DONATION. —The friends of Rev.Mr. IPsF RAWLINS, pastor of the M. E. Church, ill oav him a Donation Visit on the afternoon and Evening of TUESDAY, December sth. No further notice will be given, and a general invitation is ex tended to all gc "sURYIVORS OF THE WAR OF 1812. |Tjgf l lie surviving soldiers of the war of 1812 and the children of such as are dead, residents of Bradford county, are requested to meet at the Court House in the Borough of I owanda, M LD NESDAY evening, December 13, <854, for the pur nose of choosing one or more delegates to represent s iid county in the Convention to be helJ in the city of V. ash.ngton, on the Bth (by of January next, to ad> pt such measures as will induce Congress not only to do justice to them but also to the widows ol those who have gone to their lastaccount N v. 23. 1854. A MjM IV OR. jo OF O. F —The regular meetings of BRADFORD ENCAMPMENT, NO. 41, I. O. of t) F.. are held in the Hall over J. Kuigsbery'a store, on the first and third Thursday of each month. _ I,r "jr— M ASONIC. — The regul <r monthly Com fcJ&F munications of UNION X.ODGE. No. 108. A Y.M., a re held Wednesday on or preceding the lull moon, at 3 o'clock, P. M., at Masonic Hall, in the borough of Towanda. The meeting for December will occur on Wed nesday. December 29. Visiting brethren are invit ed to attend. W. H. PERKINS. Secretary. EDUCATIONAL—The School Dtrac. Itors. Teachers and friends of Education in the several townships of Bradford county, are re quested to meet at the Collegiate Institute in the bo* rough ..f Towanda, on Tiday Jr Saturday, the 6th nod 7th days of January next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., for the purpose of organizing a County I eacher s Association, whose object shall be, th mutual im provement of those engaged in Teaching, and the elevating and improving the schools of the county. An Address may be expected, and discussions upon various matters connected with the cause of Education. A general attendance of all who feel an interest in the education of the rising generation is earnestly solicited, and all should be on the ground at an early hour. No efforts shall be wanting to make the meeting doth profitable and interesting.— .As many of the Teachers of the county are Females it i> hoped that measures will be taken by the friends of the cause to secure their attendance. E. GUYER, Co. Superintendent Nov 23, 1851. of Common Schools. Mcuj OVimcrtisciiKUts. John C. Adams' Office, [IEMOVED to the room over Burton Kingsbery's A store. Main street. Towanda, December I. 1854. WINTER _ GOODSI IUS I' RECEIVING .4 7' I'HINNE YYS a new as- J s 'rtmentof WINTER GOODS, which will be sold as usual for Cash, 15 per cent, cheaper than can fie bought elsewhere. Qj* All per-ons indebted to me of over one year's standing, must call and see to it, or I will seo to their;—quick too. Towanda, Nov. 25, 1854. TT7AGONS AND SLEIGHS—Two or three of V each for sale cheap at PHIN.NY'S. OTOVES.—Two or three second hand S'oves for sale at nv23 PHINNY'B. SHERIFFS SALES. 14 Y virtue of writs of Vend. Exponas issued out Jj of the Uourt of Common Pleas of Bradford County, and lo me directed, will be exposed to pub lic sale at the Court House, in the boro* of Towan da, on MONDAY.the 4th day of December, next at I o'cl ck P M., the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situated in Sheshequin twp., bound ed on the North by lands of Elislta Newell and Joseph Post, on the East by land ot Samuel Owens, on the south by land of L. Post and Win. Post, and on the west by E;ias Post and Win. Post. Contain ing abut 28 acres and about 16 acres improved, one log house, and one board shed and a few fruit treps thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit ol Da vid Barber vs. John Post. A LsO —The follow ing lot. piece or parcel of land, iituated in Ridgbury twp., bounded on the N* rth bv lands ot A. Wicks,on the ea<t by lands of M. Gardner, on the south by lands D. Gardner, on the we-t by lands of I'. Larrison. Containing 50 acres more or less, about 30 acres improved, one log house, one framed barn and a lew fruit irees there on. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm - H Gerard < Jacob i! ,tv. ALSO—The interest of John W. Munn, it being a life estate in the following de-cribed lot, piece or parcel of land, ttuated in Litchfield twp.. bounded on the north bv lands in possession of S. Ellis, on the r:-t hy lands occupied by Betij. Parks and Henry Ma-ltn, on the south by lands occupied by II nry Masltn. and on the we>t by lands in pusses* stun of J dm Dougherty & Wm. &. Henry Osburn. Containing forty acres more .r less, about tnirty acres improved, one famed house, one framed barn and li.'me fruit trees th* reon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. M ; istou jr., to the use ofN. C. Harris vs. John W. Munn. ALir)—The following described lot. piece or par eelof land, situati d in North Towan. a wp., bound ed on tl ie nor h by lands of Win. Moise, on the east | by lands of D Rutty, on the south by lands J Haw lev. and on the \\ est by lands of S. Hawkins. Con taining ah ui ten acres, be the same more ol less— nil framed house, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. T. Fox vs. Samuel Hawkins. ALSO—I he following described lot, piece or par cel of land situated in Wilmot twp. hounded on the North by land of James Wapies, on the east by lands J. Johnson, on the South by lands of.). O'- Neal anil on the west by lands of John Malts. Con taining thtrtyfour acres, more or less, aSiut eight acres improved, with a log house thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sul livan County vs. J. ("arlin. ALSO—The followine described lot piece or par cel (>f land situated in Burlington twp., bounded on ' the north by lands of Edward & O. P.Hlallard. and Marvin ir Bingham Rockwell, on the east by lands ofHenry Reily, on the south by lands of Horace B Pratt. Theo. Curtis, Marcus Hsyden and James ' Campton. and on the west by lands of F. Crofut & [ others. Containing about 100 acres, be the same more or less, about acre improved with a log siianiv thereon. ALsO— One other lot, piece or parcel of land spaced in said township, bounded as follows : : at the centre of Sugar Creek, on the line j *>f lehial and Wm. McKean, running north 42j° j w-t 56 perches to a post, thence south 12° est | 105 perches to a post, corner of Erastus Beach's i dR ■ 'hence north along the line of Henry Riley's , land 7f,Jo east, 29 perches lo a post, thence north 12 j r '"-~ w est along Jehial and Wm. McKean's land 57 j perrhes to ihe place of beginning. Containing 14 acfPN and 109 perches strict measure, all improved framed house*, one shed, one saw mill and a fewfru.t trees thereon. Seizerj an j (a j- en j n eX p Cl iti ori a t the suit of j Al M V R : , ? kw ' ll vs - WIR - T- Bradford. r f '. s 'be following described lot piece or par- j _ e * ion; situated in Wysox twp , bounded on the i,,nri ofD ' P ' &y - K ' Woodburn . Eli j" h I , 1 > and R. Brown, on the east by lands of John | 1 'n, on the south by lands of G. H. Gorsltne, j I. the west by land of T. W. & W. E. Wood, : ''""'lining 65 acres be the same more or ! r , " ut 20 acres improved, one log house and a | • * nut trees thereon. ma- f, 1 in execution at the suit of Ad- ' u , r ' b-senwine vs. A, J- Gorsltne and J'omeroy j JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, } Nov. 2 1851.5 to '1 " N ° Uce hereby given, that an amount equal ■i e ' e v" fclS Wl " rec l u ' red to be paid upon each fai'u' V ieaslruck 10 the bidder, and upon a £■•' comply w;th this regulatioc, the tract cf *•' again bt offered for sale. Cegal SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the boro' of Towanda, on Satuiday 2d day of December, at 1 o'clock P. M. The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situated in Athens Boro', bounded as follows, to wit; On the North by lands of C. F. Welles, Jr., on the' East by Main Street, on the South by lands of J. B Brockway, and on the West by lands of Martin Rogers—about fifty feet front on Main st., and about 100 feet deep, be the same more or less, all improved, one framed two story building used as a cabinet shop &c. thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situated in said boro.' of Athens, bounded anJ de scribed as follows 'o wit—On the North by lands of J. B. Brockway, on the East by Main st. on the South by lands of Thomas Evans, and on the West by the heirs of Davis, dec'd. Containing about 50 perches, be the same more or less—all improved with a two story framed dwelling house thereon. Stized and taken in execntion at the suit of C. N. Bhipman vs. A.O. Hart and Nancv B Hart. JOHN A.CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Nov. 1, 1854. Register's Nctice. NOTICE is hereby given that 'here have keen filed and settled in the office of the Register of Wills in and for the county of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the following estates, viz: Final account of Daniel Ueardslse, Executor of the last will and testament of Michael Phillips, late of Smith field. dic'd. Final account of Johnson Cowles and Parley Coburn, Administrators of John Cowles,late of Or well. dec'd. Final account of Harvy Gore and Geo. C. Gore, Executors of Avry Gore, late of Sheshequin dec'd. Final account of lames Bagley, Guardian of Ma ry Rogers, minor child of Charles Rogers, late of Canton, dec'd. Supplementary account of Emily Rogers, Ad mini.-tratrix, of the estate of Charles Rogers, late of i Canton, dec'd. Partial account of A. L. Cranmer and Philinda ; S. Smith Executors of the last will and testament | of James P. Smith late of Monroe, dec'd. Final account of John W. Martin, Guaidian of William 1.. Martin, minor child of James Martin, dec'J. Account of William Keeler, surviving Adminis trator of the estate of Garner Carpenter, late of To wanda, dec'd. Final account of Charles Chaffee and James B. Demony, Administrators of the estate of Ktc lard ; N. Horton, late of Sheshequin, dec'd. I Final account of Daniel Holmes, Administrator j of the estate of Josiah Holmes, late of Pike, dec'd. j Supplementary account of Ephriarn Bnuk, Ad i ministrator of the estate of Jonathan Brink, late of 1 Pike, dec'd. Final account of James Elliott, Administrator of j the estate of John Lewis, late ufUlster, dec'd. Final account of Robert Bull. Administratorof the estate of John Welsh late of Durell, dec'd. And .'he same will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, on Monday, the 4th day of December next, fir conGt mation and allowances. H. LAWRENCE SCOTT, Register. Register Office, Nov. 1, 1854. Xiist of Jurors DRAWN for December Term and Sessions,lßs4, as follows: j Wysox—l) P Bartlett, Tracy Dtilchei. ! Rome—S Barnes, S C Mann, J D Demonia, Peter Wolf. Springfield—l Burgess. Smith field—C E Cbilds. I'ike—R W Cuolbaugh. Standing Stone—John Huff. Leroy—E Kelly, H B Stone. ! Durell—Samuel Kelltim 2d. | Sheshequin—Horace Kinney. Tuscarora—H A Lewis. ! Granville—James Mattier. ! Columbia—Ferdinand Newberry, j Ridgbury—Geo Peierson. j Troy twp.—H Spalding Jr., E Str.ead, Alien Taylor j Win A Thomas. | Asylum—Mynor Terry. ! Canton—T M Watts. TIUVtBsR JLUORS FinST WEEK. Monroe—SW Alden, J B Smith. Smithfield—Wm Bennett jr., W Brooks, M Phelps. ' Well,—J H Brink, i She--heqnin—J Brown, 8 D Gore,F Blacktnan. Pike— John B des I H Smith. ' Smi'hfieid—C G Brown, J King, j Wilmot—John C -mistly. : South Creek —G D Coleman. Armenia —Harry Covert. Burlington—O P Calkin, J F Long. Athens ip—A Campbell, T Hircne, J F Ovcnshire, Ridgbury—Wm Covell. Durell—Simeon Ee<ker. I Litchfield—•-■ainupl Davidson. Towanda boro.—Thos Elliott. Canton—D Greenleaf. Wy du-ing G W Jackson, B Taylor. Leroy—Jacob D McKee. Warren—Wm PetuMeson, Philip Roger*. Granville—Hiram Kinynn. Columbia— Harrison Bobbins. S. u,h Towanda—J J Scovtlle. Mbanv—Weils Wi'cox Standi gStoue—F S Whitman. SECOND w IKX . B'miihfield—J C Allen. Amazah Harris. Burlington—J V Ballard, Harvey Ward. Sheshequin—T W Brink. Sp ingfield—J Barrett, Wm Chapman,Theo. Eaton, S C Garriet, Aaron Thomas. Pike—N P Bosworth, Wm Hutchinson. Litchfield—B D Cooper, Peter Teed. Wyalusing—Homer Camp, Chas Hornet. Rirfghery—Hevelon Cornell, S Squires. Orwell—Jason ChtfTee. North Towanda—Wm N Foster. Columbia—George Furman. Sylvania boro.—Orrin Furman. Canton—John Gray. Ulster—Daniel Harkins, M S Warner. Warren—Geo Linn. Athens boro—R I, McGeorge. Armenia—J G Mason. Monroe—A Mullin. Towanda boro—Russell Pratt. Troy twp.—Ebenezer Pomeroy, Leroy—Nelson Reynolds. Granville—H Ross. Wy ß ox—A J Record. Towanda boro. —K C Smalley. Asylum—lsaih Wilson, THIRD WEEK. Windham—Simeon Brainard, W Whcelhouse, Overton—G S Bovies, Wyalusing—Jas Beaumont, C Camp, J Relies. South Creek—C Bailey, S B Pettengill. Columbia—lN Crippen, J H DeWitl. Towanda boro.—Jere Col'ins, C Manville. Athens boro.— Win E Duell, John Greene, L 8 Keeler. Wells—Horace Dunning, Sheshequin—E G Goodwin, I Elliott, John Randall. Troy twp,—H Goddard. Ridgbery—l Hammond 2d, A Roberts. Leroy—N Kelburn.John Kelly. Albany—Joseph Lee. Athene tp.—H McKinney, P Sybel, J Tozer. Rome-wS W Murphey. Burlington—D A Ross, Wm Westgate. Canton—B S Smiley, J Sellard, W Wright. Durell—lsrael Smith. Litchfield—Henry Vanover, LOST] ALL persons are hereby notified no) to take a j certain NO TE against CORNELIUS D. DEMO- I KEST. payable to the subscriber or bearer, for Four Hundred Dollars, and dated on or about the thirti eth day ot March, 1854, payable in one year after the date thereof, for value received, which said note hes been lost out of the posses ion of the subscri ber. nv23m3 JOHN DEMORES I'. WANTED. A FEW COMPETENT TEACHERS to teach -A. the common schools in this District during the ensuing winter, to whom liberal prices will be paid. JJy order of the Board of Directory J.W.IRVINE, Stereta'y. Mcnroe, November 7, ies4. Cegal Qliiucrtisementg, ADM INISTRATOR S NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Joseph C. -(■a- Powell, deceased, late of North Towanda twp, are hereby requested to made payment without de lay. and all persons having unmands against said estate, are requested to present them duly authentic cited for settlement. JOSEPH POWELL. November 21, 1854. Administrator. Administrator's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Henry Vandyke, dec'd late of Albany lp., are reques ted to make payment without delay: and those hav ing demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. SAMLET. VANDYKE, JOHN HATCH August 25, 1854. Administrators. Administratrix's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Geo Shay lor, dec'd. late of Bu'Ungton twp, are here by requested to make payment without delay : and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them dulv authenticated for settle ment. OI.IVE SHAYLOK, Sept. 13, 1 8 54. Administratrix. Executor's Notice. A LT. persons indebted to the estate of John More 11 deceased, late of ilte township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and ali oer*ons having demaads against said estate will pre sent them without ■''"lay, duly authenticated fur set tlement. ORRIN MORE, M. H. CODDING, Sept. 12. 1851. Executors Executor's Notice. ALL persons indeht<d to the estate of Arenat v I,add, dec'd., late of Albany twp., are hereby reque.-ted to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate, will please pre ent them duly authenticated for settlement- WELLS WILCOX, 7 c, P. H. WLCOX, 5 Lxeculors - Oct. 13. 1854; SHERIFF'S SALS BY virtue of sundry wrirs of Vend. Expo, issued out of the court of Common Pleas of Bradford | county, and to me directed, uill De exposed to pub lic sale, at the Court House, in the borough of To wanda, on Saturday, the 4th day of November, at t o'clock, P. M., the following property, to wit— Al.SO—The following described lot, piece or par cel of land situated in Albany twp., b< unded on the North by lands belonging to the estate of Horatio Ladd, dec'd., on the East by lands belonging to , on the South by lands of S. Wilcox, Jacob Jackson et al, on the South-west by lands of Jacob lleverly, and on the west by lauds | of C. Maloney, D. English and Myron Kell-tgg. con ; taining four hundred acres more or less,and known as the Rolhn Wilcox lot. Seized and taken in execution at the mil of Eu nice Lewis and Mary Wilcox vs. Ralph lUCurpen tei. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situated in Pike twp., bounded on the North ! by Daniel Camp, on the East hyJosiah Wood and j Judson Slocum.on the South by Abraham Warden, i and Reed Bosworth,and on the West by Abraham | Warden and the high way—containing about sev i enty acres, about fifty-five acres improved, one | plank house, one frimed barn and shed attached, ! and one old framed corn house, and some fruit trees ! thereon. j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of j James W. Boswoith vs. Mallurv Tyrrell. ALSO—The following describ-d lot, piece or I parcel of land, situated in Monroe tvrp., bounded on ] the North by Timothy Alden and Joseph Bull, on j the Ea=t by J. R. Irvine, on the South by Eleazar I arid Hiram r-tweet, on the West by the Towanda i Creek containing one hundred acres, more or less | —about fifty acres improved, one framed dwelling { house, one framed barn and a corn house, and an apple orchard thereon, Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James H. Ph'Dtry Jr., use vs - H. S. Salsbury. C. THOMAS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Oct. 14. 1854. (£/* The above sale, stands pstponed until Mon day, the 4th day of December next, at the same place and time of day- JOHN A. OODDTNG, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Nov. 4, 1851. Orphan's Court Sale. BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on Saturday, the 2d day of December next, at I o'clock, P.M., al the store of B. Laporte & Co., in Durel township, county aforesaid, the fol lowing real estate, to wit : A certain tract of land situate in Wilmot township in said coun'y, adjoin ing lands of Terry and Dull on the north and east IJaggerty and Hnlhouse on the south, and John Mills arid Abram Wilson on the west. Containing about two hundred and thirty acres. For conveni ence of purchasers said tract has been sub divided into four lots, which will be sold together or sepa rately. Lots No. 1. 2 and 4, contain 54 acres and 63 perches each. No. 4 contains 66 acres per ches. A frqtmd house and barn, app.e orchard of young trees, and forty acres improvement on No. I. fiaid tract is well timbered, with two steam saw mills con venient. Sold as the estate of Allen Wood ruff, dec'd. Terms made known at the sale. S. S. BRADLEY, Administrator. Durel, November 7, 1854. ISLAND SALT.—A quantity j"st re- J. ceived by n6 J. POWELL. Letting—North Branch Pcnn'a Canal. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received nt the house of George Lazarus, in Pulsion, until sun set of Thursday, the 23d of November next, for completing the Weigh Lock and building a Collec- j tor's Office at Upper Pitlston. Plans and specifica tions will be exhibited three days previous to the > day of letting. W. R. MAFFET, Engineer and Stip'i N. B. Canal. Engineer's Office, Towanda, Oct. 28, 1854. Postponement. The above Letting is postponed until Saturday, the 23d day of December next, at the house of I B. ! Stark, in Upper Pittston. Until sur.set of which j day, sealed proposals will be received, as above. I W. 11. MAFFET, Engineer and Sup't N-B. Canal. j Engineer's Office, Towanda. Nov. 27, 1854. iire and Life Insurance. WAVERLY AGENCY. FILICIES issued in the best established Com panies in the United States, with capital from 2000,000 to SI,OOO 000. Apply fo P. O. MOODY. East end Spaulding Block, Waverly, N. Y. lOtXT FOR THE FOLLOWING COM FX MIES! Hartfprd City Fire Insurance Company. Mohawk Valley Fire Insurance Company. Ran-alaer Fire Insurance Company. Empire Insurance Company. Granite Fire Insurance Compmy. Uiiqa Live Stock Insurance Company. , Susquehanna Life Insurance Company. Phoenix Pire Insurance o<>. of Brooklyn. Excelsior Fire Insurance Cn. of New York. (Jj'AII ordprs from the country promp'h filled. 23 i A CHANCE TO 2YIAKE MIOCTE? ! Profitable and Honorable Employment ! 'PHE subscriber is desirous of having an agent X iq each county and town of the Union. A ca pital of from 5 to s'o only will be required, and anything like an efficient energetic man can make from three to five dollars per day—indeed some of the agents now employed are realizing twice that sum. Every information will be given by address ing, postage paid, W.M. A. KINSLER, 1 Nov. 17. Box fiOl, Philadelphia P. O. LEATHER— 200 Bides sole Leather— Just re oeiv ed and for sale by BURTON KINGMJERY- flUnl)auM?e, £-c. ~W**m ]9B C 9 B.W9 Attorney at Law. OFFICE WITH Tilt RKOISTEB AX U BtCOBPtU. Towanda, Penna. j NEW SPUING & SUMMER GOODS ! BURTON KINGSBERY, IS now receiving all sorts of NE A' GOODS, will he sold very low for Cash. May 3. 1854. arjse. sl iibr, ' ' *\Tj r OUI,D inform her friends, that she has just re- V 1 turned from the city, with a large assortment iof xviii.Lxmi:aY goods, ! which she offers at reduced prices. Produce of cv | ery Kind taken in payment for goods. REUCOVAL.—DR. MASON has removed ! his office to his dwelling, on Pine street. Opposite ! the old Presbyterian Church. Towanda, May Id, 1854. 3Flows and Flew castings! B LATCH LEY, Wayne county, Alba or Curtis Plows, Side hill, subsoil and corn plows and j Castings, for sale cheap. I take particular pains to get good well made plows and tough castings. I would invite psrticu j lar attention to the Alba, or Curtis plow. Call and see. 11. M. WELLES. ! SPRiWG^GOODS. JUST received by Joseph Kingsbury, a large and complete stock of NEW GOODS, for sale as usual, CHKAP Fott CASH ! Towanda. April 28. 1854. H. J. XttADXXiXi ./ TTOR .V i: 1* IT Wj 4 If , Office with the Register and Recorder, TnttrisSA, PA. D'A. OVERTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. TOWANDA, PA. OFFICE in th e second story of the Union Clock, north side of the Public square, over the office j of J. C. Adams. Esq. Sept. 24. NOTICE TO ASSESSORS. r |MIE several Assessors for 1555, will make their j -M- returns in the following order, viz:— | Assessors for Athens twp., Athens boro., Ridgber | ry. South Creek. Wells, Ulster and North Towan ! da, on Monday, November 27th. j Columbia, Sylvania boro.,Springfield, Smithfieid i Burlington, Burlington boro., and Towanda boro., j on Tuesday, the 28th. j Armenia, Troy twp.. Troy boro.. South Towanda, Monroe, Franklin, Overton and Granville, on Wed ' nesday, 29th. Leroy, Cunton, Durel:, Albany, Arylum, Wilmot ! and Tuscarora. on Thursday the 30th. Litchfield, Windham, Warren, Pike, Wyalusing and Orwell, on Friday Dec. Ist. Sheshequin. Rome. Hcrrtck, Standing Stone and I Wysox, on Saturday, Dec 2d. I (£[/* The Assessors will he careful in footing the assessments, carrying each persons valuation into the tight hand column,and also in making their re turns on the dav designated in their Warrants. By order of the Commissioners. E. M. FARRAR, Clerk. Commr'i. Office. Oct. 20, 1854. jmL. mcz im. ■£ as < E. W. EAIRD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, H AYING disposed of all interest in other busi ness, is now prepared to attend promptly to all business, in the line of his profession. Hemay be found at all times—except when absent on le gal business—at his New Brick Office, "THE LITTLE UNION BLOCK," between the old Un ion Block and John Burger's splendid Saloon, re cently eiected on the North side of the Public Square, Towanda, Pa QC/* N. D.—Particular attention given to col lecting. Towanda, Aug.. 21. 1854. New & Desirablo FALL AND WINTER GOODS'! IS now prepared to offer to his customers and the Public generally, a lurge and complete stock of FALL h- WINTER GOODS. llis stock has been selecteJ with unusual great care, and is superior for style and quality than have < ver beforeoffered to the public—and such a combination of very low prices that we ate sure cannot fail to pleave the closest observer. Amongst his stock may be found French Mtienos, DeLains, Cashmeres, Thibet cloths, Ginghams. Fine Worsted plaids. Silk Pop lin, AUpacas, t'alictvs. Fine and heavy Irish Lin ens, Cotton Pillow Casings, Brown arid Dlaaehed Muslin, Sack Flannel, Broad Cloths <)(• Cassimcrs, 4c. Ac. ("lALICOS —A large assortment of Merrimack, J Coehece & Fall River Print-—also good cali co for 6 cts. per yard. Warranted good Madder colors, fur sale by B. KINGSBERY. fd ROCERIEB—-Call and see our Brown, Crush- VT e d, Coffee and Pulverized r>"uguars—Fine Young Hyson Or Black Teas—warranted a Superior article or the money refunded—for sale cheap by BURTON KINGSBERY. ifiw J. HARVY PHINNY, JR., great pleasure in announcing to the pttbi lie that the liberal patronage he has received at their hands, has enabled him to offer them a large and complete assortment of GOODS, as can be found in Towanda, and for unprecedented low pri ces, he dafies all competition. Persons wishing to purchase Goods for Cash or Ready Pay, will find it to their interest ts call and examine his stock, at the corner of Main and Bridge streets. Butter, Pork. Grain, Lumber and Hay, taken in payment of old debts,or in exceange for Goods. Oct. 13, 1854, I EATHER, Pork, Codfish, Mackerel and White 1 4 Fih, for sale cheap at PHI.\N Y'S. V,' PHINNY'S. ( •LCTHING, may be had cheap at ■J PHINNY'S. 1[) AINTS, Nails, Glass and Oils, cheap at PHINNY'S. HATS, Caps, Boots and Bhoes, a large assort ment at P I \NY'S. 800 I'S &. SHOES—Huts &. Caps—A splendid assortment just received at ___ BURTON KINGSBERY. NEW FALL GOODS ! JOSEPH POWELL, HAS just received a large Stock of New Goods, which are offered for sale, for ready pay, at unusually low prices. Towanda,Sept, 28, 18*4. JAZ&ES MACrARItAK"!! ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWANDA try Office removed to John C. Adams* Office in the Union Block. July 20. Salt! Salt I "1 BBLS. SALT, just received, and for sale, 1 t)\J under Hall &. Russel's, by Nov 2. 1854. S. FELTON & Co. Towanda Female Seminary. THE WinbT Quarter of the Towanda Fema'a Seminar/, w.R ccra on Mondav,Nu\em* ber 27. 0. D. HANSON. N or. 22, 19SL HARDWARE & IRON STORE. -BL HALL fk RUSSELL, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in gSgHARDWARE AND STOVES, Tm. Japanned and Britannia Ware, House Trimmings, Cariiagc Trimmings, Harness &. Saddlery I^' "Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, FARMERS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS LEAD PIPE AND PIMPS, of all hinds and sizes, IKON, STEEL, LEATHER BELTING, Ac. Arc. Wou'd inform their friends that these are on'y a part of the general heads under which may be classed their extensive and to which tiny are constantly receiving additional supplies. direct from the importers and manufacturers, which enables them to ofier such inducements in tlnir large stock and low prices, that will challenge competition front any quarter. We would ask the parttcula: attention of jlns® to an examination of our stock, which having been selected with the g r cabEt care, we are confident wilj satisfy even the most particular. ; 'f Don't forget the place—South side of the public square. 1 Old Iron, Copper and Brass, and al 1 kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. Towanda. May 27, 1854. HALL AL RUSSELL. 1 A" -i I DLL POUTER'S OFFICE-& DRUG STOKE, SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, Frcntiitg" the Public Square 'j'llE s(brrtbcr, thankful for the liberal patronage received tne past year mends to keep constantly on A hand a full a-sorimml of the very hist ailules usuallv kipt in our liti?. which IIK WILL dispose of on such terms us will he satisfactory to ail who may pi.rouue him. The purchases are made entirely with cash in hand, and tor tin- GASH our customers will receive th- beta tit of a good crude ala low price. All articles not answering our recommendation, will be cheerju'y taken back, and the money refunded. DT" Medical A.'vire "ratnitoiisly given at the Office, rharging tnly for Ihe Medicines. The slock consists of a complete and select assortment o DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine & Liquors, for .Medicinal use, London Porter & Scotch Ale. ALL HIE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES! FRESH GAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! A SPITS MIL ASSOHTXKXT OF American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant:d Good.) Superior & SISVz'T ! —Choice brands of Pure ZXcvcncs, Principe and ■STara CIGARS ! Paiufx, Oil, larnitibett, Wiiidow Glatut, BruSlieti, Perfumery, Shat ing Soap, E'.aiicy Arficlcs. \.c. &c. FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas ; Bio and Java Coffee; [Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, Jce Ac, Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &e. REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE! AND ITS MOTTO " The best Quality <J Goods—l t.ll Assortment—Modarate Profits —Ready Attention to Cvslvmers—no Adulteration oj Goods—Candid Advice as to Patent Remedies—at id Close Attention to Business." Towanda, Novomher 12, 1853. 11. C!. POUTER, M. I>. D It Y _GO 0D S ! HICH, F ASHXOX AHLX AND COMTLETK ASSORTMENT, WELL WORTH THE ATTE ION OF PURCHASER?. SUSllßJifii \yiLL open this day, the best selected stock of, 4 l)ry (J.iods rv-r shown in this village. Among ; their Stock wtlj be found all the desirable styles and i dolors of French Merinoes, Paramettas. Alapaccas, ; Poplins, Thibet Cloths, Lyonese Clothes. B<>mba- ! zenes, Rich De iins, Plain and All Wool DeLains, all colors and Splendid Patterns. Silks . Black, ; Colored and Fancy. Wool Long Shawls, a com- ' plete assortment of high colors, i'laiJ and Plain i Cpntres. Drab, Mixtures and Mourning, warrented ; all Wool. Brocha Shawls—Long and Square, new , and beautiful Patterns, high Colors and warranted ' free from Cotton—the real Paris and Vi-na ; Manufacture. Purchasers will find gr at bargains, j Also Silk Delaine, Cashmere, Crape and Thibet, iu • every variety, iJcciJcdiy the lied iV Cheapest Sto k in Ihis Market ' Bay State Flannels—Mixed, Blue, Green. White and Scarlet. Also Plain Fiannels, of every variety of colors, Width and Quality. Opera nnd Printed j Flannels. Also a general assortment of Black B ue, Biowtr and Mixed <0 3"j £) k? IQ 53 a Plair. and Fancy Cnssimeres, Doeskins, Beaver Cloths.Tweeds, and, Petershams. Plain and Fan- j oy SPk and Velvet Yestings. Gents in want of ' Over Coats. Coats, Pants, and Veste, w ill find this a , most desirable Stock to Select from. Dress Trim- I rr.ings, a complete assortment* Ribbons. Fall style, ' New and Beautiful Patterns. Linens. Embroider- ' ies and Thread Laces. Hosiery—A large stock of | Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's in every ..trie- ! tv. Fancy and Black Italian. Gloves Ladies and I Gents Silk. Kid, Beaver. Merino, Cashmere. Lt-le j Thread and Chiton. Mitts* Serving -Silks, Long A- j Short. Ginghams and Prints, a very full stock of j the latest styles. Handkerchief* —Linen, Silk, and j Cotton in every variety. domestic Goods. A large stock of Sheeting, Tickings, Cotton Flan nels, Stripes, Checks, Drills, Denims, Yarn, Halts, Wicks, Carpet Yaru and Bago, Plaid Linscys and ! Kcnturky Jeans. Owcgo. Sept. 25, ISSL DISSOLUTION, THE co-partnership heretofore existing between | S.FZLTO* and E. T. Fox is this day dissolved I by mutual consent. The notes and accounts of said firm are in the hands of F. T. Fox, who can j generally be found at S. Felton's store, or r.t the ' Ward House. Those interested will please take j notice that tho accounts &.c. must be s< fled imme- j diatclv. S. FEI.TON, November 11, 1854. E. T. FOX. 8. FEI.TON would must respectfully inform his old customers and the public generally 'hat he will still continue the LIQUOR LUSJSKSS at the old stand, and that he is now receiving latge addi ions , to his stock, direct from fiist hand* HI New Yoik. 1 which lie will be "most happy to sell on the most I rea-mnnkle terms. He is a'so agent for tie sale of I " Bingbttmrion Ale," a supplv of which he keeps al ways un hand ai d for sale cheap. Tvivvaiida. November 11, 1944. TJAINT?* OlLS—Lamp ft Linseed Oil—White | -L prf Keg—Glass by the Light or Box, at BURTON KINGBBEKY Southern Military Academy Lottery ! (BY ACTHORITT OK THE STATE OF ALABAMA,) Conducted on the Havana Flan 10,000 (Plumbers— SCI Prises!—all tfce Prizes drawn at each (Drawing. CLASS G—TO BE DU.vWN 30TH NOV'BER. I CAPITALS JISOOO j •• •. 5000 / " 3000 5 of f, M) 00 5000 In all F Ol prizes, amounting to JGO.OOO Tickets $lO. — Halves and Quarters in proportion. Bills on all solvent banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. S>AMUEL SWAN, Agent and Malinger tsign of the Bronze Lion*. Montgomery. Ala. Nov. 2, 1854. PROCLAMATION, i HEREAS, the Hon. DAVID WILMOT. Presi. | < dent Judge of the 12th Judicial District, con- I ->i-o ntr of rhe Counties of Bradfotd, Susquehanna ' and Sullivan,and the Hon. Myron Ballard and Har ry Acklev, Associate Judges, in andforthe said co. of Bradford, have is-ned their precept bearing data ! die orJi day oj September. 1851, tome directed,for holding a Court of dyer and Terminer. General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan'* Court, at Towanda, for the County of Bradford on the first Monday, the 4th day of Decern . ber next, to continue three weeks. I Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners ' and Ju-tire- of the Peace and Constables of the j county of Bradford, that they be then and there in I their proper person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon jof snici da}', with tbi ir records, ii quisitions, and ! other remembrances, to do those tilings which to i their office appertains to be done ; and these who I arc bound !>v recognizance or otherwise to prosecute I again-t ihe prisoners wh • are or maybe in the jail :of san county, or who shall be bound to appear at j ihe said court, ate to he then and there to prosecute j against them as shall be just. Jurors are rßquest | ed to be punctual m their auendaicc, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 4th of November, in the veur of our Lord,one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the United b'tates, the seventy-ninth. JOHN A. CODDING. Sheriff. NEW FALL GOODS. 11. S. M Kll CUE, IS yaW EECF.TYIXO, A Zterec and well selected assortment of FAX.Ii CvCOjSii! Tow.inda, S. pi-m!n r 14,1854. To Every Wii'o and ZV2otber. THERE is life, health, beauty, happiness and gone other information of p cutiar interest and ! tmpor'anoe. n he had (gratis) • y ° 'dressing (post p-.idj Dr. I. Vf. --IT E-<SH, Can -on. P i Nov.lo 310 RE NEW GOODS" EURTON KjiMGSPERY IS Now OPENING a NEW DTOCK o?Goons consists ins of full and caniplete assortment of all kind -31 V. R f ?1 .% XDIZE. which will ch> ap as the same qua ity of Goods can be bought any where ihla side of 3fBV?. ' York- . i Toxanda, Dec. Iff. 1359*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers