. NOTICE... -the Rev. Wx.-111..1he lon* (Universalist.) will ?regal lathe Conti' Henke; on nixtPultday; the nth a:A.O 10j o'elock A. M.. end in the evening of the "same day.' it o'clock P. M. • SHERIFF.—To the eaters , fir ._:Bradford Coungt—Fellow Citizens— brOugh ,the. urgeksoliettattoni of wetly friends, I hereby most respectfully offer myself as a candidate fouthe office of Sheriff , at the next election ; and earnestly s olicit youreupport. If. through your : partiallity;l should be elected, I pledge myself to promptly and faithfully 'discharge the duties of the office. • IRA If. STEPHENS. North Towanda, lone 23. 1854. , Nem Sthitertiscuhute. Towanda Temalit Seminary. , TN,consequence of the severe' illness jitf Mr. Ma i sow, the Summer Vacation. which was to have commenced two weeks hence, has commenced this day. The session will be resumed about the mid. tile of September next, of which due public notice will be given. Towanda. July 19, 1854. . HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE. THE Subscribers, having completed their work, bier for sale five &six Span of Fine Voting . Horses, with. Harness and Wagons. Any person desirous of purchasing such property, will find this an excellent opportunity.• MEANS& EDWARDS. Towanda. July 20, 1854. Auditor's Notice. Anna Dickinson Maria liferedith. John Read. John AI Read, Margaret Al. Real who survived Prisil. /a Al Read; is. Amos J. Vargisors and John Wood 4 Levi Wood terre tenants. In the Common Piers of Bradford County, No. 327. ,Dec Term. LB5O. THE underAgned Anditoroppointed by the Court to distribute fonds in the hands of the Sheriff, will attend to the duties assigned him, at his office, in the boro of Towanda, on Monday, the f4th day of August, 1854, at 2 o'clock P. M. Where and where all persons having claims upon said fund. must present them, or else be forever debarred from the same. The above case having been referred back to the Auditor. July 8, 1851. G. W I:TICD3, Auditor. ALlaititiOrator l s Notice. ALL persons indebted .to Me estate of Turner MeNiel, dec'd late t!if Darell twp., are reques ted to make payment without delay; and those hay- Me demands against said estate will present them duly authenticatedfor settlement. July 75, 18541. ISRAEL SMITH, Administrator Executor's Notice. ALL persons indebted to the 'estate of! N. Pratt, dec'd late of Burlington township, are here by requested to make payment without delay : and all persons - having churns against said est Ate will plea.,e present them duly. authenticated for settle ment. r. B. PRAT, Executor. July 15, 154 SEEE.RITE"S BALE. PY virtue of writs of Vend. Expo. issued nut of the 1) Court of Common peas of Bradford county, and to me directed. wilrbe exposed to public sale at the Coort House, in the horn' of Towanda. on Mon• dn. 7th day of August. et• I o'clock P. M.the lowing described lot. piece or parcel of land situ• ale in Pike tri..and bounded on the north by land of Cyril: Tyrrell. on the eatit by the county line be tureen Bradford and tin•quelianos counties, on the 5.-tvh by lands of Seth Blakeslee. on the west by land. 01 the ebrate of Soloafoi Etisworth, decea-ed. r.olaining about 70 aces. more or less. one old framed house one old framed barn and an orchard fruit trees thereon. seized and taken in execution at the suit of CI. eltaucidey G. GI idley, adinino.ra tor of F V. Wai-erman. ALSO, l'he following described lot. piece or par. cel of land.situated in' Albany toWa,ship.and b mod. ed tel the Northerly aide by lands of samnel . Van- I ke, n the East by the Berwick Turnpike. and the South Branch of the Towanda Creek—on the s,o t , h by lands of James Wilcox. and on the West by wild lendg ; containing ene hundred acre., be the same more or less, about.two acres cleared . Seized and taken in execution at the suit of F. N. , 'cos. to the use ofira Smith ¢Co., vs. Benjamin ALSO. By virtue of a writ of fi. fa., a piece or parcel of land. situated trx rowanda Boro.. begin !ling at a che,ntit post. N West artier of John F. Geiger', lot south side of State street running south erir salt, four-feet to a corner; then Westerly, two tee t ; theme,' southerly to a corner twelve feet from the North line of Ira H. Stevens' barn lot; thence tt e•terly and paralel with the North .line of Ira H. ' bran lot; thirty eight feet to a corner— thence Northerly to the Sou:h side of State street, thirty-three feet.to the place of beginning, be the same more ore or less. alllimproved. with a framed dwelling House and Board shed attached the , eon. seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sam uel Bunting. vs. Geo. H. Otinting. :C. THOMAS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Tdivancla,july 13. sm. ~tice is hereby given, l ;ihat an amount equal to ISe c, .ts will be required tis be paid upon each sale when struck down to the bidder. and upon a failure to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will ara in tie offered for sale. 1 is l; Of LETTERS, Remaining in the Post Of fice, Towanda, July •Ist. 1854. Allen David rnout Juhll Blake limes Loomis Wheaton Bartlett' Hannah Leonard Lortu 1.11-bey Hervey 2 Luther J H 'i Barrett Mrs. or G Thompson S 130.1 wick Chartott. McCabe Cathatin Burnham Levira McCall taunt' 8 Be!oud Henri Morgan E J Ilr , •-rick Mary Mcelmsky Chas Bruchard Maria McHood Jr s - Bennett r. Newell Albert Connelly John 4 O'Keefe Patk tlnnley John Ovid S truly David Pulver Bartholoma Cotter Garret Piatt C Craft George . Patterson Wm Cole Francis M Quigg r ff Kate L Cole Sarah '. Ryan iehaet Campbell K J.Riche son_C E lit•aw fort, Geo, Kelly ambit ,e -oason Geo L Straus Bernhard re Michael • Sperm Jti . . .1 ikon Beni - Steven.) S _ rterhrooks Julia A Stevens Mary ,ery J Shot! Andrew her Lois Miss Spring Osias , 1 jmn Wm L Stout Enoch 1 tf Wirral Slocum B'F 'en Nathan ' Smith J II Idwin Rend C Stticklanatinsan 3 i ley 'W A • Short Ester tier R P Smith Ahigal • . 'ton Isaac Shores Steohen re 11. , ts Takle - Geo title Philip Thurston E . terra Michael Utz John 2 'they W B Wileocks Nancy Sam Thns Wilcox Hannah IgKland John • ' Wiggins E 8 62.t0n Sarni ' ' Wantzzahapht Pete X TY' Persons calling for letters. 'will) please say are Advertised. WM. H. PERKINS. P. 4 case. D. 1320=1C, ATToit.drEr 4?' I, Ir,. Waltam.oort. Lyeoming County, Pa. U. S. Hotel—Up Stain.. jr..l iNNELA—Prench, Domestic and Mattl'OrY 'or.sale by PHINNEY. ANTED--411 kinds of grain -dc lumber for which some cash will be paid by 41. 24,1853. • PHINNEY.; on rs & IsIiPES, the largeet iuid cheapest:is 'oilmen' in Towanda, by PHINNEY.' "Sidneatignal Pond Tedivak, .astponed from the 4th of July,' to continence— ment day of which, due notice will be given; SWIM King Thos & John Kennedy) i . , -- '• _•': - ::::N.e0,. 2 - oiiiii.:l.: - .'-''-'', Tin . ; Mirth Branch Navigable I - : . iti;ratv..daily.bettrieti • 115ffaCRIXIT • 0. - g 4 OO7,4IIVD,Atk, LE47ll4!4ltiteits it ft 1:2 o'clock r 4. li•f f arriv ing it,noon , returning id - Athens llama evening leaiing Too wide at g.,; P, ItILJ • , ; : Carriages"will be in readiness JU ainvey paasen gera to ankfroun'the depot., 131; Tfie'proliriettir'wilt from 'Waverly to rciivanda, and intermediate pOints. at ritesonabie raiea. •• - •-' . A. 00,4113. Tovianda,jone p 3.54, •Coal: - Barclay ioa ~Bed. TAE undersigned is prepared to :furnish. at the beds, any quantify of 'this atiperiOr . ..COAL at the reduced price of sl'2s per ton for Blacksmith coal, and $1,75 for picked Grate deal. - Payment in cash or country , produce, bat no credit will be given: HENRY GA PISS, - Agent for the Barclay R. R. and Coal Company. Franklin(ld - Coal Bed) May 25, 1854. , DISSOLUTION. THE partnership heritoforeixisting between La throP & Chubbuck Is this day dissolved by.mn tual consent. The books and iccuunts are all to be settled by C E. Chubbuck, 'wich must be done immediately. ...All persons owing - the late firm must call and settle the same, and those having demands against said firm .wit present the same to C. E. 'Cbubbuck for payment. S. B. LATHROP, Orwell. ay 20, 1954, C. E. CHUBBIICK. The subscriber calls attention of the old patrons of the above firm and the community generally, to the carefully selected Stock of GOODS now being received a! the new Store recently occupied by C. .st L. where he may be found at ell times ready to exhibit his goods, not fearing to compare them and their prices with those of any other Store_ in the country. Call and satisfy yourselves. ' C. E. CHUBDUCK. Administrator's Sale. Y virtue of an order issued by the Orph.ms' Court 1-1 of Bradford county, will he sold on the 29th of May nest. at 10 o'clock in the illuvnoton, at the Man sion house on the, premises, all that for of land sit uate in Monroe tp., containing, one hundred acres described as fllows :1 Beginning at a black oak, the north west corner of the farm of which D. H. Owen died seized, thence north 56° east 121 and 3-10 per ches to a pact, thence booth 33° east 94 perches thence south 13° west 160 perches. thence north 32° west 148 perches to the beginning, with about 30 ncres improved, and a framed house and barn there. ob. Terms made kaciwg at the day ofsale. THOS. ELLIO r ( )% May 1,1854. WM. cooLsAUGH. 2(1, 'Adm'rs. D. H. Owen dec'd The alrfove sale stands adjourned till Saturday the 10 diy of J une. a! 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the house of Hiram Shaw; in Nlonroe. The above tittle is further adjourned until Saturday, September 2d, at the, same place and time of day. DR. E, H. MASON, PELYSICIAN& SURGEON, Residence on Pine Street oppnsite the o(•! Presbyterian Church. Offers his professional seivicrs to the people of Tcittanda and vicinity. Can alwnys he found at his office, in Dr. P. , IITKII ' S Drug Store, when not pro fe , sionally eneaeed. TO THE PUBLIC ! DAILEY & NEMELTS, A"'just ,receiving at their lame Ind commodious New Store, opposite the Court House, a large as of Provisions. Groceries rankee Notions 7nys, Fruit, Colyectionnry,llmv ware trc ' making their stock the largelit. most complete and best in Northern Penns) Ivania. And tlut very liberal pat ronage they have received front the public durin l g the year past. establishes the fact that they either sell cheaper or sell goods of a better quality than any lath or deafens. To merit end induce a continuance of so liberal pat. roma° we shalt still follow nor old motto—r• SMALL PROFITS gum( RETURNS, AND ♦ FREQUENT RENEW ♦L OF .TOOK." `Below we name a few - of the articles that always he found in our stock : Grifeerles. Black and green tea, Rio and Java coffee. chocolate, cocoa, .st.gar, molasses, syrup, ginger, pepper, spice, cloves, nutmeg, cinamon, mace, soda, salrrains, cream tartar, peppersauce, sperm and tallow candles, bard soap. vinegar, starch. 4.c. Provisions. Mess pork, dried beef, hams and shoulders, mackerel, codfish, shad, picketed herring, smoked herringAtheat fl.ior. huck,viiheat floor, corn meal, cheese, rice, beans, potatoes, butter, lard, crackers, &c. • • Fruit & Nuts:. Prunes. citrons, figs, Eng. currants, raisins, dried peaches, apples, almonds, filberts, Brazil nuts, Greno, ble and Madeira walnuts, pea nuts, chestnuts, &c. , Germany Prench and Amerlean Toys, l'ancy Goods, ac. dLe. Tin wagons, rocking horses, boys' sleighs: . China & pewter toy tea setts., dolls trumpets, ccordions, harmo, oleos, &c. Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes and toilet cases—toy bureaus, -ecretaries, writing deskr —plain and, embroidered work baskets, knitting. do pearl, ivory 4 papier macho and leather port.moniaes, wallets and purses, ivory, horn and wood pocket combs toilet combs,ivory fine combs, pocket inkstands, pod et and small fancy mirrors, tobacco and snuff boxer '1 tiger cases, perfumery and hair oils. Brooms, mopsticks clothes pins, bench screws, wil• low clothes baskets and Market baskets, sugar and spice boxes. Candy of all kinds. Dairy and table Balt, Salina Do. etc. etc. etc. Country dealers supplied at a small advance from New York prices. OZ7. Most kinds of country producetaken in axe arum for goods. BAILEY At NEVINS: Towanda, January 2. 1854. rurs! Tus!! Agamily of far Vietorines and Cu & of different go ditties. for sale AT cosy by Jen. 19. 18514 H. 8. MERCUR. DISSOLUTION. . •- THE partnership between E. F. Dawson- and:. A. Gag. is this day dissolved by mutual con sent—the accounts are left in the hands of J.L. Jones, Esq., for settlement. Wilinot. Jon! 22, 1954. • Horses. Harness & Wagon for sale. THE MAN who wants to purchase a span of Young Horses. Harness, and Lumber Wagon, on very'fasorable terms, can hear of an opportrini— ty, by calling at this office.' June -213„ 1854;5.: Farmer's Union Insurance Coiniian. Office, Athens. Bradford County. Pa • rIAPITAL.S2OO.OOO. secured by bond - and wort .l gag on the real estate of :he stodkholders. in sures against loss by fire, houses. store% and other buildings. go4ds, wares and merchandise, on as fa. surable terms as any similar institution. , ' LOMA IPILONNTAT ADJUSTAD AND PAID. . DiredorHon. Home Williston; Francis Tyler, George. A . Perkins. J 7 . • .1) N'shipinan. P Welles Jr. J H Canfield; Athens .; Hon John La. porte;Towanda; Gen: Hrtidley. Wakeman& I.seey• vile; Gee.M. Hollenback. Willtesbarrei Michael Meylert.'Laporte.., - 1 . t 7 Hon. Horace Williston. preildent ;J:E Can - field. 8*e.; 1 0 V% Pres ilidTitiss:' Q,Addreas, GAYLORHallAgent;'Wyelai. ing. - Bradford 185 C et ^Ct . NSW BARRE LS .' fit for Pork or Cider, OVA/ ' toi - saleiit 76cich, by S. FELONACO. Towanda, Aug. 30, 105. " • 't . . •,1•1• - •- ; .'7••••'•:-•-••• • ••A+,•,•••,f.if.v. - - :;- DISSOULTKW.'4::„fIi heretofore . bet ieitt Geo:Smith aid J:ityri V. Wee,' kuutekthe erth of Smith do Rite. is this day diesOved by mutual coo.: 7 ; The'llOineiiii Utefeafter be - conducted - 6f John y. Rice, aid their eau be foatud at the Store fonnerly;neippieti,by,said Oros,- ; 41lititese io. dibterta 'aid Aria l); bdOit'iCaotitrisiiit pleat* eall and settle:the epme without delay. • ' -,:ogoarkz-stArnt. , J9HN- 1 1. RICE* Monrifettin:litirlh p'113,54;, - • - IPla .111:11(i.:2illiC1011111.11111111C10111a17, Attorney , at law. am! ascostsi. - Towinds, Penna. NEW SPAIN* SUMMER GOODS ,1 ' ' BukToiNi . ' KiNcsßkay,- . . .. i.i.,._ „ TS noce - reeeiviiig alfear!spf NE If GOOlp,whiCh 1 will be sold very tow for Cash. 1. 1414 a. 18154.' ' • '`” • litrAZ 320 1111 c. EIIAZZATO' , WOULD inform her friends, that she has just re- VV V turned from the city, with a large assortment of • 212111143W.611.1r GOODS, which she offers at reduced prices. Produce of ev.. ery kind taken in payment for goods. _ DEMOIVAD.-;?•DR. -MASON has removed his offire to his &vetting, on Pius street. Opposite the old Preshyterisn Church. Toghincla, May 13,1854. IWA t C FEMALE SEMINARY. MBE fourth quarter will commence on Tuesday -L. the lath day of. May next. ' April Inn 18514 - PLASTER, SALT, 88.0. TWO HUNDRED TONS Cayuga Ground Piss ter, 100 Barrels Balt, 100 Mils. White Stone Lime, 50. bushels Orwell & West Branch Clover teed, 30 bushels Timothy Seed, 500 lbs. Allega Cooney Cheese. just received and for sale by BAILEY & NEVENri. Towanda, April 27, 1854. , BOARDS ,& SHINGLES WANTED. FIVE HONOREI► Thousand Feet Fennel Boards. 50,000 ..feet Common .do. 100,000 feet Cullin boards 800.000 lour, Pine shingles, for which Cash will be paid on delivery al: 8. BAILEY & CO. ' Towanda, April 27. 185 t. Plows and Plow- castings! BLATCHLEY, Wayne county, Alba or Curtis Plows, Side hill, subsoil and corn plows and Castings, for sale cheap. • I take particular pains to get good well made plows and tough castings. I would invite particu lar attention toltie Alba, or Curtis plow. Cell and see. - R. M. WELLES. r. AVERLY & TOWANDA R: ROAD! t111,' , , i'.~,:F: iti The subscribers hive just received at their old wand in Mercor's Block, Towanda. a new and good ,„.,:ortmeni of Spring and Summer Goods, consisr ing of Ready-ffiado Clothing., GENTLEMANS' FURNISHING GOODS ever imported into the County—all of the latest styles in market, which are being mattered far and wide. In the way of Furnishing Gonda, we ha ve a complete assortment—Cravats, Collars, Shirts, Under shirts, Drawers,. Wrappers, Gloves, Suspen dilrs. Handkerchiefs Hosiery of all kinds, and a variety of Trunks, iSce, Our Ready—Made Clothing embraces every thing desirable in that line, and as we buy for CASH. we can and will sell 20 per cent. lower than any other Clothing Establishment in Towanda. ALEXANDER, Towanda. A pril 28, 1854. 8. ALEXANDER. Cistern and Well Pumps I LEAD PIPE ! Hydraulic Rams ! of any hind, size, dtc., cheap for ready pay. for sale by Jan. 8, IRS& R. NI. WELLER. DISSOLUTION. THE co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of Alexander & elolomon, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 27th day at May. M. E. Solomon read, g. The business will hereafter be carried on under the name of 1 & S. Alexander. Towanda. May 27. 181.'4. ,EW SPRING & SUILIMER GOODS ! Now being opened by JOSEPH POWELL, Cash and Ready Pay Dealer in FANCY and Staple Dry Good's ; Cloths, easel ': meres and Vestings; Hats, Caps dr, Straw Goods—carpets and o: , cloths; Yankee Notions— Boots and Shoes—Paper Hangings—Transparent Window Shades,dtc. HARD-W ARE, CROCKER Y,,GRObEFUES ; DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, Ice., Ice., all of which are offered for isle for CASH or READY PA Vat the lowest possible prices. Among his stack of Dry Goods will be found a large assortment of Black, Fancy and Plain Dress Benzes and Braze de Laines—De lieges. Mouslin de Laines and ~Lawns—Plaid - and Plain Poplins —PJain black; white, pink, blue and corn vilored DelAnes—French. Scotch and Amer— ican Ginghams—English and American Prints— Black, blue and white Bereze de Lains, Lawns Prints, &c. ' Swiss and laconnett Edgings, Inserfings and Flouncing's, &c. Wrought Linen Edgings—Cotton and Smyrna Edgings. Wrought and lace collars —all prices—Lace and muslin undersleeses—Un der handkerchiefs—all prices—Mourning under hdkTs.. collars and hd'kfs.—Embroidered, hem. stitch & plain linen hdk'fa—Plain mourning and black lace Veils—Plain and figured collet) and silk jices. Jaconnetts, Swiss and Book 'Muslin, Bishop Lawns, Tarltons, &c.. Lace & embroidered' Muslin Window Drapery. Best quality of Ladies and Gents. Kid Gloves— white. black assorted colors—Best quality silk gloves, kid finieh,—Plsin silk * lisle thread. do.. as , ' sorted colors and qualities-French silk mitts, long and short, for ladies and Misses. Black silk, white and clouded roerinn hose—White'colored,nnbleacht ed. mixed and black cotton Hose of every quality— Misses white, colored and mixed do.; all sizes— Boys mixed cotton half hose, assorted sizes : Men's lambs Woolombleached and mixed cotton half hose, assorted qualities: Black Italian, fancy silk and linen, lawn- and givieharn Cravats, Silk and Satin stocks—common and 3 ply Collars—silk and Linen handkerch'efi. ALSO—A large stock cf plain black and colored 0114121111,1. Mein hrk'doeskins . , - fincy, caesitueres and vesting!. Vweerlit. Kentucky Jeans, cottonades . and other cal tun and linen Goods for menand boys weer. . - Watered MOreens. asiorred 'colors Damask for curtains. Irminger', dte.. .double and single_ fold.— Worsted embussed; damak linen anctlvorsted and cotton table cloths. • Bleached linen napkins.— Bleached and:brown lii ten damask table Scotch and Rus4an diaper and Crash, bleaehed end unbleached and colirred utuslinruid alnico* every otherarticliof family dry'goods. ' • • A great variety _of, "Boots. and . Shoes for mans, but a; !Idiot. misses and e.hildrens' wear. 'Brochalook.arld'agtrareSiikoili. Gash's - ere, silk and detente do.;l. , ,iorterl'coliara; of sH qualities,' In addition to the aboire enumerated " at tides wA{ be fourte4 good - assortment of inerchandip, of al. most every description; to Which the" attention of the public is respectfully ed.". " ; • I:* . T.owandp:April 18,11144:;,- ; : _ INK'finibi&o.rio pia will bo paid in J.T.I. cub for Icy ritiontity . of Mink skin% by - Jon. 1, 1 , 054. MONTANYEIV & CO. 7410147 ' • OblivirmoTßATOß's•.rtariOg;-, A UmW feix44 ebted,to - .3t141-_41z0f,,r,, Ei. •n: Bifiloctr, WiSinr:lwP4l are hereby requested to make finuatiallel . piirdenkand 'those: having Adam' '40153V-said t , '-estatet. *ale present theiti duly tarttlientieetedrior settle ment. - HIRAM ; HOLCOMB, - -L-7; March 8,-1841.; . • 'Admitistritcirs. AIX persoiti knoariag theinselves indebted to the • '•estate . "- - iit: Thema" ''lleris.'•:decisiised..late -of Litchilet . d foyashfp4 - are.'teceby, reituested.. to make ittimediatejetygientiandthiakethayingeittimeagaiust said estate wilildrale pi • ese! 4l liP l3l ,,:d44,' authen4. eated ••• , • • •'• • • -. • ettßrittili TURIC;'• idli • ••'' • • ' • • 'SA - DAY1D,54.1.14 ; 12, • '' ALL persons' indebted to the estate of JOHN TEED; deceased,lateofLitchfield townsbip, are hereby requested to make payment .without delay and all persons' having dernands against said Wale are requested to *tient,' them duly authentitated for settlement.-;' , BETSY. TEED. Adm .. •' • SAWLDAVIDSON,':.S • Janudry 29, 1854. • A LL persons indebted to the estate of P. D !I. Havens. dec'd. late oftSianding Btone,are hereby requested to make payment Without delay, and those having elalmsagainst said estate, will please_ pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement • 8. W. -RILES, Administrator, DEBORAH HAVENS. Brown 4. Rockwell vs John 7 erwilliger. In. the Common Pleas of Bradford County. No. 181, May Tehn, 1851: THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court to distribute finds received by Bheriff's see of defendant's resiestete, seized in execution issued in the above suit, wit! attend to the duties of said ap pointment et his office in Towanda borough en the 26th day.of July, 1854, st 2 o'clock P. If., where all persons interested are required to present their claims or be debarred from said fond. Jane 16, 1854: P. D. MORROW, Auditor In the matter of the estate of John Welsh; deceased In the Orphans Court of Bradford County. ►(SHE Undersigned' Auditor, appointed by the 1 Court, to Marshall assests and distribute funds in the hands of the Administrators of said estate, will attend to the duties assigned him, ak his office in the born' of Towanda. on Timis* the 27th of July. 1854, at 2 o'clock P. M. All pertains having claims upon said fonds, must -present them at the time and plsee iforessid, or else be.forever debarred from the same. P. D. MORROW, Auditor. June IC Isa. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. J. M. Wattles Admtnistrator of the Estate of D M. Wattles, decd . vs. Daniel Hill. Jr. In the Corn mon Pleas of Bradford County, No. 136, December Term, 1850 THE undersigned Auditor, appointed be the court to distribute funds, in the hands of the Sheriff will attend to the dillies assigned him, at bit office. in the Born'of Towanda, on Tuesday the 25th day of July, 1851, at' 2 o'clock P. M. All persona hay. ing demands upon said funds, must present them at the time and place aforesaid, or else be forever debarred from the same. Jane 16. 1851. P. D. MORROW. Anditor. In the matter of the Estate of Ilumphry Brown, deceas c'L In the , Orphans Court of.Bradjortl Couly. THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the count to make distribution of fowls in the hands of the Administrators of said estate, will attend. to the duties assigned him. at his Office, in the Born' of Towanda, o.i Friday, the 28th of July, 1854, at 2 o'clock P. M. And all persons having claims upon said fund. must present them at the time and place aforesaid, or else be forever debarred from the same. June 10, 11154. P. D. MORROW. Auditor In the matter of the voluntary assignment of 0. 1). Chamberlin to S. N. Bradley In the Com. Plea of Bradford Co. No. 131, Sept T. 1852. frtHE undersigned, an auditor appointed by said Court to di.tribute money in the bands of 8. S. Bradley, said Assignee, will attend to said bu• siness at his office in the borough of Towan,da, on o Monday the 26th of June, A. D. 1854, at 1 'clock. P. M. When and .where all persons interested are requested to attend. VA. OVERTON, Auditor Towanda. May '29, 1854. In the matterof the estate of Asa Manley, deed. In the Orphans' Court of Bradford County THE undersigned having been appointed an au ditor to hear, examine 'and remrt upon the fi nal account Of the administrators of Asa Manley, dee'd. to which exceptions are filed, will attend to the duties assigned him on the 29th day of June next, at I o'clock, P. M. at his office in the boro' of Towanda. D'A. OVERTON, Auditor. May 29,1854. Auditor's -Notice. • Stephen Pierre vs. Peter Perk:mar In Brrdford Common Pleas. ,No 188 May Term, ! 854 YHE undersigned having been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Bounty. an Auditor to distribute the fund raised' by the, Sheriff's sale of real estate, in the above entitled case, hereby give notice, that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in Troy boro, on Saturday the 39th day of July next, at t o'clock P. M., at which time and place all persons having claims upon . said fund, are requested to present them for adjustment, and distribution, or be debarred from coming in fora share of said fund. Troy, June 17, 1854. F. SMITH, Anditer, In the nrittir of the estate' of Benjamin Buffington, deceasrd. HAVING been appointed an .Auditor, by the 0 phan's Court ofßradford county, to hear and report upon exceptions filed to the 'final eel count of the estate of Benjamin Buffington, deceas ed. late of Warren township ;• I will attend to the duties of the appointment, at my office in the Born of Towanda. on the 15th day of August next, at. 'one o'clock P. M., of which alt persons interested will please take notice. = '' • Jane 19. IEO4. - WM.-ELWELL, Auditor. BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford' County, will be exposed to sale at public vendee. at the Court House, is the Bow' of Towanda, at 1 o'clock IN M., of the 31st day of July next, all the interest which Northrup Mory, in his lifetime, had in a tract of land, situated in Or well township, containing one hundred and fifty— seven. acres, bounded on the North by lands of Aaron Chabbuck ; East-by lands of Nathaniel Rus. set-Bnothward byiands of Henry Lent—about sixty acres inproved, with a ban and two houses and an apple orchard thereon. . - . A MELIA . STEVEN 8, Ad m I nis t rat ri r, • WM. 8., DUN HAW Adm Mistrator. June 26, 18154., IL g. MUIIENra TTORXE 'l7 eST , L IN °See with - the Register and - Recoriler, - _Tnarstrtii, PA. • .;_. D'A.,OVERT ,ON , AT TO it N EY - k - LA NV. Tolaranduk - 1%;. - Orrict in the - Second story of the . Union north side, of thelPobffiscqcsire. over ;be office Esq. Sept: U fiLoveg BEEII7-A,erstpite artielciust receivi ana tor bite ' , BEANS=Twiioty-lhoi bushels for site by " PHINNEY. E I I :at ;',..rr ADMINISTRATDwt3 NOTIPE. -ADMINISTRATOR'S, N,olldt -ADMINLOTRATOR'S NOTICE. Auditor's Notice. Auditor's Notice. Anditoi's Notice. Auditor's Notice. Auditor's Notice. Auditor's Notice. 41.abulaistrator's Bale. PERI MIMES= DR, PORTER'S OFFICE & DRUG STORE, . . , avbscriber, thankful for the liberal plumage received the past year, intends.to keep.constantly on han4 a full assortment of the very best articles usually kept in our line, which es .wit.e dispose of on such terms as will be satisfactoryito ell who may patronize him. The purchases are made entirely with cash in hand, and for the Casa our cuttomers 'will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. Aliartioles not answering our recommendation, will be cheerfully taken bock, and the money refunded. Eg- Medical : Advice gratuitously given at the Office, charging only for the Medicines. • - • : • The stock consists of a complete and select assortment o , DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pare Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal - use, London Porter & Scotch Ale. .ILL 7HE MOST POPeLdiR I'JTENT MEDICINES !, FRESH CAMPHENE. & BURNING FLUID—NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS • , • SPLENDID •SSOIIT]IFNT OP • American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant _d Good.) Superior TOZACSO &' SSRME I I----Choice brands of Pro Ilavanna, Principe and Ware CIGARS ! PAINTS,-O f 3, FAMILY GROCERIES : Black and Green,,Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, 'Syrups, Sugars, Spices, &c. &o Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c. REMEMBER THE F,.TORT-SOUTH END OF THE WARD ROUSE! • —AND IT - MOTTO—. The be s t Quality of Goods—Full Assortment—Motiarate Profits- - Reaily Attention to Contomers—no Adniteration *of Goods--Candid Advice as to Patent Remedies--aid Cbse Attention to Business." • Towanda, Nocomber 12, MI. H. C. PORTER, 11/1. D.. The War Question Being Settled in 7 aab MP' MONTANYES & CO. have come to the cenclu: sion to enlarge their business, in view of the unparalleled.prosperity that must result from astute peace. They therefore. after returning, thanks for former favors, invite the attention of the citizens of this and adjoining counties to. the examination of their consisting of all the varieties of' Fancy and Dress Goods, as also heavy staples, Hardware. Crockery, Groceries, Harness and Car riage Trimmings, Iron:leather, tc, all of whictvw ill be offered at wholesale or retail, at prices that cannot fail to please. Sept. 1, '1853. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. OD. BARTLET r, is now receiving a large . and carefully selected stock of • NEW GOOEs, bought for cash since the late decline in pricer, f p which he will otter for ready pay at ;ices' which cannot fail to give satisfaction—amo g other things be invites particular attention to his assonmenrof Dress Goods. . Towanda, Apnl 15. 1853 TEE NEBRASKA BILL A LAW. WOULD respectfully inform citizens of To— wanda and vicinity, that 'us has opened a CITOGOIT & P14443;011 Store. on the south side of the Public Square, where he would be pleased to wait upon those that call upon him. He has, all kinds of articles kept in a country Grocery. Bitch as Nuts of all kinds; Oranges, Le, mutts, and Candies df all , varieties and shapes, Ci gars of the best quality. He also designs to keep on - hand Pacrristoxs,*c. &c., all of which he offers chio fur Cash or Conn try produce. His motto is, that "nimble six-pence is better than • slow shilling." Towanda, May 1, 1854. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber will sell on reasonable terms the :.property owned•and occupied by her. in the Borough of Towanda.. Said property consists of a lotof land situated next aboie A. D. Montanye's, in the Northern Liberties, bounded north by Mts. Gill. son's lot, east by. William street. south by Division street.and west by Main street—being one hundred and thirty feet.deep, and fitly feet wide. The streets recently opened, make this as desirable a building lot as any in the borough.. There is, now upon the lot a small "dwelling hone& ' Arpplication may be made to Catharine Kromerortn Emanuel Kromer. Towanda, April 21.,18M. • THE GOOD TIME HAS COHE! , . . ISONTalienlik dt. - CO. HAVE come to the- conclusion- that the time has, enure, that debts con tie, • collected, t ime slier, waiting patiently for Years„,mul finding- the °Good Time h 4 Snived, when 'farmers ore 'realising almost doable; frit their Products, they. hope this notice will suffice fait's:pore extensive armload *thet, payment's made in GrainGritn et the ,preeent highrprt ceior in .; . • • -.4 -. Their Assortment of GOODS is replenished week• ly from New York City, and *ill be Wad cheaper thm at retail In the Great Einporium Towanda, Tannery 31, 1934. • - •4"• - •••i11 , 7,• , •4'....4:•, ,, ' , .;' • • SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, Treating the 'subtle Square. VARNTSTIES, WINDOW GLASS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, &c. &c. rail and Winter Goods, M. T• CARRIER, ENE EMCEE SPRING GOODS! LECMY.O4.9 South Corner of Mercur's Block, Main Street, AhE now opening their stock of GOODS for the Spring and Summer trade, comprising a full and complete assortment, and of the usual variety. which will be sold at a very small profit for Ready Pay. Among the assortment of mar, GOODS, will be found a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goods consisting in part of Bereges. B rege Delaines, all-wool Delaines, Lawns, plain and printed ; Gingham, English, Scotch and American • Poplins, Prints of all shades and ' colors ltc , Also, for men's wear may b.', found Broad Clothe. Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentitai t y haw k silt, satin and Summer Vestings. Also, Sheetings, Sh irdngs, bleached and brown. Tickings, Summer Goods for boys' *ear, Cotton Yarn, Carnet, Warp, Cotton Batten, &c., &C. . GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A full strAk will be kept on hand. Those in want of Sugar:, Teas, Coffee. 'Molasses, Stewart's best Syrup,Bpices. Pepper' Ginger, Saleratus, Flour, Fif,'o, salt, Tobacco, or any other article in this line, sill do well to call on us bef re purchasing else. BARD • A large a splendid assortment. Crockary, Glass and Stone-ware, Boots and . Shoes, Hats and Caps-- . Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty: • - • Thankful for the libeial petronage of the palliest son. the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of oar Spring stock, be. lieving that good Goods and low prices wilt insure a speedy sale fur ready par. TRACY & MOORE. Towanda, May 12, 1834. New Land Clover Seed. 8' Bushels a New Land Clover seed, just reedy. ,ed end for sale cheap by B. KLNGIBERY. *Nwanda, March 1, 1851. MP. .1111132 NEEL Me MOW, • CLOTHING STORE, IN £TUZN ANY man or boy, or any body else wanting any kind ofJCLOTHING, will do weltfto gall ott a1t.01161 B. PERILINS, and see how • VERY CHEAP ' he is, selling his now stook. He has ti+thei Largest Clothing Store , in , Athens, and his Goods were all bought cheap and will be sold cheap. Clothing is much lower in the city, and Perkins is bound td let his customers ha-e the benefit of it. 4 The Store is new and Suet fitted up. Two does aboee the brick bleck; in Athens. Hats; Capp, 4 e .; new and cheap. GEORGE B. PERMS. Athens, April 26, 11921. MORE NEW GOODS. BURTON KINOSBERY . ts No* o p e ning a Nair STOCZ VOODS. DOTISiSS• ins of full and complete assorimpot. of all hiudi - MIERC . _ which wilt be'soili as cheide . the same trtalf . tir of Gooas cad be bought inyarhete 7 thts side of N;w: York. Towanda, Dec. 10,1859. lIS MEMINCEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers