Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 22, 1867, Image 3

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    vitaford)- 1 eporttv.
Ay. i. extwoc4l4; Esti., 4 Troy;,
h d,l).:appointed a Notary Public.
bra Thy recent heavy rains
greatlj hupi-oye4.:ihe prospects; for coin,.
potatoes'and buckwheat, in this vicinity:-
The Independent = 411mb/item,
of Montrose, Claims ' l eipctilation of 4,200.
Pretty good• • _
SEr St. John'A cheese . factory, in
Herrick, nee burnedon Wednesday night,
last, by an incendiary.-
oar An, infant son of C. H. lifowai,
of Meshoppea, aged about 14 months, teas - ,
drowned on the 27th tilt., in a spring of
water near by the house of his father.
air We regret to noVeo that our
late townsman. A. F. Cowt.r.s, was one of
the sufferers by tho late fire in Williamsport.
lie lost his entire stock, and had no insur.:
:Ise' Agents for the various lqur
anc:c Companies, having - risks on prOperty
destroyed by the tire in this place on the
ith inst., have been hero and settled all
tho lossN, except one.
Bap Nathan Chase, of Auburn ;
Susquehanna Co. 'wee found dead near the
road, above Meshoppen t on the 29th of June
last. • Is supposed to have died from
effects of intoxication..
get: In • giving the notice of .the
land purchase of the Williamsport Lumber
Company, last week, the types made us
say " 00,000 acres." It should have been
fix. I oW, lute of the Columbia
Reprblicalt, is about to revive the
Wyoming Republican. The loyal people of
iittl,; Wyoming need a live.paper, and Mr.
YosT i ;supply their viantsiu
this respect.
tes-A correspondent informs us
that a large amount of damage has been,,to bridges, crops, 4 . c., along Sugar
haw, byglie 'recent freshet The water Was
higher thitn it has . bee s thirty
'years, ;
Reader, is this your paper, or
it belting to your neighbor? If The lat
ter, you should subscribe at once, and not
trouble others fur.what belongs to them. —••
IS; «<s paper borrowers are a nuisance to their
W.orktnpn are now engaged
iu sinking cribs for the, purpose of rebuild
ing that portion of file dam which was-car
ried away by the flood two years ago. TT he
whole structure from the schute to thebank
was entirely taken out.—dams IreinVican.
We nutice that the citizens of
Vineland, N. J., recently took a vote on the
qurstiou of granting licenses-`to sell rum in
their village, when it was unanitously de
cided not to grant a single license. Bind
ford county is largely represeutea in Vine.
IP*'" Now that , fi
there is -sefeient
water in th e Canal txt admit of the running
of boats, :we hopelhe rail for the road be
tween this place and Waverly, a - ill be forth
coining. Therq is no reason why:the cars
should not be running on this roadin . a very
few weeks.
vet:. Conarderable damage was
done to the Barclay Railroad by the recent
tine or two Wridges were washed
a'rav, and i otlterportions of the road dam
aged. We ut4er4and that it will reiuire
from eight to ten days to put the road in
running order.' •
Wt. itessre. M, J. °Lows and G. L.
Kr.r.tan have leased the store on the corner
of Bridge street, (lately occupied by W. A.
Rockwell,) and will open a Grocery and
Provision Store about the first of Septem
ber. They nre both very worthy yeirng
men, and we have-to doubt will receive a
• -
generous share of public. patronage.
TurE.--The Rev. SA3TEL F. COLT }lab again
been indUced to take charge of the Institute,
and will open classes on Wednesday, Sept.
DAIL assisted by it . full corps of instructors
in the male and female departments: Full
ertlscinent next weeki as to terms and
the Mut:institute courses in English, Clas
sic, Nornial and Commercial brances.
ACCIDENT,—Last Sgwiay, as a
"wild eat " train was bringing the circus
troupe cast from . Iforuellsville, -and as it
was ,rounding the curve at Caiiisteo, ran
into a hand-car containing four persons,two
me:., a woman and young child ; instantly
one roan and severely. injuring' the
other. The woman and child, it is thought,
will not recover from wounds received while
being ptcvipitated against the rocky em-
ENLARGED.-:- The Nor lit Branch Dem
ocrat, published at Ttinkh nook, last. week
made its appearance enlarged and typograph
ically much improved. The name of the
paper is changed from the North Branch
Democrat to the Wyoming Democrat.
—The Montrose, 4Srisquehaxuaa Co.) Re
publican has been enlarged misiderably,and
is printed on new type. '
—The Carbon Democrca has been alsoien
larged to en eight column alieet,aiiiiiti prin
ted on new type and a power prase.
tek.. As Mr. Josovit T. BURBANK, - of
this place, in company with a young lady,
was approaching the eastern end of die
bridge, with a horse and buggy, on Sunday
evening hist,the horse became frightened,
and leaping sidewise; upset the carriage,
which -tumbled several feet' down the bank
into the,river. • The occupants pf the bug
gy' Cscapecl without serious injury, but the
horse was drowned, and .the : carriage badly
iroken.• :The embankment at the eastern
.end of the Midge -is sre narrow that railing
!Amnia be' Placed ou elther '
side of it, to
prevent accidents of this character.
M. A tow-‘ days einc,e ck—woma4
Athens towitql4Z
left her infant, 'some four zmiontlis old,-with ,
a nidow lc ly stating ttot sitia Was 045 to
gather berries with some -children.- 1,19 n
rkielting the place she inforinfd, her , cpm
pinions that she shotlikitot rpturst for the
chill, *0 starting off in 'anothet`dhlee . tion
4/ PI% g er - Lill
-41-4.bii4ed th:4 6 ago APP*II-
ton hrisbeenmade to ittethe child on the
.411;e0 Rep - •';
77M Brad
ford Co., Pa., — had` our 'Phustie
operation yerfon r eci yp qn t cpee k
at thivEye and Ear Institute, 1:1 I r Up, De'
Glatt' ills entire k*ef lip — tiraad 'bayed
by saurry i :3 6 '440-pr+nelin pr our
sohthern Prishrisf 'The Detain ma ellith's
and almost pdrfek lip by..t4ting the
material -from each Side of :the _patient's
face.—Elmira Daily Gazelle.'
-jiff A' it R1111.11;i' ,
SMITH—SQUIRES—It the Ward' House,
Towanda, Pa., Anil 18, 1867, hy Rev.'
J. T. Brownell, Mr.' Henry O. Smith' of
Oniell Pa., to Mies"pedie O. fkinires, of
}larch, Pa. - - • ' '
D 111).
NELITri' Orwell Jtil) 22, 1 1867, of
Diptheria, Willie*E.,lonly son of J. 3. and
Ainanda M. Newell, liged s Zeara Tiac 4 itha
and 14 dayii.
NEWELL—In Orwell, king. 2nd.'afDipthe
ria,,Maggie St. Leon., only daughter , of
J. - J, and Amanda M Newoll,aged 7 years
1 month and 4 days.l
"Lovely and pleasant in their
in dea l th they were not !divided."
: 1
IMP' Albums, very cheap,
Co'e. Book Store. 1 •
• • '
Payaon,Dua4on and Sc
New System of Pennianshinlstrperi
others, 'at Coosa & Co.'s New Book
To TEAcnEas.—Piqes' Theo
Practice of Teaching Wiakershami
economy and method of Instructic
voan & BARBEE'S.
a good hostler cal
at the American
ply to Bennett
River St. Towanda
A superiorqivality of' Stamp
ing Paper and Envelopes, always 'pn hand,
at C. F. Cnoss & Co's. Book StoreJ
tEp c ,. We have latdy recei
elegant Stamping Preis from the ii
are prepared to stamp paper and ce
in all colors, or plain, is may be r
in tho most fashionable and arti4ie
at C. F. Cnoss & Co's. oolt . Store.
FANCY Dnss 14ALL.i----The public are
invited to attend a Failey Drpss Ball - to be
gi'en at the Union Hotiel,in Rome Borough,
on Friday evening, Sep . 6,1867 k Good
mesic . will be in attendance: Bill 152,50.
Aug. 5.--1 t - - 11. G. Gorr, Prop..
.S. X. Simms is ! the Authorized
Traveling Agent for Litonntl Fire fnsurance
Agencies, and Real Eitatti linsines at this
office. • lilotrrsnyn do Sperm.
. Tow.inoe, July 25, 1267.,'•
sitir Theory and Practice of Teach
ing or the motives ant methods I of Good
School-Keeping, .by D vid 'IP: Page, A. M.
Expressly for Teachefs, at Caoss E Co.'s
New Book Store.
ger C.. F. Cross j & Co. are ,now
prePared•to receive Subscriptions Ito all the
N.'Y. Daily, and Weekl , Papers, Pamphlets,
litagazinesac. They design to keep a reg
ular News Room in ccinnection with their
Book Stoie. • -
g Mrs. H. G. alluoti will open
a select school on Orvt4l Hill, at the Pres
byterian Parsonage, Sept. 2,.f0r a term of
eleven weeks. Terms, $4., 1.:" $5. 1
Aug. 19, 1867.-4w^ ) .
SEir Our old frielids and customers
will find us with a full stock of !Hardware
in our new Shanty store on Pine street'
about 100 feet west 'of; E. T. Fo's corner
back of Powell's store ..-where we invite all
to call and buy goods e t leap. ' ' ,
Towanda, Aug. 20, 1867. •
" S
Alter Our heavy lo ss by fire compels
us to ask all persons ifidebted to tts to make
a strong effort to help Ins now. !We need
it now, and shall feel very grateful to our
friends, if they will fremember us at this
time with material aid. 4
Towanda-,`Aug. 13, 1867]
t ,
with trains East and West, leaves Towanda
every morning at 7 o'Crock, and will call at
dwellings for passengers if names and ad
dress is left at the I'x:lSt Office with Messrs.
Alvord Barbe..
Stage returning lea 4 fes Waverly on arri
val of evening trains from East and West.
Ang, 1, 1867.
will-open a school in jthe Basement of the
new Church in Wyso*, Sept. 24, and con
tinue twelve weeks.
Tnition—zPrimary and Written Arithme
tic, as far as Fractons. 53,5 C." Higher
Branches $5,09. Arkangements have .been
made to accomhiodatO any Who wish to take
music lesions, or Latin. For further par
ticulars address WAti F. HoUToN, Horn-
Brook. j Aug. 22,1 w. • .
7-30 T.REASURY;NoTEs—The Govern
ment. is now eonVertlng the first series of
7-30 Treasury notes hit° the 5;20 Goldßear
ing Bonds, the underOgned have arrange
ments and facilities fr procuring their con
version on the most favorable terms,holders
who desire to have thein converted are re
quested to call upon! us, The new 5-20
Bonds oe hand for , sple, we else) purchase
all descriptions of Government Securities
and pay the highestmarket price -
April' 4, Ca.' B. S. Russell & Co.
BLI.BS.—Now reiady for saleoloul?le
and single Tulips, Hyacipths, beautiful vari
ety, Crocus and - a fekvpiousand eatery plants
for sale, all been reset in fine 'Condition, is
one of the best vegettibles, a little industry
to clean nyi the ground where tlri early Peas
and Potatoes have be ;n raised, prepare the
ground with compostOindyou can suceesaful
ly raise a crop of celeiy if set by the ;20th of
August. Determination, iudi,istry, work,
application, with good judgment and econo
my with the blessingiof God, Work - wonder.
I can educate any man in two minutes how
to raise celery. Henn Mix.
Ang, I,—lm •
Awsnns. —We recently publishell a brief tel
egram from Paris, announcing the award to
Messrs. Wommtna & Wrtsox of a gold med
al, over eighty-two cdmpetitors, for the per
fection of their sewing-machines. - Follow
ing are copies of the Official documents con
firming the announcetnent:
Pkr.4 1867,
Comnsumn Curve-DE-Mass,
• 16 July,. 1867.
Mr. R. Hunting, No. 139 Regent-sired, Lond:
Dun , t3rs : Replying to your inquiry, I
beg to state that the Only Gold _Medal for the
manufacture_ and peffedion of Sezeing-Mit
chines and Button-We jfachines,was awarded
to Messrs. Wuraunn Wuson,of New-York.
Your% respectfully,
Member of International Jury and reporter
of same. WICKHAM! & Buts Agents for
teachers of common and other sehools of
the County, are invited 4o attend the Conn.-
ty Institute, at the Owe fixed upon at their
last meeting, viz ; Smithfield, hlonday,Ang.
ust 26, East Canton, ,Ilonday Sept. 9th, and
°TA 50P.0 6 .
arii - requ sted to be . punctual in
their attendanctrat opening.
two o'clock, preparnd -to remain -till the
.close, Friday afteninon or evening.. No
trivoloue excuses for absence froni the
tote will lie iteeapfeci on examination.dayi,;
ble: . ivatructote . 944 Ipctsiielre .he
present. ' 1" •
Tenalterti" will, 'bring 'telt tißte
bonito, tte. • I ' • 1
,t3chool ifdriiiiteria..PlargYttulli and prollo.
generally,. are conihdly invited tostten
-, ononamst, Co, Supt. ;
- .• • ._... ... . ._ . --.-- .•" " " .
LY.—The undersiened joint committee Of
the Sons of Tempo nee and - 'flood • Temp
bre, of Towanda, _a nounce,to Mei : public,
that a county mass na eting of the friends of
43 1 21
Temperance, will be bel -...ixi:,thir„Court"
Howie, in Towanda,lon W esdaievenhig
the 4th September, for the urPotio ofiorila^
liking a County TeMperance Union, auxil
iary to the Pennsylvania State Temperaneiv
union. Coming eventa imperiously can fot
tittolu an organization.- Short, addressee by
eminent speakers, may be expected.. -,-
: -' . A. J.E.urnsassooxe, W. P.`• ..
- I Osoea A. 131.,thr, D. D. 0. W. P. -
10ri part of the sons of Temperance.
7 i ,•• , i , •
C. Hl:Tyrol, V. 0. - T. , -
' • W. PAirdx,' D. D.. 0. W. 0. P.
On part of the.oood • TemPbxs•
SECOND Ark= • •
Jas Lackey vs. Wm Lackey, etal.
01arkson & Nichols 11*Meylertik Ward,debt
N-&J P Blood's - 144C F_Welles,Jr..ease.
Jno Bortz vs. Pomeroy-Bros tresp4s.
Folly Chilson vs. J W Sweet etal „replevin.'
Allen White vs Lewis D Coo Tan n.. appeal
N C Elsbree vs. Chas Barton,...eleet..
K Stevens vs.•F H Person etal.: - .,apppal.
Hyatt vs. F S Elliott et. . Ares:
Augustus Lewis vs. ;D A Brewstor ejet
H W Chesney vs.
3 Thompson 's ad's vs. G Dickinson, sci .fa.
Fall,Creeko. & Cu. vs.:J ht Smith. Are&
P T MoKeal vs. W Brainhall....ejectment.
Miles nines vs. Edwin Owens ital.. do.
Beth Peck vs. Stephen Bullock case.
J A Bradley vs. Towanda Twp debt.
B Luckey stet vs., Valentine Smith, slot
Z P Corson vs. H W Thompson ejct.
N Bronson vs. N N Parks ' appeaL •
13mwo&Rock y well's; use vs. G B Park do. ,
Morgan & Davison vs.. Wm S Dobbins, case.
J J . Denmark vs. X C Railway Co do.
Wing &Mitchell vs.; Welles &,, Ado, •
CommowAsalth vs. M.Elsbree'seers...debt.
F j 3 Ford v& H B McKean etal....att. ex.
D E Martin vs. D Coolbaugh's adm's.. case.
W H Vansyckle vs. Fall Creek C. Co.. app.
Michael Kerwin vs. ,G Simons
J V Ballard vs. REI H A Ward.... do.
N.liniith vs. Aug. Kelly eta do.
D Slaughter -vs. S Pierce's ears t7i. fa.
H Shepard vs. • same ' do.
Jollu Putnam vs. Glanville twp debt.
L B Gardner vs. Ridgbury twp. do. '
Henry Miller vs. Ransom Tanner...sci. fa.
Patrick Blade vs. Vfm,J Kisuer eject.
Alvint Bayles vs. Leßoy-tosup debt.
.Daniel Quaid vs. Towatwp do.
Martin W McGill vs. _ A do do.
F Redington vs. F H Parsons....appeaL
M James vs. JJ Green -* .. do.
S Hawkins vs. C D Cash et al do.
J F Means vs. W Means Watts case. k .
Ann Donoho vs. C S Lafferty........ apseaL
or-to all
'ry. and
is School
gnat AL-
Irk MA
8 co
ns, Pi
er Di
iced -an
icily, and
Sub anus returnable_Sept. 9, 1867, at, 10
o'clock a. in., for second week, and Shpt.
16, at 10 a. in., for third week.
A.uq. 12,,. 1867. W. A; T 110314 Prot'y.
MR Tram AND SEssion. 1867.
Adexander 'English; Asylum, Si
meon Decker; 'Athens twp., Samuel Hulett,.
John Morley, Ira Elsbreo; Burlington twp.,
Barker Brown, Henry Allen; Canton twp.,
Packard; Granville, Oscar Saxton;
Herrick, John J Anderson; Leßoy, Benj. J
Hoagland ; Monroe twp., Joab Sommers,
Thomas T Smiley; Pike; ,Dennis G 'Nor
thrup, Win. M Payne; Standing Stone, Guy
Brown; Smithfield, Elliott Wilcox;-Sheshe
quin, John Webb; Towanda, Charles Al.
Manville, Charles Kellum, Jared D Gooden
. Troy twp., Daniel. Randall; Wells;
Epliraosier; Wilmot, George Frutchey.
Albany, Orrison Hibbard, Walter Conklin;
Albu Boro'. David Palmer;
Asylum, John
Bennett; Bur li ngton twp., James Nichols;
.Canton Simeon , Mclntosh; Franklin,
Thomas A Seamen, Joseph E Spalding;
Gran 'Ville, Percival S Bailey i Robert Bailey;
Leßoy,. Cheeney R, StOne, -Hollis A Hol
comb; Monroe twp., CharleS Holland, Geo.
W White; Orwell, Chancey G Gridley, John
W 1141; Pike, A Dennis Fassett, John Al
derson; Rome Bore. John Whitaker; Ridg
berry, Columbus C Burt, Morris Cummings;
Sheshequin, Andrew Webb ; Springfield,
Wm - Tracey ; South Creek, Geo Suffren; Ter
ry, Wm T Horton, Solomon Strong -; Troy
Bore', Nelson Adams; TOwanda VOW, Geo
W Coon, Isaac Smalley; Wyalusing, Wm N
Wells, Daniel States; Wells, Abram Bu
chaunan, Morris Shepard; Wysox, Gaylord
Wood, Geo Gard; Wilmot, Reuben Barnes.
Athens twp., John Satterlee, Geo Bur
chard; Burlington West, J H McKean;
Columbia, Giles Peckham, Richard Gustin,
Charles 0 Havens; Columbia, I:Jriah. ;Fer
guson.; Franklin, James Williams, Daniel
Montgomery; Granville, Smith May; Le-
Raysville Benjamin Pierce; Litchfield,.
William Cainpbell; °Overton, .Renbenßhine
bolt; ! Orwell, William Browning; Pike t
Wm. 'S Davis; Rome twp., Silas N. Barner,
Washington Towner,Elnathan Smith; Ridg
berry, Thomas Decker; Sheshequin, C
Brigham; South Creek, James Burnham;
Smithfield, John Chamberlin, Christopher
E Child; Troy , twp., James . Ward; rfroy
Hord!. Clement T Paine, Samuel Aspinwall;
Tuscarora, Bailey Keeney; Towanda Bore'.
Wm.;K Marshall, Nathaniel N Betts, John
Merideth; Towanda , North, Samuel Haw
kins,. Wysox, Hiram Davenport, Clark
Smitli; Windham, Benjamin K.nykendall;
'Warren, Wm. P Arnold; Wells, Win. it
Albany, Alvin Waltman; A'sylruxi, S Mc-
Kean Laporte; Athens twp., Wm. Weft-i
brook; Burlington twp.,Bussell Hollenback;
Burlington West, Stephen Styles; Canton
twp., Henry Warren; Canton Boro'. Daniel
Wilcox; Columbia, James Benedict; Frank
lin, Daniel IV Cokeley, Joseph L Johnson,
Herrick, William Hillis.2d; Litchfield, 14-
drew J Layton, Andrew Brainard 'Leßoy;
Heinen Andrews, Joseph Smiley; Monroe
twp. Jefferson L Coolbaugh; Orwell, John
H COWles; Pike,' Bradford Beecher; Rome
twp., Preceptor Forbes; Sheshequin,Charles
E Segar; Springfield, Charles 0 Elliott,
William T Daly, John Salsberry; -Smithfield
Walter Scott, William H Pierce ; South
Creek, George Dunham;, Terry, Moses Mar
ce3f; Troy twp., Horace Welch, Stephen
Chilson; Troy Bow'. Moses Gustin; row-
Ando 130r0'.. Thomas M. Woodruff ;'
Daniel D Crandall, David Abrams; Warren,
Nathan Younglr. • Windhaiii, James New;
man; Wyalusing, Ira Brown.
Finn Rum or TOWANDA
Capital 3125,000. •
Deposits received payable on demand in
Legal Tender Notes.
ing te o r agr est e allo en we e. d on time deposits. accord-
Uucturent Bank Notes received on depos
it or exchanged for Legal Tender.
11 : 8- BoruiS and 7-30 'Treasury Notes
bought and sold.
Highest price paid iqCompotuid Interest
notes. .
Drafts payable' inAany part of the United
States at par for side.
Drafts payable in England, Scotland,lre
land or• Wales, in any amount over. one
pound sterling, furnished at - lowest rates.
Passage tickets from - Liverpool or Queens
towri to li . ewitork,by_the well known lain=
Line, on and for . Salec.
E. H. Bmm,
March 211,'67. N. N.Bgrrs, jr., Cash.
la. School Cards, of all kind: at .
Coosa & Co's, Book Store.
Bands fargiehed with Bra
Instt:uments, at the lowest rates, at 0
flo's. Book Store.
g•, Sheet Music; 'Music Boooks
and Musical merchandise, at Cams lk Co's.
Book Store.
pg. The Dulcimer Instructor, con.; I
tanning Airs, Marches, Weltzelioliehottis
.chee, Hornpipes `S.o. de. deo directions for
tuning, at Cnoss 4 Co's. Book Skye.
tee We ari Brepaied . to furnish
Watidipg - Cards reasonablia rates `shor4
notice and of the latest and most faabion4
able stylus at Cnoss k Co'sßook Store.
ma,. 'Constantly on hand New and
Standard Books,Family Bibles, Testamanta;
Bps,.Engravings, &0.. At. Omen' IV Clo's
k Store. • • •'•
Iler The ladies . _will alWays find
a. large assortment,. and Bun . .quaLity . of
BMach Paper and .Envelopes rnoal3,
jpoß. Store. - '
• 4,114i - Vrmy Drum Lnd, r l f pti'
la_Pitab..4COOrdeol4 ViOintAlit' 4l 4a Elver
oioipitruotor,atesesa 4.3011. ' k
. -r•-• , •
Books- anb..,'Stationtr4
-,0 : 12170N AND LOVERE Oh. 1111WO.
We: ta k e.. P leat l i ” 4 i nfr. 2 4l# 2 9 N6l
t hat . w havf:o4!°P-# l # Zovan
sia,:an : er.Britigi and.
.1)1a* SOW,. Ao. - &-Pattrne! , Block,
on Xellarit New Book. ,itn4 go*
Store, where`ever% - thing sn the. Beak
honey and music - tine pm be
cuki... =Also Skttuary,•*aintings;
Gold ,Pens, Spectacles, Eye Glasses
Opera -(lasses, and a
Ca; 1
genera_ _sortment of n
etrumente; iankee Noticout and
01T cods were all 'selected in the
c. 4 with great care by experienced
hands and
~bought with' cash at a
very low figure with a uiew to the
ttialUa of thialvmmunity:s
We feel Confident we shall be able
to o f fer bargains to all who will fay
or us wit their a patrauage. Ca
and .see
C.RO#S, it CO
WAD .IT.--01t08131 00, have just
opened a splendid New Book and
Music Store, in Pattonls Block,
Towanda, where they are selling
everything in their line cheap for
Cash. Call and see them and sat-
isfy yourself that such is the case
Towanda, June 27, 1967
Has enlarged• his store and Is daily adding
largely to his stook. -, In, MI line of Watches
he keeps the • -
And, a well selected assortment of, SWISS
WATCHES, all warranted to ran well or the
monep refandedo, He keepston hand a large as
sortment of the celebrated • •
, .
And the
Suitable tor offices the Parlor or. Kttch'en. As
usual a good atoolcof floe ,
Is the plated line. he hati Rogers Mother
Heavily plated
Breakfitst Dinne'r CdBtors
Elegant treble plate doable wall
Handsome Cake Baskets,
Pickle Stands, Tea Bells, &c. , ac., &c:
CHA.HBERLIN is now keeping CIO
Family &wing Machines.
These Machines are superior to all others for
family use. for the 'following reasons :
They sew with two threads deect from the
spools, and require no rewinding.
They are more easily understood .and used,
and less liable to derangement, thin other ma
They are capable of executing perfectly,
without - change of .adJustment, a much-greater
variety of work than other machines. .
The stitch made by these machines is much
more firm, el stic, and durable, especiilly upon
articles which re r quire to ire washed. and ironed,
than any other stitch.
' This stitch, owing to the manner in which
the under thread is unwrought, is much the
l in
boat plump and' beautifa use, and retains
this plumpness and beau even upon articles
frequently washed and tied, until they are
worn out.
The structure of the seam is such, that, tho'
it be .cut or broken- at intervals of only a tew
stitches; it will neither open, run, nor ravel,
but remains firm and durable. . •
Mike other machines, these fasten 'both
ends of the seam by their own operation.
With these machines, while silk is used upon
ar k
the right or face std of the seam, cotton may
be used upon the oth r side without lessening
the strength or d bility of the . seam. ..This
can be doneron uo!git er machine, and is a great
saving upon all articles stitched' or made nO
with silk.
These machines, in addition tolbeir superior
merits its instruments fOr sewing, execute the
most beautiful and perthanent embroidery and
ornamental work.
You Can get Sewing Machine Needles, and all
articles pertaining to the machine busin:his .
You can get 11! CHAMBERLIN'S one of
No better Made in the States. Warranted sev
en years, and to stay in tune longer than any
other. Keeps on hand the Americarr, and Treat
Lindsley & Co , celebrated
Which for sweetness of tone and style of finish
cannot be surpassed. Are saiteble for Charts
Lodges, Seminaries, and" the home circle. lso
a general assortment of other musioal ins a
meats together with Violin; ViolincellO Strings
Bridges; Tail Pieces, Bows, Bow Hair; Keys,
Resin, &c., &a.
Itemember that I do not depend upon the
sale of Musical Instrbments for a living, comm.
nuently am willing to sell- at a - very, small ad
Done In the best manner, as tqual, at low rates
Towandaanly 18,1867. ,
. .
kath immoral •
. .
Excursion. Tickets to parties of 40 or more
persons, to any Witten on thisi Railway, will
be sold at a great reduction from 'solar rates.,
Ptn , instance, say 'sporty, of 40 I desire to visit
'Portage Palls, tickets to go and return, will be
issassi . at $4 35 each. The regular fare is $6,30
The saving a single ticket, will $3,15. r On
40 tickets 'sBo.--To all other—otatiOns, the re•
duction will be in proportion... Two or three
dais notice should be' given, that due
silents for their accommodation may hei st =
each party.: Further information will be cheer
fully furnished at the Tibket Office.
O. P. WALKER. Stat4on Agent.
Gen'l Pass. Agt.. N. Y.
The undasigried would - rcapectlalli
tiro to their Mends and- the public gendilly;
that no goods wlll beaold •
:.' A: T ,- . .\..1k Y , !A' A. - 4114. ,-.°
. ;. At thelpaore tlte ;
IngS t rigtfErTEMßEß NEXT,
And•all ticoomits', are expe cted to be pi!t:,
!leilji WINS* of •Atitkatio, :‘,l:9:u r.:.1
• - abviaidaauly 18 t •
CaElev.& Co 'signs -Stprg,
. . ,
, .
. .! •
''• • • •
OtErV i r
0,; •
Have just opened their large and
[(Opposite Codding & Russell.),
Towanda, April 16, 1867
T..b.; W PIAM I
}Jaye just opened their large. land
• spacious Store, and wilt
spacious *store, , and will
keep at ail times
keep at all times,
( Coying )
1 c,
I I.
.4eat e.stot.
1 1 OR. valuable .H(4 .. 0
-Prokrty tsiabilshed tastiest., at
.Apply to '
g. 1867.
SALE.--133 acik4;
- "eland- timteod witb,Plhei intitinfte' from
Cirapto*o. - lour miles the
Aiiply to MONTANTE .3r; WAED .
- Towpila. AUK: - 21,1887.
ED FARMS are . increasing. Partieit hair
ingi Real Estate of that character for sale. vill
o well, to Tem entries and descriptions id oar
T ' RENi--HAii lf
Office ouaimet.
. I
2nd door: Two rooms, Da • and front.
V Eery superior location. Apply to ANY
WARD,di (next door). 151.
Towanda, Jaly 11,1887.
,The subscriber oilers his Dwelling House
and Lotter sale; in-Towanda Borough; on State
street, between Ma and Water streets, and
about 25 direc tly rode north of the Court House
Ho= 24:49 feet, two stories high. Lot 38 feet
front by 220 teet deep, including an alley on
back end.. Bar and other outbuildings, and
some trait trees thereon. Suitable for. a Pri
vate Boarding House., Price $4,600.
Aug. 1,1867.-4 L
FOR SALE.--4 new , and splendid
three story Brick Building, with Basement
and sub-ollar, large Oak Front, 6x9 feet glass
now- occupied . as Hotel and Restaurant, with' .
three new' Billiard Tables in 2d story. also fur
niture, fixtures, dto. Hood Ice House well Ra
ce. Hotel and Restadrant is doing a good Satisfactory reasons given for selling.
Said Hotel ,nd It:staarant is in Means' Block,
Towand.i, Pa. Terms easy. For
further particulars enquire on the premise s.
Towanda, July 11, 1867. ,
FOR, RENT.-A valuable faim sit
uate on the Junction and Breakwater'R.
B. four miles from ueorgetown, counxii,seat
of , Sucsex County, Delaware, containing 300
acres, 150 improved !balance timber. Good
&telling, barn, stabling and out-buildings,
over (a; pes,:h and apple trees. Is,well fenced
Will be rented for, six years.- x
For further infOrmation apply to, or address
Real Estate Broker,
Lewis, Delaware.
July IL, 1867
f 4 I OR SALE CHEAP:—An Impiov-
A: id Farm ; 77 acres ; tiheshequin ; 45 acres
bleared . ; 12 acre. of good chesnut building
Simper and railway. ties. A doubt e boarded
house in good rep,li, living spring in kitchen.
ituru 36x56 in ,good repair, About 75. fruit
trees. Price $2OOO. A pply to •
Towanda, July 25, 1567 .
The subscriber oilers for sale his farm sit
ante in North ~ : tWanO, about one mile from.
Towanda Borough, on , the road leading from
Towanda to Waverly. Said farm consists or 64
acres on the east and about 41 acres on tho
wes: aide of the road. Has u new trained I4rn
trained dwelling house, and good fruit thereon,-
antlis well watered., Terms made easy. For
Maher particulars enquire on the, premises of
W5l.- Al. WATTS.
March 14,1867.
Xic situate In Asylum township . ; 80 acr.•a ;
60 acres improved; A GOOD FRAILE HOUSE
with 14 apartments ; Two orchklls ; four liv
ing sPriugs ; a Frame Barn with •Basdment,
36x46—For Sale. Price $3,500. (partmay +e
main). Apply tco • .
Towanda, , July 11. 1867.
The subscriber offers for sale his !arm in
Wysox, nearly opposite .Tuwan a. This farm
contains 1 4 20 acres of land in 4 high state of im
provement, with a splendil dwelling house,
barns and outbuildings.., it has abiz& never
lolling orchard Stocked .i with good fruit of ev
ery desk:rip:lon.. It Li n a good neighborhood
within easy reach of the church and echixil
privileges of Towanda borough. .For terms of
sale, 4-c.. enquire of thb subscriber on the prem
Wysox, A util 8,
Atkout four miles from Towanda, on the
Eastetn bank of the Susquehanna River. Con
taining about. 100 acres. FraMed house and
barn, a horso barn, corn; house stud good apple
orchard thereon. For terms find particulars
inquire ot • IVM..L. bELPEUCH. of Sheshequin,
or JAMES W 0101), at Towanda,/
J tple 13. 1867.,
Farms in Tolbat and adjoining counties on the
Eastern—Shore bf, Maryland.
Nair ble Farms near Salt• Water, Game,
Fish and Oysters in the greatest abundance
Most fertile s ii, producing Grab. and Vegeta;
Lies of every kind.: A delightful climatd suita
ble for Peaches, Grapes and every 'variety of
Fruit, with .a tide of emigration pouring
from the North, combine to make it a great in
due Vent to any person contemplating a change
to mild and healthy climate , . Circulars,
mari, and . cataloguai of farms, and prices,.sent
free upon applicatiqn to me at Raston; Taltot
county, Maryland, Or to Edward Overton, Jr.-
Towanda. Pa. • •
life.r. G. B. OVERTON,
Late U. A. Army formerly connected with
liAighlim Estate Laud Agency in Nortkern
Aug. 8, 1867
DA.--1.1 building tots, on ombard and
Third Sts. Price from $350 to $700:
60 Lots on Main Railroad streets. Price
$3OO to 350. -
Fifteen lots on Bridge.strert . •
ToWn Residence. ' Good horse and good
neighborhood. , Price $220.
liouse and lot on Third• street, opposite 'col
lege. Price $lBOO.
Two Lots 50 feet front! by 100 feet deep; op p
site College.
A p yly to MONTANYE & WARD.'
Town properties ionnd, bought and sold.
Rentals obtained. '
Ten minutes walk from the Borough. Price
. Part may remain.
Towanda, Jul 25,1_967. , •
Offers the following Farms, Coal at% Tlinber
Lands for sale :-
Fine Timber lot, 3 miles from Towanda,'c
tdining 53 acres. Price 91,335.
Farm in - Asst' um, containing,l3s acres. Good
buildings. Under a tit e state of cultivation.
Mostly improved. Pike $6,000.
Farm in West- Burlington—on the Creek.—
New house and barn. Under -a fine state of cul
tivation. 95 acres. - Price 95,450. •
Farms in Franklin.. All ander good cultiva
tion. Good buildings. For sale cheap. •
'Severil very desirable Houses and-Lots in
Towanda- •ra
A-largetract ot Coal Lands in Tioga cointy.
Towanda, July,lB, 1867.
" . MAL SCHOOL, Manarnmo, Twos .Co.,
F. A. ALLEN; Principal, Professor of Natural
' . acd Mental Science, •
J. V. STREET,' A. M.; Professor of Languages.
CHARLES H. VERRILL, A, M., Professoro I
MatbematicS. •
as. L. IL PETERSELIA, Moil l e E rn Languages
land Drawing. •
Miss SUE E. CONARD, R. E., ng'h braches.
Mns.:,MARY J. lIRIGGS, B. E., Principal of
. • Model School. • ' •
I. Cr HOYT, Professor of Instrumental and
Vocal Music.
Hiss ALICE B. fiE , ;LEY, Assistant Instructor
,of Music
nonoor. TEAII 1867-8.
Firat,Term begins t3eptembet 4, 1867.
Second. "•--. December 8,• . 1867.
Third . " March 23, 1867.
TEEN or 14 . wren :
For Fall and Spring Term, including board
room rent, tuition, book; rent,inel,
and tyaahlpg, • „ • , r ,60 00
rot Iyhitor.Tefm, ". • " " ,64 00
For daratudents. tuition and book rent.,l9 00
Total expense:it' for sehool yeir ' $lB4 00
No extra charges. Students' Rooms arp tar
nished with stoves, chairs, tables, stands, . pails,
bedsteads; mattresses, pillows and one comfor
tablei,,yor further information send for Cats
fogue. -Address Principil. Aug; 8,1.867.
TiIE.;ASTOIt Ilia E l. 'I.NSITit.ti,XCE
of New York- =Agency for Bradford Co.
CABITA.L - $400,000..
rrndf for IW, 10zr zr epl yro
2 41 ; '
..PROCLANIA.TION.--Mhereas Hon
PaBRIr, B. BTBEETER. PresideutJudge
or the 12th Judicial 'District, consisting tit the
caluities of Bradford aid Sosqnplianna. and
Bons. Levi P. Stafford' and J. W. Van -Dyke,
Associate Judges,. la and for said County ol
Bradford, have issued their precept beating date'
the 2d day of July,.A. D. 1867. to me directed,
tot bolding a Court of Dior and Terminer, Gen
eral Quarter . Buffaloes - of the Peace, Common
Pleas and Orphan's Court; at Towanda, for tho
Comity of Bradford, on Monday, the _2d day of
September next, to coati:meth:ea weeks.
NRUCC is therefore hereby given to the Corti
flora, Justices of,the,Peaeei and Constables; of
4W County of Bradford), that theybe then and
there in th lir proper „person, at Iff ci"clOck In
the forenoon of said day, with their reel:ma, In
lialsitions- arid oilier ramembrences, to do those
things which to thelr - ,l"ofilce appertains to bc
done and those who are bound by recognizane
'or otherwise to prosecute itgainst the prisoners'
who are or may the jaitcsf said County, or
'who shall be bound to the sald - Court,
am to be then and - there to Prosecute' agirnst
them as shall be jest. Jivers tire requested to
be punctual in their attendance,. agreeably to
their notice. ,
Dated at Towanda, the 31st day of July, in the
-year of uur.Lord, one thousand eight hundred
and sixty:seven, and, of - the Independence of
the'llnited States, tile ninety-first. -
Q,HERIFF'S SALE.—By vigtue of.
1..? sundry writs of Vend. Expo. „issued out of
the. C ourt of Cominoa Pleas t-Bradtotd Coon
t7 there will be exposed to politic sale, at the
Court House: in the Borough of Towanda,-on
MONDAY ; the 2d day of !SEPTEMBER, 1887,
• t.l - o'clock, p. m., the following r escribed lot,
ple,cei or parcel ot land situate in si thens Moro'
bounded as 1011. wa, to wit On the east uy
•he nullibilillsray leading,to Waverly, 'on • e
north b P. Tyler, on the west and south by C.
P. Weller, designated as ots N . 40 and 41,
size f[oxl2o feet with dwelling . hou..eou tr..s
trees thereonl \ • ..
Belied and as en in - execution at the suit of
E. H. Cook Ar4Co. vs. John Heavener.
ALSO—Thel.illo ing described lot. - piece or
parcelbf land situate - in Manioc twp., bounded
north lby. lands of K. C. • Kellogg; east and
south by lands, belonging to the estate of David
. Ridgway, dee'd., and westty, the pub i • high..
way leading from Monroelon to Albany. Con
taining MI acres. of huio, more or less all
proved,•With,a tranceu house, framed barn; saw
mill, and a few Buil trees therion. _
Seized lind taken in execution at the sulkof
Alice M. Cowel vs. Geo. W. Bessy. ,
ALSO—By virtue of suner7 writs of FL Fa.
and Vend. Expo., the followia g
piece or parcel of laud .situate in Troy tw,i.
bounded north by lands of D. D.kAustin, Johti
Grist, James MCClelland, Henry Ruggles, Leon
el'? Boggles and the public- highway, east by
the public highway and 'Sugar Creek, south by
lands of Nicholas Potter, and west by land of
John saddler. Containing ,40 acres of land),
more or less, all improved,• with a brick and
trained tavern house, [known as the EaSt Troy,
House] 2 framed barns. framed shop, and Trot:
ting Mirk thereon. •
Seized and taken in execution at the,sult
Win. H. Peck's use, va.Miles D. Cass.
ALSO—By virtue ot sundry . writs ot 11. 144 . :
the tohowing described. p cee Or parcel off
Land situate in the Borough of Towanda, boun
ded , nd desctibed as I .Ilows, on the north by
State treat, east and south. by Linda of Mariam
Moody, and west by' Oeiger's Alley. Being 33
feet on State street,. and about 1001 feet back,
-more or less,-with two framed houses thereon.
Seized a d taken in meat on at the a•;it of
;John Holmes vs. H. Yaw.
ALSO-- The iollowing lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Helve twp.,, bounded north by
Inndn ot Thomas Bennis, east. by Ind of Cho ,
ißrown, south by lands of S. S. Hinman, west
`jay lands of Wesley Contaimng about
25 mires, about Id acres improved, with a email
Conned house and few trait trees thereon.
'-,Seized and taken in .execution at the suit DP
Samuel Schrader's administrator vs. Thomas
ALSO—'fheifollowing described lot piece or
parcel of land situate in Pike twp., bounded
north by land of Azariah Champion,' east by
land of said A Champion, tooth' by .11e public
highway and on the west try Lauds of Samuel"
Warnet. Containing one acre and eight perch
es of land; more or less, all Unproved, with a<
framed house thereon'.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
George C. Atwood's use vs, Fanny Jarvis.
ALSO—The tollowing - d - e - scribed lot, piece : or
parcel of hind situate in the Susquehanna Rater
[being n Island] directly opposite the mouth
of liummetfleht Creek, and lying between
Standing Stone and Asylum twps. , bounded on
ail sides by the Susquehanna River. Contain
ing 13 acres ol Land, more or , lea, with abut
3 acres improved.
Seized and taken in. execution at the suit of -
Joeeph 4J. nklin et. al. vs John D. Primer.
ALSO—The following described lot piece' or
parcel of land'situate in Herrick twp., bound
ed east y the Union Schoal House lot, smith
by the Main raid, too - hug from Back _milt to
lowan 'a, and aeA and nor th by laud of LIM.
Stevens Containing one acre, more or less, all
improved with a framed building erected fur a
chte,..e Manufactory thereon:
Seized and taken to • xecatlint at the suit of
John A. Codding vs. Andrew A. St. John.
ALSO—The .allowing described lot,. piece or
parcel of land situate in Canton twp.,
north by lands - el Joie Colwell and N-t'-.)lana
mee, east by land of 5: 1). Kendall, south by
the public highway, wort_ by lands .of the said
N. \anamee, et. al. Containing 2* actes of
land, more - or less, all improved, with a framed
holm. saw Mill, and few ti wit trees thereon. '
Seimil and taken in execution at the snit of
Chas. A. Kriae's use vs. E. I'. Bishop •
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or
pat eel of land situate. in Ul , ter %tsp., bounded
north by a lane running from the main road to
the canal , east by land of Patrick Flood, south
by land of Mrs. John Flood, west by the natant;
road leading from Towanda to :Athens. 7Con-
Ltining # of an acre, more or len". all improved
with a plank house and framed 'shop thereon.
Seized and takeu in executionnt, the snit of
Amass Watkins vs. Andrew J: Elshree.
W 1 LLIAM *GRIFFIS: Sheriff..
Towanda, Dug 8, 1867.
R .
EGISTER'S N OTICE.—Not ice i s
hereby given, that there hatibeen filed and
settle." in the ufli le of the Register of Wills, In
and for the.county of Bradford,. accounts of
Administration upon the following estates, viz:
Final- account or V. C. Leo. admintstra
tOr of the estate of L Reei, late 1 Welles,dec'a
Final acc't of James Elswort , adm'r of e.s.
tate•of John Cali:pion, late o f Windham, dec'd..
Final acct GEL P Stafford, adna'r of estate of
Joel Stafford, late of Wy musing, dec7d. ,
'Final acc't of James Drake Miner of Julia A
Drake, late of Lit !afield, dec'd.
George Morley, adm'r of Sally Olmstead, late
of ULiter, dec'd. t '
Final. acel of R W McClelland, adm'r of J C
Ilurlburt, late of Cantonolec'4. -
Final acc't o' Lucy A Miller, adm"z of D C
Miller, late of Wilmot, d c'd. • ::
•Final acc't of R S• flakes, adm'r of Alpheus
D Moser; late of Albany, deo'd.. '•
'Final acc't ot M T Porter and Thonta%Ames
adm'rs of ttte-estate of Justus Sturtevant, late
of Granville, dec'd. .
• Final ,aeb't of la H Foster, adm'r of Peter J
Vrontari , late of Barlingto4 dee.d. -
• Final acc't James P Cohurn, • Ader of the es
tate of W R Friable, late of Warren, dec'd.'
Finaracc't of C G Gridley adm'r of the estate
of J W Tyrrell, lhte of Orwell, deed-
Final acc't of It H Richards and J A Cuff?, ad
ministrators of A J Carr, late of Albany :dec'd.
Final acc't of E A Coolbangh adm'r of the es
tAtoof J Y Hlnman; late of Wy-sor,
"Final,acc't of Peva:4 Bramhall". guardian of
Geo, L. Middaugh, plhaor child , A Isaac Mid
daugh late of Wyalusing,
Partial acc't of Isaac Marsh, guardian of
Mary C Marsh, minr,r child of Elliott Marsh,
late of Pike, dec'd.
.ALSO—The appraisement of property' set o'
by the Simi:dor or Adaiinistrator, to widows
or thildien. Of the following decedents, via
Estate °Nolan' Hollenbaok, deceased..
• "o • Caleb Ingerson "
) Caleb Bennett Id
• " Robert Lewis • "
" Jonathan Vandike "
" Ifohn - Horton
• " JosepWBmith
"i • Henry Keyser ,
k Joseph Hitchcock, •'
". Daniel J ,Horton I•• "
" John_Dic*rson 41
John Turnor . •
And the sam rill tie presented to the Or
phan's Court of Bradford County, oa -Monday,
the 2d day of Septerubfr nett, for cOnflimation
and allowance. . • H, J. MADILL, '
Aug. 13, SG7; • Register,
A lIDITOR'S.NUTICE.—In 14 , mat
\Xi. ter of We . eirtale of Cornelius Vanei4e,died
In the. Orphan's Court;of Bradford County.
The undersigned auditor appointed by said
Court to dispose 01.- exceptions Zed: to allow
ance 4:11 account 101 admiaistratriz of said es
tate will 'attend td the duties of WA appoint.
meat, at his office in the Borough of Towandl,
on SATURDAY:, AUGUST,. 24, 1867. at
p. ro. *here persons having Chi=
,unst presenethem, or be torever debarred.
W. A. PECK..
Aug. 1, 1867.
EXEQUTOR'S li'OTlCK—Notice is
. bereby given that! all persons indebted to
hey estate of 4, R. MARTIN, _ late of
Asylum twp., .rieu'd . .. are regdested to mike hrt-
. payaient.. Awl those • bitting claims
against said estate must present them duly au
thenticated. for settletnent.
• - " B. LAPORTE,
Executor. .
Aug '22 1867
A - 12 'S tavid l'oungblond=No.lBl,llleu.teim
Ig6ti. You are hereq notiOnd that Margaret S
Youngblood; your wite,by tier next friend '
Eichenberg, has applied to the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Braolfopi 'Cktuuty for divorce
from the bonds of • rnatrimony, and the . said
eourt nagappointed - Monday - the 2d day of
Sept., len; - at two o'clock, p. m. for hearing
the said Margaret, .in the prembies, at which
e and place you can attend-if you think IiE"P
-WM. GRIFF/Itelikur.
ANC* 4,480'
II b ,
Legal. .
!'""*.''''..'"" •
SHERIF I F'g - SALE.—:I3 , y - virtue of
11, writ of Ff. Pa., issued out of.the'C r oort I ,
Of Common fleas of Hredlotd comity, there
Will be exposed to. public • sale, at the Court-.
Hcmse, the Borough - of Tow;tilda, pm MON
DAY, the 9th day of BEP.T,RIIBER; 1.86 r. it 1 `
p., m., the TolltiWinedeseilbed . •
piece: or parcel. ofd land situate in -Overrtort tp., •
bortaded north by land of- John Bitermaa, r.sit t
By' lead of Henry Shertrian • soital by. land of
'Andre* Brinnan, west by the highway. Con
taining about 4 IA an • acre,' more or,leleie . ;
.small framed building , 'Jed tor. a cooper shop
Seized - and to ea' In -execution at thefanit of
Heichemer dt, Bro., vs:James A.. Jackson.
• (. WM. 31tIFFIB, Sher 4
13;1867. ": •
x. TATE of William
.Soydtir. late of Sheihe•
quip, deceased, who died testate , At an tfr
phan's Court held at Towanda, to add' tor, the
con of Bradford, on the 50, day Lot A.
D., 1867; Hannah Snyder eleentra;and Wit. ,
Ham Snyder and Jahes Fish, i-xecutoraot
decedent. presented their pltiti4o. teltaid Court
setting forth atuoygst other things, that they "!
held hi trust for the use and beitedt of ilohn:P.
Snyder, son of said testatorin accordance with
the will of the said testator as ascertained in
the 4th codicil thereof, all that certain lot of
lanthituate in Litchfield, and countynfomusid
bounded - and deicribed as follows : Etedibning
at epos% in north ilnif of a? lot of land belong
lag to C. Mathewson; thence along the - town-
I „ship line between 'Athena and Otclideld, north
140 pre; to the south-west corner of if. Orate a
I lot, thence east 100 iods along' the south line of •
said Drake's lot to the south-west corner et
He: ry McKinney's lot, thence south fa, pra.,
al9pg the west line of Hiram Merrill's lot to a =
coiner, thhnctiweet 100 acres more or leas.
• The said executors further stt forth that the
Feld John P; Snyder had lately leav
ing a widow, Sarah A..Soyder,.and one child,
ora Snyder, that .in their opidon it would by
Abe advantage of said widow • d chtbi.te have
said land sold, and that they could obtain tor
the same a better priee at private than as pub
lic sale, and . prayeti the court to authorize them
to make sale thereof :at Private Sale, ac.
'Whereupon the Court on the day and 'year
afofesaid appointed Monday the 24 day of Sep
tember, 181$7, at 10 o'clock a, M., tor the hear
ing and Inves:igation of the matters contained
In said petition and directect - that notice be per.
sonallygiven to all persons reaming in this
county who are beneficially or legally tutere3t
ed in the above ds eribed land, and that notice
of this application, be published in the Brad
ford-Reporter for four weeks . next Work , said
2d day of September, next.f
H. J. 41 LDI LL , Clerk. .
• Aing..l, 18G7. •
-2' his is to give notice, That on the.3.l. day bl
August, A. D. , IS;7, tiwarraht initaiikra pqay
wasissued against the eata , u'or ., ltefinen_ Whit.
aker - of Home, in the con ,ty of, tiradaurdi in ,
the State of Pennsylvania, Wh?, has been .1-1 -
judged a Batiarcipt on his °w il l petition; ti
that the payment of nay debts n.. 1 delivery of
any property belonging to dll h flardtr ;pt t.n
him or tor his iase.-,and the tra ..fer of hny pr..
perty by him are forbidden, by law ; that a
meeting of, the creditor. of sa 1 B inkrutir. t.;
prove tueii debts sal to chola one or [DUN Aa
signees of Ids est te, Will ba ladd at a CJart!or
- Bankruptcy to he -1011eri at the offt,:e of tit:
Ilegi:iter in the uourt liotbe,jn tfrf fiJr o 4- 1 ot.
Towanda, be!ore . EDWARD f/YEELTIJI. , I-, Ji.
Regiater, on the 13th nay of.,SEYTEIIIIEII, A;
D., 1667, at 10 o'.uluek; a. m. -
- TROM - ArS • • EOWLEY,
United States Marshall as gessenger, Wert
,• . • • tun Distrietiol •rennsi
By E. B. COLLBAUG4, Deputy
Aug, 13, 18137.—tw
This is to give notice, • Thit on the 31 day Of
August, A. D., 1b67, a warrant 4a Bankruptcy,
was issued against the estst , t i at John Whit iker
of Rome, in thlicoutity of 13radliird, and S:ate
of Pennsylvania, who has i, been .- adjudged a -
Bankrupt on his own petition; : Rut' 'the pay
_meat of any debts ind delivery of any proper
ty belonging to such Baukrapt to him or kir
his use, and the orl.any property .by
him are torn.dden by law ; !hit a meeting 46
the creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their
debts and to chose one or more Assignees or
his estate, will be held at, a l Uour of Bankrupt
cy to be holden at the °ince' of he in
in the Court Rouse, in the ilaroogh or Thwaa.
da,before EDWARD OVERTON, Jr., Regis
ter. on the 13th day of SIink:USER, A. D.,
1867, at 2 o'clock?, p s in.. t, . .
. .
United States .2ditrebil .0 'Messenger, Wet.
era District uf i'euaspraula,
By E. B. COOLII.k UGH, Deputy.
Aug. 13. 1567.-4 w .
.L 1
This is to "-ire notice, That on the :Lltil '
day of July, A. D. 184;7, a warrant la Batik -
ruptey was issued against the estate of henry.
Fulmer of the townAiir of Cherry,. in the. c..oin
ty-ot Sulrvan and State of Pennsytvanka, who
has been adiudged a Bankrupt on his own peti- -
tion ; that the pay ment of any debts and do.
;livery of any property belonging VI sash Bank
rapt to him or for his •rise. and the tratisterf of"
any property .by him are turbiddea by - law ;
that a meeting of the creditors. -of said ltaiik
rupt•to prSpve their debts and to elos-e. one or
more Assignees of his estate, `will be held at a
Court of Bankruptcy to be h.dden at the 01n , ..e
of the Register in the Court Honse, in the 80.
rough of Towanda, before . EDWARD 0 V SR- ,
TON, Jr., Register ,on the :30th day of August.
A. D. 1.567*, at 2n'elock,..p. m. . • - • .
f-_ THOMAS A. - BOViLEY. •
United States Marshal as Messenger... Wes t; '
ern District of Peniisyltania. •
By E. B. COOLB'AUGH, Deputy. i
nag. 3, 18 , -,7.-3w. •
V virtue o an order issued out of . the Or.
phan's Court of Bradford County. the' nn4er
signedereentrix of the estate of Job Tibbet•s, ,
late of Warrerilwii., deed; 'will sell at piibl le
sale on the preMises on S.A.TUIIDAY. the .2 - 1!:
(13Y-of AUGUST,-1867, at 2 o'do, k,rp:. ja.,4,be
following described lot piece or pli-eel of land
situate in Warren townshi i r. bounded 011 the
D:01111 by the highway lead; gl rum Warren Ceti.
tre to Jackson Valley. on h east.lay land. of
Jenks Bowen, on 'he south b lan& of Nathan ,
Bowen, on the.ivest by lands of atloll4 A. Ti,. . •
betti. Containing aboot-39 acres. s • .
TERALR---$5O to be paid at the tiMe 0. suite. ;
$lOO on confirmation of sale,-sad the bulanee in •
two equal pap:neat with interest !ram eundr- -
k Aug.!. 1667, - ' i • " Executrix. - !
UDITOR'S NoTlC'E.—.ln the vial
- L
A• ter of the. trolunteqy assignment of H.'',
IV. Root. in the Court of Compri - Pen:tot
Bradford County, N 0.642, Sept.lerm, leo2. . •
The undersigned Auditor, appninted Ly sa;l
Court to distribute moneys in\tlit ban's; of Jas.
H, Webb, administrator- 0f... thoinat Smeary
deC'd, as assignee of H. W. Root, will at 1,1 1 ,4
to the duties of "his appo ntment at his nEce 'n
the .Borough of •Towanda, on Saturday,-
gust 24,1507, at 1 o'clock p. m., as wafer, time
and plies' all persons havirig olainii upon sa ,
moneys must present them or be - loreqer -de
barred. • ' W. T. DAVIIiI-;, -
Aug. 1, 1667. - • . . _`• f sita:tt.. .
A UDITOR'S 'NOTICE.—!Main- 'Don,
,michad Coleman. lo the. Con:‘
of Common Pleits of Br uiford 'County, Na..toi.
December term, 1 6 :64. '
The undereigned an and itorappolatod to. said
Court to distribute mosey .ariatni;, I.tra itira
sheriff's sale of defendants interest in cert , ,iu
real estate r will attend to the duties of 11. is iip
poirAmeut, at his °taw in the Ws ough of. To
wanda,on ITESD tl, the 27th flas of AUG.I..:,T
1867, at
.oZsjnek, p. m. where all persons hav
ing claims upon said monies. will atteud. or
forever be debarred from the same.
A.Fig. 1, 1867
• A$D
WOOD 'ALLYN having pub the
atikerY and Eating .P.stabli4iment and Gratry
recently kept•hy Hill &Smith, first door south
of the \Ward House, Main street; '1..)4 ands,
Pa.; and having re-modelled the same. :.they•ato
preparid to •furnish their customers= and Un.
public with everything in- their line qt; rea3o 7 ;
able rates..
Is fitted up. la: the most. apprwind_ratlle and
meals are served a -all'honesi and their stare IA
filled nrith'a do t ed assortment, of. - .
They will keop In sore and mita whiolesate
and retail op Wanntaeture to order. '
Of all kinds. Also will keep tho hit Criokerm
of all kinds in •the " rciarket, by , the barrel or
pound; Fresh . Oysters onsstantly oniiind by
the keg or dish, then') as the cheapest. , They
will use the best-,tuaailals in every thing and.
will try to please the most feStldiotie:;%"
4C Wedding And other Lamy Cakes nada ea
order. ,
.„ .
soir - Families supplied . (Lilly an.l; promptly
with anything desired - 1n our lines. •
Theyemploy hone hilt the most skillblWOrk
- men, and ma only best materiel . They are
determined to, kee p tint class establishment.
-Give us a fair , and mild trhil and you will find
•it. toy= adlantadir: : 1 - - - '-- ' ',— '
li,.11: WOOD. , - . J. 8. - .ALLIaI.
- . Trairsidai k• Arit 1 1 18 tit—yr. . - ! '