Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 12, 1856, Image 1

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T( OA:
gatnrban fllorninn, 3nln 12, 1838.
jwlfcttb Ipoctni.
(From the Evening Post.]
Wli" like tt riiinff. base and low,
< aiii<' twhrrously P" n Lis foe.
UiJ -tuuiKil liiin with a murderous blow?
Preston Brooks.'
Wh ". sent, his country's laws to make,
\nd bunl to obey them for her sake.
Fared her- and Honor's laws to break ?
Preston Brooks!
Who, in the Senate s hall of state,
pared wreak his vengeful coward hate,
Striving to -title free debate- ?
Preston Brooks!
Who when hi- victim senseless lay,
i hi and inanimate as clay.
Hi- brutal hand refused to stay?
Preston Brooks !
purh a- the traitor Arnold's stain,
V, ... jiln. j,-il his country to sustain.
Yet -dd her cau-c for hate and gain!
l'rc-ton Brooks!
Ih ! deeper *ti!l -hall is- /Ay -ha lire,
\ darker cloud ii[>ou thy name,
Wko-c deed destroys thy country's fame !
Pre.-tou Brooks!
And far and near the tale shall reach !
p li-ti aing despot- gladly teach,
XL, jjnet of liiielty of speech!
Pre.-tou Brooks!
• ;sl I'ireliiur with the circling sun.
l a ■ ;-h future years thy name shall run,
; , d "tlli the scorn that thou hast won,
Aa i e , ipicl with a land undone!
Preston Brooks!
Sketch of the Life of
loluiK'l Jiilni C. Fremont.
Vi.-.-r- Sheldon, Hlakeman & Co. Xew
' ,iy, have just published an excellent
.lolngic.d school history of the United
- • - from the jteh of Elizabeth IV lYabody;
: f.'niirst'of which we find an account of
■aro r of Col. John ('. Fremont, which will
■mi at this time with peculiar interest. It
-v. the writer's account of President Polk's
nitration. It is worthy of remark in this
xion, that Miss Pea body is the sister-in
. >! Mr Pierce's distinguished biographer,
Nathaniel Hawthorne.J
In January, Is! it, Captain J C. Fremont,
*3'j the year before had been ordered by the
tt-r Department to explore a southern route
ii.-igun. arrived upon the frontiers of Cali
a. witli a party of engineers. Knowing
' " relations between the United States
j Mevi! .1 were in a delicate |.sition, and
'•it i n authorities of the latter were very
- : Americans, lie took the precaution
ve his party, and go alone to Montcrev ;
•v.'i, iht- I. nited States consul, .Mr.
ii. lie called upon the commanding gener
isiro, and made known to him his peace
•■ e i.iai-iun ; receiving express permission
1 iiier in the valley uf San Joachim, where
j.:. uty <if game, and no inhabitants to be
! After recruiting his party, he pro
bwnrd. and, on the .Id of March, on
' i witi.m fifty miles of .Monterey, where,
-uipri.-e. he received a peremtorv order
I a.-iro to leave the country atonce. At
' "k no notice of this order, as he had
-' • ii" ueea-ioii for any hostile demonstra
te when lie heard that General ('astro
l ' realiy in pur-nit of him, he fortified his
with log- of wood, upon u high hill, and
be I sited States flag ; and there, ill
4 "'ivhr.ue attitude, virtually defied the
is to do their worst. From his camp
with hi- spyglass that an attack
I'sparatton, and he also received from
IbiKiii a letter, telling him of Castro's or
' drive him from the country. The mes-;
- *bo carried back Fremont's answer to'
■ ' b w'.aeh was that he and his party should i
o themselves to the last man) added,from 1
'"gge-tion, that " two thousand men
• • lii'al.le to drive Captain Fremont
jiuMtiou. A similar impression seems
•ikeii (Hisse-sion of Castro himself, for
/ u ntiire to attack him ; and, after
■b ) waiting, Captain Fremont left his
s and proceeded on his exploring ex
.< 'astro followed afar off,
• did not dare to come up with
b .laving picked up a few cast-awav
".' iU deserted log-fort, he returned
making a proclamation full of
'.ii' ( ' ( ; c ' ar4n S that he had driven away
I'igtway robbers !
' following May, when Captain Fre
' Hiramped on the Greater Tlamath
surprised at the arrival of two
( w ' lo 'old him that Lieutenant
' l }')' hostile Indians. Captain
. 'uinediutelv broke up his camp und
Aril. assistance, and met him after
f Gillespie delivered him
simple introduction from Mr. Bu
:f; '''Mary of State, and family letters
"rntnn I nder all the circumstances,
C, , ut "nderstnnd that Lieut. Gilles
'f '"- v r - Hiu-hanau as an
and this the geutle
informingCapt. Fremont
- "I'nnent wished him to return to j
, Hequaint himself with the dis
y ■' inhabitants, and the designs of
' i,, ' - 1 7 e conutiy ; and, if they i
*° counteract them.— I
i„, " 1 alifornia, which was imine- ,
. " !r vallp y °f the Sacramento I
•' w cxeitement, for all the Aracri- ■
, ~on ordered out of the country, j
' ! "' i with massacre, and the ;
■ inp- The arrival of 1
Captain Fremont inspired tiiein with a hope of
defending themselves ; they expected every mo
ment to be attacked by the Indians, who had
been excited against them ; and they besought
him to take the direction of the defence. The
danger of the American settlers was imminent,
and their enemy was also his own. lint he did
not know that the Mexican war was began.—
It was impossible for him to communicate with
the authorities at home ; yet, unauthorized,he
could not commit the United States govern
ment, by commencing hostilities in its name.—
Hut his heart bled for his distressed country
men, and he made up his mind that, at all risks
to himself, he must embrace their cause. He
communicated his feelings to his party, who all
joyfully acceded to his views ; Lieut, Gillespie
also, lie theu advised the Americans to raise
the Hear flag at Sonoma (for they had no right
to that of the United States), and under it the
great battle of Sacramento was fought, and all 1
the country north of the Hav of San Francis- j
co was conquered. Independence was formal-j
ly declared July nth, 1848, and (.'apt. Fremont,
by the general voice, was put at the head of
affairs. 1 a the letter which he wrote to his
father-in-law, Senator Benton, and which is in
print, he expresses his confidence that the Uni
ted States government would sanction his
course ; but, if it should not, he was prepared
to resign his commission.
With one hundred and sixty riflemen he now
started from Souorna in search of Castro, who
was entrenched south of the bay, at Santa
Clara. On the 10th ot July, being on his way,
lie learned that Commodore Sloat had taken
possession of Monterey on the 7th ; from which
he thought war had begun between Mexico and
the United States, lie therefore immediately
pulled down the Hear flag, and raised the stars
and stripes.
Commodore Sloat was acting under orders
received the year before from the Navy De
partment, the Secretary (Bancroft) having di
rected that as soon as lie should know that war
was declared against Mexico, he should take
possession of California. Hearing of the ex
ploits of Capt. Fremont in the north, he sup
posed that he must be acting under orders from
the government. This appears from his own
letters to Capt. Montgomery, in which he ex
pressed a hope that Fremont would approve of
what they were about to do, and join them.—
Capt. Montgomery, at Sloat's order, took pos
session ol Verba Bueua (now San Francisco),
at once hoisting the United States flag, with
out opposition, in the public square. Commo
dore Sloat, at the same time, wrote to Capt.
Fremont, telling him what he had done, and
requesting his co-operation ; in consequence of
which, Captain Fremont forthwith repaired to
Monterey, and put himself and his riflemen un
der Sloat's command ; but told him, at the
same time, that he had received no order from
Washington, but had acted on his ownrespon
Commodore Sloat was ill, (he had already
asked leave of absence on that account,) und
he was worried by this communication. He
therefore very gladly resigned his command to
Commodore Stoekton, who arrived at this mo
ment (Julv 23d) to relieve him.
Commodore Stoekton, finding the state of
the affair, had no hesitation about continuing
the conquest of California ; ami to Commo
dore Sloat's proclamation, which had promised
the conquered, under the protection of the Uni
ted States, a better government than Mexico
had ever given them, he added another, threat
ening war upon any who should molest Ameri
can citizens. Capt. Fremont and Lieut. Gilles
pie were both, by their own appointments un
der government, independent of Com. Stock
tun, ami Fremont actually was,by the )>opular
voice, at the head of affairs. But both of them,
without hesitation, with their one hundred aud
sixty riflemen, put themselves under Stockton,
and from this momeut obeyed him implicitly ;
having no other interest than that of the Uni
ted States. The victory on the plains of Sali
nas soon followed.
On the 2oth of July, Capt. Fremont sailed
from Monterey in the Cyane, in order to in
tercept the retreating general, Castro ; Castro
and Governor Pico did not, however, dare to
encounter him, but fled across the desert to
Sonora, more than two hundred miles ! Capt.
Fremont and Cora. Stoekton then joined their
forces, aud marched to Los Angelos, the capi
tol of the Californias, and took possession of it,
without opposition. On the 22d August, Cali
fornia was iu the undisputed possession of the
United States.
Two days after (the 24th), Fremont was
appointed millitary commandant of the Terri
tory by Coin. Stockton, who charged hiiu to
enlist a sufficient force to garrison the country.
On the 28th, he wrote to the government, as
well as to Major Fremont, that he intended to
appoint hiin governor. This despatch, with
others, President Polk, in his annual message
of 184(5, laid before Congress with these words :
" Our sqnadron in the Pacific, with the co-op
eration of a gallant officer of the army,* and a
small force hastily collected in that distant
country, have acquired bloodless jiossession of
the Californias."
It is important to remark, that, two days
after Com. Sloat took possession of Monterey,
the British admiral, Seymour, had arrived ;
and had he not found the I"nited States flag
flying at Monterey, lie would have planted the
British. Maj. Fremont found, in the archives
of the government at Los Angelos, business
papers, showing that the Missions had been
hurriedly sold to British purchasers at the
very time that he was fortifying himself at first;
and that an Irish priest (McNamara) was in
treaty for the whole beautiful valley of Joachim,
which was to be settled by an Irish colony,
under British protection. These papers are
all in print. As Com. Sloat had been deter
mined to take Monterey, by hearing of Capt.
Fremont's exploits, and Com. Stockton, when
he arrived, was still ignorant of the beginning
of the Mexican war, but acted on the success
which bad alreadj been obtained, it is plain that
Fremont was in every sense the person to whom
the United States owes the jiossession of Cali
'Munini i "I'idi ! I tem"!"
Hut all was not done yet. An insurrection
broke out in the south of California, soon af
ter Major Fremont left Los Angelas, the ene
my all at ouoe realizing that, in point of num
bers, " a little one had chased a multitude 1"
Lieut. Gillespie, with his very small garrison,
was then obliged to retire to Monterey ; and
Major Freraout, instead of being able to"go San
Francisco on the 24th of October, as Commo
dore Stockton ordered him to do, to be installed
governor, went into the valley of the Sacra
mento to eulist an army to suppress the insur
rection. At this moment General Kearney
arrived. This officer, on the breaking out of
I the Mexican war, had been ordered by the
government to leave Fort Leavenworth, where
he was stationed, and go and conquer New-
Mexico ; theu to proceed to California, con
quer it, organize a government for it, and him
self take the office of governor, lie had brave
-1 ly executed the first part of these instructions,
aud was proceeding to Californio, when he met
the celebrated trapper, Kit Carson, with the
despatches from Commodore Stockton to gov
ernment, announcing the Conquest of Califor
nia. lie sent on his despatches by another
person, and retained Carson as guide, on ac
count of his experience in the Indian country,
it was not until after the insurrection had bro
ken out that he arrived in California, when he
encountered the enemy, flushed with their first \
success of driving Lieut. Gillespie from Los
Angelos to Monterey. He had a battle with
them at San I'asqual, in which eighteen of his
men fell, and as many more were wounded.—
lie then wrote Com. Stoekton, that he was
entrenched on a rocky eminence near San Pas
qnal, surrounded by the enemy. Stoekton sent
Lieut. Gray, with two hundred and fifty men, :
to his relief ; and, on their approach, the be- j
siegers abandoned the field, and left the relief
party to return, unmolested, with Gen. Kear
ney and his dragoons. Gen. Kearney then
communicated to Com. Stockton his instruc
tions from the government ; but Com. Stock
ton did not feel .himself compelled to give np
the chief command, especially as the spirit of
the instructions seemed to be, that the con- ;
queror of California should he its governor.—-
Gen. Kearney did not insist, but placed him
self under Stockton's command, and his dra
goons helped to make up his force of six hun
dred men, who joined Fremont and entered Los
Angelos, after the victory of San Gabriel, and
a still more remarkable one, on the plains of
Meza, where the Americans, drawn up in a
Email square, phalanx-like, conquered the
Spanish Califoruians, whose onset, however,
with the finest cavalry in the world was very j
brilliant. " i
With a small body of men, Mnjor Fremont
afterward embarked, according to Com. Stock
ton's orders, for Santa Barbara ; but on his
way, hearing that in all South California onlv
( San Diego was left in the hands of the Araeri-
I cans, and that no horses could be procured
there, he returned to Monterey, to mount his
men and march overland. He" arrived October
:!7th, and was agreeably surprised to learn that
the President had appointed him Lieutenant-
Colonel in the United States Armv. It was
unsolicited by him, or by any of his friends ;
find it sanctioned all that he had done from
the first, (lie had done it with so little as
surance of being approved by government—
though he hoped that his country would bear
him out—that he had sent to Col. Benton,
with the account of what he had done, a re
signation of his commission, to be given iu, if
the government had disapproved.)
In December, Col. Fremont, at the head of
four hundred mounted men, commenced his
march southward, and on his wav surprised
aud took possession of San Louis Ovispo,where
I he found Hon Jesus Pico, who had been made
, prisoner on the plains of Salinas, but had bro
ken his purolc, and was at the head of the in
surrection ! He was tried by a court martial,
aud condemned to death ; but was pardoned
by Col. Fremout--a wise act, by which he was
attached to the latter forever after, in faithful
service ; and the hearts of his friends, among
whom was the governor, Pico, were won. Col.
Fremont " being satisfied," as he wrote to Sen
ator Benton, in another private letter, " that
it was a great national measure to unite Cali
fornia to the Union, ns a sister state , by a vol
untary expression of the popular will, proceed
ed with great wisdom and forbearance, and
marched all the way to Los Angelos, four hun
dred miles, without spilling a drop of blood,
but " conquering a peace," by clemency and
justice. At Coucnga he found the enemy in
large force, and sent word to them to lay down
their arms. They demanded a conference. In
company with his new friend, Don Jt sus Pico,
he went to their camp alone, anil found theni
ready to capitulate. Terms were agreed upon,
that were subsequently sanctioned by Commo
dore Stockton ; and later, by the United States.
Ample testimony proves the popularity of Col.
Fremont among the native, as well as Ameri
can Califoruians, from this moment.*
Hut the dispute concerning the chief com
mand, between General Kearney and f'onimo- 1
dore Stoekton, produced difficulties. The day
after Col. Fremont was installed Governor,
Gen Kearney and Commodore Stockton gave
to him exactly contradictory orders respecting
the organization of California corps. It was
an attempt on the part of General Kearney,
to try the question of relative power with Com.
Stockton, and does not seem to have origina
ted in any ill-will to Col. Fremont ; Gen. Kear
ney expressing to Col. Russell, at the same
date, that he should make Col. Fremont go
vernor, if he had the chief command.
Col. Fremont replied to his order in writing,
that if he and Com. Stockton would agree be
tween themselves which was the commander
in-chief, he would obey the superior officer ;
but uutil that matter was settled, which he
had no power to decide, he felt himself obliged
to continue to obey the commander uudcr whom
the whole war had been conducted.
Failiug to obtain from Col. Fremont aid in
his plan of putting Com. Stockton in the
wrong, Kearney transferred his resentment to
Col. Fremont. But this did not clearly aj>
jiear uutil after Col. Fremont had returned, in
company with him, to Fort Leavenworth,when
he ordered him to be arrested, aud charged him
" REKARDLESS of denunciation from any quarter."
with mutiuy, disobedience to orders, and irregu
lar conduct 1
A court-martial was summoned, and before
it, in bis testimony, he attempted to fasten on
Col. Fremont a dishonorable charge of corrupt
The defence of Col. Fremont is before the
country. The documents, connected with the
trial, are the only history of the war yet in
print, and the above narrative is a meagre ab
stract of those papers.
The court-martial convicted Colonel Fre
mont of every charge made, and sentenced him
to be dismissed the service ; but in considera
tion of his patriotic conduct and services, re
commended him to the lenient consideration of
j the Executive.
Mr. Polk signed the sentence, with the ex
pression of an opinion, that, though Col. Fre
mont might be, according to strict military
etiquette, technically guilty, he had deserved
so well of his country as to be entitled to re
ward rather than punishment ; and tendered
to him his sword, and the high office which hud
already been conferred upon him.
Hut Col. Fremont declined it, and returned
to California, where he remained as a private
citizen, until elected to the United States Sen
ate, by an overwhelming vote of the new stute j
of California.
In the interval, Gen. Taylor had appointed
him commissioner to run the boundary line be
tween Mexico and California, which he onlv
held long enough to express his grateful ap
preciation of the feeling from which the ap
pointment had been made. Gen. Taylor had '
not agreed with the sentence of the court-inar- :
Unquestionably, both Col. Fremont and
Commodore Stoekton were irregular iu doing
what they did. without knowing that war had
commenced. But in spirit they were acting in
obedience to the country, a part of which they
were. It is only in the United States that
such a thing could be done. It offended the
army, but not the people ; and Folk, iu his
courtesy to the condemued officer, expressed
the verdict of the heart of the country upon
the whole-hearted patriot.
Col. Fremont made no wild, marauding at
tempt for his own purjioses ; but at the risk of
everything to himself, took up the cause of his
suffering countrymen, at a moment when the
only alternative was to leave them to perish
under causeless violence. It is absurd to name
it in the same day with the filibustering at
tempts which have been so rife since.
Mr. Dayton's Acceptance of his Nomi
Immediately after the adjournment of the
Convention, says the N. Y. Tribune, the New
Jersey Delegates proceeded to Trenton, the
residence of Win. L. Dayton, the nominee for
Vice President, and were met at the station
by a large number of citizens. A procession
was formed headed by the Trenton Brass Band,
and bearing the National Flag, with the names
of Fremont and Dayton inserilied on its folds.
The Delegation proceeded to Mr. Dayton's
house. On the arrival of the procession Mr.
Dayton appeared on the portico, and was re
ceived with immense enthusiasm.
He was addressed by Ed. W. Whelpley,
Esq.. on behalf of the Delegation.
When the applause that greeted Mr. Whelp
ley's remarks hud subsided, Mr. Dayton said
that it was with feelings that he could not ex
| press that he had listened to the announcement
; just made. It was to him utterly unexpected.
The unsolicited honor, however, he felt and du
ly appreciated, not on his own account only,
but 011 behalf of his State. It was an honor
to Jerseymen. For the last few years, though
engaged in the avocations of private life, he
had been a not inattentive observer of the
course cf events. He could say with empha
sis tliut his principles had not changed. He
stood now in reference to the great leading is
sues of the country as in times past. He held
that the Constitution protects Slavery where
it is, but carries it nowhere ; that in the lan
guage of the day Freedom is national, and
Slavery sectional. He had carefully examin
ed the platform of principles upon which the
nominations took place, and to it and all its
parts he could give a cheerful and cordial as
sent. The repeal of the Missouri Compro
mise was, in his judgment, a most unwarrant
able breach of good faith, pregnant with un
told mischief, and to be remedied by every
just and constitutional means in our power.
Kansas had, us she deserved, his heart-felt sym
pathy. Her citizens and their rights had been
trodden down in a matter unexampled in a
free government. Justice to her and to them
demanded her admission as a Free State of
the I'nion. It was expedient and proper, too,
he said, as a mode of calming down the exas
perated feelings of the country by terminat
ing its cause.
The admission of California into the Union
as a State, her unprecedented growth, outrun
ning and distancing his own most sanguine ex
pectations, seem now to demand increased fa
cilities of communication. A roadway from
the West to the Far West will be a ligament
binding to the I'nion both extremes. It will
will tend to consolidate more firmly the last
ing Union of the States—a Union such as our
fathers made, based on equality of rights. It
will tend, too, to increase the interior com
merce of the country, and to develope still
more largely the resources of that magnifi
cent State upon our Western borders. The
improvement of rivers and harbors are special
ly approbated by the Constitution to the
(jJeneral Government ; and whether our com
merce floats upon our coast, our rivers or lakes
it is due to the lives of our citizens, as well as
their property, that the Government should
provide for their safety. He trusted that the
people would lay aside all minor differences
and come up manfully to the work—yielding
to one another freedom of conscience—free
dom of speech—equality of rights—but claim
ing—nay exacting the suine for ourselves. In
conclusion, he added that he had the honor to
know the man selected by the People's Con
vention a.> the chief &tandaid-bea.->cr of the cn
uing campaign He \*a a ruau of great in '
telligeaee, enlarged capacity, and indomitable
energy. The inan who had so often ascended
the heights of the Rocky Mountains, and look
ed into the then unknown depths of the great
basin, wus the very man to look to the heights
and sound the depths of the political corrup
tion of the times. He knew, too, the adver
sary, Mr. Buchauan. With him, or with his
associate, he could have no personal issues.—
Let us, as far as possible, soften the acerbity
of the contest ; let ns have no controversy
with persons, but platforms. It is a question,
not of men, but of principles ; aud these pi iu
eiples are to be finally settled in this campaign.
At the conclusion ol' Mr. Dayton's remarks,
the crowd sent up three hearty cheers for the
ticket, which were followed by three cheers
for Kansas, three for California, and three for
New Jersey.
The procession then re-formed and returned
to the depot, where they met the down train
to New-York. They were joined on the plat
form bv nil the delegates on board, and nine
hearty cheers were given for the ticket, and
three for New Jersey, while the train remain
ed at the dejMjt. One hundred guns were be
ing fired during the same time.
Mf. Dayton is about fifty years of age, of
fine form and commanding appeaeance, and
seemed to be in excellent health and spirits.
At New Brunswick another demonstration !
was made, the train being met by a number of ,
citizens and cheers given for the ticket,
Throughout the State the same enthusiasm
was manifested, and when the boat reached
the dock at this city three parting^cheers were
given for " Fremont and Dayton."
The Issue. —For the first time in the his
tory of the country, the Presidential election
is to turn on the issue of Freedom against sla
very. Slavery has been making aggressions
and increasing its power and extending its in
fluence and area, until it has become so for
midable, and so arrogant and imperious in its
demands, that the free North has at length
aroused herself to resist the gathering and ad
vancing evil. Such a contest was inevitable
at some not distant time, but it has been sud
denly aud unexpectedly forced upon the coun
try by the wickedness and imbecility of the
present administration, as a servile tool in the
hands of the Oligarchy.
James Huchunau is the chosen leader of the
Slave Extcnsiouists. He has willingly and
squarely placed himself on the Platform con
nected by the Oligarchy, and the issue presen
ted has been accepted by him und all his
friends. So far the field is clear. lie that
runneth may read.
The nominee of the opposition, whoever lie
may be, will represent the cause of Freedom
—Freedom to Kansas, and all other Territo
ries of the United States, and Freedom from
the domination iu the Government of the Oli
garchy of three hundred thousand Slaveholders.
The question at issue conies home to every
citizen of the Frcej States. What family is
there that docs not contemplate the emigration
of one or more of its members to the fruitful
prairies of the illimitable West? If Kansas
is cursed with slavery, that garden spot of the
continent, with all the regions South aud West
of it, will be debarred to the citizens of the
Free States, aud they will be driven to the
barren and inhospitable regions of the North.
We say debarred, for we suppose that few per
sons educated to prize the blessings of equali
ty and liberty in the Free States will consent
to take the position of the " poor whites " of
the South, who are regarded as a lower caste
by the lordly slave masters. The question is
thus one of immediate personal interest to the
free white inhabitants of the Northern States.
James Huehanan represents the principles
which, if successfully carried out, deny to the
free horn citizens of Pennsylvania the patrimony
purchased for them, and guarantied to them,
by the Fathers of the Republic. This patri
mony the slave masters arc trying to snatch
from the grasp of its rightful owners, the chil
dren of the Farmers aud Mechanics of Penn
sylvania and of other Free States, and J times
Huchuiian is the selected agent to carry out
this nefarious design and he has accepted the
task willingly, joyfully, and to the entire ale
uegation of his own personality. He no lon
ger speaks as James Huehanan, the Pennsyl
vanian, but as tlie pro-shivery candidate of the
oligarchy, standing oil a platform of principles
in direct opposition to the honor, the interests
and the fair fame of this commonwealth.
This is the true state of the question, in its
naked hideousness, stripped of the verbiage
which has lieen hypocritically thrown around
its utter deformity. Mr. Buchanan is willing
ly the accepted candidate of the slave-extend
ing power, he represents that power, and not
the people or interests of Pennsylvania to have
slavery extended to Kansas, and the regions
west of it. and that it is also to her interest to
have the |ower of slavery built up to the de
gradation aud injury and demoralization of
her own citizens. Freedom against Slavery
—Buchanan stands as the champion of the
latter. Freemen of Pennsylvania ; will you
not range your on the side of Freedom ! We
cannot doubt it.
A Virginia paper has lately blown a
vor noisy blast in adulation of Senator Doug
las. It compares him to Mount Chimbarazo—
and thinks he towers above other men as that
mountain docs above inferior hills. Whereupon
John Went worth, of the Chicago Democrat,
who knows Douglas " like a Iwiok," says the
" Little Giant" does resemble Chiinborazo, or
some of its neighboring peaks. But with this
difference, however : While they are pouring
lava uj>, Douglas is pouring it down
S££*- A little boy, while writhing under the
tortures of an ague, was told by his mother to
rise and take a powder she had prepared for
him. " Powder ! powder !" said he, raising
himself on one elbow, and puttiug on a smile,
" mother I aiu't a gun."
A printer never onjrlit to hark out from
an " alT.iir ot honor " LE< JU c lit i: skilled in
the '.i e of Aioutinar
VOL. XVII. —XO. 5.
Washington and Fremont.
The Bucanicr press of Boston have conclud
ed that their original points of attuck against
Col. I'retiiout were not well taken ; that they
can never succeed in making any one bclicv
that he is either a Catholic or a Frenchman
they now say : First—' That he lacks legisla
tive experience ; B#on4 That he has never
distinguished himself, except as a surveyor and
explorer ; and, TJiird—Tlml he is opposed to
the Kansas-Nebraska bill. These are precise
!v the three reasons why these same gentle
inea, if they had lieen contemporaries of Col.
Washington, would have opposed his taking
the command of the American arinv and COII
i ducting the revolution of '76 to a" successful
I issue. Washington had been distinguished 011-
I ly as a surveyor and explorer of new territory,
! and far less distinguished in that respect than
j Fremont ; he never sat in utiy legislative body
j in his life, and never held an executive office
' till lie was President. He was likewise oppos
-1 ed to the extension of slavery, which he did
not hesitate to pronounce a curse to tin; coun
try and gave his official approval to the ordi
nance of 17 IS 7.
We have frequently had occasion to state
that if W ashiiigton or Jefferson were alive
J now, neither could get the appointment of tide
; waiter from the federal government, but we
( hardly supposes] that circumstances would eon
! spire together so favorably as they have done
to prove the fact. The great body of voters
who will support Mr. Buchanan at the coming
election would not vote for George Wnshing
| ton if he were now a candidate before the peo
j pie, and it is equally certain that, if they had
! lived in the last century, and had had a vote
j on the adoption of the Declaration of indc
i pendence, it would have been east iu the uegu
' tive.— Evening Post.
predictions with which Col. Benton was wont
quite frequently tocntertaiu his intimate friends,
begins to acquire a degree of interest just now'
; which does not ordinarily attach to the pro
phetic dreams ol politicians, however cmiueut.
In descanting upon the various talents and
virtues of his son-in-law, Mr. Fremont, than
whom no person engrossed more of his pride or
thoughts, he was always accustomed to con
clude with the remark "that the young hero
was destined some day to be tlie President of
this country ; that he hail just thequulitiesfor
a great President, and could not fail of reach
ing the eminence for which they so peculiarly
litted him.
These predictions, when made, were regard
ed, by many, merely as pardonable ebullitions
of paternal pride, and nothing more ; but the
events of the last few weeks, and the enthusi
astic echoes which the nomination of Mr. Fre
mont, at Philadelphia and in thi* city, have
awakened iu every quarter of the Union, justify
the belief as well as the hope that the election
in November will prove that Col. Benton, if
not a prophet, is, or at least once was, an ex
cellent judge of the kind of timber from which
Presidents are made.
It was not revealed to him. however, in anv
of his spiritual exultations, that he would be
of the number of those who would oppose the
verification of his prophecy. That, however,
is a circumstance which only renders the pro
phecy more marvellous.— Post.
riding along in disguise, and seeing a soldier
i at a public house door, stopped and asked the
soldier to drink with him ; aud while they were
talking the King swore.
The soldier said. " Sir, 1 ura sorry to hear
a gentleman swear."'
His majesty took no notice of it and soon
i swore again.
The soldier said, " Sir, I'll pay part of the
, pot if you please, and go : for 1 hate swearing
so, that if you were the Kiug himself, 1 should
' tell you of it."
*' Should you indeed V sstid the King.
44 I should," said the soldier.
His majesty said no more but left hint. A
( while after, the King having invited some of
his lords to dine with him, the soldier was sent
j for ; ami while they were at dinner, he was
' ordered into the rootu to await awhile. I're
j sently the King uttered an oath ; the soldier
j immediately, but with great modesty said :
j '• Should not niv lord, the King fear an
j oath."
The King looked lirst at the lords, and then
at the soldier, said :
"There my lords, is an honest man ; he can
respect fully remind me of the great sin of
swearing ; but you can sit and let me send my
soul to hell by swearing and not as much us
tell me of it."'
| upon to define, in the briefest possible terms,
: the difference betweeu the three candidates for
the Presidency now before the people, wo
should do it thus :
h remont is a Sensible Democrat ;
Huchanan is an Ostendsible Democrat, and
Fillmore un insensible Know-Nothing.
The NewA ork Ihiy Hunk, a Ibichanun
pajH.T, says : " The time is close at hand when
such statesmen as Sumner and Hale will have
justice, full justice done thorn, when, in short,
HO Abolitionist will be lynched as readily in
! Now A ork and Hostou as in Charleston or
. New Oilcans."
* There is a physician in Troy who now
, and then deals in a little sharp practice. -
! honcver business is dull lie gives a juvenile
party, and crams the rising generation with
pa-try and warm lemonade, that in less than
twenty four hours, a cholera morbus sets in
among " his young friends," that kcejis him
profitably employed for the next three mouths.
15-rjT Fast men, like fa.-t rivers, are general
ly the shallowest.
I fri*" There i- many a good wife whocainmt
I d (••• '. or . iie, r •> <.-!!