T () W A N I) A : Satnrbae filorninn, November 18, \B~oX lv ANSA S. We have leceived the first number of the " Her aid of Freedom," a paper, printed at Wakarusa, in the Territory of Kansas, by G. W. BROWN & Co. The Herald is a large and well printed sheet, most lv filled with information in regard lo the new Ter ritory. It purports to be "An Imlependaul Week ly Newspaper, devoted to Freedom aud the inter ests of Kansas Territory." The first number displays an ability and cour age which do much torwards securing the lerlile fields of Kansas Irom the polluting presence of Sla very. We have made some selections hour its editorials, most interesting to our readers, which will be found below : SETTLE IN KANSAS. Five hundred ihou-aud settlers can be accomo dated with the best lands in the world by locating immediately in this Territory. The soil is of the riciiest character, varying from eighteen inches to five feet in depth ; the clttnate is salubrious, the thermometer rarely or never rising above 105 de grees in the shade. In Pennsylvania, where we resided during the las! summer, it stood for days in succession at 106 deg. lrotn ten in the forenoon to three in the afternoon. The winters are compara tively mild with us, though subject to frequent changes, 011 account of the high altitude of the country. The productions of Missouri, Kentucky alhl Oili 0 grow lieie in great abundance. Apples, peaches, ami pears >eeni well adapted lo the soil Mr WALKER, the intelligent provisional G rvernor ci die Wyand it Indians, and formeily from north ern Ohio, says he raises annually the most luscious peaches he ever saw. Melonsgiow of mammoth The agticiilfurisis who *i now home in iho West should not stop to make a location until he has visited thi* Tenitoiy The organized emigra tion of the world is now turned towards it. aud it possesses advantage- 011 tins aceou it which are not cilered by any western Slavs lu December last, the Supei inteiidant of Indian alhirs lor the Indian Territory, in ills annual report said, in substance, " A*iJe from the government agen's, troops and missionaries, there are not at ; 1- one, three white inliabitantr in all that region iv oty early in the morning and wake up the cleikt. From the Detroit Dai'.v Advertiser. Doeslicks Runs with (he > Mailiccn.' 701 NARROW STREET. ) NEW Y'ORK, October 30, 1851. J I am noi known by the cognomen ol " Mose," nor do I answer to the name of" Sykesy"—nei ther, as a general thing, promenade the middle of Broadway with my pantaloons tucked in my boots Stiil, by the way of a new excitement, i lately join ed the fire department, and connected myself with the company of Engine 97. Bought my uniform, treated the company, took up my quarters in lire bunkroom, where I slept by night in a bed occupied in die day lime by a big yellow dog First night wet to bed with tny boots on ; ready for an alarm. At last it came; seised the rope ' with the rest ol tire boys ; started on a run ; tugged I and toiled till we got her into the ll'li district, four | miles and a hall from home: found the alarm had been caused by a barrel ol shavings, and the con dagration had extinguished itsell ; had to drag her clear back ; tired most to death ; it wasn't funny at all ; turned in ; half an hour, new alarm ; stait ed again—Hose 80 laid in the same alley, got our apparatus jammed on the corner ; fight; 97 victo rious ;_got our machine out, and carried off die fore wheel ol SO's carriage on our tongue ; readied the fiie ; big nigger standing on the hydrant ; elected myself appraiser and auctioneer; knocked him down without a bidder, took water ; got ours'ream on the fire ; fun ; woiked till my aims ached ; lei go to rest, foreman hit me on the head with the trumpet, and lolJ me to go ahead ; thought d—n, but kept at it ; child in die garret; horrible situa tion ; gallant fireman made a rush up the ladder ; battled his way through the sinoke—re appeared with a child in each aim, and his pocke's full of teaspoons. Old gentleman from the country ; much excited . wanted to help, but did'l exactly know how ; lie rushed iu'o a fouith story bed roam ; threw the mirror out ol ihe window ; frantically endeavored io hurl the dressing table after it ; seized the coal scutde. hurriedly put in the poker, bootjack and a pair of wornout slippers, carried them down stairs, and deposited them in a place of safety four blocks away ; came back on a run, into (he parlor; took up the door mat, wrapped up an empty decanter in it, and transported it safely into the barn of the nearest neighbor ; he kept at work ; by dint cfhe roic exertions he at vatious times deposited, piece by piece, the eritiie kitchen cooking stove in the next street, uninjuied ; and at last, alter knocking the piano to pieces with an axe, in order to save the lock, and filling his pockets with the sofa cas tors, he was seen lo make his final exit from the back yatd,with a length of siove pipe in each hand, ihe toasting fork tucked behind his ear, and two dozen muffin rings in his hat, which wa6 surmount ed by a large sized frying pan. During the next week there were several alaims fire in a big block full of paupers—fust man in the building ; carried down stairs in my arms two helpless, undressed children, thereby sating their valuable lives ; on giving them 10 dieir mother, she 1 amid a whirlwind of ttiauks, imparted the gratify- j ing intelligence that one wasafflic'ed with the rr.ea- j sles, and the other with Hie Michigan i'rh. Fire, i in a boarding school ; dashed up a ladder ; jump- j ed through a window ; entered a bedroom ; smoke 1 so thick I couldn't see ; caught up in my arms a j feminine specimen in a long night gown ; got hack to the window ; tried to go down ; lid.lerbroke j under me : stuck adhesively to the young lady : j and af er unexampled exertions, disposited her safe- j ly 111 the next house, where I discovered thai I had ■ rescued from the devouring element ihe only child I ol the black cook Fire 111 a storehouse—went on Hie roof ; explo sion ; found myself in somebody's cellar, wi h one ] leg in a soap barrel, and tny hair full of fractured j hen's eggs ; discovered thai I had bee.i blown over j a church, and bad Hie weathercock still lemaintng ' in the rear of my demolished pantaloon*. Fire in | a liquor store—hose burs' ; biatuly " lying round j loose ; gin " convayniem," and old Mot.ougahela absolutely begging to be protected trorn further di ' luuon ; Eroton water too much for my delicate con stitution ; carried home on a shutter. Fite in a church—Catholic—little maible images all round ihe room in niches; wall beg-in to loner ; sta'ute.- j began to fail ; St. Andrew knocked my hat over my eyes ; St l'zter drew his wh He weight 011 my b g toe ; St. Jerome hit HID a clip over the head which laid rne sprawling,w hen a picture of the Ho ly Family tell and covered me up like a bed quilt. Fire in a big clothing store —next day our lore man sported anew sdk velvet vest, seven ol the men exhibited twelve dollar doeskin pains, and the black boy who sweeps out the bunkroom arid scours die engine had a new hat and a flaming red era- j va', presented, as I heard, by the proprietor ol die j stock of goods, as an evidence of Ins app eciaiion I ol iheir endeavors 10 save tin properly. I didn't j get any new breeches ; on the contrary, lost my j new overcoat and got damaged mysult. Tell you j how—fire out, ordur came " take up 97 took t.fl the hose : turned her round ; got the boys togeth | er. and started for hums ; coiner ol the street Hook - and Ladder 100, (Dutch,) Engine 73, (lush;) J Hose 88, (Yankee;) and our own company came ! in con'aci t'machmes got jammed t polyglot sweat- j ing by the rreng'l: of ihe companies ; got all mix ed up ; fight ; oueoi SS's men hit foremau oltlook and LadJer 100 over lire heaj with a spanner; 97's engineer clipped one of 73 men with a trum pel ;73 letalia'ed with a paving stone; men of all the companies went in ; resolved to " go in" my self ; went in ; went out again as fat as I could, wiih a black eve, three teeth (indigestible, I have every reason to believe,) in my stomach, interinin g'ed with my supper ; my red shirt in carpet rage, and my knuckles skinned,as it rhey had been pawn ad to a Chatham street Jew , got on a hydrant and watched the lun ; SS's boys whipped everything ; 73's best man was doubled up like a jack-knife by a dig in the place where Jonah was; four of 97'0 fellows was lying ondar the macbiuo with their i eyes in mourning ; hook ani ladJer took home STOSCSASFT ££, | two ihirJs oi then company on ihe truck • and the i !a