111 Min: front 411.-Natiottor, —lion.. Jamie A. Baqks, , Speaker of the AseemblY ciftlie**, hai bientialtr dered by the Ludlam.' • • ' '• • _ Montgomery, rclrmerli . postinilter in Philadelphia, died atuddeudy tallow York en MieditY week. _ —Mrs. Elizibeth Egle, the admit lady in Ilarriabtreg, = died.on the sth inst., aged 93. She 4aa •nutoh respeeteiL , :.' . Jeff D avia liies in a little anbur Lan house at ilonireal, and hi& 'minute out ot the pipers all that they ®y labout the Chief, which the latter roada. —Greiwral Thomas, Hancock .and Made, hive declared -themselves .verse to Wring Sheridun's place, beeauie they know lie is best qUalided for its duties. --Col. Win. Gilpin, latterly -G-over uot of c;alatudo Territory. is now said to be . one of the wealthiest men in the Week hay-. ing recently eold a tract of land for 4700.- 000. —Maj6r and Brivet43olonel Alex ender Von fidiraeder;' Assistant Thspettor Generatof GIL Sheridaa's staff, ,died Sud denly in Nov Orleans. on the sth init., of brain fever. —lt was currently rumored - . in Washingtint Vaal the President was looking with distrustful eies upon Postmaster Gen eral Ranclall,auu &hat he - would soonseguest hie resignatiu4. —Extensive frauds upon the gov ernment, pen) , t-tted by 'insane of soldiers' ' ... discharge paper 4, have been discovered at tit. Loins, and oillrers have been sent there to investigate tia.Lr. —Samuel a well known citiien of Lancaster, Pa., and Assistant As sessor of Internal "Level:me in that district, died \last week Irvin the effects of a chill re ceived while bathing. _ . —Admiral Fatagnt and hie fleet are at Stettin, Prussia. —Postmaster-GeneraLitandall 'of fers to resign. Ho cant swallow Andy's re bellion With a good graee. —A writer in the Rural New Yor ker proposes the use of cows,on small farms, instead of oxen. —The French forces have occupied three Provinces of Cochin China. • —lra Aldridge, the celebrated col ored actor, recently died in Poland. —At last accounts, the number of voters registered in Alabama was, whites 39,352 ; colored 58,830. —The United. States war steamer Swatara has . been ordered to proceed to Crete. —The War between Ruasia and Bokhara has terminated. --The work of laying a cable from , Key West to Cuba is now in progresa. I =The civil war in the United States' of Columt•ia is at an end. —The Baltimore Winanaea have, bought the Moscow and St. Petersburg rat road. —Jerry. O'Brien was hung iu York on Friday, the 9th inst. f -Pt,-General Randall has gone to Scotland, where his wife lies dan geronsly t ; —Englaud is sending more'. troops to Canada, fearing another Fenian scare. —Another last soldier of the revolt' tion has been found in Allen county, Ohio. His name is 'Mtn= Taylor, and he is 110 years old. It is repotted in Washington that/ . Judge Holt will be soon superseded as Chief of the Bureati• of Military Justice. freshet in the northern part of Newark, N. J.. on the 9th inst., destroyed -$lOO,OOO _w.nrtb of property. One Printer's Ink manufactory lost $25,000. —The tut 11er:stone of a new, Clotho tic,_, monastery vas laid in-Baltimore,ollStm-- day last, in presence of 3,000 people. It will cost $5v...w. —The Whig ealls' . .for emi grants otencrp3,industry and talent to that county. It is a good place for industridui people. • —The nuniber of good Templars in the United States on the first ddy 9f May, 1867, was 340,000—an increase of 135,000 in one year. —The Constitutional Convention of Michigan proposes to disfranchise all per ewe engaged in prize fighting. It will not send them to Congress. —Since the Ist of May the public debt his been reduced nine millions of dol lars._ This is doing pretty well for a radi nal and reckless government. —Eight railroad passenger' cars we precipitated into the sea over a high bluff, in Ireland, on_the 9th inst., and only one passenger survived. —At Clarksville,Tenn.,on Saturday night, Frank Id'Guire was shot dead by a young bar-keeper, who recently killed Nick Guyer. the guerilla.. —On Sunday, the_tbate of the stea mer J. 8. Graham. was shot and killedln a difficulty with a young' man in Clarksville, Tenn. —Colonel Delone,former proprietor of the Dehen House, Elinfra,died suddenly a few days since, under circumstances - ex citing the suspicion that he committed sui cide. • —The Washington Bar has hell' a meeting,' and appointed anommittee to • in vestigO the action of Judge Fisher., in striking Ur. Bradly from the roll of lawyers —Flowerir,arden thieves are annoy- Harrisburg, • Daniel Snievley, a soldier of the war of 18a, 'died in Alia4o7 CRY on the `:3d inst. —Another terrible boiler explosion has takeii plane in Philadelphia, la which seven men'were —Oa lact Sunday , week, a family in Weft Bafrtdo, Union eoftnty. killed sat . - tie snake is then 'kitchen. 1 On' the Bth unit., the exploehin of a stem boiler, in Wayiniebtug, mused the death acne man and the injury's:taw:ear. —Albeit_ Cooper,* fireman on the Mathew! Piailscad of New Jersey, was in stantly killed by an =Moat, .on the Bth . inst., near D •, - , —Font men irem.mkrried Wet Niagant Pan; st s Isti hour Tuesday ever rang, 13th law They")ireVe 'tiro femme* said MK; pektomioL-sz.: The v iir saints ** torts isir:44 }t oyef its WM& OK4VMI4. Their beak. .hats set yes &ass ' , AA than s6O 4 b 614. A 5444 1w sAkA* - Werso 1 rails, I franotifepovirr. Towanda, Thy, irnion. Republican,. If — i ri alt C' • . FOE JUDGE OF %P goN. HENRY W. WILLIAMS, OF ALLSOHANY COUNTY. Ogigg*Pti A Clonvention'of the truhut-iteptdaleatt. PattyrfelDatill*, to be composed o rivt. liefeliae l arod . Election Dis- trick will aBB73liia7 - ariiie Umut Harass in Towanda Dino*, on MONDAY: ink iiid-die; 2d day of SEPTEIdBia: at 711 o'ol°cl . to place in notainaiion,Can didstes to be supported at tbs - soisaing stow tiara. 1• The rindersigucd, :selected eaSauce Committees, ire requested to call caucuses ' In the 'several • Election • Districts betwedn the hours of 2 and 8 o'clock, IL in., On SATURDAY, the-: Slat 'dig of AI7GUST, for the liaised= of said Delegates., By order of the Union Republican Stand- ing Committee. G. D. MONTANIOE, Chairman. =6B OP ,vionvicm. Aiersa TP—Frank Morley, H W Thomas, John F 4aterlee. . ATHENS Bono—D F Park, Eugene Ooryell, CTHuIL• • A3antam-0 Webber, Nathan Sherman, . John Meson. 'Amoarr—Thos E Quick, C 8 Corbin, A Lee Anse—A T Lilley, A M Wilson, C fi Man- Asmux—Robt Bull, II Moody, Frank Cole. Esacirv—J 0 Blight, Wm Scott, Wm Mew Boma:anon Tv—lsaac Soper, J Travis, Jr., Jas Nichols. BIIIILTROTONIII.O-0 D Rosa, Dr Everett, Reuben Morley. Bow:sorbs Wizr—Joseph Foulke, Bing ham Rockwell, Jesse B McKean. Csmrcer Tr—James A Rogers, Thomas Man ley, Wm Taber. Cstrrom Boao-11 N Williams, John W Grif fin, JOhn Vandy)te. Cot umm—Frank Knapp, Thos Card, Jaa Strong. Fnawstaw—James C Ridgway, Thos Sea man, F F Fairchild.' Gaertvuzz—Wm Vronum, •Wm Bunyan, David Sayles. HEnnicrt—A B Brown, W A Wetmore, G W Elliott. • •‘i Laßor—Andrew Boyse, Reuben Ston c e, Robert McKee. Lrrcnsrun--A J Layton, Bobt Campbell, Huston McKinney. Laßarsvxmz Boao—G W. Brink,' G S Gor ham, .1 H Marsh. 31ozotor, Tr—Freeman Sweet, 31-T Vangor der, Clark 'Cummings jr. Mosnor Boao—S S Hinman, H S Holland, M A Rockwell. GasvELL—E M:Farrar, H B Kimball, Isaac Mardi. Ovratrom--Jolm Mathews, Josiah Rinebo, R Richer mt. 3 , Pins—E Skeel , W Reynolds, GilesN Dewolf. Rtnonuar—Geo B Mead,.lsaae Baldwin, 0 E. Chamberlin. Roma TP-Wm McCabe, W B Parks; Levi Towner. Roma Bono--L L Moody, John Fassincl% 0 F Young. Smarm:m.3)—U Moody, Elbert Niles, D J • Allen. SPILERCO7 D.Pfielps, Oscar Harkness, • Joel Adam& - I Solna Osit.r.s.—Geo Dunham jr., H C setts, Samuel Pettingall, jr. SyLvanu—Peter 'Monroe, Jas Nash, Eli Barrett. Sussuaquar— Phillips, Win Snyder, Chas Chaffee. STANDW I STONE—chaS Stevens, Wm Bost wick, Geo Wood. WEST-3 H Heston, Jno F Dodge, Mier Terry. TOWANDA Ts—Geo Fox, Asa Dininiook, Geo . Scoville. TowANDA Bono—B Frank Voorhies, B N Pettes, W H Watkins. TOWA.NDA Nonnt—A H Kingsbury, Geo Mills, Daniel Kennedy. Tizox Tr—Jati Ward, WS Manley, Geo Bal lard. TROT Bono—Leninel Bayles, Brewster Long S Aspenwall, Tuscenons—viir W Barrowclitl, Dr J C Cogs, well, Heuxy Ackla. Uumns—Edward Walker, Geo W Nichols, 8 CI Hovey. • WARtuag—Miles Pririce, Jas P Coburn, B • B . Wurunixt—Benj Knykendall, Asa McKee, 11 A Darling. Wxxxinavo—D D Chaffee, Francis Hornet, Andrew Fee. Wxsox—T F Madill , J W Pool, Geo Gran-- ger. WELts—Alfred Brinks M Shepard, Owens Wu-lam—John Brown, J W Ingham, BC Burgess, PRNAIDEXT 401fEli0111, It was said of the Bourbons, that. they never learned anything. 'lt might with equal propriety be 'as serted of President Jonssos that if he learns anything of the wishes and desires of the people, he delf4eratel , and wickedly sets at work to thwart their desires,,and to disappoint the expectations of those who have faith enough iu him to suppose him capa ble of any good. prom &he day he assumed the responsibilities of the high place he now occupies to the p. esent , time, there 'seems to have been a wilful and . insane purpose on -his part., to incur odium, and to bring down on his own head the displea stuv_ancLindignation of the American people ll The Representatives of the people have applied themselves to the task of Reconstructinia Union, shattered by the Treason of the_Southern lead ere. The greatest obstacle, they haVe had to encounter has been the k'resi dent elected by Republican votes, Tey adopted a plan, which was emi= inently liberal, in all its, dotting, and Which, while meeting the almost,un animOus sanction .of the North, was not distasteful nor obnoxious .to the South. Under it, the procesa; of Re eonstructioa .wonld have gone on quietly and successfully. But Presi dent JOIINBON was not. , content ihat this result should be peacefully and satisfactorily. attained.' He set at work to rendtr its provisions inaffec tual, and to stir up discord and anar chy in the. Booth. To render his ma chinatiens and to mike him powerleis; I)ongress pasied eiikaet moots which were necessary for tbe peace - and Welfare of :Nation" ~- .- The President °is' sworn. to - !!'exef cute the laws." It was hoped that, I)4'ifoi44..reepeet the • wishes of the WO' iAufacieu4 1111W01)1 :obligations of fdiroffkie,, • touting the provhikais of4o'4ll`ll 'Ailii6ted Canififitic" : This 1;014 he 1 4 11 ,0 11 4 1 POISPAIiAis pjain tliiitAti iris QWW:ihe pW Pro Mons ,e la , and in every possi ble m tin , r to iubarrass ttil jtecon. traction. , Thik . . , 1 ,- iOr , ' n - 'f tgiolLoi ............ .• 1 , , • 1 ,—* .. - 4..4-1 .". `,Or ' 1 it,4, - iJ to lir , and . ." .. ' itasum , g been expressly , i. take' Wu have hitherto opPoised ,t l he r im- 1 1 , - • - , -. 4 i , --the-Preakkrktrf-ihe i tiviots H ooge, but We nonferis we cannot now Geo any other remedy for the ails which we suffer , uor Ng aafet for the 'country, tillkliti 4t4tke imps meat--• a- man Asko - shows himself so utterly -:and wickedly:de termined te'p,restitute- air high , posi-; tion r io the bruiestand tuna' diiier ' one, imr,poses+wh6„'disregarde pf, plain, and positive . ' lOquifements, of laws,* is sworn to -axocute- , end Who deliberatelly sets at work to dis appOlint.the po itlar exPectatione.' The peCTlP , .s°ith s in4is?Ohi eFe, 1 ) azaleas that the work of Aeconstrt, tion shill go on. ,The mkterial inter- , nsthiof the: uJuirtry demand' that if shall`noi be dtila,yed on f4volous ire textl.. The President' haa mischiev-, ,ouslY attempted to prevent this- end, by meow alike unwarranted and un-' lawful, and the people demand that' he shall be taught'that hi is blit their servant, and answerable to theni for his folly ead his misdeeds. - is duty is to execute the laws, not to revent 11 ) their execution, and if his m d polP cy ;s to continue, the lEsoion r he is t it called to an iStourit the ,bet r. 20;1307 7 WA antarm aws.—The . 7Y , .'s Wash ingthn correspo ndent , under date of Aug., 18, toys: The liresident hal pre*ared and : atm sent to Gen. G t instmatins t ? issue an order assigning Sheridan tei the eons • - maid of the partment. pf Mtssissouri, m 1 Gen. Hancock 4 the coranbtrid of the De partment of . berland, and thin. Thom. : as to the co d of the Filth (Sheridan's) 1 Military• Dis • The ordev will !probably be promulgate to-morrow Ornext day, un less in the m time, , Gen:. Gant shall suggest the sub stitution 'Of some other names, in p of Hancock and ! Thomas. In that , case,. eridan may ,be assigned to some other co and than that ofi Missouri. But certain it , however, that the order relieves Sheridan from the command of the Fifth rilitary th iDistrict. It is understood that until Fri y last it was the purpose of -'the kresident c i f tz assign Gen. Hancock to 'the command the Fifth ' District, but he concluded ye ste rday to give that position 1 to Gen. Thorn. • It is ainiouned in trustworthy . sources in New-Orlealk that, if Gen. Sheridan is not removed," , a prominent ' New-York bank ing firm has promised to take all the levee bonds at a small discount. If; however, Shoidan is removed the Sr* will not have anything to doiwith them. 'This statement . is used as a m re potent argument than any other by Louis ana planters why Sheridan should be ret • ed, , ,iii his pfseent command. The expectea order relieving or super seding Judge-kdrOcate-Greneral Holt it is believed will b: issued during tho present Week. . • • FOREIGN .SEWB.—AdViCOII received from Shanghai via London dive accounts of a conflict beiween two Steamers of the Anerioan sqrLdron in Chinese waters and the pirates the Island of Formosa. As the United 8 tee authorities had received no saisfactiori for them ui-der of the crew of the American bark Rovei the men-of-war Hartford and l i Wyoming shelled the island until an attar *ng party landed and engaged in a sharp fight with the naives. The com bid lasted over five hours, during, which the heat was so intezpa that fifteen officers 'and 'nen are reported to have betn sunstruck.— At _nightfall he fighting ry was with drawn, and ships cont.t' lied to shell the e natives had All dispersed and disap . The HatVord and Wyonv. ing theu're.. It is stated Shanghae ref I I Man dollars c kite Emperor Advices fro factory. eat Anna Kip a w til hich was r4tently seized for infraction o f he coMmerci4 treaty between China and di United Stattis. Gen. G i is at Siena, actively en gaged in pre wing for the cfvement upOn Nome. Ms repo d• that 0 Parma hasi re `signed his co and .on th 4 Turkish forces . in the Isle o Candice i .• The Fe ' Capt. 2dorrunrihas been Oen-, his tented to to . years' impris !uncut. The din% -- oe between • and'Den mark in ,: : • to North wig and the i k ia execution of, . e sttilmiatiOni of the treaty of Prague • likely to be sOtsted amicably. and without . day. 1 i i * Amnia , Irmarson. nton,liee'y of War. ...• *Wows : n . t . 1 WASECINGION, D. Cr3Litl7B67: ' 1 , ' Sim: Your note of this d.4e has been re , cawed, statiag dist. FIN& •' considerations of a high Chlzaoter conshwin_ ~ :you ,to i ssy ;lot my . rowans_ ~ in as Seare Lary of :W.ar I will be accepte d. /Wrepl4 I base the hon or to. say that 'public emsdderations . Of - a ---e-- ~ whisk • alone have • induced' me to st. the .heestof this Depart: meat, oons ' me pot tu milign the awe of Secretary War before , the next Meet l'l°lftblin tag of Oongrbu, ' Very realikttally. • ' • - ••1 rzwor IL eurroil. 1 , . 11111.-Geri. Sheridan tippoinbr-f*ft 27 and 28 for election days 'Lo and gives the be4:guanke,tee of public. arder,in the tuenisanee that irviolenee or; fraud ark, fritigrr4ngmetnet,thetffen= Menirigorould_ penSobed; ' enibthe e ill b -w rgit MB ed to Shanghai. t the Chinese merchan t s in e to.eceive as currency Mex . ined - during the reign of the • ... ' Japan announcethe satis ent of the Toss of the ship likar STANTON.— President regerding tter, is exceeding '. ? Mr ohnson, , under II . Stantcin as 4b. 't _ 186 T. high Oa :sets); rims sesiguithin e ,ceej?ted Wry anifio; i to r r , e vit t = lathy to 44 040.01,t9 I: an '2braftstitittit6. 1I Els HOWES, to Mtvolo on . 8d,7. lainnso Filer lvria F.xl tBbl.-3t, r wili anog 1.1.11 .4 887 Istims • French or Latin 2 50 40 14 00 Deduction' made feellibenitileAfirmr.Oeneal 064 ed' by protr*cted illness. t sToweridie Ang.:lo; .184 •_ . . ThetWile46ll)o4 ' byt Ai - exalt:4d 'agablit r hustrJelligtoo liourAwitoaTultioila-ig--aaLgusiii4ans- • tontaact de SO, and we shall nut 'pas suy of his '41441010s *OK klVllitimalg/110 1 1:i. r ' tj'Al lilA ß AßD MUtriONi Burlington, Aug. 1;11367.", _ i&U IQ Whorww, AilY- 1 , 11Y._ V Jennie, haalld*Wly bed imp board, Jrnaout an Put came - orprowinition;,Vberebr canton forbid all permits barboriogior Annaba 'Der on Ay amount, as ; op L ,4olojll.beF tlaz after ibis' date , 9)11 ? " 1 , • ' ll JOHN C.EIiIEROE. ['Towanda, Aug; 13,1156'1.. 6 , 1,, D. E; N ' , T'-.1 'l, A.7 , " : A. 1 . 11,' , ,1Y :. : -:, RA8r4W1T4i.1,47140A, `Wecld•tske'lLb Opyortaniiyi of chalking the friends wkso aottaitly feasted theta the late t>te,,and•wonld pay that it hac not Berko:l4y la." Lettered with their -badness, which 'they still Continue , over Crowe £ Vale, ,Buc& . k/tervi, Pattea'a Skirl . • ' Towanda; Aug. 12, 1867'.' perooosindo te -to AA me either:4i booraccoant,:note jndg • keit, con:rseted ender the Brat • 61' Bishop & Taylor, are hereby notified lhat.the: same must be settled lauuediateli.. TLis is positively the. lest notice that will be Elven, and cost will be made without relerence to persona on all claims not settled at once. S. F. TAYLOR. Wya/usisg,,Aug 13,1867,, rB. ,KELLY, Dentiet. ,O ffi ce • over Wickham & Black's, Towanda,Pa. All the various stilea of work scientifically done ant warranted. Particular attention Is called to the Libuninurn Base for /Artificial Teeth, which is equally as good se Gold and far superior to either Rubber or Silver. Please call and examine specimens. ' Chloroform or Ether administered. under di rection of a Physician when desired. Aug. 6, 1867.—tf..• DISSOLUTION.—The co-partner . ship heretofore existing under the name of Wood & Harding, is this ,day dissolved by mutual consent,. ell debts due to and by the said firm will be set. led by Mr. Harding at the old stand. Peraons Indebted to the above are requested to pay up before the brat ot VC - Caber, as all accounts unpaid at• that time/ will be left for collection. • OHO. H. WOOD, Towanda, Aug. 19, 1867 LTRAYED OR . STOLEN--Fiom the subscriber on pr about the lath of July last, a pale red COW, middling age, six years old, thick.heavy horns, a good milker, one of the hind teats detective, having at some time been from, consequently giving milk from the side of tue teat near the lo xer part. Whoever will return said vow to me or give me infuria tion where 1 can lied her, shall be liberally re warded. ALLEN MAMA:ff. Towanda, Aug. 20, 1867. . .—T ci_ROVE ME;ETISGhe Spiritu vr alas of Ridgbury, will hold their Seventh . u ncial Drove Meeting, Augest 24, and 25,i net. in squire Beck Withe orchard, three miles m a i of Weissberg Depot. Speakers—tir. Ly man c, How, oti.„Wew *MOO, N. Y., litri; Win N. T. Br, B. Beale o Palmer; alif - Fleqs, Domande, will entertain the audience With singing. Come one, come all, • and let ns have a good time , . By order of the Committee, GBD• W. MEAD, Cor. Secretary. Aug. 13, 1467. US,. INTERNAL REVENUE 41, Notice" is hereby given that the Annual list of Eloise taxes for 1867 has been transmit. ted to me by the assessor,and the same - has be come due and payable. All persona assessed in the county of BRADFORD will make pay ment at the Collector's Office' Towanda, on or. before the 12th day of September, 1867: Notice braiso given that all persons who neglect or re fuse topay the duties and taxes assessed upon them within the time specified. will become li able to pay the penalties impoied by law, ir addition. H. L. SCOTT. Collector 13th District, Penn's. Towanda, Aug. 17,1867: NEW BOOT ' ANf) SHOE SHOP. HOLLAND & CLAI4. Would reispectlnlly announce to the . citizens of Towanda and vicinity that they, have com menced the Boot' lad 'Shoe linsWate in all its branches. They are prepared to 'make to order Ladies and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes,of all kinds in the most workmanlike manner on the shortest notice. • Shop over Nelson's old stand, east side 'of Main . street, opposite Col. _ Means' •residence, Towanda, Pa. • B.—Particular attention paid to Repair ing. Give us a call. V. tr. nor.Liain. Towanda. Aug. 13 , 18a7. SELLING OFF AT COST 1 The undersigned hereby give notice to their friends and the public generally, tbat they will commence selling after tills day. Aug. 8, 1867, their entire stock of KERCRAIWIEAS, consist mg, of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRUGS MEDICINES, OILS & PAINTS, pooTs..k. SHOES, HATS & CAPS, BOOKS & STATIONESY, AND WINDOW AND WALL PAMIR . AT COST FOR READY PAY, • LONG BROTHERS. Burlington Boro', Aug. Sib, 1867. T HE° PEOPLE'S BENEFIT I SOMETHING NEW IN FLOUR! 200 POUNDS m e BARieIL 1 FOUNTAIN'S PRFailtrld FLOUR, THE BEEti. IN lIHEI Is manufactured by the sibaerlbere.ln kiebligen from "the beat cele brated MICHIGAN - ,WHITE . WHEAT. ' This Worn. Plow MS as superior. It is. put up in , , ' TWO HIMDBED`POOND BMUUII46* oil 50 . :pimp :figics, Anilnu&esoloairelyioeoll ths,ioisorol waist of, tbe_rolol &nide - BUY THE 'BIG JIAIIIIRTS, .B$ ST F LOU R`l Cash Dalai supplied at .1=11: Musa, irom omit of Illoaßfdaturioi. • 14 : Wholosala Fioar 'Peditso,WAVAlLtliogs , county ~iiad,VOIR - JERV c Oranip ed., x.IY. .1." R. PORWERTN- ir CO. t;,_ , Aag. 23, 180. - tzwirtAßLE laPrAssrw - ANcmseelay'n Agcy for : BradfoWob. •OASE.- 04 41/ 1 .4 f $0. 1 49s0q 0 z 111 , 21 Y illiilliivt*li.oll..olXl ••J'' ; To • • AIIONTANTIE WOO jOly 45; -,188T."4. „ ~! - li:" I gAN , 0 T . AIL ; *Ai i• :Ira "-• piromied this mil itso Ilk Sabi . ,aiftto &wet, / lays refignia_l4 Aiiitt,ed it with every conienleitot 1161 Atoostdtipds tiOurof •11;triic. auy.twittealse 216.- No Wad tra befilmysd,tornk , sBlloml and _lrsodis.. Kay 3, J. B. ATTI/8184 fpl.t' 11774 004117 mis e Lture dirmatifdit itt the line of £TAPLE & FANCY - DRY - GOODS, ) 14(1;1UL:1a 'BROWN RHEETINO,..ANg ; • R yard. variety 01* ,)itOru 'Ye • 4 ••• , TABLE LINEN *TABLE 'CLOTH'S CRASH & DIAPER ;F ORT , TOWELS tgPitigQ &SUMMER DE iAiNs A nity styles. A large an t s! splenald as DRESS':GOODS FOR TILE SEASON; Inch:Laing thelatest stylesoith varieties,to snit the mostisatidlons. A nice assortment or , • SPRING & SUMMER SHAWLS. D. lELLEDING, D. CLARY. Aad the lElietdlariu~. .„1.; B ' &HED-441:1151.11ifi, Frani 1585 B, N . T El SACKING CLOTHS, For Ladies' Sacks. BALMORAL SKIRTS AND SKIRTING, HOOP SKIRTS; The latest sty les . I . UMBRELLAS AND. PARASOLS, A. nice line of DRESS TRIAL IN' Iztest styles • A splendid assortment of RIBBONS, •.A.•tissortment of , YANKEE NOTIONS, and PERFUMERY, &C.. &C. MILLINER) THE• MILLINERY DEPARTMENT will 'he ktrgt:ln good style, wider the supervision of MIS L. A. MOSHER, Of well known. reputation. Having host re ceived from New Yorks, splendid assortment of SPRING STYLES of • HATS AND BONNETS, 'Together with a nice assortment of FANCY TRIMMINGS. We are prepared to furnish in that line some thing that will please and suit all. No pains will be spared te give in this branch of our bu glaesa entire tiatistaetiOn..- Call in and examine oar goods, one door north otthe Past woe., Main Street, • I * B. A. PETTES & CO. Towanda.:Pa.. Joao 12, Mir TOBACCO —4 OIGAI S.l Wholesale a s & Retail at RANDALL Sr COMPTON'S First door south of the First- National Bank, MAIN WHEEL. TOWANDA, PA. BRANDS OF TOBACCO-CHEWIgiII Oold Leaf. Sunny Side, Pine Apple, Michigan ilig, Rose Leaf and Sr,t which we oiler to sale in quantities to edit customers. .4 ) ackages is Barrels, halls and quarters. ' BRANDS OF CIGARS. ; America Eagle. Gen. Grant, hoboyact., Im 4 perio, Tycoon and the very' choicest brands 4;)t Yaraa I I - :FANCY SMOKING. 'The celebrated Looe Jack, Pride of the bid ted Statka, Virgio6tie ,Gold Lest, Navy and all kinds of Killicknick., • Landlords suppliect with • t Foil To baccci on . lib Oral ter&i. All orders'prclE9p4 B,llec t . W. H. RANDALL. ..1" L:. March 7. 18671 FANCY GOODS MILLINERY A One Belectibn of F.AYQYG9ODS,Z.RPIYRS, EMBROIPERY PATTEIIDIS, AUmped BIBS, SACKS,; &C CORSETS, I GLOVES; Yuri E NOTIONS, Top 0z4.D0110 of ,L 1 1 1 4 04. APRA ttoc lot of i s trf44I , .TERT,.,O99D, For Otakp l Di at it , old • -stand an Wain Street:- .1 = Jane 6,1667.74 m. tINION — MMIXOS . 9011VANY - GREAIk 'INtoIiOIIIIENTS' vtrO, ,NEgiqp2s, orp ,EIEUWI2I3. Having" mede,.. with ,the _York add Me murky, tq do ExprOw -Jhelum' tWilleir raid,- ire now lectiiiing ill kinds of tridghtzead 'mathaniiize for - isuta,td.the gelow—ljerth, oth., Eat, Wadi Um GREW dee, West Indies: Obods igen' direct to an,f ti t of Valifbrela t ell: with th e quickest' ...despite c . : Bhippera And ; Minima generally kmosr,w enernioui-r4es.thej baie bersipay• iced quicir trLnapc~tq t*. Ifiiiethht Cbsif- 4 . iffokflikalAki,,,, . 11 P APhWOWY, wf .8411heri, Seri_ dente ma mappers:AO Pmts. :up the pienipa-,. Jyygell the eddVaipinleir lerniedi so as. *At tateirwthe basinsealoin methyl aarirds or packages welgblng.l4,4l.,atid nio s , are,sbippedky actual weight.' The *Sp molter Wfts,is lo * Miss the Company, hi theiw.down. Particular care ant Attention given to• money and valuable Peek. ages, Collectkins, Collections Made and tett= forwarded by quickest diseppatch. ;E.414(} nl.. x ( WS.; ai t Aa A6l3ii 1. " *Mk ettflel4 r rie, Sege tie Joihrt., , bp hi ' deed` itithe Miry ICorepely Averf. day. . J BEEIIAN , Prop'r filapaLirse.' - rrittit t Olintelirrtr4 4 , J. Insurance Agency for Bradteid toils% 4. ;; 7'; Id~ Ala 104 vrry J 7,41 Iligfoal cub plan. In annnesS i av • LVta ll ifr7ilileS ail WARD. :.:Timifigolgrs4,l9ll7i2. tqirsr.:-rgi. • 'CI.. jutrtbanbi)e. P igry C.O • f4e, Rik " • 474: t LEAVE VE $ REOE NTLY MADE STORE 40itioi ~..,] ,4_:tal ,OD s sl t entli and ue de- '1! LABa_K..:AI}D-IT,I;ONS Y . _, .~._. __r...~-~...w-4..fn .... ~iw..~..-... v ....~... ENE =i ~: i. D !STOW. ;.(47. 1 :OQQ,W 210110 463 4 DO 014 40 ZAKAI OM GREATER REDUCTION n IN PRICE With one member of our Om, constantly in' New York we have been 'able within the past few days, to profit larlie ly by • violent ;fluctuations in the markets; and have made heavy puchases of all, kinds i of Goods in our. ine: MUCH BELOW REGULAR MARKET RATES. May 23, 1867.1,, N ' T 9 R E - _N'W GOODS 1 NEW GROCERIES! W. A. ROCKWELL'S. CANED PINE AP.PLS,',I 3 EACITES, PLUMS AND CANNED OYSTERS • . DRIED APPI,EB, • iIEAOHEE," PRIItIES , CHERRIES, MOLASSES, C6EFEE, SPICES, Of ill kinds in 114 everything in the GROCERY LINE! PLOVEYEED,BRAND, POTATOES, BOITER,_I4ARD, EGGS, AND EVERY VARIETY OF. FARMERS • PRODUCE. DRlr GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, LOWEST POINT IN THE'I4ARKET IMEAr. AS - Mt" CIIHOEST I '4L S.ll6S'' OF; ,PRODTME. 11y :IS, 1887. WAVERtY 11 TE. fditlistir tern! 'of thte had/titian; ander the .eharKtof.A. J..LitNG • •AL /d.; will open Am , 8 0113 0, 'To the other dePartmenti 'at inatritetion, so keigUtl tboroughlf eatablhibto, • i Mt Mtn- Par.Plal Muzak equal to that panned in !m ay at ogrComrgetpiil Uollejpe; hap h •ftn nilded, with miderite'ratee ortniudeti -‘1 • . • p•-iliertnsl9laWasitsitalittl - f which, Wetly pa- Theslve free WoCllen- Phplts can` temfter - thexpenie hciarChi proeurlnit rootair.-and bmaing thernanlvei, , ior OA:dabs, at tea.- • „ • • • fartheiprtfnigiafl • hglpa l r :41i, iiii f thi ;ft,(lz IPitedcol,lo44. o Trua 4e. Aug. 1, • , l&M-Plr AcADE MY 1P414 ! ' *TWO. Caillmeace4 fie 3 r 3 41 . 0414.444414 i .aaMaipsk. atenlad those' deidilas 4,sks quawy tbmossives for triaehlag) ; • _ - stailents ltom a diatiaaki4tanti#4atif:lrlth -46rd•and•Rooma for Koardlag,' Yarspartieulars address IbiaBearatary:' , .-1 r• " • • • BONER CAMP, Becatery. :1 •1 , "Aam•iii; leaVitft.: 1..;0 - 11 ,L1,1,:,1!) liti.:2iliti:.: 4:liar; MI Mil rt, TO<IfIEIS"- ; tek,•.'4' I ~ ~ FOR TITS AT A ST/LI. OF IpIM)S, &C" TEAS, , SUGARS, ,SYRUPS, V'ill be kept constantly on hand fresh lot of NiMmed at Qa:) And .141 al =II 41"$E FARMERS. tA/3lt PAID .FOR RQCKWEL L. ii toiumn. * -• G SALES' I tti - '3", t the place Lo hay . I • F. Si go SHOES v. , •' A k -At :00T: .I. SHOES • Pel „ 0:1 0 -bTE ' 1:0 co TR° tEri-h - BlrettY ego% • - aii.g it) ~,..w...:~.__.___... BOOT§ AND SHOES BOOTS. :485 . -SETOES 6 r .-r:i •;Y I_ IS AT a il / il-ti*P#EY BRoTnEus.• HUM PHRE Y. B ROT,H I ERS HUMPHEET BROTHERS. Since the arrival of •;' OUR SPRING• ST!Ctek, SPRING OUR SPRING. STOCK, Our very extensive sales ha's warranted a sin makjrig preparations for a very large TRADE, And in EACH DEPARTMENT We arc FULL STOCKED &- F7CT_T_;t4 STOCKED FULL STOCKED Withigoods of th e RIGHTIQUALI:TY El POPtILA . R . PRI,CESI ..GAITERS /OD BALIiORAI/3,. TIES AND SLIPP ES, FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN PATENT LEA.THER BOOTS, GAITERS & B.A.LMORALS FOR MEN, BOYS AND YOUTH Tire' catalogue eiubricea ALL THE STYLES ALL THE STYLES ALL THE STYLES IM.I First Clam, Boot, and Shoe Store,' NOW 'OPENING IN , THE HARNESS .DRE',ATMENT, HARNESS DEPARTMENT, HARNESS DEPARTMENT, LATITER -FLY NETS, COTTON FLY NETS, LINEN DRIVING AND STABLE SHEETS, HOODS, NECKS AND EAR NETS, NO a pil/11131 or HORSE FLESH HORSE • F%IESII HORSE. FLESH SHOULD BW WITHOUT TRKX - "kg: ' . fAig::-.v,_-,-.*iiitost)::, ftoMM' akient of theHemwtoliooni, tabs hand and' ielidy to' Watt' on all ' ble old. friends and as many more as poludble, and Las WO, evlesoV •. : . wyy g441,N0, ZITHER HEAVY OiTLIGHT; SADDLES, BRIDLES, AND EVERYTIIING .o.lv rIND EVIIRYTHINP"-M :; ;:,``,ll IN THE LINE - OF . SADDLERY`!` 1 - *::q .k .t.2.7 - ii:i::: REGULAR LINES 451, . . 1 • o $-A 1 - A -T ...: - . . .140 • . 4•;a ;. , A , , . 4 :-,,. .I,r i . 4 4 ti ... 7. , U i . ~.. - ; . , N ti K 9 . ' • , ;•••"%wittiVlLLutt . -*TRUNKS, 'AND. meiltadoo , :mUni.l4ll.4ll.liAgs,' -... - Mil x•yzatvirz...6 Awl rine ; .1. -7;1 - - f ,The 1111,0•11pig44414vi4C19,:r:WIt*,Willikthi,•i, tug gess)* 4101.1e!,4 41, the, f.13,03c1+4 ;:13...;91 • .],4x4y„.4.„ sioti k - 45404 4 13111 94 1 5ttfiAbeAkttioOtiou n. ch.., • I tRY 4I3 Punic genera 47.,. to (am etocic • of Goode purchased under very favdrableOreuni. atstreel, whictit'we itTev 'fur Cieli or ettorl . which we:Onli, will sAtiiiiibUr fri ft ad, ,that we cvi furnish Goods at the . . • hATEB, :cy k eof our . OR liejes "e9,3443tiji ,',"r ; Ytirk; and making Purciuuses tor - a jarpLJobbitig there' as for n 8 .4 We hope by 071- 1 ie • . - : - . '• • "• r - sonal atterdion to _our taerriess;.l:64lrq a i :! 'assertaient at ! ill times, ttri liberal deal 44 w:;;.. ourcil4tornig4 , to ix!eritt4e con4 44 F"* uzur ronage.of the...cowl:46oV- ' ' -: ' :i .. ~~ Special attention given to Mirchat4 auotah•A ers,*itobny glands:Vl the package.: -04 a 1, 1 1. 4 i.3 for all kinds rif'Gral i tt" and eiluotry l'rodo , 2e. ' 4"0%, STEVENS,SfEROUIt 4131 1,1867 =I CH Q ,C E ',T .E A H.:, selected with grea. ‘...Lich will be so!,1 the box at New York Nitioieitato SITGAit, ItiOL4,M,ES,'SYRYT, RD )E, —Coffee, Tobacco, In g4g1 . 1 variety, cheap by the Paclog?. - A LARGE STUCK• OF . FLO viz onland in Barrels, Sacks or in Bulk ; Meal cheap.—Feed Sc. PORK., EIA'MS ‘v Stque.Were, BryonLi by thc quantity 1 , i -, • BU :- , T'6 GA'RDEN SEliiiti ~ • if; .i OVER 4 - T3lolllr k•EED • L The ow kind i 3 aita b 1 e for Dairy niie • L ~..- • MARVIN & CO. KEROSENE OIL, This oil is put up in Sc and tight barrel, warrantedtß be full meabunr and we Leli;:ve - tbe quality to be the Lest in markit. NEW STORE AND NEW Goo 1) FUSE FROM I}l NEW YORK S 1 A IZK F. TS The a obserihera have pa rchaeed the 1 ,, ,Pri , ” . lately owned by A .1. Made, (one dr or s , of Ileidleman's Block,) and have filled it GROCERIES ANJ) PRqYISIoNS . Fruits or all kinds - ha their season,* . (fresh aq dr.ed), In tact every thing useally found it' first class _-. PRO vISION STORE A share of the patronage. of Toidana and vi cinity 'respectfully solicited. We will Oarthe high Est market - price. fur a❑ kinds of LL. • • COUNTRY PRODUCE. 1 • , We also hare the sole Agetiey \ Sur Pr klfq.! .and adjoinini . connties for the sale of the Cele brated, Virgium 'and North Carolina ,:-.....litukin c Tobacco, A liberal discount-made to tb:. tr...b , . .. BR _Adtkl A.LI. As et) Wk. LI.. -, _ Towanda, April 9, 1867. ,I E DI 0 V D •!- Would teat respectfully unto,ce - :to the cit mitt of Bradford County, that be• has removed from Ontoll, Pe., to OWEGO, N. Y„ Where he LuLa opened a large and Bell selecti, stock of D R 1 Well adapted to-the precept times of • L Q. W / P,,R. I, C E PRINTS, DELAINES, OHALLIES, 97ganitie8, ' Poplins, ALPACAS, nOZpiBIQUES, PIQUE'g i'LK,S ‘ &C. ‘4ltEif V ARIETY, i l OP8108: a :tame 4ortii)ent,:of: A been 1 4441,l ;'iaat.ee iutioa,ia . prices: siala, pi:if:44,o3U „will please . I WILL - NOT 'lig-lINDTSOLD ! ttie'olo4;ielpi,„teidisiftintsi ) 4 ..41;4 the i . " lok 6 : 61 0 9 *.5f0 k' of at 'l9 taw 'store oft Unlit Stieet.l # 6 4ri C ,..east °f Pa rk 1/° ' let MintfotthnNgotlidEPA9r k , • • - eiregcl4cnriel3(.lB67;, . F Oiti SALE.—A good °anal Boat, equipmeqt. Also a pair of •VfAllitikaold 'cheap. koply fo • r litgsT4lll)l-g.ut WiRD. I lYwirolghl7ls.lB9l. —1 .; , 44i1iii44.;_,, IZ ME We hive a large stock of CandlegAtrack,E:e. .F 1511.. (JF ALL ILLWDS. 4STITON'F: SALT, A*ency fot.the eale:t4 at Mpnfactater's pric6s CHEAP AS THE'CHEAPEST WOODEN AND WILLOW.' WARE, L. H. R 0 NIS 0N . GOODS A. large variety of TY , 11. E" b 8" a' 0-0 s , Consisting , of i . .: , Aaraeols: 11 ■ II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers