"""" Affection for Home. W I. YANCEY, the brilliant lender of j xtreine fire eating wing ot the Southern l 7 e m his speech in favor of reviving the 7 trade, delivered at the late Montomery 4 V ibonin Convention, uttered the following *'•' ]i\.-' did not love every section of his !,v equally. A man who knew no North, 1 'V. i'-t. or West, but was for the Uuion, * ' . '. the spoils without reference to the is of the people, His—the speaker's —first i ~ t (hose nearest him ; if he had any j tio ii it was for his neighbor, whom lie! ; • -,-tcJ to love as himself, and lie would | . do so, if he would permit him. When i (< j„ n e to ourseires, our vert care should | ' . ... that ire did not injustice to others " j ' j ve for the Union is inherent in the Ame art. It is only next to the veneiatiou \ i;,vl And love of our home, of our lire- ' 'four country, and our state, is a part j . -atue feeling. Pennsylvania has allowed i ~t sentiment to grow weak among her ! j ,-t her liorrow some of the Southern .. i, c true to herself first; regard her own . ; ,s paramount ; and sink' all other (pies ."to that : and then she will lie more able Esther neighbors. With our patriotic 1 . in the South their own concerns are j Tiiev allow nothing to stand in their j To strciiiitlieii themselves tlicy will *2* 4U , P. . . J . -c Htiv Aduiiuistration, give up any prtn- j , ri ..;>t any measure ; and all this with a 1 , and boldness that command atten- ! ~0 L! ami re?))cct. — Forneys I'rsss. j I r ,r > Waiv. —Mr. THOMAS COON cal-1 . at this otlieo on Monday and exhibited nterestimr s|ecimens of animal remains, j > i. from the heart of a boulder of eonglum- ; . t . or pudding-stone found on ids land iu j -;\ town-hip 1 liesc reniaim consist of •"-,e molar teeth in a state of perfect preser- ; (Juc of them, evidently from the pos •,r.>i of the lower jaw of a herbivorous animal : nut the size of a hickory-nut, beautifully 1 . t>! and in so perfect a state of preserva ! ■ that a i ortion of the gum still remains; ,; is muscular consistency Mr. C. informed <■. hit tlii- jiortiun of llie gum, when first dis- ; v.n I. had the hue of " live llesh," as if imt • ntlv 1 ru from the jaw of a living animal. ; r to tli were badly fractured in the I - ~f .let idling them from the boulder,) ■ri mi/h wa- left to show that they were ; • tin property of n ruminating animal.— J ... |a>t were well worn and exhibited signs j iviug be n diseased. Mr. Coon had car-! ■ ;t! honlder home to convert it into sand - kit. ii> n ue. These remains were discov- . .uring the proeiss of pulverization, W'e ; -iiown a very beautiful snail-hell taken ; j t!ic - une rock Tioga Agitator. - iixei'RSlON'lsTS OK THE GkSKRAI. AsSF.Mni.vj • v p i.[• —Three hundred passengers over the i! k Island Railroad were in imminent peril ; -t Thursday. The rain and storms had in- : <1 the track, and when near Seneca station, trai k -ij<i'ii tilv gave way beneath (lie en- | 1: \ and the locomotive, tender and baggage ) .r da-hed down a slight embankment into a i h partially filled with water. The first ' t-eng'T car ploughed after it, and the scc wa- thrown ovt r on the opposite side of ' track. None of the cars but the last, or i r< lined on the track, but only two were cueft broken • !lv a -ingiilar good fortune no one in either j ears was injured beyond the extent of > a bruises On board there were "grave ■ . gay ' ha-iudiutr many mero'iersof the New ! I'rcs yterian General Assembly, and a j hound tor a ball. There was a general ; i an ) riifflbig of such fine feathers as . to be most exposed, but nothing se- I riuw. _ .'la'. An ; v - REMAINS Dim OVKKKD. —The i - • • ■ i /. jiUieiii -ay- tlie long sought re l.'hun Allen have now been found— i; '- are forever put at rest. In more j " U;M v removing the earth at the place of i '.. i Itiirlingtou cemetery, Tuesday fore- j for iaying the foundation of the inoiiii- | .• eon-xcratc<l bones were found right 1 -at the place of the old tombstone. They ' boxed up ami reinterred beneath the i - • latiuu of the new monument. c it THE WEST —The western country ■ rt i beyond all precedent the present ' ,IV m continuous heavy rains.The rivers j -i ijeiu higher than ever before, overflowing j r bank-, flooding the country, and doing! ';"n-e damage to crops, railroads and other ! I On the -ifirli of May the Ohio rose ' x feet in about an hour ; the \\ abash 'ingov. r the country having reached ! • f ten miles in the vicinity of Yineen l'il-t the Mississippi and Illinois rivers " bv* .i f. arfully high. •" M iita r y and Fire Companies of this j •- p have received invitations from the Fire- j Vi i citizens of Towanda, to visit their •fen the 31 of July and participate with ' ""i ctlelirating the approaching nntiiver- j Aiuerieaii Independence, which, we i Wto s ;i y, our worthy Companies have j t, thereby returning the compliment of ' return and people of Towanda, who en- ! "lour celebration, last 4th, with their' particularly the Firemen. — Waverly j DIED, ■' n. on the Ml, hut., ALICE, wUr of Ilurr Btitf- I i-. m tin 7 'tli year of her age. 1 Wri for many years a memtier of the church j adorned her christian profession t>y a suita * conversation ; —ly her meekness and gen -li>li<)-iti>,n secured ttic respt-ct ami esteem of ' ini._while slie v\a> exemplary in the midst of >' *•> an intelligent and prudent wife, and a wise ■'Onenibrance of her amiable character will hing -iwd by the very large circle of relatives and tto mourn their loss, ller last sickness was *' h'l and severe, but she lon* her sufieringi* patient '"l ui thai faith which had long been the coin -pa ved one ! rest, (or thy work is done ; "> .'i>t, t<> thy dreamless slumber. -soul, do the crown, and the white robe won, . And the <.f the sainted number. hra" " I'" M-.-ond Quarterly meeting ot the Chris- i Eant hen li of Monroe and Towanda. will be Ht . . , Wjn '!a. mar the residence of E. W. Hale, Esq., . t. nnd '.'Tth inst. ller. A. <i. HAMMONH, of Che -1 . - v 1.. will assist in the services of the occasion, t "- of baptism and the lord's Supper will be ad- j are invited to attend and participate. | Bg* IMEI'K\HKK(-E lIAI.L.—The coming an- i ', Jitversary of oar National Birthday will lie cele lii ii house of (irson Rickey, in librae Village, [ v f v b.VIN*G, the 2<i ot JULY next. Good Sfp r 1 a attendance, and good rooms and good r ; ' : 'lml for tbe occasion. The patronage and at „ , ,:>r I""blic i-< resns.;tfu!lv solicited. ,w,s - ORSON" 1H( KEV.rropflftor ' Nero Attention! Dentists! Teeth ! JUST received, an assortment of Superior MINER AL TEETH - warranted to stand fire, riveting, mastica tion, Ac. They are good imitations of Nature and pre sent every variety of form, size, color and arrangement, from a single tooth to an entire set, with or without, ar- ! titiciul giiiiis, with desirable large sized and extra long i platina pins. For sale by Towanda, Towanda, June l->, lx.">tb DR. H. roRTER. MVLBS rOR SALE. THE Barclay It. R. A Coal Company have four excel lent mules for sale. Apply at the mines to C. JA | COBS, or to the undersigned at Towanda. J. MACFARLAXE, ! Towanda, June 15, ISSB. Gou'l Sup't. FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! . TMIIIII) Arrival of 300 Rarrels of Flour | A front Ohio ; Extra Super-line, and Double extra. — Some as low as $4,00. 1 can a-sure the public that I have j I BETTER FLOUR than ever was brought to this market, j j and will sell it cheaper than any establishment in this ; section. Call and see before you purchase, and satislv yourself, at * I M. E. SOLOMON S CLOTHING STORE, i P. S. The highest price in cash will lie paid for Wo< )L. i Towanda. June 15, 1858. KITS ! FITS ! I" ITS ! FITS !—sl 00 FANCY VESTS. j At J KIXOSRKRV'.-s. : $1 00 FANCY VESTS, | At J. KIXGSRF.RYN. i 1 "0 FANCY VESTS, At J. KIN'OSRKRY'S. j $1 2.J Hl'ef LINEN CHATS, 1 _ At J. KINGSBERY'S. ' 50 GRASS SACK COATS, | At J. KIXGSRERVP. ' $2 00 RAOlans, j, At J. KIN'OSBERY'S. i $2 00 UAI.i.ANS, j At J. KINV.SBERY S. $2 5)0 LINEN DRILL COATS, At J. KIN'GSItF.UY S. j $1 00 PANT.-, At J. KINGSBERY'S. j VI.SO, n good assortment of Farmer's SR- ; tin, assorted oohrs, white, buff, ami fancy velvet i VESTS, and a general variety of SUMMER COATS A. i ; PANTS, Ac. (inly One Price asked or taken. June 15. 1858. J. KIXGSHERY. j AIANTILLAS.—An cleg,out line of black : J I silk M VNTILI.AS, juM. received at j Jrat 15.1858. J. KINGSBERY'S. 1858] Summer Goods. [IBSB JOSEPH POWELL IS now receiving a large and be.iutitul stock of SUMMER GOODS, tineqiiullcd iu extent and variety by anything ever • xiiibited in Northern Pennsylvania,and i- mnv pre- \ j pared to ofl'er greater inducement- than ever before t>> ! , Cash Purchasers. Auiong litis stuck of Goods will be found j ; GREAT BARGAIN'S IN BLACK A" COLORED SILKS! BARGAINS IN SHAWLS : BARGAINS IN BLRAGES!| j BA RG A INS IN ORG AXDIES, Printed Jaconets A Lawns! BARGAINS IN CI!ALUS ! BARGAINS IN BRILLIANTS ! j BARGAINS IN* FRENCH A ENGLISH CALICOES! I 100 PATTERNS ROBE A QUILLK, In Jacouetts, Lawns and Challis. BARGAINS in a variety of other Ladies' DRESS GOODS! GREAT BARGAINS IN EMBROIDERIES! BARGAINS IN EMBROIDERED CURTAINS ! BARGAINS IX GINGHAMS! BARGAINS IN PRINTS—ALL PRICES! T2o'3 yard- REMNANTS PRINT'S, worth "UE shilling, for tjj cents. BARGAINS IN GLOVE-- AND HOSIERY! BARGAIN'S IN WHITE GOODS! BARGAINS IN LINENS ! BARGAINS IN CLOTHS AND CASStMERKS ! BARGAIN'S i.N BLEA. MUSLINS A DOMESTICS ! BARGAINS IN CARPETS AND MATTINGS! ! BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES ! PRICES GREATLY REDUCED IN GROCERIES! i In short, bargains will be off, red in a thousand otlu-r ar- i ! tieles, unnecessary to mention, which will be exhibited i without charge, and to which the- attention of the public • is respectfully invited, i Towanda, May 8,1858. Ladies Dress Goods. 1) ARTICULAR attention is invited to a large a-sort ' I iiient of (.allies' Drvs- Good-, muv Iw-ing received by j ' JOSEPH POWELL- comprising everything that i-muv fashionable and durable in Ikrages, Crape Mosetts, Or gandies Frencb Printed .laeonetts. Lawns, Eug!i-li and Frern-h Print-. Brilliants. Ducal Plaids, Lit-tres. t'halli'.s ; . Gingham-. Prints. Ac.. Ac., which will lie -old at prices 1 ! far le-s than ever before olli-red in Towanda. j June 8, 15.',.-. . j To all whom it may Concern. 1 (TMIIS is to certify, that on the 2'ith day of May la-t | I past, the Sunbury A Erie Railroad Company, sold and transferred the North Brunch Canal front the line j lof the Stat-of New York to its terminus at Northumber- j ' laud, to Charles F. Welle-, jr.. and a--oeiates. under tlie ) j nanti and title of the "NORTH KR.VNt il CANAL ; COMPANY," which -aid sale was duly ratified ami ap proved In His Excellency WILLIAM F. PACK Kit, Gover ; nor of the Commonwealth. Be it known, therefore, that I, Wit.i.ttM G. MOOR- ; ' HEAD, President of tin-Sunbury A Erie Railroad Com-j i panv, issue this Certificate, ill accordance with the above ! facts, authorizing the -aid Charles F. Welles, Jr.. to take i pos-eseion of t!:i> said < anal and property thereto bclong- I ing with all tiie right- and privileges contcrred by "an ' act for the sale of the State Canals," approved April 21, j ls'is. | In witness whereof. I have placed my hand and tlie j seal of the Company, this 20th dav ot May. ISSS.1 S SS. (Signed) * WM. G. MUORHEAD, June 2. ls.'iS. President. FLOUR ! FLOUR! Subscriber i- now receiving Extra and Double l J Extra Flour of SUPERIOR BRANDS, which he will j i sell at the very lowest market price, by tlie load or -in- , j gle barrel. Flour delivered at any place in the Borough ! ; tree of charge. Janet), I*s*. E. T. FOX, j ; \\f OOL.—Cash paid for Wool, at .No. 2,. j T ▼ Pattoii's liick. • jueJ, b H. WMb k. IOTCKWRLL. i WOOL! WOOL! WOOL! 1 TAfAO LBS. WANTED, for which cash will be; 1" *'/'/' ' paid at the ('lothiug Store of j June 3. is.",B. I E. SOTJfWWX. | ] PRINTS —A now arrival of ilio-c cheap I Prints, at No. 2, Patton's Block, j June a. Is.,s. WM. A. R't KWELE. | Ifiw iM'iis JUST received by tlie subscriber, the very ; l>est selection of new Spring 6l Summer Dry Goods to lie found iu this market. Also, the usual general as sortment of GROCERIES. HARDWARE. ( lift KELT. BOOTS A SHOES, NAILS, FISH, GLASS. SASH, and a great variety of Summer HATS A CAPS. Also, a lengthy cat? Inge of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, all of which will be sold at amazing low figures for C ASH. June 2, 1858. J. KINGtsBI-.81 . THIRTY DAYS GRACE. rpilK Notes nntl accounts of the undersign -1 ed. of more than one year's standing, will be placed in tbe hand- of X. X. Betts, E-o. for collection, and judgments under the charge of a Lawyer, unle-s some ; arrangement or payment is made within the above men- i . tioueiu days of Grace. i To all of our prompt paying and Cash customers, and ] the public generally we would say, our stock ot GOODS is complete, aiul are weekly receiving FRESH SUP , PLIES which we arc determined to sell at prices that j cannot fail to give satisfaction. We sell Goods at whole . sale as nsual. ; j June 8,1858. MOXTAXYES. , 1 A DIES' DRESS GOODS.—Jast recv- LJ ing the present week, a large assortment of Ladies' j Dress Goods, Shawls, Fringes. Lawns. Robes, Challis, , Prints, Ginghams, Ac., Co., which we offer very low for j Cash. June 8,1858. HUMPHREY ft WICK HAM. ! SUMMER GOODS, Broadcloths, Cas&i meres. Vertings, Hats, Caps, Hotierv Ac., ft'--. i June IIUSiniRI Y A ' •fllercljanbijc, &rc. WJAJST TEI). *| }( W ) Bnsheles of Oats for which we will ff\t\ f\ f pay t . as j, 0 „ delivery. Towanda. April 20, ls.ih. BAILEY A NEYIXS. FOR SA Li ;. A HORSE. HARNESS AND CARRIAGE. Im,uirc : xl at the Presbyterian Parsonage, in this Borough, ot Towanda. April 28, pi.-.rt. j. FOSTER. Humphrey & Wickham VRE now receiving a general assortment of goods suitable for the season, consisting of i DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS A SHOES, SOLE A UPPER LEATHER. FRENCH A AMERICAN CALFSKINS, MOROC CO LININGS A FINDINGS, Ac. ! o which they invite the attentiou of their patrons and i friends and the public generally-—trusting that they will be able to please both as to price ui'd quality those wiio I favor them with a call. Towanda, May 1(1, ls.*,s. ' CULTIVATOR TEETH, for - Ue by jyJ May 1.1858. ■ 11. s. MERGER. I W i UARDB more of those fid l'rints ; " * also. 12 do/., more of those fid Linen Hand , kerchiefs, ju-t received at May 1.1858. MERCER'S. UOOPS. —Just received by express, anoth er lot of those double extension Steel Hoop Skirls at May 4. 1858. MERCER'S. 11 E Al* Embroidered Curtain Muslins, now J opening at May 4,1855. MERCUK'S. HATS.— A assortment of Men's and Boy's Wool. Fur, Leghorn. Palm Leaf. Colored and White Straw Hat* at May 4,1858. MERGER'S c; ROCEB 1 ES! X PICKERING, No. 12, Lake St. Elmira. N. Y., WHOLESALE DEALER IN* Groceries and Provisions ! Jilark and Green Teas. Green, lloasled and ground Coffees. Sugars, Sunips and .Molasses. T'/our, Park, Salt, Pish, hard, Hatter, Cheese, Fruits, Xnfs, Cigars, t^-r. (ll.i )>E l!( 5 LRS iu search of Good GiH.ds at the VE RY LOWEST CASH PRICES, will find it to their advantage to examine iny fre.-h and desirable stock be fore purchasing cl-ewhcrc. as 1 -hall endeavor t-. sell as low a- they can be bought of New York Jobbers, which ' will make from live to ten per cent in favor of the ptir- I chaser. J. P.. No. 12. Lake street. P. S—Goods well bought are half sold. I Mav 4. 1858. WM. A. ROCKWELL, ( Having just returned from the City, is now receiving a splendid a-sortincnt of Spring and Summer Goods. .To h he invite* particular attention. Hein.ar fully j determined not to lc outl me either in CHEAPNESS OR EXCELLENCE of articles ottered for -ale. ami having had sufficient ex ) perieiu-e in his business to warrant liini in - tying that he cau otter very gieat inducement- to customers. TO THE LADIES I He offers the very smallest BounC and the very largest | Hoop Skirts : a!->. those of a medium si/.e. A most eie- I gant lot ot Plaid, Black and Broca'led dre-s Silk-. laiWHs, Bareges, Giiallie.- DeLaiucs. Brilliants ami i White Goods a- usual of the bc-t kind-, ami the eheapv-t J ami b,—t f.i of PRINTS ever ottered in tbi- town!—lf • you don't believe it, conic and -ea . Our stock of G Pc o c i : u i p. s lias as usual been selected with great care, and cannot ! fail to give satisfaction both as t" prices and qualities | II von want the worth id your money, go to No. 2, Pat- I ton'- Block. Many thank- for pa-t favor-, wc hope t j merit our -hare of "pet foliage. Towanda. April 27. I*sß. WM. A. ROCKWELL. 1 r BLANKS ! BLANKS ! Just in - and Con > -table'- BLANKS; aIso.DEEDS and CONTRACTS. fs'Wc have printed and cau supply SCHOOL DIREC TORS with sets ~! all the blank- neees-ary for three or four years, consisting ot orders, contracts, bonds, and I warrants. Price $1 a et. Dtf-We have neatly printed and substantially bound. TOW N ORDERS, in book- -ullicient to last Bom five m . ten years. Price -2. BLANKS ot all kin.'-, printed to order, in first-rate style, and at reasonable prices.at the REPORTER a. . WAR OF 1 12 ! —The olimteers :>"id drafted men of tic 5-" War >•! 1 -12. who were called into service by the -late of New York, loav bar -oin. tiling to their advantage, by i-alting on the -übseribc-r in the Bo rniigh of Towanda. j May 16. 1859. J. D. GOODENOUGU. CHAWLS.—A ID '.V arrival of Stella, Thi ; kj l,et. Silk. Printed and M. DeLaine Shawl-, at 2. Pat ton's Block. Jam 15.".-. WM. A. ROCKWELL. COAL OIL LIGHT ! ! CIAI.L and see some b'-autiful patterns of Lamps for J burning KEROSENE \Nl> BBE<"KEN RIDGE Oil. I -tlistilled from Coal and let cxpU-ivi : > lit-ajtwr than | any light yet di- v i d. Roth Oil and Lamps, with Wicks ami Shade-, far , shed xerv cheap at DIL 11. . PORTER'S DRUG STORE. April 21,1858. NLAV Sjiring and Summer GOODS. IT S. MERCUR ha- just re .-ei veil a g ad assortment I 1 • of Staple and Fancy Dry Good- : 1 Groceries, Hardware, Harness and Carriage Trimmings, Crockery and Glass II are, Pools i\- Shoes. Hats Caps, Paints, Ot/s, Wooden II are, fi-c., i\-c. Many of which articles will be sob! for cash at lower ; prices than were ever before offered in Bradford County. 1 Towanda. April 2'*, ls.",s. SOME VERY CHEAP GOODS. IADIKS Linen Cambric Handkerchief- at 0 j cents j enclk White Cotton Hose at >< 4 < t nt- per pair. 1 Handsome Law ns at 8 4 cents per yard, and the be-t'i .j ce it Calicoes in the State, will be found at tin- Store of Towanda. April 2!, I s sß. 11. S. MERCUR. K. r \\ LX>X IS NOW RKCFIVING alar/c stock of i I FAMILY GROCERIES, which are ottered f--r -ale at | as low prices as the same quality of Goods can be bought ; yawhere thi- side "I the ( it y of New York. 1 TAI ELD PEAS, for sale at I 1? March 25,1858. FOX'B. nOMMOXY, SAMP, Wheat-Grits, Oat . meal, Tapioca, Rice Flour, Maeearoni, Yermicilla, | Corn Starch and Farina, for -ale at March 25,1858. POXTI. I T?KENCII, ENGLISH and AMERICAN ' J- MUSTARD, grouud aud whole, at March 25,1858. FOX'S. TirORCESTERSHIIIE SAUCE, Pepper u Sauce, Tomato Catchup, Pickles, Sardines, Ac. I March 25,1858. FOVS. , IWHII E CRANBERRY BEANS for \ f seed : the best Field Bean in the country, nt March 25, I*s*. _ FOX'S. M APLE SUGAR —Any quantity for sale. . March 25. I*sß. FOX'S. DRIED BLACKBERRIES, Ra^)ber rie and Apples, at ; 1 March 25, 185s. FOX S. V- Hemp and Rush Carpeting, Mats, Rugs Ac., at No. 1 2, Pattons Block, j April 21,1858 WM. A. ROCKWELL. ! rpilK clteapest and general variety of Boots ' X and Shoes ever offered in Towanda, at No. 1 Pat- j tons Block April 21.1858. ' WM. A. ROCKWELL, j ,4 NEW invoice of Lancaster Ginphams j just received by IE S. MERCUR. j | May 11. 1858. | BIRD CAGES of all description, Hemp and . Canary seeds. Birds nests. Cottle Bone and other 1 ' Bird fi ren's at No. 2 Pattons Block, i April 21, I*s*. W 'M A BOOK WELL. 1 L.-nnl. Q ITER IF L"S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of ti. fn., issued ont of the court of Common Plea- of Bradford county, and to me directed and delivered, will , hp exposed t>> public sale at the Court Mouse, in Towati- | d.t Borough, on TIH'HSDA V. the Ist day of Jl.'I.Y. 1*5.8, , at 1. P. M.. the following lot. pic oor parcel of hind situ ate in Ridgbury twp.. Bradford county .bounded north hy i land of Jacob Mitch 1! and X. So'iiie-, en-t by th" B r wiek turnpike, south by land of E. Stevens and west by land of E. Stevens. Containing one-fourth of nu .one. more or less, all improved, with a frumctl dwelling house j thereon. I ALSO—AII that certain lot. piece or parrel of laud t ! situate in Ridgbury twp.. Bradford county. bounded on | j the north, east and south by land of K. Stevens,and wi <t . by the Berwick turnpike. Containing 2 acres, more or j less, all improved. J ALSO—The defendant's interest, supposed to be the undivided one-half of the following lot, piece or pan el j of land situate in Ridgbury twp., Bradford county, liotind- ' ed north and east by laud of James Stevens,south by laud j of E. Stevens and west by land of E. Stevens. Contain ing 1J acres, more o, less, all iiupr m d, with a saw-tuill I and tin water privilege the remit ■ lie-longing. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. F. Wil- | son vs. N'alhaniel Squires. May 31, IS,>B. Tilt IS. \f. WOODRUFF, Sh'fT. j 1 DM IN ISTR A TOR'S N OTIC E.—Not ice ! J V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es i tate ot Cassius Gillette, die'd, late of California, are re quested to nr.ike payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers. U.YLPH GILLETTE. May 4, Is.",s. Administrator. I I z-s _ Spring* mid Summer Millinerv FOR 1858, BY A. T. MARSH & CO, Wo. 5, Union Block, i: L M I RA , N . Y . I T vVING made extensive arrangements and improve- I I ments in our MILLINERY" ItKPABTM EXT. we now eordiallt iuuite all to favor u- with a call before pur -ha - ! hig SIMM N't; ~r SPMMEP. MILLfKEHY, feeling contl- ( j dent we can make it to the advantage of all. OUR WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT I Will be full and complete, with everything in the line •-1 Millinery : such as .straw Bonnets, bloomers, Flats and ! Gypsietto- of all kinds atxl styles for Ladies' or Misses' i j wear, by the dozen or case. Ruches and I low ,is by the box. Ribbons by the piece i ; or cartoon. Blonds, , dging. I, otings and Straw Braids hj j the dozen or piece. Bonnet frames, Crown- uiul Block- Iby the dozen. Heeds and covered bones by the i : j ! Band boxes by the nest or gross. Foultous, ( rape-, ; | Lisst'S, Crown Linings and Cape Nrtt- by the piert , and in lact everything required in the Millinery line in the ' greatest abundance and at the very lowest Crrv WIIOLU- I ! - ILK Vnu i:-. 01 It RETAIL DEPARTMENT i NViil embrace a full and complete assortment of all of ; the nlxtve mentioned articles at prices to-nit the times. All bonnets bought at the store will be trimmed free f ■ charge in the latest st \le anil best manner. Goods bought I b\ parties I'roni ~ut of town, will be packed and deliver- ' ed to the stages or cars In e cd expense. A. T. MARSH A CO., | Xo. 5. Union Block. F.lmira. X. Y. People of Bradford County IN |iartionl:ir, and readers of the Reporter in general. M A Its 11 ,Y CO., OF ELM IRA, X. Y. send greetings j to you and yurs, and desire to inform one and all that ) they can ami will make it greatly to your advantage to purchase every thing you want in the shape oi DRY OOODS, FANCY (tOODS and MILLINERY, either whole-ale or retail of tlieni at .\h,. 5. Union Block, in the • aforesaid village of Elmira. X. Y. Their laeiliti, - areeertaiuly unsurpassed ; as one mem- ) . her ol the tirut is on t! -pot all tlie w!:i!e, con-iilting • ' the tastes and wants of ihcirnnnien us customers, whilst another of the linn is daily in the auction rooms and itu- j porting houses in Xew Yolk City, securing the newest i and most desirable goods at the very lowest rates, (as j , they buy exclusively for cash) and a- they sell for c.i-h , only they have no 10-.-is to make up, and consequently ; ! c m and do -i ll so cheap a- to defy competition. Time , j and space preclude the possibility of mentioning half or j quarter ot tlie many inducement- which are offered t o all i to trade at their popular estahlishment, and thi ,\: v. 1 AnvKiiTIsKMKNT- will from week to week gis e hut a limit ed idea of the many advantages to be derived l,v calling i on A. T. MARSH A on.. Xo. 5. Union Bloi k, Elmira. X. Y". , P. s. For further particulars.-ee Xew Advertisements, ask those who have called, and go see for yourselves. Now Just lYcar what ?VTarsh has been and and dene. |ST —Went to Xew York mi Monday night. I2d Bought lot-of Xew Goods of the very late-t an,l mot desirable styles, a few of which will be mentioned in our new advertisements, but most of which must be -ecu in order to be appreciated. lid--We intend our -tuck -hall be more extensive than evi r, and last, though not lea-t. we shall SELL FOR CASH OXI.Y ! and as cheap as we can afford to and pay our cierks enough to kcqp them holiest. We would jut -.r. that our facilities continue to he -m h that we will be ••imbled ' to oiler extra inducements to all to huv Drv Goods of MARSII A < .... i Xo. 5, I'nion Block, Elmira. Shirred 22cnncts, TX ALL COLORS, at extru low prices, made by First I i l.i-s Milliners, tin proceed- devoted !,, the poor at MARSH A i OS. |>ONNF.T RIBBONS in spieiuliil variety, [ I J.) and entirely new -tylcs at all pri- e-, from 1- to lis ■ j per yard, jast opened at MARSH A co s. Till: PRINCESS ROYAL Looped Ex- | I tension Bridal Skirt, made by Ma him ry with uit a j • single stitch, with a new style of spring adjusting hustle, 1 ; can lie taken apart and put together again in one minute, : and adapted to any member of the family, it i- a strong j competitor and rival of Douglas a Sherwood's patent, • ' and by many considered even better. Bdh styles can , : be bought only at MARSH A cos. i fPIIE Ill's]l for Bonnets uiul Millinery :>t I 1. Marsh ACos i- unparalleled. Those in the trade ! j living within a hundred mile- of Elmira. are availing i j tliem-elvcs ot the superior facilities I'm replenishing their , | stocks, at X<>. .*>, and our own Ladies arc-applying thorn- , ' -elves with lir-t class Millinery 1 r,• m I i.ion Illock. Don't I he backward ahout " going forward." ladies, for there are , | -till Bonnets by the thousand, ami Ribbons and flower- j I in proportion, on hand and constantly arriving'. J rjIHR PRETTIEST assortment of Fancy ! L Head i'ius. probably, ever exhibited in Elmira, lias j just been opened by MARSH A. CO. ]OTS of Linen Tapes in nil widths ; tilso, 1 J extra wide tw ilLd ( ■ Hon Tapes. MARSH & CO. WARD HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA. QWEAZEY A. HOLMES re?|>ect fully in • U form the puhli. . that having lea-ed ihc Ward ibc -•■ | j for a term of yi ar-. and thoroughly repaired and newly ! funiislied the same, they invite the patronage of travel i lers and others, with evi ry emiihtcnce timt their lamii | ties are such sis to enable lltf-ni to render satisfaetimi.- , They assure the pnhlic that no cllbrt shall he spared to , | maintain for the Ward House the high reputation it has \ i so long enjoyed : to effect which the per-oia.! wants of; their guests will he earefullr attended to. while every > j lacility the market all'ords will be appropriated to make I J the Taiile all that could la de-ired. We shall pay particular attention to the aeumnmoda I tion of Jurors and witnesses attending Court: who will I j be hoarded at the low price of f'.-A cents per day. f.j Tl:e Bar is well stocked with an excellent assort- ; ! ment of LUjl'tMtS. We also rrffer to the public a large I | assortment of Liquors, by the quart, gallon or barrel, of ; | a quality not to be ev • 11. d. and at prices as low if not ' low er than can be obtained in tire cities. I Reading. Elmira aud Binghamton Ale, by the quart, j ' gallon or barrel. ) Towanda, April '.'7. 18, Is. | Bissoiution. rpHE Co-partner-liip heretofore existing between the i I undersigned, under the name and style of Laporte, ! Mason A' Co., is this day di-snlfcd by mutual consent - ! .lons LAVOUTI: and GOUIU.N F M A sort having purchased the interest of It. S. Itrssi;i.L, Will continue the husiue-- ; of Banking at the same place, under tlie same -t^tc. .ItMIX LAPORTE, tL F. M ASON, i Towanda. Apr. 51. l?dS. R. S. ROSELL. YT O X T A X Y E S i Are now receiving tlieir Spring and Summer Stock cf Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, sDnts£ IjjDfs, ?Ijd? /lutings k Irntjirr, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, AC. : WMcil will le. sold at Greatly Rcdvoyd Prices. Cor. Public Sqnare aad Mailt tt. ' .t. d. MOJ-TAKTE, 1 TOWANDA •' j r MOMAsrr.. ,n? I T r. M'.'.VTAS rr, t Apr'l 1 ? 1-' '< r. r. jto> TAWL. Legal. 1 N ATrilA ISEMENT AND CLASSI aV FICATIOX of the different ! -ale of goods, wares and uH#iv,handi-e iti the County ol 1 Bradford for the year with the amount of lleer. e j thereunto annexed : ' /FA tir SoUI. Xamn. C'last. Lietur.r. i Asylum,... Ingle)in .C Stalford 11 7On i J. W. Dmiisou 14 7 <' l". Terry 14 7 00 I John Hc.rton 1 4 7 00 AtheUi bora'....G. A. Perkins 14 7 on (ft. B. Perkins It 7 00 C.Park A.S..n 10 no Page A Bii-tol II 15 no t'. ( omstock 1 j 7no P. W. Meeker 14 7 on t Joseph Parsons l q 7 tttf ! Athena twp David Gardner U 7 00 Atisou Beiiilem.in.. 14 7 00: ' Burlington bom"... F. Long A Sons... It 7 0 a S. W. Miller 14 7 on j Merry, Willtelm A Co. 14 7 00 i ' Canton ... 11. Locktvoml ...14 7 00 A. X. A W. W. Spalding .14 7 00 J. Francisco 14 7 00 ■ D. Wilcox iCu 14 7 oo i A. Doty 14 7 00 ; J. Vandyke, jr. ... 14 7 00 ; W. P. Newbury 14 7 00 ' Mix A Hooper 14 7 On ! W.S. Baker 14 7 00] Columbia.. .A. B. Austin 14 7 on Dirndl U. Momly 14 7 00 i Franklin .... Barclay B. R. A Coal C 0.... 14 7 on j ! Granville....L.D. Taylor ...14 7 00 j Hugh Maloy 14 7 Oil | W. 11. Phillips 14 7 00 j ' derrick... .Chas. Piatt .14 700 , A. C. Stevens 14 7 00 ! Lerov E. Ilnlemnh 14 7 tin | Parkhur-t A I'oss 14 7 On j ; Mouroe boro'. ... 11. C. Tracy 13 10 IMI Ingham A Miller 14 7 00 Smith. CrantnerA Co 14 7 to S. s. lliumau. 14 • 7 Oil (. P. I.yon U 7 Oil ! Orwell... T. Humphrey 13 12 50 S. X. Bmusou. 14 7 00 H. tiihbs & Son 13 lo oo , Overton... .Potter A i.yon .14 700 Daniel Hevcrley 14 7 00 l'ike... .D. A D.M. Bailey. 13 10 Oo L. L. 80-woilti 14 7 oo Baldwin 4* Rabbins 14 7 00 G. 11. Little 13 lo oo Stevens 4* Borrows 14 7 00 Ridgbury.... H. G. Cornel! 14 7#n A. H. Y'oorhis It 7 00 B. F. Buck 14 7 00 A. ('album 14 7 'a) 1 Rome J. W. Wondburu A Co 1 4 7 00 Geo. Nichols.. It 7 00 Standing Stone... .Geo Stevens 12 12 5o 11. W. Trace 13 10 oo Kspv A \\ hitm an. It 7 Ml Sursheqnln.... Ivlnney A Gore It 7 0' 1 Smithlield M. Biilh'ck 13 10 00 DorfcvA Fritcher 13 10 ' J. W. Phelps 14 7 On I Springfield... Hiram Spear 14 7on W. T. Bailey . 14 7 00 Tuscarora... .TLos. Taylor 14 700 1 Troy boro'... S. NY, A D. F. I'oiueroy.... 12 12 5n , Maxwell. Leonard -v Brothers 12 12 5n j <>. P Ballard 14 7 00 1 11. Kooti ... 14 7 Gil | V. M. A H. F. Long 13 lo oo S. NY. Payne 14 7 00 i Spencer A Pry lie 14 7 on ! Trov twp T. W. White 14 7on ' Towanda boro'... .Montunyes U I" "0 J. King-bery 14 7 no i 11. S. Mercur 12 12501 M. E. Solomon 14 7 on : 'l'racv A Moore 13 10 no J. A. Record ! II 7 on W. A Rockwell 14 7 on J. 11. Phiituev A Co It 7 no Collins A Powell 14 7 00 ! D.C.HaI 1.1 l'l on O. D. I! iftlett 14 7 on , Patton A Payne 14 7 tin • llutiipluey A NN'i khaiu 12 12 5n YV. A. Chamberlin .14 7 On j Bailee A Ncvin.-: .. It 7 Oil j E. T. Fox 14 7 on ; x H.C. Porter 14 7no ■ E. A. Par-ons 11 7 on Joseph Powell .10 20 on Ulster A. A A. Newell 13 l' l oo J. A T. Mather It 7 % If. S. David-oil A C 0... .... 13 10 no j Gib-on A Goi-line .. 14 7 oo Wells... .John Browne! I It 7 00 Warteii. . R. • neper 14 T 00 'la linage A 80wen.... 14 7 oo 1 Wind ha rii.. W. 11. Rus-ell 14 700 Wvalu-ing . ..C. A very 14 • 00 G.C. Atwuod 14 7 00 I A C. I.cwi- .14 7 00 , NV. Tavl.-r 14 7 00 G. M.Bixhv 13 loon , Wv-sox ... V. E. AJ. K. Piolett 13 10 00 Wihuot... J. L. Jmie- 11 7 on A List ami Classification of the Beer Houses, i ■ Eating Houses. Ac., in the County of Bradford, for the j veal 1 • ls.V. unite: the aet-of .Vs-.eluMy f PJth of April. i-4'.i and "il-t of March. PGC : 1 1 here l.tir:'.lrt!. Xante ■ ( 'fio. I.irtnte. Athens horo'... (' •nu lin- Harsh S 5 on , t 'artier A Sued! 8 5 00 , lt'irliiigton ln>r"'. Charles ib'ss S 5 no ; Mom hero*.. A. Mullan S son ( Orwell E.J. Easterbrooks 8 5 88 ; i Shcslieqiiin E. Brigham . 8 6 00 smithtleld C. B. Biggs. . .8 fi 00 ! ! Sn.tli I'icek ... 11. Wheeler s 5 W 1 ' Towamia h0r0'.... Mile-Carter 8 500 1 11. \. Burhank.. S 5 On j Troy horo' Win. Morgan .....8 o no , A List ami CJa-sificalion of the jteraotts en gaged in the sain ot Nostrums. Patent Medicines, vc.. I in the County of Bradford, for the year 1858, under the ■ ' act of Assembly of April Hi. Is 13. IJV.ecf Locultil. .Winter. dans. I.icrnst. I Athea.- boro'.A. Perkins 4 5 00 j 1 Canton D. Wilcox At 5 On W. S. Bala r 4 f- <->" I Franklin Win. Rose t r > 00 ' i.eroy Parkhur-t A Fo-s t 5 no ! ; Monroe bon'.... D. N. Newton 4 600 . Orwell T. Humphry 4 5 on ; S. N. Bion-'.n 4 f> mi j Standing Stone... H. W.Tracy 4 son . Tow.iuda b0r0'.... Patton A Pavne 4 6 no H.C. Porter 4 S 0" I ' Trov boro'... S. W. AD. F. Poincrnv.. . 4 500 j V. M. A 1!. F. Long..". 4 6 no ; F. L. Ballard 4 5 on : Wysfix V. K. A J. E. Piollet t 5 00 ; Warren Talmage A Bowen 4 6 oo > ; A List ami Classification of tlie different Dis tilleries in Bradford County for the year Is.'s. under I the aits of A-semblv ot April loth, IS4H, and Mareii ' 31st, l v.t;. Springfield. . .NYni. Brace 11 50 On . Stan.ling Stone. ... James G >rden 18 50 00 Trov twp G. A J. Velio 10 ■'<" oo Onvan.Spalding A *i'o... .10 50 00 A List ami Ciassificgtion ;!' Hatikers in Brad ford County, for the year l-ss. Towanda bomM...Lupurtc. Mason A C 0...1500 45 on ; c. j~ Notice i- hereby giv. n that an appeal will lie held at tin' i '.mnnis-i >ner'. t q>i e. in the borough of Towanda, on \\ EDNESItAY the il'itli day of JUNE next, at 1 o'- clock, t'. M., at which time and place anv per-on ng ! grieved by the fotegning Appraisement aud Classilieation , can attend it they think proper. I C. If. AMES. Shesheqnfn. May 2i, 15.">.8. Mercantile Appraiser. I certify the foregoing apprai-ein oit and elas-itieatioii . to be tine and correct. t • the be-t of ,n\ kn m led, e and ; belief. Witne— my hand thi- 21-t day of May, ls.N.s. 11. AMES. Mercantile Appraiser, j ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—By virtue ol an order of tlie Orphan-'Court of Bradford Co.. ■ [ will he expn-ed to public -ale on the premise.-, on MON j HAY, JUNE t!.lßsß,at 1 o'clock.P. M., the following ; dc.serined lot of laud situate in Wei's township, late the I .'-tate of Charlotte Shcpnr.i. decei-ed, bounded as t*d i lows, to \vif : Bi ginning in t!.< centre of the road leading . | front Efmira to Daggett's Mill- at the north . i-t corner of Andrew J.Ylillcr'- lot. thence north d4 3 wc-f I" 'lO i perches to a post and stones, the north wr-t corner of , | - del Miller's lot. thence north 2;i° ea-t I 2 1" ) • relies to ] a po-t and stones, thence -outh tli ' ca.-t l'l '!-l" per. to j the rent re f -a hi road, tlionce south 24* wot t 2-1" per. ' ; to the place of beginning. Conlaii.in.g 41 5-10 perches, j mole or less, with a framed hou-e and n trained hum I thereon. Terms made known on d u of sale. JA M !■> 11. BRINK, j Well-. May 12. I\d.ninislral;'r. : i D M INISTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice a. \ is hereby given, thai all persons indebhii '.a the es tate of NVM. B. REII'SN N I IE!!. 1 t of Albany t -w nsliip. ) deceased, are requested to make payment without de- ; 1 lay; and all pen-on* havitg claim- ag:;hit said estate wilt • please present them dulv antheuHealed for -ettlement. iI.VHY UEIF.-.N 'i DER. May D, ls.'B. Adaiini-tiatrix. A DMINISTRATKIX NOTlCE.—Notice /A. is hereliv given, that all persons imlcldeil f<> the "state of JOHN I'TIOFT, deeea-ed. late of Ri-me i twp. are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are j requested to present tkeni duh authenticated for settle ment. ' J.\NE O. FROST. May 4,18.78. Admini-matrix. I CECOND Arrival of *2OO Barrel? of Flour O 'r> m the We-t. which will b sold lower than e'.ie where st the riothinr Store of May 10, 195.8. M. F,. gOLOVOy. I TADIF.Sr on extension ?trel J Ifosp Fklm at YfEßUl.Tl's ' ffRF,. I < ... - J. ■ —v_ ■ Cc^rtl. i CHE RUT'S SALES. Ev virfftcof yitiuiry 0 writ- of Vend. Expo., '--tird out oTTTiI- vmiffbr Com mon I'lt-asof Bradford County. to top directed end iU li\ ered. w ill 1a exposed to public sale at the (.'•: tlion - , i Towanda Ftni r t, on • ATCl'i) AV, the "Will Hay if J1 NF. I -.7 -. a: o-u oii' ■ fc. r. M.. tic follow inglot ; pucco >t|-pur i-l <it land -ituatc in S:ui! I.field twp.. Rrtil i Cuuutv. Ijuliiiiit'il un thewmtli, nt-t kihl north liy lf:4 of E. S Ti.:"< y, and c-t by tin- pu!.lie biphw ay, rv'< Ttnrtliwanl li >m near I'lv- --M -!y'-\ CoUtafiHn? fftree fourths r an acre, more or !<•--, all improved. with a ! framed hmw ind small framed Imin ilicrqpu '•r , i.Ud. Seized arid tnk-'i in exeedtfuti at the -.nit of M. llinloek ,v Co \ At anah la<M. AI.StI —Do loliowit)|i l'*t. i A'vt oi parcel o! I.*ltd sta ate in tlranvilip tu p., homincd follow to wit : Ru. u iiinjr at a po-t on the i'n <in 1 in po—<—inn of S g t nun Smith and owned hy Dubois. it bei 11 a the -until ca-l corner, thenee west one huiidul and eighty-eight r<>iU and right tenths In a jn-t. the south cv-' comer of a 1 t j nwiivd i.y tti 'Hiid i Stive-tor. tht-aee iiortli eighty-live rod* ; to i post, the south we-t ■ t-riuT of a lot owned Lj I'hila'i der Williams, them c ea*f 1--- S-10 rod- to a Jio-t. it U -liip tho ion tli ea-t corner o' Philander Ail ham- lot. tlienca ' toiitli >."i pi-rrlic* to t'u- place ot L<i lining. out iini i otic hutidrod acre- atol forty ■ ight pit* i.o-,be tlic -al.-> i more or less, atwut sex Ptity-ffve acres improved, "tie frim ed h ntsf, one framed barn ami a lew Iruit tree- thoieon. Seized and taken in cieC'.'ti ii at liie -nit of 11. W. Cur- I tit l the II eof E. l'oineray v . Piinliarti Ross. ALSO- The follow intr lot. pie e or panel of land itc ate in Wilniol twp., lbftilb.nl county. bounded otl the north by land- IM-longi.ig t. the estate of Thomas Steven* ; dee'd., ea-t hv land- of I'hnrles E. Welles. <ritli ty lands ot Kra-tns Siieparil, and on tire we-t by lands of Samnef i llillhouso aud others. Containing about one hiitidred 1 Here-, mure or In-, about Itfty acre- improved, two fram ed leu-i-. out hawed barn, i urn house and other out* i building* and one apple orelwrd and other fruit tree* i thereon. Al.SO—ltefendant's interest in one other lot. piece cr parcel of land situate in Wiliimi twp.. Bradford county ( ! liouii leit on the north by land- of Kra.-tus She-paid and 1 the highway lending from tin Albany roml to the French town road, cast by the highway ieiHing from the Snw|ue i iianna rivei to Albany, south ami ivst by land- ot Hiram 1 and J. P. Ilorton ami unseated land. Containing about j thirty acres, more or l—•. aiout fifteen acres improved, ' one steam -av. mill, two framed houses and framed barn, auil other out buildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Mores Ei* ■ lcnburger now to the use eft Hi rant llortou ▼* Edward J. I Shepartl. Ali-O—Tin f.iilowlng lot, piece or parcel of land n!t --■ Date in Canton town-hip. Bradford county, bounded on j the North by hind-ol J. \V. (iriltin, ea-t by the pulilvq I ro.ul leading from Canton to Beaih Ki; t-. euitli by lauds |by ('has. Stocltwell. and wre-t by lands of Doty. Cor. : tainiiig ab nit tilty-live feet in front, by three hundred , feet ba- k more or less, all improved with a frame dvvtirng I In use there in. 1 Seized and taken im xi-cution at the seat of S. IT. New man to the u.-e of E. Vaiidine v-. J. S. Minnrd. AI .Si ► 'lie folp,lying lot, piec or panel of land situ ; ate in Canton twp.. Bradfofd eonuty. bounded on the n rth by laud ol V.'m - llaki i aud Kiugsl ery. N'ewm .o ! .V ('o., east by land- of King-l.ery, Newman i Co., south i bv Tioga street ai.d west lij lands of Kioyleiy, New i mail {i • .. aud Win. S. B'ker. ('■•ntiiiuiny oue-foßrtb of an acre, more or ie--. all improved; With a framed 1 house thereon. Seized and taken in exe. ution at the suit of S. 11. New • man 'o the n-i- ol E. Yami ue vs. A. *l. Kramer. ! ALSO—Tlie follow ing lot. piece or parcel of fan d situ j ale in I'lsti-r tw p., Brudinid eonuty ,li niiidedon the nith by laud of Mary Ann I. • kwood m the Li-vkwood estate, •iist. - itli and west hv (.'. \V. Ib 1.-oni'i. Containing tea j acre-, more or all improved, r. itli a framed house, .-mull bain, a saw mill and a few Iruit tree-. Seize i and taken in execution at the mhit pf If. S. Da vi'l- in ,V ( o. vs. If. i rv Walker and Samuel Hunt. Al -(>- -The f ."o.iinj 1 .t, pi -ec or jiarce! of lfttid situ ate in Mm : i bio . Biioio.ii" . ilitv. liOululed nnJ des cribed as follow s, to wit : B-gininng at a white oak post in the center of the Slate road, thenee north west Id perches to a po-t. them-® south west f per. to i> post. th<" south sti;° east 10 per. t• a post lit the cen ter of eaid State r ..id. them e ah-ng tiie i I'ut.-r of the-amu ■ north '.ih ea I 4 per, to the place ol beginning. Continu ing about fu ty i.uls, more or le -. alt improved, with u framed htiuse and (rami d barn thereon. St-iz.'-il ami taken in execution at tlu g-sit erf J. B. it ti. Smith to the use ol 0. F. Mason \ -. C'saiie- Bureh. T. M. \YO(JDI:UFP. Towanda. '-fay 2a. 1 Sheriff. Nortcfcio Ft' lie ii a-Kits. - -To prevent mi-uml.-r.-taiid ' ing. notice i-hereby given th.it purchasers tit SheiiiTi sales will I.e refjnired to pay tlieoinauut liid at the time the laud i- sold. It hi- he. one imperatively necessary to ad ipt this rule, u 'J it will he strictly adhered to, ex cept in ea-e- where th>- purchaser is a lien creditor and is . iititl. .1 to the ti nd . s piovided in the Ist station of the act of Assembly, approved April JO, l">4'i, which U as f.,!h,v.' : ' V-'hem vei the pur lia-i-r- of re d e late at Orphans" Court or Slierili"- lie, spall appear fr>>m the pr-ijier it oi-- to 1- eiitithd. ts a lieu credit or. to receive t'i whole or any portion o: t" •• proceeds of -aid -aie, it -hall hi the defy of the -In ri.h. r.duilnistrator. i xeeutor l or other per-.m making such -ale. to re. .-ive the receipt if such purcha-er or p r.-h.isers tor the auionut which lie or they v. itld app.etr, from the record a- aforesaid, 10 la' t-u'illed i-i receive : l'l-ovbh-.l that tiii- section spati not be -o eoii-U Hi l as to prevent the light ol said SheriiT , adtninistr.it ir. exeeutor ..r oilier person aforesaid to do n.and aml reei-in-at tlietim oi -ale a sum sufficient to ' coverall hgal Co-ts entitled t. IK paidout of the |iroceeda I of said sale; ami provided further, that lfore any pur chaser or j/ur.-ba er- shall reet lve the benefit of tlii- -o --11 a. h- .r they -ball produce to th<- Skerif, or other pd soii .s . KI iking-aid -sic.duly certified -tali in lit lr-in i tile prop'-r re.-ord.. itmh-i !:fi- hn:i ! and oflieial m-*I oftlio propel ..tlieer,-liowiug that !i a lien creditor, entitled to receive an v part of the pro .id- of the sale a - aforesaid." Tlii)>. M. WOODEt'Fi". Towanda, May 24 Isf.s, Sheriff AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— Jitd SmitlTrl TV A'rrti'trer 1 1 t.rmlti; anrl A", ll'rm'rii. In tint (.'oiiuuou i'ieas of Bradford Count v. No. 2 is. li ay Term, IS.iT. The undersigned an Auditor npp .i:.te.l by said Court i to ili-tribute funds raised by the Sin rills s.de of defen dant's It -i! e-tat- . w ill attend to the d it ies of hi- appoiuV iii. Nt at the cdli.-e of .lame- Macfatlfttit, E.-.p, in the boro' ; of T..wan.la, on Friday, the l*fh (fay of June. IS'.k, at 2 o'clo k in t >e altennsMi. at which time and place all per sons : itcrcsted are rcpiired tc present iheii claims, or b I forever delsirred from -aid fund. F. OYEnroX. JR.. , May 21, Is.",s. Auditor. 4 DMIXISTRATOII'S X<rncE.—NtJtici a. V. is In u-by given, that all pei-.ms indebted to the e ta(e of John ffatch. dee'd.. late >■! Albany township, arc recpu'fed t-i make payment without delay; and nil person- having claim- against said estate, iiiust present tlicm duly authenticated, to the subscriber. A. J. NORI.E. May 2.i. IS.iS. Administrator. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Bf virtu of ait order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Co.. w .11 be ezpo-ed to pnblic sale mi the premise-, on SAY- I'RDAY, JUNE 10, at 1 o'clo k, I'. Al., the following real estate, situate in Spring!*' Id twp., Bradford ..ounly, lioHiideil as follow-, to wit : —beginning at a pu-t ill tha - division line ot the Eli-ha It. l'ottei farm and lands of Richard Roe, nt the -outliea-t corner of land- of said Richard Roe, fhem-e north 2° ea-t d 4 t-lu per.-hes to u post, ihener north 74 J ea-t "2 7-ld perches t > a po-t, thence -outh 2 7 w. -t T'i 2-1(1 per. t< a post, thence it irtli 1 >" w. -t 7.2 7.-1" perches I- tin phi e of beginning. Con taining 22 acres and 110 perches, bo the -amo utora wr : less. MINERVA rOTTER. Springfield. May 11. T- ->S. Administratrix. i DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—N<ti g Tl i- herein given, that all per-ons indebted to the ts tate of (TIaIUTA ME Vl), dee'd., late of Michigan, are hereby reipie-ted to in.,kt paytneut without lit lay; and all per-ons h.-.i iug hi? n- again-t -ni.l e-tate•< :]] plea-e prc-ent them dulv authenticated for settlement. T. T. BROWN. Mav i. Is.'.s. Administrator. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— Oraile ('/cm- T V htrliii rs. .htron i'o'aie. L.i the (.oiuuion Fleas of Bradford county. X>>. S •,if. T. Is7s. The uudei-.gtied. \ dllnr. appointed by said Court to distribute hinds rat-ed by -alt of the leal f-tate of dclendaiit, will alii nl'to the dati -ofhi - appointment rtt hi- nllice, in l oivaini.i borough, on Saturday, the 2'illi day of June. 15.7-. at 1 o'eloel. in the afternoon, at wiiKib time and place persons iuteir-te.l an- required to pre sent their claims or ( be h reter debarred from said fund. (I. IE MONTANA K. June 1. l-.is. Auditor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—Ntk aV i- hereby aiven. that iu! persons indebted to the >-s tate of Joseph B. ( haffi e, dee'd. hit- .1 Wan en township, are requested to make payment witlamt delay ; and ail pcr-oii- bavin - claim- .• gainst - tid e-tate w ill Jijea-cprw -ent theut duly autheuti-iate.l hr settlement. N \NT • V >f. t 1! t FFKE, HENRA C. A I.EVX, June t, IsJS. Administrators. ORPHAN?' COT RT SALE.—l>y rirtuo of an ord.-r of I hi- llrpliati-' Court of BiaUiofd Co-, will tn expn-eil to public -ah ■ :i the preini-es. on SAT URftAV. the tilth -lay of JUI.V. Nt one o'clock-, P. Af., I the following descri'wd real estate situate in Troy twp., Bradl'iud e.oiinty, bounded and described as follows, to wit: fieuinning at a po-t .md-tones the south ea-t cor tier of a I t owned b\ Sidney Vanhorn. thenee by the said lot north 1"• 7 j ereii.-s t;> a put and stone-, corner,thence by Andrew lyres' lot ea-t t"> ;10 perches to n post and -tone-.a cn;ner of a iot heretotore granted to Hiram Kit tie, thence by thi -aid Kiltie's lot south 71 8-10 perches I to a po-t and -tones, thence north 80° ia.-t 87 8-10 p< r che- to a po-t and ste lies in the line of Euoa Luther's land ! being the warrant - uivey line, tht-nrer'otig said line we.-t oO 0 10 perche- to the place of l*gli .ing. Contaiulug is a -re- and 10A perches, trims, or ie-ss, except -ncn acres conveyed by JohnC. Ball in hi- lifetime to i Vanhorn and situated on 'he - uth side of ssi'd lot. 1 Tvrcaaiii-de kaawo oi. j./ ofxole. " U C IMPF.' LL. J'.'ur P \T.isituki'. 25,15!? Adml\LtrK;r:,
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