f rST.y§fptn. Towanih, Thursday, December 1, 1884. LOCAL AM I CONTRIBUTIONS to this column, are so- 1 licited | 86 Asylum lfi> ]O2 Athens twp 191 | 205 Athens loro' ; 98 . GO Alba Boro' 38 I 2 Builington Twp 149 , 25 Burlington 15-iro' 47 I 10 Burlington West 131 j 38 Canton Twp 219 J 31 Canton Born' 82 15 Columbia 190 j 100 Franklin 128 93 Granville. 209 [ 29 Hcrtick 149 j '29 I.eßoy 109 j 22 Litchfield 129 ' 86 ■ LeßsysviUe 54 | 13 Monroe Twp 153 j 45 .Monroe Boro' 42 10 Orwell 242 , 27 Overton 24 | 45 Pike 306 19 Rome Twp 158 i 34 Rome Boro' 40 10 Itidghnry ... 179 94 fimithfield 2t;6 113 Springfield, t 218 i 123 South Creek, 105 40 Sylvania 37 j 10 SUeshequin. 195 [ 77 Standing Stone I 57 131 Terry I 100 75 Towanda Boro' 209 111 Towanda Twp i 82 j 35 Towanda North 58 : 43 i i roy Twp i 189 ] 90 Troy Boro' | 123 j 55 Tuscarora. 156 : 33 Ulster | 102 88 Warren i 227 63 Windham, ! 128 i 88 Wyalusing t 194 j 101 'Ay-ox 120 98 Wells I 96 I 132 Wilmot j 108 85 TOTAL ;6199 2818 SOLDIER'S VOTE. Fir-t battalion 100 days' men, j 1 ' Go. F. Independent Light Artillery, Penn'a, 1 Gavelry Corps, Winchester, Va.. 1 Co. F, 11th Regiment, l'a. Cavalry, Vol., 10 7 Co. E, 11th Regiment, l'a..Cavalry, Vol., 4 Co. D, 17th Regiment, Penn'a Cavalry, 14 8 Co. A. 207 th Reg't, Penn'a Vol. 9 7 Battery !■', Ist New York Light Artillery, 14 4 Camp Distribution, 4 179 th Reg't,New Yark Vol., 14 12 Remount Camp. Md.. i.. | 3 1 Co. A. PeTin'a Heavy Artillery, .. 1 Co. B, 45th Reg't, Penn'a. 1 Co. B, '2o7th Reg t. Pa., i 42 - 6 Co. C, 152 d Reg't, l'a., ; 1 .. 97th Reg't, Penn'a Vol., 17 1 87th Reg't. Penn'a Vol. ' 2 ' .. ! Co. B, 11th Reg't, Penn'a Vol. j.. i 1 Co. K, 199 th Reg't, Penn'a Vol, j .. 1 Li a coin General Hospital, I 4 Chapin's Farm. Va. 3 : 59th Reg't Penn'a Va. 4 1 Chapin's Farm. Va. I 3 Harewood Hospital. 2 1 191 st Reg't, Penn'a Vol. , .. 1 Cavalry Bureau, Washington. 1 1 53d Reg't, Penn'a Vol, 1 1 i Cavalry Corps Hospital, 1 .. Prince Street Military Prison, 1 i Cliif Byrne Barracks, 1 I Wisewall Barraeks, 2 1 Co's. G, and K, 50th Reg't Veteran Vol., Pa. 7 2 Camliu Street Hospital, 1 McClellan Hospital, 1 Rendezvous Distribution, Va. j 4 2 Co. G,2loth Reg'; Penn'a Vol. 4 149 th Ifegt' Penn'a Vol. ' 2 t'amp Pry, 5 , Chattauoga, Tenii. 2 1 -"4 - 3 lrilth New York, Vol. 3 1 Fort Stephenson, Va. 5 1 191 st Penn'a Vol. .3 • Fiuley Hospital, 1 i General Hospital. York, Penn'a, 2 1 • Carver Hospital, Woshington, D. C. 1 2 Camp Brinton, 1 Co. E, 190 th Reg't Penn'a Vol. 1 Co K,jl2th Reg't PaHu'a Cavalry, *2 ! .. ; F.lmira, N. V, 1 .. i C->. K, 191 st Reg't Penn'a Vol. j 4 I Camp in the Field, Va. A.G.Mason. 1 ] : I Co. B. 84th I! g't Penn'a Vol. ,1 i 141 st Reg't Renn'a Vol. Co. A. 9 | .. " " " " Co, E, , 3D 4 " Co. I), 31 1 c E. 29th Reg't Penn'a Vol. 3 Hedgefield, Tenn. 2 (' >. G. 155 th Reg't Penn'a Vol. 33 8 Battery 2,5 th XL S. Regulars, .. 1 : Co. 1. 15th N. V. Engineers. 31 3 Co I', 205 id Reg'tiP i Vol., Chapcn's Farm, l l | 107 th Reg't Penn'a.Vol. ; 1 ilsth Reg't Penn'a Vet. Reserve Corps, 1 2 Id Reg't Penn'a Vol. '8 U. S Hospital, Annapolis, 1 I!ise Hospital, Va. 2 Naval Picket, James River. Va. 1 Bermuda Hundreds. 1 137 th Reg't Penn'a Vol. i 1 ! 1 R1 - ;Ii Reg't Penn'a Vol 1 Gump Barrett, 1 1 Co L, 3d Penn'a Artillery, 2 Co. K. 210 th Uegt't I'enn'a Vol. 1 2 115 th Reg't Penn'a Vol. i 1 Co F. 4th Penn'a Cavalry, 1 11 -pital Foitress Monroe, 2 i Camp t'adwullader, . 5 4 51st Reg't Penn'a Veteran Vol. ! 7 8 Co. K, 19oth Penn'a Vol. 1 Co. K. 187 th Reg't Penn'a Vol. 1 [. j j 2nd Reg't Penn'a Davalry. 1 Co. C. 79th Beg't Penn'a Vol. j 1 Vicksbnrg, Mississippi. 1 ; Co. li. sth U.S. Artillery, Atlanta, Georgia, o Co. F, 49th Reg't Penn'a Vol. 2 - Satterlee Hospital, Phil'a, •> | Mower Hospital, 2 " ] Co. D. 16th Penn'a Cavairy, j 7 '4 Co. K, 103 d Penn'a Vol. 1 j Co. E. 203 d Reg't Penn'a Vol. t .. 2 Co. IJ, jtti, Reg't Penn'a Vol. 20 12 Alexandria, Va. ! 6 Co. F. 3d Reg't Penn'a Artillery, 3 Co. B, 84th Reg't Penn'a Vol. j 3 107 th Reg't Penn'a Vol. j,. j 3 50th Reg't New York Engineers, 34 1" •0. H.53d lieg't Penn'a Vol. 4 - loth Reg't New York Engineers. .53 20 Camp in the Field, 185 th Reg't N. V. Voj. ilO I 3 2nd Army Corps Hospital, . 12 2 Ist Reg't Penn'a Vet. Reserve Cavalry, 1 9th Army Corps Hospital, 2 50th New York Engineers, , 5 1 Co. K' Ist Reg't Penn'a Artillery, 1 2nd Division Cavalry Hospital, 1 .. (.'amp Stoneman, 3 2 Thompson Station, Tenn. 6 5 1 Co. E, 199t1i Reg't Penn'a Vol. 2 Co. 11, 91st Reg't Penu'u Vol. 2 Camp Cadwallader, 1 1 .. Chester Hospital. 1 M 4th Penn'a Vol. 1 2 78th Reg't Penn'a V01.,C0. E, 7 1 106 th Reg't Penn'a Vol , Co. K, 1 1 1 Camp Riddle Carlisle, 6 1 Co, A, Jd I'etin'a Oavalry. 1 : .. Co. G, 49th Reg't Penn'a Vol, 5 Co. B. 52d Reg t Penn'a Vtd. 2 V. SA- (ieneral Hospital. Hilton Head, R. C. 5 ! Fort Strong, Morris island, S. C. 3 i 52d Reg't Penn'a Vol. Morris Island, 2 Co. E, 62d Reg't Penn'a Vol. 20 |3d lieg't U. S. Colored Troops, 1 " Block Honse No. 10, Tenn. & Alabama It. R. 5 i ! 7th I'enn'a Vet. Vol. Cavalry, 21 1 7th " " " 4 j TOTAL 885 1 iss APPEAL FROM THE SANITARY COMMISSION. —The quarterly meeting of the Board of the United States Sanitary Commission was receutly held in Wash ington, when it was determined to make a renewed ap peal to the public for support. The Board state that during the last six mouths the expenditures of the Com mi.sion have amounted to $283,000 per month, and the need of its operations being still as great as ever, four or five months of its past rate of expenditure will exhaust - the whole of its funds, and the Board say : i "If its storehouses are not filled by the systematic activity of the Soldiers' Aid Societies, in all parts of the land ; if its treasury is not replenished by steady streams, or if the rninons impression is allowed to prevail that it has all the means it requires, and is really compelled to seek out means of usefulness, instead of being always pressed with calls which it cannot prudently answer, it j will he obliged to consider the necessity of drawing its laborious and humane work to a close." And they con j elude their appeal by saying: "We beseech the Sol diers' Aid Societies everywhere to resume their contri butions in kind, reorganizing at once for the Winter's work. Wo beg our wealthy citizens, we beg all ourciti . Zens, poor 01- rich, to give something monthly, while the war lasts, to the treasury of the United States Sanitary ; Commission." BSL- CHENANGO CANAL EXTENSION — The j Binghamton Republican says that by direction of the State Engineer and Canal Commissioner Bares, a corps of Engineers are to commence the final location of the extension, preparatory to placing the work under eon- 1 tract. The surveying party will he under the direction of Major J P GOODSKLI.. the engineer of the Middle Di vision. with Messrs. NICHOLS, EV AN.CL'SIIINU and SWEET as Assistants. They have established an office at Bing hamton, and the work ol location will commence imme diately. It is presumed that a portion, if not all the line will he placed tinder contract in December. fiej- Merchants and Milliners desirous of purchasing Straw Good* and Millinery, will do well when in New York to call upon Messrs. CRAFT K HILL, NOB. 2nl aud 283 Broadway. Their stock is very extensive, and the proprietors very obliging men, who will take great pains to please customers. BGYTR.vcv & MOORE have just received a large addition to their stock of Winter Goods, compris ing many desirable articles, bought on favorable terms, which they v ill sell at very small advance. They iuvite j the-inspection of those desiring to purchase. £>As"*\\*M. A. ROCKWELL lias recently receiv ed a new and extensive assortment of Winter Goods.— He has also added to his stock a large variety of Toys, which cannot fail to attract attention during the coming Holidays. TEMPERANCE LECTURE. —By invitation of a : Committee of the Sons of Temperance, Gen. WM. PAT TJX will lecture on Temperance, ou Monday evening next, Gen. PATTOS'B notoriety as a public speaker will undoubttedly attract a large audience. IfiyTlie First National Bank of Towanda has been directed by tbe Treasurer of the United States to pay the interest due December 1, on the two year 5 per cent, legal tender notes. Holders are cautioned against cutting off the coupons, as they " will not be re deemed unless detached from the note by an officer duly authorized.'* iictu &i>\)rrt(sements. \Y INTER <;<>Ol>S, .TEST OI'ENIXd, AT ROCKWELL'S. JM'KS ! FI'RS ! ! FURS ! ! ! FURS ! ! !! A NICE ASSORTMENT, - AT ROCKWELL'S. CLOAKS ! LADIES CLOAKS ! N E W E S T S T V L E S , I AT ROCKWELL'S. rrovs! TOYS!! TOYS!!! TOYS!!!! SANTA GLAUS, TAKE NOTICE! ■ The finest assortment the estate of JOHN" T. MORRIS, late of Pike twp, deceased, are requested to make paymeut without delay, and those having claims against said estate will preesent them duly authenticated for settlement. ABRAM MOORE, Nov. 15.1-864. Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Notk . is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of S. FELTON, late of Towanda Boro', Pcnu'a dec'd., are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against said estate will pres ent them duly authenticated for settlement. E. T. FOX, Oct. 13,1864. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JAMES BROWN, late of Litchfield, township, dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, aud those having clames against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL P. WOLCOTT, Nov. 15.1864. Administrator. AD MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JOSEPH QUICK, lateof Sraithfield townshp, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. SAMUEL FARWELL, Oct. 13, 18C4. Administrator. 1) EGISTER'S NOTICE.—-Notice is here- V by given, that there has been filed and settled in the office af the Register of Wills, in and for the County of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the fol lowing estates, viz : Final account of A M and D C Watties executors ol Arunail Wattles, late of Rome. Partial account of G W Brick, administrator of Geo. Harrington, late of Pike. Final account of S 1' I-athrop,administrator of Edward Lathrop, late of Wilmot. Partial account of Peter R and Annias Knapp, execu tors of Zephaniah Knapp, late of Wells. . Final account of Henry Miller, administrator of Alan son Miller, late of Litchfield. Final account of Andrew Kiff, administrator of Buel Smith, late of Canton. Final account of S S Reynolds A David M'Duagle, ad ministrators ot Moses Avers, late of Granville. Final acconnt of Mary Crippin, administratrix of Win. Crippin, Partial account of R K & J Hnlett, administrators of Samuel Hulett, lateof Athens. Final account of B S Russell, Guardian of A L Buffing j ton, Final account of John M'Mann, administrator, of I H I Stephens, late of N.Towanda. Final account of Abel Moore, Executor ol Hannah j Evitts, late of Pike. | Final acconnt of Calvin Newell, executor of Barnard | Newell, late of Springfield. ! Final account of WilmotCoburn, administrator of E Lewis, late of Wyalusing. Final account ot R D Tyrrel & A A Dairow, adininso'r ; of Hiram C Tyrrell, late of Orwell. Final account of J E Piolett, executor- ot N L Green ! ate of Wysox. Final accounts ot J B Hinds, administrator ot Geo. H Weaver, late of Wysox. Final account of A A Prince, administrator ot Sally Prince, late ol Orwell. Partial account of Denison Johnson. Guardian ot Mary E & Carrie A Bailey, Minor Children ol Kansford : Railey, late of Pike. Final account ot Amelia A Barstow. administratrix ! ! of David F Barstow, late ot Towanda. Final account of Win H Reel A Wm II Russell admin ; istratorof Benjamin Keel, lateof Windham. ALSO — Ihe appriseuieut of property set oil'by Execu tors or Administrators to widows or children, of the fol lowing decedents: Estate of Edward A. Murray, " " Alanson Miller. '• " Lyman Blakesiey, '• ' Zenas Gibbs, " " William A Retail, ! " " A S Grover, | " " Darius Mauley, '• " Moses Kellogg, •' '• Silas Packard. " " Joel C Wright. " " Heman H Hickok, " " Edward Williams. And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Conet of Bradford County, on Monday the sth day ot Decem ber, next, for confirmation and allowance. X. C. ELSBREE, Nov. 2, 1864. Register. f EXECUTOR'S NOTICE N&tice is here i bv given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JAS. BAGLY, late of Leßoy Township, deceased are requested to make immediate payment, aud thes having demands against said estate will duly authenticated for settlement. WARREN BIGLEY, JOHN W. GRIFFIN, | Sept. 6, 1864. Executors. JHebteaf. irF DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, Is the best Remedy for Throat and Lung Diseases. IO" It ia the vital principal of the pine tree obtained I by a peculiar process in the distillation ol the tar, by which its highest medical properties are retained. MT It is the oniy safe and reliable remedy wbioh has ever been prepared from the juce ot the pine tree. WW It invegorates the digestive organs and restores the appetite. It strengthens the debilitated system. It parities and enriches the blood, and expels from ; the system the corruption which scrofula breeds. It dissolves the mucus or phlegm which stops the air ' passages to the lungs. Its healing principle acts opon the irritated surlaces ! of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieviug pain and subduing inflammation. WW It is the result ot years of study and •mperimeot and it is offered to the afflicted with the positive assur ance ol its powet to cure the following diseases, if the patient has not too long delayed a resort to the means ot cure. Consumption of the Lungs, l Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Dip ' theria and is also an excellent remedy lor Diseases ol ; the Kidneys and Female Complaints. Have you a Cough ? Have you a Bore Throat? Have you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fa tal disease, Consumption ? Those who should he warned ; by these symtoms generally think light of them until it i is too late. From this fact, perhaps, more than any othsr, j arises the sad pievalencc and fatality of a disease which i sweeps to the grave at least one-sixth ol death's victims, j Consumption has destroyed more of the human family ! than any other disease, and the best physicians for many years have despaired of a cure, or a remedy that would heel the lungs' hut lor more tliau two hundred years the ' whole medical world has been impressed that there was a mysterious power and efficiency in the Pine Tree Tar to heal the lungs, therefore they have recommended the ! use of Tar Water .which in many cases had a good effect; hut how to combine the medical proprieties so as to heal j the lungs, has ever been a mystery until it was discover- I ed by Dr. L. (J. C. Wishart, of Philadelphia, the propri etor of Wishart's Pine Tree Cordial. It is now recom mended and prescribed in the practice ola large numl>cr , of the most intelligent and able physicians. This Cordial, when taken with Dr. Wishart's Dyspep -1 sia Pills, is an unfailidg cure of Dyspepsia. 1000 DOLLARS | Will he paid to any person who will prove that this or ! any of the certificates published by Dr. Wishart, ol Phil adelphia, Pa.,are in any way false,or issued without authority by those who gave them. tin. WISHART :—Dear Sir—l had Bronchitis, Intlnma tion of the Lungs, and shortues of breath in their wor-t forms. 1 had been treated by several ot the most tmmi.- neut physicians in Philadelphia without benefit. I was truly on the veige ot the grave. Your PINK TRSI. TAR CORDIAL was recommended to me by a, friend, and aitei using four large aud one small bottles. I am restored to perfect health. JOHN WARD, Receiver of Taxes. Cor. Cth.and Chestnut its.. Phila. RKADINB, Pa , April 20, L-STU. Da. WISHART—Dear Sir : i have been cured, as I be J iieve.of Consumption, by the use of your PINE TREK TAR CORDIAL, and I was so very lew, and had been sick so long when I commenced to use it. that I had but little confidence in anything. Iliad tried many of the advertised medicines, as well as the prescriptions of j many emminent physicians. My symptoms were a dry, hacking cough, which I had for several years, with night sweats and frequent,severe bleeding of the lungs. I was so very weak that I could attend to no business, and had pain almost constantly through my breast and shoulders. About four years ago my brother, w4io resides in Philadelphia told me he be lieved your medicine would cure me, and I commenced its use. I was aware that my disease had gone so far that I could not expect to he cored in a few days, but in a short time I felt much better, so much so that I was abe to attend to my business ; and after continuing its use for several mouths, I recovered my heaitli aud strength perfectly. I am convinced that this is not a mere trancient relict hut a complete and permanent cure, as 1 have been grad ually growing stronger ever since, and 1 attribute it solely to your PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, for I know that 1 must have gone to my grave years ago, if I had not used your great medicine, i would say to those who are similarly afflicted—especially in cases like mine, i where the dnease has run for a longtime, that although I one bottle will relieve, it will not effect a cure; but by i persevering in its use, I believe it will restore you to health, il you aro not beyond the power of medicine. MRS. L. S. BALLADE. 658 Pcnn st.,Reading,l'a. April 19th, 1864. This i-to certify that I have used "DR. WISHAIiT • I'INE TREE TAR CORDIAL" in my family with good results. One of my family was afflicted for a long time with a very had cough. I cured two small bolt [es ol the Cordial and the * a perfect cure. rsEXJAMIX F. YOST. Hanover St, Pottstown. i'a. READING, Pa., April 19.1864. Dit WISHART—Dear Sir : One year ago the Examin ing Surgeon ol this District told me I had Consumption ot the lungs, and thai I could not he cured; and judging from all my symtoms at that time.l myself suppi -ed ; this to be trie. 1 was for more than one year tr übled 1 with a hacking cough,which gradually grew so bad that I could not have a severe tit of coughing without spitting up blood in large quantities. For months I could not work at anything, and was obliged to keep my lied most of the time. While in this condition. 1 was in at Mr. Rowbotham's store, in this citv ; and lie, seeing how very low I was. recommended me"to try your PINETREE TAR CORDIAL, lie said lie had sold a great deal of it; and that it had cured so many others, lie believed it would do me good. I bought a bottle aud commenced u.-ing it. In a very short time I saw that 1 was getting better very fast, and after taking several bottles. I was entirely restored to health, so that 1 could work every day at my business, which is vei v heavy work iu an iron thundery. When I commenced To use your PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, my weight wa.- only one hundred and thirty-five pounds, -ince the use of it 1 have weighed on an average one hundred and lif ty-five. I shall lie glan to haveyon publish this, a- 1 be lieve 1 should not have been living at the present time bill lor the use ol your great medicine, and 1 wish all who suffer to recesve it- benefit Very truly yours, Capt. SAMUEL IIARXER, 334 South Sth St., Reading,Ba. READ THL FOLROWIXO FROM UTICA. DR. WISUBRT - Dear Sir : 1 take pleasure iu informing you through this source that your PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, which was recommended lor my daughter by- Mr. J. A. Hall, of tbis city, has cured her of a cough ol more than five months standing. I had thought her be yund cure, and had employed the best medical aid with out any benefit. I can cheerfully recommend it to the public as a safe and -urc remedy for those similarly afflicted as I know of many other cases beside that ot my daughter that it lias cured of long standing coughs. Yours, respectfully, JOHN V. PARKER. Daguerrian Artest. 126 Genessoe st., Utica. N.Y. * * * * r have used Dr. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL in my family, and cordially re commend it as a valuable and sate medicine for (olds. Coughs, and those predisposed to Consumption Dr. G. A. FOSTER, 160 Genessee st.,Utica' N. B. The above are a few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved from an untimely grave. We have hundreds of letters from physicians and druggists in all parts of the country, saying that they have never prescribed or sold a medicine which gave auch universal satisfaction. These Medicines are prepaired only by the ,pro orietor. L. Q. C. WISHART, WHOSE OVPICK IS AT No. 10 NORTH SECOND STREET,''Pnn.ASILRHIA, PA. Where he cau be consulted either personally or by iet i tje of charge TIICQ- are -old UP ruuggirts aiui dcal ri' everywhere- at wrtltrfemle by afT Xbw YorJi afiu Phi! j delphii WiolesaTe drtiggTsts. Aug. 31. tilt. 9X.. AYBR'S AGUE CVRK — For the speedy curt of htlcrmilten Fever, or Fiver and Ague. Remit tent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Head ache or Bilious Headache, aud Bilious Fevers .indeed for the whole class of diseases originating in bri/iary de rangement, caused by the Malaria of miasmatic conn tries. Fever and Ague is not the only consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise from its irritation, in mal irious districts, among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Gont, Headache. Blindness, Toothache. Earache. Catarra, Asthma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hystericks, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and Derangement of the Stom ach, all of which, when originating in this cause put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This Cure expels the poison from the blood, and thus cures them all alike. It is not only the most effectual remedy ever discovered forthis class of complaints, but it is the cheap est and morever is perfectly safe. No harm can arise from its use, and the patient when cured is left as health y as if he had never had the disease. Can this be -aid of any other care for Chills and Fever? If is true of : this, and its importance to those afflicted with the com ■ plaint cannot be over estimated. Bo sure is it to cure i the Fever aud Ague, that it may be truthfully said to be | a certain remedy. One dealer complains that it is not a j good mediciuc to sell, because oue bottle cures a whole I neighborhood. ! Prepared by J. C. Arts A Co., Lowell. Mass.and sold ; by H. C. PORTER, Towanda. and by all dealers in medj i cine everywhere. At wholesale by OODON & POTIT, Ll mira, N.Y,