== MM=I • - ` l l • N "‘ Tir k Nala • COLLI_NS • 717'0:1;1,0 .!.'re:sgecifully tile/ pfAbe Tiubltc rritlieir large .tocir ritlitens' and-boye* tarnishing GQUi Sj c9stsiing of 5y cry vtirtFiyof rnrultic e tkr, dirmi'meies, toe ?Central' Jeans, Linen*: Hosiery,' Ntriperideri Bags l'runks, Curies, whicli mill be sold clieapeilitan the same ilnatity6ini be sold in any SAlier e mstilishinent in this country.. They have also on baud a well rnatittfarturid as sortment of : •: . !Caddy-1444e. Clothing, to which we • invite the attention Of - bnyers:" qur Clothing is mostly' made up injthe shop :7 4nd Mit purthraed of ...slop. s hops"--as Some we,vrot of: Order. in the Tailoring line executed in ibemasi faahionible manner, at the shortest lkottne;.nud:war• 'anted. Cy' The poblie notiee o ne (net. 'that wo tall not practically angriA lived with the h sineaf is capable of judzinzof the ct3lits and MA* Of 11 garment; heue.e, the reaSim xelay: the eforitmonity baize been s:a much iuipased upon by a errlain duas of community who deal in the article; who, if they were not practically antl professionally cheats, could of necessity. blew nothing 4betit •the business. They arc eerittn. if the pablint would consult their true interest, they Woutti . purchise r only of those'aci quainted with the bnainess. Towanda. April 12,4854. , CLOTHING STORE. a. S. AtaCCANDWas IN the Brick Block. next door to 510(eara) store have just added. o their ste4,4 large' and! tuthiona• We aasortgient of \ Ready made 'Cliithing, A.II.IIPTED TO TOR 3,64:50N; or every vsrielyiliothvistyle rid price, to whin!, they ask the attention 'or the public. This is .now the latgest stock. _ . • • Ever Offered In nivanda and will be sold at prices considerable lower thin c•Jer before known in this place. Our goods are selected with a regarttlanth to style and price, and offer imlocements,notto fie Met with - at any other establishment. strangers visiting Towanda in want of Clothing evil; find • - TUE LARGEST ASSORTMENT at nor establishment, in this section of the coy e titt7t awl made in such style and materials as to eosure satisfaction. We shall endeavor by • - 1 ,ZSOWDRIODS alt GOOD OLOTELUITG, , .to securepetronage, feeling confident that our arti cles will gi-se satisfattion to the purchaser. t The assortment .com Prises every article required for gentleman's outfit. TERMS—CASH. Overcoats ; Coats Pants, Ocrcralls Caps 4c Locerinsts.—Nest dour snuth - of ifercues Main st. Towanda ; and No. 7 Water at. Arnuute Hall. Elmira • coNi ti kinds of Cnontry Produce, Wicit.4 - c., len iti etchange for Goods. . J. ALEXANDER,. S. A LEX A NDER, Towanda, October-13. 1:353. . TWICE BURNT OUT ! *IO,IIMT, lE. g 3 0;01Ifsal:63 flyer J. Ku ;buy s Stare—Entrance next dooi to Alontaws' Store, up stairs. GRATEFLI f.:r past favors. announces to his friends and the public in general, that he still keeps on hand a good seeortment of ksanx Mans Curvets°, which he sell cheap for Cass. He believes that a Nimble sixpence. is worth more than a slow shilling.' He also ,has commenced manufacturing Clothing—selecting the cloths him• self in the city, a g emplaiya none but the best of workmen in makink them up. He would assure his customers that hisclothing is manufactured an der 'his own eyi, and In his own shop, aid not let out by the job to unexperienced or incompetent work men. Thus, persons wishing a suit or any portion thereof, can order the same with a perfect certainty of getting a good fit. • 111 has also on hand a general ass•irtment of gen. ttemen's Shirts and Collars, which he will sell cheap . fir cash., • ' aj• Costnth work promptly done as isn't. He invites his friends to call on him at his new quarters, over 3. Kiligsbery's store, and irrimedirety opposite H. ?demur's Law 'Office, before buying elsewhere. Now if yob are wanting. yob surely can flnd, Coats, Pants'and Vests jnserriade to your mind, So nice and so song they'd'sutt to a T., 8a perfeetlf fine, th ere's no room fora Sea. Ifyourlinen wants changingand sometimes it will, You'llfindshirtsandcollars (Wit very small bill; Come then one and all, who are out clothes hunting, And you can be fitted by Gamut „Ei. Ike - rise f N. B. Ha is sole Agent for ELIAS Howes Jr. Patent Sewing Machine, for the eo nn ties of Bradford and Susq eh an na. Any person wi.hing to purchase the right for using the above Machine in said counties, can be accommo dated by calling on him, where they can See it tape. rate. ft is yeb - ii demonstrated that this machine is the hest patent now in use. Its validity has been established by trial at law in Boston, in July, 1852, This trial resulted in fully confirming and establish. ing the claims of Howe's Original Patent to the ex elusive right, and use of all needle and shuttleltle climes, or theirequivalents, and the stitch and sears formed thereby. , G. H. B. The"public ere Cautioned against purchasing spa• rioaallachinekas atl dewing Machines now in use infringe upon this invention, and all parties who have infringed, by using Machines or otherwise, who wish to save legal expenses, may obtain proper license under the original patent by applying as i above. - Towanda, August 15, 1853. LATEST - WS • ,11.0 K The Waverly Ready Made Clothing, AND SEM FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. Mott & Wells, Merchant Tailors, jj AVE the honor of announcing to the citizens of .Cl Bradford Connty, that they haveju4 received thAleniest and most fashionable stock of • • • CLOTHING, , ever brought into ' consisting in par. of the following articles: - Dress, Frock and Back Costa ; Yeas. Panto. Jithinc.Drawers, Wrappers, Overalls, eltocks, CravatsOollara, Pocket h'dk6;46C.' • • • Clotho and Teimngings eonstantly.on hand—also the fall lesbian of Mils and Caps. • Our docket' F i corniihing Goads is nnsuipssied In Tioga, aud i qmprising eXerything necessary', for a gen tleman's Outfit. Patti/Attar attentionsill be paid to our . ameba zizzeizraama.% Having received the lat;tetitiew 'York Fashions, we are prepared to get up suits on the shortest notice and in a inpiriorinanner. currtivo done on short notice, and warranted to fit if p!irperly made urn • - MOTT de WELLS. , Shoed first . door east of the Post Office. Waverly - , Nov. 10, 18534 - REED'S DRUG 'MIRE Ts now being refurnished with new end splendid k l etciek of DRUGS as MEDICINES, y Goods, IrrtizOs 7 =Ausiie tif them' , new t'aild beaotifut pauernm In shori;eliirithintddvertived ity.tis . 'reviler 'col. umndlas been .00mpleJOI,Slied:Op; orith figsb43liiede ts.vArwrpAiD4 n ffA irevh,o7l. ~..o? #. l l ol,N y oninetneacaiig gi li OiVstu. _ _ • . gibes wbishwiillat'..eaktazirMelY 10 1 1/ •Tritirt" ?tints:Oils: Varnishes, Glasi, Wines 'quota, as.; as usual. *arch 24, IEO4. OMMI 4 P jOiow being:repie,nishifl With *full and complete 01 ,- - - AClrairsitftdiciries, taints. Oils,-Varnishes Window GlJss Purc Wine. .t.- I •land..Otquaks, In abort, every, thing eouttectekwi* the ti.a.te. The (cods have been bonglic.".ttrotineli low, for ca6h, and will be "sold accordingly. • , N. B. A, snperioi artlcie of,Tanner's.ond Nee Foot nil jisi received.'- . -" , ' a 7 itemv.w axe the place-41 64a-south of Mon , tanye's corner—saint ltuildingpf 1111.4,110 s °dice.' July 20, 1853 • (a 218108.8.01117, .131,1 U IPT OUT, - :.BUT • STILL ALVE. labl EMOVED to thespre recently occupied by . Lit . S. Bailey as grociery: and Post :office 3 dpurs south of Montanyes corner. where hi' has received a full, new andoomplete stock of DRUGS, Al EIM , OWES, GROCERIES, &c. which he will sell cheap , er for cash than even ` i ,- 1 Here Yot will find sen - exed a few leading articles : Son a a Alex., Fosgate's Cordiali do . India • Elia Opi' Cream Cream Tartar • Hay's Liniment i . Sup C Soda Ilia ir-Dyo Manna, Harlem Oil Magnesia:Cate& , Ointment, Trasks do Carts, Ido 1/alley's do S S do -MeAllester • do Henry's shakers Herbs 1 Cotocynth do Extracts ido Apple Tilden's Alcoeulic Ex% Cochineal _ .. Rbei Extract Trusses,Hulls . • Jalap Extract . do Marshes, Wahines Vanilla Ei't do Shaker, do Lemon do Balsam Wisters _ do Mace , do do ' Cheesmane ' ' .do Almond t. du do Fir - do Cleves ' do Copabia do ' 411apice , do do Tutu I do Nutmegs do do Peru do Peach, do do Pultnoffary - do Ginger 'do do, Sulphur, - do Cinnamon do Acid Tartai lc do Orange do do Acetic. • do Tonk a do do .• Demonic Lubin's BJ:winnower - do.' Citric do Musk do do Nitric do Violette do do ' lOiralic do Magnolia do do Ilydrocyanc do Sweet Brr'r do do Sulphuric do Jesmin do Oil Linseed d o Jock'v CPO do do Spe •rn do Caroline do do Oligeis 7 ' do Jenny Lind do do Caktor - ' do Boquet do do lieatsfoot Syringe, Pewter as'm'nt do Almonds do Class do do Amber Reel Nursing Bottles, Glass do Amber fled do do G. E. do Anisi • ' Rad Rhei Turk do Caraway do do do Croton , - do ipecac •do Cubebs do Jalap do Cummin do Ginger White do Fennel, I do ' Orris do LemonGam Camphor 4 ..d0 Cassia ' do Opi Turk do Cod Liver Ido M 3 rrh Tor!: do Lavandula 0 do Arabic do do Neroli do Copal do Jesmin do Aloes Soet do Nutmeg do ' Aloes Cape do Orange I Chloride Lime do Rhodium do Soda do Rose Castor Russ do CeJrat (Evens' do do Copabia lEvens' Lancets do .Ergot Nitro Silver, Op't do Verbena itlx id Bisnoth do Vioiette Blue Pill 1 mer. do Mellerse lodide Potosi do Melleflutr Tart do do Patchouly Garb do Brushes, Paint ISulph do . do Varnish itraustie do do Hair Citrate Terri . : • de Hair,Camel iodide do do Nail Taun in . do Tooth Prow lod Mercury do Shaving Strychn ia do Flesh Piperin , do Cloth Elaterium do Hat lodine Soap. Yankee Veratrin do Crystalline Kreosote do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Cum Crete do Coopers Morphine Sulph do Rose ~ do Act do Victors - Calomel, American do Orange do English, do Tooth Precipitate Red do Erosive do White do Castile SOO Zinei do Military . 'Bronze, Crimson do %via do Pale Gold do Brown do Dark do Pricopherous 4o White Pain Killer Gold Leaf, Opit Ayers Cherry Pectoral China Vermillion Oxygenated Bitters America do Stoughton Bitters Prussian Blue ~, Chloroform Fig do Hoffman's Anodyne Venitian Red, English 'Together with Paints, Turpentine, Varnish, Dye. Woods & Dye• Stuffs, Glass, Putty, choice Groceries, pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.-- Also. Cigars of the best brand ; end - all articles cop tweed with the trade. . Having secured thd serviette of N.li.tHowros, whr keepahis.office at this store, and will gixems ' dical.advice grads .to pe ople ,' they paying ,fo r the' medicines only. Physicians can. rely upon having their prescriptions .carefully , compounded -and pat up. The stock has been selected with great care, and the goods will be warranted as. repredente4. All of Dr. D...laynos', medicines. {Ayres Cherry Pet unia!, ,Stitencks Pulnionic .Byrup of-Yellow Dock •Root, Orrick*, Hobeneeckkand, Jaynes' Vcrmifuge. Together with all of the most Patent mcdidutnt ' now .in use constantly on hand and for sale at REED'S Drug Store. Three Doors below Moratanyett *men . ' -- Towanda, January 9, 11353. GAD,itRil53 0101 - Whiskey-raftto mewed V and for said wholesale and retail, at Reed's Drug Store , " Q QUINTLEI,EI et Codkih.,24),§oleit of Her4i t, b barrels of Sayeratos, cr.irtentea to ptune ordr. telt , kale al ?le w, , Yorie cash' 'prices at RE4o'fi'Drfig :fia4. h 9 1853; ifift EMPTY Barrels, suitabla for Uide - Pork - V,Matid Beet psalm: &e.: sale cheap at REED'S DRUG-STORE., m.arNitutzi., 1004-ill Ore very deseripticor,lee iadiee and iwiesepp glens' boys' and ebildrens' wear, just irciti toy. tl.ept 10. .1. POWELL. Flt.it'4V 7 sl MEM= ~ 410111.4011Nritta0. — viz y i l i ,, k i- , I Qt-li tEl r i r i t • -.1 , I A , -•', itU rit 1 N., .4 . - 7:-.• ,