Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 20, 1852, Image 3

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- ifeehlY elitAne, t imuntari.
ngieit 13
The abfi,l3nee of " 1 "1l i
"inci..tre re s il . .7.4ht tate*
id t pet rent
„,,es be thsVotilitret6l '!!e!it,..., *4 40.1. i
•, three to our moulds;6:per.,-tiontlf • Even
jo t rpm can be d of4lvirld; per
end f •.dl losafirei. Vr b.pernegotiatet Ilte*
„Hante! Oloi! . ,7,4 : i 3 / 4 1i! . 1ilie - ietsA a rtietig .
• , t.;:t
aeabartilince of mOney, or rikliec OW- -iireriplinta
3 .all greater abundance. from : the stoppage nt
14,,pments, pomp al in trio : arta' y
j 4 speculation of int nno hideraime -kind
l e Nothing •of this' kittillappeuhrs
. „ 1 0. the contrary, here atiolEtt.iteisil, there
k teal:likable absence of !peculation HIM,"
ti a ~y era litiii 'mice nt Isi the t
of commerce, roman. Anil breadroufla.
nlematol for conputtipts n is very. large while
~Li t ion ire eithei, tau ilerins exisbs.
a „ .l ret . e ipin bere,at realism! as once ? was
leding the advance in e
prices, which • is ittera
VA respect to our breadstuff', there prevails an
ion w
ilierl that they will receive very
horn this ciaintry the DEZI nix
is: but in that they will be disappointed, as
is no stock Lere, and the scarcity of ships pre
ihipments—thus preventing any very large
ndall M a y, when the canal en.. which
noi arrive or F:irrope berme Julie minty -Prices
t herefore, likelc to rine in Liverpool
without the ant of-a corn law. Shouldthee
any prospect of a fiKeil duly on corn being
is'ed in Ell.Zl',llltl VII exports will be very large
the poipoe of bmirtim2.
meaty prospects appear clear until the
o may then be IN condition of the market, it
ipmsible to foresee It is stitouded in mii ! t;—
tny rate our exports will be light. and it is
it le that heavy fall imports may balance 'their
hatonette : thus causing lame exports of
We do not therefore anticipate alt easy, urn.
market al that lime ;pfaxtier the reverse, as
,arses beget contraries; but in the meanwhile
maorilmary abundance of money is likely to
especially about the dog clays
e chief restore of the week has been the great
rill for nur bonds aria stocks on European me.
„. G ove rnment stocks, vre*terit railroad stocks
, t en d., an well an sloe 'Cocks, have been taken
E a wor at large artiottnis.
mo.O neces-ary ur prosperons circumstances
sir arlveri.e tunes ; as the seeds of evil an ge
1k then so4ir lierillen*ly The evil most to be
het anti av , ndrd, 14 the locking ail ids great
-tannin of the present large fltating capital be.
the power of recall when the market grevvi
Thoughts on Health InstiranCe.
sprit ofthe age is' to banish want and misery
our mid‘t ; and through its promptings we
the philanthropic erecting houses for the sick
providing shelter for the poor and
id i e.s. and dispensing charities, holy and bened
ihr uchoul the world. The amelioration of
•titTent‘g of our race is the aim of the good, the
and her.evolent ; and the accomplishment of
Nett ha. , occupied the attention of many of the
and most intelligent men of our times. In
',mom of nor estuary. we can trace the work
this henevolent and charitable !.pirit, and from
pingst its have gone MisSionaries to spread its
air parts of,the senritl. Alhongsyhe most
1r scent , it has brought in o acto h is that of
insurance ; and through its mesiis a large
it of mi-err has been. and will contitine to be
iod. This is striking directly at the root_ of
it : and through it• aid, there is not a healthy
r woman but can protect themselves from wsnt
.e of ! ocknecs or accident. by the exer , ote of a
!economy' whirr' , in the enjoyment f health—
h these advantage's and heiv-lit• cannot be
rect F p aed dna l ills'e.ise has bud its hea4
irn,n the strong ihnn's arm and he finds bun
on a bed of sit kness, without ability or Means
Ay his own necessities, nr those of his fanii I y.
.e whe with a wise protidence agatro.t mis
....irlych.may come at my time. an I may
'ail have entitled themselves whilst in health,
,re :he benefits of a health associniii n ;
nl .ntrertna , will he aslevialeil by the t heahs
,mw,rle.l. instead "f , he uncertain mot ~lien
-et rharnn ef an unfeeling w rid. The t. nitwit
h.ttrts. chit news and re-p msthility of
icti_ the managemetif of the affairs °I the
Ines Assnciation; will they bust le an
re in the public of the fide lily and pralettee ibey will exec-teethe trusts commute. , to
Fiftr-one thou-and five hundred dollars are
in the association• • as a peeped guaranty
tr the fialiful performstice of the Mitigations
Irk expressed in their certificates. and which
at 41 time to dt el he scants of Ohl! An.l.
Thick the second yesr since this associa
oleea established, and he remarkable sue.
Ach t hits and omoinnes to meet with. as
tir Directors that the pnhhc generally. fully
rice the benefits it ..nnfers upon its members.
prminplos hare been carefully considereo and
Inly tested, and all roper claim4.are protnitt.
\le^ 0l the attefitioli( erehinos.
oth , .te in the ativertikement
Com 0111 y, of 44 Cont
N another eoltonti. This C0m
q.,.101,14f..1) wa041.4 al Ihe head of the trade
tan t y and variety el the G odstilev man
e and im l loo, a: they are ComAlaelly man".
keep up a hill ae4firtmenl at all sea
"he tear and are lolly prepared to fill or.
,0111[4 111 line al 31 y lime.
'T it r r. CAC TioN To PEOPI.F.. I TARTIEGIF: (I B CAI.-
IN II B Seamier Empire CO' 1
.me from eriarreS otateilt. t
4.e - Mlle five 1110.115441141Arweticatos. or people
the Cluerl Soares wailing at Panama far a pa--
`Fra m-vo The Steamers f an int cunt . y
nit aela'sr as tl\ey anive And it is
%. I have in return to rher Vnieefl staea. Ohl
^IOW Frarei'y of pmvisionii *Rill we
Mir troll& lie not Flan for Califfitma until
,- 1•23;;Ii a pa.e.age a I the way thtough tem
tr•C'ar, slys do, Washington Telegraph of
ty i% much improved, and would have gone
eroo.liad that hoibi been in session to-day•
reacher covintifs favorable, and no onfairor
ofintinn pr•sent4 itself, he may be confident
'd hoot his place at the Capitol on Monday
:d'Y• Th h. will not make a speeeh 'there
bed br a writer who profewies to speak b.
"r• That he will make a speech there is
im as Mat the .trength shall be given hiM
" tote rejoice in believing very probable.
Wittg State coneenfio I met nn
ap and nominated Niekola- MeCart%
IV4 '• %V ' l im". Lent &iv: J.llnlo home,
of The Stale, D
k;(0,1. Putdie
"'eV. arid M rßrw, bleDnnaid and Gentling
hzer , of the Supreme Court
tmsottt tet•olttlinrot iitAtructina, tf►P Dple
titll Indottira le vote fol. G.n Soto for Melo
" I J"hrt'i. Croo.titlen tot Vitte
f.tairit 'hat a !umbe l of len and tlven'e
N.Crs ;Ire in circulation 'a? Pttribare
h" r " first bored thnregh 'them. and then
as taten.!er his netectioti very di!'
The N , Air 144mi...burr Ehretioti npiwarit irnm
thu. 14r srr' ve.(ll ID reA .11.11 in ill.
" i 'hr nemcvr:itte v:11011141. far Governor-
Deniikrain": in Ilse Legi.linnre.
,R, of tho hest ti lily. also wood V% heat can
ant!). on had I mill relr sple. 'ileap at
watla. Jan 24 1145^ F ,
)TCHV AR IN very tine n alao "curie comittokquali
• For'.
ItiMiiaii*.:An the 9th inst., tw the Roy. J. Poste!.
_ .
!rDaLvia.of theronnerplace:
At Atbeii Feb. 46.: 2 ;iitirisi'llif.irsesiorst. wife of
Col. Levi WeStliksOkagoll., 40:y rs.
ExEcurowi t ivari m .
A"persona,itniebiiiiii the, estate of MATILDA
DIM SI Jaiel;fors tow ns4iii, are
hereby ordered to-niake7imtnediale payment ; and
ifiose ha'ving demanWe'axafrnsl;;Mid estme Jain pre
sent thy% properly attested fur %carmen. to: A ,
AMAI 4 A UIMMICK, Ezecittens .
flrwell. March 20. 1052.
DR. H. C. PORTER has just added to his •assort
merit • lap stock Of Fresh Drugs, Medicines,
Chemicals, Oils, Pain% Gineeries and Liquors which
•re now offered to the - publie at low'rates.
is the largest and most complete ever offered in this
market. •
Aim a choipmasoriment of pore WINES & LI.
WORM, Suit Utile for medical purposes.
A large variety of Campheue.Phoopene, Pluitt,Lard
amt INI LAMPS,' containing ''many new and beautiful
Being ageht ft* all the best Patent Medicines of the
day. Otnelhaera akty depend upon procuring a genuine
article in 11l eases'.
AR this Dyne ind kedielnei kept it his establish
inenti may be relied upon as ge . huhfe and of the/ best
quality. having-been carefully selected with I stew to
their ovefutness.' -
(17 south Volk of the Ward House. add N 0.2. Brick
Row. • • • • Towanda, March 20, 1852.
Corner of Front and Walnut :trate,
musmar. now Proprietor.
ajl,pmbermen and others 'visiting Columbia, are
requested to pay the Washington Hotel a visit, where
they may be assured no exertions will -be spared
tur their gratification. March 20, 1802.
!—Mackerel by the bbl. half and qr
bbl., and pound. Also a choice quality of Cod
fish this day received and for sale by
March 18. MERCUR'S.-
Draaah Mike, Wilkesbarre, Pa.
litcumtdaini Cask mid Guoranlet Capital, $5l 500.
ir D. DEAN. Piesitfeht, G. C Worm, H. B. Jim.'
W. Psyrrso. Financial Comtbritee. '
The object and design of this arrSaciatioli is
enable those with whom especially time and health
are money. by the payment of n small annual sum,
to receive a weekly allow knce m cases ~f sicknrss
or ar ciderit. which shall pievens them from stood
ing to their ordinary busines, By the payment of
the fol Moine. aim I deptl•<ilti. you will become aI re
mernhcr. and he entitled to a weekly benefit during I
Isle, if von should 1.. disabled by sickness or H ee l .
dens from attending to your ordinary business neer'. ,
patron. Female. in-ured against diseases common
to both sezee.
The proof o sickoess required. is a certificate f e '
the arietitling Physician or of Mom members of 0
association. Thu assobiarion publishes a week'y
Newstsiper tont ri tning a rep rt of ~ he hostm s!. of the '
amount of claims poi.' Sic.. The over
is or free to merimsrs caiathly. or 50 cis weekly.'
Yearly U I msirs of Members tinder .50 years of
age : Tables of Rate . Those ..rowing for
the first .week's Sickness. by paying
$2 MI per year oraw $2 00 per week,
310 00
4 00 44 4 on
5 00 s 00
6011 ai 890 u
7 00 7 00 " .
800 44 890 Y 1
9 Mt , 9 00
10 00 "
10 00 "
Taw of Rater, N.L 2. Tito-e riot drawing for
the firto reeek'g eircksje4r. by pat anti
$2 00 per year drcilir $3 00 per week.
309 451, "
4 09 6 10)
5 00 750 "
600 875 °.
7 00 10 00 "
Those over fifty years of age wilt be chargiirl
twenty-five per cent. extra. $1 50 arimisston fee
will Ir rimmed in addition to die above. the fir-1
year. and must be paid or the tilde cif applicati o n,
and the first years' dernsii within thirty drlys.
His Excellency Wm. F Johnr , op, liarri•hult
Johnson. Well. & Co, I.!ourlland street N Y.
Bowen At McNarne, Silk Merchants, Broadway.
New York.
Eckel. Raiguel & Co., North 3.1 Street. Phila.
If on. James M. Porter. Easton. Pa.
Hon: Richaril Ureallbe,l, C. S. Senatcr, Pa. ,
McKeley. Bloomsburg.
Rcv. R. Nelson. Principal Wyoming Seminary,
iroarmas an it usituastxs c
Rev. J. I:lMrrance, Wilkesbarrre,
Rev. J Boyd, do
ii. Hillaru Esq... rfo
M Hollenback. Esq. do
Zha dencerft Esq. do '
H. B. W tight. Esq. do
. We are personally and well arqu tinted with Rev.
.1 Dorrante.ll. M. Itollenback, Ziha Bennett and H.
B. Wright all Wilkeibarre. wcruse names appear
as references for, the Mceltairipi l'nion
. lasocia
iron" an organication for health insarance, upon
she mutual principle ; they are gentlemen 01 high
character.who would n u t knowingly endorite before
the troblic any scheme, rimless they were well ascii' ,
ed of its utiliiy. and that it was gavel - lied in its man
agement by integrity and a promid (oldie:tent of its
engagements. •
Ile WiLllrrr, J. C. MICAS. Nis.
H.S. Micacov. 0. D. IlsaTtwer, E. OVZRTOIV.
We (Oily concur in the foregoing opinion as to the
'character and objects of Mechanics Union Associa
tion. H. Boors ,
B. F. Poleaxe. •
E. 0. Orroostea.
A. H. SMITH, Agent for Bradford and Tioga
Counties. - March 20, 1852.
144 IBie tilde : ix:Y. one Door south of L'iFtirty at Y
AVE now on hand, and Will be ,receiving daily
throinh the searon, New (Mods. direct from the
Eimpean manufacturers. and cash'- Auctions, rich;
fashionable, 11404 'Millinery Goods. Our • tow,
of RichtbMprises every variety Of the_ I :teat
and mo,.t hesuill r ul deplane impone.l.
Many of our emir aro Manufactured eipreasly to
our "rder, from our own designs
.end patterns, and
stand untival'edl. We offer ow goods for Welt Cash.
t lower Oita Man any credit nags. in America can
All iitirilisigvie frill Lind h Qieitly in their inierro
reserve a portion thvir m.tney and make 'Action
frin our gieid va . riiiv a rich cheep ao'ildk.
AA fa's. find Erato.
'llonn..t S. ka, tTheina. Grauer.Lm
laa Teitelotio,
Embroideries, IC.diara. 11.114inlialbs, IC.OI IOI , 110 1 1 1718 1,
HuT.its, Al';it.geo. in
nroidered I.aies for ?Oil arta, anijitee. Veila,lll.mi..
ion :Mertilen; Videriefines Pruaiela t: ti"cPn Ens
bah *la I.iale Fhiitii~, end
Coltonterek,, Threed, sdk. end - bkwing
Giovisi Maks. treAtii and American A r jificlal
11,440 .preni•li .aao : . AciiericAn and
s t r aw Ba nrw ra and 11
Mitch 17. 19112.
Sc tO; an eitenciiii. emu, uttiark--,ebdUelac
ed 1:W841111kt eii4 Satins, ego !leverets:G(o4o
(tete* gill! he (Emit! at
So. 4 Co-atiana Street New , York
• s NJ
arrititars mai.• areurnisria -
.rHE Urotan'lihnufacturing - tonspaay organized
under the -Vitamin Mennfacturimer Mir of' the
&steel' Near York. alienist quantities,
ro.suit purchasersou Nanu&anie lituress, prime. for
cash ar approved credit. Paw Hangings af revery ea
nety ofrayle and-price. Borders to match.' Firm Board.
•Prints in great variety. Ttensparent Window Wildes t
Oil Painted Window Wader; Wide Wintio* Cutlet°
Papers and Window-Shade Fixtures. or the feint
tyles and superior-finkdi.ell of their own manufacture
and importation. A. their sleek is large, and entirely
new: they Make Merchant,. Booksellers. end Dealers
to these article", to call and examine their styles and
prima whenever they Melt (Welty.
Country Merchants can exrinins..this 'Stock 'rrom
8 o'clock to the morning until 16 in.the even
New For% March. 17. lBgi2
70 Druggists. 4fiotkec . cries. ,Pe rfi rmers. Confectioners,
atent Aredinne radon, and Desists
in Toilet " and 'Antics . Articles.
On, coatroom Olt °VIZ oats HOIIIDZSO
rOR the oaeof Druggists. Apothecaries , Perfumers,
.1: ConfectionertyPatent Malieuieracturs and Mail
ers in Toilecand Fancy Articles.
Edited by Haines Everett, Graduate and Member of
the Uolleattuf Phinitacy lA the City of New York.
ALISO--The befehrated-Recelpt , or Professor Wil
lard, for making tpitid sottp at one cent per point, that
will wash better sad quicker witirdin !Abe t ban any ,
"ther Soap ever Manufactured. This alone is woith
fifty times the price of dm book to any family. El
clusive wholesale agent for the United States and
Canada, ' H. W. LANDOD.
109 Nsasao %Karr N. Y.
Price: 60 cent,. Post Office iltamps enclosed to
that amount will pay for one copy. which will be sent
free to any part of thellaited States. Stationers, Book
mhos". N awepapev Amps tke. enclosing a cash re
mittance will receive the work at a largo discount off.
March 18. 185 V.
- I !rats
AN assortment of MAGYAR and KOSSUTH
HATS. Also. one case New York' spring
st! le Moleskin Flats, just received at
March 10, 1852. MR Hal RIB.
MATCH ES.-100 gros. su tor Matches, just
• t** *
received and for sale in quantities tit snit pur
chasing.. at • mehto M E HOUR'S.
A L. persons knowing themselves to be indebted to
ft the estate of DAVID THOMAS, deceased,
dec'd late or Monroe township. are hereby requested
to make immediate payment, and those basing claims
against said estatewill please present them immediately
duly authenticated for settlement. -
Monroe. March In, 1852. Administrator.
Hard are Stoves, Civ,per, Brass, Tio,
fl ALL & TiflrtitEl,l, a - en-partner-
Inerqiip. rearecttully Can the utreminri of the pub
lic to their assortment, to which brae additions hg‘e
recently been write, making it Ito fargeit mrt
varied ever garret! in 'hi. 'ninth Among the multi-
No of articles • few will be enumerated:
• Iron and Nails._
English, American end tAvaril sqoaro and round
English and American refined ; hoop, band and horse
shoe iron ; nail rods and malleable fron of all descrip
ttms, air.; with a good assortnieni Nails:-3.1, 4d,
6.1, Rd. 1011, lid and 20d ; 4. 0 and 6 inch ap Iles;
Ortonialti nails and horse nails, Is . ; the, pound; keg or
ton. AIR?, G rm n, English Mister; America
spring tilid tire steel; &c.
Carpenter's and Seiner's Tools,
Of all d.tscs 'pitons, viz: broad, narrow and hand airs;
hatchet'', adz. joiner's cast steel mortice, firmer and
creating chisels ; common and (*RA steel augurs, of all
sizes. fn;iir to 2 inch ; braces and hitts ; augur and
;yid hilts extra; planes and plane irons; hand, tenant.
X Cut. keyhole and slitting saws; Won and steel and
try moires of all s.zcs. from 53 to IS inches; hammers,
spirit levels, bevels, tape lines, monies loam, of all
sixes. screw drivers, scratchss, hollow augurs, &c.
Blacksmith's lA'cols.
Anvils. henna's, vim's; ham r.. sledinss„ rindng
hammers, .tucks, And dies, drilling machines, &c.
Warmer's Tools.
Shrivels. squint or round pilots picks„-'hoes, hay,
straw mod manure forks: log, estile and fiiriJib chains.
erowleirir, gitibbing hoes, rakes, grass scythes. scythe
ns4ti.s. stones anj rifles, cradle scythes, hush
eythes, corn .cutters. shovel plough mouldis garden
sires, hoes anAimwels, senop shovels, &c.
Carriage Trimmings.
Carriner bow.. , nl. rhnr end patent
-nibs rubber 'irbirh brass and silver plated huh hands.
.oneave, soil halloo parents ; brass and silver ?fated
curtain frames. lining mob. carriage knobs, apron rings
snit hooks strimp)oints; brava and silver plated joints ;
qpantitii emit; irtnped lace. wide goal narrow; silk
'anneal lace. ne* aryls ; top lining, worsted fringe,moss,
varnish cloth, patent titles trail axle arms; springs. lie
Harness Trimmings and Saelifler. Ware of the lat.
est and most approved stylvea, end of
Souse Trimmings,
We have nn hand a full ass rtmcnt. Also a large quan•
lily of LEAD PIPE. which we are prepared to furnish
at the I•ovest pric. P. together with copper and britannia
stop cocks and cork stops. Any quantity of Pump
chains and Well Rigging'. A general assortment of
Saw mill. circular and wood saws; plastering and
brick trowel; lathing tawniness, shovels and tongs;
filei and "rasps of all shoe and tack hammers;
drawing' knives. turner's chiselS and gouges, saw setts,
callipers, pincers. knives and forks, earring knives and
risks and steels; butcher, pocket, and, pallet knives;
coach wrenches, trunk, cheat and till kcks; tailors and
'sheep shears; table Anil bed easier.; inner and tea
brlls, glue and courgette 4 sauce kettles brass kettles,
from tiro quarts to half a barrel Hol Ware and
cauldron kettles; tea and golTee pots; brass and bri•
tannin carullesties and stiotte6 days, fruit trays sad
large servers; curtain sisal+ and virw of the'latest styles;
stair , soda : and anti gentlerned's pocket
sclsslet hien and Taint strops; German silver and
britann'a table shales spoons; hair, clothes and shoe
brushes; brass ana steel barrelled pistols gad riselvers;
eon locks, steel nipples and nipple wrenches; shot, shot
pouches and powder illasks; barn door, strap and T
hinvra. Also mate.eturing and will keep constantly
on bind a large earitartMqnt of
Tia and Sapaaard Ware.
We hove elms just reietireil 30 tons of STOVES
composed in part or the follostrihg pettems sod sizes:
Republican air tight Cooking dt,o4e; Number 4
Farmer's do du :: 9
Lady of the Lake, do rt 9
Queen orthe West, do • 4 to 6
Iron King. do I: 4 and 5
Improved Premium do
:1 T to 10
Elastein Prentium. do :: :2 and 4
Jenny Lind Pariontores, :I .4
Outrage do :: 2 and 3
I:ylinder do ,:: 3 and 4
%iv tight do:: 1 to A
fir tight 6. phite Stollen. t: 2to 6
Ste-plate Btose.. :: 3to 7
The above comprises but a few articles of the alsot t.
ment which they offer to the public. and all of which
'silt Im illepeil , 4l at. extremely low: Gates- In pen( nt.
Ids, Veal* call at Ilalro old eland. anoth siee of public
quire, and eztetiiiiiie to pink, street. -
(;:r Old Copps!. Imo. itrukfts.smi mast Mods of Pro
tip-- taken in payment.. Tirwarida. lune 6. MI.
a CO.,
• .Parm for
r HE tubierifiei of ers fin kite his ratgi M i litated 1 . 1 1
Wyatt* .townlibio Brailfoid enuty', AO% 3 miles
tr.u3 Towanda apd - ftenti. the TOO, Containing
`tiont 120 *dia. About 65 or 70 acres impririored, 'and
vrell statered, with several good springs nfleater. The
buildings upd ► l the gnu entisist of a large from ham.
and leg house. These piemiseapirar many inducatnanta
to %bomb. witthitor to ;Anthem., and will be mast bar•
ga in. Credit will be given forme-half otitis purchase
moos, if reqUired. For further partieulasueuquire of,
address the eChseribei t 'Wyscis P. 0.
Wren:. Aut.WM. TO: •
otit:OOkeolottlq - afrakO t - o! 41 .
raft the thitirfirst day of Decemberja thelesi 'of
%./ • outtioNi one thousand eight htusdred god ithy
• • ••• F ? trIlrill; . 4 -- ).
The aliment ofeaphal timelier this, hiwpbostiols.paid
in, of secured to be paid in. tirinvest•
.ed according to the provisieusof its
charter, is 4100,000 00
Received. since the period organis•
ing. being Jane 13.4951..
al premium notes. &cash premiums.
- over and above premium notes ezpir•
ed and cancelledvand cash preinivai
- returned; • ' - . •
Office (onshore. fixtures, boots sail sta•
tionarp on band,
- .TAtarsiato — unt
Losses and expense* paidand allowed.
• included losses on fireliSibrince.ex•
penses and fees paid agents. expert.
sea in organising thiscorpmationand
for office furniture. fixtures, books.
blanks and stationery. $7,402 75
In addition to the above, there is claimed for los
ses on proof. and expense account unadjusted.
$4,609, of which amount there is claimed fer hisses
which this Company do not .feel themselves bobod
to pay, $2.300.
In addition t s o the above. this Company have re
ceived notices of losses on , property upon srtiich
they, have issued policies, to the amount of $1.500. 1
.of 11 , 14.h.11: is not known the amount claimed.
of the ibotris assets. except tiic Premium Notes.
the whole amount.nteirtg to this Corporation, which
Is mostly good bonds, and all outsider-
ed rood. $5.1170 15. , , .
The Premium Mites. with IC exception of about
43.000, are alio considered good. •
The amount for which this Company is- bistind as
sorely, and for which it may become liable on the
happening of contingent events, is. on policies of
Insurance, $1,064.090. .
OAPIDINER. Pro:idea t e.
Ar.ror T. Secretary.
Moirivortime Covirrt, 5 " . ,
Leonard Y. Gardiner'. Preitdent,'arid Alden
T. Mallery, Pecretary, of thi Cotumbian Insuraktce
Votripany: iteverallf airern &pose and
say. and each for Himself says,. that the foreyniugts
a true frill arid correct statement of the affairs of
the said Co'rPorafoh to the best of their knoirledge
arid belief. and that they are the above described of
-sieilt, arid the oftirers thererif.
Bw..rin and subscribed to before me, this 23d day
of January. A. D., 1852. „ .
• n' • • ff . .. • •
00" The 'publication - of theaboire rePort is made
in donformity with the Act of Assembly Pissed die
12th day of April, 1851.
J. E. CANFIELD. Agent.
Athens, February 19.1852.
.411)vel Seed fOi
r i nn BUSH. i:LOVER SEED, a first-rate artie/e.
../il for sale by E. W. HALE.
?.'!onroe tp., February 41ti 1151.
!Sheriff's 'tale•.
DY virtue or a alit of Vend. Exptmas Wilted
nut of the Coar of C:.mirion Pleas;of Bradford
County, and to me direct 4, wi!t be exposed to pub
lic sale, at the Court House in t;:e bo:r.'ofTowenda
on Satiihl3rthe-20th day of March ai I co • riock. P.
M.. the folloWinf,P lot piece or parcel of rand situate;
in Rome tp.. bounded and described as follows to
wit-Piorh by land; fornserly belonging to Burton
Kingsbery. and lands belonging to Eleazer Town
send, on, the east by-lands of Oscar Elliott, on the
south by land formerly owned by Moses Canfield
and lands in porsession of Henry Tanner, on the
crest by lands of Abram Vancise. Containing about
one hundred and seventy acres mote or less, about
fifteen acres improved, one kg house one fibiititi
h use and slab shed and stable thereon. - •
Seized and taken in execution at the suit. of John
Rundle yr,. Henry old.
ALSO—A certain piece . or parcel of land situated
in Towanda ho., beginning on the east line of 241
on the line between the land of the , late Elizabeth
Means and the lot herein deerflied. thence south
3i degrees west 100 feet along the east line of 2d st.
to a stake for a corner, thence moth 0133 -degrees
, east 146 1 feet, thence nosh Pi degrees east lOU feet
' more or lens to said Means line, thence north 86,1
degrees went 1466 feet to the place of beginiiing.-s.
Containing 1465 b 11.ei more or less. Reserving
feet frnin the ea.l end of said lot fur an alley ; all
improved, with stone walls fur an ice house thereon
Seifert acid taken in.exectitinn at the snit bf Full
er, Waller`dr en. vs. L. W. Tiffany.
• ALSO—The following lot piece nr Parcel of land
situated in the township of Wells, Beadfonl coons,-
*bonded mud deastribertiorforlotrg to lilt : north by.
lands of Joseph D. Linton, west by lands of Wm. A
Rubin. south hydandatif Heftekiah Donham,east by
lands of Floyd Helrdin and Linda belonging to the
Bingham estate. Containing about 'one hundred
and thirty sues more or less, about one hundred
acres improved, one framed house, one framed barn
and an apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Satan
el W. Reynolds. use is. Samuel If. Baker.
ALSO—The rillowing lot piece or parcel of land
situated in the Borough of Athens, Bradford eotin•
ty, bounded and described as follows to wit : on the
north by the public highway. on the east by main
sheet leas'ing from Athens bo. to Milltown. nn the
south by lan& late the property of E. Herrick, on
the west by a lot in the possession of H.S. WGenrge.
Containing one dere or thereabouts, with one fram
ed house and one framed barn thereon erected.
seized and taken in execution at Inc solt et Fran
cis Tyler vs. Geo. Fritcher and Nathaniel Flower
AL• 4 o—The following lot piece or pared! of land
situated in Athens'tp.. boun ed .and described
. as
follows to wit: commencingat a stake on the north
side of the highway. corne,r, of,D, S,- Browp:s lot. or
mill yard. thence along theliithaay to thecorner of
D. Gardner'* lot, thence northerly along this - dine
said lot, to the line of D.B. frown's lot, thence West
erly to t 1 pine stomp for t corner. thence • southerly
along the line rtf•D'. Broika's lot to Abe place of
beginning. Containing one half acre more.or less.
all improved, one two story framed dwelling house,
~ne franfett bileksrnlth shop and a fete fruit' trees
thereon. ,
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John
Holbert to the use ifD.Gardier Ts. Ira A. Vander
Ai SO .— By vittne or sr writ of Ufa. I have lest.
ed on the following described lot piece or parcel of
land, situated in Rome tp.. bounded and deSCaed a$
MOWS to wit ron the north by iamb 'of Milton
Wattles, John Moody and 8. P. -Washburn. and on
the east by lands of Arrunah Wattles and Milton
Wattles, on the s-mth by the mill yard in possession
of Lewis Goff and Jesse Siiwyer and he& of T
, Lent and Edwin Ridgway and Peter AllenJ oh the
west by Nitre and L. T. Lent. Containing about
one.hundred and fourteen acres be the same more
or less, about fifty acres improved, two framed hors
sea, one framed barn and an apple oreliaid thereon.
Seized-and taken in execution'at the son of Lewis
Guiles. A. F. Eastman.: . I
Sheriff's Office. Toreanda. Feb. 19, 1852.
Notice is Itereb3r.,gicen. thatan amount equal to
the costs:will be required tole . ..paid upori - etich sale.
when struck down to the bidder. and upon a failure
to comply with this regulation, the tract of . laid will
.-ain be offered for sale.
EMBROIDERIES,A very large stock of Swiss and
Muslin Edgings and losertmes, Swiss and. Mos.
lin Bands. needle roiled, Collars and 'Cuffs, fine
wrought Linen Handkerchiefs. and in fact tbu largest
anabest usortinent of gurbroidered Goods ever before
offered in Towands• at . : FOXY/.
BLACK SILKS, aho a s few patterns of (anti Si' k
_ which will 66.4014 davit yore.
TUST receivid at B. Kingsbm's an assortment 61
HATS O the Wiest Spring styles. Almalteah
lot or GROCERIES. - March 1.1852.
F BEEP.-60 bushels of ,Clover Seed.
superior quality 'for Ole by
'Barth 1457. P. EINGeStitT.
88.404 46
ZOO 00
• " nritßa.94
CrittrtLEß - ICT.A-N -- Ait - T tS:7
Doi 0,7er . 11) surf Stog:,,fqm,ccil occapleit
N; Hens: Met sireer.4"''."
~.. . H ..., 2outh•Dawa.ibmit.:, .. _,
THEOublcribes has a small lotofsupenor ~ntitltw
it, most of them the Orogen', 1,1 impoilell
stoek i , ) ;tl. fully equal in neatness of•forni. and purl
ty of hlnftd,t/ an, in this section of the-State ; has.
!ing rented his farm the, will be sold low, to Omar
wishing to breed such animal..
Erlindsville. Suiqietianna County; Ps; ': -•
Peti4l4, 1852. -. • CALEB3OARMAT.T. ,
I Caution. L
A i i ..
perwin t s i're ' hereby . tantioned against par.
- e acing a NOTE , given - by mt. on the alith day
. al
of JanOary. 18 .to stuart, Anderson orAlearea t, for
twentyrfire dollars ; due on the first pay of June
next. 'Asi hare `received ro 'value for said Note.
and threftire'llii hitt consider myself morally or le.
gullyand to pay it. andksball not do so unless
comps 6(4 law., DAVID COLE.
Les y. Jan. 30, 18a. _
Farm it Tavern tandlor Sale or Rent
THE itubset Hier arra for 'role or
rent, a Farm and Tavern "Stand surest-
Ent, ed in . Kidgbury township, on the main
road from %thens to Centreville. otie
Miles ittuth of the Vtate !Me, and 'tyro mlleit teei.t l of
the Bdckvilte oh' The N..Y.dr4l,
The farm contains , 7,5 acres 4 good tarining land.
onderfimprovement, well watered, jaml with every
conventenbe tor a tavern, and in eicellent location
C:or - cutitom.
Ent oirc of the ettb<etiher oo :he premises, or of
David parilner. Orontes Creek. E
I;idgbury, Feb. 7, 182. BTUDCP 4 SQUItt B.
persons indebted to the estate of /MiIIIE NNF~T,
t 1
ENsgr, late iif Ridaboty township deesas.
Va. a befeby notified to make payment without de
lay i 'd'all pgrstinwhaving demands against said
estatelwilt Present tbemiroperly attested for settle
.. ,
Eidgbor.ti,, Feb. 4.1852. tieehtor.
TH ' .
Notice to Builder's.
patting up end enclosing of a BRICK .
111.7RCH 82 feet by 52; for the Collegiate fn.
i i
ARIA of the Presbytery of tsuoprehanna, at Wyelti
sing, 111 be let at 3 o'clock P. H.. on Tuesday 'he
18th fif March, to the School House, near the month
of tl ec Creek. Proposals aro solicited. For plans
and a Meadows, reference may be made to either of
the ruiner) ; bids wilt be received by them Until
noon r uiner)
day of letting. By order of the Trustees.,
. H. Afolta AN, Committee.
i P. F. COLT,
Wistfisimi. Feb. 25, 1852.
-91 b redo krebagi
Alig. persoi _ _ling aA,
given by me to EtLINTO:q ELLSWORTH or
Ordeo Air Ten Dollars; due the Ist day of September
nelt.l . As I have received no value for said N'ote. I
shall pot pay it unless compelled law.
. OrSre 1. Fat. 25; 1852. JOM. BARNES.
KIOSSUTH & MAGYAR H AT3; with and with
lent Feathers. . The genu oe aitiele,mewest style,
lereiveti at F 31'3.
Twiands, Feb I 552.
A EL persons indebted to the estate of JOHN
PPALDING deceased. late of Athens toWn
ship.i are .hereby requested to MOT rssyment with
out delay, and ;!`use having claims said es
tate; [will please pres.'nt them duly anti authertirated
for settlement. S. PIERCE.
Smithfield, Feb, 28. 1852.
To the Collectors of Bradford County
for 1832.
cIIJ ere herehy authorized turflike a deduction of
I- 3/Ice per cent. from the amount of State 'ales
place d loypar hem!, fur collection against every bolt.
vislu4l who,shaWpay.his or her Sietoand County Tar •
es ifull /anti, before this lfoth day of June ue.a t and
the timinent so deducted shall he ellowril you in yo,r
settle - ment wet th'e thit same, ho'ivever,
to NI
paid by you into the Cotintj 7' suffer, On or be
fore Oe 171" or 1 41 411 days of June nee% Abil you are
also i 'notified that you will positive,' bn re'llnl'ed to
scut your duplicate in full (luring the term of Septcmt
bet court. By order of the Commissioners.
Towanda, Feb. 28, 1852.
E. M. FARRAR. Clerk.
Taken 17pe by C. C. di E. S. Cowell
A PART of a Oat(' rm of Lumni:R. ciinsistinT of
111 Plank floard , i, and part of Hemlock Joire rte.
No flamer; found and ilie .ame is filet on my Docko.
Dttretl. Feb. an. :sae. nu [MET, J. P.
, CHE 4 rs TOTING H V OAT, Imperial, Hymn'
Skin and DI Tess. Milo 15 B ie. Rio and
.I.lyrief;.Tro. fi.ceirc. e. 1119:T(71TR'S.
APela MUSLIN. a large and spletplid RSV rt
mrnl at 'PTV smAt! 'Wee% It rnrsi.
11.11 Right at the Furnishing Depot.
&A. t !VI en ELI., return their stneere thanks
Ills for the liht al patronage heretofore bestowed.
and would ag ain Call attention of their friends anti apt
foment to their late arrival of New SPIIIIO Goons.
Consisting of all things rTeceLiii - ry r.r eloiTting the plat
er man ; which will be sold In d Hide lower prtgriihan
has hithertofore been stoked.
Please give us • call befure perehavingelsesilipre.
H. &. A.J:Ampur.r.L.
MARY, h as
,this day left
V '
my bed and board, withoi any just cause or
pr•wileatiurt, this is to forbid aft pepuiti: harboring
trustint her on my accannt: as I shall pay no debt.
•nf her contracting after Ibis date. ,
Towabda, Dec: 2T.1851.
, . -
THE Cis i tartnerghip lieretnr6re'eiistiriz b*tween
TER:is ihis.doy Mutual consent. An
persons inilebtetkp the late firm are reqaested to
ca ll an d sett l e with Fl.C.Por:ter, who has the cbsfge
and control o' the books and'deMands d"the fit;„
and - Who will settle all dimwit% ontstanilii.; aa lit nsT
the Ural. SAN VZI. HUSTON.
Towanda. Jan. 13, 1852. it. C. PORTER.
And as notice 'oas been given in the papers nearly
two Stars for all persons indebted to Huston & Por
ter. to call and settle their accotinia, this will'be
positively the last call. All indebted are requested
to call forthwith:; as cleans will he. itomediatelv 'ta
ken for the ,coUection pf, the Prac4cet and. Store ac
counts. All the accounts are transferred to H. I .
Porter. who will Ito folitid at his Drll Store. rota
end alike Ward litinset POhTER.
ALT. persons indebted tothe estate it WILLIAM
ußAtwontt deeraittd. late of Warren township,
ire hereby nequested to rnake s .paytylent without delay.
Ind all pentous hving demands against said estate titre
requested to pfeietit theist', dolt, authenticated fOr set.
Warren. Oct.. 17. 1831. • , Admitsietrattw
. Dress Goods;
RIC,II F(11.:44, RD, Chameleon ,chene. Irk Drew
Silk., French end Darege Detww, a new article
enr eumnier dreeme'. ' Fianch'tind Dneieh Licrno;
Tisanes, Dineen !Agree and any quantity at - father rinse , . „. ..FOX'S.
Pipol% VanginjcS, _ ••
MITE orb omplete :assortment of Paper
.liorder . d. Window Polier; Voraral Vilks
kept in this retionr,..airt at prams as' Inv/ is 05b•bi
found at retail either in or oni of the kaKineipal ; eiti!*.st
Nay R. 11. 11. 11A nTLETT.
g3'ARD'IYARE.-4A-tety-lanie aatt:_gentwil winoito
ill trant Ofbard.wark.of every Ilestriptirlincludinv
**. renter . ..le /Ai 111atc.mitha VAL
nd Caniaga M diet% Trimming and Tool'.
4attrialli conetantly ad hand and for sato
lew prim by NERC:r
t If 4 , •
al Y 'GOodg:
I 2 "
teteNzasnriss ,
tmtv - ii.4la , tufa botsu steel of Gun& floes
41 1 1. 1 1, 1 pk: orbit autrkfts. I whieh sue AlfercrS
"msssie . sii ,l NMI. at t...-41 luirestiporsible
V ti mentionfrai thing, thatinsfalwaye he found al
:our Soto; ' Shinto, ginghsais, popl ib', SI. diabase. dku.
r-f ire .11001, ssyks;,-
peeffee, Jiardware Slantikailft Awe"
Muis,,C,ip!, he . Ste: . Of- Which Welnice a larp se
inftment„. seleCutalwith great eats ind effere4 st lore
pikes. -slid will not he incleisold. Ate'. hosiery?
erases. wooden .tirire. ghee!. oohs leattle , besides
thonsontirrhime *airy* wh ich we need not enemersur,
all of which te's offer . ho Our Custebwro at prices that
must give great witisfsetion. es our entire snots'% by
been laid hi a: la time when the ,market was oneoliim*
ty depressed, and goods were niati7 pee cent. Lowe"
than usual' BY attention anti pmmpt..ers in meeticy
the traiibb'of our cn.tnnaro t . we hope fn meet • *Y..
unman:ol,of the, patronage that hs4 hi , herup been ett
libentjy iaietnered upon s. MONTAN fl. 4. go,
'Nora mia„.oei. Ft. 1851.
r - T. FOX, would resrietfulty inform his old fries&
/ and the cifs-ns of Milano, in general that ha
is now teccirirt • full !tack of FALL 00()DS, whir*
he is dreirnus of di4piaing of ate eery small cleans*
fmm find cost, being satipgril that his goodi s e se li c k
rd with as muchceie. and bought it kiwi. at as lore
toffees its his nei ghbor., he is now anxious to conrine•
hid customers that they will he cold et the right kind of
Priem Please e..lf andsiee, esthete is surely no him
in knowing how cheap some Calks do sell goods—gall
`want. Corner of Main and Pine street.
Books ! Maki; i
A Complete modAtment of :school, Clank. Clasaii
cal dt..Miseellaneous - Books, constantly Iwp up
add for safest the lowest rates bp.
Nov. 29.1851. 0. D. DA RTLNITT.
'.Pail. and Winter Goods.
a I'. Fox,
nove,receiving direct from New York a large AO
splendid asiortinent of Goads which he offers fec
sale at prices which cannot fail to suit the closest hut.
err., for (Lisa. Prmote. ote. Arettoven Comm.. tie
respectfully asks a cull from ?II persons wishine to buy
goods cheap. as he is deteniiitahl not to be undersold.
Towanda, November 2:, 11151. .
0.:,1R1N ES AND CUFFS—a fplr settn jrf *alb
thee,at nv2T FOX'S.
611 SA YSTATE 5HA1.1. 9 , various patterns, avg.
NJ ors and qualities, just received a;
.art. 14, 1851. NT EU:VR*3.
0 Val jag WORTH of Sheep Pd is ',mite.] Cut
*PUP 'Cash by N. et A. C.
gjr Esprrsia, Dirrtl from the AllnuOrketnierit
ICST received by express another case of Bay ,
44 State Shawls, clyter. e t
Tnwartrla. N•,v. 28, 1851• J. KEN:GSBERT.
Fall & Winter Goodsi
TS now riccai'cing a large assortment of Fall and WI.-
I ter Goods• direct from New 'York • which is sand
at Greatly re d uged prior a to cash buyers.
Towanda, no, I. 1951, . ,
New Arrival of
HP. & M. It. mitanit - lira rime haeriving
. very etiOnsiva atiFortment el Gonda for the Filf
troth., tallith wtll bo sold at tuhn'esale or retail cheaper
than at any other Pore in the County.
TrovantlA, Sept: 1, 0451.
Elzeenticn cf Lcpez !
STILT, later new. via New Totk & E. R. R. of flaw
arrival of a very large 'dock of liferrhandize
PHIN NE Y & ROW MANS No. :1 Brick Row whirli
their are pfTpared to sell at wholesale or mod tot Cavil
ny Ready Bay. cheaper than the Theapf-4, from thi. fakii
trot they rtirchaied th:eir atocit for ce-h in a very ad,.
prrismi ewe of the -Dma't mistake the phi*
Brick Row nest door to Dr. kftistonr:Drutt stores
TONS SUGAR, ino rce•i. , ..l. 311 whe'rlgnie via
Al;!'.il k : Id large lot. ol=o 111.inlwarp, ece
L) and I.lBekerel in MAR.. 0n.14
-- - • - rfitriNET nowM
i 0 CHESTS more of !hasp rt. rre and four .hillingi
TE AS. et PHINNEY h nowm %N.
HEI✓TIIGs, shirtine.. or;m9t end tiOot.fnr
ipQnio.rft Si:lot9. the lat , 4est sn,leheapest assort
1.1 mem in tossa:—ancillsts And Caps, at wholesale
an.' retail. PiiINNEY & BOWMAN. -
ROCKERY, Glassware, Paints. Oily. Glisa. Dyes..
Err. PITINNEY dt. nnwmAN..
GOODS, a large variety—E•mneta and
tibawlr, a good axsortment, for pile hi
.”02 PHINNEY &
• 14 Vsno, f.vr which eq.h will Ix. paid. ,
wHEAT. Pau. Rye in ! ! C. taker, in ex,eliiiings
tnr atintk Yi V.1: 1 ( & ROWNIAti.
LI :Tr E R- 7 100 Firkin+ armo.t, fvr which part cash
.! wilt be rtaid. PITTNNEV Sc 130‘VM.1i.
COME mg. comt: ALL, and eilm:ror the Zirw
Greide, which are new beinz riatit.ift4l ••'
75 . ti j rl 4 thS UT & COR;i
T ior t : o alc : b7
DT. ASTM.I.; POWDER. -50 keg. Blasting rotor.
. I—, IIOCKERI ; .—The- largelt 'tack In town. Full
V dinner and tea ; milt, of white graniti. in , rhfue
"CI". hiCh WM be 6141 ehrnp 41 FOX'S:
E VERY ono knows t at the p!aee to find the lama..
ne, , miment anti best +linty of gloves of It elect
•Tiptions 41 a 11P:2
•IfiDo2: P'tnnm•; Le;horrt, Palm Loaf ami
.11 ' tztrave Hats nt -
B M( Silk and irk Silk L.. m AN. MA, km a t
.pia ruts.
DInDS—A anal a.amtment n 1 ,Irri,lope.
Cashmeres. lle Ltio., Alpaca., and Print.. nOre
. ning at j I R a C
k -
HH'D. of &ear attire. arotitiv ly th 4 s any"
lJ befure sold in tnorn yrilhin no year, `d.daa.
..iar sterot and con flinm 31 t.. 61) rt*. fii I, icoir•
Ind Old Jevi - Caree that rant be ' , Pit. Fine hoer''
Raising, PCIIOI. Nave% Sainte', Gincer, and a etai •
Nat stv flr tgle fit of firriCtrig*; Ito.o 1 AO Aur,,,ly of frzeh
•mat Teaswarranted ea gio , xl and 60.1 or tp,
ninnry trlcrried in all eases; just received end r.r
sop. 12 frlX•et,
tit;boni , , Bonnet Loise 14 . '1 . .•` r • P qli
. MO; Fn Vq•
")(yll.‘t , Es - stir:irriNn, r.n•
4•Pt...! 'T t o 104 A 0113'045.
Ge4tlq h:cache+) on4ll.riman Dritip;) Creel and Den.
Derr, brnwti an.f ("irekP. Lfr.
germ, Tickinz. Co!ten ticrn,_ Batting. Wicking,. itngk e .
01.'80 rn:tr.
A I,l:ierzons itiLfei,ied to the row, , .
tangerder, ki...or • • -." 4 .6"6 1111 'll4 4eau
tirrOT:reven, A -•• t. t .. a:a he Ls d b
3ir 1114-1 iiVar
zunToze ILLIN-ddrizraw.