Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 28, 1863, Image 1

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TharEflay Morning, May 28, 1863.
Original |)oe(rn.
'(For tlie Reporter.)
u* A St.
NVuiting in the morning,
Naught the world beside—
Waiting at the noonday,
Ard at eventide ;
\Vaitiug, waiting, waiting,
Witheied every liuwer,
Watching at the day break,
At the midnight hour.
Waiting in the twilight,
I Waiting, ah ! in vain—
Waiting lor some footstep,
That ne'er will eoine again—
Waiting through the long night,
when the great world's asleep—
Stars in yon blue ether,
Silent vigils keep.
Waiting for the soldier,
Lj ing stark and cold.
On the field of conflict,
Bloodstained—dearly sold!
lie heedeth not their watching,
Through the weary day !
Stretched upon the greensward,
O'er hill tops, far away.
Waiting, waiting, waiting,
Waits the weary heart ;
For some cherished pleasure
The futue shall impart ;
Waiting tor some loved on®
That cometh nevermore ;
Mourning o'er the bright hopes
Wrecked upon the shore.
Sitting in the darkness,
With breast--
Waiting tor the footsteps
Of some welcome guest 1
But he never cometh.
Through the many years,
That the spirit watcheth
Mingled hopes and fears.
Thus we all are waiting.
For some cherished joy—
Some bright hope in the future,
Some frail, some idle toy.
Waiting, watching, waiting.
Some loved one gone before,
For the bright re union
On the other shore.
Waiting, watching, waiting,
Morn, and noon and even ;
Till beyond the ltiver,
Meeting all in heaven.
There the stornn are over.
Toil, and trouble, pain.
There no one cumplaiutth,
Weary heart or brain.
Waiting, watching, waiting,
Waiteth every heart ;
Toil and tumult over.
Shadows ail depart ;
Sitting in the sunlight,
Troubles all ar? o'er,
Kindred spirits meeting,
On the further shore.
Kist .Smithfield. Pa.
llisrt Ihiuous.
S;ipcriiitcii(l(>nt of Common Schools
On many accounts the past year has been
an unfortunate one for the.scbools.of Bradford.
Many of our best teachers have entered the
service of the country, and are now doing bat
tie lor the support of the Constitution, or are
"sleeping the sleep that knows no waking."
Disease, too, has made sad inroads in the
teacher's ranks; during the year more of them
have died at home than have died iu any two
previous years since I have been superintend
ent. Our scholars, too, have been swept off
by scores—yes by hundreds. Tue financial
condition of the country, has in some lew in
stances, operated unfavorably. Thus, while
f'°i) is afflicting us as a nation our educational
interests are to some exteut suffering also.
Notwithstanding the dark and mysterious
dealings of divine providence, we have much
this county to encourage us. Very many
of our teachers w ho lematti, are more faithful,
more energetic, more sensible of the fearful
responsibilities resting upon them, and more
tnly determined to meet manfully the demands
fhat these troublous times make upon them
•bile a few boards have shortened their
tei ins because ot the " hard timet," and some
ave voted to pay lower wages, most of tiie
lst 'iels have kepi their schools open the usu
al length of time, uud have paid their teachers
their ordinary wages.
lji consequence of sickness in the early part
0 the year, i was not able to conduct the In
stitutes that have formerly beeu held in the
oaniy This was a draw-buck to many of
e teachers, but was made up, in part at
eas b by the " District Institute." The meet
''M oi our County Association have uever be
ofc been us fully attwuded, nor their proceed
es tnore beneficial to the cause of education.
There have beeu twenty-seven school houses
'fected in the Couuty during the year, they
all of wood except au( j ttre BU^stan .
buildings having generally tolerably good
l2 tu iu( S . QJOSI luein are conveniently ar
anged, although a few are not as much so as
fcV s "ould be. Asylum district has erected
tie of brick, being the first one of the kind iu ,
e tOQII, .v. When it is completed it will be
a superior school edifice. In Orwell a tine
building fur a gradt-d school has been erected-
We have no school houses that are supplied
with the " Boston f&rnituri" still our new
ones have most of them furniture that is
; convenient. Nearly all ear oid hoi s-s have fur
niture that is both inconveuieut and uncom
fortable, and as they ate soon to be displaced
by new ones there will, probably be no change
made iu their accommodations.
There are maps iu a majority of cur houses;
! in our new ones,good^Uckboards and in some
I few, orthographical Nearly all have
blackooards, but of them are poor.—
Some of the teachers have maps, charts and
globes of their own, whicti they use. Where
these are used, pupils geuerally are more fa
miliar with the principles of the subjects stud
ied than those are who have not these advan
There are no more properly graded schools
in operation iu (his county now than there
were ut the date of mv last report, although
there has beeu one house erected for that pur
pose, but it is not yet occupied Iu several of
the small villages of the county, schools of
this kind are needed, but the eitizense of the
townships are opposed to appropriate a suffi
cient amount ol tax to erect houses for that
purpose. To obviate this difficulty, some of
these villages have made applications to the
i courts to be set off us independent districts,
1 aud some to be incorporated us boroughs.
J 1 believe that uil the schools in the county
I are classified, but not as well us they should
j lie iu some cases. Hardly a teucher can bt
t found iu the county who would be wiliiug to
j ulitmp to teach uti unclassified school.
Our teachers have, us u general thing, given
I sulistuelioii, although some have failed entire !
1 Iv to gain the confidence ot either purents or
j pupils, and iu a few instances, the schools have j
; been discontinued either by the voluntary act '
'of the teachers, or by their dismisal by the j
t directors, in every case where this has been '
j done, the complaint was want of capacity to j
j govern. We Lave had a greater uimber ol ;
' inexperienced teachers this year than formerly, j
: and iu some schools such persons did not sue- '
i ceed as well as could be wished.
; There were examined this year sixty nine j
| less male teachers than were inspected the i
| year before. The females buve been us sue
! cessful in teaching and governing their respect
ivo schools us have the male teachers, aud 1
: believe that the instances of entire failure have j
i beeu more generully wiih the males. The j
I prevailing opinion, however, is iu many of our j
| districts, that for large winter schools male
| teachers are to be preferred.
With few exceptions, all the schools in the
j county have been visited either by myself or
;by O J Chubbuck, an experienced teacher
i wlio acted as deputy during uiv illness. The
1 average duration of my visits was about one
i and one third hour. A longer time for each
i school is desirable, but the number schools is
; so great, and the terms are so short, that it is j
| not practicable ; if ibe schools are ali visited j
j each year.
Parents iu this county, as iu most others, [
neglect tf eir schools too much, seldom visiting ;
them. This is not owing, iu most cases, to a J
lack of interest in the welfare of their children, j
or a desire for their improvement, but to a j
. want of information upon the subject. Th-y
I are not aware how much their presence will j
be tit lit the school, and encourage their own !
j children. When parents have beeu iu the ;
j habit of frequently calling upon their schools, j
! the good effect lias beeu almost immediately
i perceptible. Directors quiie generally visit j
i their respective schools ouce during each
The secretaries ot eleven boards hnvc visit- |
ed the schools in their respective districts once !
each month, and their visits have beeu of
gieat benefit to their schools.
District Institutes have been held during
the winter term iu all of our townships except
three. In a few instances the experiment
! proved a failure, Out as a general thing they j
were successful. Iu some districts they start
ed off well, but soon all interest iu them was
lost. In some of our districts we have but
four or five schools, and it being extremely
difficult for the teachers to unite with those of
other districts, it made the institutes rather
dull, iu some iustances, also, there was no per
sou of experience to go forward in the matter.
Early in the season I published a pro
gramme for the exercises, of the institute,
which was generally followed, by those hav
ing ehar.-e of them. Until further trial of this
new feature of our school system, I do uot
feel prepared to decide as to its utility, or the
good that may result. This, as well as evety
thing else, eounected with our schools, should
have a fair trial and be judged by its fruit*.
The sanguine friends of the law should uot be
too urgent to declare it a success, nor should
its willing enemies be over anxious to coudemu
it until it has been further tested.
The Bible was read in about three-fourths
of our schools, either by the teachers or the
pupils. lam not aware that auy marked ef
fect was perceptible in the deportment of the
pupils as a general rule, still in some instances
the good influence was to be seen through
the day. No other mode of commuuicating
moral instructions was adopted, than to inei- ,
deutally call up such subjects while making re
marks to all the school.
There is a gradual" change going on in the
public mind, in relation to our school system ; j
the stong opposition is giving way, aud men '
are settling down upon the system as a fixed i
fact, which is JIOW, aod will contiuue to be the '
settled policy of the Commonwealth. It is i
Dot prcteuded that all are pleased or satisfied
with the law, for that is not the case. There
are men in every district who would be glad to
have ail the school laws in the State repeal
ed, but they have become convinced that the
policy of educating the cbildreu of the State
at the public expense will uot be changed, aud
huve coucluded to make the best of it. The
very stroug opposition that was quite common,
a few years since to the buildiug tax, has very
much subsided.
Since 1 was elected Superintendent, on the
first uf May, 1857, several importaut changes
have tukeu place in the schools of this eouuty.
At each aunual examination the standard of
qualifications required of teachers, has been
raised, consequently teachers Dave very much
improved iu a knowledge of the scieuces to be
taught, aud iu the method of teaching them ;
also, iu their modes of urraugiug, classifying
aud governing their schools. Teachers are
beginuitig to feel, to some exteut, at least, the
importance of their position and their respon
sibilities. About oue bundled and fifty new
school houses have been erected, most of which
are far better thau the buildiugs formerly in
j use.
I have couducted twenty five County Insti
- lutes, which were attended by over two thous
! and teachers, who have, iu this way, beeu
| brought together, and formed educational ac
'quamtances which have done much to secure
uniformity in their methods of teachiug and
: conducting schools, i'ubltc opinion has also,
iu this way, beeu directed more particular to
; tile cause of educaliou, aud many uulouuded
i prejudices have beeu removed lrom the minds
j of the people.
Notwithstanding these improvements, it is
| uot claimed that our bouses are all good, or
I that our teachers or directors are all of them
j what they snould be, or that any of them have
' made uil the improvements that eau be made.
' Far from it. There is yet much work to be
j doue, yet many thiugs to learn, yet much im
• provemeut to be made. Fur too many of our
| teachers think but little of the iiiffneuee they
| exert, or the good or evil they are to do ; far
t too many of our directors feel but little iuler-
I est iu their schools ; far too many of our citi
zens are still, at heuit, opposed to the School
; law ; far too many of our school houses are
| old, dilapidated aud without ihc necessary ac
i commodatious.
j While, therefore, there is much to encour
j age, there is also much to stimulate the 1 rietids
ut the system to energetic and per.-isteut ac
My labors and anxieties as County Super
intendent ure ended. Whatever of good or ill
I nave accomplished is registered agaiusl my
| name in the book of GUD'S remembrance, and
my account is sealed up for the judgment of
the great day.
in looking back six years, I call to mind
many pleusures past, many happy hours spent,
many, very many friendly acquaintances form
ed. There ure u'r-o many duties undischarg
ed, many wrong things dune, many unpleasant
auxious days, that crowd up before me as 1
review the years gone.
By the citizens of this couuiy I have been
treated with uumeiited kindness aud bospital
i ity. Iu my association* with the school olli
| cers and propi ieiors, I have received cordial
i invitations to their homes, und wheu there
I have beeu welcomed aud most hospitably en
j tertaiued by the members of their families.—
Teachers, with one exception, have shown me
nothing but kindness and respect. They, with
directors, have at all times heartily acquiesced
iu my plans, aud evinced a readiness to assist
in ca.tying theui out.
When visiting their schools, all proper fa i
cilites have beeu freely afforded to collect!
the required information. 1 have associated ]
familiarly with them in their schools, at the ;
Institutes and Associations, and at their homes, j
and have always beeu received with cordiality, j
The editors of our local papers have showu me ]
many fuvors, aud have reudered imporlaul ser- '
vne to the cause of education.
For these many kind ucts, this freely reu- !
der d respect, these unmerited hospitalities, 1 |
most gladly avail myself ot this opportunity \
to present my greatlul acknowledgements.—
While, iu looking hack, I fiud many things to j
rpgret, it is with feelings of sorrow that I re |
fleet that I shall uever aguiu meet those frieud !
ly directors, hospitable families, kind and re
spectful teachers, active, restless, yet ever iu
quiring, ever eoufidi g pupils.
In closing this, my last report, let me be- !
speak for my successor the same kind consider
ate regard, the same confiding respect, the !
same charitable forgiveness of faults, the same
hearty cooperation in labor,the same cheerful
acquiescence iu decisions, that have beeu ou
all occasions, so freely exteuded to me.
To wanda, May 29,1863.
A GOOD STOMACH—A country youth, hav
ing an uncle living iu town, resolved to pay
him a visit. He accordingly started off oue
morning, and arrived at his uncle's house just
as supper was ready. Being very himgry,
from his long walk, he no sooner got seated at
the table than he commenced a furious on
slaught on the eatables, at right and left.
44 Hold on, sir," said his uncle, who was a
pious man," 44 we always say something here
before we eat."
44 Say what you 've a mind to," answered
the boy, between two moutbfuls, 44 you can't
turn my stomaca I"
AST" A gentleman remarked the othereven
ing at a party that a woman was the most
wicked thing in creation. 44 Sir," was the in
dignant reply of a ycung lady, 44 woman was
made from man, and if one rib is so wicked,
what must be the whole body ?"
" But if I place my money in the sar
ing bank," inquired one of tbe newly arrived,
" wben can I draw it out again ?" " Oh,"
responded his Hiberian friend, " sure an' if
you put it in to-day you can draw it out to
morrow by gifiug a fortnight's notice."
Death in a School-Room.
Ting-a-ling-ling ling I—went the little bell
on the teacher's desk of a village school one
morning, when the studies of the earlier part
of the day were about half completed. It
was well understood that this was a command
for silence and atteutiou .* aud when these
hud been obtaiued, the master spoke. He was
a low tbiok-set man, aud his name wus Lu
j 44 Boys," said he, 44 1 have had a complaint
1 eutered, that last night some of you were
j stealing fruit from Mr. Nicbol's garden. I
! rather thins I kuow the thief. Titu Barker,
| step up here, sir."
The oue to whom he spoke came forward
He was a slight, fair-looking boy of about
; fourteeu ; and his face had a laughing, good
I humored expression, which even the charge
now preferred against hirn, aud the stern tone
aud threatening look of the teacher, had not
eutirely dissipated. The couutenance of the
boy, however, was too unearthly fair for health;
it had, notwithstanding its fleshy, cheerful
look,a singular cast as tf some inward disease,
and that a fearful oue, were sealed within
As the stripling btood before that place of
judgment, that place, so often made the scene
i of heartless aud course brutality, of timid in
j uoeeuce confused, helpless childhood outraged,
j aud gentle feelings crushed—Lugare looked
jou him with a frowu which plaiuly told that
he felt iu no very pleasant mood. Happily a
worthier and more philosophical system is
proviug to men that schools euu be better
j governed, than oy lashes aud tears and sighs.
\Ve are wuxtng toward that consummation
| when one of the old-fashioned school-masters,
with his cowhide, his heavy birch rod, aud h s
j iugeuious methods of child torture, will be
i gazed upou as a scorned memento of ua iguor
uut, cruel, aud exploded doctrine. May pro
| pilious gales speed that day 1
! 44 Were you by Mr. Ntchol's garden fence
last night ?" said Lugare.
44 \es, Sir," answered the boy : 41 I was."
4 * Weil, sir, I 'ut glad to fiud you so ready
! with your confession. Aud so you thought
i you could do a little robbing, aud enjoy your
| sell in a maimer you ought to be ashamed to
; own, without being punished, did you ?"
| 44 1 have uot been robbing," replied the boy
quickly. His face was suffused. whether with
; resentment or fright, it was difficult to tell. —
j' 4 And I did n't do anything last night, that I
am ashamed to own."
No impudence !" exclaimed the teacher,
passionately, as he grasped a long heavy rat
j an : 44 give me uone of your sharp speeches
or 1 'II tbarsh you till you beg like a dog. 1 '
Ibe youngster's lace paled a little : his l'p
j quivered, but ho did not speak.
4 * And pray sir," coutiuued Lugare, as the
! outward signs of wrath disappeared Irom his
| features ; 44 w hat were you about the garden
; lor ? Perhaps you only received the plunder,
: and had au accomplice to do the more dau
j gerous part of the job ?"
I went that way because it is on my road 1
home. 1 was there aguia afterward to meet
au acquaintance ; aud—and but I did not
go into the garden, nor take anything away
from it. I would not steal, —haidly to save i
myself from starving."
\ou had better have stuck to ILat last
eveutug. \ou were seen, Tim Barker, to come
horn under Mr. Nichol's gardeu feuce a little
alter uiue o'clock,with a bag full of something
or other, over your shoulders. The bag had
every appearance of being tilled with lruit, i
aud this morning the melon-beds are found ■
to buve beeu completely eleurcd. Now, sir,
Abut was there in the bag
Lite lite itself glowed the face of the de
tected lad. He spoke not a word. All the
school had their eyes directed at him. The
pcrspiratiou tan down his white forehead like
41 Speak, sir I" exclaimed Lugare, with a
loud stroke of his ratau on the desk.
The boy looked as though he would faint
But the unmerciful teacher, confident of hav
ing brought to light a criminal, aua exulting
iu the idea of severe chabtisemeut he should
now be justified iu inflicting,kept working him
self up to a still greater aud greater degree
of passion, in the meantime,the child seemed
hardly to kuow what to do with himself. His
tongue cleaved to the roof of his mouth. Ei- I
ther he was very much liighteued, or he was
actually unwell.
44 Speak, I say 1" again thundered Lugare;
aud his hand, grasping his ratau, lowered
above bis bead iu a very significant mauuer.
44 I hardly can, sir, said the poor fellow
faintly. His voice was husky aud tuick. 44 1
will tell you so^e—some other time. Please
to let me go to my seat —I ain't well."
44 Oh yes, that's veiy likely aud Mr.
Lugare bulged out his nose und cheeks with
contempt. 44 Do you think to make me believe
your lies ? 1 've louud you out, sir, plainly
enough ; audi am satisfied that you* are as
precious a little villaiu astbtre is in the State.
But I will postpone settling with you for an
hour yet. 1 shall tcau call you up again; and
if youMpn't tell the whole truth then, I will
give you something that 'll make you remem
ber Mr. Nichol's melous for many a mouth to
come :—go to your seat."
Glad enough of the augracious permission,
and answering not a sound, the child crept
tremblingly to his bench. He felt very
strangely, dizzily—more as if be was iu a
dream tbau iu real life ; and laying his arms
ou his desk, bowed dowu his tace between
ihein. The pupils turned to their accustomed
studies, for durtug tne reigu of Lugare iu the
villuge school, they had beeu so used to sceues
of violeuce and severe chastisemeut, that such
things made but little interruption in the ten
or of their way.
Now, while the intervening boor is passing,
we will clear up the mystery of the bag, aud
ol young Barker being under the garden fence
on the preceding night. The boy's mother
was a widow, aud they both had to live in the
narrowest limits. His father had died wbeu
be_wi.s six year old, aud little Tim as left
a sickly little, amaeiated boy whom no oue ex
pected to live many months. To the surprise
of all, however, the poor little child kept
alive, aud seemed to recover his health, as be
certainly did his size aud good looks. This
was owing to the kind offices of an eminent
physician who had a couutryseat in the neigh
borhood, and who had been interested iu the
widow's little family. Tim,the physician said,
might possibly outgrow bis disease ; but ev
erything was uncertain. It wus a mysterious
aud baffling malady ; and it would uot be
wonderful if he should iu some moment of ap
parent health be suddenly takeu away. The
poor widow was at first iu continual state of
uueasiness ; but several years had now passed
ana none of the impending evils had Val leu
upon the boy's head. His mother seemed to
feel confident that he would live, and be a
help and houar to her old age; and t'ue two
struggled on together, mutually happy in
each other, aud euduriug much of poverty and
discomfort without repining, each for the oth
er's sake.
Tint's pleasant disposition had made him
maoy friends iu the village, and among the
rest a young farmer named Jones, who with
his elder brother, worked a large farm ia the
j neighborhood on shures. June* very freqaent
i ly mud Tim u present of a bag of potatoes or
I coru, or some gulden vegetables, which he
j took from his own stock ; but as bis partner
; was a'parsimonious, high tempered man, and
i bud often said that Tim was au idle fellow,
i und ought not to be helped because he did
j uot work, Jones generally made his gifts iu
| such a manner that no one knew anything
; about them, except himself and the grateful
obj.cts of his kindness. It might be too, that
the widow wus loith to have it understood
by the neighbors that she received food from
I any one ; for there is often uti excusable pride
in people of her condition which makes them
j shrink from being considered us objects of
44 charity" as they woulu from the severest
j p -ins. On the night iu question, Tim iiua
i been toid that Joues would send them a bag
| of potatoes, aud the place at which they were
to bo waiting for him was fixed at Mr. Xich
ols's gardeu leuce. It was this bug that Tim
hud been seen staggering under, and which
caused the unlucky boy to be accused and
convicted by his teacher as a thief. Tuat
teacher was a little unfitted for his important
and responsible office. Hasty to decide, and
inflexibly, severe, he was the terror of the lit
lie world he ruled so despotically, l'uu sh
mont he si etaed to delight in. Kuowiug lit
tle of those sweet fountains which in children's
breasts ever open quickly at the call of gen
tleness and kind words, he was feared by all
for his sternness, und loved by none. 1 would
that he were an instance in his profession.
The hour of gruce had druwu to its close,
and the time approached at which it was u>u
al lor Lugare to give his school a joyfully re
ceived dismission Now and then one of the
scholars would direct a furtive glance at Tim,
sometimes in pity, sometimes iu indifference or
inquiry. They knew that he would have tn
mercy shown him, and though most of them
loved him, whipping was too common there to
exact much sympathy. Every inquiring glance,
however, remained unsatisfied, for at the end
of the hour, Tim remained with bis face com
pletely bidden, and his head bowed in his
arms, precisely as he had leaned himself wheu
he first went to his seat. Lugare looked ut
the boy occasionally with a scowl which seem
ed to bode vengeance for his sallenuess. At
length the lust eiuirs had been heard and the
last, lesson recited, and Lugare seated himself
behind his de.-k on the plallorm, with Lis lou
gest and stoutest ratau before him.
41 Now, Baiker," he said, 44 we'll settle that
little business ol yours. Just step tip here."
lim did uot move. The schoilroom was as
still as the grave Not a sound to be beard,
except occasionally a long drawn breath.
" Mind me, sir, or it will be the worst for
you. Step up here, uud take off' your jack
et ?"
The boy did uot sir any more than if he
had beeu mude of wood. Lugare shook with
passionn. lie sat still a minute, as if cousid
eriug the best way to wreak his vengeance.—
lhai minute, passed in death like silence, was
a fearful oue to some of the children, for their
faees whitened with fright. It seemed, us it
slowly dropped away, like the minute which
preeeeds the climax of an exquisitely perform
ed tragedy, when some mighty mister of the
historic -art is teudering the stage, and you
aud the multitude around you are waiting, with
slKtcbed nerves uud suspended breath, in ex
pectation of the terrible catastrophy.
Titn is asleep, sir," at length said one of
the boys who eat near him.
Lugare, at this intelligence, allowed his fea
tures to relax from their expression of savage
anger into a smile, but that smile looked more
maliguant, it possible, than his former scowls
It might be that he felt umnsed at the horror
depicted ou the faces of those about him ; or
it might be that he was glowing in pleasure
ou the way in which he intended to wake the
poor little slumberor.
" Asleep ! are you, my young geutleman ?" i
" let us see if we can't Gud something to tickle
your eyes optu. There's nothing making
the best ola bad case, boys. Tim, here, is de
termined not to be worried in his mind about
a little flogging, for the thought of it even
cau't keep the little scoundrel awake."
Lugare smiled again as he mude the last
observation. He grasped bis rutan Grmly,
aud desceuded from his seat. With light and
stealthy steps he crossed the room, aud stood
by the unlucky sleeper. The boy was still as
unconscious of his impending punishment us
ever. He might be dreaming some golden
dreatn ol youth and pleasure ; perhaps he was
far away in the world ot fancy, seeing scenes,
aud feeling delights, which cold reality never
can bestow. Lugare lifted bis ratau high
over his head, aud with the true und expert
aim which he had acquired by loDg practice,
brought it down ou Tim's back with a force
aud whacking sound which seemed sufficient
to wake a frozeu man in his last lethargy
Quick and fast, blow followed blow. With,
out wailing to see the effect of the fir>>t cut
VOL. —NO. 0~.
• tlie brutal wretch plied his instrument of tor
! tu e lits>t ou one side of the boy's back, and
; then on the other, and only slopped at the end
i of two or three nrnutes from very weariness,
i Bet still Tim showed no sigus ol motion ; auo
as Lugare, provoked at his torpidity, jerked
away one of the child's arms, on which he had
been leaning on the desk, his head dropped ou
! the board with a dull sound, uud his luce lay
I turned up and exposed to view,
i i When Lugare saw it, he stood like oue trans
tixed by a basilisk. His couutenunce turned
■ ; to a leaden whiteness ; the ratau droped froju
i j his gru-p ; aud his eyes stretched wide opens
' | glared as at some monstrous spectacle of borro t
; and death. The sweat started in great globuler
i j seemiugiy froth every pore in his face ; his skin
' ny lips contracted, and wheu he at leuglh
stretched forth his arm, and with the
end of one uf his fingers touched the
' child's cheek, each limb quivered like the
tongue ol a suake ; and his strength seemed
as though it wouid momentarily fail -hiin.—
The boy was dead, lie had probably beeu so
j for some time, for his eyes were turued up,
, and his body quite cold. The widow was
j uow childless too. Death was iu the sehool
toom, uud Lugare had been whippiug a
iu Philosophy— step out. Johu Jones, bow
many kingdoms iu nature ?"
" Four."
" Name them."
" Eoglaud, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.'*
" Pass to the next. Smith ?"
" Four—the animal, vegetable aud miner
" Good—go up head. Hobbs, what is
meaut by the animal kingdom ? '
"Lions, tigers, elephants, rbiuoeeresses,
hippopopottamuses, aligatoreses, moukeyesses,
jackasses, hack drivers and schoolmasters."
" Very well, but you'll take a lickeu for
your last remark."
" Giles, what is the miueral kingdom 1"
" The hull of Calilorney."
" Walk straight up head."
"Johnson, what is the vegetable king
" Garden sars, potatoes, carrots, ingyous
and all kiud of greens which are good for
" A#d what are pines, and hemlocks, and
I elms—ain't tiiey vegetables'!"
" No, sir ee—you can I cuvk 'em —them's
! saw logs and friunin 1 timber?
" Boys, give me a piece of apple, aud you
! can have au hour's iutermissiou—except
j Hobbs."
| Class iu Mathematics.—Dawson, six timee
I six—
" Is thirty six."
; " Arc —plural."
| " King, nine time- 1 nine ?"
" Am eighty-one."
"Am they ?"
" Yes they be," —(referring to the book
for proof of his assertion.)
" Give me your slate—l'll teach you that
; the English Grammar is a very important part
of Mathematics (writes.) Here do this sum
iu Rule of three before yuu leave this school
j house. Problem :
If Tom Ilyer whipped Yankee Sullivan iu
1 seventeen rounds, who struck Billy Patterson?
I had to leave.
tooF* Every country towu has its fool, who
is the author ol all the towu jokes, eilher ac
tually or so attiibuted. The towu of Wiscus
set, in Maine, in the early part of the preseut
century, possessed such an one in the person of
David Bonnet, a half idiot. David was a fre
quenter of the kitchen of Geu. W -, a
prominent citizen, lie oue day learned that a
great geullemau from Boston,who was in town,
would dine with the General,, and us the hour
approached for Lis arrival, David loitered ab
out the front gate-way to gel a sight of the
j stranger. Now it happened that the latter
was gifted with an immense nose; aud as bo
descended from the carriage, iu company
with iiis host David perceived this character
istic of the gentleman's couuteuance and im
mediately shouted,
" What a nose ! Oil Lor d y what a nose
what a nose!"
Gen. W sharply rebuked the idiot, and
bade him go away, as he had often diuod his
guest. David being much ularmed at having
giving offense, determined to apologize iu the
only way he knew how. Accordingly ho
watched for tiie departure of the gentleman,
and when he .--aw hrm com; io the door, shout
ed as loudly as before,
' No nose at all ! uo nose at ail!'
An exchange says: " We are iudeed a
lmppy, elegant, moral, transceudaut people.
We have no masters they are alprinciples; no
shopmen, they are all a>sistants; no shops, they
aie ail establishments; no servant#, they are all
helps; no jailors, they are all governors; uo
body is dogged in prison, he merely receives the
correction of tho house ; nobody is ever una
ble to pay his debts, he his only unable to
meet his engagements; nobody is angry, he is
excited; nobody is .cross be only nervous ;
aud lastly, nobody is drunk, the very most you
cuu assert is, that ' be has taken his wine.'"
" But if 1 place uiy inouey iu the sav
ing bank," inquired one of the newly arrived,
"when can I draw it out again?" " Oh," res
ponded his Hibernian friend, "sure au' if you
put it in to day you cau get it out ngaiu to
morrow by giving a fortnight's uotiee." (
£5?" A person entering the House of Com
mons when Parliament was sitting, exclaimed}
" These are goodly gentlemen! I could work
for them ail mv life for uothiug."
" What trade are von,my good friend?' said
one of the attendants:
"A rope maker/' was the reply.
figf A hospitable man is not ashamed of
his dinuer, when you dine with him.
finy- A sensible wife looks for her employ
ment ut home—a billy one abroad.