Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 01, 1864, Image 3

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    f rST.y§fptn.
Towanih, Thursday, December 1, 1884.
CONTRIBUTIONS to this column, are so- 1
licited <rora our fronds throughout the County. We de- j
sign to make the BEI-OKTKB emphatically a County pa
per and desire to "make a note" of everything of pub
lic interest. Will our friends write us matters of gener- j
a! public interest occnring in their neighborhood's ? We
will put the lacts in shape for publication,
g HEREAFTER all obituary notices ex
cept the announcement of deaths will be charged for in
sertion at the rate of ten cents per line. A like charge
will be made for resolutions, and all proceedings not ot
cenrra! interest. These matters have multiplied until
they have become a great nuisance to the printers and 1
. a bore to the readers.
BOOK BlNDEßY. —Connected with the KE
r,.i(TER office, is a Book Bindery, in charge of 11, C.
UUITTAKER, an experienced and liuished workman
Those having books, magazines, music. Ac., to bind can
have (heir work done promptly upon applying to him.
ftegf Tho following letter from Lieut. Col. j
TVI.KK, of the 14 1 st regiment, will he read with interest
by the numerous friends and relatives of the brave sold
iers who have so gallantly fought und. ■' the banner of
that regiment. No regiment has seen harder service,
nor more bravely endured the baptism of blood. We
irn-t .a see the time when tiie history of the 141 st shall
In written by some well-inloraied aud competent person.
Mr. Kditor.—A few days ago I made a report to su
perior Headquarters, giving n brief history of the 141 st |
regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Thinking that some
of the items would be of some interest to your readers, :
who have followed the fortunes of this " little band," I
send you the following, which you may publish ii you j
consider them of sufficient worth :
The 141 st Regiment Pennsylvania V alunteers was or- i
ganized at liarrisborg. Pa., August 27th, 1862, the or
. Dilation comprising thirty two Commissioned Officers
sad nine hundred and ten enlisted men, non-commis
j - mod and privates. It was the first three years orgau
i i ition which left the State under the President's Second
Iroclamation, calling fur three years volunteers. At the
• me time Government was accepting regiments for nine
The Regiment l as been in the following battles
Fredericksburg, ChanceHorsville, Gettysburg, Auhnrn,
Kelly's Ford, Morris Farm, Mine Run, Battles of the
Wilderness, Spotfsylvani i. North Ann River, Solopot
omy, Gold Harbor, before Petersburg, Deep Bottom,and
Yellow Hous<. These aggregate sixteen, counting Chan
ceHorsville hut one, though we were in the engagements
ol Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Many of the other
battles, at the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, and before Pe
tersburg, might with propriety be divided into at least
a dozen separate engagements, though iu my report I
classed them us above.
The report shows that in all of these engagements
there have been six hunditd killed, wounded, and miss
ing. They are as follows :
Five commissioned officers killed, 21 wounded, and 1
mi-ring. The missing officer is now a prisoner at Rich
mond .
Secenty-nine enlisted men killed, 44S wounded, and 4(5
mi-ring. The list ot killed does not,of course, include
those ol the wounded who subsequently died from their |
wounds. Of the latter there have been about 50.
In the battles of the Wii. erncss the regiment eaptured
a stand of colors from the 12th North Carolina regiment,
at the same time taking nearly 100 prisoneis.
1 take (lie following extract Irom the official report of
Col. Madill, concerning the battle ol Chanceilorsviile :
" 1 took 417 men into the fight on Saturday morning.
Out of tlmt number I lost 123 in killed, wounded, and
missing. The missing lam sorry to say, I believe to 1 e
among the killed and those wounded and left on the fit id
I think there were very few, if any. of my men taken pris
oners. Out of the 24 officers I had on Sunday morning,
12 are among the killed and wounded.
"The officers of my regiment behaved splendidly
throughout the whole time—iu fact, each one vied with
the other to see who could last do his duty. And how
well they did so the large list of killed and wounded hu'
too clearly tells. There is scarcely an officer in the regi
ment who has not a bullet mark on his person. It would
he useless for me to particularise any of my officers.—
They all behaved with much spirit and braver} - during
the five days we were under fire.
" Of the bearing of the men under my command I need
scarcely speak. I saw no disposition in any man while
under fire to shrink or avoid his duty "
The fol'owing extract from Col. Madili's official re
port of the battle of Gettysburg, needs no comment :
•• I took 200 men into the tight, with 0 officers. Out
of that number, I lost 145 men and 0 commissioned offi
cers—the largest proportionate loss in the corps in that
ti.Jit, and I think in the array in this or any other battle. |
" of the conduct of my officers and men, I am happy
to say they are all entitled to greai credit. Not one
of my men failed me under the most trying circumstan
ces - aud to my officers I am under great obligations for
their coclness aud efficiency."
i may, at some future time, give some incidents ot the
present campaign as preseived in my official reports. 1
am certain there is nothing in the foregoing record ot
which we or our friends at home need he ashamed. It
we have none to sing our praise, we have, at tea-t, our
record. J think it will compare favorably with any.
There arc now present 14 commissioned officers and
Ist enlisted men. our total strength present and absent
is 413. lam very respectfully, Yout obedient servant.
C. \Y. TYi. Elf, l.itut. Col. Comd'g. llrg't.
L-.F KIRK AT DEPOSIT. —The Erie Railway
passcugpr and height Depots, Engine House, half a dozen
curs, and two Stores, were destroyed by tire at Pepoiit.
on Monday night week. The fire originated in the I'uint
SAMUEL KI.INK, and WM API-I.KTON, convicted of a CON- j
spiracy to resist the draft in Columbia county, in this
State, have been sentenced as follows : RANT/., the ring
leader, to imprisonment in Fort Mifflin for two years,
and a fine of obe thousand dollars ; KI.INK to two years '
imprisonment, and ACPI.KTON to a fine of SSOO and - :.e
years'imprisonment. General Corcn has confirmed tln
decision of the military court. Others remain to be tried
FITEDR- REV. S. J. UIRSON, died in Sheslic
quin, on Sunday morning, the 13th inst. He had : een
for nearly twenty-five years a Univeraalist preacher, lie
was a zealous advocate of his faith, and a man of great
ability as a preacher and writer. lie had many friends who
respected him for his christian virtues. A friend writes
of him •' All words are idle and empty. I know how
useless they are. There is no consolation, except it be
that a great sufferer is at rest; one that all his li!dime
has suffered so intensely, and struggled so hard, with a
thankless world, for the pittance that kept home and the
dear ones together ; bnt remember there are few men
alive who had more fast friends than .Mr.Ginsox . and no
one ever deserved them more, aud now. that he is gone,
even his enemies will say, lie always aimed to do right, :
and never would compromise one jot of pure principle,
though be lost his ablest supporters, and God and him
self only knew how illy he would afford to lose them
There are few men living who will have this said of
them, when they have passed 'Over the river," " 0.1-. H.
pained to learn that this distinguished and gallant officer
was killed by an accidental discharge of his own gun,
Angost 4, 1f.i.4, near Atlanta. I.ieut C. was the fifth
son of ISSAC CAMP, of Wyalusing, and was about thirty
years of age.
1 he readers of the RMPOIIKZH will remember an inter
esting account published ol the escape of I.ieut. CAMP,
from the rebels. He visited this county after his escape,
and finally rejoined his regiment, the 23U Missouri, and
participated in Sherman's movements in tne South. In
h s death fell a genial, social, man, a brave officer, and
a true patri t.
He was buried within four miles of Atlanta. It was
his regiment, which on their return hume, at the expi
ration of three years set vice was captured on a railfroad
twin by rebel raiders, and shot in cold blood.
Sof Burlington twp, were absent from their house on
Niiuday afternoon last, two boys named ARLINGTON, hail
- fiotn Elmira, entered the house through a window
--•■ J pin Joined articles to the am milt ol severaljdoliara.
Ie young rogues were followed by Mr. W and arrested '
; i wklin, where they were taken before Esq., FMITII, ,
and'lc 'yea *° T ' ,eir # B® B are ""PWtlrcty 10
This paper is printed upon one of
C AMI-BULL'S Conn try Tresses. To a practical printer it
is hardly necessary to call attention to the neat manner
iu which it does its work. These presses ars the ne plus
ultra ot print lug machines, and are in very great lavor
witli all printers who have used them, combining speed,
with a neatness and accuracy of impression attained by
no other press.
Country printers who may be in New York, will do
well to call at the office No 58 Gold St. They will find
there Mr. THOMAS H. SENIOR, who will be happy to give
them any iulormation in regard to presses they may de
sire , or advise them as to any other business they may
have in the city.
HAVE YOU A FARM TO SELL? —If so, do you
' desire the fact known, or will you wait for your neighbor
to inquire, and then make it public ? The RKPOKTKR is
read by several thousands of persons weekly, aud is a
| capital medium for conveying the news to the public.
In the lower counties of ihis State nearly all the sales
; of real e.-tale are made through advertisements in a
1 newspaper. It is not uncommon to see several columns
of such advertisements iu a paper. A person desirous of
purchasing a farm, has only to turn to the columns of
his county paper, and he finds there advertised just such
a farm as lie desires, as to acres, situation, Ac.
In these times, when so much real estate is changing
hands, money could not be better invested, by a man
who has a farm for sale, than by a notice of it in the HE
POKTKK. II this is not believed, then chalk on a board
| '• This Farm for Sale," nail it up, aud wait for the pur
chaser who don't come.
REMEMBER! —Day due prisoners of war,
will he paid to the wife, widowed mother of the prison
er, or guaidian of children, by applying to J.N.CALIKK,
office over the News Room.
fc-tf Mrs. TAKER desires its to say to her
customers a nd the public generally, that she has pro.
cured a Hewing Machine, and is now prepared to do
stitclr'ng on the shortest notice, aud in the neatest style.
THE following- is the official vote of
Bra die id County, at the election held Novembers, 18(54.
together with the returns of theSoldiors' Vote, as receiv
ed at the Trothonotary's Office :
; I EI
Wowns hips and Boroughs. c r
o'y. [ J
Armenia I 54 : 9
Albany 12<> | 86
Asylum lfi> ]O2
Athens twp 191 | 205
Athens loro' ; 98 . GO
Alba Boro' 38 I 2
Builington Twp 149 , 25
Burlington 15-iro' 47 I 10
Burlington West 131 j 38
Canton Twp 219 J 31
Canton Born' 82 15
Columbia 190 j 100
Franklin 128 93
Granville. 209 [ 29
Hcrtick 149 j '29
I.eßoy 109 j 22
Litchfield 129 ' 86
■ LeßsysviUe 54 | 13
Monroe Twp 153 j 45
.Monroe Boro' 42 10
Orwell 242 , 27
Overton 24 | 45
Pike 306 19
Rome Twp 158 i 34
Rome Boro' 40 10
Itidghnry ... 179 94
fimithfield 2t;6 113
Springfield, t 218 i 123
South Creek, 105 40
Sylvania 37 j 10
SUeshequin. 195 [ 77
Standing Stone I 57 131
Terry I 100 75
Towanda Boro' 209 111
Towanda Twp i 82 j 35
Towanda North 58 : 43
i i roy Twp i 189 ] 90
Troy Boro' | 123 j 55
Tuscarora. 156 : 33
Ulster | 102 88
Warren i 227 63
Windham, ! 128 i 88
Wyalusing t 194 j 101
'Ay-ox 120 98
Wells I 96 I 132
Wilmot j 108 85
TOTAL ;6199 2818
Fir-t battalion 100 days' men, j 1 '
Go. F. Independent Light Artillery, Penn'a, 1
Gavelry Corps, Winchester, Va.. 1
Co. F, 11th Regiment, l'a. Cavalry, Vol., 10 7
Co. E, 11th Regiment, l'a..Cavalry, Vol., 4
Co. D, 17th Regiment, Penn'a Cavalry, 14 8
Co. A. 207 th Reg't, Penn'a Vol. 9 7
Battery !■', Ist New York Light Artillery, 14 4
Camp Distribution, 4
179 th Reg't,New Yark Vol., 14 12
Remount Camp. Md.. i.. | 3
1 Co. A. PeTin'a Heavy Artillery, .. 1
Co. B, 45th Reg't, Penn'a. 1
Co. B, '2o7th Reg t. Pa., i 42 - 6
Co. C, 152 d Reg't, l'a., ; 1 ..
97th Reg't, Penn'a Vol., 17 1
87th Reg't. Penn'a Vol. ' 2 ' .. !
Co. B, 11th Reg't, Penn'a Vol. j.. i 1
Co. K, 199 th Reg't, Penn'a Vol, j .. 1
Li a coin General Hospital, I 4
Chapin's Farm. Va. 3 :
59th Reg't Penn'a Va. 4 1
Chapin's Farm. Va. I 3
Harewood Hospital. 2 1
191 st Reg't, Penn'a Vol. , .. 1
Cavalry Bureau, Washington. 1 1
53d Reg't, Penn'a Vol, 1 1
i Cavalry Corps Hospital, 1 ..
Prince Street Military Prison, 1
i Cliif Byrne Barracks, 1 I
Wisewall Barraeks, 2 1
Co's. G, and K, 50th Reg't Veteran Vol., Pa. 7 2
Camliu Street Hospital, 1
McClellan Hospital, 1
Rendezvous Distribution, Va. j 4 2
Co. G,2loth Reg'; Penn'a Vol. 4
149 th Ifegt' Penn'a Vol. ' 2
t'amp Pry, 5
, Chattauoga, Tenii. 2 1
-"4 - 3
lrilth New York, Vol. 3 1
Fort Stephenson, Va. 5 1
191 st Penn'a Vol. .3 •
Fiuley Hospital, 1
i General Hospital. York, Penn'a, 2 1
• Carver Hospital, Woshington, D. C. 1 2
Camp Brinton, 1
Co. E, 190 th Reg't Penn'a Vol. 1
Co K,jl2th Reg't PaHu'a Cavalry, *2 ! ..
; F.lmira, N. V, 1 ..
i C->. K, 191 st Reg't Penn'a Vol. j 4 I
Camp in the Field, Va. A.G.Mason. 1 ] :
I Co. B. 84th I! g't Penn'a Vol. ,1 i
141 st Reg't Renn'a Vol. Co. A. 9 | ..
" " " " Co, E, , 3D 4
" Co. I), 31 1
c E. 29th Reg't Penn'a Vol. 3
Hedgefield, Tenn. 2
(' >. G. 155 th Reg't Penn'a Vol. 33 8
Battery 2,5 th XL S. Regulars, .. 1
: Co. 1. 15th N. V. Engineers. 31 3
Co I', 205 id Reg'tiP i Vol., Chapcn's Farm, l l
| 107 th Reg't Penn'a.Vol. ; 1
ilsth Reg't Penn'a Vet. Reserve Corps, 1
2 Id Reg't Penn'a Vol. '8
U. S Hospital, Annapolis, 1
I!ise Hospital, Va. 2
Naval Picket, James River. Va. 1
Bermuda Hundreds. 1
137 th Reg't Penn'a Vol. i 1 ! 1
R1 - ;Ii Reg't Penn'a Vol 1
Gump Barrett, 1 1
Co L, 3d Penn'a Artillery, 2
Co. K. 210 th Uegt't I'enn'a Vol. 1 2
115 th Reg't Penn'a Vol. i 1
Co F. 4th Penn'a Cavalry, 1
11 -pital Foitress Monroe, 2
i Camp t'adwullader, . 5 4
51st Reg't Penn'a Veteran Vol. ! 7 8
Co. K, 19oth Penn'a Vol. 1
Co. K. 187 th Reg't Penn'a Vol. 1 [. j
j 2nd Reg't Penn'a Davalry. 1
Co. C. 79th Beg't Penn'a Vol. j 1
Vicksbnrg, Mississippi. 1
; Co. li. sth U.S. Artillery,
Atlanta, Georgia, o
Co. F, 49th Reg't Penn'a Vol. 2 -
Satterlee Hospital, Phil'a, •> |
Mower Hospital, 2 " ]
Co. D. 16th Penn'a Cavairy, j 7 '4
Co. K, 103 d Penn'a Vol. 1 j
Co. E. 203 d Reg't Penn'a Vol. t .. 2
Co. IJ, jtti, Reg't Penn'a Vol. 20 12
Alexandria, Va. ! 6
Co. F. 3d Reg't Penn'a Artillery, 3
Co. B, 84th Reg't Penn'a Vol. j 3
107 th Reg't Penn'a Vol. j,. j 3
50th Reg't New York Engineers, 34 1"
•0. H.53d lieg't Penn'a Vol. 4 -
loth Reg't New York Engineers. .53 20
Camp in the Field, 185 th Reg't N. V. Voj. ilO I 3
2nd Army Corps Hospital, . 12 2
Ist Reg't Penn'a Vet. Reserve Cavalry, 1
9th Army Corps Hospital, 2
50th New York Engineers, , 5 1
Co. K' Ist Reg't Penn'a Artillery, 1
2nd Division Cavalry Hospital, 1 ..
(.'amp Stoneman, 3 2
Thompson Station, Tenn. 6 5
1 Co. E, 199t1i Reg't Penn'a Vol. 2
Co. 11, 91st Reg't Penu'u Vol. 2
Camp Cadwallader, 1 1 ..
Chester Hospital. 1
M 4th Penn'a Vol. 1 2
78th Reg't Penn'a V01.,C0. E, 7 1
106 th Reg't Penn'a Vol , Co. K, 1 1 1
Camp Riddle Carlisle, 6
1 Co, A, Jd I'etin'a Oavalry. 1 : ..
Co. G, 49th Reg't Penn'a Vol, 5
Co. B. 52d Reg t Penn'a Vtd. 2
V. SA- (ieneral Hospital. Hilton Head, R. C. 5 !
Fort Strong, Morris island, S. C. 3 i
52d Reg't Penn'a Vol. Morris Island, 2
Co. E, 62d Reg't Penn'a Vol. 20
|3d lieg't U. S. Colored Troops, 1 "
Block Honse No. 10, Tenn. & Alabama It. R. 5 i !
7th I'enn'a Vet. Vol. Cavalry, 21 1
7th " " " 4
j TOTAL 885 1 iss
—The quarterly meeting of the Board of the United
States Sanitary Commission was receutly held in Wash
ington, when it was determined to make a renewed ap
peal to the public for support. The Board state that
during the last six mouths the expenditures of the Com
mi.sion have amounted to $283,000 per month, and the
need of its operations being still as great as ever, four or
five months of its past rate of expenditure will exhaust -
the whole of its funds, and the Board say :
i "If its storehouses are not filled by the systematic
activity of the Soldiers' Aid Societies, in all parts of the
land ; if its treasury is not replenished by steady streams,
or if the rninons impression is allowed to prevail that it
has all the means it requires, and is really compelled to
seek out means of usefulness, instead of being always
pressed with calls which it cannot prudently answer, it
j will he obliged to consider the necessity of drawing its
laborious and humane work to a close." And they con
j elude their appeal by saying: "We beseech the Sol
diers' Aid Societies everywhere to resume their contri
butions in kind, reorganizing at once for the Winter's
work. Wo beg our wealthy citizens, we beg all ourciti
. Zens, poor 01- rich, to give something monthly, while the
war lasts, to the treasury of the United States Sanitary
; Commission."
j Binghamton Republican says that by direction of the
State Engineer and Canal Commissioner Bares, a corps
of Engineers are to commence the final location of the
extension, preparatory to placing the work under eon- 1
tract. The surveying party will he under the direction
of Major J P GOODSKLI.. the engineer of the Middle Di
vision. with Messrs. NICHOLS, EV AN.CL'SIIINU and SWEET
as Assistants. They have established an office at Bing
hamton, and the work ol location will commence imme
diately. It is presumed that a portion, if not all the line
will he placed tinder contract in December.
fiej- Merchants and Milliners desirous of
purchasing Straw Good* and Millinery, will do well when
in New York to call upon Messrs. CRAFT K HILL, NOB.
2nl aud 283 Broadway. Their stock is very extensive,
and the proprietors very obliging men, who will take
great pains to please customers.
BGYTR.vcv & MOORE have just received a
large addition to their stock of Winter Goods, compris
ing many desirable articles, bought on favorable terms,
which they v ill sell at very small advance. They iuvite
j the-inspection of those desiring to purchase.
£>As"*\\*M. A. ROCKWELL lias recently receiv
ed a new and extensive assortment of Winter Goods.—
He has also added to his stock a large variety of Toys,
which cannot fail to attract attention during the coming
TEMPERANCE LECTURE. —By invitation of a
: Committee of the Sons of Temperance, Gen. WM. PAT
TJX will lecture on Temperance, ou Monday evening
next, Gen. PATTOS'B notoriety as a public speaker will
undoubttedly attract a large audience.
IfiyTlie First National Bank of Towanda
has been directed by tbe Treasurer of the United States
to pay the interest due December 1, on the two year 5
per cent, legal tender notes. Holders are cautioned
against cutting off the coupons, as they " will not be re
deemed unless detached from the note by an officer duly
iictu &i>\)rrt(sements.
JM'KS ! FI'RS ! ! FURS ! ! ! FURS ! ! !!
N E W E S T S T V L E S ,
rrovs! TOYS!! TOYS!!! TOYS!!!!
The finest assortment <ri
For the coming
H Of! I D A V 8 ,
_L subscriber offers for sale his Dwelling Houses and
Lots in Towanda Borough. The House formerly occupied
by me, on the north-east corner af Main and Franklin
streets ; a framed house, two stories and basement, with
a well, aad in good repair. Will be sold with or without
the corner lot.
Also, the dwelling house now occupied by me, on the
; north-west corner of Second and Franklin streets. It is
j a two story honse, with basement , and has a barn upon
the lot, with well and cistern, aud an abundant supply ot
! fruit. Terms made satisiactory to the purchaser.
1 Dec. 1,1864. JAMES McCABE.
respectfully mformed that a Book-Bindery has been
established in connection with the Printing Office of
the " Bradford Reporter," where will be done
In all its various branches, on terms as reasonable as
" the times " will allow. The Bindery will be under
the charge ot
An experienced Binder, aud all work will he promptly
done, in a style and manner which cannot he excelled.
Music. Magazines, Newspapers, Old Books, Ac.,
bound in every variety of stvle. Particular attention
will toe paid to the Ruling and Binding of
To any desired pattern, which in quality aud durability
wiil tie warranted.
All work will be ready for delivery when promised.
The patronage ol the public is solicited, and perlect
1 satisfaction guaranteed.
Bindery (after Ist December.) in the front room of
• '- Reporter" Building, (down stairs,) north side of the
• Public Square, Towanda, Pa. Nov. 19,1864.
JFor Sale.
A dwelling house stauding on the east side of second
street below Elizabeth, in the borough of Towauda, is
offered lor sale by the subscriber. The house is pleas
antly located on a large lot, and is conveniently arranged
for either a large or small family, it has a well of excel
lent, unfailing water near the kitchen door. There is a
good bain and a variety of tiearlng fruit trees and choice
shrubbery upon the lot. Terms can be made easy lor
the purchaser. C. R. COBURN.
Nov. 17th ISG 4.
The subscriber oilers for sale a good Grazing Pram,
situated in Terry township near J. P. Hortou, laying
along the main road leading from Terrytown to Albany,
containing 145 aores, about twenty acres unimproved,
with an unfinished frame house and about 90 fruit trees,
a school house and other improvements thereon.
Terms to suit the purchaser. Enquire ol G. W, JACK
SON, Sugar Run, Bradford County Pa.
Nov. 17 1864. tfn
The subscriber offers for sale his House and lot situated
at the month of Wyalnsing creek, with a large building
suitable lor a store or other business, pleasantly and eon
veniently located, containing about 1 1-8 of an acre.
Terms to suit the purchaser. Enquire of
Sugar Run, Bradiord Co. Pa.
Nov. 17 1864.
The subscriber has TWO GOOD FARMS—one situa
ted about one mile from Towanda borough, in North
Towanda twp., on the main road leading from Towanda
to Waverly. All improved, with good house, barn and
out buildings. Also, a choice variety of fruit of all
kinds. The farm contains 50 acres, and is under a good
state of cuitivatiou.
The other, situate in Ulster twp., contains 280—180
acres improved—on the main road leading from Towan
da to Waverly, about four miles from Towanda, with
a large new barn, a house .saw-mill, and other out b Hid
ings. Well watered, fenctd Ac. About 30 acres of
good timber land. Terms to suit the purchaser.
For farther information innuire of S. W. ALVOKH, at
the Post Office, or on the premises of
North Towanda, Nov. 10. A. E. MENARDI.
la<tU Hoafcs.
PE X X SV L V A X I A R A I L R0 A I).
MONDAY, October 31, 1804. The Passenger Trains
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from
Harrisburg, and arrive at Philadelphia and PittsburS
as follows :
Through Express Train leaves Harrisburg daily at
2.45 a. 111..and arrives at West Philadelphia at 0.55 a. ni.
Fast Line leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at.
8, a 111. , and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.40 a. 111.
Passengers take Breakfast at Harrisburg.
Mail Train leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays)
at 1.30 p. m., and arrive at West Philadelphia at 6.25
Pittsburg and Erie Express leaves Harrisburg daily
(except Sundays) a 11-55 p.m., and arrives at West
Philadelphia at 4.20 a. m.
Harrisburg Accommodation Train, leaves Harrisburg
daily (except Sundays) at 4 p. m.. and arrives at West
Philadelphia at 0.30 p. m. This train has no conntc
tion firm tlir I Text
Columbia Accommodation Train, leaves Harrisburg
daily (except Sunday) at 7 a. in., and arrives at Lan
caster at 9.15 a. m., connecting (except Mondays)
with the Fast Line east.
Pittsburg and Erie Express leaves Harrisbargjdafly
(except Sundays) at 12.35 a. 111., Alto ma 6.50 a.m.
take breakfast," and arrive at Pittsburg at 12.40 p. m.
Baltimore Express Train leaves Harrisburg daily (ex
cept Monday) at 2,25 a. in.; Altoona, 8.15 a. m., take
breakfast, and arrive at Pittsburg at 1.40 p. m.
Through Express leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.25 a.
m., Altoona at 8.15 a. m., take breakfast, and arrives
at Pittsburg at 2.40 p. m.
Fast I.ine leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays)
excepted) at 4p. m., Altoona at 9.10 p. in., take sup
per. and arrives at Pittsburg at 2 a. 111.
Mail Train leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays)
at 1.40 p. 111., Altoona at 7 55 p. m., take supper, and
arrive at Pittsburg at 1.30 p. in.
Mount Joy Accommodation west leaves Lancaster at
11.20 a. m., connecting there with the Mail west ; leaves
Mount Joy at 11.51 a. m,. and arrives at Harrisburg at
1 p. m.
The Harrisburg Accommodation Train from Pittsburg
which arrives at Harrisburg Et 6.30 p. m., stops there,
passengers lor East of Harrisburg lav over until 11.55
Supt. Middle Div. Penn'a R. R.
Harrisburg, Oct. 27, lsol.
ROAD This great line traverses the Northern and
Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie.
0:1 Lake Erie.
It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Hail Road
Company, and is operated by them
Its entire length war opened for passenger and freight
busines, October 17th, 1864.
Time of Passenger trains at Williamsport .
Through Mail Train, 7:10,1*. M.
Elmira Express Train, 9:50, P.M.
Accomodation Bi3o A. M.
Through Mail Train 5:25 A, M.
Elmira Express Train, 7:40 A. M.
Accomodation 6:00 P. M.
Passenger cars run through without charge both ways
between Philadelphia and Eric.
Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways
between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamsport
and Philadelphia.
For information respecting Passenger business apply
at the S. E. Corner 11th and Market streets, Phil'a.
And for Freight business of the Company's Agents :
S. B. Kingston. Jr., Corner 13th and Market streets,
Philadelphia ; J. W. Reynolds, Erie ; J. M. Drill, Agent
N. 11. R. Baltimore.
H. H. HOUSTON. Gen 1 Freight Agt. Phil'a.
It. W. GWINNER, Gen'l Ticket Agt. Phil'a.
JOS. D. POTTS,Gen'I Manager, Williamsport.
1 J drawn as Jurors for December Term and Session.
1804 :
Albany, Ralph Stevens; Athens twp., Henry Olmstead,
Nathaniel Green ; Burlington West, Sloan Ross : Bur
lington, Robert Kendall; Canton, Joel Taylor; Colum
bia, A. S. Parsons ; Herrick, T. S. Camp ; Orwell, Geo,
Bixby : Monroe, Jeremiah Blackman : Sueshequin, Dan
iel Minier ; Springfield, Gearge Barrett; Standing Stone,
Hiram Gordon : Smithfield, Clayton Gerould ; Tuscaro
ra, Ferris Ackley : Terry, Thomas Lamb ; Towanda
Borough, James McCabe; Troy twp., Nelson Wood;
Wysox, Wm. Lewis, Wm. 11. Conkliu ; Warren, Sidney
Pitcher. Alexander Hand. William Corbin.
Asylum, Philip Worth : Athens twp ~ E. S. Matthew
son ; West Burlington, John Illackwell, Enoch Black
well; Burlington, Myron Travis; Canton twp., Ichabod
Sellard ; Granville, Percival Bailey, David Sayles, James
Merritfjr.; Franklin, E. K. Bacon; Herrick. James
Foyfe ; Lelloy, Christopher Smith. David Ingham, H. 11.
Wilcox, Benjamin Clark ; Orwell, Ira Humphrey, J. E.
Rolinson ; Pike, Philip Phillias, Evan W. Davis, Edwin
Humphrey, Ridgbury, William Leonard, Stephen Her
man," William Dean ; South Creek, George Dunham ;
siitsiiequin, Guy Smith ; Troy boro,' John E. Goodrich;
Troy twp,, James Dewitt; Towanda twp., George Sco
viU ; Tuscarora. A. J. Sylvaria, A. M. Neeley, A. B.
Tsmpleton : Towanda borough. W. G. White ; Warren,
Caleb Abel ; Wilniot, J. W. Ingham ; Wells, Alfred
Brina, John DeWitt.
Athens twp., Hiram Thotmis, G. 11. Morley, Samuel
Hullit; Asylum, John Bennett, William F. Cole : West
Burlington. Orlando Rockwell, James Hilton : Burling
ton, David Luther; Canton boro' W. S. Newman ;
Granville, Erastus Putnam,Sylvester Taylor, Marcus A.
Porter; Litcafjeld, A J. I.ayton ; Orwell, C. N. Mony,
E.J. Backus, Wm. R.Pickering; Pike. Newton Brink,
John Ford : Smithfield, E. S. Tracy ; Sheshequin, Wa.
I*.Morton. John Crotcliley ; Standing Stone, George W.
Squires ; Troy boro' Ansel Williams ; Troy twp., Lucius
Styles, Coltimbns Palmer ; Tuscarora, Luther Shumway;
Terry, Cyrus Crandall ; Wysox, E. T. Dutcherr Wind
ham. James Rogers, jr. : Wyalusing, Andrew Fee, James
A. Bliss, Doomis Camp, F. O.Goodwin ; Warren, John
Chubiiuck ; Wells, James Campbell.
is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of S. J, GIBSON, late of Sheshequin, deceased
are requested to make payment, without delay,
and those having claims against said estate must present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
Nov. 29,1864. Administrator
is hereby given that all persons indebted to thees
tate of WILLIAM !R. {SEXTON, late ot Orwell twp.,
dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and
all having claims against said estate, must present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
Nov. 28, 1864. Administrator.
I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE-Notice is lierc-
Jby given, that ali persons indebted to the estate ot
TIMOTHY CASE late of Troy, deceased are request
ed to make immediate payment, and those having
demands against said estate will please present duly
authenticated for settlement. gpHRIAM CASE,
November 29, 1864. Executors.
J J the Post Office at Towanda, Nov. 29,1864.
Oliver Emily
Olmstead Nathan
Rittenhouse Miss
Gussell It S
Smith J T
Sherman Roger
Stephenson Robert
Thompson Ellen
Taylor Jennie
Telford W H Mrs
Titus Wilmot
Vanderpool Henry
jVurgason L
Wright C W Mrs
Wolf Geo
: Williams M F
; Wood Victoria E
Albro Ilellen 2
Andrews Mary A
Rlssell Dr.
Bowman Elizabeth Mrs
Boyles Lucindia
Beach Samuel
Campbell Sidney
Darting H A
Forbes Filesky
Foster Marion
Hill Margret M
Kingsly Charles
Mendus Charles 2
McCaffrey John
Murry John
Marsden Mary
Northrop Franklin
ft®. Persons calling for any of the above letters, will
plese say," advertised." S.W. ALYORD P. M.
Uta al
Si I Kill KF'.S SALE—By virtue of a writ of lev. fac.
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Brad
ford County, to me directed aud delivered, wiil be ex- j
posed to public wile at the Court House in the Borough
of Towauda, on MONDAY DEC sth, lxiil, at 1 o'clock
p. m. all those 31 tracts, or pieces ol laud situated in
Franklin, Monroe aud Overton twp's., surveyed in the
names ol Paul Moore, Simon Hardy, James Hardy, Na
than Hardy, Jos Siddons, James Siddons, j
North, Stephen llollingsworth, Jos. Castator, Herman ;
Castator, Frederick Schotts, Geo Schotts, Samuel Ander- j
son, Joseph Anderson, George Moore, Jos Bets, John!
Bets, James Betts. Henry Seely, Samue! Fritz, Henry j
Brysen. Samuel Cooley, Jas Seeley, Robert Hampton
Peter Schotts, Samuel North, Samuel.Haga, Samuel Har
dy, James Hardy, Samuel Siddens and Peter Siddons, I
all of which tracts of land contain according to .the or- ,
iginal survey four hundred acres each with the usual
allowance of six per cent, except the following tracts.— !
The tracts su iveyed to Jos Betts Jas Belts. John Betts j
and Samuel Fritz, which contain each '343 acres and 27 i
perches, and the tracts ol Geo Moore, Samuel Cooley and
James Hardy which contain each 375 acres and allow
ance of six per cent lor roads &c.
ALSO All that certain triangular tract ol land sit
uated in Franklid twp., in said county of Bradford on
the eastern corner ol the tracts surveyed in. the name of
Geo Temple, beginning at a stone by a maple corner to ;
said Andrew hardy and James Si dons tracts, thence
along the line of said James Siddons tract, south 6l° ,
east 112 perches to a corner ot said Geo Temple and Paul
Moor's tracts of land, 'licnce along the line of said Paul 1
Moores tract south 30° west 112 perches to a post, thence j
diagonally north 111° west 168 perches to the place ot be- i
ginning. Containing 3'J acres and 32 perches more or j
ALSO.—AII aud singular the various remnants and un
sold part or portions ot niue several tracts of laiid sit
uate in Overton and Monroe twps., in said county of
Bradiord, which tracts were surveyed in the name of j
Moses Rush, of which there remains 93 acres -Elizabeth
Rush of which there remains P22 ncres—Fred'k. Casta
tor ot which there remains 78 acres; John Moore of
which there remains 393 acres; Haunali Woodruff of
which there remains 280 acres; Miry or Mercy Ellis of
which ihere remains 272 acres; Mary Wallis of which
there remaina2Bo acres; John Barrow Jr, of which there
remains 107 acres aud Ann Harris of which there re
mains 390 acres. Being the same premises which John
A. Brown, Francis N. Buck aud James R.Patten trustees
of the North Branch lion A Coal Co., conveyed to the
said T. T. Wierman.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Uriah
Hunt, Francis.Hoskins and William H. Winder, Tru
stees Ac, vs. T T Weirman, aud Wm. H. H. Browu, J. L.
Rockwell, J. B, Smith, A. 1.. Cranmer, Charles Wells.
Horace Willy, Amazina Martin, William Williams, Geo
Beardsley and Charles Sconton J. T.
ALSO.— All those certain lots, pieces or pardfcls of
land situated in the Borough ot Athens, county of Brad
fold and state ol Penn., founded as follows. Beginning
at the corner of l'aiiic and Owego streets, thence along
said Paine street west 170 feet to Owego street, thence
along said Pain street west 170 feet to a post adjoining
the southeast corner of the barn lot, thence north 76
feet 10 inches to a post, thence east 167 feet 3 inches to
a post on the Owego road, thence south 74 feet 8 inches
to the place of beginning. Containing 45 and 9-10 per
ches, with a framed house, shed and a lew fruit trees
ALSO.—Two other lots or parcels of land situated as
aforesaid in the Borough ol Athens, and known as lots
No 59 and 60 as designated in a plot or plan made by
Orson Rickey lor Edward Herrick and situate on Main
street and North street, in said borough and being the
same as conveyed to the said Peter W. Meeker by C. H.
Herrick Esq.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Samuel
Conklin vs. Peter W Meeker.
ALSO.—By virture of a writ of Fieri Facias the fid
lowing described lot pieoe or parcel of land situated in
Nortli Towanda twp. , county of Bradford, Pa. bounded
as follows to wit: North by lands of Andrew Menardi,
east by the public highway leading from Towandato
Athens, soutn by*lands of Isaac Myer and west by lands
of said Isaac Myer. Containing 4 acte of land more or
less, a!! improved with a framed House, framed Barn and
a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of C. M.
Manvillevs. M. 11. Alloway.
ALLO—By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, the follow
ing described lot piece ot parcel of laud situate in Asy
lum twp.. county of Bradford, Pa., bounded as follows to
wit: north by lauds ot Michael Croak, east by the pub
lic highway, south by lauds of William Croak, and west
by lands of widow Ackley and John Griffin. Containing
fifty acres of land more or less, about twenty-five acres
improved with a board shanty, log barn, and a few fruit
tre's thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. A.
Record vs. Edward Croak.
ALSO.—By virtue of a writ ol Fieri Facias the follow
ing described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Ar
menia twp.,county of Bradford, Pa., bounded as follows
to wit: North by lands ot John Richmond, east by lands
of D.S. Alexander, south by the public highway, and
west by lands of J. P Burman. Containing 50 acres of
land more or less, about l(j acres improved with a framed
barn, frame shop, and a lew frnit trees thereon.
ALSO.--Oiie other piece or parcel of land situate in
said twp, bounded as tollows to wit: North by lands of
John Ycoinans and J. P. Bnrnham, cast by lands of Hi
ram Case, south by lands ol Elisha Knights, and west by
lands C H Webler. Containing SO acres of land more or
less, about 35 acres improved with a framed House,
framed Barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit oi E. Pom
eroy to use of Rhoda Brain vs. Henry Covert.
ALSO.—By virtue of a writ ola Fieri Facias the lol
lowing lot piece or parcel of land situate in Townada
twp., Bradiord county Pa., bounded as follows to wit:
north by lands of Stephen Cuininings, east by lands of
George Bowman, south by lauds of Geo Bowman aud
Daniel Bowman, and west by Daniel Bowman. Con
taining 140 acres of land more or less, about so acres
improved, with a framed house, framsd barn, framed
work -shop, granery, wood shed, and an orchard of fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of McKesson
A Bobbins vs. J. G. Patton.
ALSO.—By virtue of a writ of Firci Facias, the fol
lowing described lot piece or parcel of land situate in
the twp., ot Ridgbury, bounded as follows to wit: north
by lands of Mathew Hill, east bv lands of Daniel A Burt,
south by lands of Elizabeth Tidd, west by lands of Alex
ander Stevens. Containing about 25 acres more or less,
about 12 acres improved, one tramed house, one framed
barn,and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jacob
Mitchell to use of Samuel Raynor vs. James Mitchall
aiid William J Fuller.
ALSO.—By virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo, the fol
lowing described lot, piece or pascel of land situate in
Standing Stoue twp., Bradiord county, Pit., bounded as
follows. Beginning at the middle ot the highway on
the line of land owned by lteed A Gordon, thence along
said highway north 204° east 5 perches to a corner,
thence no'tli 55° west" 34 perches lo a post, thence
north 264° west 14 8 10 perches loastump, thence south
5.14° west I t perches to a corner, thence south 26° east
32J perches to a corner, thence south 874° east 30 per
ches to the place of beginning. Containing 4 acres and
89 perches of land more or less, all improved with an
old plank house and saw mill thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot James M.
Reed vs. Wm. M. Sherwood.
Towauda, Pa- Nov, 9 1804.
-LI- is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of ISAAC R. POTTER, late of Pike tp., dec'd.are
requested to make immediate payment, and all having
claims upon said estate wiil present them duly authenti
cated fur settlement.
Sept. 6., 1864. Administrator.
] PROCLAMATION. —Bradford Cunty, ss:
Dec. Term 19G3.
To THOMAS AMES—Whereas a subpoena in Di
vorce was issued to Dec. Term, 1803, which was duly re
turned nun est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena
was issued in said case, returned to May Term, 1863,
upon the return of which, proof was made that the
said THOMAS AMES could not tie found in my
This notice is therefore to require you to appear be
fore the Judges of the said court on the first Monday ot
Dec. next to answer said complaint, Ac.
Towanda. Nov. 2, 1864. Sheriff.
Is hereby given, tbat all persons indebted to the
estate of NATHAN PARKER lateof Athens twp. .dee'd.
are requested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
Sept. 6, 1864. Administrator.
LJL i s hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of J. MURRY MARTIN late ol Fanklin twp., dee'd.,
are requested to make immediate payment, and all
having claims against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Sept. 6, 1864. Admin'tor Debonxta non.
PROCLAMATION. —Whereas the Hon
U. MEUCUR, President Judge of the 12th Ju
dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Rradford
and Susquehanna, and Honorables L. P. STALFOKD and
V. M. LONG. Associate Judges, in and for said county
of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the
7th day of Nov. A. D. 18G4,t0 ine directed, for holding
a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace, Common Pleas aud Orphan's Court at To
wanda,for the County of Bradford, on ; Monday, the sth
day of December next, to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and
Justices of the Peace and Constables, ot the County ot
Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper
person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with
their records, inquisitions and other remembrances, to
do those things which to their office appertains to be
done ; and those who are bound by recognizance or oth
erwise to prosecute against the prisoners who arc or may
be in the jail of said County, or who shall be bound to
appear at the said court, are to be then and there to
prosecute against them as shall be just. Jurors are re
quested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to
their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 16th ofXov., in the year of out
Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and
of the Independence ot the United states, the eighty
seventh. J. MONROE SMITH. Sheriff.
I EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here
-1 by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ot
JAMES B. BOUTHEK.Iatejof Smithfield .deceased are re
questad to make immediate payment, and those having
demands against said estate will please present duly
authenticated for settlement.
November 29, 1864. Executor.
J of administration ot the goods, chattels, Ac. ol
JEHIAL McKEAN. late of Burlington twp., deceased,
have been issued to the subscriber. AH persons indebt
ed to said estate are requested to make payment, and ail
persons having demands sgainst the same are notified to
present the same for settlement to the subscriber.
Deo, 29,1864. . Adm'r.
ARPHAN'S COURT SALE.- By virtue of
uu order issued out of the Orphans Court of Brad
lord County, the undersigned Administrator of the es
tateof DENISON GREGORY, iate of Pike twp., will
sell on tbe{ premises in said twp., on the 2nd day of
Dscemher, the following lot, pieca or parcel of land,
bounded as follows,to wit:
Bounded on the north by lands of Richard Ashton
aud the highway, on the east by the highway, on the !
south by lands now owned jy Mercie Gregory,and or
the west by lands of rlopkin Davis A Mrrwin Geylord.
supposed to contain about sixty-three acres.
ASLO—A small lot upon which a house now stands,
lately occupied by the said Denison Gregory, dec'd. and
bounded on the east by lands of the estate of Stephen
Gregory decid. and on the south and west by the high- '
way, containing about half an acre.
TERMS.—Twenty-five dollars on the day of sale, one
third of the balance on confirmatidh, the balance in two
equal annual payments thereafter witn interest from con
Oct. 27, 1864. Administrator
-La an application has been made to the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Bradford county, by H E Shipman, Asa.
Douglass, Ac., to grant a charter of incorporation to 1
themselves, their associates and successors, under the
name and style of" The Mechanics' Union Association
of Bradford County." And if no sufficient reasons lie
shown to the contrary, the Court will decree that they j
become a corporate body.
N0v.2,1*64. Proth'y. f
X l application has been made to the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Bradford county, by Ab'm Knapp, C O
Haven, aud others, to grauta charter of in orporation to
themselves, their associates and successors, under the
name and style of" The First Baptist Chnrch of Colom
bia and Wells." Andif no sufficient reasons be shown
to the contrary, the Conrt will decree that they become
a corporate body.
Nov. 2, 1864. Prothonotary.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of
Abriam Spalding us. A , N. (f IV. IV. Spalding, i
In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No.
728 Sept. T., 1861.
The undersigned auditor appointed to distribute the
proceeds of the Sheriff's Sale of defendents real estate
will attend to the duties ot his appointment at the office
of Morrow A I'eet in the Boro' of Towanda, on Monday
the 21st day of November 18C4, at 1 o'clock p. m. and
ail persons having claims upon the funds must present |
them, or else he forever debared from the same
Oct. 17, 1864, Auditor.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the matter <f
_ of the estate of Benjamin P. Snyder dec'd. in the
Orphans Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the Court
to distribute tends arising from the partial account of
the execution will attented to the duties of his appoint
ment, at his office, in the boro' of Towanda,on Thursday,
the 17tli day of November, 1864, at one o'colck p. m.,
when and where, all persons having claim against said
estate, will present the same, or be forever debarred
f rom coming in tor a share of said funds
Oct. 12, 1854. Auditor.
hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of E. A. MURRAY, late of Athens tp., deceased,
are requested to make immediate payment, and all
having claims against said estate are requested to pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Sept. 6. 1864. Administrator.
XV hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of SHEPARD COSPAR late of Canton twp., dec'd
are requested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
Sep't. 29, 1864. Administrator.
EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice in liere-
JLi by given that all persons indebted to the estate of
NANCY T, DECKER, lateof Springfield twp., Bradford
County, dec'd, are requested to make payment without
delay and all having claims against said estate are re
quested to present them dnly authenticated for settle
Nov. 15, 1864. Executor
IpXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.— Notice is bere-
J by given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of JAMES EVANS, late of R dgbury township,
deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 13, 1864. Executor.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate ol JOSEPH FARR, lateofßidghnry,twp., Pa.,
dec'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against said estate must present them
dulv authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 13, 1864. Administrator.
is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of ISAAC MIDAUGH lateof Wyalusing. dec'd,
are requested to make immediate payment, and all having
claims against said estate must present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
Oct. 20. 1864. Administrators.
IjiXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is liere-
J by given, that all persons indebted te> the estate of
JOHN" T. MORRIS, late of Pike twp, deceased, are
requested to make paymeut without delay, and those
having claims against said estate will preesent them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Nov. 15.1-864. Executor.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of S. FELTON, late of Towanda Boro', Pcnu'a
dec'd., are requested to make immediate payment
and those having demands against said estate will pres
ent them duly authenticated for settlement.
E. T. FOX,
Oct. 13,1864. Administrator.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of JAMES BROWN, late of Litchfield, township,
dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, aud
those having clames against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Nov. 15.1864. Administrator.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of JOSEPH QUICK, lateof Sraithfield townshp,
deceased, are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against said estate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 13, 18C4. Administrator.
1) EGISTER'S NOTICE.—-Notice is here-
V by given, that there has been filed and settled in
the office af the Register of Wills, in and for the County
of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the fol
lowing estates, viz :
Final account of A M and D C Watties executors ol
Arunail Wattles, late of Rome.
Partial account of G W Brick, administrator of Geo.
Harrington, late of Pike.
Final account of S 1' I-athrop,administrator of Edward
Lathrop, late of Wilmot.
Partial account of Peter R and Annias Knapp, execu
tors of Zephaniah Knapp, late of Wells.
. Final account of Henry Miller, administrator of Alan
son Miller, late of Litchfield.
Final account of Andrew Kiff, administrator of Buel
Smith, late of Canton.
Final account of S S Reynolds A David M'Duagle, ad
ministrators ot Moses Avers, late of Granville.
Final acconnt of Mary Crippin, administratrix of
Win. Crippin,
Partial account of R K & J Hnlett, administrators of
Samuel Hulett, lateof Athens.
Final account of B S Russell, Guardian of A L Buffing
j ton,
Final account of John M'Mann, administrator, of I H
I Stephens, late of N.Towanda.
Final account of Abel Moore, Executor ol Hannah
j Evitts, late of Pike.
| Final acconnt of Calvin Newell, executor of Barnard
| Newell, late of Springfield.
! Final account of WilmotCoburn, administrator of E
Lewis, late of Wyalusing.
Final account ot R D Tyrrel & A A Dairow, adininso'r
; of Hiram C Tyrrell, late of Orwell.
Final account of J E Piolett, executor- ot N L Green
! ate of Wysox.
Final accounts ot J B Hinds, administrator ot Geo. H
Weaver, late of Wysox.
Final account of A A Prince, administrator ot Sally
Prince, late ol Orwell.
Partial account of Denison Johnson. Guardian ot
Mary E & Carrie A Bailey, Minor Children ol Kansford :
Railey, late of Pike.
Final account ot Amelia A Barstow. administratrix !
! of David F Barstow, late ot Towanda.
Final account of Win H Reel A Wm II Russell admin
; istratorof Benjamin Keel, lateof Windham.
ALSO — Ihe appriseuieut of property set oil'by Execu
tors or Administrators to widows or children, of the fol
lowing decedents:
Estate of Edward A. Murray,
" " Alanson Miller.
'• " Lyman Blakesiey,
'• ' Zenas Gibbs,
" " William A Retail,
! " " A S Grover,
| " " Darius Mauley,
'• " Moses Kellogg,
•' '• Silas Packard.
" " Joel C Wright.
" " Heman H Hickok,
" " Edward Williams.
And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Conet
of Bradford County, on Monday the sth day ot Decem
ber, next, for confirmation and allowance.
Nov. 2, 1864. Register.
f EXECUTOR'S NOTICE N&tice is here
i bv given, that all persons indebted to the estate of
JAS. BAGLY, late of Leßoy Township, deceased
are requested to make immediate payment, aud thes
having demands against said estate will
duly authenticated for settlement.
| Sept. 6, 1864. Executors.
Is the best Remedy for Throat and Lung
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Its healing principle acts opon the irritated surlaces
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ot cure. Consumption of the Lungs, l Coughs, Sore Throat
and Breast, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Dip
' theria and is also an excellent remedy lor Diseases ol
; the Kidneys and Female Complaints.
Have you a Cough ? Have you a Bore Throat? Have
you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fa
tal disease, Consumption ? Those who should he warned
; by these symtoms generally think light of them until it
i is too late. From this fact, perhaps, more than any othsr,
j arises the sad pievalencc and fatality of a disease which
i sweeps to the grave at least one-sixth ol death's victims,
j Consumption has destroyed more of the human family
! than any other disease, and the best physicians for many
years have despaired of a cure, or a remedy that would
heel the lungs' hut lor more tliau two hundred years the
' whole medical world has been impressed that there was
a mysterious power and efficiency in the Pine Tree Tar
to heal the lungs, therefore they have recommended the
! use of Tar Water .which in many cases had a good effect;
hut how to combine the medical proprieties so as to heal
j the lungs, has ever been a mystery until it was discover-
I ed by Dr. L. (J. C. Wishart, of Philadelphia, the propri
etor of Wishart's Pine Tree Cordial. It is now recom
mended and prescribed in the practice ola large numl>cr
, of the most intelligent and able physicians.
This Cordial, when taken with Dr. Wishart's Dyspep
-1 sia Pills, is an unfailidg cure of Dyspepsia.
| Will he paid to any person who will prove that this or
! any of the certificates published by Dr. Wishart, ol Phil
adelphia, Pa.,are in any way false,or issued without
authority by those who gave them.
tin. WISHART :—Dear Sir—l had Bronchitis, Intlnma
tion of the Lungs, and shortues of breath in their wor-t
forms. 1 had been treated by several ot the most tmmi.-
neut physicians in Philadelphia without benefit. I was
truly on the veige ot the grave. Your PINK TRSI. TAR
CORDIAL was recommended to me by a, friend, and aitei
using four large aud one small bottles. I am restored to
perfect health.
JOHN WARD, Receiver of Taxes.
Cor. Cth.and Chestnut its.. Phila.
RKADINB, Pa , April 20, L-STU.
Da. WISHART—Dear Sir : i have been cured, as I be
J iieve.of Consumption, by the use of your PINE TREK
TAR CORDIAL, and I was so very lew, and had been
sick so long when I commenced to use it. that I had but
little confidence in anything. Iliad tried many of the
advertised medicines, as well as the prescriptions of
j many emminent physicians.
My symptoms were a dry, hacking cough, which I had
for several years, with night sweats and frequent,severe
bleeding of the lungs. I was so very weak that I could
attend to no business, and had pain almost constantly
through my breast and shoulders. About four years ago
my brother, w4io resides in Philadelphia told me he be
lieved your medicine would cure me, and I commenced
its use. I was aware that my disease had gone so far
that I could not expect to he cored in a few days, but in
a short time I felt much better, so much so that I was
abe to attend to my business ; and after continuing its
use for several mouths, I recovered my heaitli aud
strength perfectly.
I am convinced that this is not a mere trancient relict
hut a complete and permanent cure, as 1 have been grad
ually growing stronger ever since, and 1 attribute it
solely to your PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, for I know
that 1 must have gone to my grave years ago, if I had
not used your great medicine, i would say to those who
are similarly afflicted—especially in cases like mine,
i where the dnease has run for a longtime, that although
I one bottle will relieve, it will not effect a cure; but by
i persevering in its use, I believe it will restore you to
health, il you aro not beyond the power of medicine.
658 Pcnn st.,Reading,l'a.
April 19th, 1864.
This i-to certify that I have used "DR. WISHAIiT •
I'INE TREE TAR CORDIAL" in my family with good
results. One of my family was afflicted for a long time
with a very had cough. I cured two small bolt [es ol
the Cordial and the * a perfect cure.
Hanover St, Pottstown. i'a.
READING, Pa., April 19.1864.
Dit WISHART—Dear Sir : One year ago the Examin
ing Surgeon ol this District told me I had Consumption
ot the lungs, and thai I could not he cured; and judging
from all my symtoms at that time.l myself suppi -ed
; this to be trie. 1 was for more than one year tr übled
1 with a hacking cough,which gradually grew so bad that
I could not have a severe tit of coughing without spitting
up blood in large quantities.
For months I could not work at anything, and was
obliged to keep my lied most of the time. While in this
condition. 1 was in at Mr. Rowbotham's store, in this
citv ; and lie, seeing how very low I was. recommended
me"to try your PINETREE TAR CORDIAL, lie said
lie had sold a great deal of it; and that it had cured so
many others, lie believed it would do me good. I bought
a bottle aud commenced u.-ing it. In a very short time I
saw that 1 was getting better very fast, and after taking
several bottles. I was entirely restored to health, so that
1 could work every day at my business, which is vei v
heavy work iu an iron thundery. When I commenced To
use your PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, my weight wa.-
only one hundred and thirty-five pounds, -ince the use
of it 1 have weighed on an average one hundred and lif
ty-five. I shall lie glan to haveyon publish this, a- 1 be
lieve 1 should not have been living at the present time
bill lor the use ol your great medicine, and 1 wish all
who suffer to recesve it- benefit
Very truly yours,
334 South Sth St., Reading,Ba.
DR. WISUBRT - Dear Sir : 1 take pleasure iu informing
you through this source that your PINE TREE TAR
CORDIAL, which was recommended lor my daughter by-
Mr. J. A. Hall, of tbis city, has cured her of a cough ol
more than five months standing. I had thought her be
yund cure, and had employed the best medical aid with
out any benefit. I can cheerfully recommend it to the
public as a safe and -urc remedy for those similarly
afflicted as I know of many other cases beside that ot my
daughter that it lias cured of long standing coughs.
Yours, respectfully,
JOHN V. PARKER. Daguerrian Artest.
126 Genessoe st., Utica. N.Y.
* * * * r have used Dr. WISHART'S PINE
TREE TAR CORDIAL in my family, and cordially re
commend it as a valuable and sate medicine for (olds.
Coughs, and those predisposed to Consumption
160 Genessee st.,Utica' N. B.
The above are a few among the thousands which this
great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. We
have hundreds of letters from physicians and druggists
in all parts of the country, saying that they have never
prescribed or sold a medicine which gave auch universal
These Medicines are prepaired only by the ,pro
Where he cau be consulted either personally or by iet
i tje of charge TIICQ- are -old UP ruuggirts aiui dcal
ri' everywhere- at wrtltrfemle by afT Xbw YorJi afiu Phi!
j delphii WiolesaTe drtiggTsts. Aug. 31. tilt.
9X.. AYBR'S AGUE CVRK — For the speedy
curt of htlcrmilten Fever, or Fiver and Ague. Remit
tent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Head
ache or Bilious Headache, aud Bilious Fevers .indeed for
the whole class of diseases originating in bri/iary de
rangement, caused by the Malaria of miasmatic conn
Fever and Ague is not the only consequence of the
miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise
from its irritation, in mal irious districts, among which
are Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Gont, Headache. Blindness,
Toothache. Earache. Catarra, Asthma, Palpitation,
Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hystericks, Pain in the
Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and Derangement of the Stom
ach, all of which, when originating in this cause put on
the intermittent type, or become periodical. This Cure
expels the poison from the blood, and thus cures them
all alike. It is not only the most effectual remedy ever
discovered forthis class of complaints, but it is the cheap
est and morever is perfectly safe. No harm can arise
from its use, and the patient when cured is left as health y
as if he had never had the disease. Can this be -aid
of any other care for Chills and Fever? If is true of
: this, and its importance to those afflicted with the com
■ plaint cannot be over estimated. Bo sure is it to cure
i the Fever aud Ague, that it may be truthfully said to be
| a certain remedy. One dealer complains that it is not a
j good mediciuc to sell, because oue bottle cures a whole
I neighborhood.
! Prepared by J. C. Arts A Co., Lowell. Mass.and sold
; by H. C. PORTER, Towanda. and by all dealers in medj
i cine everywhere. At wholesale by OODON & POTIT, Ll
mira, N.Y,