Capture of the Murderer of Poole. About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon news wa s received in the City that'the famous clipper (Jraite Shot was coming up the Bay, having on hoard Lewis Baker, the murderer of Bill Poole. The news created an unwonted excitement, and was the leading theme of conversation and con gratulation in every part of the town. The Grapeshot went from this port on the I gth of March, in search, and arrived at lalnios ou the 6th of April, and lay off and on ,|, e port until the 17th, wheu the brig Isabella Jcwett hence hove in sight, and the police oilkcrs went on board and arrested Baker with ,at difficult v. He now appears quite reconciled, ■Hid is in tlie best of health.— New York Tri bune. Agricultural. Our fellow townsman, It. M. WELLES, having cold out the Athens Agricultural Store and 'j' in Store, to Messrs. OVERTON & WHEELER, will devote his time for the coming season, to Mil,plying the enterprising Farmers of Bradford, Susquehanna, Luzerne, Wyoming, Tioga, and neighboring counties with Ketch urn's Mowers, ; J Reapers, Emery's Patent Changeable llorse Powers and Threshing machines Wheel ers Patent combined Thresher and Cleaner, Clover Ilullers, and numerous other important improvements upon the old system, of " hand labor" for Farming purposes. To every farmer in the United States, who has been in the habit of reading the Agricultural papers, for the past few years, the name of kdehum's Alower is familiar. It took the premium at the World's Fair at Loudon, in 1 <yl, also at the Crystal Palace, in New York in 1*53, and has remarkably sustained its reputation at all of the state and county Fairs were exhibited, as well as among the Farmers who have used it. This machine has been much improved since its first introduction, and it would seem that it has now reached the point of perfection. Biuce the last season the mowing machine has been greatly improved by constructing the entire frame and Cutter Bar, of wrought iron, j The scythe and other parts, have also been im proved. and at the same time, lessening the weight, 150 pounds. It is simple and strong in construction, and not liable to get out of repair. During the past year the Mower has been improved by the addition of a Reaper attach ment, making thereby a combined Mower and I'maper unrivalled in value, and of great utility to the Farmer. The change from a mower to a Reaper, is effected by simply enlarging the main wheel by circular sections bolted to the ; rim of the wheel, and bolting the platform, which lias a wheel underneath to support it to the cutter bar. Some of the advantages obtained bv this arrangement : First—Rais imr the cutters sufficiently high for cutting grain : Sen aid —Lessening the motion of the knives, without any change, of gearing, which is very desirable in cutting grain, as much less motion is required ; Third —Reducing the draft of the machine at least one third ; Fourth —Raising the cogs of the driving wheel, there by preventing them being filled with dirt, as flay otherwise would be, on stubble land ; Fifth —attaining the above named objects with • 'the least change of any part of the mower. Tiie two horse mower is warranted capable of cutting and spreading from ten to fifteen acres of avu hind of grass, standing or lodged, per (lav. The combined machine is warranted capable of minting the same amount of grain per day. The one horse Mower is warranted capable of cutting two-thirds as much as the two horse. Full description circulars, and all necessary information concerning all the machines sold, by Mr. Welles can be had of him at Athens, l'a., on application by mail or otherwise. — Athens Gazette. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES. —The Concord Statesman thus describes the leading Demo cratic aspirants for the Presidency '• Mr. Buchanan is too penurious, ami besides, cut his own throat bv signing the Ostend docu ment. General Cass has reached a garrulous "Id aire. If' in the Presidential Chair his Mes s-.ys would probably mahc from fifty toserenfy f.r< oilumas solid brevier Douglas, beside his Nebraska infamy, carries a sort of a sailor boarding-house odor about him caused by li quor and cigar-smoke." TUF. COAL BUSINESS ON THE CAYUGA A > >y. 11. It.—One day last week we passed •vor the Cayuga At iNUsq. R. R. in the Caboose of a Coiil train, which numbered 75 loaded ears, each carrying 5 1-2 tons of coal. The Conductor, Mr. Taylor, also informed us that in the 2") days preceding, there had gone over the road 2,537 cars carrying 13,954 tons of Anthracite Coal from the Coal beds at Scrauton! Owrgo (Jo :ette. BARGE FIRE IN SCRINO FIELD, III. —A most 'l.Mructive fire occurred at Springfield, Illinois, (ne 12th iu.-q., consuming the best business f"Vt.oii "f the city. On State House square tune of the finest stores were burned to the ground. The loss, which is put down at $150,- " ,l ". is mostly covered by insurance. The Greets are tilled with goods, and general con ~ rnation prevails. The tire is supposed to have buen the work of an incendiary. DROWNED.—The Union 2Vei os says: We ;;rn that a son of Mr. James Fosenbnrgh, about p; years, was drowned on Thurs day afternoon last, by falling into the mill race, at die Union Mills, while fishing. We hear l! he was subject to fits, and it is supposed a! he was taken with a fit that was the cause y'is death. His body was found the same (utcraoon. . RAILROAD BRIIM.E BURNED. —The Pennsylva "■? Railroad Bridge over the Juniata, at Bir '"■(gham, eighteen miles east of Altoona, was " troyed by tire on Sunday night. The lire A N doubles*, the work of an incendiary. FRANKLIN FIRE CO. NO.L.— The members Franklin Fire Company are notified to meet the Engine house,on Saturday evening, JUNE 2d, at 6 J o'clock. V By order of the Foreman, ,V - N T. BOG AST, Secretary. $\ MASONIC.— The regular meetings of UNION V •W'-OHOE, NO. 10S, A. Y. M., an held every Wed- I /\#\ °N OR preceding the full moon, at Maso- P"' 1 ' Hall, over J. Kingsbery's store. '... * ren in good standing are invited to attend. — H V * 'AT- LI' T MAY will occur on the 30th day. ; yiON CHAPTER, No. 161, holds its regular ai'i-jn '* u 4t 1 san,p place, Thursday on or before the full Meeting for May on the 31st day. E. H. MASON, Secretary. IFF* ,{ FU'. : I<>US NOTICE.— Kev.WX. M. DELONO . pieach at the Conrt. House, on fcahb&tii •- i <iva evening. at the usual hours, May 20,lSji, The Markets, May 16. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. FLOUR AND MEAL. —Breadstuffs of all des criptions are firm since the receipt of the for eign news by the Asia, and prices are higher. The only offerings are small lots for home con sumption at $lO 25 a $lO 50 for common and good brauds. Sales at $lO 50 a sll 50 per barrel for extra and fancy brauds. GRAIN'. —There is more demand for Wheat. Red is worth $2 52 ; and Penn'a white $2 63. Rye is scarce ; sales at $1 48 afloat. Corn is higher. Sales of Southern and Penn'a yellow at $1 09 afloat. Oats are selling at 63 cts. NEW YORK MARKET. FLOUR AXD MEAL. —There is a fair demand for Western at $lO 31 to $lO 50 ; Domestic $lO 25 to $lO 50 for common ; and sll 25 to sl3 for extra Genesee. Canadian is in request at $lO 50 to sl2 00 for extra brands. GRAlN —Wheat is firm at $2 55 to $2 65. Rye is held at $1 75 ; Oass are more plenty at 65c to 84c. Corn is a shade better ; sales at $1 15. Included in the sales are 40,000 bush. Western mixed for July delivery, at sl. Married, In this village, on Wednesday, May 16th, by Rev. J. M. PI.EBI.ES, GUY 11. XV ATKISS, Esq., Attorney at Law, and Miss MARIA A., daughter of Col. G. F. Mason. Died. Of Consumption. April 28th. 1855, at the residence of Rev. Selah Payne, SAMUEL HILBOKNE, in the 33d year of his age. Itev. SKLAH PAYNE is expected to preach a funeral dis course on the death of Mr. HILBOKNE at the Court House, on Sunday next. May 20th, at 1 o'clock, P. M. New fAOocrtiscmcHtg. NE W SP I! IN G G~OOT>¥. Tracy 6l Moore, HA\ E JUST RECEIVED from N. York a large and well selected assortment of SPRING ANI) SUMMER GOODS, which have been selected with unusual care, and purchas ed at the lowest possible rates. Feeling confident that we can sell Goods for Ready Pay. as low as an v establishment in the country, we a-k 'the public to give"us a call, and examine our stock and prices. May 17,1655. Of U | BBLS. SALT, just received and for —(V/V/ sale by May 16 TRACY & MOORE. Pair Warning to those Indebted. THIS TIMELY NOTICE is hereby given to all persons indebted to TRACY & MOORE, that all accounts on their books must be settled, and all debts due them be paid by the 25th day of May. This means just what it says, without respect to persons, as every per son neglecting this warning will ascertain. Mav 16,1655. TRACY & MOORE. I IST OF LETTERS remaining iu the Fost J Office at TO WAX OA May 15, 1815. Allen, Edward. M'Cord, Susan, llailey, Jeremiah. Munn. Bowen. Butler, James. 51 usher, Stella. Barnes, Alex. M'Carty, William. Bowman, Geo. Metcalf, Henry. Blackman Frank. Morse, Catharine. Boyle, Miss Ann. Madigan, John. Bind man, G. M. Meeker, Lute. Bee man, Miner. M'Donell, Maurice. 2 Burdick, Abr'in. Meeker, E. VV. Cloud, Eliza M. Ntwrnau, Henry. C'opasparker, Geo. O'Leary, Arthur. Cramer, Josiah, Overtoil, Levi. Crane, Josiah. Pease, Nathaniel. Calif!', 0. E. Pratt, Salome. Cowles. W. W. Pierce, Roda A. Coakly, Daniel. Pulver, Bartholomew. 2 Coleman, Mary. Patterson. Marinda. 2 Dohorty, James. Pialett, George. Dennis, ilary. Place, A. J. Dellum George. Piatt, Christopher. Dowries, Mary. Panaker, Silas O. Dohorty, Daniel. Roberts, Milton. Doborty, Mary. Ray, Jonn. 2 Horsy, Margaret. Smith, Riley. Easterbrooks, W. W. Smith, Cynthia J. Easterbrooks, Amelia. Swain, Mary. Foster, Frank M. Stevens, Jonathan. Forbes, Charles A. Simmons Julius J. Fowler, R. Shed, William C. Grosh, Joel. Skinner, D. S. Orencll, Rev. R. Safl'ord, B. C. Granger, Roderick. Stevens, Miss C. 11. Heman, Catherine. Slocinn Dr. E. M. 2 Hamilton, G. S. Spencer, S. S. Harrington. Mrs. Hannah. Spencer, W. H. Johnson, James. Steven-, Celinda. Jones, Sarah M. Sandy, William. I Jackson, Charles L. Sullivan, Micael. I Judson, Jeddiah. Specs, Roda A. | Kilmer, Cynthia. 2 Sihott. Mel ilia | Kuowlton, E. S. Trout, A. J. Kromer. Emanuel. White, Guy H. Keen, George L, Wilson. A." B. Lyon, Miss Augusta. White, Joseph N. Little, William P. Wclton, M. S. Lewis, Morga S. Milson, Julia Ann. Lewi', Miss F. E. C. Webb, Andrew. Landon. William 11. Wells & Bixby. Persons inquiring for letters will please sav adver tised. _ H. C. PORTER, P. M. . A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—W O. Gansan j lus, now to tlie u-e of Abiram Pierce vs. Abncr Graves. No. 220. Feb. T. 1852. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of said county, t > distribute funds raised bv rherilFs sale of defendant's ieal estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in the boro' of Towanda, on Tue-day the l'Jth day of June, at one o'clock ] P. M., when and where all persons having claims on said fund, must present them, or be forever debarred from any share of the same. D'A. OVERTON, Auditor. Towanda. May 15, 1855. Barclay Railroad 6l Coal Company. N r OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the subscribers in To wanda boro'and its vicinity to the Stock of the "BAR CLAY RAILROAD & COAL COMPANY,'"thatan instal ment of five dollars per share became due on the first day of May inst. according to the terms of their subscriptions, which is required to be paid forthwith to Kijwakd Ovku- TOS, Esq., the President, at Towanda. Also that tlie sec ond instalment of live dollars per share is required to he paid to the President of said Company at the same place, on or before the first day of June next. By order of the Board of Directors, May lb, 1855. GEG. R. G AT, Treasurer. IV oticc to Collectors of 1854. CIOI.I.ECTORS who have not previously received exon j orations on their duplicates of Militia taxes, aie noti fied that by an act recently passed by the Legislature, the Commissioners are permitted to grant exonerations to sucli as make make legal application previous to the first of July next. The Commissioners will be in session on .Saturday the 26th of May, for the purpose of hearing such as may apply. By order of the Commissioners. May 16, lsoj. L. M. I'AKKAK, Clerk. BRIDGE LETTING" SEALED PROPOSALS will he received at the Commis - loner's office until 12 o'clock, M., of Saturday. May 26, 1855. for the bnildiag of a Bridge across the Wv.dosing Creek, ut Camptown. Said Bridge is 158 feet long, single track, arched Truss. Plans and Specifications may he seen at the Commis sioner's office until the day of letting. Bv order of the Commissioners. May 16, 1855. _____ &M. F \RIt\R. Ctert. The Greatest Improvement of the Age ! CTOPDARD'S PATENT IMPROVED O SHINGLE MACHINE, for Riving, Shaving and Edg ing—capable of making from 12 to 20,000 per day; simple in construction, and not liable to get out of order, it is decidedly the best Machine tor making Shingle ever offer ed to the public. Those wishing liights or machines can apply to JOHN FROST, sole agent for Bradford and Sul livan counties. Pa. Rome, May B>. 18.55. NEW BPRI G& SUMMER GOODS. TOSEPH KINGSBEIIY is now receiving, *> from New York, a large, carefully selected and most desirable assortment of .\EIV SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Towanda, May 11, 1855. PURVEYING. —JAMES A. PAINE,Sur- O veyor for Bradford County, is prepared to attend to the above business in all Its' branches. His office is at Monrueton. All letters addressed to him at that place will meet with prompt attention. April 4, 1854. O - NE CENT REWARD. —Runaway from the,iber about the 26th ult, Wsi Rowe, a bound boy to the farming business, i therefore forbid ail persons harboring or trusting said boy on my account, as I will pay no debts of hU contracting. HENRY CLARK. Rome. March 1, 1855. p LOVER k TIMOTHY SEED.—sobush- V els Clover and Timothy Seed, just received, and for by tale feb-'i RATIFY & NEIINC. New QUtoertisemcnts. ST AGES will hereafter leave the Ward House, until further FOR WAVERLY— Leave at 2 o'clock, P. M., arriving in time to take the trains, east and west. Leave after the arrival of the morning trains, from the east and west. FOR TUNKHAXNOCK—Leave immediately upon the arrival of the Waverley stage, about 1, P. M. Arrive at Towanda, in time to connect with the stage for Waverlv. March 17,1865. SMITH A POWELL, Proprietors*. IMPORTANT TO LUMBERMEN. Agfife A RARE CHANCE—The un- SSgglgl dersigned offers for sale his undivided half part °- three tracts of land, containing about 1400 acres ; 1000 of which is heavily timbered with White Pine of a choice quality, having ou it a newly erected double STEAM MILL, just started and cut ting fluelv—capable of sawing 3,000,000 feet yearly, to which is attached a LATH MILL, and with power suffi cient to run a single machine, and pair of Burrs for chop ping feed, Ac. Tnc land is situated in Overton township, in the centre of the Coal and Iron region of Bradford County, and on it have been found large deposits of iron ore of a superior quality. This property to Luinliering men offers greater inducements than any other in Noruhcrn Pennsylvania, inasmuch as the timber lias never lieeu culled out. and lying as it does within 2.1 miles of the Barclay Coal Com pany Railroad, now in process of construction, and con necting by said Railroad, with the River s.ud Canal at this place. Persona desirous of viewing the premises will call on the subscriber at this place. A. EDWARDS. l'owauda,May 1, 185.5. NEW SPRING IXXTDS: rOSEPII POWELL would announce to *J the citizens of Bradford County, that he is now re ceiving a large, rich and varied assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goad*, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, and Glass Ware, Straw Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Car peting*. Yankee Notions. Paper Hangings, Fish, Paints and Oils ; and in fact, almost every article of merchan dize which the wants of the country requires, and is offer ing them for sale for CASH at prices which defy all com- 1 petition. He would particularly invite attention to his stock of LADIES DKES.S GOODS, consisting in part of ricliplaiu bl'k J and watered Silks ; ail wool Delaines ; plain and figured | innusliu delaines ; plain and figured Chaili delaines ; Dc- I Berges, Lawns, all prices ; printed Jaconetts, Organdies, i Berazes, all colors, together with an endless variety of j Ginghams, Prints, &c. &e. EMBROIDERIES AND L ICKS —Ladies embroidered and lace ! Collars. Sleeves, Handkerchiefs, Skirts,Chimezctts,Swiss j and Jaconette Bands and Flounces, Swiss and Jaconctte Edgings and Insertings, Maltese, Thread, Smyrna, bobbin i and Cotton Edgings, all widths; Brussellsi black and white silk Edgings, all widths and prices. WHITE GOODS —Plain and dotted Swiss Muslins. Jaco netts, Bishop Lawns, India, Book and Nainsook Muslins, Striped and Plaid Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, of all quali- ! ties. Ladies and Gents, linen H'd'k'fs.. silk and cotton blonds ; Bobbinett and fringed Laces, linens at great ly reduced prices. " HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS —Worsted, linen and worsted Damask, double ond single fold, cot Damask,bleached and unbleached table linens, bleached and unbleached Ja< quard diaper, worsted, embossed and colored damask liutu table spreads, bleached damask table cloths and napkins, all ; sizes; counterpanes, bleached and unbleached Muslins | from |to 10-4 vards wide. Drapery Muslins of different kinds, Crash, Scotch aud Russia diaper-, Ac. G LOVES AND HOSIERY —A complete assortment of Ladies i and Misses and Childrens' white, unbleached, mixed and , slate colored cloth Hose; Mens' anil boys' unbleached,' mixed and white cotton half hose ; ladies and gents black, white and colored kid gloves, best quality ; ladies kid fin ish and plain silk and li-.le thread do. ; ladies and misses long and short French filet mitts. SHAWLS AND M ANTILLAS —A large assortment of Spring Shawls aud Mantillas of new aud desirable styles. CARPETINGS of various styles and qualities. Rush mat tings, different widths. CLOTHS AND CASSIMEP.ES —'The largest stock of plain black and fancy Cloths and Cassimeri-f, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Linen and Cotton Summer Goods for mens' and boys'wear, ever exhibited in Northern Pennsylvania— purchased at greatly reduced prices, and offered for sale correspondingly low. Also, a good assortment of Nestings, Scarfs, Stocks, Cravats, Linen Collars, Ac. ith~ In purchasing his stock of Spring Goods, the sub scriber would say that the utmost care and economy has been exercised iu order to please his customers in style, quality of goods, and prices, to correspond with the times. Thanking the public tor the liberal patronage they have heretofore extended to him, he would respectfully solicit a call and examination of his stock bv those wishing to purchase. JOSEPH POWELL. Towanda, April 10, 1355. Two Companies !! Menagarie & Circus $ S. H. Howes, Proprietor. \ l j MYER'S A-MADIGAX'S f'l fj Celebrated Equestrian Troupe Without extra charge. Forming Two Exhibitions in One! > VIAAJ For one dav only, afternoon and eve- t uing. J. >l. Nixon, director of the fßm Combined. Exhibitions. At T< >WA XD A, MOXDAY, MAY HIV M. In this exhibition will be found the f| X uLS% two greatest Living Curiosities in the _ j 1 \ /Ril >... animal kingdom, viz:—a LIVING A" GIRAFFE and a LIVING RHINO CEROS, besides a full collection of j other Wild Beasts, all in the most j perfect health and condition. I.^. THE CIRCUS TROI'PE "s S* consists of the following acknowl- [ Clown JIM MYERS, K M iss ROSE M A DIG AX, The fearle-s. graceful and brilliant —' American artist, in her matchless scences of Equitation ; Messrs.King, gan. Master Madigan. Thompson and Professor Nixon, with his talented ( pSy j.upils, in all their achievements on The following rare and beautiful Animals are among the collection be longing to this Exhibition : /Q. (7N A Brazilian Tiger or South Ameri- Uff) J can Juguar ; two African Leopards ; s}vV ) two North American Hears; a pair of IV ipjfj English Deer; a beautifully marked / | fll Zebra; a Peruvian Lama; a White -gq— ML fll Camel ; a Kangaroo; besides a vurie , ty of the Monkey tribe. Parrots, Pe licans. Swans, Birds of Paradise, Ac. IP* 9 ' a#WS- E~ The EQUIPMENT and general alt OUTFIT of both the B&wrc Menagerie and Cirrus Troupes, s "^§l*/ have been got up this season in a £ \ style of elegance and a profusion of n, jjk. 7 r \t£, costly decorations hitherto unprece- The Riders and Gymnastic Artists ajfull description of whom will be found on the bills, are all belonging to the first class of their profession, of both sexes, and are known and distinguished as the "STAR TROUPE "of the United States. A full Military Brass Band accompanies the United Exhibition, and will play during the performances a variety of new and fashionable music. The Companies will enter Town in Grand Proces sion. about 10, A. M-. and alter passing through the prin pal streets, proceed to their Pavilion of Exhibition. Admission to see the Combined Exhibitions, 25 cents. Children under !• years of age half price. Doors open at 2 and at 7. Performances commence at half past two and a quarter to 8. npOWANDA & BURLINGTON PLANK A ROAD COMPANY.—The President and Managers of the Towauda and Burlington Plank Road Company, have, by a resolution passed this day, resolved to call in and collect the ballancc due on the stock subscription of this Road, payable to B. S. Russell. Treasurer—at the of fice of Messrs. LAPOUTE. MASON ACo., as follows: 25 per cent, on the first day of May, 1855, and the bal lancc on the first day of Jiilv, 1855. B. S. RUSSELL, Towanda, December 8, 1854. Sec. & Treasurer. WO JOIEE. "VfINE HUNDRED AN D NIN ET Y-NIN E _L i Men, in Bradford County in debt to us, that we want to pay their Judgment notes o"r accounts, which ever it may be, and we intend to have them do it, either by per suasion or by employing officers sufficient to collect of ev ery man immediately, without any exception or'respect to parsons, from the fact that the money belongs to our cre ditors, and we intend that they shall have it as soon as it can lie collected. HALL A RUSSELL. Towanda, April 20 1855. PLASTER. —100 tons Cayuga ground plas ter—2oo bbls. White Stone Lime—loo bbls. Extra Family Flour. SALT, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, Ac., at BAILEY & XEVIXS. Towanda, April 10, 1855. A NEW THING, BEING very desirous to get my books set tled up, I have concluded to quit making accounts, and sell goods hereafter for READY PAY only, and with out adopting the dodge of a new firm, call on all those in debted to Settle 4' P"-y up. Now, therefore, upon the re ceipt of my New Spring Goods, say about the 15th or2otb inst., 1 shall commence the Ready Pay system ; and if I find any leisure, shall be after those who do not call and settle up, witha sharp stick. O. D. BARTLETT. Towauda,April 7, 1855. pLOVER AND TIMOTH Y SEED~A YJ quantity of each just received and for sale by February i, 1855. J. POWELL. WAGONS A SLEIGHS.—Two or three T T of each for sale cheap at I'IIINNIA S. flliercUaucong. TAEMEES, ATTENTION! 1 Pla nt your Corn economically and scientifically! ( 1 H. DANA'S HA ND CORN PLAN \J• TKR. patented September 5. 1854, costs ONLY THREE DOLLARS, ami is therefore within the means of every mail who plants half an acre of ground. It is sim pie in its construction, and executes its work with accura cy and despatch on various kinds of noil. " Unlike other planters, it has no gearing to get out of repair, but is carried in the hand like a cane, and can be worked up hill or down; as well as on level ground, plant ing as much ground in a day a five men can with hues. — It may also be used to plant beans, as it can be guaged to drop as few or as many kernels as desired. It is meeting with unprecedented success everywhere it in introduced, having been presented at several Agricultural fairs, and always without exception received the highest premium, being the l>est and cheapest implement of the kind in use. The undersigned, having purchased the right of selling the said Planters in Biadiurd countv, will canvass the county in April, at which time he will supply those who wish, or dispose of Tuwn Rights to anv who wish to j#r cbase. " J AS. B. SYKES. Owego, M uch 22, 1855. DAVIS' FLATFORXVX BEE-HIVE. THE subscriber having been appointed Agent for the counties of Bradford, Sullivan and Lycoming, has the pleasure of calling the attention of the public to this useful invention. The Hive is truly a great improvement on the old square box ; and the facilities it affords for taking out the honey are as harmless to the bees, as they are protita ble to the owner. No resort to drums and pans is needed to hive the increase in the spring, and no resort to brim stone, fire aud fagot is required to conquer the bees and procure their honey in the fall. As the bees multiply, new sections are added to the hive ; and when the honey is wanted, they are removed accordingly. The arrange ments fur feeding the bees, tor changing them to different parts of the old hive, or to a new one, for ventilation, are unquestionqbly ahead of ntn thing hitherto known. A description of this Hive is impossible, without rcfcr enee to a model, but au examination will satisfy any one ol its advantages. For sale, Town and Individual Rights, with books, bill of feed, A -., giving full directions for ma king the Hive, and managing the Bees. May 1,1855. _ GEORGE S. KFF.N. $ 50 0 K. S WARD! For an improvement on SCOTT'S PATENT BLACKSMITH'S STRIKER! THE undersigned, having purchased the right to sell in ; a uuuibcr of the counties of this state, and elsewhere, : Scott's Patent BLACKSMITH'S STRIKER, respectfully announce that they arc now stopping at BLACK S Hotel, in Towanda, where they will exhibit the Patent Striker, and explain its operation. They expect to remain about three weeks. By the aid ol this invention, every Black- ! smith can dispense with the additional hand required to forge iron, and will consequently effect a great saving of i labor to all who become possessed of it. This is consider ed one of the greatest aud inot useful inventions of the age, and the manner iu which it forges iron of every des cription has greatly surprised the numerous sous of Vul can who have seen it operation. \V. W. FIELDS. May 3, 1555. E. S. TF.AGARDEN. SPI 11 XCi GOODS. T HARVEY PHrXNY, Jr., is just re-i *9 • reiving a gen ial a-sortment of SPRIXG GOODS which he offers t > the public for unusually low prices, for Ready pay. As he b determined to self Goods after the Ist of April for READY PAY, or keep them, persons wish ing to pay cash t.-r goods will find it for their interest to coll and examine his stock aud prices. !Rr All persons indebted to uie by book, note or judg ment, out tie Ist of April next, unless some satisfactory arrangement is made, will be waited upon bv a gentleman in authority. J. R. p. j r . Towanda, Mart h 11.1*55. SMYDSR HOUSE, Wmrlf, V. V. I VM ES Will TTA KER respectfully informs *9 the travelling public that he has taken the above well known stand, situated near the Railroad Depot, aud soli cits a share of custom. The House is convenient and com modious, and he is determined that no paius and attention to the wants and comforts of guests shall be spared to give entire afe&rtiaß. March 15, 1555. GROCERIES, of all kinds just 1 received at MONTANYES & CO. I EATHER, Pork, Codfish, Mackerel, and 1J WhiteFisk, for sale cheap at PHIN KEY'S. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. TOSEPH KINGSBERY still continues the *3 BOOK A STATIONERY business, where purchasers may find all the latent School and Miscellaneous Books at reduced prices. The following School Books are embrac ed in the catalogue, viz : Bullion's Greek and I.atin Reader and Grammar. do. b'a'sar, do. Sallust, do. Lessons. Donegan's Greek and English Lexicon. Spencer's Latin Ix.-s.-ons ; Cooper's Virgil. Olendorfl's, Lebrethou's, Burbauld's, Fausdick's and Levizack's French Works. Parker's, C'omstock's, Phelps', Smiley'a and Olmsted's Philosophy. Day's, Thompson'- and Davie's Works. (hitter's, Coat's and C'omstock's Pbyseologv. Saunders, Porter's, Bent'.ey's and Cobb's Works. Bancroft's History, Parley's, Worcester's, Guru cv's, Bottas, Ac. Ac. Wela-ter's I'linbridgod Dictionary, do University edition, do. do Common School, do. Worcester's, Cooper's, Harper's, Johnson's, do. C'om stock's works ; Lincoln's Botany, Sweet's Elocution. Thompson's series of Arithmetic, primary to High School. Adams', Davie's, Smith's and Cobb's, do. Brown's, Kirkham's. Smith's aud Morse's Geography and Atlas ; and .ill the various Primary Geography.-, now in use. Spelling books of all kinds, and miscellaneous books iu great variety. Also— Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Loots Shoes, Huts ami Caps, Av.. Vc. New and desirable styles of Goods will lie received monthly, and sold at tiie lowest C.csn PRICES. J. K. Towanda, April, 21, 1855. PIANO FORTES. JOSEPH R. LOUD, intends visiting 1; - this place every Spring aud Fall for the purpose of selling PIANO FORTES of his Manufacture .which will be guarantied satisfactorily. Mr. Loin attends per sonally to bis business, which of itself will lie of great ad vantage to those purchasing, and avoids all difficulties which so often occur through buying of Agents. Citizens will find by obtaining an Instrument of him, a great sav ing in price, as well a.s manner in which their Pianos will be kept in order. WRITTEN WABKAKTEES given for live years for his Instruments, which stand unrivalled foreasi ness and elasticity of touch, fullness and sweetness of tone. To those in want of Pianos, Mr. Loud would advise to avv.iit his visits. Every possible attention will be paid to Pianos, Organs, Ac., entrusted to his care, either lor re pairing or tuning. 11 iv ing long experience in the bnsiucss, persons may be assured ihc-ir Instruments will be put in perfect order, or no charge will he made. Old Pianos and Melodious taken iu part payment for new l'ianos. Mclo dcons for sale, Ac. Ware-rooms, No. Market street, Philadelphia. Cm— N r OTICE. The members of the Bradford County Medical Society arc requested to meet at the Ward House.oll Thursday May 10th, 1855, at 2o'clock P.M. Thy transactions of tin; State Medical Society for the years '53 and 'sl. are ready for distribution. ('. K. LADD,Secretary. GEORGE H. WOOD'S DAGI'KRREAN ROOMS REMOVED to Pattoii's NEW BRICK BLOCK, corner of Bridge ami Main street, where he haa fitted up rooms expressly for the business, with a large sky-light and side-light com bined. With those arrangements he will he able to lake Pictures with any shade desired. Grouping done in Ho liest possible manner. Daguerreotypes taken equally as well in cloudy as clear weather. Particular attention paid to copying. Miniatures neatly put into Lockets, Breast pings, a nil finger rings, A--. Instructions given in the art on reasonable terms. Towanda. May 1. 1855. QUMMJ3K HATS. Gentlemen's Elegant O WHITE BEAVERS, for sale by May 1, D 55. JOS. KINGSBERY. NEW SPRING GOODS ! Burton Kingsbury, iS NOW RECEIVING, a large and general assortment of 4 ali kinds of GOODS, which will po.-ilively be sold for pay, TEN PERCENT. LESS than tiny can be fouud any w'berc cl-e. Call and .-ce. Towanda, May 5,1855. "VTOTlCE.—Persons wishing to make pay lt meuts to the subscriber, eau do so at aDV time, through Messrs. LAPORTE, MASON & Co., whose receiptor statement of payment, will be entirely satisfactory. MICHAEL MEYLI2IT, Land Agent. April 26, 1855. (LYUTION —."Whereas, my husband, Lester ) Morton, who advertised his wife, a few weeks a'mce, set forth a false statement, as his wife was at home at t'uc time, and was done for the purpose and as a pretext to squander rut' property ; I therefore forbid all persons har boring or trusting him on my acconnt, as I will pay no debts of his contracting after this date. HI LDAU ANN MORTON. Burlington, March 21,1855. fIAUTIOX, —Whereas my wife Dorcas Tall, \J has ielt my bed aud board without just cause or pro vocation, I therefore forbid all persons harboring or trust ing bcr on my acconnt, as I will not be responsible for any deb?;-' that fbc may contract. Burlington, April 8,1855. JACOB TALL. Cegal Slboertisemenls. LIST OF JURORS, drawn for MAY Term and Sessions, 1855. SECOND WEEK. Allyn Seneca. Warren, Hat ted W. S. Ridghrrv, Brown A. G. Springfield. Huiey Timothy. Rome. Barnes John N. Pike. Hodge James, Pike, ! Ballard Chas. If. Columbia, Kinyon C. 11. Granville, Brieee Henry, Windham, Loom is Josiah, Canton, Bull Edward, Orwell, Laudou G. W. Herrick, i Bailey Alanson,Granville, Lautz Win. Franklin, Brown Elijah M. Wdgbery, Marsh Isaac. Hen it k, I Codding David S. Pike, Newell John W. Canton, ! Call-in Warren, Springfield. Pratt L. A. Monroe. ; Dutton A. RSmitutield, Rcdlugton G. F TrdV Tp. ■ Dewitt Morgan, Burlington. Stone Hiram, WilmJt, Dodd Harrison. - i Stafford J. 11. Asylum, Fold Edwin. Pike, I.Stephcaa George," Pike', ; Gardner David. Athens Tp.jShepard L. (_'. Armenia, j Gordon John .Standing Stone! Smith Henry, UFler, | Gorham Julius, Orwell. j Titus Obediah. llerriek, Grace Addison, Springfield,|Wood Daniel, Troy Tp.' ATRIAL LIST, for MAY Term, ISJ.V- J Bradford County Court. SECOND WBI'K. PLAINTirrS. j DEFENDANTS. NATCRE. William E. Gore, Collins M. Segar, 8.-;. Fa.Bail. Ruliff Campbell, | Wm. Campbell. Soi. Fa. Edward Herrick. j-Jhas. F. Welles jr. cl al Ejectment. David Barber, : Josiah Henderskot, Sci. Fa. Cornelius Hunsiker,! Wm. R. Ilavnea et al. Trespass. Andrew C. Craig, John Flood, Debt. Erautus Lovett, I loscph Seely, JEjc tmcnt. Henry D Emerv et al (larvy B. Ingham, jEebt. W. Bradley Daniel H. Crane, Case. Luther Redfie'd jr. Harvy B. Ingham, Debt. Same, " Same, ; do F. L. Ballard, If. N. Fisher et al. j do Horace Willixton jr- Jeremiah Driscoll et al !Ejectment. Herman W.Camp, Richard Horton et al. {Appeal. E. W. Baird. John M. Fox, |FJectmcnt. John Kigkmey, Wm. Lawyer, | Appeal. M. C. Mertnr, State Mut'l Fire Ins. Co. Debt. James A. Paine, John Hanson, Case. Rogers Fowler, 0. Schrader, Appeal. A. D. Brown, same, do H. N. Terrell A Co.. Richard Brovvcr, Debt. Luke Perkins, J sines Philips, Appeal. Margaret Roberts, John Rogers. (Ejectment. John Rogers, Abby Ann Swain, ; " do Welles A Harris, J. L. Vansice, !Sci. Fa. Chas. J. French, MarvlUa Watson, iLjectmcut. Jacob Toine, Rogers Fowler, Case. Henry Crainmond, : Russell Spalding. Ejectment. Pa. Lunatic HospitalOvere'rs poor of Frank Debt. Thomas Butler, |E. Horton, [lin tp.jSci.Fa.SurM Hiram Hemans, j same et al. Appeal. Ezra Spalding, (Brown & Rockwell, Ejectment. F. A. Saxton <tCo. | John Taylor, Truspass. Win. 11. Russell, Job Dean, Ejectment. Geo. M. HollenbackJ Hannah Benjamin et al l do Clark Hyatt, jA. Morlcv & Brothers, j Appeal. Adam Essen wine, jP.AG. H. Gorslinc, i do I). S. Pliinney's use.jM. M. Coolbaugh, ! do Mark Compton, ] Lewis E. Gibbs. ! do McCoy Craig, JThoa & Isabel Craig. 1 do Abraham G.Garrison [Samuel ijckoficid t:l al.l do David Burt, David Ilapeman et al. Bail. Alx. Freaer & Co. ' Wm. CHmpbell, iDebt. Abby Ann Rogers, j Gilbert Rogers, Divorce. Bt. Ringsbery's use.j/iebulun F.sselstine, JSci. Fa. M. P. J. DeCaters, | lames Ellsworth, 'Ejectment. B. Greenwood ACo-jWrn. Campbell, |Del>t. Davis C. Pierce, 'Joseph Ed minster, ' -v-i. Fn. M. Peter B. Sturdevant,'Geo. 0. Kile, j Appeal. James Fritchcr. I John Snyder, jCase. 11. F. Bart, jKenower Wormley, 'Appeal. A D MINI ST R A TOR'S NOTICE.— Notice V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of D. S. WATKINS, dee'd. late of Columbia tp., are quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims again-t said estate, must"present them duly anthcuticati-d for settlement. WM. B. WATKINS, Columbia, April 27, lt-55. Administrator. LMIREIUN ATTACHMENT.—COMMON .I. WE.vl.Tn or PRSNSYLVANJA ; Bradford County, st. To the Sheriff of Biadford County. Creeling : We com- — maud you that you attach U WEN DOUGHERTY I. s. late of your county, by all and sings iar his goods —. — and chatties, lands and tenements, monies, rights aud credits, in whose hands or possession soever the same may be, so thai he be and appear before our court of com maii pleas, to be holder at the borough of Towanda. in and for said county, on the first Monday of May next, there to answer James McKcnnn, of a plea of assumpsit, damages i not exceediug one hundred dollars, and that you summon and ali persons in whose hands or possession the said goods, chatties, monies, rights and credits, or any of them may bo attached, so that they and every of them he and appear before said court, at the day and place aforesaid, i to answer what shall be objected against them, and abide the judgment of tLe Court therein ; and have you tkeu i and there chis writ. Witness the Honorable DAVID WILMOT, President of our said court, at the Borough of Towanda storesaid, the 21st day of March, A. D. 1655. ALLEN McKEAN, Protkonotarv. I certify the above to be a truccopv of the original writ. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office. Towanda, March 22. 1855. The BiiHjMD'hanna Collegiate lustiinte, TOW A XI) A, BRADFORD CO., FA. INSTRUCTOR-- : t REV. SAMUEL F. COLT, Principal, Professor of Natu ral, Mental and M--ra! Science ; REV. JAMES McWILLIAM, A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages and Belles Ix'trcs ; CHARLES R. COBURN. A. M.. Professor of Mathema tics and Master of Normal School; ! E. ALBERT LUDWIG, A.M., ProfeMor of Modern Lan- Knaves. Instructor on the Piano aud in Drawing ; 11. BKECHER MORGAN, Usher ; Mrs. MARTHA A. DAYTON, Preceptress; Miss MARGARET L. KENNEDAV, 2d do. BP"The Spring Term of 1855 will commence n Wed nesday, April lth. The Academic will comprise 1! terms. EM-KN'SES PER TERM : Tuition in the Filth class, (primary) per term, .Si 0(1 " Fourth, 5 OU " Third 6 4'o " Second ... 7 00 First 0 00 EXTRAS: I French, German. Spanish or Italian, each 6 00 | When taken without other branches 7 00 ! Drawing 3 00 i Ornamental needlework and embroidery,each .. 3 00 i Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument, 12 00 | * do do per quarter of 11 weeks,... . 10 00 i Oil painting in landscapes, per term 8 00 do figures 10 00 I Room rent for lodgers 1 76 I Contingent fund for each pupil, 3* j Board in Hall, per week. 1 75 Washing, per dozen, 38 j Fuel and light at the actual expense. Pupils boarding in the Hal! will furiu-h their own Fed j bedding, towels, <vr., and the table silver at their option, i No pupil taken for less than half a term. The bills fi-i the term must be paid in advance ; or one hall thereof ' I their entrance, and the remaining half at the expiration o i the tenn. ) Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obrer I vance of the Regulations, and none will be admitted oi j other terms. E-eiecial exercises are arranged without extra clmrgi : for those qualifying themselves as teachers for eoinmoi schools. I For classification of studies and text-books, see circu , lars, for which apply to C. 1.. WARD, President. J S. F. COLT, Sec. fit J. P. MOSTASYE, Treasurer. WAR! WAR! WAR! 1 | \LI) SOLD i I'.KS ! Prepare for a fight witl | V* Speculators , and lieu-are of them! The Bounty lam bill, giving 100 acres of land to those who served in tin I war of 1812, or any war since 1790, has passed, and itl I persons entitled to such lands should call at once upon J I E. CANFIKI.D. Athens, Bradford county. Pa., who be j sides having the law anil the requisite forms, has had much j experience in obtaining land warrants, Ac., and will do it | for old .Soldiers, their Widows and Minor childit-u, for just | what it is worth io do the business. | The bill provides land f<>r persons of all grades, by land or sea, including Indian-, wagoners and flotilla men. who j have served iu the wars since 1780; 160 acres in all to e.i- b | person who has served not h-.-s than 11 days, except a ta ! ally in battle for a shorter period. The widows or minor ' children, to receive the benefit in case of the death of the | persons so cutitled. The willows, officers and soldiers of I the revolutionary war to be entitled to the benefit of tlii- J act,as veil a- volunteers at tlu invasion of Plattsburg in i September, Hll. The volunteers at the attack of L>- i- S town. Delaware, in 1812 and 1815, and the Chaplains who -erved in the several wars. Post paid communications promptly attended to. J. E. CAN'FIFLD. Pen -ion and Bounty Land Agent.. | Athens, Bradford Co., Fa.. March 6. 1*55. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. r rilE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale his j X valuable I- ARM,situate in Bnrliugton t<-nv uehip.Crad , ford county. Fa., containing about 235 ACRLB, ot which i about 130 acies are improved, and in a high state of culti -1 vat-ion. About 70 acres of the improved part is bottom I laEd, and the balance rolling land, facing the south and j east. About 100 acres is w ell timbered with pine and hemhek, and a good mill seat the .eon. This fariu is eight miles from the Elntira and . . William: port Railroad, aud nine utiles from tbe : North Branch Canal. It baa upon it ttvogood anplc orchards', and an abundance of cherries, [i i • •' plums, &c.: a new dwelling house, two good 1 barns, cow-sheds, &c. Raid farm is well calculated for two farms of equal value, embracing an equal portion of bot tom land, upland, and timber, and will be sold separately or together, as may suit purchaser:-, i Terms;—A portion of the purchase money down, asd l the balance in yearly payments, to suit pufchafers. For i further partiruUrs. enquire of tbe subveilNr at the firm. 1 February 7,1815. SAMUEL MICE AN. £egai QVbofrliscmcntcj. A DM INISTR ATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice , >* 'V'y'jV V' ve n. that nil indebted t" the es ae of A.MOh GREEN, deceased, late of Orwell Town j al f *jwby requested to make payment withe tit dc- I LIV; auu a., persons haying claims against said estate will I please present them duly authenticated for settlement. OrwcM, May 7. BARXKS > AdmimAralor. ! A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Kotiee j 2'\. is hereby given that all persona indebted to the es tate of A. T. BII.ES, deceased, late of Wyalnsdag i township, to make immediate payment, and all'persons • having demands against said estate, will present them du ly authenticated for settlement. S. \V. BILES. J . •,. JAS. A. BILES t Administrator. April It. 1855. XECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hcrc- I A by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ot HORATIO GAM AGE, dee'd. latv of Burlington twp., are , hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons having (iaitas ngai'nßt said et:ite will "please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. JULIA GAMAGE, / F , . PERKY B. I'KATT,) *' Fjibrtutry 17, 1855. j \ UDiiOR'S NOTICE.—In the matter of "l the estate of P. D. Havens, decca-ed. In the Or pham Court of HrAdloixl Couutv. The uiideraic&csl Au ciitor appointed bv the said Court to distribute the pro ceeds of the sale of real estate of said decedent. In the hands of his administrator*. will attend to the datiea of . his appointment at his office in Towanda borough on Sat urdn v the 7th day of April, A D 1855, at 10 o'cb>c'k A. M. at which time and place all persons Interested arc reoues ted to present theii claims, or lie forever debarred from said funds. G. H. WATKINS, Auditor. Towanda, February 28, 1555. NOTICE —Notice is herebv given, that all persons indebted to the ts j tate of BGLIV Eil PALMER, decea-ed, late of Canto Dtp, arc hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. THKREffaA PALMER. Administratrix. Canton, March 1, 155. \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice TV is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es i tutc of BENJAMIN* B. SLADF deceased, late of Columbia twp, are hereby requested to make payment without d< • lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. | March 1. 1855. MIAL P SLABF. Administrator. V O'J ICE.— The Commissioners of Bradford ' L s County have fixed upon the follow iug davs and dates respectively, for holding APPEALS, viz : Towanda borough, Burlington township and borough. North and South Towanda, UL tcr and Wilmot, on Thur. day, February 15. t'.mtou, Franklin, Granv ille, Hcrritk, Lerov and* . on Monday, February 19. Orwell, Pike, Romc.Shesbeq'unjTssearora, Wvuiuing, Warren and Windham, on Tuwdav, February 20." ! Columbia, Overton, Ridgbcrrv.'Smilhfield'. Springfield. ' South Creek and Sylvania borough, on Wednesday, Feb ruary 21. I Athens township, Athena borough, Albany, Asvlum, Armenia,Burell. Litchfield and Standing Stone on Then? dav, February 22. Monroe, Troy town r hip and borough, and Wells, on I'ri j day, February 23. "orThe Ascscrs will be punctual in delivering the no tices to the taxable*, and in making their returns In per son on the dsy designated in their warrant s, at which time and place the Board of Revision will attend and bear nil . such ma think themselves aggrieved Ly said assessment, and make such deductions and alterations as to them may , seem just. Be order of the Commissioner-, I Feb. 7 1855. E. M. FARRAR. Clerk. \ DM INISTR ATOR'S NOTICE —Notice i A *- L: hereby given, that all persons indebted to the ed i tate of C. P. PHILIPS dec'J., late of Burlington tp.. ere hereby requc-:t'd to make payment without ielav; and eil persons bavmgiug claims against Eaid estate w'ill please present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. Jf. PHILIPS, Administrator. February 3, 1855. IN 11 IE MA ITER of the Partition of ike Real Kita'.c oj Barney We&ier, deceased. —Notice is hereby given to all persons Interested in the partition of the rer.l estate ol Barney Webber, deceased, late of the Township ol Trov, to coihc Into Couit on the first dsy of next term, (being the 7th day of May next, at 2 o'clock. P. M.. to accept or lefusc the estate which was appraised bv the Jurv of u.qucst upon said eslate. on the 9tb dav of Jauuary, 1*53. JAMES 11. WEBB, Clerk oi O. C. Towanda. March 18, 1855. \ DM INISTKATOR'S NOTlCß—Notice J V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of AT.EXANBEK II VXD, dee d, late of Windham twp , are requested to make payment without delay; and tho-,- having demands against said estate will prudent them duly authenticated for settlement. .MARTIN* ELSBREE. Administrator. ' March 23, 1855. \ L DITOR'S NOTICE.—/ tkc matter of V the e-tate of John Cvu-les. deceased —ln the Orphans : * O'jrl of Pradlwd Coon V*. Tl, Audltar appointed upon exceptions filed to the final account of the administrators of said estate, will attend to the duties of hi- appointment at his oflire in tho borough of Towanda, on the 2Jit day of Vpril. 1855, at 2 o'clock, P.M. All per sons interested wiil please take notice. March 23. 1835. P. I>. MORROW. Auditor. VI DITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of the estate vt Rachel Cranmer, deceased. In the Or phan's Couit of Bradford C'ountv. Tin- undersigned, an Auditor appointed bv said Court to distribute funds in the hands of the Administrator of tho estate of Rachel Cranmer, dee'd., will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towan da. on Monday, the 30tli day of April, 1355, at 1 o'clock, P. M-, when and v here all persous aie reque.-ted t J present their claims, or he forever debarred from any share of said funds. D"A. OVERTON, i Towanda. March 24, 1*55. Auditor. j XT'X EC I TOR'S NOTICE.—AII persors in i lIJ debt'd to the estate of ELIAL STEVENS, deceased. ! late of Ridglmry township, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands a rainst estate are requested to present them dulv au | thenticated for settlement. SPURGES HQUIRES, WM. STEVENS, Ridgburv, March 20, 1855. Executors. I)ROCLAMATION.— Whereas, the ITon. 1 B.WID WTLMOT, President Judge of the 12th Ju I dicial Di-tri t, consi-tiugof the Counties of Bradford, Su* | quehanna and Sullivan, and lln*. Myron B.vLt.Ar.n and Harry Ackley. Associate Judzcs, in and for aaid county of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date tho 20th day of February, 1855, to ine directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions of tlv Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan- I da. for the < ouuty of Bradford, on the first Monday, the , 7th day of May next, to < two week ; . ; N' tice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and j Justices ol the Peace and Constables, ol the County of - | Bradford, that ticy be then and there in their pr .per jut : , son, Pt 10 o'clock in the forenoon M said day, with the.r j records, inquisitions,and other rcniemhrancea, to do tho-.a ; things which to tlioir ofiicc appeilains to U-done ; aioi . | tho-c who are bound by recognisance or oU;crwiae t > pro : seoutc against the prisoners who are <>r may lie in the prrt. of said County, or who shall lc bom<d to appear ut the ; said court, are to be then and there to prosecute against ' them as -'hall be jut. Jurors are requested to be punctual ! in their attendance, agreeably to their notice, i Bated at Towanda, the :HM of Man h. in the war of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and m the Independence of the United Stales, the seventv | I uiritli. JOHN A. CODDING. Shcnf..' , !!. WITKOt'S 11. M. SEWAKP E. H.CC'OX. l j 1 > WATROI'S & Co.. DEALERS L\ I I • HVAI'Y A SHKLFH IRItWARK. No's. 1 A 3, Water st. Flmira, X. Y. | We haw rc ontly made large additions to our extensive stock, and have now on hand a complete aasortineiit of ev , cry description of Hardwar. . whii h we ofter at the lovre r. • ash prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma terials. Iron and steel, Nail* and spik >, Ropes and t 'onl age. Paint*, Hits and Glass, Mill saws of every size and ; shape, either Mv.liv Gang or Circular. M ichiue Belting, of all width-, both of India Rubber A b-Hthcr. Glass at wholesale. W. are pr-pared to wioplv Merchants v\ ith <j!u-s, Nails, scythes, forks. sVc.. at Man ufacturcrs prices. Tin, sheet iron, uud Copper work a hand or made to order. C< Hi PR vi |'i iK's T(iOLS--V\ hcelbarr <w s, Ames," sho vols, Blasting Cowder A-'. Agents bo-Tiich A* Wilder's T'atert Nilamnnder Aafe-. Fairbank' Platform .Scale- , and Wclrh A Gnffith'3 Circu | lar saws. | Large .-• e up t-> Bft inch always on hind and sold ♦ Factory PiPart-:ular attention paid to orders by mail. Elmira, April 7, 18 )8. n-tt 12m roa. SALS. A TWO HORSE HACK hunc: on leatherthorough-hram.ingood tunning order. rearly new and for sale cheap on lib era! terms. Call on Wta. t. BOGARI, E:q.. who will ne gotiate a i ait. D. 2f BULL. Towanda, Apri18,1355. n-t-l-ut TO COLLECTORS.— You arc hereby au I I thoriscd to maki a deduction of percent. uno U ! tho state tax of every individual who shall pay hia or her M-j.te and roiiotv in t*ill oa or the JOth day of JUNE next, ami the same shall be a Howe 1 you iu your settlement—provided the same is by you paid iDto the ■ Couniv Treasury, ou or before the 216t0r 22dda} 0 oiJuno uc xt. 'B v order of the Commissioner* I ToWmnda, April 7, 1855'. L. M. FARRAR, Clerk vE w ADESIRABLE SPRING < GOODS j. ' futt ovworag-at lIOXTAXYLL L CO. 1 March 1. V? 55.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers