vitaford)- 1 eporttv. LOCAL , AND GENERAL Ay. i. extwoc4l4; Esti., 4 Troy;, h d,l).:appointed a Notary Public. bra Thy recent heavy rains ,have greatlj hupi-oye4.:ihe prospects; for coin,. potatoes'and buckwheat, in this vicinity:- The Independent = 411mb/item, of Montrose, Claims ' l eipctilation of 4,200. Pretty good• • _ SEr St. John'A cheese . factory, in Herrick, nee burnedon Wednesday night, last, by an incendiary.- oar An, infant son of C. H. lifowai, of Meshoppea, aged about 14 months, teas - , drowned on the 27th tilt., in a spring of water near by the house of his father. air We regret to noVeo that our late townsman. A. F. Cowt.r.s, was one of the sufferers by tho late fire in Williamsport. lie lost his entire stock, and had no insur.: iuce :Ise' Agents for the various lqur , anc:c Companies, having - risks on prOperty destroyed by the tire in this place on the ith inst., have been hero and settled all tho lossN, except one. Bap Nathan Chase, of Auburn ; Susquehanna Co. 'wee found dead near the road, above Meshoppen t on the 29th of June last. • Is supposed to have died from _the effects of intoxication.. get: In • giving the notice of .the land purchase of the Williamsport Lumber Company, last week, the types made us say " 00,000 acres." It should have been /000/red„thousand. fix. I oW, lute of the Columbia Reprblicalt, is about to revive the Wyoming Republican. The loyal people of iittl,; Wyoming need a live.paper, and Mr. YosT i ;supply their viantsiu this respect. tes-A correspondent informs us that a large amount of damage has been,,to bridges, crops, 4 . c., along Sugar haw, byglie 'recent freshet The water Was higher thitn it has . bee s thirty 'years, ; Reader, is this your paper, or it belting to your neighbor? If The lat ter, you should subscribe at once, and not trouble others fur.what belongs to them. —•• IS; «