Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 18, 1854, Image 1

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    T () W A N I) A :
Satnrbae filorninn, November 18, \B~oX
lv ANSA S.
We have leceived the first number of the " Her
aid of Freedom," a paper, printed at Wakarusa, in
the Territory of Kansas, by G. W. BROWN & Co.
The Herald is a large and well printed sheet, most
lv filled with information in regard lo the new Ter
ritory. It purports to be "An Imlependaul Week
ly Newspaper, devoted to Freedom aud the inter
ests of Kansas Territory."
The first number displays an ability and cour
age which do much torwards securing the lerlile
fields of Kansas Irom the polluting presence of Sla
very. We have made some selections hour its
editorials, most interesting to our readers, which
will be found below :
Five hundred ihou-aud settlers can be accomo
dated with the best lands in the world by locating
immediately in this Territory. The soil is of the
riciiest character, varying from eighteen inches to
five feet in depth ; the clttnate is salubrious, the
thermometer rarely or never rising above 105 de
grees in the shade. In Pennsylvania, where we
resided during the las! summer, it stood for days in
succession at 106 deg. lrotn ten in the forenoon to
three in the afternoon. The winters are compara
tively mild with us, though subject to frequent
changes, 011 account of the high altitude of the
country. The productions of Missouri, Kentucky
alhl Oili 0 grow lieie in great abundance. Apples,
peaches, ami pears >eeni well adapted lo the soil
Mr WALKER, the intelligent provisional G rvernor
ci die Wyand it Indians, and formeily from north
ern Ohio, says he raises annually the most luscious
peaches he ever saw. Melonsgiow of mammoth
The agticiilfurisis who *i now home in iho
West should not stop to make a location until he
has visited thi* Tenitoiy The organized emigra
tion of the world is now turned towards it. aud it
possesses advantage- 011 tins aceou it which are not
cilered by any western Slavs
lu December last, the Supei inteiidant of Indian
alhirs lor the Indian Territory, in ills annual report
said, in substance, " A*iJe from the government
agen's, troops and missionaries, there are not at
; 1- one, three white inliabitantr in all that region
iv <ig west of the M issouii, and embraced in the
i.:n. sol Kansas and Nebraska But ten months
have passed since then, and now, instreadofa pop
u.anon enumerated ty a monosyllable, tfiete are
uianv thousand settled all over the country, and
I..imbeds a;e pouring in daily, selecting and stak
-1 ig out farms, on which they purpose locating with
liifir families.
We confidently predict that in less than a year
Lorn tins time, we shall number lully one hundred
thousand souls. The times indicate it. In all the
northern States; indeed, in neatly every county, I
there are movements Kansas watJ, and Irequeniiy ;
the numbers aie so great as to deteriorate the va'-
ue of proper'y. particularly teal esiu'e. Anil why
not ? Lands in many parts ol the north, nor favora
bly located for a market, or peculiarly productive,
command from thir y lo fifty and seventy-five dol
lars per acre.
Here the government price is but one dollar arid
twen y five cents, and the title deeds are from the
government, hence no question to their validity.
The cost of turning over the praiii ranges from '
two to tiiree dollars an acre. The first crop—us
ually of corn— will pay ihe expenses of culture; s
then the farmer with his hundred acres of the rich- 1
est land in the world, perfectly subdqed, andcapa- 1
ble ol raising any species ol vegeiarion, finds it !
costing him liorrt three hundred and seventy-five 1
to four hundred dollars. It is in a condrriori which
twenty years of hard labor in a timbered country
cannot make it ; arid he li ids himself enabled to
produce a luxuriant crop of vegeta'ion with merely
one third the labor required on Hie " hardpau"' soil :
of most of the northern and middle States..
It is true many of the conveniences ola timber
ed country are wanting here ; but these can all be ,
supplied by the hand ol labor. " But," says the 1
inquirer," what will be done lor fences? Y r ou
have no timber, or nor sufficient, to be used for I
fencing purposes, and it appears to rr.e impossible
lo get along in such a country." In some of the \
western prairie States they have got along very
well without timber, ai d iiere, in Kansas, we ex
peet lo get along -till better. The Osage Orange,
which is used for hedges, grows in three yeais.
and produces a natural fence capable of turning
a-ide the largest animals. The severity ol the
wilier in more northern latitudes makes this use
less to the prairie farmers of lowa and Wisconsin,
but here it will increase in value lrotn year to year,
and is woith more than a dozen rail fences, winch
cos ? such an immense amount of labor to erect.
I. is objected that our market is too far removed.
To those who are not at all acquainted with our
position in the Republic, the objection is insupera
ble ; but to those who have observed that we have
au excellent water communication wph all parts of
the world ; and that in two years, at the furtheresl.
xve shall be banded with iron, and a rail connecting
us with Boston and New Y'ork, along which the
seam horse will be propelled at the rate ol from
thirty lo forty miles per hour, the objection is worih
'6*s. The whoie valley of the Mississippi w;ll fur
nish us a rna ket, as will lire government trains
which cross die plains to New Mexico and the
Rocky mountains to Ulah, California, Oregon and
asliington Territory. Besides this, we expect a
-arge/ro/ne maiket;for mechanics have already
commenced, pouring in by thousands, and the nu
nterous articles which are imported inloolher wes
le"t States will be manufactured among us. Agri
cultural implements of every species, which are
usually made in the eastern States, will be con
* -acted in the Kansas Valley. We are alreaJy of our commercial ctly, which we claim is
to rival the growth of any western town. Chicago,
with its population of 70,000 in twenty-two years,
will find her growth less rapid than the great City
of the Plains- which is lobe the halfway house
between the Atlantic and Pacific, and the cornmer
cial emporium of North America.
The Pacific Railway will be complete during
the next ten years. It must necessarily pass along
I the southern bank of the Kansas and up one of its
j principal tributaries to the south pass in the Rocky
Mountains. While this road is being constructed
the surplus products of the rich farms which lancy
sees already, covered with "bending grain and
i golden rinded huit," will be needed to supply ihe
wants of its laborers, and the money will be requir
ed in return to meet the incidental wants of the
Kansas farmer.
Again we say, send on the five hundred thous
and farmers, mechanics and artisans, and we will
pledge them the most beautiful farms and the rich
est country in all the bounties of nature which the
sun of heaven ever shone upon.
To THE READER—As early as the middle ol
March lust we signified our intention, through the
, columns of the Corneantville Weekly Courier— a
paper we then published in Pennsylvania— to lo
cate in Kansas, on certain conditions, which are
j shadowed lorth in the followiug extract which we
! copy lrotn that journal:
j "If we can dispose of our property here, so as
I not to sufier too great a sacrifice, or hazard the ex
istence of the Courier —can obtain one hundred
l families to emigra'e to die same locality, at the
j same time— and lie Nebraska-Kansas bid shall be
come a law. by which slavery shall be permitted to enter
that fertile region —then we will start with our
1 household gods" for some locality 011 trie eastern
borders of Kansas Territory, ami contribute our
humble influence in beating back the advancing
hordes of southern chivalry and their " human
clia iles;" and with the aid of the Pre.-s will invite
the free sons ol the North to contribute their share*
in building up an empire ihere which shall be sa
cred to Freedom. Slavery shall never be per mi ted
to extend its blighting influence over the wee eru
valley of the Missouri and its tributaries."
AH the condition* included in the foregoing para
graph have been fiteially fulfilled, and in accord
ance with that resolve the Herald of Freedom is now
established in this teiritory.
We have no promise to make, nor no lengthy
programme to give the public, other than the fact
that wo have published an independent paper lor
the last seven years, and in undertaking the entire
supervision of the llcrald of Freedom, with such as
sistance as the circums'ances may demand, we ex
pect to remain untrammeled. In favor of the great
esi amount of human freedom, opposed to wrong
in all its forms, it is expected that our views will
occasionally conflict with those who differ from us
In all our differences, however, we will labor to
avoid unpleasantness, or anything which partake
of a malevolent spirit.
Our gteat object is to make Kansas a free State;
and to that end we shall labor by encouraiug emi
gration. I is not our purpose lo engage in a crusa
de against our southern brethren, nor upon their in
stitutions. so long as confined within their legiti
mate sphere. Our field is KANSAS, aud here we
.-hall labor, arid Im c shall erect anew the altar of
LIBERTY. Wi li the Declaration of American Inde
pendence in one hand anJ the Constitution of the
Republic in the odier we engage in a defensive war
lare for the Right. We firmly believe that victory
will crown the efforts of the Sons of Freedom but
the snuggle will be long and arduous. We may
be stricken down at first but not defeated.
With this simple declaration we launch our I
humble barque on the wide sea ol public opinion,
and trust that propitious winds and favorable cur- |
rents may glide usswifdy to our destined port.
OUR HEAD—The engraving, forming part O! the
head of the HERALD OF FREEDOM, was designed
with tfie purpose ol illustrating the commercial city
which will soon make its appearance in the Kansas
Valley. It represents a sunset view on the prairies,
with the meandering of the Kansas, and also an in
distinct view ol lite mouth ol the Wakaiusa ; while
above, ori the southern bank of the Kansas, is seen j
'he beautiful city, which will soon have an existence i
other than in name. The steamboat is rapidly I
making its way up the river, heavily laden with |
human freight, while on the left may be 6een a j
locomotive and Fain of passpnger cars, probably j
the first trip over the Facifio Railway. In front a
'rain of emigrant wagons are observed, while near
them on the ielf is a small party, perhaps ol our
southern brethren, who look rather disheartened in
view of the immense tide of free laborers who are
houily making their way to the inteijor portions ol
the territory The design is a happy one, and the
artist has our thanks lor the fidelity of its ex ecu
most salubrious climates in the world, we think
Kansas Territory oilers inducements to the enter
prising emigrants for settling in it superior to any
other country; and yet we would impress upon
thein the advantage uf locating in the fall or eatly
in the winter, in preference to the spring. With
every country, though no more than a hundred
miles distant from another, there is a change in
climate, to which we must become acclimated, if
we would enjoy good health. All experience has
demonstrated that autumn ar,d winter best prepares
the human constitution for asrrrospheric changes.—
He who locates in a new country during these sea
sons is seldom affected by the diseases peculiar to
the climate, whilst he who amoves in the spring
too often falls a prey to what appears lo him an un
congenial temperature
It is apprehended by sorpo that there will be
much suftermg from those who locate among us
this fall, from the wan! of the necessaries of life,
and protection from the inclemency of the weather;
! but let all such temember that money, or that ol
which money is the lepresentative—labor —wall
supply bom ol these wants here, ami at a mnch
lower rate than they can be supplied in the eastern
cities. Those, however, who wish to enjoy the
luxuiies oflile in abundance, and who are not wil.
ling to forego a little present ill for a future compe
tence, have no business in the territory, and we ad
vise them by all means to remain behind. Those
of us who have located in Kansas have done so
with the view ol building up a great and powerful
State. We make it our permanent home and de
sign it as the abode of our children. Cities, pros
peious villages and cultivated fields must soon lake
the place of desolation; and schools, academies,
colleges and churches are destined, in a very few
years, to decorate every hillside. Who is there
whose brow indicates intelligence, and every action
energy of purpose, who is not desirous ofconlribnt
ing his influence in moulding the destinies of the
future commonwealth. Come on then now, tins
very season, and the thousands who are but a lew
months ahead of you will welcome you cordially
to their homes, and extend to you every aid and
protection in their power.
BK VIGILANT.—The friends of Kansas in the
east, and particularly in New England, must be
active in this movement to forward pioneers, if they
expect to secure this territory to freedom. Missour
ians are doing their utmost to secure the preponder
ance of slavery sentiments, and are locating by
hnndieds around Fort Leavenworth, in view of tho
proximity of that place to the capital.
The election will take place soon, and it is all
important for the triumph of fieedom that active
measures be employed to hurry up emigration.—
The Emigrant Aid Company is watched with deep
interest, and the south conceive it to be their prin
ciple antagonist, hence labor lor its destruction.—
Let the friends ol that Company be equally efficient
in giving it " material aid," and the last hope of the
slave power will expire, and every part of Kansas
will be secured beyond the reach of the despoiler.
We trust it will not be our fortune to record a pro
slavery triumph as a result ol the first election
throughout the supineness of northern freemen.
IN ADVANCE —We issue the first number nl
our paper considerably in advance of its date, that
the fiends of the enterpiize may see it, and be in
duced to subsbribe immediately. We have work
ed oft an edition of TWENTY THOUSAND
COPIES, and already regret that it was not twice
as large. We are thinking some ol issuing a 6ec.
ond edition, and shall do so if the sale is as great
as the present demand indicates. In every part of
the country information is desired abouthis ' gar
den of the world," and it shall be our pleasure to
furnish it more fully than it can be got through anv
other source.
Oca POST OFFICE ADDRESS—Persons having oc
casion to address us on business, or otherwise, will
direct their communications to G. VV. BROWN &. j
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. We have made arrangements
with our agents there to have everything forwatded
to us without occasioning delay. The uncertain
stale of the Post offices in this territory will compel
us to receive communications for a while thro'the
Postofiiees in Missouri. To avoid unnecessary risk
we choose tohave evetythingcoming to us forward
eJ as above.
DESTINY OF KANSAS—To show the sentiments
on the slavery question prevailing about Fort Leav
enworth we quote the following resolution, adopt- j
ed at a meeting held near that place about the Ist of
Sept, with but four dissenting votes. We have no
doubt it represents the views of the people in that
vicinity, as they are principally from western Mis
souri. A similar resolution would not receive four
affirmative voles in the valley ol the Kansas liver,
as the people here are principally from the north
ern and eastern Sta'es, and, as far as our informa
tion extends, are unanimously opposed to slavery.
' Resolved, That Kansas Territory—and as aeon
sequence, the S ate of Kansas— of rigid should be
and therefore shall be slave terriioiy."
Com. YET ACCOMMODATING-A man t hy the name
Bahr in Sebastian county, was lately in very pecu
liar circumstances. Whilst absent from home a
vagabond by the name of Rose made the acquaint
ance of his family and actually so far transcended
the bounds ol propriety as to induce Mrs. Bahr to
consent to run away from her husband. Accord
ingly he yoked up Hifir's oxen, loaded the effects
about the house, and placed Mrs. Bahr and her two
children on the top ol them, and was just about to
cry out' git up Berry," when Bahr made his ap
pearance. He had already heard ol his wile's un
faithfulness and came up weeping.
•• Oil, Folly Jane, Folly Jane, are you going to
leave me and take away Bob and SarinJa ?"
Mis. Bahr unswered not a word, but the attention
of Hose was drawn 10 ihe lamentations.
" What's the mailer, Mr. Bahr?" said Rose.
' Polly and the children is going to be separated
from me," responded Bahr.
"No need of that, Mr. Bahr, no need of thai
Come and go along wi h us; in lact we need you
to carry water and chop wood Cheer up and
come along. Don't look at the dark side ol life,
you'll have a first rate time. Get up Berry !"
How ro ENLIGHTEN HIM —A bashlul Yokel was
paying his adJre&ses to a gay lass of the country,
who had long despaired of bringing things to a cri
sis. Yokel called cue day when she was alone at
home. After seltlingKhe merits of the weather,
Miss said, looking slyly into hi* lace. " I dream
ed of you last night."
" Did you ? why now !"
n Yes, I dreamed that you kissed me !"
" Why now ! what did you dteam your mother
" Oh, J dreamed she wasn't at home !"
A light dawned on Yokel's intellect, and directly
something was heard to crack—perhaps Yokel's
whip and petbaps noi, bui in about a month more
they weje twain, &c.
Stittfti |]oftni.
A Song• of tht Old HVr.
Robie Rawlin, frosts were falling.
When the ranger's horn was calling,
Through the woods of Canads ;
Gone the winter's sleet and snowing,
Gone the spring-time's bud and blowing,
Gone the summer's harvest mowing,
And again the fields are gay ;
Y'et away, he's away ;
Faint and fainter hope is growing.
In the hearts that mourn his stay,
" Martha Mason, Martha Mason.
Prithee teil us what's the reason
That you mope at home to-day ;
Surely smiling is out sinning;
i Leave your quilting, leave your spinning,
What is all your store of linen,
If your heart is never gay ;
Come away, come away !
Never yet did sad beginning
Make the end of life a play !"
Overbending, till she's blending
With the flaxen skein she's tending.
Pale brown tresses smoothed away
From her face of patient sorrow,
Sits she, seeking but to borrow,
From the trembling hope of morrow.
Solace for the weary day.
'• Go your way, laugh and play ;
Uoto him who heeds the sparrow
And the lily, let me pray."
" With our rally, rings the valley—
Join us !" cried the blue-eyed Nelly;
" Join us !" cried the laughing May ,
" To the beach we all arc going,
And to save the task of rowing.
West by north the wind is blowing,
Blowing briskly down the bay !
Come away, come away !
Time and tide are swiftly flowing,
Let us take them while we may !
" Never tell ns that you'll fail us,
Where the purple beach-plum mellows
On the bluffs so wild and gay.
Hasten, for the oars are falling;
Hark, our merry mates are calling ;
Time it is that we were ail in,
Singing tide ward down the bay!"
" Nay, nav, let me stay ;
Sore and sad for Robie Rawlin,
Is my heart," she said, " to-day !"
" Y'ain your calling for Rob Rawlin,
Some red squaw his moose meat's broiling,
Or some French lass, sirging gay ;
Just forget as he's forgeling;
What's the use of always fretting;
If some stars must needs be setting.
Others rise as good as they !"
" Cease, I pray ; go your way !"
Martha cries, her eye-lids wetting ;
" Foul and false the words you say!"
"Martha Mason, hear to reason,
Prithee put a kinder face on
" Cease to vex me !" did she say.
"Spake you true instead of lying,
If I knew the pines were sighing,
OVr his grave, and wild birds crying,
L as now, would say you nay.
Hut away, far away.
Turns my heart, forever trying
Some new hope for each new day.
When the shadows hide the meadows,
And the sunset's golden ladders
Climb the twilight's walls of gray,
From the window of my dreaming,
I can see his firelock gleaming,
And his srnile of welcome beaming
Brightly on his homeward way;
But away, swift away,
Glides the fond delusive seeming,
And I kneel again 10 pray !"
Look up, Martha I worn and swarthy.
Glowed a face of manhood worthy.
" Robie I"—" Martha !"—all they say.
O'er weut wheel and reel together,
Little cared the owner whither;
Heart of lead is heart of feather,
Noon of night is golden day !
Come away, come away ;
When true lovers meet each other.
Why should prying idlers stay ?
ister affirms thai the " honey moon season" is rag
ing some in its neighborhood, and publishes the
following diagnosis of the " atfection" for the bene
fit of those who rnny fall 7icttms lo its ravages:
Second day—speechless estacy —bliss impossi
ble to be expressed.
Fifth day—bliss still in tiie ascendant—appetite
begins to " look up "
Nin'li day—Lady eats her dinner without being
kised between every mouthful
Twelfth day—" Oh ! you naughty naughty boy ?"
not saiJ quite so frequently.
Fifteenth day—Gentleman fancies a walk solus—
comes home and discovers his charmer in teats
Sixteenth day—Gentleman and lady have return
ed to the world of sighs, gentle chiding* and pinm
ises " never to go alone in future." Ate invisible
nearly all day.
Eighteen Hi day—Lady is presented with magni
ficent breastpin ; gentleman consults iier aboul the
details of their domestic arrangements,
Twenty-lirsi day—Gentleman and lady fancy a
" little change," and go to church.
Twenty fifth day—Lady begins to "pick up,"
preparatory to return from her wedding tour; gen
lleman assists her. and only kisses her once during
the operation.
Twenty-eight day—On the journey, gentleman
keeps his " lady bird" very snug.
Twenty-ninth day—Commit the dreadful fau.rpus
ol falling asleep in each other's company.
Thirtieth day—Arrive at home; greeted by
mother-in-law; hugs her dear son, and vanishes
aloft with her daughter; husband dancing attend
ance in sitting room for two hours, already feels
savage because the dinner isgetting cold, and spirit
begins lo rebel against tfie mother of his Amelia
Amelia presently descends looking very charming ;
husband brightens up, dinner put on the table;
mother-in-law drinks wine ar.d is affected to tears ;
Amelia consoles her " Ma"—evening wears on ;
mother in-law leaves; Augustus returns inward
thanks, and goes to bed, determined to be at the
store >oty early in the morning and wake up the
From the Detroit Dai'.v Advertiser.
Doeslicks Runs with (he > Mailiccn.'
NEW Y'ORK, October 30, 1851. J
I am noi known by the cognomen ol " Mose,"
nor do I answer to the name of" Sykesy"—nei
ther, as a general thing, promenade the middle of
Broadway with my pantaloons tucked in my boots
Stiil, by the way of a new excitement, i lately join
ed the fire department, and connected myself with
the company of Engine 97.
Bought my uniform, treated the company, took
up my quarters in lire bunkroom, where I slept by
night in a bed occupied in die day lime by a big
yellow dog First night wet to bed with tny boots on
; ready for an alarm. At last it came; seised the rope
' with the rest ol tire boys ; started on a run ; tugged
I and toiled till we got her into the ll'li district, four
| miles and a hall from home: found the alarm had
been caused by a barrel ol shavings, and the con
dagration had extinguished itsell ; had to drag her
clear back ; tired most to death ; it wasn't funny
at all ; turned in ; half an hour, new alarm ; stait
ed again—Hose 80 laid in the same alley, got our
apparatus jammed on the corner ; fight; 97 victo
rious ;_got our machine out, and carried off die fore
wheel ol SO's carriage on our tongue ; readied the
fiie ; big nigger standing on the hydrant ; elected
myself appraiser and auctioneer; knocked him
down without a bidder, took water ; got ours'ream
on the fire ; fun ; woiked till my aims ached ; lei
go to rest, foreman hit me on the head with the
trumpet, and lolJ me to go ahead ; thought d—n,
but kept at it ; child in die garret; horrible situa
tion ; gallant fireman made a rush up the ladder ;
battled his way through the sinoke—re appeared
with a child in each aim, and his pocke's full of
Old gentleman from the country ; much excited .
wanted to help, but did'l exactly know how ; lie
rushed iu'o a fouith story bed roam ; threw the
mirror out ol ihe window ; frantically endeavored
io hurl the dressing table after it ; seized the coal
scutde. hurriedly put in the poker, bootjack and a
pair of wornout slippers, carried them down stairs,
and deposited them in a place of safety four blocks
away ; came back on a run, into (he parlor; took
up the door mat, wrapped up an empty decanter
in it, and transported it safely into the barn of the
nearest neighbor ; he kept at work ; by dint cfhe
roic exertions he at vatious times deposited, piece
by piece, the eritiie kitchen cooking stove in the
next street, uninjuied ; and at last, alter knocking
the piano to pieces with an axe, in order to save
the lock, and filling his pockets with the sofa cas
tors, he was seen lo make his final exit from the
back yatd,with a length of siove pipe in each hand,
ihe toasting fork tucked behind his ear, and two
dozen muffin rings in his hat, which wa6 surmount
ed by a large sized frying pan.
During the next week there were several alaims
fire in a big block full of paupers—fust man in
the building ; carried down stairs in my arms two
helpless, undressed children, thereby sating their
valuable lives ; on giving them 10 dieir mother, she 1
amid a whirlwind of ttiauks, imparted the gratify- j
ing intelligence that one wasafflic'ed with the rr.ea- j
sles, and the other with Hie Michigan i'rh. Fire, i
in a boarding school ; dashed up a ladder ; jump- j
ed through a window ; entered a bedroom ; smoke 1
so thick I couldn't see ; caught up in my arms a j
feminine specimen in a long night gown ; got hack
to the window ; tried to go down ; lid.lerbroke j
under me : stuck adhesively to the young lady : j
and af er unexampled exertions, disposited her safe- j
ly 111 the next house, where I discovered thai I had ■
rescued from the devouring element ihe only child I
ol the black cook
Fire 111 a storehouse—went on Hie roof ; explo
sion ; found myself in somebody's cellar, wi h one ]
leg in a soap barrel, and tny hair full of fractured j
hen's eggs ; discovered thai I had bee.i blown over j
a church, and bad Hie weathercock still lemaintng '
in the rear of my demolished pantaloon*. Fire in |
a liquor store—hose burs' ; biatuly " lying round j
loose ; gin " convayniem," and old Mot.ougahela
absolutely begging to be protected trorn further di '
luuon ; Eroton water too much for my delicate con
stitution ; carried home on a shutter. Fite in a
church—Catholic—little maible images all round
ihe room in niches; wall beg-in to loner ; sta'ute.- j
began to fail ; St. Andrew knocked my hat over
my eyes ; St l'zter drew his wh He weight 011 my
b g toe ; St. Jerome hit HID a clip over the head
which laid rne sprawling,w hen a picture of the Ho
ly Family tell and covered me up like a bed quilt.
Fire in a big clothing store —next day our lore
man sported anew sdk velvet vest, seven ol the
men exhibited twelve dollar doeskin pains, and the
black boy who sweeps out the bunkroom arid scours
die engine had a new hat and a flaming red era- j
va', presented, as I heard, by the proprietor ol die j
stock of goods, as an evidence of Ins app eciaiion I
ol iheir endeavors 10 save tin properly. I didn't j
get any new breeches ; on the contrary, lost my j
new overcoat and got damaged mysult. Tell you j
how—fire out, ordur came " take up 97 took t.fl
the hose : turned her round ; got the boys togeth |
er. and started for hums ; coiner ol the street Hook -
and Ladder 100, (Dutch,) Engine 73, (lush;) J
Hose 88, (Yankee;) and our own company came !
in con'aci t'machmes got jammed t polyglot sweat- j
ing by the rreng'l: of ihe companies ; got all mix
ed up ; fight ; oueoi SS's men hit foremau oltlook
and LadJer 100 over lire heaj with a spanner;
97's engineer clipped one of 73 men with a trum
pel ;73 letalia'ed with a paving stone; men of all
the companies went in ; resolved to " go in" my
self ; went in ; went out again as fat as I could,
wiih a black eve, three teeth (indigestible, I have
every reason to believe,) in my stomach, interinin
g'ed with my supper ; my red shirt in carpet rage,
and my knuckles skinned,as it rhey had been pawn
ad to a Chatham street Jew , got on a hydrant and
watched the lun ; SS's boys whipped everything ;
73's best man was doubled up like a jack-knife by
a dig in the place where Jonah was; four of 97'0
fellows was lying ondar the macbiuo with their
i eyes in mourning ; hook ani ladJer took home
| two ihirJs oi then company on ihe truck • and the
i !a<n I „aw of their foreman he was laying in the
middle of the street, with his trumpet smashed flat,
ins boots under his head, and fiis pockets inside
out. Four policemen on the opposite corner, saw
the whole row. On the first indication of a fight,
! 'hey pul.ed iheir hats down over iheir cover
ed up their s'ars, arid slunk down the nearest alley.
Got home, re.-ijjned rrry commission, nriade my
will, left the company my red shirt and fire cap.—
?eert enough of fire service j don't regret my ex*
perience, but do grieve fur my lost teeth, and my
new overcoat. Sorrowing, sorrowfully yours,
P. S—Have just met the the foreman of 73—ha
had on my late lamented overcoat; ain't big
enough to lick him—magnanimously concluded to
let hirn alone.
Q. K. P. D., P. A.
Km! ol" a Tennessee Frolic,
Well, we danced and hurrawed wi.houl anything
ol particular inter est to happen till about three
o'clock, when the darndvt muss was kicked op you
ever did see. Jim Smith sot down alongside Bet
Holden, ('he steel trap gal) and just give her a hug,
bar fashion. She took rt very kind till she seed
Sam Henry a looking on from behind about a dozen
ol gals, then she fell to ktcken', and a hollerin', and
a screechin', like all wrath. Sam he come up and
told Jim to let Bat go Jim told liitn to go to a far
of! country whar ihev give away brimstone and
i throw in the fire to burn it. Sam hit him strata
i atween the eyes, and after a few Itcks ihe fightin'
i started. Oh, hush ! It makes my mouth water now
i to think what a be.iutifui row we had. One fellow
from Ca-ly * Cove knocked a hole in the bottom of
a fry in' pan, over Dan Tucker's head, and left it
hanging' 'round fits neck, the handle flying about
like a long cue, am! tliar it hung till JakeThurman
cut it ofl wirhacolJ chisel n<x' day! That was his
share for that night, sure. Another fellow got knock
ed into a meal barrel; he was as mealy as an liish
later and as hot as a hoss radish; when he busted
the hoops and came out he raied a few! Two
fellows fii ou' ol the door, down the hill into the
creek, and there ended it in a quiet way all alone.
A perfect rnule from Stock Creek hit me a wipe
with a pair of windin' blades; he made kindhn
wood of them, arid 1 lit on him We had it head and
tails lor a long time, all over the house, but if the
truth must be told and shame my kin, he warped
me nice; jist to save his time, I hollered. The
licking he gave me made sorter oneasy and hostile
like; it wakened my wolf wideawake. The littlo
fidier carne scrougin' past' his fi.ldle up over Iris
head to keep it in tune, for fightin' was gitten toler
able brUk. You are the one, thinks I, and I jist
grabbled the dough-tray and split it plump over his
heaj ! He rotted down right lhar, and I paddled
his'torher end with one of the pieces! While I
wa a mollifying my feelings in that way, his gal
slippeJ up behind me and fetched me a rake with
the pot hooks. Jule Sawyer was lhar, and jist an
nexed to her right off, and a mighty nice fit it was-
Jule stripeJ and checked hei lace nice, like a irar
indsje tie I hung on a white fence. She hollered for
her fidier, but oh, sliaw ! he couldn't do ner a bi t
ol good; he was too buy rubbin first Ins broken
head, and then his blistered extremities; so when
I thought Jule IraJ given her plenty, 1 pulled her
and put her in good humor by given' her soft
sawder. Well, I thought at first 11 I had a drink
I'd be about done, so I started for the creek, and,
tt/e tiist ihing I saw was more stars with my eyes
•hut than 1 ever did with them open. I looked
around, ami n vva6 the little fidler's big brother! I
knowed what it meant, so we locked horns without
a word, lhar all alone, and I do think we fii an
hour. At iast soma of die fellers hearn the jolts at
the house, and they cum and dug us out. lor we
had fii into a hole where a big pine stump had
burnt out, and there we was, up to our girths, u
peggitr away lace to face and no dodgiu*.
BEAUTIFUL '• EPITAFF." —The San Diego Herald
publishes the following, written on a young mutt
who was accidentally shot;
" hete lies the body ol jeerns hambrick
who was accidentally shot
on the bank of die pacus river
by a young man
he was accidentally shot withoßO of the large coil's
revolvers with no stopper for the cock to rest on it
was one of the old fashion kind brass mounted and
ol such is the kingdom of heaven "
Q3- The Knickerbocker -e'ls the following: A
li tle boy alter listening some time to his mother'*
efforts to gel a pedlar to "to throw in something"
i h everything she purchased, casi his longing
eyes on some primers in ihe trunk. The pedlar
r-*ad fiis wishes, offered lo give him one. The lit
tle fellow hesitated but when urged said ; " I don't
know as I can take it unless you will throw in
TENDER SOLICITUDE.—OH ! Charle, dear, they
tell me you ate oulereJ oil to the Theatre of War
I b< g of you, therefore, dear, as you love me Jeat,
IO bear HI mind one thing—and that is, above all,
ttoi io forget to take your opera glass, with you, fi .
I know mystlf how extremely inconvenient it is <
go to the Theatre without one.—(Young lady's faiu
vveil letter.) — Punch.
(Kr Mr. J ones, have you a match?" "Yes
sir—a ma'ch for the devil—there she is mixing
dongii " Mr. Jones pointed to his wife, and then
pointed for the fior.t yai J. The last we saw ol him
he was putting down the road, closely pursued by
his oflended lady anJ a cistern pole.
(£r The question has been asked, why it is con
sideied impolite for gentlemen to go into the pres
ence of ladies in their shirt sleeves whilst it ;s con.
shiered correct for ladies themselves to appear be
fore gentlemen without any sleeves at all.