds, deo'd. , Final acc't of Slaty' N. Tilkfiaon adm'w 'of :kneel Tillotson late of Leßoy . deo'd, • Final sea of 'Peter R. and A. Kna pp, ex ecutors of Zepaniah Knapp, late! o f . We lls, &v. Final acc't of Ebien Liffey ei'r of Criah P. Blade, late of Colutibia, deed. Final awl of RM. Bidwe ll ; and J N Carr, 11. adm'r of the es of 1 late ot• Albi ay, deed. . . 1 Final acc't of Hi I N ! . _Williams .Iridni'r of Cbas • F. Peck, late of Franklin. de'ci4 To o Final acc't of . Bloodgood,: siker of Zenas Vibbs, 'stela Athens tw ~ deo'd. Partial a cc't of .A. and • Case, ex*rs of- Elam Case, lite o f; deo'd. ALBto—The Ap pment of roperty set o ff by executors or • inistrators to Widows- or children of tlmfollOwing_. deced is : Estate of wimut B. Horton. ' Ralph .1. Pickering. " George'N. Mar•sMl. "• . Francis Hornet. " William WeUnisn. Gabriel Davis. - • .• "., E. A:liinyon, " James W. Pratt. ~ " linasell Maloney. " Horace Kinney. - iar Peter Hastings. Andlthe same will be pm phan's Co.i it of Bradford Count: the 2d day of DECEMBER, po tion and allowance. H. 3; MAD] Nov. 16, 1867 I- E THE MATTER OF TON, s lariat ic. In the Col Pleas of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given tint' G ton. Committee of said John B 1867. You M.Davle,by her next friendjoll N.Cenyighem has applied to the Court of Commons lease! Bradtord County, for a armee from/the Wads of matrimony, and the said Court Wu appoint- , ad Monday, the 2d, day of Dec., /1867 , at two o'clock, p. ut. r , for hearing the / mid Catherine 111.Davis,ht the prentisekaterhicit time and place you can attead if you think proper. -WILLIAM GitIFPIB, Oct. 24,1867. ...or. APPLICATION, IN DIVORCE. To Geo. A. Seymour.—No. _lOl, May . term,lB67. Yon are hereby noti fi ed that Caroline Seymour, by her nest Mend Gabriel Run yan, has applied to- the Court of Common Pleia of Bradford County for a .divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the said Court -has:appointed Monday the 2d day-of December 1867. at two o'clitck, p.. m-, for heiying the said Caroline Seymour, in the premues, it which time and place yon can attend if you' think proper. , WM, GRIFFIS, Oct. 24, 1867. • ~., Sheriff: APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.- A To Elisabeth Olmstead.—No. 152, Deo . term, 1866. You are hereby notified that R. W. Olmstead your husband, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas 'of Bradtord County, for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the said • end has appointed Monday, the 9d day of December. 1887, at 3 o'clock, p.m., -for the said S. W, Olmstead, in the prem. = yonwhich time and place yon can attend - if think privet. GRIFFIS, Oet .34, 1867 • Sherif: A PPLICAnON IN DIVO.ROB. aa. To Jacob Willisinte.—No; 531,1 May term 1867.. Yon are hereby 'notified that Ithoda• wintents, your wife by her next Mend, G. W. , has appW •to the Court -of Com. mon Pieu of 'Bradford County for w divorce from the bands of matrimony, and the salt Court has appointed Monday, the 2d - day of Dec., 1887, at two o'clock, p. m. for bearing the. said Margaret, in 'the premiee, at which time and place you can attend it you think wp m.. • . WM MUFF'S, Sheriff.. Oct. 24,1861'. • A PPLIOATION IN DIVORCE.- 1 XL. To Mart Bardick.=No. 549, Sept t er m, no. You are hereby notified that Henry Burdick, your husband, has applied to the Court of COMM MI Pima at Bradford County for a dl some from the bonds_ of matrimony , and th e said Court has appointed ' Monday the 2d day of Dec.,067, at two o'clock, of m., for bearing the said Henry Burdick, in the premises, at Which time WO place you ca • attend it you think prow. • WILLIAM °WPM, Oct. 24, 1867. , IN_THE MATTER OF PLICLTION of _Laurette Palmer, for power to convey Beal Estate. In the Court of Comr mon Pleas of Bradford County, No. 195,. Dec term.ilB67. , Ana sow to wit d • Elept. 3, 1867, on reading' ad filing - afadavftitrut petition of Laurette Palmer, settmg forth that her husband Philip •A. Palmer, has absented hicaself,, and that Bald petitioner Is pcasessed In her own right of set-. eral tracts of land; some of which she desires to. gall and convey, but being unable to do co without her husband Joining, praying the Court to makes decree. feeioeilig her (likability from mailing the prewar, conveyances to vest s good titiCin the .parchaser. Whereupon on radios GUN?, Peck, tee -Court grants rule In accordance with the prayer of the petitioner; returnable to: December Term, and Octet the 'give notice of this atter in one of the newspaßers _of this county for lout weeks previous tooember Term. W. A. THOMAS, Protbortery: '00;.24,10117. • _ ,:l :.1 • 'ZIXECTMOPIS I lera•-=—Nott , • is beret/ ittloithig, Mt ,iersona Indebted to:- thfr made or ;glib! 01,M, lite of Albsey township, dee'd. 'are re-gusted`to , make lot , atedliatops:p itatitlipbotatait elahneavas ssid estate milt preaset,l beer tlely atbeatiattel tor settlement. • . ' iirttiOW :out itto t 4 .4 , .e.tax4 N0v. 4 5, 1881. ADliThrl4ll4./ ( 9l'S - N — OrcE:4o* xo the vats,pC/40Jailt I/04W, lAterotOoltuabl. •410 Waal* Pamelal. In4s 611, - pirsons•Aaviog dolma opismil saki eitikiwiglams/04 0111 da" Iy authstattaliid ibiPOlNement. ••• ININBON. • '', , Nov. 5, -` Aftinfstratos. DMLNIST - ix . Netice bilteribilritsgOkst , - igr= indebted bah° estate of Geo.. W Ildt late of Overten, deed. are requested ti) make tounedlate • payment, and those having claims ageing:acid estate ♦III present them duly authentiCated for settlement. 1 4 90 S 1/01,11NEUX, _ldteinlatratoe 9 - ,isaf.' . A DDELNISTR'LX,NOTIML—Notice :Mkt hetebyVieet that all piiima inserted to the estate of LULUS D. CIieFFEE deed., late of Shesheonto„ are remu3stat to make Immedt• ate payment, without -Ads", ,and those Davis Maims sgshun said estate_, mast preseat:tbo ddlyautheuticate4 for Vettlement: t' • • , ELIZA. E. CHAFFEE. Sept, 26. Administratil4 . -- XBOUTOR'S-NOTIOENStice is NJ hereby given that alI person Indebted to. her estate of JANIS. W. PRATT late "of Pike Msg.,' dee'd.yare - liqueeted to make im mediate • payment, and , = those 'having admit =rsaid estate must O m ani Ahem drily att atted for settlement. DJANI E OSEPH N. MAATT, RSH; ' L L. PR Executors. Oct It. 1887. A :I),MINISTRATOWS . NOTICE -Rake la hereby &gm; that, ill- pinions indebted to the estate of K. A ;KINYON, dec'd, late of Athena twp., are reu .. url.,ted to make immediate payment, •and th , Jhe harinti demands against -said hstate will present them dnl~anthenticO.ted for settlement: • . KARLA KINYON, • ' D,-P. PARK, Oct. 17, 1867.- : - Atisitiatrattirs. UDITOR'S the mate Ater bf, th e Waft of Bab Ihski; deemed. In the Orphan's Court of B2Wfoid County. . The, undenligned auditor -appointed ;- by said Court. to.distribote moneys In Melinda of John B. Edaall,l administrator, willattend to the duties of his appointment his'ofkce idAthena Borough, op - baturday, the- 9th day of Nolan. 1867; at 2 orekick, p. whine. all pastime ia larested-un attend it they think proper: And all persons hailing claims on said funo must pre sent them, or tie forever debarred therefrom. • • . . J. BEETR., • `October 2,1867. : . • Malibu'. ' ..NTJTICE.-14 the ritat- A:ter of the Utak of 'Kari . Keiser, dee d In the Orphan's Court ar : Sadler& thunty. • The Miden;gned auditor. appointed by said ,Court upon excePtione" died 4 to valuation . and appraisement to widow otolccedeut,wili :attend to the duties of hLenlipo figment, at his ce i n she Borough "of . Towanda, on !ICEBDAY; 1510VVIBEill . 26, 1867 jet 1 (Alocit, where all persons having ashes xust present them, or be,"leaver deiiurrgd • ' - „.,-JAMES -Auditor, Oct. 2!;..867 - A lIDITOR'S, NOtICE.--/nithe aaPi. ter of the eitate af J. IV: etl, dee'd. In the' Orphari's court, of Bradford Coduty. Then nderaio, 'an :auditor, appointed by said, court Ito bate moneys in th e hands of the administrator of said cau1...1,111 attend 0, the duties of his.appeintment at his office hi the borough of Towandi. on FRIDAY theJs th day of NOVEMBER, 1867 at 1. o'clock p. m., and all persons hating claims upon said funds mast present there, or else be timer de barred from the same. W. T. DAVIES, Oct. 24,1867. , Auditor. A UDITOR'S,NOTICE. —ln the mat .4ol. - ter of the . estate of JiAn lb:4q t dec'd. In i the Orphan's Co tof __Bradford County .t - . The undersign Auditor, appointed bllsaid C o urt to distribu moneys in the :bawls of.the administrator of s- above , estate, will attend to the ; duties of his appointment at his aide In the Borough of'fcistanda, on Thursday, Nov ;ember 21, 1867, at 1 o'clock p.m., at which time .and place- all peOns having claims upon Said moneys mast present them or be forever de. barred. . 1 -• .. B. M. PECK, , Oct. 22, 1867._ .. 1 1 • .__ , .-Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the sat get. of the 'fatale .Reed Bonoorth,dee'd.. In the Oiphan's Court of-Bradford County. The underidgned, auditor appointed by Bald Court to distribute lands in" the 'hands of the executor of said estate,. will attend to . the duties of his ippointtent, at his tees, in the borough of Towanda, on Thursday, 21st 'day of November,lB67, at 2 o'clock, p.m when and where all persons haying claims aga inst said es tate,- must , present them,. or oe debarred trent coming in tor a a share of said lands. EIE*BX PEET, . Auditor.. to the Or teodn MONDAY : for col:firma- TNCORPO4ATI6W •-• NOTICES.—, A. application tor Incorporilort of First Soci ety of the Methodist Episcopal Chu rph•of ter. • Application for Incorporation of Lair,Libra ry Assoc.ation of Bradford County. • Anglifddon for Incorporation of- Agricoltre nil Stock Association of Towanda. !LIT ation for IncorPoration of ihe first Fate Bapt Church - of Tuscarora. • p ko is hereby given that the above n awed A °elation! have severally prssented•to the art, of Common Pleas of• Bradford County heir artielos of Association wain for a de cree.of Incorporation, and the said Court hav ing examlnedihe same,.and fin - ding them cor rect, will decree that theybe incorporated as prayed for on Monday the 4I day of Decemper 1867 at . m., nal esir cause be shown to the contrary; W. A. TBOSIAS, Prothonotoryi. Prothonotary's - Oftice,.Oct. 24. 1867. • /1271= 0 R HN 110 11 of Common .rge F. Hoy rton, bas Bled ^,nd GGUARDIAN AND COMMITXRE, SALE —By iiitne of orders baited ontig the Court of Common Pleas and OrPhan'ePeort of Bradford county, Samuel Howard, Cominitte of Alien D. Brown, a lunatic', andiFanny Brooks Guardian of •Mary R. Brown, Loraine C. Bro st, 'Adeline Brown, and Hiram BroWn, minor chil dren of Hiram Brown, late of Wyalusing, will sell on the premises at public sale on 84- 13IIDAY, NOVEMBER 23.'1867,4 1 o'clock, Id M., all that certain 14, piece on parcel of land situate in the township ,of Vi'yalasing, kaolin as the Hiram' Brown - Farm, and bounded and described as follows, to wit : _ • .0n the north by laraf John lltollenback, ou the east by- lands Of Ira,Browni On the south by. the Susquehanna 'River, snot CM the west by, lands of D. K. Brown and Ira Arown• Contain ing about 75 acres or laud. The - widow of the said Mink Brown ` i deed," will join in the deed so as to &Indy her , Inter; eat in the land , to. the person who may putehaae. .tbet ame.- TERMS-4100 to be paid when the Fironeriy , ia a: ruck down • 8650 at the confirmation of the sale, and the balance of two-thirds of the whole purchase money in three equal annual payments. with Interest from confirmation of sale ; one third of the whole Purchase money to be seam; ed by a bond and mortgage during the lifetime el Fanny Brooks, to whom the Interest la to be paid annually, and at her death the who le - sam so secured, to be Paid-to .those legally entitled to . • e It. • SAMUEL 'HOWARD, Conimittee.— FANNY _BROOKS, Guardian. - ,t ct. 26 - , 1867. . Sheriff'. fAitat - JOH2( 111 . - ,iNAc' - auscuton. Oct. 24; 1867., PAAYS COURT SALK=4Iy O irtue of an 'order. issaal.,out : of the' Or phan' Court of Bradford Ootmty, On Under signed Administratms of the estate of Jeptba Ryder, late of 'eald comity; he ex posed to public sale on the premises, on SAT URDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1887.Jat 1 - o'clock, p. m., the tolicatin.; desctibed "114, piece or parcel Of land situate in Terry twp.; bounded as fol lows : ' Beginning at the north-east - corner rock and stones. south If t . west 116 p rs., tea white oak, west by the township line 713- pre , to. a poet and stones, nortq 1,1 0 east 115 pre., to a cites nut-tree, east 78 prs: to the plice of- beginning. Containing 56 acres, he the same more or less. about 25' ales improved, a framed,,barn and a email framed-ditching house thereon; 4, TERMS-425 to be paid on the property being `%•uck down, one half of the balance upon the c lirmation of the sale, and the balance with interest from confirmation,' in otte year there= ahem • sauBEL BOWMAN;. . - L RUHABIA RYOZII, Octo. r 21, 1887. ' . Administrators. NOT E IN BANKRUPTOY ! i ' Tha is. to *ye notke, That on 4 the 17th Cu of October, A. 14867, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issmed,agalnskthe estate of Edward Chilson, Of 'Asylum, la the county,ol Bradford, and State of. Penntiyivanits,":sw,to has 'been adludged 'a Dantrupt on his ,own petition ; that the pay ment of any debts anittlelivery of any proper ty belonging to 'midi' Bat,trapt to him or for hbi ttie, and the transterkof any propertybl him are forbidden by law' \ttutt a meeting Of the creditors of mid ilankitpt, to prove their debts and to cheese earl or more Assignees of. his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankrupt cy to be holden at the office of the Register in in the Court Rouse, in the Borough of . Town; 1 da, before EDWARD OVERTON,. Jr., Regis. ter. On the filth day of DECEMBER, °A. D 1987, at 9 o'clock i a._ m. . • THOMAS A: ROWLEY, , United States Marshal as Messenger, Wist ern Dlatrict of Pennsylvania: Nov. 7,1867.-4 w. • • - . !==7==lzm , - f i r 4 .114 4 : ;74: . , pROWNATIet .—ntit . 7ol/ of ittglikaiMl! ...., i t fe or e cotustieiMpDtedikill Set. ind l T k ot . 4.. mp 1. , 48411141= , t f, 'EP Rliro In,! Admixt liii u 4 h • Medlar be g dem - - the 2441ey.otatDPAPX d /11:tet!, 1 . , tor =1 k of, Oyer and T. (pen- end '`kisf - it Motamon Piestielet ol l_Mi COW. al Towinitili 1 0 1" 11 . County of ,13 itonAr e g ia ti de.7 or . December next to conthmetwo " \ ~. liotteele timetleriberabylives the Coro- ~ nem Justices alike _..Pdthe o end ,or , ' : dy the 6oul of Meffler,. that they th and.' n t a threto. -*sir mow I paint kt *kWh in the forenoon of laid denelth theft, in^ =shad other' renexibienhfa s olhose • • which to , th eir office to be *net sod these irimere boned- teebipaisule or othav a ise,ttapromaage— , NOM tharelsome, , re 01 . 3 r) kr.- r ruerefit o r , ,liiity. uk 4 Imo arm beimmidie ittineetkad the IQ Court; axe *be themendlinief,to4 te. eis etc.! robot! bogi e Arent - are mated td . • -11 1' Ifteet - litreeekdrto • ,•-• 4)'t, Li • ~, , : ...f I. ' ' ' .' I Wed st , Tomnide t the.3Lo .piriy *tit. La year of onr•Lord; one thbanindbunditid and iriztrememfand of -the , hiftelidliace or . - " the U 414 V b r et r ni t . rili 4.1 PPi.theiiP. Q111,14/1_13,44.1A-,,8y ,virisui of 6...7 a writ of Vend... Espo. bauted t ant :alba::: WA of *anon 'Plead of Bradford County, , end to me directed, -there will be eloped to publieieakt at the Coact - Houle, ht the Borough of Towanda, -NOsi BAY, ths,;34l day of, DEJEJIBEfft, 1861', at 7. o'clock, p.m., the for lowthopttetcribedialt pieonor parcel land sit uate in Troy, twp,, bounded north by land of Bopialigti Wbeeer. cis by lin& of rats Loom is and Idhiceteongdobi south land' of John Green°. sad "gab, At. L. inad the public h*liirltr• antimina land snore or wssisbqut tie ages 9r. ttff th a friatetbalkiillgallig- SMs 3 0 a 0 g orchard of trait tom - Eleized Sad Ulket At ' 01 Mar Of E. Porneroy's use mt. Ji • • • - ALBO—The foil m% /WO K° or parcel of land simile Albany boanded north by land of 5. Portion; east - briends.of B Ladd and Joshua Yankton. 'oath-4 lands of E sr. $l. Robbinsda, west by lands of llabriel Conotinl4lllll6ll4,More or leas, about . 25 acres improva, with hinted how, ;rimed bacjkaathrewtralt loses. tharean., , omen and taken in execution lar,Wautt of John It; lisacock vs. g 'R. Sdatt:' , All3o—The tollowlag described k 4, 'pkttioc parcel of land situate In Wysoz tp. , botualei aortliby lands of A. Lea ,t and .1. land seat tyr land of Norm* white, south by land Of liquausl , Ohms: iutd "ti. Shook , westly liras of. Shores and J.AL Jr . riolett. Containing 5' acres, *smoke about 20 urea impr. sod with a 10g house and low trait two. thereon._ • y.. Seized andiaken esecutlii: tbe suitoi r John Soigne Woe vs. JatnewllcCorrille. ALEAr—Theholkoving descdhedcki plsos or *col of land situate In Franklin tp.boutoled north by land of Ailey Foster, sadly fhb pab 7 lie highway, south by land of Oeorga43lambic, and west by Jand•ot rSmith.. 06ntainisig about i acre.-pf laud, re or less, all improved with Aimed boos, thereon: • • - • belied =Cabot in'', execution .at 'Willi' o - Alonzo itorsessuse vs g. li. Packard.. s' WM. GRIFFIS, filiciiff. Towanda. glov:1, • e7,,,-; s; IN BAliiltßUPOt.-411 •of Mudd flmdbiry, 4 11aAltwipt; ; Westain Diataict-otreinsylvanis v as, d• TO whom it MAT POPoilrui. 0_7314 laden/fined hereby gives notice; of WM V , aPPO punt als 11 °' algae° -of Daniel ltadtrifs; , orzAthtnif; ' lithe County of Bradiord i and State or ;Psansykania within Rid District, who lefu-'huOu adiudged a: Bankrupt upon hianwn pellOonby the District Connor asldthatriat:.• - • - - • Dated ut 2ttbegii,, this--121b Pay of - November, A. D. 180, , BOBA,CIPWILLIBTON,AISIPuIe; A m'orlmmE TAILOEIN4 • Betlpectfany,intorms the , Citizens,. al ,Towaiw4 Borerighi thit he has opened :a , TOB SEIoP, In Phinney'fi:Building opposite the Means and solicits a share of pall° patxonage. ' ; He is prepared tout and make garments lo the moat fashionable style, and Ilse efdst dere: bie manner, ; Perfect' satisfaction twill be guar: salted. • ', • Cutting and Repairing : done to order en shor notice., . • ' Sept. 10;1867. '• M A ...'I3 , •E E E DzWITN & TEMPLE OF . TOWANDA: I;A:, nAxips! The MILTHUSBEK PIANOS, recently invented by Mr. Frederick Adathashels (author of the principal iroproyements in pianos), diflbr from all others in haring the strings cross the frame - in both direction!. ' This equally.* the strain upon the Imme,und insures greater durability and Ickger continuance in tune than can be had by any other method'. Th a Bridge.. also; runs the whole length of the sounding-board, an'eu tirely new feature, which• gives greater power and better tone than is found in any other in • strnments. The smallest, size square,. the, Colibri, (cur feet nine inches long, seven Octaves, ; equals, in , all respects the full size -of " -other makers ; while the fall size, the Orchestral, is equal to any Concert Grand. • Frans Schlouter, the _eminent pianist; raja : The Colibri I consider the chef srotivre in the musical world. Its tone la not equalled ,by :ha !argestsized square or up r i ght pianos Of any factory in this country." - • -, • •• H. liollenhauer, of the -Conservatory of Mu sic, says .• I with great pleasure bear my nu qualified testimony to the great , superiority at the.liallinabek Pianos Over all others." Many other testimoni als equally strong, have been free:y given. Please call and •esamine, cr send for descriptive - circular. It is universally admitted that - Ehtinesi Bros are the cheapest first class Piano` meet, and DeWitt do Dittrich by dealing largely inPian them can furnish an elegant Rosewood o fur . s37s.Send for circular.: -Bandanna Piano Stools 'and Covers,-Organs and Melodeons of tbe best qualityz: the most reasonable prkes.— Urge stock of Sheet Mimic constantly on hand. pent by mall on receipt of marked price. Ord ers should be addressed to J. A. DaIITTT. • TO AOBN'TI6.--,We are prepared to furni-N Sheet Huai° and all kinds of Instruments at the regular discount' to: dealers; We want an . ::c live agent In every town fa this and the ad. 'pining counties. For terms address ' I IsWITT DITTRIC , (Means' 810 c k .,) Towanda, P. 1,. • Oct. 24.1867. RS: ALLEN SG MISS' CORWIN; Respectfully tender their services to the e Lad lei of Towanda mid vicinity.- All wort guar Inn: teed to give attlsfaltion. Particnly aU cutlet. CUTTING" AND FTrrING. •• Rooms In Casement of James illiatt'siesidenc e 'on Second Street; Towanda; Oct. 17.1867. A SPLENDID STOCK OF GRO • cerie.e, wooden. silk'''. and - stone•wale at Brawkall 4. CoweU's eheap.stote. GPICE /No 1 *MACKEREL - FO Ono shilling per ;wand at Itraothell 4. Cot&ll's chip store. DRID FRUIT, Canned Fruit, Fresh Fruit, a aptendld stock at Btamkall CoweWs CkeapStore. PLACE TO BUY TOtTR 1 Groceries eheap, at • Branhail 4.1 COtrele a: Oleo Slam AANDIES - AND NM'S of Foreign Fruits lad lellleaott , Brasilaall coweil's C#eajo .storr. 011:010E1 TOBACCO AND' CIO IL/ at &withal! 4- Comet's qtap Suite. - WATCHMAKERS,-JEWELLERS, Recently from &trope, w Itica Large amrtment of - cloche and Watches, from the beMwanutac tory In Switzerland, have Mated. themselves. temporarily, at the Mask Rooms of Dewitt ,t Dittrkh. where they will. be pleased tu atm v their wares to the public. A tetwoogb mice in European eatabibihments enables them to offer assn ance - of , tomplete ambito:skin in their department. Particular, sustains given -to repairing clocks, watetes and jewelry . Towanda, Oct. 24, 164?..-3mo , QBLIC SALE,Ie Orwell, There ' day; November 21, 1867, commencing at 10, a. m., the subscriber ones tar sale on the premises the following property. viz.: 3 hGries. 6 cows, 6 yearllogs, 4 Calves, 2 shoats, 12 sheep AO, stalks, .1' two- horse mica, / ;two horse market sprig Wagon, 1 ale grain -plow, drag,' set of doable harness an !Leasehold fur. nature, coludguns of chairs, table*, bad gel ds . bosses, 2 striven, and many other uticlea; TERMS--All sums under $6 cash. . Altnoms over $O, trout 4 tq 4 months credit. WY. PAIBOULD. Orwell, Oci, $11,1847. - BEHBKIN 1- DRESS 111.4gERS, BUGNENIN BECITHEIti; if GI