fritafot . i. l / 4 -3 tpOitAc. LOCAL AND GENERAL JunGE ERCl7R—returned home on 11 ndny last, Congress having adjourned on Saturday' l. until-the 21st _of November., mar Our fOend .kIooKER, of the Tr : oy ciazetie, has perpetrated matrimony— ride notice in. the proper place.. He has our congratulations. CHASIBERLIN • has g, -atly improved .Lna enlarged, his store, and added tolds ainess an agencyfor usical Instruments e., having for sale Pia. os, &c., from the toost approved makers. He also' s e wing Machines. His vertisement sets forth more particularly le great advantage 'to be deried from givinglim a call. • . , 11AS RECOVERED.—Mrs. Leach, •of Dresaen, N. T., upon .whom Dr. Up De Graff performed the operation of ovaiotimo ,,yremoved from the inside of her abdo men an immense tumor, weighing seventy r puttildS —lms entirely recovered, and has resumed her household d. ties. Dr. Up De Graff is credited with sue ::sfully removing the largest ovarian trim() upon record. 1,7711 Advertiser. se, Agents wante I in every town ship in Braaford county, io sell Gen. G. C. Baker's History of the Secret Servit Ap lay to C. F. Cross & Co., who are t sole agents for the county. Those desirin: an agency for this highly interesting work, • e would advise to apply immediately, as thL rritory is being rapidly: taken up. We al lw agents a liberal com *ssiou: They can make on an average from ten to twenty dol lars per day. • g Mesarsi Mon anyel & Ward c.fl.r for sale a large tin. bei of , local and f,lllor properties of every variety. They-ad \ raise likewise Life ant Fire i nsurance c in first-class and mist re able - companies.— recommend their alene7 to the confi dence of the Ocituat4r an. to whomsoever it Inltpeoneern., , Ar. S. Shor t s is travel ing agent for the office, and has we learn, atiectQd a large number of fire and life hum r.‘uces. _ THE WHEAT .lIARVEHT.-4-Qur farmers , 2L are now in the. midst of their w eat harvest, and should the weather eonti tie favorable the present week will see the' crops pretty 1 - generally housed . On inform tion received from All sections of the coma y, we judge that the crop will be a full . a, erage one— say from twenty to twenty-f4r bushels to the aer'e; and of superior quality. 4 - 1 this cfmnection we may also state that the oats crop, if secured, will be very heavy, while corn promises an abundant yield. • DRoNs - sEn.—A young m n about 21 of age, named Timothy Regan, who %%as engaged at the Horse-race dam, was drowned on Wednesday evening last., while - attempting to ford the fiver a few rods below the dam. After finisbiog hiS work for the day, he—with a companion—proposed to Wilde the river to their boarding, place, in ea.l of returning by the boat, • which was ,-,me distance above. Taking off his boots, he weht into the stream until' the depth and' -wiftuess of the current carried his feet from nuder him, when he was carried rapid iy down the stream and drowned, before assistance could be rendered him. All el , forts to recover:the body have thus far,been an,accessful.- •He had on, when drowned, it check shirt and linen pants. In the pock et of pants•is said to be four or five time checks. Tankhannock Dem. ERCRANT I S UNION EXPRESS CORPA .--The exorbitant ,charges and exactions of the Express Companies, led to the for tiou of a new Company some months agr,. cailtßl - the Merchant's Union Express, ,imposed of merchants and others, inter cnted in You charges and fair dealing. This Company is now in successful operation ov er the principal thoroughfares, and the re sult. has been that the old companies have 1,..en forced to redube their • chargei very ' largely,.in order to compete with the new (:91upany. As might be expected the old mooopolies are very indignant, and an Ex press war has been golng on for some time. The Merchant's . Union Express, however, goes on the even tenor of its way, carrying packages - at reasonable rites, and manifest -lug an accommodating disposition. The Company deserves the patronage of the for.having reduced charges nearly t.,r quite one-half. It G. Cmius. of Waver iy, is the agent. Shippers should mark their. packages "Merchant's Union Ex press. " . BANKRUPTCY PRICTICE.—T4 follow nile for procuring under the Bankrupt Law, will be found useful to those having business to transact tinder that law :-- 1. Make up your petition with the 12 f'rmv of schedules A and- Bin duplicate ; -.,scar to both ; 21w-one with the elerleof the c. art, and ask to have the case referred to a rvgister. 2. At the hoar specified in the order re f,rring the case to a register, appear before the register to whom the case is assigned, awl make oath before him that the dupli eate petition and schedules which you then r,,ent to him is a true duplicate original f the petition and schedules on file with the clerk, and move that it be certified cor rect in fitrm. This being done, move that the petitioner be declared a bankrupt.— This is done.,by an order made by the rcig -I,ter, of. which he will give you a certified copy- You+ then move for the warrant, some time will be required to-make this out. At the time appointed, call upon the regis ter fur the warrant and take it to the =rah, al. The marshal will require satisfactory securitp for his fees, and disbursements for the newspaper publications, ikc,,,which you will arrange with him. You have nothing more to do till the return day of the war rant. 3. Be very careful that your petition and schedules are written out plainly, free from all erasures,iuterlineations or abbreviations. is the whole proceeding is strictly statu t°r.S, the statute and rules made under it must be strictly complied with. 1. In case the register refuse to certify y,.nr petition to be correct in point or form, ),.a will take a certified copy of the points wherein your papers axe certified to be de fective, and proceed to prepare amendments or an amended petition, as msy be most convenient, : in duplicate. When this is done have such amendments or amended petition, Ac., sworn to in duplicate ; file me with the clerk,, carry the other to the xegister, who will examine it, gad, if cor rect, certify it, and you then progPed as above set forth. MunnsuEe.—On Friday the 12th inst., a poor man named Roswell, residing :near Tioga Center in this county, was brutally murdered, his lihroken to Nieces with a club. The rump rk td re ports about this terrible act, are, &cantle'. various and in many restiects cordlif :• The following are the facts as far as ea:, presem. be .disclosed. This man Boma, was poor, anti the family had for sometime, received some Md from the StkiWalt 4 Wb" l Of the Poor, but he *id cow. Hia family consisted of hie wife, tiro dainktento 1413 „grown to If. uranh the ood; *tinily nearly so, and some smaller children: , :41 , beita — hi man, 11 1 who gave his - name as,PnriM; ihed,herm, in the _habit of meeting. "cianthudinelYs t ionl: making some advances .to these - *amen girls, as Parks, but sums,penlon who OW him told theft giris that Ire 1 1 4” not TaAB but a man of =tether nem% A 0 bad 4 Wife and several children. The *swell, Si* charged this man 'with this, hut he - denied it, and said that he *was .sing% "and had a small place down in Pennhyliazda; and if . they all went with him there; a would do the fair thing brthern. ' Th ' - idl agreed, 11, 4 and-peeked Up their little. all , d .prepared to - star t . This man,. Parks, ' - them some refreshments in the shape of ;crackers - and `whiskey sweetened., . : This raide. them all deathly sick, and caused them to vomit, when the old man Itosiell and the murder eir, went dowi through, the goods to get water, and when a shert . disttice from the filmily, they heaid the blows 1 the club by which the old Man's braiu4 aro 11,64 out. A reward of MO his 11*ea er ed,' as will be seen by, the folloiing, issu by; the Sheriff, and while. wevt —Monde • the officers are in pursuit o lithe. Man • reports of his being seen, are rir elm:Setif:el, but as yet it is hard to repose ; 'ponlidence in them as they are ccognulietory.—(hrego Optrial Notit6. 1151 •To Tzectrarta.—Pagea heory And Pmetice of Teaching Wicker ham's School ebonomy and method of Instruction at Az, Tato & Bean En's. WANTED.-I/A Wagon Maker and a Blacksmith For further Ordenlars ad dress J. LEWIS, South Branch, Bradford county, Pa. July 25,:1867.73t*. \ZA r AIIiTED.-A first claiSs cook and a geod hostler can find steady employment at the,Amerikan Hotel, Athe, Pa., Ap ply to Bennet t-& Smith, corner Division t River St: Towande . - S. Z. SktOREB 113 - Nthe ; I Authorized Traveling ,Ageot for Life Fire Insurance Agencies, andlteal Estate hotlines at this office. , \ r moNTAItTE & TONVANDL, July 2,. , 5; 1867. • Mir C. F. Cross, & Cu. are now prepared to receive Sta‘ripkions• to all the N. Y. Daily, and Weekly- apers, Pamphlets, Magazines &a. They designito keep a teg nlar News Boom in. Conneotinn with their Book Store. • COAL LANDS CHEAP.— br :sale, one thor — ißnd acres of Coal DOE, \in Tioga county, Pa. Title undisPutable. For particulars enquire of • B. - B. B. Molii.J.N. Towanda, July 11, 1867. w. REcravEo of H. B. Mc 1 EAN Gener \ - al Agent for the Hartford I.AVe Stook Insu rance CoMpany, one hundfisd and thitty four dollars, amount Of Insurance for. the loss of roan mare Fannie; assured in the Hartford Live Stock Company. May 30, H 167. 804 Exsosrnos UNTELLE, t Paws, Thursday Jun 27; 1867. Wheeler & Wilson, of N6w York, are awarded the highestpremiuml (a gold medal) for perfection in sewing macjiines. This is the only gold medal awardedlor sewing ma chines. There were eights-two competi tors.—Sun. . f July 24-Iw. Wir The Decker Brot'her's Pianos are increasing ve'ryrapidly iii popularity and they are becomingcidedly the favorites among cultivaten nustgans.ii These pianos must not be confounde with the instru ments made by , other of the name of "Decker." The Decker .4. ers Patent Plate Pianos are made only a Blecker St. New York, arid L. B. PoWell o ranton has their wholesale and.retag agency. N, July 18: • ?. FARMER MOWING MACHINE REPAIRS Zou - SALE. —Scythes, knife sections, rivets, and malleable guardi, bolts of all kinds, made from beat refined iron; :caSt -ings, Sa, kc., for repairing Farmer Mow ers. 4 Also machines repaired i" at 0. D. Bart lett's Machine Shop and •Forindry. Orders by "stage, accompanied by the cash, promptly attended td or repairs sent to be paid cash on delive r y by stage. A few good Farmer Mdwers, with. Im provements added, for sale cheap. R. M. Virzimrs. Towanda, July 8, 1867. 1 G. F. tisomi. & - Co., 1; BANKERS.—In-, rite accounts, discount e rper, and rinks collections, throughout e Unitsd States, at lowest rates. - ' i ' ,_ . l State Bank notes received at New York quotations. 'I 7 • Gold and silver ought ,Irtil sold. Government Securities rugh at highest rates. • f Orders for the Fuchsias or sal of the ra rious issues of Governmeit .13onds, - prompt ly executed. Coupons of ten forties, ai . ve tw i enties, and seven thirties, cashed on resentations. Interest allowed on sin ial dePotiits. Foreign Dra ft s and 4 age Certificates for sale. - Towanda, March 11, 1 07. - —4O- i t -7-30 IcEASURY NoTt—The Govern mantis now converting t he flnit series of 7-30 Treasury notes into e 5-20Gol4iBear ing Bonds, the undersigned hare arrange ments and facilities for procuring their con version on the most favorable terms,holders who desire to have the 4 ! converted are re quested to call upon ug The; new 5-20 Bonds.oe hand for sale, we also purchase all descriptions of Go: , entl Securities and pay the highest *it price. April 4,67. i B. 14. Russell Jr Co. mi finzn I '• wl 6 I • PowEr.i. & Co.— io. ldsespeotfully announce that they he connected With their business a .Milirrk department, and intend at all times to k eep a fall l& complete assoment of goods in Ithat lins4 Th 4 department is -- ; under ? the superin tendency of •Li:nlies thonnighly accomplish ed in their profeslion, !whose lang experi ence is a certain guarantee that all goods manufactured by them: will be elf the most fa,shionabls styles and lest workmanship. The stock entirely new; has beim selected with , great care, and _ii t .npw offered Whole sale A: Retail at Low Pries& ' Towanda, May 23, 1467. I 30,000 Cv.4e.ay Pwrrs.— w White , "Incomparable Dyvaili."l "This variety is so much, superior in flavor, easS of culture, and hardiness, that for the past six years" the best New Jersey g4rdeners tre grown to the exclusion of 411 ether eties foi the New York market., Itis p lan ted one third closer than the Pall growing sorts from 25,000 to 40,000 being : gown on an acre." • My Celery Plaits are very stocky and hardy. Now rtady.! May be set in rich soil any time tins Imontl Price 50' cents per 60, 75 cents per 100, 31dollars per 500, 6 dollars per non. Safely packed (without extra ohargaa to any distance not exceeding three days in transit - _Plain printed dire4tions for culture, and winter presanlttion. I .aeoompanying each package. BeAlurestrenches._ fdr cu,Wus. Towanda, Jul) , e. n 4 NnrgentWill dnd.ifarkd Tawasuitv Nctni3--biromu2irr No- eca-Holders of the August' issue of Sev en-Thirties wishing i:i4 !r : vort them into Five-Twenty Bonds six per cent. in terest in gold, can nnir do so at the Mist National Bank of Towanda. Tkis hi probably the Most faorable time ' to make the conversion. If delayed until maturity of the's the roati adll be so groat that, the I Depeationst will be unable to aupplytlj o proinptly. -Compound Int ers t' Rots - June and Ju- Seven-lbliti . es, received in exchange the Bair 6--2$ dal 'v flutter r ,..„,171,1 -we, will . gins by the -•N. . BET I nk Ji, °sables al l no; , 4 to.the 9allii?s a t Toinuida • • • 1 . Go lo'JOini Minolta's' lot: vegetables of all dobr Borah of the Bail. Road Hoare{ - jyll4t. • : - " • THE . M grs NI7MBAR .OF Df*Eid2l7:•.- Drum= Strews—id just out. '-' - • 0111st.A.Lvona dr. BAnnues for 4, Zurriag 4311 " ziav r m" . • liiir4t a meeting of the Cotnmittee iinte4 to examine and recommend Books for rum ig the &hook. of Bradford Co..the felkuriregivaolution rig pima . . • Resolved, that we reoonunana Palsori, Dim= do likanaram'estatem of Penman. ship.... 1. J. D. HzwErr Bea _ The above .Perananahip published by Lona, !tames and Potts Philadelphia, and can be co . tamed of Alvord and Barberßook tedbee, •wanda, Pa. I May 23.''3m . • 1114.. 1 " lc would call the attention of the reader to the advertisement of Dr. M. L. V anbuskirk, dentist, in • another , column. i • „ ' The Dr. comes to us well recommended' from Game, N. Y, where he has practiced for the aist twelve year& We bespeak ,for him in Towanda - the success his skill and ex perienceimerits. —3w. • FIRS"I' NATIONAL BANK o ' TOWANDA PINAN* , lomarr -ot wira UNITED pyrAxm,_ Capital 125,000. - De • • •is received payable on demand in ,• • T'• .• - Notes. ' • '' 1 • i'• .: t allowed on time deposits accord. l• agreement. in —•— t Bank Notes received on depos it or ex • • : edior Legal•lTender.- , U. 13.1 :4 , nds and 7-30 Treasury Notes bought end . old. 1 Hi,gheptpri. - paid for Compound Interest notes. . 11 payable ' • any part of the United States a par for's . ~ Dr payable in :- . gland, Scotia nd,lre. land or Wales, in . . , amount over Qiie pound s terling, furnish t • at lowest rates': z inz, Pass e tickets from Li • : 00l or - Queci. Queens town to , N ew York, by the w , known Inman Line, o and for sale. E. H. Pres. March 20,'67. N. N.Barm, •THS ,AViRICAN COOKING STOVE--AN. Ism Gun' Iwenovziaxtirr--Simud ASHES MADE MUM =Every housekeeper knows thattheProcess of sifting Coal Ashes'is at tended With much inconvenience and an noyancei from dust, &C., and unless the ashes are sifted . much coal will be wasted that cant be used after sifting. In.the Amer ican Cooking Stove this disagreeable pro cess is *direly overcome by the ingenious arrangement of an ash sifter', in the hearth or ash Vox, of the stove, by means of which after th grate is dumped I s who the ash box the ash can be si ft ed in a moment, with the ash box all closed, and without any dust in- the room, and the coal and cinders t are all tallied in a separate apartment, and can be returned to the fire chamber, • or be remo: ed elsewhere, and the ash pan can then be kemoved containing only the ashes without any dust whatever. This arrange ment dues away with the old fashioned ash sifters, d must commend it4elf to all, and is ano er long stride toward perfection, and m t add largely to the ahead:) , extend ed tepu don._ of this deservedly popular stove. This improvement - is fully secured by letters patent. \ ' I - &mat, Rime= & Co., \ i. 17 and 19 Green St., Albany. For sale by CODDING &RUSSELL, March 6, 1867-tf. Towanda, Pa. MI MARRIED_' MoAthlt--13, EYMOUR—At gt. Carroll, 111., Sun day eve, July 17th, .1857, a t OA , residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Carlos Swift, Dr. W. D. MoAFFLE, of , Rockford, Ilh. and Miss F. Viout SET , . MOVE. , ..... , KERRILL—COBIN,—On the sth itat., by . ' Rev. C. E, Taylor, at the M. E. Parson age, in 'Little Mea.ows, Mr. Arthur L Merrill to Miss Rho A. Corbin; both of Warrcin, Pa. - '-,- \ VANNEST—ROI3INSON-1 the Parson - age, in Fairdale, Mr. Fran is 0. Vanuest of Standing - Stone , and M" s Cyntha A. Robinson. of Orwell, Bradford Co. Pa. CAMP-+SIIIINER—In Wyalusing,May.9th, by Re i t. G. W. Jackson, Dr. A W: Camp of Pike, to Miss Mary L. Sumner, of Wy 7 alusing. . . VOLCOTT—HADLOCII—Wednesday,I2 Ni,nst,:. ! at the . house of thuAiride's fath er, 'b y,ltnv. J. A. Nock, Oscar F. Wolcott,, of Lite eld, nand Miss , Sarah T. daughter . 'of Jn .atullock Esq., of Athens. HOO —MoBEA.TH—On the Bth inst . ., K / B. at th residece - , of the bride's father, P. S. Dokuihe, Esci.if Bath, N. Y., by the Rev.. S. F. Colt, of. Troy, Mr. Augustus S. Hqoker, of Troy, a., to Miss Anna PrattlMcßeath, of Bat ,4i. Y. T GE-1n Warp nit., Mrs. Martha E. ' 36th ear of her age. HOLa 111.13—1 n Leßoy, on Tuesday, July 15th, 1867, Rollie Grant, son of - Hugh M. and :Martha M. Holcomb. Aged two years, ten months and twenty-three days. Absent from earth but gone to dwell -MO brighter scene's of joy, , Whi:rfieree temptations never come d love has no alloy, 1 ; Them weep not for the loved one gone, , Illere's hope to mortals given, Thatif we trust God's pramises, .. WOll meet again in Heaven. B. , • urro abnotistminto: IND ON . YOUR HEAD AND AD THIS! ST.I h9Bl'sz slur. :memo", ('.goom ,131143 W) lIULSIQ V gsaxpps maial aog ..sananoa•Bunlor puu stgl nt tuaol S2eA3 ni luau aen mm ;3AI •atanap M lunoosip zttpda4 intauristri to sPtcPl Its Wag olgnit 2 9 P11€1 of pandaid aa m'pnoti alp of 2aolaq aas vr—sal,mov? E "Pircni •oe us 86 la qegun isiaa 'I 11Axil .'y 'f of PM'a,IPPII aq Mato ala -pip 4 poq.tsw JO Icliaoai no jism tqluaa *ping uo Sims;micro alarm lam jo qoolst oßlel - - saapd omectossaz Isom aq, ;lii.dujunb lsaq acs Jo roapopail pus stua2lc, :azaeOp put stools OUltid iiilinospurg.. *.151U2113 :101 puag •cLE•j, in; omqa poomosog luelfalo us qsp/inj nail magi 11l Slaglul l'ulleaP 4 WPM! ' ll!Asql pus 'aJetu °num sow Jazp lsadraqa all; am 1 "awn paalMH• lull PaltimPll gusezoApm mon SI TI 4* asse 40A0 I pueig• liaouoa Iraq oqi 01 issba , TRaulaaits pus Jamod Jo Joalsw „'pa -uquioTo pus BM sm poKnop jurjsz.qato caul aqs poSsid %up aq maga viipmq,l pool:too:otos ma ioqs oploluv, pay 'Spoq itsuu a; upplos ltro.t2 $1 iusallsqduzatsl ll ~ gskas 'ousia paid liumuinll ocor - i SAWqstullelq In scri qualis al al iLo4og'SiqoaAi •*A •jcoqi, dogs cm Jo .la ~pilot lirapinm „oqs paaunouoad—appg moan nutty a ou, •oloqs woo el 0814 SUM ow,/ ;outqa 1 oqs 111 11101312.1101d1111 pniapuoi& solace -nylnyi •waql Has Mil qalania 2i. s2ll,l ° a plat unq m+id rug 914 Am; gollllla B uns V Stewing 4.0„,. 4 xa ' shad isms atu iv - •sutooa ow 4 _14 a 318 1 14111 V zzietwa is goug'd anti -un as SJO ,pasoq Sumuuos aril mot} aislcipt Sinn r - --i'menm flui.ung gm pus , Auweaq lug gang vi gin MT) pal nos Estazoptttion oqi 4W‘ USING ACADEMY, 1 . alneng, Bradford County, Pa., - • W. H. BROWN. PRINC IPAL , MIA NARY Er BROWN, -Assistant, 'lifts. J. SUNNER, Teacher ,of Instruments, I' and Vocal Musi c. .: • ' The P I Term will commence on MONDAY, AUG 19,1867, and continue It weeks.•-• Bates of nation as follows : Reading, Spelling. Geography, Grammar, • 1 . P ship and Written Arithmetic to I • Dectmel Fractions... - 14,90 Clasalcs end Nigher English Branches, er• • NVt ulspedftd below, I ' - 6,00 er gems and Geometry , • . 7,90 Trigono etry and Surveying • ' 8,00 &ludo, , ental (24 lessons) . 10,00 Inolden - . ' ' i . Tal Invariably payable by the middle of the tennis" - , No 41:action on account , of absence, except in cases f protracted illness. • July 25,1867,-4w. ' 1 (' faux% !Gardener, POE SALE WEIMAR—An ed Farm ; 77 acres ;•13beshequin •, 45 acres cleared ;1 12 acres or good elmannt building timber sad railway ties.' 'A • double boarded house id good repair, livini r apring in kitchen. Bari, 36a541. in. good Abopt [rant tie* Price I P°9; An,a6 _ • MO ww; Towanda. Jail 25 1867. ' " z - W . lO, OR ANY OTHER AR= TlALEllpe,ozdatelat short =We - "kg 04 la Cash. D.LE.I) MS 2trottittittntOto W AC HA MB _ Etas enlarged his store' ainE is_ daily 'adding to his stock. livtlin`line ot Nyatobes, .1- WELL :.KNOWN -z , ;• And hell 'Wooled - assortment oUSWIES WATCHES, alEtruinate4 ronvire I otibe monep refunded. He keeps on bond a.argeas aortment of celebrated' 7 . SgTH THO,Z,IAS 9-11- And the • ITHACA 041i3NDAR ?LOOK,. Suitable for dikes tip; Parlor or s Ae • • usual a. good stoop of due jEWELirifr: AND SILVER WARE. lirthe plat4d line. be tam Rogers FORKS; AND .513100,i48.1 H6avily platgd 1, Breakfast • Dinner. Castors, • - Elegant tre e plate doable wall - -, -I C E P.I T C 11, 8 ISt ! * Handsome bake Baskets, BUTTER i, I BE.RBY DISHES; Pickle Stands, Tea Bells, &0., A:cf , 4te. - 1 CHAMBERLIN is now keeping the ( • , "ROVER Ar, BAKER'S Family . Sewing MaeltitiOs. These ilachines are superior to all others tot family use. for the foll Owing reasons : They sew with two threads i.ioect from the spools, and .require no rewinding. They are more easily understood and used, and less liable to , derangement, thin other , ma chines. - They are capable of executing perfectly, without change of adjustment, a much gleater variety Of work-than other machines. ' The stitch tattle by the... 'machines is. much more firm, el.stic, and durable, especially upon articles which require to be washed and ironed, than any other stitch.. p Mt stitch ) owing to the manlier in which the under thread Is unwrought, Js much the most plump and be:hail - el in use, and retains 'this plumpness and 'beauty, even upon articles frequently, washed and ironed, Until they are worn out, ,She structure of thillusisa--is such, that, tho' It be cut or broken- at intervals of only a few stitches, It will neither open, run, nor ravel, but remains firm anal Iturable. Unlike other machines, these I fasten both ends of the seam by their own operation. With these machines, while silk is used upon theright or lace side 01 the i'seam, cotton may be used upon the'other side witnuat• lessening the strength or durability of the strain.. This clit be done on no other machine, and is a Oen t saving upon all articles ii.itchel or made' lip with silk. Tliese . machines, ih addition to their superior merits as instruments for sewing execute time !MIST; beautiful and permanent embroidery una ornamental work. IYou can get Sewing Machine Needles, and all articles periaining to the maculae basilicas . .• • • Ar S C PIANOS, OttGANS AND MELODEONS I roa can•get at 011LISIBERLOPS one of DECK.hi, BRO'fIiZRS UNEciIiALLEb PATENT ' PIANO FORTES ! Ro better made in the States. Warranted sev en years, and to stay la tuna longer than any other. Keeps on hadd the American, ilia Treat Lindhley & Uo , celebrated PARLOR OR . • .:..- Villich,ior sweetness of tone and style 01 finish cannot. be surpassed. Are suitble for Churches Lodges, riemitiaxies, and the home circle. Also a general assortment of 'other musical' instru ments together with Violin, Violiacello Strings "Bridges, Tail Pieces, Bows, Bow Hair, Keys, Resin, &c., &e.. 1 Remember that I do not depend ' upon the sale'of Musical Instruments for a flying, conse .. quentlyani willing to sell at a very,. small ad vance: WATCH AND L'LIiCK HET'AIRING, Done in the best manner, as usual, at low rates. Towanda, July 18, 1867. GOLD MED - 4L. 7HRESHING I MACHINEI THE BEST. IN THE WORLD ! Harder's Railway. Horse - Po*ers For One, Tern aild Three Horses, Harder's Threshers and Cleaners Larder's Threshers and SipEirators \ AT THE •GREAT NATINAL TRIAL, GRICULTURAL MACHINES •-„ eld for two weeks- in July, 186 G, lIRN, N. Y.; MEDALS, T W Were awardea-to R. & 31...11ARDEn For ENDLESS CHAIN THRESHERS AN They . are the MOST FAITIIFULLIi and HONESTLY ZIADE Of ; any Thres.44 ing Machines in Market., About the smile price. of the leading Ma chines but' worth , from 25 t- to 50 per cent, more Cheapest to., use Easiest . to run. Most durable Most economical to buy,. Most: economical Sure to please. IMII None kept on hand: . None kept on hand Each Machine Warranted. Each Machine Warranted • Ord& Early. For particular", circulars,-price Usti, testimonials, &c., &c. apply td • NVE44ES, Agent for Bradford, Susgnehannnuna oming Counties. Towanda, July 8,1.867.-4 w. pARTICII4A.R NOTICE. The undersiOd would respectfully', give no tice to their friends and the publVf generally, that no goods will be sold • AT RETAIL • At their Store , after the • , ' FIRST OF SEPTEMBER NEXT, And all accounts due as, are expected to be set tled by the 15th of August. FOX; STEVENS, bIERCUR 4!:, CO. • Towanda. July 18.1857. _ , , 8,1 1 L ~T :I M 13 E It PRlWil l .lr . SAWED AT . • 1 ,BAROL4Y S TEAM M LL. - , Also, lame lit 01'8es/oiled Minim 'Boards on band. Apply at; Bartlay 9111 ce, Towanda Ili. 0i Blight , Bartlay.',. , May 23,1867. ,%. stat- eitatf oti -Jrf r Pifc4 '•; fiat '0 NAN Y' '" E* W r , MI atta.t.' • _:: -I, ,L t in:it.i-,,, , ..: :i..,.2. Offer sale the following ptopertte, at reaeo*kki. ;prices alio open 4vorable terms : ••1 - • / • A tract of land situate la (Mdacester county, Niw Jersey. Contal . tog, 144 G acres,3l Mlles from Malaga Station, Camden and tape Alsy Railway. • The " Blue Anchor ? ' property 'in Winslow township, Camden cofinty, .Y,' Containing 3500.aeres. To be sold 'in loti. .•, , . Pottef County Lands. , heavily. timbered with Pine. Heml..•cici l ,lah, Cherry and hard 'woods as follows : 1 '., '.:. • . - : „ . Tracts No. 4763, coataitang :990, acres ; No. 4755, 990 acres—between the first aid' cast forks of the Sinnamahonins. 3n Vtitartbn and Sylvania townships. ; 5 . • • Tras No. 9767; 090 'acres!: No. 4768, 400 acres; tLo. 4698. 400 acres; Wharton town ship. line of. Appot, head-tit-1 led of Kettle Creek., Tracts - No. 6917, 1100 acres.; No, 5720,1080 acres •, No. 4823, 11,109 acres; ,No. 5921, 1082 acres 75 perches : 012, 1100 acres. Ni;i: 6960, /100 acres Np.' 6935, 1100 acres ; No. 5920, 1100 ; in Whip:to c and Stewardson town aWps on head_Wateml Kettle greet; near main branch. Tracts No. 4717, 196 acres ; 4729, 990 acres Appot and StewardOn .town l altipa, near Little Kettle Creek. Tracts No. 4920, s37' acr:s ; '4924 , 600 acres, Wharton township , main branch, Sinnametton ing. Two hundred and severity-five acres prime, first, class coal land Blakely township , Le mma county, Pc., half way between &rant on and Carbondale. Very near the Railway . One 'thousand acres first class Anthracite coat land about i miles north-east of Wilkes- Barre, iq The midst et• improvements. Aboiiit 1000 acres of land in MedfortitOwn ship, Burlington county, New Jersey, about four mild north from Jackson'Junci ion o I Ihe Camden and Atlantic and Delaware and • Bari* tan Bay Railways- Valuable mill sea , — Two or three houses, 'stable, barui, second growth of timber, never tailing water. Power full 15 or . 16 ieet overshot. Pries Sp per acre. One-third may remain. Delaware Farms and 'Pennsylv cilia lands.— D'actiptin,s and directions given on applica ti.n. A valuabld C..untry Seat near Philadeltplil a. Splendid grounds and trees. 69 acres of land • WEST 'RN PROPERTY—For sale Or e . k change. 12ePocres of good land one t hull tlm beredwe San Picre; . B:arl: county, lowa. - Forty acre . ; of good I t nd, with Irnit trekis, ap ples, peaches, pear.,. L , 25- acres! imp •ovt.d, one h it mde from win. Piere ou Radl4s. Price $BOO. ' ' . - b 0 acres one mile from San Picre, one4bird timbered. No improvements. On raitwa. , . Price Eboo. t b stear4 mill property in Burling tonliown ship, Bradford 'minty. A very desiratileila in hering operation. Eight parcels of land, containing fro 60 to 100 acres, each partially timbered.. and i' prov ed'suitable +or farming or grazing. • i - House and Barn in gaol order and 1 acres Of improved rind timbered nand, orchard, good water s &e. Union townsildp, Tinge con ty, on Northern i'ential Railway. •For sale n long time and easy terms. . 1 2G Town 1..0ts in Monroe Borough, adford county, Pa, • 3,0.00 Actes Timbered I ulliyan county, Pa. 122 Acres good Faro.l.J.; I. _I, B iu t owaship, Bradford emir.' v ' .._. Other timbered and Improved 'pro4erties Dee,criptiOns given on application, Tenements and unproved Rea!, .I.st4te, To- wan. • Boroagh, and other properties. • t - MONTANYE & WARD • ExecutQConveyances, furnish Briefs el Title, buy and sell Rea: Estate,. cutlet renals and. lieusurvey and examine all kinds of p operti. (( 1 • Thy are prepared CO ci•gatiate !sales 0 farms, honte‘teads, and prapertie. ?'specially d sirable to capitalists; to procure advances O money . upon ',bond and pros cute id yMs for those desirigg: to Make inv stmenfs orsedare a home The. wilt etteM 1 . . . ~" S IL ICA & 4 ro El ' • • • I 1 In tile best kaoaru : itE • AND 11.,1E8 .C0MP..1. 7 \\ NIE. They have exc sive 1' putty r o . : . re,:- I - )rd and neighboring'cothtieo : f. 1 t'ia :mu panieo in these several deptaied., ~ 1 iii.sur ance,! . \ 1 ! . • 3; tst Fire;. ERS Cheapest to use Easiest to run Those-who desire to, buy or sell far Most durable ,Al) who wish to °eel ranCe again All who seek permanent investmen future benefit of their families, in se flret-olass'Life Companle3 Capitalist 4 deAlring to buy 'or sell speculative properties ; Sure to please All wishing advances upon valuable rea property ;, . 1 *II who - wishrto',ohts:in tear; or .rental,-o Farms or Tenements, Are respectfully solicited to entrust sued( busi ness to our Agency - Older at once Stir -PROTTRTIgS ADVERTISED 111 wishing surveys and e zanitnatin Further particulars turnished I iat our office Office, corner of gain and iPiner streets. U. D. ;MONTANYE, HENRY WARD. FREE OF CIIAOAE lit RD:FE itk N CES Bon. ll'. Iderer.r. Towa , tda, P. Don. William Elwell, Bloontsburg, Pa. O. 1,: , Wtird,'Esq:, Towamia. 1 - 1 - M. C. Marcum, s. 1 G.p. Mason & Co. Bookers, Towanda. .1: - D:. lifontanyellTo*anda - -' Lathrop, Luthlington & Co.,4New York. Dicktton Brothmi, Philadelphia. -:• ... '! ia Ben. John N. Conyngham, ilkes•Barre. Charles Parrish; Wilkes -Bar .. : -v.• . : -, • Bon., P. B. Streeter, tiontros , Pa. . . Stititindit; April 2, 18'67_ I ' • 1 ,z. • •.. I. •-. ... !..;.• Jsi, - ;, ..., tagla. t 1 r- 1 ' " J ;.; ! , ?,- , : t=l" 7 410 't.: o o', ,';...'' ,Z, n - 1:1 , D;.; ‘l - 4 %:::;ud;is , ' , '.• k ;13 1.:.. ~;iA.,I : :2 - -...-;fAiii: 4. - ; It. ~, -: ...-i •,,,!... . . iJ , ', i f ,- i'.;:..: ~- . ••• ,'. i I s • ' , ; './. • ! '1 , 4 '-- ::::"; .5-' .' '''' . ' NEW TOR FA . 3, :-..*i . v; ._6.,,10..,:4:P..;,4,1_, lIIM T . ,AY„L0 : 13:4 - ....C.0.„ - • Have - just opened their largesa. , spacious store, and ' keep at all ti es A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK DOMESTIC AND FANCY DRY GrOCOENS. E (Opposite C 044, Russell.) p Towanda,. April 16, 1867. wm - v9r NEW STORE NMW:I GOODS I TAYLOR jk 00., ave just opened their large and ' spacious:Store, and will eep atall times, • for the cure and. 'valuable '1 • I A 1.A.R421E AND WELT, B.E.LET) ."STODX- DOMESTIC . AND FANCY Dial( erCIC,IDSI. =MI (Opposite Ooddiog &.Rosell.) ...:,ri...::, L::'....iie''.. . '. ,14.116,10014.Aiiri1116,48137. .y~.~~ .._ .-,. ~f~~'~, i F i ME ME AND Mil =I EMI MI MB IMI IMII - " : Books ano„,.-Sisttivurg. • t . 47RIVNIkai",- {3V-,EDUcA- < +, CATION A OVER 9?SIUSIC. iTe take pleas:ire in inforinini you . , .l' that we have.iisto:ppied Totpc l4 - a out-de -Copier of -Bridge and ;4(.41:k 4:SV4e4; 3 Patt94'B,l•P/94, on: i iint f 2 YeW' ) 3 0 9 * . 24 . 14 AA*. ) Srein.e - -164,eiee everitking-in 445. 'Book AS'en tionery anti . nt* c- line *may be f ° T4l AI B P q!atitarlli, 4 '417 -iting B t - ; 'sold Pens, ;Veetaelea, Eye Glasses .Spy Glaiies,,Dpera..,Gl.a.9B4, and, BE genera/ 'assortment ~ofilitisical In stiumenis; 'Yankee Ntions and l'a2icy Articles, Our 'Goo' clB city with great 0 Nandi. :and very low:figui.e. 'wants We feel e , onfi . to offer bargains or Us' wit their and iree us THIS MEI PranciicAT, TO ALL WHO TT.-CnOs haVo jnit opened.aeplendid_Nevi Bobit and Music Store, inyation's .Block, Towtinda, where they are selling everything in their line cheap for Cash. Call and see them and sat- youraelf that-such is the case Towanda, June 2)1, '1%7. N EW •ARR,A,N.GE'MEN•I .., -; - , . • NEWSR .. OOICAp• BOOK STQRE The undersigned having puriltased the BOOS STORE AND NEWS Boom - ot J. -T. Grillith4 respectfully invite the old patrifi4 of the estab lishment and the public generally, to calland ex amine our stock, ' • ' ALVORD . A BARDER.t is: W. ALTOB.D. ' e P. E. passe.. 1 ClEtbtl)itig. NEW SPRING stg.)l R. W. E D • , Woulderknunee to- the citizens or Towanda; arm the public. generally, that he has in store' and daily receiving, new and FR P, - S - G 0 O:D S, [ r In his line, suitable to the wants of the.,people which hn,will sell for Curreney,at, former G O'L D , O'E S'l , Consisiindas usual of good well and rellql Made .• CLO.TIIING! (No Shfiddy of any kind) consisting in, BUS SS ,SUITS, VESTS COATS, THIESS COATS; PANTS Sz VESTS Linen Coats, Dusters and Pants, Over Alla and Ov9r Shirts, Linen and Paper Collars, Linen, Ca.ssimere and Flannel Shirts; Neck Ties , Suspenders; Gloves, Canes, Leather Bags, Spring €t le Silk, Soft and Straw Bats. All first class. • Remember that Goci 1 Goods are cheaper at a fair price than poor goods at any; price. Call and examine my goods -before bap log. Next door to Powell di Co. EDP-Y. Towanda, May 28, I fft67. -- • - • R'E C O.N STA ITC T.IO N • The favorite Clothing Store of Shiam, is re constructed by COHEN &•ROSENFIELD, Who beg to inform -the citizens of tlib place and vicinity, that they will ft.. , heretofore keep a good selected stock• of • . . READY .14ADE4:_cLOTEil,Gi GENTS IF RNISIIINQ GOODS 5 . 17C.1L, AS WHITE DIE S II IRTS AND DRAWERS, • WHITE Oi"..RR, S IRTS • ! - OVERALLS, JUSIPERM, & FAijCY C.AI'SS. SHIRTS . • . PAPt:F. C(U.I.ARS AND, CUFFS, LINEN COLLARS; SUSPENDERS GLOyES, T4E.S;• HATS AND CAPS, BAGS, &c. Which will be sold . at a great • reduction in prices. Call and see. •, • COHEN' Towanda. May 30,1k17. MERCHANT'S : UNION EXPRESS .COMPANY. GREAT ..INIiIICEXENTS • TO MERCHANTS AND samPtris. Having made • arrang4ntents with the. Now Ycrk and Erie Railway . , to do Exprern Business on their road, are now receiving kinds of freight and merchandize for all parta of the Union—North, South, East, Weat : the Cana des, Enrope, West Indies. Goods rent direct to any - Oart - of California, all • with the quickest despatch. Shippets and Xerchants generally know what cnorurebs rates they have becalm) , ing for quick transportation. flow this4Com pany is made up exclusively cf Bankers, Mer chants and Shippers, to break up the mianopo ly [which .the old Companies had formed) so as to give fair rates .to the business corn unity.. All goods or packages weighing 40 lbs. and up wards, are shipped by Sotoal weight. The way to keep low rates; is to patreniie 'the Company thalaronght them down.. Particular- care and attention given to money and valuable Pack ages, Collections; • Collecticins made and returnsierwards d by . quiekest dispatch. B. G. CHAN% - H. J. GIPFORD, Agent.,, • , Div. Sup't: ' • P.' B.—All . Packages. 'to -be forwarded from 'Towanda ao‘vicinity, by. .erviring them at the Stage Office of John . Beermin, will be forwarded to the Warerly Ofilco-- . 41 this: Company every day. J. HESSIAN, Prop'i stage Line.' June . , . re all selected in th 1, re by experienced !ht. with cash at a h' a %mew to the nru,ni,ty. ent we ehall be able o all who. 'will furp a pationafje. Ct! CROSS d- CO. GOODS! All grades. AND. PANTS; All Wool EU 0.1. - Sr"trzual . ". -.Vv... • r . • NOTlOg—Notice „LA hers:4l4w DA' e4tate ur 1ASI1? , )* A ,V, 1 0 . Artor..nia.t vr.T iy :.-u; i t ~ 1 34 e i In mrcli pip:Alit, 1.1 • ; 1 4-41.,,i1p, V ftl.4 t wait d.ffi tbeittle.attd :ur sealgment. .- • fti,t;-.=o,:t.i. - 6'4 . Nt.11.1.4-44 Ftfrlsti ,44; June 25 1.547. . MMINI. Ml STRATOR'S' - wNotice Is lexeby that/ all persons . tadetited to the eatoto ougsratk bleveri.‘, decd, late' at Connects A e t, axo 'requested to s mtdediate irava t, aad having demon& agairalt saidleathte will present theta duty authenticate:4lleraegletnefit. . , . fiTEVENS.-, ddaltuistittor. 'June, 27,-19371,L• fIUARDIAN AND. COMAIrI'TEE • " vvll SALt...---fly,,virtue of Ordites otit the, Court of Common Picas. and; o.rpitart's • Court of Bradford Comaty,„ . Ihrward.• .Committee of Allen D. Bro sa, a tunati aaT Fumy Brooks, Guardian" of Maly 13..'tirtniq:„ Liprane C. Brown Aduline -Brown anal - Hiram Brown, minor, cl4reldn itiram Brudai•latt.- or•Wyalasing,, ;_ei'd.„" will sell on the - pi.ate.:3 - ; at public sale on SATURDAY, AUGUOT 1847, at L,-o'clock. p, ' all that ei.;rii,a.ll.:or;• • *piece or parcel of land eitaate in Via tow:pit:in of Wyalusing, known i nsthe Hiram tiro - WA 'Farm, and bounded - sad described as follows to "wit : On the north by , laud of &Au: back, oik the east by lands of Ira Brovt:i,ba the.. ;Math by. thi Susquehanna' ktiver, and an she • West by ,lands of O. K. Brown. anti J.r.a.Breyrn. Containing about seventy-flfe acres of land. _ The widow of the „saw. -Ilirain Brawn, deed • , will joirtin the deed sous to -convey her ihtee . -4,, • est in, the land to, the person . ; waif; illy par- chase the same. TEdial.S—Sloo to be paid mitten the'propertk is stinekLdown, SOO -at the, confirmation of the aslo and the kulanee in three evil annual pay menta wish. Interest'•from the 'confirmation of sale. .- • EukalLIEL. 110%Y.L111);' Committee. FANNY BROWS/3, . timutiatt. Jvuly 6,1867. 144-estate, 11.0_,R,VNT.4e4n Office on Main-tit 2nd door . . Two rooms, back ind• frOnt. Very Lawlor locatkin. Apply to 510bIKANYE & WARD, (next door). --. • Towanda, July 11. 1867 . ., . 1-- 7._ A p'INE IMPROVED FARM situate in Asylum - tdwnShip •, 80 acres; 60 acres improved ; A GOOD FRAME El.ol:l3kr with 14 apartments ; Two otmharthif, tour liv ing springs i a F.ame Barn with /Basement, 36x46.—F0r bale. Price 83,500; (part magi e; main). Apply to ItIONTANYE WALD.' To . wanda, July 11. 1867. . - . I FOR SALE ) ."—X new .and splendid three story Brick Building-, with Raziment and sub-cellar, large Oak Front, teet glass, now occupied as Hotel and Hestauradt, with three new Billiard Tables in 2d story. alsertar nitufemlixtures, Se. Good lee loupe well lilt eu. Rotel - and Ilestauraat tlpia; a gaol - bu siness.. Satistactory reasuas given for selling'. Said Hotet pit Restaurant is in Meaui Block; Main-st., Towsud.i, 1.'4, Terms tay. k'or lurther partioulars.emptire on the premises. !HORGAN Zr.-WOLFZ. 'l'nwEi oda; July 11.1867. VOit-HENT.—A valua . ble fann sit uate on the Junction and Bt;:eakwiiter R., four miles hum - c.,eursozown. 'county beat ! ' of riusses. County. D..:.layz.ire, coaLii4Lug a_res, 150 improved balanco tiraber 3 Goon. ' dinging, barn, stabling and oat-bpldings,: over 000 Beach and apple treas.-la well feuded':. Will be rented for six. years. For furtEer imorinatiori apply to, or adcliea. -3 bPENCEI.I,, Leal E.tate Broker, Lewis, Delaware.; • July 11,1867 VVALUABLE FARM. FOR SALE..... -.. The suhs,criher , °Weis for sale his taint in: Wysos, nearly oppoit.i. Tow.tri,.... This fartn - • eodtahas 12...1 acres of land in..l. high sate of int-. proveipentovitn a /spleiad:J. (ladling b..)u;n:„ barns and unthaildings.. f has-'4 larg; necnr- '. j . ailing on:S.lrd stoelted it good truitot evJ "' ery d'etcriko.iun. It. is ' a good neighl:orliO,nl.. ,1 1 withineisy reuly of thef diareli and sch..)ol privileges of Toviands borough. For tern..4,ot .. side, OA., enquire of the sdhrcrii.)?.r ol .z.heirr . .,11-'•, /B. s'HORGS.N.p. '.,,T111CK.1.-13.13.: i . Wysox, Apiql 8, _lB67.—tl`. _ PARS - FOR SdLl+;:- V The inbseriber ofTer; tore hid farm At-1 sate in North npkanda, -about one mile front Towanda Borough, on the road leading . train • Towanda to \Vocally. Said_ tortn-condidta 61 acres Oil the • eal-g and ahoat aaura ' on weir.. aide of the toad,. Has allow framed Ufa framed dwelling house, and good fruit, thereon; and is well watered. - Terms eaiy. • FOr further enquire on the.prernises of WITE44., March 14,1667. - • -j. , , VALUABLE FARA!. PUP, SALE. 11 AbOut tour nailed tram Towanda, on the' Easteln bank °rile SuNquehanne River. Nn-' taining about 100 aqros. " Framed hnu,se and barn, a horse barn, c6rn Incise and good le orchard thereon. - „Fsr rerrns„rosd- part,lcuhqs, . inquire of Witi...I.DELPEUCEI. of Sbeshequirt,. or A.MES - WOOD, at-leivianda. • • June 13;1867. REAL 'ESTATE 'A GENC Y. - • • • , H. B. 1icE.8.A.).1, 4F ( AL ESTATE AGENT, Oilers the follow-iv4] Farms,. Coal and Timh2i Lands for saki: !,f - • Fine Timber lot, 3'imiles.from Towanll, c:4l - 53 acres. Pilf-T - 5r,325. Farm in Asylam i , .contathlng 13,5 ariC9. Good buildm, , , - s. Under a. the state of colLivation. Mostly iMproved. .1 3 0 t ee.ii;,1130. . Perm in West Borlington = on tNe New'hunetrand barn.- ',Under a kno.ntate ot.cul tivati6u. 115 acres. Price 4 - ‘5,4-3V. \ Farms in Franklin. MI 'under .good tfon. Good buildings.,' For &lie cheap. - 6everal very desirable !louses and Lots in Towanda: . • A large,tnet of Cryi!_Tnnls'in %loge. county.. 'Towanda, July I*, 1567. Miscellaneous: ('CLEANSE- - T.lll BLOOD.:-With . '.l corrupt, or tainted Wood, you are srel: 41. over. It may - bur t. oat in Pimples, or fioresoor,. in some active disease:o!it may inerelk ' you listless, depressed . good ler ,But you cannot have goOd health while your brood is impure. purges oat these imrruritie: it expels disease , : and restores health . and stimulates the organs of life into viwiiou; tuition. lie Leo rapidly currs a variety of coluptaiuts welch arc CACtitd. by impurity of the nioud,f such a:, ticrof ula'. King's Evil, Tumors. Lrupliur.4. • klotehei, Haiti - , St Auflimy's. lire,' .7, hose or Ery.i.pelas, T..t.trr O,K Salt Ifheunt, Scald Cancer or t.failieerpo3 Tom ors,Sdre Eyes, tention, Irregularity; W tes..4 ter • ' also 6} ur Nenereal.Dise.ists..i,iver Ctintplair,ts and 5A11:52.PAR11.1..A,, see for y nrulf tha telprillug'untivlty,,witV Which it cleanses rite- b!ood and cures th,..setlis;; • During late years the ptfolic have betria Led by large bdttlesoiretekling to give a quart of Extract of saceaporilla Jur one Moist eights , : have been Itatids, alum the mr they not only cuntah, lb tle - , it any-, Sarsaf arilla but often no curatitre Hence, bitter di,;:lipointutent Las followed the use of the - various extr,icts of Sarsaparil which flood the market, Wail the name ifirelt has become synonymous with i impositiolvand cheat. Still we call this compo'and, " tarha parilla," and intend to supply such kremedy as shall rescue the name from the load 'qt obloquy which rests Upon it. 'We gunk w..;11.1v.; ground 1:r believing it has virtues .whio.h. am irresisti ble ily tne it is intentlej to cure. We can assure the sick, that Mier them the best alterative" we , k - r.oiv host to pro duce, and we have reason to believ it iu by far the most effectual puritier of the blood yet dis covered; • • - AYER'S CBET.iIIY PECToiIA4 is so mil veasally known to surpass every other raedfcb m for the cure of Coughs;:olds,lnfluenza,, ness, Croup; Bronchitis, incipient Consum p and for the relief 01 Ccinsamptive -I'atients in. advaucedatages of ttx: pise4se,* is use. less here to recount the :evidence effits virtues. The world knows thaw. - •Prepared by CI AYER A. CO., mass., and sold by all Drug;ists an t do ilera itt 't medicine everywhere: , • lone 6,113 , 7; • t 12m R. -1 7ANBUSKIIRK ' 01ERA7i.'4'. sin MECHANIC.% i DENTtit, has opened, e .r ms in the • Bei:I/email" Illcick, direetly (Span: site the Means liuuse, for. the Kactide, 4. profession, - nad is prepared at all ttruc:i to rer form all ope'ration.s belt:natant-to Dentistl-Y. The! different 'kinds of Plato*. Work, will iri•reeete tended accor, Ina to the'd honest merits, ,sat urn.' Teeth tined and reTered to thi:it beauty, with Material the best _adapted tO individual case. The- greatcsi care an 1:0•10a-, Lion will he given to t,he correction of Irreau larities and the extraction .of Teeth. In thin Department ,a 1 practice the Deotor ' would say he claims an; amount f ; shill -and experience equal to that .possessed,by Say one in'thia or any other *couutry. Tfreth will Jae .extrar.te•l without pain,'hy the trg, of gm, (110D101'41 ether, and inn manner very satisfactory bypa• tient% as the testimony of hundreds can be Shown. Please calland examine specimens 'of our.wark, and he assiated-of the correctness of the statements,-, AdvbSe_ and consultation will be gheerfvlly and gittattously given. • ' I To, watida; Sane PO. —a au ' fI_AMES FOR VIE FAMILY CIR- I-XcLE, - at the NEWS IWWII FM MI - V v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers