local and general. THE SPECIAL COURT is still in session. Its J , „ TIRNE from its sitting on the 14th inst., has been * COPIED in the trial of one cause— A. B. Smith vs. Sam- J ad others. •gv-The friends of Rev. NATIIAN FELLOWS F, him a donation visit, at the M. K. Parsonage, on and evening of Tuesday, the 29th inst il',,, public are respectfully invited to attend. p A7BIOTIC .—The Lock llaven Watchman that five military companies of Clinton county will 'T their services to preserve Washington city from 0 ullifiew. A company of fifty young men in Lock llaven has been engaged for the same purpose. HON THOMAS 11. BURROWES, as we informed, . FT to attend the meeting of the Teachers' Asso- T : OII at Athens, on the 2d and 2D of February next— WE hope there will be a full attendance. DISEASES of the Throat, Coughs, Colds Ac., R( . prevailing to an alarming extent in many townships THROUGHOUT the County. An early resort to Medical re , lE f IS absolutely required. Do not delay to seek advice procure the appropriate remedies now being pre pare,] at Dr. PORTER'S corner Drug Store, is suggested BY Medicus. STOLEN. The deer that was caught alive In Hie river, and which was enjoying comfortable QUAR TS in a barn down town— disappeared on Tuesday night. SOME rascal with more love lor venison than reverence for the law, broke through the bars of a win ,]„• AND conveyed bira to parts unknown. Should the tl'iiet be FOUND lie will no doubt think it was dear meat. To CORRESPONDENTS. —We have received a number of communications, upon the affairs of the na- J Tl„n which, though worthy, we are obliged to decline j f„r want of space. Private opinion, even if ably ex pressed in the present exciting times is of little value in comparison with the the views of the leaders at the seats of government, to whose acts and speeches wc de sire to give publicity as far as our space permits. HoßOiun OFFICERS. —At the Borough elec tion held on the 18th inst., the following officers were elected: High Constable. —<1. 11 KATO*. Constable—A- J ■ NOIII.K. To.cn Council—C. I- WART. .1 AS. Met' ANA. Umongh Auditor. —S. W. AI.VOBD. Overseers of the Pooi-.-Y. K. I.ADD, WM. Mix. School Directors —II •B- M'KEAN, D. A.OVEKTOX. Alienor. —Geo. fc. fox. Judge of Election —W. T. DA VIES. Inspectors. —J. D. fiooDßNoroH, F. (J. COBURM. 5OI.I). —Some legal gentlemen in town hnv i ing seen by the prospectus of a certain monthly that a j frizeof a splendid Bible with one thousand illustrations I mid l>c given for a certain ntimlior of subscribers, and f a desire to find out what kind of a work it was, or wing anxious to see the pictures, one of the number sent en the requisite subscript ions,and in due tine the volume Mine, it proved t> be a comm >:i cheap edition ; but t!ie unkindest cut of all was in the illustrations, which consisted of leaves from illustrated pages of the t'omic Monthly. Yankee Motion, g-r„ placed between the pr ges of the good liook. We can hardly sympathize with the victimized, for we never did approve of people med- ! dliug with things they did'ut understand. j Use 1 " The attention of Justices elected at the late election is called to the provision of the law passed by the Legislature of 1858, which provides that I every person hereafter elected to the office of justice of . the peace or alderman, shall, within thirty days alter the election, if he intends to accept said office, give notice i thereof to the prothonotary of the common pleas of the I proper county, who shall immediately inform the secre tin-of the commonwealth of said acceptance; and no ] , amission shall issue until the secretary of the com- ' ■.stealth has received the notice aforesaid. SIUCH of the act of assembly as requires constables to 1 tend copies of the returns of the election of aldermen a<i justices of the peace, to the governor of the coni- N>in wealth, is repealed. DOGS. —If Towanda is remarkable for one :i>ing above all others it is in the number of its canines. Whether this is tlie reason for its politicians having the reputation for being dogmatical we can't say, tint that they are the special pets of the Borough authorities we must admit, for the park in front of the public buildings seems to have been prepared solely for their convenience. Not a day but everybody's dog in company with their neighbors dngs assemb e there; big dogs and little dogs, lean, thievish dogs, and honest looking dogs, dogs that nolxidy owns and the inevitable " yaller " dog, and other dogs,—besides which we have authority for saying j that it this state of things continues there will also be found a number of dead dogs. Petitions are being cir culated in various parts of the County to obtain the sanction of the Legislature for levying a tax upon dogs. . Should such a law he passed it would be found to lie a profitable source of revenue to our village, at least it is i hoped that enough could be raised from the owners of I decent animals to hira a man by the month to shoot the worthless curs that nobody owns. i HF.ADFORD C'o. MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. —This I tsociation closed its Seventh Annual Convention on I 'iday evening January 11, after a session ol four days. ' I H* Convention, all in all, was a decided success. The "tendance during the first two days was perhaps not T- te as large as some of its former sessions, but before its close counted nearly the usual number. The class ex 'RRISES in musical training were well sustained and PROVED highly successful and satisfactory. Indeed at no ' nventiou of the Association lias there been a better impression left npon the minds of the members aud com munity than that of the present. The benefits resulting R R M these annual drills and exercises are too apparent '"admit of further doubt or distrust. To the music of " church and the family aud social circles they are in. valuable aids. T 'T is now seven years since the organization of this Association. Under its auspices it is believed that mil "ical improvement has advanced it. this county at an un precedented pace ; and still we are mere infants in knowl edge of THIS most delightful of all sciences. With the 4 D of an association like this, founded and built upon FIE united musical interests of our County, there can lac "° D°NBT of final and glorious success. AS the harmony ' • sounds is the soul of music, so the harmony OF action * T interests is the soni of success. It I< but due to say that a very large share of the suc ffw "f this Convention is mainly attributable to the able fanner in which the exercises were conducted by Prof. - I crkins. While there is no occasion or desire to 'T"} 1 GREAT propriety he said that he has but few if any snpe- RT R " AS A musical conductor and instructor. Annual Concert of the Association came off on AJ evening January 11th. Notwithstanding the * storm which prevailed at the time, the association O " Rl " R< 'l by as fine an audience as has assembled up '_ R ™NCES were received witli most decided satisfaction, WT re generally spoken of by the large number present RIAF 0 ' 1 COMPLIMENTAR J LERRAK - THE thanks of the Asso -1., C LRE 10 THE citizens of Towanda and vicinity liberality upon this occasion. Willik ''T*' 11 ' "® cers WERE elected for the ensuing year : Mr IMI '' av ' e8 °' Towanda Borough, President; dent, p P ' P ' of <>". P™ \K Secretary; D. S. Pratt Treasurer , H i r B ' Bsldwin . C-1- Herrick. C. Wilson. \ T ' "°lhugh, and J. G. Towner Manager,. TC!D AUHL"IR V€(l LHAT THE NC,T ONDAAL Convention be of Tuwacda, to commence on the nth I day of December 1861, and that the managers be In structed to employ Prof. T. E. Perkins as conductor. The Committee on resolutions repotted the following j which were unanimously adopted f Resolved. That our experience furnishes most ample : evidence of the value of these annual drills to the great j musical interests of our country. That while the stu ! dent returns to the family and social circle with mind stored wltll the rich fruits flowing from them,—with faults and habits corrected,—with taste and style improved and purified, there is still a higher and nobler purpose Attained through their instrumentality—the promotion of a pure, intelligent and elevated praise in the sanctuary. Resolved, That the members of this Convention most cordially unite in opinion, that the system of instruction and the manner of imparting the same by our present gifted conductor, Prof. Theodore E. Perkins, are eminent ly correct and successful and have our highest regard and confidence ; and that we hereby tender to Prof. Per kins our wannest acknowledgments for his urbane and gentlemanly deportment, his earnest and untiring inter est in our success, during the performance of his duties upon this occasion. Resolved. That having used the "Olive Branch" by Cook A Perkins, we most cordially commend it to the attention of Schools, Choirs and Churches, as a musical work of superior merit aud excellence, and most happily adapted to supply a serious want in the music of the con gregation. Resolved, That we recommend the "Musical Pioneer" to the support and patronage of all interested in musical advancement in this county. Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention be ten der ed to Mrs. G. H . Estcll, tor her kindness in furnishing her tiue piano for its use. Resolvttl, That the thanks of this Convention lie ten dered to the Commissioners of Bradford County for the use of the Court House. COM. At Forkston, on Wednesday. January 9, by Elijah Fas sett. Esq., Mr. EDWIN FOKD, of Pike, to Miss LU CINA K. FASSETT, of Rush, Susquehanna county. At St. Matthew's Church, Pike, Bradford C0.,0n the 21st inst., by the Rev. B nj. J. Douglas, LEVI W. WELLS to HELEN SUSAN, daughter of Edward Jones Esq. DIED, In Wysox. on the 19th inst. of Consumption, Dr. GEORGE | H. MORGAN, aged 25 years. - The Oxygenated Bitters. Tlie qualities of this medicine has placed it upon an imperishable foundation. In destroying disease, and in ducing health, it has no parallel. For the following Complaints these Bitters area Speci fic, viz -.—Dyspepsia, or Inligeston,Heart Burn, Acidity Costireness, I.ass of Appetite. Headache, and (leneral Debility. In many sections of our country this preparation is ex tensively used by physicians in their practice, and it seems to have restored many to health who were appar- | ently beyond the reach of the healing art. Remarkable Case of an Aged Person. IticiiMosn, TIOGA CO. Pa, Aug. 2.1,1858. ! Messrs S. W. FOWI.E A Co., Gentlemen.—After suffering for thirty years with Dys pepsia. and trying many remedies recommended for that I disease without any good result. I was induced by Dr. F. H. White to give the OXYGENATED BITTERS a trial I took two bottles, which gave me much relief; I concluded to try two more, which have nearly or quite effected a cure. I am now nearly seventy five years of age, and tor three ' mouths past have eaten my food without experiencing the slightest inconvenience or suffering; and it is with pleasure that 1 recommend your remedy to dyspeptics, A. HEBARD. FROM DR. WHIEE M ANSEIEI.I), TIOGA 0., Pa., Aug 26, 1858. I have used the OXVOKNATKII HITTERS in my practice with decided success in debility and general prostration Ac., and confidentially recommend it in general debility 1 and diseases ot the digestive organs. F.H.WHITE M.D. Prepared bySETH W. FOWI.E A CO., Boston, and for ! sale by J. G. PATTON and Dr H. C. PORTER, Towanda : 1 The Drug Store, Smithfield ; JOHN - MATHER, Ulster; G. A. PERKINS, Athens; J. F. LONG A SONS, Burlington; I D. N. NEWTON. Monroeton ; I>. I). PAKKHUKST, Leßoy. I.ocKWOon A BENEDICT, Alba ; GI'ERNSKY A MITCUKLI., | Troy ; J. W. WOODBCR.N A Co., Rome ; S. N. BKO.NSON, I orweil; D. AD. M. BAILEY, Leßaysville, and by dealers everywhere. jftrtu awbertßeanatt. UNION MEETING, AT JOHN SHLAM'S, Elmira Branch. EVERY UNION MAN should recollect' that he can buy Clothing 15 PER CENT CHEAPER | at JOHN SHLAMS than at any other establishment in ; Pennsylvania. Please eome in and try to sati.-fy yourself before you purc-ase elsewcere. He will keep u good as sortment of PANTS, PANTS. PANTS, OVERCOATS, ' OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, BLACK FROCK COATS, BLACK FROCK COATS, BLACK FROCK COATS, BUSINESS COATS, BUSINESS COATS, BUSINESS COATS, j GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS,] GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Ba~ Cash paid for Furs and Sheep Pelts. Respectfullv Yours, J. SHLAM. S. OSBORN, Salesman. Remember the place. Next door to H. S.Mercnr' j Dry Goods Store. Towanda, Jan. 3, 1861. Exciting Times! GET THE LATEST NEWS! I THE New \ ork Dalies.—The New York I Tribune, Herald Times and ll'orld. I will furnish i any of the above papers at 15 cents per week , or singla copies for sale. Farmers who want the latest news, will always find a supply at the News Room of A . F. COWLES. Now is the time to subscribe for the THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. A Club is now leing formed for the New York Weekly Tribune, at Cowle's New Room, only One Dollar a year. All who want this paper will please call in soon, as shall send on the names immediately. Towanda, Jan. 3, 1861. IT. Y. E. RAIL ROAD. CIHANGE of hours, commencing MONDAY, Nov. 26, / 1860. Trains will leave Waverly at about the follow ing hours, viz ; GOING WEST. GOING EAST. Dunkirk Express. .5.33 P. M,'N. Y.Express. .11.28 A. M Night Express 3.50 A. M.lXight Express. 1.25 A.M. Mail 8.10 P. M (Mail 7.45 A. M. Mail 8.42 A. M.l Mail 4.20 P.M. Express Freight... 6.00 P. Mi Fast Freight... 9.07 A.M. Fast Freight 11.32 A. M.; Way Freight... 6.05 P.M. Way Freight.... 8.15 A.M.I Night Express (both ways) Express Freight and Fast Freight going west, and Fast Freight going east, run every day. Night Express of Sundays, runs only to El mira. The 8.10 P. M. Mail runs only to Elmira. The 8.42 A. M. Mail runs through to Dunkirk. The 4.20 P. M. Mail runs only to Binghamton. CHARLES MINOT, General Snp. WARD HOUSE. Towanda, Fa. THE Subscribers bavin? leased this well known Hotel for a term of years, would inform their friends and the traveling public, that they will be most happy to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. It will be the aim of the present proprietors to make the WARD HOCSE at once comfortable, pleasant and cheerful. Yours Truly, Jan. 17,1861. POWELL & SMITH. MUSIC. HRUICK respectfully informs the people • of Towanda and vicinity, that he is prepared for giving LESSONS ON THE PIANO. Also that he Tunes and Repairs Pianos npon reasonable terms, and insures perfect satisfaction j Rooms in Bender's Bindery, sonth end of Ward House. Dec. 6th, 18*60. 3m. SUferrtfsfmrnts. LIST OF JURORS drawn for Febrnnry term, 1861. GRAND JL'BORS. Asylum—9. McKearr latpoite, John Braund. Albany—John Brown. Athens township—King Hulett. Burlington west—Jehial Mi Kean. " township—Bollister Compton. Canton—B. S. Porter, la;Roy—Harvey Holcomb. Litchfield—Samuel Wolcott. Monro*- township—Orrin Suicsr. Pike—Henry L. Stevens, Wm. B. Btevr>, Jeukln Da vis. Ridgbury- Hiram Dewey. Sylvania boro—Silas Smith. Standing Stone—Charles Sill. Springfield -John Harkness. Terry—E. J. Shepard. Tuscarora—Lorenzo Ackley. Towanda boro'—James 11. Phinny.jr. Ulster—J. C. Burnside, John Mather. Warren Samuel Lyon. Wells—Floyd Heluies. TRAVERSE JURORS —L*F mefli. Athens township—George Burch&rd. " boro'—James Peters. Armenia—James Mason. Burlington—E Guyer, Stephen Dood, L W Swartwood. Canton—J S Reynolds. Columbia—John Morgan, P A Palmer. Granville—James Merritt, Litchfield—Huston McKinney. Orwell—E M Farrar, Isaac Marsh. Overton—James Molyneux. Pike—H G Gage. Rome—J W Woodburne, Standing Stone—Joel Tuttle. Smithfield—Henry Phelps, James 11 Wbb. Shesbequin— Franklin Blackmail. Troy boro'—l A Pierce. " township—L. G. Van horn, Wni S Dobbins. Terry—M T Slattery Towanda township—Silas Shiner. " boro'—Chester Wells, D C Hall. Ulster—James McQueen, S B Galusha. Wysox—M H laming. Wyalusing—L M Hewitt. Windham—James Ellsworth, jr. Warren—Otis Hamilton, Jackson Arnold, Howell How ell, Jacob 1' Rogers. TRAVERSE JURORS — 2d week. Athens township—William Stone, L T Weller. bon>'—W H Fritcher. Armenia—John Touilinson, John B Morgan. Albany—Daniel Kellogg. Burlington west—Joseph Foulke. Columbia—Joseph N Wordeu. Franklin—John Kuvkendall. Granville—Calvin W Churchill, Win Shoemaker, John McNaught. Herrick—John Nesbit I^Roy—Levi Palmer, Coryell Morse. Orwell—Charles Ellsworth. Pike—S. B Stevens. I Smithfield—lra C Bullock. Lark Bird. ] Shesbequin— George Rogers, L S Kingsbury, Manson Elsbree, 2d. Springfield—Wilson Smith, Edward Voorhis, Homer Brooks. Tuscarora—Robert Montgomery, Hiram Shumway. Troy township—John McKean, C M Pomeroy. lister—Charles Gorsline Wyalusing—Burton Lewis, Gascon Taylor, Walter Bragg. Wysox— George Granger. Windham—Chester Neul. Wells—C C Updyke. :NOY. '-24, 186a LATEST ARRIVAL 0K WINTER GOODS! CONSISTING OF EVERY VARIETY, STYLE AND QUALITY OF LADIES DRESS GOODS, AND TRIMMINGS, | PRINTS ANI) GINGHAMS, OIL CLOTHS AND CARPETINGS, ! BOOTS &c SILOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY. HARDWARE, Etc, Feeling confident that we are now prepared to meet fhe wants of ALL, he would call ihe attention of tlie public to our NEW STOCK, which will 1.0 sold at greatly reduced prices for CASH oi READY-PAY. Nov. 29. I*6o. _ TRACY A MOORE. VV I KEGS N AlLS—Just roeoivptl nt WW [ Nov. 29 ] TRACY A MOORE'S. j pAIXTS, OILS, GLASS & PUTTY at J- TRACY .V MOORE'S. SJHAI), MACKINAW, CODFISH. &c.j 0 at TRACY A MOORE'S. Notice. ALL persons indebted to the subscriber as late Register, Recorder and Clerk of the Orphan's Court in and for the county of Bradford, are notified that tliey can settle and pay said accounts at the Recorder's Office, at any time before or during the first wok of Feb ruary court, and such (if any) as may then remain un paid. will be placed in the hands of persons for collec tion. JAMES H. WEBB. January 7,1861. IICENSKS. —Notice is hereby ?iven that J tlie following named persons have filed in the office 01 the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, their peti tions for license under the existing laws of this Common wealth, and their several applications will be heard be fore the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions, on Monday, the 4th day of February next, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of said day : FOR A. TAVERN. A. A. Noble Monroe township. John M Pike Athens borough Ann Whalon Wysox township. H. M. Holcomb la-Roy township. J. W.Tav10r.....' Franklin township. Hiram Sherry Windham township. J. M. Reed Wysox township. T. Hines Wyalusing township. John Howard " " Sames Malory Granville township. J. W. Clark Athens township. L. T. Royse Burlington township. C. W. Northrop Pike township. Powell A Smith Towanda borough, G. H. Estell John Wilson Windham township O. S. Morse Leßoy townahip. MERCHANT DEALER. Stephen Felton Towanda Borough. T. L. Woodruff. Ridgbury Township. Michael Walsh Athens borough. E.G. GOODRICH, Clerk. Clerk's office, Jan. 17. 1861. A LARGE SUPPLY of Dried Peaches, Berries, Apples and Prunes, constanlv on hand at ROCKWELL'S. WANTED! ALL the FAT and nicely dressed POUL TRY, in Bradford County. A nice article, with Empty m Crops, will bring good prices in CASH or Gro ceries, at PATCH'S, -owanda, Nov. 27, 1860. To Whom it may Concern! ALL persons having unsettled accounts, notes, or judg ments, with the late firm of J. WOODBURN A CO. that is now in the hands of the subscriber, must be paid immediately, in order to save cost. L. L. MOODY. Rome. Nov. 1,1860. wawtzuT ALL THE WELL DRESSED, YOUNG CHICKENS, GEESE and TURKEYS, at No. 1, Patton's Block, corner oi Main and Bridge st. Dec. 13,1860. WM. A. ROCKWELL. ittfsceUancous. AT THE KEYSTONE STORE HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED THE SECOND LARGE ' STOCK FOR THE SEASON, OF PALL & WINTER GOODS, j WHERE WILL RE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF S3!L IIS, BASSmiIS&&S MERINOS, REPS, And other WORSTED DRESS GOODS, LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, MILLINERY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES & HOSIERY, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIHE AND VESTINGS. HATS &c CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES,I I CROCKERY, &c. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOSES, DRUGGETTS, MA TTRESSES, MA TTS, PATER HANGINGS, Tli ANS PA R ENT II EN DOW SHADES. BROCCATELLS & DAMASKS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, Bleached and unbleached Table Damask, White Damask. Table Cloths all sizes. Napkins. Towel, Diapers, and Embroidered Curtain Muslins, Hose Blankets, Counterpanes, Liueti Sheetings, l'illow Case Linens, Sheeting. Aud I'illow-Ccase Muslins, LOOKING GLASSES, AC. Just received at tho KEYSTONE STORE, To which special attention is invited. JOSEPH POWELL, Begs to announce that he li s on hand and is constantly receiving from the Manufacturers, LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS, of the latest styles and most approved patterns. He would respectfuliy invite the attention of the ladies to them, and also to a large stock of BKOCHH LHAWLS at half their value. ZEPHYR WORSTEDS, All the desirable colors of double, single, and split Zeph yrs, and Shetland wool will always be found at the KEYSTONE STORE. LADIES' FURS, AT PANIC PRICES. JUST OI'EXED AT THE KEYSTONE STOHE, A I, A HOE STOCK OF LADIES' FURS Purchased during the present panic, much below their market value, and are offerep for sale correspondingly low. [Nov. 2!, 1860.] BAJOU'S KID CLOVES. All sizes, in colors, black and white, of these celebrated Gloves will always be found at the KEYSTONE STORE. PRICK.— Ladies, SI.OO ; Gents, $1,25. -100 PIECES ENGLISH PRINTS, Chintz-Patterns and East Colors, Worth 20 cents per yard, now for sale at ONE SHIL LING per yard, at the KEYBTONE STORE. §sf=C ASH=CS FOR BUTTER, EGGS,\ POULTRY\ GRAIN, Dried Apples, Dried Raspberries, Dried Blackberries. SHEEP PELTS! WHITE BEANS ! ! POTATOES,\ HICKORY NUTS, And Game, at PATCH'S. TOBACCO, TN BARRELS, I in KEGS. In BOXES, in C ANS. In TINFOIL. In LARGE PAPERS. In SMALL PAPERS, In BLADDERS, FINE CUT, LONG CUT, PLUG ! TOBACCC BOXES, TOBACCO PIPES, SNUFF, Black and Yellow, Choice SEGARS, Ac., Ac.. at Wholesale aod Retail, by Dec. 20. C. B. PATCH. OBOUIfD PEPPER, ~~ ALLSPICE, Cinnamon, Cloves, Cayenne Pepper, Mustard Ginger, Coffee, Beards and Cura ings' pureast of each, for sale cheap by Dee. 20. C. B. PATCH. SOMSTBZIirO NEW : IHAYE an article of TEA, jast from Jap"! an. a splendid article, call and look at it. N. B—-The beet stock ot and Green TEAS in Bradford County. ittfsttUancoiis. GREAT REDUCTION IN' PRICES OF BOOTS, AT HUMPHREY'S. The subscrilier offers his very Large Stock of Boots of his own manufacture and also his Extensive and well selected assortment of LADIES' FINE WORK, of all styles and varieties for the remainder of this Sea son to Cash Customers at prices which muke it a great inducement to give him a call before purchiug elsewhere. Also, an unusually large stock of LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS at reduced prices to suit the times. Also, a fine assort ment of CROCKERY, which I will sell at bargains, in order to close that branch of my business. FOUR TONS BOONETON NAILS, COLLINS AXES, CAST STEEL SHOVELS, MAN ERE FORKS, SADDLERY WARE, &c., &c. f Dec. 1,1969. J. D. HUMPHREY. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY WELL MADE AND GOOD FITTING MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING, IS AT SOLOMON'S CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT! HAVING just received one of the largest Stocks of Fall and Winter Clothing that has ever been offered : in this market before, which will be sold at greatly re duced prices. GREAT BARGAINS IN Black D. B. A S. B. Broadcloth Frock Coats. GREAT BARGAINS IN Fancy Beaver Doeskin and Silk mixed Cassimere Coats GREAT BARGAINS IN Cassimere,Union and Sattinet Business Coats. GREAT BARGAINS IN i Tweed and Kentucky Jean and Cottouade Coats. GREAT BARGAINS IN Black Doeskin, Cassimere, Union and Sattinet Pants. GREAT BARGAINS IN Harrison's Cassimere, Silk mixed and Plain Pants. GREAT BARGAINS IN Fancy Union Satinet and others, Coats. GREAT hARGAINH IN Plain and Fancy Silk Velvet Vests. GREAT BARGAINS IN Matilais Plain und Eaucy Silk Vests. GREAT BARGAINS IN Harrison's Cassimere, Silk Mixed and Black Vests. GREAT BARGAINS IN Y-neia, Cotton Velvet and Plu-h Vests. GREAT BARGAINS IN Fancy, Union, Sattiuet and Farmer's Satin Vests. One of the largest stocks of OVERCOATS, consisting of Beaver. Pilot, Sealskin. Petersham, Lionskin. Black of all qualities, and a large assortment of New Styles. Also one of the Largest Stocks of Gents Furnishing Goods, which will be sold 25 per cent, cheaper than else where. Call before you buy and examine my stock, as you can be suited better and at lower figures. Remember the place, M. E. SOLOMON'S Clothing Establishment. September 27,1860. Towanda, Pa. TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT. LINCOLN TO BE ELECTED. "YET f.ll these seem only to increase the -L business aud prosperity of the Old Foundry and MACHINE SHOP, (South side of Pine st., one door East of H. S. Mer cur's Store.) The undersigned would call the attention of all con cerned to the tact, that he is prepared to do, and will ex ecute all work entrusted to him with dispatch, and in the most workman-like manner. FITTING l'P MILL IRONS, REPAIRING STEAM ENGINES, from the simplest to the most complicate, in any of their parts, and WARRANTED to give satisfac tion. PLOWS always on band of the most approved pat terns, wooded in the most substantial manner. Having recently added considerably to his facilities for doing work, and employing experienced workmen in every department, he is confident that he can satisfy all who favor him with their patroiiage. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda. Oct. 15, 1860. BOOKS AND STATIONARY? (SUCCESSOR TO O. D. BARTLETT.) AT THE OLD STAND ! ! HAVING purchased the entire Sioek of Books and Stationary, Paper Hangings, Ac., Ac. of O. D. Bartlett. to which has been adced a large assort ment of everything in the line of BOOKS A STATION ARY, making as large and complete an assortment as can be found in the county. 1 invite my friends aud the public to call and examine for themselves. Mv stock consists of SCHOOL BOOKS, MISCELLAN EOUS LITERATURE, HISTORYS A BIOGRAPHY'S. RELIGIOUS WORKS. A large assortment of BLANK BOOKS, of all shape and size, and as low as can be had at any other establishment. Also, a fine lot of BIBLES, large and small, Commentaries, Prayer and Hymn Books. I would call particular attention to my stock of PAPER HANGINGS. Of which I have a great variety of patterns and of the latest styles. I still continue the NEWS-ROOM, and have constantly on hand all the Daily and Weekly papers, standard Monthly Magazines, Thompson's Bank Note Reporter, Monthly and Semi-Monthly. Also. Greely's Political Text Book. Subscriptions received for the Weekly Tri bune, Genesee Farmer, Ac.. Ac, It shall be my aim to sell everything at the lowest rates. All I ask is that my friends and citizens throughout the county will give me a call before buying elsewhere, and 1 think I can please them both as to price and quality. I shall lie continually adding to my stock and intend to keep on hand the lar gest assortment that can be found in the county. Remember the place, at O. D. Harriett's old stand. Towanda, Get. 15, 1860. A. F. COWI.ES. MYER'SMILLST THE undersigned having purchased the above well known mills and attached to it a Steam Engine, and also put every thing connected with it in perfect repair, with all the modern improvements now in use in tirst class Flouring Mills—would respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the community—trusting that the reputation the mill has heretofore borne may not sutler in the hands of the new tirm. It shall be our aim to do all work en trusted to us promptly aud in the best possible m nner. Customers from a distance may rely upon having their work done at once, so as to make but one trip " to mill.'' Mr. FROST will continue to give his own personal at tention to the business at the mill. CASH paid for all kinds of GRAIN ; also Flo Hr. Meal and Feed for sale at the lowest market prices. MYER, FROST A CO. ISAAC MYKR J. O. FROST E. T. FOX. NORTH TCWAKDA, Oct. 6. 1858. 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.— Notice is here J bv given, that all persons indebted to the estate of ELEA/SER WRIGHT, late of Litchfield tp., deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persous having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. CYRUS BLOODGOOD, SAMUEL DAVIDSON. Jan. 1,1861. Executors. A CARD. THE present depressed state of the Money Market having had the effect to place many kinds of Goods within the reach ot CtuK buyers, at much lower prices 'han heretofore, the undersigned begs to give no tice that be has availed himself of this reduction, to a large extent within the past ten days and is now offering many hargains snch as have heretofore never been equall • ed in this market. . Dec. 10, 1860. _ JOSEPH POWELL. TRIBUNE almanac, for ism, at A r. COIVLFA iicto aijtertfscratnts. HOTEL KEEPERS, DRUGGISTS, FAIiMKRS,ALL WHO WANT IwauHfaSQVoaiß I HAVE Just received from the Cilv, a Large Stock of l IMPORTED PI KE LIQUORS, of every variety. My stock of LIQUORS lias been pur chased for CASH, directly from the Importers, whereby lam enabled to furnish Farmers for the approaching Harvest. a Superior and I'ure article of Liquor, of any kind whatever, at LOWER PRICES than were ever Lw tbre offered in To wan da. HOTEL KEEPERS ; Will And it greatly to their advantage to examine my j stock before purchasing elsewhere. 1 have facilities for purchasing, which enables me to WHOLESALE my goods at New York WHOLESALE PRICES! Besides my Liquors are warranted pure and unadulter ated. I have also on hand the Largest Stock and Ureat j est Variety of TOBACCO AND SECARS Ever brought to Towanda. which having been purchased directly from the Manufacturers and Importers, enables me to compete with the Wholesale Tobacconists of tha city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invited to an examination of my entire stock of Liquors, Cigar* i and Tobacco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, Of every description, will be kept constantly on hand, at prices LOWER than elsewhere in this town. Confident that I am enabled to sell my entire stock of Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less than like good* j can be purchased this side of the City, I respectfully eo ' licit the public to an examination at No. 5, Brick Row. H. W. NOBLE. Towanda, June 14, 1860. NEW FIRM. CODDING & lII'SSELL HAVE purchased the large and well known establish ment of D. C. Hall, and are now receiving from New York, the largest and must complete assortment of HARD-WARE, ! ever offered for sale in this market, which will he sold ! CHEAP for Cash or appoved Credit. We have a large and well selected stock of t\ ood and Coal COOKING STOVES, every variety of pattern and stvle of Parlor, Dining-Room. Six-Plate, and Cylinder Stoves, which we can. and will sell as cheap as can be I purchased in this or any adjoining county. Also a full 1 and complete assortment of IRON AND STEEL, Nails and Glass. Paints and Oils House Trimmings, Car riage Trimmings. Springs. Iron Axels and Boxes, of all sizes, Carpenters and Joiners Tools, Black, smiths Tools, Cross-cut, Circular and Mill Saws, Table and Pocket mLZZ GL7 9 of every description. Pumps, Lead-Pipe, Chain Pumps and Tubes. lilt 11 T%\.\1.4 AMD PLATED WARE, the latest and most approved patters. A iarge quantity of TIN-WARE AND STOVE PIPE, always on hand.— Patent Stretched Leather BELTING. Every name and form of FARMING SOOLS. JOB WORK done on short notice and warranted. GRAIN. Old Iron. Copper, Brittannia. Brass, Bees wax and Feathers, taken in exchange for Goods. We invite " the whole world and the rest of mankind,"' to call and examine our our goods before purchasing.-- Our motto will be use every man well and submit to notb ina wrong. om~ One door south of Tracy and Moore and Powell'* I Block, Main street, CODDING & RUSSELL. JOHN A. CODDINU, ) c. s. Kl ssKLi.. f Towanda. Sept. 21,1860. 1 STOVES! STOVES! j JUST RECEIVED! HAVING lately returned from the city . where we have purchased for CASH a large as sortment of STOVES, of all varieties and sizes suited to 1 this locality, we are prepared to sell Cheap for Cash or approved credit. e would cull especial attention to the • j celebrate d Coal Stove the perfection of arrangement for burning coal. We are also casting and setting up in our own Foundry, a num her ot kinds of excellent ('OoKING STOVES, and BOX STOVES for SCHOOL-HOUSES and SHOPS. Persons who fear to purchase imported Stoves on ac count of broken plates. Ac..can get just as good of Homo Manufacture. Our assortment taken a whole, is th Largest and Most Complete ever ottered for sale in this market. We also manufacture and keep constantly on i hand, a full assortment of TIN-WARE, j and will make to order any thing trom a Telescope up— j to a Sausage Machine ! i **-('all and examine for yourselves, and you will Ixs . j satisfied that there is something in the world yet, besides Gas. JOHN CARMAN. ■ j Towanda, Aug. 30, 1860. 1 N. B.—Our Tin Store is on Main street, south store In i | Mercur's Block. SULLIVAN COUNTY Hardware and Stove Store. T). C.~HALL, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sullivan County, and the public generally, that lie has commenced bus n-ss in DUSHORE, where he has just received a very expensive stock of of every style avid pattern, adapted for burning Coal or Wood, which will be sold as low as any other place this side of Albany or New York. The attention of those desiring to purchase Stoves is particularly directed to my assortment, which is especially adapted to the wants of* this sertion ot the country, and will be sold lower than can be purchased this side of Albany or New York. I believe 1 can offer greater inducements than any other establishment in the country. Also, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass, PAINTS AND OILS, House and Carriage Trimmings, SPRINGS, IRON AXLES ft BOXES, of all sizes. Car penter's and Joiner's Tools. Blacksmith's Tools. Cross- Cut, Circular and Mill SAWS,TabIe and Pocket Cutlery. Pumps. Lead Pipe, Chain Pumps and Tube. Farming Tools. Tin Ware and Stove Pipe, always on hand, at Wholesale and Retail. Job Work done on short notice. gf-Grain. Old Iron, Copper. Britannia, Brass, Bees wax and Feathers, taken in exchange for goods. Having had many years' experience in the business. I am confident I can make it the interest of purchasers to give me a call. My goods will be bought at the lowest rates, and sold at corresponding prices. All manufactur ed articles will be made front the bet materials, aud by competent workmen,and will be warranted. D. C. HALL. I Onshore, Oct. 23, 1860. *5,00] PREMIUIQI AND THE rUKCHASE MONKY WII.L BE rAID TO AI.L TCK CUASEKS OF MAZm mZZWI-tJWL ■. 99m Celebrated Family Seteing .Machines, N'OW for sale at the Towanda Agency, far returning them, if after one month's trial they do not prove | satisfactory. These Machines have been thoroughly test -1 ed in this County during the past year, arid was awsrd i ed the first premium at the State Fair at Wyoming, and | we only ask now that all wanting a first class Sewing ] Machine to try tbem. Five thousand of these machines have been already sold in differeut portions of the country, and the satis faction that thev invariably give warisintees in making r the above liberal affer. We can refer to a large number who are using those machines, in their families, in the different towns of thia County, for a list of which see another column. Great inducements are offered to local Agents, (or eth er counties in this state. W All orders by mail or express will receive prompt attention. Persons not having the foil amount can be accommodated with fhort credit. B. f. SHAW, Towanda, Pa. Nov. 1i,_1560..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers