jfrafttil gUpflrtft. LOCAL AND GENERAL. •ay The Reporter is printed upon CAMP BEi i s Country and Job Press, Office No. 56 Gold ( York. Thomas 11. Senior, agent. Episcopal Service will be held at Greenwood, on Sunday next, at 3 p. m. FESTIVAL. —The Naiad Boys are to have a Raspberry aud Ice Cream Festival at the Engine House, on Friday evening next, the proceeds of which will he used in equipping the Company, and iu making some very necessary repairs to the En ,j lie . All are cordially invited to attend. PRESENTATION.— Chief Engineer H. B. j), KEAN, presented Naiad Engine Company No. •> with a splendid Trumpet on Saturday evening last. THE WEATHER. —This fruitful theme of conversation, has engaged the attention of men, women and children, during the past week, to the exclusion of most other subjects.lt was universally decided that, such a "heated term" had never before been known. The thermometor marked 100 deg., in Hre shade. A rain storm Tuesday evening, afforded some relief from the sweltering heat of the previous days. ERROR. —In the advertisement of the sale of personal property of the estate of John McMa bon, dee'd., an error occurred in time of sale. The sale takes place on Wednesday, July 25, instead of Julv 29, as we had it last week. STUTTERING AND STAMMERING. —Dr. WYCKOFF will be at the Ward House, from the 26th to the 31st. of July for the purpose of curing all persons wh< are afflicted with Stuttering or Stammer ing. He charges nothing where he fails to cure SO confident is he of the success of his peculiar mode of treatment. SOUTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD.— We publish to-dav several communications relating to this en terprise. It shows that the new Company have been able to acquire the old road bed north of this city upon very favorable terms. As will be seen by the report of Mr. Grant, the President of this new Company, this property has a value of from $200,- 000 to $250,000, which the new Company get for $63,900, and, at that, pay $50,000 of the amount in the stock of the new Company, The card of the commissioners to the tux-payers of this city, puts the matter for the city upon safe ground. Such a pledge by such men as Elmore I*. Ross, Adam Miller, and Charles F. Wood, will satisfy all reasonable men. With such men as J.Lewis Grant, William H. Seward, Jr., Wm. C. Barber and Charles P. Wood as Directors of the road, it must be evident to our people that the matter can never be put into safer hands. A survey is now being made from Cayuga along the shore of Cayuga Lake to Ithaca, which is in tended to unite with the proposed road from Itha ca to Towanda and the Pennsylvania coal fields.— If our people hesitate aud this route byway of Cayuga Lake should he pushed, Auburn would he left to shiver and wither in the cold. Now is the golden moment. — Auburn Advertiser. FIELD SPORTS. —A Return game of Base Hull was played between the Tioga Point Base Ball Club of Athens, and the Winona Club of To wanda, on the grounds of the former 011 Wednes day last. The day was clear but very warm, but the game was played with much spirit, the Tioga's proving the winners by a score of 48 to 30. The very best spirit prevailed during the game between the con testants. At its conclusion a handsome boquet was presented by the ladies of Athens, through the i'resident of the Tioga's, to the winning club, also one to the second best. In the evening the two clubs, with invited guests, sat down to a full board spread by mine host of the Exchange, to which ample justice was done.— There toasts, speeches and songs, made several hours pass by most pleasantly. We were never at a similar gathering where everything passed off so agreeable and pleasant in every particular. To the President, the Committee of Arrangements, and each individual member of the Tioga's, the Winona Boys feel very grateful for the pleasure of having had so good a time. We understand a third and Trial Game is to be played within two or three weeks, between these two clubs at Burlington. Below we append the score of the game played at Athens: TIOGA POINT. WINONA. O. R. O. R. Coryell, p 2 G Hale, c 2 5 Wright, e 5 4 Brown, lb 5 2 Saltmarsh, 2b 2 5 Patch, 3b 5 2 Spaulding, M. If. 2 G Fox, 2b 1 5 Npaulding, C. 3b.5 4 Smith, p 3 3 Davis, R s 4 5 Vincent, rf 4 3 Cramer, lb 3 G Tracy, c f 3 3 Decker, c f 3 G Jewell, s s 3 4 Stickles, rf 1 6 Dayton, If 2 3 Total 27 48 Total 27 30 NO. BFXS EACH INNINGS. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9—Total. Tioga Point,.. 613 5 G 5 1 4 2 7 48 Winona, G 2 3 1 1 7 2 7 1 30 I'n, I,'ire -J. B. Reeves, Tioga Point Club. •Vows —Messrs. Codding and Goodman. Ply Catches —Winona—Hale 1, Fox 4, Vincent 1, Jewell I—Total 7. Tioga Point—Coryell 2, Wright 3, M. Spaulding 1, Davis 1, Saltmarsh 1, Decker 2 —Total 10. Passed Balls —Winona G. Tioga 10. iJnuUe Plays —Tioga Point—Davis 1, Saltmarsh 1. Winona—Fox 1. Time of Game —Two hours and thirty-five min utes. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OF THE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE.- —The commencement exercises of the Twelfth Term of the Susquehanna Collegiate In stitute were held in the Presbyterian Church, on Monday and Tuesday last. The occasion was one of unusual interest. The proceedings reflected gret credit upon the activity and care with which Mr. MCWILLIAM has presided over the Institute as Pricipal; and to those who have so well seconded his efforts for the improvement of the scholars placed under Lis charge. We regret to learn that Mr. MCWILHAM'S connexion with the Institute ceases with the year, now concluded. The exercises of the rhilomathean Society were held in the Presbyterian church, on Tuesday evening. The Orations and Essays were of un usual merit, and showed ability on the part of the authors. The proceedings were unusually inter e.sting. FATAL ACCIDENT. —Engine No. 138, attac hed to a freight train, bound east, exploded her boil er at or near Philipsville station. Western Division of the Erie Railway, on Friday last, scalding the fireman, Frank Howard, of this Village, so badly that he died of his injuries in about four or five hours. His funeral took place on Sunday afternoon from the residence of his father and was largely attended, the Fire Department to which he belong ed, (being a member of G'roton Engine Co., No. 3,) turning out in full force under Chief Engineer De itt, and acting as escort to the procession and ta king charge of the burial. Rev. Mr. Wesllake was the officiating clergyman. The deceased leaves a wife and one child, besides parents and other rela tives,— (JiccujQ Gazette. &©>■ By reference to Dr. Pratt's card, it! will be seen that he has removed his residence and ! office to State Street. He will pay especial atten tion to Surgery, and to the extraction of teeth. The attention of farmers is directed to R. M. W KTIT.KS notice of cheap Mowing Ma chines. SPECIAL NOTICES. HAKDER'S SUPERIOR IIORSE POWERS AND J THRESHING MACHINES. —The subscriber is agent fa Harder's Endless Chain, >r, Railway Horse Pow ers, Threshers and Cleaners, Ac. I have long been a dealer in and manufacturer of Endless Chain Horse Powers, and am acquainted with all the best now in use in the Middle States, and am prepared to say with confidence, that the Harder Horse Power is decidedly the very best now made. It has more power, runs stiller, is better made and j more durable than any other. Harder's Thresher and Cleaner is a simple and durable machine, will not choke, does not waste grain and threshes and cleans rapidly and thor oughly all kinds of grain. Farmers, once employ ing the Harder Machines to do their threshing. ; give them the decided preference. Every machine is warranted, samples are not kept on hand. Or ders must be filled from the manufactory. Circulars and Price Lists mailed to all appli- j cants. R. M. WELLS. , Towanda, Pa., June 25, 18G6.—tf. NORMAL MUSICAL IUSTITUTE, in State Nor mal School Buildings, Mansfield, Pa., commenc ing July 23, and continuing two weeks. Seven classes in the various departments of singing and vocal culture, will be formed, all to be under the ! direction of Prof. L. O. Emerson, of Boston, Mass. Singers and teachers, this is a rare oppor tunity. You will be under the instruction of one i of the great teachers and composers of the age. - Tuition and board for the entire session, sll (X). j For particulars address the Principal, J.C. WHITE, j Mansfield, Pa. jy.16,2w. I CHEAP MOWING MACHINES. —The subscriber has forgale a number of Farmer Mowing Machines, old pattern, which he will sell at greatly reduced prices, so as to make it a great inducement to pur chasers. He has six or eight of these mowers that have never been run. His machines are now at Mr. John Carman's Machine Shop in this place, j where various improvements and repairs are being added, so as to secure the durability of machines. The prices of the Mowers will be governed by the j fact, whether the machines have been used or not, and the amount of changes and improvements ad- ; ded. For sale one new Improved Farmer Mower, j The Farmer is an excellent Mower and of very j light draught. R. M. WELLS. j Towanda, July 10. THE AMERICAN COOKING STOVE. —Is wanu-; faetured with certain improvements secured by letters patent, under date of May 5, 1803, and De cember 5, 1865. One of these improvements cov ers the arrangement of fitting a portable ash pan in the hearth of a cooking Stove,to receive the ash es as it passes down from the grate. All persons j are cautioned against manufacturing, vending or using other Stoves made in imitation of the Amrri can, as suits have been commenced for infringe ment of these patents, and all persons manufactur ing, selling or using said imitations, will be liable for damages for infringement on these letters part tent. SHEAR. PACKARD & CO., 17 and 19 Green St., Albany, N. Y. The AMERICAN is for sale by Codding and Russel Towanda. FARMERS—HAYING. —Light Hubbard Mow ing Machine, improved for 1866, Wheel Rakes, Hay Knives and Horse Forks combined, Ac-., at S. N. BKONSON'S, who is selling many goods since credit exploded, sending lots of cash into Metro politan Hardware Store, Orwell, Pa. Read his proposals in another column. PENSIONS INCREASED.—I URN now prepared j to get Pensions increased in the following cases, (under an Act of Congress just passed, viz : To Soldiers who have lost both eyes, or both bauds, to $25. To those who have lost both feet to S2O ; and those who have lost one hand or one foot, or been totally disabled in the same to sls. Depen dent Fathers are also entitled to Pensions. All i persons interested please call immediately on JOHN' W. MIX, Towanda, I'a. Office first block south of Ward House—up stairs j FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TOWANDA FINAN- I CIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Capital $125,- i 000. Deposits received payable on demand in Legal Tender Notes. Interest allowed on time deposits according to agreement. Uncurrent Bank Notes received on deposit or exchanged for Legal Tender. U. S- Bonds and 7-30 Treasury Notes bought and sold. Highest price paid for Compound Interest notes. j Drafts payable in any part of the United States at par for Sole. Drafts payable'in England, Scotland, Ireland or Wales, in an amount over one pound sterling, fur nished at lowest rates. Passage tickets from Liverpool or Q ueenstown to New York, by the well known Inman Line, on and for sale. E. 11. SMITH, Pres. N. N. BEITS, jr., Cash. j EaT" Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company of Hartford Conn. Assests over $lO,- 000,000. Divident paid during the preset fiscal year, 60 per cent. It is the largest, safest, cheap est, and best Life Insurance company of this country. 11. 11. MCKEAN, Agent. Towanda, Pa. PENSIONERS. — The instalment of Pensions due March 4th, 1866, paid on and after that date, by bringing your Pension certificates to J. N. CA LIFF, Pension Agent. Office over News Room, To wanda, Pa. Feb. 26. Soldiers and widows of soldiers of war of 1812, who are in necessitous circumstances are entitled to a gratuty of S4O, and an annuity of S4O, payable semi-annualy, provided, they was and are residents of Pennsylvania. Apply to H. B. McKean, Claim Agent. Office Montanyes' Block. Towanda, Pa., April 16, 1866. GRAPE VINES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, &C., — The subscriber has a supply on hand of nice lona. Israella, Delaware, Allen's Hybrid, Diana, Con cord, Creveling and other Grape vines, warranted true to name. Grape vines of any variety furnished to order. Orders taken for Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Flowers at established rates of other Nurserymen. Also for all kinds of small fruits, such as Strawberries, Currants, Raspberries, Blackberries, &c., R. M. WELLES. Towanda, April 8, 1866. Wag" Kerosene or Coal Oil, the very best kind for sale by the barrel or in small quantities, very cheap, at Dr. Porter's Drug Store. CARD.—AH soldiers who enlisted prior to June 30, 1863, will be furnished important imfor mation/ree by calling at once upon the undersign ed. Bring your "discharge" with you. J. N. CALIFF, Pension Agent, Office over News Room. JgL. All men of the Pennsylvania Re serve Corps are entitled to pay from the date of their enlistment to the 15th of May 1861, if not paid. Papers prepared, Back pay and Bounty and ; Pension Claims collected. All military business ; in any of the State and National Departments ; successfully prosecuted. 11. B. MCKFAN, Claim Agent. Office Montanyes' Block. Towanda, April 2, 1866. TOWANDA MARKETS.—( Wholesale Prices.) Corrected exerv Tuesday by E. T. Fox, No. I,Brick i Row : ' Wheat $2 59 0 $3 00 i Rye 90 (a 100 I Corn 00 ! Oats 60 [Flaxseed 130 0 2 00 ; Clover Seed, (small) 8 00 (Orwell) 10 00 [ Beans 1 25 0 1 50 j Butter (rplls) 25 (■• 28 " (dairy) .28 I Eggs 20 i Potatoes 1 25 0 1 37 j Hay (per ton) 8 00 i Salt (per lbb.) 3 00 Flour 12 00 0 16 00 Ham 25 0 28 WEIGHTS OF GRAlN.— Wheat, 60 lbs; Corn, 56 lbs; ltj-e, 56 lbs ; Outs, 32 lbs ; Barley, 46 lbs ; Buck wheat, 48 lbs; Beans, 62 lbs; Bran, 2o lbs; Clover ! Seed 62 lbs; Dried Apples, 22 lbs; FlaxSci ds6lbs. MARRIED. STURDEVANT—TREAT—At F.irreston, 111., June 25th, by Rev. T. L. Olmsted. Dir. Thomas D. Sturdevant of Mcndota, 111., anil Miss Affie Treat of Forreston. NORTHRUP—GAREY—At Monroe ton, on the 15th | inst., by Rev. Hallock Armstrong, Mr. William Northrup of Monroe, to Miss Polly Garey, of j Scottsville, Wyoming county, Pa. iX" cm 2ttH)ertisemento. DR. I'RATT has removed to State street (first above B. S. Russell A Co's Bauk). Persons trom a diftance desirousot consulting him, will be most likely to find bim on Saturday of each week. Especial attention will be given to surgical cases, and the extrac tion of teeth. Gas or Ether administered when desired. July is, 1866. D. 8. PRATT, M. D. rjl HE BI N K ERII OF F CIIU RN. This churn brings the butter on ati average of less than ten minutes the season through, usually in from four to six minutes, and it is warranted to produce as much, and as good butter, as the .lash cliuru, or the money will be retunded. It will work the butter from the butter-mi'k completely, (leaving it ready to salt aud pack) in loss than live minutes It is as easily cleaned as the dash churn, and much easier t, churn with.— Solon Robinson, Agricultural Editor of the New York Tribune, alter thorough trial, recommends it to all but ter makers. S. Edwards Todd, Agricultural Editor of the New York Times, after careful tests, says it can have uo successful rival. L. L. T Moore, Editor ol the Rural New Yorker, says lie believes it will prove the locg sought desideratum among butter makers. The introduction and use of this churn in various portions el the country, during the past ihree years, has created such a demand lor it that ihe patentee cauuot supply all who want them. Having purchased the territory oi Bradford and Susquehanna '..unties, 1 offer the Town Rights tor sale cheap, as latmeis can make it very profi table to have these churns made and sold in each town, tor all that is requited ts to put litem iu market, they will sell themselves. 1 will refer you to some who have the churns i i the county : (i. I'. 1-Yeoman, U. L. Free man, Alba, Vial Bullock, Columbia, Washington Camp bell, J. 1). Tracy, Selden Tracy, East Smitbtield, Wm. Dittrich, Towanda, and many others in this and Susque hanna county. A churn can be seen at tbe store of Marshall Brothers A Co., in Towanda. Go aud see it. Churns on hand. 11 orders must be accompanied by the cash. Price $lO. For turther particulars address " L. T. BIRCH A Hi/, July 9.-3t. East Smithfield, Bradford co., I'a. PUBLIC SALE.—The heirs of Peter Ste rigcre, late of Albany twp., deceased, will expose to public sale, on the premises, on the '-'silt day oi July, lsoo, at 2 o'clock, p. tu . the (oi: iwtug lots or parcels oi laud, to wit : One lot containing tit) acres, about It) acres inn, roved, with d welling hou -e, bat a.-, sheds, and other outb.t ild iugs and an orchard thereon. One other lot containing 72 acre about 2ft acres im proved. one house aud an orchard tUereou . The unim proved laud is well timbered. Also one other iot containing about 80 acres, two acres improved, with good saw mill, dwelling house and hay shed tit. icon. This tract is heavily timbered. These three lots are site..ted in Albany township, Bradford •■< tm y, 1' t , and w.il be sold to the highest and hc-si bidder at '.lie time mentioned above, 'l ite heirs ol said I'eur oicrigere reserve i.ie right to aid on said lots lor themselves. A map showing courses, distances, location aud intmbur o! acres iu each lot, will be ex hibited to all persons dc-siriug to see the same on the day ot sale. Terms made kuowu on the day ol sale. July* !), lbud.—ts. IpOl'ND —On the road between Towanda 1 and Du.-liore, a Morocco Covered Pocket Diary, containing two notes over three hundred dollars, with other papers, Ac. The owner can have the same by identifying, paying charges, and cost of this advertise ment, at the Farmer's Hotel, Towanda. July 9, 1866 3t. P. K. FOOT. Tf S. INTERNAL REVENUE.--NO - • TICK TO TAX PAYERS Notice is hereby given that the annual assessments of Taxes in the 13th district oi Pennsylvania, comprising the counties cf Montour, Bradford, Sullivan, Wyoming and Columbia, upon Incomes for 1805 , and licenses, carriages, pianos, Ac., (or 1860, is neatly completed. COURTS OF APPEAL for the correction of erroneous assessment will be held as follows : IN COLUMBIA COUNTY on FRIDAY the 20th ot July, 1860, at the A -sessor's ! Office in Bloomsburg. ALL APPEALS MUST BE IN WRITING, and must specify the particular cause, matter or thing respecting which a decision is requested, and shall state the'ground or principle of error complained of. Appeals may be made at the office ot the As.-.essor at any time previous to the days above fixed for lie aritig appeals. *5. If any person liable to Income tax, or owning carriages, watches, pianos and other articles liable un der schedule A of the Excise law have not yet reported j they are hereby notified to da so at once or become La- ; ble to the penalty. The excuse that the Assessor has not called upon him will not avail. It is the duty of ev- j cry oneamen-able to '.lie law to seek the Assessor of his District and make his return. PALEMON JOHN, Assessor 13th District. I'a. ' Assessor's Office, Bloomsburg, Pa., June 21, 1*66. ; YffO uNT A ] N LAK E ! Tbe subscriber respe. tlully informs the public that the j Pleasure Grounds connected with Mountain Lake, have j been put in complete order, and that he is prepared for i the reception of patties. His Builuiugs and Boats have ail undergone thorough | repair, and parties will and t very thing provided for | their coutlot t . A more delightful place ot resort can not be found in Mte county than this lake and the adja- j cent grounds, ..hon ing shady walks, good boating, and j excellent li.hing. HARRISON DODD. I Burlington, July 2, 1860. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF PER- ! i\ SONAL PROPERTY. The undersigned admin istrators ot th e esta'e ot John McMahou, dee d late of ! Sheshcquin twp-, will sell on the premises in said town- j ship onAVEDNESDAY. JULY 29, 1806, the following I personal property, viz : —Two Span of Horses. Cows. Sheep, Calves, Hogs, one set of Blacksmith Tools, Threshing Machine, one Durham Bull. Plows, Drags, j Household Furniture, Drills, Crowbars, Shovels, Picks, : 1 Mower and Reaper attached. 1 Patent Cider Mill, Wa gons. Harness, 2 Carts, Hor.-e Power Sawing Machine, 1 Safe, and many other articles not mentioned. *9- Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a.m. Terms- j Ail sums over $lO six months credit, with approved se curity. All sums under $lO cash down. THOMAS McMAHON, MARTHA McMAHON, July .0,1866 —13. Administrators. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— Id the matter of the entitle of A. I'. Slums, dcrtusid. In the Orphan's Court ol Bradford County. The undersigned, an auditor appointed to distribute tlie monies in the hands of the administrators,will attend to the duties of his appointment at the his office.-in Athens borough, on the 6th day o! August, 1v66,l v 66, at 1 o'clock, p. nt., and all persons having claims | upon said monies must present tlic-m or else be forever debarred from coming in for a share of said funds. 1. N. EVANS. June 26, 1866. Auditor. FJLHE OLD BAKERY REVIVED! PETTES & HOYEY, Are now receiving a fresh supply of Nuts, Fruits and Candies, at the old Stand on Main Street opposite the Court House. Also an assortment of VAM IL V GROCERIES, Such as Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Saleratus, Molasses, Syrup, Spices, Ac., Ac-.. which will be sold as cheap as can be bought, in the borough of Towanda or elsewhere. GOOD GREEN TEA FOR sl, PER POUND. Kept constantly on hand, BREAD, BUSCUIT, PIES, CAKES, AC., AC., At the Towanda Bakery. Crackers by the barrel or ponnd, at the Bakery. PETTES A HOVEY, May 7, 66. —tf. T3JANOS, AMERICAN ORGANS AND X MELODIANS. The undersigned most respectfully announces to the citizens of Towanda aud vicinity, that he has purchased the Music business of G. T. COLE, and will hereafter supply any ol the above articles, together with VIOLINS, GUITARS, ACCORDIANS, STRINGS, AC., on as good terms as the.y can be had elswhere. W, A. CHAMBERLAIN. He is also Agent for the CELEBRATED AMERICAN WATCH, and has always nn hand, a good assortment cf Swiss Watches, with a general assortment of JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, Silver and Plated Ware of the BEST MANUFACTUR ERS. which will be sold at unusually low figures. A large variety of Clocks just received, among which may befotttid theSeth Thomas, which has no equal. REPAIRING AND JOBBING, done with neat tess and dispatch, and warranted. To those who can't ee, we would say go to Chamberlain's and get a pair of glasses that will make you see as well as ever. Don't forget the shop, nearly opposite the j Court House. W. A. CHAMBERLAIN. Towanda, Nov. 6,1865. TMPORTANT TO BUTTER MAKERS.— A The -under signed are now fully prepared to lurnish j the public with au " Inclined Dog Power Machine," of a suitelior quality and pattern at the following rates : Machine suitable far Dairies of Irom 3 to 10 cows, $lO. " " " " 10 to 15 " sl2. •' " " " 15 to 20 " sls. " '• " " " 20 to 25 " S2O " " " " 24 to 30 " $25. " •' •' 30ormore " $35 Every machine delivered and put iu running order, i and warranted to give entire satisfaction or money re funded. All orders by mail promptly attended to. LUTHER A ROSS. Burlington boro', May 8, 'CG. We, the undersigned, have each had in use during the past season, one ot Luther A Ross'' Inclined Dog Power Machines," and cheerfully recommend them to the public as the best Churn Power yet introduced. It.M. Pruyue, D. S. Luther, David Strope, Josepbus Campbell. May 8, '66.—3 m. IpLOUR OF ALL GRADES.—Some very choice brands for sale cheap. Flour by the load j or quantity at the lowest rates at FOX'S. Porudl €o.'s Ncu) (Pooba. rpiTE GREATEST ATTRACTIONS IN GOODS EVlifl OFFERED IN THIS MARKET, POWELL &c 00., Have uuw in store the largest stock of good? everexhib i;ed in Northern Pennsylvania. Additions will con stantly be made to this stock daring the season, and it will at all times he found FULL AND COMPLETE in all its departments. We invite the particular attention of our customers to our magnificent display of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS ! \ Which we offer at prices much below those of last year. We have given special care to our selections in this line and are now able to exhibit the newest.most fashionable, i and most desirable styles to be obtained. Our new j stock 'comprises all cob rs of Plain and Plaid French | Merinos. Empress Cloths. Striped Melanges, Striped and Plaid Poplins, Taffetas, camas, Tinsel Poplins, Paris Crepes. Reps, Plain and Brocade Alpacas, Poll de Chev j res, Delaines and Armases. Bright Plaids for children's wear, and a great variety of other Dress Fabrics. MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Black French Merinos, Bombazines, Tamese Cloths, j Baratheas, Mohair Lustres, P.lack aud.White Check and ; Striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and Single Fold All ! Wool Delaines, and a full line ol those High Lnstred i Black Alpacas, at a great reduction in price. LADIES' CLOTHS, CLOAKINQS AND SACKINGS. A BPL E N DID ASS O lie TME N T . lb avert lotliß, Tricots, Velvet Cloths, Cassiraere Sack ings, Plain and Twilled Black Broadcloths, of all prices all colors of Plain and Fancy Sackings, Optra Flannels, Ac., Ac. GLOVES AND HOSIERV. Ladies, Misses and Childrens White and Colored Cot- j ton, Fleeced and Merino Hose, Ladies Merino Vests! and Drawers, Gloves of every description at low prices. ; LINENS & HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Bleached, Hall Bleached, anil Unbleached Damask Ta ble Linens, Napkins, Towels, Towellings. Scotch and ! Russia Diapers, Bleached and Unbleached Huckabacks, I Clashes, Irish Linens, Ac., 10-4 and 9-4 Sheetings, Pillow Case Cottons, Counterpanes, Draping Muslins, Shaker Flannel Sheetings, Rose Blankets, Ac., Ac. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. Esquimaux, Moscow and Castor Beaver Cloths, French ! and German Black Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancy Cas simeres, Tweeds,{Meltons, Satinetts, Union Cassimeres, | •leans, Ac., Ac. ALSO, Ail qualities Plain White, Shaker and Welch Flannels, j Fancy Shirting. Miners, Bed and Gray .Plain and Twilled Flannels, and ft full assortment ol DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS, At the Lowest Market rates. SECOND FLO OFX We arc now opening and desire to call special atton- | tiou t>> our unusually large stock of FINE CLOAKS. As we make this department of our business a special ity, we have given it much time and attention. Our se lections have been made from the newest styles in the market, and our Cloaks arc manufactured in a manner that cannot fail to please, and give entire satisfaction, SHAWLS ! SHAWLS! Having made our purchases before the recent great advance in price, wcjare able to oiler decided bargain in Ladies, Misses aud Childrens Double and Single j Shawls. Our present stock far surpasses iujextent <nd | variety, any purchases we have ever before made in this j line, and we have availed ourselves of the most favor- ! able time to select the choicest and most desirable goods in the market. BON TON FLEXIBLE SPRING SKIRT, j THE NEWEST AND BEST PATENT CRINOLINE YET INVENTED. We have now on hand a good assortment ol these cel ebrated Skirts, In White and Colored. ALSO, The Eugenie, Empress, Paris Trail, Multiform, and a variety of other popular makes L of Skirts in all sizes for Ladies Misses and Children. CARPETS AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. Brussels, Three Ply, Extra Super, Superfine. Ingrain, Kidder, and Hemp Carpets. All widths Floor Oil Cloths Mattings, Door Mats,J and Rags. Anew stock just re ceived. BOOTS AND SHOES. Having made arrangements with manufacturers to supply our sales with the best quality of Boots and ! Shoes, we shall at all times be able to furnish our custo mers with the best custom made Shoes of all kinds. ! for Ladies, Misses and Children, and Boots for Mens and Boys wear, at reasonable prices. We shall also keep con : slantlv on hand a complete assortment of Mens,Womens j and Children's Rubbers and Ar<'t Overshoes. HATS AND CAPS. A splendid assortment of Mens and Boys Hats and ; Capsjnst received. Having closed out our old stock ' almost entirely previons to onr late purchases, we now 1 offer an entire new stock of the latest styles. PAPER HANGINGS & TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. We are now receiving large additions to our stock of Wall Papers, Transparent WindowHShades" and Trim mings Window Papers, Ac., Ac. Uatloctbs. ERIE rail wAy . On and after Monday June 11th, 18G6, Trains will leave Waverly. at about the following hours, viz : GOING WEST. 5:27 a. m., Night Express, Mondays excepted, for Rochester, Buffalo , Salamanca and Dunkirk, making di rect connections with trains of the Atlantic and :at Western, Lake Shore aud Grand Trunk Railways, for all points West; also at Elmira for Cmandaigua. *5:57 a. m., Lightning Express. Daily, for Rochester Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk and the West. 8:28 a. in., Mail Train, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk. 2:40 p. m., Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West. 8:43 p. m., Elmira Accommodation, Sundays excep ted. 5:30 p. m., Day Express, Sundays excepted, for Roch ester, Buffalo.Salamauca, Duukirk aud the West. Con nects at Elmira for Canandaigua ; at Salamanca with the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, and at Buffalo | with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways, for all points West or South. *10:34 p.m., Express Mail, Sundays excepted, for j Buffalo. Salamanca and Dunkirk, connecting with trains for the West. ! *St jps at Waverly ou Mondays only. GOING EAST. I 5:00 a.m., Cincinnati Express, Mondays excepted, j connecting at Owego tor Ithaca ; at Binghamton for ■ Syracuse ; at Great Bend for Scranton and Philadel phia : at Lackawaxe i for Hawley, and at Graycourt for j Newburg and Warwick. 8:4 l a. m., Binghamton Accommodation, Sundays ex j cepted. I 11:50 a. m., Day Express, Sundays excepted, connec ting at Gt. Beud for Scranton, Philadelphia and South . 0:10 p. m.. New York and Baltimore Mail, Sundays excepted. B:2s p. rar, Lightning Express, Sundays excepted. 1:35 a. m., Night Express, Daily, connecting at : Graycourt for Warwick. WM. R, BARR, H. RIDDLE, j Geu'l Pass Ag't, New-York. Gen'l. Sup't. Reading rail road—summer ARRANGEMENT. April 23, 1800. | GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM TITE NORTH AND NORTH WEST ! for Philidelphia, New-Yoik, Reading, Pottsville, Tama qna, Ashland, Lebanon, Aileutown, Easton, Ac. Ac. Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, as follows: At 3.00, 7.40, and 9.05 5. m., and 2.00 and 9.20 p. m., con necting with similar Trains on tne Pennsylvania Rail Road, and arriving at New-York at 5.40 and 10.00 a. in., : and 3,40 and 10.35 p. m. Sleeping Cars aocompanying | the 3.00 a. m., and 9.20 p. m., Trains, without change. : Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minersville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Aileutown and Phil | adelphia,at 7.40 a. m., aud 2.00 and 9.20 p. m..stopping at Lebanon and all Way Stations ; the 9.20 p. m. Train making no close connection for Pottsville nor Philadel phia. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn,via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road,leave Harrisburg at 4.15 p. in. Returning : Leave New-York at 9.00 a. m., 12 noon and 8.30 p. m.; Philadelphia at 8.00 a.m. and 3.30 p. m.: Pottsville at 8.30 a. m. and 2.45 p. m.; Ashland at 6.00 and 11.15 a.m., 1.05 p. m.; Tamaqua at 9.45 a. in., I and 1.00aud8.55 p. m. Leave Pottsville lor Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and ! Susquehanna Rail Road, a' 7.00 a. m. Reading accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at ; 6.00 a. m., returning from Philadelphia at 5.00 p.m. Columbia Rail Ro.: ; Trains leave Reading at 0.10 a. ; m. aud 0.15 p. m. tor Eplirata, Litiz, Lancaster, Colum i bia, Ac. • Uu Sundays : Leave New York at 8.30 p. m., Phila ! delphia 8.00 a. m. ,_and 3.15 p. m., the 8,00 a. m., train running only to Reading. Pottsville 8.00 a. m. Tamaqua I 7.30 a. m., Harrisburg 9.05 a. m. ami Reading at 1.30 ! a. m., for Harrisburg, and 10.52 a. m. for New York, j and 4-25 p. m., for Philadelphia. | Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion | Tickets to and troin all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through ; 80 pounds allowed each Passenger G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. Reading, Pa., April 23, 1800. "PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL. X ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Rail Rout i Company, and is operated by them j Time of Passenger trains at Williamsport LEAVE EASTWARD, i Erie Mail Train 9.55, P. M Erie Express Train 4:20, A. K, | Elmira Mail Train, 8:45 A. M. LEAVE WESTWARD. i Erie Mai! Train 7:20, A.M. ' Erie Express Train 9:00, P. M. Elmira Mail Train 0:50 P, M Passenger cars run through without charge both way | between Philadelphia and Erie. .Y etc- York Connection. Leave New-York at 9:00, A. M. arrive at Erie 9:30, A. M. Leave Erie at 4:45, p. M.. arrive at New.York at 4:10 p. m. -Yo change of Care between Erie and New- Yotk. Elegant Steeping Cars on all Aiglit Trains. For information respecting Passenger business apply at i orner ;;uth and Market streets, Phil'a. And tor Freight business of the Company's Ageuts: S. B. Kingston, Jr.. Corner 13th and Market streets, Philadelphia; J W. Reynolds, Erie; Wm. Brown, Agent ! N. C. It. R. Batimore. 11. H. HOUSTON, Geu 1 Freight Agt. Phil'a. ILW. GWiNNER, Gen'l Ticket Agt. Phil'a. A. L. TYLER, Gen'l Manager, Erie. J? YE AND EAR INSTITUTE. DR. UP DE GRAFF, Oculist, Aurist and General Surgeon, Elmira, .V. l r . Treats all Disease-' of the Eye, Eur and throat. THE EYE.—He will operate upon Cataract, Artificial j Pupil. Cross Eyes, Lachrymal Fistula, Pterygium, Entro ! pion, (inversion of the eye-lid,] and treats all forms of j" SORE EYES," sua It as Granulated Lids, Purulent | Ophthalmia, Opacities of the Cornea, Scrofulous dis ! eases of the Eye, and all diseases to which the Eyes is I subject. THE EAR.—Treats successfully Discharges from the Ear, Aidses in the Ear. Difficulty of Hearing, Deafness, [even when the Drum is entirely destroyed, will insert ! an artificial one, answering nearly all the purposes f the | natural. 7HE THROAT.—Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton sils, together with CATARRH in all its forms, permanently cured. GENERAL SURGERY.— He will operate upon Club Feet. Hare Lip, Ciett Palate, Tumors, Cancers, Morbid Growths, Dcl><r.. ities from Burns, ond Hernia, and per forms PLASTIC OPERATIONS—Where the Nose, Lips oi any portion of the face is destroyed through disease or otherwise, by healing thc-ni on anew, i Will attend to the Amputation of Limbs, 'i* and General Surgery iu all its branches. INSERTS ARTIFICIAL E i l.s.—Giving them all thi j motion aud expression oi the natural, defy ing detection, 1 they are inserted without removing the old one or pro • during pain. The Doctor's collection ol instruments comprises all the latest improvements, and is the largest in the State, : the superior advantages he has had iu perfecting him selt in all thai is new aud valuable iu Surgery, warrants ; him iu saying that everything within the bounds of the profession may be expected ot him. The Institute has been greatly enlarged, so that we can now accommodate an increased number of patients from a distance. Comfortable Boarding Houses attach ed to the establishment. ,Yo incui able cases received for Treatment or Opera tions. If a case is incurable he will be so informed. I Institute on Water street, opposite the Brainard House : Elmira, N. Y. Feb. 2, 1865. 0 M . CRAN DA L L & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF FLAX-WHEELS, WOOL-WHEELS, SNAP-REELS, WHEEL-HEADS, Ac., MONTROSE, PA. FLAX-WHEELS AT THE MONTROSE WHEEL FACTORY Wholesale and Retail. GRANDMOTHER HERSELF AGAIN! We can furnish you with a Whet which we will war ant to give entire satisfaction anc which yourself will say is lit to GRACE YOUR PARLOR. FATHER If you wish to hear the music of Industry and Econo my in your house, remember the best teacher is a GRAND MOTHER'S PIANO. MOTHER! If you wish your dangnter to be useful as wellasorn mental, teach her to divide her spare time between the Melodeon and the LITTLE WHEEL. BROTHER ! Buy one for your sweetheart, and thus, while making her an "elegant present," convey a polite hint as to what you shall expect of her when you move on that " NEW FARM." SISTER ! Ask your lather to give you a Wheel; tell him you don't want to be a " LILY OF THE VALLEY." LITTE BOY ! Show your mother how your pants "rip" and how the buttons come off when you "slide down hill" because she will use " STORE THREAD." LITTLE GIRL ! If your folks get one of Ctandall's Flax-Wheels, you 1 can do some ol the work, for there is a place fixed on I purpose to hold the Spool, so that if you are small you ! can DO THE REELING. EVERYBODY Ought to buy a Wheel and teach the rising generations to depend ou their owu resources. Then indeed, as now. shall the American people be a great and independent nation—and may the inheritance of each of our child ren be ONE FLAG, ONE COUNTRY, and TWO FLAX WHEELS' N, B.—Merchants and Dealers wishing to purchase to sell again .will please address by mail when 1 st of prices "card samples " Ac., will be sent. All goods packed in shipping order ; and all orders will receive prompt at tention, C. M. CRANDALL, Montrose, Pa., Dec. 20,1865. filent)anbut EW SPRING GOODS ! W. A. ROCKWELL, Is receiving a large stock of Spring Goods it the great REDUCTION IN PRICES, and offi-rs them at corresponding prices. <' uprising a welt selected assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DE LAINE, ALPACAS, LAWNS, CUALLAS, THIBET AND CANTON CLOTH, ALPACA, BERAGE, POPLINS, TRIMMINGS k BUTTONS TO MATCH. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTINETTS, • TWEEDS, KENTUCKY JEANS, Of all descriptions for men and boys. YANKEE NOTIONS Too numerous to mention. II ARDWARE, A good assortment on hand CROCKERY, Is in full and complete supply. GROCE R I E S. Teas, Coffee, Sugar and Molasses, at greatly reduced prices. LEATHER, A supply of Sole and Upper on hand. WOODENWARE, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, Ac. TOYS FOR CHILDREN. Cabs, Carts, Chairs, and toys to please them all. April 9.186 G. JT E W SPRING GOODS! J. W. TAYLOR, Is just receiving a large and well selected stock of Spring Goods of the best qualities, and choice styles, having purchased them when goods were the lowest, he feels lully confident that he can sell to please all. A large aesortment of Dress Goods, variour colors and styles. A fine line of French Poplins, the gem of the season. Come and see them, all wool Alpacca Poplins, a gen eral assortment of BLACK 'AND COLORED ALPACAS, and a very great variety of other dress goods too nu merous to mention. A complete line ol Mourning goods, Detains, Prints, Giugliams, BLACK A.\ D WHITE BALMORALS, Hoop Skirts i large quantities. lrom three yards to three and ah If around, and splendid assortment of GLOVES AND HOSIERY. I.adie ' and Gents kid gloves. Dress Trimings and But tons to s.lit all. Ladies' Cloths. Brab. Black and White, and Black Rcpellant Cloth, SPIIING SUA WLS, Bleached and Unbleached Muslin, Sheeting, Crash, Scotch Diapers, brown and white table linen Napkins, and a lull line of White Goods, Jaconet, Nansook, Swiss, Mull, Victoria Lawn, Striped Muslin. Dimity taeked Muslin, a nice assortment of BLACK AND COLORF.D DRESS SILKS. A large quantity of Embroidery CHEAP. Gent's Neck Ties, Paper Collars and Hosiery. One oUhe largest and best selected STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS ever brought iu this market and cheap. All the latest styles and novelties of the season, in Bonnets, Gipsies, Ac., Ribbons, Ac., Flowers to suit every one. white Embroidery, Hoods aud Caps for infants, Indies' and Misses' Hats, the Sailor.ruargaretta derby, and all styles too numerous to mention. Having secured the services ot MISS MOSHEIt, I feel confident we can please all, and all kinds of Milinery work done on short notice. I invite the people of Towanda and vicinity to call and examine my stock of goods and judge for themselves ; no trouble to show goods, one door north ot the Post Office. April 9, fs66. GOODS AT REDUCED i' R ICES! es- CALL AND SEE, AT MONTANYE'S. Feb. a,1866. VliT ANOTHER STOCK OF NEW X GOODS AT W 1 0 K II A M & BLACK'S. DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, FLANNELS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS. The above lines we offer in great variety and latest styles HATS and CAPS, LARGE STOCK, BOOTS ami SHOES, BEST MAKES. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS. This part of our stock we pay particular attention to, and now offer two of the best patterns of Ironstone Ware in the market, Erie and Sevres, also C. C., Yellow Rockingham and Wedgewood. Beautiful assortment ol Glass Lamps. Call ane sec our stock of NOTIONS. Thankful for past favors we respectfully invite yout trade and promise to do our & jjlacjj. tea Ul. ADMINIS i • A l -• NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given -h-i > ■ iected to the es tate ot ALMIKA A. J ONE .ate of A a mot, deceased, are requested to mak- • .nent, without delay, and those having c>a.*nsagainst .aid estate mast present them duly authenticated tor settlement. J. L. JONES, July 9,1866. Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ol Jas. A.Furman, late of Columbia twp., dee'd are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. LUCY A.FURMAN, EDWIN RUSSELL, July 9, 1866. Administrators. DXEOUT&IX'S NOTlCE—Notice is here- I J by giveu, that all persons indebted to the estate ot JutfN C. ADAMS, late of North Towanda twp., dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate are requested to S resent them to Johu W. Mix, at his office in i'owanda orough, duly authenticated for settlement. LUCI u. ADAMS,. July 11, 1b66, txecutnx. Administrators N OTICE.—A oiiue is Uereo.) giveu tua. all persons indebted to tue ei late oi ÜbU. 11. W r.L.b.h.,-1, ial< ul AUlcns tp. Uec d, are requested to mak. immediate payment, ana all naviug Claims upon sanl estate will present tHem duly authenti cated tor settlement. JAMEa H. WELLES, A. U. SPALDING, May 24, 1866. Administrators. ADMIN ISTRATRIX NOTICE.-Lettcrs ot administration ol the goods, chattels, Ac. ot JAMES FALSEY, late ol Franklin towp., deceased, have uetu issued to tne subscriber. All persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make payment, aud all persons having demands against the same are notified to present the same lor settlement to the subscriber. CATHARINE FALSEY, May 24, '66. Administiatrix ADMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is uereby given, that all persons indebted to the estatu ol E. UODABAUGII late ol Canton twp.. de cea.-.sd, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claim against said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. CUAS STOCKWELL, May 31, 1866, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR' S N OTICE.-N oticu is hereby given, that all persons indebted to ihe estate of Hlnry Cunniugham late ol West Burlington dee d., are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against said estate will pres entthem duly authenticated lor settlement. A. GREENO, June 20, 1866. Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE.-noucc is hereby given that ail persons indebted to the estate ol John McMahon, deed, late of bheshequin twp., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. MARTHA M'MAHON, JOHN M'MAHON, June 13,1866. Administrators. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—J. P. Kirby's use vs. (he Administrators of Rachal Muiray, deed No. 346, December Term, 1866. The undersigned an auditor appointed by said Court to distribute moneys arising lrom Sheriff"s sale of de cedents real estate, will attend to the duties ol bis ap pointment, at his office in Towanda boro', on Wednes the 18th day ot July, 1866. at 1 o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons interested can attend if they think proper or be forever debarred from the same. JOHN W. MIX, June 14,1666. Auditor. A' DMIN ISTKiffRIX'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of Gabriel Davis, dee'd, late of Albany twp., are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav - ing demands against said estate will present them duly autheuticated lor settlement. HARRIET E. WILCOX, Jane 14,1866. Administratrix. TTLXECUTOR S NOTICE. NOTICE ■L is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es etate of C. H. LAMB, late of Leßov, dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment,and those having demands against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. EDMUND KELLY, July 5,1866. Execut or. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here by given,that all persons indebted to the estate ot DAV D F. BROWN, late ot Ulster twp., dee'd are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will please present duly authenticated for settlement. MILES P. RANSOM, July 5 , 1866. Executoi. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of PATRICK McALLIGAT, late of N. Towanda, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated (or settlement. DENNIS McMAHON, July 5, 1866. Administrator. A DMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ■al. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate SAMUEL G. DRAKE, deceased, late of Rome twp are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present tln-m duly authenticated lor settlement. FRANCIS A. SEXTON. July 5, '66. Administrator. SHERIFF'S SALES. — By virtue of a writ O ot Vend. Expo., issued out of the Court ol Common Pleas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Boro' ol Towanda, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4. 1806, at one o'clock, p. m.,the following described lot piece or parcel ol laud situate in Athens township, bounded as loliows to wit: Begiuning in the center of the road ! leading from Milltown to Athens borough at the north west corner ol C. W. .Parks laud, thence north 10$ 3 east lis 2-10 per. along the center o: said road to the north line of the Pickering tract, (so called) ot which this is a part, thence south 84J 0 east along the north line of said tract 180 per. to a coiner, thence south 3b 3 cast 14 4-10 per. to a corner, thence south 76J 3 east o per. to a corner, thence south 854° east 27 2 10 per. to a corner, thence south south 49° west 24 3-10 per. to a corner of Joseph Shepard's land, thence south ,11 east 28 8-10 per. to a corner, thence south 104° east 40 per. to a corner, thence south 8° west 21 per. to a corn er of said C. W. Park's land, thence north 84 j 3 west 259 3-10 per. to the place oi' beginning. Containing 168 acres and 93 perches of land, more or less, all im proved with a iramed dwelling house, two framed barns cow shed and orchard of fruit trees tlrereou. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Harris A Saltmarsh vs. James S. Leggett. ALSO—By virtue oi a writ of Als. FL Fa., will be sold at the same time aud place, all that certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Tuscarora twp., con taining 100 acres ol land more or less, about 50 acres improved, with a house aud barn thereon, and being the same land which E. W. Smith, as agent, contracted to sell to William S. Hall, which was dated June 1, 1843, which was duly assigned to S. D, Phelps, and said I'help and by said Phelps contracted by article of agreement, 15th Aiay, 1848, to said William S. Hall, and by said William S. Ilali assigned to J. R. Hall, Nov. 16, 1866. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of A. C. Keeney's use vs. J. R. Hall. J.M. SMITH, Towanda, July 9,1866. Sheriff. XfliattUatuous. NEW AND FRESH GOODS! Just received, A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES, Bought for Cash, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT A SMALL ADVANCE. Thankful for past favors, 1 would respectfully say to my old triends that I hope by strict attention and fair prices to merit a continuance of their favors. Towanda, Feb. 2. E. T. FOX. MILLS, BURLINGTON, PA. The proprietor, having rebuilt his Flouring Mill in Bur lington, and taken pains in selecting articles, and the most improved machinery, it is now completed in order tor all kinds ot Flouting. CUSTOM WORK DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. with cheerful attendants, who will see to your wants in good order and with general satisfaction. A#"Cash paid tor Grain. April 17, 1866. ROSWELL LUTHER. A VALUABLE MILL FOR SALE.— The tlouriug mill, known as the Chaffee Mill, situ | ated in Rome, one mile north of the village, will be sold :at a great sacrifice. Any person wishing to buy such a i property, will find it to their advantage to call and see j the above mill belore buying elsewhere. Ail necessary I intormatiou will be given by calling upon C. G. Gridley, in Orwell. A full and complete title will be given by me. C. G. GRIDt.Et. Orwell, May '20,1866.—5w. o R SALE OR RENT. A valuable Hotel property, the Bradlord House, lo cated on the south side ot the depot at Waverly N. Y. Connected with it are two barns, a largo Garaen, fruit trees and two wells ot sott water. For terms inquire of C. F. SMITH, Proprietor. May 24, '66—tf. IT* OR SALE. —The subscriber ofl'ers for X. sale a valuable Building Lot, situate on Franklin street, about one hundred and fifty feet from Main st. There is a barn on the lot and a foundation and irame • work for a house. It will be sold as it is, or with the house finished. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber at bis residence on the premises. G. M. HALL. Towanda, June 20, 1866, Bath BRICK at FOX'S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers