Ma 0 ; na'l4 if -1 alistirl'Aicairrea lir 'France,' it might- base 'helm' unravelled ina %leek ; it cost I me-threitjegnal4la. bor. Nevertheless I owe einnnitlint p the Police: In the that place,- pit was :netsuke** prigags starting poi n t—an hypothesis on which - lob* my edifice. nisi. found in 113 y • aasumption- °f lour Wm/Fence. I made up my mind 011 Y*Illstmi y O P were innocent; that you were theofie o treof spirany, the tool of some false friettid,ii seeritifitno; my. and rival. My fiat step was to discaver the 0114.4te.sext to establish, big 4,uiltand. to,„prose your innocence; mm I oaed from yow - alistof your hallowArtlm,, hilending to send fur them one by -one. alitoy was-j-our most intimate blend ; i sent fur hint at ones _ He . came imme diately . . ' prompt action aroused my suspicion he was a trifle too prompt' He was exceedingly free in hie offers of service—too free. He was very, warm in his 41V4.151*.1 !bought PR warm `part Ovibilatiors'ilo eu BFAleitt, - 1 did hot like the man; doubted him—gairank"from Win: This, said. : is this felon! I inquired riothrther, t sentfo. , no one elie. I watched him myself fidilays. On further inquiry 1 !mind that he tied bearded hotel, in the same' house with yon, and - had chap. Red his residence immedistelrafter your arrest Tale increased my suspicion; I viate.ned flint still more closely, I learned. bis . charecter for -sieve I' found thakhe was a membei of.he eirirch and die. linguishedbor many excellent qualities. This did r•norshake trey convictions. C : - - On one "occ.taiort .be passed ~/ne in Me streets late, .very ;late at night., , was quick, tap. id, and possessed , that peculiarly careful step only made .by merewho are 1- little:etched by - Wine, and who wish to conceal their situation. t wpm satisfi ed; he was a hypocrite. I sent for :Barker;.po him oa his hack, 1 tracked. hunk. step by ; owp through his past He 'Wax a drankiiid tfod a glutton. I hallowed - him into a still more evifaiso ciatione In additiotthe wasigimbler.:; -- This sat failed me. I knew: what was yeerealefe, / fell: satisfied that his income Wasins i eMcient fur- his cret course of lite., I redoubled niy•Sigilanee ; Bar ker increased his 'We put additional spiesXin the track, and at last - lourid'-ftimlw association ivitl mdri already utithlr-the. police surtteitlance, ,Wittribe 1341iimore. Bean.% ;and. ,rehere. The Beauty, knew, was an'accemplished crilkstioinV iwthigh; ly indeed, mid baverlefeated the vigilaneerlf th e `police on every,loccasion. bideed-lie laughed a them.. He knew: roof pigeon, intuitively.. . : He was besides an excellent locksmith. I,now knew the robbers; the only diffichlty "sea iii Winging the affair home to thein. I bd . -tong -known 'Jane Thomas and told ilarker to arrest her on ; liis fir opportunity. He did ao.. The accidental discovery of the neck lace ao unusual in a . person of her sit. nation in life, placed the matter beyond a doubt -- r I called on the jeweller, he identified it; my la• bora were crowned with success.. All this while Riley was on his , guard, and I did not wish to excite his suspicion. He may have escaped me. The BaaMy, °wirg to my system of espionage, . was at last arrested, taken in the commission of burglary I was reccommended to bim by Barket, and h. sent for me. i went, gained his confideneei an bought him by promising bim my services on hi trial. In addition I gave him hopes of pardon it case he should be convicted, of which I had n. doubt. lie made a Clean breast of it—confesse all. lat once 'ordered Riley's arrest and sent th officers to search his rooms. You know the test. "For all which, as some slight testimony. al Attie deep dept of gratitude we all owe you, and which we can never, pay,' said Mr. Wilson, " I intend to send you to morrow, a check for a .thousanAdol. tars. This is my share of the expanses of this case Don't say a Nord, sir; Igot off very easily: Ed wards there might had his actions for malicious prosecution but I compromised that in advance, by givina him Florence." , " You are very kind' said Mr. Trevelyan " but " Rot,' repeated Florence coming 10 his assistan ce, " Mr. Trevelyan; supposing illy you had been mistaken in your views of Mr.. Riley, what then." '• I should have looked elsewhere," replied the • 'Attorney, smilingly , " and perhaps tailed ; who knows."... A few weeks atter the trial, Edwards—he was now in partnership with his late employer—was united to Florence Wilson. About the same time Riley was convicted Of his crime and sent to the penitentiary receiving the full extent of the law.— He subsequently died in prison. The Beauty tat. ed beqer. He was also tried and convicted, but afterwards at the instance of Trevelyan, was par doned by the Executive, and entered the service of his country. He was honest, indostrious, dili gent, and sober, and is now-a boatswain in the No- Ty of the U. States. Meeting at Hetrick. Agreeable to public, notice, a respectable portion of the the inhabitants of Herrick and ill vicinity, convened at Herrickville, on Saturday theristh of July, for the purpose of expressing and interchang ing their views in the regard to the I , Nebraika Bill." and revising our present iiominalinvisirim. The meeting.was organized by choosing '4. .A. Park, Chairman, and Wm. Durand Searetary. The meeting was addressed by Dr. Edward .Crandal, Bev.,Geo. Landon, and others. . IN motion a committee of five was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the' sense of the meeting. The Committee, after retiring a Ahntt time, presented the following, which were unani mously adopted : Berolved; That itre are entirely opposed to the extension of slavery, in any (min, gnander;or ex tent, whatever. . - • • Resolved, That we fully,endorse- the humanity, justice, equity, and constitutionality, of the ordin ance of 1787, the Miasouri teriapsomise of 1820, .and the Wilmot Proviso of 1846; while we utterly constemn as inhuman, unjust, impolitic, and uncoil. conAikutkinal, the Comproriuse of 1850—(especial= ly disu patrol, it called the " Fugitive Slave Law") andithat perfidious and fraudulent bill, called the Douglas Nebraska and Kansas" bill of 1854. Resolved, The we Witt support no man for ofli cialstatton, who believes that the Constitution of the AL S. permits the establishment by Act of Con greas, the right of one person to:hold another per son as property, Resohed, That we will make use of all honora ble efforts to secure the repeal of the Fugitive Slave Late,..and o lbe restoration cd-the Missouri Compra miss,, Resolvent, That we make a call Upon Hon. David Wdatot,. " "Dt. Ed. Crandal, , Hon. Horace Williston, Rev. Geo. Landon, .3-t...Atlittna Esti , Stephen Pierre, - - U.ld 'ercur l " - H. W. Patrick, WM. Elwell, ' 1 Henry Gibbs, U. 800th,,; fr Aaron Cnubbuck, A and IL Laporte, . • 1 to meet lathe Court . House,. in-the borough of To wands, on Wednesday.the 26th July, for the, pur pose of resitting . our 'nominating system, and ad • . ,dressinerhe people' of Bradford'•County, on: that .. , . en=e4That We. recommend to the several townships of Bradford Canty, to meet on Saturday, itettoos t the 19th of Aortal,* the place of balding et . and appoint-adapter to meet at Towind for the purpose et islet:nag actitable persons to itilpport rid by **people at their : nominating el 'ions.: On motion, a committee of seven, Wei,appoint ed to-call amass meeting, at.this place op .Sattir day; this nth 'Angdst, and make the requisite ar rantreatems,' .. li .. '' '- •,- - • ': - , ;Rsitoleal, That the proceedings of this Meeting toktkigniS pf the nifingqs, and Pubhilgid in 4,l lCblig_ the concur PO"' ' ' -• ' ' 4' ' • ' J..A. PARK * Chairman - Win.-lIIIRANDi Seo)r.; • %M it ibtttatsii grrietteD ...ker. FM Ray. good otos' ritentirr . s . t on trialjoknul guilty of Mum , syouid @spited from the Baps' 1 1 Chemb in Mari setta,,,Oti, beneath* would neithemasseivnatde. ny %hit'Oodfstibtentartianiri. - - - The Rot.' Ontle. man mid In bin deienes, that he could find no pal= sags ig-Setiptem witictilaegin thelloattibe i end he bad aoapi iton t . ihetel'enei ou the subject, ,•• - fat 11-grop-- 1),. ra; ~,4, F ! , ...;.. +. L farti Ofldiatithilahili - 14,101,10egi — ll* I 41': 1il . inirt4iise cong:tipli4in of he PII9PIeITI i 1 It i •coiajty assembled 4'4**w itOcafi, i t 4) lOttajebratelf aumsersarrof A ittraie: an: intlertlidenet, and •to 4 41- - mit their disapproval orthirospeltalthe Miriam, Compromise. ..A great Timber a .sumiagnapAnnes, ' Pitirelediity' Mr:Arkin,. *114404 Iliiiitiar-iikiii• after which, a procession was formed by" Col, Chas Ryan. who acted as marshal, initiated by Capt. Bona Ra'd win, and marched to the orchard of Hon lamed Ford.' Here a atand" had liiiiiiiiieelid - and' seats prepared to aceonatußelfle . o olll, ol l Pcn•ltun' died persons, but en i.uirexpeleteilly; laigei was the asserublagei that iscarcaly one third could be seat- Upon arriving at• the mot, .. Dr..l.assis , -Darling was chosen President .of The .day,..erirt , Dr. Abel - Hriffilstirty . ;John'W. l- Ctierriiey; Esq;H: Bl' Ger:. ould, 1.2 G. Stevens, Howard It Pieter, I '.= Kimp Esq , Cat loi•H .i, ennui, o.ll.4lloncihard)'Berijanlin Van Eusen„ T. J. Lake, Geo. W. Pite104,••.N..41. Bacon, Cyprian Eastrosp,parld,Clooe, W. C. Bp. ley, Jamee - Miller,.t. W. Gleason, Chas. Blanch. ard, Hon. Simeon Pitafer;•and C. C Siniiite) , Vine President, and •J;, - .F:•:•Donaldscin and 'Thole's:el; Bladed% Secretaries. , -.' • : - - • -.•-- • 'f," The sereices,were commenced with prayer by The litv:Mr, 'ElcCell*li,, alter Which ten e gime werefired . ) : in fierier' Of the'ten independent south' ism , Senator • itor repreientativet who dared • to' oppose bed voteesgainst the Nebraska and Kansas territolial law. The. eclarltj e q,oldeilepenrieuce, whichilerlates w ant VT mcnffere ,Zorn. fr ee- and steal,'" Wis . then'reett4' 'Mei Rev: bli.'KnapP, of Laweeneeville: WhentAhtereadingt viiia finished; Ine,Pteaidentintroduced4be4lon.;oo . 4.:Wilmoti of **ford county, whia.edtlressed-lhe f , audience tof mere thin•two heerslaid,iibilkerantrasting ,in earnest and eloquent lingiago;The eraidiot of our ,present rulers upon the eubject Of the:extension of human slevery; with that. :of the immortal Wash. in„gtoe, and of the ,fathets, of , der ,in The days of Jettison; Madison, tfonroe and Jackson., Upon die ape of thentrriailfs of Judge,)Viltimi, ther following resolitlicinis;- preptired'bir- i' &Mt - Mites previously appointed,: sr ere4seed lby J. W. • Ryani Esq., and:unanimously Adopted., ?.- •-• ; 'tt • .Resoloetl f That our p . olitical;ietion is:based 'upon Nicely Democratic principles, involving the natur al rights and libertrof itian'..:•that it isotopic/miss of these priociples, - ,would•be Their virtual surrender. Therefore, conaistency arid duty remake*, that we support no candidate for-office who is - not openly identified in oi.position to the 'repeal of the Missou ri Compromise. Resolved, That while we will faithfully abide by all the compromises of the constitution, in regard to slavery in the States where it exists, and dis claim any right to interfere with it there, We, feel compelled to declare, in reletence to the 'Hissocri Compromise and the consequent exidhision of eta, Very into territory now free; that we regal]: sla very, even in its most mitigated learn, 7 a great social and political . evil—a relic of robotism ) which must pass away with the advance of Chris tian civilization; • and therefore should l, l not have been extended to such territory. Emeriti' s ing these i opinions. we can but avow AM bewail to the 14th section of the Kansas and Nebraska bill , as being a departure from every principle of termer legisla tion upon this subject. Resolved, That asit has Wen the. manifest inten tion of all former acts of Congress ; to limit and con fine slavery to whets it previously existed, we con. damn the Nebraska bill bill as impolitic--uncalled for—without precedent—wrong in pruicfple and in violation of a solemn compact. . • • • Resolved, That•vie will erithhol# one support from all the authors and abetters of this retrograde move ment, as well as frinn those who are'opposed to the repeal of the 14th section'of Said'bill, '`and the full restoration of the Missouri 'Compromise. •Rcsoired, That our immediate representative in Congress, has 'only ;aid faithtelly sustained the views and feelings ol rope-tenths °ibis constituents upon ibis important question.,- Resolved, That we would suggest to those who condemn the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, and the principles of slavery extenision, embraced in the Kansas and-Nebraska bill, to assemble at Harrisburg sometime in September next, to adopt such measures as may be deemed expedient to arrest the a g gressive slave power, Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the officers and published in the pa. pers of this Congressional district, and the Demo crams papers published at Harrisburg. (Signed by the Officers) ' Anti-Ntbriska Meeting in 'floga Village Mass meeting convened July 5 h 1854, at the M. E Cnumh in the Village of Tioga, and was or. ganized by-the election of the following officers: Dr: A. Husrettamr, Proildtnt. Win. Mitchell, J. M. Keeney, Vice Presidents. T. S Arent! and Charles 0. Eez, Secretaries. The meetinuwesAhert ably addressed by the Hen. Diva) Witmer ) after whiclethe following re• solutions ce : ere'unantnictiMy adopted Retailed; Thathe prohibition of slavery by the act of 1820, known aa,the Missouri Compromise; as well as the time when, and the circumstances under whkh the acts was passed ; pledged in the Most solemn ruannei the Faith and .Honor of the National Gosleirrnent, and of those States which sustain slavery: within their boiders, against the re peal of the same.. Revived, Tbat the repeal of that nrohibition by the Nebraska and Kansas, _, bjlh is destructive of mutual confidetice'botiteeeo the States of this Union. —is exposing the, Union to . imminent danger—is inconsistent with the fundamentril principles of na tion justice, and is destructive of all confidence in the'integrity, good faith, and him.or of the national and Stare Governments favoring each repeal. . Resolved, That the people of the free States ought at once to fake any and all proper awesome in their power to.produce a repeal of, as mach of the Nebraska and 'Kansas bill as abrogates the prohi bition- of Slavery centaitiett in thk act of WO, and' to labor at all times until the - piehibition thalUbe restored. Resolved, That as a portion of the ,:peepte the PritiScatea,'• vida Will never ciirtient to' the 'mintier siort , olaey.Sate from this , Territtny hr Which it was psohibited by .the act - of 1820„ 'unless, slavery shall be forever excluded theiefrom. : Resolved, Thee the attempt to eitend,slavery over a vast region, from which it-was exelided by law, with the consent of the slave holding, Sta:es, ought to awaken' the people . Of :the' Free States lo the aggressive,character of slavery. as a political , power, and to unite them in. determined hostility to its 'existencein any territary . noar poeseseeir, or 'which may be hereafter acquirer ) : by gm Piped Sates, tsiolted, abet while. Vii . Obit `earilitermitia• Jinn to stand by the compactAlreadpruade;treal--. ing an iriapiality of Representation rn.tavor.ol i the Slave Statee, now in the Union, yet a iecent • resrectlorbids the extension of a ' principle so op; posed to the:formation of any political connection with countries not pow, in ; the Union apart suck nn. equal terms.. , „, Rdoived, -That the lei known ie'llie - P , ogltise' Slave-law:should be modified to fel.' wt to' provide' 'lot the Habeas "Corpus" rind Trill hirliirv; in the place where the person claimed aft a slave, la ,found..-holdint as: e-dof MO! leall•lhiaStieeisto be feared from the prejudice in faxor, 01 Libaty in The Free States; thip fatal the, opposite prejudice in the Slave States, • A •• -• - - Radicle', : That' out t of -Government: are in immediate, datigerOf.arnbrersion Ater alarming incroachmenta or, R the slave powarthat lofdestraclied revehitionicy ACY - eon no -ldegar r be doubted ordenied: Thal rt bo the overthrow Or all of the great %principletr,ef and etped_ity:_ppOkiPtiaikihkzgbletßelenF. was itti igi s tially:,x, .1M die estOrofkitleekppdn-.thy Continent 0. ' mighty ur principal ilary'britte rrerisiren:_vt view of.dre peril and dangerAluit eatioandiewi laraindeslilminor mmidlopaue s ind: , loradite stir political action and rescue lbe government fpm hi-gitid-iffaddl. Sgifirq - j'aiiiiibithistid priient, its prostitution lb purpOses disfavor) , extension and euil ieggreetizem that 10 this end,..ourAsst el, flott liquid* die el to the igno iniorsilelsitt. PRO ttOrtlitilt ol 'prose* . sled -ad*rdel)* lim e N ettlitgulfdlin at the ballot- ' elOtty ea «, •ditlatkpr le dietoor alleges w trite tiositipt t torellitekpl, d friettdship wil t thitnatiesikk 14 niniettatitt opekte Suspicion and' "Olaiti air the departments of out Nation aii/Slate governments au the bands of fearless - and ingot pt ible JOS* pf Fre1150rg,.,,..„, > ..- - keit, - hea,:Thiii-lhibobree iteriageffillie - 7 160 G. A. Grow, our able , teßresetitative in Congress. and especially bits opinantiott.ittillifs tiiped of the Missouri restr iction s dessrassintilliaeout anneals; fieic approial; entflihireas ibis is not.ja time -to prefernzut men to thepiedittelvue ;itudthesfatith- Yu/Amend thereftitel•we wilEttag`eiti beg' einfeaient ,tosiegurts kitute•eleclifig.,.:„ ...,..,,_ ' - - Tiirifeeil,'"Fhit • these 01 - 0 - adhigrbilii - ifiltiiif in the newspapetirot - this, etrngyessional district; sod .i...., '' • :' .__. . i .. iT (Sigoell,hy the Unicer.9r „ .- " '''' tie- iteighte is *disunity* Al a Democratic Masalletiffoiheld at ihecottn House, in Wellsborough, Jul)6thillls.l, le express theit distatiSfaction of the , rfrpeal 'oti the Missouri Compromise, &o. . ,-, ..` ~7 : . ' Hen , It G, Wiling wer chosen Fresident c and she following parneatentlemen were elected Vice Pre- sidents: '' ' *-- " '' ' - aver Elliot,-Vine De Ptil,-Waldo Mliy„,,,Daniet Angell, Edwin Royc e ,.:__lsrael Amick, , Wm. W. MaDolimall, Henry fil" Ruler, James P.,Msgill, brawl P " Keeny„ Letyls Darling find' J Lowrey Edward Vraynaril, and"Alatisen E. Nile's' wire' appointed Secretaries:.,‘ • 9 ' I •• ''' ' Upon the organization of the meeting if mothirn was made by S. F. Wilson, Esq ; that, l e Fpm mates be, ePPoitEetlito draft resolutions explestittle of the sense of this meeting--Wheteepon.the chair, apponsted the following as Mit committee-h.' S. F. Wagtail, C. H Seymour; Ar '1 ' &flea; El.' W. William; Dr. A; flomplireyrefter which How DAVID W waft was introduced v and in-phis. usual, happy style, de livered .. a ,fery , effective address, taking high and I strong gromds against th'e repeal of the Missouri Compromissyand thitigressive and growing power of .the slave ' interns:a. Upon his conclusion the following resolutions were present. ed. by. the pommittee andenanimously, adopt Reioical; That the repeal of the , -Missouri Corn: promise, so tar as it was accoinplithed by sow barn votes; was a breach of faith- 7 and so far as it was accomplished by the influence of a northetn Presi denf, and the votes of northern repreientitiirns, a , base betrayal of the rights of northern freeinen: 1 Resolved, That as mernbere ol the Damocraiio party, we protest against the interpolation of slave ry extension into the democratic creed. ThaLit doctrine so repugnant to the principles of humaniiy, Morality or religion—so subversive of the right of man, and so dangerous tw•trie perpetuity of nor government, cannot meet the approval of the masses of intelligent , freernew us the northern Stales Resolved, That the agcressiiispirit ofalaveiy can be checked only by a manly and deternsined'oppo: onion un the pan of the free population of theinorth em States. That to this vigorous efforts should' be defeat at the baflot:box, all ,candidates .f or Office, whether County, State or National, Who are known 'to favor the repeal of the Nastier' Cowl promise. That the election: of northern men to official stations, who ate favorable to ; southern in, wrests (northern men with, soothers ~p rinciples)' be proclaimed to the w oadas a Nebraska vac. Tory, and inevitably led to The eventual iiioniph of the slave power, ad& the preservation of the true principles.of the government.. , - Resolved. That the President and . Secretaries of this meetingbe appointed s committee to address ouch of the Candidates on the' Demi:crane State Ticket as have not publicly expressed Ask' viewe upon this4sobject,, requesting:their opinions upon the questions involved in Nebraska and Kansas bills fully and eitplicitlyarld that we will not sap: port any - candidate whoite answers is not itiliteaoid twee with the views, are expressed, and who will not pledge himself to use his utmost influence - to effect a reenactment of ,the Missouri Compri,. m ire. Refaced, That the Union Of Freerrien, without regard to former political attachments, is the- only: safety, for freedom. Resolved, That the Uon G A Grow, oar Repres, entativa in Congress, in manfully resisting the con sumation of the Nebraska iniquity, deserves and re emu our entire approbation. (Signet 3 by the officers ) - . Winn Commtvancy.—Doring the canvass of 1852, the Whig presses of the Union spited the people of the United States, : to oppose the election of Gerwrietics, on the ground that New-Hampshire contained in ter Constitinion, a provision authorizing a religious teat to ill applhi cants for office.--a test which it was utterly beyond his power to remove. In 1854,..the }Vhig candy, date far Governor of Pennsylvania, bases his faint hopes for an election upon the fact that be has join ed the secret order of , Kniow.Ncithings," One of whose avowed object is to•establish sucti a teat-,in defiance of.the Constitutions of Ate United States, and of this Slam In 1835, 1938 and at en earlier lieriod in ant po' litinal history, the main - spirit of opposition-lcilher Democratic party etas on accpunt of its refusal to join in an unconstitutional and kyranical .crusade. against a secret charitable "iociety,—the Frame*. sons. ' lri 1854 the Whitnciniiness mikes Wan obS' jPct of primary importance to join a secret societY, avowedly p,olitical in its character, an& the Demtse cratio party is denounced ,becaose _ it will not, unite in an unjust erns - tide against 'adopted citizene,. and infringe upon the rights oi r ctinscience. One'year we are assailed by liar opponente on the ground that we tolerate the principle of exclud ing all members of a panicalar,Cherch (torn of ice, —a few piano alter, we aro tubelrcrushed - out" because we grill trot eidniceeneh illiberal deetritt , , es. -One- air we are terribly denburiced: because' we will not jbin a tyranical crusade against - secret, charitable . eetietiea,rind,e few yearsofter, we_ are ove rwhelmed becausewe Will not affiliate with Y dangerems, secret,' pOlitleal satiety; aiming' to practically nullify tone et wisest provision :of onr Constitution and to wage isti antholt war Irpon -a ,large class of our citizen.-7.lifilkeivave Nary Yoart P_or.ruca.—Abont, one Jtandred De legates to the " Hard Shelf ,Convention. of .New . .York assembled - et Syriicusi on the "12th iust., and nominated Judge Bronson' ? of New York, for Gov -, error. A series of resoletronesias alio-presented, 'affirming adhereowto the - resolutioneof 1848 and '1852; endorsing the doctrine of nonintervention . by congress tharighwer the people cif the Ter: :rotaries to frairio _Weir oven lairs; appitriiniof the gtreentitrit.of Cringiissin regard - to! tlebriska':end' AinsaP, ao rag: aft ir„estiblialres the principle That The people , of the Territories may . legisiste fociheir oien welfare Oitronglli dericiimzing the Piiiident foetal rinjastigribler antinirdisgriiseurnite range to riontrol-Staie elections:'' -They 41Scr•de• nounce anY , Coakiiinni end ',4lllelttnia4 , to..toutd=ori o.,ekuleOui IQ! PuFqfl!. ; ,I*ThriSonthem(Nivvisvil4ll) inalualßires a description Ofbiobecoe,given by Mi. Ririeklairi% the igent arid 'oienseer' of the iilatoailiiii"Ot Rau Snooty--A: DoiotakoollreTatrt River. , tTlieriv ate flare hoodredieriatoitytodultalaveiroolhe plow tarion belonging to, the * sftetorlromplipoik.and; alma forty !tor, rolling about "on the cabin ROOrafi' I'l" Women' Nair' weenie' - rnitned Ann 'hilt, ot abtiet. veer vihrgep vele carried ever the Falleof Niigata - k*zbientinit!'44l6 int #eer,o l ,q44 l ol..i.he git ,4 1 , 1 0)1(074,41,' priparetkete were making hiresmiters 'Arns,cArt pod over the Wane*. She ,hatibeint inulitietbprie fielitiervidedailiintlititviuggo OtedillOtiviaiblerangegi:r.n.. Al? ; ; 13 499F ili A l r OR;;I: 20mmbwitittliamItylt7 . 1854i - Terms of The Reporter. SS 80 pet anneu,-Af paid within the year tot SO eenwm se deaMte*-_,, Apiembhsithintselliissairemelitheivillbe stioeted. .No parm sent &friss° Tsars, sales, pm! hr._ herstitsismersi perMietteilt teeliMeAtt Mots fort e hest and. 94 cents &reach seheefteentimerhos.. -, .,i , , qtrthllellatttel , ,thnon Efteit." tiott tr ithh el the rotate elleaseosest does* the. Ihsdford /*Me** hejefeep MOM Adam' end El - Warshaw °Sees: , . ME - _ . - -'oeitiocelittestatif ' TOR 0011SE011. %) Fq f g,c44grA ll) ' Jou', rfr;Tax.mstesunt Comm.. 4 , EREP0444;_.§0:4 1 49414# ISorkElArt CM „7-2, soa.cuorkv cainnisrosza ; ; HENRY S. MOTT O or Pmg Cot,ritry;.-. :Dieittaugp r iii publish tide week, theproCeedingyofthrea Anti , Nebraska meeting'-; held, is • Tinge County, 'during the present -Month. , lber are represented as.treing, both large arid enthasiastioi • evincing. a feeling of onextinguisbahkrhOstility ,on the part of the people; ofeour. sister; the iniquitclus measure which has violated the plighted faith of Nation, and demoralized• And• stindered,theDento oratio party.r feeling. is not confined _to any party: 1 luis the unanimous andlearty-txpression o 1 the Freemen of Mat Connty,, , without regard to past differences of Thera ' - County , in. this Statasotindet upcmihie question -than Tie. ge. 'We perceive by_the:resolations• that the Demon warty of Tioga, are unanimous in dr•feeliag that the Congreasional rareer.of Hon. G.A. Grow, en. titles him to The respect and. , support of his constr. (neap. This expreistiow, shows better than say other, the depth and sincerity. of their feelings.. It must be apparent to every friend of Freedom, that the return of Mi. (how is due to him, and imperl'.' ouily'dernanded by the cause. Oar Tioda friends in recognizing - ;this fact, do themselves' much credit . ' • It would be an insincere and contracted feeling which would in the present exigency, set up claifns of any' kind; - or 'leek' establish Count , / !Inca; when'a faithful and , tried 'Servant ihoild be sap; perted. The question"which now engages iniblic attention, trierridel all • Bitch considerations. The strong voice of the peePlis will thunder' down the' weak ind' discordant Suggestions of ambitious men; in whichever conntythey may be -raised, and car.: ry on the topmest wave of - popaler approval, the Representative who has been tried and found faith ful. - , ; . . The Steamship Niagara, arrived at Halifax on Tuesday last, with reVeral.days later hews, a sum mary of which faitcows;—: Thri . iireciie terms of the Czar's reply to the Aus ,trian summons had not transpired, but the tenor of an autctiaph letter from Nicholas is be that by evacuating Wallachia and leaVing , leaving free the Danube, he would satisfy any reasonable de. mand. Moldavia he will not evacuate,as'he con. itihcatipa•ion a necessary guara ntee for tbe chndidons of a future treaty of peace. His reply to Piussia is'known. In it he states th at he will con. sent to resign his excluSive protectorate over the Greek Christians,provided Turkey will aicede to the joint protectorate of the " Five Powers" 2 He alio promises to the PriOcipalitiee when the Westerh PoWers retire from Terkey,retaining a strong military position in Moldavia as proilisional o:entity.' The Multilane save entered WillaChia, and ?tenet) army is en roue forlinfand.' • . . Front the Baltic'we are informed that 'Sit Chides Napier's fleets was in line before Cronsiadt,;but tie'attack hid' been made as fate as June 20. From the Black Sei we haVesnewit that on' the24th of June eightittitisitto Siestment 'ventured 'out of Sett• ,tiastaitot, and hill a running agbfwith three Cirt . fie allied ships . The result is not given; (niftier than thelltrhins; one hrthe'itseside engaged was con siderbly dialoged. Ori the gilt and 22d (Alone 'Mt important battle watt foughtisetWeen the Ttirki. and Russians near Silietria, in which the Russisine lest 2,500 men, tint ancededed ie making`gOod their retreat., ht Asia, at .last accounts, the Turke l lii& 'net been se geniisate: toattempting to storm two redoities betereentiorgt, and''Kutals, - they met With 'a - seinie Check, and Were'defeated With aloes of 3,000 men. It is announced that Radii Petro's . bad li;ent rorited;and the Greel(rebel i4s iti censequence'at an end. ''The'reporte'conterning the insurrection in Spain; Actor the former statement that the 1314iim - tisent 1s sorielipresie4, although the ininigentiland ed considerable, loss recent fights. , - ,'Cotton had dedined. In"Breildsidlli'husineas was limited; Without material' change from preys ono stiottitions: • • • '''' . Mr4kiLtng - ,cirsaitty,...rxeirptitzulor".... ' Bradford County hair had. she_ credit; • •fer,seve,ral n 5141'4,, 1 Maraby'doing'hir parr of the Common Wealth. This year shii,' • cniinsi . to the her shire - 0r tiiiiaxei;littf If the other coomifs are equally . e prompt,. the ..• T ie'terbipt of the S tate Trea s urer i s dated Jane 'sand delfts miweAali : A ,previous ears 'The` amounts 16%0:I.; ;horrid dial fey dollars, which is aimed to thela`# , i:iniefia t :'.l(lii with no small degree pliii*iiihnt4o:Mici:MAis, as an evidence of the iotalh d$ and their willingness p bear ,the end , of the elficiebeit v r k Yt. • T'4l)! -CA ts -, t4 t •. • ' , A . 11,4 -:J51:114:111;" Otri..JeDae Batnieils, hard ; candidate - 1 for Governor of. the New York- derhoeFeiiyr-00,- he ling.lo 4 4*iis4 l thii*MOiliiiiVelailitioniei ciOa Ife twbefisitqa Firelgs Sows. 11160=== I:l,mloybie h 4402 rtogi 'Ectgie t ,bauLthe lel. l e vo* . ti -'"'' ti 7 .: ttei 2 iemethst-rle tbelaniiage4 iii*et ::, ; gi,,, ; am not sweret i- t' be ;* hiijitti. i i .. .....7. 4 ; *etzt ittbollifeg it: •!, 4 ' Osket#k" , :, : ';' ,' „ ;' - - flbl i c cC6 o .:°' * in n - le ', A ' '4 : " P s/4 " / # * 4 :- -. . 1i: 1 ' them, ad will be fierele isms itt.kf l . l4 _ 4 ; * 30 .' 01 the &whore or-sop'O'rters of the bill will .I.tet trusted egileVrithZiihOlteVellalarilliliTielqir ~ , perfidy, whether brilonging,to the eeentivit or leg relative department,: are' onder the : Popular ban; theyhave-takertiertvei of-labile - life - forever; No . . rem! whieli;eopyr r talr• favrethe - fraud, whether biddly44di.ellityi4 Taint* and by implication, ' 10141 . 1 .tP4 1 54 1 . 111 ";9_ 1 , 1 * 110 44 10 : 1ii t i0 r 144,. trot* .ip, / he' free eielife,Pii4.efrl. - icl Peel, s:T.ill Pei'' pre hive decide''' . thus and wearer prepared•to„pr ITSitte. ;.vilkikit-RiPPPl,l6;;lli,,fa.,".-.;y,.E:mw, ;. 1,11;-:1‘11,!.007:.;F.,5i!VPM4„-tha.5i!;!,119.Jue Ar finetictd oy 1 ernmon porpotekon thiggreet rlitett, 'IQ* r i!!' ) '# 4le lt ', lB iP! l t914,-. 11 1e.n-,1 1 .10 4Pre,!!en t elqtvPAillVi!., w i ll d 91,444 cry ,040,. iPPOilr-°rFal l i z oi'l9 n o' l , llch it i k!cPc l lr i A• 99o2,l _e s e men Wife eannOt be tri^itiover to tile atlpPort Of,the aeries of wookeditioasoree et whiell•Wi r tielnaskff I ,?I,„III„IiIf.,PKTIOMYr. : W.bal-illi-9fTk i l i n...:Pf4 t 4l ilffali l4l , l . l o lo4 :j t 9A? t :S°:rk.Pf!ii ° .,.. an g e,i P g .q . i 6iit ore are willing 16Maye ! . 10., be,o?l, tlfell JP!! .I?PePltf!) lebe,elltelie ,I,Q - Afik l4l ., l Y Pwo,c, . 1, P'4 1 , 43 ;4 1 ?P0r• 'lane!' of i !heertoe!, :Scl,fe ' r,V, !No - .P. c l'gi g46 !9°o :district is concerned, it le a 1 tied, o f . jpn l e,4l.o I,?PclBo,4lo_vP,s ll 4f:glkew;illl7, .f l ay ing . , resented hri'deetrogratiiionalitueney MUM be ens, farad by rhe.dirriroerats of, .4 1 fie. ' ~- -- ".. . : Tatra ifax Nosartso t ..-July. 09,4951., , ..DEAN 8110,..-1 semi you herewith an•abstract from my, record, noting dm , iange at the Thermometer ifoxa the Othoo the 19th. -h &paws wide the record published .its: your fait paper, a very high trffopeta• lute indeed v antk it will make the preient month a memorable one in this -vicinity, at-least: - - Oa The morning of the 14th a slight shower feli r which wet the "efface slighdyand :cooled•die aira r little, but about one o'clock, P.:. lit, its - effect was, lost and thermercury rove rapidly., 'The hottest day thissum• mer was,yesterday, and hottest lime from 12i to 1. o'clock:P. M. About 1 , 30 two, heavy thunder elouds passed from- the westi one to the East South:Fast; and the other to the North East, which hal the ef fect. ot cooling the air, but did :nor favor us with what would heart:been very accpetabli.—a gdoJ shower of rain. The farmers who were fortunate enough to plow deip-last spring, can now see the• advantage, in the ability of their growing crops, so stand the present severe drought, and-it the lesson thus taughtshould be heeded- and induce: each farmer to buy and use resub4oil plow hereafter, it will not be without its the:first:crop of coin will pay for it in the increase of crop: • • Truly Yours, • S. . , ' • ' 5; a. it. 12. st. 9,-ir. ie. 7, r. R. July .10—Monday, 62° , 81° 85° 67° 11—Tuesday,; an 86 83 12—Wed'sday, 54 . BBi 83 733. " 13-Thursday, 49" - 84 90 74 14r—friday, .63 78 87 75 : 15 . — SWIdaYi .0 1 92 96 8 If 16—Sunday, 62 ,93 97. .83 17—Monday, 66 "95 79 113—.Tdeldity, 69 95 81 19—Wed'sday, 62. 104 84 79 Tile FREED3SI CONVENTIONS.—The .:State Anti- I Nebraska•Conveutions of Oldo.tind Indiana,:held on Thursday, 13th,. the annivernry of the passage,i al ►fie Ordinance of 1787, were both large and eif=- thusiestio. The" Ohio Convention met at Colum bus. .Hon, 8...F..-Sniter presided... Resolutions against the Nebraska Bill and the .extensionlof sla very, and in; ot s general' Convention of the Free States, werh adopted. .The Indiana Convention' met at Indianapolis.— Hon. Thomas Smith, an old Democrat, presided.-- I}eaolutionpsimilar to thos of Ohio, and also in fa vor of a prohibitory liquor law were passed by tic dentition. Candidates for. Stale' officers were no: minuted. the wheat crop in Delaware and Cheater counties rn.tbra State is considered better than an ayerase_yie/4. It has all been cut. and housed . In Union county we, learn from the Lewisburg .De • mocr a I that the crop has turned out much better Ulan-was anticipated. Ast ealcAN CITIZEMBHIT *Mention• has been mad -ia, die papers of theuase of ,hlr...blenard, ,who s been _drawn as a ,conscript in the French arm , snd claims his release as a citizen of the United S ales. The history (tithe cue - appears to-- be this:--The 'father of Mr. Menard is a Frenchman, whci_lived twe my-five years in the LT. S., but who was nes 'er naturalized. . . He marrM here an American la dY,.lind bade fatally; it I *horn' is' thii - ioung man in question. S e years-since, Mr. Menard, with his family,- returned to France. , They return ed under passports asAuericans--he was:dented a French passport as,. a . Frenchman. The sari is • claimed as a French "Citizen, by virtue 'of his.par enrage and present domicil; and has 'been drawn ass conscript, The American legation hai oppos ed, the clairp r on Abe ground ,that the general - law of nations, recognize.birth on !harlot! u the of nalionatity,,ritid Wipard 'Was the' son of an Amerf bo,tn retni*Wetiean aoll; -- The French' dixtrine is thmEnetsh do: trine: !:Ashott time ago tbagaglistspaurtadecidetl i , in a •cas.e. &elating to . gpardianshipohat a child, bprn, in New Yo k, et an Attiericaiiidoihni,'Warian English iubject, because the father' was'arrEogl, ishrnan:- There to no pro. babiliiyi , wise that Mtnard• will be, compell ed to serve in the army. The case being, mule s u nit. Ist.per, who is traalkby,„ will procora .a Stibstibite, Under lirofest;anit the . prinaple,viill be :discussed at Washington. There are soiree ties Poinnebtb,w, and sutieot AVM; be; doubtless, ,fully discussed, in all its ; •. ; L , Cutesco:-.-Thetleveland Ledger ot thel3iti lies Ate 1 9 1 1 0 Wsintt ••• . t. • ; , s , The Mimic iheleta is ptpducing tertihiscOrtsler_, pinion' Chicago . ' People ere , Hieing into 'the orninut - by'llieusands'Xirror ,Stiiiitif of the most-prominentmeviliante anantiiisittese men ofthe city have Peen suddenly itrickton,devin. The - Huard otActulth r teport.the toteliunntter ,vE deaths daring the month of al of viltiCh . l.47 ;wile iiiiilert.'"4"fortfthellar to the' Bth linty. interments reached 242 the'majorhy ()lath 'Oh *ore caused. bylcheletai-gTkkinnrtalil te -chtvtly ton finecr•l'V.ll°,PßWPOsef.-e. :3 • • , • Thisinits is to a gieht measurer Cars arrive empty, and leave Olitß ifertfolLtlitveity.'i The'•ttoot. , * etriler , eithe Igor lembilayeaszcatisedeAteeline 1310111i1* - Eirarried, • AtropkikkorheAkittisirchiAtivtgidijeAsq• 1 0z0w1x9.,. at,itst }9,/this Prs i witV,ltt at dabs ' - INAI I a t-J tb/ . 44 I 2OIICIDSeOn eke Pth iblttz i , *Aiatile* ra/.% filiV . ' ICeilei leiiiii Lir; 1114111i* • , ...„...., 4 , ~..„,,i :— .4„0 . , . , mawrion, J y if, 1854.• 1 et 0. lloraim Awe Dear . Ba:—My 'tendon has lakitill dine to, a article in your paper last week, irkithich -.ln ke allegations of dishonesty. in 6044 ter ' ainst me. reeling that I have nett• el e ve n ygoioccasion, by deed-or word. to arraign ingl.efogo the public on a charge of a nature - so set; rtaiir, antiber you have probably been mieinforia— ed. and are willing to make the armada konorabk, I most *sic, in boleti. to mystic: Ai beittithronigh., iiiiiiiia eittlieni:l6t - ihe - needled - fins Eavelleeis made. Acting the part or an botinst4iublic4ottrisalist, have written some articles exposing the mismanage ment of the North Branch Canal, especially oh the WyomiurDivision which is entirely within my re. presentative District. Alluding to those 'Antes in yourlast paper, you say, anbaututially, that I am in. Ittericad - bpdisittmestaribtrifildedin the past in concealing...the. wrong practiced there, and that I.expbseittiow ditto aantived ef revenge, qecausej have been disappointed in not getting certain appointments male on the Canal to , stlit_my political- intiikati.:l^ f' . . ~Permit me _to assum-yoo, end. your_readers, that,. such in not true, and that your interplant. whoever he may be, has imposed upoh:yett,. and the public, a gross and irainiiigatedfalseheif. - I have never had, in the Legistaturetriottrof %any political, per sonal. or Pe,coniary - inter,eet_to - ,terl'Ahr appoint. ments on the Canal,--have never asked nor receiv ed any such. favars.eLast winter, hinestworthYand industrious Irish citizen, of thiscountyia:zpotiblan and very competentfrantiong expertenceottpublic works, asked me togire him a letter of intro:slit:don or recommendatioa:to.ldr. Supervisor Dimes, to employ him as a a toud.boas"l-I believe they call ed them—on his Division. A. a personal fairer, to a personal friend, I gave him the 'letter; and that was the end of it;-and was the only ipplicatiiin eir er made' by' , a citigenof this- county,,for a .place of any kind on tip Canal,: to • my .linowledge. ~From this you• can readily judge: how smelly:ray:interests have suffered, br disappointment, !rem , theetigust disposers of patronage on the Canal. Last fall I was applied,m , by gentlemen in Thad ford and-. ,Wyoming, •to go-to Harrisburg:and'. aid them in fi xing their appointments:- litatino politi cal or personal interest- intheir successor defeat,— had no person applying for • a ;place of:sny kind from_ this county—had no. interests;iP the appoint ments, and refused to go. When at Harrisburg, I have frequently. -been asked-to speak favorably to the appointing. power for-gentlemen in your county, and in other counties along the Canal, - When. I have known them f aruk thought them capable, aloe friend ly favor I have donee°, bat whether they were ap pointed or not, was a matter in which I, hadjur in terest, and which could give me no annoyance.— The journals of the, Legislature will show r .that have always in that body, sustained a .safect the public works, or that portion of them which were completed, and therefore in a condition to sell 'ad vantageously ; and my puolished speeches.wiltabow that I base held up the demoralizing influence, 1 , 4011 g exert upon the politics of the State, as as one reason for favoring 'their sale. lam therefore no new convii,duiniave not been engaged in the past in covering np the pkindering of the State, on our public works, as your article intimates. You seem to think stsange that I have just; dis— covered the wrong praeticed on the Canal, and use this as an argument against me. I answer that the officers of the Stile have but just taken charge of the Canal from the contractors.--that it haa not been tried till the-present spring,.and therefore the frauds perpetrated in its construction are but just coming to ligh t. Is not this suffiiient conc!usion I have only to remark, that in 'all time past, when the public press has attempted to do ju-tice to the State by exposing the wrongs done by mercenary hierlings on the State works,subsitliz eil individuals and presses have invariably struck the tune of political disappointment, with which to meet its arguments and destroy its influence ; and , this course has too often succeeded in its purpose. So far as I am concerned, it is wholly without truth or foundation, and I am surprised ttat your press innocently no doubt, ford cannot conceive any in- terest you cari,have to serve by it. should have giv. en - publicity to an editorial, the only effect of which is to disarm truthful exposure of wrongs done to the; Commonwealth, and thus sustain the wrong doers, They must indeed halve been gratified by that article. coming from a press of opposite poli— tics; but, undoubtedly, an honest desire to do jus— tice between the' . Cominonsvealih, her plunderers.and -her defenders, will lead you to a prompt application of.the antidote. Truly your friend, E. B. CHASE. SHERIFF.—To the voters of Bradford Countyp— , Fellow Citizens-1 hrough the urgent solicitations of many friends, I hereby most respectfully offer myself ass candidate for the office of Sheriff, at the next election ; and earnestly solicit your support. If, through your partiallity, I should be elected, I pledge tnyeelf to promptly and faithfully discharge, the ditties of the office. _ IRA H. STEPHENS. North Towanda, June 23, - • NC U 3 ab a e rti snumts. Engine and Fixtures for sale. ONE second hand ENGINE a d mares for a, SAW MILL, capable of driv g two at more saws, ail in good lirder, and wily , e- wad cheap, on a long credit, if desired. The Engine is now ;op— ning, and ban be seen' by calling on H. S. Davi-- sox:4, ar, Ulster, or C. F. WEI.Las. Jr. at Athens,Pe. Ulster, July 19, 1954. VlNalusing Parochial School. TE friends-of Christian Eda catiert are respect. fully informed that the second term cc this school, antler the 'care of the Session'of the Presby terian church,of Wyalosing, Miss Emma 1 1 .Lirnaws Teacher, will commence on the lat day of August ' -• Terms, per quarter of 12 weeks : • • Reading. writing and mental aritthnetic, $1 00 Grammar, geography and:history - , . 200 All other English branches, .3 00 0:).• Gond boarding in pious families can be ob tained at from $1 50 to $2 per week. For furtherlarticulare, address, postpaid. EDWIN -LEWII3, Camptown, Bradford CoePa. July 20 F.ptcEts avAcrMmupli ATTORNEY 'AT " LAW, TOWANDA. Office removed ;o John C. Adams' Othce,l o 'Union ntoe,k. July 20. . ,1111111-4 411:14 o ABoer the last of lone, a pocket M.EMORAir- UMIK with bliii . black tack cover: thi' Mel broken-and oearty worn out. Whoever will ieturn lhc,same to the oodersigaed, at.Tovraada. shall be liberally ieviarded. ' 8. V .SHIPMAN. Towanrls. Ja1y_24,1454. Burlington & Mansfield Plank Road Ca:- IXT a m tsas : By the ACt•Or Alterably intarporat. V eoinPally," Addison MrKean,JohnF "Ltittg,.lohnilliselmell, Horatio Carnage, Stephen " H. Stiles, H. F. Long, Seth W. Paine, U. F. 'Red. ington. 0. P. Ballard, P. F. Pomeroy, A.Stephens, Peitrll C. Herrick, genben' Wil '.';ber.Peleg Peek and Curtis _Merritt, of • Bradford " Poyng - l uotl Jobh Fes, JamesHasied, drtscph,P. Morris, and J. $, 'Hoard, of Tioga County, or aug iheril.'itere • appointed Cornmiaskiners to Ispentboolr.vraceire subscriptions, and organize a !.:Company n hy.the.narne and style, of the Berlioz. Iton and Mansfield Plaolt..Road Company, frith" poWer io cur ifitict" said road Now, therPfore.lllo undert-igned, a wriion orthe corntaisaianqrp.,,appointed in said act of ineorpora. lion, heretry.notifythe ! pablic and all pmsons inter sstedoliat there will 4&a meeting of the Commis kineti'ai the'hirtise' of B. Morse,' toTroy Born', OtiEtaintaa3i the tt,th day. of AngautNest, at one • "o'clock{ in the afternoon—for the purpose orppeti-. ing honks, for recelying aftkrapri d elions to the capi rntitock of, and Orgatail!it Company, S i r" bte to said act of inceeiroiartkitc, , ' ' ' • D. W. C. HERRICK, W. H. PECK... 7 BALLA 4_ G. P..REDINGTON: AI)DISON 10.1 RD: 1*Alki r AININ sTolitm, Troy Judy 16, 119t4. : •:, • -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers