Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 31, 1861, Image 1

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Ttursday Worning. October 31,1861.
, te! to the lit rm deed, hxv featured
' ,> , r her " nn!Hed one* idm*.
.. ■ . ";,e of their v*!or trlumphmtly poor*
A .t the field that darkened >* ore ;
tmU T>m ' va * U,r Vict " r - vV ,"rm
"*B*. bra®-* * hn.uded lu wrath,
-T the *a- < tb UttUl iik,> " UVt 0i lU * tUrm '
Oro* W ,e deflate path.
ul.itne thr dark pint.*, prot.d bird of tha North.
, , wrt p tp-m thy home in the ek.ea.
"■he # got the whirldwiod exahiugly forth,
To the plain where thiuc di ;
Kndprv tuee. my country ! thy aUUM.m effaced.
Th e pride of the boaster w low.
Aa d the Jeep aeV.od standard by coward, graced. ,
i, washed in the gore of the foe.
AS J thon.atarry banner! look proudly again
On the chiefs who redeemed thee from shame,
>V darken thy hewn though t .all on the aUut,
Wh>r|i'weou the deathbed of tame ,
F.c the haJ carries the toah of the braee,
lu i.isfre onfadini muauias.
The sun of their bri may et in the grave,
Tuel gUofiitor g. *v nemaie*. j
£ l lf l l l i Clit.
The Trapper's Revenge.
On the western iroi.tit-r of Kentucky some .
Pei vvs ago, #itl a latijiu i.k of uiucii |
,riur, in the torui ot a { alriarcbal u*un
. >(i wfiit.U throUgl*OU', Loili in arcliilefftiri
i . u linuciisrona, seeunsi w iuir prototype of lis
I ; r;c' r and iiiint"Ha.-t, Richard \ aiigkau.—
pie soli oeatj |AeM ifte ■iicmif wmwmi|
I v>! (lie knijf lirtceadad ifue ul V auglu.s.
'• .u, it-uglh of li"f". nfr lift ill of >tuew. aid j
of m art. bad gamed uauic* j
the early davs ot Keumoky. -k 1 l be time
v,r storv coutiueiices Herbert was just ealer
£ his tnuetwrtitb year. a..d was lUe pr.oiest
ibot as will as tiie haaiMWd J™ *®
Mio'e e tieuieia. although there were many in
me immediate nclgllLorDOud wiao had long
conUu.hd with lout lor ttie supremacy. One
line morning in '.lff live or six of
tftemost athletic youths of the u* tg boor lit mm
h.H.f congregated u.uiier a large tree not lar
; u.e boiues'-eai* 01 (.Hplalu A augliu, an -
villi rifles 111 Laud. "tie idli-uiUng tin; lies!
m-it it* lor tlieir dj' huutiug. E.r tliey a U
.e to aiiy couciustou it(wu he subject, .Her-
Vaugllli. W.IO happened to Ire strolling :
..rrlv aim Ufs >lu>t gnu uptu lus shou.d.-i
i .v.igh the si.cut AVpec **od nar by bis i
r je, came Uiide(*iji •fcJ'Oil tlir g'ojp, and a
ef r.\c,istaging -*e uuai sou taliim. be 1 1 S.eo
s arm over tne mutlie \>t bis u i and to li e
.crnntrttories ot tue p*rty us to bis ia'.e
iiUsettle!lr pii'-u,
•• 1 Was at ile li'ue L:ck, yesterday, aud
"•in uie Willi a 1 d.Un t sla.. tbi-.c
, id as hue a I.U k as ever lapped Water t.oui j
In stream i Vdf up and r t'o-iu tun iuj\ j
r .re ; Kit fire s* >ii tire tiie tifsl
. dr' in a Iwelte-taJOiilb
And } ,vu gave iheiß up. 1 'spoM-.** ?*•}•<.ed ,
a s!i..eii k* kba: jvui'n. touj< o Robert li.ilon. j
Ci >ve !.a-uj up.. rctiJnii \ ; no.
i fare chase ju uai Iwi.eVe, i>U'. a creep g
t tie- I'.J ed tbe Jnsl its 1 uaJ goi u.tOU
I era, !
"Tie •*< fool you." rep'ied ili on, ** to
. *atu,k! What an idea 1 Unt Vaughn
tti i.g a face aukaa autiefed buck, ba ! ha !
i •'! '.arued round to ku eoanjuabtnus with a
I -h ig laugh, abile the kecu ulack eye of
Taagha tirigniened, and tbe warm U ood man
-ni t' L 9 C fi ek.
A- to * iii'mg a dei r,~ replied T nghi).
s- £g * cauiie, or IwH-itig a ImliV eye, I
J i.t- i i in any chap tb lite telllrlUeUt.
as ,'ou. 110 >ll iloti, 1 Call whislle -ff
< ,s UeaiJ Wbrfr VOJ Call t rtifS" tile t i I
I ii.i ■ t oilt ij ag. out you know 1
i*. u<i thai.'
in v you an eAgle to a quarter ouc.
Cfll Li. too, w.i.i a Rushed lac'e, " that I
at Uiir . -.1 g e nan tiouie toe flrst W.iie at
. 1 !**.>, * you can l do it in liu.t uu
D - • : e bet, ai d 1 11 change places with
f d Voting V a Ugh II
i 1 : e," Was tcboed from all ide,
t i •.. •* . e part, sprang to the.r feet, lu
~rj Was fo incoming > 1
e Is of the eldest of t ir party
• *u*\i Kger y ed.m, while another ot tbe
pary - s . r J( t | se | IU( , „f his rifle asb ngie
• -> : ove into the trunk of a saptu-e
'■ ' - vi r ®ud welting the head applied
' sv : *
1 lrrs w-r th*n nasrk-d off toward
>■ -d r<s-t p.aced u f >o*t I to* iuu-ia ai<l
--"s the srksiaea, and in teu a iiii't* from
' s Tie lit o* the chatlelig*-, G "rtua
-ce! ali were com pie I
N" • brT.l'he exciaimrd. " you're go:
i j->ir oaca*. loo* out tor *oir
v " i - - t i clear co iseeiitv for tne
' • . le, 1 a A; r. f voa'll ariltw-r Whip."
'1 ment was Tery great, tatl were
Lirgsaien, H i.<l Uavl i.r beea fatted
'-■! t , other in every mai lt sport, lilt
•as very partially bu.i ; m strewglb a
V-m-ow, aml always co*etin|f raihef
J g the Jwri' cf personal n-OOULt-r.
'bp* a* aueo be cvMi.d fifuroike u
a i ani ap his let! line fiuwer- wk ii
*' U-rvwrfi V*aaau was exactly Uie re
v MRU, w,Ui great kug' n and sui
,; bwii,
•" •wo c*es4U. lib a fair iur< brad.
*t lair a ;ac* buag m a rich proiuMoa of
u • inrvk. and bniiiaoX hiiac* *jc. el
*uO rogais* 1 Uete mas aiWT a
"*■* * WaaUiu. but man y face, ua a
- *** -'ne gtai acaiktC U Uia.a a.a ti
tj 60, ®e*t ; yet not* cvxud surpaaa ug& a
fowr-ws. aaa hut fe oculd txnti
I him to linger ; and ever with a kind of jncoe !
word for his acquaintances, he was loved al- j
most as much as Hob Llilion was despised
The loss ola dime gave Lldlou the h: st shot, ,
' and stepping forward he drew his rifle to his j
sliouider and pulled the trigger ; the hail cut !
thi edge of the paper and hurried itself deep '
in a tree.
" A ni'S-s !" cried half a doien voices.
" Can't expect anything else," gi o led Uil
ton, " wheu a man sprawls his paper all over ,
the tree 1 Rut n> matter, he can't more than ]
cover mine, and the next time I'll hide the nail '
lor you."
Stepping as slowly as though ahout to draw
ujioii a deer Vouglm lowered his gnu lo its
place ; his chest lieuvid, his eyes dilated and
j all watched his fire with eagerness. After
i 'aking steady aim a minute, the trigger was
' puiied, the paper disappeared in un instant,
and u wild about, shrill as an Indian war-
I whoop ploclaitued Herbert Yaughu the vic
j tor.
Every hand hut one was extended to greet
, the victorious youth, every face hut one was
up wbh a smile at his unexpected success, that
one was Robert Hilton's. He spoke no' a
i word, lie breathed no oath, hut upon his face
[ there gleamed the taic fury be'okeuing
j anything hut good to his victorious adversary
j "I MI glad, niv hnv you've got such n;0od
hlood in you," exclaimed Gordon, grasping
\ augiui ciudiaily iy by the hand, " I like to
j er h tehow Hllbiesl like VOU !"
*' I've no notion of bragging !" replied the
victor, " It was only hick all, and if I
j have beat, 'et go at tfut, but Roger"
Audiieiitv Hie si arp. q i:ck repirt of a rifle
■ was ll ard iriiui the llnckel and silUllilttio 00- V
Herbert Vanglin dropped to the gionnd hke
a huih. In un instant the hlood was gushing
' iron! tb** sleeve of hw .uniting shot in tor
teit, and his cheek was hlanched as driveu i
suu>* All present or a acouient seemed dumb
w.tb wonuer i.y the dromdtul occmreuce, and
; theu the discharge of a ha>f a dozen r.fles in
the thicket whs followed by a breathless pause
mul all eager to catch the sound of a body 1
j falling lo the earth.
" A:f turn, every one of you 1" exclaimed (
Gordou hfiing the bead of the wounded man |
" And the one who brings biui .-hall have the
ereuit of the day's bunt."
Four of the best runners were instantly on ,
the track, hud a half a mile off on ihfc slope of
the bill something hafe been di-cerned
like a fox at full speed, so swift wa- i3 pro
gre.-s. it was Ro <-rt Hilton, ihe ou'law, in
lull fl ght for the tiver. I'iX.r V .ughn whs at
length sol jet ted to an examination, and the j
wound, liiougli a pretty s. vere nne.tieMig made
wilti a lagged buiie', w:ts prtiictpaily coi Gned
io tlie flc-Uy part ot bis U riu and tlierefore hi
hf wa.- in no immediate danger The skillful
I Hand of Roger Gorc.on ores- vl ;he wound and j
Willi a little assistance Vaughn wa- eiiained to i
g l bouie Wnile wav our lull and dale flew ,
J enraged c.iuiradeS like Ugers Hi search of j
I'l rev, reckies.-of the dkMcrst game stan-imgus
if r<a iv 'o Kc taken. thy -p-ed furiou-ly on- ;
waid oniv be Ist tlpoti seikmg for the game j
w hose hr.rl s b.Ood -bould be sbed Upon tbe
aiiar of their revenge.
Rui wnei. night ctuie they had no tra 1 of
: n.iu. and when tneV 'ia-1 r-lurued home, they
I had the meagiT consolation that o'<e life hwO I
Ih-tii -pared that won I otherwise hive bceu
saci a. Ed ; m-d iijn liuton. ihe uiurdt rcr.once
■ tbe Kiusotn If.cnd, bud • acttped Vrligrsl.Ct.
Hcritrl \ itugnn. a'ler tbe quarrel recorded
aWve, bee ame an alteied niau. No smile or word, uo old ai d favorite j k* passed
: n.- mfl at ,i-t i.'u* '.<u<y u.ght. when af! j
the eit un II I - s*-t ui-d (Iriiig with ea-h other in
iiieir uiacord. he n ft In- father's hou-e.ami af;t r
- Vi la, da! S absence, w Uen -C vrci w as maiv for
HiUi he w wS no where to he found.
Mws-v vearsimssnl T'neoio Kectucky honits
vanished with lle departing pal narciis !lO sat <
ninier it.< w toot t:ets and aM the a fifetic com
j a'-y wlw> trysied on ittal autuiun d ry beneaUt
Tbe -i old Oak, not oi e was there lo mark
II- autumn leaves, O." fake sbeitcf Tnlttlb its
Ain-'og the cnbius alone the Piatte river,
where the int annants were lew lined i become
the -'.rrhglh tt.d swlrguard f Kn ,
sas. might hate been pointed out lllal ot Roger
Goruoti, su cungraiii luaii Kentucky, unina.-- j
ed. HiUtpid and coarugeotta, and w horn rn.e j
cult eas Iv nctglillr a- the generoU- umpire* in
tto- tormer ep.ode of our harrniive.
mora, ig aiine he > bu-iiy engaged
tiding the t w acr-a if:at surrounded bis cot
ta.e. he heard tbe rep>vt .f a r.d-, seemingly
at no great distance iron! him Gonion start
ed. ano quM-kly eiauiinii.g tbe priming of b s
rib * w uiclj Was suspended from bIS snoUider
beii, hasteticd :u IbeUtrtcUon ol the se u .d
Retorc be bad reached the half rune lie .
luag:i>ni Unght interreue, he was suddeniv j
brought to • stand stui by tbe exciamatwu ,
of— _ j
" Ho. tb*re."
Gold U hw.ked up aomewhat surprised and
beheld within a lew fret Ol biui, OUeof the UiOsl
frroeii-'U- b<>k ng beings that be Lad iter seen •
He si**od ib hk r*L a.aied lull at Gordon, '
bu loc* was iittiupJ in a bla, k beard, while
tbe bair Ui*ou his bead hung in eif lock- i
nj-jii bis sbeuiders. He wore upou h - head a
cap tunned of uiarui l -km.wbile a Se>r: of lose ;
buaii-.ig fro> k ol vie r sktu nung iu folds from i
his shoulder to his k ee, ami his ltnjlS w erv
eiii s-v J in l*gg * -of UO li'ur. aiu, an un
dre-seo then gof tie Same 1. alher eacin led his
wa -t, to wbicb wa- aitachrvi a rude powder-
U>ru and hudel j>ouib. Af'er hois tug tbe |
bait f w- rde tu :• keuof friendship and sub j
mission, Guruvm -k.d iu a bold voice, "wbetb
tr he was friend or foe
1 aui a friend to nohodt." answered the .
strwogrr - Whether lam a foe,depeud bp ■
ot* cmtttitvures ~
Gordoe had meanwhile approached near- r (
to tbe sWatiger, ar.d proffered Ljta bis ba: .. be ccM-dialiy grasped exciaiuinig :
" It s ia ibe aatc re of a man to 1 e an eoemy .
and i away- keep my eye clear for a S_tr
tluug,:* i a bek as if joo meant we!! A- I •
am tnure thai, a match lor TOO *nj W *J, 1
veotore to shake baads **
| "May I usk," interrogated Gordon, " bow I
j long you have dwelt in tins solitude ?"
" 1 live not far from here," was the reply,
i " and go out ouce in u while to pick up a stray {
' deer or so."
" How long have you lived in these parts?"
' asked Gordon again.
j " Six or seveu months," was the reply, " I
! generally stay about that time in one spot. —
Next week I shall move away."
" Why do you move to often !" said Gor '
' don
" BeCiiose," replied the stranger, a fierce
1 light gleaming in h>s eye, "I'm seeking one
who lives S"iuewhere in Kansas. Perhaps you
know hiiu, his name was Rob Hilton?"
" And vonr name," exclaimed Gordon, " is
Herlert Vanghu "
iu an insrant his rifle was primed and point
ed at Gordon's breast, but the latter gra-ped
it and the coutei ts passed harmlessly iuto the
air. Again however, before he could utter one
word the stranger folded him hi his bercuieous
embrace aud bore him to the ground. Gordon
was a man of great personal strength as well
as couruge, vat he seemed only an infant in
tbe grasp of the desperate man. When the
stranger, looking his victim full in the face, re
leased his hold exclaiming. "You're not the
man, I suould know bun among a thousand,
you are not Robert Hilton. Get up man and
thank you. stars I had not shook your heart
out of you "
Gordon then proceeded to tell his name,and
brought to mind the part lie bud enacted in
the quarrel of year.- before. Vaughn (for it.
wa* nun} again and again shook lite baud of
his old comrade, and ul length sunt :
" Well, if you can find a place in your cabin
for a buffalo like iiu., I'll go with yoo, if not
eav so."
Of course Goidon invited him to partake of
, In- huspiluiilj, ami during tne evening meal
Vaughn related the details of iiissingular fl gh:
(roiu home, and the erratic life he wasieadiug;
w hue his host as be regarded his bronzed the*k
! and hardened leatures, could scarcely believe
i him tne T-auie bright eyed and gracelul strip
I Sing, the Herbert Vaughn of older day-.
. " Wheu Rob- rt Hilton put that ragged hul
. let into me," exclaimed aaghu, "for being
1 better than be was, 1 concluded to load and
1 prune my rifle, and .-trp over the border,tru-t
--s tug to my ramrod for help iu the hour of ueed "
" 1 have traveled and trampled," he con
tinued, " from ea.-t to„we-t from north to south,
and searched in every nook and corner, but
have not vet found theiaau. Rut the liuie is
corn.t.g ! I shall trace lorn to h.s den and set
tie all arrears Here's a ragged bu.iet," he
j eje! timed, drawing one from aside pocket,and
holding it up, a* d replaced it again wttb arf air
"t composure Evening at lengfb cauie, and
something of the ,oid geniality sceuird to be
• aroused m 4 the nature of Vaughn, as he sat be
fore the bUz Tig fie m Gordon's Cubiu, and re
f luted the ai.<cdotes of his Ixiyhooil.
Sudilfnly a kfKH-k was heard at the door,
find and sturtliiig. aud both Gordou and
Vaughn jumj'ed to their feet. ine loiuiei,
j however, advanced and iqieiied the door, and
• before hi in stood an armed mau dressed as a
common hunter and carrying a rifle in hand
Gordou wnb the cordiality which charactenz
1 e the denizens of the prairie, ai.d the so.ilurv
, dweller in the ionelv cabin invited the-tranger
lo his fireside,and the new corner strode in and
took a seat, laying hts r.fle on the beside
" Are yon frieiwh here, or are you inclined
for a fight fhe a-ked alter a pause " i like
iu k ow how I suiui always in company.
" 1 am not particular," replied T augliD,
" but a- 1 don't see any ueed of a quarrel sop
jxy-'e we -ay friend- "
" Very gooo. rejdied tbe stranger ; " lam
my-cil >orry to quarrel, fur wheu 1 uo, 1 aui
apt to u-e one ot uiy playthings here. I uever
j bark, but I can bile where there's nerd." 1
Gordon arose to* BVr food to the visitor.and
as he did s> H ejes vohtotaHfy re-ted tifa>n
!he f ice of
to read the -rang-r's lu-ait ; wone big Ur.qis ;
|of per-p.ra'iuu stood upou Los brow, and,
pK.i. y pr. Vt-d the volcano raging within ; and .
*■ lh a calm and plea-ant voice, which ill ac
t cor.}.d with the external feeling, he addressed
-fee siraiufrr.
" May 1 a-k your name V he said.
" Yes." was the reply, " but it doa't follow
that I shail trii you "
"May I a-k." rejoined Vaughn, taking co
noKce *R ihe visitor's reply, ** if you aiut from
" Perhaps, and perhaps not," he answered
" Why r
" Recause," replied Vaughn. " I imagine
you had forded tbe Ohio, time and again Now
naviTt you ?" he pursued.
"Maybe I have," was the strauger's re
" Aud I'd swear from your eye you've shot
- isrgt-r game than ueer of bears in y<ar time,
i vroutUu't t*e surprised either ll you had
brought down juur mau eveu.
j*i ,i tiie victor made no rep y, bat his eyes
io i mure p a.u.y taau worus what L.s bps
would utter
In a moment Vaughn's countenance assumed
tile uivsl UeiH' also expression as he started lo
! hie feet and cocirooted ll* slraDger w.tb : j
"And did vou never sLoot a fuend down
! when Mb Sack was turned 1 A ragged bullet
I'm think g wooM make his body a pcey for
worm- Robert UuKmi. your hour has come .' |
Long, Vrs. many year* Ua*e I trod the lorest a
wanderer, living, breath.: g, gloating on the
bought of this bit--ed hour I bad not evet.
>lar*d to hope that I should meet yon maafnl
! iv. and a fair strugg e tear yowr ht-wrt irvmi
1 vo**r te.idv Lay asroe your au*i hand to i
i i, ki o- reuc* tue struggle ot other day*.
During this speech the out;** -poke not a
' word atid - .owed no sigm- of einotiuo. save a
! iead'v *a}euess which u*er-freao tatsfew'BPes
I He r* e<3 h.s p -to! witu tte qunkuess ot
( iwougM ; yet, ere toe trigger c* u.a ba po-ied, j
the strong arm of Herbert \ aughu had .auoch- . |
ed it into the comer of tte nxui
In aao'.ber m 'tamX the vrong men were j
'''wktcf" erl tz.'ottc*. Btb n*f
herculean in strength, and gigantic in propor
tions, which i cl.ued the victory to neither
side. Rut the tremendous nerve and inex
haustible strength ol Vaughn at length cou
quered, and Hilton fell to the ground beneath
the body of his antagonist.
Tnere was a triumph in the eye of Vaughn
which argued no sympathy, no hope for the
wretched man, and Gordon involuntarily turn
ed his head to one side to avoid the fatal blow.
A slight struggle from the prisoner as his ao
togonist sought the knife at his cirdle, and
then with a slasbiug sound, through the cloth
of his garments, sped the iu*trumeut of death,
directly, to the heart of his victim.
Gordon and his friend exchanged no word
that night ; both retired to rest with the cou- I
viction that justice had been meted out
Next morning the stiffeoed corpse of a man
pierced to the heart, lay ou tbe floor of Gor- J
dou's cabin. The log floor was perforated an i
inch or more by the blade of the knife, and *
clotted blood ran ir. a crimson stream across
the hearthstone. Bit Herbert Vaughn had j
vanished, and ou the floor was traced iu rule
characters :
"My revenge is complete Io a strange
laud bcucefortb lam a waoderer. Farewell!''
(From Vanity Fair.)
Artemus Ward sees the Prince Napo-'
Nothwithstandin I haiut writ much for the
papers of late, nobody needn't flatter their
selves that the underlined is ded. On the
contrary, " I still live,'' which words wa*
spokeu by Daniel Webster, who was a able
man. Even the old-line whigs of Ro-ton wiii
admit thut. Webster is dead now, however,
and his uiuotie has proi bly fuiien into the
hands of sum dealer lu 2nd hand close, who t
can't sell it. Leastways nobody pears to be
goiu rouud weartn it to any particular exteut,
now days. Tue riguueut ot i was kur
tial fiually concluded they was better adapted
to liouie Guards, which accouuls for your not
heat iu ot uie, ear ibis, where the battle is the
thickest and where the cauniu dotu roar.—
But as a American cilizeu 1 shall utr cease
to admire ibe tnesteily advance our troops
made ou Washington troin Bull Ruu, a short
lime ago. It was well duu. 1 spoke to my
wue about uat the time. My wile said it
was well duu.
It bavin there 4 detarmined to pertect Bal
dinsviiie at hazzards. aud as there was uo ap j
preMnshuus *>. any nomejit danger, 1 thought j
i wouiu go on onto a pleasure tower. Ac- i
coruiugiy i put ou a clean Biied tj-'iiit ana
started lor W ashiugtoo. 1 weul there to :'ee i
the I'*oils Napoleon, and not io see the place,
whiCU i Will Ueie lake occasion to oooarve is
about us interettiu a locality as there is this
side o: J. L>a>..-'s tu'ur iiorne, if he ever does
die, u:.d where 1 recou they'd make it so warm
lor him that he Will si for lus summer close |
ll is easy euuff to See why a uiati goes to
the poor Lou*e or the penny leutiary il's be
caws ne can't help it. Rut why Le should vol- •
uutarilv go and live io Wa-hiugiou is eutirely
beyond my comprehens.ous, and 1 can't say j
no lairer nor that.
I put up lo a kadin hotel. I saw the laui
lord *od scd, " How u've do, Square V
" Futy ceuts, sir," was bis fcpiy.
'* -Mr 1 '
" Had a doilar. We charge twenty five
cents lor Lckin at the landloid and fifty cents
lor speaE.u to li.ui. If yuu want supper, a
boy win -bow to the diuin room lor tweuty
flve cents. Your room bein iu the tenth sto
iy, it aui cost you a dollar to be shown up
" How mnch do you ax a man for breath
iu iu CUis etjainoUi.kai larvun ?' sed 1
" TeiicttaU a nreih, was nis reply.
\Vasbinglou uottls is very reasonable iu
their charges. N B—Tinsisbarkossum.)
1 sent up my kcerd to tbe Friuts. and was
immejitly usbewd belnre him He ieceived
me kiodly ana axed me to sit dowu.
" 1 bav cum to pay my respects to yon,
Mister Napuieou, Lopiu 1 see you hale and
Leal tj. '
** 1 atu quite weii," be said. " Are you
well, fcir ?"
** t-ound as a cuss !"* I answered.
He seemed lo be ptcased w.m my ways, ana
we entered into a conversation lo once.
" Ho* s Lewis ?" I aXed, and he said tbe
Em)eror was weii. Eugeuy wtuiiKewiie well, -
be said. T'neu i axed mm was Lewis a good
provider ? (ltd tie cum Uoui any uites ? di t
Le pe. loom her bedroom at a on seasonable
hour with giu and tauzy ? L.d be go to
" tbe Lodge ou Digbls w neu there wasn t anv ? did hcoiicL. Lav to go down IO lowu
to meet a triend 1 did Le Lave a extensive
acquaintance among pool fooug widders wnose
Lu-Oands was tu CaaiOrny ? io ad of watch
questions 'Ue i'riuts peniteiv rep..ed, given
ine to under*-and tftal the Emjicror was bc-
Lavut wt.l
" 1 ax these quest.cos, set roya': duke and
most noble highness and nuperiais, becsss 1
iai auXMMs tu EuoW bow he stand- us a c*an
i know be s smart. He is cuunin, he is loug-
Leaued, be is deep—ue is grate. Bat ou.e*®
Le is g'.*i he'n come down wiih a crash cue or
tiiesc -.ays uuo itie R*.*>YPv*irs wt-i be
lip agin. Bet yr tile 1"
Air you a prcooLcr, sir ?" he inqored, shte
iy sartiosiicui
" No. sr iki. 1 bseeve iu mcraiity. 1
likewise beierVe IB MeetlU Houses. boW Oie
a place *atre turfe isu t auy Meetiu House
aud oere preachers is ueter seen, and ill
show yuu a place wucie eid bats air stuffcV
into oroken winder*, where tLe children a.r
dirty and ragged, where gwteS bav uo hinges,
where the aiuna are sl.p-nod. and a Lei*
mp* ol the oevi s " *no iaiui'' a.r puuiol
upon men's shirt bosoms with totscco jocce ! j
1 bat's a bat Id SLOW TOQ Let US CoUSKkf |
w bat uie preachers do tor u* before e aboowe
'cm *"
" Heaed be didr/t mean to aboose tbe cler
gy. Not at ail. and be .was csi py to see .
that I wax interested in the b iTp*ri tauK.y. j
" it's a grate
scooped :ne did tcau
I " How, sir."
" Napoleon the Grand. The Britishers
scooped him ut Waterloo. He wanted to do
Ito much ; and he did it ! They scooped him
I in at Waterloo, and he sobsekently died at
jSt Heleny ! There's where the greatest mil
• itary man this world ever projueed pegged
i out It was rather hard to consine soch a
{ mac as him to' St. lleleny. to spend his larst
days in catching mackeril, and walkin up and
down ibe dreary beach in a military cloak
: drawn 'itely rouud him (see picture-book,}
bnt so it was. " Hed of tbe Army !"
i Them was his larst woi-ds. So be had bin.—
iHew as grate! Don't I wish we had a pair of
i his old boots to command sum of our Brig
! gades."
This pleased Jerome, and be took me warm
ly by the hatid.
" Alexander the Grate was pnnkins," I con
tinnerd, " but Nupoieon was punkinser ! Alio
! wept becaws there was no more worlds to
scoop,and then took to drinkin. He drowndid
j his sorrers iu the flowin bole, and tbe flowin
bole was to much for him. It ginrally is
ID undertook to give a snake exhibition bit
it killed him. That was a bad joke for Alic !"
" Since you air so solicitous about France,
i and the Emperor, may I ask you how your
j own country is getting along ?" sed Jerome,
j iu a pleasant voice.
j " It's mixed," I sed. " But I think we
j ih*" come out all right."
" CjluiT^u' s , when be di s kivered this mag
nificeut coutineut, could hav had no idee of
the grand or it would one day assoom," ted
the Prints.
" It cost Columbns twenty thousand dol
lars to fit nut his explorin expedition,'' sed I
" If he hod bin a sencible roan, he'd bar put
the mon**y in a hos* railroad or a gas company
i aud left this magnificent continent to tbe in
telligent savages who when they got bold of a
good thing knew enough to keep it, and who
wouldn't have seceded or rebelled, nor knock't
Liberty in tbe hed wi T h a slogshot. Colum
bus wasn't much of a feller, after all. It would
hav biu money in my pocket if he'd staid to
home. Christ, dent well, but he put his
foot in it when he sal ed for America"
We talked sura more about matters and
things, and larst I riz to go. " I will now
say good by to van, noble sir, and good lock
to you. Lit aw fie the same to Clotildy. Al
so to the gorgeous persons whißo compose
your soot. If the Emperor's boy don't like
j iivin at the Tooieries, when he gits older, and
i wonid like to embark in the show bizness, let
j him come with me and I'll make a man of him
Y>u find as somewhat mixed, a I before ob-
I -arved, but com agin next year and you'll
find u* clearer nor ever Tt.e American Ea
gle bus lived to sumptuondy of late—bisstum
mie fool, and he's now takin a slite emetic.
That's all We're gettin ready to strike a big
blow and a sure ote Wuen we do strike,
tiie fur w ll fly and secession will he in tbe
hand of the undertaker, sheeted for so deep a
1 grave that nothing short of Glabra's troai
' hone will ever awaken it ! Mind what I say.
You've heard the >Lowman !"
Then advisin him to keep away from tbe
Peter Funk auctions of the Ev-t, and the pro
' pneior- of corn lots in the West, I bid him
farewell, and *eiit away.
Tnere wa- a icvee at Senator Wbat's his
-1 names, and I thought I'd jilt in the festivities
for a sped. Woo shonid I see but she that
was Sarah Waikius. now the wife of our Coo
gres.-er, trippin in the dance dressed ap to kill
in her store close. Sarah's father a*ed to
keep a !i*tle gro-ery store in our town, and
she u-ed to cierk r for hiai io bn-y times. I
' was rush in op to shake hands with her when
she turned ou her heel, and 'c-sin her h<ru iu a
contemptnoos manner. waik*-d away from me
very rapid. " Haiio Sai," 1 hoiieni, "can't
yon men-ure me a quart of them best raeia*-
ses ? I may want a coofish, also ° I guess
this reminded her of the iittie red store, and
" the dty of her happy childhood 3
Bo: 1 teii in with a uice iittie gai after that,
who was aioch sweeter than Sally's father's
roeUsses, and I axed her if we shouldn't glide
in tie* me-sy dance. She sed we would, and
we Glode.
I intended to make this letter very sens,
hot a few goaks msv have accidentally crept
in Never mini Be-.des. I think it improves
a kombk paper to pubi -ha gcak once in a
>f whiie. Yours Muchly,
ward, ,
Dor ' Boys," sa ia Cncle Peter, as he ex
amiued tbe {>>intsof the animal. " I don't *ee
but one reason why that mare can't trot her
mile in three minutes ~
They gathered round to hear this oracular
: opinion, and one inquired.
" What i- it r*
" Why," he replid. " the distaace is too
great for so short a t'me "
A Dutchman's receipt for makirg a
Zcaave : Take a recruit, keep h : a forty eight
h<*ur-. nothii'g 'Q eat ; den march him forty
eigl.t hi-nrs— to eat : den let h.m 6-gat
] h—! f o-v eight hoar*—uothisg to eat; by
d—n he be one Zooave.
3sg~ A pedlar called on an old lady to de
pose of some of V? goods ar.d inqu'red of her
if she could tell him of any roao which no ped
lar had travelled. " Yes." said she, " I know
or.e and only c-ce, and tha; is tbe road to
An Irishman jost from tha od, vt
ean £ some o d cbiese, when h® found to Li
di-maT that it contaioed living iuhabttants
" B* iwbers," *a.a h, " does year caase have
; children T'
•V A Printer whose ta!!ent* were bet
ind.ff-rent, turned physician. He was asked
the rc*on of iL He said ;" ia printing a 1
the fau *.s are expused to tkaey*. Uit >a phvs
ic they are buried with the pa:*eut, wad oee
i geu cS ao e eas,.v "
Nyh ogsocceeda so wtl! as s;-e*s
VOL. XXII. —NO. 22.
! gtprtmeut.
Hints Concerning Small Children-
Some of (he greatest difficulties which many
j teachers Lave to meet, arise from the young
est children. It is often pleasant to see their
eagerness to go to school with their brothers
and sister*; and their smiles sometimes add
i cheerfuluess to the place, without interrupting
I business ; but more frequently tbey cause dis
turbance,and b.iCle the teacher in all his effort*
I to beep the others attentive aud orderly.
Many teachers suffer 6mall children to at
, tend their schools, out of respect to their
: parents, or for some other reusou, while they
j feel that get little good and do much
i harm. Intelligent persons know, too, that the
) trouble they give is sot generally intentional,
: but arises cut of natural caue, such as
• inconvenient seats, want of change, of exercisa
| or f appropriate occupation.
Now nost district schools are .so ill provid
ed for the comfort of young children, and most
, of them are conducted on a system so ill calcu
lated to keep them interested, that probably
many teachers of such schools may think tbo
I difficulties above spoken of can never beobviat-
I ed. When it i possiole, the small children
may be placed in a separate room, with great
advantage, under the care of a female ; but in
many districts this is not easily done.
| It happens, however, that some schools in
i different places have been so improved, both
i iu arrangements and methods of teaching, thai
| these evils have been ultnost entirely removed,
iWe will gve a biief account of one such
school, hoping that some teachers will try ex
! periments for their own benefit and that of
j their pupils.
A few months ago the teacher of a district
| school, in a country village, complained that
the little children (many of whom were sent
to his school to be kept out of the way.} great
i lv interrupted bis discipline and instructions.
To the eye of a visitor th n y indeed presented
a painful spectacle, being left almost entirely
to themselves, with nothing to do which thev
jCOuIJ und rstand, and seated on benches so
' high, that thej feared a tall, and not uufre
qaently got one. The weakest were often
crowded, or otherwise oppressed and irritated
by the stronge-t ; and their complaints acd
cries, sometimes with langhter, confused
the master, diverted the attention of the other
children, and displeased the spectator.
A few week? afterwards, at another call, the
i visitor found three or four low benches placed
in one corner of the room, and all the small
; children seated on them, some with slates and
penrils. They were attentive, cheerful and
silent. Their Tittle feet rested on the floor,
j they could lean back when weary, and every
fifteen or twenty minutes the teacher, or one
,of his most tmst worthy and capable elder pu
pils gave vf -rd* o' command, or some signal,
and they rose, clapped t.eir Lands, faced to the
r.ght and eft, and made various motions in
imitation of him. Then they woold sing some
!." tie by a or song they had learnt ; and after
wards repeat the additioo or multiplication
table all together, or hear a story lead about
the cow, lion, eagle, or some other object,
while a picture of it was held np before tbem.
T;,e teacher said that he had derived indes
cribable re lio f from this change in his school ;
and that, after the few first days, the other
scholars were not disturbed by the excrcisea.
Always Teach Something, and but One
Thing at a Time.
"Children who have the habit of listening to
word- without understanding thex, yawn and
writhe with manifest symptoms of disgust,
whenever they are compelled to bear sound*
which cor.vey no ideas to their minds. AH
; supernumerary words should be avoided ia
cultivating the power ot attention.
" A few years ago, a gentleman brocgbl
two E-quimsax to London. lie wished to
and at the same time to astonish tbem,
with tbe mag-Jfigerce of the metropolis. For
th porpose, after having equipped tbem like
Eng!i-h gentlemen, be took tbem out one
morning, to walk throuzh tbe streets of London.
Ytiey waxed several hours in s.ience : they ex
pre?sed neither nor admiratiou a* any
thing they saw. Ween their walk wa ended
they appeared uncommonly melancholy and
stnpified A soon as they got borne, tbey sat
down, with their elbows upon their knees, and
bid their faces between their bands. The only
words they could be brought to ntter were :
' Too much icnok-?—too much noise—too macb
hon-es—too much men—too mac fa every thing.'
'• Some peopie who attend pclhc lectures
on natural philosophy, .th the expectation of
being much amused and instructed, go home
wnh feeiings sim.itr to those of the poor
E-qu oi iUX : tbey feel that tbey have bad too
much of every icing Toe lecturer bas Dot
' bad time to explain bis terms, nor to repeat
ihem t. i tfaev are di-unel in tae memory of hi*
audience. With children, every mode of in
struction mu-t be hurtful,which fat.goes atten
tion ; therefore ask..: *! instructor wiii. as mock
as possible, avoid the mar.ner of teaching, to
wbicb the public lecturer s in some degree
competed bv Lis situation."—.l Tit.-* £ £*■
A H;GBS* Enicwnos NEEOEO BT trt?.r
Hciuv Bxiso.— common potion has been
that tne mis of the people aeci to other cul
ture than tb.s ctcessarj to til them fx their
Tar.ous trades; and though lh"* error is passing
away, it is far f*ca exploded. Bat the
ground of a man's cu.iure lies in his nature.not
in bis caiiiag. II -* powers are to be unfoided
on accoont of their inherent dignity. He is to
be educated becaaSe bo is * man, cot because
be is to make shoes, nails or pins A trade
is plainij cot the great end of L.s beng, for
his mind cannot be shut np in it. * * * A
mind, in which are sown the seeds of wisdom.
i .snit-rest' k does£. firmce** of purpose, and piety,
is worth mors than a.. the outward material
j Ttarev.s of a world I; exisu for iteifJoriti
j (>s per fee HOC, aod MAST sea bs enslaved TO
ita own crolheg'a animal wax's