~~OTistar's Balsam cf Wild Cherry. Cun l it , Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Mioop , Cow'h, tfriusy * nd the numerous as well as danger disease's of the Throat, Chest and latngs.imttM in "'r changeable climate, at all seasons of the yea? ; few *fortunate enough to escape their baneful influence.— important then to have at baud a certain antidote t))e . e complaints. Experience proves that this ex w,,, J fit/art Ba'.sm to an extent not found in any ~„.r remedy : however severe the suOering, the appK -3tion of this soothing, healing and wimderiul Balsam at vanquishes the disease and restores the sufferer to wonted health. Letter from Horace Cotlidgr. Est]., of Feankfoid. KKANKKOKT, (Herkimer C 0.,) X. Y., Nov. 1, ISSD. •F.jirs S. W. FOWI.KK & Co., Boston, — IM the fall "f I>s47 1 took u severe cold, which settled ill my lungs.where it remained without relaxation. I Ded several kinds ot medicine and consulted several alvsiiians, but received no benefit. The fall of l*4:-i Lf.,,1 me completely prostrated—confined to my bed jth the same severe cough, accompanied with severe w -a j., my side, profuse sweats and restless nights. My ?' m jly and friends as well a* myself, supposed n\y time },i die had come At this crisis I sent for a bottle of ifistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and wonderful to re v, I? before I had used the first buttle my cough had -restlv subsided, my night sweats had left me. my appe tite returned, my pulse became regular, I slept soundly, •ml was soon able to be out and attend to business. I q.en consulted an able physician in relation to the course j hnd pursued and the inedi<-ine I had taken ; he advised mf to continne to use the Balaam, which I did, and found mvseif a well man ; and now, at an age exceeding fifty rears, enjoyed as good health as ever before. ' Whetever, during the last ten years, I have found an individual suffering from cough, 1 have always r com mended the Balsam, and, in numerous cases, have sent jt gratuitously to the suffering poor. In conclusion, I would say what 1 h-ivn said a great many times before, that the Balsam, with God's blessing, saved my life. HORACE COOI.IDGE. tj ~ taut an to Purchasers. The only genuine tl'is tar's Balsam has the i eritten signature of " I. Birrs " sud the priuted one oi the Proprietors on the outer w rapper; all other is vile and worthless. Prepared by SKTH W. FOWLEA CO., Boston, and for naie bv J. G. VATTON and Or H. C. POKTKS, Towanda: The Drug Store. Siuitiilield : JOHN MATUKK. Ulster ; G. PKKKINS, Athens; J. F. BONO 4 SONS, Burlington ; l> \cw'TON. Monroetmi *. D. 0. PARKHUHST. la-ltoy ; liu*Kwi)oi> 4 BKKKJMCT. A 11m ; GIEKNSEV 4 MITCHELL, Troy : J. W. IVaoimms & Co.. Rome ; S. X BUONSON. Orweil: 0. A 1). M. BAILEY, Lcßaysviile, and by dealers everywhere TIED, In Springfield. Oct 10th, JE&.3E HAMMOND ic the six ty first year of his age. He has been taken from our midst—a kind husband and father—whose face was always .the sunshine of the pa rental rooT, a good neighbor and one that is dteply la mented by a large circle of friends. The poor always found in him a friend, and his hand was always ready to nsMst as far as lay in his power, tliejsi.-k and unfortunate, and for honest v and uprightness he had few superiors.— But he is gone*! We sliali see hi- kind line and welcome ruiile n" more! Yes. that familiar step and pleasant countenance which was once the lite and pleasure ol the home circle, has lied, never inoie to return to us here ; yet with a full confidence in "God s impartial grace we will again meet that hu-o.md a„d tutu-.-i* iu a blighter and happier home than this. '•All things wear a garb of sorrow. For our hearts are filled witn gloom, And our thoughts their hues will borrow From the confines of the tomb. Let tut- weep.—the tears are swelling Eyes which smiles so otten gave, For each hour the tale is telling, One we loved is in the grave. Father, in distress we languish ; . ileal the wound thy hand has made ; Thou cans't hear our silent anguish, Thou will pity, thou w ill aid. Ye-, a ray fit hope is lieuiniiig From despair my sou! to save, Je-us, on thy bosom leaning. One we loved has lelt the grave. - ' S On Berkshire Hill, Tioga Co. N. Y,. Mrs. HANNAH, wite ot Schuyler Legg, in the Tith year o: her age Mrs. I .egg emigrated from Westchester Co. with her father (Abeam Orsburu) when what is now the bcanliiul hills ol Heiksliire was a dreary wilderness— he only in habitant the wild liea-t and "loving Indian. II ird-bips whi h always attend pioneeia were her I >t. and oltvti had she to go eighteen miles to mill on horse .oh through the wilderness, with nothing h it a footpath .or a guide. But she liv. d to see the wilderness "bl i-um as the rose ' alter many years ot toil and labor, lier husband emigra ted iroin Worcester (Jo. Mas*. nearly sixty years . *o. and was one of the firs; -ettlers i:i Beikshire. The* were married Jan fith, I*oo.mid moved to tin tann where they lived when -itc di-.-J. She hi* lelt behind lier a hus band and a large uumberof relatives and friends to mourn lier loss. Site was a good mother, a kind friend, and a .In ited christian, dying as she had lived in the lull be lief in the liiiai restitution of ail things, spoken of by all r,: i. id's holy propheis since the world beg in. She lived V.ic '"i o|.| age and died lamented by all. May that fi.pel wh'cli is bill of love and peace be the comfort t • i who is left, and cheer his few years that he shall stay in with us, and may he say Skits vanished from among us, nnd 0 why should we mourn, earth's frail ties however fond are thus asunder torn ; Tby should we seek to hold her fr m the mansions of the blest, "iiere the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest. r'.e has left her earthly dwelling and our eyes are fiiled with tears, F"r in her. were garnered up the thoughts of many years, T;ie partner of my early love, the kindest and the best, His passed through many weary sceue- aud now i.as gone to rest. Then mourn not fos- the fatherless, they have no cause to fear. T'ue widow and the orphan. God will lie their helper here. Aad when our race at length is run with Jrer tuav we be blest. Where the wicked cease from troublingaud the weary art al rest. J . In Rnute. on the loth day of October,lSso, of billions fever. JAMES B. DEMONY, in the Flu year ot bis age. At a regular meeting of Valley Lodge, No. 44' i. I. O. of 0.1 the follow ing preamble and resolutions were unani no'isly adopted : li serms. It hath pleased an ail-wise nnd kind father through the instrumental ty of his immutable laws, to mnve from among us our worthy brother .fames B. Itfinoty, and, ttk>reas, by this dispensation liis tumil.. a.o- u-t a kind liiisliand and parent, the community in " . h l.e lived, a generous neighbor, and this Lodge a li- .tin r and U.kl Fciliiw. therelore, Ufa ßed. That as a mark ol the e>te"m in which we ■ departed Brother, the Lodge charter Is- draped truing for a period of three months, aud the mem '• 'ue,Lodge wear the usual badge of mourning lor Urn (ays. Rim!r,d. That in our intercourse with Brother Demo "! • ever found l.im an upright and consistent Odd :t guided in his every day walk by the cardinal I b"it,in our order, Friendship, Love and Truth. Rttoired, That we sympathize with the bereaved wid [ °* and family, and would point them as a cheering * urge of consolation to that higher and puier lite where* - ' i rotl.er lias entered to pra< tice iu tl.e.r purity the :."bling virtues which characterize him in this lile. fl molt ed. That a copy of the foregoing Resolutions be • F-niitn-.i to the family ot our deceased Brother, and *•' published in our County papers, accon,ponied with a notice of bis death. C. H. AMES. Sec y. PSTIUV._( to tiir cnclostire of lite ■hU wthscriler in Wilmot twp., on the 9th inst . a Red ' " years old ; with white in forward part of •k..* ill. er.il i,f tail white. The owner is required to r property, pay charges, and take her away. ..... REUBEN WAN DELL. . N0v. 23, lsmo. I A protnissory Note, given iy lien* j,, r y " Smith to A. li. Smith for about ftflt, dated 'if t.. lss, with interest from date. The finder is H Wed to return sai-l note to _t"*nila. N0v.27. Imu), JG44N HOLMES. WANTED! A": .''. ie untl nicejy dressed POUL- P in Brsilford Conrrtj'. A article, with ■npty ( rirps , will bring good prices ia (CASH or Gro x HATCH'S, __iojvamla. Soy. 27. l*r,. GREAT RUSH of STOVES, TO th: metropoutan hardware store ORWELL, PA., an increased vurielv <f o: lii iK i.tn STEEL. Hemry ivdditions to the s'tocit •wii?' W S ' V and almost every tk- j*; constantly arriving. Carriage, moil en'si t"i r T' St " ve Trinm.iogs, in large oi Pt'l Uad l'i|e, lb.ig Toetb, wp, x'k, * r n t o!U"* iog nd Furs. N:; d > C °PP' • Britannia and Rrawi. —— S. N. B RON SON. B A 1 K , E T S - CL T"ES PINS, SCRUB 4vh. : r' '.' niKhpv ' Window Brushes with long 'S ,VM a° P Kt ." ks Shaker M ""- r and a vailety of Wood ware at FIX'S JUto aiWertteemtHts. AT TUB KEYSTONE STORE . HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED THE SECOND LARGE STOCIC FOR THE SEASON, OF FALL & WINTER GOODS, i * \ WHERE WILL BE FOUND A LARGE STOCK OF S]lK3 2 SA32EH&S3, MERINOS, REPS, And other j WORSTED DRESS GOODS, LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, i MILLINERY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, ; GLOVES & HOSIERY, ;! HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CLOTHS. CASSIMERES AND VESTING S. HATS &c CAPS, BOOTS AXD SHOES, CROCKERY, &c. ' 1 HOUSE |j FURNISHING GOODS. : CARPETS, FLOOR OIL CLOSIIS, 1)1! I GGETTS, MA TTRESSES, MA TTS. PAPER IIAXGfXGS, TR AXSPAIi EX T II 'IX DOW SHADES. ; BROCCATELL3 fit DAMASKS, I TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, i j Bleached and unbleached Table Damask, ! White Damask. Table Chiths all sizes, Napkins. Towel, Diapers, Lace and Embroidered Curtain Mu.siins, Rose Blankets, Counterpanes, Linen Sheetings, j Pillow Ca-e Linens. Sheeting. Aud Pillow Cease MuaLna. LOOKING GLASSES, AC. Ju-t received at the KEYSTONE STORE, To which spe '.al attention is invited. ENGLISH FEINTS, . Chintz-Patterns and Fast Colors, I Worth 20 cents per yard, now for .tale at ONE SHIL LING per jiHd, at the KEYSTONE STORE. JOSEPH POWELL, -• j Begs to announce that be h s on hand and is constantly receiving tnuu the Manufacturers, LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS, J of the latest styles and most approved patterns. lie i would respe-tfuiiy invite the attention of the ladies to them and also to a large stock of BKOCHE LHAVVLB , at half their value. ZEPHYR WORSTEDS,\ 5 All the desirable colors of double, single. HII.I split Zeph yrs, and Shetland wool will always be found at the KEYSTONE STORE. LADIES' FURS, r| .17' PANIC PRICES. JUST OPENED \T THE KEYSTONE STORE, A , i LARGE STOCK OF LADIES' FURS 1 Purchased during Hie present panic, much below their market value, and arc ofl'erep for sale correspondingly • j ltvv. [Nov. 2J, lbOO.] BAJOU'S KID CLOVES. i All sizes, iu colors, black and wbite. of these celebrated | Gloves will always be found at the KEYSTONE STORE. Pnicr.—Ladies. SI.OO ; Gents. 91,25. BALMORAL SKIRTS. —For sale at low prices at the KEYSTONE STORE. Broom Maker Wanted. ! fpilE snhseriher will g'ive employment for ; J. some months to come t a GOOD BROOM MAKER who can come well recommended. Ulster. Nov. 13. l*o. A B. SMITH. 1 rro PERSONS OUT OF EMPLOY- Y MENT. Agents Wanted in every Co. of the U. S., to engage in the sale of some of the best and most elegant • ly illustrated Works published. Our publications are of I the most interesting character, adapted to the wants of f the Farmer, Mechanic and Merchant; they are published , in the besttyle and bound iu the most substantial mati i uer, and arc wortiiy a place iu the i.ibrary of every ; . etiseholu in the Land. ! To men of enterprise and industrious habits, this busi ness otiers an opportunity for profitable employment sel . dom to lie met with. Persons desiring to act as agents will receive prompt , lv by mail full particulars, terms. Ac., by addressing LEARY, GET/, fy CO., Publishers. No. 221 North Second street. Philadelphia. A. WIC3IHAM 6l SOW, U7OUI.D respectfully announce to the public that they have puivba-ed of J. D. Humphrey, his entire ! ! stock of DRY GOODS, and in addition are now receiv ing, from New York, large applies of Goods adapted to j the season, embracing all the varieties of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS & CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, Ac. ; Which they now oflicr for sale, at the store formerly oc cupied by Huiupiir'y A WiekUam, (west sideof the Pub i lie Square). They would m- stcordially, invite all to call and examine their extensive Assortment, as they are de j tertnined to offer tlicir goods, for cash, at such prices as . i cannot fail to suit the closest purchaser N. B.- I Valors ran tie supplied by us with Gents Bo soms and Collars. Sewing bilks anclGUlott s Pens, at the manufactures price. A. WICKHAM. Towanda. Oct. 22,15( L O. D. WICKHAM. To Whom it may Concern! ALL persons having unsettled accounts, notes, orjndg- KM-uts, with the late firm of J. WOOD BURN A CO. tliat is now iu the hands of the subscriber, must be paid immediately, in order to save cost. ; L. L. MOODY. . ; Rome, Nor. 1. 1160. ITL TONS IRON—AII sizes and qualities at TRACY A MOORE'S. ilrtu afatoertfjcmcnts. :XO V 724, 1860. LATEST ARRIVAL OF WINTER GOODS! S CONSISTING OF EVERY VARIETY, STYLE AND QUALITY OF LADIES DRESS GOODS, AND TRIMMINGS, PRINTS AND GINGHAMS, OIL CLOTHS AND CARPETINGS, ; BOOTS So SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, I CROCKERY, HARDWARE, Etc. I Feeling confident that we are now* prepared to meet | fhe wants of ALL, we would call ihe attention of the 1 public to our NEW STOCK, I which will be sold at greatly reduced prices for CASH or READY PAY. 1 X " v - <2 ' J - IB6 °- TRACY A MOORE. i *"U W \ KEGS NAILS—Just received at 'P " ' f Nov. 2D } TRACY 4 MOORE'S. i T) AI NTS, OILS, GLASS & PUTTY at I _ TRACY 4 MOORE'S. ! QUAD, MACKINAW, CODFISH, Ac., 0 at TRACY 4 MQORE'B. • New Fall and Winter Goods Wm, A. Rockwell's, (AOMPIMSING the cheapest and handsomest lot of Dry j Goods ever o tie re;' iu tliis market. DRESS GOODS—Merino Prints, Ginghams, Repps, j Chene Mohairs. Cauton Cloths. Grerielle de laiines. Fig j ured Colntrga, Morella Cloth. Plain and Printed Tliibets, ! Hamilton. Manchester and Wool de Laines, Figured No ve.ins, Poil de Chevres, Black Plaid Figured Marcellnc a I Gro de Rhine Silks, at ROCKWELL'S. I SHAWLS— Brochc, Bay State, Cnenile, Glenfier and ; Geutlcuieu's Shawls, Ladies Scurfs, Cloaking, and 'l'un stU, at ROCK WE! L' 3. EMBROIDERIES, L.ict Edgings, Dimity, R.tud.s, • Veils, Coifures, Ribbons. Velvets, Bonnets and Flowers, ; at ROCKWELL'S. KNIT-GOODS, Ladies' and Children's Hoods, Nubias, i Children. Sucks, Mantles und Socks, at ROCKWELLS. . , GENTLEMEN'S GOODS—Cloths. CasMineres, Satinet : Jeans. lKiiims, Suspenders, Ci. tuts, Collars, spirts, j Shirt Bosoms. Drawers and Under-Sliirbs, Hats, Caps, ! Gloves and Hosiery . ;.t ROCKWELL'S. ! HOUSE FL T RX*I>IIING GOODS. Curtain Draperies, Oil Cloths, Furniture Print- . Trakin . Paper Hangings, ! Window Shades, Bed and Table Spreads, .1 ROCKWELL'S. SHEETINGS, Shirtings. Jaquered and Senen Linc-u . Diaper, Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, at ROCKU ELL'S. YANKEE NOTIONS, Cmnbt, Buttons, Bru-hes, I Threads, Smticnery, Pins, Needles, Hooks aim Eyes, i Looking Glasses, Percnasiun Cajrs, Beads, Bugles. Plated I Forks and Spoons. Crochet Needles, Knitting Pius, ; Zephyrs, Scotland V'o ! and *• . ch Yarns, at ROCKWELL'S. CROCKERY, Hardware. Glass. Sash. Oils, Paints, I Nails, Piit v. Burning Fluid, Camphene, Kc-rosine, Wood -1 euwure, Bird Cages, Boots. Shoes ar.d Leather, at ROCKWELL'S. GROCERIES Tlie best Crushed and Pulverised I.oaf, Brown and Coffee Sugars, Black and Green Teas. Java j and Rio Coffee, Chocolate, Syrups, Molasses, Tobacco, ! Spices, Indigo, Starch, Soap. ( nickers, Sakerutus, Cream - Tartar, and every thing else in the line will be found at ROCKWELL'S. ALSO—Fresli Ground Cavnga Plaster, at ROCKWELL'S. Many thanks for the liberal encouragement hitherto ; extended us, and we shall endcavm to continue to give . satisfaction to all our customers, old nnd new. WILLIAM A. ROCKWELL, No. 1, Patton's Block. Towanda. October Is, 1860. CHEAP GOODS AT J.H. PHiNNEY'3, JR. JYi>, 3, Patton's liloch. 1 TAVIXG made up his mind to make the Mercantile I I business a perm inent business would most icspect ful.y solicit bis old customers and the pubjir generally to ! give him a call and examine his almost entire new stock : ot Goods, just roc. iving, and which t e ofit rs at very re ; duced prices, for Cash or most kinds of Country Pro ! duce. He asks particular attention TO HIS . Large fito. k of Domestic Goods, Sheeting*, Shirtings, j Dcniitis, Ticks, Stripes, Linen and Cotton Diapers, Dam* | ask Table and Mursciiis Bed Spreads, Jeans, Tweeds, I Flannels, 4c. TO IIIS | Prints, Gingham's. Cobergs, all Wool aud Union Delaines, j Reps, Plaids, Black bilks, 4c. TO HIS I Stock of Clothing, which is the Cheapest in Towanda, I and ail warranted. TO IIIS Lnrge assortment of Men's and Boy's Hats and Caps, at great bargains TO HIS | Combs, Brushes, Hair Pins, Needles. Crochet Needles, ' Zephyr, Shetland Yarn, and everything in the notion 1 line. TO IIIS 1 Large stock of Straw aud Chip Bonnets, Burhes, Flow j era, 4c., which will be sold wholesale or r< tail 25 per j cent cheaper than at any other place iu town. TO HIS I Crockery, Glass and Hardware, Boots and Shoes, for I Ladies, Misses, .Men and Children, at Bargains. TO IIIS ! Large stock of Groceries, Brown. Coffee, Wbite and Pul verized Sugars, fresh Linseed and Limp uiis, White j Lead Zinc, Putty, Sash, Nails, Coffee, Tea 4c. TO HIS 1 Good Molasses at 3S per gallon. Prints from sto lfi ots. 1 per yard. Coats' Thread 4 cts. Best Ho< p Skirts 50 j eta per doz. Yellow Bank, fine cut. Tobacco 25 cts per I lb. Smoking Tobacco, H cts. per lb., and everything cheap at I'IIINNEY'S. Towanda, ! 'ct. 2f>, ISOO. $5 oo rnxnxxuni: AND THK rtUCIIASE MONEY WII.I. BE J'AID TO ALL I*UR COASKKS OF < ;n Sfm Celebrated Fami'y Sewing Machines, [ \TOW for sale at the Towanda Agency, far returning ' J_\ tbetn, if after one month's trial they do not prove j satisfactory. These Machine* have been thoroughly test j ed in this County during the past year, and was awerd | ed the first premium at the 3tute Fair at Wyoming, and ' we only ask now that all wanting a first class Sewing I Machine to try them. Five thousand of these machines have been already | sold in different portions of lite country, and the satis j faction that they invariably give warrantees in making j the above liberal after. We can refer to a large number who are using these ! machines, in their families, iu the different towus of this County, for a 1 i.-t of which sec another column. Great inducements are offered to local Agents, for oth er counties in this state. I'laiu Machine, Walnut Table, Tools, 4c 940 00 " Kelsey's Feed, " 45 00 Extra Ornamented Machine, Mahogany Table, Ton's, 4c 45 00 do do Kelsey Feed 60 00 Needles 10 Cents each Hemmers, turniDg any width from one sixteenth to two inches 6 00 g3" All orders by mail or express will receive prompt attention. Persons not having the full amount can be accommodated with short credit. B. F. SIIJW, T jwondi, Fa yjT.U.lrirt " t 38fscrllanrcit5. H. S. MERCUR Requests particular attention to his large ..took cf CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTINETTS, TWEADS. BtC. Also to an extensive assortment of Plain and Printed • Merinoee, I'luiu and Printed Coburgs, Piain and ' Printed Wool and Common De ains, Wool and ■ Union Plaids, Parisßeps, Mohairs, and other > GOODS. Likewise to tiie Largest and best selection of English and AMERICAN PRINTS, i * > Aud Ginghams, to he found in the County. BRUSSELS, VENETIAN,SUPERFINE, A INGRAIN* C A. R PETINGB, WOOL AND COTTON ' DRUGGETS A3TD OIL CTOTH3, MENS, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, Of Every Description. HATS AND CAPS. HARDWARE, IKON, STEEL, NAILS, CORDAGE, ' WINDOW GLASS, SASH, GROCERIES, OILS, PAINTS AND VARNISHES, CROCKERY A GLASSWARE, • t All of uhich are offered at the lowest Prices. Towanda, October I. IHGO. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY WELL MADE AND GOOD FITTING j MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING, IS AT SOLOMON'S clothing emiusiieht! HAVING Just. received one of the Largest Stocks of Fall and Winter Clothing that.has ever leeii ottered J in this market before, which will be sold at greatly re duced prices, j GREAT BARGAINS IN i Black !>. il. AS. B. Broadcloth Frock Couti. | GREAT BARGAINS IN' f Fancy Beaver Doeskin and Silk mixed Cassimere Coats I GREAT BARG AINS IN i Cassim* re, I nins; and Satlinet Business Co&tS* ; GREAT BARGAINS IN ' j Tweed and Kentucky Jean and Cottonadc Coats. ! GREAT BARGAIN'S I.V ' I li a'k I)oe-kin. < assimere, Unlouaud SattiuetPants. ' i GREAT BARGAIN'S IN 1 Harrison's Cassimere, Silk mixed and Plain PanU. ] GREAT BARGAINS IN i Fancy Union Satinet md others, Coats, i ; GREAT fIARGAIN'S I.V Plain and Fancy bilk Velvet Vests, j GREAT BARGAINS I V I Matilais Plain nisi Fancy Silk Vests. . | GREAT BARGAINS IN Harrison" ('ussiin.-re, <ilk Mixed and Ulaek \ests. ' JGREAT BARGAINS IN V-nci-i. Cotton \ civet aud I'lush Vests. ' ' GREAT BARGAINS IN Fancy. Union, S ittiuet and Farmer's Satin Vests. ' One of the largest stocks of OVERCOATS, consisting ■ of Beaver, Pilo'., S :,.lskia. Petersham, l.i uisivin, Black • of all qualities, and a large assortment of New Styles-- Aiso on" of the Largest Stocks of G :.ts Furnishing j Good*, which will i., s,.ij 25 per cent, cheaper than cist i when. Call b fore you buy and examine t:ty stock, as , ; yu't < an tie suited belt, t and at 1 >w r ligur■ . ! Remember the place, M. E. SOLOMON'S ;s.-i: HI :it. I September 27, IsCil. Towanda, Pa. NEW GROCERY prdivision store i ("1 1> PATCH respectfully ii.fonn*3 the ti- J tizens nt Towanda and vicinity, that he lias receiv ed and opened in 1!. KingsberyV stoic, opposite Monluu yes', a large and well selected stock of Groceries & Provisions, Which will be sold Cheap a- the Cheapest, for J CASH OK FARIVIER S PRODUCT. The Good® are entirely now and fn -h, and comprise the Kfileotcd titock of . Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spiers, Fruits, t'ovdies, Tobncro, J'ork, Hums, 1 tried Jierf. Pish of all hinds, Camphene, i . Fluid, Wooden i\* Stone U are, i\-c. Ever brought into this market. All that is asU'd Is a , ! tri il ot goods and prices. iCASH AND THE HIGHEST PRICE Will be paid at all times for Farmer's Produce of all kinds Car Good BUTTER wanted at good prices. | Towanda. i HOC 11 1 -V'. "I > KG I STEP'S NOTICES — Notice is liere- Ilb by given, that there has betn tiled and settled in ■ be office of the Register of Wilis, in mid for thecouuty | of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the follow ' ng estaLes, viz : Final a count of David Al'ct.. Adm'r of the estate . Solomon Allen, iateof Franklin, dcita od. Final account ot James Elliott, Guardian of the minor ■ children of William Hovcy. late of Ulster, deceased. Final account of C. V. . Churchill and E. Kelly, Admr's ; of tiie estate oi Milvin Wooster, late of Lelioy, dee'd. i Fiual accouut of J. R. Fletcher, Adm'r. ol the estate ' I of Nelson Johnson, lute of Pike, deceased. Final account of Henry A. and Alanson Miller, Admr's I of the estate of Aliraliani J Miller, de* eased. , 1 Filial account of KlizalictU and Samuel F. Williams, I Admr's of the estate of John Williams, late of Pike, (ie- I ceased. , ; Filial account oi Mason Tingley A Win. It. Pickering, I ndm'rs of Channey Tinpley, late of Orwell, dee'd. Partial account of Marlin Holcomh, guardian of Sey mour M. Wouster. minor child of Malvin Woosler. dee'd. i | Final account of Joseph Him liman, adm'r ol Horace i Hinchman, lote of Ridgiiery deceased, j Final account ol Heeler Owens, executor of Anna Green, late of Uiugbery deceased. Final account of Sarah Johuson and 11. W. Dunham, ■ adm'rs of Charles Johnson, late of Windham, ue 'd. And the same will lie presented to tlie Orphan's Court ! of Bradford county, on MONDAY the iid day of Dec. : next, for confirmation and allowance. J AMES H. WEBB, Register. Register's Office, Nov. I, 1860. * ! \ DMINISTRATOIVS NOTlCE.—Notice kl is hereby given, that all ik-rsons indebted to the j estate of Jesse Hammond, deceased, late of Springfield township, are requested to make payment without delay ; and those having claims against the said estate will please J present them duly authenticated for settlement. . JAMES D. HAMMOND. , Oct. 23, IKfiO. Administrator. ADMINI STRATOR'SNOTI CE—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to'th j estate of JAMES If. DEMOXEY, late of Roiue towu | ship, deceased, are hereby requested to make pay j merit without delay, and all persons having demands ; against said estate, will present thcai duly authenticate j ed for settlement. CHARLES CHAFFEE, Oct. 27, IMO. Administrator. NEW AERANGSXIfSXff T. T I) HUMPHREY, having disposed of j t* • tiie Dry Goods department of his store, will here r after enlarge the manufacturing department in its various branches, always keeping on hand the most somplete as . | sortment of BOOTS,SHOES & GAITERS, both of home . ! aud eastern manufacture, and at the lowest paying prices r I at which reliable work can be sold. ' Thankful for past patronage, the subscriber invites the , | attention of the public, as well to his extensive stock of . Boots and .Shoes as to the largest and lie-t assortment of SOLE A UPPER LEATHER, KiP SKINS, FRENCH . 1 and AMERICAN CALF SKINS, MOROCCO A LIN INGS, SHOE THREAD A SPARABLES. Round and , Flat head TACKS, and in short every thing usually . found in Finding Stores. Also, a large stock of choice FAMILY GROCERIES, j j Nails, Saddlery aud Common Hardware, Ac. All very . eheap for Cash. • J. D. HUMPHREY. Towanda, Oct. 25. lßftO. FIIUIT ! FRUIT.— Oranges, Lemons, Rais ins. Figs, Prunes and Dried Peaches at FOX'S. pUELSE, CRACKERS AND HERRING IV at F -ft, ncgnl. OH KM I UK'S HALE.— IJy virtne of sundry k_) wilts of Vend. Expo., issued out of the court of counties ot Bradford county, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale on THI RSDAY, tilt; 2Jth d.y of November, A. D. ISGO, at the court house, in Tewanda, , at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following JescriiieJ 1 >t. piece or i parcel of I.indsituate in Canton twp., bounded nortii by ' ' l ands of Betsey Roberts, on the cast by lands of James | Metier, ou the south by lards of >udou Dcnn and Jacob I Roberts, and on the west by the highway leading from I Canton to Troy. Containing forty acres, be the same j more or less, about thirty acres improved, one framed ' bouse, one framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon, i I Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Samite) C. Ward, now to the U3O of Alvan Stephens, vs. Jiina L. j SC"tt. ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Granville j twp., and bounded north by lands of Jacob Hlodget, on j the east by the public highway, on the south by lands of | P. Griffin and west by C. P. Griffin. Containing 30 ! feet by 20 feet, more or less, all improved, one shoe shop ' thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Maxwell, ; Leonard and Brothers, vs. W. L. Patchin. j ALSO—The following lot of land situate !u Canton ' tp., bounded tis follows ; beginning at a post on the west | bank of Towanda creek, thence north 80 s west along i lands of James W Newell 42 per. to a post, thence east . I 80° North 45 and 7-10 per. along lands of James W New ell and Henry S. Newell to u post, thence south 80* east ■ 31 per. to tiie west bank of tire Towanda crock, thence up the said creek on the bank of the same with its ways and courses to the place of beginning. Containing about ten acres, more or less, ail improved,framed Bo ise, tram ! Ed wagon shed and fruit trees thereon. ! Seized and taken in execution ot tiie suit of Electa El- ! ] liott and Harriet K. Peck vs. Edwin Newman. ' ALSO—The following lot of had aftoalo in Taoaaraa* | ! tp., bounded as follows : beginning at a Button wood on ; j the we-t side ot Tusearora creek in the line of Randolph ' | Hope, thence north 60* east 50 per. to a hemlock, thence j I north 30° eat 2b per. to a birch, thence north GO' east i I 22 per. to a post, them e north 80° east 2 1 per. to a post, | I thence nortii -h 5 east 57 per. to a post and stones in the j I line cf Abigail Honey's land, thenoe south i',B° west along i ! said line to PeterSturdevant's line at the aforesaid creek, j ! thence down the creek along the line of Peter B. Sturde- ! ! vaat's line to the place of beginning. Containing about j 50 acres, more or less, it being the easterly part of land I in the division of Samuel Sturdevant and Abial Kinney, , j about 20 acres improved, a framed baru, oi.e log house . : and a few fruit trees thereon, j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ulysses ' Mcreur vs. John 1). Miller. | ALSO—The following lot of l and situate in L'Gter tp., I ; and bounded north and east by iaiids of J.ime, McCarty, ! , ■ south by Jason Smith and we-t by the public highway. , Containing one half acre, more or lea->. all improved, one i framed tavern house, framed tu.ru and fruit trees thereon. I Seized and taken in execution at the suit of \V. A. j | Park to the use of Charles Wright vs. P. P. Sweets ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land ait- i 1 nite in Smithtield tp., and bounded north unknown, east I by land of William Ransom, south by lands of J<>hn O. Sterns, on the west unknown, being lot No. 8, of sulxli. ' vision of warrant No. 1458 as made by Xephun Flowers, | (warrantee name of 0. Carroll). Containing 100 acres I more or less, about CO acres improved, log bouse, log barn, small orchard thereon. ; Seized and taken in execution at lire suit of J. S. Wil- j j liston A Co.. vs. David Brown. i Al-50—The following lot of land situate in l'rnnliiiu j tp.. bounded a-, follow■>: beginning at i while oak thence ; by lands of Leonard McKee. nortii 70 1-2* east 80 par. i to a post, thence by land of Daniel Green south I 'Jj° east lit per. to a pine, thence by lands of Nathan \\ iicox il ' 1-2 we t 22 per. to a post, tliuiice south 1 1-2 v west ss : per. to a post, thence up Towanda creek south C'J 1-2° , west 73 per. to a post, thence by lands of Nathan Wiioox i nortii 2° east 48 per. to a post, thence north 1 1-2* east 71 per. t . a post, thence 13 1-2° west l(il per. to the be i gimiin Containing so acres and 4i per..about C 5 acr s improved, 2 framed or plank houses, 1 framed Lam and ! an orchard ot fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Brown A i 1 Rockwell vs. Charles Grvt u. 1 AI.SU—The following 1t of lan.l situate in Wilmot j tp., beginning at a small beech corner, thence north 2 J east 5l per. to a post, thence south east 8 per. to a ' stone corner, theuee south UJ- \V< -: 2 per. to a stone cor j ncr, thence south 8-8° east by 1 mil in possession of Jacob I Miller l's per, to a corner, thence south 2° west 57 per ' to an old hemlock, "down corner,"' thence nortii 88° west by lands formerly of Geo. Cotter let; per. to a . sun.:' beech torucr. C.attaining 55acies and 152 per., ' more or less. >ii/.ed and taken in execution a; the suit of Brown A 1 , Rockwell vs. Luniel Buiiingirtner. ALSO—The following lot of land siiuatc in Overton | tp., bo.inded north by the public highway, east bv the |p blic highway and lands of Morris Sullivan, sooth I v ■aiids of Christian and Henry Heverly, and west by lands uf Ki !i everiy. Coutauiiug liis acres, nun; or less ! at, -i.t taiacres improved, log house, log nam aud a few : fruit trees thereon. j A.LfiO— AH that certain 't. tdec-e >r parcel of land I situate in Overton tp.. bounded uoith by land of Mary Blake C rl John Streve and Cors • liu M tlarney, on tl , OH-4 by land of David Jones, on tiie south by the public : highway,ou the wort Ly Daniel Utveriy.Jr. Containing . ' • 28- . 'res, more or less, about 125 a'res improvid, tram J <>d bi use, two framed barns and an or-hard thereon. - j Seized aud taken in execution at ilie za.t of I.tais . I Zaner vs. Ju -oh Streve and Jacob Hover'y. i A l.Si > - The following lot of land situate in Ulster tp., i beginning at the north west corner of laud of Uriah Sliaw j (formerly of C. I'. Sweet.) thenoe running west along the iine of lot ol I>. It. Brague 7'> feet and 'J inches, more i or less, to a corner of land of James McCarty, thence j soutli along said McCarty 205 feet and 5 Inches, more or ; j less, to a corner of said lot en the Smithfieid road, thence east along said road 82 feet and 7 inches, more or less, to • a corner of the lot of U. Shaw, aforesaid, thence north ■ a'.oDir said Shaw's line 200 feet aud 5 incheii. more "rless, |to the place of beginning. Containing one-fourth acre | of land be the same, more or less, being tiie same lot j deeded by Jared Uolcomb to Wrn.Smalley.all improved, trained house and framed i.aru and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John I.Ls bree to use of E. I'. Shaw \s. Joseph C. Green. ALSO The following lot of land -it ate in iVya'using I tp., bounded on the northeasterly side by lands of Sally 1 ! Whitney, on the south east side by lands of John Gart- ; i land, on the southwesterly aide by the public highway I and on the northwest by lamls of James Butler- L'on ■ tuining thice fourths of an acre, more or less,all improv j ed, one frame house, one small frame barn aud fruit trees ! thereon. ! Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Levi Welles ; i vs. Thomas Lamb. j ALSO—Tlufcb do-.ving 'k-scrihen lot, piece or parcel of 1 land situate in Smithfieid to. and bounded a.- follows ; beginning at lot No. 3,0f the allotment of Bingham lands in Saiithtield tp , conveyed to John C. Aldrii h, thence ! along the east iiuc of saul lot No. 3, north !.j* east 112 i 2-Ift per., them e along tiie line of Jot No. 2, conveyed j j to Thomas Miuier south .'"feast IJI 7-10 per., theuee , north 81) 7 5* west 1,.8 C 10 per. to the plai i- of begin- | ! ning, known as lot No. 155, on map of Smithfieid and | | Ulster, belonging to the heirs of the Bingham estate, end t i being a part •! warrant N -1031, and the lot lately own- i | ed by Isaac Huff. Containing 52 3-10 acres, ail improved | willi a framed barn, a log house, a blacksmith shop and j fruit trees thereon. i Seized and taken in cxecntiou at the suit of X. C. Har ris vs. Cliftuncey Vincent. ALSO-A1! that lot ol iand situate in Shoshequin A Rome j tps., and bounded north A east by lands ol Elijah Town- ! send, south by lands of Lucius Eastman and west by John Havens. Containing G'J acres, more or leas, about ! five acres improved, with a framed house and a saw mill 1 j thereon. I Eei/.ed and taken in execution at the suit of George 1 j Moore vs. James Randolph. ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Burlington 1 i tp.. and bounded north by land of Matthew Betts. cast j I by land of Nancy Nichols aud A. McKi an, south by J. i G. Lovelaud and west by land of John Bioouj and Mat- [ i thew Betts. Containing three acres, be the same more J i or less, about 24 acres improved, one framed house one j framed barn and a blacksmith shop thereon. ! Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James El- ! ! liott, executor of William Gibson, 'deceased, vs. Nancy j j Arthur. ALtsO —The following lot of land situate in Wilmot tp., ' - I hounded on the north by lands of John Socks, east by I , ; laud of —— Henley south by land of John Deifleubach- j I j er, and west by land of Frederick isaxer. Containing IPG : , I acres, more or less, about 30 acres thereof improved , j with a plank house, a log barn with a framed additiou, { and a lew fruit trees thereon. j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. W | Dennisou vs. Enoch I*. Moltatt. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit ! uate til Litchfield tp., bounded north by land of Jacob j Campbell and Sarah Campbell, east by land of John Fit j tier and Chanucey Wheaton, south by land of Johnson | Rogers and west by land o! Win. Tattle. Containing 100 , ; acres, be the same more or less, about 25 acres improved, , | log house, framed bouse, a framed barn, a shop aud saw i mill and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C . IL Shepard, executor of Isaac Sbepard who was executor of Job Shepard. deceased vs. A P. Campbell. ALSO—The following lot of land situate in Durell tp„ ■ and bounded on the north by land of Solonron Ccle, east by the highway and land of Richard Bennett, srutli by land belonging to tiie estate of John Cole, deceased, and west by land of Thomas Jennings. Containing- about | eight acres, more or less, about six acres improved, one framed house, small framed baru and small orchard of { fruit trees thereon. i Seized and taken in execution nt the suit of Joseph t Kingsbery to use of John 11. Patrick now to use ot K. H. j Hornet vs. William J. Cole, j ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit -1 uate in Springfield tp., and bounded north by lands of 1 Hiram Spear, east by land of I-cwis Beach and IL B. Young south by laud of R. B. Young and H. Spear aud west by lands of Jauies U. Grace, Jr.,and loiren Grace. Containing one hundred and lorty-two acres, more or less, about one hundred acres unproved with a log house, a trained houft, a trained barn and fruit trees there an. • Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hiram Spear vs. Asa Wood. ALSO—Tlie following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Albany tp., beginning at a corner in the centre of the public road on the north line of Dyer Ormby's laDds, thence 614° east 6 per. to a corner the north west J comer of the J"."Wilcox lot, thence south w ! per. to a career lc tfct ?e£?e. rortb *! - • 11 —■ — ■■ ' ■ - Sro.ll. about 2u [K i. to the centre of the road, thence along the centre of the road north 50 3 cast 28 per. to the place of beginning. Curtaining nbort 1* acres, atl improved, sclto.'l h<ni-e and trait 'rees therein. ALSO—The following iut f land slVia't* In Albany j tp., beginning at a post, thence along the fine of David Jcwc-s north 211° west 11.; pt •. to a beech corner, thenca couth tilj 0 east along the line of Jacob lluve-iy, Morris Sullivan an-3 John M • risen ctj per. to an iron wood cor ner, thence north 2!Q S eu-t along the line of Robert Grey to a peat and stone neap, tbeuce north i IP wei alouy the line of Dyer Oruiby's <lO per. to the place of begin ning. Containing tit acres and 32 per., more or less, j about 35 acres improved, log bouse, iog barn and trait | trees thereon. i Seized and taken iu exeevtfon at the an't of Wm. A. Park to the u*' of James 11. l'hinney vs. Elijah Peiton. i ALSO—AII tlpit lot, piece or naicel of land aituate iu , Monroe tp., bounded north by lands belonging to the i estate of Geo. E. Arnout. dee'd. and lands of C.B. Ar i nout, east by lands ot John G. Gale and Daniel Sullivan, i south by lands of David Mingus, west by lands of Geo, 1 E. Arnoi't end ti.ii or less, abort i f acres improved and fruit trees thereon. ) Seized und taken iu exe< ution at toe suit of Gcoigtj Smith to the u-o of Fuller, Dayton A C'j., vs. Theodore Arnout. ' ALSO The follow iu* described lot of laud situate in Asylum t;>., bourn. north by the Susquehanna river i and land of Wiu.'F. Cole, on the cast ly David Ridg ! way ai d Thomas Jennings, south by Jonathan Stevens. ! and west by lands of Wm. E.Cole. Containing to acres | be the same more or leas, about 20 a<res improved, one framed house. liameU bar* and uu orchard of fruit trees i thereon, 1 Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Amelia A I Bar stow. adm*r of D F Bnrstow dee'd. vs. Francis Co,*. ALSO— Ail that described lot of laud situate in Litch ! field to., and bounded as follows; north by iand of Al- I fred lii.-ks. ear' bybiud of Joseph Kinney, south by Kd ; waul Ovtuishire unci west by funds of Alsop Baldwin.—. GtafaWw so |tfW,Bar> or lc. about Jo IIH improv ed with u framed barn and a few fruit trees. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Win If. Clymer vi. Stephen Evans. A. HANSON SPALDING, ShcrifTs Office, Towanda, Nov. 7, IbCO. Sheriff, NOTICK TO PtKCHAPEaa.—To prevent tnlsundertanik ing. notice is hereby given that purchasers at SherifPa sales will be required to pay the amount bid at the time the lai dis -old. It has le -oiuc Imperatively necessary to adopt this rale, and it will be strictly adhered to, ex cept iu cttaes where the purchaser is a lien creditor and is entitled to the fund as provided in the Ist section | the at of Assembly, approved April 20, 184ti. which is : as follows : '• W lunever the purchasers of real estate at i Orphans' Court or Sheriffia sale. shall appear from the propei record to be entitled, as a lien creditor, to receive the whole or any portion of the proceeds of said sale, it *Ual! be tic doty of the sheriff, administrator, executor ! or other person making such sale, to receive the receipt : of such purchaser or purchasers for the amount which he or thev wonid appear, from the record as aforesaid. !to be entitled to receive: Provided that this section shall ■ ro.t la- so construed as to preventthe right of said Sheriff, administrator, executor or other person aforesaid to de mand and re i ive at the time of sale a sum sufficient tu COM r all legal costs entitled to lie paid out of the proceeds of sui 1 salt; and provided further, that before any pur , clu-er or pur< ,-• r- shall receive the benefit of this sec tion, lie or liny shall produce to the Sheriff, or other per son so making said sale, a duly certified statement from the piop< r records, under the- hand and official seal of tho proper officer, showing that he is a lien creditor,entitled i i receive any part of the proceeds of the sale aforesa ! s d." Oil Kill IT'S SALK.—By virtue of a writ k_ of Fi. F '., issued out of the court of common pleas of Biadfo! i ruiuity. to me directed, will be exposed to : bbc M •• at tiie cmirt huuse. i:i ToWauda. on S ATUR DAY, tut l*. nay of December. lStiU, at 1 o'clock p. ni., the following de- ribed lot ot land situate in Ridgbery tp.. nnd bounded north by land belonging to the citato 1 oi Carpenter M'-rrit, dee'd, east tiy lauds of Mijamin firis wold and .'..ho Powers, south by lands of James Collins and Cornelius 0. Brien, vre-t bv lands of Jacob Wicks . and Charles I!. Palmer. Containing CI acres, he tho : same more or less, about 40 acre-, improved, framed dwelling h i us- and store ; • Jin, wagon house, framed barn, blacksiiiuo simp, log house and au orchard thereoij. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Edward Overton t ■ .1 James 11. Webb v->. 11. U. Cornell aad J. M. Richard*.-u. A. II tXSON SPALDING, i S!.' riff's Office. Towanda, Nov. 8, I K CO. Sheriff. Q FECIAL COURT.—Notice is hereby giT l- •:■ th '• si'vei-t Court of C cnmon Pleas w ill I® bcl.i in and i .. : ,e i cinty of Bndfi r I lit th court house iu Tovraada. co .imencli g on MONDAY the 14th day of Janu.n .• nc l. E .at . o'clock p. :u.. rni to continue on" week, a' whi.h the 11 >n. Robert 0. White will pre side l.ir the im ti • ! the following causes to wit: No. 2un k T,1820, A B Smith vs. Samuel Helium, et. al.. ejectment. 77 Ha. o.T. 1-.5 C, Israel Smith vs. Samuel Kel lum. tk al..—treapa No. Jt., i'i b. T, lsJ". Ed war 1 Overton vs. A B Smith . et. Jecnncnt No. 4.0, s> ipt. f, 1807, 1-rici Smith vs. Samuel Kl- J luta 2d.. -. al—trover. And -.'.eh other causes as may be at Issue and for trial at that time. Subpoenas returnable at 2 o'clock, p. m., on Holiday the 14th dav of January, us aforesaid. ALLEN McKEAX, Prot's Office, Towanda, Nov. 6, I*oo. Prot'y. A DM INISTR A TORS' K<>TIC I'.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of NATHAN DERBY, late of Albany, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment person having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOSlll'A VAXLOON. Nov. ?. I'-CO. Adm'r. NOTICE.— Notice is here lu by given, tint nil persons indebted to the es tate of HENRY C. BROWN, late of Springfield twp. de ■ •■eased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all per- .:.s having claim- against said estate, will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. CHARITY ANN BROWN, GRUIN SCOTT, Oct2t, liCO. Exi'mitore. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—-Notice is here -A d by given, that a'l persons indebted to ihe estate of GEORGE BOWMAN, late of Towanda tp. deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without delay : and these having demands against said estate will present them dale guihcuticatcd for settlement. I'RICE BOWMAN. LORENZO I). ROWM VN, LEROY M. BOWMAN. I Oct. 14, 1-fA Executors. i A r>MIN IST.VRTOR S NOTICE —Notice -i V. is heivbv given, that all pe.rsons indebted to th* estate ol ANI'KEW CUMINS, late of Springfield tp., Jcc'd., are hereby requested to make payment witliout i delay ; anil all per-ons having claims against said cstat® will present them duly authenticated for settlement, ANDREW CUMINS, Oct. 16, 1860. Adm'r. I IpXECUTOR'& NOTICE —Notice is here -1 z by given, tint ail persons indebted to the estate of ' OLIVER ELLSWORTH, late ot Orwell tp., deceased, 1 are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; ' and all persons hiving claims against said estate will prevent tueiu duly auibenticated lor settlement. C. G. GItIDLEY, I Oet. Ift, lSki). Executor. | i i.M IN IS'IHATOU S NOTlCE.—Notice : LA- is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tbe es ! estateol FREDERICK C. BALDWIN, late of Ilerrick, (iee'd j must make inuneiliate payment. and all persons having j demands against -..id estate will present them duly au ! thenticated for settlement. LYDIA ANN BN LOW IN, PEMBROKE S. SQUIRES, Sept. 57,1580. Administrator. ' A DMINISTIIATOB'S NOTlCE.—Kotict is hereby given that, all persons indebted to the es tate of ZKRAH ROCKWELL, late of Monroe town ship, dee'd, are lisreby reiiuested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said e.-tata will present tiiem duly authenticated for settle ment. H. L. SCOTT, Oct. 29, 18G0 Administrator. EpXKCCTOII'S NOTICE. —Notice is here- J by given, that all persons indebted to the estato j of WILLIAM SNYDER, lata of Sheshequin twp., dee'd, are hereby requested to make payment without delay : and all persons having claims against the said estate wilj please present tb6iu duly authenticated for settlement. HANNAH SNYDER. WILLIAM SNYDER, JABEZ FISH. Oct. 27. ISSO. Executors. A DM IN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice / m is hereby given, that all persons indebted to th* I estate ol JAMES T. ELSBREE. late of Windham, dee'd., are hereby rer|uested to rnadt* payment without df lay, and ail persons having demands against said estate, wiii present them duly authenticated for settlement. 1 CAROLINE ELSBREE, SAMUEL LYON. Jr.. Sept. 27, 1860. Administrators. 17 X ECU TOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here li by given that all persons indebted to the estate of HIRAM C. FOX. dee'd., late of Towanda twp., must make immediate payment,and all persons having demand* against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. MII.LER FOX, Oct. 27.1860. Executor. JWSH^Iyof
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers