#!tr!tt?r's fkprtment. <V W F A Fiex of American Agriculture. By what pro&sscs thr earth is impoverished. There are three principal, ways in which the natural fruitfulness of the earth may be seriously impaired. 1. By removing its natural products: as when a prune is annually mown for a sei.es ot years, and all the hay removed, and no manure or other fertilizer returned. In Europe, where a forest culture is practiced, experience has shown that to remove the leaves that annually fall upon the ground to rot and form mould over the routs of trees, is sure to impoverish the land and injure its valuable products.— These leaves as well as prune grass, contain both earthly minerals called iwrguiic matter, and combustible dements usually designated lv the term organic matter. In burning over prairies, the latter portion of the .plants con sumed is alone removed from the soil; their ashtx remain on the ground where the plants grew. Pastures arc detcrioated by the loss of the grass carried off in the stomaehs-of domestic auimals. 2. Soils are impoverished by tillage without cropping, or removing any plant whatever.— No fact in agriculture is more important than this: All tillage is purely atl artificial and withal a most unnatural operation. Nature never ploughs, nor hoes the earth to promote the growth of vegetation. llcr highest pro ductiveness is the result of laws, which every farmer should carefully study and learn to follow, in the renovation of cultivated fields. Although all tillage is a mechanical process, yet its effects arc Both chemical and physical on the soil. So far as the chemical results of tillage are couoerned, they aie quite indepen dent of all crops ami other plaut.;. It is not so easy a task as some may suppose to explain in a few plaiu words, the several changes wrought in the mould ami organic part of soils, by the plough, spade, and hoc. Tiie niecliauical and physical effects of tillage are very obvious to every cultivator. The earth is mellowed— rendered exceedingly porous and admirably fitted not only to absorb atmospheric air, and all gaseous bodies, but to couth use them in the innumerable pores of the friable mass. The same causes which increase the fertility of a fallowed field exhaust the soil, if long contin ued, although no crop should be grown upon it. If however, a crop of weeds, grass, peas, or clover be grown and allowed to die and rot on the ground or be ploughed in, the soil will be enriched by the operation. But if a field be annually ploughed and hoed, as a crop of corn, tobacco, cotton, or sugar-cane, for twenty-five years, and no plant whatever be allowed to "grow on its surface, the mechanical and chemi cal changes, associated as they must be with the leadlines and washings of innumerable rains, would result in removing from the surface of the earth nearly or quite all of its vegetable mould and the soluble mineral food of plants. To test this principle in nature, suppose a farmer were to apply twenty-five loads of well rotted stable manure upon an acre of land, and plough, harrow, and hoe the ground twenty five years, as for crops of corn or cotton, but plant nothing and permit neither grass nor weeds to grow thereon. Would any of the dissolved elements of this manure remain that length of time in the -surface soil'( Certainly not. If manure will decompose and dissapjiear like wood consumed in a fire-piaee, may not vegetable mould do so likewise And if the mineral known as common salt and salts of lime and potash will readily dissolve on th" ground in rain water, and pass in a state of solution deep into the earth and reappear in springs, wells, and rivulets, may not similar minerals, naturally in the soil, and rendered soluble by tillage, be also dissolved and washed out of the mellow ground into the compact sulesoil, or into swamps, rivers and the ocean ? The principal object of ploughing and hoeing is to increase the quantity of available food for the crop; but while the plants arc present in the soil and growing, it is by no means certain that all the manure or other fertilizers applied to the land, or all the elements of the crop naturally in the soil, enter the roots of culti vated plants, ami appear at the harvest. Under certain circumstances, the loss by leaching and solar inlluences is very large. In producing small crops of corn, cotton, wheat, and other plants, the waste of raw material is greater in proportion to the harvest, than in large crops whose roots and foliage cover the surface both in and above the soil universally, bniall coru or cotton plants, and these quite distant one from another, greatly favor the volatilization of all volatile substances and the washing away of all soluble elements. Tillage and cropping exhaust land faster than it can be done in any other way short of carting ofl' the surface soil in a mass. The degree of injury inflicted by this operation is very variable: not only on different fields, and soils, but ou the same surface at different times and seasons. A light, open, sandy soil that has no clay foundation will not bear ploughing and cropping so long, with so small deteriora tion, as the same soil with a clay sub-soil.— Light, sandy soil abounds in North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, and South Carolina, ami most of these when fresh yield fair crops. Their red clay lauds are not so easily worked, but are more enduring and generally more productive. The limestone soils of the Cherokee country, of Tennessee, Kent ucky, Missouri, and other States, are altogether different from any form ed from the debris of granitic, metamporie, and sand rocks. Jt is impossible to form an intelli gent opinion of the exhaustion of a soil by any given amount of tillage and cropping, without knowing something of the parent rocks from which the earth was derived, and something of its physical and chemical properties. A know ledge of the principles of geology andchemisty is invaluable to one who desires to understand in advance what are the natural capabilities of any arable land; and what element* of crops it is most likely to have in too small a quan tity. It often happens that a soil partakes very little of the character of the rock that lies but twenty or thirty inches below its surface. This is owing to the circumstance that a different kind of rock has furnished the earthly matter deposited above the solid strata. In several counties in Western New York, the soft Medina, soft sand sandstone has been comminnted and carried by tidal currents, glaciers, icebergs, or some other moving force, many miles southward, and spread over lime rocks, hundreds of feet higher than the parent sandstone, both geologically and typographi cally. Although resting on lime-rock, these soils often lack lime to a degree. The durability of a soil is governed, in an eminent degree, by its texture and hvgrometric properties. Tenacious clay lands retain fertilizing salt? ; j with peculiar and remark ; bio affinity. v -" > well drained and thoroughly tilled, they yield no their nutritive otmstituuate as iaat ispro i fitable. When one has but a small surface to operate on, the application of clay to sandy soils is very useful. The deeper and more thoroughly one cultivates his laud, removes all 'that it produces, and makes no adequate rest itution, the faster will he impair the natural t capabilities o'.' his soiL No matter with what .kill and science a fanner extracts immense , crops from his fields; the larger the amount of potash, soda, magnesia, soluble flint, phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, and organized nitrogen, caricd I oil in crops, the poorer his land must become, unless a part of nil these ingredients be return ed to the earth whence they w ere taken, t it is impossible to say, with any approxima tion to the truth, in the present infancy of agricnltnrni science, how much of the inorganic | food of plants may be safely removed from year to year in grass, milk, meat, or grain, in .! cotton or tobacco, from ail acre of common | fair land, without detriment. A liltle of dissolved sand, lime, potash, magnesia, sulphur, • mould, and phosphorus may be spared from : the jKKirest soils, without injury; while some j so abound in the elements of crops as to furnish lan amount tweuty times larger, without ex . j ha us ting the supply of earthly minerals. j t-cX Some over wise people have an idea that when a tree gets mossy, and bark-bound, , the latter another term for the want of growth ! and weakness, consequent upon neglected culti vation—it is only necessary to slit the bark up 1 and down the stem with a jack-knife, and it will at once spread out aud grow. This is sheer nonsense. Dig about and cultivate the I i roots, and the bark will take care of itself, with a scraping of the moss, aud a washing of the j stem with ley or soap suds, or chamber j slops, wh'ch last is quite as good. The in creased flow of the sap induced bv a liberal feeding of the l oots, will do its own bursting of , the hide-bound bark, which is simply its enfee -1 bled condition as a consequence of its poverty of ; root. No one thinks of turning out a bonv, I half-starved calf in the spring, into the clover field, with the skin on its side split through 1 with a knife, in order to add to its growth.— ' ■ But this last proposition is quite as sensible ' and philosophical as the other. Nature takes e:frc of its elf in these particulars. Sap in plants is what the blood is to animals. Its j vigorous flow reaches every part of its compo sition, and gives to each its proper play and fuuetion. We can show frequent instances of j I a decrepid shrivelled branch, by the throwing i i open and manuring of the roots, and a thorough prumiiug of the whole top, increasing from an ! inch, to two inches in diameter in a single sea > son; and without assistance it grew, bursting - and throwing off its old contracted bark as J freely as the growth of a vigorous asparagus ' : shoot will develop itself during a warm shower 'An May;. Such nostrums are only the inven • tion of the head to the laziness of the Hands.— Rural Xew Yorker. FARMERS' CREED. —I believe in small farms and thorough cultivation. 1 believe that the soil loves to cat. as well as its owner, and ought, therefore, to be manur j ed. I believe in large crops, which leaves the | land better than they found it, making both _ j the farmer and the farm rich at once. I believe in going to the bottom of things, and, therefore, in (loop plow ing, and enough of . it, all the better if with a subsoil plow. 1 believe that every farmer should own a . 1 good farm. I believe that the best fertilizer of any soil |is a spirit of industry, enterprise and intelli t gence. "Without this, lime and gypsum, bones 1 j and green manure, marl and guano, will be of j little use. 1 believe in good fences, good barns, good farm houses, good stock, good orchards, and children enough to gather the fruit. , J believe in a clean kitchen, a neat wife in it, i a spinning piano, a clean dairy and a clear j conscience. i I believe in fanners that will improve their j farms, that grow poorer every year, starving i j cattle, farmers' boys turned into clerks and l merchants, aud farmers' daughters unwilling to I work: and in all farmers that are ashamed of i of their vocation, or who drink whiskey till all honest men are ashamed of them. I will also add—l believe in supporting our County and State Agricultural Societies. I believe iu having a well filled agricultural library. I believe in supporting the agricultural j papers of our State, paying for them, reading j them, and circulating them among my neighbors. To PROMOTE THE HEAI.TH OF CATTLE. —Feed all animals regularly. They do not only look i for their food at the usual time, but the stomach i indicates the want at the stated period. There fore feed morning, noon and evening, as near the same time as possible. Guard against the wide & injurious extremes of satiating with excess and starving with want. Food should be of a suitable quality, and pro portioned to the growth, and fattening of animals, to their production in young, and milk, and to their labor or exercise. Animals that i labor need far more food, and that which is far more nutritions, than those that are idle. In dry time, see that the animals have a good supply of pure water. "When the foua ■ tains are low, they drink the (trainings of foun tains. streams, and passages of water which are unwholesome. If barns and stables are very tight and warm, ventilate in mild weather, even in winter. GRACES I.\ COXSFMPTION. —The use of grapes as an arlicle of food is much recommended in cases of consumption. They contain a large quantity of grape sugar, the kind which most nearly resembles milk sugar iu its character • alul composition, which also is very useful for consumptives, it having a great attraction for oxygen, and, therefore, readily affording ma terials for respiration. Jfcrjy* During the winter, the earlier the better, ! examine your waggons, carts, tools and imple | ments, repair all that require it, give them a ' coat of cheap paint, and put all not required j for use away under cover. EVILS OF SAL.ERATCS. —Dr. Alcott, a distin guished physician of Boston, attributes to the free use of saheratus in cooking, many of the diseases to which children and adults are sub ject. To the use of this deleterious substance Dr. A. attributes the death of one hundred , thousand persons out of three hundred thous and under ten years of age who annually die in ' the United States. If such alurming result as ■ this can bo substantiated,-saheratHs may be re garded as worse tkau either intemperance or . war in it? nfftets upon the human race. filisceUiuieons. THE "FARM JOURNAL," FOR 1855. -1- EDITED BY J. L. DARLINGTON. Assisted by a corps of the best practical farmers in Penn sylvania. The Fifth volume of the FARM JOURNAL will commence January 1, 1855. Each number will contain Thirty-two or more Super Royal Octavo pages, printed on anpariur paper, wita new type, and will be filled with the best Agricultural Reading, origioual and selected, that can be produced. The editor and his assistants are determin ed to render this the most PRACTICAL AGRICULTURAL WORK NOW EXTANT, and will utterly discard all theories not attested by prac tical experience. They have obtained the aid of many of the best farmers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey. Delattiaie and Maryland, wh will give their experience through its pages. 1 uLt'STkatlons, —Each number will contain several en gravings of Improved Stock, New Agricultural Imple ments, Choice Fruits, Ac. TERMS—(INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE.) Single Copy, $1 00 Twenty Copies, sll 00 Five do* JOO Sixty do 40 00 Ten do 7 50 500 do 250 00 The Journal will hereafter, every case, be discontinued at the end of the period paid tor unless the subscription be previously renawed. SREMIC'MS. —The success attendant upon our offer of pre miums last rear induces us to offer the following premi ums for VoJume 5. 1. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be paid to the per son who will procure us the largest number of subscribers in any county iu 1 lis U. S.. before the first of April. 2. BE VENT Y-F INK DOLLARS to the person who will procure us the second largest list as above. J. FIFTY DOLLARS to the person who will procure us lire third largest li -t us above. 4. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS to the person who will procure u- the fourth largest list a< above. 5. TEN DOLLARS to the person who will procure us the fifth largest list as above. Ci.cns.—Any person sending us Ten subscribers, at onr club rates, will be entitled to receive one copy gratis, or one copy of either of the following works, viz lluist on the Rose, Giiunnn'3 Treaties on Milch Cows, Nefllin's Treaties on Mil h Cows, Waring'# Elements of Agricul ture, Norton's Elements of Agriculture, Y'OUHII 011 the L'ig. Any person sending us Twenty subscribers, at our (Tab rates, mill be entitled to receive two copies of the Farm Journal, or one copy of any hi the following works, viz;— Horticulturist for is.>s, Johnson's Agricultural Chemistry and Geology, Dr. David's Modern Horse Doctor, Y'ouattou the Horse, Y'ouatt on Cattle, Youutt's Shepherd's Own Book. Thomas' Amcricoii Fruit Cultnrist, Downing'# Fruits of America. Elliott's Fruit Growers Guide, Fesstndeu's Complete Farmer and Gardner. FL' irr HER IN DUG EM ENTS. We have just made arrangements with JAMES TICK, JR., Publisher of the Horticulturist, which enables us to furn ish one copy of that elegant w l kand oue copy of the Farm Journal for Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, and two copies of the Horticulturist and two of the Farm Journal for four dojlars, and larger numbers at the latter rates. Specimen numbers sent to all post-paid applications. Money on oil solvent Batiks, mailed in the presence of a Postmaster, at our risk. All orders ttddrssed to the subscriber will be prompt! v attended to. J. M. MEREDITH A CO., West Chester, Pa. IJO PERSONS out OF EMPLOYMENT! . —AGENTS WANTED in every section of the U. S. The most elegant and useful volume of the year. SEARS' GREAT WORK ON RUSSIA. Just published, an Illustrated description of the RUS SIAN EMPIRE. Being a Physical ami Political History of its Governments and provinces. Productions, Resources Imperial Government. Commerce, Literature, Educational Means, Religion, People, Manners, Customs, Antiquity, etc.. etc.. from the latest and most authentic sources.— Embellished with about 200 Engravings, and Maps of Eu ropean and Asiatic Russia. The whole complete in one lare octavo volume of about 700 pages, elegantly and sub stantiantially bound. Retail price, $3. This work has been several years in preparation, and will, it is believed, meet in the fullest acceptation of the word, the want so universally felt for reliable information on the history and internal resources of a country occupy ing so large a portion of the Eastern Hemisphere, and holding so formidable a position at the present time to the rest of Europe and Asia ; hut of which far less is known tliau of any other European nation. 11. 3T Also, a deeplv interesting volume, entitled " THE REMARKABLE ADVENTURES OF CELEBRATED PERSONS,"' embracing the Romantic Incidents and Ad ventures in the Lives of Sovereigns, Statesmen, Generals, Princes. Warriors, Travellers, Adventures, Voyagers. A'', eminent in the History.of Kmrope and Ameriea,including Sketches of over fifty celebrated heroic characters. Beau tifully illustrated with numerous engravings. Gone vol. 400 pages, royal 12mo. cloth, gilt. Price, $1,25. The subscriber publishes a number of most valuable Pic torial Books, very popular, and of such a moral and reli gious inliueuee that while good men may safely engage lu their circulation, they will confer a BLBLIC benefit, and re ceive a fair compensation for their labor. Ka~ To men of enter])rise and tact, this business offers an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be met with. Km' Pi'r-ons wishing to engage in their sale, will receive promptly by mail, a Circular containing foil particular . with •• Directions to persons disposed to act as Agents." together with terms on which they will be furnished, by addressing the subscriber, post paid. ROBERT SEARS. PI*BI,ISHER, 181 William Street, New-York. DISSOLUTION. —The eo-.] >artnvrshiJ> herc tofore existing between S. FKLTON and K. T. Fox is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The notes and ac counts of -aid firm are in the haml.*of E. T. Fox. who can generally b- found at S. lYlton's store, or at the " Ward House." Those interested will please take notice that the accounts, Ac. must be settled immediate! v. S. FKLTON, November 11, 1854. E. T. FOX. S. FEI.ToN would ,no>t respectfully inform his old cus tomers and the public generally that bo w ill still continue the Ligl'Oß IP SINEBS at the old staffil, and that he is now reccß ing I irge additions to his stock, direct from lir-t hands in New-York, wlii h he will be most happy to sell on the mo t reasonable terms. He is also agent" for the sale of" liiughaniton Ale," a supply of which he keeps al ways on hand and for -ale che:.,>. Towanda, November 11, 1854. BOOTS AND SHOES. John W. Wilcox, HAS located his establishment 011 Main Street, on door North of the " Ward House," and will continue the manufacture of BOOTS A SlltiES, as heretofore. He lias ju-t received from New-York a large assortment of Womans' Children#' and Misses' Shots, which are offer ed at low prices. The attention of the Ladies is particu larly directed to his assortment, comprising the following new styles;— Enamelled Jenny I.iml gaiter boots; do. shoes : black lasting and silk gaiter ; walking shoes, bus kins, Ac. Misses .gaiters and sin es, of everv description. A large variety of Children#' fancy gaiters, "boots A shoes of all kind#. For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and shoes, fbis stock has been personally selected with care, and he believes he can offer superior articles at reasonable prices. Ki" The strictest attention paid to MANITACTTRINH, and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage he has hitherso received. Towanda, Feb. 1,1855. GREAT BARGAINS!!! At the New Store, opposite the Court House. BAILEY' A NEVI VS. WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS, TOYS, FHPIT. UONKECTION CRY, WILLOW WARE. AC., the largest and most comprehensive assortment, and the longest ex perience of any dealers in Northern Pennsylvania. We have arrangements by which we <-an take advantage of the city aqj Western Markets, and arc thereby enabled to of fer good bargains. Call and try us. Below we name a few of the articles that may always be found iu our stock : PROVISIONS. Fb>ur. Bnckwhent Flour. Rye Flour. Com Meal, Feed, Pork. Hams A Shoulders, Mackerel, ('odfiish. Shad, larke Trout. Picketed ami Smoked Herring, Cheese, llice, Beans. Potatoes, Butter, Lard. Crackers. Ac. GROCERIES. Black ami Green Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Chocolate. Cocoa, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, (linger, I'epper, Spice, Cloves, nutmegs. Mace cinamon. Ground Mustard, Pepper Sauce. So,la, Saleratus, Cream Tartar, Sperm aud Tallow Candles, Bar Soap, Vinegar, Starch, Ac. FRUIT. Prunes, Citron, Figs. Eng. Currants, Raisins, Dried Peaches, Dried Apples. Almonds, Pecan nuts.Prazil tints, Grenoble ami Madeira Walnuts, Peanuts, Chestnuts, Ac. German. French and American Toys, Fancy Goods, Tin wagons, rocking horses, boys' sleighs, China and pewter toy tea setts, dolls, trumpets, accordions, harmonicas— Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes and toilet cases, toy bureaus, secretaries, writing desks—plain and em broidered work baskets, knitting, do. pearl, ivory, papier mac lie and leather port moniaes, wallets and purses, ivory, horn and wood pocket combs, toilet combs, ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, pocket and small fancy mirriors, tobacco and suuff boxes, cigar cases, perfumery and hair oils, Ac. Brooms, mopsticks. clothes pins, bench screws, willow clothes baskets and market baskets, sugar and spice boxes. CANDY OF ALL KINDS. Dairy and table Salt. Salina, do., etc. Country dealers supplied at a small advance from New Y'ork prices. Kb" Most kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. BAILEY A XKViX.S. Towanda, Febmar 1, 1y855. (GROCERIES —Call anrl .sec onr JJrown, * A Crushed, Coffee aud Pulverized Sugars ; Fine Young Hyson A Black Teas—warranted a superior article, or the money refunded—for sale cheap by B. KINGSBEKY. LEATHER —200 Sides solo Leather just re ceived nod for sale by B. KINGSBERY*. FLOE R ! FLOUR !—SO barrels Superfine FLOUR, jurt received and for gale bv Jan. 31.15.'5. MOXTANYES A CO. jiLOual. AYER S PILLS. 4ND CUE Jill Y PECTORAL.—'The fol lowing remedies are ottered to the public X s the Lest, ' most perfect, which medical science can afford. ATKR S I C \THVFTK? PILLS have been prepared with the utmost skill which the medical profession of this age possesses. 1 and their effects show they have virtues which surpass any combination of medicines hitherto known. Other pre parations do more or les good ; In • this cures such dan gerous complaint#, so (pink and so surely, as to prove an efficacy and a power to uproot disease beyond any thing which men have known before. By removing the obstruc tions of the internal organs and stimulating them iuto healthv action, they renovate the fountains of life and vigor health courses anew through the body, and the sick man is well again- They are adapted to disease, and disease only, for when taken by one in health they pro duce hut little effect. This is the perfection of medicine, it is antagonistic to disease, and no more. Tender chil dren may take them with hnpnnity. If they are sick they will cure them, if they are well they will do them no harm (live theni to some patient who has been prostrated with bilious Complaint; sec his bent-uu. tottering form straight en with strength again ; see his long-lost appetite return : see his clammy features blossom into health, (live them to some sufferer whose foul blood has burst out in scrofula till his skin is covered with sores ; who stands, or sits, or lies in anguish. He lui- been drenched inside and out with exerv every potion which ingenuity could suggest. Give him these Pills, and mark the effect; see the seal** fall from his body ; see the new, fair skin that has grown un der tliem : see the late leper that is clean. Give them to | him whose angry humors have planted rheumatism in his I joints and bones ; move him, and he screeches with pain ; 1 he Loo has been soaked through every muscle of his body \\ itli linanients and salves ; give him these Pills to purify his blood : they may not cure him, for olas ! there eases which no mortal power can reach ; but mark, he walks with crutches now. and now he wulkcs alone ; they have cured him. Give them to the lean, sour, haggard dyspep tic. whose gnawing stomach has long ago eaten every smite from his face and every muscle from his bodv. See bis appetite return, and with it bis health ; see the new man. See her that was radiant with health and loveliness blasted and too early withering away ; want of exercise, or mental anguish, or some lurking disease has deranged the internal organs of digestion, assimilation, or secretion, till they do they do their office ill. H< r blood is vitiated, her health is gone. Give her these Ifills to stimulate the vital principle into renewed vigor, to east out the obstruc tions, and infuse a new vitality iuto the blood. Now look again—-the roses blossom on her cheek, and where sorrow sat. joy bursts from every feature. See the sweet infant wasted with worms. Its wan, sickly features tell you without disguise, and painfully distinct, that they are eat ing its life away. Its pinched-up nose and ears, and rest less sleeping#, tell the dreadful truth in language which every mother knows. Give it the Pills in large doses to sweep these vile parasites from the body. Now turn again and see the ruddy bloom of childhood. Is it nothing to do these things ?' Nay. are they not the marvel of this age ? And yet they are done around you every day. Have you the le-s serious symptoms of these'distempers, they are the easier cured. Jaundice, Costiveness, Head ache, Sidcache. Heartburn, Foul Stomach, Nausea. Pain in the Bowels. Flatulency. Loss of Appetite, King's Evil, Neuralgia, Goat, and kindred comploints all arise from the derangements which these Pills rapidly cure. Take them porseveringly, and under the counsel of a good Physician if you can; if not. take them judiciously by such advice as"we give yon, and the distressing, dangerous diseases they cure, which afflict so many millions of the hiunau race, are cast out like the devils of old—they must burrow in the brutes aud in the sea. Price 25 eonts per box—s boxes for f 1. Through a trial of many years and through every nation of civilized me, Avtat's CHF.KKY PECTORAL lias been found to afford more relief and to cure more cases of pulmonary disease than any other remedy known to mankind. Cases of apparently settled Consumption have been cured by it, and thousands of sufferers who were deemed beyond the reach of human aid have been restored to their friends and usefulness, to sound health and the enjoyments of life, by this all-powerful antidote to diseases of the lungs and throat. Here a cold had settled on the lungs. The dry, hacking cough, the glassy eye, and the pale, thin features of him who was Intel v lusty and strong whisper to all but him Cossi'Mi'Tios. lie tries everything : but the disease is gnawing at his vitals, and shows its fatal symptoms more and more over all his fume. He is taking the Cher ry Pectoral now : it hits stopped his cough and muiTa his breathing easy : bis sleep is sound at night : his appetite returns, and with it his strength. The dart which pierced his side is broken. Scarcely any neighborhood can lie i found which lias not some living "trophy like this to shad i ow forth the virtues which have won for the Cherry Pec j toral an imperishable renown. Influenza, Croup, Bron j ehitis. Hoarseness, Pleurisy, Whooping Cough, aud all ir i ritalions of the throat and luugs are easily cured by the | < berry Pectoral if taken in season. Every family should I have it bv tliem. and they will find it an idvalunble pro i tcctiori from the insidious prowler which carries off the j parent sheep from many a Hock, the darling lamb from many a home. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER. Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass., and sold by all Druggists every where. I AGENTS—Dr. 11. C. Porter and at Reed's Drng Store, : Towanda : Newton. YVhiteA Co..Mouroeton ; J. Holcomb, Rome ; Dr. C. Drake, Troy ; and by all Merchants every where. sib A 8 GREAT WAR AGAINST CLOTHING. Sllft 'li wou Id ie-pe< M'ully inform the citizens of Brad . ford county that be has opened a branch establish ment in Towanda, for the sale of READY" MADE CLOTH ING, comprising the usual stock of Over, Dress, Flock and Sack Coats; Vests, Pants, Shirts, Drawers. Wrappers, Overall-. Stocks. Cravats, Collars. Pocket h'dkfs, Ac. Mr. Rich positively assures the public, that residing in New-Voi k and buying always for cash, enables him to take advantage of the market, so that he can and will sell Clothing '25 per cent, cheaper than any other establish ment in the country! CALL AND SEE! examine aud price the stock, lie sat isfied yourselves that it is more extensive, of better manu facture and style, and sold much cheaper than ever before offered in this market. I have appointed as my agent in Towanda for the sale of Clothing, M. E. SOLOMON", formerly of the firm of Alexander A Solomon, who is Well and favorably known Location, for the present, over Tracy A Moore's Store, Main -tret. Upon the completion of Button's block, the stock will lie removed to one of the new stores, corner of Bridge street. Towanda, January S, 1855. M. E. SOLOMON respectfully calls the attention of his old friends and the public generally t<> the above announce ment. and invites all who may be in need of Clothing to give him a call, assuring them that he can furnish them with woods at the lowest prices, and that no pains will be spared to merit their patronage. 2m31 COLLINS &. POWELL "IT7OULD respectfully call the attention of the public to VV their large stock of Mens' and boys' furnishing Goods, consisting of every variety of Broadcloths, Cassi liieres, 1 toe-skins. Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Linens, Shirts, Collars, Stocks, Cravats, Hosiery, Suspenders, Hats, Car pet Bags, Trunks, Canes, Ac. Ac., which will be sold cheap er than the same quality can be sold in any other estab lishment in this country. They have also on band a well manufactured assortment of READYMADE CLOTHING, to which we invite the at tention of buyers. Our Clothing is mostly made up in the shop—and not purchased at " slop-shops"—as some we wot of. Orders in the Tailoring line executed in the most fash ionable manner, at the shortest notice, and warranted. TIE' The public will please notice one fart, that NOOXK not practically acquainted with the business is capable of judging of the quality and make of a garment; hence the reason why the community have been so much imposed upon by a CERTAIN CI. ASS of community who deal in the article, who, if they were not practically and profession ally cheats, could of necessity, know nothing about the business. They are certain, tin- public would consult their true interest, they would purchase only of those acquain ted with the business. Towanda, Jan. 1, Is,>s. NEW WINTER GOODS! JOSEPH POWELL is now receiving, as usual, a large stork of WINTER GOODS of every description, con sisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, (Mockery, Boods and Shoes, Leather, Shoe Findings, Hats and Gaps. Ac., which he is now offering for Ready Pay at unusually low prices. He would invite particular attention to his stock of LA DIES' DRESS GOODS, consisting in part of French Me rinos. French Plaids, Parmettas, Thibet cloths, all prices, ( unton cloths, Bompazines, wool Delaines, all colors, plain and rtguered Mouslin delaines, Persian twills, Ac.. LAMBS CLOTHS —A variety of Cloths, with Galloons, Plushes, and other trimmings to match. SIIAWI.S.—A large assovtineut, all qualities and prices. EMBKOIUEREI) GOODS.—Chemisettes, sleeves, collars, handkerchiefs, Swiss aud jaconet bands and Bouncings, edgings and iuscrtings. Also, a lot of stamped embroide ry patterns. Km' There will also lie found among his stock a good assortment of Gloves aud Hosiery, Ribbons,"White-Goods, bleached and unbleached Table Linens, Crash, Scotch and Russia Diaper, bleached and unbleached Muslius of every quality and width, Tickings, Stripes, Denims, Canton 1- lanuols, Ac. VWmnU, January 1, 1*55. /J.VLTCOS—A large stock of Merrimack V. Coehece and Fall River Print#—also good calieo for C etc. per yard. Warranted good (ladder colors, for sale by B. KINGSBURY. I 111 • " DR. SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, Fronting the Public JSouare. • ' rfK subscriber, tlisrtikfnl for tbe lilMT.il patronage of the past year, intends to keep constantly on hand a full as. sortnient of the very best articles usually kept in our line, which HE WII.I. dispnaeof on such tcniis as will l*-sa: istiictory to all who may patronize liini. The purchases are made entirely with i ash iu hand, and for the C.tSU customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. All artichs let answering our recommends. will be cheerfully taken back, and the money refunded. Bedical Advice gratuitously given at the Office, charging only for the Medicines. The stock consists of u complete and select assortment <>€ DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porter & Scotch Ale. ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES' FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID---NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! A S PLEX 111 Ii ASSORTMENT OF American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant d Good,) Superior TO2ACCO 6c SNUFF! —Choice brands of Pure Havaana, Principe and Vara CIGARS ! Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass. BruSitcs, Perfumery, Shavingßoap, Fancy Articles. &c. dtc. FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Moln.*>es, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, &<■ Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, kc. REMEMBER THE STORE-SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE! AND ITS MOTTO " Tin best quality of Goods—l'u 11 assortment—Mokerate ]'r< fits —II end q attention to customers— JXo Adulteration of Gocds—Candid ad cox as to J'at> >4 i remedies—And close attention to lysines*? H. C. PORTER, M. I). Towaiula, Feb run ry 1, TBOO. j HALL * RUSSELL, | fl ,|jj Wholesale and Retail Dealers in I AND STOVES. Tni, Japanned and Britannia Ware, |yr . fA House Trimming's, Carnage Trimmings, Harness tk Saddlery I - Warc, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools, j BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, FARMERS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS LEAD PIPE AND PIMPS, of all kinds and sizes, IRON, STEEL, LEATHER BELTING, &c. &e. I Would inform their friends, that these arc onlt ;i part of the amoral he,ids under which mnv he rW sod the.rev - i nive assortment, and to which thev are eon.-te tly receiving additional supplh s. direct fr- ;n the import* j. .1 ma i faeturers. which enable* tlienx to offer such indm eiuents in their large -t... k and low pri e. as will dcf\ eomnetU ! from any quarter. We wonld a-k the particular attention of mci!: SL&isee i^issg j to an examination of our stock, which having been selected with the greatc t care, we are confident will Mtisfr e*-> I the most fastidious. - erg llon't forget the place—Sonth side of the Public Squarr. Old Iron, Copper and ltrass. and all kinds of Country Produce, taken in exchange for floods. Towanda, May '27. HAT.I. & Rr>?ELL. DR. If ALSEYS' FOREST WINE.—The discovery of the F< JRKST WI V Ki - the greatest bles sing of the age. Put u|> in Quart B; >i ties, a single bottle of which does more Rood, and goes further in the cure of Disease, than ton bottles of any Snrsapnrillu in u-e. and warranted to cure without an unpleasant or weakening effect. The method liv which all Sarssaparinas.atul other simi lar medicines areprcpan d.i- 1A olingtlie Hoots of j>!::ut to obtain the extracts. Their medicinal virtues are thus principally evaporati d and destroyed. It is not to lie wondered at then, that 10 and even 20 1 tottles of these Sarsaparillas are - no liiu-s taken without any perceptible benefit. Not so with the Forest Wine.— By tlie invention of a wonderful chemical apparatu--. a per fect wine is produced without 1 anting; retaining. ; t the same time, all the primitive healiuß properties of the rare medicinal plants of whi< h it is comjmsed. tluis rendering the Forest Wine the most efficient medicine the w- rid ever produced, at the same time time the nio„t agreeable. TESTIMONY. This is to certify, that I have used Dr. Halsey's Fore t Wine in my family with the most entire sueec My w ,> was badly atHictecl with Neuralgia, affections of the Spine and Kidneys, and general Debility. Slie found speedy re lief, and regitiued her health by tlie list of the Forest Wine. From my own knowledge of this excellent medicine, T confidently recommend it lor the good of others who mav lie suffering from similar complaints. It is the best medi cine with which 1 anracquainted,and those who are afflic ted with tin- above, or any similar disease, may safely re ly on its virtues. E. G. MUSSEY. MORE TESTIMONY FROM COHOES. DK. (r. W. IIALSKY—Dear Sir : My wife last autumn was reduced to a low state of Debility. My family physician advised her to take your Forest Wine. Accordingly 1 went to Mr. Terry's, your agent in this town, and procur ed a laittle of it, which restored her in a very short time to perfect health. ( oh oes. April 13, 1850. HENRY DONALDSON. DREADFUL COUCH. DEBILITY, AND LOSS OF APPETITE. DR. HAI.SF.YI Hempstead, Dec. 1. 1847. A bottle of your Forest Wine and box of Pilis, which I procured of .laines Carr, (your agent for this place.) has done wonders for me. 1 had been in a state of decline for more than a< year, afflicted with a dreadful cough, pain in the breast, general debility, and loss of appetite. 1 be came almost a skeleton, and had been unable to leave my room for more than two months; my friends told uie I had the Consumption and despaired "of my recove.iv. 1 could not. obtain any permanent relief from any medicine 1 had taken, or my physician, until your Wine and Pills were procured. The first dose of the f'ills brought up from my stomach, much phlem and greenish matter, and my stools were perfectly black. 1 then commenced taking your Forest Wine three times a day. my appetite begun to return immediately, my cough left me, and in less tlia.i two weeks 1 was almost well. I now enjoy better health than I ever did before, having increased twenty-Jive pound in seven weeks. Your Forest Wine and Pills are highly valued in this vicinity, and 1 owe my recovery entirely to their virtues. Yours, respectfully, MARTIN CALDWELL. AFFECTIONS OF THE KIDNEYS. Mr. T. J. (fillies, a highly resectable Merchant of No. 308 Broadway, New York, cured of a severe affection of tlie Kidneys by the Forest Wine and Pills. Dr. U. W. HALKEY : New-York, March 12,18,53, Dear Sir—ln the summer and fall of last year 1 had a severe complaint of the Kidneys, which rendered me unite unfit for business. I procured your Forest Wine and Pills which cured me in a few weeks time, and 1 have since en joyed better health than 1 had for many years previously. From their efficacy in my o.wn case, and from what I kno'w your medicines to lmve done for others, I am induced to recommend them as the best medicines with which I am acquainted. Yours, respectfully, T. J GILLIES. DYSPEPSIA. There are thousands cured every year of this disease by the Forest Wine and Pills; Dyspepsia, Custiveiics* and Indigestion, are kindred complaints, frequently existing together, and the cure of one is generally the cure of all. lhe I orest Wine and Pills alxive all remedies arc pre-emi nent in the cure of Dyspepsia. Testimony of J. N. Verntile, of New York Citv, dated July 9, 1852. I'r. (I. W\ H ALSEY :—Dear Sir—Having been cured of Dyspepsia by the use of your Forest Wine aad Pills. I take the liberty to offer you my name, believing many who i know me may lie benefited by your excellent remedies. r or many years 1 have been afflicted with this malady so bftbly that nearly one-third of my time h.ts liern lost from business. The Forest Wine and Pills have restmed me to excellent health, and 1 cheerfully recommend the in, us 1 an convinced the discovery of these remedies are a bles sing to mankind. J. X. YERMfLE. New-York. Julv 9, 1852. DR. (1. W. H ALSEY'S GUM-COATED FOREST RILLS. Ihe Gum-coated Forest piihj ;t rc d>-'.ffit3toacnv.paw the ; • i •t ae n.re of Disease, th -ircombinedar tion in--:,.' ir< - r ling aiid effective. Tiieyan intinii ly U'tter than •.,% ; • r Pill or Cathartic, producinginai! ci-e- when tin- • ' of m-.-di'-iues are useful, a most chang ing eller"-. the. ,j - .. relv vegetable, never gripe, IBIJ ! taken at any time without uar of taking dd.hiadua-r troui liusiness, or disagreeable efTo-ts, and pass off. leav ing the IKIWCIS perfectly natural, which is a!! l'mportMt tor the peril. t ret ••-••ry and continuation of good health. Tito i-ands can testify "t • tin- great excellence ot these Puk above all others. The Fore.-t Win" accom]ianied with the Forest Pills,aw in eli- t':al ill the cure of all the following coiujiiaiui-: Dy-pepsia.HabitualCostivencss.Liveri 'ompLvit.Asft ma. Piles, Obstinate Headache, Pimple-. Blot, lie- andim healthy caJor ot the -kin. Jundica, Ague awl Fever, Salt l'lieum, Erysipelas, Complaint- incident only to Female? Languishing weakness, Night Sweats, StrmwDiniin (< •.-•era! i; ib i.'tii and iinpaircd state of the Coiistitut."n lb I'ure-t U iue i - put up in large -quire bottles, wit: Dr. H.il-ey's name Mown in the glas-. Ono D-.llar] Uie ir \ i it!o-for Five Doll ir-. Gum-coated F<ceß '-o; - -"> cent - per Box. For Sale by the appointed A ger.i- I .it \V .i le-.i l - .id Retail. General Depot, 191 Puancß ' one do.w from Hudson. New l urk. appointed Viiiit- 'J ' Br allord county Dr. H. ( . Porter .Towanda ; U. H. K ' ri. k. Athen-: Drake \- Allen, IVaverly, N. Y. | AVERLY &. TOWANDA R. ROAD' 500 T/ITITI WANTED ! ! i r pilF. subscribers have just received at their old stair * j I Mercur s Block. Towanda, anew and gooda-si rm. I of Spring and summer Goods, coiisistiiig of RE \PV-M.l CLOTHING. GENTLEMAN'S' FURNISHING h" ' - ever imported into the County -all of the latest -tyl*- 2 market, which are lieing M attered far and wide, in tbf way of Furnishing Goods, we have a complete a— -rttn'ti ( ravats, ( ollitrs. Shirts, Under Shirts, Drawer", U'v tiers, Gloves, Suspender-. Handkerchiefs. lio.siei) kinds, and a variety of Trunks, Ac. Our Ready-Made Clothing embraces every thin. hie in that line, and as we liny for CASH, we can atni * sell 20 per cent, lower titan atiy other Cluthing Est f. s nu-nt in Townnda. J. ALEXAXHKR. Towanda, January 1. 1855. & ALEXANDER TOWANDA 15MT. cpiJK duties of this School will tie resumed on the ± Monday of September next, under the charge "I N OI.I\ IA D. and RKBKCCA I* HANSON, in the rm NSW occupied by James Maclarlane, Esq.. in the North end the " \\ ard 1 louse." 1 lie school year will consist of four quarter-, of ek"- Weeks each. TERMS as formerly. Hi. $•). and sl2 per quarter. arm ing the studies pursued. No extra charge for the L-inguage. ° No pupil will be received for a shorter period thud* Quarter. RmT.KKN.-i>—Rev. Dr. MAC I.ANE, President of the I lege of New JeiM-v Princeton. Hon. DAVIP WU.MOT, (1. F. MASON. Esq., C. L. W r Esq., Hon. GKOKOE SANUKHSON, I). F. BAKSTOW, L\ lowanaa. Towanda, August i 5,",4. QriiYKvixf; JAMES A r viN' v" K-- vevor tor Bradford County, is prepared to a't l " - the almve business in all its'branches. His office '- 51 f Monroetnn. All letters addressed to him at that will meet with prompt attention. April 4. 1854. THE OLD SXAITO STILL IN OPERATION!! THE suliscrilier would aim o | -"L?- to the public that he has n * L' _1 'TI la i"l■ and will make | I. ' 1 ; .Isuch -1- Solas. Divans. I m.. -'| ! e Is A3 ji.3 I Ire, Card. Dining and livcv-kta-t -. | Jr-'-tj bie. M-d, ganv. Walnui. Ma- - I § ■ J Bl'lriT}- 11111 l .'- Si:;".!- " M ,"" I IC a* —lLsb_lf kinds. Chain- mid Bed-icob"'"' ■ I description, wliiuh are, ami will Is- nude id I G l ial and yvoikinaniike imuiuer, and which t• 11 .. I lor rush cheaper than can be bought in any other " 3 - f room in the country. • ■ READY-MADE COFFINS, on land 011 the mf;-', - tunable tenns. A good HEARSE w-Hl o fiirn; Bo I Funeral occasions. J AMP'S MACKIN-" ToWantlt*, Jan mi,-v 1. INS. I pROCKERY \ TIARDW AUK-A ir" xi \J assortment, at PH VNH - |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers