Unsincs Carbs. rp F. M A DILL, M. T)., riTYSICIAX I • >\l) SURGKOX—Office at his le-idcncc iu Wyiox. Pa. July 2s. 1-.75. —titu Dr. John M'INTOSH, srru;/:ox DEXTIST. HAS LTFI'I KN..!>. Office m-.\i IH i Morrur'j* 4ftiv, iird r St re. M.tin Towni.da. I>b:T *v it 1 h- . lAM FS !\T A ('F ARL A N F.. . I TT<) /. X?:) • I AT /..l ff. Tow am'a. Pa. Hi - '.r.ics the Offi <• ; i the F dor, Ri sk, formerly owned by John ('. tdim- F will attend to procuring Bounty Land Warrants and Pensions. Man h 22, P . H. jr. Mapm c. . . P. D. Mokk'.w. MA HI FLA MORROW, A TTORXE YS -IA7) COVXSEtJ.Ons- AT EAH , -tiffin over Mercer's Store. Towanda, Pa. Tow.n.dii, April 2, If'. n-43-tf DU. F. TT. M ASON. TIfYSfCIAX A Xl' EI'UdEO.X. offi-rv his professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at hi-rq iilence on Pine street, where he can always be found when not profeasi..ti:dly encaged. .loirs' r. ADAMS TVA. OVERTON. \ DAMS A OVERTON, A TTORXK YS J.\ AT L.III*. Office in th room formerly occupied by George Sanderson, over Burton Kiug.-b ry's store. Towanda. J':> 7f. IF. QT'RVEVI N (i.—J AM ES A. PA IX K, Snr- U vevnr for Bradford County , is prepjieJ to attend to the'nhove business in all its branches. Hi" office is at Towanda. All lettei*s addressed to him hit this place will meet with prompt attention. April 4. 15.54. - \ T COT'XSEEEOR AT LA IT, will attend[prompt ly to all business entrusted to his care. Collections wdl receive his special attention. (Iffiee a tew doors north of the Ward House. Towanda, May 15, W.q. RThSOriI^MOX Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. h'mnlrrd hi/ the Senate and Haute of Rejtresenfativex of the Cnmmontrea'th of Pennsylvania in (lene t til A.-stni hly met. That the following amendments are proposed to the constitution of the commonwealth, in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof. F'tllST AMENIII \T. There shall be an additional artb'ie to said constitution to he designated as article eleven, as follows \ VTU'T.K XT. OP PI BLIC DEBTS. SrcTios 1. The state may contract debts, to supply casual deficits or failures in revenues, or to meet expen ses not othcrw i.-e pro\ ided for ; hut the aggregate amount of such debts direct and contingent, whether contracted by virtue of one or more acts of the genera! assembly, or t different periods of time, shall never exceed -even hun dred and fifty thousaud dollars, and the money arising from the creation of such debts, shall c applied to the purpose for which it was obtained, or tv repay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever. Section 2. In addition to the above limited power the state may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress in- Burreetion, defend the state in war. or to ruleeni the pre sent outstanding indebtedness of the state : but the mo ney arising from the contracting of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to re pay such debts, and to no other purpose whati ver. Suction 3. Except the debts above specified, in sec tions one and two of tliis article, no debt whatever -hall be created by. or on behalf of the state. Section 1. To provide for the payment of the present debt, and any additional debt contractid : a'V ■ d.the legislature shall, at its first session, after the adapt' n of this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall be sufficient to pay the accruing interest- on sueh debt, and annually to reduce the principal lin roof by a si. •; not Ics tlian two hundred and fifty thonsuud dollars ; which -i k ing fund shall consist of the net annual iie orae of tile public works, from time, to time owned by the state, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part there of, and of tlic iafnM or ju teds of sale of stocks owned by the state, together with other funds, or re.soui es. tl. it rn.iv he designated by law. The -aid -inking fan-l ma .' c Increased, front time to time, hy as-igning to it any part of the taxes, or othar revenues of the state, not required for the ordinary and current expenses of g<iverniuent.and unless in case of war, invasion or insurrection, no put of the said sinking fund shall l>e used or applied otherwi -i than in extinguishment of the public dept. until the amount of sm h debt is reduced below the sum of live mil lions of dollars. SzrrioN . The rredir of the commonwealth shall not in any manner, or event, he pledged, or loaned to, any in dividual, company, corporation, or association : nor shall • s commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner, or eto. kU'ilde, iu any company, association, or corporation. Section fi. The commonwealth shall not assume tiic de t, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough .or township; or of any corporation, or association; unless sn li debt shall have l.-en contracted to enable the slate to repel invasion, suppress domestic insnrre tion. defend Itself iu time of war, or to assist the state in the discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness. Section 7. The legislature -hall not authorize any County, city, horongh, tow nship, or incorporated di-tri't. by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to lieconic a "stockholder in any company, association, or corporation; or to obtain money for. or loan its credit to, any corpora tion, association, institution, or party. SECOND AMENDMENT. There shall tie an additional article to said constitution, to be de.-ignated as article XII, as follows ARTICLE XII. OF NEW COUNTIES. rnuntv -hall be divided by a line eufting off over one-tenth of its population, (either to form a new con ti er otherwise.) without the exprc: s assent of -m:u on my. hy a vote of the electors thereof; nor shall any new coun ty be established, containing lc-s than four hundred squan miles. TlTlltn AMENDMENT. From vetinn two of the first article of the constitution strike out the words, " uf the rity of Philadelphia. and of earh county res]>erttoely from section live, same article, strike out the words, " of Philadelphia and of the severed counties from section seven, same article, strike out the words. " neither the city of Philadelphia nor any" and insert in lieu thereof the words. - and no and strike out section four, article, and in lieu there f Insert the following : "Section l. Iu the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and in every seventh jear thereafter, rep rcsentatives to the number of one hundred, -hal! be ap portioned and di-tribnted equally, throughout the -t.ite. I>y districts, in proportion to the number of taxable in habitants in the several parts thereof; except that any eountv containing at len-t three thousand five hundred to Nobles, may be allowed a separate representation ; but no more than three counties shall be joined, and no coun ty shall be divided, in the formation of a di-trict. Any Hty containing a sufficient number of taxable- to entitle It in at least two representatives, shall have a separate representation assigned it, and shall lie divided into con venient districts of contiguous territory, of equal taxable population as near as mat be, each of which districts shall elect one representative." At the end of section seven, same article, insert these words, " the city of Philadelphia shall he divided in/o sin gle senatorial districts, of contiguous territory as nearly equal in taxable population as possible ; but no icard shall be divided in the formation thereof." The legislature, at its fir-t session, after the adoption of t'nis amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia into senatorial and representative districts, in the manner above provided : such districts to remain unchanged un til the apportionment in the yoar one thousand eight hun dred ana sixty-four. KOI UTH A HEN DM ES T. To be section \\n. Article I. The legislature shall have the power to alter, revoke,or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general law, whenever in their opinion it may he injurious to the citizens of the commonwealth ; in surh manner, however, that no in justice shall be done to the corporators. In Pen ATE, April 21. H. 76. Resolved. That this resolution pass. On the first amend ment. vras 24, navs 5. On the second amendment, yeas Ji.navsfi. On the third amendment. yeas 2s, nays 1 On the fourth amendment. \ea- 23, uays 1. Extra't from the Journal. THOMAS A. MAG EI RE, Clerk. IN UorsE or REVRESRVTATIVES, ) April 21, IHSO. ( R<-*o/rrA, That this resolution pass. On the Ptrst amend went, yeas 72. nays 24. tin the second ameedment, yeas 6*. nays 27. On the third amendment,yeas 01, nays 25 ; and on fourth amendment, yeas 69, navs 10. Extract from the Journal. ft'if. JACK, Clerk. PWKKTARY'S OFFICE. 1 A. O. CI'RTIN, Filed April 24, 1556. T Ser'y "f the Commonwealth. SWRETART'S OFKICE. ) H'irritburg. June 27, 1*56. \ Penn"ylrania I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and i rorrert correct copy of the original " Resolution r> !alive ■ to an amcndmetit of the Constitution" as the same re- j mains on tile in this oftiee. ;••••• In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my : 1,, ft. . hand and caused to Is' affixed the seal of the Sec- , retary'a Office, the day and year above written, i A.U.CTimS, Secretory of the Commonwealth. IN SKNATR, April 21, Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, being under consideration, On the Question, • Will the Senate agree to the first amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, ami were as follows, viz : \KA—Messrs. lirowne. Hue kale w. ('res.-, well, Evans, I eiguson, Fleiinlken, lloge, Ingram, Jamlsou, Knox, l.uuWach, Lewis, M'Clintoek, I'ricc, Sellers, Shuman, Souther. Str.mb, Taggart, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wil km.- and i wit, Sptakwi --'li. Miscellaneous. Xayf— -Mown. Crabb, Gregg, Jordan, Mel linger and rMK-l S.i the question was determined in the affirmative. On t he qtte-tioo. Will the Senate agree t< the second amendment? The vea and tciv J were t..kc-i agreeably to the provis ions ! th" * '••it-lit i tfrvti;; t.! are re a- follows, viz : T .e—Messrs. Browne. Buekuh w. Cresswcll. Evans, Tl _e. Innam. Jamison, Knox. !-abaueb Lewis, M Ulin ♦ .S Tiers. Sh utmii. Souther, Stvaub, Walton, Wcl-li, Wherry and Wilkins—l'd. Xiv - Mi -r Crabh. Ferguson, Gregg, l'ratt, l'i ice. arel Piatt, Speaker —d. Se tl c qt o-tmn was detennined in the affirmative. On the question. Will toe Senate agree to the third amendment ? The ye <- and n yrs were taken agrecablj to the Con-ti i tntion, and were js follows, viz : Yrv- Me' r . Browne. BmkaTew. Crabb, Cre—well, Fviins. l-Vr-ru'en, Flenniken, Hour., Ingram, Jami- 11, Jordan. Knox. Laubit'ich, Lewis, M Clint" k, Millingcr. l'ratt. Priee. Sellers. Phuman. Souther. Ptraub. Tuggsirt, i Walton. Wei h. MTiriry. W:lkin.~ and l'iatt, Speaker— 2B. X at<- Mr. 11 regg— i. So tin question was determined in the affirmative. On t' e question, Will tlie Senate agree to the fourth amendment ? The yens anil nay taken agreeably to the Or.sti -1 tution.ar.d were a" fellows, vie : Yeas-—Mis-r*. Browne, I'uckulcw, Cresswell, Evans. Flenniken. lloge. Ingram. J..mi on. Jordan, Knox, Lau haeh, i.eivis. M'CTintoek, Pi'iee, Sellers,Sliuman,Souther, Strauli, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkiii.sand l'iatt,Spta k.r -23. Nvv Mes-rs. Grahh, Gregg. Mellingpr and Pratt—i. So the question was determined in the affirmative. Journal of the House of Representatives, April 21, ls.lfi. The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provis ions of the Constitution, and on the lint proposed amend ment, were as follows, viz : Yeas—Messrs. Anderson. Hack its. Baldwin, Ball. Berk. ! (Lycoming.) Berk. (York.) B< ruhard, Boyd, Buyer. Bn ' i-hanati, Brown, Brush. Calkwell. Campbell. Uarty, Craig, ' Crawford, Dowdall, Fdiuger, Fausold. Foster, Getz, Haines. Hamel. Harper. Ileins. Hihhs. Hill. Hillsga*.llip ] pie. lloi. ■■ nib. llunseeker, Inthrie, Ingham, Innis. Irwin, j Johns, Johnson, t.aporte. Leho, I-ongakcr, I.ovett, M'Cal -1 mont, M'Carthy. M'Goinh, Mangle. Menear, Miller. Moot I gonierv. Moorliead, Xaimetnaelier, <>rr, Pearson, Phelps. | Parcel!, Bam-, v, Rc< d. Keinhold, Riddle, Roberts, Sheuk, Smith, (Allegheny.) Smith, (( ainhria,) Smith, (Wyo -1 nting, Stroiise. Thompson, Vail. Whallon, Wright, (Dau j phin,) Wright, (I.uzerne,) Zimmerman and W right, Spea ker 72. 1 Xivs— Messrs. Augustine. Barry, Glover. Gobouru. Doek. Fry, Fulton, Gay lord, Gibboney, Hamilton. Han eoek. Housekeeper. Huiieker. T.risen ring. M.igCe. Mauley, i Morris. Mamma. Patterson. Salisbury, Smith, (I'hiladil l plda.) Walter, Wintrode and Ycarsfey 24. So the question was determined in the affirmative, j fin the question, I Will the House agree to the serond amendment ? ' The yeas and nays were taken, and were as follows, I viz : • I Yka- Messrs. Anderson. Backus, Baldwin, Ball. Beck. 1 (Lycoming.) Berk. (York.) Bernhardt Boyd. Brown, i Brush. Bnehanan, < aldweli. < 'nmpbell, C'arty, Craig,l-'aus- I old. Foster, Get/.. Haines, Hayiel, Harper, ileins, Hihhs, 1 Hill, lliliigus. Hippie, Iloleonih, Hun-ci ker, linbrie,lug- I i ham. Innis, Irwin. Johns. Johnson. Laporte, Leho. Long j aker, I.ovett. M'Galiuojit, M'Carthy, M'Gomb, Mangle, ' Mi near. Miller, Mm tgomi-ry. Moorliead, Xunncmacher. j Orr, Pearson, Pureell, Ramsey. Ueeil. Beinliohl. Riddle. I Roberts. Shenk. Smith. Allegheny.) Strouse, Vail, Whal : lon, Wright, (Luzerne.) Zimmerman, and Wright, Spra (w—(s3. i Xays—Messrs. Augustine. Barry. Glover, Kdinger.Frv, j Fulton.' la.v lord, fJibilimey. Hamilton. Hancock, Huneker, ! I.eisenring. Magee. Mauley. Morris, Munima, Patterson. | Phelps, Salisbury, Smith, (Cambria.) Thompson, Walter, ' Wintrode, Wright, (Daupliin.) and Year.-ley— 25. So the question was determined in the affirmative, j On the question. Will the House agree to the third amendment? The yeas and nays were taken, and were as follows, : viz: - Yea-' Messrs. Anderson, Bnekus, Baldwin. Ball. Reek, (f.y oini' g.) Beck, (York,) Bernliard, Boyd. Buyer, Bit eliaho ;'rowa. Caldwell, Campbell, Carty. ("rnig. Graw ; ford, ii'i o.er, Fan-old, Foster. Fry,Getz, Haines. Hamel, Harper, Ileins, Hihhs, Hill, Hillegas, Hippie, Holeomh, flou-t keeper, lin brie, Ingham, Innis. Irwin. Johns, John son, Laporte, Leho, lsui.gakt r, I.ovett, M'Galmont, Mc ■ i or,ib, Mangle. Menear, Miller. Montgomery. Xunnetnach ; or, Orr, Pearson, l'lu Ips, Pureell, Ramsey , Reed, Riddle, | Sin nk. Smith. (Allegheny.) Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Wyoming.) Thompson. Whallon, Wright, (Dauphin,) ; Wright, (Luzerne.) and Zimmerman—lit. | XA i - Mi-.-srs. B.irry. Glover. Gohourn. Hook.Powilall, Fulton, Gaylord,Gibboney, Hamilton, llaiicoek, Huneker, ; Letsenring, M'Carthy, Magee, Maid, v Moorliead, Morris, Patterson, Reiuhohl. Roliei ts.Salsbury, Walter, Wintrode, Year-ley and Wright, Speaker -25. I So the question was determined in the affirmative. (In the question, Will the House agree to the fourth amendment? The yeas and nays were taken, and were as follows, j viz : Yeas —Messrs. Anderson. Baekus, Ball. Berk. (Lyeom j ing.) Be<k, (York.) Bernliard, Boyd. Boycr. Brown, Bu chanan, Brush, Caldwell. Campla-H. Carty. Craig, Oravv -1 ford. Dowdall. Edinger, FausoUl. Foster. Fry, Getz. Ilam ■ el, Harper, Heins, Hihhs, Hill, Hillegas. HippieHolrentb, Housekeejier, Hunsceker. Hnbrie, Innis. Irwin, Johnson, i T.aporte, Leho. Longaker, Ixivett. M'Galmont, M'Carthy. I M'Goinh, Mangle. Menear, Miller. Montgomery,Moorliead, Xuiiiiemaeher. Orr. Pearson, Phelps, Pureell, llamsey, : Reed Reinhoh' Riddle. Ih-a rts. Shenk, Smith, (v'.i'u.iriii) Smith, (Wyoming.) Thompson. Vail. Walter. Wbalhui. Wright, (Luzerne,) Ye:u>ley, Zimmerman and Wright, I Speaker—•>'>. } Nays—Messrs. Berry Clover, Cohrmra. Fulton, Gibiio i n ( y. Haines, Ham nek, llupeker, In.ham. Lci-orrinu.M • gee, Mauley, Monus, Patterson. Salisbury and Wintrode -16. So the question was determined in the affirmative. hia iiK-NARv's Office, ) Han-iahurg, June 27, ISaC. ( Per.nxy'eania, ** : Id ertify that the above and foregoing i a true and correct copy of the " Yeas*' and "Nays"' taken on the lie Id; a prop i-ing amendments to the Constitution of the t oinmonwealth. as the -ami* appears on the Journals of the tw i Houses of the Geneial Assembly of this Com wealiii for the smion of Kni. [l. S ) Witness niy liand and the seal of said office, i this tweii'.y-seventh day of June, one thousand eight hiin- I dred and tii'ty-six. A. G. CCRTIX, Seerttmry of th< Cmmmmmtdtth. THE SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, ! TUII'A.VDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS : REV. SAMUEL K. COI.T. Principal, Professor of Natu ral, Mental and Moral Science ; REV. JAMES McWILLIAM, A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages and Hi lies l.ettre- ; CHARLES R. COBI'RN, A. M„ Professor of Mathema tics and Master of Normal School ; E.ALBERT LUDWIG, A.M., Professor of Modern Lan guages, Instructor on the Piano and in Drawing: MISS MARY M. FOSTER. Preceptress ; MISS EMILIK A. BUTLER,/ , • , . MISS ELLEN COLT. f Ah^LiUnls • MISS HELEN M. CARTER. Assistant in Music ; Mr. CAN FEED DAYTO.V, Steward. *tT The Fall Term commences on WEDNESDAY, August 20,18.iti.and will continue fourteen weeks. The Winter Term commence- November2o. and contin ues 11 weeks, besides 10 days re/ess at Christinas. KXI'KXSES* I'KR TKKM : Payable invariably in a/lvanee -Fuel and contingencies all included r Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term,.... ? I " Fourth, t> .. Third 7 . . " Second 8 .. " Fir-t 11l Pupils using scholarships are charged $ I per term for | fuel and contingents ; t r instrument on which to take i lessons, 50c, or for practice $'2.00 No scholar, whose parents or guardians shall reside within two miles of the Institute shall 1* admitted to tui tion therein upon any permanent scholarship rented or loaned by such pupil, his or Iter parent or guardian. EXTRAS : f French. German. Spanish or Italian, each, 5 .. j When taken without other branches, 7 Drawing 8 .Ornamental needlework and embroidery.each '■> . Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument,... 12 do do pt-r quarter of 11 weeks,.... 10 Oil painting in landscapes, per term R .. do figures 10 Room rent for lodgers 1 75 The Voinig T.a<l!es will find board in the Institute, under the care of the Matron, at per week, 1 75 Fuel and light 25 The male pupils can find board in private families, at per week,. from ?2 00 to 2 50 Washing, per dozen. 38 Pupils hoarding in the Hall, (who will be exclusively Females.) wit) furnish their own 1/cd, bedding, towels, Ac. and the table silver at their option. No pupil taken for less than half a term. The boarding bills for tiie term must be paid in advance ; or one half thereof at their entrance, and the remaining half at the middle of the term. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser ; ranee of the Regulations, and none will be admitted on | other terms. Es-pe-ial exercises are arranged without extra charge lor th e qualifying themselves as teachers for common | schools. ; H. F. Col.T, Sec. C. L. WARD, President. July S, 1856. A. Wtcißtl, Treasurer. Bock Binding'. ! r pilK undersigned Ims the agency of one of 1 the best Binderies in N. Y. City, and is readv to re ceive Book-Pamphlets, Magazines, Ac., to be bound in any style desired, in the neatest and most substantial manner and at very low rates—shall he forwarding a lot very soon—so send in your volumes. O D. B ARTI.KTT. April 24, 1856. JUST received a new supply of Pure White Lead, No. 1 snow white Zinc, Copal. Denwr, and Harness Varnish and Japan, by 11. S. MERC Lit. iilisccila cous. TIOG-A POINT AGRICULTURAL MURKS!! R. M. W EbbF.S & CO. ATHEXS. liRADIOEI) CO., PA. Manufacturer, Wholesale and retail dealers in EMERY'S m WHEtLER'S RAIL ROAD HORSE POWERS, THRESHERS AND SKPERATORS, COMUKYMii* TttJiSHKHH K l**/.V.V Zl'EilS, Portnble Saw MilD. Clover Hellers and Feed Cutters, Emery's Cider Mills, Apple Parors, flow's and KoKc-y's and other brain Cradles, Scythes, and other Harvesting Tools. Kotchnni's and other Mow ing and Reaping Machines. Seymour's brain Drills. Broad east Seed Sowers, Ac. Magic Corn and Cob Mills, Cultivators, Leather and Rubber Beltings. Manufacturer of Peters' Celebrated T&VT 2*IIIT;S, Which I am prepared to sell at c ither WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, on very favorable terms. These mills are warranted second to none in the United States, for durability, efficiency :uid .simplicity, end n II do in the best manner and rapidly, all kinds of chatting and cleaning all kinds of brain, brass Seed. Ac. its* Warranted to chaff lit for market, from 40 to 00 bushels of Wheat per hour. Refrigerators, Provision Safes, etc. Extras furnished for repairing Emery's and Wheeler's machines. Descriptive Catalogues. Price Lists and Circulars of all machines sold by us. sent gratis anil postage pre-paid, to all applicants. Seud us y our name and address. Athens, Pa. June ii.i, 1856. K. M. MEI.LESA- CO. THE ELECTRO CHEMICAL BATH, AND DIRECT & TO-& FRO ELECTRO MAGNETIC MACHINE. T AMES II SRI.'IS, Ei.ECTKICIAX, of Towanda, respe, • • I fully informs the public that he has lately procured from New York the celebrated Electro-Chemical Bath, which has proven to be one of the most "important ; wonderful discoveries of the age, from its ability to ext r i minerals from the human sy-tem. S one eight year- ago. a phy-h I oi of Cincinnati diseo vered the process of extracting minerals from the body, by galvanism : more recently. M. Verges, . (' New York, an electro-gilder, having suffered from the introduction of unisonous mini i als into his system in the pr i.-ecution of liis art. conceived the idea of removing the n, hy the same prove —i s. hesucci eded in doing so, and cpii My recovered. lie then applied the same means toothers similarly af fected, with like re-nits. Hi-success excel ih-d his most sanguine cxpcctati m-. for not only did these Baths remove miiic-ral poi-ons, lint cured many diseases, some of which were the result of minerals, and some were not. More recent experiments have fully cniilirtiled the sin gular powi r of this Bath to draw from the system all mi nerals that may be lodged therein, to the great detriment of health. Very often persons are afflicted by diseases which are Beyond the comprehension of the most skilful physicians, ami which are the ctl'ect of poisonous rniiie n.ls accumulating in the system for years, taken in the shape ol calomel, lead, Ac. Ac. The following arc some of the dise ases cured by lln-.-e baths: Rheumatism, Paralysis, RaDy. Painter's ('hole-, ; (Jirunic Ulcers. Glandular Swellings. Scrofula. Cancer. Neuralia iu all its forms, Salt Rheum and Humors of all kinds. lie has al.-o S. B. Smith's new! v invented DIRECT \ND T< >-A N1 >-FR( tEE ID TIB tMAG N* ETI ( MACHINE whi h is a groat improvement on the Magnetic machines hereto fore lu use. With the aid "f the Bath ami Machine, we have at command all the available medical efficiency of I Electricity. The medical power of the Machine is very ] great, in introducing medicines into tin- system through the pores of the skin—applying it directly in the part- af fected. whi< h gives mi increase of medicinal power over that of taking it into the stomach, rendering it particular ly efficacious in all local diseases. I am n w | i pan dto apply these Baths, and also the Machines, nt my house in tin-south part of the borough of Towanda, or 1 w ill visit patients at a di t.uice. wiio are unable by reason of disease to come to this place, at mo derate prices. i am also sole agent for Bradford county, for tlm above Machines. JAMi/s HARRIS. To wanda. December 22. 18. L I QUOR ST ORE. FKLTON would ro?pootfully inform tlie k~ public fleet lie is now reidy at his old stand, under Hall A" Russell's, smith-ide if Hie public sqn; re, to funi i-h those wanting Pt'l.'E t.'e.U'oßS, with a!ru"-t every thing in that line. 11. has lately made f.rgc addition- to his stock, piirehu-ing of the best importers, and in the original package. He has on hand, and for sale in any qnantit'. from a quart upwards : liritmhi. Si oiette. t'ogniiie, old lleiinr— v. and Otarcl. Hi a. Swan. Anicriean, and Scheidain S- linapps. Whiskey ■ Scotch, Old Rye, Mononjralpda, and Recti fied. It'iiii-. C: rrant. Port, and Brow n Sherry. Fre.-li Camphcne and Burning Fluid kept con-t.intly on liae.d. Al-'n fi.7 per cent. Ah ohol. Cic; VHS of the best brands. Jugs of all -izes ; quai t flask-, and a large quantity of empty barrels. Ringliamton Ale by the gallon or barn !. Those favoring me with their patronage may be eu In that all articles will be w hat they are represented. N. 1!. The person who borrowed my " Wantage F.od" is requested to return it. Towanda, January is. 19f>6. THE PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE ! 18] GREAT BARGAINS! [56 IVt. E. Solomon, Proprietor. riijilS extern ivc Rcadv-ni ide f'l.ithiug Establishment, I situated in Merenr's block. Main street, ha- jn-t been filled with a large assortment of SPRI\G ('LOTH ING. The proprietor assures the public that he ha-the be t and cheapest assortment ever offered in Tmvanda ; and to prove this fact he respectfully :t-ks the public to call and examine for themselves. Persons wishing good bargains and an elegant suit, or any portion thereof, well made of substantial material - ('oat. Vest, Pantaloons, Cravat, Collars, and in fact every thing in the line, will do well to < all. He is < oulideut he can satisfy all in price and quality. He' Don't forget the place -one door south of Merenr's store, Main-st. Towanda, March 28, lsscj. BAKERY A RESTAURANT. One Door Xorth of the 71 ?/ rd Ih use. 11 HIE subscriber would respectfully inform bis friends 1 and the public generally that he has opened a BA KERY AND EATING SALOON, one door north of the Ward House, win re he intend to keep constantly on hand a full assortment of everything in the line, such a- Bread, Biscuit, Busk, Crackers, Jumbles, all kinds nt ('like. Ac. Having secured the services of an experic need baker, and using uouli but the best brands of Hour, he feels confident of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Wedding and other parties furnished with whatever re quired. on short notice and at the most reasonable rates. A nice assortment of Candies. Nuts, Fruits, Ac., kept always on hand and sold at the eheape-t rates. FRESH O\S'IKUS received three times per week by express, and sold wholesale and retail. iM'liot ('nffee served up at all hours. Don't forge t the place, one door north of the Ward House. February 12, lH.ofi. H. A. RI'RBAN'K. LIGHTNING RODS. r PI IE siibseril er having bad two ye ars'experieni e in tie 1 Lightning ltod trade, in ami a*mut Philadelphia, ha now commenced the business In Brad Pud and adjoining ('ounties. He will do business neat hemic, and use noth ing but the best article of Red and I'lutinapoints, all war ranted such, and erected in the mb-t perfect and substan tial in.inner, and as strictly upon scientific principles as any line of ttjlrgrash. Persons wishing their families and property protected from this destroying agent can do so by applying to the suh.-crilwr at LeKaysville. la-Ray-- villi-, May 13, lsofi. ]'. GREGORY. / Uo< TRIES— ntul Bec our Jirown, VA Crushed. ( otlt-e anil I'ulveri/ed Sugar- ; Fine Young Hyson A Blink Teas—warranted a superior article. - r the money refunded- for sale cheap hy B. KINGSBEKY. / UIOIUK SOUTHEUN HOMMONY vV \J SAMP, put up.in 10 lb. sacks, for sale by May s. 1866. g J, FOX. DlilEI) APPLES-—a few first rate ones, foif-ale at jiip FOX'S". I Spring and Summer Goods. Tracy &. Moore, nA \lu .11 ST UECU 1 VEI) front X. York a large anel well selected assortment of XEIV SPRISU 4" SUMMER HOODS, which have ls-eu selected with unusual care, and pureliaa ed at the lowest possible rates. Feeliugeoufi.lrut that we can sell Goods for Ready Pay, as low us any establishment in the country, we a-k the public tcj give' us a call, and examine our stock and prices. May 18. IS.Mi. / TODFISII, Mackerel, and II :rring, a good vJ article at FUN'S. fHmljaniri}.*, &"£. " m la, 0?\O /MOCK X WATCH UKPAIKER Tl.<; V under-igpcd i- ron-tanth if ■< -'.ving from New-\ork by Kxprtf-', new additions to his Stock of W akhes,' locks. Jewelry. Silver ware, ami Kanrv Good-. eompti-ing in part-- ("odd and Silver I ever, I.'Epine and I'l lin Watches, with a full ai:ii complete assortment ot i iia* Gold Jcwi by, MI ill us 111 il il chains, I.<■ kets, Bracelets. Gold Pell-. Keys, Breast Pins. Kar llinys. Finger Ring-. etc. etc. Msu, a la IF; I vurictv ill' Silvu w ai C-.MI II AS Table and Tea Spoons, Cream spoons, I) utter knives. Salt spoons. Spectacles, to gether with an extensive assortment of Plated Ware All (if which w ill be sold very low tor f'ASll. ( 'LOCKS. A la rye assortment Clocks just received, of all descriptions, rallying in prices from 7.1 cents to Fifty Dollars. Watches repaired on short notice, and WAKKANTKP to mil well. Also, nil kind-' c.'fe-k- repaired. W. A. <'. V ould I •••' !i;< vc* Id say. tint lie is pre pared to execute the ino.-t dilliciilt Jolts, such as call be done at no other Shop si at of New -i ork iit v. W. A. C/fAMBHULIN. Towanda, February I.' j OOKINC HI,ASK ELATES CUT AND I J fille d for tiny si/.n, to le had at the 'ewe-lrr Store of Feb. 1.1854, W. A. ( '1 i A,MllKlll.iX. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! £i. JVT. Warner's .Y5 ic cV Splendid Jeireln/ Store, one door north of Potto vx Drug Store, If AS.in.-. b< in oji. Ned wii li tlic'a: ye-t and i FASHIONABLE JEWELRY vet i!'in il to adi i ■ miuatii /, Afijr / jl public. I; deed, lie ran sate ly -ay that with JJtfh the opening of his new store i i a.- been in auguruted a new era in the Jewelry liuc, inasmuch as along with the choic-cand elegant ass itmeiit he gives the most reliable assurance of an alrno-t ineredi ble reduction in pri> e- : tin rich ami ta.-tefnl articles llav- I ing been all ho ight With ready cash. A. M. W.. when he rcllccts how, for the past years,with a tar less attractive stock, lie ha.-- enjoyed so largca share ! of public patronage,flatters himself that the immense in crease of floods fie now oilers, which have been bought so much more ad\ sntagi ou iy,wil! enable him to inerea-c* the generous confidence which has hitherto been vouch safed to him. lin therefore solicit a continuance ot the favor of his old customers, and invites the public general !v to come and see the fashions. " e,- THE WATCH REPAIRING DEPARTMENT will continue to lie distinguished by the skill and de-patch which ic- heretofore enabled it to ei j y tin enviable rep ot P m of being the me ! reliable in town. 'I wandu. September 24. 1 -1.1. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE <^ er "Ty r, *> CTIKSTKII AYELLS would iuf-nil hi- friends ai d the pi ; hi .- if t In- js n..• receiving at hi- old stand one door north of Impute, .Mason A t.'o.'n banking bouse, a large and extensive assortment of' Sofas, Malioirany Chairs of various patterns, Rosewood and Mahogany Side and (cut re Tables, Dining.Tea and I'em broke Tables. Stands of every kind, fane. Flag and W 1-cat t 'haint,high ( In re Children's Rockers, Red-dcads, liurenus. Imnnges, (lilt and Rose woi-d Picture Frame-. Iron flat Stands, Corner and side do. of walnut and mahogany ; Cnidles, Cribs, Wardrobe-, Cupboard- booking glasses. Ac. *rCOFFiNS. of every si/e and cjnulify. and will at tend on all oeeasi.urn w I en required. The public are invited In ex mi'im iny a~s rtmcnt before purchasing el-ewliere.as I willsell cheaperthan anyotlier establishment in Northern Pennsylvania. Towaml.i. Augusts, ls.'i.i. T3 IS OLD S7A2NTD STILL laM 0V ER ATION! THE siibseril er would announce - Til l tin- public tli.it he ha- n.w on f" r ' "? ~ ;haml. and will in-ike- to order ail i TH*. kinds of CAPINKI PHI IN"III RE, L's " jog r'M'si' ii ; Sofa.-, ilie..lis, boull.'is,l c-li- | r Viifc'. ?, 3f* ji ii tre.f i* i. Dining ami Breakfast Til- Ljs grille, Mahogany, Walnut. Maple ami tf W fa tjChejry Bureaus, Stands of various JB kinds. Chair-ami Bedstead-of every description, which are. and will he made of the le st ma terial and workmanlike manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware room in the country. READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the most rea sonable terms, v good lIEAIiSE wall fh furnished on Finn ral occasions. JAMES MACKINSON. Towanda, January 1. IS.">.. BOOTS A X I) S II OES. 3"ohn VV. Wilcox, | TAS located hi- esfablishntent oil M .in Street, on door I I North ol the " Ward House." and w ill continue the manufacture of IfIMITS A SHOES, a- heretofore. lie has jn-t received from New-York a large assortment of Wninaiis" and Mis-es' Shoes.which are oli'er i T| at Tnv pi t i The atti alien of tin' l.adies is palticu lailv directed to his a-sortmetit. eotnprisin;: tile following new styles : Enamelled Jenny bind gai' r hoots; do. shoes : hlai k la-t'ug and silk gaiter ; walking -hoc-, bus kin-. Ac. Misse-' paiteis and -lioe-, of every description. A huge N.uiety of Childreiis" fancy gaiters, hoots A shoes of all kinds. For tin- <ientlemen, almost i-u y styh of gaiten 1 sb.oes. This -to. k ha- been per- nally -el- rtnl with care, and ho lielieves he can ofli-r superior articles at rea-onahle prices. i o The strictest attention paid to >1 VNTFACTVRING, and In- hop, - l y doing work well to merit a continuance of the libera! patronage he has hitherso received. Towand.i, Feb. 1, Is.", A. Cheap 8001. Shoe anil Leather Store. I D. HUMPHREY is just tin •I receiving next door to ff.S. Mercui's v.j . - store in Tnwa ai i,a 1 ige and well selected KL stock of ROfi'lS. sillllvS A Fl NDINCX. *'*** from New York, which witis a constant supply- of HOME M\M TAi TI RED WORK. soi.K.V t'PPER LEATHER. FRENCH AND AMERICAN c \bK SKINS. MOROCCO. A lie is desirous to sell at small profits. Feeling grateful for past favors, lie hopes to merit a contiumuire of public pa tronage. mr.lfratnrc IVnrk and ftrp'ririnp; done ou short no tice. C \SH paid for Hides and Skins. Tow anda. June 11. 1855. New Boot arifl Shoe Maanfactorj. L'I!AN K HOKKMA .N would respectfully L infonn the citi/eiis of Tow anda, that lie has com menced tin HOftTQ' SFfdf' husine-s in tlie roiMii over J. f'ulp-.V Co's. shop, near the corner of Bridge street He is readv at all times to do all work in his line in the be-t manner and will make Fine- Sewcil and Pegged Roots. Shoes and bailers, in the latest approved style, as well as Coarse Worli. UKCAIKINCJ dune in a superior man ner. He would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citi zens of hi- place, assuring them that he will endeavor to merit their favor.- by ising the itest stock, by careful work man-hip, and by pum tuaJity. Towaml.i. June 18, 15.",".. U. WAIKOI'S It. M . SKW Altn K. It. COOK. j> WATROUS X Co., D]:.\LI:RS ay 11. HEAVY 4- SHELF HAIiIJUAHE, No's. 1 A 3, Water st. Eltnira, N. Y. 'A e have recently made large additions to our extensive stock, and have now on hand a complete assortment of ev ery deseripti ut ol Hardware, which we offer at the lowest ■•a 1 in I es; coiisi-ting of Me. hanic's Tools, Building Ma s . iron and steel. Nails ami spiko, Ropes and ford ids. Oils and Class, Mill saws ol'evorv size and i .iter Malay Hang or Circular. "n Hue I" lliug, ol all w :dths, both of India Rubber A tllii.-s tllii.-s at wholesale. We are prepare dto supply My-v. hauls w dli (slass. Nails, scythes. Forks, Ac., at Mati ul.ii turers ••. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on hand or node to order. COl: i'R Ac "foR'S TOOl.ft Wheelbarrows, Ames'Sho vel-, Blasting powder, Ac. \geid-for If h V W filer's Patent .Salamander .Safes, Fail-bank's Plat form K -ales, and Welch A C.rittitlTs Circu i kir saws. lairge sizes up to c.ii incli, always on hand and sold at I Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to orders by ! mail. | Elmiut. April 7. 1866. n-tt-P'iu MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. r> AbDWIN A RObI.EYS having purchased the marble ) factory of this village, under the superintendence of ! Henry Hanford, are happy to announce that the Marble business in tVavcrlv will now be conducted by tlicin. They are constantly receiving Italian and Rutland ItTarblo, for Monuments, Head Stones, Tomb Tallies, Stand Tops. I'aiut Stones.Miillc i-, Ac. Having secured the services of (1. 11. I'oWERS, who is well known to he the most perfect Artist in the state, they otters unparalleled inducements to persons wishing to secure any of the above articles, in ehe ipness, si \ le and artistiral beauty. Waverly, N. Y., October lit. Is.",:). Bocks and Stationery. nPJIK liirgest. assortment of HOOKS and A STATIONERY ever ottered in this market—compris ing a very complete stock of School Classical and Miscel laneous Books, and a very full assortment of Stationery, ju-t opening and lor ale unuauallv cheap at April'-M, l - ji;. "O. D. BAHTLETT S. SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE Fronting the Public Square. rpirK gulesrriher. thsr.trful f.r the liberal patronage of the pat year. Intend- t > kc-p ron-tanOv <> ' , . I -• itim ut of the very best artieles usually kept in our line, wlii-h lit: WII.I. di<}< >se of on siu li i" V isfartory to nil wlm may patrol i/e him. The purchases are made entirely w itli ca-li in baud, a.nl for ,:>• i \-;i !" ru.-tomei- will .v eiv t!< 1 :u't of a good artielc at a low price. AH articles shall aa-wer our rt(-oimiieit anil art irurrunlni tin represented. Advice gratnitoasly given at the Office, clmrging cnly for the Medicines. The slot k eou-i-ts of a complete anil select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, runt Wine & Liquors, fr Medicinal use, London Porter vV Scotch Ale. ALL HIE MOS POPULAR PA TEXT MEDICIXES! The most approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, K"ursing Pottles Nip ple Shells, Breast Pumps, Teeth Rings, Syringes, Catheters, <kc. ' American t JJnyfish $ Chinese Razors and Knives. FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! Superior TOBACCO <k SNUPr ! —Choice brands cf Pure Savanna and Yarn CIGARS ! ' ipe I'uinfs. Oils, Yuniisbes, Viniln <i!a*s. Hiiisiiet, Perfumery, Shaving soap I'aiitj Aitides, &.C. itc. Iluir Dyes, TTair Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Rotvil-r Kxtrart* fo-t'e 1 iaudkr'ivliief, Italian Whisks, I'ort mnunais, l*ursc>, llav, ('•dongc. Rose tm<i Lavender Waters, Tobacco ami Snuff Raxes, ImMlible Ink t v..• FAMILY GROCERIES: Black ami (I recti Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee : Moln-ses, Syrups, Simur-. S; ire-, Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, <Ve. REMEMBEII THE STORE —SOUTH EM) OF THE WAR!) HOUSE: Towanda, February 1, ISS. r >. U , I'oUTEU M !> & NE W ARRANG EME X T ! ELv, PAT TO N &>■ p A r.v l: , KI C.J " P ? A I'ST OTMGXET), ON THE CCRNER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS, Uo. 4, Pattons' Block, Tcvran'a Pa. rrtHK suWrilrt-rs would respectfully inform their lrlei.d-~.mil the pi th.it lacy h.;v ' , 1 the I) eg In. inc .-. and an now receiving at Xo. I, in Patton's Sew Brick Block, from tin : P phia and New York, ahe <• ;it.■ i will -< !c< It .1 stock of American, French and Ivnrin-h CHEMICALS, BBUGS r MEOICiR %,G.RTOm FAINT'S- OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS, DRESSING COM3", PERFUMIRY, FANCY S3APS. PORT MONNAEsTcT SURGICAL I 2STSTIL ITIV!STiTS, and a variety of the most approved Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, <*c., always on hand. London Porter and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal pur^si's. ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. BruMifs for l!ie Hat, Hair, Tertli, Sails, Boots Painting, Varnishing, Bhilrwashin?. iec. The Levers of GOOD CIGA US anil TOD A COO, will find a large rarietu ■ f rJwice ll.c- IHI , \ara tnitl Pnucin C itfti/'•>', and l!ic Jtiiiist brands of Tobacco an- Snuff. C'amplicnp —.Particular %ttenlioii paitl to HIP Manufacture of BfU.MNu FiilO. And a fine assortment of I.A MI'S. of all Wirt and descriptions. Hit i ( ages I ins, ,Y< •/ . ' ><f All of whieh is ofßrred for pule ai preatly reduced rates. Our Stork heintf large nn.l mi • 1 • ! from the Importer and Afannfacturer ut the lowi-sl raid, tad vMi Canh enables u-t-> aellatredn H! prices, that mast fce ae ti.-lactory t.j all. We invite the attetitiou of the public to an . -pe.-ial c.\aii:ituil's<'t> < . -t k•' ami f. t>. Our m ; Tin-: CASH SYSTEM— QnuK SAI.i:S— SM ALL ruuFrr.- Our Good-are wi' 1 lh<- i.tuio.t Yare and warranted to he wi.'.t fbey are reerc rut-.!: y .-li ;,Upn\e the contrary . we are not only willing bin request our , uftomen* to return ttiem, and the money si ll* n fttode L MB. PAY MB will give his special attention to tbe pirpmtus of FREIM RIIUUXS wh aeeur.tf!v on the sluutc t ta.tiee. .h -!! 'II i., I'ATTi'N- Towanda, .Fune 20, IsAO. F'i'Y C i'. I'AVNE. GZIOCERISS, rROVISICP?3,* &.0 ; llc.s"/ side tj the I'ufi/tr Xt/u-fire, opposite the ('hurt House. 1> AI LEY & NEVINS aiv jn-t roeeivinj; a ' I 9 large addition to tlielr sto kof Provi ions, Groceries, Yankee Notions. Toys. Fruit. (' •pw-tionarv. A •.. whi h I will be -old wholesale of retail fur c .*h, or in exliange for ; most kind- of country produce, at juice- that canto t tail to suit purchaser*. < 'unsumers or c ujntry de.ilers would , do well to call and examine our stock and prices. GROCERIES. Black and Green Tea, if o and J.ua Coffee, Choeolate. Cocoa. Sugar. Motn*s<-*. Syrup, <. inger. P-p|..-r, Spic-. ! Cloves, nutmeg*. Mace einanvin. Ground Mu-tard. Pepper J Sauce. S .da. Saler.itu-. Cream Tartar. Sperm and Tallow j Caudles, Bar Soap, Vinegar, Standi, Ac. PRO YISH NS. Flour. Buckwheat Flour. Rye Flour. Corn Meal. Feed. Pork. Hum-,v Shoulders. Mackerel. Codtish. Shad, Fake | Trout, I'iekeled ami Smoked Herring, Cheese. Rice, Beans, Onions, Potatoes, Butter, laud. Crackers, Ac. Ac. FRI IT. Prunes. Citron. Figs, Eng. ( urrants. Raisins, I.em j ons and Oranges. (freen anilDricd \pple-. and Pea.do I Almonds, Pe an nuts. Pra/.il nuts. Grenoble and Madeira | Wahuits. I'ilUerts. Peanuts, t lie*lnut*.Hickory nuts, Ac. GKIIMVX. FUF.M II and AMKIIICAN Tots. FANCY GOOPS, ■ Ac. Ituys' Sleighs, Till Wagons, China, Pewter A Wood , Tea Setts, Molls. Trumpets, Toy Gun*. Accordinn*. llar imonieas. Glass, Paper aud Wood Inlaid Work Boxes anil Toilet C tscs, Toy Bureaus, Se. ictaries, Ac. P. arl, lviry. Papier Mache and Feather Port Monaies Wallets. Purses. I Ivory, Horn ami Wood Pocket and Toilet Conibs, Tobac co and Snuff Boxes. Cigar Cases, Tooth. Hair :u:d Cloth Brushes, Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery, Hair Oil. Ac. FOOLS CAP, Fetter. Commercial Note and Bath Post ! Paper. Envelope*. Wafers. Scaling Wax. Ink. inkstands, | Wafer Cups, Sand Boxes. Penholders, Pelts, Wafer scales, i Ac. Ac. I TAIU.K AMI MAMA SALT, Salina and Rock Salt, and i Cayuga Ground Plaster. BAII.FY A NFVINS. Towanda, Xovonilier 2H. 1 s.o.t. GOODRICH $< CO., OAFJfGO, N.AN VRE now in receipt of and opening the choicest and most desirable stock ot Staple ami Fancy Dry CioodN, j to which they have ever had the pleasure of calling the 1 attention of the community, i >ur ■ tick is very large, and I selected with great cure aud a< know ledgcd good t i-te. and I is particularly adapted to the wants of this and the sur rimnding sections. Ourst ck of j Press (iomls, Trimmings, liibbnns, T.mbroider | ics, Parasols, ('/nths, ('assittwres, l estings, Domestics, Shirtings, Linens, Prints, Hosiery and Shawls, ,\r. fir. and numberless other articles makes our assortment liettcr j than any other in this vicinity, nil of which will lie aoUl us cheap, and many articles cheaper, than at any other eu j tabli*hment, to all of which we invite the inspection of i jmrciiascis, ;u- being in every respect worthy of their ut- I tention. J Those who may favor us with a entl niay he assured that no article will be recommended more highly than its me rits w ill admit of. i Owego. May R lok. <F It. GOODRICH A (•(). | I>(X)TS A SHOES—The liirrefst, best aud I ' cheapest assortment this sidi of the Empire Cit v may I befotttid at je29 TRACY A MOOBEft nORSF] RADIUSH, nicely pirated and jnit . u)i in Boltles for table u-e. M*o Pickles, Pepper j -auce, Worceslcr-hire -am e. French prepared Mu-tnrd. common Mustard la (an: and by tin !h. at FOX'S. \r.\r or rradforh couxtv./■ ■ t iirfva! mra mi irt r.i! * '' . fy, tmadf tatdfr Utedirection nf ./. li • BARKER- j subscriber wi!? publish -in :Iy N: ■AN •: LET*. MA ' OF BXADFORII ('III-XTV. TIN- surveys an notr MPPV**- I All the Politic Road*. Railroads, fostWBJ. '•V" I ','" ■ Churches, S< hool Houses, St' res, si: Mills, Fli® land Public Houses, Ac., are to l>e dnwntwt the Mil ' addition to the li*u,il topography of Kb r- • ' k-. • ■■■> I and Mountains. ThtOHUMul tfcc puberty huHwi®' : erally, including those in the County who sow tiwtwe to the Map, arc at t>hehistrti 'l:::theirnV' live places. , | M VPS OF THE PRINCIPAL VILLAGES. ■ * i Wcale. will lie inserted in the margin. Abo rir*>"' P® I lie buildings ami private resilience*. . . i No more Map* will he published than .mbsenl"' • • and at only one price. _ . I The Map will contain mine It or IS rejnare .ret. t* enslaved and delivered t<- and mounted. WIIXIAM A BARKHB, P™ North Hector, N. V.. May J-. GEORGE H. WOOP'S Dagncrrran k (Jlass Ficliirt 1 (i:iil<Tf. IX PATTON* NEW lil.'TK r n-, • : M I !, .lift* ?-ts., r.i.. i< tin 1 • , Pit TP RES, (usually called Anii rotyjw-> ■"> superior to all other'hiinh of pictures. Haviagne tion, they can he seen in any position, an 1 r. "' in much less time than I*agucrreotypt-. ot'.n e' t ill cloudy as clear weather. ... j, 4Z*.Vjimatures put into Locket-. '! ■ el ; " usual. Rooms open at all hours. Pictures put"! notice. Towamla. January 22. 1 - ti. - RAILROAD 1101 SL TCWANDA, PA. IVSOSES T. CAH2UER. Proprietor. f IMIK I'prprieter havintt recently lc.i-i ■' ! l ' T t . I familiarly known as the OI.M M i h"u.v ite in the lower portion of this village.'" 1 ; j ~ - pleasure in informing the public tint tic- • • • thoroughly fitted up. painted. papered. S cd with good furniture, with other imp •'•••' .' ( | the convenience and accommodation ot cit /' j vidler*. , that fr"" j And further, the proprietor hog* leave , I the experience he has had in tho hu-ii c- , .j ~ ■ sell that he is eapahle of catering to the > _■ ,' t .. ; . will favor him with their patronage. " tion to please the most fastidious at a.- • j n jo.i'. The most accommodating assistant* am- I .' j dance. Please rail and try us. I Towanda, May It, 185 S. nil MOTH Y SEED -A < 1 the tore of JN H J J. D. HUMPHREY 1-S Now REP El VI N Gan excellent " 'I'J boy's, ladies', children*!. nnd misses " . _• ' ES. Also. Shoe Pegs. Thread. Linings ~..u which he invites public attention. n otes <■ 1 Ait;' All person* lm\ inir # t the subscriber. are invited I" make pa. •• ' ' ... i in ... 1 veiiii :it may call on ('. I'risl.ie. E-p -r l- a t ..- 1 Orwell, previous to the lath of Fcl r •• v ']'. ~ \ time delinquents may expect special \jpHRET rowanda. J * Towanda. January 1. IS.SS. , VU EXCUSE FOR lU ?!,'u 1 !"r-diTES J.\ If you procure of Ml.. "• South store in the tVard House. ...iivpHß. THE I.N I' Al.i.llSlF X FA>d J. 0 "', Vs Ivpialh adapted to I .nave-. Ib-t • -" f , ;„, N ~f '*• . .. Idt< 1 ' '■ ■' ' ' P s.* CiikiUiitirr for luinpliug l*uocln , Frit • - j -Huts.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers