Clo:hinn NEW FIRM & NEW GOODS CLOTHING STORE. COLLINS 8/. A ELL, I? Es pir,f ;•rf •1.1.11 - infprrn th eitizmo of Brad I; eonnty, thql the!, h•ve owned n it A tiets a t N. I Brick Row, lately occupied by Woo , Campbell., and aro ompe neeeivina , W 1 New York a larger :Antic of Clailis and Trimmings, than ever before effrb d in thiA nraket, colisioinig nt Over. Urns. Fin. k *ark ; Veto, Cinthr, Cm.simerei, Vostings, and Trimmtno. , White and Fneu y Shirts, Cr Scat f. Storica fikvet H Drswors, &c. We would e vtt , .ntion t, oor Inanufacturing Department. In which we make to order, on eliort n vice, ail .tylca of (14thina. Cutting done to order tint)',,ro , l• r(lll,tNi, • P. I'o WF:I.L. Toarin h. N 1, f 3.,3 DISSOLUTION Xt °TICE' it hereby given 'hat the en•partnet ship .111 heretofore exittinx tinder the firm of J k S. Alexander was thi..l - tv dissoletd by the with trawal of Nathan Alexander. . - Nhe husinets will hr'reaf•er be conducted by the firm. (c - Intl-tine only of Jacob Men. ander. Solomon Ale xandrr and M. E. b;olcmitio) at the old stand to Arno:'. N 0.7 Water ,t. Elm'• ea; and at No. 2 ‘lerctir"s Block, remand& l'a.: where the undersiamcil he happy to receit e a continuance :if the pale . onoc - which has hetri so kb. erally extended to their arcilcc ostors. ALEXANDEIR- & SOLOMON. AU acc,,nnta doe .1. ,V !4. Alex order & must be .i7ttled In thirty ail, frpm than date. 'rowanAl. Oct. 11 1R5.1 CLOTHING STORE. ALLEX.A.NVERS & SOLOMON, IN the Brick 1110.- k, next ito.i; to Me:curs an re hare just Ade l to their stack, a larg,e and fastituna b:e assortment of Ready made Clothing, ADAPTI,I , TO raz srANomr, of every varie:y, Loth of •ts le an,l price, to whirh they ask the •atton.lon of the cubltc. This is now the largest sto,q. Ever Offered in Towanda !! and will be sold at pin. Ps considerable lowyr than e7er before known in th;s plice. Our zn , ,ls are selected with a reg I d hotn t,, style and price, and offer indueerm not to be rn:t otth at'auy other establishment. Stranzers visi'ing Tcwanda in Want of CI. thing will find THE 1.113117' , T I`Sn.R7 \TENT at our e4tahhh.n , .). l, cr-tion or the rrvntrw and made. in such , dy!c and nia , enals as to ensure liatisiart Ve ,-11;t11 endeavor by LOW PRICES tii. GOOD CLOTEING, to secure petronat:e. confii!ent that our aril eles 14.!1l dive satioacio•qttt the ptirctliptrttr. The assoonnent c.•rnio:seA every artirl.• required for a Rent !em.if outfit. TE QMS—.O %KUL Overroats. raais Pants Iltrcralls Caps Icc I.oc•rloNs•—Sex• door couch of Mere ur'4i Main ft. Towanda - ; arid N. 7 Water st. Atnouts Hail. Elmira. C•All kiwi,: of Country Produce, W0,,14c., tak ea is exchange for Goods. J. ALEXANDER, S. ALEXANDER, M. E. SOLOMON. Towanda;‘her 17. 185:1. TWICE BURNT OUT ! oTkri. n :TrErn'T,SINT -Od Over 5 :1..)-e—E , ltrahce ncal (Pk)? to Mootanueg‘ Sire, of If G RATEFUL f r past favors, announces to his G friends and the public in aener3l, that he snit keeps on hand a goof ic,iortmcnt of READT •11nE CkOTISIII(1, which lie i l sell cheap for C4qH. He believes that a ' Xianhle six!) .ore is worth more than a slow shilling.' He a:•.0 h 4. commenced manufacturing Clining—t.electicg the cloths him self ip the city. d erririov: wino lint the best of workmen in making them' np. He would asinre his costioners that - his Clothing manufactured un• der his ow) eye. an •'. in his own shop. no I not let out by this j rbto tinezpetienced or incompetent work men. Thus. persons. wishing a suit or any portion thereof. can order the some with a perfect cettainty of getting a good fit. He has also on hand a aeneral ass rtment ut gen. tlemen's Mattis arid Co whi he will sill cheap for cash: 1 Custom work promptly done as usual. He invites his friend: Lica' on hi n at his new quarters. over .1. Kingshery's store, and immNlia sly opposite U. Mercur's Law Office, tiefire buying elsewhere Now if you are wanting. von surely can find, Coats, Pants and Vests just made to sour mind, Ro nice and so antra they'd suit to a I'.. Ho perfectly fine, there's no room for a (len: If your lioen wants changinz.and sometimes it will, You'll find shirts and c , tllars fora very small Come then on. and all, who are out clothes hunting, And you can be fitted by GE.,itox H. Brturiss! N. B. He is sole Agent for ELIAS Howes Jr. .: Patent Sewing Machine, for the counties of Bradford and yu•quehanna. Any person wt•hing to purchase the right for using the above Machine in said comities. can he accommo dated by calling on hien, whete they can see it ope• rate. ft is well demonstrated that this machine is the best patent now in use. Its validity has been established by trial at law in Ho , ton, in Jaly. 1852. This trial resulted in hilly c9nfirintog and establish ing the claims of flowe's Original Patent to the e:• elusive right and t‘e of all needle and shuttle Ma. chines, or their equivalents, and the stitch and sear.: formed thereby• G. H. B. The public are cauthme 1 against purchaaing spu rinus Machines, as all etea mg Machines now in use infringe upon this invent: ,n. lend all parties who have infringed, by using %facilities or otherwise, who wish to save legs! expencs, may obtain proper license under the or final patent by apptyirig as above. Tow,ar.da, August 15, 1863„ LATEST NEWS Janet The Waverly Ready Made, Clothing, AND GENT'S FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. Mott di Wells, Merchant Tailors, HAVE the honer of announcing to the citizens of 11l Bradford County. that they have just received the largest and most faibiorrable sto:k of FALL & WINTER CLOTHING, aver brought into ' old Tioga,' consisting in par• of the following articles: Over, Dress, Pet - wk.-and Sack Coat. ; Vests. Pants, Shirts, Drawers, Wrappers, Ovetal le. Stocks, Crairats.Collars, Pocket tr'dkis. &r. Chiller arid Trimmings constantly on haml—also the fall fs , hion of Hats and Caps. Onr stock of Ft:mashing Goods is unsut pissed in Tiaga, and comprising everything necessary fir a gen tlailan's outfit. Particular attention will be paid to our (93,3• R UYS?a'.:TeMtr.2;d a Haying received the latest New York Fashions, we ere prepired to get up suits on the shortest notice and in a superior manner. CUT PING done on short notice, end warranted to fit if properly made ottli 1‘101"P & WELLS. Broad at., first door east of the Post Office. iit'averty, Nov. 10. 1853. y 30r1 :NE W B tER6'LS, fit for Pork or Cider, VI fur sale at 73c each, by S. ruo:v*co. Towanda, Aug. 10, illisccllancoto inwar imzcs DRUG STOR GROCERIES. :-1 - 11 lzFr • ' _'fibl . .' le ). Tp now I e'ng replenishei vvilWa full and c,,rnp'ete L stock of Dru rs, IVledicites, Paints. Ods, Farn.she,q, H mkt; Glass, Pure Winei and Ditrors fre., In shnrt, every thi ig con fleet e d with the trade. Tl.r Goori. have bren ho•tght cxtretilely low, for ca•h and will he snld acenrdinttly. N. B. A supennr article of Tanner's and Neat~ just received. crj• Remy:mama the place-3 d•tnrs gotiih of Mon. tanve's building of the' Argus Otlice.' July 311, NO. 2 ZILICE ROW, DUBNT OUT, BUT STILL ALVE ! (-) E E the store recently occupied by . I 1 S. Milky ae grocery and Post office 3 doors ••••tit) of Ncontanyes corner whe,e he ham received a Intl, rntw and compete stock of Dill 'GS, MEDI CINES. CHIOCERI dtc. , Ok hich he will sell cheap. et for cash than ever: Here sou will fin lmn...eked afe w leading articles: Senna Alex.. • tro4 , ain's Cordial do ladle 11-71, xt Opt Cream Tartar ldnitnent Sop C Soda Hair Dye Manna, Harlem 0,1 Magnesia Calc'd It liniment, Traskl do Carh, do o,llvv's do S S do Me Alte•ter do Ilcnry'e Shakers Herbs Culo,unth do Extracts do Aprde Tilden's Alcoeulic Ex't Cochineal •!il et Extract Trusses Hulk Lilo Extract do Mar.he., Meakiin's Vanilla Eft Ili Shaker. " do Lerhon do Balsam Wisiers ' do Mate do do Cheesmane I do Almond do do Fir' I do Cloves do Copabia do Allspice do do Tole do Nutmegs do do Peru do Peach do do Pit I inofFery • do Ginger do do Sulphur do Cinnamon do Acid l'arta• ic ' do - Orange do do Acetic do Tnnk a do do Benzonic Luldn'- Springflower do Citric do Ilit9k ~,do do Nitric do Violette 110 do Oxalic do Magnolia do do Hydrocyanc' do sweet Ilri'r do do Sulphuric do Jesmin do Oil Linseed f do Jociev Cl'h do do sperm do Caroline do do Olives do Jenny Lind do do Castor do llognot do do Neatsfoot , zyrings, Pewter as'rn'nt do Almonds . do Glass do do Amber Rect !Nursing Bottles, Class do Amber Red I do do G. E. do Anisi •;Rod Rhei Turk do Caraway I do do do Croton • do Ipecac do Cubehs do Jalap do Commie do Gouger White do Fennel, ' ! do Orris do Lemon !Gum Camphor di) I as,ia I no Opi 'Fork do (Ind Liver do Myrrh Turt.: do Lavandula GI do A raloc do do Neroli do Copal do Jesin in do Aloes Sott do Nutmeg da Aloes Cape do Orange , ,Chloride Lime do Rhodium I do soda da Rose - ;Castor Ru , s do Cectrat . I.i,glass do 1,., du Copabia ir. v en.' I.3IICPN do Ergot !Ni , ra silver. Op't do 1 erhena I ox,d Ilisnoth do Vio.ette 1110. I'll 1 mer. do Mellesse !wile Poidss do Mellefluer Tart do do Patchonty ' Larb do Brushes, Paint I-tulph do do Varnish Itlanstie do do Hair Citrate Ferri do Hair,Camel lodide do do Nail Taunin do Tooth 'prow boil Mercury do ShavingSirvehnia do - Flesh • !P,perin do Cloth!Elaterium do Hat ll—line Soap. Yankee Teratrin do Crystalline /creosote do Eng. Wind Low's Hydra Corn Crete do Coopers I Morphine Sulph do Rose . do Act do Victora Calomel. American ` do Orange do Etighsh, do Tooth Precipitate Red do Erasive do White do Castile Sulph Zinei do Military Bronze, Crimson do Sevin do Pale Gold do Brown do Dark do Frieopherous do White Pain Killer iGold Leaf, op' , Ayers Cherry PectoraliChina Vermillion Oxygenated Bitters !America do Stoughtim Bitters !Prussian Bine CAloroform Fig do Hoffman's Anodyne Venttian Red, English . ___ Together with Paints. Turpentine, Varni,..ll, Dye. Woods & Dye• Stuffs, Glass, Putty, Online Groceries. pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes.— Also, Cigars of the best brand ; and all articles con rimed with the trade. Having secured the services of Dr. S. Hrs - ron, whr keeps his office at this core, and will give me dical advice gratis in people, they paying for the medicines only. Physicians can rely upon having their prescriptions careful:y compounded and put up. The stock has been selected with great care, and the goods will be warranted as represented. All of Dr. D. Jaynes' medicines. Ayres Cherry Pee. e'chencks Pulmonic Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, Orrick's, Hobensacks, and Jaynes' Vermifuge. Together with all of the most popular Patent medicines now in use constantly on hand and for sale et REED'S Drug Store. Three Doors below Montanye's :orner. Towanda, January 3, 18.-,3. p s n BARRELS ofold Ohio Whiskey just received UV, and for said wholesale and retail, at Heed's D•ug Store, 18 QUINTUS of CodfiA, 211 boles of Herring. h barrels of Saleratus, warranted in prima nrder. left on pale at New York cash, prices at REED'S Drug Store, Towanda. Jan. 28, 1353. l ug EMPTY Barrels, scitable for Cider. Pork t7lland Beef packing. &c. in, good order. for sale cheap at REED'S DRUG STORE. Sept. 4, 1853. • Boots and Shoes. OFfe"rY description, for ladies and misses, mans' boys' and childreas' wear, just reed by Sept IP. 3. POwoLt. illuallemcono £TXIDN ALGRICITZTVILAra, TIN AND STJVE STORE, ADVERTISEMENT Bradiard County. Pennsylvania. Straw Cutters. FinvEriq p.„..„, spiral knife Hay end Straw Cut ter... of cation. -.ties. No. I. 2. 3,4, 6 and 6. Prtre—sß, $9, $lO. $l2. $l6 and $2O. These Cut lets are better and c waiter ih in the straight knife Cut ter, with knives art diagonally on the shaft. The knives on Ilovry'a Cutter are spiral, which et - odder; them to cut at right miglea against the raw hide roller. They cut steadily, with no jerking—ar. easily kept in repair. Etch knife can he taken off and shar nened without ,Aiourhing the shaft (or other knives) and if mates...ire each knife can he set out or in. 1.0 ns ro krep them all trim, if one knife should wear 1-Thiet than another. Every firmer should have one of chess '.altor and feed saving marliinea. Por sale wholesale and retail —a liberal discount made to floss who buy to sell again. N. M. WEI.I.Ee Athena. Pn., Novom ,, er In, I R 55. Bradford Coanly Premium Corn Shdlcra, HoI.EBALE and Retail! The very hest article . 1 to he found it the entleity, and cheapest—(war— ranted)—for sale at the Agribultural anti move store of Nov. 10, 1853. H.M.WE I. ES. STOVES! STOVES! ctooK sTovEs, of various and excellent patterns and sixe.—several pitterna of superior Flrvated Oi:ena, anion cr which is a combination of the Clinton and National Air Tight. called the EAGLE. Also a wr ll ;elected stock of elegant parlor. hall, shop. church and school house :'.?toves, both for wood and coal—of siva and prices to suit all classes of customers. Call unit see. Nov. 10. R. M. W E I.T,r,s. Sausage and Mince Meat Cutters. PRICES $4 and $5 Every farmer should hnve colt of these exeellant Libor having cuticles; they art capable of cntitog from 100 to 2011 ponmk of me it pet hour. arid sre very simple, portable and easiri kept in repair, fur sale by Athens, Nov. 10, 1A153. R. M. WELT.E-4. TO THE TRAVELINQ PUBLIC. ir R. OLMSTED. ETIIR of the 11. thens 111 Exchange, give , hi. thank , lo hi. I'rtrnr and the traveliiiz public p. , nerilly. for their liberal patronage, and solicits the continuance of the satne. AN OM IBU S , will run regularly to and from the Waverley Depot to meet the Mail Trains fur the accommodation at strangers and travelers, who w t.h to visit a pleas ant village on business 3 r otherwise. A daily line or first rate Four Horse Coaches, are running through to Towanda. Those wishing will tie insured a seal in the coach from this place and thoge going to the RAIL-ROAD can stop at £thcus, and spent' an hour nr to and he insured a ronnev3nre in time to meet the regolar trains of cats zntritz East or West. Ake) those who wish to leave their team , herr e.. - n be conve%e4 to allot In.m the ear. free ~t rt,Arl-` "FRESH AND NEW AIM AL OF SPRING & SUMMER CGF- 411L1) llClio L :9.46 • , IVION'T.ANYES dr. CO., CORNER of the Public :.(Ina re and Main Street, Towanda, Pa resree::miv give n..iire Ina Ihey are now op,mpg and r , crivin! doer' In to the Cry 0f Nevr York.theo NE' NTOCK ol anti SCIIM Elf (.101)DS, uporh. woh their f.., mer .tack eof the lary.e.t a,rl eer I e a•c Ir. be found Wes: of New Yotk. Haring been pm cha.e.l at RE A T B 1 R GAIN ! CM I hey are enabled to ti; r them ch,trer than ever.— The) invite particular atienlion t. their asiortm.nt of Ladies' Dress Goods Con of .liconei aiol tit Mii•linv. Primed Gingitainv. Bar'd Nlerminac, Cochee.i. ri - .11 River and othrt - stv le* of A nteriran PIM!, in moire.- variety, a laree a...0r.0..11( and for ..ale cheap They hat , e a large variety of 1' ANKEE Nf'. TI Ns. emlomeine Mimed every itiirirt from a Crochet Needle t a Lady's el. They invite it atiettlar atteniton to their a-stirtment of Carpeting of all prices and stylev Also. Spring and :-unirner Hats. and shoes. Shoe Footings ail Leather. Gro ceries. Cror.kery. :shelf Hardware 4c. Their Stet k ha , teen vele-..ted with care. and will he aol cheap. Farther camment i. unnecessary —Rive us a call. and we will show you nnr goods •in,l price, and convince y.. 11 ihai the alive is no fietton. Our motto is, " Small Pmfits & qua Returns. MONT.\ NfEl & - - • Towanda. March 16, 1853. LOOK AT THIS, Al L OF YOU! Grand Distributic cf over $3O 0 0 Worth of Presents! • ( 1 ft %ND MOVING P %NOR %MA, (MilttarY which consists of over Fonr Thousand Moving Figures !--among which may be seen Napoleon MO hid army cr..ssing the Alp.. Also, the Chemung consisting of the 59th and 60th Regb m.-tits N. Y. :State Muluit. Also. ihe reception of the Elmira Fireman on that occasion This Etorai ma is the best riuving tine in the country, and has cost mlore than it is put up fir, viz., $1.200 One Grand %loving Diorama of Bunyan', Pilgrim ., Progress, showing all the travels ,of Pilgrim from the City of Destitution till he artives sate in the re. lestial City. This splendid exhibition has all the paintines connected with it that any Panorama has ever ha d, ' which is Glint worth more than it is up for. viz, $l.OllO . - One splendid Panorama. consisting of 120 views on the Mi,sissippi Ohio, and Hudson rivers worth $.OO Two beautiful 811 l Hine Lots. located in the :I'hird Ward o the village of Elmira. worth $2OO each, $lOO One splendid seven octave Piano, $3511 And 245 splendid nod costlyfreeents—amountine, in all, to $5 052 worth of property, the beat of which may be had for One Dollar ! Its lie value of the Presents amounts to $5„082. there will be the same number of tickets issued at One Dollar each. Each ticket will admit the holder four times to the exhibition of the Military Diorama ; also to one share. of the whole property named for distribution. The Grand Mowing Military Diorama will be exhibited in Elmira on the 15th of January. 1854, and continue on exhibition till the shares are all taken. It will also be exhibited in. each town where there are filly shares taken. As sot n as the • hares are all taken, each share holder will be notified, and a meeting called. (of the stockholders) at which the property above named will he handed over to a t.omminee chosen by the stockholders, for them to make the distribution an• cording to the voice of the majority of the stockhol ders—either by lot or lottery. All orders for shares will receive prompt attention if addreissed post paid to St B. ELIA I'HURP, Agent, Elmira, Chemung Co. N. Y. Cr All orders must he accompanied with the mo• 'ley, and post paid Persons ordering shares will please be particular and give their post office address plain, en that no mistake may occur. E. WALKER, ticket agent. Ulster. Bradford Co. WAILS Hand-saws,Hom Trimmings.Glax:i.Put• ty. Rath &e., jo.t pfreived by PIitNNEYA! alcbiral Xl°' 311EIL .EIAL. NIL IVIEE Plik_ 41:1 iliC • ~\jii .1 4- ;i:';- •••:;•. , .; 7/4., c ., fi., 4 ' ) ;1 i • Pr,,. 'ir....exor.„„ _\..‘ : Y . DRIIG WORE., ..1_,.... - 40 ...,--6 „:•-•-, ._,, ,-, , 1,-,-,. -- s .r :."-- ~. 1 7f; IMEMIMIE a " ~. -...... . . ' Ca' G'.'s--;Frp*(,:--- In the Soul h cnJ of the \Yard House, TOWANDA. DR. H. C. POUTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, NEDICINES, GILOCERIES, LXQUORS, eke. Paints, Oils, \ T ailslies, Window Glass, BRIISH:S, PERFUMERY, FAWN ARTICLES, Dye St.fs and lite; nine. Fbilds. Regular Agent for the (Aiming genuine popular PATENT MEDICINES : Dr. Jaynes' Medicir.eslAyre's Cherry Pectoral Alterative, Verotifuee. ••.ehenek's pul. syrup Expectorant, bitters Hai, Dye, lize. Pepsin (for dyspepsia) Dr. Fitch's Medicine., 'Acoustic oil Dr.Swayne'a do Indian Chola:Towte Dr.Keeler's (1 , 1, 11,yon's rat pills Brant's Balsam Ext Pyle Mr,licines Orrick's Verrnifuee Salt lito•um and Teller “raelenhere Medicines continent Garehne Oil Trask'. Inas do Pain Killers spavin & founder do flalvanie belts, &c. ikleAllisier's do & Condition pow. !F.r,•e water+ R.•ck I/,.".e Cephalic snuff I:ierine rathr , licon (;orn .aloe Tooth ache drops siicko.z o. Hair twoaorator & dyes Wi.tar's htl. will cherry Bed hug T.rn•men,l's Plasters and Pub. of allißal,oon Life Harlow thl .►nd many others, not eio.iiiirraied, all warranted genuine. a:3`l2 , .rn , mbf..r Dr. PORT ETC.; Drug nil,' Ch ni:e9l Store is in ihr end of thr. tr 1 11•. n.” fr nt in? ihr Publ, t squlre. li. C. FUR MR. M. I). OWEGO MARBLE FACTORY, PEOPLE of Bradford Conniv wo.hinz anwthwe, Tyre in the wav Monuments. Heads' . t o., Tooth Tables. Centre rattler. oi Italian and Amer. ican Marble. or lil irk all ran have them on the trhorte.t ICP by their orders.cheaper and better than can be ur chased r kvwfiere ,j). Chester %Veil.. Cattitiet M.kPr And itetlertn k•r. nearly,o,ifie the Ward 11 attda G. W. I'llll.l,ll's. Tuw•anria, March 3', iSrt3. ti.lvis, , :ex ‘'..u.l e.‘ TT ti U 0 0 Important to I.l"mteltecpc:F.: THE .ni,erttit r lb:taloa! bir iia.r ,, tiatie betel, re ceit ed. lwv , leave hi itihiran hi. friend , and t he p.ihth• Fr l... 1 , •t• ellfflMP•nein, f' ',CCM( f: r1:1 f1:1•111.11 'hat he ha% 61, F L noir 1,11, , 1 a la.tze a,,ottneto col FL IZ N11 . 1714E. „ h uh he warrant to he 'nide in n manner, and -I ill- HURT rs'. n. 0:1.1 nuilhot dr ,-• inc burpan , 111,10 p r .llr, 1.13% ; and (walnut wl,h•tam', mark*. 1,•p.. 1,1 plan. ..f lerefdpanern, Cdr., c•. wbai,uo•. ISEAI)*TI.I‘I)- 4 —lll7h. Fir•neh and p'' bead-lead. f0,i0,c,1 n 11.1tol. ~,,,, • ..1% ..g approved patterns. lofzeilter a nh other fa rail') re usu ally callt—' for. all which will he .old on the The toth.rriber d. akt, provi.l,--1 with q plain and HE 1,12--E. and will 11..b1111 , ,,R1f to rendlllP•. lc/ ;wend if , all orders lr. He will tarn-b tee linter when tle-ired, by the aid of whwh the ettrr:e may be Lem tf.r. a week. l'()F -FINS. READY MADE. rh Es I'ER ELI,!?. N. I.I.—FIMIIIIIre 1.1 all kind. made to miler. and warranted lo be of the beat malt vial , and workman ship. Towanda. January 17. lgtFtl.l. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. THE subscribers respectfully inform the public that they have taken the shop formerly nceilpiril by Adam Esenwine, on Main street, nearly opposite Drake's wagon, where they are prepared to (lo all of BLACKS I'HING upon reasonable terms. They arc determined by doing their work well and promptly, to merit, as they hope to receive a share of public patronage. HORSE—SHOEING done in the beat manner. All kind.% of repairing Machinery. executed in the riord skil ful manner. WOOD WORK for wagons will also be made and repaired when desired. All work done at their shop, will he warranted tofu , well dons, and manufactured from the best materials. The politic are requested to give us a trial. and judge for themselves. ESEN WINE dc ISEE BISCH H. Towanda. May 2, 1851. NEW ARRANGEMENT! HARVY PHINNEY, Jr ,having purchased for . rtha of G. M. Bowman, his entire sock at Merchandize at a price far below the actual cost in New York. (and 16 per cent. lower than any Mer chant in Towands has or can buy) is prepared to s-Il for c asn, mere Goods for one dollar, than any man will sell for nine ;(ti/tinge! Thi• stock is Large. embracing all articles usually found in a Store. viz—Dry Good•. Groceries. Hardware, Boats and Shoes, Leather, Nails, Sash, Glass Hats, Cap, and Bonnets. All of which will be sold a. above. and. no :mistake. At the Brick. Store, corner of ilt in rind Bridge streets. Towanda. July IS. STAGIis LEAVE Towanda for Mercer'. r` mill..ltorlingtrnt, Esat Notithfield Itidaebery, and Wellsburg de pot on the N. Y. & E.R. R.. every Mornat. W fin- Nizse•r and Fain Air at 8 o'clock A. M., and arrive at the depot in time to take the evening train of cars either east pr nest, same day. Returning Tessnsy, TinvasnAy and SrroanAv, after the arrival of the Eastern train, and also the Western care from Jefferson. Elmira. &c., and ar rive at Towanda same day. FA as :—Towanda to Mercor's mills, 374 " to Burlington, 50 " to East Smithfield, 624 " to Ridgebery, 1.00 " to Wellsburg depot. 1.25 Express packages to or from the Rail Road care fully delivered at moderate charges Towanda, Oct 8. 18.52. PORK BA BMA—The place to buy first rate Perk Barrels cheap. is et Jan. 4. FELTON & CO. SALT FOR dALE.-100 Barrels of bait received this day and for sale by lone 15, 1853. & NEVTNS. P0R . 121101312 W2lO WANT 01 MONEY OR PROPERTY !!! Do - you want to sell or mortgage any real estate Have you a bond and mortgage y.. 11 r ish to sell ? Have you houses, taverns, or lute, that )oti wish t •ell or lease? Have you a mill. factory. fonmlry, homer v or mh manufacturing establishment. that you with to sell ar tent ? More you iron ore, coal. potters' or fire clay. •or •ther Minerals, you mall to sell or have strorittd -hares 1' Have you Inn,l that you would like In h'are drain or cleared tty umuract or on whirr. ? Have you water power that you wish to rel.!, in) prove, Of rent Do yeti want additional capital, or a partner in your Immineoa 1 Do you went to Fell your stock of merchandise Do you w nt to forma Company to mate capital for any specific object Do you wish to exchange your property for other property 1 Do you want in your ntichharhnntl mills, found ries, tanneries, nr tither manufactories 1 Hal•r_.ynn any trell tcaJrd imp/ ovrinent in machine. ry. nr in the arts, which yon want to sell or which you want means to manufacture If you have any of the above want 4, or others of a 4imilar character. and will inrinw in nor addresa. (vnat•paid ) n legible, clear and exact description of them ; and if property. its locality, Proximity to ca nal. railroad, nr navigable water, to churches. iv-11001a, mills, stores, lec.. the lowest terms on whirl: you will sell, mortgage. leas.e, exchange, or otherwise die. pose of it : and if you will oleo inclose to tiq a Ree l-11'10ton fee 0131, (the receipt of which will be ne . knowledged.) your want shall be recorded in our Pegiater, and your letter placed on the file design.rtr•rl for your State and County, for the inoqou•tion, free of charge, of those who are seeking to purch.tse, exchange. or invest. We make no charge to any for examining our Register and files. When they make known their wishes. they are referred to your own statemetut of your wanta : and as we have Mapa of the 11. ff rent States, and of such Counties as we hive been alts to procure: and a.; we employ ricents to s mit the ye,- and steamers 11.01 arrive with Immigrants, (of whom from 1,1100 In 5,000 are daily arrivin ,) and we also hive agent. to distribute our Circolars among the stranuers at the hotel.; and a+ up adre/i,..• ir, tl•e protein . •,1 pa pe rs nt the city of New lortu • and un v.irt- MI., forma thronemut all of the plate.. a. the .I.ffe.en. countries. of F:orript , from which fuomi.2ra.o. , crone, and whrre we one of nor Firm will fur the pre.ent re.i.te, and where a 1.., oke shill ag•ni• the un its Vi I ports of rioliarkitims, "Ivo hr,g h" In pun-Int,s. VCI h WO% I. 11 , 1, or give.. , 1 u i , ll nor office, w;th,, , al We are rorifid nt that w., off.r rn • making your wants known to tho.t. who know them, and of veenriorr the evil von desire, i:s sn nov othrr mole vet priint.-rd. The brim fillce vim in Wert n axle Ii -tar, et. rhlnCe Or Lem on yam proporte I. in it. Irntnrth - ..r vicinity. [(you (-mon iin l illtioro., th e re .r i h...i I- in the city of New Y irk. or if %on w sra Znint. or ' , enters of 2ny ChM; here i. the min them: 8.•-a , rpe here at all time. them nre rrom 30.( 0(1 r. , 70,000 .irane..ra, many of wh.rm are cet-kitiß I r moe.t m rroa h • os 11 , Triti.e. 14 .re 4re pr.,1,11111,r 100 1100 who want to I n•rn• , vv from ihr Rity or ii• vironitv. Derr• rnnrrtp.'t•nl c relt pmpnr•i , n of h.•-mr pill. t . tirittd f tt, l - n , ..n iterno.:•• ordlonrilv w. , rth fr so n 5 •m .1 per ,pot. 1.1 . t 90 ,, 1ttn, on rln'rn l •trd %On run nff.rd 1.. t.. T ive nu arn.•le .ocuo.v, f , r "rfo, • i n.lnrrun n 1 wh.•fr It n-. 10,1 re 0. r n•e rr , t r att1..;,1 1 tr•. , rn•• (•., ! .hp lie , fllll. here, sto sreleslior ieir • e its) ttioss s r4v,g t,. irisest -stile. ‘1 here the pr.Tsrty In I •• .1.0 , thew .vek. tie•e, there is 311 °for ttonity t . . rounif, ot . •er city property, ir pr ipert i n this city nr 1.4 IL-ran-el cor. , n, by open.linff ri 1••‘‘, hours in our • Mee • w•r•out rloPlre int.brrort;on,.( ih.• oroo• It, in Mrllk, t thr nry.h nit the enntory sod 1; the rrist,tr. or . co, ~,,, unify, 'Fent by month., of tr , ,Yel. r4n.e.flo4l:y„ here in the 1 , 1111R11,..1.11 .t h. re i. enneetitroted the tn t . A, Tey nod wAnf+ of ' ,an n .!, , n hro 2 how thin , other r•liontri,•,, by re 'he opoowte. but rorre•ooroline I r•••o• ,en, 1.01, ply iv-. II 0.41 i.l) J.. pti rh o -.• th ,1..0e I 'well., ,ot Ito an itoilly lii th oe, e r., Lien ,4 prr h e lid rii-isii•l • rof if y... 1 : •and lye .hottl.l -roil v .11 ri p'lrd•'ll.l,ll% his .•. np 11i. ..‘o of the reftley with vow' 1111•1h1 .Ir rot olject. .W hen Net, I p•periv er other , . di-prised of, it i. re. l oired we 414111 W onme .li4leFy informed of the fart. A. xve' not pro'. ..e t i . .. •ll .but ni'gotinte 5..1 ~ end purrhe...•, ft the own. pr. nn.prr ial atohority re rt. is r, qui-14-; but then i r is t i es red that WP 01.11114 spir.llll.bnlity mu.; he g ive n . Unr commirt.jort. 641 -ale , rxrhgrze.. ca r :lie 2 p/.r rent. The rai-intz of comp:lntr., .6.1 other mat. frt. retviit;tig special negotiation, will be subj,.rt 1,. rt - •!..zeveral farms in the same neighborhood or.n find a more ready sale than a single farm, as immi• grams desire lo remain in companies, BRONRON. KNAPP & CO. Real Estate and Property Hroket•. 116 Broody/ay. New York. Refer to rnortlandt Palmer Eort. 177 Broadoray. N V.; Hon Alvin ftronaon, o..wego, N.Y.; Gost.Wwwl thin: Ex Goy. Ford f iti•n; lion. R. W,Thornpson 11.: Hon. D.. 4 Noble, Minh; lion. I. R Mich ; Hon Rul.'t Smith. 111: lion. J. R Underwood, Ky ; Hon. n. V. Doslee, (own; Hon. R Hotv. Wi. (^". For (miner wripoion inquire of HARVEY MeA I.PIN Azem. (nt 'he LOW Office of Win. Elwell. f'eq ) Towand 1. rtl county. Pa. 41. THE OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION! stands of various kinds. Chair and Bedsteads of every deseripi ion. which are, anti will he made of the hest. insterial and workmanlike manner, and which ihey will sell for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware-room in the rou n ILEADY-MADZI corruirs, ,iin hand on the most reasonable terms. A enod .E IRSE will be furnisheillin Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKINSO.N. Towanda, June 1, 1852. • BOOTS & SHJES! John W. Wilcox, HAS removed his establishment to H. Mix's stor. corner of main street and the public square. an , ' will continue the manufacturoof Hoots and Nhori, a, heretofore. He hi. just received from New York a large assorts Men, of Women's, Children's and .41;sses' Mom which re offered at low prices. Fite attention et the Ladies s par'icularly directed to his assortment. comprising he following new styles:—Enamelled Jenny Lind call er hoots; do. shoes; black lasting snit silk gaiters; ' :liking shoes. boskins,&c. Misses' gaiters 'and shoes, if everyslo cription. A large assortment of Children's anry gaiters, hoots and shoes, of all kinds. For the Gentlemen, almost every style or asitelf, and hoes. This stock he' been personally selected with ''are, and he believes be can offer superior articles at 'easonalile prices. k Os The strictest attention paid to Manufacturing, and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continu mare of thr liberal patronage he has hitherto melee& 1 Towanda. May IL 186.'3, D. M. DULL Prnrw•‘ DOCK, SALT.—•A (pawky of Turk's Lama 19011 1% for We by DAtILEV dr NU M'S. /litisieltancorre' 'INFORMATION , •ND FOR THOSE WHO HAVE THE'. subscriber would an pounce to the public that h.• have now nn hand. a nd n ill make to order all kinds of Cabinet Furniture, such as Sofas. Divans, Lonnge , Center. Card. Dining and Break fast Tables. Mahogany. Wal nut. Maple and Cherry Boren us -- •••■11 7c4g, BRYAN'S pi . w "- ( 1 Alt It 8, T HIB extraordinary rreparatirm ha% bee t fly year , . the mee.t c rtain and sPrln4 „`,„' tor (•,,,.HA.C7,1.1..1i4. I , rilly A. IluoNtirres,r,,: ZA. AS•11 Di.r K A-A Or Ting Ctr. rsr A‘D 'hese ,miTenng frrri,.boin-u.• anti rnn6, 71 ,, i . • y n e the ria•t iirimeilialr AMd when. tz rrat hatal.iy to ,nec,, .1- thL dieha-. 1 ,,, a WAFERS predare the mo‘t at ..nee relieve ihr Caanrd rr`pil. gh anti nth, calirrly remove that marl id irieab Iti the Lung. which eiVe r 'flip medical properta, are e,,mbmed ihe c man azr hie form, and plea , tht to The la-le. , n ov : rea.lil lake thm : and l. tiro relief y in ten mi enute, lint, er are Price 2 rent, per hoz. F.r ear 10 sal.: by D r . R. PORTER. T.”( arida PA. Towanda Feb. 9.1Q53. Attention Regiment! - tr==> MAKE READY! TAKE AIM! FIRE ToH); E GER; It. wouI•1 eiv to hi. old foetid, ei the toll he 3' ',lr.:, that hr eooeurentle , •tt and Ma..iria•rfiz tie. arid :,t1,4 Gans der.. et , A molter Vit. a - s..riaa . ..l 1.1 r•ay Le found I), and afrielr 'earl led Gunk. all %mull; ware n , PrPtaowder Flnsks, shot P tlerne Bach it Pcm.ter, rap% ttie lalljut tv.Oen,. lax I. irreilea Itevol• Pe.-1.14. do NI., b tare) r,‘ 11 , t1. P'-tole, d • Pi-t. li 1.11 l- Aft, Iql,l -feel and !al.— ouble F G., F. F .F. F. E.G., Powder ot Cabs t. 4 *tatitl. hon I. Any of the a!,.),e articles e no',) an),:' ct.t for the lirails P., y. Kev-. .11 a . t, I d I other to' 0 1. , re -a h“r•l, 111 0., 4,13, 'll Iv J. r:. (;E:t;•4 : LIQ L - 0 IQ U ItS' T \ 'P2 general fdrie,r 1111', •.•• %I • r ,l TN• 1 • • • • •••••,1 .1-k 11W 4P. net. a , ,f ertr , 2 h.mi h.•h u e r•t•. I r- tl,e J. t t ,, - c , ' rare tr• e tr , ••11 "", b •,! , I.• q.,-, made at, , et,, -mar, w,h fr.,m 'he i v. .n & a c it. ,tat ',.t MN row:111, 4 Ilor UM 812 , 2. CE 7\," A lI_AD cur. r'.( ro•c..1111v • , h.• If %Ott., t,•z.• .1.13, 3z2..!)1)13 =I All a•i:rir. i, • I! . ir nruL• of I ht• .q, p 14•1• tI \ 7 , 1 r fr 'i n I MIMO n ."..1 r I= •" • 1, I . • r I - II .1( • a PARTICULAR NOTICE ()N 8C.•..,14 it the IV fill.. 1•• r i. • ', kr it, pi t.. Il• t. I 111.1M1.1 .F. 11.1114,0. 3,4 V. 4 , it e 11 , 3 , `P , Ve ,— r% h;l1V1110, 11. 1.17 , I I .llfrl If 1• , .• • T.•1,1,..1i. ; Rento . led In U. 1/'..1. ("1 , 1 in'ilf rl 1 ii, 11 1:^ 0t.... returned Crum the err of :‘,.,, fork with ii law r 4 s , 1 2 ,'. c"")......vq.‘,,,,frwaw.h....,,Jrwe;:l ~,,d :, IA it : . ' , 41.. , ma a i rttile: . -I.ese, u. ,-, \iii . ' . .4_,,. L•r, „,,,,„i pi„,,, W ; o c he,..,Ez Q ' ,z , *, b.,... :: .......,,„.,• ).„... 4 ...., e.qeptele rtnsortm.nt o f GA .1,•., 11, ~ 1 1.1 ti ii.‘ Ear Heig, Fin. 4r( Hun ~ ..Brea:i 1 , ;[ ,, Bra,•, 101.. 1,.., k e t,, Go. rlDira, (:,,hl P e ,. K r n 4, ,te. ‘I-o," A 'tort., of S!reralrt, ind inn .iiinnoin .0 Ste, I 11,...1 , ‘—a1l .4 %hvit be den ~ .=-11, ,•x,,, , ,,1i0ci‘ . 10.:,i. for C v....H. Wa'clies repaired .iii ..11..ri /11111Ve and ilineed .. Noll well, or I ~. sa.,ley ,' , lii he rei1111 , .. , !. i,',l iiir tt 827C1111.111 QM 11 to On il elreel II re,pert.l. N. 11......‘1 A PI.F. s I 'I; t It. ar. I I . niiitry Pr o& ~,ke n to ply men? 1 1 . r work ; and a 1.,. Ir.rn n.,:r. T 1 whyr,llial the I'ror)vn'nplAt he. paid I , ll , .lketal , s thme—l war again.t credit in ill It• lor,. W. ‘. CH -k‘IBERLIN. Agal. Towanda, April 'Z'3, I Q 52. LOOKING GLASS Pl. ATI> ro' any sizr, to be had at the J r wrlrt May 15, 15.12.. W. \. I'ti.llll.lEkLlN HANG OUT THE BANNER!! A hose ! a hone' me 1..37.'"cm at R •' a hor-e and ett,t.,ttt, asst _4 , the _lt. N,..,l;rts'y d;-asioms fire. A. ‘I t I. I OR him-elf again! And at No. I Brick Bow yort — fdai Most anything that's in 11, , I or. From a eam l mie needle of the k To a jewelled sa sigh of knit Ant. block,- which keop time a, n oe Breast puns of rvrry s'e'e add. sits, r, -deed nod {date.' Selected as oh the greair-t ao.-• Finger rings. my z4ll, by t.a. a ;,• Of esery ,hapr and ev , ,v T...lnit the .• 1 stflyy—slyiace be seen in elegant :irtas And WARNER. who is hi rn.el" a " 11,25 `. 1. llway% ready and at hi. pd., To wan upon hi- rmtomei. all a" Who chant, 'TV in V^ a raid So with 000-1 R.I iCe make TV estl or, him and there :I°l Buch cpzht!.. my eyes. n ' n hat a rtes Jewelry of every' style and hoe. mistake !ht. place :Cd. I. Dock r.f. where he is prepared to do all kmd• oh JOB—WORK in his fine of hnsines, at the ehe , prd r.oes that es: P 004 adv he at 'riled He will also as h'• irvel RI 20 per critCh»ver, than was ever [core Deere''' . this market. t.O . Call and see-,r_P Towanda Nov. 12, .IRS:. A. V. W INS6L-- PAPIER EANGZSIO B . THE only assortment of Paper Hancings this 'vicinity, with a fresh mock insi cowl ° - at unusually low prices. fl D. Fl A RTLETL• Towanda, Apri , 31 1957 flieNtal i 0 L. •t - e . =I 4'..,„ 11, 1, , prIE • Fl. T I F \ lIIMIII MEM OM MEE , t , i-I t r . trirtut I 4,1 !LI! ,;. • rte. ' or:. and it
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers