Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 17, 1854, Image 4

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Tir k Nala
717'0:1;1,0 .!.'re:sgecifully tile/ pfAbe
Tiubltc rritlieir large .tocir ritlitens' and-boye*
tarnishing GQUi Sj c9stsiing of 5y cry vtirtFiyof
rnrultic e tkr, dirmi'meies, toe ?Central'
Jeans, Linen*:
Hosiery,' Ntriperideri
Bags l'runks, Curies,
whicli mill be sold clieapeilitan the same ilnatity6ini
be sold in any SAlier e mstilishinent in this country..
They have also on baud a well rnatittfarturid as
sortment of : •:
!Caddy-1444e. Clothing,
to which we • invite the attention Of - bnyers:" qur
Clothing is mostly' made up injthe shop :7 4nd Mit
purthraed of ...slop. s hops"--as Some we,vrot of:
Order. in the Tailoring line executed in ibemasi
faahionible manner, at the shortest lkottne;.nud:war•
Cy' The poblie notiee o ne (net. 'that
wo tall not practically angriA lived with the h sineaf
is capable of judzinzof the ct3lits and MA* Of 11
garment; heue.e, the reaSim xelay: the eforitmonity
baize been s:a much iuipased upon by a errlain duas
of community who deal in the article; who, if they
were not practically antl professionally cheats, could
of necessity. blew nothing 4betit •the business.
They arc eerittn. if the pablint would consult their
true interest, they Woutti . purchise r only of those'aci
quainted with the bnainess.
Towanda. April 12,4854. ,
a. S. AtaCCANDWas
IN the Brick Block. next door to 510(eara) store have
just added. o their ste4,4 large' and! tuthiona•
We aasortgient of \
Ready made 'Cliithing,
or every vsrielyiliothvistyle rid price, to whin!,
they ask the attention 'or the public. This is .now
the latgest stock.
_ .
• •
Ever Offered In nivanda
and will be sold at prices considerable lower thin
c•Jer before known in this place. Our goods are
selected with a regarttlanth to style and price, and
offer imlocements,notto fie Met with - at any other
strangers visiting Towanda in want of Clothing
evil; find •
at nor establishment, in this section of the coy e titt7t
awl made in such style and materials as to eosure
satisfaction. We shall endeavor by • - 1
.to securepetronage, feeling confident that our arti
cles will gi-se satisfattion to the purchaser.
t The assortment .com Prises every article required
for gentleman's outfit. TERMS—CASH.
Overcoats ; Coats Pants, Ocrcralls Caps 4c
Locerinsts.—Nest dour snuth - of ifercues Main
st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water at. Arnuute Hall.
• coNi ti kinds of Cnontry Produce, Wicit.4 - c.,
len iti etchange for Goods.
Towanda, October-13. 1:353. .
*IO,IIMT, lE. g 3 0;01Ifsal:63
flyer J. Ku ;buy s Stare—Entrance next dooi to
Alontaws' Store, up stairs.
GRATEFLI f.:r past favors. announces to his
friends and the public in general, that he still
keeps on hand a good seeortment of ksanx Mans
Curvets°, which he sell cheap for Cass. He
believes that a Nimble sixpence. is worth more
than a slow shilling.' He also ,has commenced
manufacturing Clothing—selecting the cloths him•
self in the city, a g emplaiya none but the best of
workmen in makink them up. He would assure
his customers that hisclothing is manufactured an
der 'his own eyi, and In his own shop, aid not let
out by the job to unexperienced or incompetent work
men. Thus, persons wishing a suit or any portion
thereof, can order the same with a perfect certainty
of getting a good fit. •
111 has also on hand a general ass•irtment of gen.
ttemen's Shirts and Collars, which he will sell
cheap . fir cash., • '
aj• Costnth work promptly done as isn't. He
invites his friends to call on him at his new quarters,
over 3. Kiligsbery's store, and irrimedirety opposite
H. ?demur's Law 'Office, before buying elsewhere.
Now if yob are wanting. yob surely can flnd,
Coats, Pants'and Vests jnserriade to your mind,
So nice and so song they'd'sutt to a T.,
8a perfeetlf fine, th ere's no room fora Sea.
Ifyourlinen wants changingand sometimes it will,
You'llfindshirtsandcollars (Wit very small bill;
Come then one and all, who are out clothes hunting,
And you can be fitted by Gamut „Ei. Ike - rise f
N. B. Ha is sole Agent for ELIAS Howes Jr.
Patent Sewing Machine,
for the eo nn ties of Bradford and Susq eh an na. Any
person wi.hing to purchase the right for using the
above Machine in said counties, can be accommo
dated by calling on him, where they can See it tape.
rate. ft is yeb - ii demonstrated that this machine is
the hest patent now in use. Its validity has been
established by trial at law in Boston, in July, 1852,
This trial resulted in fully confirming and establish.
ing the claims of Howe's Original Patent to the ex
elusive right, and use of all needle and shuttleltle
climes, or theirequivalents, and the stitch and sears
formed thereby. , G. H. B.
The"public ere Cautioned against purchasing spa•
rioaallachinekas atl dewing Machines now in use
infringe upon this invention, and all parties who
have infringed, by using Machines or otherwise,
who wish to save legal expenses, may obtain proper
license under the original patent by applying as
above. -
Towanda, August 15, 1853.
• ,11.0 K
The Waverly Ready Made Clothing,
Mott & Wells, Merchant Tailors,
jj AVE the honor of announcing to the citizens of
.Cl Bradford Connty, that they haveju4 received
thAleniest and most fashionable stock of
• • •
ever brought into ' consisting in par. of the
following articles: -
Dress, Frock and Back Costa ; Yeas. Panto.
Jithinc.Drawers, Wrappers, Overalls, eltocks,
CravatsOollara, Pocket h'dk6;46C.' • • •
Clotho and Teimngings eonstantly.on hand—also
the fall lesbian of Mils and Caps. •
Our docket' F i corniihing Goads is nnsuipssied In
Tioga, aud i qmprising eXerything necessary', for a gen
tleman's Outfit. Patti/Attar attentionsill be paid to our
. ameba zizzeizraama.%
Having received the lat;tetitiew 'York Fashions, we are
prepared to get up suits on the shortest notice and in a
inpiriorinanner. currtivo done on short notice,
and warranted to fit if p!irperly made urn
• - MOTT de WELLS.
, Shoed first . door east of the Post Office.
Waverly - , Nov. 10, 18534 -
Ts now being refurnished with new end splendid
k l etciek of DRUGS as MEDICINES, y Goods,
IrrtizOs 7 =Ausiie tif them' , new t'aild beaotifut pauernm
In shori;eliirithintddvertived ity.tis . 'reviler 'col.
umndlas been .00mpleJOI,Slied:Op; orith figsb43liiede
ts.vArwrpAiD4 n ffA irevh,o7l.
~..o? #. l l ol,N y oninetneacaiig gi li OiVstu.
_ _ • .
gibes wbishwiillat'..eaktazirMelY 10 1 1/ •Tritirt"
?tints:Oils: Varnishes, Glasi, Wines 'quota,
as.; as usual.
*arch 24, IEO4.
4 P
jOiow being:repie,nishifl With *full and complete
01 ,- -
- AClrairsitftdiciries,
taints. Oils,-Varnishes Window GlJss Purc Wine.
.t.- I
In abort, every, thing eouttectekwi* the ti.a.te. The
(cods have been bonglic.".ttrotineli low, for ca6h,
and will be "sold accordingly. •
, N. B. A, snperioi artlcie of,Tanner's.ond Nee
Foot nil jisi received.'- . -" , '
a 7 itemv.w axe the place-41 64a-south of Mon ,
tanye's corner—saint ltuildingpf 1111.4,110 s °dice.'
July 20, 1853 •
218108.8.01117, .131,1 U IPT OUT,
labl EMOVED to thespre recently occupied by .
Lit . S. Bailey as grociery: and Post :office 3 dpurs
south of Montanyes corner. where hi' has received
a full, new andoomplete stock of DRUGS, Al EIM
, OWES, GROCERIES, &c. which he will sell cheap ,
er for cash than even ` i ,- 1
Here Yot will find sen - exed a few leading articles :
Son a a Alex., Fosgate's Cordiali
do . India • Elia Opi'
Cream Tartar • Hay's Liniment i .
Sup C Soda Ilia ir-Dyo
Manna, Harlem Oil
Magnesia:Cate& , Ointment, Trasks
do Carts, Ido 1/alley's
do S S do -MeAllester •
do Henry's shakers Herbs 1
Cotocynth do Extracts
ido Apple Tilden's Alcoeulic Ex%
Cochineal _ .. Rbei Extract
Trusses,Hulls . • Jalap Extract .
do Marshes, Wahines Vanilla Ei't
do Shaker, do Lemon do
Balsam Wisters _ do Mace , do
do ' Cheesmane ' ' .do Almond t. du
do Fir - do Cleves '
do Copabia do ' 411apice , do
do Tutu I do Nutmegs do
do Peru do Peach, do
do Pultnoffary - do Ginger 'do
do, Sulphur, - do Cinnamon do
Acid Tartai lc do Orange do
do Acetic. • do Tonk a do
do .• Demonic Lubin's BJ:winnower -
do.' Citric do Musk do
do Nitric do Violette do
do ' lOiralic do Magnolia do
do Ilydrocyanc do Sweet Brr'r do
do Sulphuric do Jesmin do
Oil Linseed d o Jock'v CPO do
do Spe •rn do Caroline do
do Oligeis 7 ' do Jenny Lind do
do Caktor - ' do Boquet do
do lieatsfoot Syringe, Pewter as'm'nt
do Almonds do Class do
do Amber Reel Nursing Bottles, Glass
do Amber fled do do G. E.
do Anisi • ' Rad Rhei Turk
do Caraway do do
do Croton , - do ipecac
•do Cubebs do Jalap
do Cummin do Ginger White
do Fennel, I do ' Orris
do LemonGam Camphor
4 ..d0 Cassia ' do Opi Turk
do Cod Liver Ido M 3 rrh Tor!:
do Lavandula 0 do Arabic do
do Neroli do Copal
do Jesmin do Aloes Soet
do Nutmeg do ' Aloes Cape
do Orange I Chloride Lime
do Rhodium do Soda
do Rose Castor Russ
do CeJrat (Evens'
do Copabia lEvens' Lancets
do .Ergot Nitro Silver, Op't
do Verbena itlx id Bisnoth
do Vioiette Blue Pill 1 mer.
do Mellerse lodide Potosi
do Melleflutr Tart do
do Patchouly Garb do
Brushes, Paint ISulph do .
do Varnish itraustie do
do Hair Citrate Terri . : •
de Hair,Camel iodide do
do Nail Taun in .
do Tooth Prow lod Mercury
do Shaving Strychn ia
do Flesh Piperin ,
do Cloth Elaterium
do Hat lodine
Soap. Yankee Veratrin
do Crystalline Kreosote
do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Cum Crete
do Coopers Morphine Sulph
do Rose ~ do Act
do Victors - Calomel, American
do Orange do English,
do Tooth Precipitate Red
do Erosive do White
do Castile SOO Zinei
do Military . 'Bronze, Crimson
do %via do Pale Gold
do Brown do Dark do
Pricopherous 4o White
Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Opit
Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion
Oxygenated Bitters America do
Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue ~,
Chloroform Fig do
Hoffman's Anodyne Venitian Red, English
'Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Dye.
Woods & Dye• Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries,
pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.--
Also. Cigars of the best brand ; end - all articles cop
tweed with the trade. .
Having secured thd serviette of,
whr at this store, and will gixems '
dical.advice grads .to pe ople ,' they paying ,fo r the'
medicines only. Physicians can. rely upon having
their prescriptions .carefully , compounded -and pat
up. The stock has been selected with great care,
and the goods will be warranted as. repredente4.
All of Dr. D...laynos', medicines. {Ayres Cherry Pet
unia!, ,Stitencks Pulnionic .Byrup of-Yellow Dock
•Root, Orrick*, Hobeneeckkand, Jaynes' Vcrmifuge.
Together with all of the most Patent mcdidutnt
' now .in use constantly on hand and for sale at
REED'S Drug Store.
Three Doors below Moratanyett *men .
' -- Towanda, January 9, 11353.
GAD,itRil53 0101 - Whiskey-raftto mewed
V and for said wholesale and retail, at Reed's
Drug Store , "
Q QUINTLEI,EI et Codkih.,24),§oleit of Her4i t,
b barrels of Sayeratos, cr.irtentea to ptune
ordr. telt , kale al ?le w, , Yorie cash' 'prices at
RE4o'fi'Drfig :fia4. h 9 1853;
ifift EMPTY Barrels, suitabla for Uide - Pork
- V,Matid Beet psalm: &e.:
sale cheap at REED'S DRUG-STORE.,
Ore very deseripticor,lee iadiee and iwiesepp glens'
boys' and ebildrens' wear, just irciti toy.
tl.ept 10. .1. POWELL.'4V 7 sl
410111.4011Nritta0. —
y i l i ,, k i- , I Qt-li tEl r i r i
t • -.1 , I A , -•', itU rit
.4 . - 7:-.•
Urailfoi.d county. renitiorlvtinla
-.- Straw Cutters.
HovEY',/3.PatenA vital knife,tlay and„Stweet Cut
-tere, o( varieorisizes. 1,2 t, 4r ,6, -end
$9, 510..1.12416 and
,$2,(). :These Put
ters are baker and et e,spe.r than the straight, 4tife-Cut
ter. with knivei set +diagonally on the shaft.
The knirts onMorey's Cutter are spiral, which
enables them to cut at right angles against the„isoe . bide
roller. They cut steadily. with no jerking—ar, easily
kept in repair. 'Bich knife.ean be taken of end shar
pened without diatuthing. the-shaft (or other knives)
and if necessary each knife can be set out or in, so - as
to keep them all true, if one knife should wear faster
thin another. Every' farmer should have one of these
labor end feed saving ,maehioes.
Cr Fur sale wholesaleind retail—a liberal discount
made to those vita buy to pelt egait.
Athena, Novenibei 1608'55
, • ..
Bradford County Premium- Corn Shelters, '
WHOLESALE and Retail! The very best article
v _,v to tw. , found u the county. and
tintedY l —ot irete'sit,therAgrjeultural and stove storipf
' Nov. lb, 1853: IL M. WELLES.:
COOK STOVE 3, of various and excellent pattenm
arid sites—several pumas of'superior Elevated
Ovens, among which la scocobioation of the Clinton
and National Tight, called the EAGLE. Also
%ell selected stock of elegant parlor, ball, shop, church
rend school house Stoves; both for wood and coel—;Lof
sizes and prices to su;t all classes of customers. Call
and see. Nov. 10. R. M. WELLES.
Bau!age arid Mince Meat Cutters
pRICES $4 and $5 Every farmer should have Jae
of these . excellant labor saving articles;` thiy are
capable of orating from 100 to'2oo pounds of meat per
hour:and are . very simple, portable and eaai'y kept in
repair, for silo by
Athens, Nov. 10, 1053. R. M. WELLER.
& E. L. zuLtaolum..crir & co.
TOral of Lantoreux,' Roll& Russell, hating
taken in R. L Latnorear as at partner; will
continue the Fou nary -business, generally, under the
name of 1. L & H. L. Limanitr.ox & Co., at their
old stand, known as the Eagle Fouudry, in the south
part of the Borough of Towanda, where they till
manufacture to ord.r and keep oo hand a large as•
sortment of the following ariiclea, to) wit :
of all kinds. including Mill irons, Mill gearings-.-
the Rose & Johnson Water wheels, Ire. rte.
Box, Coal, Cooking and Parlor stow s, of all kinds,
sizes and prices.
North Branch, Nos. 1, 6 and 7-111att.hly Nos. I
and 2—Binghamton, IA ayne County, Excelsior,
Side-hill and Coin Ploughs, Ace.
Cora-Shollers A. Straw Cutters.
Wagon boreg, Sleigh-shoes, Plough points, gearing
for Chain pumps, Grindstones, ¢c., and other arch
Iles' too numerous to mention.
Having secured the services of 1. B. IRVINE; well
known as a okillful Mechinest, the firm feel cot"
dent that they can manufacture and repair all kinds
of machinery Was workmanlike manner, and on as
easy terms as any establishment this side of New-
Stearn Engines will be repaired satisfactorily, on
short notice. Particular attention will be paid to the
Pattern Department, and all ordere fulfilled on the
shortest possible notice, •
aCj` Particular attention is called to J. B. Irvine's
celebrated Eseelslor Plough,. which took the first
premium of the Druilford County-Fair, of 1853. Also,
to the Elevated Oven Eagle Suive, the best now in
Old Iron. Dram, Copper, Zinc, Pewter. end Grain
and all kinde of Country produce taken in payment.
N. B.—AU Notes and accounts due the firct of
Lamoreux, Hall and Russell, are left in the hands of
1. L. & H. L. tectonic: for collection, and immediate
attention is called to the same, which stow: as raw
by May Court nest.
D. C. Hatt., ZSI. L. tsmonr.ox,
C.B. Rotuma.. S 11. L. LAMORICI.
Towanda, April 1, 1854
MID an NV '3lO IK SW 7P XIL.
HAM C; entered into an arrangement by which
he can have BLOCK TEETH furnished to or.
der, informs the public that he is prepared to Mount
suction plate. in this new and Improved method,
The great superiority of the block style of mount.
ins plates is at once apparent to those who have for
any length of time worn artificial teeth. To those
who have yet to be initiated, it is only necestary to
say, that in the old method of mounting the plate
w,th a succession of single teeth, it was no unuanal
thing for a tooth to drop off ; by the new method no
such accident can take place, the teeth being all
connected by each other. In the second, place; the
plate with block teeth is always clean and sweet, bet
cause there is'no chance for deposits of food being
made, however small, the upper rim being capped,
thus effectually precluding even the saliva from ma.
king a lodgment, and in the third place, the adapta
tion of the grinding surface is better fitted for Mae.
ticatory purposes, the irregularities being made es•
actly to correspond with those of the teeth of the op
posing jaw.
With a property fitted suction plate, having an air
chamber, and mounted with block teeth, a person,
may crack kickory nuts with impunity.
" And sleep in spite or—toothache.
Towanda, March 10, 1854. •
20113 123.01,1tEic'
- txTISH (NO to dispose of his properly; In Shishe
v T qttin township, Oradhlrck comity,
We, the subscriber otters"WfOr sate apt:in - the Most
reasonable terms, and fovitet. the attention of those
wishiflßP.:FartkatiV"'" , -
The property coetaior twb hundred attd forty three
acres of land, lying along the Susquehanna river,
with : a large portima of ..riverilsts, of •the very beat
quality ofgraia !add, and well adapted forA
• •The'imProvements auto. large two atop
• .
44, BRICK HOUSE.imilt lastlear.,andifin•
ished in the beat - style , with briclukitchen
_ - and aroothidietritteihed. There are also
dirge Othertlwellint bout - Ma aed flirt eritartug itid
'malaria doable:roofed shills for stables and•esille.
There are also three ORCHARDS of choiceapple
trees, and a young Peach orchard ofbh trees, selec
ted with care.'
One hmidred and eig!tty'-feve. ceriti'dfitindel
,pr and the balance Is cOreletl'iiitli
such being '
mall aupplicir with spricgs r q wafer. .
This property was formerly,ht ihriefarnovand
'will now be sold miguit purchaser s ; either fah - blear
separiteltri and fermi of . payncht made
,c 14... It tif.
fers inducernaiticrt!rely.mck with, 'belt% 'ttrifhin ,
miks orroutatrilii,, ilha'iatinfr'tesipotrpOsite the
Mirth Brailehleliiil; tha.PrearTrirt
Lark arid Brie Railroad ` sad imniediatelyopsiti' the
huasif,thst,Trojacted Peen s t
Application may - he made to VirsssilitaitcC.a,B4
at Towanda. or the subscriber upon the premises.
TD:k. il..c7PoitTEß,
Paints, Oils, Varishes, Window-Glass,
Dye Sluff: and Burning flnids..
Regular Agent for the following genuine popular
Dr. Jaynes' Medicites—
Alterative, Vermituge,
'lespectorant, Liniment
Hair Dye, '
Dr.Pitch's Medicines
Dr.litwayne's do
Dr-Keeler% do
Drant's'Datsam Ext
Orrick's Venni - face
Gargling Oil
Pain Killers
Galvanic belts, dec.
Heave St Condition pow. Eye waters
Blatt Rose Cephalic snuff
Uterini'Cathoticon Corn salve
Tooth ache drops Sucking do.
Hair invigorator la dyes Wistaes bal. wild cherry
Bed bug poison !Female Pills
Townsend's Sarsaparilla Bullard's oil soap
Plasters and Pills of allißalsam Life
kinds., Harlem Oil
And many others, not enumerated, all warranted
'Remember Dr. Poirrca's Druz and Chemical
Storeisi9 the South end of the Wari HOUSI3. front,.
lug the Thiblic square. H. C. PORTER, M. D.
PEOPLE of Bradford County wishing anything
nice in the way of Monuments, Headstones,
Tomb Tables, Centre Tables of Italian and Ame r,
ican Marble, or Black Stones of all sizes. can
have them On the shortest • notice by sending in
their orders,cheaper and better than can be pur•l
chaSed elsewhere.
0:7 Chester Wells. Cabinet Maker and underta
ker, nearly opposite the Ward House. Towanda,
Agent. G. W. PHILLIPS.
Towanda, March, 31, 1153,
Important to Housekeepers:
„. 4 : 1 .
___. 4, THE subscriber thankful for the
r-:_..., "1 • ' - liberal patronage heretofore re
,-.--7--`',4 ceived, begs leave to.inform his
I- e - t ~,„ r 7 .: friends and the public generally,
, L i li:k i ' , and those commencing House
t...,H: , 14- -„1,,. ; , ; ,- keeping in particular that be has
al .11 now on hand a large assortment
--"'" of FURNITURE, which he will
warrant to be made in a substantial manner, and of
the beet materials.
BUREAUS, such as mahogany and walnut drcss
ing bureaus. marble and plain tops mallogat4 and
fwalnut wasbatands. marble tops, and plain, of dif
ferent patterns, Card and end tables, Sofas Co.utb
es, whatnots, &c.
DEADSTEADS.—High, Field. French and low
post beadsteads, finished in handsome Style and of
approvedssatterns, together with other frfrniture usu
ally called for, all of which will be sold on the most
accommodating terms.
ab The subscriber is also provided with a plain
and fashionable HEARSE, and will hold himself in
readiness to attend tp all orders in undertaking.
He will furnish ice boxes when desired, by the aid
of which the corpse may be kept for a wCek. COF
N.ll.—Forniture of all kinds made to order, and
warranted to be of the best mat rials and workman
Towanda. January 17, 1852. •
MHE subscribers respectfully inform the public tbst
1 they hate taken the shop formerly occupied by
Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite
Drake's wagon shop, where they are prepared to do all
kinds of BLACKSMITHING upon reasonable terms,
Thee ire determined by doing their work well and
promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of
public patronage.
HORSE—SHOEING done in the beat manner. All
kinds of repairing Machinery, executed in the most skil
ful manner.
'WOOD WORK for wagon wilt also be made and
repaired when desired.
All work done at them ebop, will be watrented tobe
well done, and manufactured from the best materials.
The public are requested to give ua a trial, and judge
for themselves. ESENW !NE dt EDISC}III.
Towanda, May 2, lslsl.
Etk, f'.—. LEAVE Towanda for Mercur'a
• i is m ills,BurlingtomEast Smithfield
Ridgebery, and Wellsburg de
pot on the N. Y. & E. R. R.. every Moaner, " I ND'
NESSAY and FRIDAY at 8 o'clock A. if., and arrive
at the depot in time to take the evening train of cars
either tut or west, same day.
Returning Tarawa, TM:TODAY and Sarfortriar,
after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also the
Western can from Jefferson, Elmira. &c., and ,ar
rive at Towanda same day.
Fats T....Towanda to Mercor's mills, 373
" to Burliggton, . 50
" to East SiClithfield, 623
" to Ridgebery. 1,00
" to Wellsburg depot, 1,26
. Erprets packages to or from the Mail Road cars
Sally delivered at moderate charges.
Towarnla,..,Oet: 1862.
E. H.. MASON - ,
zra_z a I AIitAIVIIIITB ti*O — lii4
Residenee h on-Pitie Street. opposile the oil Presbyterian
• Church. i•
OtTeni hts professional services •tiPthe people of
Towandi and vicinity. Can always "be found at hie
'offici:in Dr. PORTIVeII Drug, Store,' when not pro
fessionally engaged. •
- •
3-1 SALSEBS zaaoreaudorz, ,
' dime to the novas torl of the , Virtrd Vopseilicitelu4eppied
by Liporce, Moon& Co.) . •
Towanda' March' '5'1,55 - 3; " •
-WIRE only astortnarat -of Paper Hangings liept in
'll this irtaittitrosiith :frinsh,stookita at coming in
at twain** tow prices..;: BARTLETT:7. •
Towanda. April 21 1853.'• •.,c; -
Q_ TONS moro•of thole cheap Sugars just rec'd
and for sale by PHINNEY.
. t_~..n_
t . - 1 _.- Y
- Wholeak talCitettil Thaterin
Are's Oberryillectoral
Schenck's pill. syrup
Eloodand's bitters •
Pepsin (for dyspepsia)
Acoustic oil
Indian Cholagove
Lyon's rat pills
Pile Medicines
Salt Rheum and Totter
Trask's mag do
Spa yin
.Ar. founder do
McAllister's do
":1 , oze , A , ub .-
it triz ur Alt Ws'
; .
7 :,' '• . - -1 ,
m - onir „ow::: - 7ruo VRTY:-.IH
.....-:.;-',,,,, , ,,:..4.-:_t., , , , ; „. ~....;•.._.,,,
;.. Do you want to sell atorwwitljagejiy nal •estath l
Have you a bond and inortgaplyriti wish. tostallil
• Have you houses, taverns, oelotsithat jiiiw wish to
sell or towel
Have you a mill, factory, foundsy,ftionsty,, - or oth•
monufiteturing establishmed‘lhairt wish to sell
rent? - '
Havo you iron ore, coal, potters' or fire clay, or
othes minerals, you wash, to sell-:or h worked an
..Have '9loBoAl:that you would like User: drain
ed or ot.oPAluire 1 /'
illarre r you, water power that you , ,to ,sell; im
prove,Ocrent ' r : 1. •
• Do yral want additionsl-.. capital, :/ o .Partner In
your business t
Do yqu want to cell. your itocksil,en &endure
Do yqu w Int toform a,Compenyato a capit a l
for any specific object t fe •
Do you wish to exchange your pro
property I
Do you want in your neighborhood
ries, tanneries. or other manufactories .
Have:you any wet/ luta imp; oveme
ry, or in the arta, which you want to se
you want means to manufacttue
If you have any of•the above wants, r
similar character, and will inclose to
(post-paid,) a legible, clear and exact d
them ; .and itpoperty, its locality, pro%
nal,.railroad,-or navigable water, to chute
mills, stores, the lowest terms on
will sell, mortgage. lease, exchange, or 'o
pose of it ; and if you will also inclose
istration (ee of $l, (the receipt of which
knowledged,) your want shall be recor
Register, and your letter placed on the file
for your State and County, for the inspec
charge, of those who are seeking to parch
exchange, or invest.
We make no charge to any for exam f l ag our
Register end files. When they make kno s tkri
wishes.'they are referred to your 'own stet nt o
yourwants : and as we have Maps of the iiffeip
States,-and of such Counties-as we have ;re
to procure: and as we employ agents to vial the,7..
seli and steamers that anise with Immig ..ots
whom from 1,000 to 5,000 are daily arrivin; , int ca •
also have agents to distribute our Circulars at ongth,
strangers ar the - hotels; and as we ailverti:
principal papers of the city of New,York, an, a v.
ous farina throughout all of the states, as we ai
different countries of Europe, from 'which Inn
come, and ,where we expect one 'Of our Firm • ill r.l
the present reeide, and where also we shall . nts
the principal ports of embarkation, inviting v...
wish to purchase, exchange, Lese , of invest v'
our office, without charge=
We are confident that we offer it better rn, am
making your wants ktiown to those who ;
know them, and of securing the end you des - , tits
Inv other mode yet practised.
15 ; fhe best place for you to effect a alto, .4
change or loan on your property, is in its i
vicinity. Upon cannot do it there, the next h phcs
is in the city of New York. Or if 'von wa
grants •or settlers of any class here is the pla.': to 14
lain them:
Because here at all times and reasons, there e foal
30,000 to 70,000 strangers, many of whom ar;-teekng
for mvestmenta or how's.
Because th !re are probably 10,000 . who an to
remove from the city or its vicinity.
Because here is concentrated a great prop. •tio* o
the surplus capital of the Union, seeking inv itmn
Because here, money is ordinarily worth .m C •
7 per cent. per annum, on undoubted securir , wd
you can afford to give as ample security, or othenn
docement, where it would produce greater rate of it,
nest, either in annual income or increased value
because here,an•examination of our tiles will in •
those seeking to invest or Fettle, where the proper T /
to hi found which they seek. ••1
'because here, there is an opportunity to eiefitge
country or other city property, for property in
or its vicinity.
Because a person, by spending a few hears ittme
office, without charge, can obtain more informatic of;
the property in market throughout the conntry..ndi
the wants of community, than by months of trove j
Because, finally, here in the commercial tnetroilis,l
where is concentrated the money end wants of a sat
multitude throughout "this and other countries, b• re,#
cording the opposite, but corresponding wants moat,
countrymen, both parties, those who wish to purr:sod
and those who desire to sell, can be mutually &meted
In thd description of property, be careful rat)
over estimate its advantages in any respect: for i mut
do, tod we should send you a purchaser, his con Sri'
son of the reality with your statement might treat
your object. When your property is sold, or rho'.
wise disposed of, it is required that we shall be i me
diately informed of the fact. As we do not pr ose
to sell, but negotiate, and send, purchasers to tte cru
ets, no special authority to us is requisite; but :hen,
it is desired that we should sell, authority must be 0 - en.
Our commissions on sale'. exchanges, Arc., re;11
per cent. The raising of companies, and other sit
ters requiring special negotiation, will be subit:t to
special agreement.
aci• Several farms in the same neighborhood ften
find a more reads sale than a single farm, as larni
grants remain in companies.
Refer to Courtlandt Palmer Esq. 177 liroadvvili N.
V.; lion. Alvin Bronson. Oswego, N.Y.• Cdv,,Vood,
Ohio; Ex Goy. Ford, Ohio; lion. R. .Thomison,
!,1". ; lion. D. A. Noble, Mich; Hon. J. R. Wi!.iams,
Mich ; Hon. Role( Smith, Hon. J. R. Underwood,
Ky ; Hon. A.C. Dodge, [Aiwa ; Hon. J. R. Doty. Wis.
CO' For filmier information inquire of HATIVtI"
McALPIN, Local Agent,. (at the LAW Office of With
Elwell. Esq.) Towanda. Bradford county, Pa. , 44y
Towandi, Jolte 1, 1654.
800 'S &'SHJES4
~.g luk:•lV,. Wilcox . i .
- miLtomov his. establishment to H. Mix's akere,
- alintlisilof aid street and the public squareirabd
will continue th manufacture of Boots and fihoes, - as
,heretofore. - , .., 7,---
-71811111 LI Pei - - - ...
He has just r ceived from New York a largo aeson• vi t lSB REBECCA a4l k NSON proposes to give
ment of Women a, Children'. and Misses' Shoes, which i tnatructicivo the young ladies of ihis place
.ansoffered'at low.prices. The attention ci the Ladies oil the PrAn l l - o.' Terms—Sin per quarter.
is paticularly directed to his assortment, comprising
the following new styles :—Bnamelled Jenny Lindgai• Want R oom in. lit tha T owa nda Female seminary
ter boots; do. shoes t. black lasting and silk i A ppliestion'ln be made to Miss Hanson at the
g 4 - 1 " 11 ; ' , September 22,4859. '',.*
Walking shoes, skins,&c. Misses" gaiters oad shoes ---- -
of overy-detcri lien. A large assortment of,Obildnuel „.,:, SURVEYING.
fancy gaiters, is and shoes , of sliktude. ' t 4 .1 . P , •••••••=swm
Forthe Ge emen. almost every style of gaiters mu ..-4 a,i_VANH( l i s ..41Q TAV- 11° 9 ._.. 0
shoes.D :This ock.:harr bey personally selected wilt l._ is y Olt for Bradford Couati% Is . PrePere7 t,
cares and het , lmli'eves he-can offer superior articles a ' ail d 0
tl d t the above busines s to all its branches.
The °test-attention paid to Marinfactunrki ;
sti z il
" I/ at %bat place, will meet with
A Aril I 1854. '
and he hors by doing:work well to:ntatit kootninv llbtirgivatettentf.34°.
- Towanda, Nag 8. MM. - - ' -
- t --------
'lles asbtiblet: 114 , :-:- '
ha l: tail.
i •
hi 2
al ' : Ito ' ; I .Tei* .
etl - is °lrle i is at Monroelon. ATI tet p t r e c rl
ROCK BALT.—A quantity of Turk's Island Si),
for sale hy BAtILEY & NIIYINS.
D. !AULT.,
in. machine,
or which
Real Estate and Property Broke,
116 Broadway, New YPI!!.
THE subscriber would an
tounce to the public 11131 he
lave now on hand,and will cake
o order all kinds of
;rich as SoYas.DiTans, Lots es
.lenter, Card, Dining and B . k=
fast Tables. Mahogany, 4 .,.111-
111 t, Maple and. Cherry Buralts,
hands of various kinds. Cdjirs
ry description, which are tad
best moderial and workmralike
they will sell for Cash el4per
in any other Ware-room al the
=Ass cotes ,
most, reasonable tecins. A gaud
unisheJon Funeral oceisicos:'
': 0 •‘ ‘ . 1.../ 4 4 - ,4 -;s i
'', l4- 4'., o.`,
...-- • ' V;` , e-4 . ,
r-i •
.. - z 1 . ..-.).:, i . j
1 , '. =,
I_&.`"t".., .... • ;:, ..,..,‘
. "
rpms exeraordinary preparation haitielitCrerlUit
.L ny years. the most certain and speedy remetity
i rtir outs, ASTHMA, Brio:quarry's; [anti*
'Artrn DzstAsss OE Tat CORTE •NEE' Mum. To
those sufferliterroM Pbatiti ate and confternett CoughS,
'they give ihi most immediate and perfecirelietartn
whep great.liabtlfty to take cold exists, and a troub.
lesome Cough succeeds the slightest exposare, theta
I iVATERS pioduce the most martedteanifir
t opts retiotre the Cough and other symptorhsoind
ent i re l y r emove that morbid irritability aod :weak,
Lungs which give rise to the couVaiut.
The o
medic e
a c n
are combined fri an 411gteea
'pleasant to the taste, set itnit any ehild
sill rea,fity'take them : and they are walTanierhp
the itil
give relief io ten minutes Om use in all cakes. '
Price "25 'cents per box. For sale by tr. 41
PORTER, Towanda, Pa.
Towanda, Feb. 9,1853.
y for other
B. fuutad-
T HE Subscribers having formed a copartnerabiP
un d er the firm of S. FELTON & CO , for do
ing a general Liquor business, wonld respectfully
ask Hotel keepers and all others in want of any
thing in their line to giva them a call. We intend
k eep i ng an,hand a general assortment of Foreign
Liquors, which we can sell cheaper than Any one
else in the county, from the fact that we buy, direct
from the importers, and thereby save a large profit
charged by the N.Y. Jobbers ; Liquors are warrant•
ed pure and free from adulteration. Also constant.
ly on hand:Whiskey of the best quality. We have
made arrangements by which we can furnish Your
Customers with any quantity of Bingh'amton-BEER
fresh from the Brewery. Fleece give us a call.—
The notes and accounts of the old firm of B. Fe
ton dz. Co., are in our hands for settleinert,
E. T. FOX.
3thers of a
'Option of
aty to ca
p, schools,
tit& you
prise dis•
ors a Reg.
ill be (c
-hi oat
free of
I ue,
'Towanda. Dec. 1. 1852
lEit..AM'llni[ CD-NATALIE-dm;
Saddle, ilarness & Trunk Manufactory
TETE CJJLP 4 Co., respectfully inform the 'public
J that they have retrieved to the shop on Main street,
recently occupied by Smith & Son, nearly opposite
the Ward House, where they. will kee l . an hand •
large stoelt,or
Mta:433`42.25 uaaalatee
All articles in their line manufactured to order, sad.
'made of the best material, and for workmanship canna
-utpassedin Northern P -nosy I vania, Tbet sone
call.from those wishing to purchase, confident dot
they can give satisfaci,n both as to quality end•priee
crj - Hides and Sheep Pelts received for work and es,
account., at the lo,s est ratty,
Sale Lea I Iter,Gpre? Luitlicr , ! farness Leathcr an
r!" 1- ArritiTrOr sale In any quantity.
(IN account of loss - sustamed at the late fire. w
V ore obliged to c3ilor. th,,e inkebted to us for a
prompt liet tkirent , as v.s arc under the neeessity al
having what is ow to us, ne trust this notice wilt
he sufficient without re-"rung to other means.
Towanda, Dec. 2, 1.4.'2.
Removed to B. Kingsbery's Block !
- - -- W.I. ('la a mbe rl in,
-....'"ib I-I
AS just returned from the city
zit& of New York with a large
„...- ii supply of . %Vetches, Jewelry and
. s .r . ;.. .. Silver ware, comprising in pan,
m the following articles:—Lever,
4 I 4
h -.
: -.. L'Epine and Plain Watches, with
‘.l 6 0 , - 9 .-
';•,:::: a complete assortment of Gold
• • Jewelry. such as Ear Rings. Fin
ger fin p, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold chains,
Gold Pens, Keys, etc. Also, alt sorts of Bilversrate,
-and any quantity of Steel Beads—all of which he wren
for sale excoeedingly cheap for CASH.
Wa'ches repaired on ;port notice, and warranted
to run well,ot the rricnov will be refunded, and a wri'
ten agreement given to th:,t etl'ect if required.
N. B.—MAPLE St -( iA R. aid Country Prodtm
taken in payment for wtnit ; and els). learn now, an
meter, that the Proffn , -. , -ri.vt ',.. pru'il when the wor
is done—l von agaioAt Cr,] , ; Ili al it t. forma.
Towanda, April .28, I ;i5;2,
LOOKING GLASS PLATES cut and fitted or
any size, to be had et the Jewelry store of
May 15, 18:4. \V. A. CHAMBERLIN
7_4 A horse ! a h r,c ! illy kingdom for
tat a horse an; ,-,1-t,ii,ers to take away
4.1 N the goods. N.•willtstandiog the late
4 , y) disastrous F 7 ,.., A: M. %VARNER in
- P..
- . 11 W 1 -himself ac,iin!
And at-No, I Brick li, , w you'll find ,
Must anything that's in his line, .
From a cambric needle of the finest kind,
To ajewelled watch of eighteen karat fine. !.
einckawhich keep time accurate nod true; ~
Breast,pme of every style and. hue,
• Gold, silver, steel and plated chains,
!.. Selected with the greatest pains. .
: Finger:ring's, my god), why what a pile
• Of every shape aril every style.
To suit the old the y. 'viz, the grave, the ga.
Illav there be s.-n in i•;. !NI b t array.•
And W,ansan, itha is himself a " host," i
Is slwaysa'reaov and at his post,
-T" wait upon his en..huners a nd a ll ?,
Nk bo cha nce I:p. , n 'nn to give a call.
So with good a dvice make up your minds,
To call on hum all there you'll find
81. ch nights, my eyes, 0 ! what a view
Jewelry of ec•err ~t yle and hue.
(apon't mistake the place No. 1. Brick row,
where he is prepare'. to do all kinds- of
- J 0 B-W)5 R K •
in his line of bus; a: ,, , at the cheapest rates that can
possibly be afforded lie will also sell his jewelry
at Oa per cent t owe r, than was ever before offered in
this market. .11-Gall and see. rD
Towanda. Nov. 12. 1852. A. M. WARNER.
illS InOitntion,for the education of young !Oki
wa. opened oti 'Tuesday the 20th September, in
the building formerly' occupied by Mrs. Mercur.—
It is now under the charge of Nis' Otters D. tlisr
,,x,•l„ aided pry her eisier Miss ittntccs D. Idstesiorr.
Tte n,umber of pupils is limited to thirty . . The
s3tolastic"year consists of forty•four creeks.
144"1.5—561 $9, and $l2 per quarter, according to
t:e4tudies pursued
lyo extra charge for the Latin Language. French,
9Per quarter.
Rxisnitse l ss-Rev. Dr. MACLEAS, Vice President
:the College of New Jersey, Princeton.
Ron. D Arlo WILMOT, JOHN 1.41.011 TS ES% c•
EN.. li - Tnsr .G En. SIN nxitsclN,Torranda:
_ -
/IROUND'PLAsrEI2.--30 tog Cayuga GrouDd
PltAer, on hi n d an d for sale by ' •
March lb, 1431. DAILEY & NEVINS•
rurnolvirc •