wAtUR PER ANNUM WARMLY IN ADVANCE. TOW.AIsTD.A. : !today Morning s may 26, -,11169. Stiutelt Vcttrr. CATON TEE lEM'BEINE Catch the stessiine 1 ibougb it Bickers Imosgh a dark and (Dismal cloud ; Though it falls so taint and feeble OD 1 lieltri , with sorrow bowed catch it quickly—it is passing, polibif,capidly away ; It ism °My come to tell yoU There Is pets brighter day. Catch the sunshine ! thought Its only One pale [Habig beam of light ; Then is joy within its glimmering. Whispering 'Cis not always night. Don't be moping, sighing, weeping. Loot up ! look up like s man ! There's no time to grope in darkness, •;- Catch the sunshine When you can. Catch the sunshine ! though life's tempest May unficirl its chilling bleat ; Catch the little hopeful straggler :114 ~,. Storms will not forever last! 4:4 Don't give up and say " forsaken !" . Don't begin to say " I'm 1 1" :- Look ! there comes a gleam o , sunshine 4 Catch It ! oh, it seems so glad I - Catch the sunshine ! don't be grieving O'er that darksome billow there Life's a sea of stormy billows, We must meet them every where. Pus right through them ! do not tarry, Overcome the heaving tide, There's a sparkling gleam of sanOdae Waiting on the other side. Catch the sunshine! catch it gladly 1 Messenger in Hope's employ, " Bent through clouds, through storm mid billows. Bringing Ali a cup of joy. Oh! then don't be sighing, weeping, Life, you know, is but a span, There's no time to sigh and sorrow, • Catch the sunshine when you can. isteltantaus. die Eleventh Commandment. T. S. Arthur tells a good story about a lov ing couple in New Jersey, who belonged to the Methodist church. A new presiding elder, Mr. N., was expected in that district ; and as the ministers all stopped with brother W. and his wife, every preparation was made to give him a cordial reception. The ,honest couple thought that religion in part consisted in Mak ing some parade, and therefore the parlor was put in order, a nice fire, was made, and the kitchen replenished with cake, chickens, and every delicacy preparatory to cooking. While Mr. W. was out at his wood-pile, a plainloolcing, coarsely-dressed, but quiet-like pedestrian came along and inquired the dis tance to the next town: He was told that it vies three miles. Being very cold, he asked permission to enter and warm himself. As sent was given very grudgingly, and both went into the kitchen. The wife looked daggers at this untimely intrusion, for the stranger had on cow-hide boots, an old hat, and a thread bare, but neatly-patched coat. At length she gave him a chair beside the Dutch oven, which was baking nice cake for the presiding elder, who was momentarily expected, as he was to preach the -next day at the church a mile or two be yond. The stranger, after warming himself, prepa red to leave, but the weather became more in clement; and as his appetite was roused by the viands about the fire, he asked for some little refreshment ere be set out for a cold- walk to the town beyond. Mrs. W. was displeased, but on consultation with her husband, some cold bacon and bread were set on an old table, sad he was then somewhat gruffly told- to eat; it was growing dark, and' hints were thrown out that the stranger had better depart, as it was three loag miles to town. The wife grew petulaut as the new preacher did not arrive, and her hpsband sat whistling the air " Auld Lang .Syne," while he *ought of the words of the byrnu—" When I can Mead my Title Clear," and felt as though be could order the stranger of without any further ado. , The homely meal was at last concluded— the-man thanked him kindly for the hospitali ty be had received, and opened to door to go. But it was quite dark, and the clouds denoting a atom filled the heavens. " You say it is three miles to D—?" " I do," said Mr. W., very coolly, " I said 50 when you first stopped, and you might to hare pushed on. like a prudent man. You could have reached there before it was quite dark." "But I was cold and hungry, and might have fainted by the way." The manger of saying this touched the farm er's feelings a little. " You have warmed and fed me for which I am, thankful. Will you not bestow allother Ad Of kluduess upon one in a strange 'plies, and, if fie goeti out in the darkness, may lose himself ate perish in the cold." The particular form in which, this request was made, and the tone in which was an. tered, put it oat of the power of the Wrier to say DO, " Golfs there and sit down." he answered, pointing to the kitchen, " and I will see my wife and see What she says," And Mr. W. went into the parlor where the with a snow white , Itt of blne•sprigged :ht out on special THE • - BRADFORD ::REPORTER, " Did you ever read the Bible, sir 1" address. lug the stranger ?" "When I was s little boy I used to read it sometimes. But I am sure I thought there were eleven commandments. Are you not mistaken about there being only tea , r Sister W., lifted her hands in unfeigned as tonishmant, and 'exclaimed, " Could any one believe it I Such ignorance of the Bible!" Mr. W. did not reply, but rose, and going to one corner of the room where the good book lay upon the small stand, he put on the ta ble before him, and, opened at that portion in which the commandments are recorded. " Them", be said, placing ,, his finger upon the proof of the stranger's eTTCO. There look for yourself." • The man came round from his Aide of the Whip and looked over , the stranger's shoal. der. " There I ten, d'y see r . " Yes, It does say," replied the man, " and yet it seems to -me-thereere eleven. I am sure I have Alegi thought to!! r 1 "Doesn't it:say ten bets higairodW i lF. itthaWicia IrePithin.o6 *kik . 'l , 4 4 'Wigh or 011:111114/ v:111101 :ere burning ente red a cheerful fire. C m agt7t= ito r rpdek thb* titeiri PIBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E: O'MEARA GOODRICH. have the likes of him in the house now. Where ld he sleep ?" " Not in the best room, even if Mr.N. should not come." " No, indeed I" " But really, I don't see, Jane, how we can tura him oat of doors. He doesn't look like a very strong man, and it's;dark and cold, and fall p three mike to D—." " It's too much ; he ought to have gone on while he had daylight, and not lingered here, as he did, till it got dark." • " We can't tarn him out or doors, Jane, and it's no use to think of it. He'll have to stay, somehow." ' " But what can we do with him ?" He seems like a decent man: at least ; and does not look as if be had anything bad about him. We might make him II bed en the floor somewhere." " I wish be bad been in Guinea before be came here I" said Mrs. W.,1 fretfully. The disappointment, the conviction that Mr. N. would not arrive, occasioned--her , to fret, and the intrusion of so unwelcome a visitor as the stranger, completely unhinged her mind. • " Oh, well !" replied her husband in a sooth ing voice, " never mind. We must make the. best of it. He came to us tired- and hungry, and we warmed and fed him. He now asks shelter for the night, and we must not refuse him, nor grant his request in a complaining or a reluctanppirit. You know what the Bible says 'about entertaining angels unawares." "'Angels ! Did you ever see an angel look like him ?" " Haiing never seen an angel," said the far mer, smiling , " I am unable to speak as to their appearance." This had the effect to call an answering smile from Mrs. W.'and a better feeling at her heart. It. was finally agreed ihetween them that-the man, as he seemed likft a decent kind of person, should be permitted to occupy the minister's room if that individata did not ar rive, an event to which they both looked with but little expectancy. If he did come the man would have to put up with poor accommoda tions. When Mr. W. returned to the kitchen, "where the stranger had seated himself before the fire, he informed him that they had decided to let him stay all night. The man expressed in a few words the grateful sense of their kind ness, and then became silent and thoughtful. Soon after the farmer's wife, giving up all hope of Mr. N.'s arrival, had supper taken up, which consisted of coffee, warm short cake and broiled chickens. After all was on the table, a short conference was held as to whether it would do not to invite the stranger to take supper. It was true they bad given him as much bread and bacon as he could eat, but then, as long as he was going to stay all night, it looked too inhospitable to sit down to the table and not ask him to join them. So, mak ing virtue a necessity, he was kindly asked to come to supper—so invitation which he did not decline. Grace was said over the meal by Mr. W., and the coffee. poured out, the bread helped, and the meat carved; There was a fine little boy, six years old, at the table, who had been brightened up and dressed in his best, in oder to grace the minis ter's reception Charles was full of talk, and the parents felt a mutual pride in showing him off, even before their humble guest, who no ticed him particularly, thonch he had not much to say. "Come, Charley," said Mr. W., after the meal was ever, and he sat lounging in his chair, " can't you repeat the pretty hymn mamma learned you last Sunday?" Charley started off without further invita tion and repeated very accurately two or three verses of a new camp-meeting hyinn, that was then very popular. ll F " Now let us hear yoh say the command ments, Charley," spoke up the mother, well pleased at her child's performance. And Charley repeated them all with the aid of a little prompting. " How many' commandments are there r' asked the father, The child hesitated, and then looking up at the stranger, - near whom he sat, said inno cently— " How many'are there e The man thought for some momenta, and said, as if in donbt, " Eleven, are there not ?" " Eleven 1" ejaculated Mrs. W., in, unfeigned surprise. " Eleven I" said her husband, with more re buke than astonishment in his voice. "Is it possible, sir, that you do not know bow many commandments there are ? How many are there, Charley? Come, tell me—you know, of course." " Ten," replied the child. " Right, my son," returned Mr. W., looking with a smile - of approval on the child. "Right. There isn't a child of his age within ten miles who can't tell you there i are ten command ments." "0, yes, I Whet% the Bible ; and yet, it stiikes me somehow, that there are more than ten commandments. Hasn't one been added somewhere else Now this was too much for brother and sis ter W. to hear. Such ignorance of sacred matters they felt to be unpardonable. A long lecture followed, in whiclrthe man was scold ed, admonished, and threatened with divine in dignation. At its close he modestly asked whether he might not have the Bible to read for an hour or ;two before retiring for the night. This, request wits granted with more pleasure than any of the preceding ones. Shortly after supper the man was conducted to the little square room, accompanied by the Bible s , Before leaving him alone, Mr. W. felt it to be his , duty to exhort him to spiritual things, and he did so, most earnestly, for ten or fifteen minutes. But he could not see that his words made much impression, and he ly left his guest, lamenting his obduracy and ignorance. In the mortting he came down, and meeting Mr. W., asked him if he would be so kind as to lend him turater, that he might remove his beard, which • did not give his face a very at tractive appearance. His request was com plied with. "We will' have prayers in about ten min utes," said Mr. W. as he handed him the razor and shaving box. The man appeared and behaved with due propriety at family worship. After breakfast he thanked the farmer and his wife for their hospitality, and parting, went on his journey. Ten o'clock came, but Mr. N. had not arri ved. So Mr. and Mrs. W. started for the meeting-house, not doubting that they would find him there. A goodly number of people were inside the meeting-house, and a goodly number outside, but the milliliter had not arrived. . " Where is Mr. N ?" inquired a dozen voices, as a little crowd gathered around the farmer. "He hasn't come yet. Something has de tained him.. Oat I still look for him—indeed, I fully expected to find him here " The day was cold, and Mr. W., after becom ing thoroughly chilled, Concluded to go in and keep a good lookout for the minister from the window near which be usually sat. Others, from the same cause, followed his example, and the little meeting house was soon filled, and one after another came dropping in. The farmer, who turned towards the door each time it was opened, was a little surprised to see his guest of the previous night enter, and come slowly down the aisle, looking on either side as if searching for a vacant seat, very few of which were now left. Still advancing, he finally got within the little enclosed altar, and ascending to the pulpit,. took off his old gray overcoat and sat down. By this time Mr. W. was at his side, and had his hand upon his arm. " Yon unmet sit here, come down and I will show you a seat," he said in au excited tone. " Thank you," replied the man, in a com posed voice. "It is very comfortable here." And the man femained unmoveable. Mr. W. feeling embarrassed, went down in tending to get a higher " official" to assist him in making a forcible ejection of the man from the place' he was desecrating. Immediately upon his doing so, however, the man arose, and standing up at the desk, opened the hymn book. His voice was thrilled to the finger ends of brother W. as, in a distinct and im pressive manner, he gave out the hymn begin ning :-- "'Help tis to help each other, Lord, Each other's cross to bear ; Let each his friendly aid afford, And feel a brother's care." The congregation rose after the stranger bad read the entire hymn, and had repeated the first two lines for them to sing. Brother W. usually started the tunes. He tried this time, but went off on a long metre tune. Discover ing his mistake at the second word, he balked and tried again, but nog be stumbled on short metre. A musical broth er here came to his aid, and led off with a une that suited the measure in which the hymn was written. After singing, the congregation kneeled, and the minister—for no ,one doubted his real char acter—addressed the Throne of Grace with much fervor and eloquence. The reading of a chapter in the bible succeeded. Theo there was a deep pause throughout. the room in an ticipation of the text, which the preacher pre pared to announce. Brother W. looked pale, and his hands and kneel trembled. Sister W's face looked like crimson, and her heart was beating so loud that she wondered whether the sound was not heard by the sister who sat beside her. There was a breathless silence. The dropping of a pin might have been heard. Then the fine, emphatic tones of the preacher filled the crowd ed moat. • " And a new commandment 1 give unto you, that you love one another." Brother W. bent his head forward to listen bat now he had sunk back in his seat. This: was the Eleventh Commandment. The, sermon was - deep, searching, yet affec tionate and impressive. The preacher uttered nothing, that could in the legit Wound the broth er and sister of whose hospitality he had par taken,, but be said much that slants upon their hearts, and made them pabifullY conscious that they bad not shown as mach kindness to the stranger as he had been entitled to receive on the broad principles of humanity. Bat they isuffertd moat from mortification of feeling. To think:that they bad treated the Presiding El der of the District after such a fashion, was deeply humiliating ; and the ides of the 'whole wfratri: getting , abroad, interfered Badly, with their devotional feebly throtighbut the whold period ofiettiew At lest the sermon wen wet aniiniebi ednilidethdiiiiid the bandied= priexameet Bother' ,W.did is t:bob whet It waist fee bid **ex , viz arierseete s SeeigratAbikedded balathe add he de thane Othese " BIC6BXDUNIS 07 DENUNCIATION Int,oll ANT QVAILTZ/L" and shook bands with him, but still he lingered and held back. "Where is brother vi r he at length heard asked. It was the voice of the minister. . "Here be is," said one or two, opening the way to where the farmer stood. The preacher advanced, and catching his hand said— " How do you do, brother W., I am glad to see you. And where is sister W.?" Sister W. was brought forward and the preacher shood hands with them heartily while his rave was lit up with smiles. "I believe I am to find a home with you," he said, as if it was settled. Before the still embarrassed brother and sis ter could make reply, some one asked— " How came you to be detained so late 7 You were expected last night. And where is brother R.?" " Brother R. is sick," replied Mr. N., " and I had to come alone. Five miles from this my horse gave out, and I had to come the rest of the way on foot. But 1 became so cold and weary that 1 found it necessary to ask a farm er to give me a night's lodging, which he was kied enough to do. 1 thought I was still threeegles off, but it happened I was very much nearer my journey's end than I had sup posed."l Thisexplanation was satisfactory to all par ties, an in due time the congregation dispersed and the presiding elder went home with broth er and sister W. One thing is certain, how ever, the story never got out for some years after the worthy brother and sister had passed from their labors, and then it was related by Mr. N himself, who was rather eccentric in his character, and, like numbers of his ministe rial brethren, food of a juke and given to-re lating good stories. BooKs As AN ORNAMENT.—Men are not ac customed to buy books unless they want them. If, on visiting the dwelling of a man of slender means, I find the reason why be has cheap carpets, and plain furniture, to be that be may purchase books, he rises at once in my esteem. Buoks are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house. The plainest row of books that cloth or paper covers, is more significant of refine ment than the most elaborately carved etagere or sideboard. • Give me a house furnished with books rath er than furniture I Both, if you can, but books at any rate I To spend several days in a friend's house, and hunger for something to read, while you are treading on costly carpets, and sitting upon luxurious chairs, and sleeping upon down, is as if one were bribing your body for the sake of cheating your mind. r 8 it not pitiable to see a man growing' rich and beginning to augment the comforts of home and lavishing money on ostentatious upholstery upon the table, upon everything but what the soul needs ? We know of many and many a rich man's house when it would not be safe to ask for the commonest English classics. A few garnished annuals on the table, a few pictorial monstro sities, together with the stock of religious books of his " persuasion," and that is all ! No range of poets, no essayists, no selection of historianp, no travels, or biographies—no select fictions or curious legendary lore_; but _then,, the walls have paper on which cost three dol lars a roll, and the floors have carpets that cost four dollars a yard I Books are the win dows through which the soul !coke out. A house without books is like a room without windows. No man has a right to bring •up his children without surrounding them with books, if he has the means to buy them. It is a wrong to his family. He cheats them I Children learn to read by being in the presence of books. The love of knowledge comes with reading, and grows upoc it. And the love of knowledge in a young mind, is almost a warrant agairist the inferior excitement of passions and vices. Le us pity those poor rich men who live bar• reniy in great book less houses I Let us con gratulate the poor that, in our day, books are so cheap that a man may every year add a hundred volumes to his library for what his tobacco and beer would cost him. Among the earlier ambitions to be excited in clerks, workmen journeymen, and, indeed among all that are struggling np in life from nothing to something, fs that of owing and constantly ad ding to a library of good books. A little li brary growing larger every year is an honor able part of a young man's history. It is a duty to have books. A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities oI life.—Henry Ward Beecher. INTERESTING ART DISCOVERY IN RONIE.—The interest of the artistic portion of - the communi ty in politics has this week been suspended by the discovery of a remarkably beautiful statue of Venice, in Parian marble. Possess ing very high merit, is, pronounced by some connoisseurs to be as fine as as the Venus de Medics. Eminent sculptors, while more mod erate in their praise, atilt speak of it as being very beautiful, as being very probably a copy of the Florentipe Venus, and as being of Greek Art: It will' settle a very disputed point, and lead probably to the correction of a great error in the repairs made by Bernini in the-Venus de Medici. It will be remembered that Bernini has so adjuatid - her arms that, while bent over the bosom and lower part of the body, they do not touch it in any part. In the new statute the mark's of the fingers on the right thigh and left bosom are plainly via ible. • The bead, too, I should say, is some what larger than that of the Venus de Medici. The head has been broken off, as also the two arms, but the only parts mtsOing are the left band and whiled the fingentof the right bind, all of which May be' easily supplied, as (=PIO lOWA to lho.W.the "effect pm or:eveg. fitt th, cOnwpondows.gf S . lit .0414"ot *tor; Oka sithiti Ow* asefteittiviss i *mat* tiety-0:), pleamitimiail plait Modern Warfare as Compared with the Means of Destruction in the Past. We are apparently on the eve of the most tremendous armed conflict which the world has seen since the downfall of Napoleon the Great. The wars of imperial France were bl,iody wars, as all the world knows. No slaughtered hetacombs were ever piled so high as the great emperor piled them. The dead never lay so thick on any battle field, of which history makes mer.tion, as they lay on Eyhtu and Borodino and Waterloo. What amount of destruction and misery science, in the hands of genius, could, in a given. time, deal out on a given number of men was there amply demon strated. But it is not saying too much to say that if the European powers let their armed hordes loose upon one another this summer, ruthless destroyer as Napoleon was, he will be shown before three years are over t have been a mere tyro in the art of destruction. Siuce his day all the arts have advanced with rapid strides, but none with strides so rapid as this one. The weapons with which his soldiers were armed, with which the bridge of Lodi was carrietand Austerlitz and Merango were won, bear much the same relation to the rifle of the present day as the matchlock bore to the firelock. Death did not in his time flash from serried ranks until the foemen stood two or three hun dred yards apart. It now flies in the air nearly three quarters of a mile, as far as the sharpest eye can mark a human figure. His siege artil lery would be to-day by no means heavy 'field pieces. Wellington's heaviest breaching guns at Badojos and Salmanca were twenty-four pounders. The Russians at Inkerman, and the British at Tchernaya,bronght thirty-two pound ers into the field with ease and effect.. But the advantage which heavy guns have always had over light ones, hitherto, for the purposes of field artillery, has been rather in the length of range than in the size of the bail. A twelve pounder rusliiig through a column of infantry is full of desAction.and almost as demoralizing as one treble its weight ; but . formerly it could not be projected nearly so far. Science has, in our day, destroyed the difference between them. Recent inventions, some of them those of our own countrymen, some of them English men, and some of the present Emperor of France, have furnished field pieces, which four horses can whirl at the giddiest gallop from point to point, with more than the deadly pow er which, forty years ago, belonged only to weapons which sixteen horses could only move with difficulty, and which were always pieces de posit Moreover, facilities have been created since Waterloo was fought, for bringing together masses of men thus armed, and dashing them against one another, such as the great Napo leon in his wildest dreams never thought of.— We all know how the rapidity of his move ments dazzled and astounded our fathers. We know how he strode over Europe like a mag ician,. taking armies up, as it seemed iu those days, in the hollow of his hand, and flinging them in the twinkling of an eye on every point where his giant plans needed them. We know how distance seemed to shrivel up'at the blast of his trumpet. We know how the pupils of Turrenne and Montecucnli recoiled in dismay before legions which struck like a thunderbolt after having advanced like the wind But great as was the perfection to which he carried the art of rapid concentration, it becomes the craw ling of a turtle compared with the power with which railways have armed the generals of our day. When Napoleon started on liia expedi tions, armies were of necessity divided into col umns, which, in order to 'secure the bare means of subsistence and of transport, were compelled either to follow each other at tolerably long intervals, or else march on the same point by different circuitous routes. And they did march —literally marched, trudged every inch of the way on foot, and the eagle flapped his wings over them in approbation if they achieved fifty miles in twenty-four hours. The maddest im patience of the maddest conqueror had in those times to adapt itself to the capabilities of hu man legs and human stomachs. It took, even in the bands of Napoleon, a long while to concentrate two hundred thou sand men at a point three hundred miles dis taut ; and when they were there it required stupendous energy and stupendous resources to feed them.. All the grand heroes had to take pork and flour into their grandest calcula tion ; and pork and flour, alas I have to be carried about to be of any use. The other day we were told, in contrast with this, that the present Emperor was able to send twenty•five thousand men in a day from Paris to Lyons—a distance of three hundred miles. It would have token his uncle a week of forced marches to accomplish the same object. • Aus tria is sending troops into Italy at the same rate. Moreover, the same power which ren ders this rapid concentration of troops so easy, renders their subsistence, while concentrated, just as easy. Tne railroad dumps the soldiers now-a-days down lan the battle-field, and the next day dumps down - a months provisions in their rear. The telegraph, we need hardly say, plays as wonderful a part in this change as the railroad. One of Napoleon's generals would have required four or flee days to ask for a re inforcement, which he now asks for in as many minutes. It reaches him in as many hours as it would then have taken days. The destructiveness of the changes 'which these new instruments are likely to/introduce into warfare, has not so far, attracted so much attention as it ought, because within the last SO years we have had no wails in the part of the world in which science could render the soldier efficient ; and what science has done in that interval to make war more sanguinary, will only appear when two countries like Italy and Germany, which are bleased, or cursed, With an the ' eiodern iMproiements." flay ing armed .the combatants With the means of bound: blin within a"taint of ik tifouinid 'yards', it ituditio—"Erfo'vull fac ia the teteg au bow' There unman teem revaaledly even vankartbetwin tit* which ,no onervie humor 111111W111* belt* VOL. XIX.-NO. 51. most burmiess aspect, can contemplate without a shudder. Wonders of the Mississippi. The difference of level between highand loin water mark a Cairo is fifty feet. The width and depth of the river from Cairo and Memp. his to New Orleans is nut materially increased I yet immense additions are made to the gnapti '+ty of water in the channel by large Moline from both the eastern and western aides of tlfe Mississippi. The question naturally aria* what becomes of this vast added volume a , water ? It certainly never reaches New Orleani and as certainly does not evaporate ; and of course, it is not confined to the channel of the river, for it would rise far above the entire re gion south of us. If a well is sunk anywhere in tho Arkansas bottom, water is found as soon as the water• level of the Mississippi is reached. When the Mississippi goes down, the water sinks accord ingly in the well. The owner of a saw mill, some twenty miles from the Mississippi, in Arkansas, dug a well to supply the boilers of his engine, during the late flood. When the waters receded, his well went down till his boss would no longer reach the water, and finally, his well was dry. He dug a ditch to an jacent lake to let water into his well ; the lake was drained, and the well was dry again, hiring literally drank ten acres of water to less than a week. The inference is, that the whole val ley of the Mississippi.from its banks to the high lands on ,lither side, rests on a porous substra tum which absorbs the redundant waters and thus prevents that degree of accumulation which would long since have swept New Orleans into the Gulf but for this provision of nature, to which alone her safety is attributable. In fact, if the alluvial bottoms of tbe llifissis sippi were like the shores of the Ohio, the vast plain from Cairo to New Orleans would to-day be part and parcel of the Gulf of Mexico, and this whole valley a vast fresh water arm of the sea. Were the geological character of the .valley different, the construction of levees, con fining the water of the Mississippi to its chin nel, would cause the rise in the river to become so greet at the South that there not sufficient levees codld be built. The current would be stronger and accumulation of water greater u the levees are extended North of us. Such results were reasonably enough antici pated ; but the water, instead of breaking the levees, permeates the porous soil, and the over flow is really beneath the surface of the swamps Such, it seems to us, are the wise provisions of natural laws for the safety and ultimate recla mation of the rich country South of us. We believe that the levee system will be success ful, and that the object of its adoption will be attained. The porosity of the material used in making them has caused most if dot all at crevasses. Men may deem it a superhuman task to wall in the Mississippi from Cairo to New Orleans, but our levees are the work of pigmies when contrasted with the dykes et Holland. The floodtide of tbo Mississippi is but a ripple on the surface of a glassy pool, compared with the ocean billows that dash against the artificial shores of Holland. The country to be reclaimed by our levees--all of which will not for fifty years cost .the people as much as those of the Dutch when originally built—would make one hundred such kingdoms as that over which Bonaparte once wielded the sceptre .-31emphis Avaalndie. Iler A beggar accosted a member of Par liament, and telling a piteous tale, said, "If your honor does not assist me 1 shall be com pelled to an act which nothing but despera tion could tempt me to do." The honorable gentleman gave him a shilling and walked on, but an idea struck him ; so he called the beg gar, and asked him what he had meditated doing " Can't you guess," said the beggar. " I should have been compelled to hunt for for work which nothing but desperation could have tempted me to do." Lord i Montez, in her book, "The Art of Beauty:" lays down the following rule among her "hints to gentleman on the art of Fascina tion." You ought to know there are four things which always more or less interests a lady—a parrot, a peacock, a monkey, and a man ; and the nearer you can come in uniting all these about equally in your character, the more will you he loved. This is a cheap and excellent recipe fur making a dandy, a crea ture which is always an object of admiration to the ladies. How Tin POODLE Gcrr WET—Enter Bridget, with the mistress' favorite poodle, wringiv wet. "How is this, Bridget ? How came Fido to get so very wet " An' faith, mam, en' it was little Tommy that had the little baste lashed to the end of a powl, and was washing the windees wid him." ter Looking out of his window one summer evening, Luther saw on a tree at hand a little bird making brief and easy dispositions for a night's rest. " Look," said he," how that lit tle fellow preaches faith to us all. le takes hold of his twig, tucks his head under his wing, and goes to sleep, leaving God to think for hiss. ter A newpaper thus describes the elites of a hurricane—" It shattered mountains, ttiret op oaks by the roots, dismantled churches, laid villages waste, and overturned—a haystaeh IT is rumored that the lades are going to raise the moustache. We believe that they can do it without - difficulty, for every hand some woman can, whenever she pleases, base a "moustache" to her lip. A, quack doctor in one of his bills, said he coed bring living witnesses to prove the efil caey of his cOatranlii, " which is morel." .j$ be "than others in my line emu dm" r. ass been computed that theca C a eight hundred millions of gold , and jowttie the bottom ot the see oe-route beieretei Eng= kid ind I'm gstsinkfat,"6l . 6o los* sat *a* was stealing " lard."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers